An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Andrew Bolt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Bolt. Show all posts

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Geert Wilders Down Under : Australia's Dhimmi Jews turn on Wilders

If Wilders is wrong, explain this conference

Andrew Bolt 
Geert Wilders, the Dutch political leader now on a speaking tour of Australia, has not only had his speeches blockaded by violent demonstrators trying to stop Australians from hearing him.
He has not only been vilified in the media for trying to warn that Islam as an ideology is a menace to Western values and freedoms - from the freedom to speak to even identify as gay.
Depressingly, he has even been shunned by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Jewish community leaders. It seems to me that political or community advantage is being put before principle - and fear is preventing a rational discussion of Wilders’ message.
It’s driven Abbott, even Abbott, to misrepresent what Wilders is in fact saying and play blind to the issue he actually raises - which is about the nature of Islam, not its followers:
Mr Abbott said Wilders’ was “substantially” wrong about Islam and the preparedness of Muslims living in Australia to integrate.
“He is entitled to his view but I think that the Muslims in this country see themselves rightly as fair dinkum, dinky-di Australians, just as the Catholics and the Jews and Protestants and the atheists, we see ourselves as Australians,” Mr Abbott told host Neil Mitchell.

This hypocrisy and fear is exposed best by what is misleadingly called a ”Peace Conference and Exhibition” being organised in Melbourne in March.
The conference is advertised on billboards in Broadmeadows, Altona, Dandenong and South Melbourne and is organised by the Islamic Information Services Network of Australasia and Islamic Research and Educational Academy. It is also and backed by the Islamic Council of Victoria and a range of other Muslim groups, mosques and communities.
It is fronted by Melbourne Muslim activist Wazeem Razvi, who in a recorded speech, boasted of the range of speakers:

Our guest speakers are … more than 15 international speakers, the chief guest that we have is Abdul Rahman Al-Sudays, the imam of Mecca ... and the big news is alhumdulillah he has agreed to come to Australia and he has agreed to come to our Islamic conference … Also Brother Imran from India, Sheikh Abdul Hadi who is one of the speakers from PeaceTV from UK, Sheikh Anwar Sahib from New Zealand , one of the speakers from the Islamic Online University, run by Dr Bilal Philips … Brother Eddie [Eddie Redzovic] from USA, Sheikh Hussain Yee of Malaysia, the Buddhist convert to Islam, Sheikh Abdul Aziz, the Board of Imams president in Australia … Sheikh Issa from the Werribee mosque, Abu Hamza from IISNA , Abu Ayman from Ahl As-Sunnah wal Jama’ , Sheikh Mohamad Abou Eid from Preston mosque, and ... Sheikh Mishari Alafasy from Kuwait, … Mishari from Emirates Dubai in the UAE … Sheikh ‘Assim alHakeem, the English speaker from Saudi Arabia…
We have to invite Dr Zakir Naik from India. He is, I reckon, inshallah, a very good scholar of Islam and comparative religion. He is my boss’ boss, so we are definitely going to invite him....
The big news is, alhumdulillah, that we have approached the Prime Minister, Miss Julia Gillard, now this word has to be made between us, don’t let it go out, alhumdulillah, she has agreed to be present in the conference ...

With such wide backing, and so many prominent speakers, it would be fair to say it represents Muslim thought today in Australia and the world.
And when you check precisely what a number of the speakers have said, you come up with a picture of Islam remarkably similar to the one Geert Wilders is trying to warn against.

Take the main organiser himself.
In a lecture recorded last December in Melbourne, Waseem Razvi, who supports Sharia law in Australia, said Islam allowed violence in defence of the faith:
You don’t have to try to convince by being compromising on Islam … you don’t have to say that Islam is all about peace, “no we don’t fight, we are not violent.” You know, the Prophet fought 30 wars … yes, we are not non-violent, we are violent but when there is a need for it. We are battles people. We are not like Buddhists wearing an orange dress and always saying we want peace, and you never get your own country. No, we fight for our country. We have in Islam Jihad, yes, but we will never do terrorism. Yes Jihad is very Islamic, so you don’t have to retreat from that.
Here are some facts you should know about the other invited speakers.

Al-Azhar Sheikh Abdur-Rahman Al-Sudais
, imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, is the highest-ranking cleric in the Sunni Muslim world. He has prayed to God to “terminate” the Jews and is a virulent anti-Semite to judge from his sermons:

[Jews are] the scum of the human race, the rats of the world, the violators of pacts and agreements, the murderers of the prophets, and the offspring of apes and pigs…

Read history and you will understand that the Jews of yesterday are the evil fathers of the Jews of today, who are evil offspring, infidels, distorters of [others’] words, calf-worshippers, prophet-murderers, prophecy-deniers... the scum of the human race ‘whom Allah cursed and turned into apes and pigs...’ These are the Jews, an ongoing continuum of deceit, obstinacy, licentiousness, evil, and corruption...

Another invited speaker is Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem, who says the punishment for gays is death:

In a video on YouTube in which he is asked whether being gay is wrong, Al-Hakeem says homosexuality is ‘unnatural’.
‘If you refer to the Old Testament, you will find that homosexuality is forbidden and the punishment for that is stoning to death. In Islam, the same thing applies.
He added: ‘Homosexuality is an abnormality which should be treated and should not be accepted as a normal thing.’

In answer to a question on his website, Al-Hakeem also compares gay people to ‘animals that seek only their sexual satisfaction through their weird ways’.

What is the penalty on a person who change his religion from islam to some other religion ?
This is apostasy and it is punishable by death in an Islamic society.

Another invited speaker - described by the conference organiser as “my boss’s boss” - is Sheikh Zakir Naik, who has said he was a supporter of Osama bin Laden if he was attacking enemies of Islam:

Every Muslim should be a terrorist.

It is a blatant, open secret that this attack on the Twin Towers was done by George Bush himself.

Another invited speaker is Abu Hamza from Melbourne-based IISNA, who has offered Muslims advice on ”how to beat your wife” to make them “shape up”:

In a lecture titled “The Keys to a Successful Marriage”, ... Mr Hamza said men could beat their wives, “to shape them up"…
He also said women “must respond” if their husbands wanted to have sex, and ridiculed laws that prohibit rape within marriage…
In the sermon Mr Hamza initially tells his listeners “don’t hit your wife”.
But he goes on to detail how men should hit their wives, according to his interpretation of Islamic teachings.
He says it is permissible to hit women as a “last resort” but that “the beating the Mohammed showed is like the toothbrush that you use to brush your teeth”.

“You are not allowed to bruise them, you are not allowed to make them bleed...”

The most extreme nation in this world is the Jews. So if they use ‘extremists,’ it doesn’t apply to Muslims. It applies to the Jews. They are the extremists of the world. That’s why they kill Palestinians every day.... [Jews] go to Hell.

I dispute any evil action linked to bin Laden.

He is a good man in some ways, and not in other ways.
But the choice of Philips is even odder given the United States named him as an “unindicted co-conspirator” over the 1993 bombing of New York’s World Trade Centre, and our own security agencies judged him such a threat he was banned from coming here.
Philips insists he rejects terrorism and considers al-Qaida a “deviate” group. But ...  he was hired by the Saudi air force during the first Gulf War to preach to American soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia and convert them to Islam…
Philips didn’t just take down their names; he also visited them back in America. “My role was confined to encouraging them to train Muslim-American volunteers and go to Bosnia to help the mujahidin and take part in the war (against Serbia),” he boasted. That worked, too.
Philips says his name was dragged into the investigation of the first World Trade Centre bombing, in which six people were killed, because some African-American soldiers he’d converted were offered by someone else to Sheik Abdel Rahmen, spiritual head of the terrorists behind the attack....

Anglican vicar Mark Durie, a student of Islam, has questions about the conference:

If interfaith visitors do visit the Melbourne Showground for the ‘Peace Conference’ they might inquire what Koranic verses they are being asked to listen to, and whether the following passages will be included:

Jews are pact breakers – Sura 5:13 and 2:27
Allah turned some Jews into apes (and pigs) (the inference being that some of today’s Jews are descendants of those people who were turned into apes and pigs: hence they referred to as ‘grandsons’ or ‘descendants’ ‘of apes and pigs’) – Sura 2:65, 5:60 and 7:166
Jews are murders of the prophets – Sura 3:181, 2:55

What sense are the people of Melbourne meant to make of the proposition that they needn’t worry that the preacher [ Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid, who will recite the Koran at the conference] has called for the annihilation of Jews, because he was only speaking Arabic?
But for me there are even bigger questions. Why are politicians, journalists and Jewish leaders now demonising Geert Wilders for warning against exactly the ideology of Islam as preached by many speakers at this conference?
Why do they pretend Wilders has misrepresented Islam when the very things he describes are preached openly?
Why are they silent over or even complicit in attempts to silence or frighten Wilders - who has not advocated violence - yet apparently happy that true hate-preachers who preach death for gays, Jews and enemies of Islam may speak freely in this country?
Why the hypocrisy? Why the fear?
(An earlier version of this post misidentified Sheikh Abdur-Rahman Al-Sudais.)

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The Bolt Report Pts. 1,2 & 3 Sept 30 2012.

Enemies use broadcaster Alan Jones's stupidity to smear Opposition Leader Tony Abbott

Andrew Bolt From
01, 2012 12:00AM

I'VE long respected broadcaster Alan Jones for his courage. Jones is also a colleague of mine on 2GB.

But telling the Sydney University Liberal Club President's dinner the Prime Minister's father had "died a few weeks ago of shame" for his daughter was cruel and shameful.
Even so, I'm also suspicious of the spin put on it by enemies of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

Here's what Jones said of Ms Gillard's father, John: "The old man recently died a few weeks ago of shame. To think that he has a daughter who told lies every time she stood for Parliament."

The Young Liberals listening may well be young, but the audio shows most still had the judgment to gasp or laugh in astonishment at such a vicious remark.

Jones has now apologised and said he feels "shame". But at the dinner, he protested at the students' reaction: "No, no look, hang on, this is where we are weak. The federal party's been brainwashed by the media to 'Oh back off, she's a woman, go easy'."

If Jones knew the Opposition was under that pressure, he should also have known his attack was not just in appallingly bad taste, but also appalling politics. Mr Abbott, a friend of Jones, is already being falsely smeared by Labor as too aggressive and too nasty to women - part of a tactic to build sympathy for Ms Gillard among women voters.

Down rocky road to ruin

Never mind the many equally vicious attacks from Labor and its media mates on former prime minister John Howard and Mr Abbott, actually an acutely moral man.

Indeed, not one newspaper last month even bothered reporting that former union official Rebecca Mifsud, wife of Immigration Minister Chris Bowen, retweeted a vile attack on Jones.
"Alan Jones age 71," her retweet noted. "Average lifespan for an Australian male 79. Patience my pretties."

So I'm a little sceptical now - not about the justified anger, but the use some make of it.

Take Liberal frontbencher Malcolm Turnbull's tweet yesterday: "Alan Jones' comments about the late John Gillard were cruel and offensive. He should apologise to the PM and her family."

Mr Turnbull's attack did what I suspect may have been his intention.

The Australian's Peter van Onselen was one of many to jump to the next step, tweeting: "Well done Malcolm Turnbull for coming out quickly & condemning Alan Jones. Let's see how long others take to do the same . . . " Others meaning Mr Abbott, now under pressure to attack a staunch ally.

Oddly enough, Mr Turnbull last month pressured Mr Abbott to also attack another ally, MP Cory Bernadi, by just as quickly damning Senator Bernardi's comments on gay marriage and bestiality.
Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr went even further, demanding Mr Abbott "apologise to the Prime Minister" for what Jones said to Liberal students, claiming it showed Mr Abbott "associated with extremists".

Fast work, turning Jones's stupidity into a smear of Mr Abbott.
Yes, Jones's attack on Ms Gillard was shocking. Just don't take all the criticism at face value.
Yes, what Alan Jones said was shameful. No excuse for it.

But if the topic is hate speech, can the Fairfax newspapers explain why they illustrate articles on Jones with these photographs?

Vilification by carefully selected photographs of the most unflattering kind seems kind of puerile.


Why do so many Fairfax and ABC journalists seem to love Alan Jones being so nasty? Because it lets them be every bit as vile and return - and still feel virtuous as well. Take this tweet by an ABC presenter, retweeted by an Age journalist: 

An occasional Fairfax columnist and frequent ABC guest can even appeal to the inner homophobe and feel she’s just doing the moral thing: 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bolt Report 23912,Andrew Bolt,Australia's only Conservative TV Political commentator discusses issues of the day.

We should not bow to the Bullies of Islam

Andrew Bolt
Daily Telegraph
September 20 2012

The most frightening thing said about the Sydney riot against the Innocence Of Muslims video wasn't said by a Muslim, No, give the booby prize to Communications Minister Stephen Conroy.             

His spokesman announced Conroy wanted Google to "review its terms of service'' to consider pulling the "clearly offensive" clip from YouTube. Hey, that is exactly what one of the world's top terrorist leaders wants as well.

The distribution of this entire film must be banned by the Americans — they slandered the   
purity of his birth, slandered his faith and his morals," demanded Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Monday.              

When our own Communications  Minister and a terror chief in Lebanon speak as one about          banning an obscure video to placate furious Muslims who haven't seen it we are already halfway to lost.            
Even in America we see this same disgraceful scramble to placate mobs threatening to cut our throats at home or burning Western embassies abroad.

The Obama administration falsely blamed Innocence of the Muslims for triggering a deadly al-Qaeda assault on September 11 on the US consulate in Benghazi.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton repeatedly denounced the ultra-low budget film, as if it was the cause of the lethal Muslim rage and not an excuse for it.

Meanwhile, brown-shirted US authorities raided the filmmaker's home after midnight to take him away for questioning over alleged breaches of this jailbird's probation.

Message received. Make a film attacking Islam and if you aren't hacked to death in the street like Dutch director Theo van Gogh,your own police could drag you out of your bed.

You'll kill us if we don't removethe film? OK, we'll try. We'll even rough up the filmmaker for you.You won't have to cut our throats,because we'll cut them for you.

What sort of message does Conroy think he's sending? May as well ask Nasrallah what else he wants banned.

Already Prime Minister Julia Gillard has dutifully echoed Nasrallah's contempt for a film I'm
almost certain she's also never seen calling Innocence Of Muslims "truly repulsive",

Repulsive? But that the film is (undoubtedly) bad and rude is no reason to wish it suppressed.

If we let jihadists stop us watching trash,we've let them decide for us what trash is.

Trouble is, for a Nasrallah,"trash" includes even prize-winning novels such as Sir Salman
Rushdie's The Satanic Verses and the illustrations of Danish cartoonists who mocked Islam and Islamic fanatics.

That book and those cartoons were also attacked with a murderous rage.

Rushdie was sentenced to death by Iran and in this latest orgy of outrage an Iranian religious foundation upped the reward for his killing to $3.5 million. One of his translators has been murdered, and two others wounded.

The Danish cartoonists have also been hunted byjihadists sent to kill them, and three Muslims were jailed over a bomb plot to punish Denmark for its impiety.

Sadly, such violence has worked. Rushdie was asked by the British government to write an apology to Muslims for his novel — and some leftist intellectuals attacked him for his rudeness.

Australian newspapers still refuse to show the Danish cartoons,and Yale University Press didn't dare publish them — even in Jytte Klausen's history The Cartoons That Shook The World.

How careful our publishers and artists have become in their efforts not to offend such extremists.
Scholastic Australia scrapped an adventure thriller, Army Of The Pure, after booksellers and l ibrarians said they would not stock  a book with an Islamist terrorist as  the "baddie", and the Melbourne Comedy Festival banned two acts that joked about Muslims.

Yes, that's the same festival that's staged Catherine Deveny's foul-mouthed tirade against
Christianity, God Is Bullshit. The only difference: Christians don't kill their critics.

Yet every such concession to threats and demands for censorship just invites more.

First, The Satanic Verses had to  be outlawed. Then the Muhammad cartoons. 
Now Innocence Of Musiims. Next — who knows, Dante's Inferno, the great
Renaissance masterpiece?

Quick, read it before the likes of Conroy decree even Dante's famous descriptions of the damned in hell are too dangerously offensive:
i saw one there so burst wide,From the chin severed down to
where we fart...Look at Mahommed and his mangled trunk!...
And all the other souls you witness here
Sowed scandaf, discord, schism when afive,
And therefore they are cioven as you see.

Yes, to hell with bigots who threaten us with death for saying
and reading as we please.
Give in once and we'll give in forever. Trash handed over today,
treasure tomorrow.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Bolt Report August 19 2012

The Islamic Colonization of Australia marches on with the full facilitation of  Australia's Union GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Independent Minority Socialist "Co Party" Government.

".........when you look at the figures that have been given for Malaysia their talking about 100,000 people there now as against 20,000 four years ago..........."

Philip Ruddock The  Bolt  Report Pt.1 August 19 2012

and Piracy is just fine too as Labor's celebrity go to man, former Labor Senator Graham Richardson says
"Whatever it takes"

Interesting to see Labor's Warren Mundine calling for his Union / GetUp funded  Labor Party, to divorce itself from it's "Co Party" the Greens.
I wonder does he still support the works and ideology of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Mundine and others are very impressed with Hugo Chavez, so much so they wrote the following letter to him:

Dear President Chávez, 
We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country. We have watched developments in Venezuela with great interest. We have been impressed by the great effort that your government has taken to improve the living standards of the majority of Venezuelans. We have also noted with keen attention the moves that your government has begun to make to create a society based on popular participation in all spheres of society—from the workplace up to the national government.
Although we are on the opposite side of the globe we feel that our shared ideals of social justice and democracy bring us close together. Every country has its own traditions and culture and has to find its own solutions, but what Venezuela has been able to achieve in so little time will be a source of inspiration and ideas for many in Australia.
In this light we believe that a visit to our country by yourself would not only help to improve the awareness of the Australian people of developments in Venezuela, but also be an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen the ties of friendship and solidarity between our two peoples. 
Warren Mundine - National President of the ALP in 2006 and many many others
Read what gets that shiver down their spines,or is it up their leg ? either way it's easy to understand why Australia's Union GetUp funded Socialist Party starts salivating at the very mention of Hugo's name with stunts like this 


Monday, August 13, 2012

The Bolt Report Pt.1 2 and 3 August 12 2012, Greg Rudd,Lindsay Fox,Peter Reith,Kevin Morgan NBN Co.and even more Labor Green Loon disasters

Labor's National Broadband F**K Up

Things must be bad if Billionaire Labor supporter,Lindsay Fox is complaining.
Interesting, his solution to the Islamic Colonization of Australia is not to STOP it but to legitimise it by allowing them to continue to enter Australia and after so many years grant them resident status,Lindsay says they should settle in outback areas of Australia, Indonesia already calls Australia's top end, South Irian, Lindsay just wants to formalise it I guess by giving them the land.

While we are talking about Freedom From Free Speech laws in Australia: Bolt Told to stay silent on Aboriginal boxer's "Flag" Tee Shirt at London Olympics.

When TOO Many Rudd's are Barely Enough
Rudd related to former stripper

The Daily Telegraph
August 21, 2007

KEVIN Rudd's sister-in-law yesterday admitted to her secret past as a stripper, saying it was a period of her life she regretted.
Okhola Rudd, the wife of the federal opposition leader's brother Greg, said had she spent several months at a Brisbane strip club in 2001 working as an "exotic dancer".

"I didn't need to dance as an exotic dancer, it was just a stage that I went through," Mrs Rudd, 30, said.
"Some people go through drugs, some people choose to dance as an exotic dancer. It was fun for me.
"I am from the part of the world where I had never experienced that kind of stuff, so I just did it because it was there and it was fun to do."
Mrs Rudd is completing a masters degree in organisational psychology at Brisbane's Griffith University.
Read more:
Kevin Rudd didn't know brother's wife was a Stripper

The Australian 
August 22, 2007 

KEVIN Rudd's brother never told him that his wife had worked as a stripper because he wanted to protect the Opposition Leader's political career.

Greg Rudd yesterday defended his wife's former profession, arguing that many smart young women did it and found it an "enriching" experience.

Greg Rudd's wife, Okhola, spent several months at a Brisbane strip club in 2001 working as an "exotic dancer".

The pair say they first met in a Brisbane coffee shop.

But yesterday Greg Rudd told The Australian that he was a part-owner of a restaurant across the road from the strip club. He said his restaurant provided catering for the women who worked at Universal Girls, including his wife.

"I never actually told Kevin because I have been conscious of the journey Kevin is on* and I've been conscious that there's some things he didn't need to know," he said. "Not because I thought Kevin would be shocked, because I told my mum and she just shook her head and went, 'that's typical of you'. 

"I leased a restaurant in Brisbane called Pages on Mary.

"Across the road was a strip club that opened virtually at the same time.

"We used to provide food for a lot of the girls, a lot of our patrons would go across there, and vice versa."

Greg Rudd said spending time in a strip club was a "bit like going for a free therapy session".

"A lot of guys talk to strippers about a whole pile of stuff that they wouldn't talk to anyone else about -- all the hassles they are having at home, the hassles they are having at work. In my experience, there was probably more talk that went on than any touching of flesh."

He said many university students found stripping beneficial.

"It helps economically, of course, but it's also an enriching experience because where else do young women at university in particular get access to professional guys who are CEOs where they can talk openly and honestly to them?"

Greg Rudd, 53, said when he first saw the headlines about his younger brother's visit to the New York strip club Scores, hethought the reports were about him. He said his Botswana-born wife had tried exotic dancing because she had wanted a different life experience.

"African women love dancing and they are not afraid of flesh so it's not hard to understand why she thought it would be interesting," Greg Rudd said.

Ms Rudd came to Australia on a student visa in 1998 under a Botswanan government scholarship to study psychology. She is now completing a masters degree in organisational psychology at Brisbane's Griffith University.
Exotic dancing in the family for Rudd

Martin Philip 
The Courier-Mail 
August 21, 2007 

KEVIN Rudd's sister-in-law yesterday admitted to her secret past as a stripper, saying it was a period of her life she regretted.

Okhola Rudd, the wife of the federal Opposition Leader's brother Greg, yesterday told The Courier-Mail she spent several months at a Brisbane strip club in 2001 working as an "exotic dancer".

But Mrs Rudd denied meeting her husband for the first time while on the podium, insisting the pair met in a Brisbane coffee shop.

The 30-year-old Botswanan-born woman said she had been drawn into the world of exotic dancing out of curiosity rather than necessity.

"I didn't need to dance as an exotic dancer, it was just a stage that I went through," she said.

"Some people go through drugs, some people choose to dance as an exotic dancer. It was fun for me. I am from the part of the world where I had never experienced that kind of stuff, so I just did it because it was there and it was fun to do.

"Do I regret doing it? Yes. If I was to do it all over again, I probably wouldn't go back and dance in a strip club, but it happened and I'm not proud of it but I guess I just have to work with the repercussions that come with that."

Mrs Rudd came to Australia on a student visa in 1998 under a Botswanan government scholarship.

She is completing a Masters degree in organisational psychology at Brisbane's Griffith University.

Greg Rudd yesterday said his wife had been unfairly dragged into the federal election campaign.

"Yes, I love Okhola. No, I have no regrets," he said.

Kevin Rudd said: "I love my brother. He and his wife have a loving relationship, their marriage is a matter for them."

Okhola Rudd 


BPsych (UQ), PostGradDipPsych (Bond University), MOrgPsych (Griffith University)

Organisational Psychology, Career Counselling


Course Developer

Ms Okhola Rudd is registered psychologist and member of Australian Psychological Society (APS). Okhola holds a Bachelor of Psychology (UQ), Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Bond University) and a Masters of Organisational Psychology (Griffith University). Her field experience includes performing a range of duties related to career counselling, psychological assessment, psychological feedback reports and change management and organisational diagnosis.

The other Rudd
Ben Fordham speaks with Greg Rudd about his play for a seat in the Queensland senate.

So Just what IS Lu Kewen’s idea of a “GOOD time” Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 is a much publicized Church going man of strong Religious spirituality and conviction, whilst he has usually been seen on TV news every Sunday Night exiting a Church with Madame Rein on his arm he has said that he could just as easily fall to his knees at a Mosque (should the photo opportunity arise) So Lu Kewen’s Religiosity really depends upon who is looking at any particular time.

The true Character of a man can be best judged by observing how he behaves when he thinks no one is watching him.

So what does Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 / Rudd do when he thinks no one is watching him? I know, I know ,what you are thinking “what Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 / Rudd does AFTER he goes to whatever Church he feels is best to be filmed walking out of every Sunday, by Australia’s main stream media and the Lefts taxpayer funded ABC / SBS networks is none of Australia’s Business……….

"I never actually told Kevin because I have been conscious of the journey Kevin is on..." Greg Rudd.
Was this Kevin's Journey ?

What Rudd might have seen
By Glenn Milne 
The Sunday Telegraph 
August 19, 2007 

SCORES in Manhattan is variously described as "a strip club", "a haven for horny high rollers" and "one of several gentlemen's clubs which changed the face of adult entertainment during the early 1990s".

It's also full-on. 

One Australian who's been there described the "entertainment" to The Sunday Telegraph: "The girls start with dresses on. Then they come off and they don't have any bras on - just a g-string. 

"Then they start dancing, rubbing their breasts into the customers' faces, lap dancing. 

"The guys have their hands all over their backsides and their legs. 

"All the girls specialise in turning around, bending over to face the customer and then there's lots of butt slapping. 

"They open the men's legs apart. 

"The manager - a big guy - comes around and asks whether you want a blonde or brunette. 

"There are private rooms you can go to." 

In January this year, some of the "dancers" were charged with prostitution-related offences at the club, described in one newspaper report as an "implant paradise". 

According to the report, in The New York Post, four strippers and two of their bosses were charged for "offering to take undercover officers, who were acting on a tip, into a back room and pleasure them for money". 

The price was $US200 ($250) to $US700 ($880) depending on the "act". 

A so-called "Platinum Package" in one of those rooms costs $US195 ($246) for three hours. 

According to the Scores website: "If privacy is what you seek then look no further than the President's Club. 

"Enjoy the up close and personal company of your favourite Scores girl or girls." 

"Tipping is made easy at Scores with Diamond Dollars. 

"Use your credit card instead of your cash. Best of all, it's discreet!" 

One customer review on the NY City Search site notes: "Scores has the best bouncers among all gentleman clubs in NY City. 

"They do not interfere unless you really cross the limit." 

The club has hosted celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan and US shock jock Howard Stern, who regularly promotes the venue in his program. 

But Scores also has a dark side. 

There have been allegations of mafia connections in the past. 

There have also been civil lawsuits filed against the club from customers alleging contested credit card charges of as much as $US129,000 ($162,000).

Monday, August 06, 2012

The Bolt Report 1, 2 and 3 featuring Wayne Springsteen and Bill the Pie Man Shorten

Treasurer is more goose or a turkey than a Swan

Piers Akerman
The Sunday Telegraph
August 05, 2012 1

WAYNE Swan has sunk the ideals of the Labor Party and shown enormous disrespect, if not ignorance, of the legacy of one of Labor's more recent heroes, John Button, with his bizarre channelling of US rocker Bruce Springsteen.

Given the opportunity to make a substantial contribution to a party which its own leaders openly acknowledge lost its way under former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, and has failed dismally to find it since, Swan has left it mired in the marshlands of New Jersey.

Unfortunately, he demonstrated he was as ignorant of New Jersey as he was of many other areas when he attempted to link multi-millionaire Springsteen's banal lyrics with social dysfunction in Australia. That he did so while delivering the annual John Button lecture made the comparison between the current Treasurer and acting Prime Minister's contribution to Australian politics and Button's legacy inevitable. To put it extremely mildly, Swan is no Button.

Button was a senior minister in the truly reforming Labor governments of Bob Hawke and Paul Keating. Swan has been Treasurer under Rudd and Julia Gillard - neither of whom could be regarded as reformers - and has been at the helm as the nation's economy has gone from a healthy surplus to a record level of debt.

Button was a thinker and a doer, whose passions were (tragically) the Geelong football team, cricket and literature. He made a significant reputation as a barrister and solicitor in Victoria before he entered politics. Swan has been an academic but his life has been one of Labor Party jobs, nothing in the real world.

Swan and the Labor Party are running on empty. The only political strategy they have is a desire to wedge the Opposition and focus their attack on its leader Tony Abbott as Swan did with his Button lecture.

Curiously, he didn't mention the fact that Button was a great fan of the very same budgie smugglers that Labor now finds so repellent. He would often find time to sunbake on the roof of the Old Parliament House before the ALP decided that wearing the brief swimmers symbolised something dark and oppressive.

Swan's and Labor's cheer squad have now seized on the NDIS and the Gonski review into education as examples of the ALP's reforming agenda. In fact they are prime examples of the ALP's enormous propaganda campaign.

Putting it bluntly, Gillard's Labor-Green-independent minority government unveiled both policy programs with enormous fanfare but has singularly failed to explain how either will be permanently funded. All spin, no substance. A lot like Swan's Button address.

What was Swan on about? Every person under 30 was lost. Springsteen is not on their radar. Swan has kicked an own goal. He identified himself as being out of touch - that's the view of the thirty-somethings I know. Just like his cabinet colleague Craig Emerson did two weeks ago.

What we are seeing is a Labor karaoke club of Swan and Emerson, and what we are left wondering is which Labor luminary will next break into song or dance and entertain the masses with a muse?

Disregarding reality and distracting the Canberra cognoscenti with pseudo-intellectual nonsense designed for a morning television show audience is no way to win back a nation tired of Labor nonsense. Nonsense that has resulted in a devastating litany of failed policies from border protection to the NBN to the education revolution and pink batts, to list just a few from the depressing list of waste and national decay.

When Swan plunged back into an era which even Springsteen has eschewed in favour of huge personal wealth vast homes, expensive cars, private jets and international tax havens, he ignored the fact that New Jersey residents are statistically better off than Australians. Their per capita GDP is $53,000 while ours is $41,000, but perhaps those numbers are beyond the Treasurer's intellectual grasp.

New Jersey is regarded as a go-ahead state that has shaken off the dead hand of politicians who would not be out of place in the ALP. Button was a giant compared to the pygmies like Rudd and Swan who now infest the leadership ranks of the ALP.

Masterly chefs prepare a delicacy by stuffing a boned duck into a boned turkey. It is known as a turducken. In politics, a swan which is really more goose and turkey is called a Wayne.

Offended New Jersey says Treasurer Wayne Swan's a working-class zero

Gemma Jones
The Daily Telegraph
August 03, 2012

SPRINGSTEEN super fan Wayne Swan has been ridiculed by US politicians over remarks he made about the US state of New Jersey.

Mr Swan lit the spark that has drawn reaction from the office of the New Jersey governor and Republican senate leader when he said this week: "Don't let Australia become a Down Under version of New Jersey, where the people and the communities whose skills are no longer in demand get thrown on the scrap heap of life."

A spokesman for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said: "Give me a break. I'd like to know if he has any knowledge of New Jersey beyond what he's heard in a Bruce Springsteen song."

The state's senate Republican leader also mocked Mr Swan, saying: "Apparently the electoral 'silly season' is not a uniquely American phenomenon."

A New Jersey newspaper columnist asked: "Was this a blunder from Down Under, or maybe just someone fleeing a lifetime of Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport?"
Locals in Freehold, where Springsteen spent most of his childhood, said it had changed dramatically since the 1960s, when "The Boss" wrote songs about racial tension, guns on the street, closing manufacturing businesses and "whitewashed windows and vacant stores".

Hotel worker Carolyn McGackin, 39, said Springsteen's childhood hometown had been transformed since the 1960s with racial tolerance, a shopping mall, competitive businesses, good schools and employment.

"Freehold is a lot kinder, a lot more accepting," she said.

Mr Swan, who compared himself to Springsteen when speaking of his defence of the working class in a speech in Melbourne, has visited New Jersey, a spokesman said.

"The Treasurer will go in to bat for Daily Telegraph readers ... while [Tony] Abbott and others are going into bat for billionaires who they have promised huge tax cuts at the expense of working people," he said.

Australian Federal Treasurer and Deputy PM, Comrade Wayne Swansteen seen here in familiar territory floating aimlessly and  "all at sea"

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