An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label All Religions and Cultures are equal.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All Religions and Cultures are equal.. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Australia: Pious Muslim student “upset by the way Australian women dressed and behaved” Jailed for sex attacks of Seven Australian Women & Children,but it is ok, the judge understood his pain “no Mosque and no support nearby”

Foreign student upset by the way women dressed jailed for sex attacks
Elissa Hunt
Herald Sun
May 31, 2011

So this piece of Paedophilic Muslim Shit,oops sorry, “Harmony Day Activist”, “Diversity Ambassador”,”Cultural Enricher” did not know” “Australian Laws prevented women from been molested” so in Libya there are no Laws preventing Libyan Women from been molested? If there are such laws, then why would he come to Australia and believe that Australian Law ALLOWED the sexual assault of Australian / women / children ? What part of the Australian Labor Party’s Open Borders, Come one, come all,All Cultures / Religions are equal policy that has manifested in Australia been overrun by the Australian Labor Party’s “Savages of Choice” coming here and behaving the same way they do in the Islamic Shit Holes they RAN AWAY FROM?
Identification + Internment + Repatriation to whatever Islamic SHIT HOLE it was They or their Parents / Grand Parents / Uncle’s /Aunties,Sponsors RAN AWAY FROM is the ONLY solution for the Islamic Menace / Insurgency in the West.

A FOREIGN student who sexually assaulted seven victims claimed he was upset at the way Australian women dressed and behaved, a court has heard.
Libyan masters student Almahde Ahmad Atagore, 28, was this morning jailed for at least three years over the assaults in August and September last year.
He had been in the country only a month, on a sponsorship funded by his government.
31 5 2011 Almahde Ahmad Atagore
But County Court Judge Margaret Rizkalla said Atagore wasn’t prepared for the cultural differences and felt isolated and depressed.
He indecently assaulted two teenagers leaving the Mentone Hotel, laughing at them afterwards.
Atagore returned another night to attack two more outside the same pub.
Two more victims, including a 13-year-old girl, were assaulted as they used escalators at Flinders St station.
Another, 17, was attacked outside Mentone train station.
Atagore was identified in footage from Flinders St and cameras outside the hotel, but when confronted by police denied he had molested the victims.
Judge Rizkalla said he struggled to adapt to Australian life, without a mosque nearby and with little support.
Atagore told a psychiatrist he was upset at the way local women dressed and behaved, leaving him feeling both angry and aroused.
But he now felt shame and regret for his crimes, the judge said.
She said Atagore was suffering from an adjustment disorder, which contributed to his offending, and would face a hard time in prison with his poor grasp of English.
But the attacks happened in public places and had left the victims fearful of public transport, robbing them of security and independence.
Several of the victims were in court and welcomed the maximum sentence of five years and three months, with at least three years to serve before being eligible for parole.
Atagore pleaded guilty to five counts of indecent assault, one of assault with intent to rape and one of committing an indecent act with a child.
Police were unable to check his criminal past due to unrest in Libya.
But Sen-Det Dion Achtypis said outside court that Atagore’s nationality was not a factor in his crimes.
“There are many, many overseas students in this country who are law-abiding citizens,” he said.

No this story is NOT a joke it is true check the link it works. How dare the Australian Labor Party bring these Sociopaths into Australia without first providing them with a Mosque on every street corner and “Support” so as they are able to control their Sociopathic urges and maintain some semblance of been civilized or at least house trained.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Australia: Multicultural inquiry stirs emotions in Melbourne.Muslims demanding ,demanding oh and of course demanding….. as is their want.Australian Jewry offers solutions for problems predominantly caused by Islamic insurgency / colonization.

The Jewish submission to Australia’s Multicultural inquiry:

“The Executive Council Of Australian Jewry has also made a submission to the federal multiculturalism inquiry wanting a

strengthened test of so-called 'Australian values' for all immigrants.

"That's something that has to be earned. Australian citizenship is an honour and a responsibility - it's not something to be

given away lightly," Executive Director Peter Wertheim says.

The council says all new arrivals should be scrutinised closely for attitudes it feels are unacceptable.   

"Regardless of their religious or cultural background, if they're involved in promoting violent or racist or totalitarian

ideology they're not fit subjects for citizenship"

 Muslims demanding, demanding and demanding solutions funded by Australians for Muslims, whilst Jews offered solutions for AUSTRALIA to the problems created by MUSLIM insurgents colonizing Australia via the hoax of Multiculturalism
Islam / Muslims can only exist as an OPPRESSIVE Majority or as a DISRUPTIVE Minority.
Sharia Law Demand from “Moderate Muslim Community Leader” in Australia
Australia,Sydney’s Occupied Territories,Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon hails the deaths of Australian Soldiers in Afghanistan



Multicultural inquiry stirs emotions in Melbourne

By Luke Waters
World News Australia Reporter

18 May 2011  06:35:57 PM

The Federal Government's inquiry on multiculturalism has been told that it should give more support to key aspects of

Islamic life, such as mosques, schools and its food.

But the inquiry has sparked a call from a leading Jewish organisation for all new arrivals to demonstrate an acceptance of

what it calls 'Australian values'.

Turkish born Huseyein Yazaci is the second generation proprietor of Melbourne's first ever Halal butchery.

He's considered opening a second store in an outer suburb, but says it's still cost prohibitive and would need to form part

of a co-ordinated expansion.  

"You have to have all those things over there, like Mosques or Islamic schools or Islamic shops," says Mr. Yazaci.

That's precisely what the Federation Of Islamic Councils is proposing, they say the muslim community is driven to the

very "enclaves" which often draw criticism.

"There has been instances where we have applied on good planning grounds for a mosque or a school to be built in certain

areas that those facilities are not approved and certain road-blocks are put in," Iqbal Patel from the Federation of Islamic

Councils told SBS.

The proposal is gaining support in Melbourne's multiculural north, with residents saying there's no reason why they

shouldn't be integrated.

Mr Patel is even encouraging  Australian governments to consider some funding for islamic-oriented infrastructure.
"If you don't like the Muslim community to live in enclaves, or for that matter any community,  then allow for those

services to be opened up in areas out of these so-called enclaves."

The Executive Council Of Australian Jewry has also made a submission to the federal multiculturalism inquiry wanting a

strengthened test of so-called 'Australian values' for all immigrants.

"That's something that has to be earned. Australian citizenship is an honour and a responsibility - it's not something to be

given away lightly," Executive Director Peter Wertheim says.

The council says all new arrivals should be scrutinised closely for attitudes it feels are unacceptable.   

"Regardless of their religious or cultural background, if they're involved in promoting violent or racist or totalitarian

ideology they're not fit subjects for citizenship"

The federal inquiry is continuing to receive submissions.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sharia Law Demand from “Moderate Muslim Community Leader” in Australia

I notice this talking head,Muslim Spin Doctor,Islamic Insurgent, “Moderate Muslim Community Leader”now calls himself “Ikebal Adam Patel” as opposed to his previous media of Ikebal Patel, I guess it’s just a way of showing the infidel that, hey these savages are just like us, they have Judeo Christian names, just like us, gee why can’t we all just get along and submit.
In Australia many many Muslim Murderers and Rapists and Terrorists change their names before appearing in court to Anglo Christian and Surnames, I guess this “Moderate” is following in head offices footsteps.

From Winds Of Jihad   Like a Boomerang: New Demands for Sharia in Australia  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Australia,Sydney’s Occupied Territories,Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon hails the deaths of Australian Soldiers in Afghanistan.

At least this guy,Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon, has the courage to come out publicly and endorse and promote the teachings of the Koran.
He is probably jumping the gun in revealing the Islamic agenda in Australia however he is not giving Australians the usual Bull Shit about Islam been a Religion of Peace blah blah blah.

Note the obligatory attempts at Taqiyah from Sydney's Occupied Territories by the mob at Lakemba Mosque and Grimshaw's and Hadley's assurances that "he,Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon, only represents a very small minority of Muslims"
The reality of that well worn Politically Correct useful idiots,disclaimer, can only possibly be, that the majority of Muslims do not believe in the Koran or the Koran LIES and should not be believed.

It is tragic that anyone can be so befuddled,weak of mind and wit that the Koran becomes the guiding force of darkness in their lives, but for those who should and do know better there is no excuse for them apologising for and facilitating the evil that is manifested by the Koran and it's Sociopathic,but mostly, thankfully in Australia, befuddled followers.


Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon,More of this Pious Muslim’s Koran inspired threats

“…..The vast overwhelming majority of Muslims do not support violence or are themselves violent” …….yeah right.

Islamic Principle of Taqiyah or Holy Deception

By FFI Contributing Editor Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari

To explain the Arabic word TAQIYAH, Hughes Dictionary of Islam says, “Literally it means “Guarding oneself”. (It’s a) Shi’ah doctrine. A pious fraud whereby a Shi’ah Muslim believes he is justified in either smoothing down or in denying the peculiarities of his religious belief, in order to save himself from religious persecutions. A Shi’ah can, therefore, pass himself off as a Sunni to escape persecution.”
“The Shi’ah traditionalists relate that that certain persons inquired of the Imam Sadiq if the Prophet had ever practiced taqiyyah, or “religious dissimulations,” and the Imam replied,”Not after this verse was sent down to the Prophet, namely Surah v, 71: ‘O thou Apostle! Publish the whole of what has been revealed to those from thy Lord; if thou do it not, thou, thou hast not preached His message, and God will not defend thee from the wicked men; for God guides not the unbelieving people. When the Most High became surety for the Prophet against harm, then he no longerdissimulated, although before this revelation appeared he had occasionally done so.” [1]
While commenting on the Islamic practice of taqiyyah, the noted scholar Babu Suselan writes, “Under the Islamic concept of Al-Takkeya, it is legitimate for Muslims to lie, cheat, murder, deceive and violate non-Muslims. According to Takkeya, Muslims are sanctioned to communicate with fake sincerity. In reality, they may have just the opposite agenda in their hearts. It is clear that Islam permits the Muslims to lie anytime, anywhere to promote the cause of Islam.”

To narrate how a law-abiding non-Muslim society is harmed by this dirty concept of Islamic taqiyyay, he writes, “The concept of Al-Takeyya (lying) for the cause of Islam bears gross implications for freedom loving, law abiding non-Muslims. Muslims can negate any agreement, cheat, deceive, lie, and absolve from any permanent commitment. When a Muslim say “Islam is peace” watch out. When a Muslim shout “Allah loves you” he mean “Allah hates you” unless you are a Muslim.”
He also says, ”There are many incidences in the life of Mohammed where he often lied and instructed his followers to do the same. A good example is the assassination of Kaab Ibn Ashrf, a member of the Jewish tribe, Banu al-Nudair. Mohammed ordered his assassination by deception, lying and tricks. Mohammed also ordered the murder of Shaalan by deception and lying. Islamic history is replete with incidents of murder and assassination by deception”.[2]

In his article “The principle of Al-Takeyya” [3], the author says, “The Arabic word, “Takeyya”, means “to prevent,” or guard against. The principle of Al Takeyya conveys the understanding that Muslims are permitted to lie as a preventive measure against anticipated harm to one’s self or fellow Muslims. This principle gives Muslims the liberty to lie under circumstances that they perceive as life threatening. Islamic scholars believe the Muslims can even deny the faith publicly, declaring them non-Muslims, for saving their lives, if they do not mean it in their hearts, following the Quranic verse:
“Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution (prevention), that ye may Guard yourselves from them (prevent them from harming you.) But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah.” Surah 3: 28”. So, in simple words, taqiyyah is an example of Islamic style of deception, originated in the Koran, that Muslims profusely use to deceive and fool the non-Muslims. This manifests to what degree, Islam permits a Muslim to indulge in lying and cheating of the infidels,

Two Faces of Koran :
It is now well known that the Muslims play many tricks and tell even dark lies to deceive and fool the infidels Such as, they say that Islam means peace, kafir means an atheist, jihad means a war between good and evil forces within a man and so on. They also deceive the kafirs in another ingenious way. There are some verses of Koran which are not cruel but appear to be tolerant and innocent. Such as “Allah does not love the oppressors” (3.140), “Allah has prepared painful punishments for the oppressors” (14.22), “Allah does not love them who creates indiscipline” (5.64), “Allah does not like jealousy and aggressiveness” (57.23), “Allah loves patience and forgiveness” (42.43), “Your religion (is dear) to you and my religion (is dear) to me” (109.6), “The Prophet has no other duty but to propagate the message of Allah” (5.99) and so on and so forth. When these verses are uttered before the infidels, many are fooled and admit that the Koran has even tolerant, human and innocent verses too. In this context, it is very important to mention that before a non-Muslim audience, the Muslim speakers make frequent use of the verse “Your religion to you and my religion to me”, to pretend that, Islam is basically a very tolerant religion.
Koran, the holy book of Islam, contains over 6 thousands verses (ayahs) divided into 114 chapters (suras). All these verses of the Koran can broadly be divided into two categories—Makki verses and Madani verses. The verses of the Koran which were revealed to Mohammad when he was staying at Mecca, are called Makki verses. And the verses which were revealed after his migration to Medina, are called Madani verses. Before his migration (hijrat) to Medina, the Prophet was a humble servant of Allah and a good husband of his only wife Khadija, without enjoying any economic, political or military power. And Allah also, to cope with the situation, revealed tolerant and innocent verses alone.

But after his migration to Medina the Prophet became the Chief administrator and, at the same time, the chief of army and judiciary of Medina. Or in other words, he became the sole and supreme dictator of Medina, or the uncrowned king of the city. After acquiring so much of power, the idea of spreading Islam by sword came to his mind and he invented the doctrine of jihad. It may be recalled that so long the Prophet was in Mecca, Allah forbade war for the Muslims. But after hijrat, Allah could read the mind of the Prophet permittedd the Muslims to fight and subsequently made fighting obligatory for every able Muslim. From that time onwards, Allah began to reveal the terrible and violent verses of jihad, such as “There is nothing in the sight of Allah which may be equated to jihad.” (9.19) and “No equal are those believers who sit at home (except those who are old and disabled) and those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and lives in the cause of Allah” (4.95). “That is because they (who sit back at home) suffer neither thirst, nor fatigue, nor hunger in the cause of Allah. …Nor they raise the anger of the disbelievers or inflict any injury (killing, robbing or taking captive) upon enemy” (9.20). “Anyone whose feet get covered with dust in Allah’s cause will be forbidden from the hell-fire” (Bukhari : 4.66). Allah rebukes those who sit back at home for their cowardice and threatens them with cruel punishments and the Koran says, “If you march not forth (for jihad), I will punish you with painful torment and will replace you with other people” (9.39).It is needless to say that these verses of violence and bloodshed are inspiring the entire Muslim community to massacre the kafirs en masse by launching jihad against them with the final goal of establishing an empire of Islam throughout the world. It should also be noted here that, from this time onwards, taqiyyah emerged as an established Islamic policy.

Taqiyyah to convert the infidels of Medina:
It has been pointed out that the Makki verses and Madani verses of the Koran were the foundation of the Islamic practice of taqiyyah. The Muslim migrants from Mecca started to attract the infidels of Medina by propagating the Makki verses of the Koran, by keeping the Madani verses concealed or yet to be revealed. But as soon as, the Muslim population grew into a sizable amount and Muhammad could form a criminal gang with his uncle Hamza, his cousins and other loyal Muslim hooligans, the Makki verses were thrown into the dustbin giving place to newly revealed Madani verses and the said criminal gang, through violence and terror, especially after the victory in the Battle of Badr, started to convert the infidels of Medina by force
Meanwhile, Allah revealed to strike terror in the hearts of the infidels of Medina and Prophet Muhammad, in compliance with Allah’s command, assassinated poets Kaab bin Asraf, poet Abu Afak and poetess Asma, drove the Jews of Beni Kanuika and massacred 800 Jews of Beni Koraiza. So, taqiyyah, or deceiving the infidels with the Makki verses of the Koran for conversion, lost its importance and jihad or violence took its place.
But the practice of taqiyyah in still alive and the Muslims are playing the same trick even today. Whenever the Muslim preachers talk about Islam in a civilized forum, they, to hide the bloody sword of Islam, always utter the Makki verses of the Koran, knowing fully well that most of those Makki verses were abrogated (cancelled and replaced) by violent and bloody passages that were revealed after Muhammad’s migration to Medina “elnasekh wal mansoukh”. The replacement verses reflect prejudice, intolerance, and endorse violence upon unbelievers. [3]
.In this context, It should be pointed out here that, after the September, 11 attacks, many television channels broadcast interviews with Muslim reporters, intellectuals and religious leaders and the people of the print-media. In all such cases, to fool the kafirs, Muslim journalists, clerics and political leaders quoted Makki verses alone from the Koran, especially the verse Your religion to you and my religion to me.”(109:6)
In a country where the Muslims are still a minority, they alway”s make use of the Makki verses, but as soon as they gain majority or become strong in military power, they at once throw away these Makki verses in the junkyard and adopt the Madani verses for launching a jihad. For example, in India, when the Muslims come to Hindu populated areas, they never utter a Madani verse. But the same Muslims in their Muslim dominated residential areas use to propagate Madani verses from the mosques, with the help of loud-speakers, to scare the minority Hindus of that locality. Thus the Muslims make use of the principle taqiyyah by projecting the Makki verses of the Koran to keep their bloody weapons concealed as the principle of taqiyyah, and in a favourable situation they instantly switch over to the Madani verses and brandish their unsheathed swords.

Origin of Taqiyyah:
In order to understand the Islamic mind and the policy of taqiyyah, one has to understand the preliminaries of the Arab Bedouin Tribal culture and how Islam began in those tribes. This is a culture based upon tribalism and the hard nomadic values of tribal warfare by raiding neighbouring villages and taking over their women and children as slaves and concubines, their possessions, their stock and their grazing lands and killing their men with the exception of those who would accept Islam.
The people are mainly illiterate, but cunning. They are also extremely proud and arrogant people, especially the men. The masculine Arab culture placed a very high value on ‘honour and shame’ associated with his place in the social order of his family, his tribal group, or his society. It is extremely important that he must not suffer ‘a loss of face’. The importance of honour and status is so important that it often justifies ‘honour killings’ within the family. Blood feuds and vendettas are maintained for generations to defend the honour of long dead ancestors. Mohammed himself ordered the vengeful murder of all those who mocked or satirized him, as he was an Arab and the potential loss of face was unacceptable.

“Lying and cheating in the Arab world is not really a moral matter but a method of safeguarding honour and status, avoiding shame, and at all times exploiting possibilities, for those with the wit and cunning for it, deftly and expeditiously to convert shame into honour on their own account and vice versa for the opponents. If honour so demands it, lies and cheating may become absolute imperatives.” [4]
Thus by skilful manipulations, by dissimulation, deceiving, lying, confounding, deflection of accusations, it is possible to foil or block or fend off an attack or accusation, and thus turn a humiliation into a positive outcome and the save one’s face or one’s life. This same skill is part of the tribal Bedouin life and it has been adopted into the Islamic way of life in the defence and protection of Islam. This skill is known as ‘Taqiyya’ and greatly enhances the capabilities of Muslims to defend and promote Islam. This skill, Taqiyya, comes so naturally to Muslims that they are not even aware that they are using it to communicate dissimulate Islamic information to the less informed. It is a part of their way of life since childhood. This trait can also be observed in many other cultures especially in the East.
To give a few examples of Taqiyya as an illustration, Muslims will deny that “terrorist suicide bombers killed innocent people” were Muslims who were responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers in New York. And they are right because Muslims do not approve of Suicide (Haram), so they could not have been Muslims) and wanton murder of innocent people (but Muslims do not consider non-Muslims as innocent. They are the enemy and so are legitimate targets.). So Muslims may safely say that they condemn any terrorist acts, because terrorists are not identifiable as Muslims. But Muslims knew that these were acts of Islamic Jihad, and thus were truthful in denying it was “an act of terrorism” by Muslims, because they were actually “acts of martyrdom” or Jihad not “terrorism.”[4]


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Middle Eastern “cultural differences” enriching and diversifying Australia’s Christmas Island detention centre……. again.

Detainee rape claim tests policy

Paige Taylor, Joe Kelly
The Australian
April 30, 2011 12:00AM

THREE detainees accused of attempting gang-rape of a fellow asylum-seeker last week may become the first test of proposed "character" rules.

A guard called for help from Australian Federal Police at the Christmas Island immigration detention centre on April 21 after allegedly encountering a partially dressed detainee being held down by three others.

The alleged victim had appeared highly distressed, The Weekend Australian has been told. "The AFP can confirm it responded to a request to attend the North West Point Immigration Detention Centre on 21 April 2011," a spokesman said.

"The AFP can confirm a 22-year-old male and 28-year-old male and 30-year-old male were charged with indecent assault."

The men are now locked in a compound reserved for the most troublesome and disruptive among the approximately 1000 men in the centre.

On Tuesday, Mr Bowen announced that anyone who committed an offence in immigration detention would fail the "character" test and would not be given a permanent visa under proposed changes to the legislation.

Previously a person failed the character test if sentenced to 12 months or more in jail, which controversially allowed visas to be given to three asylum-seekers convicted over a riot at the Christmas Island detention centre in 2009.

Mr Bowen, who has said he would use the new rules vigorously, yesterday declined to "speculate or pre-empt the outcomes of the cases" involving the three men charged with indecent assault. But under his proposed law, which would be retrospective, Mr Bowen could rule someone out on more general grounds.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has urged Mr Bowen to use the discretion he has under the existing character test to take a tougher approach to detainees who riot.

So far, no detainee has been charged over the riots at Christmas Island on March 17.

"There is an independent review and an AFP investigation ongoing around the Christmas Island events," a spokesman for the Minister said.

Serious allegations about the conduct of detainees at Villawood immigration detention centre in Sydney were yesterday aired by 2GB broadcaster Ray Hadley, which he attributed to an unidentified whistleblower with inside knowledge at the facility.

He claimed detainees engaged in a rooftop protest at Villawood were sleeping in rooms that could be entered via a rooftop cavity, that assaults were regularly committed, that drug abuse and other criminal activities occurred on a regular basis and that some detainees were allowed to make trips to rehabilitation centres where they obtained illicit substances.

Guards told The Weekend Australian they recognised one of the rooftop protesters at Villawood as a participant in the rioting on Christmas Island.

Amid the confusion during the Christmas Island riot, contractor Serco had taken detainees who wanted to escape intimidation and violence to compounds on the other side of the island.

But some of the men who got on the buses that night had actually been part of the riot and not in need of protection from the others, guards have told The Weekend Australian.

While federal police had been able to pick out some of them and return them to the main detention centre, others had escaped scrutiny.

Under Mr Bowen's new character test for asylum-seekers, those convicted of a crime while in detention but who have also been found to be refugees will get a visa with limited rights, such as a safe haven visa or "bridging pending removal" visa.

Sending them home would contravene Australia's international obligations under the refugee convention.

Labor’s preferred immigrants unable to contain their Godless behavior even whilst awaiting processing / RUBBER STAMPING,by their co conspirators the Australian Council of Trade Unions Financed,Labor /Green Loon,”Independent” Minority Socialist Government as they work  to facilitate the Islamic Colonization of Australia.

More on these Godless SWINE and what the Australian Labor Party describes as “Cultural Diversity”,Multiculturalism,”All Cultures Religions are Equal”

Australia: “Insider” dumps a load, on Asylum seekers massive use of Condoms in MALE only Detention Centres   + Video.

Islamic Perversions, or a reason Muslims KILL and reasons they LIVE, Koranimals threatening Sila Sahin after Playboy spread. + Video.


This from 2002,The Muslim WAY or what the Australian Council of Trade Unions Financed,Labor /Green Loon,”Independent” Minority Socialist Government call the enrichment of Australian society via Multiculturalism and Cultural Diversity, hey Every Day is a “Harmony Day” in Australia.

Published: Monday 20 May 2002
Muslims Assault Non-Muslims in Immigration Detention
A deeply disturbing scandal has emerged in Australia’s immigration detention centres where Christians and other non-Muslim asylum
seekers have been “stoned, assaulted, sexually harassed and abused by Islamic fanatics”.

Reza, an Iranian Christian, was blinded in one eye last August when a group of Afghan Muslim men stoned Christians leaving the
dining hall in Woomera detention centre. In another incident a Christian man was kicked to the floor and his cross was ripped from his
neck. In December 2001 an eighteen-year-old Mandean girl (a small religious group which follows the teachings of John the Baptist)
was shouted at by Muslim men in a dining hall who called her a “dirty, filthy infidel” who shouldn’t be allowed to serve food to Muslims.
When she attempted to argue back she was “pushed to the ground and kicked and abused.” In a similarly shocking incident a blind
Mandean man was seized by Muslim men, held down and defecated on before being left in a locked toilet.

In other incidents non-Muslim girls have faced sexual harassment and verbal abuse because they do not wear Islamic headscarves, the doorways of
Mandean asylum seekers have been defecated in, and a local Islamic mullah has even called for a jihad (holy war) against Mandeans
at the Port Hedland detention centre.

Non-Muslim men, women, and even children, many of whom fled Muslim-majority countries like Iran in the first place because they
were being persecuted for their faith, are now facing widespread abuse of a horrific nature from Muslim conservatives in Australia’s
detention centres. The majority of asylum seekers in Australia are Muslims. Witnesses say that extremist Shiah Muslims, particularly
Iranians, Afghans and Iraqis, are often those behind the violence. The BBC quotes Dr Graham Thom, Amnesty International’s Refugee
Co-ordinator, as saying “The reports we’re hearing say that Mandeans, Tamils and other Hindus, Christians – in particular Christian
converts – are facing violence or threats of violence from certain Islamists within the detention centres.

They are being called infidels.They are being refused access to kitchens and things like that because people think they are unclean as infidels. This has escalated
at times when there is a serious breakdown of order within the detention centre when there are riots and things like that and these
groups, who often refuse to participate in riots, are physically assaulted.”

Chaplains, pastoral workers and staff at the Woomera, Curtin and Port Hedland detention centres in Australia have spoken up about
an atmosphere of Islamic intimidation and terror in which the authorities seem powerless to protect the non-Muslims. Whilst Muslim
asylum seekers have access to halal meat and mosques, many non-Muslims’ religious and dietary needs are not being met.

In Woomera Mandeans are now even allegedly forced to hold their religious meetings in secret, and in Curtin no Mandean services are
being held at all because the authorities simply cannot guarantee the protection of the participants, and even Christian services,
including baptisms, have been severely restricted.

The widespread suffering and “constant discrimination” is leading to deep emotional distress and psychological trauma.

Jim Monaghan, a Christian chaplain at Woomera, says that “at present the families there are very vulnerable. There have been attempted suicides and other forms of self-harm ... they are desperate.”
These shocking reports, which have been publicised by Australia’s The Age newspaper, the BBC, and Amnesty International, have
raised a new factor in the debate surrounding Australia’s immigration policy, which is often criticised as being harsh.
The reports also raise disturbing questions about the state of asylum centres in Europe, America and other countries in the developed

Could Christians and other non-Muslim asylum-seekers be suffering similar discrimination in other contexts where Muslims also
make up the majority of asylum-seekers?


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Australia: Australian Labor Party’s Multiculturalism weaving it’s MAGIC yet again in Melbourne.


 Trainee Indian Pilot, Bashed by “Africans”,forced to flee Australia.


April 26, 2011, 5:43 pm

A trainee pilot has been savagely bashed by a gang in Melbourne's CBD in broad daylight.

International student Rajat Tyagi said he is now too scared to stay in Melbourne because it is no longer safe.

The student pilot from New Delhi was confronted as he left his apartment in Flinders Street on Sunday morning by five men he describes as African.

They surrounded him and bashed him unconscious using knuckledusters.

He told 7NEWS: "I want to go home as soon as possible because we are not safe here."

Australian Labor Party’s Sudanese Multicultural Division weave more “Golden Threads” into Labor’s Rich Tapestry of “Cultural Diversity” in Melbourne

"They hit me twice in the mouth, and my whole lips were hanging down. I just lost my tooth - i don't know where my tooth is, maybe in my stomach, maybe on the floor - I couldn't find it."

And he said he is still in severe pain.

"I cant eat anything, I cant drink anything and my room mates are feeding me milk just to survive so I can live," he explained.

Rajat hopes the incident was captured on CCTV.

He said he has heard no more from police since they arrived half-an-hour after the assault, and told him he was one of several similar assaults that night.

Rajat is now unable to sit his flying exams after Easter because of the bashing. He said the year-and-a-half in Australia has been wasted. He now intends to return home to see his family and never return.

"I just came here for a good life," he said. "But i'm getting this."


Assailants described as “African” well who da thunk it? surely this is a case of mistaken identity,remember,the only Bad people in Australia are Australians, or is it just another case of spontaneous Cultural Enrichment and Diversity perhaps it was a Australian Council of Trade Unions /Get Up funded Labor Party / Green Loon / Independent , Minority Socialist Federal Australian Government  TAX Payer funded designated Harmony Day.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Now we know why the ABC,SBS,the ALP /ACTU,Green’s,Uniting “Church” “I wake up sick in the morning, Electronic Dick” and “Social Justice” campaigners are all so enamored by Mohammed Dawood aka. “Our David” David Hicks, and Mamdouh Habib.

Copy of 9 3 2011 David Hicks mingles with the jet set “The beautiful people and “their David”, these beautiful people , the “jet set” these vermin have the gall to appear at funerals of Australian servicemen killed in Afghanistan by “their David’s’ fellow terrorists pals, with onion in handkerchief so as to elicit a tear when required for their media publicists  camera’s.”

“You would not piss on “……Sydney’s Jet Set “ if it was on fire.”  Aussie, Aussie News & Views

Muhammed Dawood aka. Celebrity Terrorist David Hicks “mingles with Sydney’s Jet Set” aka. Labor and their Leftist backers

WikiLeaks releases files on Hicks, Habib

The Telegraph

April 25, 2011

WHILE WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange remains under house arrest, the work of his controversial website continues unabated.

A fresh document dump has again revealed previously secret documents from within the US Department of Defense.

The so-called Gitmo Files show some of what the US knew about the detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.

Two of the documents talk about the two Australian detainees - David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib.

The by now well-known story of Mr Hicks searching the globe for war is told in pages of detail that reveal just how deep his links with other militants went by the time he was arrested by the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan.

Mr Hicks had links to 20 other detainees and was, at one point, approached by a senior al-Qaeda figure to consider becoming a martyr, according to his Guantanamo file.

Many of those men have extensive educational and military backgrounds with well-known extremist groups, the file says.

The file on Mr Habib, never convicted of a terror-related crime, talks about his claims of torture while in an Egyptian jail.

While in the custody of the Egyptian government, under extreme duress, he alleged that he made admissions of guilt that he now denies.

One of the admissions involved the bombing of a Qantas plane.

Mr Habib told interrogators at Guantanamo of the 2004 plan to attack the Lucas Heights nuclear facility in southern Sydney.

The Habib file suggests it may well have been his evidence that led French counter-terrorism investigators to Willie Brigitte and the eventual uncovering of the plot to attack the reactor with rocket launchers stolen from defence.

This resulted in the arrest of Fadhim Lodhi and implicated Shekih Abdul Salam Zhoud, the file says.

Mr Habib also had plans to poison a US river, according to documents found on his home computer and mentioned in the Guantanamo file.

According to the files, al-Qaeda terrorists have threatened to unleash a "nuclear hellstorm" if Osama bin Laden is caught or killed.

The documents detail the background to the capture of each of the 780 people who have passed through the Cuban facility, along with their medical condition and the information they have provided during interrogations.

Around 220 of those detained are assessed to be dangerous international terrorists while around 380 are judged to be lower-level foot soldiers.

At least a further 150 people including innocent Afghans and Pakistanis were held and assessed at the US camp, but later released due to lack of evidence, according to the files.


This from Feb 17 2007  Aussie News & Views site shut down by Type Pad following order to remove all posts critical of the ALP, Kevin 07 ,Dick Smith and Mohammed Dawood.

“Sydney's celebrity millionaire Dick Smith,funds Mohammad Dawood aka David Hicks

Celebrity businessman Dick Smith aka the "electronic dick" may well wake up "sick in the morning" because Mohammad

Dawood is locked up in Guantanamo Bay, I can only magine how the parents,husbands,wives and children of the 88

Australians who were summarily executed in Bali in 2002 by Mohammad Dawoods co religionists and Jihadists feel when

they wake up every morning knowing that their loved ones are no longer with them, and perhaps remember the

horrendous manner in which they were slaughtered by Mohammad Dawood's fellow members of the "Religion of Peace".

I like Dick Smith, however on this issue I hope he does wake up throwing his fricking guts up from one side of the room

to the other, I hope he spends the day sitting on the dunny sweating & shitting himself senseless, I hope he feels so sick

that he wishes he simply had not woken up that and every other morning since Mohammad Dawood was handed over to

the Americans by the Northern Alliance, because, if he did he would at least have a little understanding of what it would

be like and how you would feel, to have your loved ones assassinated, murdered , butchered, blown into a million pieces

by the likes of Mohammad Dawood or as "Team Dawood " of the ABC,SBS Australian Labor Party and the usual collection

of Australia hating left loons like to call him "Our David"

Mohammad Dawood should have been dealt with by the Afghanis where they captured him, he should have been

beaten,tortured, castrated, strips of flesh cut from his thighs, buttocks and back, arms and legs shattered and

decapitated, his remains should have then been dragged behind a vehicle or hung upside down in a public place to show

other members of the Religion of Peace and their apologists in the west Islam's love and mercy in action in accordance

with the rules of war that are endorsed and supported by Mohamed Dawood and his co religionists, ("Team Dawood" ?)

Instead Mohammad Dawood has been fed,clothed allowed unrestricted access to his terror manual the Koran, and

provided with medical treatment, free legal assistance and an unlimited advertising and public relations campaign and

advocacy network provided at taxpayers expense by the Australian Broadcasting Commission TV and Radio (ABC) and its

multicultural SBS national radio and TV network and now the Nine network via it's Sunday programe's ace reporter Ray

Martin, where he and his fellow Jihadists are not known as terrorists but as insurgents or freedom fighters and when they

are caught or killed in battle as victims and holy worriers.

I have not heard Dick Smith, or the rest of "Team Dawood " for that matter alluding to awaking "sick" every morning

because of the savagery inflicted by Mohammad Dawoods co religionists /Jihadists upon fellow Muslims and western

infidels in almost every nation on earth daily, why?

Keeping Mohammad Dawood and his fellow sociopaths locked up should not make you "sick" Dick Smith, however, more

than likely, it will ensure the ongoing good health of yourself and a good many people including us wicked horrible racist

infidel Australians, who will not have to suffer their blood lusting rampages throughout the world in the name of some

Paedophile Pirate called Mohammed in order to return the civilized world back to the dark ages.

           Islam invented BY sociopaths FOR sociopaths
Thats their "excuse",to"Team Dawood" and Mr Smith, I ask, what the fucks yours ?

Aussie, Aussie News & Views Feb 17 2007

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Australia: Villawood Detention Centre’s Arsonist Muslim Insurgents Supporters plans for Anzac Day 2011. It’s always good to know what the enemy is up to,don’t you think.

These groups can be contacted  on the following cell phone numbers.

Mark Goudkamp 0422 078 376 or Nick Riemer 0435 533 027

[RACNSW] Press Release_Refugee groups plan show of support for Villawood Detainees‏


Mark Goudkamp Add to contacts

To,,, solinational,

Sydney List,
Please find below and attached the media release that Nick (mainly) and I wrote, that just went out. Legal support is

being organised for the 22-25 mainly Kurdish (Iranian and Iraqi) and Iranians who have been sent to Silverwater prison.

Please spread the word about Monday...and don't forget to vote on the Daily Telegraph's online poll, which this release

makes reference to.


Cheers and solidarity, Mark

Refugee Action Coalition Press Release Friday 22 April 2011

Refugee Groups Plan Show of Support for Villawood Detainees on Easter Monday

Following this week’s unrest at the Villawood detention centre, refugee rights advocates will stage a mass show of

support for Villawood detainees on Easter Monday, 25 April. Refugee supporters will meet at Chester Hill station at 12

noon, before marching to the Gurney Rd side of the detention centre for a rally in support of the detainees. Called by the

Refugee Action Coalition (RAC), the action is part of a nationwide series of protests outside detention centres planned

over the Easter weekend, including at the remote Curtin facility in Western Australia.

The rally will hear from refugees who were formerly detained: Najeeba Wazefadost (Afghanistan); Iraj Moghodam (Iran);

and Mohammed Ali Muttari (Iraq). Melina Adlparvar, an Iranian refugee separated from her husband who is inside

Villawood, will also speak. They will be joined by: Annie Neilson, Greens candidate for Fairfield in the NSW election; NSW

Teachers' Federation General-Secretary Jenny Diamond; and Mark Goudkamp, a long-term Refugee Action Coalition


“The recent unrest in Villawood makes it extremely urgent to show community support for refugees”, said Nick Riemer

from RAC. “It’s an extraordinary irony that both Labor and Coalition politicians talk of refugees having committed

crimes. The damage to property on Wednesday night is nothing compared to the brutalisation of innocent lives caused by

mandatory detention itself. Asylum seekers haven’t committed any crime and shouldn’t be imprisoned. It’s not illegal to

arrive by boat and ask Australia for protection. When you lock people up and treat them like animals, it’s entirely

predictable that they will be driven to desperate acts. There have been five suicides in detention since September, three

in Villawood, and countless cases of self-harm. Hunger strikes happen all the time. If the government had acted on the

advice of leading psychiatrists, this week’s events could have been prevented. As one of the banners of the rooftop

protesters emphasises, they are human and deserve to be treated that way. If we’re talking about crimes being

committed, it’s the government who are the wrongdoers by sticking to their failed and discredited policy of mandatory


“The rally will show solidarity with the refugees locked up in Villawood”, said Mark Goudkamp, also from RAC. “All

asylum seekers want is to escape the war and persecution that have driven them from their home countries. But instead

of treating them with decency, and allowing them to contribute to Australian society, the government locks them up.

Australia is the only Western country that does this. Monday’s protest can show that the Daily Telegraph’s politically

driven online polls by do not represent all Australians. 22 asylum seekers were forcibly removed from their beds on

Thursday night and transferred to Silverwater jail. On Christmas Island, police used tear gas and beanbag rounds on

asylum seekers. This is no way to treat refugees. Mr Bowen says he shares the anger of Australians about damage to

government property. Instead, Australians should direct their rage at the pointless violence and brutality inflicted on

asylum seekers. While Mr Bowen should be congratulated for supporting the idea of multiculturalism in Australia and

ending the Howard government’s disparagement of it, if he really means it, the policy of mandatory detention policy

must be immediately abandoned.”

“The government keeps refugees out of the public eye and detains them in inaccessible places”, said Riemer. “The

Gurney Rd entrance to Villawood is the only place from which we can make visual contact with them. Refugee Action

Coalition members are regular visitors to the detention centre. Our friends inside are looking forward to seeing a vocal

and colourful demonstration of support.”

“There’s significant support for refugees among Villawood locals, who remember what their suburb was like before the

barbed wire went up in the early 1990s,” Goudkamp added. “We expect that many residents will join us in showing

solidarity with the refugees.”

For more information, contact Mark Goudkamp 0422 078 376 or Nick Riemer 0435 533 027


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Q Society : has Australia finally spawned a truly genuine anti “Islamic Colonization of Australia” organization ?

Has Australia hit the jackpot with this group? I like what I see & hear so far.
Please go to this groups web site, and if you agree support them, while you still can. 

9 3 2011 Q Society


The biggest problem Muslims have is that their opponents are NOT IGNORANT , if they were they would be unchallenged and able to go about their Koran dictated implementation of Islamic Colonization of the West.
When these front men and women for Satan spew their Koran inspired “Multicultural Industry” sponsored, denials of treachery and affirmations of “Islam is a Religion of Peace” the two faced deception of the Islamist is all so obvious, that’s why 5/6ths of the EARTHS population has rejected outright the Filth that is Islam.
If we were IGNORANT we would be SILENT.
Knowledge  is power.
Now piss off back to whatever Islamic shit hole it was you,your parents or Grand parents RAN AWAY FROM.

halal warning (1) “This is what we believe should go on every retail product that contains halal-certified materials. We estimate two-third of chicken and lamb as well as half of the beef in Australia is now slaughtered to comply with Islamic Sharia dietary rules. When the self-proclaimed "community leaders" of two (2) per cent of the population can impose medieval religious dietary laws onto everyone else, and even make consumers pay for their halal-certification schemes, something is seriously wrong.
Our information and lobby campaign for mandatory labelling of all halal-certified products will begin in April.


Position Papers and Statements

With our "Q on:..." papers we offer information concerning our position on a number of issues, as well as views and facts concerning both the open and concealed strategies of Islamisation. We address what we believe to be missconceptions about Islam and Islamism, and respond to questions we hear frequently in discussions and campaigns. Please write to us, if you believe we have not adressed an issue you think is important. Likewise if you think we have made a factual mistake -- and can substantiate your counter point.

Q on: Why we oppose Islam for Australia

Q on: Islamic Finance or Sharia-compliant Finance

Q on: Halal Food and Halal Certification

Q on: Stealth or Civilisational Jihad

Please feel free to onforward or hand printed copies of our "Q on..." leaflets to family, friends and relations. All we ask of you is to use the leaftlets "as is" and not make any changes.”

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Those Darn Crazy “Militants” are at it again at Russian Ski Resort


Militants attack southern Russia city

Daily Telegraph

February 26, 2011 9:11PM

UP to a dozen militants have staged a daring attack on the capital of a southern Russian republic popular with downhill skiers and budget tourists, news reports reveal.

The overnight attack on Kabardino-Balkaria came a week after three Moscow tourists were gunned down in the area while travelling to the Elbrus mountain resort, which is one of Russia's most popular winter tourist destinations.

No one was reported killed in Friday night's strike on the republic's capital Nalchik, which witnessed grenades tossed at a local Federal Security Service (FSB) building and police posts come under repeated machine gun fire.

But the incident prompted a late night telephone conversation between President Dmitry Medvedev and FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov, the Kremlin said.

Highlighting the Kremlin's concern over the latest incident, news reports said that Medvedev's North Caucasus envoy Alexander Khloponin had taken personal charge of the investigation.

The Nalchik attack culminates a restless month in a region that until now has been largely able to avoid the deadly violence raging in nearby mostly Muslim republics such as Ingushetia and Dagestan.

Kabardino-Balkaria has been a popular destination with both skiers and mountain climbers, with its budget boosted by tourism revenues that continued to climb despite violence wrecking other parts of the Caucasus range.

But its ski slopes went empty on February 18 after two masked attackers stopped a minibus carrying six people on Friday evening and opened fire, killing three passengers instantly and wounding others.

A few hours later, an explosion targeted a ski lift in one of the Elbrus mountain resort areas. No one was reported hurt in that incident.

A message on Islamist website linked to the militant group Caucasus Emirate said the tourists were killed for entering "the war zone".

Military officials initially claimed killing three militants responsible for attacking the tourists.

But subsequent reports said the suspected Islamists had escaped into the region's mountains, which Russian
forces have been pelting with artillery and aerial fire for much of the week.

Twelve paragraphs in total, with a headline of “Militants attack southern Russia city “,It’s not until the TENTH paragraph that the word Islamist is written WHY?

Why does the news agency,AFP,only want the reader to know the identity of the ASSASSINS to be known until the third last paragraph?

More of those CRAZY “Militants” and their hi jinks….

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Guidelines for Muslim women engaging in sport and exercise


See also

Multicultural Australia Muslims demand Pool Curtains for public swimming pool

[This article was published in the 19th issue of Nida\'ul Islam
magazine (, July - August 1997]

Muslim Women in Sport

The benefits derived from sport can not be denied. Not only do they have physical and social benefits, but also essential psychological consequences. Since sport is also a compulsory part of the curriculum in all schools, it is important to address the many Islamic conflicts that us sisters may face.

The Need for Sport

Men and women alike are in need of sport and exercise. Physical fitness is certainly encouraged, just as a balanced diet is endorsed, and harmful substances are prohibited. Exercise is also conducive to a more balanced emotional state, as it aids in the release of harmful free radicals and excess hormones. Mundane routines must also be broken otherwise it could affect a women\'s input into society, as well as her relationship with her husband and family.
The Sahaabah were aware of these issues, and would exhort others for the same. \'Ali bin Abi Talib (r.a.a) said: \"Refresh your minds from time to time, for a tired mind becomes blind.\" Abu Darda` (r.a.a) also commented: \"I entertain my heart with something trivial in order to make it stronger in the service of the Truth.\"
The Prophet (s.a.w) advised his followers to engage in many forms of sport, which even today are considered of the best form of exercise. The Prophet (s.a.w) himself would engage in wrestling, racing, archery and horse races.
While Aisha (r.a.a) was on a journey along with the Apostle of Allah (s.a.w), she had a race with him and outpaced him. As time passed, the Prophet (s.a.w) wished to avenge for his loss, so he raced her again, in which case he outpaced her, and remarked: \"This is for that outpacing.\"

The Etiquette\'s of Sport

The restrictions on women participating in sport or physical activity is more than that of men. All Islamic observances must be followed, regardless of any school policies or social stigmas. Our obedience to our Creator cannot be given preference to a creature of Allah.
When participating in sports, the clothing must be Islamically acceptable. This would therefore exclude shorts, t-shirts, leotards, swimming costumes etc.
It is very important to ensure that there are no males watching. Mixing of sexes is forbidden in normal situations, except in special situations under certain conditions, let alone in a sporting arena or exercise facility. It also restricts your activities, and modesty would not allow this in any case.


In most female-only schools, there are always male teachers around. Hence wearing even body suits is not sufficient, therefore to remove yourself from this activity is the only solution. There are some female-only baths or swimming complexes, yet even this is not suitable for the purposes of Muslim women. The following tradition treats this point:

\"Some women from Homs or from Sham (now the area of Damascus) came to \'A\'ishah. She asked, \'Do you enter the public baths? I heard the Messenger of Allah saying that a woman who undresses anywhere else other than in her own house tears off the Satr (shelter) which lies between her and her Lord .\' \" [At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud]

It is not only a problem of Satr, but also revealing yourself to disbelievers, an important point which ssisters are ignoranor careless of. Permission for a Muslim woman to reveal her hair, arms etc. is permitted to her husband, father, mother and so on.

Non-Muslim women are excluded from this permission, because contact with them might easily lead to disastrous results. That is why the Khalif \'Umar wrote to Abu \'Ubaidah Ibn al-Jarrah, the Governor of Syria, to prohibit the Muslim women from going to the baths with the women of the Ahl al-Kitab (the People of the Book). [At-Tabari, Ibn Jazir]. According to Ibn \'Abbas \"...a Muslim woman is not allowed to display herself before the women of the unbelievers and non-Muslim poll-tax payers (Ahl al-Dhimmah) any more than she can display herself before other men\" [At-Tabari].
This distinction between women on grounds of character and religion is intended to safeguard Muslim women against the influence of women whose moral and cultural background is either not known or is objectionable from the Islamic point of view.


Although many women-only gyms have become popular, we have the same problem as with baths, that being in the presence of non-Muslim women. However, as long as loose clothing is worn along with proper head covering, this problem can be avoided.


Particularly in Western countries, this is an important form of popular exercise. Sisters must be careful to train only with other women, to maintain loose clothing and head cover, and not to attack at the head, as the Prophet (s.a.w) has forbidden us to hit on the face while training.

Watching Sport

Many sisters find themselves in situations where they will be watching sports on TV, at school carnivals, or going to matches. Stadiums are not advisable places for Muslims in general, because of the language, drinking and scenery. Allah has commanded the believing women to lower their gaze, and sport comes as no exception, especially with guys in shorts.

Other Points

Sports and exercise should be judged according to the level of modesty involved. Games such as netball played in a public arena is not befitting to the honour of a Muslimah. No compromises can be made in terms of clothing or mixing. Public showers at female schools is totally forbidden. Many sisters will also apply deodorants after a work-out. What must be kept in mind is the Prophet\'s warning on a fragrant perfumes: \"The woman who perfumes herself and passes through a gathering is an adulteress.\" Some fragrant-free deodorants are available, otherwise apply enough so that the fragrance is not apparent.
A married woman must also have the permission of her husband beforehand, and must ensure that non of her duties as a wife are being sacrificed as a result of her activities.
To keep in line with today's excessive and unwarranted demands for women to have a \"supermodel\" physique, many sisters will exercise for this sole purpose, only adding more stress and anguish to themselves. Keep it as a fun activity, involve your husband with it and make it an intimate part of your marriage life. Keep in mind that over-exercising can result in unrepairable tissue damage, and will turn you off it. Bodily exhaustion is not called for, as Allah (s.w.t) tells us: \"Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope.\" [2: 286] .

By Sister: Hikmat Beiruty
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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Australian Conservatives finally get the BALLS to speak out publicly against the HOAX of Multiculturalism, Gee Fella’s good to know you are on the Job F**K me at last finally.


Ethnic divide a rising threat, say senior Liberal MPs

Steve Lewis
The Daily Telegraph

February 09, 2011 12:00AM

AUSTRALIA risks becoming a nation of "ethnic enclaves" with meat slaughtered "in the name of Allah", senior Liberal MPs have warned.

Opening up a new political faultline, former immigration minister Kevin Andrews has lashed out at political leaders who fail to speak on the rise of extreme Islam, saying this silence contributes to the rise of One Nation-type groups.

Liberal frontbencher, Mitch Fifield, also warned of the danger of "parallel societies" as in Europe where hardline Muslim groups preach sharia law rather than Western values.

Their comments follow attacks by British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the "failure" of multi-culturalism in their respective countries.

Former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett also bought into the debate by saying migrants needed to accept the Australian way of life.

Mr Andrews described the British prime minister's comments as "fairly sensible" and relevant to Australia.

"I think there is a risk [of ethnic enclaves] in Australia," Mr Andrews said.

"What actually concerns me the most is that we can't have a discussion about it," he said, as he pushed for a public debate on the issue.

Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi has warned of a growing "cultural divide" as hardline followers of Islam turn their backs on mainstream values.

He cited Muslim-only toilets at a Melbourne university and the slaughtering of meat "in the name of Allah" as two cultural practices that should be opposed.

"I, for one, don't want to eat meat butchered in the name of an ideology that is mired in sixth century brutality and is anathema to my own values," Senator Bernardi said.

Their concerns were dismissed by the Government and the Greens, who instead want to focus on the "positive" aspects of Australia's diverse ethnic heritage.

Parliamentary secretary on immigration, Kate Lundy, said the "Australian community is uniquely diverse and we have a proud record of successfully leveraging the benefits of migration".

Greens' immigration spokeswoman, Sarah Hanson-Young, wants MPs to focus on the positive aspects of Australia's rich ethnic mix.

Please Sarah two names, and Kate Lundy please tell Australians just what are the positive aspects of Multiculturalism? apart from the Harmony Day Festivals,handouts and wimmins / ethnic collective co operatives,clearly YOU have not been gang Raped or bashed  …. yet.


Friday, February 04, 2011

Australia: Multiculturalism weaves yet another magical golden thread into Australia’s “rich and diverse tapestry” of “cultural diversity”

Mass brawl closes Westfield shopping centre, Mt Druitt

By Katherine Danks
The Daily Telegraph
February 04, 2011
SOCIAL networking sites like Facebook helped tip-off police about a planned brawl in Mount Druitt last night.

Police intercepted online chatter between two gangs and learned of their plans two days before the pre-organised fight, Acting Assistant Commissioner Wayne Cox said.

Mt Druitt police also received a number of tip-offs from elders in the Pacific Islander community and called in the Public Order and Riot Squad, Dog Unit, mounted police and commuter crime unit.

Up to 100 teenagers and young men armed with crude weapons made with glass descended on the Westfield Shopping Centre about 7pm.
There were general scuffles and fights between individual persons or one person on six people or vice versa,'' Mr Cox told reporters.
There was a whole range of different incidents occurring at the one time. Police were able to pull those incidents apart and grab the main offenders and then arrest and charge them.''

The fight began over ``general insults'' traded between the groups, one of which is linked to Mount Druitt and the other from the Granville area. He said both groups have Pacific Islander backgrounds.
There has been some banter between the two groups in relation to insults being traded and this is obviously turned in to a ridiculous outcome for them,'' he said.

Mr Cox said police were waiting and prepared for the fight when it broke out. Thirteen people were arrested at the scene and police believe they will make more arrests after looking at security vision from the shopping centre
When you have large groups like that, they have that mob mentality where they really don't care about other people and that's why we were there,'' he said. We read the situation correctly and certainly had the resources to deal with it affirmatively.''

Police seized two baseball bats and a number of home-made weapons from the scene.
Those arrested ranged in age from 16 to 22 and they have been charged with a combination of affray, assault police and resist arrest offences.
One of the juveniles, aged 16 will appear in Parramatta Children's Court today, while three of the men, aged 20 and 19, will appear at Mt Druitt Local Court later today.

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