An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label GetUp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GetUp. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sri Lankan asylum seeker Daxchan Selvarajah in custody over Macquarie University sex assault

Sri Lankan asylum seeker Daxchan Selvarajah in custody over Macquarie University sex assault

Peter Bodkin 
The Daily Telegraph
February 27, 2013 10:54AM

A SRI Lankan asylum seeker accused of indecently assaulting a young university student will remain in custody until at least next month after his first appearance in a Sydney court this morning.

Daxchan Selvarajah, 21, didn't apply for bail in Central Local Court after his arrest at Central Station yesterday morning over the assault on a sleeping female student at Macquarie University.

He was charged with aggravated breaking and entering, and indecent assault after allegedly forcing his way into the university's student accommodation about 3.20am.

The 20-year-old woman woke during the incident and her attacker fled.
Outside the court, Selvarajah's lawyer Ken Robinson said his client was "doing well", although he was "feeling the strains a little bit" in custody.

He would not say whether the Sri Lankan national intended to fight the charges.

Immigration officials yesterday confirmed the 21-year-old was on a bridging visa, but he was not staying in the university housing - where 55 asylum seekers are living.
Selvarajah was believed to be visiting other asylum seekers at the facility.

It has been revealed a security guard arrived within minutes of the alleged attack but failed to call police at the time, with authorities not notified until 9.56am according to official records.

Selvarajah is due to appear in Parramatta Local Court next month.

Suspect arrested despite Macquarie Uni. Sex Assault attempted cover up?..........

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Suspect arrested despite Macquarie Uni. Sex Assault attempted cover up?..........

Macquarie University 'failed' to call police after sex assault, 2GB's Ray Hadley revealed

The Daily Telegraph
February 26, 2013 4:17PM

A YOUNG Sri Lankan man arrested over the sexual assault of a female student at Macquarie University in Sydney's northwest is an asylum seeker, immigration officials have confirmed.

However, the accused man was not living in student accommodation at Macquarie University at the time of the attack, an immigration department spokeswoman said this afternoon.

Police say the 20-year-old student was asleep in a student accommodation building at the uni when a man broke into her room and indecently assaulted her about 3.20am last Thursday.

The woman woke up during the attack and the man fled.

Police say they arrested a 21-year-old Sri Lankan national at Railway Square in Sydney's CBD on Tuesday morning and took him to Surry Hills police station for questioning.

Macquarie University provides services for asylum seekers, including temporary accommodation, under a 2012 agreement with the Red Cross Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme (ASAS).

It was claimed earlier today, the university failed to call police immediately after security was told of the indecent assault.
The victim waited almost eight hours for help, 2GB's Ray Hadley revealed this morning.

He said a security guard came to the girl's unit about 10 minutes after the indecent assault and that he may have touched parts of the crime scene.

The victim and her flatmates assumed police had been called after the 3.20am attack but uniformed officers and detectives only came after the young women called them around 11am.

When Too Many Illegal Entrants are barely enough
there is never a shortage of replacements, Thanks ACTU, GetUp, Labor Green Loons and Independents

Asylum seekers intercepted near Ashmore Islands on 25th boat of 2013

Alice Coote 
The Daily Telegraph 
February 26, 2013 12:00AM

A BOAT carrying 68 people was intercepted off the north-west coast on the weekend.

The vessel was discovered to the north-east of Ashmore Islands on Saturday night and HMAS Maitland, under the control of the Border Protection Command was called to assist.

It is the 25th boat arrival for the year with more than 3000 people arriving by boat since December 1.

As a result of safety concerns due to poor weather conditions the 68 asylum seekers were embarked in HMAS Maitland under the coordination of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority's Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC Australia).

A statement from the office of the Minister for Home Affairs Jason Clare said the people would be transferred to Darwin to undergo initial health, security and identity checks.

The vessel was first detected by a Customs and Border Protection Dash-8 surveillance aircraft.

Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Scott Morrison and Shadow Minister for Justice, Customs and Border Protection, Michael Keenan said it was an "all time record summer of illegal boat arrivals", with more than 1000 extra people arriving this summer than last summer.

"Disturbingly not even the treacherous conditions of the monsoon season, with reports of a cyclone continuing to develop off our north-west coast this evening, are dissuading people smugglers," Mr Morrison said.

"Labor's border protection crisis is reaching new levels of failure and still they have no answer to stopping the boats."

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

ASIO Comrade Gietzelt and Comrade Hawke

ASIO claimed minister was being controlled by Soviets

The Australian
January 02, 2013 12:00AM
How could anyone NOT like him ?
Comrade Gietzelt
IN February 1983, just weeks before the first Hawke ministry was sworn in, ASIO believed that the new minister for veterans' affairs, Arthur Gietzelt, was possibly "a secret member" of the Communist Party and "under some form of control" by the Soviet Union.

Several months after senator Gietzelt became a minister, an ASIO agent reported in a "secret" note a conversation between Communist Party leaders Laurie Aarons and Joe Palmada that revealed senator Gietzelt was "still a financial member of the CPA" and that he was meeting Aarons "regularly".

A previously unreleased cache of ASIO files made available to The Australian provides the first documentary evidence that Mr Gietzelt, now 92, was believed to have still had close links with the Communist Party while serving as a minister.

A "secret" ASIO minute paper, dated February 18, 1983, concluded with the "possibility" that "GIETZELT is under some form of control by the Soviets. As a secret member of the CPA and a parliamentarian he would undoubtedly be of interest to the Soviets," it said.

In an interview with The Australian, former prime minister Bob Hawke said: "I just don't think it is appropriate for a (former) prime minister to discuss the nature of the conversations they had with ASIO."

Mr Hawke said he was satisfied about senator Gietzelt's loyalty to the government.

"I had no problem with any of my ministers in terms of their complete commitment to the Australian Labor Party," he said.

"I had heard there was scuttlebutt about Gietzelt; there was scuttlebutt about Tom Uren. But as far as I was concerned they were totally committed to the Labor Party."

Yes I am sure they "were totally committed to the Labor Party." Comrade Hawke,as are you and all members of the ACTU GetUp funded ALP,but the Australian Labor Party is not the Australian People, it is not representative of the aspirations of the Australian people it is unashamedly committed to the objectives of International Socialism aka.Socialist aka Communist World Government, or is Comrade Macken lieing?

ASIO maintained its interest in senator Gietzelt's alleged communist linkages as the Hawke government came into office and while senator Gietzelt was serving as a minister.

Two days before the March 5, 1983 election, which swept Labor into government, ASIO completed an examination of its extensive files on senator Gietzelt, who had been a member of the upper house since 1971. "An examination of the GIETZELT file leads to the conclusion that he was and probably remains a secret member of the Communist Party of Australia," notes a minute paper labelled "top secret".

Another "secret" file note prepared in April 1982, during the Fraser government, documents senator Gietzelt's association with the Communist Party between April 1976 and November 1981.

It reports that Aarons, the then national secretary of the Communist Party, described senator Gietzelt as "the CPA's official parliamentary co-ordinator in Canberra between 1972 and 1975" -- the term of Gough Whitlam's Labor government.

It also notes that senator Gietzelt "was a secret member of the CPA" in 1969 or 1970, and also in 1979 that he "is a dual ticket holder (CPA/ALP) and is the main key of influence of the CPA in the left wing of the ALP".

In the March 1983 document, ASIO notes that while the source material on senator Gietzelt's secret involvement in the Communist Party stretched for at least four decades, it could not be certain that he "was a secret party member", even though earlier and later ASIO documents suggest that he was.

ASIO's files cover his alleged involvement with the Communist Party from the 1940s to at least the 1980s, and include extensive agent reports, informant reports, photos and films outlining a secret role in organising for the CPA inside the Labor Party.

Several ASIO files concerning senator Gietzelt's Communist Party linkages remain unreleased. Several documents that have been released have many redactions throughout.

When contacted by The Australian on Monday, Mr Gietzelt refused to respond to the ASIO claims in the new documents. When contacted by The Australian in 2010, Mr Gietzelt denied that he was a member of, or an organiser for, the Communist Party.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

John Howards Anti Muslim Terror Hotline Praised in "Pigs Might Fly moment" by it's former opponents

The present Australian Attorney General, (yes its true, she is the Madame Gillard Green Loon Independent appointed Australian Governments affirmative action Attorney General) Nicola Roxon in a stunning about face is praising the Anti (Muslim) Terrorism Hotline established by the Liberal * Government of John Howard ten years ago.

Nicola Roxon's Labor Party / Green Loon Coalition / Independents and their financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions and GetUp, along with their Multicultural Industry Peace Partners ran a concerted Parliamentery and media campaign via their ABC, SBS and Fairfax  media public relations / media divisions, ridiculing the Hotline and demanding it be dismantled and indeed sabotaged by Australians at every opportunity to ensure that it had no chance of been an effective weapon against Islamic Insurgents on Australian soil.

Easy to see that Madame Nicola's minority "Co Party" Government is facing an election in 2013, time to praise Anti Terrorism not ridicule or mock or sabotage Anti Terrorism, at least not until after the election in 2013 no matter the result.

Less than half the Australians that vote in the upcoming Federal Election would have any idea of what I am talking about, they would not remember that this woman oops sorry person, and her Party had nothing but contempt and ridicule for John Howard when he introduced his Liberal Governments Anti (Muslim) Terrorism Hotline.

To those who remember do not forget this and so many other deceptions of the Progressives and their Islamic Harmony Day Multicultural Peace Partners and B /VOTE PEOPLE.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

When there are no infidels handy these savages slaughter each other....and the Australian Government wants to import 30,000 more of these SAVAGES into Australia in 2013

Labor's VOTE People ? who knows no way of checking who is coming into Australia since Labor's open borders policy introduced by Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Rudd 

Mob kills man blamed for burning Koran

Daily Telegraph
December 22, 2012 10:11PM

A MOB in southern Pakistan stormed a police station to seize a mentally unstable Muslim man accused of burning a copy of Islam's holy book, beat him to death, and then set his body alight, police say.

The case is likely to raise further concerns about the country's harsh blasphemy laws, which can result in a death sentence or life in prison to anyone found guilty.

Critics say an accusation or investigation alone can lead to deaths, as people take the law into their own hands and kill those accused of violating it. Police stations and even courts have been attacked by mobs.

Local police official Bihar-ud-Din said police arrested the man on Friday after being informed by residents that he had burned a Koran inside a mosque where he had been staying for a night.

An angry mob of more than 200 people then broke into the police station in the southern town of Dadu and took the accused man, who they say was under questioning. Din said police tried their best to save the man's life, but 

were unable to stop the furious crowd.
He said police had arrested 30 people for suspected involvement in the attack, while the head of the local police station and seven officers had been suspended.

Past attempts by governments in predominantly Muslim Pakistan to review these laws have met with violent opposition from hardline Islamist parties.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Socialism Down Under: Illegal Muslim asylum seekers crown PM Julia Gillard their "hero"

'Party time' as PM called a 'hero' over asylum-seeker detention policies

Daily Telegraph
December 03, 2012 12:00AM

ASYLUM seekers in Indonesia have swung into party mode and labelled Julia Gillard a "hero" after learning they will receive welfare payments and rent assistance should they make it to Australia by boat.

The wannabe citizens are ecstatic the government has conceded detention centres are beyond maximum capacity and that asylum seekers would need to be released into the community while their applications for refugee status were processed.

They would be given financial and housing support - as well as free basic health care - a massive boost from their current financial status in Indonesia where many are struggling to afford food.

However the asylum seekers, based in Puncak, 80km from Jakarta, said they feared Liberal leader Tony Abbott would be successful in his bid to become prime minister.

"Mr Abbott is not good for refugees and asylum seekers, he does not like us, he is not really a nice man," said Zia Haidari, a 25-year-old Afghanistan man who has attempted - unsuccessfully - to travel to Australia by boat seven times.

"Ms Gillard seems to understand how we feel and is trying her best.

Socialist Priorities Down Under Grant Lee is not one of them.

"Abdulah Sulamani, 41, heaped praise on Ms Gillard: "She is a hero, you are lucky to have this woman for your country."

Solo mother Fatemeh Khavari, 30, told News Ltd she did not have enough money saved to travel by boat to Australia and had spent time living homeless and hungry in Indonesia with her six-month-old son.

Labor's announcement was music to her ears.

"If I can get this free money and house when I come to Australia this will make life very easy for me," Ms Khavari said.

"It is very hard right now for us, I cannot afford to buy milk formula, we are very hungry. Me and my child need the generosity of the Australian people.

"If that doesn't happen my baby may die."

Ms Khavari - whose reasons fleeing Iran were "private" - said the other factor to draw her towards Australia was free medical care.

"I cannot afford to have vaccinations for my baby so I can get this in Australia.

A new low for the Australian Labor Party:$173.000 per ILLEGAL Muslim asylum seeker as Chemotherapy Patients asked to pay MORE for treatment or die.

"The praise directed at the prime minister may be unwelcome by its recipient, with voters unlikely to be impressed with the notion asylum seekers think they are coming to a country with soft laws.

A new monthly record was set in November with 2443 people arriving on boats and Ms Gillard was asked yesterday if she would bring back temporary protection visas and tow boats back to Indonesia.

The government last month announced thousands of asylum seekers threatened with processing in Nauru and Manus Island would be released in the community in Australia on bridging visas with almost $440 a fortnight plus help to pay rent.

It is understood the government is aware large numbers of asylum seekers are rushing to get on boats in Indonesia before the monsoon season and are undeterred by the government's pledge to keep them waiting in the community for protection visas for up to five years under a "no advantage" test.

Ms Gillard said TPVs and tow backs were not policy options hours before the government announced 75 people on two boats had been rescued by the Navy off Christmas Island.

"This is a complicated issue for our nation, for nations around the world," Ms Gillard told Channel 10.

"Anybody who says that there is a simple fix to you is not telling you the truth. It takes a range of policies, and we are putting that range of policies in place."

The desperation in the voices of asylum seekers in Puncak is echoed right throughout the village, where many asylum seekers come prior to embarking on the sea journey to Australia.

They eat their basic evening meals with rusty utensils scattered around. Their tiny bedrooms contain no blankets and sleep up to eight people. The days are dull with no ability to work as work visas from Indonesian officials are non-existent for the travellers.

It is this harsh reality of life in villages like Punchak combined with the arrival of news about Labor's policy backflip that is bringing about party fever and the desire to come to Australia as soon as possible.

Seventeen-year-old Adres, who does not have a surname listed on his passport, said when he arrived on Indonesian soil three weeks ago he planned to apply for refugee status through UNHCR.

But upon learning of the over-filled detention centres in Australia he was determined to travel by sea.

"This is good news for us, if we stay here and apply for status we might not be allowed into Australia, but if we come on boat we get the money and house," Adres said.

"This is a great thing and I am very thanking to the government in your country."

The Afghanistan teenager, whose father was killed in Pakistan, made the journey to Indonesia by plane. He saved for the journey and would use his money to engage people smugglers.

"It is a dangerous risk but worth it to get a new country with opportunities.

"This is party time."

How would you like tens of thousands of Bilal Skaf's and his fellow Muslim Peadophile Gang Rapists moving into your city ?Gillard backs down forced to support "The Savage" over Israel in UN Vote to save own job
Sydney's Occupied Territories residents urged to wear Keffiyeh to show support for Terrorism
Sydney's Occupied Territories remind Labor Green Loon Government who is in charge
The Bolt Report November 25 2012 1/ 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy,Illegals and moreMulticultural Australia If all Cultures and Religions are equal what's the big deal with Female Genital Mutilation ?Tony Abbott shuts the door on ILLEGALS
Multicultural Australia we were warned two years ago
Australia: From the West to the East Coast, Every Day is a Harmony Day............

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Goebbels Alive Down Under, Labor's Pit Bulls Cyber Terrorism against Alan Jones Freedom FROM Free Speech kicks invoked by THUGS.

Macquarie Radio Network Announcement - 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Macquarie Radio Network Limited ("MRN"), the owner of radio station 2GB, today announced a temporary suspension of all advertising in its top rating weekday Breakfast Show hosted by Alan Jones.

The move follows a week of unprecedented focus throughout mainstream and social media on Jones and remarks he made recently at a private function regarding Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the loss of her father. More specifically, the move has been prompted by actions being taken and threatened against companies advertising on the Alan Jones Breakfast Show.

Announcing the suspension of advertising, MRN Executive Chairman Russell Tate said, "the nature, tone and volume of the reaction to Jones’ remarks, and in particular the threats being made through social media to companies advertising in Jones' program and the disruption being caused to their businesses, have made it necessary for MRN to call some 'time out".

"Some simple facts need to be acknowledged.

"There is almost universal agreement that Jones' remarks were unacceptable, wrong and inexcusable. Alan himself acknowledged that from the moment he first advised me of them. He immediately arranged a media conference to state that publicly and apologise to the Prime Minister.

"Although the remarks were not made on 2GB, our position from the outset has been that a personal, unconditional apology was a necessary and appropriate response. I encouraged Alan to repeat the apology on 2GB when he first returned to air last Tuesday morning following his media conference. His apology was unambiguous and unconditional. He has revisited his apology many times in subsequent broadcasts.

"Alan Jones' audience, those who listen regularly to his program, also agree that his remarks were unacceptable. From Research we have conducted over this weekend with them, it is also clear though the great majority acknowledge his apology and have not significantly changed their attitude towards the Alan Jones Breakfast Show.

"Nor importantly is there any indication from regular listeners that their attitudes towards companies advertising in the program has changed adversely.

“Since we now know these things to be fact, we have to conclude that the avalanche of telephone, email and facebook demands to our advertisers to “boycott” the Alan Jones Breakfast Show, and the threats to destroy their businesses if they don’t comply, are coming almost entirely from people who do not listen to Alan Jones or 2GB at all – probably never have done and never will.

"Now in Australia these people of course have the right to express their views to anybody who wants to listen, about any subject they want, including Alan Jones and his radio show. They also have the right and plenty of choice; freedom of choice, to listen to any of the hundreds, in this digital age, thousands of radio programs available to them.

"What they do not have the right to do is on the one hand decide for our listeners who and what they are going to hear on the radio station they choose to listen to, and on the other hand decide for Australian based companies which media outlets they will or won’t use to advertise their products and services. They do not have the right to interfere with freedom of choice and they do not have the right to attempt to censor – not Alan Jones, not this radio network, not the people who choose to listen to it and not the companies who choose to advertise on it.

“What we are seeing here is 21st Century censorship, via cyber-bullying.

"As a talk-station we openly advocate debate. Talk radio is arguably the original form of social media. The difference between 2GB and some catchy URL is that MRN operates in a regulated media environment.

"We hold ourselves, and are held, to account on many levels. We operate within a long established regulatory guidelines and rules. We’re accountable to the regulatory authorities for our license to operate; to our listeners who have the freedom to leave us any time they want; to our advertisers who will leave us if our listeners do; to our shareholders who will show staff and management the door when the advertisers disappear.

“We are happy to listen to any constructive criticism of what we are doing. We do it every day, often live on-air. But strangely we have heard very little on this issue from the same social media groups which are attempting to destroy the companies who have the hide to advertise with the highest rating radio station in Sydney. All of their focus is destructive. They are simply making life as difficult as possible for the staff of companies whose crime apparently is advertising on Sydney’s highest rating breakfast radio show.

“How hard is it to work out that those companies do not choose to advertise in the Alan Jones Breakfast Show because they agree with all of his views and everything he says. They advertise in the Show only because they want to engage with the massive audience who listens to him – an audience which has dominated the ratings in the Sydney market for over a decade. An audience which chooses to listen and an audience which, if and when it decides it has had enough of Alan Jones and goes somewhere else, will be closely followed by those same companies.

“We have taken this unprecedented decision to suspend advertising in the Alan Jones Breakfast Show until further notice so that all of our advertisers are on an equal footing, can regroup and discuss with us the way forward and how we together deal with these attempts to damage great Australian businesses. We’ll be doing that over the next week or so and I would personally also welcome discussion with representatives of the organisations behind the totally unwarranted pressure being put on our advertisers. But any discussion will need to be face to face, not hiding behind a keyboard.

“The decision obviously comes at a very significant short term cost to MRN. It is an insignificant price to pay for our audience to be able to listen to what they choose to listen to, and for Australian companies to advertise where they choose to advertise.”

Media contacts;

Antonia O'Neill 0417 252 805. Julia Everingham 0416 033 696

Alan Jones loses his Merc

The Sunday Telegraph
October 07, 2012 12:00AM

MERCEDES-BENZ will confiscate Alan Jones's $250,000 sponsored car, and has vowed to never again support the controversial broadcaster or his radio station 2GB.

The carmaker expressed its strong distaste at Jones's comment, revealed last week by The Sunday Telegraph, that Prime Minister Julia Gillard's father, John Gillard, "died of shame" because of "lies" told by his daughter.

"We want the car back, the deal is cancelled, it is over," Mercedes-Benz's corporate communications manager, David McCarthy, said.

If the car is not returned, Mercedes will send someone to repossess it.

Mercedes-Benz Australia-Pacific, owned by the Daimler Group, distanced itself from Jones and has cancelled all radio advertising .

The Sunday Telegraph revealed last weekend Jones told a Sydney University Liberal Club dinner on September 22 that the prime minister's 83-year-old father, John, "died of shame".

"We were appalled and shocked at the lack of respect (the comments) expressed," Mr McCarthy said.

Now the company has informed Jones it wants him to return the black 2012 S-Class Mercedes the broadcaster has been driving free.

Should the vehicle not be returned by October 31, a Mercedes-Benz representative would collect it, he said.

The Sunday Telegraph understands Jones had been able to use the expensive vehicle as part of a sponsorship agreement with 2GB's owner, Macquarie Radio.Mercedes-Benz bosses have ditched advertising on Jones's show and across the station.

"We have terminated ALL (sic) commercial arrangements with 2GB," the company said in a statement. "We cannot see a circumstance that will see us returning to advertising (on Jones's) show."

Mr McCarthy refused to reveal how much the deal with 2GB was worth, other than to say: "It's now worth a lot less than it was a week ago."

Macquarie is offering discount rates for new advertisers, and has emailed subscribers asking if they have changed their opinion of 2GB and its sponsors, many of whom have dumped the station and Jones.

"During the last week, has your attitude towards companies that advertise on the Alan Jones Breakfast Show changed?" the survey asked.

Macquarie has told at least one agency it would discount standard rates by at least 15 per cent. Advertisements on his show usually sell for $1170 and live reads for $3300.

More than 70 companies have backed away and shares in Macquarie Radio crashed this week amid estimates that the boycott could cost millions.

A spokesman for Macquarie Radio refused to comment.

Jones is still in demand as a speaker, with a spokeswoman for Saxton Speakers saying no bookings were cancelled. Jones charges about $12,000 per speaking engagement.

A Facebook blitz on sponsors has more than 11,000 "likes", with users bombarding advertisers with emails.

Jenna Price from the Destroy the Joint movement named after Jones's claim women such as Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore were "destroying the joint" - said one sponsor got 4000 emails.

Staff at 2GB told activists the boycott would hurt young employees, not Jones.

Shares in 2GB fell six per cent last week.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sydney's Muslim Insurgency Riots Aftermath: Spin Doctors and apologists still performing CPR on Multiculturalism.

Migrants must follow Australian values, says Frank Lowy

Phillip Hudson
Daily Telegraph
September 19, 20128:30PM

FRANK Lowy, the boat person who became a shopping centre billionaire, has called on migrants to honour the ''great unwritten deal'' to follow Australian values and leave behind ideologies of hate in return for a better life in their new country.

Mr Lowy, who as a 15-year-old fled the Nazis in Europe 65 years ago, said Australia's multiculturalism had been a triumph of tolerance but would always face challenges such as last weekend's riot in Sydney.

He warned the internet and social media were being manipulated by people ''who set out to provoke''.

Delivering the inaugural Australian Multicultural Council Lecture in Canberra, Mr Lowy who is now a businessman and philanthropist, also called for a ''more muscular approach'' to civics education to teach everyone Australia's values.

Mr Lowy said while it might be ''handy for a newcomer to know that Don Bradman was our greatest cricketer'' it would be far more useful to have a bedrock understanding of what it means to be a citizen.

''You are welcome; you are free to worship; you are free to honour your heritage; and, we will respect the differences between us,'' Mr Lowy said.

''And in return, you should agree to live by the standards and values of this society, the one you have chosen to be a part of.''

''And agree to conscientiously pass on these values to your children and ensure that they receive a broad and balanced education, untainted by the ideology of hate.''

He said multiculturalism had enriched Australia in sport, the arts, science, medicine and business and asked if anyone could imagine a modern Australia made up entirely of Anglo-Celtic stock. 

''We would be a warmer and somewhat larger version of the Falkland Islands - a kind of British colonial left-over not in the South Atlantic but in the South pacific,'' he said.

Mr Lowy said when he fled Europe he was on a boat built to hold 70 people that was carrying 700 and the conditions were unbelievably bad with not enough water, food or sanitation.

He said he did not want to stumble into the asylum seeker debate ''even though I was a boat person myself - in a different era and in a different place''.

He said government had a sacred duty to protect borders and honour humanitarian obligations and there were no easy ways to strike a balance to meet those twin obligations.

Speaking at the function, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said multiculturalism was ''the meeting place of rights and responsibilities''.

''The right to maintain one's customs, language and religion is a balanced by an equal responsibility to learn English, find work, respect our culture and heritage, and accept women as full equals,'' she said.

''Where there is non-negotiable respect for our foundational values of democracy and the rule of law, and any differences we hold are expressed peacefully. Where old hatreds are left behind, and we find shared identity on the common ground of mateship and the Aussie spirit of a fair go.''

The PM repeated her criticism of the weekend riot.

''What we saw in Sydney on the weekend wasn't multiculturalism but extremism.''
.... and this loon PM Gillard and her Government of misfits,Communists,Greens progressives,Australia Haters, jumped up union officials and loons, are importing into Australia, illegally and legally as many of these "extremists" as they can, day in, day out, in numbers never before seen in this country and at a cost of billions of dollars.

How dare this jumped up former communist party secretary,student activist and Union GetUp financed affirmative action appointee PM from Wales, lecture Australians on Australian values.
Multiculturalism is the Antithesis of a cohesive, prosperous, law abiding and peaceful society,the kind of society that Madame Gillard and her Comrades and like thinkers are hell bent on destroying at all and any cost.
Multiculturalism is their most effective weapon in destroying social cohesion within Australian society, Islam, Muslims are their favourite Mad Dog that they let off the leash every once in a while to inflict their special brand of urban terror upon those Australian's that Madame Gillard and her ALP Comrades and supporters hate and despise so much.

As for Frank Lowy,the owner of the Westfield shopping center empire,talking up the stinking dead carcas of Multiculturalism and the Australian Labor Party maybe he is Australia's George Soros.

More of Frank and Julia's Muslim Multicultural Utopia

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Madame Gillard "I was young and naive" but she says she didn't get the money and Unions and Comrades in your kids Classroom - Why Communism Loves Children.

Why Communism Loves Children

By: David Yeagley 
Thursday, May 05, 2005

Communism needs children. Only children will obey the tyranny of adult delusions without question. Only the young are naïve enough to hate all authority and to destroy all achievement. For youth, Communism is not a delusion but an exciting, heroic cause.
Cambodia’s Pol Pot knew this. He overtook his country on April 17, 1975,with a huge gang of young teenagers called the Khmer Rouge. Through these obedient subjects, Pol Pot murdered nearly 2 million people of his own nation, one-third of the population.In less than four years, Pol Pot created a society of pure Communism—ghastly, murderous tyranny.

Jean-Louis Margolin, in “Cambodia: A Country of Disconcerting Crimes,” in The Black Book of Communism (ed. Mark Kramer. Harvard: 1999), says that Pol Pot tried to establish Communism “in one fell swoop, without the long transitional period” that characterized the Marxist method.” Though his party was called the Party of Democratic Kampuchea , it was a horde of raw hellions. “Money was abolished in a week, total collectivization was achieved in less than two years; social distinctions were suppressed by the elimination of entire classes of property owners, intellectuals, and businessmen, and the ancient antagonism between urban and rural areas was solved by emptying the cities in a single week” (p.577).

The enforcers of this disaster were “programmed” youth. Pol Pot separated children from parents and indoctrinated them with fanatical denial of natural affection and respect for familial relationships. He understood the latent resentment of youth toward parents and adults, and youth’s penchant for destruction. Destruction is naturally exciting. Pol Pot knew that there was a “killing field” in the heart of the young, and he tapped into that virgin resource. This is clear in Roland Joffé’s 1984 documentary, The Killing Fields .

Extract from The Killing Fields
This harrowing but rewarding 1984 drama concerns the real-life relationship between New York Times reporter Sidney Schanberg and his Cambodian assistant Dith Pran (Haing S. Ngor), the latter left at the mercy of the Khmer Rouge after Schanberg--who chose to stay after American evacuation but was booted out--failed to get him safe passage. Filmmaker Roland Joffé, previously a documentarist, made his feature debut with this account of Dith's rocky survival in the ensuing madness of the Khmer Rouge's genocidal campaign. The script spends some time with Schanberg's feelings of guilt after the fact, but most of the movie is a shattering re-creation of hell on Earth. The late Haing S. Ngor--a real-life doctor who had never acted before and who lived through the events depicted by Joffé--is outstanding, and he won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Oscars also went to cinematographer Chris Menges and editor Jim Clark. --Tom Keogh

Children surrendered their natural family bonds to the unnatural vision of the Anka, the party, the Big Brother. Children became part of a national gang, and they reveled in the thrills of vandalism. Youth were given orders to not only be disrespectful to parents and adults, but to betray them, to be physically cruel to them, and even to murder them. Children under this satanic delusion could not be dissuaded or relieved.

Yet even in accounts like Children of Cambodia’s Killing Fields  (Yale: 1999) and Jean-Louis Margolin’s essay, there is always stark neglect to account for Pol Pot’s use of children. Children of Cambodia’s Killing Fields emphasizes the horror stories of children who survived the victimization; there are no studies of how the children of the Khmer Rouge were recruited and indoctrinated. Margolin’s artful 70-page essay only mentions the destruction of family relations in passing, and not as the foundation of Khmer Rouge Communism.

The Communist spirit of resentment and violence was deeply absorbed by these kidnapped children. There was nothing to prevent the tide of megalomania. No religion in this essentially rural country could serve as a shield against the depravity of human nature to which Communism appealed. Buddhism was impotent, and the “Khmer smile” of Apsara, indigenous goddess of Cambodia, was an indifferent mockery.

But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice.” Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people.

Sounds like a police state, yet similar underlying conditions are developing in American youth, under our own nose. How? Because of prescribed permissiveness in American public schools: police are required to enforce the most basic, necessary child control. Kindergarteners are being arrested, handcuffed, and taken out of their schools, because only the police exercise physical authority in schools: teachers have abdicated discipline. Other adults merely frustrate the child with meaningless words.

Through this new Communism, the child is in this sense “equal” to the adult, and thus controls the day. The child answers only to the police. Children are indoctrinated to expect police intervention for safety and discipline. Control doesn’t come from the adults in schools, or the adults at home, but rather from the police, or Big Brother.
“Policed” conditions already exist in other countries of the world. And the need for a world police state, a global government, has been advocated for decades. But no one thinks about the role indoctrinated children play in the development of such a world.

Learn from America: Leftist school legislation says teachers must not control the child. Let the child rule.

This generation of children may become the next street thugs whose rebellion paves the way for a more authoritarian state. And no child will be left behind.

Dr. David A. Yeagley is a published scholar, professionally recorded composer, and an adjunct professor at the University of Oklahoma College of Liberal Studies. He's on the speakers list of Young America's Foundation. E-mail him at View his website at

"Socialism means equality of income or nothing.......Under Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor.You would be forcibly fed,clothed,lodged,taught and employed whether you liked it or not.
If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble,you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but while you were permitted to live,you would have to live well.
       Bernard Shaw.

The Eco - Con That Keeps on Taking

Nancy Levant 
June 13, 2005

Let’s imagine that we all live the Agenda 21 way.

We own no land. We have no guns. We have no vote. Our children are the property of a global government taught by NGO agents called Career Certification Specialists, and God is outlawed and a thing of the past.

We are assigned to employers who are assigned to our settlement territories. There is no local government and there are no counties or cities. We are barred from large forests, natural fresh waters, and beachfront properties, which are all owned by businesses and used, tax free, by their families and friends.

The population of what was once American people, is now squeezed into settlement communities in the center of the country. The wealthy live in mega-mansions, and conservation easements, corridors, and buffer zones separate us from them. The mountains and large forested areas of the country are strictly off limits to Mid-North American people (M-NAPs), and corporate government owns all land and watershed systems.

We drive less and less as government security and the Real ID denies more and more driver’s licenses for more and more reasons. The cut-off age for driver’s licenses is lowered to 60 and the driving age is raised to following compulsory military service, but all driving is restricted to 25 miles a week. Then 20. Then 15, and so forth.

Employers send trams to pick us up for work and drop us off. That will come out of our paychecks, but enforced non-pollution is just that – enforced.

Via nano-technology and widespread RFID use, all pretense of privacy will leave our imaginations, and we become a highly managed species to find, punish, eavesdrop upon, and watch (Sub-dermal chipping was tested on grazing animals, then dogs, and chipping centers are now open for business in Florida and being tested on senior citizens. Children will be next under the guise of security/anti-kidnapping technology, and then banking rights will require chipping).

As we become ill more frequently, living in such close and small quarters, we are given the medical care that the government deems appropriate, and NGO governing boards determine the definition of human quality of life. Remember that human life is to be reduced by 40-75% depending upon which U.N. conservation partners you listen to.

At least 50% of the North American continent is off limits to Homo Sapiens. Between the government and large land trusts, more than half of American land is already in their hands.

Species of large mammals are repopulated. Wolves and cougars, mountain lions and bears guard the wilderness areas to ensure that people keep away. All wilderness areas are now the private property of corporate government. Watch for fencing.

International conglomerations, which are partnered with international conservation/land trusts, and all partnered with the United Nations, are the holders and keepers of land stolen by complex business schemes. Those conglomerations and their partnerships, which “control” and “aid” and “create” the conservation strategy of all life on Earth and are the self-proclaimed custodians of all living ecosystems, are historically, and remain the largest polluters on Earth. Their leadership and their partners are all multi-millionaires and billionaires.

All children, following 10-12 years of indoctrination, are soldiers. All women are rated for limited reproductive rights and licenses will be issued for reproductive rights. The mentally or physically damaged are eliminated. All income is reduced to under 20K per year, and American suburbia is leveled and rebuilt into business and trade corridors.

The Mexican and Canadian borders are dissolved. Martial law is implemented to keep the peace and to put down all attempted uprisings. Troublemakers will be killed or removed from the general population and placed into determent camps, which are currently readied and staffed.

The sick, infirmed, and the children of troublemakers will become wards of the state. Some will be re-engineered and some will be put down.

Now, why would all this happen to the human population? Why would big business and the largest banks in the world ever conceive of such a plan? Why, to protect nature, of course! That is what the U.N. has declared – and the World Bank and the World Trade Organization and the American government. And if you believe that, I’ve got some swampland to sell you, located in a U.N. Biosphere Reserve, which is surrounded by a conservation easement, which is surrounded by a buffer zone (the politically correct term for de-militarized zone) in deed-restricted Florida, which is actually owned by the corporation of Florida, under the CEO Governor-General.

Just keep telling yourselves – we elected them – we elected them.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Labor Green Loon's Islamic Colonization of Australia :Truth worse than the Fiction

The truth on refugees is worse than fiction

Paul Sheehan
Sydney Morning Herald
July 30, 2012

It is a lie that will not die. It has been sent to tens of thousands of Australians in an email that has been circulating for years. The latest variation compares the amount paid to Australian aged pensioners with the benefits available to refugees. It claims the weekly allowance for pensioners is $253 while the weekly allowance for refugees is $472.50, plus a weekly hardship payment of $145, meaning refugees are eligible for more than twice as much government support as pensioners. It's a concoction. The problem for the federal government is that the truth is in some ways worse than the lie.

As long ago as 2009 the Department of Immigration felt compelled to issue this press release: ''Figures quoted in these emails bear no resemblance to income-support payments to asylum seekers and refugees settling in Australia … Asylum seekers in Australia who have not yet had their protection claims decided have no access to Centrelink benefits.

''Irregular maritime arrivals are subject to thorough security and identity checks and must satisfy the character test before a decision is made about protection … In Australia, refugees granted permanent visas have access to benefits on the same basis and at the same rates as other Australian permanent residents.''

Things have loosened up since then. Some asylum seekers now do qualify for welfare before their claims have been decided. The system of ''thorough security and identity checks'' has been compromised. This has damaged the federal Labor government, damaged the reputation of the Prime Minister, and damaged the traditional links between blue collar workers and the Labor Party. It has inflicted as much political damage on Labor as the carbon tax about-face.

In trying to understand the persistently dreadful opinion polls for the Gillard government, I keep coming back to this issue, a policy debacle for which Kevin Rudd, not Julia Gillard, bears primary responsibility, though on her watch it has gone from embarrassing to potentially terminal.

What follows are half a dozen elements that are already of concern to the Australian Federal Police, but about which the AFP must remain mute:

The police have not seen as large a gap in quality control in the flow of unskilled and welfare-dependent arrivals since the refugee flow from Lebanon in the 1970s.

About 90 per cent of those who arrive via illegal boat entries have been granted permanent residence, yet the overwhelming majority have entered Malaysia or Indonesia by legal means, then destroyed their identity papers with the intent of making it difficult for Australia to check their bona fides.

The amount of workplace participation among refugees and asylum-seekers remains low for some time. After four years, only about 25 per cent are engaged in full-time work. (The issue is examined in a Department of Immigration report, Settlement Outcomes for New Arrivals, published in April last year.)

Under intense political pressure, the federal government is emptying the detention centres by issuing bridging visas which allow detainees to enter the community, work, and receive welfare benefits before their final status has been determined. This has slashed the average time spent in detention from nine months to three months but the quicker turnover has compressed the scrutiny process.

Some of the high take-up of welfare payments among asylum seekers and refugees is being recycled into bringing relatives to Australia, including via people smugglers.

The Royal Australian Navy is being used as a pick-up service by people smugglers who call navy vessels to advise them of their need for assistance.

Little wonder that numbers are exploding. In the three years before the election of the Rudd government, 71 people arrived on 10 illegal boats. It took a year for the impact of Labor's dismantling of the previous border security regime to kick in. Over the past three years 341 illegal boats have brought 20,248 asylum-seekers. Another 363 have drowned. Uncounted others have perished or turned back.

Australia's Labor Green Loon Co Party Government sets new Olympic Record for Islamic Colonization of Australia 

All these problems are personified by ''Captain Emad'', who fled Australia in June even though he had been under investigation by police. The man, Abu Khalid, was a people smuggler who came to Australia by passing himself off as an asylum seeker. He brought his wife, three children and a grandchild. All received refugee status, settled in Canberra and were provided with public housing despite using different identities to those they used to enter Indonesia from Iraq. Yet even after Khalid's activities were exposed by the ABC's Four Corners program, he was allowed to leave.

Systemic deceit has been rewarded by systemic support. Even some asylum seekers who have avoided immigration control, destroyed their identity documents and not yet had their claims decided are eligible for support under the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme.

Among the benefits that can be made available to those granted protection visas, and those granted refugee status, is a one-off household formation package of up to $9850. Families can be eligible for education assistance of up to $9220. People granted refugee status become eligible for welfare payments immediately without having to wait the two-year period set for immigrants. Single applicants are eligible for a Newstart Allowance. Parents are eligible for Centrelink's parenting payment. Refugees, and some on bridging visas, also receive Medicare assistance for medical, hospital, dental, medicine and optical costs. Mobile phones are provided to those who arrive as unaccompanied minors.

This is the honeypot that has combined with civil strife to cause entire villages to empty in Sri Lanka and thousands of young men to travel from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan to get on illegal boats to Australia.

The viral email about Australia's generosity to refugees may be wrong in its details, but the truth is a story of government gullibility without end.

Its time the Australian connections within the Union GetUp funded Labor / Green Loon / Independent "Co Party" Government are rounded up and charged with treason.Aussie.    

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