An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Australian Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Politics. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Westmead Children’s Hospital BEGS for money to exist via a Telethon, whilst ALP , Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd, hands over $200 Million to foreign “Charity” for medical purposes.


Whilst the Union/ Get Up funded, Australian Labor Party / Green Loon / “Independent”, Minority Socialist Coalition / “Co Party”  Australian Governments resident Idiot in search of a village at large, and Australian Foreign Minister,former Australian Prime Minister and Beijing’s Highest ranking official in Australia,Lu Kewen, aka. Kevin 07 aka.Kevin Rudd, hands out $200 million of Australians hard earned taxes to a foreign organization in London, Sydney residents this long week end,BEG each other, via, the Channel 9 Telethon for money to continue to  finance the Westmead Children’s Hospital, for basic Medical services, you see Socialized Medicine,aka. FREE Medicine, Medicare,MEDI DONT CARE, has run out of money for AUSTRALIANS, but there is plenty of money for this BRAINLESS MORON to fly all over the world writing cheques for his new “best Socialists United Nations Security Council voting friends” you see Lu Kewen is chasing a seat on his fellow Despots UN Security Council, so there has been no shortage of Australian Taxpayer Funds for any Despot or Organization he and the Australian Labor Party thinks will buy this useless sack of Multi Millionaire Socialist Shits arse, a seat at the UN Security Councils “Star Wars Bar”

13 6 2011 Rudd GAVI

Australia’s resident Idiot in Search of a Village and Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia Lu Kewen, aka, Kevin 07,aka. Kevin Rudd.

GAVI Alliance

Tonight on  Nine News Sydney,viewers were treated to Peter Harvey and Carl Stevanovich arm in arm, emotional,announcing the fact that via their station’s (Channel 9 Sydney) Telethon they raised One Million Dollars for the Westmead Children’s Hospital………whilst Lu Kewen,aka.Kevin 07, Kevin Rudd,Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia former Australian Prime Minister and now Australia’s Foreign Minister and Idiot in Search of a Village at Large, promised /gave $200 Million Australian TAX PAYER provided DOLLARS for some foreign Medical “Charity”

Australians pay tax, beg and borrow for the medical welfare of Australian Children and these USELESS Australian Council of Trade Union, Get Up, Green Financed Communist C**ts that Manifest as the Australian Labor Party,the LEFT, the PROGRESSIVES, the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, STEAL money from the Hospital Beds of Australia’s Sick and Dyeing Children to buy favor of their UN Masters.

Australia’s Idiot in search of a Village Foreign Minister Lu Kewen, Kevin 07, Kevin Rudd is one of two, of the most wealthy members of the Australian Parliament if he wants to donate $200 Million dollars to a foreign “Charity” he is free to do so, however when was he and his Union/ Get Up funded, Australian Labor Party / Green Loon / “Independent”, Minority Socialist Coalition / “Co Party” given permission by Australians to STEAL their taxes to do so?



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sydney's Occupied Territories, where every day is a “Tribal Warfare,All Cultures Religions are Equal Harmony Day" and to think it used to be just plain old Sydney Australia, thanks Labor Party.

Sydney's Occupied Territories, where every day is a "Harmony Day"

Opposing members of Australian Labor Government sponsored “Ethnic Tribe” members, exercise their cultural diversity rights, and weave more Golden Threads into the Australian Labor Party's "Rich Tapestry" of "Difference" and "Diversity".

Can someone tell me how the Union financed Australian Labor Party's imposed policy of Multiculturalism has benefited Australians? I am yet to appreciate the third world feuding Tribalism aka. Diversity, that has broken out throughout, what are now Sydney's Occupied Territories, suburbs, infamous for the incidences of murder,urban terrorism,gang rape,car jacking,car rebirthing,robbery,drug importation and distribution,"Dodge City" style lawlessness, Australian no go / Multicultural zones.

What is it that the Australian Labor Party sees as been so good for Australia and Australians, that they insist Australians must suffer the consequences of their obsession with their Crystal Gazing,New Age concepts, of "Multiculturalism" "Diversity" "Cultural Difference" "All Religions Cultures are equal" except for the Majority Judeo Christian Australian Culture, the culture who's manifestations were seen to be so superior by the multitude of Middle Eastern / Islander / Asian "refugees", Immigrants, legal and illegal who demand be let into Australia, that they RAN AWAY from the very  culture that once they are resident on Australian soil and sucking off the Social Security Teat,they DEMAND be imposed over and above the Australian it nothing more than a case of, do anything you want but just remember who let you into the country on election day and by the way don’t forget to call your local Labor member of State or Federal Parliament should you not get your social security cheque on time, or need a new Club House or "Ethnic Community Grant" for whatever "Ethnic Community" you belong to.

Sydney's Occupied Territories, a collection of suburbs once inhabited by working families who identified themselves as Australians, first second and third, now a collection of suburbs ruled by Labor's Tribalism of Multiculturalism,survival of the fittest,swaggering “Muslim Rat with a Gold Tooth” thug rule,Labor Party, Union Financed  UN Socialist Rule, a hate based, planned division of Australian society, by the imposition of immigrants,legal and illegal who simply HATE everything that Australia IS and everything Australians ARE... everything except the Lifetime Social Security provided from the TAXES by those they HATE MOST.

"Multiculturalism" A collection of warring third world tribes,who’s Countries of origin’s cultures FAILED them, united by their, and the Union Financed  Australian Labor Party's facilitators commitment to destroy the Australian, Judeo Christian AUSTRALIAN way of life, the very reason Australia is the the Nation they chose to RUN AWAY to, a nation that was NOT LIKE the nation they RAN AWAY FROM.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Middle Eastern “cultural differences” enriching and diversifying Australia’s Christmas Island detention centre……. again.

Detainee rape claim tests policy

Paige Taylor, Joe Kelly
The Australian
April 30, 2011 12:00AM

THREE detainees accused of attempting gang-rape of a fellow asylum-seeker last week may become the first test of proposed "character" rules.

A guard called for help from Australian Federal Police at the Christmas Island immigration detention centre on April 21 after allegedly encountering a partially dressed detainee being held down by three others.

The alleged victim had appeared highly distressed, The Weekend Australian has been told. "The AFP can confirm it responded to a request to attend the North West Point Immigration Detention Centre on 21 April 2011," a spokesman said.

"The AFP can confirm a 22-year-old male and 28-year-old male and 30-year-old male were charged with indecent assault."

The men are now locked in a compound reserved for the most troublesome and disruptive among the approximately 1000 men in the centre.

On Tuesday, Mr Bowen announced that anyone who committed an offence in immigration detention would fail the "character" test and would not be given a permanent visa under proposed changes to the legislation.

Previously a person failed the character test if sentenced to 12 months or more in jail, which controversially allowed visas to be given to three asylum-seekers convicted over a riot at the Christmas Island detention centre in 2009.

Mr Bowen, who has said he would use the new rules vigorously, yesterday declined to "speculate or pre-empt the outcomes of the cases" involving the three men charged with indecent assault. But under his proposed law, which would be retrospective, Mr Bowen could rule someone out on more general grounds.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has urged Mr Bowen to use the discretion he has under the existing character test to take a tougher approach to detainees who riot.

So far, no detainee has been charged over the riots at Christmas Island on March 17.

"There is an independent review and an AFP investigation ongoing around the Christmas Island events," a spokesman for the Minister said.

Serious allegations about the conduct of detainees at Villawood immigration detention centre in Sydney were yesterday aired by 2GB broadcaster Ray Hadley, which he attributed to an unidentified whistleblower with inside knowledge at the facility.

He claimed detainees engaged in a rooftop protest at Villawood were sleeping in rooms that could be entered via a rooftop cavity, that assaults were regularly committed, that drug abuse and other criminal activities occurred on a regular basis and that some detainees were allowed to make trips to rehabilitation centres where they obtained illicit substances.

Guards told The Weekend Australian they recognised one of the rooftop protesters at Villawood as a participant in the rioting on Christmas Island.

Amid the confusion during the Christmas Island riot, contractor Serco had taken detainees who wanted to escape intimidation and violence to compounds on the other side of the island.

But some of the men who got on the buses that night had actually been part of the riot and not in need of protection from the others, guards have told The Weekend Australian.

While federal police had been able to pick out some of them and return them to the main detention centre, others had escaped scrutiny.

Under Mr Bowen's new character test for asylum-seekers, those convicted of a crime while in detention but who have also been found to be refugees will get a visa with limited rights, such as a safe haven visa or "bridging pending removal" visa.

Sending them home would contravene Australia's international obligations under the refugee convention.

Labor’s preferred immigrants unable to contain their Godless behavior even whilst awaiting processing / RUBBER STAMPING,by their co conspirators the Australian Council of Trade Unions Financed,Labor /Green Loon,”Independent” Minority Socialist Government as they work  to facilitate the Islamic Colonization of Australia.

More on these Godless SWINE and what the Australian Labor Party describes as “Cultural Diversity”,Multiculturalism,”All Cultures Religions are Equal”

Australia: “Insider” dumps a load, on Asylum seekers massive use of Condoms in MALE only Detention Centres   + Video.

Islamic Perversions, or a reason Muslims KILL and reasons they LIVE, Koranimals threatening Sila Sahin after Playboy spread. + Video.


This from 2002,The Muslim WAY or what the Australian Council of Trade Unions Financed,Labor /Green Loon,”Independent” Minority Socialist Government call the enrichment of Australian society via Multiculturalism and Cultural Diversity, hey Every Day is a “Harmony Day” in Australia.

Published: Monday 20 May 2002
Muslims Assault Non-Muslims in Immigration Detention
A deeply disturbing scandal has emerged in Australia’s immigration detention centres where Christians and other non-Muslim asylum
seekers have been “stoned, assaulted, sexually harassed and abused by Islamic fanatics”.

Reza, an Iranian Christian, was blinded in one eye last August when a group of Afghan Muslim men stoned Christians leaving the
dining hall in Woomera detention centre. In another incident a Christian man was kicked to the floor and his cross was ripped from his
neck. In December 2001 an eighteen-year-old Mandean girl (a small religious group which follows the teachings of John the Baptist)
was shouted at by Muslim men in a dining hall who called her a “dirty, filthy infidel” who shouldn’t be allowed to serve food to Muslims.
When she attempted to argue back she was “pushed to the ground and kicked and abused.” In a similarly shocking incident a blind
Mandean man was seized by Muslim men, held down and defecated on before being left in a locked toilet.

In other incidents non-Muslim girls have faced sexual harassment and verbal abuse because they do not wear Islamic headscarves, the doorways of
Mandean asylum seekers have been defecated in, and a local Islamic mullah has even called for a jihad (holy war) against Mandeans
at the Port Hedland detention centre.

Non-Muslim men, women, and even children, many of whom fled Muslim-majority countries like Iran in the first place because they
were being persecuted for their faith, are now facing widespread abuse of a horrific nature from Muslim conservatives in Australia’s
detention centres. The majority of asylum seekers in Australia are Muslims. Witnesses say that extremist Shiah Muslims, particularly
Iranians, Afghans and Iraqis, are often those behind the violence. The BBC quotes Dr Graham Thom, Amnesty International’s Refugee
Co-ordinator, as saying “The reports we’re hearing say that Mandeans, Tamils and other Hindus, Christians – in particular Christian
converts – are facing violence or threats of violence from certain Islamists within the detention centres.

They are being called infidels.They are being refused access to kitchens and things like that because people think they are unclean as infidels. This has escalated
at times when there is a serious breakdown of order within the detention centre when there are riots and things like that and these
groups, who often refuse to participate in riots, are physically assaulted.”

Chaplains, pastoral workers and staff at the Woomera, Curtin and Port Hedland detention centres in Australia have spoken up about
an atmosphere of Islamic intimidation and terror in which the authorities seem powerless to protect the non-Muslims. Whilst Muslim
asylum seekers have access to halal meat and mosques, many non-Muslims’ religious and dietary needs are not being met.

In Woomera Mandeans are now even allegedly forced to hold their religious meetings in secret, and in Curtin no Mandean services are
being held at all because the authorities simply cannot guarantee the protection of the participants, and even Christian services,
including baptisms, have been severely restricted.

The widespread suffering and “constant discrimination” is leading to deep emotional distress and psychological trauma.

Jim Monaghan, a Christian chaplain at Woomera, says that “at present the families there are very vulnerable. There have been attempted suicides and other forms of self-harm ... they are desperate.”
These shocking reports, which have been publicised by Australia’s The Age newspaper, the BBC, and Amnesty International, have
raised a new factor in the debate surrounding Australia’s immigration policy, which is often criticised as being harsh.
The reports also raise disturbing questions about the state of asylum centres in Europe, America and other countries in the developed

Could Christians and other non-Muslim asylum-seekers be suffering similar discrimination in other contexts where Muslims also
make up the majority of asylum-seekers?


Friday, April 22, 2011

Australia: What IS the enemy doing today,Villawood Detention Centre Arsonist Insurgents Fifth Column call for protest outside Villawood Detention Centre on Australia’s most sacred of days, ANZAC Day. Typical Leftist slime trashing ANZAC Day with their TREASON.


RACNSW] Villawood updates, plus coverage from channel 7, ABC, SMH, The Australia, Al Jazeera, BBC‏

10:32 AM
Reply  ▼
  Mark Goudkamp

To,,,, Sydney List, solinational,

Frances Milne of Balmain for Refugees and tireless refugee advocate just called to say that the Fed Police are now assembling ladders to bring down the rooftop protesters. They protesters in turn are threatening to jump. If anyone can get out there NOW, please do.

Also, the police performed an operation last night inside Villawood, and snatched 22 mainly Iranian and Kurdish people, who were mostly already in bed, and transferred them to Silverwater prison. I will try to find out their names today, and hopefully a visit to the prison can be arranged. Report about this in The Australian, here: , and SMH here:

Melina, who was absolutely fantastic out at Villawood yesterday, gets a plug here on Channel 7. Melina was involved in the democracy protests in Iran, and actually organised one at the Iranian embassy in Dubai after the killing of Neda. Her husband is inside. He has been three times rejected. She has visited him every day, from 12.30-7.45, for the past six months, and with Serco banning visiting yesterday, she joined us. When my energy levels were flagging late yesterday afternoon, it was her, her aunt, Hadi, the brother of Majid, one of the rooftop protesters, who kept me going. Melina is planning to stay out there 24 hours a day at least until our protest on Monday. When Fabia and I left at about 7.30pm, we left all the RAC placards and a pile of leaflets for Monday with Melina and the 15-20 other mainly Iranians who were going to stay there all night.

The SMH's Dylan Welsh has written a good report today, which also has quotes from Melina, as well as from Majid, one of the rooftop protesters.

There's plenty of negative news. The Daily Telegraph's poll, which asks "Do the Villawood asylum seekers have legitimate concerns?", is currently running at 7% yes, 93% no.
Jim Casey, state secretrary of the FBEU also did very well on the 7.30 Report, by stressing that no members of the Fire Brigade union were injured, and saying that the attacks on firefighters have been exaggerated. Unfortunately, Jamal has made claims that firefighters were deliberately hosing down the rooftop protesters. They may have got wet while firefighters tried to put out the flames, but I refuse to believe that firefighters would have directly hosed down people whose building wasn't actually going up in flames.

On Lateline, Sarah Hanson-Young did well, although she repeatedly evaded what I thought was a very good question by Tony will the greens use their political leverage to block other key legislation in order to force a change to mandatory detention? They should!!

Meanwhile, a 17 year old Afghan detainee in Darwin has made a plea to the government not to send Afghan asylum seekers back to Afghanistan.

Th second story on the Lateline site is about allegations of an AFP officer actually being present when a deported Tamil asylum seekers was susequently tortured. There's also an ABC news report of this here:

This is the same Federal Police who are now "taking charge" of the situation at Villawood, and who "took charge" of Christmas Island 6 weeks ago.

I met the reporter for Al Jazeera yesterday afternoon out at Villawood. He said he's planning a more lengthy piece on mandatory detention in the coming weeks. He's described what happened at Villawood on Christmas Island 'predictable'

Here's the BBC.

We now have three days until our protest at Villawood on Monday, 12pm at Chester Hill Station. We should strive to get the word out as far and wide as possible between now and then. We are holding a stall at the Woodville shopping centre next to Villawood station on Saturday 11-1. We have 100s of multi-lingual letters (English, Tamil, Arabic, Persian, Vietnamese, Mandarin and Spanish) that we have been putting into the letterboxes of people who live in the area around Villawood. I am also planning to leaflet the Michael Franti and Spearhead concert at the Enmore Theatre on Sunday night.

If anyone has other ideas, please go for it. I know there is a Food&Tunes festival at Adison Rd Marrickville tonight from 6-9, and an inner west rock gig at the Sandringham Hotel in Newtown from 1pm-midnight on both Sat and Sunday that should also draw a progressive crowd.

Our speakers so far are:
Iraj Moghadom (Iranian refugee)
Najeeba Wezfadost (Aghan refugee and spokesperson)
Adrian Francis (Tamil youth spokesperson, TBC)
Iraqi spokesperson (name TBC)
Jenny Diamond, General-Secretary, NSW Teachers' Federation
Annie Neilson (Greens candidate for Fairfield in recent state election)
Mark Goudkamp (Refugee Action Coalition)
ex-detainees, both speaking and playing music

Aussie says,Bring on the TREASON Trials


See who these swine are working for :

Australia: “Insider” dumps a load, on Asylum seekers massive use of Condoms in MALE only Detention Centres
Australia: Koranimals / Middle Eastern Insurgents, destroy Villawood Detention Centre and demand “more respect”

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Australia: Koranimals / Middle Eastern Insurgents, destroy Villawood Detention Centre and demand “more respect”

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) financed Labor /Green Loon / “Independent” Minority Socialist Coalition Australian Governments Muslim Insurgents riot at Sydney’s Villawood Detention Center.
Among their demands was, faster granting of Australian residency and ‘more respect” yeah of course more respect, after all there is so much to respect about these Australian Government sponsored Middle Eastern Insurgents and Islamic colonialists. The destruction of the Villawood Center follows the recent Christmas Island riots and burning down of facilities there.
Australians are more than entitled to ask the Madame Gillard led Australian Minority Socialist Labor Coalition ACTU financed Government  to come clean with them and tell us why they insist on flooding our country with people who are so obviously, totally unsuitable to live in a Judeo Christian Western Democracy
21 4 2011 Koranimals Villawood Riot
Arsonists supporter demonstrating outside the Villawood Detention Centre, to a small child, how to earn “respect” from Australians.
And the resident fifth column Islamic insurgents message for Australians is
"Go back to England ,to Pommie Land ... Scumbag" see above video.
21 4 2011 Aussie advises Koranimal to go home and fight their own war
An Australian, tells the Arsonist Insurgents coordinator a few simple facts. see above video.
CO2 TAX_thumb[2]
The Middle Eastern Insurgent Arsonists Australian “ Connection” facilitators and sponsors.
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) financed Labor /Green Loon / “Independent” Minority Socialist Coalition Australian Government announcing their TAX on Everything.
If anyone wants to support these Arsonist Insurgents or simply pass on a message, their supporters are able to be contacted on the phone numbers and email addresses highlighted in the email pasted below.
It is always wise to know what the enemy is up to don’t you think?

 Mark Goudkamp 0422 078 376
Add to contacts
To,,, Sydney List,

Activist Teachers Network-Organise
Hi all, given the crisis in Villawood, we are going to hold an
impromtu protest at Gurney Rd at 2pm tomorrow.
Mark 0422078376

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ian Rintoul <>
Date: Thursday, 21 April 2011
Subject: [coordracnsw] VILLAWOOD BURNS
To: irintoul <>



At least three buildings in stage 3 are on fire and one major fire has
been set in the grounds of the stage 3 compound. Fire engines are
racing to the detention centre to attend to the fires.

There are reports that windows have been broken in the management office.

Villawood detention centre is in uproar as more asylum seekers stage
protests in the grounds of stage 3 inside the detention centre, while
the roof top protest of 13 asylum seekers continues.

Serco guards have withdrawn from the compound.

There are 13 people on the roof-top protest – three Kurdish, two
Iranian and eight Afghan asylum seekers. There have been in detention
for between 13 and 20 months.

“We are too tired,” one of the detainees told the Refugee Action
Coalition, “Everyone is too tired. I have never seen Villawood like
this – everyone is protesting. Everything is burning now.”

For more information contact Ian Rintoul 0417 275 713  

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Australia: Hon. Robyn Mary McSweeney MLC Calls for end of Burka in Australia…"Islam's Man of a Million Comments”,Keysar Trad reacts.

Trad  and FAMILY
The Trad’s.
Islam's Man of a Million Comments
Just WHO IS Keysar Trad?
Why should polygamy be a crime?

“It has not been easy and they remember 1998 as their worst year when Trad fell in love -
"became obsessed", his wife says - with another woman. In desperation, Hanifeh
proposed marriage on her husband's behalf to the other woman. "We were having a
terrible time. He fell in love and I wasn't thinking about myself," she says.”


Racism, an Islamic Response

“India, the Asian country which is dominated by the lowest of the low amongst
racists, the class society which divides its own people into four classes and
places people of other faiths, and Muslims in particular as the lowest of the low.
The policies of these cow worshippers, and their extermination of Muslims in their
countries and inside Kashmir (to the silence of Western countries) is one more
example of how this feeling of elitism is not restricted to the colour of the
elitist, it is a lifestyle of those idiots who have intoxicated themselves with a
false feeling of power, and who actively exercise this power against others.”

Who IS shooting up the Auburn Hindu Temple ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,Must be those crazy Judeo Christian Country Women’s association members on the rampage again in Dodge City.
Muslims insurgents /colonialists claim fears of Racism reason for establishing the“Occupied Territories” on Australian soil

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Australia:Is this Madame Gillard’s worst example of rubbing her party’s and her UN Masters SHIT into the face of the Australian people?

Is this the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) funded, Australian Labor Party /Green Loon / "Independents" Minority Coalition Government's worst example of their rubbing their United Nations masters  SHIT in the faces of Australians?

Is this just a case of these Arse Clowns been so totally emboldened by their own tax payer funded publicity machines, their ABC / SBS, and main stream media sychophantry,that they really DO believe we are STUPID and will put up with any type of abuse, no matter how treacherous or dangerous their actions are for the sovereign state of Australia and Australians?

Do these Arse Clowns really think Australians will gladly freeze or starve to Death in the Dark, with their children and parents so that this Socialist Coalition of ACTU funded United Nations subservient LOONS, can strut the world stage boasting to anyone who will listen ,of their Multicultural, Internationalist credentials,whilst Australia and its people lies in ruins,reduced to the level of the rest of the UN's FOURTH world jewels in their crown? a place where the Socialist, ACTU,Green Loon,"Independents" elites, live off the proceeds of the UN imposed Serfdom of the Australian people?

Do these mad ACTU funded, Socialist Labor, Green Loon Sociopaths,Main Stream Media “Beautiful People Darlings” and their "Independent" bedfellows really think that Australians are going to allow them to get away with this?

Yes, they do, because so far they have,and if we don’t act soon, they WILL.

The score board reads as follows: ACTU Funded JuLIAR Gillard led Socialist  Labor, Green Loon,”Independent” Sociopaths 100/100, Australians 0

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Real JuLIAR Gillard ? Lame ducks larking in the Oval Office can't fool all the people all of the time.

Lame ducks larking in the Oval Office can't fool all the people all of the time

Piers Akerman

The Daily Telegraph

March 11, 2011

RARELY has a state visit to the US by an Australian prime minister achieved as little as has been delivered by Julia Gillard after her meeting with President Barack Obama.

Lame ducks larking in the Oval Office can't fool all the people all of the time.

Gillard Obama 2

A football lesson in the Oval Office, a lecture on Vegemite, and a saccharine speech to a joint sitting of Congress that only served to underscore her own monumental history of political backflips.

It didn't help, either, that her arrival in Washington coincided with the release of a Newspoll showing she had scored the greatest rise in personal dissatisfaction (12 points) of any prime minister in the polling organisation's history.

But it might have given her something to talk about with Obama as he pulled off his own greatest backflip, a reversal of his plans to close the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay.

This was at the absolute core of Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, much the same as Gillard's "There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead" promise was front-and-centre in her bid for election.

Gillard has not seen the folly of her ways. Obama may be a hopeless president but he learnt a lesson in this instance. Gillard shows absolutely no sign that she has learnt anything.

She was cheered when she addressed a joint sitting of Congress but it may have helped that her audience knew little about her.

Gillard was in full gush mode by the time she wound up her address, telling her listeners that on the centenary of President Ronald Reagan's birth, "he remains a great symbol of American optimism. The only greater symbol of American optimism is America itself".

Had her audience only known that when Reagan was president, Gillard was a leading member of the management committee of the Socialist Forum, a radical group of activists including many former members of the Communist Party, who were largely united in their hatred of the US.

There could hardly be a greater contrast between Gillard and Reagan. He stood for lower taxes and stronger defence, she stands for higher taxes and presides over a defence force that is unable to put a ship or submarine to sea and has lost its fighter-bomber air capacity.

Reagan took on the union movement, defeating striking air traffic controllers and presiding over employment growth and rebuilding America after President Jimmy Carter's failed experiments.

Gillard has given the union movement a free hand to once again rebuild and destroy Australian small businesses and stifle individual enterprise.

Gillard and Obama are in many ways kindred spirits, disastrously reliving their days as student politicians as their policies wreak havoc upon their nations.

Fortunately, in both cases, the people - even those who were among their staunchest supporters - are starting to wake up.

The polls tell the story for Gillard; a more subtle message was delivered to Obama at the White House this week when it was revealed that there had been almost no entries for a high school competition to win the President as the commencement day speaker.

He is apparently so unpopular that just 14 schools initially entered the competition compared with 1000 applicants last year.

Gillard and Obama, birds of a feather - lame ducks (and there's no threat implied and no animals have been harmed in the creation of this column).

Obama is great at presentation and oratory, Gillard fails on both scores - and both are dead in the water when it comes to policy delivery.


One could only feel sympathy for former Opposition leader Kim Beazley - an honest, scholarly and thoughtful person, now Australian ambassador to Washington - as Gillard paraded through town, and conclude that her cheering audience must have been drinking Charlie Sheen's tiger blood cocktails.

I agree with most of what Julia Gillard said in her address to the joint sitting of Congress,the content of her address indicated a complete reversal of the Australian Labor Party’s, and indeed her own long stated dislike of all things American.

It was possibly the first time that she has enunciated the views and sentiments of the vast majority of the Australian people, she appears to have turned her back on her past twenty plus years of Anti American ,anti Judeo Christian Democracy and anti Capitalism activism.

I would not be the only Australian who remembers clearly her days as the “angry young rabid Marxist student organizer”frothing at the mouth denouncing all that is American and Australian,demanding the end of the ANZUS Treaty the removal of American bases etc etc etc.

She has not explained why she was engaging in photo ops in front of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington our own Australian Vietnam vets were been told her government could not afford to present their medals personally so they would be posted to them. (Battle of Long Than veterans)

It would not be unreasonable to ask Madame Gillard has she been lieing these past twenty years or was her address to the joint sitting of Congress a lie ?


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Australians tell Madame Gillard, Australia’s Socialist Liar for Hire PM just how popular she really is, whilst fellow Socialist Hussein Obama sings her praises.


8 3 2011 Laqbor its a mess

Every day it is becoming clearer just how much of a mess Labor is in.

Five days before the last election Julia Gillard promised: “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.” Now, with Ms Gillard caving in to the Greens and breaking her promise, Australians face a new tax and extra pressure on family budgets.

At a time when Australians are already doing it tough, Labor’s carbon tax will unnecessarily lift electricity, grocery and petrol prices and attack jobs in our key industries.

In a major address delivered in Adelaide last night, Tony Abbott warned of the cost of Labor’s carbon tax.

He said:

“Even at $26 a tonne, a carbon tax would add an average of $300 a year to electricity bills (and $500 in NSW). It would add 6.5 cents to the cost of a litre of petrol. At this rate, a carbon tax would raise about $10 billion a year without materially reducing emissions because consumers have previously absorbed price rises of this magnitude.

“A carbon tax of about $25 a tonne would close 16 coal mines and cost 10,000 jobs in coal mining (according to Access Economics). It would cost 24,000 jobs in mining generally (according to ACIL). It would cost 45,000 jobs in emissions-intensive industries (according to Frontier Economics). It’s “economic vandalism” according to the head of Bluescope Steel that will drive manufacturing jobs offshore.

“A carbon tax would add 25 per cent to the price of electricity and up to five per cent to the cost of groceries because power and transport costs are embedded in the price.”

For Labor and the Greens the only answer is tax, tax, tax.

The Coalition knows there is a better way. Our direct action plan on climate change is economically responsible and won’t cost Australian jobs.

Labor’s CO2 Tax,Labor’s TAX on everything, Global Warming SCAM,Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM,United Nations, Al Gore,Carbon Tax,CO2 TAX,Tax for living, Labor’s Road to Serfdom,Green Loons,Bob Brown, Christine Milne, Rob Oakeshott, Tony Windsor,Flim Flannery,Carpet Baggers,Snake Oil Salesmen,

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Guidelines for Muslim women engaging in sport and exercise


See also

Multicultural Australia Muslims demand Pool Curtains for public swimming pool

[This article was published in the 19th issue of Nida\'ul Islam
magazine (, July - August 1997]

Muslim Women in Sport

The benefits derived from sport can not be denied. Not only do they have physical and social benefits, but also essential psychological consequences. Since sport is also a compulsory part of the curriculum in all schools, it is important to address the many Islamic conflicts that us sisters may face.

The Need for Sport

Men and women alike are in need of sport and exercise. Physical fitness is certainly encouraged, just as a balanced diet is endorsed, and harmful substances are prohibited. Exercise is also conducive to a more balanced emotional state, as it aids in the release of harmful free radicals and excess hormones. Mundane routines must also be broken otherwise it could affect a women\'s input into society, as well as her relationship with her husband and family.
The Sahaabah were aware of these issues, and would exhort others for the same. \'Ali bin Abi Talib (r.a.a) said: \"Refresh your minds from time to time, for a tired mind becomes blind.\" Abu Darda` (r.a.a) also commented: \"I entertain my heart with something trivial in order to make it stronger in the service of the Truth.\"
The Prophet (s.a.w) advised his followers to engage in many forms of sport, which even today are considered of the best form of exercise. The Prophet (s.a.w) himself would engage in wrestling, racing, archery and horse races.
While Aisha (r.a.a) was on a journey along with the Apostle of Allah (s.a.w), she had a race with him and outpaced him. As time passed, the Prophet (s.a.w) wished to avenge for his loss, so he raced her again, in which case he outpaced her, and remarked: \"This is for that outpacing.\"

The Etiquette\'s of Sport

The restrictions on women participating in sport or physical activity is more than that of men. All Islamic observances must be followed, regardless of any school policies or social stigmas. Our obedience to our Creator cannot be given preference to a creature of Allah.
When participating in sports, the clothing must be Islamically acceptable. This would therefore exclude shorts, t-shirts, leotards, swimming costumes etc.
It is very important to ensure that there are no males watching. Mixing of sexes is forbidden in normal situations, except in special situations under certain conditions, let alone in a sporting arena or exercise facility. It also restricts your activities, and modesty would not allow this in any case.


In most female-only schools, there are always male teachers around. Hence wearing even body suits is not sufficient, therefore to remove yourself from this activity is the only solution. There are some female-only baths or swimming complexes, yet even this is not suitable for the purposes of Muslim women. The following tradition treats this point:

\"Some women from Homs or from Sham (now the area of Damascus) came to \'A\'ishah. She asked, \'Do you enter the public baths? I heard the Messenger of Allah saying that a woman who undresses anywhere else other than in her own house tears off the Satr (shelter) which lies between her and her Lord .\' \" [At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud]

It is not only a problem of Satr, but also revealing yourself to disbelievers, an important point which ssisters are ignoranor careless of. Permission for a Muslim woman to reveal her hair, arms etc. is permitted to her husband, father, mother and so on.

Non-Muslim women are excluded from this permission, because contact with them might easily lead to disastrous results. That is why the Khalif \'Umar wrote to Abu \'Ubaidah Ibn al-Jarrah, the Governor of Syria, to prohibit the Muslim women from going to the baths with the women of the Ahl al-Kitab (the People of the Book). [At-Tabari, Ibn Jazir]. According to Ibn \'Abbas \"...a Muslim woman is not allowed to display herself before the women of the unbelievers and non-Muslim poll-tax payers (Ahl al-Dhimmah) any more than she can display herself before other men\" [At-Tabari].
This distinction between women on grounds of character and religion is intended to safeguard Muslim women against the influence of women whose moral and cultural background is either not known or is objectionable from the Islamic point of view.


Although many women-only gyms have become popular, we have the same problem as with baths, that being in the presence of non-Muslim women. However, as long as loose clothing is worn along with proper head covering, this problem can be avoided.


Particularly in Western countries, this is an important form of popular exercise. Sisters must be careful to train only with other women, to maintain loose clothing and head cover, and not to attack at the head, as the Prophet (s.a.w) has forbidden us to hit on the face while training.

Watching Sport

Many sisters find themselves in situations where they will be watching sports on TV, at school carnivals, or going to matches. Stadiums are not advisable places for Muslims in general, because of the language, drinking and scenery. Allah has commanded the believing women to lower their gaze, and sport comes as no exception, especially with guys in shorts.

Other Points

Sports and exercise should be judged according to the level of modesty involved. Games such as netball played in a public arena is not befitting to the honour of a Muslimah. No compromises can be made in terms of clothing or mixing. Public showers at female schools is totally forbidden. Many sisters will also apply deodorants after a work-out. What must be kept in mind is the Prophet\'s warning on a fragrant perfumes: \"The woman who perfumes herself and passes through a gathering is an adulteress.\" Some fragrant-free deodorants are available, otherwise apply enough so that the fragrance is not apparent.
A married woman must also have the permission of her husband beforehand, and must ensure that non of her duties as a wife are being sacrificed as a result of her activities.
To keep in line with today's excessive and unwarranted demands for women to have a \"supermodel\" physique, many sisters will exercise for this sole purpose, only adding more stress and anguish to themselves. Keep it as a fun activity, involve your husband with it and make it an intimate part of your marriage life. Keep in mind that over-exercising can result in unrepairable tissue damage, and will turn you off it. Bodily exhaustion is not called for, as Allah (s.w.t) tells us: \"Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope.\" [2: 286] .

By Sister: Hikmat Beiruty
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Friday, February 11, 2011

Multicultural Australia Muslims demand Pool Curtains for public swimming pool

Creeping Sharia catches up to Australia  You can swim,but you have to wear MUSLIM dress
Hefty bill for Muslim women's privacy at public swimming pool

John Masanauskas
Herald Sun February 11, 2011 12:00AM

RATEPAYERS could be stung up to $45,000 to install curtains at a public pool so Muslim women can have privacy during a female-only exercise classes.

The City of Monash has won an exemption from equal opportunity laws to run the sessions outside normal opening hours.

The council says the privacy screen is needed for "cultural reasons".

It follows moves by other councils to introduce women-only sessions for the Muslim community, such as Greater Dandenong asking a tribunal to approve a ban on uncovered shoulders and thighs for those attending a family event at a pool.

Special exercise classes for women will be held at the Clayton Community Centre every second Sunday evening after VCAT gave the green light this week.

Ross Buscemi, director of refugee charity group the New Hope Foundation, said his organisation had lobbied for the sessions on behalf of Muslim women, mostly from African countries including Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan.

Mr Buscemi said the women had sought separate classes for cultural reasons and curtains or blinds were needed to protect their privacy because the centre had glass walls.

"At night, when the lights are on inside, everybody in there can be seen - it's a broader privacy issue, not just for the women," he said.

"It's stopping anybody perving on anybody in there really."

But Ratepayers Victoria president Jack Davis said it was disgraceful for councils to subsidise programs that segregated people.

"People come to Australia because it's a better place," he said.

"So then you should become Australian and abide by the customs of Australia, not change Australia to suit your customs from another country."

Monash councillors accepted that the women couldn't use the pool in normal hours for cultural and religious reasons.

They were told the special classes would address issues such as "obesity, social isolation and lack of physical strength".

Monash mayor Greg Male said the council sought funding from the Victorian Multicultural Commission to help meet the $45,000 cost of curtains or blinds for the pool.

Similar women-only programs at public pools are run at Monash University, Dandenong Oasis recreation centre and the Don Tatnell Leisure Centre in Parkdale.


Friday, February 04, 2011

Australia: Multiculturalism weaves yet another magical golden thread into Australia’s “rich and diverse tapestry” of “cultural diversity”

Mass brawl closes Westfield shopping centre, Mt Druitt

By Katherine Danks
The Daily Telegraph
February 04, 2011
SOCIAL networking sites like Facebook helped tip-off police about a planned brawl in Mount Druitt last night.

Police intercepted online chatter between two gangs and learned of their plans two days before the pre-organised fight, Acting Assistant Commissioner Wayne Cox said.

Mt Druitt police also received a number of tip-offs from elders in the Pacific Islander community and called in the Public Order and Riot Squad, Dog Unit, mounted police and commuter crime unit.

Up to 100 teenagers and young men armed with crude weapons made with glass descended on the Westfield Shopping Centre about 7pm.
There were general scuffles and fights between individual persons or one person on six people or vice versa,'' Mr Cox told reporters.
There was a whole range of different incidents occurring at the one time. Police were able to pull those incidents apart and grab the main offenders and then arrest and charge them.''

The fight began over ``general insults'' traded between the groups, one of which is linked to Mount Druitt and the other from the Granville area. He said both groups have Pacific Islander backgrounds.
There has been some banter between the two groups in relation to insults being traded and this is obviously turned in to a ridiculous outcome for them,'' he said.

Mr Cox said police were waiting and prepared for the fight when it broke out. Thirteen people were arrested at the scene and police believe they will make more arrests after looking at security vision from the shopping centre
When you have large groups like that, they have that mob mentality where they really don't care about other people and that's why we were there,'' he said. We read the situation correctly and certainly had the resources to deal with it affirmatively.''

Police seized two baseball bats and a number of home-made weapons from the scene.
Those arrested ranged in age from 16 to 22 and they have been charged with a combination of affray, assault police and resist arrest offences.
One of the juveniles, aged 16 will appear in Parramatta Children's Court today, while three of the men, aged 20 and 19, will appear at Mt Druitt Local Court later today.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Australia: Demand Marrickville Council and its Councilors Boycott Israel NOW!!!!


Australia's  Marrickville Council, a jewel in the Marxist Green, Australian Labor Party's putrid Crown, wants to “Boycott Israel”, well bring it on you Labor Socialist Green Luddites start Boycotting NOW!!!! Come on ya Politically Correct descendants of Drugged Fucked Hippy Progressive bums get with YOUR program, Do It !!!!Do it Now Walk the Fricking Walk!!!! Ya Fricking waste of space get off the Planet make room for Humans.
LEAD your rate payers,your MASTERS,rather than PUSH them on your ? / their journey into Serfdom.

So, you want to boycott Israel ?????

I’ll be sorry to miss you, but if you are doing it – do it properly. Let me help you.

The Local  Sweden’s News in English

Check all your medications. Make sure that you do not have tablets, drops lotions, etc., made by Abic or Teva. It may mean that you will suffer from colds and flu this winter but, hey, that’s a small price for you to pay in your campaign against Israel, isn’t it?

While we are on the subject of your Israeli boycott, and the medical contributions to the world made by Israeli doctors and scientists, how about telling your pals to boycott the following…

12 1 2010 mazrrickville Council

Sydney’s running joke and Infamous Marrickville Council.

Sign the Petition, tell these Ignorant  Bums what you think of them HERE

More than happy to acknowledge any Councilor who voted against this STUNT.

An Israeli company has developed a simple blood test that distinguishes between mild and more severe cases of Multiple Sclerosis. So, if you know anyone suffering from MS, tell them to ignore the Israeli patent that may, more accurately, diagnose their symptoms.

An Israeli-made device helps restore the use of paralyzed hands. This device electrically stimulates the hand muscles, providing hope to millions of stroke sufferers and victims of spinal injuries. If you wish to remove this hope of a better quality of life to these people, go ahead and boycott Israel.

Young children with breathing problems will soon be sleeping more soundly, thanks to a new Israeli device called the Child Hood. This innovation replaces the inhalation mask with an improved drug delivery system that provides relief for child and parent. Please tell anxious
mothers that they shouldn’t use this device because of your passionate cause.

These are just a few examples of how people have benefited medically from the Israeli know-how you wish to block. Boycotts often affect research. A new research center in Israel hopes to throw light on brain disorders such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

The Joseph Sangol Neuroscience Center in the Sheba Medical Center at Tel HaShomer Hospital, aims to bring thousands of scientists and doctors to focus on brain research.

A researcher at Israel ‘s Ben Gurion University has succeeded in creating human monoclonal antibodies which can neutralize the highly contagious smallpox virus without inducing the dangerous side effects of the existing vaccine.

Two Israelis received the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Doctors Ciechanover and Hershko’s research and discovery of one of the human cells most important cyclical processes will lead the way to DNA repair, control of newly produced proteins, and immune defense systems.

The Movement Disorder Surgery program at Israel ‘s Hadassah Medical Center has successfully eliminated the physical manifestations of Parkinson’s disease in a select group of patients with a deep brain stimulation technique.

For women who undergo hysterectomies each year for the treatment of uterine fibroids, the development in Israel of the Ex Ablate 2000 System is a welcome breakthrough, offering a noninvasive alternative to surgery.

Israel is developing a nose drop that will provide a five year flu vaccine.

These are just a few of the projects that you can help stop with your Israeli boycott. But let’s not get too obsessed with my ducal research, there are other ways you can make a personal sacrifice with your anti-Israel boycott.

Most of Windows operating systems were developed by Microsoft-Israel. So, set a personal example. Throw away your computer!

Computers should have a sign attached saying Israel Inside. The Pentium NMX Chip technology was designed at Intel in Israel . Both the Pentium 4 microprocessor and the Centrum processor were entirely designed, developed, and produced in Israel.

Voice mail technology was developed in Israel.

The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed in 1996 in Israel by four young Israeli whiz kids.

Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R. & D. facilities outside the US in Israel .

So, due to your complete boycott of anything Israeli, you can now have poor health and no computer.

But your bad news does not end there. Get rid of your cellular phone. Cell phone technology was also developed in Israel by MOTOROLA which has its biggest development center in Israel. Most of the latest technology in your mobile phone was developed by Israeli scientists.

Feeling unsettled? You should be. Part of your personal security rests with Israeli inventiveness, borne out of our urgent necessity to protect and defend our lives from the terrorists you support.

A phone can remotely activate a bomb, or be used for tactical communications by terrorists, bank robbers, or hostage-takers. It is vital that official security and law enforcement authorities have access to cellular jamming and detection solutions. Enter Israel ‘s Net line Communications Technologies with their security expertise to help the fight against terror.

So All The Noise About The Usa Listening To Our Private Telephone Calls, You Should Know It Is Israel Who Is Doing The Listening For Us.

A joint, nonprofit, venture between Israel and Maryland will result in a 5 day Business Development and Planning Conference next March. Elected Israeli companies will partner with Maryland firms to provide innovation to the US need for homeland security.

I also want you to know that Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world.

Israel produces more scientific papers per capita – 109 per 10,000 – than any other nation.

Israel has the highest number of startup companies per rata. In absolute terms, the highest number, except the US . Israel has a ratio of patents filed.

Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies outside of Silicon Valley . Israel is ranked #2 in the world for venture capital funds, behind the USA .

Israel has more museums per capita.

Israel has the second highest publication of new books per capita.

Relative to population, Israel is the largest immigrant absorbing nation on earth.

These immigrants come in search of democracy, religious freedom or expression, economic opportunity, and quality of life. Believe it or not, Israel is the only country in the world which had a net gain in the number of trees last year.

Even Warren Buffet of Berkshire-Hathaway fame has just invested millions with Israeli Companies.

So, you can vilify and demonize the State of Israel. You can continue your silly boycott, if you wish. But I wish you would consider the consequences, and the truth.

Think of the massive contribution that Israel is giving to the world, including the Palestinians – and to you – in science, medicine, communications, security.

No wonder Marrickville Councillors  want to distance themselves from "DOSE JOOOS” The Road to Serfdom is their “vision”

Comparison of Arab and Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

Arab/Islamic Nobel Prize Winners

From a pool of 1.4 BILLION Muslims which are 20% of the world's population (2 out of every 10 people)


1988 - Najib Mahfooz


1978 - Anwar El-Sadat

1994 - Yasser Arafat *

2003 - Shirin Ebadi


1999 - Ahmed Zewail


Abdus Salam

* NOTE: Norwegian, Kaare Kristiansen, was a member of the Nobel Committee. He resigned in 1994 to protest the awarding of a Nobel "Peace Prize" to Yasser Arafat, whom he correctly labeled a "terrorist."

Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

From a pool of 12 million Jews which are 0.2% of the World's Population (2 out of every 1,000 people)


1910 - Paul Heyse

1927 - Henri Bergson

1958 - Boris Pasternak

1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon

1966 - Nelly Sachs

1976 - Saul Bellow

1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer

1981 - Elias Canetti

1987 - Joseph Brodsky

1991 - Nadine Gordimer

2002 - Imre Kertesz

World Peace

1911 - Alfred Fried

1911 - Tobias Asser

1968 - Rene Cassin

1973 - Henry Kissinger

1978 - Menachem Begin

1986 - Elie Wiesel

1994 - Shimon Peres

1994 - Yitzhak Rabin

1995 - Joseph Rotblat


1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer

1906 - Henri Moissan

1910 - Otto Wallach

1915 - Richard Willstaetter

1918 - Fritz Haber

1943 - George Charles de Hevesy

1961 - Melvin Calvin

1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz

1972 - William Howard Stein

1972 - C.B. Anfinsen

1977 - Ilya Prigogine

1979 - Herbert Charles Brown

1980 - Paul Berg

1980 - Walter Gilbert

1981 - Ronald Hoffmann

1982 - Aaron Klug

1985 - Herbert A. Hauptman

1985 - Jerome Karle

1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach

1988 - Robert Huber

1989 - Sidney Altman

1992 - Rudolph Marcus

1998 - Walter Kohn

2000 - Alan J. Heeger

2004 - Irwin Rose

2004 - Avram Hershko

2004 - Aaron Ciechanover


1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson

1971 - Simon Kuznets

1972 - Kenneth Joseph Arrow

1973 - Wassily Leontief

1975 - Leonid Kantorovich

1976 - Milton Friedman

1978 - Herbert A. Simon

1980 - Lawrence Robert Klein

1985 - Franco Modigliani

1987 - Robert M. Solow

1990 - Harry Markowitz

1990 - Merton Miller

1992 - Gary Becker

1993 - Rober Fogel

1994 - John Harsanyi

1994 - Reinhard Selten

1997 - Robert Merton

1997 - Myron Scholes

2001 - George Akerlof

2001 - Joseph Stiglitz

2002 - Daniel Kahneman

2005 - Robert (Israel) Aumann


1908 - Elie Metchnikoff

1908 - Paul Erlich

1914 - Robert Barany

1922 - Otto Meyerhof

1930 - Karl Landsteiner

1931 - Otto Warburg

1936 - Otto Loewi

1944 - Joseph Erlanger

1944 - Herbert Spencer Gasser

1945 - Ernst Boris Chain

1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller

1950 - Tadeus Reichstein

1952 - Selman Abraham Waksman

1953 - Hans Krebs

1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann

1958 - Joshua Lederberg

1959 - Arthur Kornberg

1964 - Konrad Bloch

1965 - Francois Jacob

1965 - Andre Lwoff

1967 - George Wald

1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg

1969 - Salvador Luria

1970 - Julius Axelrod

1970 - Sir Bernard Katz

1972 - Gerald Maurice Edelman

1975 - David Baltimore

1975 - Howard Martin Temin

1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg

1977 - Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

1977 - Andrew V. Schally

1978 - Daniel Nathans

1980 - Baruj Benacerraf

1984 - Cesar Milstein

1985 - Michael Stuart Brown

1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein

1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]

1988 - Gertrude Elion

1989 - Harold Varmus

1991 - Erwin Neher

1991 - Bert Sakmann

1993 - Richard J. Roberts

1993 - Phillip Sharp

1994 - Alfred Gilman

1994 - Martin Rodbell

1995 - Edward B. Lewis

1997 - Stanley B. Prusiner

1998 - Robert F. Furchgott

2000 - Eric R. Kandel

2002 - Sydney Brenner

2002 - Robert H. Horvitz


1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson

1908 - Gabriel Lippmann

1921 - Albert Einstein

1922 - Niels Bohr

1925 - James Franck

1925 - Gustav Hertz

1943 - Gustav Stern

1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi

1945 - Wolfgang Pauli

1952 - Felix Bloch

1954 - Max Born

1958 - Igor Tamm

1958 - Il'ja Mikhailovich

1958 - Igor Yevgenyevich

1959 - Emilio Segre

1960 - Donald A. Glaser

1961 - Robert Hofstadter

1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau

1963 - Eugene P. Wigner

1965 - Richard Phillips Feynman

1965 - Julian Schwinger

1967 - Hans Albrecht Bethe

1969 - Murray Gell-Mann

1971 - Dennis Gabor

1972 - Leon N. Cooper

1973 - Brian David Josephson

1975 - Benjamin Mottleson

1976 - Burton Richter

1978 - Arno Allan Penzias

1978 - Peter L Kapitza

1979 - Stephen Weinberg

1979 - Sheldon Glashow

1988 - Leon Lederman

1988 - Melvin Schwartz

1988 - Jack Steinberger

1990 - Jerome Friedman

1992 - Georges Charpak

1995 - Martin Perl

1995 - Frederick Reines

1996 - David M. Lee

1996 - Douglas D. Osheroff

1997 - Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

2000 - Zhores I. Alferov

2003 - Vitaly Ginsburg

2003 - Alexei Abrikosov

After reviewing this list, can you supply a reason for the large discrepancy between the Arab/Islamic population's contribution to the world body and that of the Jew? There are 165 Jews listed as opposed to 6 from the Arab side.


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