An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Australian Labor Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Labor Party. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Westmead Children’s Hospital BEGS for money to exist via a Telethon, whilst ALP , Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd, hands over $200 Million to foreign “Charity” for medical purposes.


Whilst the Union/ Get Up funded, Australian Labor Party / Green Loon / “Independent”, Minority Socialist Coalition / “Co Party”  Australian Governments resident Idiot in search of a village at large, and Australian Foreign Minister,former Australian Prime Minister and Beijing’s Highest ranking official in Australia,Lu Kewen, aka. Kevin 07 aka.Kevin Rudd, hands out $200 million of Australians hard earned taxes to a foreign organization in London, Sydney residents this long week end,BEG each other, via, the Channel 9 Telethon for money to continue to  finance the Westmead Children’s Hospital, for basic Medical services, you see Socialized Medicine,aka. FREE Medicine, Medicare,MEDI DONT CARE, has run out of money for AUSTRALIANS, but there is plenty of money for this BRAINLESS MORON to fly all over the world writing cheques for his new “best Socialists United Nations Security Council voting friends” you see Lu Kewen is chasing a seat on his fellow Despots UN Security Council, so there has been no shortage of Australian Taxpayer Funds for any Despot or Organization he and the Australian Labor Party thinks will buy this useless sack of Multi Millionaire Socialist Shits arse, a seat at the UN Security Councils “Star Wars Bar”

13 6 2011 Rudd GAVI

Australia’s resident Idiot in Search of a Village and Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia Lu Kewen, aka, Kevin 07,aka. Kevin Rudd.

GAVI Alliance

Tonight on  Nine News Sydney,viewers were treated to Peter Harvey and Carl Stevanovich arm in arm, emotional,announcing the fact that via their station’s (Channel 9 Sydney) Telethon they raised One Million Dollars for the Westmead Children’s Hospital………whilst Lu Kewen,aka.Kevin 07, Kevin Rudd,Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia former Australian Prime Minister and now Australia’s Foreign Minister and Idiot in Search of a Village at Large, promised /gave $200 Million Australian TAX PAYER provided DOLLARS for some foreign Medical “Charity”

Australians pay tax, beg and borrow for the medical welfare of Australian Children and these USELESS Australian Council of Trade Union, Get Up, Green Financed Communist C**ts that Manifest as the Australian Labor Party,the LEFT, the PROGRESSIVES, the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, STEAL money from the Hospital Beds of Australia’s Sick and Dyeing Children to buy favor of their UN Masters.

Australia’s Idiot in search of a Village Foreign Minister Lu Kewen, Kevin 07, Kevin Rudd is one of two, of the most wealthy members of the Australian Parliament if he wants to donate $200 Million dollars to a foreign “Charity” he is free to do so, however when was he and his Union/ Get Up funded, Australian Labor Party / Green Loon / “Independent”, Minority Socialist Coalition / “Co Party” given permission by Australians to STEAL their taxes to do so?



Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Australia: Pious Muslim student “upset by the way Australian women dressed and behaved” Jailed for sex attacks of Seven Australian Women & Children,but it is ok, the judge understood his pain “no Mosque and no support nearby”

Foreign student upset by the way women dressed jailed for sex attacks
Elissa Hunt
Herald Sun
May 31, 2011

So this piece of Paedophilic Muslim Shit,oops sorry, “Harmony Day Activist”, “Diversity Ambassador”,”Cultural Enricher” did not know” “Australian Laws prevented women from been molested” so in Libya there are no Laws preventing Libyan Women from been molested? If there are such laws, then why would he come to Australia and believe that Australian Law ALLOWED the sexual assault of Australian / women / children ? What part of the Australian Labor Party’s Open Borders, Come one, come all,All Cultures / Religions are equal policy that has manifested in Australia been overrun by the Australian Labor Party’s “Savages of Choice” coming here and behaving the same way they do in the Islamic Shit Holes they RAN AWAY FROM?
Identification + Internment + Repatriation to whatever Islamic SHIT HOLE it was They or their Parents / Grand Parents / Uncle’s /Aunties,Sponsors RAN AWAY FROM is the ONLY solution for the Islamic Menace / Insurgency in the West.

A FOREIGN student who sexually assaulted seven victims claimed he was upset at the way Australian women dressed and behaved, a court has heard.
Libyan masters student Almahde Ahmad Atagore, 28, was this morning jailed for at least three years over the assaults in August and September last year.
He had been in the country only a month, on a sponsorship funded by his government.
31 5 2011 Almahde Ahmad Atagore
But County Court Judge Margaret Rizkalla said Atagore wasn’t prepared for the cultural differences and felt isolated and depressed.
He indecently assaulted two teenagers leaving the Mentone Hotel, laughing at them afterwards.
Atagore returned another night to attack two more outside the same pub.
Two more victims, including a 13-year-old girl, were assaulted as they used escalators at Flinders St station.
Another, 17, was attacked outside Mentone train station.
Atagore was identified in footage from Flinders St and cameras outside the hotel, but when confronted by police denied he had molested the victims.
Judge Rizkalla said he struggled to adapt to Australian life, without a mosque nearby and with little support.
Atagore told a psychiatrist he was upset at the way local women dressed and behaved, leaving him feeling both angry and aroused.
But he now felt shame and regret for his crimes, the judge said.
She said Atagore was suffering from an adjustment disorder, which contributed to his offending, and would face a hard time in prison with his poor grasp of English.
But the attacks happened in public places and had left the victims fearful of public transport, robbing them of security and independence.
Several of the victims were in court and welcomed the maximum sentence of five years and three months, with at least three years to serve before being eligible for parole.
Atagore pleaded guilty to five counts of indecent assault, one of assault with intent to rape and one of committing an indecent act with a child.
Police were unable to check his criminal past due to unrest in Libya.
But Sen-Det Dion Achtypis said outside court that Atagore’s nationality was not a factor in his crimes.
“There are many, many overseas students in this country who are law-abiding citizens,” he said.

No this story is NOT a joke it is true check the link it works. How dare the Australian Labor Party bring these Sociopaths into Australia without first providing them with a Mosque on every street corner and “Support” so as they are able to control their Sociopathic urges and maintain some semblance of been civilized or at least house trained.


Friday, May 06, 2011

Somali Muslim Terrorists operating under Australia’s failed policy of Multiculturalism, aka. “all cultures Religions are equal” and “every day is a Harmony Day”, redefines Australia’s "easy-going" and "fair-go" culture, to include the slaughter of Australian Soldiers at Sydney’s Holsworthy Army Base.

Court told convicted terrorists a “proud Australian”
Peta Carlyon, via ABC
May 6, 2011, 12:56 pm

The Victorian Supreme Court has heard a man convicted of planning an terror attack in Sydney was an advocate of Australia's "fair-go" culture.
Somalian-born Saney Aweys is one of three men convicted last year of plotting an armed terror attack on the Holsworthy Army Base.
At a plea hearing today, several witnesses have given character evidence.

They said he volunteered extensively in a community-based integration program for African refugees in the western suburbs and was an enthusiastic advocate of Australia's "easy-going" and "fair-go" culture.
But Justice Betty King told his lawyer, that evidence was "entirely inconsistent" with his client's phone-tapped comments played during the trial.
In those calls, he joked about Australians being killed in the Jakarta hotel bombings and that Black Saturday was divine intervention to punish Australians for jailed Muslims.
Justice King told the court a plan to go into an army base and shoot until your guns are empty demonstrates an un-Australian attitude.

Aussie said in December 23 2010

Australia three Muslims guilty: “………religious decree to endorse the attack at the barracks and shoot as many people as possible until they were killed or overwhelmed, to advance Islam.”
Trio guilty of army base terror attack plan
Daily Telegraph
December 23, 2010 10:17AM
A VICTORIAN court has found three men guilty of planning a terrorist attack on an Australian army base in Sydney.
Another two men who also stood trial over the alleged planned attack have been found not guilty.
A Victorian Supreme Court trial, which has been running for three months, was told the five men planned a shootout at the Australian Army Barracks at Holsworthy in the belief Islam was under attack from the west.
The jury heard the men took steps to obtain a religious decree to endorse the attack at the barracks and shoot as many people as possible until they were killed or overwhelmed, to advance Islam.
Wissam Mahmoud Fattal, 34, of Melbourne, Saney Edow Aweys, 27, of Carlton North and Nayef El Sayed, 26, of Glenroy were found guilty of conspiring to prepare for or plan a terrorist act between February 1, 2009 and August 4, 2009.
The usual cabal of Strutting Muslim “Rats with a Gold tooth” exit our Courts surrounded by THEIR “Community Leaders” dribbling the usual Koran inspired Bull Shit.
The Australian Labor / Greens / “Independents” Coalition Union Funded Socialist Federal Government seems hell bent on importing into Australia as many of these Muslim Terrorists as it can, Australians are entitled to ask WHY?
How many Australians are The Australian Labor / Greens / “Independents” Coalition Union Funded Socialist Federal Government prepared to sacrifice on their alter of “Multiculturalism /all cultures Religions are equal” in order to achieve the Balkanization of Australia.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Middle Eastern “cultural differences” enriching and diversifying Australia’s Christmas Island detention centre……. again.

Detainee rape claim tests policy

Paige Taylor, Joe Kelly
The Australian
April 30, 2011 12:00AM

THREE detainees accused of attempting gang-rape of a fellow asylum-seeker last week may become the first test of proposed "character" rules.

A guard called for help from Australian Federal Police at the Christmas Island immigration detention centre on April 21 after allegedly encountering a partially dressed detainee being held down by three others.

The alleged victim had appeared highly distressed, The Weekend Australian has been told. "The AFP can confirm it responded to a request to attend the North West Point Immigration Detention Centre on 21 April 2011," a spokesman said.

"The AFP can confirm a 22-year-old male and 28-year-old male and 30-year-old male were charged with indecent assault."

The men are now locked in a compound reserved for the most troublesome and disruptive among the approximately 1000 men in the centre.

On Tuesday, Mr Bowen announced that anyone who committed an offence in immigration detention would fail the "character" test and would not be given a permanent visa under proposed changes to the legislation.

Previously a person failed the character test if sentenced to 12 months or more in jail, which controversially allowed visas to be given to three asylum-seekers convicted over a riot at the Christmas Island detention centre in 2009.

Mr Bowen, who has said he would use the new rules vigorously, yesterday declined to "speculate or pre-empt the outcomes of the cases" involving the three men charged with indecent assault. But under his proposed law, which would be retrospective, Mr Bowen could rule someone out on more general grounds.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has urged Mr Bowen to use the discretion he has under the existing character test to take a tougher approach to detainees who riot.

So far, no detainee has been charged over the riots at Christmas Island on March 17.

"There is an independent review and an AFP investigation ongoing around the Christmas Island events," a spokesman for the Minister said.

Serious allegations about the conduct of detainees at Villawood immigration detention centre in Sydney were yesterday aired by 2GB broadcaster Ray Hadley, which he attributed to an unidentified whistleblower with inside knowledge at the facility.

He claimed detainees engaged in a rooftop protest at Villawood were sleeping in rooms that could be entered via a rooftop cavity, that assaults were regularly committed, that drug abuse and other criminal activities occurred on a regular basis and that some detainees were allowed to make trips to rehabilitation centres where they obtained illicit substances.

Guards told The Weekend Australian they recognised one of the rooftop protesters at Villawood as a participant in the rioting on Christmas Island.

Amid the confusion during the Christmas Island riot, contractor Serco had taken detainees who wanted to escape intimidation and violence to compounds on the other side of the island.

But some of the men who got on the buses that night had actually been part of the riot and not in need of protection from the others, guards have told The Weekend Australian.

While federal police had been able to pick out some of them and return them to the main detention centre, others had escaped scrutiny.

Under Mr Bowen's new character test for asylum-seekers, those convicted of a crime while in detention but who have also been found to be refugees will get a visa with limited rights, such as a safe haven visa or "bridging pending removal" visa.

Sending them home would contravene Australia's international obligations under the refugee convention.

Labor’s preferred immigrants unable to contain their Godless behavior even whilst awaiting processing / RUBBER STAMPING,by their co conspirators the Australian Council of Trade Unions Financed,Labor /Green Loon,”Independent” Minority Socialist Government as they work  to facilitate the Islamic Colonization of Australia.

More on these Godless SWINE and what the Australian Labor Party describes as “Cultural Diversity”,Multiculturalism,”All Cultures Religions are Equal”

Australia: “Insider” dumps a load, on Asylum seekers massive use of Condoms in MALE only Detention Centres   + Video.

Islamic Perversions, or a reason Muslims KILL and reasons they LIVE, Koranimals threatening Sila Sahin after Playboy spread. + Video.


This from 2002,The Muslim WAY or what the Australian Council of Trade Unions Financed,Labor /Green Loon,”Independent” Minority Socialist Government call the enrichment of Australian society via Multiculturalism and Cultural Diversity, hey Every Day is a “Harmony Day” in Australia.

Published: Monday 20 May 2002
Muslims Assault Non-Muslims in Immigration Detention
A deeply disturbing scandal has emerged in Australia’s immigration detention centres where Christians and other non-Muslim asylum
seekers have been “stoned, assaulted, sexually harassed and abused by Islamic fanatics”.

Reza, an Iranian Christian, was blinded in one eye last August when a group of Afghan Muslim men stoned Christians leaving the
dining hall in Woomera detention centre. In another incident a Christian man was kicked to the floor and his cross was ripped from his
neck. In December 2001 an eighteen-year-old Mandean girl (a small religious group which follows the teachings of John the Baptist)
was shouted at by Muslim men in a dining hall who called her a “dirty, filthy infidel” who shouldn’t be allowed to serve food to Muslims.
When she attempted to argue back she was “pushed to the ground and kicked and abused.” In a similarly shocking incident a blind
Mandean man was seized by Muslim men, held down and defecated on before being left in a locked toilet.

In other incidents non-Muslim girls have faced sexual harassment and verbal abuse because they do not wear Islamic headscarves, the doorways of
Mandean asylum seekers have been defecated in, and a local Islamic mullah has even called for a jihad (holy war) against Mandeans
at the Port Hedland detention centre.

Non-Muslim men, women, and even children, many of whom fled Muslim-majority countries like Iran in the first place because they
were being persecuted for their faith, are now facing widespread abuse of a horrific nature from Muslim conservatives in Australia’s
detention centres. The majority of asylum seekers in Australia are Muslims. Witnesses say that extremist Shiah Muslims, particularly
Iranians, Afghans and Iraqis, are often those behind the violence. The BBC quotes Dr Graham Thom, Amnesty International’s Refugee
Co-ordinator, as saying “The reports we’re hearing say that Mandeans, Tamils and other Hindus, Christians – in particular Christian
converts – are facing violence or threats of violence from certain Islamists within the detention centres.

They are being called infidels.They are being refused access to kitchens and things like that because people think they are unclean as infidels. This has escalated
at times when there is a serious breakdown of order within the detention centre when there are riots and things like that and these
groups, who often refuse to participate in riots, are physically assaulted.”

Chaplains, pastoral workers and staff at the Woomera, Curtin and Port Hedland detention centres in Australia have spoken up about
an atmosphere of Islamic intimidation and terror in which the authorities seem powerless to protect the non-Muslims. Whilst Muslim
asylum seekers have access to halal meat and mosques, many non-Muslims’ religious and dietary needs are not being met.

In Woomera Mandeans are now even allegedly forced to hold their religious meetings in secret, and in Curtin no Mandean services are
being held at all because the authorities simply cannot guarantee the protection of the participants, and even Christian services,
including baptisms, have been severely restricted.

The widespread suffering and “constant discrimination” is leading to deep emotional distress and psychological trauma.

Jim Monaghan, a Christian chaplain at Woomera, says that “at present the families there are very vulnerable. There have been attempted suicides and other forms of self-harm ... they are desperate.”
These shocking reports, which have been publicised by Australia’s The Age newspaper, the BBC, and Amnesty International, have
raised a new factor in the debate surrounding Australia’s immigration policy, which is often criticised as being harsh.
The reports also raise disturbing questions about the state of asylum centres in Europe, America and other countries in the developed

Could Christians and other non-Muslim asylum-seekers be suffering similar discrimination in other contexts where Muslims also
make up the majority of asylum-seekers?


Monday, April 25, 2011

Jim Wallace,Australian Christian Lobby, apologises for telling the truth.

Australian Christian Lobby head sorry for attack on gay marriage, Muslims

Matthew Johnston
Herald Sun

April 25, 2011

THE head of the Australian Christian Lobby has apologised "unreservedly" for saying Australian soldiers did not fight and die for gay marriage and Muslims.

Former SAS Brigadier and Christian Lobby managing director Jim Wallace wrote on Twitter: "Just hope that as we remember servicemen and women today we remember the Australia they fought for - wasn't gay marriage and Islamic!"

Copy of 25 4 2011 Australian Christian Lobby head sorry for attack on gay marriage, MuslimsWhat part of , "Just hope that as we remember servicemen and women today we remember the Australia they fought for - wasn't gay marriage and Islamic!" is incorrect ?

He later apologised on Twitter, posting: "Ok you are right my apologies this was the wrong context to raise these issues. ANZACs mean to (sic) much to me to demean this day, not intended."

When contacted by the Herald Sun Mr Wallace said he was sorry to have posted the comments today.

"I unreservedly apologise for sending that out," Mr Wallace said.

He said he was moved to tweet about Australia and his beliefs after talking to his father, who served in World War II.

"I'm sitting here with my 96-year-old father, a veteran of Tobruk," he said.

"He's telling me he can't recognise the Australia he fought for."


Mr Wallace and the Australian Christian Lobby have campaigned against gay marriage in the past.

He said he expected people to take "advantage" of his comments on Twitter to "score a point", but said he meant no offence on a day that means a lot to many Australians - including him.

"I had no intention to offend anyone on Anzac Day," he said.

"Anzac Day means a lot to me. I spent 32 years in the defence force."


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Australia:Villawood Detention Centre’s Arsonists Insurgents supporters “demand end to punitive policies”

What the enemy is doing today 24 4 2011 and tomorrow ANZAC Day 25 4 2011


RACNSW Media Release: RAC & CCL demand end to punitive policies

Mark Goudkamp
From: on behalf of Mark Goudkamp (
Sent:    Sunday, 24 April 2011 2:00:21 PM


Media release... 24 April 2011


For further comment, call Stephen Blanks 0414448654 (NSW Council for Civil Liberties), Mark Goudkamp (Refugee Action

Coalition NSW) 0422078376, or Ian Rintoul (for comments on Curtin action and hunger strike) 0417713275.

Refugee Action Coalition & Council for Civil Liberties demand end to punitive policies

Solicitors visiting asylum seekers now incarcerated at Silverwater prison are shocked at what they have seen. Stephen

Blanks, solicitor and secretary of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties briefly interviewed two of the 22 (mostly Iranians

and Kurds) locked up there. He said: “They are in solitary confinement, locked down for 18 hours a day with no access to

communication, either with each other or with the outside world. There are no toothbrushes, no showers, not even any

toilet paper.

“They’ve ended up in prison without any charges being laid and without any supervision from a court. I’ve lodged a

complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission. One of them told me that when he was forcibly removed from

his bed in Villawood early in the hours of Good Friday, that a guard pushed handcuffs into his wrist, and laughed.

Mark Goudkamp from the Refugee Action Coalition added: “These conditions in Silverwater are unacceptable in a

democratic society. It is also highly ironic given many Iranians detainees fled the Ahmadinejad government’s crackdown

on mass pro-democracy protests in 2009. That Australian authorities think treating people in this way is acceptable is

nothing short of scandalous. Australia frequently condemns human rights abuses in Iran, including in Tehran’s notorious

Evin prison.”

Meanwhile, a planned visit to celebrate Easter Sunday with Villawood detainees has had to be cancelled. Mark Goudkamp

said, “When I rang Serco yesterday, I was told we couldn’t visit friends in detention because Villawood is a ‘crime scene’.

Immigration and Serco are consciously trying to sow divisions among detainees, telling them that the reason visiting is

banned indefinitely is because the rooftop protest is continuing. That this ban includes Stage 1, which was completely

unaffected by Wednesday’s riots, is completely unreasonable and continues the rotten culture of collective punishment

that was a feature of detention under John Howard and Phillip Ruddock. The ban on visits over Easter is diametrically

opposed to the spirit of goodwill that this festive holiday is supposed to represent.

“Despite being prevented from receiving visitors, our asylum seeker friends are looking forward to a strong show of

support outside Villawood tomorrow afternoon. Acting PM Wayne Swan’s view that our march is inappropriate because it

coincides with Anzac Day are quite ridiculous when you consider that Afghanistan, where Australian soldiers are currently

being killed, is also by far the largest source country for asylum seekers. 2267 of the nearly 7000 people now in detention

come from there. Many democratically minded diggers, who themselves went to war thinking they were fighting against

dictatorships and repression, will understand why we are protesting. They are welcome to join us.”

The Sydney action, which is part of a national series of protests against mandatory detention, will assemble at 12 noon at

Chester Hill train station, before marching to the Gurney Rd side of Villawood. Former detainees from Iran, Afghanistan

and Iraq will address the rally, along with psychiatrist Michael Dudley, the Greens, the Teachers Federation, and the

Refugee Action Coalition.

Meanwhile at Curtin detention centre in remote WA, between 300-500 detainees are on hunger strike, and protesting

against the length of time it is taking to process their claims. Around 60 protesters have arrived after a two day bus

journey from Perth, hoping to visit detainees, and to protest against mandatory detention. There will also be a protest at

Maribyrnong detention centre in Melbourne.

For further comment, call Stephen Blanks 0414448654 (NSW Council for Civil Liberties), Mark Goudkamp (Refugee Action

Coalition NSW) 0422078376, or Ian Rintoul (for comments on Curtin action and hunger strike) 0417713275.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Australia: Villawood Detention Centre’s Arsonist Muslim Insurgents Supporters plans for Anzac Day 2011. It’s always good to know what the enemy is up to,don’t you think.

These groups can be contacted  on the following cell phone numbers.

Mark Goudkamp 0422 078 376 or Nick Riemer 0435 533 027

[RACNSW] Press Release_Refugee groups plan show of support for Villawood Detainees‏


Mark Goudkamp Add to contacts

To,,, solinational,

Sydney List,
Please find below and attached the media release that Nick (mainly) and I wrote, that just went out. Legal support is

being organised for the 22-25 mainly Kurdish (Iranian and Iraqi) and Iranians who have been sent to Silverwater prison.

Please spread the word about Monday...and don't forget to vote on the Daily Telegraph's online poll, which this release

makes reference to.


Cheers and solidarity, Mark

Refugee Action Coalition Press Release Friday 22 April 2011

Refugee Groups Plan Show of Support for Villawood Detainees on Easter Monday

Following this week’s unrest at the Villawood detention centre, refugee rights advocates will stage a mass show of

support for Villawood detainees on Easter Monday, 25 April. Refugee supporters will meet at Chester Hill station at 12

noon, before marching to the Gurney Rd side of the detention centre for a rally in support of the detainees. Called by the

Refugee Action Coalition (RAC), the action is part of a nationwide series of protests outside detention centres planned

over the Easter weekend, including at the remote Curtin facility in Western Australia.

The rally will hear from refugees who were formerly detained: Najeeba Wazefadost (Afghanistan); Iraj Moghodam (Iran);

and Mohammed Ali Muttari (Iraq). Melina Adlparvar, an Iranian refugee separated from her husband who is inside

Villawood, will also speak. They will be joined by: Annie Neilson, Greens candidate for Fairfield in the NSW election; NSW

Teachers' Federation General-Secretary Jenny Diamond; and Mark Goudkamp, a long-term Refugee Action Coalition


“The recent unrest in Villawood makes it extremely urgent to show community support for refugees”, said Nick Riemer

from RAC. “It’s an extraordinary irony that both Labor and Coalition politicians talk of refugees having committed

crimes. The damage to property on Wednesday night is nothing compared to the brutalisation of innocent lives caused by

mandatory detention itself. Asylum seekers haven’t committed any crime and shouldn’t be imprisoned. It’s not illegal to

arrive by boat and ask Australia for protection. When you lock people up and treat them like animals, it’s entirely

predictable that they will be driven to desperate acts. There have been five suicides in detention since September, three

in Villawood, and countless cases of self-harm. Hunger strikes happen all the time. If the government had acted on the

advice of leading psychiatrists, this week’s events could have been prevented. As one of the banners of the rooftop

protesters emphasises, they are human and deserve to be treated that way. If we’re talking about crimes being

committed, it’s the government who are the wrongdoers by sticking to their failed and discredited policy of mandatory


“The rally will show solidarity with the refugees locked up in Villawood”, said Mark Goudkamp, also from RAC. “All

asylum seekers want is to escape the war and persecution that have driven them from their home countries. But instead

of treating them with decency, and allowing them to contribute to Australian society, the government locks them up.

Australia is the only Western country that does this. Monday’s protest can show that the Daily Telegraph’s politically

driven online polls by do not represent all Australians. 22 asylum seekers were forcibly removed from their beds on

Thursday night and transferred to Silverwater jail. On Christmas Island, police used tear gas and beanbag rounds on

asylum seekers. This is no way to treat refugees. Mr Bowen says he shares the anger of Australians about damage to

government property. Instead, Australians should direct their rage at the pointless violence and brutality inflicted on

asylum seekers. While Mr Bowen should be congratulated for supporting the idea of multiculturalism in Australia and

ending the Howard government’s disparagement of it, if he really means it, the policy of mandatory detention policy

must be immediately abandoned.”

“The government keeps refugees out of the public eye and detains them in inaccessible places”, said Riemer. “The

Gurney Rd entrance to Villawood is the only place from which we can make visual contact with them. Refugee Action

Coalition members are regular visitors to the detention centre. Our friends inside are looking forward to seeing a vocal

and colourful demonstration of support.”

“There’s significant support for refugees among Villawood locals, who remember what their suburb was like before the

barbed wire went up in the early 1990s,” Goudkamp added. “We expect that many residents will join us in showing

solidarity with the refugees.”

For more information, contact Mark Goudkamp 0422 078 376 or Nick Riemer 0435 533 027


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Australia: The Serpents Tongue spoken by 1 in 8 Multicultural “Australians”

Arabic commonly spoken among Aussie kids

The Telegraph

April 14,2011

ABOUT one in eight Australian children speaks Arabic at home, a study shows.

New data has been released by the federal Department of Education providing a snapshot into the early development of children.

It found Arabic to be the most commonly spoken language other than English at home, with 11.8 per cent of children conversing in this tongue with their parents.

Vietnamese was next on 8.4 per cent, followed by Greek (4.3 per cent).

Chinese languages are also widely spoken, with 3.7 per cent of Australian kids speaking Mandarin, slightly outnumbering Cantonese (3.6 per cent).

Hindi, a language common in India, was the tongue of 3.2 per cent of kids.

The Australian Early Development Index study surveyed the teachers of 47,000 children about the language their pupils spoke at home.

It found 12.8 per cent of children had English as a second language.


Thanks to the Australian Council of Trade Union’s funded Australian Labor Party for importing these BARBARIANS into OUR Country.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Australia: Hon. Robyn Mary McSweeney MLC Calls for end of Burka in Australia…"Islam's Man of a Million Comments”,Keysar Trad reacts.

Trad  and FAMILY
The Trad’s.
Islam's Man of a Million Comments
Just WHO IS Keysar Trad?
Why should polygamy be a crime?

“It has not been easy and they remember 1998 as their worst year when Trad fell in love -
"became obsessed", his wife says - with another woman. In desperation, Hanifeh
proposed marriage on her husband's behalf to the other woman. "We were having a
terrible time. He fell in love and I wasn't thinking about myself," she says.”


Racism, an Islamic Response

“India, the Asian country which is dominated by the lowest of the low amongst
racists, the class society which divides its own people into four classes and
places people of other faiths, and Muslims in particular as the lowest of the low.
The policies of these cow worshippers, and their extermination of Muslims in their
countries and inside Kashmir (to the silence of Western countries) is one more
example of how this feeling of elitism is not restricted to the colour of the
elitist, it is a lifestyle of those idiots who have intoxicated themselves with a
false feeling of power, and who actively exercise this power against others.”

Who IS shooting up the Auburn Hindu Temple ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,Must be those crazy Judeo Christian Country Women’s association members on the rampage again in Dodge City.
Muslims insurgents /colonialists claim fears of Racism reason for establishing the“Occupied Territories” on Australian soil

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Labor's CO2 TAX HOAX Exposed again


Labors TAX on Australians very existence, a Union Funded, United Nations subservient,Socialist, Green Loon, Independent Minority Coalition Australian Government dedicated to driving Australia back into the stone age.

A Socialist Government that thinks that the right to affordable Gas,Electricity and fresh running water is a LUXUREY that only the socialist Green Loon elites are entitled to in their brave new United Nations Agenda 21 world.

The true cost of Julia Gillard's new carbon tax

Gemma Jones and Andrew Carswell

The Daily Telegraph

April 02, 2011

THE carbon tax Prime Minister Julia Gillard promised never to introduce will cost average families $860 a year, Federal Government modelling has revealed.

Based on a carbon price of $30 a tonne, families would pay up to $218 more for electricity, $114 for gas, $187 for petrol and $88 for food.

Treasury documents, released under FOI, revealed households would pay the fixed price for between three and five years (before moving to an emissions trading scheme), leaving families with a bill between $2589 and $4315 over that time.Heavily censored documents claim price rises would "drive household behaviour change, with households substituting to less carbon intensive goods over time".

But it was acknowledged in a Treasury executive minute last October that low-income families would suffer the most because they spend more on things like electricity and are least able to afford low emissions technology.Treasury also raised fears the tax would reduce people's wealth.

"A carbon price will also affect wealth as the change in prices flows through to the value of financial assets, including shares, and reduces the real value of savings," the minute states.

PM Gillard's carbon hit

It also shows the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme proposed in 2009 by former PM Kevin Rudd would have raised electricity prices by a maximum $120 a year and gas by $52 - half the cost of the Treasury estimates now.

"This just demonstrates that the Government has known all along that its carbon tax won't clean up the environment but it will clean out your wallet," Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said.

Treasurer Wayne Swan hit back yesterday, claiming the figures were preliminary numbers and he said he could not nominate how much assistance families would be given by way of compensation.

"Until the final design and modelling have been settled, anyone who uses these figures to scare families about prices is engaging in a scare campaign," he said.

The Government is reportedly considering tax and welfare breaks of between $600 and $1500 a year.

It comes as an exclusive survey by The Daily Telegraph reveals why voters are so angry about the proposal. A quarter of the 2500 households surveyed said they were already struggling to make ends meet and almost 9 per cent said they didn't have enough money to pay bills.

"I think it might be an unnecessary tax, I could probably do better with the money in my pocket and make a concerted effort to reduce my carbon emissions, rather than be taxed," Greg Hudson, 32, from Neutral Bay, said yesterday.


Friday, April 01, 2011

Sydney:The Australian Labor Party's Multicultural Sydney on the rampage...... AGAIN

The Australian Labor Party's preferred immigrants weaving yet more of their golden threads into their rich and diverse tapestry of MULTICULTURALISM.

How could ANY Australian NOT want to be fucked over by these people? that is, unless of course you are a


Australia: Sydney’s Occupied Territories: Pious Muslim Thug,Ali Mobayad, threatens and assaults Female Paramedic at accident scene

Ali Mobayad accused of assaulting ambo as she treated car crash victim

The Daily Telegraph

April 01, 2011

Copy of 1 4 2011 Ali Mobayad accused of assaulting ambo as she treated car crash victim A PARAMEDIC was threatened and assaulted as she tried to treat a crash patient, a court heard yesterday.

Police allege Ali Mobayad, 30, was involved in a verbal altercation with paramedic Karen Matthews outside Berala Public School as she was treating a patient who was injured in a car accident.

Documents tendered to Burwood Local Court yesterday revealed that the Auburn man double parked in a school zone - the only charge he pleaded guilty to - before allegedly getting out of his car and pounding on the Rapid Response vehicle's driver-side window and "threatening" the 37-year-old paramedic.

It is alleged Mobayad then began yelling and swearing at the ambulance officer before assaulting her just after 3pm on March 7.

Court documents stated the alleged offences "caused a real fear of actual physical violence" and prevented Ms Matthews from "executing her duties as a paramedic".

The court heard the accused left the scene, but was arrested [on Yarram Road, Lidcombe] shortly after 4.30pm.

He was charged with negligent driving, menacing driving, common assault and hindering an ambulance officer by act of violence - all of which he has denied and pleaded not guilty to yesterday.

Outside court, Mobayad became irate after he spotted The Daily Telegraph waiting with cameras.

"You see this face - if you use that image (see left )you will never see the end of this," he said. "I don't care what happens to me, I'll kill you if you use that photo ... you f ... ing idiot."

The man will return to court on May 5.


Why was this piece of Godless Islamist Shit, not horsewhipped and tied in stocks for a week ? dispense with Judeo Christian Justice,flog him till he drops, and transport him back, to whatever Islamic shit hole, he or his Parents or Grand Parents ran away from, along with ALL his Australian based relatives and Multicultural supporters.










Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Who IS shooting up the Auburn Hindu Temple ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,Must be those crazy Judeo Christian Country Women’s association members on the rampage again in Dodge City.

Extract below from the Islamic Friendship Associations, Keysar Trad where he describes Hindu’s as “these cow worshippers” in his now famous Koran inspired article “Racism an Islamic Response “

This article was published in the 16th issue of Nida'ul Islam magazine (, December - January 1996-97]

Racism, an Islamic Response

“India, the Asian country which is dominated by the lowest of the low amongst
racists, the class society which divides its own people into four classes and
places people of other faiths, and Muslims in particular as the lowest of the low.
The policies of these cow worshippers, and their extermination of Muslims in their
countries and inside Kashmir (to the silence of Western countries) is one more
example of how this feeling of elitism is not restricted to the colour of the
elitist, it is a lifestyle of those idiots who have intoxicated themselves with a
false feeling of power, and who actively exercise this power against others.”

Full article available HERE where the the reader will be informed of what this, Koran inspired Racist tome,reveals of the belief’s a Pious and Holy Muslim writer, community leader,former Taxation Office Official, indeed the Australian Left and their MSM apologists, “Go to man” on all things concerning, what they demand Australians believe is a “Religion of Peace” and it’s views on the many Races and Religions of the world.

Yeah I know Keysar, even though you wrote it you were misquoted, that goes without saying blah blah blah, It’s just like the Koran it can mean anything you want it to mean at any given time depending on what atrocity you and your co religionists are trying to dismiss,defend, spin away at any given point in time under the excuse of “All Cultures, Religions,Behaviors” are equal, yatta yatta yatta blah blah blah blah.

I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR AM I IMPLYING Mr Trad shot up the Hindu Temple in question.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Madame Burrow aka, "Comrade Darling" let loose and rampaging throughout the world dropping her pearls of wisdom to anyone who will listen.

From left to right video shows Affirmative action appointees, “Emily’s List” Joan Kirner, Jenny George, Ju LIAR Gillard and Sharan Burrow
What’s Madame Burrow been up to lately ? From Winds of Jihad
“Our union boss joins the Arab uprising

Again: Glenn Beck is right. The unions play a much bigger role in the Islamic ‘revolution’ in the ME than most of us can possibly imagine.

Sharan Burrow: “I came away from Tunisia incredibly proud of the work that the unions have done in helping to organise the revolution and I was really humbled by the courage a lot of ordinary workers and union members have been showing,” she tells Inquirer. (The Islamo-Socialist Convergence)


The Islamo Socialist Convergence?

More exciting and diverse pictures at the link below.


Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”


Arse Clowns Inc., Australia's Leftist Progressives, Australian Council of Trade Unions, Australian Labor Party, Australias Leftist Fifth Column, International Socialism, International Socialists, Islamic Assassins, Islamic Sociopaths Inc.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Real JuLIAR Gillard ? Lame ducks larking in the Oval Office can't fool all the people all of the time.

Lame ducks larking in the Oval Office can't fool all the people all of the time

Piers Akerman

The Daily Telegraph

March 11, 2011

RARELY has a state visit to the US by an Australian prime minister achieved as little as has been delivered by Julia Gillard after her meeting with President Barack Obama.

Lame ducks larking in the Oval Office can't fool all the people all of the time.

Gillard Obama 2

A football lesson in the Oval Office, a lecture on Vegemite, and a saccharine speech to a joint sitting of Congress that only served to underscore her own monumental history of political backflips.

It didn't help, either, that her arrival in Washington coincided with the release of a Newspoll showing she had scored the greatest rise in personal dissatisfaction (12 points) of any prime minister in the polling organisation's history.

But it might have given her something to talk about with Obama as he pulled off his own greatest backflip, a reversal of his plans to close the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay.

This was at the absolute core of Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, much the same as Gillard's "There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead" promise was front-and-centre in her bid for election.

Gillard has not seen the folly of her ways. Obama may be a hopeless president but he learnt a lesson in this instance. Gillard shows absolutely no sign that she has learnt anything.

She was cheered when she addressed a joint sitting of Congress but it may have helped that her audience knew little about her.

Gillard was in full gush mode by the time she wound up her address, telling her listeners that on the centenary of President Ronald Reagan's birth, "he remains a great symbol of American optimism. The only greater symbol of American optimism is America itself".

Had her audience only known that when Reagan was president, Gillard was a leading member of the management committee of the Socialist Forum, a radical group of activists including many former members of the Communist Party, who were largely united in their hatred of the US.

There could hardly be a greater contrast between Gillard and Reagan. He stood for lower taxes and stronger defence, she stands for higher taxes and presides over a defence force that is unable to put a ship or submarine to sea and has lost its fighter-bomber air capacity.

Reagan took on the union movement, defeating striking air traffic controllers and presiding over employment growth and rebuilding America after President Jimmy Carter's failed experiments.

Gillard has given the union movement a free hand to once again rebuild and destroy Australian small businesses and stifle individual enterprise.

Gillard and Obama are in many ways kindred spirits, disastrously reliving their days as student politicians as their policies wreak havoc upon their nations.

Fortunately, in both cases, the people - even those who were among their staunchest supporters - are starting to wake up.

The polls tell the story for Gillard; a more subtle message was delivered to Obama at the White House this week when it was revealed that there had been almost no entries for a high school competition to win the President as the commencement day speaker.

He is apparently so unpopular that just 14 schools initially entered the competition compared with 1000 applicants last year.

Gillard and Obama, birds of a feather - lame ducks (and there's no threat implied and no animals have been harmed in the creation of this column).

Obama is great at presentation and oratory, Gillard fails on both scores - and both are dead in the water when it comes to policy delivery.


One could only feel sympathy for former Opposition leader Kim Beazley - an honest, scholarly and thoughtful person, now Australian ambassador to Washington - as Gillard paraded through town, and conclude that her cheering audience must have been drinking Charlie Sheen's tiger blood cocktails.

I agree with most of what Julia Gillard said in her address to the joint sitting of Congress,the content of her address indicated a complete reversal of the Australian Labor Party’s, and indeed her own long stated dislike of all things American.

It was possibly the first time that she has enunciated the views and sentiments of the vast majority of the Australian people, she appears to have turned her back on her past twenty plus years of Anti American ,anti Judeo Christian Democracy and anti Capitalism activism.

I would not be the only Australian who remembers clearly her days as the “angry young rabid Marxist student organizer”frothing at the mouth denouncing all that is American and Australian,demanding the end of the ANZUS Treaty the removal of American bases etc etc etc.

She has not explained why she was engaging in photo ops in front of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington our own Australian Vietnam vets were been told her government could not afford to present their medals personally so they would be posted to them. (Battle of Long Than veterans)

It would not be unreasonable to ask Madame Gillard has she been lieing these past twenty years or was her address to the joint sitting of Congress a lie ?


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Australians tell Madame Gillard, Australia’s Socialist Liar for Hire PM just how popular she really is, whilst fellow Socialist Hussein Obama sings her praises.


8 3 2011 Laqbor its a mess

Every day it is becoming clearer just how much of a mess Labor is in.

Five days before the last election Julia Gillard promised: “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.” Now, with Ms Gillard caving in to the Greens and breaking her promise, Australians face a new tax and extra pressure on family budgets.

At a time when Australians are already doing it tough, Labor’s carbon tax will unnecessarily lift electricity, grocery and petrol prices and attack jobs in our key industries.

In a major address delivered in Adelaide last night, Tony Abbott warned of the cost of Labor’s carbon tax.

He said:

“Even at $26 a tonne, a carbon tax would add an average of $300 a year to electricity bills (and $500 in NSW). It would add 6.5 cents to the cost of a litre of petrol. At this rate, a carbon tax would raise about $10 billion a year without materially reducing emissions because consumers have previously absorbed price rises of this magnitude.

“A carbon tax of about $25 a tonne would close 16 coal mines and cost 10,000 jobs in coal mining (according to Access Economics). It would cost 24,000 jobs in mining generally (according to ACIL). It would cost 45,000 jobs in emissions-intensive industries (according to Frontier Economics). It’s “economic vandalism” according to the head of Bluescope Steel that will drive manufacturing jobs offshore.

“A carbon tax would add 25 per cent to the price of electricity and up to five per cent to the cost of groceries because power and transport costs are embedded in the price.”

For Labor and the Greens the only answer is tax, tax, tax.

The Coalition knows there is a better way. Our direct action plan on climate change is economically responsible and won’t cost Australian jobs.

Labor’s CO2 Tax,Labor’s TAX on everything, Global Warming SCAM,Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM,United Nations, Al Gore,Carbon Tax,CO2 TAX,Tax for living, Labor’s Road to Serfdom,Green Loons,Bob Brown, Christine Milne, Rob Oakeshott, Tony Windsor,Flim Flannery,Carpet Baggers,Snake Oil Salesmen,

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Australia: Labor’s CO2 TAX On EVERYTHING explained, CO2 Tax for Dummies

CO2 Tax for Dummies

Let's put this into a bit of perspective for laymen!  Graphic Here

ETS is another tax. It is equal to putting up the GST to 12.5% which would be unacceptable and produce an outcry.

Read the following analogy and you will realize the insignificance of carbon dioxide as a weather controller.

Pass on to all in your address book including politicians and may be they will listen to their constituents, rather than vested interests which stand to gain by the ETS.

Here's a practical way to understand Julia Gillard Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

Imagine 1 kilometer of atmosphere and we want to get rid of the carbon pollution in it created by human activity.  Let's go for a walk along it.

The first 770 meters are Nitrogen.

The next 210 meters are Oxygen.

That's 980 meters of the 1 kilometer.  20 meters to go.

The next 10 meters are water vapour.  10 meters left.

9 meters are argon.   Just 1 more meter.

A few gases make up the first bit of that last meter.

The last 38 centimeters of the kilometer - that's carbon dioxide.  A bit over one foot.

97% of that is produced by Mother Nature.  It’s natural.

Out of our journey of one kilometer, there are just 12 millimeters left.  Just over a centimeter - about half an inch.

That’s the amount of carbon dioxide that global human activity puts into the atmosphere.

And of those 12 millimeters Australia puts in .18 of a millimeter.

Less than the thickness of a hair.  Out of a kilometer!

As a hair is to a kilometer - so is Australia 's contribution to what Julia Gillard calls Carbon Pollution.

Imagine Brisbane 's new Gateway Bridge , ready to be opened by Julia Gillard. It's been polished, painted and scrubbed by an army of workers till its 1 kilometer length is surgically clean. Except that Julia Gillard says we have a huge problem, the bridge is polluted - there's a human hair on the roadway. We'd laugh ourselves silly.

There are plenty of real pollution problems to worry about.

It's hard to imagine that Australia 's contribution to carbon dioxide in the world's atmosphere is one of the more pressing ones.  And I can't believe that a new tax on everything is the only way to blow that pesky hair away.

Pass this on quickly while the ETS is being debated in Federal Parliament.


Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE
Australian Politics:Madame Gillard receives a touch up from the back room boys aka. Labor’s “Faceless men”
Australia PM, Madame Gillard her minority Green Loon “Independent” coalition government in turmoil.
Agenda 21, Nancy Levant.
Madame Gillard Australia’s Shameless Socialist LIAR
Alan Jones exposes Madame Gillard and her Marxist Governments Road to Serfdom for her subjects.


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