An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Green Loons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green Loons. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Anthropogenic Global Warming Rats jumping ship.

Losing their religion as evidence cools off

The Australian
November 05, 2012 12:00AM 

ONCE upon a time when Christendom was at its peak, missionaries would be dispatched to the four corners of the globe in search of converts. They believed their mission would expand the influence of Rome and save heathens from eternal damnation.

It was a compelling message. Convert and enjoy everlasting life in the hereafter. The advantage the missionaries had was that the religion they taught had no hypotheses that could be tested. Death - "the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns" - meant that the afterlife could be neither proved nor disproved. Faith was the only thing needed.

Climate science is a bit like that - push the rewards and the catastrophes far enough into the future, and have faith that the prophecies will come true. However, unlike heaven, which we may reach at any time, climate prophecies need to be distant enough to make them hard to challenge yet sufficiently close to generate urgent action.

So when in 1969 Paul Ehrlich claimed because of global cooling it was an even-money bet whether England would survive until the year 2000, he could not immediately be proven wrong. After all, this was a cooling period.

Unfortunately for him, England is still inhabited and his predictions are still remembered. Ehrlich is now a warmist. Like a good stock analyst, when the company doesn't perform as you thought, better to change the recommendation from a sell to a buy, than admit you were wrong.

When Mother Nature decided in 1980 to change gears from cooler to warmer, a new global warming religion was born, replete with its own church (the UN), a papacy, (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and a global warming priesthood masquerading as climate scientists. Selfish humans in rich, polluting countries were blamed for the warming and had to pay for past trespasses by providing material compensation to poor nations as penance. Cutting greenhouse gas emissions became the new holy grail. With a warm wind at their backs, these fundamentalists collected hundreds of billions of dollars from naive governments that adopted their faith on behalf of billions of people. No crusader was ever so effective.

The message was stark. If the non-believers didn't convert immediately, our children and grandchildren would face a hell on earth. The priesthood excommunicated and humiliated sceptics and deniers. Alternative views were not tolerated and, where possible, were suppressed. Did someone mention the dark ages?

Because the new arrangements would distort capital allocations, disciples wrote economic texts showing how inefficient, productivity-sapping and costly green industries would actually boost economic activity and employment.

Unfortunately, the cost of saving the planet would fall disproportionately on the poor. This wealth transfer to the rich was unavoidable and, if the poor or the infirm died of cold or heat because they could not afford airconditioning, they would simply be martyrs to the cause. In any case, who could they appeal to? All political parties had signed up to the new religion.

But, self-deluded by the warming period and their confirmatory bias, the priesthood was overtaken by hubris and made increasingly extravagant claims. We were advised that Armageddon was now even closer at hand.

Regrettably for the global warming religion, its predictions have started to appear shaky, and the converts, many of whom have lost their jobs and much of their wealth, are losing faith. Worse, heretic scientists have been giving the lie to many of the prophecies described in the IPCC bible. They could not be silenced.

Of course, the IPCC texts can be interpreted in different ways and sceptics have obviously chosen the wrong interpretation.

When atmospheric temperatures on which we had relied failed to comply with the prophecies, the waverers were instructed to look at ocean temperatures and rising sea levels.

So far, so good. However, the British arm of the climate establishment silently released an encyclical that revealed no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures from the beginning of 1997 until August this year.

This communique was unearthed by the heretic newspaper, the Daily Mail, which pointed out that this period was of about the same duration as when temperatures rose between 1980 to 1996.

Of course, the religious high priests were quick to play down the significance of this pause. Phil Jones of the Climategate denomination claimed it was to be expected and, he insisted, 15 or 16 years is not a significant period.

Yet in 2009 he said that a "no upward trend has to continue for a total of 15 years before we get worried". But that was then and this is now and he is not about to lose his religion simply because the evidence doesn't support the text.

And, of course, there are always extenuating circumstances. El Nino and La Nina are there when you need them, to be forgotten when temperatures are warming or remembered if they are cooling. And, we've had a record Arctic melt. But better not mention the storm that NASA concedes broke the ice up and drove it south, or the record Antarctic ice gain.

Rather we must listen to Australia's Climate Change Commission novitiates who, against the evidence, have delivered a parable linking Superstorm Sandy to global warming.

At least the media disciples are keeping the faith by emphasising what supports the gospel and, where possible, omitting that which doesn't. New, corroborative revelations enjoy widespread publicity. If the same findings are later retracted for lack of scientific rigour, they are simply allowed to disappear without comment.

Yet despite all, believers in man-made global warming are declining. It will require an extraordinary crusade presaging even direr climate consequences for defying the warmist faith, before defectors even contemplate rejoining the religion. If that fails it may be time to burn sceptics at the stake. But then that would increase CO2 emissions. A dilemma, to be sure.

Maurice L. Newman is a former chairman of the ABC.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Goebbels Alive Down Under, Labor's Pit Bulls Cyber Terrorism against Alan Jones Freedom FROM Free Speech kicks invoked by THUGS.

Macquarie Radio Network Announcement - 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Macquarie Radio Network Limited ("MRN"), the owner of radio station 2GB, today announced a temporary suspension of all advertising in its top rating weekday Breakfast Show hosted by Alan Jones.

The move follows a week of unprecedented focus throughout mainstream and social media on Jones and remarks he made recently at a private function regarding Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the loss of her father. More specifically, the move has been prompted by actions being taken and threatened against companies advertising on the Alan Jones Breakfast Show.

Announcing the suspension of advertising, MRN Executive Chairman Russell Tate said, "the nature, tone and volume of the reaction to Jones’ remarks, and in particular the threats being made through social media to companies advertising in Jones' program and the disruption being caused to their businesses, have made it necessary for MRN to call some 'time out".

"Some simple facts need to be acknowledged.

"There is almost universal agreement that Jones' remarks were unacceptable, wrong and inexcusable. Alan himself acknowledged that from the moment he first advised me of them. He immediately arranged a media conference to state that publicly and apologise to the Prime Minister.

"Although the remarks were not made on 2GB, our position from the outset has been that a personal, unconditional apology was a necessary and appropriate response. I encouraged Alan to repeat the apology on 2GB when he first returned to air last Tuesday morning following his media conference. His apology was unambiguous and unconditional. He has revisited his apology many times in subsequent broadcasts.

"Alan Jones' audience, those who listen regularly to his program, also agree that his remarks were unacceptable. From Research we have conducted over this weekend with them, it is also clear though the great majority acknowledge his apology and have not significantly changed their attitude towards the Alan Jones Breakfast Show.

"Nor importantly is there any indication from regular listeners that their attitudes towards companies advertising in the program has changed adversely.

“Since we now know these things to be fact, we have to conclude that the avalanche of telephone, email and facebook demands to our advertisers to “boycott” the Alan Jones Breakfast Show, and the threats to destroy their businesses if they don’t comply, are coming almost entirely from people who do not listen to Alan Jones or 2GB at all – probably never have done and never will.

"Now in Australia these people of course have the right to express their views to anybody who wants to listen, about any subject they want, including Alan Jones and his radio show. They also have the right and plenty of choice; freedom of choice, to listen to any of the hundreds, in this digital age, thousands of radio programs available to them.

"What they do not have the right to do is on the one hand decide for our listeners who and what they are going to hear on the radio station they choose to listen to, and on the other hand decide for Australian based companies which media outlets they will or won’t use to advertise their products and services. They do not have the right to interfere with freedom of choice and they do not have the right to attempt to censor – not Alan Jones, not this radio network, not the people who choose to listen to it and not the companies who choose to advertise on it.

“What we are seeing here is 21st Century censorship, via cyber-bullying.

"As a talk-station we openly advocate debate. Talk radio is arguably the original form of social media. The difference between 2GB and some catchy URL is that MRN operates in a regulated media environment.

"We hold ourselves, and are held, to account on many levels. We operate within a long established regulatory guidelines and rules. We’re accountable to the regulatory authorities for our license to operate; to our listeners who have the freedom to leave us any time they want; to our advertisers who will leave us if our listeners do; to our shareholders who will show staff and management the door when the advertisers disappear.

“We are happy to listen to any constructive criticism of what we are doing. We do it every day, often live on-air. But strangely we have heard very little on this issue from the same social media groups which are attempting to destroy the companies who have the hide to advertise with the highest rating radio station in Sydney. All of their focus is destructive. They are simply making life as difficult as possible for the staff of companies whose crime apparently is advertising on Sydney’s highest rating breakfast radio show.

“How hard is it to work out that those companies do not choose to advertise in the Alan Jones Breakfast Show because they agree with all of his views and everything he says. They advertise in the Show only because they want to engage with the massive audience who listens to him – an audience which has dominated the ratings in the Sydney market for over a decade. An audience which chooses to listen and an audience which, if and when it decides it has had enough of Alan Jones and goes somewhere else, will be closely followed by those same companies.

“We have taken this unprecedented decision to suspend advertising in the Alan Jones Breakfast Show until further notice so that all of our advertisers are on an equal footing, can regroup and discuss with us the way forward and how we together deal with these attempts to damage great Australian businesses. We’ll be doing that over the next week or so and I would personally also welcome discussion with representatives of the organisations behind the totally unwarranted pressure being put on our advertisers. But any discussion will need to be face to face, not hiding behind a keyboard.

“The decision obviously comes at a very significant short term cost to MRN. It is an insignificant price to pay for our audience to be able to listen to what they choose to listen to, and for Australian companies to advertise where they choose to advertise.”

Media contacts;

Antonia O'Neill 0417 252 805. Julia Everingham 0416 033 696

Alan Jones loses his Merc

The Sunday Telegraph
October 07, 2012 12:00AM

MERCEDES-BENZ will confiscate Alan Jones's $250,000 sponsored car, and has vowed to never again support the controversial broadcaster or his radio station 2GB.

The carmaker expressed its strong distaste at Jones's comment, revealed last week by The Sunday Telegraph, that Prime Minister Julia Gillard's father, John Gillard, "died of shame" because of "lies" told by his daughter.

"We want the car back, the deal is cancelled, it is over," Mercedes-Benz's corporate communications manager, David McCarthy, said.

If the car is not returned, Mercedes will send someone to repossess it.

Mercedes-Benz Australia-Pacific, owned by the Daimler Group, distanced itself from Jones and has cancelled all radio advertising .

The Sunday Telegraph revealed last weekend Jones told a Sydney University Liberal Club dinner on September 22 that the prime minister's 83-year-old father, John, "died of shame".

"We were appalled and shocked at the lack of respect (the comments) expressed," Mr McCarthy said.

Now the company has informed Jones it wants him to return the black 2012 S-Class Mercedes the broadcaster has been driving free.

Should the vehicle not be returned by October 31, a Mercedes-Benz representative would collect it, he said.

The Sunday Telegraph understands Jones had been able to use the expensive vehicle as part of a sponsorship agreement with 2GB's owner, Macquarie Radio.Mercedes-Benz bosses have ditched advertising on Jones's show and across the station.

"We have terminated ALL (sic) commercial arrangements with 2GB," the company said in a statement. "We cannot see a circumstance that will see us returning to advertising (on Jones's) show."

Mr McCarthy refused to reveal how much the deal with 2GB was worth, other than to say: "It's now worth a lot less than it was a week ago."

Macquarie is offering discount rates for new advertisers, and has emailed subscribers asking if they have changed their opinion of 2GB and its sponsors, many of whom have dumped the station and Jones.

"During the last week, has your attitude towards companies that advertise on the Alan Jones Breakfast Show changed?" the survey asked.

Macquarie has told at least one agency it would discount standard rates by at least 15 per cent. Advertisements on his show usually sell for $1170 and live reads for $3300.

More than 70 companies have backed away and shares in Macquarie Radio crashed this week amid estimates that the boycott could cost millions.

A spokesman for Macquarie Radio refused to comment.

Jones is still in demand as a speaker, with a spokeswoman for Saxton Speakers saying no bookings were cancelled. Jones charges about $12,000 per speaking engagement.

A Facebook blitz on sponsors has more than 11,000 "likes", with users bombarding advertisers with emails.

Jenna Price from the Destroy the Joint movement named after Jones's claim women such as Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore were "destroying the joint" - said one sponsor got 4000 emails.

Staff at 2GB told activists the boycott would hurt young employees, not Jones.

Shares in 2GB fell six per cent last week.

Even IF you can afford Electricity in Australia Labor Green Loons Financiers are going to make sure you only get it when they say you can have it no matter the price.

Blackouts expected as NSW power workers plan to strike

Barclay Crawford
The Sunday Telegraph
October 07, 201212:00AM

MORE than 500,000 homes across NSW risk being left in the dark this month with rolling blackouts expected across the state as power workers walk off the job.

One in six homes could be hit by blackouts during the evening peak following a decision by Fair Work Australia to allow workers to take industrial action at the state's biggest power supplier, Macquarie Generation.

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union and eight other unions have been cleared to strike at the Liddell and Bayswater power stations in the Hunter Valley in defiance of state government action to strip them of lucrative conditions negotiated with the former NSW Labor government. 

The two plants, controlled by Macquarie Generation, produce 40 per cent of the state's energy needs. 

While the approved strike is only for 48 hours, the plants would effectively be shut for two weeks because of the time it takes to close them down and then restart them.

The blackout threat has been exacerbated by an explosion at Eraring Energy's Lake Macquarie power plant, which has forced it to shut down until November.

The plant is responsible for about 11 per cent of the state's electricity needs.

The Eraring closure and the proposed strike action come at the worst possible time for NSW, with a hot October predicted to send power demand soaring.

A source said 124 operators at Macquarie Generation earn $250,000 a year once overtime and superannuation are taken into account, with at least one operator on more than $300,000. 

Other perks include $2.2 million spent funding a half-hour shower allowance, despite the fact most operators don't raise a sweat on the job, and a lucrative superannuation scheme. But a senior union source said the government was looking to "pick a fight" with them.

The O'Farrell Government believes the power perks are unsustainable and only add to the cost of NSW power bills.

Despite their excessive conditions, workers are also pushing for a five per cent pay rise.

"The work practices in the government's energy business are unsustainable and are only adding to the power costs of consumers," a spokesman for Energy Minister Chris Hartcher said.

"Workers at these plants come under Prime Minister Julia Gillard's Fair Work regime, which has to be conscious when it approves industrial action that these work practices are placing an additional burden on electricity consumers." Peter McPherson, a Unions NSW industrial officer for the state's northern region, said negotiations were continuing and they were "looking to avoid an industrial action".

Sunday, August 19, 2012

If only it were ONLY 10,000 predominantly Muslims massing in Malaysia preparing to invade Australia

".........when you look at the figures that have been given for Malaysia their talking about 100,000 people there now as against 20,000 four years ago..........."

Philip Ruddock The  Bolt  Report Pt.1 August 19 2012

10,000 Illegals Massing in Malaysia preparing to invade Australia

Warning on wave of boat people

Tom Allard in Kuala Lumpur and Yuko Narushima
June 30, 2009

INDONESIAN authorities are bracing for a huge influx of boat people, anticipating as many as 10,000 asylum-seekers are waiting in Malaysia to transit through the archipelago and on to Australia.

This estimate was backed by a Malaysian group that deals with unauthorised immigrants. An Australian Government source warned of the potential for a similar influx to the thousands who began arriving in Australia from the late 1990s.

About 1500 asylum-seekers have arrived in Indonesia this year and registered for refugee status, almost all travelling by boat from Malaysia. Another 1500 are believed to have arrived and have not registered.

Indonesian police intelligence suggests between 7000 and 10,000 more people are waiting in Malaysia to make the journey once their passage is organised by people-smugglers.

"It could be 10,000," said senior commissioner Eko Danianto, head of the people smuggling unit at the Indonesian National Police.

"They comprise a mix of nationalities, not only Afghans. There are also Sri Lankan, Myanamerese (Burmese), Iraqis."

However an Australian academic, Dr Roslyn Richardson, of Charles Sturt University, has said asylum seekers know little about Australia before their arrival here.

Networks of people-smugglers service the 1 million Indonesian illegal workers who regularly travel to Malaysia by boat. The same networks also help arrange passage to Australia via Indonesia.

On Saturday, Malaysian authorities arrested 36 Afghans and six Pakistanis being smuggled to Australia via Indonesia. On Sunday, a boat carrying 194 asylum-seekers, mostly Sri Lankans, was intercepted near Christmas Island. Immigration sources said it was believed to have come from Malaysia. It was the biggest boatload of asylum-seekers to arrive in eight years.

"When they start getting big numbers through on a boat, they [people smugglers] get credibility and they get money. It becomes a virtuous cycle for them," said one Australian immigration enforcement official.

Australia and Indonesia have improved co-operation on people-smugglers and have disrupted more boats than the 16 that have reached Australia this year.

With Australian financial and technical support, Indonesia will announce tomorrow up to 12 police "strike teams" dedicated to combat human trafficking.

But a new wave of asylum-seekers from Malaysia will test that capability, which will take months to get running.

Aegile Fernandez, the co-ordinator of the Malaysian immigration support group Tenaganita, agreed with the assessment that up to 10,000 asylum-seekers were waiting in Malaysia. "There would be 10,000," she said. "I would put the blame on these agencies that have been promising Australia as the destination."

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has 49,000 registered refugees and asylum-seekers in Malaysia and estimated there are 45,000 unregistered illegal immigrants.

The Australian Government declined to comment, except to note the number of asylum-seekers was rising worldwide. However, one source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: "It could be 10,000. It could be 5000 or 20,000. We just don't know."

Dr Richardson said strong deterrent messages from Australia did not cut through.

"People smugglers do not pass on detailed policy information," she said yesterday. The asylum seekers knew little of Australia, let alone its immigration policies.

In her study, the reasons 27 refugees gave for coming to Australia centred on its comparative cheapness and accessibility.

The research contradicts Federal Opposition claims that policy changes last year led to a surge in boats.

A report out today by the Migration Institute of Australia found migration agents were perceived to be poorly trained and shonky by parliamentarians, refugee advocates, official and the courts.

Australian Socialist Prime Minister and Labor Leader Kevin "07" Rudd, has ensured that his and his party's and Marxist fundraisers and financiers,the Australian Council of Trade Unions,(ACTU) have opened another front in their "war against prosperity for Australians", by allowing the invasion of our northern shores predominantly by the members of the "Religion of Peace", and other third world colonialists.

Labor and their financiers the ACTU, see these invasion forces as crucial for their plans of a one party state for Australia, hoping that setting up colonies of Muslims and other third world colonialists in Labor Government funded and facilitated "Occupied Territories" will ensure the continued election of Marxist ACTU funded Labor International Socialist Governments at state and federal levels.

Like the Hussein Obama regime in the USA it appears that Rudd has been instructed to act quickly on implementing the International Socialist / UN / Green Manifesto, one way to rig elections , apart from "voting often" as the Labor Party says, is to flood the country with like minded colonialists,dedicated to the destruction of Australian Judeo / Christian society and culture.

Kevin 07, Le Kewan,Dear / Comrade / Leader for Life ? No wonder he has a standing invitation out there for Hugo Chavez to come to Australia.
194 MORE "Illegal immigrants" found entering Australian waters

Now it's Tamil (Tiger ?) Colonization of Australia, why not everyone else is brought here by the Government.

Now it's Tamil (Tiger ?) Colonization of Australia, why not ? everyone else is brought here by the Government.

The Bolt Report August 19 2012

The Islamic Colonization of Australia marches on with the full facilitation of  Australia's Union GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Independent Minority Socialist "Co Party" Government.

".........when you look at the figures that have been given for Malaysia their talking about 100,000 people there now as against 20,000 four years ago..........."

Philip Ruddock The  Bolt  Report Pt.1 August 19 2012

and Piracy is just fine too as Labor's celebrity go to man, former Labor Senator Graham Richardson says
"Whatever it takes"

Interesting to see Labor's Warren Mundine calling for his Union / GetUp funded  Labor Party, to divorce itself from it's "Co Party" the Greens.
I wonder does he still support the works and ideology of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Mundine and others are very impressed with Hugo Chavez, so much so they wrote the following letter to him:

Dear President Chávez, 
We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country. We have watched developments in Venezuela with great interest. We have been impressed by the great effort that your government has taken to improve the living standards of the majority of Venezuelans. We have also noted with keen attention the moves that your government has begun to make to create a society based on popular participation in all spheres of society—from the workplace up to the national government.
Although we are on the opposite side of the globe we feel that our shared ideals of social justice and democracy bring us close together. Every country has its own traditions and culture and has to find its own solutions, but what Venezuela has been able to achieve in so little time will be a source of inspiration and ideas for many in Australia.
In this light we believe that a visit to our country by yourself would not only help to improve the awareness of the Australian people of developments in Venezuela, but also be an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen the ties of friendship and solidarity between our two peoples. 
Warren Mundine - National President of the ALP in 2006 and many many others
Read what gets that shiver down their spines,or is it up their leg ? either way it's easy to understand why Australia's Union GetUp funded Socialist Party starts salivating at the very mention of Hugo's name with stunts like this 


Saturday, August 04, 2012

Labor Green Loon's Islamic Colonization of Australia :Truth worse than the Fiction

The truth on refugees is worse than fiction

Paul Sheehan
Sydney Morning Herald
July 30, 2012

It is a lie that will not die. It has been sent to tens of thousands of Australians in an email that has been circulating for years. The latest variation compares the amount paid to Australian aged pensioners with the benefits available to refugees. It claims the weekly allowance for pensioners is $253 while the weekly allowance for refugees is $472.50, plus a weekly hardship payment of $145, meaning refugees are eligible for more than twice as much government support as pensioners. It's a concoction. The problem for the federal government is that the truth is in some ways worse than the lie.

As long ago as 2009 the Department of Immigration felt compelled to issue this press release: ''Figures quoted in these emails bear no resemblance to income-support payments to asylum seekers and refugees settling in Australia … Asylum seekers in Australia who have not yet had their protection claims decided have no access to Centrelink benefits.

''Irregular maritime arrivals are subject to thorough security and identity checks and must satisfy the character test before a decision is made about protection … In Australia, refugees granted permanent visas have access to benefits on the same basis and at the same rates as other Australian permanent residents.''

Things have loosened up since then. Some asylum seekers now do qualify for welfare before their claims have been decided. The system of ''thorough security and identity checks'' has been compromised. This has damaged the federal Labor government, damaged the reputation of the Prime Minister, and damaged the traditional links between blue collar workers and the Labor Party. It has inflicted as much political damage on Labor as the carbon tax about-face.

In trying to understand the persistently dreadful opinion polls for the Gillard government, I keep coming back to this issue, a policy debacle for which Kevin Rudd, not Julia Gillard, bears primary responsibility, though on her watch it has gone from embarrassing to potentially terminal.

What follows are half a dozen elements that are already of concern to the Australian Federal Police, but about which the AFP must remain mute:

The police have not seen as large a gap in quality control in the flow of unskilled and welfare-dependent arrivals since the refugee flow from Lebanon in the 1970s.

About 90 per cent of those who arrive via illegal boat entries have been granted permanent residence, yet the overwhelming majority have entered Malaysia or Indonesia by legal means, then destroyed their identity papers with the intent of making it difficult for Australia to check their bona fides.

The amount of workplace participation among refugees and asylum-seekers remains low for some time. After four years, only about 25 per cent are engaged in full-time work. (The issue is examined in a Department of Immigration report, Settlement Outcomes for New Arrivals, published in April last year.)

Under intense political pressure, the federal government is emptying the detention centres by issuing bridging visas which allow detainees to enter the community, work, and receive welfare benefits before their final status has been determined. This has slashed the average time spent in detention from nine months to three months but the quicker turnover has compressed the scrutiny process.

Some of the high take-up of welfare payments among asylum seekers and refugees is being recycled into bringing relatives to Australia, including via people smugglers.

The Royal Australian Navy is being used as a pick-up service by people smugglers who call navy vessels to advise them of their need for assistance.

Little wonder that numbers are exploding. In the three years before the election of the Rudd government, 71 people arrived on 10 illegal boats. It took a year for the impact of Labor's dismantling of the previous border security regime to kick in. Over the past three years 341 illegal boats have brought 20,248 asylum-seekers. Another 363 have drowned. Uncounted others have perished or turned back.

Australia's Labor Green Loon Co Party Government sets new Olympic Record for Islamic Colonization of Australia 

All these problems are personified by ''Captain Emad'', who fled Australia in June even though he had been under investigation by police. The man, Abu Khalid, was a people smuggler who came to Australia by passing himself off as an asylum seeker. He brought his wife, three children and a grandchild. All received refugee status, settled in Canberra and were provided with public housing despite using different identities to those they used to enter Indonesia from Iraq. Yet even after Khalid's activities were exposed by the ABC's Four Corners program, he was allowed to leave.

Systemic deceit has been rewarded by systemic support. Even some asylum seekers who have avoided immigration control, destroyed their identity documents and not yet had their claims decided are eligible for support under the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme.

Among the benefits that can be made available to those granted protection visas, and those granted refugee status, is a one-off household formation package of up to $9850. Families can be eligible for education assistance of up to $9220. People granted refugee status become eligible for welfare payments immediately without having to wait the two-year period set for immigrants. Single applicants are eligible for a Newstart Allowance. Parents are eligible for Centrelink's parenting payment. Refugees, and some on bridging visas, also receive Medicare assistance for medical, hospital, dental, medicine and optical costs. Mobile phones are provided to those who arrive as unaccompanied minors.

This is the honeypot that has combined with civil strife to cause entire villages to empty in Sri Lanka and thousands of young men to travel from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan to get on illegal boats to Australia.

The viral email about Australia's generosity to refugees may be wrong in its details, but the truth is a story of government gullibility without end.

Its time the Australian connections within the Union GetUp funded Labor / Green Loon / Independent "Co Party" Government are rounded up and charged with treason.Aussie.    

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Green Loon’s Parliamentary rant labeled “Claptrap”

Green MP Adam Bandt's carbon rant ridiculed

Alison Rehn
The Daily Telegraph

September 20, 2011

Copy of 20 9 2011 Green MP Adam Bandt's carbon rant ridiculed THE nation faces a doomsday scenario of "hurricanes, storms and floods" unless action is taken on climate change, Greens MP Adam Bandt warned yesterday.

During yesterday's carbon tax debate, Mr Bandt said every person was threatened by climate change and "we are running out of time to prevent a catastrophe". "Ice caps are melting and the seas are rising," he said. "The hit to the Australian economy if we are not able to prevent runaway climate change is going to be enormous.

Mr Bandt warned jobs were threatened by climate change, saying that in Queensland 67,000 workers directly dependent on tourism and the Great Barrier Reef could be "turfed out of a job" if the reef is irreversibly damaged.

Speaking immediately after Mr Bandt, NSW Nationals MHR Mark Coulton said he had "never heard so much emotional claptrap".

"It seems to me that there's a lot of houses, a lot of buildings in the middle of Melbourne made out of concrete and it seems to me that while the good folk of Melbourne might have a desire to improve the environment, they don't appear to be doing too much of it themselves," Mr Coulton said.


Thursday, August 04, 2011

Labor Loons Plibersek and Bradbury demand Australians pay their CO2 TAX or else!!!!!!

Climate change - Labor believes the end is nigh

Neil Keene

The Daily Telegraph
August 05, 2011

Copy of 5 8 2011 Climate change - Labor believes the end is nigh FIRST it was floods and famine, now it is disease that the ALP says will get us if we don't stop climate change.

Minister for Human Services Tanya Plibersek's prediction this week that global warming would wipe out the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu and much of Australia's food supply earned her the unofficial title of prophet of doom.

But she might have a worthy deputy in Western Sydney MP David Bradbury. In a recent statement, Mr Bradbury warned that climate change would result locally in an outbreak of serious disease.

"Without taking action, Australia is expected to experience higher rates of infectious and vector-borne diseases as well as food and waterborne diseases," he said.

Vector-borne diseases currently in Australia include dengue fever, malaria and Ross River fever.

Ironically, Mr Bradbury was speaking at the time to protest against what he described as the Coalition's "scaremongering" tactics.

Yesterday, Mr Bradbury said a range of scientific bodies had highlighted the impacts of climate change on human health, including the World Health Organisation and the Australian Medical Association.

Liberal senator for Western Sydney Marise Payne said Mr Bradbury should be more concerned about the immediate effects of a carbon tax on his local community.

"If what Mr Bradbury is saying is not scare tactics, I don't know what is," the Liberal Senator said.

The Coalition claims soaring electricity prices will cost Nepean Hospital $150,000-$300,000 more a year.

"The implications of the carbon tax cannot be blithely wiped aside," Ms Payne said.

"It means three nursing professionals or three other medical professionals on the ground and assisting patients at Nepean Hospital."

Australian Medical Association president Steve Hambleton said the extreme weather events caused by climate change could increase the risk of disease, particularly with flooding and waterborne illness.

Bradbury bites back
Written by Troy Dodds
Friday, 15 July 2011 16:09 
Copy of 4 8 2011 Bradbury bites back Federal Member for Lindsay, David Bradbury, today accused State Member for Penrith, Stuart Ayres, of using dodgy figures to exaggerate the effects of carbon pricing on the health care system.
“Stuart Ayres will not reveal the details of the modelling he relies upon because he is using dodgy figures to create fear about the impact of the carbon price.” Mr Bradbury said.
In a statement today, Mr Bradbury's office said Treasury modelling indicates that the impact of a carbon price on the cost of hospital and medical services will be minimal – around 0.3% based on a $23 carbon price.
“Failing to act on Climate Change will come at a greater cost to the health system overtime.” Mr Bradbury said.
“Without taking action, Australia is expected to experience higher rates of infectious and vector-borne diseases as well as food and water borne diseases.
“If Stuart Ayres is serious about delivering better health services, he should spend less time on opportunistic media stunts about Federal issues and more time explaining to the nurses and paramedics of Nepean Hospital why his Government is stripping away their pay and conditions."
100 public sector workers rallied in protest outside Mr Ayres’ office this week, representing the 12,000 public sector workers who live and work in Penrith and surrounding areas.
“Stuart Ayres should leave the media stunts on Federal issues to Tony Abbott and instead explain to our local public sector workers why his Government is taking away their rights," Mr Bradbury said.

Tanya Plibersek on their ABC’s Q&A, Monday August 1 2011
Lord Christopher Monckton and Dr Richard Denniss National Press Club Canberra.
The Galileo Movement
Professor Richard Lindzen talks with Alan Jones about the Anthropogenic Global Warming CO2 TAX Hoax and the Galileo Movement.
Professor Richard Lindzen:Labor’s CO2 tax SCAM exposed… AGAIN

Australia: Labor’s CO2 TAX On EVERYTHING explained, CO2 Tax for Dummies

Australia: JuLIAR Gillards Green HOAX go to man Tim / Flim Flannery puts his foot in it again.
Australia: The Green Loon Eco Vandals and the Insanity of their Wind Turbines
What’s a Carbon Tax and what’s wrong with it?
Australia GREEN HOAX JUNK SCIENCE: No CO2 TAX,Angry Anderson
Australians tell Madame Gillard, Australia’s Socialist Liar for Hire PM just how popular she really is, whilst fellow Socialist Hussein Obama sings her praises

Friday, July 22, 2011

Madame Gillard unleashes Green “Goebbels” Loons loose on Australian Free Press

Greens want inquiry to consider Government power to force break-up of newspaper groups
By Malcolm Farr
National Political Editor
Daily Telegraph
July 21, 2011 3:58PM
THE Greens want Government powers to force the break-up of newspaper groups as well as the licensing of newspapers to be considered at a federal inquiry into the media.
Greens deputy leader Christine Milne today said the media convulsions in Britain around unacceptable privacy breaches meant it was "opportune" for an inquiry here.
"The important thing here is that out of the scandal in the UK there is an opportunity now for Australia to look at a number of issues,"  Senator Milne said.
"One is concentration of the media ownership for the print media in Australia.
Julia Christine & Bob
Australian PM.Madame Gillard, Greens Senator Comrade Christine “Goebbels” Milne & Greens Leader Comrade Bob (The Godless Loon) Brown.
Not satisfied with taxpayer funded ABC, SBS (Multicultural),TV Radio, all commercial TV and Radio networks bar one (2GB) along with all newspaper’s, bar the Murdoch Press, the ACTU,Union, Get Up Funded, Labor /Green Loon/ “Independent” Minority Coalition Socialist Australian Government  moves on the ONLY Free Press in the Nation, as it tries to divert attention from its collective 26% approval rating and TAX on life aka.CO2 Tax, attack the messenger those who don’t lie for them MUST be destroyed.
The stuff up in the UK is too good an opportunity for them, to not use, as a reason for Government control of the media, aka.Nationalization of the Media.
"Another is the privacy issues. Others relate to licensing and fit-and-proper person tests. All of those things should come out in an inquiry."
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is considering the Greens demands for a full inquiry, but far that might be limited to discussion of privacy recommendations made by the Law Reform Commission in 2008.
Senator Milne confirmed the Greens policy is for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to be given the power to order the divestment of media groups "where those mergers fail a media-specific public interest test".
"Let's see what an inquiry has to say about what the broader community think about the divesting of assets and the breaking up of some of these companies and controls of separate parts of the media," she said.
"I think the time is opportune for a broad ranging inquiry and I for one don't have preconceived ideas about what that might look like.
"But I do think the Australian community is asking questions as a result  of this scandal in the UK and they have a right to now think about what that media environment might look like into the future."
The Greens have already said an inquiry should look at why there is "no licensing or independent oversight of major newspapers" - a bid for newspaper licensing by the Government.
The Prime Minister today was asked by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to "put up or shut up" after she yesterday said News Ltd Australia had "hard questions" to answer.
News Ltd, the publisher of, is related to News International, which is at the centre of the British upheaval.
"There is no evidence whatsoever to any of the practices, the reprehensible practices, that we saw at one newspaper in England have any currency here in Australia," Mr Abbott said today.
"The Prime Minister must specify exactly what those questions are and if she can't specify exactly what those questions are, what she's doing is just smearing a perfectly good organisation.
"Frankly, it demeans our polity for this kind of thing to go on. I call on the Prime Minister to put up or shut up when it comes to those sorts of issues."
Today the Prime Minister said the questions were "very simple" following the British events.
"And consequently it's common sense that having seen the kind of  reports we've seen from the United Kingdom Australians would be asking themselves, 'Could that happen here? What does this mean for us in Australia?'
"Very simple questions like that."

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Sydney's CO2 TAX Protest Video’s 2 4 2011

More  HERE

Today 2 4 2011, Sydney was host to another ANTI CO2 TAX protest.
There was also a group of George Soro’s and Australian Council of Trade Union funded Get Up activists and Labor’s useful idiots protesting at another venue who were DEMANDING to be TAXED even more than they (hopefully) already are,assuming they do actually work for a living, by the Minority,Union Funded Socialist Labor / Green Loon / “Independent” Australian Federal Government,led by Labor’s Madame Gillard.
There are no reports of the PRO CO2 TAX supporters offering to voluntarily pay the TAX TODAY out of their Social Security benefits and (Adult School Children) University subsidies,so maybe they think that “paying to save the planet” can wait, as opposed to their posters that claim that immediate action is necessary to SAVE ALL life as we know it TODAY.
That claim been in stark contrast to Labor’s Minority Government talking head aka. PM Madame Gillard’s “Go To” Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmist in chief, Paleontologist,that's right a Dinosaur hunter not a Climatologist, or a Geologist  a Dinosaur Hunter,Tim Flannery,who a few days ago ADMITTED that if the entire world went back into the dark ages today,it would take a THOUSAND years before there would be ANY reduction in CO2 Levels. Australian Taxpayers WAGES are been garnisheed to pay Labor’s ARSE CLOWN’S $180,000 a year to study Chicken entrails and report back to  Bob Brown’s Bitch, Madame Gillard, with his “Scientifically” based predictions on the future of the world.
It is long past time that the Labor Party,their Comrades in Arms, the Green Loons and their “Independents”, Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor,that make up Australia’s Minority Socialist Federal Government are taken into CARE.
Since they formed a “ Co Government” they have, in true Labor / Socialist Loon tradition stuffed everything they have touched,they are “Errol Flynn's” if you like.
Madame JuLIAR Gillard should concentrate on just FUCKING her Hairdresser Boyfriend,(or any of the other two married Labor Party members she has previously FUCKED oops sorry “slept with”) oops sorry “Partner Tim”
Tim Mathieson,Madame Gillard’s Hairdresser and “Partner” and Father of Staci Child ,below.
Madame Gillard’s Boyfriend’s Daughter aka. Madame Ju LIARS “Step Daughter” Staci Child.
rather than FUCKING AUSTRALIA back into the STONE AGE along with her “Co Government” partner Green Loon, Bob Brown FUCKING his “Pastoralists Partner” Paul Thomas.
Fuck yourselves into oblivion for all I care , just leave OUR Australia ALONE,ya Fucking NUT JOBS!!!!
Bob Brown & Paul Thomas 
Green Loon Leader Bob Brown (l) and “Partner” ‘Pastoralists” Paul Thomas (r) (at least Paul left his cloths on for the picture)

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