An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Australian Labor Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Labor Party. Show all posts

Friday, July 23, 2010

Australia:Former Labor leader Mark Latham says Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott more honest than Labor PM Julia Gillard

Latham attacks Gillard as fraud
Brendan Nicholson
The Australian
July 22, 2010 12:00AM
FORMER Labor leader Mark Latham last night exploded out of retirement to launch a scathing attack on the government.
He declared Julia Gillard's population policy was a "fraud of the worst order" and her education revolution had achieved nothing.

And Mr Latham suggested that Tony Abbott was more honest than the Prime Minister, a one-time friend of his. Mr Latham told Sky News that Ms Gillard was running a phony population campaign while saying she opposed the idea of a big Australia.
"She's been going on about sustainable population growth," Mr Latham said. "That's been her mantra for the past three or four days. It's an issue that's come out of the blue and she's defining her prime ministership around it.
"Today she said it's not an immigration debate. Where does she think all these people have been coming from in western Sydney? We grow them in our back garden? I mean, for every four people who move to Sydney from other parts of Australia, seven move to Sydney from overseas."
Mr Latham, the former MP for the southwestern Sydney seat of Werriwa, said any serious debate about population had to be about immigration.
"If it's not an immigration debate, it's no debate," he said.
"And I'll tell you what it is, it's a fraud. It's an attempt to con people in western Sydney that she's going to do something about congestion. And I think some smartie in the Labor Party worked out that sending out signals on population would be a proxy for the asylum-seeker and climate change debates. It's clever politics. But it's a fraud . . . of the worst order."
Mr Latham also supports putting a stop to Sydney's expansion and he said the way to do that was to stop moving more people into the western suburbs. He said that as a resident of western Sydney for 45 years, he was aware it was "absolutely chock-a-block".
He also attacked the education achievements at the core of Ms Gillard's push for re-election, saying he's seen no evidence of any education revolution.
Mr Latham then attacked the government's health policy, saying he did not see how putting a different set of bureaucrats in charge of hospital funding would produce a revolutionary result.
He said Ms Gillard was a changed person and suggested Mr Abbott was more honest. "She used to be fairly free-wheeling and open about things," he said.
"She has mastered the art of narrowness in public life."

Australian Federal Election: Don’t Let Her off the Hook.

Part 1.



Don't let her off the hook

The Australian
July 21, 2010 12:00AM

The Prime Minister needs far greater media scrutiny

WEEK one of the campaign and Julia Gillard is getting away scot-free in some sections of the press. The Labor leader is doing everything by the book. She's the perfect 22 7 2010 Gillard candidate, produced to within an inch of her life with an apparently endless capacity for platitudes and recycled promises. She is, as we report today, " the girl in the bubble" created by her party machine. Many in the Fairfax media and the ABC seem mesmerised by the performance. That may be good news for Labor but it's bad for democracy, bad for the country and bad for the free press.

In March, editor-at-large Paul Kelly wrote about the progressive media's problems in reporting on Tony Abbott, whose "muscular, conservative Christianity" they found offensive. Rather than look at his policies, a Four Corners profile screened at that time focused on the Opposition Leader's religion, reflecting the ABC's dominant ideological mindset that Christianity is a "negative, repressive factor".

One might have thought, given her atheism, that these same journalists would have found it easier to focus on the things that really matter about Ms Gillard. One might have expected that, given she has been in the job for less than four weeks, the Prime Minister would have been under close scrutiny, her policies dissected along with her makeup. Not so. From day one when The Sun-Herald virtually endorsed Ms Gillard on its front page, they have failed to apply the basic rules of reporting to Labor's campaign.

There is no disputing that Mr Abbott has made it easy with his gaffe over industrial relations and his lacklustre start to the campaign. But the problem runs deeper, with the assumption that the conservative side of politics is fair game, while Labor needs not to be challenged too hard.This is not a new phenomenon. Throughout Kevin Rudd's ascendancy and his government, the ABC and Fairfax papers failed to nail his true character or understand what a mess he was in -- inside the party and in the electorate. They ignored the debacles over pink batts and the Building the Education Revolution. They swallowed the idiocy of alcopops, Grocery Choice and Fuel Watch. In short, they had no idea there was trouble at mill.

Now Ms Gillard is positioned as the new broom sweeping away the Rudd detritus. Except that since 2007 she was deputy prime minister and a member of the Kitchen Cabinet, as responsible as Mr Rudd for government decisions. Indeed, it was Ms Gillard who urged the backflip on the emissions trading scheme that helped undo Mr Rudd.

Yet her beliefs, political vision and policies are not being tested by many in the media.

Letting the Prime Minister off the hook does the nation a great disservice. We need to know what she -- and her government -- really stand for. We need to get behind Ms Gillard's carapace of genial certainty and start asking the tough questions about her policies and record. The past few days have shown both leaders are happy to focus on the diminishing horizon of reform. As Alan Mitchell wrote in The Financial Review this week, the Prime Minister is under pressure to mimic the example of former NSW premier Bob Carr and do "as little as possible for as long as possible". It is not good enough, but without more scrutiny, the Prime Minister might just get away with it. Mark Scott at the ABC and Brian McCarthy at Fairfax need to pick up the phone and tell their editors to muscle up and scrutinise both sides of politics.

Australia: The Un Holy Alliance of Gillard and Brown, Brown and Gillard preparing the road to Serfdom for Australians
Who IS Madame / Comrade Julia Gillard ?
Australia: Australian Union (ACTU) Appointed Prime Minister,Madame Gillard and her Union Financiers and Bankers Commit to Internet Filter to protect Australians from Counter Revolutionary thoughts.
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudd’s Australia : Australian Labor Party to require ISP’s to keep records of customers web surfing, in the name of “Fresh Thinking” of course
Australian Labor Party Icon and role model orders arrest of TV station owner…

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation

Rudd’s Australia: Internet censorship anti Rudd Labor Facebook site shut down

Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Madame Julia’s Progress Australia “looking forward” EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive things about Islam and Muslims

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Australia: The Un Holy Alliance of Gillard and Brown, Brown and Gillard preparing the road to Serfdom for Australians


Devils inside hidden Green agenda   

By Andrew Bolt
The Daily Telegraph Bob & Julia Un Holy Alliance
July 21, 2010

ONE election result is already clear - and makes this debate about Tony Abbott's "secret" plans even more brainless.

Wake up, people. The Greens will have the balance of power in the Senate.

Labor sealed that deal when it agreed to swap preferences with a party which its wiser heads know would devastate the economy if it could.

That's politics, I guess.

Winning is all, and to hell with the national interest. But how grotesquely irresponsible?

Labor is helping into power a party which demands we scrap our power stations and close industries that earn us at least $60 billion a year.

Oh, and it wants us all to have more holidays, because hard work and making money really sucks.

Some 12 per cent of voters say this is just the party for them, and even Labor now says it's the best of the rest.

Yes, that really is how infantile our society, and our politics especially, has become.

But Labor, whose primary vote has been unusually low, says this only because it badly needs Greens preferences.   In exchange, it's agreed to help the Greens save its own five Senate seats - and to probably win a couple more.

It was already inevitable Labor would win back some Senate seats from the Coalition.

But this deal also kisses goodbye to Family First Senator Steve Fielding, who lucked his seat in 2004 when Labor absentmindedly preferenced him but will lose it now Labor is steering votes to the Greens.

That will be all it takes. After this election, no government will be able to pass a law against the opposition's objection without the support of the Greens, and Greens alone.

Never has this party had such a great chance to inflict on us policies that many voters treat as position statements, rather than a deliberate manifesto for the deindustrialisation of our economy and the tribalising of our society.

This now is the real issue: How much of our future did Labor sell off just to get these Greens' preferences?

Never mind this week's scare campaign about what workplace laws Abbott might secretly plan. The hapless schmuck couldn't get them through a Greens-Labor Senate even if he wanted to.

No, what really needs debate is what the Greens might now demand from a Gillard Government in exchange for its vote. And that, in turn, needs journalists especially to take seriously this party's policies.

The Greens' manifesto is not written down for a joke. It is the serious work of ideological warriors hiding behind Bob Brown's amiable front.

Vote Greens in this election and you won't get cuddlier koalas, bigger hugs and cleaner rivers. In fact, you'll be voting to "transition from coal exports", which means ending a trade worth $55 billion a year .

You'll be voting to end "the mining and export of uranium", worth $900 billion a year. You'll be demanding farmers "remove as far as possible" all GM crops, which includes cotton worth about $1.3 billion a year.

You will be voting to close down many other industries, including export of woodchips from old-growth forests, certain kinds of fishing, oil and mineral exploration in wildernesses, and new coal mines.

You'll even be voting to close the Lucas Heights nuclear facility, even though it actually produces treatments for cancer.

In fact, you'll be voting for policies deliberately intended to make us poorer. Less industrialised. Or as the Greens' policy puts it, for a "reduction of Australia's use of natural resources to a level that is sustainable and socially just".

Maybe you think it won't matter if a few industries get shut. Maybe you really are that stupid. But you haven't heard the rest of the Greens' policies yet, have you?

You see, the Greens also plan to shut coal power stations that produce 80 per cent of our electricity. They not only "oppose the establishment of new coal-fired power stations" - claiming they make the planet dangerously hot - but intend to ban new coal supplies for those we already have. And they'll hit power stations with a new tax to make electricity too expensive for you.

Do you have any idea how many businesses would be driven broke by this Green frolic? How many hundreds of thousands of jobs would be lost?

If you think the Greens must have alternative power sources in mind, you're dreaming.

The Greens want to keep Labor's ban on nuclear power. They even want to scrap government-funded research into carbon capture.

So consider. If the Greens get their way we'll have huge industries banned, businesses driven broke and power prices driven through the roof, with not enough electricity for what industries will be left.

So, with our income slashed to ribbons, what do the Greens propose? Not deep cuts in every government program but a spending spree to make Kevin Rudd seem a miser.

It's free money for everyone. If you vote for the Greens, you're voting for an extra week of holidays for all, "mandated shorter standard working hours", more pay for women workers, higher pay for casuals and better weekly benefits to students and artists.

More pay for less work, at the mere stroke of a Green pen. Isn't that a darling way to reorganise the economy? What could possibly go wrong?

They promise to lift foreign aid to "a minimum of 0.7 per cent of GDP by 2010", which means an instant rise in handouts of $4 billion a year.

Another $2 billion a year will go to scrap tertiary fees and forgiving all HECs debts.

The Greens lazily assume that the bill will be covered by hiking corporate taxes, hitting the richer 5 per cent of Australians with wealth taxes, and slugging air travellers. Show us your costings, Bob.

I'd be amazed if after a year of two of this that anyone would want to come to a country which by then would be a smoking hole in the ground.

Yet the Greens plan to do their best to attract more people to their new nation of freeloaders. Any "asylum seeker" making it here by boat would be freed into the community within 14 days, security checks permitting, and rewarded with benefits, medical services and school for children. These goodies will be offered to "environmental refugees", too.

A new, militant industrial agenda is also buried in this New Age madness, signalling the arrival in Brown's party of "watermelon Greens" - green outside and red inside.

These, like NSW candidate Lee Rhiannon, seem Green more of convenience than faith, using this doctors' wives party to smuggle in the kind of hard-Left politics that would scare voters if they saw it coming under a hammer and sickle.

This is what a vote for the Greens really means. And it's this party of vandals, tribalists and closet totalitarians that shameless Labor now helps to such threatening influence.

Who IS Madame / Comrade Julia Gillard ?
Australia: Australian Union (ACTU) Appointed Prime Minister,Madame Gillard and her Union Financiers and Bankers Commit to Internet Filter to protect Australians from Counter Revolutionary thoughts.
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudd’s Australia : Australian Labor Party to require ISP’s to keep records of customers web surfing, in the name of “Fresh Thinking” of course
Australian Labor Party Icon and role model orders arrest of TV station owner…

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation

Rudd’s Australia: Internet censorship anti Rudd Labor Facebook site shut down

Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Madame Julia’s Progress Australia “looking forward” EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive things about Islam and Muslims


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Who IS Madame / Comrade Julia Gillard ?


Australia’s Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) appointed Prime Minister, Madame / Comrade Gillard.

More Than Just Red HAIR

“Gillard’s plan for power

Andrew Bolt

Monday, October 29, 2007 at 05:15pm

Comrade Julia Gillard explains her plan to use Labor as a Trojan horse for the far Left’s agenda:

For the Left to make any real advance all these perspectives on the relationship to Labor in government need to be rejected in favour of a concept of strategic support for Labor governments. We need to recognise the only possibility for major social change is under a long period of Labor administration. Within that administration the Left needs to be willing to participate to shape political outcomes, recognising the need to except (sic) often unpalatable compromises in the short term to bolster the prospect of future advance. The task of pushing back the current political constraints by changing public opinion would need to be tackled by the Left through government, social movements and trade unions.

That comes from a document Gillard wrote for the communist-formed Socialist Forum group which she helped to run, despite now claiming she was just a part-time “typist”. (See the document below.)

It’s clear from Gillard’s writings that she sees the Socialist Forum not as a mere “debating society” (another false claim), but as an activist group that would infiltrate Labor to push its own socialist agenda.

Well, her plan seems to be running to schedule so far. Of course, maybe she’s changed her mind about her far-Left agenda in the past few years, but I’d believe that more if she didn’t tell so many untruths about what she was up to.

As it is, I’m inclined to suspect Labor has a cuckoo in its nest. “



Australia: Australian Union (ACTU) Appointed Prime Minister,Madame Gillard and her Union Financiers and Bankers Commit to Internet Filter to protect Australians from Counter Revolutionary thoughts.
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudd’s Australia : Australian Labor Party to require ISP’s to keep records of customers web surfing, in the name of “Fresh Thinking” of course
Australian Labor Party Icon and role model orders arrest of TV station owner…

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation

Rudd’s Australia: Internet censorship anti Rudd Labor Facebook site shut down

Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Madame Julia’s Progress Australia “looking forward” EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive things about Islam and Muslims

NATIONAL AFFAIRS: Julia Gillard's long-term agenda

by John Ballantyne
News Weekly,
10 July 2010

Don't say we haven't been warned.

Our new Prime Minister is not the mainstream, centrist leader that the media want us to think she is. Julia Gillard comes with a lot of ideological baggage from her radical-left past.

For several years she has played down her past political affiliations, attempted to mainstream herself and altogether presented an agreeable image to the public.

So appealing is she that she has won plaudits from across the political spectrum, even from conservatives such as Christopher Pearson and Janet Albrechtsen.

The left-dominated media, no doubt with an eye on the forthcoming federal election, have bent over backwards to depict Julia Gillard as, if anything, a conservative. They have reminded us that she was brought to power with the help of Labor's right-wing factions. Thus, so the story goes, she will be beholden to Labor's right and not stray far from moderate policies.

In the past week, Julia Gillard herself has tried to connect with conservative voters, even going so far as to hint that she would be prepared to take a harder line on asylum-seekers.

This is all for public consumption before the election. What she will be like after an election victory, when she has her own mandate to govern and is no longer so beholden to Labor power-brokers, is another question altogether.

Then we will see just how much of her radicalism she has shed and whether she really is the centrist Labor figure she would like us to think she is.

Ms Gillard has long been a prominent figure of Labor's powerful left-wing feminist caucus, Emily's List, which was founded by two former Labor premiers, Joan Kirner (Victoria) and Carmen Lawrence (Western Australia).

The stated aim of Emily's List is to raise money to help "progressive", i.e., pro-abortion, women get elected to parliament.

"Emily" stands for Early Money Is Like Yeast. (News Weekly, September 1, 2007).

Joan Kirner, whom Ms Gillard has described as a mentor and friend, was one of the driving forces behind the passage of Victoria's notorious 2008 abortion laws, which not only decriminalised abortion, but legalised late-term abortions right through nine months of pregnancy.

Ms Gillard has been unswervingly faithful to radical feminist orthodoxy. In 2000, as a member of a House of Representatives standing committee on education, she adopted a very hostile tone towards two members of the public who presented scientific data about the biological and psychological differences between the sexes and the specific educational needs of boys. (News Weekly, February 17, 2007).

Julia Gillard's first foray into politics was in the early 1980s, when, as a university law student, she became active in the now-defunct Australian Union of Students (AUS).

The AUS was then totally dominated by the extreme left. In 1983 — the year she was elected AUS president — an AUS annual council defeated heavily a call to oppose "all acts of terrorism and political violence"

(AUS Annual Council 1983: motion N28).

Furthermore, the AUS annual council declined to recognise the rights of religious clubs and societies at universities to "express their views on campus" or to have access to campus facilities (AUS Annual Council 1983: motion N34).

The AUS declared 1983 to be the International Year of the Lesbian.

It also adopted a policy on prostitution which said, in part: "Prostitution takes many forms and is not only the exchange of money for sex. … Prostitution in marriage is the transaction of sex in return for love, security and house-keeping." (Quoted by Helen Trinca, The Australian, April 6, 1984, p.7).

This bizarre statement made headlines across Australia. Anti-AUS student activists produced posters with the slogan: "AUS says your mother is a prostitute!"

By early 1984, not only Liberals, but moderate Labor and Jewish students, were campaigning vigorously to abolish the AUS. While Julia Gillard and her left-wing colleagues were defending the union, campus after campus was seceding from it, depriving it of funds and bringing about its rapid collapse.

From 1984 until 1993, Ms Gillard became a prominent figure in the militant left Socialist Forum, which had recently been formed by disaffected members of the Communist Party of Australia and Labor's left-wing.

It sought, among other things, to remove Australia from the ANZUS alliance and to twin Melbourne with Leningrad (re-named St Petersburg since the fall of communism).

Julia Gillard has made light of her youthful radicalism, and has been painstakingly careful to present herself as a moderate.

It is worth remembering, however, what she once wrote for the Socialist Forum on how the extreme Left could advance its agenda by giving "strategic support for Labor governments".

She said: "We need to recognise the only possibility for major social change is under a long period of Labor administration. Within that administration the Left needs to be willing to participate to shape political outcomes, recognising the need to except (sic) often unpalatable compromises in the short term to bolster the prospect of future advance." (Quoted by Andrew Bolt, "Gillard's plan for power", Herald Sun, October 29, 2007).

Don't say we haven't been warned.


OPINION: My unhappy memories of Julia

Babette Francis

The election last year of Julia Gillard as deputy leader of the Labor Party brought back unhappy memories for Babette Francis.

I was giving evidence to a House of Representatives standing committee on employment, education and workplace relations, of which Julia Gillard was a member.

It was 2000. The committee was examining the educational disadvantage experienced by boys and seeking recommendations to ameliorate their plight.

Members of the public could make submissions. Alan Barron, from the Institute of Men's Studies, and I, among others, were invited to make a presentation.

As a member of the Victorian Committee on Equal Opportunity in Schools (1975-77), I had personally researched the problems experienced by boys.

In my presentation, I showed slides illustrating that males suffered disadvantage in all areas of life, with the exception of earnings.


Male life expectancy was six years lower than that of females, and male infant mortality was higher. Males are far more likely than females to be in prison and to be victims of homicide, suicide, road accidents and drug or alcohol addiction.

Male success rates at Higher School Certificate exams are substantially lower than the female success rate, and boys outnumber girls four-to-one in requiring remedial or special education.

Alan Barron and I made some eminently reasonable recommendations, for instance, that educators should acknowledge the biological and psychological differences between the sexes and not uncritically adopt a feminist vision of an androgynous society.

Also that schools could consider offering single-sex classes, and that the recruitment of more male teachers should be encouraged.

To our astonishment, Julia Gillard adopted a hostile attitude to our evidence, almost as if we were the accused in the dock. I complained to committee chairman Dr Brendan Nelson, pointing out that members of the public giving information to a parliamentary inquiry, and receiving no remuneration for doing so, were doing the nation a service and deserved to be treated with courtesy.

Gillard turned the discussion into a totally different inquiry about why there weren't more women orthopaedic surgeons or members of parliament. This was no doubt one of her pet peeves.

I tried to explain that much of the discrepancy in male and female career outcomes and earnings were because of women's choices.

Also, women have babies and take time off from jobs to raise children. While numbers of males and females in medical courses were similar, after graduation, many women chose to work part-time. This may not be practical in orthopaedic surgery, which is a demanding specialty.

But Gillard would have none of this, nor my explanation that the differential in male and female incomes was not so significant when it was considered males shared their standard of living with their wives and partners and their children.

But the last straw was Gillard's facetious comment in the transcript of the proceedings. "Sorry about our banter. It started this morning when we had Babette Francis here and our behaviour has gone downhill ever since …"

Personally, as I wrote to Dr Nelson, I would not have thought it possible for Julia Gillard's behaviour to have gone further downhill — not in a public venue anyway — but I guess with a feminist it can be done.

The sad irony is that I highlighted the serious disadvantages of boys in education in my minority report as a member of the Victorian Committee on Equal Opportunity in Schools back in 1977.

It took the Federal Government 23 years to catch up with the seriousness of the problem.

Even now, any recommendations that might improve outcomes for boys will be lost in the stranglehold the feminist lobby has on state school systems — as typified by Julia Gillard.

— Babette Francis is national co-ordinator of Endeavour Forum Inc.

Babette Francis, "Emily's List — who and what are they?", News Weekly, September 1, 2007.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Madame Gillard calls the Australian Federal election for August 21



Madame Gillard arrived at the Governor Generals residence Saturday (July 17) morning to visit her Union backers Mother in Law, Governor General, Quentin Bryce that she was ready to face the electorate.

I was surprised when one radio commentator described her clothing and went on to say that she was wearing a “Pearl Necklace”.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Australia: Australian Union (ACTU) Appointed Prime Minister,Madame Gillard and her Union Financiers and Bankers Commit to Internet Filter to protect Australians from Counter Revolutionary thoughts.


ISP filtering legislation on the way

Labors Internet filter aka. Freedom  FROM Free Speech.

Madame Gillard promises to protect Australian’s from Counter Revolutionary thoughts and information.

Gillard Australian Story Great Wall China Australian Council of Trade Unions appointed, Australian Prime Minister,former member of the “Gang of Four” Madame Gillard seen here in Party Garb, on a visit to the Australian Labor Party’s ideological homeland, Communist China.

Beijing's former highest ranking official in Australia and Prime Minister of Australia,Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Rudd," # 1 Citizen" of the previous Union Financed Labor Government, Madam Gillard's  predecessor, often quoted Labor's ideological sole mate Mao Tse Tung, the progressive lefts most infamous mass murderer and despot's invocation to the people of China soon after slaughtering his opponents and seizing power "Let a hundred flowers bloom" (Lu Kewen insisted on saying let a thousand flowers bloom)
The internet has indeed let a "Hundred Flowers bloom", different thought's and ideas are now out there in the Blogosphere, and just like Mao Tse Tung, those seeking fighting, to hold the DEATH SWORD of International Socialism, have been monitoring those Flowers Blooming and what those "flowers " had to say on the internet these last 15 years or so.

Names addresses and telephone numbers of the authors their wives, husbands and children, and every word ever written on any and ALL Blogs.
Letters to the editor and email, the flowers have indeed BLOOMED, the internet has invited "open and frank" discussion, unlike the days when Mao Tse Tung's operatives had to listen into every conversation in a Cafe ,public park bus, train or University Lecture or private conversation between husband and wife or parent and child, those deemed to be " Counter Revolutionary" are easily identified by their writings on the internet and just like  Mao Tse Tung's gangs of roving "Revolutionaries" and "right thinkers" aka. butchers thugs and mass murderers did to China's hundred blooming flowers, so to will his ideological descendants Madame Gillard and the Australian Labor Party and their Bankers and Financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions.

So what did Mao Tse Tung do after he surveyed his Hundred Blooming Flowers? he simply slaughtered every Flower that did not bloom according to HIS aka. "The Party" proscribed ideology, in fact he made his Communist Party "Flowers" the only "Flowers" allowed to Bloom  in China.
Madame Gillard is about to shut down the internet in Australia, Australians will have the same access to the internet as do citizens / comrades of Iran, North Korea, Cuba, China and Venezuela

Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudd’s Australia : Australian Labor Party to require ISP’s to keep records of customers web surfing, in the name of “Fresh Thinking” of course
Australian Labor Party Icon and role model orders arrest of TV station owner…

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation

Rudd’s Australia: Internet censorship anti Rudd Labor Facebook site shut down

Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010

There is now not a dollar you have spent, a thought you have committed to email or Skype or an MSN phone conversation or as a comment on a blog site or newspaper website, a Face Book page, or friend, a Porn site you may have visited, a Religious or Political site you may frequent or be a member of that the likes of Madame Gillard won’t know about should she and her fellow “Progressives” choose to know about.

Somewhere there is a record of everything you have ever spoken or written / posted on the internet or on your cell phone in the name of letting a “Hundred Flowers Bloom”


Thursday, July 08, 2010

Socialist Australia: When Unions run the work place Peadophiles win.


Australian Labor Party’s JUSTICE where Peadophiles have the right to sue for “unfair dismissal”.

Sex offender payout Unfair dismissal win after man's child porn conviction

Steve Lewis
National Political Correspondent
Daily Telegraph
Pg. 18 July 7 2010

A MAN convicted of possessing  child  pornography  and who allegedly sexually har-
assed his co-workers has won a payout in an unfair dismissal case against food giant Nestle.

Despite  a  six-month jail term and being placed on the sex offenders register, Steve
Wilson  successfully  argued against his sacking from the Uncle   Tobys   factory   at
Wahgunyah in Victoria.

87 7 2010 Sex offender payout Unfair dismissal win after man's child porn conviction

Is it just me, or is there “something about Lea” the lips,the jaw line, the neck and forehead, chin ? Hey maybe someone threw a rock in the gene pool or something or is it a simple case of Ducks and DRAKSE’s mistaking their correct feathers?

The extraordinary ruling is likely to raise questions about the Gillard Government's workplace laws.

The Coalition has promised to reform industrial relations and relax unfair dismissal laws.

Industrial umpire Fair Work Australia heard Wilson,39, routinely harassed women at
his work. It heard he even attempted to sabotage Uncle Tobys, drawing a penis on
cardboard and stuffing it in a box of Rollups.

But Fair Work Australia senior deputy president Lea Drake ruled his termination
was "harsh, unjust and unreasonable". In a judgment likely to be picked up by the
Coalition, Ms Drake also ordered Uncle Tobys to pay its former employee two weeks
salary in compensation.

In a ruling handed down on June 25, Ms Drake ruled the company had not given Wil-
son, now in a Victorian jail,sufficient  opportunity to  respond to the charges.

"Uncle Tobys was a procedural fairness-free zone in relation to Mr Wilson," Ms
Drake said in her ruling.
The Wangaratta man, who has been placed on the sex offenders register for 15 years,
was jailed for six months in June 2009 on eight charges of stalking,   pornography   and
harassment  offences.  Nestle does not plan to appeal.


Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Australia: US Singing Tourist surrenders to Police after bashing MP at Macdonald’s carpark


Man charged over MP Paul Gibson attack at Macdonald's

By Andrew Clennell, State Political Editor
The Daily Telegraph
July 06, 2010 2:24PM

A MAN alleged to have bashed Labor MP Paul Gibson in a Macdonald’s carpark has been arrested and charged with common assault and assault occasioning bodily harm.

The Daily Telegraph revealed the assault on Mr Gibson last week, in which Mr Gibson alleges the man shouted: “This is how we do it in America, this is how we do it in America” as he bashed the Blacktown MP.

I guess Mario Norman had to wait until his foot “got better” before he could walk into the Police station.

A police spokesman said a “24-year-old US national” had presented at Manly police station this morning with his solicitor David Leamey and was arrested and charged.

The singer-songwriter, currently in Australia on a tourist visa, was bailed and will appear before Manly Local Court later this month.

The MP claims to have had his ribs broken in the scuffle.

He said the fight started after the American claimed Mr Gibson drove over his foot as he went to park in the carpark in Thornleigh last Sunday.

I am of two minds over this incident ,I mean,he only did what millions of Australian’s have wanted to do to many of our politicians for years, especially those on the left,its fitting that a Labor (left) politician gets a flogging from a “singer songwriter” from the USA.

I know, I know we should not go around bashing the crap out of our Politicians, even Labor ones, but gee It’s a good feeling to know that at least one of the bastards has copped a flogging off some deranged arse clown,Gibson will at least now be able to look his electorate in the eye and honestly say he has something in common with the average Australian, ie. he too has been bashed sensless by a foreigner.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Australia: Multicultural and Useful Idiot Pin Up Boy,Sheikh Monsour Laghaei Fly’s back to Iranian Masters.


ASIO Found this Muslim to be a threat to the security and well being of Australian’s,thankfully there is a Federal Election soon this year and the Union financed Australian Labor Party, after many many appeals,far too many by any reasonable consideration in fact , decided to Muscle up and accept the advice of Australia’s “Spooks” and show him the door, back to IRAN. However after and if Labor & Madam Gillard is elected in the coming 2010 Federal Election I am sure that he will be able to slip back into Australia unannounounced  before CHRISTmas 2010. As for me, good riddance to bad rubbish support ASIO.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010


Less than a week after a visit to Australia by Bejing’s second most powerful member of the Chinese Communist Party,Xi Jinping, Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia, Lu Kewen aka.Australian Prime Minister Kevin 07 Rudd, has been deposed by the Australian Council of Trade Union’s (ACTU) financed Australian Labor Party, (ALP) from the office of Prime Minister of Australia.

Copy of Xi Jinping

China’s Communist Party’s second most powerful Communist Xi Jinping.

Lu Kewen’s replacement is Julia Gillard one of two daughters of Welsh assisted immigrants (Two Pound Pom’s) and Communist Party member parents,she has been a loyal and hard working member of the Socialist Cause for many of her forty eight years, she is single but has a relationship with a hairdresser,she is Australia’s first “Wommin” appointed to the office of Australian Prime Minister,by the ALP  and their revenue raisers,financers & bankers the ACTU.

Madame Gillard is one of only two members of the infamous Lu Kewen Labor Governments “Gang of Four” to escape demotion or will not re contest their position at the up coming federal election.

Deposed Prime Minister Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Rudd has been banished to the back benches, Lyndsay Tanner, former Lu Kewen Government  Finance Minister, has indicated he will be leaving the Parliament voluntarily by not re contesting his seat at the up coming Federal election,former Lu Kewen Labor Government Treasurer,apologist and supporter, Wayne Swan, has been promoted to the office of Deputy Prime Minister. 

 Gillard Australian Story Great Wall China

“Madame Julia” Julia Gillard,Australia’s Union and Labor Party back room Thug appointed Prime Minister .

The above photo was deleted from the Australian Labor Party’s (ALP)publicly funded,publicity and propaganda arm,the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) Program web site for their successful show “Australian Story” (episode titled “She Who Waits”, broadcast 21 June 2010 ) following the appointment (on Thursday 24 June 2010)of Madame Gillard to the office of Prime Minister of Australia. by ALP back room Union and NSW ALP Political ASSASSINS.

25 6 2010 Australian Story web page

Prior to Madame Gillard’s appointment to the office of Australian Prime Minister on Thursday June 24 2010, by the Union financed ALP,the Australian Story web site contained a photo of Madame Gillard wearing the Chinese Communist Party uniform,with the Great Wall of China in the background, this photo has been removed for reasons best known to the ABC. It will be interesting to see if the ABC,edits the same photo from the video Australian Story entitled She Who Waits.

Andrew Bolt: More than just red hair

Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
October 19, 2007 12:00AM

WHAT you were matters less than what you are, so it can't hurt Julia Gillard to admit her past -- and reject it. Then why won't she?

Fact: for at least eight years the deputy Labor leader was an official of the hard-Left Socialist Forum.

Here's how Melbourne University's archives describe her group:

"The Socialist Forum was established in 1984, initially by disaffected members of the Communist Party of Australia (CPA). Its membership included Australian Labor Party (ALP) members and political activists . . .

(Its) stated aim was to contribute to the development of democratic socialism in Australia . . ."

And one of its unstated aims was to help former communists join Labor.

Back then Gillard had no trouble admitting to that communist influence, writing in an SF pamphlet: "Around 45 of the forum's members left the Communist Party of Australia in the division of a year ago . . ."

She'd know. She not only wrote such pamphlets for the SF's 200 or more members, but worked until 1993 -- when she'd already become a lawyer -- as its organiser and then on its management committee.

The policies she pushed were the usual sandwich-board stuff: scrapping our US alliance, super-taxing the rich, introducing death duties, blah blah. But here's a novel one: twinning Melbourne with Leningrad -- renamed now, post-communism, St Petersburg.

Of course, most of us grow wiser with experience and -- note well, young radicals -- leave such heady but ruinous Leftism behind.

But has Gillard? It's a fair question to ask someone who wants to be our deputy prime minister, in charge of workplace "reform", especially when she's part of a Labor team of which some 70 per cent are ex-union officials.

But here's the troubling thing about her replies. Far from repudiating her past radicalism, she refuses to even admit to it. Here, for instance, is part of her interview on the ABC's Lateline program on Wednesday:

Video extract from interview between Lateline’s Tony Jones and Madame Gillard, October 17 2007 full interview here

Fabian Society

Gillard: I was a full-time university student and I had a part-time job for an organisation called Socialist Forum, which was a sort of debating society . . .

Interviewer: It wasn't a front organisation for communists?

Gillard: Certainly not. It was an organisation where people who identified themselves as progressives, some in the Labor Party, some outside the Labor Party, would come together and would talk about ideas. I did clerical and administrative work . . .

Good skills with that airbrush, Julia.

Gillard -- a long-time official and a leader of a group created by communists -- is transformed. In her new version, she becomes just a part-time typist in her "student days" for "progressives", who merely debated stuff. Her communists become simply people "outside the Labor Party".

That's neither frank nor, I suggest, quite honest. And when asked a direct question . . .

Interviewer: Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?

Gillard: Tony, I think that question shows how silly all of this is getting, though I suspect in this interview, probably the Howard Government would think you're the dangerous radical. After all, I'm only from the Labor Party, you're from the ABC.

A "no" would have been shorter. But more importantly, can Gillard now own up to her past radicalism, and explain how she came to reject it?

After all, she's still of the Socialist Left and as Labor's health spokesman at the last election offered us the Whitlamesque Medicare Gold disaster, after choosing as her leader the anti-American Mark Latham. She has some reassuring to do.

Will Julia Gillard's past cause red faces?

Lincoln Wright
 Herald Sun
October 07, 2007 12:00AM

SCRAPPING the ANZUS treaty, twinning Melbourne with Leningrad and introducing a super-tax on the rich were among radical policies devised or backed by Julia Gillard as a student activist.

Labor's deputy leader was a key figure in a socialist group that pushed radical policies and social agendas in the 1980s and early '90s.


Comrade Julia: From activist to Deputy PM? Radical policies from a student Julia Gillard threaten to embarrass the opposition.  Source: Sunday Herald Sun 

Founded in 1984 as a pressure group within the ALP, the Socialist Forum also wanted to sever Australia's alliance with the US, remove the spy base at Pine Gap, introduce death duties and redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.

The Sunday Herald Sun has gained access to the forum's archive - held in the Baillieu Library at the University of Melbourne.

The archive contains material revealing the radical past of Ms Gillard, including her links to former members of the Communist Party of Australia.

Ms Gillard, who could be Australia's next deputy prime minister, was on the management committee of the forum for many years. She acted as its public officer, secretary, and legal adviser on the drafting of its constitution.

Her signature is on liquor licence applications for the forum's social events, such as theatre nights.

In a pamphlet from the mid-1980s, Ms Gillard describes herself as a "socialist and a feminist" and someone who joined the ALP at 16.

"Contrary to what may have been suggested, Socialist Forum is not a secret organisation nor is it a sub-caucus with the Socialist Left," Ms Gillard says in the pamphlet.

"The members of the forum are drawn from varied backgrounds. Around 45 of the forum's members left the Communist Party of Australia in the division of a year ago and about 80 are members of the ALP. The largest group are not members of any political party."

The 200-plus member forum sought to influence Bob Hawke's Labor government, especially on foreign and economic policy, through the free discussion of ideas.

One key document is the 1985 "Pine Gap - Planning a Strategy", drafted by Philip Hind, who recommends a long-term policy of abrogating the ANZUS Treaty, removing Pine Gap and eventually closing all US bases.

Mr Hind visited the former Soviet Union and came back praising the reforms of president Mikhail Gorbachev. He recommended stronger ties with the USSR, including making Melbourne a sister city of Leningrad (now St Petersburg).

The archive also reveals the forum's debate over tax policy was based on a Communist Party tax pamphlet titled "A Case for Radical Tax Reform".

"We argue that there is only one effective way to reform the tax system, by a sweeping redistribution of the tax burden which now hits hardest at low and middle-income earners," the pamphlet says.

Health Minister Tony Abbott has accused Ms Gillard of erasing her radical past and her links to the forum.

Yesterday, Ms Gillard said she could not remember the forum discussing radical policies. "It did not adopt policy positions and I don't remember any of the papers being referred to," she said.

Archive shows radical Gillard

Labor's deputy leader was a key figure in a socialist group that pushed radical policies and social agendas in the 1980s and early '90s.

The Socialist Forum, founded in 1984 as a pressure group within the Labor Party, also wanted to sever Australia's alliance with the US, remove the spy base at Pine Gap, introduce death duties and redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.

The Sunday Mail has gained access to the forum's archive containing material which reveals Ms Gillard's radical past, including her links to former members of the Communist Party of Australia.

She was on the management committee of the forum for many years and acted as its secretary and legal adviser on the drafting of its constitution.

Health Minister Tony Abbott has accused Ms Gillard of erasing her radical past and her links to the forum.

Her Who's Who entry for 2006 contained no mention of her role in the Socialist Forum.

Yesterday Ms Gillard said she could not remember it discussing radical policies.

"The aim of Socialist Forum was to foster debate amongst progressive Australians and consequently it distributed, for the purpose of discussion, the writings of many authors," she said.

"From the summary of the papers provided I do not endorse their content now and would not have endorsed their content in 1985 as a 24-year-old."


Julia Gillard has denied being a communist

DEPUTY Opposition leader Julia Gillard said today she was not a communist and never had been.

But she said at the same time as she was a member of the group Socialist Forum, Treasurer Peter Costello was flirting with the Social Democrats, a group that also included socialists.

Ms Gillard accused the Government and Mr Costello in particular of running a pretty silly scare campaign.

Ms Gillard agreed her membership of Socialist Forum had continued while seeking Labor preselection. She entered federal politics in 1998.

“My membership of Socialist Forum did continue for a period but let's be very clear about what Socialist Forum was. It was a debating society that ultimately amalgamated with the Fabian Society,” she told Channel 10 today.

“The Fabian Society of course has been around, well, forever. It has been in British politics before it was in Australian politics.”

The Government has persistently attacked Labor for the number of unionists within its ranks, accusing it of being anti-business.

Treasurer Peter Costello said Ms Gillard was a union lawyer and organiser for Socialist Forum, an extreme left wing group which included remnants of the communist party.

Ms Gillard said, interestingly, it had now been revealed Mr Costello was himself hanging out in a group called the Social Democrats when he was at university.

She said that organisation brought together various people including those who described themselves as socialist.

“So if we all want to go back to people's university days and talk about when Peter Costello was flirting with joining the Labor Party, when Brendan Nelson was in the Labor Party, it's going to be a pretty silly debate,” she said.

Ms Gillard said Socialist Forum was never part of the Labor Party.

“We would bring people together for discussions. It would periodically publish papers that would be there for people to consider, the kind of stuff that the Fabian Society does today,” she said.

Asked outright if she was a communist, she replied, laughing:

“No of course not and guess what I never was, despite Peter Costello's obsessive and silly fantasy,” she said.

“Let's be real about this. We are talking about an election in 2007, an election where we are presenting policies and plans for this nation's future.”

Ms Gillard said Prime Minister John Howard and his Government were obsessed by the past.

She said Mr Costello actually thought it appropriate to spend days talking about events nearly 20 years ago at a time when he was in a group called the Social Democrats.

“That silliness is irrelevant,” she said. “I reckon it has got a scare campaign and a pretty dumb one.”

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rudd’s Australia : Australian Labor Party to require ISP’s to keep records of customers web surfing, in the name of “Fresh Thinking” of course


Web snooping policy shrouded in secrecy


June 17, 2010 - 12:56PM

The federal government is hiding controversial plans to force ISPs to store internet activity of all Australian internet users - regardless of whether they have been suspected of wrongdoing - for law-enforcement agencies to access.

Political opponents and other critics of the scheme have described the draft policy as "alarming" and accused the government of going "on a fishing expedition for as much data on the public as they can get". One ISP executive has described the plan as "a nanny state gone totally insane".

The Attorney-General's Department has been holding consultations with industry about implementing a "data retention regime", similar to that adopted by the European Union after terrorist attacks several years ago.

Reports last week suggested data that ISPs would be required to store included contents of communications such as web browsing history.

Yesterday, a spokesman for Attorney-General Robert McClelland denied web browsing histories would be stored, saying the government was only seeking to identify "parties to a communication", such as senders and receivers of emails and VoIP calls.

However, it is difficult for the public to get a clear picture of the policy because the government has sworn all parties to secrecy.

Peter Coroneos, chief executive of the Internet Industry Association, criticised the government for not being transparent and open with the public about its intentions. Coroneos said he was forbidden by confidentiality agreements from discussing any details of draft proposals he has been provided.

"The decision at this stage to keep the process under wraps is the decision of the government. It's not the decision of the industry," he said in a phone interview.

"We still argue that there be an open and transparent process here."

Greens communications spokesman Scott Ludlam also criticised the lack of transparency, saying in a phone interview he had a researcher investigating the scheme to "try and work out how it fits in to the government's supposed grave concerns and fears about online privacy".

"To me there seems to be some profound contradictions going on there," Senator Ludlam said, adding that the policy "on first glance looks quite alarming".

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has recently fired barbs at Facebook and Google over privacy failures and their alleged disregard for the sanctity of users' personal information.

Colin Jacobs, spokesman for the online users' lobby group Electronic Frontiers Australia, said the government appeared to be trying to access whatever passes through any ISP in this country, while displaying "no regard whatsoever for our privacy or our civil liberties".

"What has emerged in recent days has been a clear picture of a government on a fishing expedition for as much data on the public as they can get," Jacobs said.

"It's not just a fishing expedition, it's casting a driftnet for the communications of all Australians regardless of whether they have ever been suspected of the slightest wrongdoing.

"Combined with the censorship policy, a pretty unhappy picture is emerging of this government's attitude towards our digital lives."

Some commentators have said the copyright lobby would inevitably try to use the scheme to hunt down and prosecute illegal file sharers, but Sabiene Heindl, head of the music industry's anti-piracy arm, Music Industry Piracy Investigations, said: "We have no present intention to do that."

McClelland's spokesman defended the lack of transparency, saying the government had consulted broadly with industry about the plan but "it would not be appropriate to disclose policy discussions which are the subject of consultations with the industry".

"These consultations have involved identifying the parties to a communication, where and when that communication is made and the communication's duration," the spokesman said.

"It does not include the content of a communication such as people's conversations or contents of an internet banking session, for example."

It is understood that earlier reports that web browsing history would be included were based on earlier drafts of the policy which stipulated content such as this would be logged and stored. The government appears to have since stepped down on this aspect of the scheme, although nothing is set in stone., which originally reported that web browsing history would be logged, has stood by its original report, quoting sources yesterday as saying claims that URL history would not be retained were "not accurate".

"The government has not as yet made any decision in relation to a data retention regime. However, any arrangement will strike the appropriate balance between individual privacy, commercial imperatives and community expectations that unlawful behaviour is investigated and prosecuted," McClelland's spokesman said.

Coroneos, who is able to comment more generally on similar data retention regimes adopted by EU states, said the industry in Australia already had a track record of assisting law-enforcement agencies and questions the need for a "blanket" regime covering the communications of all internet users.

"[Users] have legitimate privacy expectations and assume that their online communications and browsing activities are private unless they've been clearly informed otherwise," he said.

"Secondly, there's a question of whether the harm being being addressed is outweighed by the economic or social burden of the measures proposed. Are we cracking a nut with a sledgehammer here?"

Coroneos also raised concerns about security of the information that will be stored by ISPs and the expected high costs of implementing any scheme, which would inevitably be passed on to end users.

So far there have been no reports of Australian’s been required to REGISTER their details with Book / Newspaper / magazine / DVD/ CD/ sellers There are no reports yet of talk back radio stations been required to keep records of callers and the subject of the calls broadcast by them.

If and when these REGISTRATIONS are added to the list of “necessary protection measures” implemented by the Labor Party,Progressives Leftists and Union Officials will assure Australian’s that like their Internet Filtering program to be introduced in a few months,these measures are all for our own good,as any Progressive Leftist, Union Leader,Labor Party member will tell you,Australia’s “Working Family’s” cannot be trusted to know what is good for them to see read or hear.

Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudd Government Minister receives "Internet Villain of the Year" award
Update on Rudd's internet censorship laws
Rudd’s Australia: Internet censorship anti Rudd Labor Facebook site shut down
Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation

Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party

Rudd's Internet censorship, and now Rudd's Body Image "Code" to be introduced.
Beijing’s man on the ground in Australia,Comrade Rudd to censor Australian Internet to keep Australian’s “safe”
Rudd’s Australia, International Socialism: Rudd’s Internet Censorship coming soon to keep us “safe” from information Rudd and the ALP disagree with.
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete


Compulsory censorship for internet.

Daily Telegraph 29 10 08 Pg. 4

THE Federal Government will make internet censorship compulsory for all Australians and could ban controversial websites on euthanasia and anorexia. Australia's level of net censorship will put it in the same league as China, Cuba, Iran and North Korea.

internet censorship despots

The Government will not let users opt out of the proposed national internet filter. Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy Minister Stephen Conroy said the Government's $44.2 million internet censorship plan would now include two tiers — one level of mandatory filtering for all Australians and an optional level that will provide a "clean feed", censoring adult material. Despite planning to hold "live trials" before the end of the year, Senator Conroy said it was not known what content the mandatory filter would bar, with euthanasia or proanorexia sites on the chopping block. "We are talking about mandatory blocking, where possible, of illegal material," he said.

'Australia's level of net censorship will put it in the same league as China, Cuba, Iran and North Korea. The Government will not let users opt out of the proposed national internet filter.

access denied

Click HERE for further information on Lu Kewen’s internet censorship plans for Australia



Lu Kewen aka. Australian PM “Kevin 07” Rudd

“It’s all about getting the balance right”

Access Denied Pt.1

“The idea that the Internet is this scary place that parents don't understand, that everybody needs protection from, isn't a view that's held by most of society.

What it actually is, is a scary place that politicians don't understand, that politicians need protection from and that's why we're having this debate now.”

Access Denied Pt. 2

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