An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts

Thursday, October 04, 2012

UPDATED Four Little Aussie Girls ordered back to Italy forcibly removed by Family Court from Mother and family Shocking Video

Mother of four girls ordered back to Italy clings to AFP car as her daughters are taken away

Kate Kyriacou, on Flight EK433 
October 04, 2012 12:01PM

THE plane carrying the four sisters ordered back to Italy has landed in Singapore for a brief stopover.


The girls looked miserable but were quiet as they were escorted off the plane ahead of other passengers.
The two older girls appeared to have been separated from their younger sister ALL were travelling with minders. The children are travelling on flight EK433, which stopped at Singapore en route from Brisbane to Dubai. A second leg will then take them to Rome.

Earlier, The Courier-Mail reported how the girls cried for their mother, cried for home and begged uniformed officers to let them go.

As the four sisters at the centre of an international custody ruling were last night dragged screaming onto Emirates flight EK 433 to Dubai, uniformed officers were forced to lift and drag the girls to get them to the plane.

Passengers at gate 75 watched on in alarm as up to a dozen federal officers were used to move the girls to the nearby Emirates lounge to await boarding.

"Let me go, I want my mum, I want my mum," one of the younger girls wailed, each arm held securely by a federal officer.

The girls were led out one at a time, the eldest sister escorted up an escalator restrained by four police officers.

"Let me go, I want to go home," the hysterical girl screamed.

Later, as they moved her back past waiting passengers, the screaming girl begged to be released.

"Please let go. You're hurting me. I don't want to go."

The officers holding her by the arms were forced to drag the girl when she used her feet to stop their progress.

Passengers stared as the girls were led up a nearby escalator, many murmuring the scene was "awful" and terrible.

Others, visibly distressed, made phone calls to recount the terrible scene to loved ones.

"I really would be very concerned about them and I think there might be a risk that they try to abscond" - leading child psychologist fears stressed sisters are a flight risk.  

Last night, it was reported that the mother of the four girls clung in desperation to the rear of an Australian Federal Police unmarked car as it drove away with three of the girls inside.

Just hours later, all four girls were taken straight to Brisbane International Airport and through a special high-security entrance.

Two cars arrived at the private entrance and two young girls struggled as they were pulled from a dark-coloured Ford Territory by several men in suits at 8.43pm.

The second car  its occupants unknown  pulled out of sight behind a roller door.

Earlier, their mother collapsed in the road sobbing, the end of a day of unfathomable anxiety and stress, as her children were driven away.

The Courier-Mail also witnessed one of the girls trying to escape from the rear of another car before she was restrained by one of two male officers in the vehicle.

They had just detained the girl after she tried to flee the apartment where they found her and her sisters.

She banged on the rear window of the vehicle as it drove off, tearfully crying out that she wanted to talk to the journalist.

The four girls had spent their last hours of freedom together waiting in fear at the home of an elderly family friend.

They watched the TV news as they waited for the knock on the door that would signal their deportation.

This final refuge for the girls, who spent weeks in hiding with their great-grandmother this year when the court first ordered they be returned, was a unit in a retirement village on the Sunshine Coast.

The normally tranquil surrounds were yesterday evening a scene of tears, anxiety and defiance.

The eldest girl spoke briefly to The Courier-Mail but was too fearful of the consequences for her mother, who the court has banned from talking to the media, to give any information.

"I'll get my mum in trouble, I have to go," she said.

The woman looking after them, a close friend of their great-grandmother, said all the information the girls had about their fate was coming from the media.

"All we're knowing is what's on the news," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

"We watched the five o-clock news, the four-thirty news and the six o'clock news," she said.

She said they were expecting police to come and detain them any minute.

 "We're just waiting for the police and they haven't come and I don't know why they haven't come," she said.

She predicted police would have a fight on their hands when they arrived.

"We're not going," one of the girls said.

The woman said she had agreed to mind the girls as all of the family was at the Family Court in Brisbane.

"They're the loveliest little girls, they've been very good, but they're very anxious and they just want to see their mum, and I just want their mother to come. I don't want to give them over until their mother comes."

A close friend of the girls' mother told The Courier-Mail the looming prospect of being returned to Italy against their wishes had made the girls anxious and withdrawn in recent days.

The friend, who has been close to the family since their arrival in Australia two years ago, saw the girls on Saturday for a barbecue after they had been on a camping trip with their mother.

"They were withdrawn, clingy, very cuddly, it was Mummy this and Mummy that," she told The Courier-Mail.

"Even a holiday didn't make any difference.

"It's been emotional turmoil for the kids and for their mother. They don't know whether they're Arthur or Martha.

"What do you expect from little kids being taken away from their Mum?"

The friend said the girls loved their father but didn't want to live with him.

Their mother had "never once influenced her kids in any single way or brainwashed them against their father", she said.

"This whole thing is unfair.

"Let the Australian people know that these girls have never had a choice from the beginning, it's been all about the Hague and it's been all about everybody's wishes but theirs."

The removal of the girls would take a heavy toll on their mother, she said.

"I'm getting someone to watch my kids tonight because I need to be with (the mother)."

Initial reporting - Tuck Thompson, Mark Solomons

A JUDGE sending four Italian girls home against their wishes "sincerely hopes" their distraught mother will return with them after their father agreed not to lay criminal charges.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Alan Jones on the Economic Vandalism of the Australian Labor Green Loon Govt.

Andrew Moore Barnaby Joyce, Australia Socialisms road to Serfdom

Straight talking Barnaby Joyce, tells it like it is (or should be)

Pink Down Under

Why Pink just can't get enough of Australia

Jonathon Moran 
The Sunday Telegraph
 September 30, 2012 12:00AM

SHE smashed records with her 58-show run of Australia and now Pink plans to up the ante with her next tour.

The pop superstar set a new benchmark when she played an astounding number of shows nationally in 2009, selling more than 650,000 tickets.

A friend of mine saw Pink a few years back and said it was the best concert he had ever seen bar none.

"Hell yeah, we are putting it all together now," Pink tells Insider of her Australian tour plans. "I am honestly just trying to figure out how to top the last tour and stay alive. It was so fun, I had such a good time on that show."

Dates for Pink's 2013 Australian shows will be announced this week with the singer to kick off her The Truth About Love world tour in Phoenix on February 13.

Pink's new album, The Truth About Love, and tour mark her return to work after giving birth to daughter Willow in June last year.

Known for her physically gruelling shows, Pink jokes she needed to get into shape for the tour.

"I am going to take my little fat arse to the gym today but other than that I am pretty lazy these days," she says. "We are conceptualising and putting it (the tour) all together. It is definitely a process with us because we go at it from every angle, from the storyline to the songs to the pace and to what song lends itself to what acrobatic."

Pink arrived in Sydney on Tuesday, flying in to spend time with her daughter and husband Carey Hart ahead of her Australian promotional trip that kicks off tomorrow with a planned media blitz.

The album today tops the ARIA Album Chart for the second week running with her new track, Try, sitting at No.11 on the singles chart.

"I'm sorry. I am apologising ahead of time for anybody that is sick of me. I couldn't wait to get back. It felt so rad bringing Willow here because it is kind of our second home."

The family is making the most of their time here, renting a beachside home in Sydney's north.

It's been an opportunity for Pink and Hart to show off the country they call their second home to their daughter for the first time, including a visit to Sydney Aquarium.

"I've got my little girl running around being a maniac so it is all good," she laughs. "It has been super muggy. I got to stand out in the thunder storm last night."

Even a prank from her neighbours hasn't put the singer off. "We even got egged," she says of finding a dozen eggs smashed on her front door. "It's all good. Please, me, a little egging isn't going to scare me away."

Monday, August 20, 2012

Melbourne Australia:Sudanese and Somali Refugees Crime five times that of Australians and Greens call for increased refugee intake

African youth crime concern
Dan Oakes
The Age
August 20, 2012
SUDANESE and Somali-born Victorians are about five times more likely to commit crimes than the wider community, a trend that must be addressed to prevent Cronulla-style social unrest, police warn.
The most common crimes committed by Somali and Sudanese-born Victorians are assault and robbery, illustrating the trend towards increasingly violent robberies by disaffected African youths.

''We've got to fix this now and make sure it doesn't continue, so the kids who are now 10 years old aren't in this offender bracket in five years' time. So we don't get the Cronullas happening,'' Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Tim Cartwright said.
''[At Cronulla] you had a big chunk of the community disengaged and coming to a point where you have large-scale civil unrest. That's abhorrent to us, to think we would have that.
''You look at the UK riots and you think, we don't ever want to go there, we don't ever want to see segments of our community saying they just don't care what the rest of the community does, they don't care for us, they have no engagement, don't recognise the legal system, don't recognise education.
''In the longer term the challenge for us is to fix that,'' he said.
The police statistics show the rate of offending among the Sudanese community is 7109.1 per 100,000, while for Somali people it is 6141.8 per 100,000. The figure for the wider community is 1301.0 per 100,000.
It is important to note that the overall proportion of crimes statewide committed by the Sudanese and Somali communities is only 0.92 per cent and 0.35 per cent respectively, and that people arrested and charged may falsely identify themselves as being from those communities.

For both Sudanese and Somalis, assault offences are the most common type, constituting 29.5 per cent and 24.3 per cent of all offences respectively.
''Property is one of the issues, so they're stealing iPhones or money or things of value,'' Mr Cartwright said.
''But there's also a concerning trend of violence, violence that's not needed. So once they've got the property the violence continues. Maybe there's a thrill in it, maybe a bit of revenge, but it's coming out of a lot of groups, not just the Africans.''
Chief Commissioner Ken Lay and other senior police recently met members of the African community to discuss the crime statistics and ways to tackle the issue. One person present at the meeting, Abeselom Nega, said he shared some of Mr Cartwright's fears, and that the statistics presented by the police were ''confronting''.
He said the violent offending was a serious concern to the African community, but that it was important to note the positive contribution many Africans made to the wider community.
''I don't have the experience that the Deputy Commissioner has, but prolonged disengagement and disenfranchisement would no doubt lead to social unrest,'' said Mr Nega, who heads iEmpower, an early intervention and diversionary youth service.
''Tackling crime on a daily basis is a reactive response, and the police would have to do that. But I think it is important to have a proactive strategy that addresses the root cause of disengagement.
''Far too many young people are out of school, not in training or employment, and this needs an immediate response from the government and the whole community,'' he said.
''But it is important to recognise that there are many young people making positive contributions to society, and that they are marginalised by the actions of those people who are responsible for the increase in crime.''
Mr Cartwright said it was crucial to recognise that police could not solve the problem simply by locking people up, and that the root causes of high crime rates needed to be tackled.
''The concern when you see these sorts of numbers is that, if you don't do anything about it, it will continue. We lock up all these offenders and there's another, growing tranche behind them who have the same issues,'' he said.

Greens call for increased refugee intake
The Greens will move a motion in the Senate calling on the Government to act quickly to increase Australia's humanitarian intake of refugees.
The Houston report on asylum seekers recommends that Australia immediately increase its yearly intake from 20,000 to 27,000 within five years.
Greens Senator Hanson-Young says the Government must also fund the agencies in Malaysia and Indonesia which look after asylum seekers while they are having their claimsshyoung9 assessed.

(Greens Senator Hanson-Young center picture)
She says the Federal Government has adopted the harsh aspects of the Houston report but it must also implement the other recommendations.
"We have seen no commitment, no timeline, no genuine desire to implement those [other recommendations]," she said.
"The Government must start with increasing immediately the humanitarian intake to 20,000."
The move comes as the Navy assisted another asylum seeker boat east of Ashmore Island.
Initial reports suggest there were 19 passengers and two crew on board.
They are being transferred to Darwin where they will undergo initial health and security checks, and could be processed on Nauru or Manus Island.
Australian Human Rights Commission president Professor Gillian Triggs warned the Government that her organisation will be watching it closely as it implements its offshore processing plans.
She told The World Today the Federal Government's amendments could review judicial oversight of offshore processing arrangements.
"By stripping away Section 1(98A) of the Migration Act, which was the basis on which the High Court last acted, it does make it much more difficult to have a High Court review of the circumstances in which third party processing will take place," she said.
She said the arrangement could mean that human rights protections will be violated.
"It's not a given at all and all I can do as president is to raise my concern ... of course everything depends on the facts ultimately," she said.
"We don't quite yet know what the conditions are actually going to be."
While there will be no judicial oversight under the arrangement, the locations the Government chooses for regional processing will be subject to parliamentary scrutiny.
Professor Triggs says that is not enough.
"I think that in the current political environment, the opportunity for parliamentary scrutiny is not particularly strong - although obviously there are people in parliament who are willing to keep a very strong watching brief on this," she said.
"So I wouldn't dismiss that as a precaution."
She said was concerned the Immigration Minister would no longer be required to consider the interests of individual children.
271596-christine-milne (1) "While in the past the Minister had to give consent in writing, that requirement no longer exists in the legislation and the Migration Act itself takes precedence above the Guardianship of Children Act," she said.
                                               Green's and "Co Party" Government Leader Senator  Christine Milne.                

"The position is that the Minister will not need to give individual attention, particularly to children, when making a determination that they are to be sent to another reprocessing centre.
"There is a fundamental principle that the rights of the child are a primary consideration and each child's best interests must be considered. If the Minister is no longer required to do that, then we have concerns."

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Australia a Flag of Convenience ? British Immigration into Australia.

Ping Pong Poms

They come here in their thousands from wet and windy Britain, but every year several thousand people who emigrate to Australia from England make the return journey home.
They're known as 'ping pong Poms' and among their number are the Parkinson family and music legend Leo Sayer. Sunday Night

Monday, July 23, 2012

Warning America from American Thinker :Australia's Green Ideological Disaster

Australia's Green Ideological Disaster

By Sam Fielding
American Thinker
July 19, 2012

Australia is providing a case study in the self-destructive politics of green ideology, when believers of the religion of global warming gain political leverage.

Between 1996 and 2007, John Howard became Australia's second-longest-serving prime minister, with his center-right administration being regarded as the epitome of responsible economic management, overseeing the "good years for Australia."  In 2007, Kevin Rudd's left-wing Labor Party gained office, and by 2009, a six-year run of budget surpluses gave way to the largest deficits in modern politics.

A slew of ideologically charged policies followed, including a nationally subsidised home insulation scheme which was unregulated, resulting in millions of wasted funds and even a death due to unqualified installation, and a public education "revolution" to renovate school buildings where the government happily paid exorbitant over-inflated tenders for unnecessary and, in some cases, unwanted refurbishments, blowing over $1 billion.  This "revolution" was overseen by Rudd's deputy, Julia Gillard.

With plummeting polls leading into the 2010 election, having been bestowed with the mantle of the worst prime minister in Australia's history, Rudd's leadership was successfully challenged by Gillard.  However, Gillard was no shoe-in for prime m,inister, and to counter an effective campaign by the conservatives who warned that another Labor government would mean an unpopular carbon emissions tax, Gillard declared that "there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead."

Julia Throwing money The election was even tighter than predicted and resulted in the first hung parliament since 1940.  To secure power, Gillard chose to cut a deal with three independents and a lone Greens member of parliament.  Despite her declaration to the contrary, Gillard was now over a (green) barrel and was forced to renege on her commitment not to introduce a carbon tax in order to honor her agreement with the Greens, whose agenda not surprisingly included a carbon tax.
It's taken Gillard two years to implement the controversial tax, during which time she has been irreverently referred to as "Ju-liar."  Thoughts of staying in power have no doubt helped her withstand such criticism, along with the support of a sympathetic Obama. 

During his visit here in November last year, he expressed his support for the tax, saying, "I think that's good for the world ... I actually think, over the long term, it's good for our economies, as well, because it's my strong belief that industries, utilities, individual consumers -- we're all going to have to adapt how we use energy and how we think about carbon."

The tax came into effect at the start of the 2013 financial year, yet after only a few weeks, the vociferous reaction from the Australian public can't be ignored.  They are smarting not only from a new controversial tax, but also from a prime minister who expressly said she would not implement it.  The foundation of the Labor Party, working-class families, are feverishly adjusting their weekly grocery budgets to account for a policy that many would have never thought possible.  Long-term voters of the left are shell-shocked, feeling cheated and abandoned.

Far from serving the working class, a carbon tax is the Trojan Horse of what many view as eco-terrorist environmentalism designed at saving trees -- or worse, generating a warm fuzzy feeling inside -- rather than jobs and a sustainable future.

One would hope that deliberate untruths would be uncommon in Western politics, but outright lying should never be tolerated.  There has been much philosophical deliberation about why people lie, but ultimately in politics the issue is whether the electorate is prepared to tolerate such conduct.  The polls here suggest a distinct lack of mercy.  In the past weeks, reports indicate that the Labor-Greens coalition is under immense pressure, with Labor Party members labeling the Greens as "extremists" and the Greens, ironically honestly, describing Labor as lacking values and standing for nothing.

The relevance of Australia's experience for the U.S. is that it highlights the degree of ideological blindness the left can be prone to.  In Australia's 150-seat House of Representatives (the equivalent of Congress), the Greens secured one seat.  Notwithstanding the vagaries of the Australian electoral system, that equates to roughly 0.6% of the vote.  Simplistically put, by making a deal with the Greens, the incumbent administration has implemented a policy that less than 1% of the electorate voted for.

The Appalling, Union / GetUp funded, Labor  / Green Loon, "Independent" Minority Socialist  "Co Party " Australian Government
The concern to a modern liberal democracy like Australia is not that minority political parties such as the Greens exist, but that they are offered a place at the table without the consent of the public at large.  Obama, as far as I can tell from here, was forced to shelve his plans for a carbon tax because even the Democrats could see the negative economic consequences.  Yet Gillard has chosen to somehow live in denial of its affects on the long-term health of the Australian economy, which is beyond me -- but then there are so many truths extreme liberals fail to acknowledge that it's not entirely surprising.
Bush had his critics, but at least one knew where he stood.  John Howard certainly held his ground on an issue, no matter the reaction of the chattering masses.  The danger of the left's liberalism is that it is so focused on popularity that its policies are often extremely short-sighted.  Gillard must be struggling to reconcile her short-term desire for power with her integrity.
Reports suggest that Obama is doing his best to "bankrupt" the coal power industry.  What should be of concern to U.S. voters is that Obama's energy policy could well be the thin edge of the wedge of increasingly-left-of-center ideology crystalizing into policy.  I trust that the events Down Under serve as a timely reminder of what the left is prepared to deny in order to maintain a false ideology.
Read more:

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Australian Surfer snatched from Surfboard by monster Great White

Surfer killed by shark north of Perth

Emily Moulton 
July 14, 2012 1:00PM
A MALE surfer has been killed by a shark off Wedge Island, about 180km north of Perth.
The surfer was attacked while out with a mate about 4km east of the the island, north of the coastal fishing town of Lancelin, at about 9am.
Surf Life Saving WA said Water Police had confirmed the attack was fatal.

In April, WA Fisheries senior shark research scientist Rory McAuley said the state was the deadliest place in the world for shark attacks, after the death of 33-year-old diver Peter
Kurmann off the southwest coast, the fourth death in seven months.

Mr McAuley said there had been an "unprecedented'' number of fatal shark attacks off WA in the past two years.
Last month, 62-year-old surf life saver Martin Kane was rescued by one of his fellow paddlers when a shark attacked his surf ski at Mullaloo beach.
A world-first acoustic tagging program introduced last year has shown sharks are lingering off the metropolitan coast for months at a time.

WA Fisheries Minister Norman Moore recently said the state had pre-emptively banned shark tourism.A WA police spokesman said the extent of the man's injuries was not clear but there are unconfirmed the attack was fatal.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Military sources suspect people smugglers deliberately capsized boats

Illegal entrants deliberately sinking their boats ? 
Say it ain't so!!!!

The joint criminal enterprise continues between the Refugee Industry and the Australian Union GetUp funded, Labor / Green Loon "Independents" Minority Socialist "Co Party" parody that passes for governance in Australia 2012.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Australia: ELECTION 2013 IS COMING

A Nation of Sheep, Breeds (has bred in Australia already)a Government of Wolves !











As Australia’s business leaders take their money and their  jobs overseas the Union / GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Independent Socialist Minority “Co Party” Federal Government continues with its Open Borders policy for Muslim “refugees” 85% of who will still be on social security benefits, ie: free housing, medical , dental, education, pharmaceutical,subsidesed public transport,child minding, retraining,etc etc etc 5 years after their illegal entry into Australia, most will receive these benefits for life as will their children and grand children.








Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sydney's Occupied Territories, where every day is a “Tribal Warfare,All Cultures Religions are Equal Harmony Day" and to think it used to be just plain old Sydney Australia, thanks Labor Party.

Sydney's Occupied Territories, where every day is a "Harmony Day"

Opposing members of Australian Labor Government sponsored “Ethnic Tribe” members, exercise their cultural diversity rights, and weave more Golden Threads into the Australian Labor Party's "Rich Tapestry" of "Difference" and "Diversity".

Can someone tell me how the Union financed Australian Labor Party's imposed policy of Multiculturalism has benefited Australians? I am yet to appreciate the third world feuding Tribalism aka. Diversity, that has broken out throughout, what are now Sydney's Occupied Territories, suburbs, infamous for the incidences of murder,urban terrorism,gang rape,car jacking,car rebirthing,robbery,drug importation and distribution,"Dodge City" style lawlessness, Australian no go / Multicultural zones.

What is it that the Australian Labor Party sees as been so good for Australia and Australians, that they insist Australians must suffer the consequences of their obsession with their Crystal Gazing,New Age concepts, of "Multiculturalism" "Diversity" "Cultural Difference" "All Religions Cultures are equal" except for the Majority Judeo Christian Australian Culture, the culture who's manifestations were seen to be so superior by the multitude of Middle Eastern / Islander / Asian "refugees", Immigrants, legal and illegal who demand be let into Australia, that they RAN AWAY from the very  culture that once they are resident on Australian soil and sucking off the Social Security Teat,they DEMAND be imposed over and above the Australian it nothing more than a case of, do anything you want but just remember who let you into the country on election day and by the way don’t forget to call your local Labor member of State or Federal Parliament should you not get your social security cheque on time, or need a new Club House or "Ethnic Community Grant" for whatever "Ethnic Community" you belong to.

Sydney's Occupied Territories, a collection of suburbs once inhabited by working families who identified themselves as Australians, first second and third, now a collection of suburbs ruled by Labor's Tribalism of Multiculturalism,survival of the fittest,swaggering “Muslim Rat with a Gold Tooth” thug rule,Labor Party, Union Financed  UN Socialist Rule, a hate based, planned division of Australian society, by the imposition of immigrants,legal and illegal who simply HATE everything that Australia IS and everything Australians ARE... everything except the Lifetime Social Security provided from the TAXES by those they HATE MOST.

"Multiculturalism" A collection of warring third world tribes,who’s Countries of origin’s cultures FAILED them, united by their, and the Union Financed  Australian Labor Party's facilitators commitment to destroy the Australian, Judeo Christian AUSTRALIAN way of life, the very reason Australia is the the Nation they chose to RUN AWAY to, a nation that was NOT LIKE the nation they RAN AWAY FROM.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sharia Law Demand from “Moderate Muslim Community Leader” in Australia

I notice this talking head,Muslim Spin Doctor,Islamic Insurgent, “Moderate Muslim Community Leader”now calls himself “Ikebal Adam Patel” as opposed to his previous media of Ikebal Patel, I guess it’s just a way of showing the infidel that, hey these savages are just like us, they have Judeo Christian names, just like us, gee why can’t we all just get along and submit.
In Australia many many Muslim Murderers and Rapists and Terrorists change their names before appearing in court to Anglo Christian and Surnames, I guess this “Moderate” is following in head offices footsteps.

From Winds Of Jihad   Like a Boomerang: New Demands for Sharia in Australia  

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Australia:Is this Madame Gillard’s worst example of rubbing her party’s and her UN Masters SHIT into the face of the Australian people?

Is this the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) funded, Australian Labor Party /Green Loon / "Independents" Minority Coalition Government's worst example of their rubbing their United Nations masters  SHIT in the faces of Australians?

Is this just a case of these Arse Clowns been so totally emboldened by their own tax payer funded publicity machines, their ABC / SBS, and main stream media sychophantry,that they really DO believe we are STUPID and will put up with any type of abuse, no matter how treacherous or dangerous their actions are for the sovereign state of Australia and Australians?

Do these Arse Clowns really think Australians will gladly freeze or starve to Death in the Dark, with their children and parents so that this Socialist Coalition of ACTU funded United Nations subservient LOONS, can strut the world stage boasting to anyone who will listen ,of their Multicultural, Internationalist credentials,whilst Australia and its people lies in ruins,reduced to the level of the rest of the UN's FOURTH world jewels in their crown? a place where the Socialist, ACTU,Green Loon,"Independents" elites, live off the proceeds of the UN imposed Serfdom of the Australian people?

Do these mad ACTU funded, Socialist Labor, Green Loon Sociopaths,Main Stream Media “Beautiful People Darlings” and their "Independent" bedfellows really think that Australians are going to allow them to get away with this?

Yes, they do, because so far they have,and if we don’t act soon, they WILL.

The score board reads as follows: ACTU Funded JuLIAR Gillard led Socialist  Labor, Green Loon,”Independent” Sociopaths 100/100, Australians 0

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE .



Media Release

Menzies House, an independent grassroots website for centre right political activists, today announced the launch of 300_gillard-300x340, an online petition and information resource opposing the recent proposal to implement a carbon tax as a transition to an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

If enacted, it is estimated that this tax hike will cost the average Australian household a staggering extra $300 a year in electricity bills, as with further sharp increases in the costs of goods and services.

“This proposal is an economically damaging grab for cash by a desperate government and will lead to the very same ETS rejected by the Australian people.” said Timothy Andrews, Managing Editor of Menzies House.“It will hurt businesses, hurt families, and seriously harm the Australian economy – at a time Australian Families can least afford it. With recent increases in the cost of living already hitting Australian households, this is a tax hike Australia just can not afford.

The Editor-in-Chief of Menzies House, John Humphreys, has previously written about revenue-neutral carbon tax, but opposes the current proposal

“A moderate carbon tax, with offsetting tax cuts, would be the least harmful policy for combating climate change” said Mr. Humphreys. “However, the current policy fails because it does not provide the offsetting tax cuts, and so it will increase the size of government and hurt the economy. It is also worrying that the government seems intent on switching to an emissions trading system, which is an unnecessarily complicated and inefficient response to climate change."                                                 Madame Gillard

John Humphreys

Mobile: 0404 044 561
Timothy Andrews

Click Here to view as a PDF


Australian’s please register here to show your support for freedom. This is a TAX on everything.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Australia : Video News,Illegal entrants bury their dead and what they think of Australia, well at least what one group thinks of Australia.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Muslim illegal entrant advocate comes clean and acknowledges former Australian PM John Howard STOPPED THE BOATS

........"Mr John Howard has stopped the boats at his time,i don't know why did they allow them
again back again,either if you stop them,if you don't want either you stop the boats,or if you want them
and you let them come you have to accept them"
Illegal entrant and Muslim illegal entrant spokesman Mohummed Alfagi, Cousin of asylum boat crash victims.

The Media reports on the Funerals of Illegal entrants who tragically drowned two months ago whilst illegally entering Australian waters

How two groups of survivors and family react to the SAME tragedy.

Is it just me ? Stop ALL Muslim immigration into Australia NOW!!!
NON Muslims ONLY Please

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