An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Australian PM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian PM. Show all posts

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Australian Federal Election August 21 2010: Wrap Up of “The Great Debate” 60 Minutes Australia 25 7 2010.

 The studio audience of  "uncommitted voters" may have misunderstood the question, "Who do you think won the debate? with "who are you voting for in the up coming election", there is a difference believe it or not.
Laurie Oaks is no fan of Tony Abbott and is like the majority of the Canberra press core a Labor Party apologist, he gave the debate to Abbott, I guess he has to at least try and maintain some credibility from time to time.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Who IS Madame / Comrade Julia Gillard ?


Australia’s Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) appointed Prime Minister, Madame / Comrade Gillard.

More Than Just Red HAIR

“Gillard’s plan for power

Andrew Bolt

Monday, October 29, 2007 at 05:15pm

Comrade Julia Gillard explains her plan to use Labor as a Trojan horse for the far Left’s agenda:

For the Left to make any real advance all these perspectives on the relationship to Labor in government need to be rejected in favour of a concept of strategic support for Labor governments. We need to recognise the only possibility for major social change is under a long period of Labor administration. Within that administration the Left needs to be willing to participate to shape political outcomes, recognising the need to except (sic) often unpalatable compromises in the short term to bolster the prospect of future advance. The task of pushing back the current political constraints by changing public opinion would need to be tackled by the Left through government, social movements and trade unions.

That comes from a document Gillard wrote for the communist-formed Socialist Forum group which she helped to run, despite now claiming she was just a part-time “typist”. (See the document below.)

It’s clear from Gillard’s writings that she sees the Socialist Forum not as a mere “debating society” (another false claim), but as an activist group that would infiltrate Labor to push its own socialist agenda.

Well, her plan seems to be running to schedule so far. Of course, maybe she’s changed her mind about her far-Left agenda in the past few years, but I’d believe that more if she didn’t tell so many untruths about what she was up to.

As it is, I’m inclined to suspect Labor has a cuckoo in its nest. “



Australia: Australian Union (ACTU) Appointed Prime Minister,Madame Gillard and her Union Financiers and Bankers Commit to Internet Filter to protect Australians from Counter Revolutionary thoughts.
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudd’s Australia : Australian Labor Party to require ISP’s to keep records of customers web surfing, in the name of “Fresh Thinking” of course
Australian Labor Party Icon and role model orders arrest of TV station owner…

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation

Rudd’s Australia: Internet censorship anti Rudd Labor Facebook site shut down

Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Madame Julia’s Progress Australia “looking forward” EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive things about Islam and Muslims

NATIONAL AFFAIRS: Julia Gillard's long-term agenda

by John Ballantyne
News Weekly,
10 July 2010

Don't say we haven't been warned.

Our new Prime Minister is not the mainstream, centrist leader that the media want us to think she is. Julia Gillard comes with a lot of ideological baggage from her radical-left past.

For several years she has played down her past political affiliations, attempted to mainstream herself and altogether presented an agreeable image to the public.

So appealing is she that she has won plaudits from across the political spectrum, even from conservatives such as Christopher Pearson and Janet Albrechtsen.

The left-dominated media, no doubt with an eye on the forthcoming federal election, have bent over backwards to depict Julia Gillard as, if anything, a conservative. They have reminded us that she was brought to power with the help of Labor's right-wing factions. Thus, so the story goes, she will be beholden to Labor's right and not stray far from moderate policies.

In the past week, Julia Gillard herself has tried to connect with conservative voters, even going so far as to hint that she would be prepared to take a harder line on asylum-seekers.

This is all for public consumption before the election. What she will be like after an election victory, when she has her own mandate to govern and is no longer so beholden to Labor power-brokers, is another question altogether.

Then we will see just how much of her radicalism she has shed and whether she really is the centrist Labor figure she would like us to think she is.

Ms Gillard has long been a prominent figure of Labor's powerful left-wing feminist caucus, Emily's List, which was founded by two former Labor premiers, Joan Kirner (Victoria) and Carmen Lawrence (Western Australia).

The stated aim of Emily's List is to raise money to help "progressive", i.e., pro-abortion, women get elected to parliament.

"Emily" stands for Early Money Is Like Yeast. (News Weekly, September 1, 2007).

Joan Kirner, whom Ms Gillard has described as a mentor and friend, was one of the driving forces behind the passage of Victoria's notorious 2008 abortion laws, which not only decriminalised abortion, but legalised late-term abortions right through nine months of pregnancy.

Ms Gillard has been unswervingly faithful to radical feminist orthodoxy. In 2000, as a member of a House of Representatives standing committee on education, she adopted a very hostile tone towards two members of the public who presented scientific data about the biological and psychological differences between the sexes and the specific educational needs of boys. (News Weekly, February 17, 2007).

Julia Gillard's first foray into politics was in the early 1980s, when, as a university law student, she became active in the now-defunct Australian Union of Students (AUS).

The AUS was then totally dominated by the extreme left. In 1983 — the year she was elected AUS president — an AUS annual council defeated heavily a call to oppose "all acts of terrorism and political violence"

(AUS Annual Council 1983: motion N28).

Furthermore, the AUS annual council declined to recognise the rights of religious clubs and societies at universities to "express their views on campus" or to have access to campus facilities (AUS Annual Council 1983: motion N34).

The AUS declared 1983 to be the International Year of the Lesbian.

It also adopted a policy on prostitution which said, in part: "Prostitution takes many forms and is not only the exchange of money for sex. … Prostitution in marriage is the transaction of sex in return for love, security and house-keeping." (Quoted by Helen Trinca, The Australian, April 6, 1984, p.7).

This bizarre statement made headlines across Australia. Anti-AUS student activists produced posters with the slogan: "AUS says your mother is a prostitute!"

By early 1984, not only Liberals, but moderate Labor and Jewish students, were campaigning vigorously to abolish the AUS. While Julia Gillard and her left-wing colleagues were defending the union, campus after campus was seceding from it, depriving it of funds and bringing about its rapid collapse.

From 1984 until 1993, Ms Gillard became a prominent figure in the militant left Socialist Forum, which had recently been formed by disaffected members of the Communist Party of Australia and Labor's left-wing.

It sought, among other things, to remove Australia from the ANZUS alliance and to twin Melbourne with Leningrad (re-named St Petersburg since the fall of communism).

Julia Gillard has made light of her youthful radicalism, and has been painstakingly careful to present herself as a moderate.

It is worth remembering, however, what she once wrote for the Socialist Forum on how the extreme Left could advance its agenda by giving "strategic support for Labor governments".

She said: "We need to recognise the only possibility for major social change is under a long period of Labor administration. Within that administration the Left needs to be willing to participate to shape political outcomes, recognising the need to except (sic) often unpalatable compromises in the short term to bolster the prospect of future advance." (Quoted by Andrew Bolt, "Gillard's plan for power", Herald Sun, October 29, 2007).

Don't say we haven't been warned.


OPINION: My unhappy memories of Julia

Babette Francis

The election last year of Julia Gillard as deputy leader of the Labor Party brought back unhappy memories for Babette Francis.

I was giving evidence to a House of Representatives standing committee on employment, education and workplace relations, of which Julia Gillard was a member.

It was 2000. The committee was examining the educational disadvantage experienced by boys and seeking recommendations to ameliorate their plight.

Members of the public could make submissions. Alan Barron, from the Institute of Men's Studies, and I, among others, were invited to make a presentation.

As a member of the Victorian Committee on Equal Opportunity in Schools (1975-77), I had personally researched the problems experienced by boys.

In my presentation, I showed slides illustrating that males suffered disadvantage in all areas of life, with the exception of earnings.


Male life expectancy was six years lower than that of females, and male infant mortality was higher. Males are far more likely than females to be in prison and to be victims of homicide, suicide, road accidents and drug or alcohol addiction.

Male success rates at Higher School Certificate exams are substantially lower than the female success rate, and boys outnumber girls four-to-one in requiring remedial or special education.

Alan Barron and I made some eminently reasonable recommendations, for instance, that educators should acknowledge the biological and psychological differences between the sexes and not uncritically adopt a feminist vision of an androgynous society.

Also that schools could consider offering single-sex classes, and that the recruitment of more male teachers should be encouraged.

To our astonishment, Julia Gillard adopted a hostile attitude to our evidence, almost as if we were the accused in the dock. I complained to committee chairman Dr Brendan Nelson, pointing out that members of the public giving information to a parliamentary inquiry, and receiving no remuneration for doing so, were doing the nation a service and deserved to be treated with courtesy.

Gillard turned the discussion into a totally different inquiry about why there weren't more women orthopaedic surgeons or members of parliament. This was no doubt one of her pet peeves.

I tried to explain that much of the discrepancy in male and female career outcomes and earnings were because of women's choices.

Also, women have babies and take time off from jobs to raise children. While numbers of males and females in medical courses were similar, after graduation, many women chose to work part-time. This may not be practical in orthopaedic surgery, which is a demanding specialty.

But Gillard would have none of this, nor my explanation that the differential in male and female incomes was not so significant when it was considered males shared their standard of living with their wives and partners and their children.

But the last straw was Gillard's facetious comment in the transcript of the proceedings. "Sorry about our banter. It started this morning when we had Babette Francis here and our behaviour has gone downhill ever since …"

Personally, as I wrote to Dr Nelson, I would not have thought it possible for Julia Gillard's behaviour to have gone further downhill — not in a public venue anyway — but I guess with a feminist it can be done.

The sad irony is that I highlighted the serious disadvantages of boys in education in my minority report as a member of the Victorian Committee on Equal Opportunity in Schools back in 1977.

It took the Federal Government 23 years to catch up with the seriousness of the problem.

Even now, any recommendations that might improve outcomes for boys will be lost in the stranglehold the feminist lobby has on state school systems — as typified by Julia Gillard.

— Babette Francis is national co-ordinator of Endeavour Forum Inc.

Babette Francis, "Emily's List — who and what are they?", News Weekly, September 1, 2007.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Madame Gillard calls the Australian Federal election for August 21



Madame Gillard arrived at the Governor Generals residence Saturday (July 17) morning to visit her Union backers Mother in Law, Governor General, Quentin Bryce that she was ready to face the electorate.

I was surprised when one radio commentator described her clothing and went on to say that she was wearing a “Pearl Necklace”.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Australia: Australian Union (ACTU) Appointed Prime Minister,Madame Gillard and her Union Financiers and Bankers Commit to Internet Filter to protect Australians from Counter Revolutionary thoughts.


ISP filtering legislation on the way

Labors Internet filter aka. Freedom  FROM Free Speech.

Madame Gillard promises to protect Australian’s from Counter Revolutionary thoughts and information.

Gillard Australian Story Great Wall China Australian Council of Trade Unions appointed, Australian Prime Minister,former member of the “Gang of Four” Madame Gillard seen here in Party Garb, on a visit to the Australian Labor Party’s ideological homeland, Communist China.

Beijing's former highest ranking official in Australia and Prime Minister of Australia,Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Rudd," # 1 Citizen" of the previous Union Financed Labor Government, Madam Gillard's  predecessor, often quoted Labor's ideological sole mate Mao Tse Tung, the progressive lefts most infamous mass murderer and despot's invocation to the people of China soon after slaughtering his opponents and seizing power "Let a hundred flowers bloom" (Lu Kewen insisted on saying let a thousand flowers bloom)
The internet has indeed let a "Hundred Flowers bloom", different thought's and ideas are now out there in the Blogosphere, and just like Mao Tse Tung, those seeking fighting, to hold the DEATH SWORD of International Socialism, have been monitoring those Flowers Blooming and what those "flowers " had to say on the internet these last 15 years or so.

Names addresses and telephone numbers of the authors their wives, husbands and children, and every word ever written on any and ALL Blogs.
Letters to the editor and email, the flowers have indeed BLOOMED, the internet has invited "open and frank" discussion, unlike the days when Mao Tse Tung's operatives had to listen into every conversation in a Cafe ,public park bus, train or University Lecture or private conversation between husband and wife or parent and child, those deemed to be " Counter Revolutionary" are easily identified by their writings on the internet and just like  Mao Tse Tung's gangs of roving "Revolutionaries" and "right thinkers" aka. butchers thugs and mass murderers did to China's hundred blooming flowers, so to will his ideological descendants Madame Gillard and the Australian Labor Party and their Bankers and Financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions.

So what did Mao Tse Tung do after he surveyed his Hundred Blooming Flowers? he simply slaughtered every Flower that did not bloom according to HIS aka. "The Party" proscribed ideology, in fact he made his Communist Party "Flowers" the only "Flowers" allowed to Bloom  in China.
Madame Gillard is about to shut down the internet in Australia, Australians will have the same access to the internet as do citizens / comrades of Iran, North Korea, Cuba, China and Venezuela

Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudd’s Australia : Australian Labor Party to require ISP’s to keep records of customers web surfing, in the name of “Fresh Thinking” of course
Australian Labor Party Icon and role model orders arrest of TV station owner…

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation

Rudd’s Australia: Internet censorship anti Rudd Labor Facebook site shut down

Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010

There is now not a dollar you have spent, a thought you have committed to email or Skype or an MSN phone conversation or as a comment on a blog site or newspaper website, a Face Book page, or friend, a Porn site you may have visited, a Religious or Political site you may frequent or be a member of that the likes of Madame Gillard won’t know about should she and her fellow “Progressives” choose to know about.

Somewhere there is a record of everything you have ever spoken or written / posted on the internet or on your cell phone in the name of letting a “Hundred Flowers Bloom”


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Australian Labor Party Icon and role model orders arrest of TV station owner…

Chavez targets critical media mogul
The Australian
June 12, 2010 4:52PM
A VENEZUELAN court has issued an arrest warrant against Guillermo Zuloaga, president of Globovision, a TV network fiercely critical of President Hugo Chavez.
Mr Zuloaga's lawyer Perla Jaimes said that members of Venezuela's intelligence service showed up at the Globovision president's home with an arrest warrant for him and his son.
Neither Mr Zuloaga, 67, nor his son were at home, the lawyer said.
Attorney General Luisa Ortega told reporters that the arrest warrant was related to a May 2009 case in which Mr Zuloaga was accused of illegally storing 24 vehicles.
In March, Mr Zuloaga was arrested for statements he made in the Dutch island of Aruba, and charged with the crime of offending Mr Chavez and spreading false information. A Caracas court also ordered him not to leave the country.
Venezuela on Thursday announced a new government agency with the power to suppress or curtail "any information" deemed of national interest.
International organisations and rights groups, as well as several governments, including the US, have expressed concern over free speech in Venezuela as Mr Chavez expands his socialist agenda.
Who will be the first Australian media / mining   / owner to be charged with the following “………the crime of offending Mr Rudd and spreading false information”
Australian Labor Party members and Union officials and supporters wrote the following invitation to the man who has an arrest warrant out for a man who is accused of committing the crime of “illegally storing 24 vehicles”
comrade rudd_thumb[3]              From rear to left, Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia,Australian Prime Minister Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd, Comrade Garrett,Comrade Swan,and deputy Australian Prime Minister,Madame Gillard.
“Dear President Chávez,
We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country. We have watched developments in Venezuela with great interest. We have been impressed by the great effort that your government has taken to improve the living standards of the majority of Venezuelans. We have also noted with keen attention the moves that your government has begun to make to create a society based on popular participation in all spheres of society—from the workplace up to the national government.
Although we are on the opposite side of the globe we feel that our shared ideals of social justice and democracy bring us close together. Every country has its own traditions and culture and has to find its own solutions, but what Venezuela has been able to achieve in so little time will be a source of inspiration and ideas for many in Australia.
In this light we believe that a visit to our country by yourself would not only help to improve the awareness of the Australian people of developments in Venezuela, but also be an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen the ties of friendship and solidarity between our two peoples.”

Who are  "We the undersigned citizens of Australia " ? well they signed their names to the above invitation and the full list can be read at the link below.
Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”
Australian Labor Party, Communisms Fifth Column, led by Kevin“I am not a socialist. I have never been a socialist and I never will be a socialist” Rudd
Australia: Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd’s Socialist Labor Policies take effect, $600 Million shut down of mining industry
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Oliver Stone, Hugo Chavez, Hussein Obama and “European Hollywood Idiots” celebrate Communism at Venice Film Festival

Friday, June 04, 2010

Australian School Children to be “re educated” in Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd’s Communist Class War and Union Treachery .


Schools hit by class war - Coalition objects to 'Labor' lessons

By Steve Lewis
The Daily Telegraph

June 04, 2010
SENIOR school students will be taught about the formation of the Labor Party and union movement but little about the struggles of the conservative side of politics.

Sparking a fresh political brawl, thousands of high school history students will also be asked to examine minutes from union meetings so they can better appreciate a "worker" perspective.

The controversial education strategy forms part of a draft national course - The Development of Australian Identity - to be rolled out from next year.

It has triggered a backlash, with the Federal Opposition claiming students would get "a skewed view of history".

"The drafters of the national curriculum seem to think that the only side of political history worth studying is the history of the union movement and the birth of the Labor Party," Coalition education spokesman Christopher Pyne said.

“The Development of Australian Identity” ?


Labor’s Working Families

President of the Australian Labor Party’s fund raising arm,the Australian Council of Trade Unions, ACTU, self described “Comrade Darling” Sharan Burrow (c) “Union “ studies have already been introduced into New South Wales schools. An example of Union studies is where in the Math classes students are taught how to fill out an application for the dole.

organizers as educators_thumb[1]

“Organisers as educators”

"This beggars belief given that the most successful side in politics since Federation has been the non-Labor side of politics."

The Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has previously been in hot water for teaching students how to apply for welfare benefits as part of the maths curriculum.

It has given teachers and the public until the end of July to comment on its draft national curriculum. This would then be rolled out next year, providing a uniform curriculum for the first time in Australia.

Releasing the draft in May, Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the education plan was "important to our sense of being one nation".

Last night, Ms Gillard accused the Coalition and Mr Pyne of being "all talk and no action" on a national curriculum.

"Now, instead of being constructive, he is of course simply being negative but worst of all, he is wrong," Ms Gillard said.

"The draft history curriculum does include elements of the conservative side of politics. The section Mr Pyne refers to, which of course is an optional unit, covers a period of history before the Liberal Party existed, so it is hardly surprising it isn't mentioned."

Ms Gillard said the education experts at ACARA had released the curriculum as a draft "and Mr Pyne, like every other Australian, was encouraged to have their say on the final".

The Coalition claimed the ACARA drafts were forcing a view of politics on to students.

"They believe the union movement and the Labor Party is the only side of politics that should be studied," Mr Pyne said.

The most failed and savage ideology on earth second only to the cult of Islam for the death and misery wrought on mankind,is to be a subject in Australian schools,taught by the ACTU’s Paedophiles of the mind and body, members of the Australian Teachers Federation.

Just where is Australia heading ? Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia, Australian Prime Minister Lu Kewen.aka. Kevin 07 Rudd’s political party the ACTU funded Australian Labor Party, says it wants to embrace the following

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”   

Dear President Chávez,

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Australia: Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd’s Socialist Labor Policies take effect, $600 Million shut down of mining industry



Keep Mining Strong 

Xstrata blames $586m suspension on mining tax

Updated 1 hour 13 minutes ago
The company says the two projects would have created 3,250 new jobs.

 Copy of 3 6 2010 Xstrata blames $586m suspension on mining tax comrade rudd

                                                                                                                                Lu Kewen, Comrade Garrett, Comrade Swan, Madame Gillard

Mining company Xstrata says it is suspending almost $600 million to develop two Queensland mining projects because of the Federal Government's proposed tax on mining profits.

Xstrata has suspended $586 million for the development of the Wandoan thermal coal project in central Queensland and the extension of the Ernest Henry copper mine in the state's north-west.

The company says the two projects would have created 3,250 new jobs which have now been put at risk.

The Federal Member for Kennedy, Independent Bob Katter, says it is a shattering blow to his electorate.

He says it should be clear to the Government that its mining tax is diabolical for the industry.

"Three thousand two hundred jobs will vanish," Mr Katter said.

"A further 1,000 permanent jobs will also vanish and unfortunately for me a significant proportion of those 1,000 permanent jobs is my own home town of Cloncurry.

"I knew this was coming, I've been desperately afraid and now the evil day has come."

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says he expected announcements like this.

"I said at the very beginning of this debate ... that there would be ... threats of project closures, there would be projects threatened to be frozen, or frozen," he said.

"This is part and parcel of what will be the normal argy-bargy of a very tense debate.

"No mining company I've met so far has whacked up their hand and said they'd like to pay more tax."


Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia, Australian Prime Minister Lu Kewen aka. “Kevin 07 Rudd” is no doubt pleased with the results so early in his governments campaign to destroy the Australian mining industry and prepare it, for his and his Labor Party’s Beijing based Masters to pick up the pieces for a song.

Fresh Thinking PPHat_thumb[2] Australia’s Dear Leader  Lu Kewen

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Lu Kewen aka.Kevin Rudd, Beijing’s very own Australian “Liar for Hire” PM


Rudd will pay for voodoo politics

Michael Costa
The Australian
June 01, 2010

ONE of the critical issues at the next federal election will be the character of Kevin Rudd.

After a string of broken promises, the public is asking: is the Prime Minister believable? Is he to be trusted? Does he believe in anything other than himself?

Simon Benson's new book, Betrayal, sheds light on this issue. I and others involved in the attempt to privatise sections of the power industry in NSW to fund an ambitious transport plan have known the answer to these questions for quite a while.

We have been constrained in commenting on these issues because the principal victim of Rudd's failure to display the character one would expect from a national political leader of substance remained quiet.

Morris Iemma's public exposure of the promise Rudd made to him before the previous federal election and his failure to deliver is timely and important in assessing Rudd's character. The revelations will rightly influence the next federal election.

Alan Jones, Costa & Iemma

At a personal level these events are a kind of political morality tale. On one side is Iemma, an honourable man who was motivated by a misguided but strongly held belief in labour solidarity and doing the right thing by the ALP. On the other side is Rudd, a person who made a promise and consequently accrued benefits without reciprocating when he was required to do so. It is about the selflessness and selfishness. It is about character.

Despite claims yesterday by former left-wing deputy premier John Watkins, leading figures in the Iemma state government were well aware of Rudd's promise.

Unfortunately for Watkins and the dysfunctional ALP machine's predictable attempts to place responsibility for the failure on me and my negotiating style, Iemma's revelations finally provide a context. The "Costa won't negotiate", "Costa refused to do a deal" and "Costa is mad" myths no doubt will give comfort to the cabal of self-interested incompetents that brought down a popularly elected premier and replaced him with an inexperienced and ultimately disastrous leader in Nathan Rees.

Those seeking a fuller explanation of the failed strategy now have the missing facts. These facts are critical in understanding the government's approach. The historians can fight over their interpretation of these facts. But they cannot be ignored.

The fallout from this disastrous episode of labour history remains.

What are left are unsettled disputes about the relationship between the union base and the parliamentary ALP, and questions about the role of the traditionally anonymous ALP machine in policy formulation.

Ray Hadley talks to Simon Benson

In a broader sense, the failed electricity strategy in NSW provides an insight into the contest that has been occurring in Australian party politics between politicians who believe ideas and policy are the core of politics, and those politicians who believe winning elections at any cost is the measure of success.

The latter group illogically rules out the possibility that you can do the right thing in policy terms and still win elections.

The win-at-any-cost politicians appear to be more interested in the benefits and trappings of office than undertaking diligently the responsibilities of office.

The new machine men think politics is as simple as borrowing techniques and strategies from the product marketing textbook. Politicians are now brands that can be subjected to brand management techniques. In their mind the same techniques used to sell soap powder can be equally successful in selling brand Rudd. It's a kind of voodoo politics that has turned techniques such as focus groups and polling on their head. Instead of using information derived from these techniques to adapt the message around a well-thought-out policy, they use these techniques to develop a policy.

One of the consequences of this type of voodoo politics has been a dramatic change in the status of politicians.The rise in modern political techniques is strongly correlated with the decline in public confidence in politicians.

Political spin and media management eventually catch up with a government. In Rudd's case the speed of this catch-up has been truly dramatic.

Rudd is still advised by the same people who brought down the Iemma government.

The irony is that despite their obsession with brand management techniques, their application of these techniques has been as poor as the Rudd government's administration of its stimulus packages. They've taken brand Rudd from a market share of more than 70 per cent in the last quarter to less than 50 per cent in this quarter.

If they really were in marketing, they would have been sacked for this result. The Prime Minister has only himself to blame for the mess his government confronts. What should be dawning on Rudd is that by reneging on his commitment to Iemma, he also has crippled his own re-election agenda.

The Labor Party is now dysfunctional, particularly in electorally vulnerable NSW.

If Rudd had honoured his promise to Iemma, he would have had a cashed-up state government delivering much needed infrastructure. Rudd had the political authority, after he decisively won the federal election, to deliver on his promise.

He chose to put his political popularity before the policy position. He chose to take the advice of machine men.

These same machine men no doubt are closely watching the opinion polls and planning to politically execute him if his standing in the polls continues to decline.

If this occurs, as in all good morality tales, he will have brought this on himself for not having the character to honour his promise to Iemma.

Michael Costa is a former treasurer of NSW.


Lu Kewen aka. Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia,Australian PM Kevin Rudd, simply cannot be trusted.

Six years of HARD LABOR ? No Way.

Column - The greatest liar in the Lodge

Andrew Bolt
Daily Telegraph
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

I CAN’T recall when I first knew I could never trust Kevin Rudd to tell the truth.

Was it when he claimed he and his widowed mum were thrown out of their home by a heartless landlord?

Was it when he said he had a memory blank about his night at Scores?

Perhaps it was when he said during the ABC’s cricket coverage he remembered as a 17-year-old standing at the Gabba to watch Dennis Lillee and Jeff Thomson tear into the English.

He remembered the crowd chanting “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if Thommo don’t get you, then Lillee must”, but even more clearly he remembered 42-year-old Colin Cowdrey bravely walking on to the field and shaking the hand of Thomson.

But “Ashes to ashes” was never a chant, and Cowdrey didn’t play in Brisbane, joining the tour in Perth.

Maybe I’m wrong to seize on such small stuff, or mean to object that he said “sorry” to a “stolen generations” no one can find. Another lie.

But it’s clear the public is also belatedly catching on. In fact, Rudd’s credibility is now shot to pieces.

He was fatally damaged already, having falsely claimed global warming was “the great moral and economic challenge of our time”, only to drop his emissions trading scheme when it got too hard.

But last week finished him off, and even left him exposed to what in normal times is a crime in politics - misleading Parliament. Rudd was accused, credibly, by former NSW premier Morris Iemma and treasurer Michael Costa of having lied when he told Iemma before the last federal election to postpone his plans to sell the state’s electricity assets until Rudd won office, when they’d then join to “f---” the unions. After the election, Rudd welched on that deal.

But more terrible for his reputation have been the deceits to justify his effective embezzlement of $38 million of taxpayers’ money to pay for political advertising for his troubled “super profits” tax on miners.

In how many ways has Rudd again shown his word to be worthless?

He promised before the election to ban such advertising, which he called “a cancer” and gave an “absolute 100 per cent guarantee” the auditor-general would have to approve such spending.

But the auditor-general has been sacked from that job, and Rudd has dipped into your pockets for the very same kind of “cancer”.

To excuse himself, Rudd had Special Minister of State Joe Ludwig last week offer two reasons for an exemption for “extremely urgent action”. And both reasons were frauds.

First, claimed Ludwig, there was “co-ordinated misinformation about the changes (which) is currently being promulgated in paid advertising”, which means the ads by miners.

But Rudd has since been forced to admit he’d approved the cash for these ads as long ago as April 20, weeks before the mining industry ran any of its own.

Ludwig’s second excuse was even dodgier: that the ads were needed since this new tax “involves changes to the value of some capital assets, they impact on financial markets”.

Uh, oh. Ludwig had contradicted what Rudd told Parliament the day before, when he denied his tax plan had hurt the markets: “Share prices around the world have fallen because of the crisis in Greece.”

Costa now asks: “Is the Prime Minister believable? Is he credible? ... This bloke has lost the public.”

He lost me long ago. Now I cannot think of a bigger liar to hold his high office.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete


Access Denied Pt 1.

“The idea that the Internet is this scary place that parents don't understand, that everybody needs protection from, isn't a view that's held by most of society.

What it actually is, is a scary place that politicians don't understand, that politicians need protection from and that's why we're having this debate now.”

Access Denied Pt.2


comrade rudd

Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia, Australian Prime Minister Lu Kewen, aka. Kevin Rudd.

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: Trevor Kelway on the EDL Website Shutdown
Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation
Update on Rudd's internet censorship laws
Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party


The Washington Times

U.N. group seeks control of Internet
By John Zarocostas


Published November 18, 2003
GENEVA -- Governments spearheaded by China, Brazil, India, Russia and Saudi Arabia are trying to place the Internet under the control of the United Nations or its member governments, a move that the United States and other developed countries are determined to resist.

The issue has cropped up in preparatory talks for a world summit on the information society to be held from Dec. 10 to 12 in Geneva, with the stated goal of advancing the management and worldwide use of the Internet, especially in poorer nations.
Delegates from rich and developing nations remained divided on the matter at the end of the latest round of talks on Friday, senior diplomats said.

"We will continue to fight hard to ensure that Internet governance remains a balanced enterprise among all stakeholders and continues to be private-sector-led," said the chief of the U.S. delegation, Ambassador David A. Gross.
Pierre Gagne, executive director of the world summit, earlier identified control of the Internet as one of two key issues in the talks, adding that control and financial issues "will probably be the last issues to be resolved" at the summit.
Many developing countries argue that governments need to play a greater role in managing and setting policy for the Internet, while the United States, the European Union and Japan, among others, say government interference could stifle the development of the dynamic medium.
The Internet, at present, is loosely managed by a private organization in California named the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which coordinates such matters as Internet servers and domain names.
Countries with developing and emerging economies would like to hand over that authority to a U.N. agency, such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
The Internet medium is too important to be left in the hands of one major power, some argue, and others say problems such as cybercrime and protection of intellectual property rights require greater government involvement.
Yoshio Utsumi, secretary-general of the ITU, which will host the December summit, said in an interview that Brazil is "a very strong advocate" of his agency taking over the Internet.
China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Senegal and many other African countries were also "keen" for the United Nations to have a role, he said.
But, he said, the differences of opinion were "too big" to be settled before the delegates meet in Geneva next month. Other diplomats said there might be no decision even then.
The summit also will deal with questions such as how to block the spread of viruses, prevent unwanted "spam" and prevent the use of the medium for criminal purposes such as identity theft, Western officials said.
Russia has proposed that the final declaration address Internet security in both "civil and security fields," but many countries fear that any reference to military security could limit freedom of expression, Mr. Utsumi said.
There also is pressure for a strong statement in support of free expression on the Internet but sources said that is being resisted by China and other countries that want to maintain strong oversight of the medium.
Nitin Desai, special adviser to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, said the core purpose of the summit is to establish a common vision for the information society, to utilize new technologies to overcome poverty and to find ways to make Internet access affordable to all.
The president of Senegal has proposed the creation of a "global digital solidarity fund" to help poor countries establish Internet access. The ITU estimates that fewer than 1 percent of low-income country residents are Internet subscribers.
The United States and other industrialized countries say the existing mechanisms are sufficient and argue that funding a new international bureaucracy would not be an effective way to spread information technology.
Poor countries would be better served by establishing an environment in which the private sector would develop the needed infrastructure, the industrialized countries say.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Australia: Lu Kewen’s (aka. Kevin Rudd’s) Multicultural Zoo erupts.


Up to 30 asylum seekers in brawl

Daily Telegraph
May 15, 2010

THREE people have been taken to hospital after up to 30 teenage asylum seekers brawled at a Melbourne accommodation centre.

The fight broke out at the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation facility in Broadmeadows at 9.30pm (AEST) on Friday after an argument between two groups got out of control.

A Department of Immigration spokesperson said staff had the brawl under control before police arrived.

Two teenagers who suffered cuts to their upper bodies have been released from hospital. Another is waiting to be treated.

The facility houses family groups and unaccompanied minors.

Police are investigating the incident while the private contractor which runs the centre, Serco, is also investigating.

The immigration department says the facility, which holds 50 people, remains calm.

The spokesperson would not reveal the nationalities of the teenagers in the brawl.

Lu Kewen’s latest shipment of imported Labor voters,life long Social Security recepients and Muslim colonialists, should know better,after all they are predominantly members of the “Religion of Peace” and as such should at least wait until they are let loose on the Australian community by Lu Kewen and his Union funded Australian Labor Party, before they start spreading their version of “Peace” aka. Gang Rape of “Aussie Pigs and Sluts”,Drug importation and distribution,Motor Vehicle theft and rebirthing, kneecappings, stabbings, home invasions,armed hold ups,common assaults, Social Security fraud and anything else the “Religion of Peace” and its Australian Labor Party,Multicultural Industry apologists throughout Australia, give them permission to engage in, in the name of all cultures, Religions, belief’s, value systems are equal.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Australia, UK: United Nations, aka. International Socialism’s agenda EXPOSED.


Thought police muscle up in Britain

Hal G. P. Colebatch
The Australian
April 21, 2009

BRITAIN appears to be evolving into the first modern soft totalitarian state. As a sometime teacher of political science and international law, I do not use the term totalitarian loosely.

There are no concentration camps or gulags but there are thought police with unprecedented powers to dictate ways of thinking and sniff out heresy, and there can be harsh punishments for dissent.

Nikolai Bukharin claimed one of the Bolshevik Revolution's principal tasks was "to alter people's actual psychology". Britain is not Bolshevik, but a campaign to alter people's psychology and create a new Homo britannicus is under way without even a fig leaf of disguise.

The Government is pushing ahead with legislation that will criminalise politically incorrect jokes, with a maximum punishment of up to seven years' prison. The House of Lords tried to insert a free-speech amendment, but Justice Secretary Jack Straw knocked it out. It was Straw who previously called for a redefinition of Englishness and suggested the "global baggage of empire" was linked to soccer violence by "racist and xenophobic white males". He claimed the English "propensity for violence" was used to subjugate Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and that the English as a race were "potentially very aggressive".

In the past 10 years I have collected reports of many instances of draconian punishments, including the arrest and criminal prosecution of children, for thought-crimes and offences against political correctness.

Countryside Restoration Trust chairman and columnist Robin Page said at a rally against the Government's anti-hunting laws in Gloucestershire in 2002: "If you are a black vegetarian Muslim asylum-seeking one-legged lesbian lorry driver, I want the same rights as you." Page was arrested, and after four months he received a letter saying no charges would be pressed, but that: "If further evidence comes to our attention whereby your involvement is implicated, we will seek to initiate proceedings." It took him five years to clear his name.

Page was at least an adult. In September 2006, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, Codie Stott, asked a teacher if she could sit with another group to do a science project as all the girls with her spoke only Urdu. The teacher's first response, according to Stott, was to scream at her: "It's racist, you're going to get done by the police!" Upset and terrified, the schoolgirl went outside to calm down. The teacher called the police and a few days later, presumably after officialdom had thought the matter over, she was arrested and taken to a police station, where she was fingerprinted and photographed. According to her mother, she was placed in a bare cell for 3 1/2 hours. She was questioned on suspicion of committing a racial public order offence and then released without charge. The school was said to be investigating what further action to take, not against the teacher, but against Stott. Headmaster Anthony Edkins reportedly said: "An allegation of a serious nature was made concerning a racially motivated remark. We aim to ensure a caring and tolerant attitude towards pupils of all ethnic backgrounds and will not stand for racism in any form."

A 10-year-old child was arrested and brought before a judge, for having allegedly called an 11-year-old boya "Paki" and "bin Laden" during a playground argument at a primary school (the other boy had called him a skunk and a Teletubby). When it reached the court the case had cost taxpayers pound stg. 25,000. The accused was so distressed that he had stopped attending school. The judge, Jonathan Finestein, said: "Have we really got to the stage where we are prosecuting 10-year-old boys because of political correctness? There are major crimes out there and the police don't bother to prosecute. This is nonsense."

Finestein was fiercely attacked by teaching union leaders, as in those witch-hunt trials where any who spoke in defence of an accused or pointed to defects in the prosecution were immediately targeted as witches and candidates for burning.

Hate-crime police investigated Basil Brush, a puppet fox on children's television, who had made a joke about Gypsies. The BBC confessed that Brush had behaved inappropriately and assured police that the episode would be banned.

A bishop was warned by the police for not having done enough to "celebrate diversity", the enforcing of which is now apparently a police function. A Christian home for retired clergy and religious workers lost a grant because it would not reveal to official snoopers how many of the residents were homosexual. That they had never been asked was taken as evidence of homophobia.

Muslim parents who objected to young children being given books advocating same-sex marriage and adoption at one school last year had their wishes respected and the offending material withdrawn. This year, Muslim and Christian parents at another school objecting to the same material have not only had their objections ignored but have been threatened with prosecution if they withdraw their children.

There have been innumerable cases in recent months of people in schools, hospitals and other institutions losing their jobs because of various religious scruples, often, as in the East Germany of yore, not shouted fanatically from the rooftops but betrayed in private conversations and reported to authorities. The crime of one nurse was to offer to pray for a patient, who did not complain but merely mentioned the matter to another nurse. A primary school receptionist, Jennie Cain, whose five-year-old daughter was told off for talking about Jesus in class, faces the sack for seeking support from her church. A private email from her to other members of the church asking for prayers fell into the hands of school authorities.

Permissiveness as well as draconianism can be deployed to destroy socially accepted norms and values. The Royal Navy, for instance, has installed a satanist chapel in a warship to accommodate the proclivities of a satanist crew member. "What would Nelson have said?" is a British newspaper cliche about navy scandals, but in this case seems a legitimate question. Satanist paraphernalia is also supplied to prison inmates who need it.

This campaign seems to come from unelected or quasi-governmental bodies controlling various institutions, which are more or less unanswerable to electors, more than it does directly from the Government, although the Government helps drive it and condones it in a fudged and deniable manner.

Any one of these incidents might be dismissed as an aberration, but taken together - and I have only mentioned a tiny sample; more are reported almost every day - they add up to a pretty clear picture.

Hal G. P. Colebatch's Blair's Britain was chosen as a book of the year by The Spectator in 1999.

Australia… New Strategies


Labor’s Paedophiles of the Mind

Students being directed to pro-asylum seeker websites in new campaign

John Masanauskas
Herald Sun
April 28, 2010

EDUCATION Minister Julia Gillard has urged schools to teach a "balanced'' curriculum after Victorian students were directed to a pro-asylum seeker website and encouraged to create political campaigns in a new multicultural agenda for state schools.

A resource kit urges students to design slogans, badges, bumper stickers and posters for display in classrooms and to question terms such as "boat people", "queue jumpers" and "illegals".

It also says schools should display welcome signs in different languages, become involved in events like National Sorry Day and Refugee Week, and invites students to spend quiet time meditating on their core beliefs and values.

Ms Gillard says a new national curriculum is under consideration and schools should be encouraging their students to learn every side of each story.

"We want to see people getting balanced information,'' she said.

"Thinking their way through, discussing questions - that's the journey of education ... We would expect them to be debating and to (be) looking at all sides of any proposition.''

Ms Gillard said research projects should be designed for students to draw their own conclusions on major issues.

"If you set a research project for students, you'd obviously want them to go to all potential sources of information. You'd want them to have the skills to evaluate the sources of information,'' she said.

The program, dubbed All of Us - Multicultural Perspectives in Victorian Schools, was devised by the Victorian Multicultural Commission and is endorsed by high-profile citizens including Governor David de Kretser.

The kit is part of a Brumby Government policy that calls for cultural diversity to be integrated into the curriculum rather than just experienced through dress-up days and food festivals.

The Education Department resource kit recommends that secondary students go to websites such as A Just Australia for myths and facts about asylum seekers.

AJA is a refugee lobby group founded by Left-wing broadcaster Phillip Adams that does not support mandatory detention of asylum seekers.

Students are asked to show support for refugees by writing personal action plans and to "brainstorm" ideas that could be taken up by the school council.

Swinburne University sociologist Dr Katherine Betts said the kit seemed biased.

"This is rather heavy duty stuff for school children and I'd worry that they would be in a position to evaluate the arguments that they're being exposed to," she said. "It's surprising that they're not being directed to alternative sources of information."

Liberal education spokesman Martin Dixon said the policy showed how out of touch the Government was on mainstream issues.

"Teachers and students are only being encouraged to explore one side of the refugee/illegal immigrant debate," he said. "It's not encouraging students to bring an open mind to the debate, it's guiding their thoughts towards what the Education Department says."

But Education Minister Bronwyn Pike said: "It is appalling that the Liberal Party want to stop Victorian students from learning about cultural diversity."


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