An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Green Loons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green Loons. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Australia : The Obeids "Goodfellas" - Labor Inc. ICAC

NSW Labor Inc.: The story so far...

The Daily Telegraph
January 24, 2013 12:00AM

It's alleged Ian Macdonald passed on inside information to the Obeid family, including his former political ally Eddie Obeid, who had bought land in the coal-rich area before the tender process was reopened.

The inquiry heard Mr Macdonald also made the decision to exclude large companies from bidding for the exploration licences, an "unprecedented" move which caused outrage in the industry.

This investigation is considered the public watchdog's most important case to date, with an explosive opening address revealing this may be the greatest-scale corruption by state-elected officials in more than 200 years.

Two former premiers, Morris Iemma and Nathan Rees, gave evidence at the inquiry.

Both said they knew their leadership was in trouble when they stood up to Mr Obeid, a Labor powerbroker.

A former family friend told ICAC that Eddie's son Moses had boasted of the $100 million wealth which would come to the family from the licences, adding "Ian's going to help dad out".

Another witness, family associate Arlo Selby, said in a statement tendered to ICAC that Moses described Mr Macdonald as being "in on the deal" and "that's how we can guarantee we will win any tender we go for."

The Obeids and their associates are alleged to have given the seven owners of successful bidder Cascade Coal secret information to win the coal exploration licence and re-sell it for a profit.

It's alleged Cascade Coal decided the Obeids needed to be paid out of the deal, with $30 million in "sanitation" money given to them for their 25 per cent stake.

The hearing is yet to hear from the main players. Mr Macdonald, Mr Obeid and his sons will be called in coming weeks.

At the end Commissioner David Ipp will prepare a report and decide if the case is to be referred to the DPP for possible criminal charges.

Very good fortunes of Obeids laid bare

The Daily Telegraph
January 24, 2013 12:00AM

A SNAPSHOT into the Obeid family fortune was revealed yesterday as one member of the colourful clan admitted to the ICAC that a "brand spanking new Mercedes" was paid for with funds from their secret mining stake.

The Obeid family ledger and trust fund deed, tendered yesterday during a fiery day of evidence at the corruption watchdog, shows former Labor powerbroker Eddie used a payment from the sale of the family's share in a mining venture to splash out on the luxury $400,000 car.

His son-in-law, living in a million-dollar Sydney home while on a $55,000 salary, was also questioned about whether a deposit on a waterfront property made by Eddie Obeid's wife Judith came from their earnings in a mining tenement.

It emerged the family received $15 million into their accounts through the sale of their share in the Mount Penny tenement - the area at the centre of the current corruption hearing.

The ICAC is investigating allegations former resources minister Ian Macdonald rorted the tender process for the coal mining exploration licences in the Bylong Valley in 2008 and provided inside information to the Obeid family.

The detailed trust documents were tendered to yesterday's hearing despite an objection from the former Labor powerbroker's barrister Stuart Littlemore QC as evidence was heard of a complicated system of payouts between the Obeid family members.

Mr Obeid's son-in-law Hassam Achie spent a testy few hours in the witness box as he faced rapid-fire questioning from Geoffrey Watson SC, the counsel assisting the inquiry.

Mr Achie, who the ICAC heard makes $55,000 a year as a financial controller for the Obeids, said he was unsure of what the payments were about, even though he was the trustee of the company which received them.

"Do you know that Eddie Obeid Snr bought a brand spanking new Mercedes," Mr Watson asked.

"That was actually leased," Mr Achie said.

"Did you know that the money came out of the money from the sale of shares in Mt Penny," Mr Watson asked.

"Some money got put towards the car, yes," Mr Achie replied.

Loans were paid out to family members, including Eddie and Judith's nine children, through a complicated trust fund trail, the ICAC heard.

Mr Achie, married to Mr Obeid's daughter Fiona, said he wasn't familiar with who the beneficiaries of some trusts were, and he would move money around only on instruction from "the (Obeid) boys".

He denied Mr Watson's suggestion that he was "a front" for the family but agreed he had "no independent authority to make a decision" on finances.

He said he couldn't be sure if a deposit made on a multi-million-dollar home in Woolwich for Judith Obeid, his mother-in-law, came from the Mount Penny profit.

"All I knew was ... they had done some particular deal regarding a particular tenement," he said.

He said when he was told by Eddie's sons Paul and Damien Obeid that almost $15 million was to be paid into the account for Calvin Holdings, the company of which he was trustee, that the funds were "for the sale of some shares".

"Did Calvin Holdings pay tax on that $15 million," Mr Watson asked.

"No it didn't ... when the distributions are made the individuals pay the tax," Mr Achie replied.

"Who ... received that money," Mr Watson asked.

"It was the (Obeid) boys and some of the wives," Mr Achie replied.

Fiona Obeid doesn't work but together the couple has a home in Hunters Hill valued at close to $1.5 million with a $1 million renovation planned, the inquiry was told.

The ICAC also heard yesterday that no evidence potentially clearing Mr Macdonald of corruption allegations about his reopening of mining exploration licences emerged during secret hearings.

It was revealed that former premier Kristina Keneally- who reinstated Mr Macdonald to Cabinet after he was sacked by her predecessor Nathan Rees- would not be called to give evidence at the inquiry, which is expected to run for several more weeks.

The decision -made because her evidence wasn't considered relevant to the allegations- led to Mr Macdonald's barrister Tim Hale SC asking for a copy of her compulsory examination , a request the commission refused.

Mr Hale said Mr Rees's evidence at the ICAC last year suggested Ms Keneally's successful challenge for the premiership was "due to the influence of Mr Obeid and (Joe) Tripodi" and meant Mr Macdonald was "beholden" to the pair.

"(We want) the transcript of compulsory examination which may be exculpatory of Mr Macdonald and inconsistent with the allegations made against him," Mr Hale said.

"I cannot recall one instance of any evidence exculpatory of Mr Macdonald," ICAC Commissioner David Ipp said.

"But I accept that somewhere in there, there may be something that does exist ... I personally cannot recall any such evidence.

"There was a great deal of evidence from other witnesses dealing with other matters demonstrating the degree of influence of Mr Obeid and his support of Mr Macdonald."

The inquiry continues.

Cunning accounts in which they trust

Janet Fife-Yeomans 
The Daily Telegraph
January 24, 2013 12:00AM

AS a lesson in accounting it was a stark reminder to all of us about where we're going wrong.

For a start, we are not members of the tight-knit Obeid clan.

We don't have a network of family companies and family trusts to lend us money on which we don't need to pay tax - because it is a loan.

A big loan for a house, a smaller loan for household expenses, another loan to pay off a credit card or for pool maintenance bills. Company cars.

The loans are offset against any disbursements from profits the trusts may make at the end of the year but, as son-in-law and family financial controller Sam Achie explained yesterday, disbursements only come after he, the Obeid brothers and family accountant Sid Sassine sit down and work out the "best tax-effective position".

That has meant no substantial sums have been distributed to the Obeids from the trusts over the past 10 years.

Lugubrious Commissioner David Ipp wondered out loud about how Achie, on $55,000 a year, and his wife Fiona, who doesn't work, could shoulder the burden of a $1,145,000 Hunters Hill townhouse for which the council has approved a $1 million renovation.

It was all a loan from the trust, said Achie, before he proved that listening to accountants is not all that boring as he burst out in seeming anger and frustration at the commission: "I don't understand what I'm here for, it's just crazy."

Most of us work for a wage, not for a lucky handout, but the rest of the city's millionaires' club no doubt have similar accounting practices.

The Obeids' income and tax arrangements are now out there for all to see, despite the best interests of their lawyers to have the previously private details and personal spending habits suppressed yesterday.

In fact, the family is so obsessed with privacy it has front men hiding that they are involved in some deals. Privacy was the reason a couple of their front men gave to the commission yesterday. Nothing sinister.

With the greatest of respect to my own accountant, I'm going to join the queue forming outside the office of Mr Sassine come the end of this financial year.

Labor Values

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Omar Halaby 19 year old Muslim Insurgent / Rioter and Disability Pensioner.

Bloody idiot rioter's pension reviewed

January 23, 2013 12:00AM

WHILE the taxpayer supports accused rioter Omar Halaby, he spruiks about terrorism and illegal drugs on his Facebook page - and even does the odd day's work on a construction site, despite receiving a disability pension.

Now it is understood Community Services Minister Jenny Macklin will review the 19-year-old's case after he bragged on the social network site about being employed.

The Padstow man, who was one of seven people charged for his role in last September's Muslim riot in the CBD, claims to have learning and physical disabilities from a past football injury that prevent him gaining employment.

But The Daily Telegraph can reveal that, while Halaby is collecting a $200-a- week pension, he works as a sub-contractor on a construction site.

In his Facebook profile Halaby also refers to the US President Barack Obama as a terrorist and posts pictures of drugs and police dressed as pigs.

Photos of him covered in blood after "a fight with me bro" were also among his pictures,as well as photos of guns, swords and motorbikes.

Halaby last week escaped with a 12-month good behaviour bond for his role in the riot, with his lawyer telling magistrate Pat O'Shane that he suffered from learning and physical disabilities.

"He has literacy issues, a short attention span, things to that effect," Legal Aid lawyer Sophie Edin said.

He pleaded guilty to smashing the windscreen of a marked police car with a milk crate and assaulting a TV cameraman.

The court heard Halaby yelled Islamic slogans at the camera crew and pushed a cameraman during the protest. He paid $500 for the damage to the police car.

Just before his court appearance last Friday, he posted on Facebook: "Having the time of my life at Downing Centre Local Court."

A spokeswoman for Community Services Minister Jenny Macklin last night said Halaby's case would be reviewed.
To be eligible for the disability support pension, a person must have a permanent disability or medical conditions that make them unable to work.

Halaby would not answer the door at the home he shares with his parents yesterday - instead he yelled taunts out the window.

Several men remain before the court charged over the Sydney riot, with at least one to face a hearing next month.

Benjamin Homan, one of the other men convicted over the Sydney riot, was hit with an eight-month suspended sentence and ordered to do 300 hours of community service.

Former champion boxer Ahmed Elomar, the only person to be kept behind bars after the riot, appeared briefly in Central Local Court yesterday. His case was adjourned until January 31.

Muslim rioter and vandal Omar Halaby spared jail following September 15 2012 Sydney CBD Muslim Insurgency Riots..Life on the pension is a riot for Omar

What makes the "Mufti of Sydney's Occupied Territories and his fellow insurgents "feel like we is on cloud nine" ?

Sydney's Muslim Insurgency Riots Aftermath: Spin Doctors and apologists still performing CPR on Multiculturalism.

Madame Gillard appoints a her very own "TwoFa" Nova Peris Kneebone to NT Senate ... Election I hear you say what's that ?

Former Olympian Nova Peris to run for Labor in NT seat in the Federal Senate

Jessica Marszalek
Daily Telegraph
January 22, 201312:12PM

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard Gillard faces a fight to get former Olympian Nova Peris into the Senate, with current NT Senator Trish Crossin speaking out against the decision to replace her.

Ms Peris will stand for Labor at the upcoming election, with Julia Gillard declaring the party needs an indigenous representative in the Federal Parliament.

If successful Ms Peris will be the first Aboriginal woman to hold a seat in federal parliament.

The Prime Minister personally selected the Aboriginal athlete for preselection as a senate candidate in the NT in a decision that has upset Labor's serving senator, Trish Crossin.

Ms Gillard said she had engaged "in a captain's pick'' in endorsing the Olympic hockey gold medallist over Senator Crossin.

"There has never been an indigenous Australian who has served as a federal Labor representative,'' she said.

"I'm determined that at the 2013 election we change that.''

Asked about Senator Crossin's fate, Ms Gillard said she stood by the "tough decision''.

But Senator Crossin immediately hit out, declaring the decision had been taken without consultation or negotiation with the NT branch of the ALP "or my input as the long-serving federal Labor Senator for the NT''.

"It has been my long held belief that preselection should always be a matter for NT Labor branch members to decide,'' she said in a statement.

But Ms Gillard said it was a matter of national significance for the Labor Party to put forward an indigenous Australian in a winnable position at a federal election.

"I am not going to make it routine for me to intervene in party processes,'' Ms Gillard said.

"I am a big respecter of party processes, but I think there is a national significance here for our political party.''

No surprise Corssin supported Le Kewen aka, Kevin 07 Rudd in the Gillard led leadership spill. She is not happy at been dumped by Gillard, cant wait to see her described as a Misogynist Racist Red Neck Hill Billy by Madame Gillard and the Sista Hood
She said it was a similar situation to when the party had undertaken affirmative action to see more women elected to federal parliament.

"If you believe as I do fundamentally that merit is distributed equitably across the population, across genders, across races then if you are looking at an outcome where you can see lots of men or not many indigenous Australians, then people of merit are missing out,'' she said.

"This is a moment when our whole political party needs to look at it too so that we are joined by an indigenous Australian in our federal Labor caucus.''

Ms Peris thanked the prime minister for the "amazing opportunity" to stand for Labor pre-selection for a Northern Territory seat in the senate.

"I stand here before you all today not only as an Australian but also as a proud Aboriginal woman, proud of my heritage and culture," Ms Peris said.

I certainly understand the significance of this opportunity, and I am very honoured and humbled by this, prime minister."

She said she was first approached to stand for parliament about seven to eight years ago.

"My two young kids babies at the time ... I didn't think I was ready. To be put into a position where you have a voice for Aboriginal Australians I thought I had to do a lot of work," she said.

Ms Peris attributed the CLP victory at last year's NT poll to hard work by the CLP and Labor taking their eye off the mark.

But she said that was now unravelling for the CLP.

"As an Aboriginal woman I have seen and I've been around the ropes long and hard enough to know that Aboriginal people have been disappointed with government for a long time, hence the intervention," she said.

"I was in the midst of that and I saw firsthand that you can have policies but if you don't have the right people implementing it, it's never going to work."

Ms Peris said she was proud, honoured and humbled to be part of Labor.

"We are working very hard to win the next election and get the right people working," she said.

Ms Gillard said Ms Peris was a household name and many remembered her sporting triumphs, winning an olympic gold medal in hockey at the 1996 games.

"What they show is grit and determination to get things done and I am very admiring of that grit and determination," she said.

"I believe Nova will make a great contribution in the federal parliament for the Labor Party for the Northern Territory and for the nation, not just because of that grit and determination but because of the work she has done since her sporting career on building opportunities for young Australians."

Was Nova Really Surprised ?

Where to now...

After turning the big 40 and whilst working in the Kimberley last year, I reflected on my past achievements and experiences. It had dawned on me and it seemed just a natural thing to do, and that was to now spend the next decade of my life using it to give back, pass on the stories that enabled me to pick myself up time and time again. There is a quote I am now consciously aware of and live my life by and that is "For as much is given, much is expected".

I have now realised that I have lived my life in decades, 0-10 dreaming as a kid, 10-20 education and realisation that i could live my dreams. 20-30yrs 60 Countries and living my sporting dreams. 30-40 two more kids, a grandchild and 110 communities around Australia, mentoring and promoting better health and education to my people. So now i am embarking on a new phase of life.....Stay Tuned...!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the USA a story of betrayal

Why we're following US towards a dangerous debt with destiny

Jeff Kennett 
The Daily Telegraph 
January 10, 2013 12:00AM

AS you read this column today my wife Felicity and I will be returning to Australia, having spent three weeks in the US. In New York, Boston and Washington.

It has been a wonderful experience. The extraordinary bustle and energy that is New York, where every language and colour fill the streets. The sights, the theatres, the shopping, the restaurants and the sounds. Simply electric.

But more significant than the sites we visited has been the opportunity to observe the failure of the politicians, the President of the US, the Congress made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate, dealing with the issues surrounding the "fiscal cliff".

The cliff was a political device created in 1917 in an attempt to control the nation's level of debt. Until recently gaining support from both houses of Congress for increasing the debt has not been an issue, as debt levels have 

been manageable. But that has not been the case in recent years. US debt stands at $16 trillion. That is about 106 times our Australian debt of $150 billion.

Under President Barack Obama, US debt has risen from just under $10 trillion when he was elected four years ago by a massive 60 per cent to the $16 trillion the country owes today.

The US fiscal cliff had two inbuilt components which, unless legislators acted, would have automatically become law on January 1, 2013 - substantially higher taxes to generate extra revenue, and a range of expenditure cuts to attempt to stop the growth of the deficit.

Legislators have had two years notice of the December 31, 2012, deadline - yet did nothing until the last week. After a lot of political manoeuvring the Senate and house agreed to what I would call a totally unsatisfactory, in fact cowardly, outcome. A rise in some taxes for those with incomes above $400,000, or $450,000 for couples, some other small income increases, and absolutely no cuts in government expenditure.

In fact, with other new government spending commitments adding $4 trillion to US debt over the next few years, the US economy is going backwards. Within the next two months the president and the legislators will have to return their attention to dealing with the debt ceiling when it reaches its legislated $16.4 trillion limit. If the cost of government programs is not reassessed and reduced, the US is heading for a debt level of $22-24 trillion in four years. That would make the Obama administration the most economically disastrous in American history, with frightening ramifications.

What I have witnessed is the greatest demonstration of a failure of leadership, from the president down.

Never have I seen the philosophy of spending your way out of debt work.

We did not do it in Victoria in the 1990s, nor has Canada nor Turkey. Latvia has not done so in rebuilding its economy.

Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the UK to some extent, and clearly the US, are clearly trying to do so - printing more of their currency to get through the next few years without addressing the fundamental reasons for their current economic condition.

They are spending more on recurrent expenditure than they are raising from taxes and charges. Each of these countries are living beyond their means.

A day of economic reckoning will come for them all, and it will not be pleasant.

What is the principal lesson I have learnt from this trip in relation to Australia?

Our economic position is not nearly as bad as the US, at present, but the mentality of our politicians, and we the public, is exactly the same.

We are not accepting any sense of responsibility for our economic and social future.

We are over-governed, we demand and seek too many entitlements from governments, our politicians think short-term, and electoral popularity is more important than electoral responsibility.

It is time for greater accountability and responsibility by all of us. Read the tea leaves, here and in the US!

To ignore the experiences of the US, Greece and Spain, in the belief their economic challenges cannot develop here in Australia, could be the greatest act of hubris of our generation.

Jeff Kennett is a former premier of Victoria and the chairman of beyondblue

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

ASIO Comrade Gietzelt and Comrade Hawke

ASIO claimed minister was being controlled by Soviets

The Australian
January 02, 2013 12:00AM
How could anyone NOT like him ?
Comrade Gietzelt
IN February 1983, just weeks before the first Hawke ministry was sworn in, ASIO believed that the new minister for veterans' affairs, Arthur Gietzelt, was possibly "a secret member" of the Communist Party and "under some form of control" by the Soviet Union.

Several months after senator Gietzelt became a minister, an ASIO agent reported in a "secret" note a conversation between Communist Party leaders Laurie Aarons and Joe Palmada that revealed senator Gietzelt was "still a financial member of the CPA" and that he was meeting Aarons "regularly".

A previously unreleased cache of ASIO files made available to The Australian provides the first documentary evidence that Mr Gietzelt, now 92, was believed to have still had close links with the Communist Party while serving as a minister.

A "secret" ASIO minute paper, dated February 18, 1983, concluded with the "possibility" that "GIETZELT is under some form of control by the Soviets. As a secret member of the CPA and a parliamentarian he would undoubtedly be of interest to the Soviets," it said.

In an interview with The Australian, former prime minister Bob Hawke said: "I just don't think it is appropriate for a (former) prime minister to discuss the nature of the conversations they had with ASIO."

Mr Hawke said he was satisfied about senator Gietzelt's loyalty to the government.

"I had no problem with any of my ministers in terms of their complete commitment to the Australian Labor Party," he said.

"I had heard there was scuttlebutt about Gietzelt; there was scuttlebutt about Tom Uren. But as far as I was concerned they were totally committed to the Labor Party."

Yes I am sure they "were totally committed to the Labor Party." Comrade Hawke,as are you and all members of the ACTU GetUp funded ALP,but the Australian Labor Party is not the Australian People, it is not representative of the aspirations of the Australian people it is unashamedly committed to the objectives of International Socialism aka.Socialist aka Communist World Government, or is Comrade Macken lieing?

ASIO maintained its interest in senator Gietzelt's alleged communist linkages as the Hawke government came into office and while senator Gietzelt was serving as a minister.

Two days before the March 5, 1983 election, which swept Labor into government, ASIO completed an examination of its extensive files on senator Gietzelt, who had been a member of the upper house since 1971. "An examination of the GIETZELT file leads to the conclusion that he was and probably remains a secret member of the Communist Party of Australia," notes a minute paper labelled "top secret".

Another "secret" file note prepared in April 1982, during the Fraser government, documents senator Gietzelt's association with the Communist Party between April 1976 and November 1981.

It reports that Aarons, the then national secretary of the Communist Party, described senator Gietzelt as "the CPA's official parliamentary co-ordinator in Canberra between 1972 and 1975" -- the term of Gough Whitlam's Labor government.

It also notes that senator Gietzelt "was a secret member of the CPA" in 1969 or 1970, and also in 1979 that he "is a dual ticket holder (CPA/ALP) and is the main key of influence of the CPA in the left wing of the ALP".

In the March 1983 document, ASIO notes that while the source material on senator Gietzelt's secret involvement in the Communist Party stretched for at least four decades, it could not be certain that he "was a secret party member", even though earlier and later ASIO documents suggest that he was.

ASIO's files cover his alleged involvement with the Communist Party from the 1940s to at least the 1980s, and include extensive agent reports, informant reports, photos and films outlining a secret role in organising for the CPA inside the Labor Party.

Several ASIO files concerning senator Gietzelt's Communist Party linkages remain unreleased. Several documents that have been released have many redactions throughout.

When contacted by The Australian on Monday, Mr Gietzelt refused to respond to the ASIO claims in the new documents. When contacted by The Australian in 2010, Mr Gietzelt denied that he was a member of, or an organiser for, the Communist Party.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

John Howards Anti Muslim Terror Hotline Praised in "Pigs Might Fly moment" by it's former opponents

The present Australian Attorney General, (yes its true, she is the Madame Gillard Green Loon Independent appointed Australian Governments affirmative action Attorney General) Nicola Roxon in a stunning about face is praising the Anti (Muslim) Terrorism Hotline established by the Liberal * Government of John Howard ten years ago.

Nicola Roxon's Labor Party / Green Loon Coalition / Independents and their financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions and GetUp, along with their Multicultural Industry Peace Partners ran a concerted Parliamentery and media campaign via their ABC, SBS and Fairfax  media public relations / media divisions, ridiculing the Hotline and demanding it be dismantled and indeed sabotaged by Australians at every opportunity to ensure that it had no chance of been an effective weapon against Islamic Insurgents on Australian soil.

Easy to see that Madame Nicola's minority "Co Party" Government is facing an election in 2013, time to praise Anti Terrorism not ridicule or mock or sabotage Anti Terrorism, at least not until after the election in 2013 no matter the result.

Less than half the Australians that vote in the upcoming Federal Election would have any idea of what I am talking about, they would not remember that this woman oops sorry person, and her Party had nothing but contempt and ridicule for John Howard when he introduced his Liberal Governments Anti (Muslim) Terrorism Hotline.

To those who remember do not forget this and so many other deceptions of the Progressives and their Islamic Harmony Day Multicultural Peace Partners and B /VOTE PEOPLE.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

When there are no infidels handy these savages slaughter each other....and the Australian Government wants to import 30,000 more of these SAVAGES into Australia in 2013

Labor's VOTE People ? who knows no way of checking who is coming into Australia since Labor's open borders policy introduced by Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Rudd 

Mob kills man blamed for burning Koran

Daily Telegraph
December 22, 2012 10:11PM

A MOB in southern Pakistan stormed a police station to seize a mentally unstable Muslim man accused of burning a copy of Islam's holy book, beat him to death, and then set his body alight, police say.

The case is likely to raise further concerns about the country's harsh blasphemy laws, which can result in a death sentence or life in prison to anyone found guilty.

Critics say an accusation or investigation alone can lead to deaths, as people take the law into their own hands and kill those accused of violating it. Police stations and even courts have been attacked by mobs.

Local police official Bihar-ud-Din said police arrested the man on Friday after being informed by residents that he had burned a Koran inside a mosque where he had been staying for a night.

An angry mob of more than 200 people then broke into the police station in the southern town of Dadu and took the accused man, who they say was under questioning. Din said police tried their best to save the man's life, but 

were unable to stop the furious crowd.
He said police had arrested 30 people for suspected involvement in the attack, while the head of the local police station and seven officers had been suspended.

Past attempts by governments in predominantly Muslim Pakistan to review these laws have met with violent opposition from hardline Islamist parties.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gillard backs down forced to support "The Savage" over Israel in UN Vote to save own job

Gillard's UN vote backdown to save her job

Simon Benson 
The Daily Telegraph

November 28, 2012 12:00AM

JULIA Gillard's leadership came close to collapse yesterday after cabinet refused to back her policy to vote against a UN resolution tomorrow to give greater recognition to a Palestinian state.

After initially snubbing the majority view of her cabinet colleagues on Monday night, the Prime Minister was only convinced yesterday morning to back down when faced with the threat of ministers voting against her in caucus.

It is believed to be the first time since Bob Hawke pushed ahead with uranium mining at Coronation Hill in 1991 that a PM had defied recommendations from cabinet.

Cabinet sources confirmed the PM was forced into a desperate backdown during caucus yesterday after reported threats that Foreign Minister Bob Carr would vote against her if it was put to a vote on the floor - a precedent which would have forced his resignation.

The PM only warded off a caucus bloodbath by announcing a compromise position for Australia to abstain from the UN vote. Her spokesman said yesterday she did not comment on caucus or cabinet matters.

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The forced shift in Middle East policy has stunned US and Israeli officials who had believed Australia would vote in lock-step with them against the UN resolution.

And it came largely through pressure from NSW Right MPs who were more concerned a no vote at the UN would offend Middle East and Muslim communities in their fragile southwest Sydney seats ahead of the election.

It is believed up to 10 cabinet ministers, including Mr Carr, Anthony Albanese and Greg Combet, spoke against Ms Gillard's position to oppose a UN resolution giving the Palestinian territories non-member observer status. Ms Gillard also lost support from the Labor National Right, which also met on Monday and refused to be bound to a vote in support of the Prime Minister's position. Only two cabinet ministers, Victorian Right faction leaders Bill Shorten and Stephen Conroy, are believed to have supported her.

Mr Gillard is believed to have argued that a UN resolution to upgrade the Palestinian status to non-member observer status could damage an already fragile peace process.

A ceasefire is now in force between Palestinian militants Hamas and Israel after a 10 days of conflict.

However, Mr Carr is believed to have spent an hour with Ms Gillard before Monday night's cabinet meeting explaining the electoral problems in Sydney if Australia did not at least abstain from the vote, if not vote yes.

Senior Labor sources said Ms Gillard's leadership had come "close to the brink".

"As it dawned on her that she would be in trouble numbers-wise, it quickly came a straight out defacto leadership issue," one senior Labor MP said. A senior minister said: "She came as close as she has ever come to losing her job. She could not have handled this more poorly. She had expected the Right to lock in on it.

"Her leadership would have crumbled around her."

But Mr Carr denied there had been threats or pressure brought to bear on Ms Gillard, claiming that it was common sense for Australia to adopt a middle-road approach to such a polarising issue.

He said she had "shaped the decision and showed smart leadership".

"Australia strongly supports a negotiated two-state solution that allows a secure Israel to live side-by-side with a secure and independent future Palestinian state," Mr Carr said.

Pro-Israel Labor MP Michael Danby, who chairs a parliamentary foreign affairs committee, was reportedly among those angry at the PM's backflip.

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