An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label International Socialists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Socialists. Show all posts

Monday, June 28, 2010

Australia: Multicultural and Useful Idiot Pin Up Boy,Sheikh Monsour Laghaei Fly’s back to Iranian Masters.


ASIO Found this Muslim to be a threat to the security and well being of Australian’s,thankfully there is a Federal Election soon this year and the Union financed Australian Labor Party, after many many appeals,far too many by any reasonable consideration in fact , decided to Muscle up and accept the advice of Australia’s “Spooks” and show him the door, back to IRAN. However after and if Labor & Madam Gillard is elected in the coming 2010 Federal Election I am sure that he will be able to slip back into Australia unannounounced  before CHRISTmas 2010. As for me, good riddance to bad rubbish support ASIO.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010


Less than a week after a visit to Australia by Bejing’s second most powerful member of the Chinese Communist Party,Xi Jinping, Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia, Lu Kewen aka.Australian Prime Minister Kevin 07 Rudd, has been deposed by the Australian Council of Trade Union’s (ACTU) financed Australian Labor Party, (ALP) from the office of Prime Minister of Australia.

Copy of Xi Jinping

China’s Communist Party’s second most powerful Communist Xi Jinping.

Lu Kewen’s replacement is Julia Gillard one of two daughters of Welsh assisted immigrants (Two Pound Pom’s) and Communist Party member parents,she has been a loyal and hard working member of the Socialist Cause for many of her forty eight years, she is single but has a relationship with a hairdresser,she is Australia’s first “Wommin” appointed to the office of Australian Prime Minister,by the ALP  and their revenue raisers,financers & bankers the ACTU.

Madame Gillard is one of only two members of the infamous Lu Kewen Labor Governments “Gang of Four” to escape demotion or will not re contest their position at the up coming federal election.

Deposed Prime Minister Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Rudd has been banished to the back benches, Lyndsay Tanner, former Lu Kewen Government  Finance Minister, has indicated he will be leaving the Parliament voluntarily by not re contesting his seat at the up coming Federal election,former Lu Kewen Labor Government Treasurer,apologist and supporter, Wayne Swan, has been promoted to the office of Deputy Prime Minister. 

 Gillard Australian Story Great Wall China

“Madame Julia” Julia Gillard,Australia’s Union and Labor Party back room Thug appointed Prime Minister .

The above photo was deleted from the Australian Labor Party’s (ALP)publicly funded,publicity and propaganda arm,the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) Program web site for their successful show “Australian Story” (episode titled “She Who Waits”, broadcast 21 June 2010 ) following the appointment (on Thursday 24 June 2010)of Madame Gillard to the office of Prime Minister of Australia. by ALP back room Union and NSW ALP Political ASSASSINS.

25 6 2010 Australian Story web page

Prior to Madame Gillard’s appointment to the office of Australian Prime Minister on Thursday June 24 2010, by the Union financed ALP,the Australian Story web site contained a photo of Madame Gillard wearing the Chinese Communist Party uniform,with the Great Wall of China in the background, this photo has been removed for reasons best known to the ABC. It will be interesting to see if the ABC,edits the same photo from the video Australian Story entitled She Who Waits.

Andrew Bolt: More than just red hair

Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
October 19, 2007 12:00AM

WHAT you were matters less than what you are, so it can't hurt Julia Gillard to admit her past -- and reject it. Then why won't she?

Fact: for at least eight years the deputy Labor leader was an official of the hard-Left Socialist Forum.

Here's how Melbourne University's archives describe her group:

"The Socialist Forum was established in 1984, initially by disaffected members of the Communist Party of Australia (CPA). Its membership included Australian Labor Party (ALP) members and political activists . . .

(Its) stated aim was to contribute to the development of democratic socialism in Australia . . ."

And one of its unstated aims was to help former communists join Labor.

Back then Gillard had no trouble admitting to that communist influence, writing in an SF pamphlet: "Around 45 of the forum's members left the Communist Party of Australia in the division of a year ago . . ."

She'd know. She not only wrote such pamphlets for the SF's 200 or more members, but worked until 1993 -- when she'd already become a lawyer -- as its organiser and then on its management committee.

The policies she pushed were the usual sandwich-board stuff: scrapping our US alliance, super-taxing the rich, introducing death duties, blah blah. But here's a novel one: twinning Melbourne with Leningrad -- renamed now, post-communism, St Petersburg.

Of course, most of us grow wiser with experience and -- note well, young radicals -- leave such heady but ruinous Leftism behind.

But has Gillard? It's a fair question to ask someone who wants to be our deputy prime minister, in charge of workplace "reform", especially when she's part of a Labor team of which some 70 per cent are ex-union officials.

But here's the troubling thing about her replies. Far from repudiating her past radicalism, she refuses to even admit to it. Here, for instance, is part of her interview on the ABC's Lateline program on Wednesday:

Video extract from interview between Lateline’s Tony Jones and Madame Gillard, October 17 2007 full interview here

Fabian Society

Gillard: I was a full-time university student and I had a part-time job for an organisation called Socialist Forum, which was a sort of debating society . . .

Interviewer: It wasn't a front organisation for communists?

Gillard: Certainly not. It was an organisation where people who identified themselves as progressives, some in the Labor Party, some outside the Labor Party, would come together and would talk about ideas. I did clerical and administrative work . . .

Good skills with that airbrush, Julia.

Gillard -- a long-time official and a leader of a group created by communists -- is transformed. In her new version, she becomes just a part-time typist in her "student days" for "progressives", who merely debated stuff. Her communists become simply people "outside the Labor Party".

That's neither frank nor, I suggest, quite honest. And when asked a direct question . . .

Interviewer: Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?

Gillard: Tony, I think that question shows how silly all of this is getting, though I suspect in this interview, probably the Howard Government would think you're the dangerous radical. After all, I'm only from the Labor Party, you're from the ABC.

A "no" would have been shorter. But more importantly, can Gillard now own up to her past radicalism, and explain how she came to reject it?

After all, she's still of the Socialist Left and as Labor's health spokesman at the last election offered us the Whitlamesque Medicare Gold disaster, after choosing as her leader the anti-American Mark Latham. She has some reassuring to do.

Will Julia Gillard's past cause red faces?

Lincoln Wright
 Herald Sun
October 07, 2007 12:00AM

SCRAPPING the ANZUS treaty, twinning Melbourne with Leningrad and introducing a super-tax on the rich were among radical policies devised or backed by Julia Gillard as a student activist.

Labor's deputy leader was a key figure in a socialist group that pushed radical policies and social agendas in the 1980s and early '90s.


Comrade Julia: From activist to Deputy PM? Radical policies from a student Julia Gillard threaten to embarrass the opposition.  Source: Sunday Herald Sun 

Founded in 1984 as a pressure group within the ALP, the Socialist Forum also wanted to sever Australia's alliance with the US, remove the spy base at Pine Gap, introduce death duties and redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.

The Sunday Herald Sun has gained access to the forum's archive - held in the Baillieu Library at the University of Melbourne.

The archive contains material revealing the radical past of Ms Gillard, including her links to former members of the Communist Party of Australia.

Ms Gillard, who could be Australia's next deputy prime minister, was on the management committee of the forum for many years. She acted as its public officer, secretary, and legal adviser on the drafting of its constitution.

Her signature is on liquor licence applications for the forum's social events, such as theatre nights.

In a pamphlet from the mid-1980s, Ms Gillard describes herself as a "socialist and a feminist" and someone who joined the ALP at 16.

"Contrary to what may have been suggested, Socialist Forum is not a secret organisation nor is it a sub-caucus with the Socialist Left," Ms Gillard says in the pamphlet.

"The members of the forum are drawn from varied backgrounds. Around 45 of the forum's members left the Communist Party of Australia in the division of a year ago and about 80 are members of the ALP. The largest group are not members of any political party."

The 200-plus member forum sought to influence Bob Hawke's Labor government, especially on foreign and economic policy, through the free discussion of ideas.

One key document is the 1985 "Pine Gap - Planning a Strategy", drafted by Philip Hind, who recommends a long-term policy of abrogating the ANZUS Treaty, removing Pine Gap and eventually closing all US bases.

Mr Hind visited the former Soviet Union and came back praising the reforms of president Mikhail Gorbachev. He recommended stronger ties with the USSR, including making Melbourne a sister city of Leningrad (now St Petersburg).

The archive also reveals the forum's debate over tax policy was based on a Communist Party tax pamphlet titled "A Case for Radical Tax Reform".

"We argue that there is only one effective way to reform the tax system, by a sweeping redistribution of the tax burden which now hits hardest at low and middle-income earners," the pamphlet says.

Health Minister Tony Abbott has accused Ms Gillard of erasing her radical past and her links to the forum.

Yesterday, Ms Gillard said she could not remember the forum discussing radical policies. "It did not adopt policy positions and I don't remember any of the papers being referred to," she said.

Archive shows radical Gillard

Labor's deputy leader was a key figure in a socialist group that pushed radical policies and social agendas in the 1980s and early '90s.

The Socialist Forum, founded in 1984 as a pressure group within the Labor Party, also wanted to sever Australia's alliance with the US, remove the spy base at Pine Gap, introduce death duties and redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.

The Sunday Mail has gained access to the forum's archive containing material which reveals Ms Gillard's radical past, including her links to former members of the Communist Party of Australia.

She was on the management committee of the forum for many years and acted as its secretary and legal adviser on the drafting of its constitution.

Health Minister Tony Abbott has accused Ms Gillard of erasing her radical past and her links to the forum.

Her Who's Who entry for 2006 contained no mention of her role in the Socialist Forum.

Yesterday Ms Gillard said she could not remember it discussing radical policies.

"The aim of Socialist Forum was to foster debate amongst progressive Australians and consequently it distributed, for the purpose of discussion, the writings of many authors," she said.

"From the summary of the papers provided I do not endorse their content now and would not have endorsed their content in 1985 as a 24-year-old."


Julia Gillard has denied being a communist

DEPUTY Opposition leader Julia Gillard said today she was not a communist and never had been.

But she said at the same time as she was a member of the group Socialist Forum, Treasurer Peter Costello was flirting with the Social Democrats, a group that also included socialists.

Ms Gillard accused the Government and Mr Costello in particular of running a pretty silly scare campaign.

Ms Gillard agreed her membership of Socialist Forum had continued while seeking Labor preselection. She entered federal politics in 1998.

“My membership of Socialist Forum did continue for a period but let's be very clear about what Socialist Forum was. It was a debating society that ultimately amalgamated with the Fabian Society,” she told Channel 10 today.

“The Fabian Society of course has been around, well, forever. It has been in British politics before it was in Australian politics.”

The Government has persistently attacked Labor for the number of unionists within its ranks, accusing it of being anti-business.

Treasurer Peter Costello said Ms Gillard was a union lawyer and organiser for Socialist Forum, an extreme left wing group which included remnants of the communist party.

Ms Gillard said, interestingly, it had now been revealed Mr Costello was himself hanging out in a group called the Social Democrats when he was at university.

She said that organisation brought together various people including those who described themselves as socialist.

“So if we all want to go back to people's university days and talk about when Peter Costello was flirting with joining the Labor Party, when Brendan Nelson was in the Labor Party, it's going to be a pretty silly debate,” she said.

Ms Gillard said Socialist Forum was never part of the Labor Party.

“We would bring people together for discussions. It would periodically publish papers that would be there for people to consider, the kind of stuff that the Fabian Society does today,” she said.

Asked outright if she was a communist, she replied, laughing:

“No of course not and guess what I never was, despite Peter Costello's obsessive and silly fantasy,” she said.

“Let's be real about this. We are talking about an election in 2007, an election where we are presenting policies and plans for this nation's future.”

Ms Gillard said Prime Minister John Howard and his Government were obsessed by the past.

She said Mr Costello actually thought it appropriate to spend days talking about events nearly 20 years ago at a time when he was in a group called the Social Democrats.

“That silliness is irrelevant,” she said. “I reckon it has got a scare campaign and a pretty dumb one.”

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Jews finally learn how to play the Muslim / MSM game


Jews desecrate mosque with Hebrew graffiti in northern Israeli city of Haifa

Daily Telegraph
June 09, 2010

MENACING Hebrew graffiti was found on a mosque outside the Israeli city of Haifa today, a religious foundation said, amid rising threats against leaders of the country's Arab minority.

The Al Aqsa Foundation for Religious Endowments and Heritage distributed pictures of the graffiti, calling the vandalism a "great and reprehensible crime" and demanding that Israeli authorities investigate it.

The graffiti, sprayed on the outside of the mosque and accompanied by the star of David, reads "slated for demolition" and "there will be a war for Judaea and Samaria" the biblical name of the occupied West Bank.

The police were not immediately available for comment.

The incident comes as leaders of Israel's 1.3 million-strong Palestinian minority have come under attack for their support of a Gaza aid flotilla seized by the Israeli navy in international waters after a deadly confrontation in which naval commandos shot dead nine activists.

Haneen Zuabi, an Arab member of the Israeli parliament, received death threats and was accused of being a traitor by fellow lawmakers after taking part in the six-ship flotilla that aimed to break Israel's blockade of Gaza.

Ahmed Tibi, another Arab MP who did not take part in the flotilla, has also received death threats.

The Al Aqsa Foundation linked the desecration of the mosque to the "atmosphere of hatred and racism against Arabs and Muslims in this country on the official and popular level."

The foundation is linked to the radical wing of the Islamic Movement led by Sheikh Raed Salah, who was also on one of the ships.

Israel's Arab citizens, who make up nearly 20 percent of the population, are the descendants of Palestinians who remained in the Jewish state following the 1948 war that attended its creation.

“Menacing Hebrew Graffiti” Oh My God is such a thing possible ? Hey when the Jews start shooting babies with sniper shooters and firing rockets into Kindergartens or sending Homocide Bomberes to blow up Gaza Taxis, Busses, Shopping Malls and Coffee Shops let me know, until then tell someone who cares.

Why are any Arabs permitted in Israel at all, let alone to sit in Israel’s Parliament? the Muslim mindset is a proven retrograde neanderthal ideology why would Israeli’s tolerate such a barbaric backward mindset?

Friday, June 04, 2010

“SPARE me the pathetic preaching of the pro-Palestinian “peace activists” and their Western propagandists.”


Martyrs on holiday - a nice cruise in the Med

Piers Akerman     

Daily Telegraph
Friday, June 04, 2010

SPARE me the pathetic preaching of the pro-Palestinian “peace activists” and their Western propagandists. It is now obvious that the goal of a number of those stupid enough to attempt to breach the Israeli blockade was martyrdom not the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

In the previous 24 hours, the wife of Ali Haydar Bengi, one of the nine killed when they confronted Israeli commandos boarding the MV Mavi Marmara, said he “constantly prayed to become a martyr”, according to a report in The Times of London. A friend of Bengi’s, Sabir Ceylan, confirmed this, saying that “before embarking on the journey, he said he desired to become a martyr”.

One of the late Mr Bengi’s shipmates aboard the Turkish-flagged ship was the one-armed Amin Abou Rashed. He was formerly a Palestinian national but is now the happy owner of a Dutch passport.

Mr Rashed is known to be a senior official in the Hamas terrorist organisation.

He is also listed on the official website of the Muslim Brotherhood, a movement for international Islamic domination as one of the organisers of the martyrs’ “Let’s Go to Gaza” cruise.

The so-called Free Gaza Movement, another of the organisers of this ill-fated cruise, has its roots in the International Solidarity Movement. This is yet another radical pro-Palestinian organisation that advocates what is euphemistically known as “direct action” in support of its destructive goals.

In 2003, the late American ISM activist Rachel Corrie - a foe of both Israel and her own homeland - applied a form of direct action when she misguidedly decided to kneel directly in front of an armoured Israeli bulldozer.

The bulldozer was engaged in searches for hidden tunnels at the time. Sadly for Corrie, she placed herself in a position where she could not be seen by the Caterpillar’s operator.

She is remembered today for the futility of her gesture.

Greta Berlin, the group’s 69-year-old co-founder and spokeswoman, agrees with Hamas that Israel has no right to exist.

However, she justifies her view as being part of a larger philosophy that is opposed to all national borders.

While there have been the usual raging anti-Israel demonstrations staged by Islamist sympathisers here and elsewhere, their case has been totally undermined by the videos now circulating.

These show activists aboard the Turkish-flagged Marmara chanting radical Islamic slogans before the clash. The circulation of those videos has done a great deal to take the sting out of this story for open-minded viewers.

We Con the World “Abadone Reason” via Atlas Shrugs

Dr Abd Al-Fatah Shayyeq Naaman, a lecturer in Shariah law at a university in Yemen, also indicated that the Islamist violence was premeditated.

He told an interviewer: “The [Gaza] flotilla commander said: ‘We will not allow the Zionists to get near us and we will use resistance against them. They will resist with their fingernails. They are people who seek martyrdom for Allah, as much as they want to reach Gaza, but the first [martyrdom] is more desirable.” In Western cultures, there is a saying: “Be careful what you wish for.”

But when you belong to an insane Islamist death cult that worships martyrdom and preaches it to kindergarten-aged children, as the Palestinian Authority does through its bizarre television network, wishing for death is seen as a rewarding pursuit.

It was interesting to watch the angst-ridden faces of Western newsreaders conveying urgent updates on the fate of the useful idiots who lent their presence to this terrorist-sponsored cruise of the Mediterranean. It was dramatically apparent that these talking heads had no idea at all that the blockade on the importation of weapons and certain dual-use items into the Gaza Strip is imposed by both Israel and Egypt.

Among this concerned crowd, it doesn’t seem to have sunk in yet that there have been no reports of riots outside Egyptian embassies.

Nor do the public hand-wringers seem to understand that Israel has permitted about 2000 tonnes of humanitarian goods per day to flow into Gaza, along with access to medical care, power, and funds for the army of NGOs and the salaries of those working for the Palestinian Authority.

The flotilla was carrying the equivalent of five days’ supply of goods. In return, more than 1000 rockets, smuggled in through tunnels from Egypt, were launched from the Gaza Strip by Hamas at Israel where the targeted population is commonly given just a 45-second warning to seek shelter. The pro-Palestinian lobby is working overtime to tug at the heartstrings of the guilt-ridden middle classes to suggest that the blockade is creating critical shortages of food in Gaza. But just last week Financial Times reporter Tobias Buck wrote from Rafah that the volumes conveyed through tunnel smuggling are such that: “[The] prices of many smuggled goods have fallen in recent months, thanks to a supply glut that is on striking displays across the [Gaza] Strip.”

The tunnel smuggling, he wrote, had “become so efficient that shops all over Gaza are bursting with goods. Branded products such as Coca-Cola, Nescafe, Snickers [chocolate bars] and Heinz ketchup - long absent as a result of the Israeli blockade - are both cheap and widely available.”

No doubt the merchants were further outraged by the efforts of the “peace” flotilla to further undercut the prices in the souk. Before and during their provocative cruise, the Islamist flotilla organisers were offered the opportunity to offload their cargo in the port of Ashdod and hand it over to the UN for delivery to Gaza.

While this would have ensured the cargo reached its destination safely and expeditiously, it would not have helped those who were seeking martyrdom.

It would also have relieved them of the dozens of knives, Molotov cocktails, detonators, metal pipes, clubs, slingshots and stones, large hammers, wrenches, sharp metal objects, gas masks and bullet proof vests that were later found - hardly the kind of equipment usually associated with charity workers.

Peeling away the layers of disinformation disseminated by the Leftist-media, there seems little dispute that the Israeli and Egyptian blockade has been largely successful. The popularity of the leadership of Hamas has fallen behind that of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah in the West Bank.

It is impossible to see how Hamas can be regarded as anything but a barbaric terrorist organisation while it maintains its core belief that the independent state of Israel must be destroyed.

In Western culture, all loss of life is regrettable.

However, it is clear that the organisers of this week’s voyage to disaster are now intending to attempt to further provoke the Israelis with another futile exercise in blockade-running in the next day or so - and possibly earn more martyrs a speedy pathway to paradise.

While ever there exist cults that prefer death to life, there will be dupes willing to buy one-way tickets to oblivion.



Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Islamic Sociopaths invoke Islamic “Death Chant” or “Call to Kill” Allahu Akbar, as LA PD forced to draw batons to defend lone Jewish youth outside Israeli consulate.


The Islamic Sociopaths,and their useful leftists idiots, are shown for what they are in this video,blood lusting savages,committed to the destruction of ANYONE who does not subscribe to their Satanic inspired cult ,their lust for killing and mayhem is uncontrollable, even under the watchful eye of LA PD’s finest, who deserve a full round of applause for ensuring that this brave Jewish Youth was not murdered by these Godless savages.

I love the highly informed Arse Clown at the end who explains why the “Joos” are doing what they are doing to the Palestinians,listen carefully to this Muslim Einstein’s pearls of wisdom, just like the majority of Muslims and Leftists,PIG IGNORANT.

Video from CiF Watch via Atlas Shrugs


Shocking pictures from Gaza, Censored video of Terrorists attacking Israeli Seals


Gaza Roots


More SHOCKING pictures here at Tom Gross  CAUTION some scenes may be deeply disturbing.

Boatloads of bloody-minded pacifists

By Andrew Bolt
The Daily Telegraph
June 02, 2010

NOTHING more to be said. Israeli soldiers kill at least nine peace activists trying to ship aid to a starving people. Or, as the front page of The Age screamed yesterday: "Israel kills boat protesters."

End of story. There are riots and protests in London, Paris, New York, Istanbul, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and throughout the Middle East.

The UN whacks Israel and calls for an emergency meeting of the Security Council. From Moscow to Washington, Israel stands utterly friendless. Dangerously alone.

What a coup for those pledged to destroy that tiny Jewish country. How discredited and defenceless Israel seems. Someone couldn't have scripted this any better.

Well, almost no better, because even the journalists most sympathetic to the activists on the ships intercepted by Israel couldn't help but refer, albeit grudgingly, to a couple of untidy details too obvious to ignore.

ABC host Jon Faine, for instance, described these victims of Zionist aggression as "humanitarian activists with a few knives". Er, with knives? Humanitarians? And a strident report in The Age, Australia's most left-wing daily, conceded that video of the Israeli soldiers being lowered on to the ships from helicopters did shows some of the "hundreds of politicians and protesters" on board had offered "signs of resistance".

Via Atlas Shrugs For more as it happens info on this issue.

Here are some of those "signs of the resistance" that report failed to detail.

You see the Israelis, at first brandishing just paint-ball guns, being grabbed as they landed, dragged to the ground, and beaten brutally with pipes and clubs.

On another clip, apparently shot by protesters, a soldier is stabbed in the back, and then in the front. Another soldier is beaten and thrown over the side.

Photographs show two Israeli soldiers, one of them shot, being carried off with serious wounds. This isn't what you'd normally expect from "peace protesters" or "humanitarian activists", even those armed merely "with a few knives".

These clues suggest the media - and many foolish politicians - have fallen for a brilliant propaganda coup.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd also fell for it, saying he was "deeply concerned" and condemning "any use of violence under the sorts of circumstances we have seen".

His Foreign Affairs Minister, Steven Smith, likewise attacked Israel for a "terrible and shocking event" and demanded it hold an inquiry.

Not once did Rudd or Smith suggest an inquiry into who organised this trap in which Israel had fallen - or into those who now stand most to gain.

So who are we talking about? Here's another clue. The Israelis took over an "aid" flotilla trying to pierce the blockade which both Israel and Egypt have imposed on Gaza, controlled by the Islamist Hamas.

Only on one of six ships did the Israelis meet a resistance that clearly - and fatally - caught them by surprise. This was not on one of the ships manned by Western politicians, aid workers and other useful idiots brought along for camouflage.

Join Andrew Bolt's blog here

It broke out instead on the Mavi Marmara, a ship supplied by a Turkish "humanitarian relief fund" known as IHH.

IHH may boast about its good works, but intelligence agencies warn that it is in fact tied to Islamist terrorists.

In 2001, Jean-Louis Bruguiere, the prominent French counter-terrorism magistrate, testified in the trial of the "Millennium bomber" that IHH had played "an important role" in the plot to blow up Los Angeles airport.

He said the charity was "a type of cover-up" to infiltrate mujahidin into combat, get forged documents and smuggle weapons.

In 2006, the Danish Institute for International Studies reported that Turkish security forces had raided the IHH's Istanbul bureau and found firearms, explosives and bomb-making instructions.

The Turkish investigators concluded this "charity" was sending jihadists to Bosnia, Chechnya and Afghanistan.

IHH is a supporter of Hamas, listed in many countries as a terrorist group. This time it planned something more effective than an explosion. It decided to destroy Israel's moral standing among its more fickle friends.

Its Mavi Marmara would now head a flotilla to break through the Israeli blockade of Gaza - or, rather, to provoke Israel into stopping it by force. IHH head Bulent Yildirim gloated that this would be seen as "a declaration of war" against all the countries which supplied the flotilla's passengers, which is why so many foreigners, and particularly sympathetic journalists such as the Sydney Morning Herald's Paul McGeough, were on board, having been recruited from Australia, Britain, the US and many other countries that IHH and its allies hoped could be turned into enemies of Israel.

It was obvious Israel would act. It had to. To relax the blockade once would be to open a corridor to yet more ships, giving Gaza another conduit for the smuggling of jihadists and militarily useful supplies.

Oh, and ignore soothing claims now that Hamas, which runs Gaza, should actually be negotiated with, rather than blockaded. Hamas fires rockets at Israel and has a charter which calls for the destruction of Israel, declaring "there is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad."

Indeed, jihad was also the spirit on the Mavi Marmara as it sailed for Gaza.

Those on board refused offers by Israel that they dock at an Israeli port so their aid could be checked and forwarded to Gaza. They rejected warnings to turn back. They prepared instead for confrontation. Arab television showed a woman exulting: "We await one of two good things - to achieve martyrdom or reach the shore of Gaza."

She said: "These are people who wish to be martyred for the sake of Allah. As much as they want to reach Gaza, the other option is more desirable to them."

They got just what they wanted, then, as did Hamas and its chief backer, Iran.

Iran, needing a distraction from its nuclear program, pumped out instant YouTube footage of this Israeli "atrocity".

Meanwhile Hamas spokesman Samil Abu Zuhri called for a global "intifada": "We call on all Arabs and Muslims to rise up in front of Zionist embassies across the world."

And in capital cities around Australia we yesterday saw the new front open as angry demonstrators took the streets.

So what, you may scoff. A few of the usual hotheads. But see this time how many of our politicians, journalists and "thinkers" are on the wrong side of this front.

See how willingly they've surrendered to a clever Islamist plot more effective than any Bali bomb.

Leftist PR, puts Knuckle Dragging Neanderthal in a suit .


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Gaza Peace Flotilla exposed


The MSM will no doubt run the usual line against Israel and for their pals in Islamic Sociopaths Inc.,telling anyone who will listen of the noble (savage) Islamic cause to simply offer supplies to their and the MSM’s Islamic brothers (in arms) in Gaza.

Full report at Atlas Shrugs

I Stand with Israel: I Stand with the Jews


By: Oriana Fallaci
A French court on Nov. 20, 2002, dismissed a request to ban "The Rage and the Pride," the best-selling book by [leftist] Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci that critics say incites hatred of Muslims. Oriana Fallaci, 73, is a former Resistance fighter and war correspondent best-known for her uncompromising interviews with world leaders.
I find it shameful that in Italy there should be a procession of individuals dressed as suicide bombers who spew vile abuse at Israel, hold up photographs of Israeli leaders on whose foreheads they have drawn the swastika, incite people to hate the Jews. And who, in order to see Jews once again in the extermination camps, in the gas chambers, in the ovens of Dachau and Mauthausen and Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen et cetera, would sell their own mother to a harem.

I find it shameful that the Catholic Church should permit a bishop, one with lodgings in the Vatican no less, a saintly man who was found in Jerusalem with an arsenal of arms and explosives hidden in the secret compartments of his sacred Mercedes, to participate in that procession and plant himself in front of a microphone to thank in the name of God the suicide bombers who massacre the Jews in pizzerias and supermarkets. To call them "martyrs who go to their deaths as to a party."
I find it shameful that in France, the France of Liberty-Equality-Fraternity, they burn synagogues, terrorize Jews, profane their cemeteries. I find it shameful that the youth of Holland and Germany and Denmark flaunt the kaffiah just as Mussolini's avant garde used to flaunt the club and the fascist badge.

I find it shameful that in nearly all the universities of Europe Palestinian students sponsor and nurture anti-Semitism. That in Sweden they asked that the Nobel Peace Prize given to Shimon Peres in 1994 be taken back and conferred on the dove with the olive branch in his mouth, that is onArafat.
I find it shameful that the distinguished members of the Committee, a Committee that (it would appear) rewards political color rather than merit, should take this request into consideration and even respond to it. In hell the Nobel Prize honors he who does not receive it.
I find it shameful (we're back in Italy) that state-run television stations contribute to the resurgent anti-Semitism, crying only over Palestinian deaths while playing down Israeli deaths, glossing over them in unwilling tones. I find it shameful that in their debates they host with much deference the scoundrels with turban or kaffiah who yesterday sang hymns to the slaughter at New York and today sing hymns to the slaughters at Jerusalem, at Haifa, at Netanya,
at Tel Aviv.

I find it shameful that the press does the same, that it is indignant because Israeli tanks surround the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, that it is not indignant because inside that same church two hundred Palestinian terrorists well armed with machine guns and munitions and explosives (among them are various leaders of Hamas and Al-Aqsa) are not unwelcome guests of the monks (who then accept bottles of mineral water and jars of honey from the soldiers of those tanks).
I find it shameful that, in giving the number of Israelis killed since the beginning of the Second Intifada (four hundred twelve), a noted daily newspaper found it appropriate to underline in capital letters that more people are killed in their traffic accidents. (Six hundred a year).
I find it shameful that the Roman Observer, the newspaper of the Pope - a Pope who not long ago left in the Wailing Wall a letter of apology for the Jews - accuses of extermination a people who were exterminated in the millions by Christians. By Europeans. I find it shameful that this newspaper denies to the survivors of that people (survivors who still have numbers tattooed on their arms) the right to react, to defend themselves, to not be exterminated again.

I find it shameful that in the name of Jesus Christ (a Jew without whom they would all be unemployed), the priests of our parishes or Social Centers or whatever they are flirt with the assassins of those in Jerusalem who cannot go to eat a pizza or buy some eggs without being blown up.
I find it shameful that they are on the side of the very ones who inaugurated terrorism, killing us on airplanes, in airports, at the Olympics, and who today entertain themselves by killing western journalists. By shooting them, abducting them, cutting their throats, decapitating them. (There's someone in Italy who, since the appearance of Anger and Pride, would like to do the same to me. Citing verses of the Koran he exorts his "brothers" in the mosques and the Islamic Community to chastise me in the name of Allah. To kill me. Or rather to die with me. Since he's someone who speaks English well, I'll respond to him in English:
"f**k you."

I find it shameful that almost all of the left, the left that twenty years ago permitted one of its union processionals to deposit a coffin (as a mafioso warning) in front of the synagogue of Rome, forgets the contribution made by the Jews to the fight against fascism. Made by Carlo and Nello Rossini, for example, by Leone Ginzburg, by Umberto Terracini, by Leo Valiani, by Emilio Sereni, by women like my friend Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti who was shot at Florence on June 12, 1944, by seventy-five of the three-hundred-thirty-five people killed at the Fosse Ardeatine, by the infinite others killed under torture or in combat or before firing squads. (The companions, the teachers, of my infancy and my youth.)

I find it shameful that in part through the fault of the left--or rather, primarily through the fault of the left (think of the left that inaugurates its congresses applauding the representative of the PLO, leader in Italy of the Palestinians who want the destruction of Israel)--Jews in Italian cities are once again afraid. And in French cities and Dutch cities and Danish cities and German cities, it is the same. I find it shameful that Jews tremble at the passage of the scoundrels dressed like suicide bombers just as they trembled during Krystallnacht, the night in which Hitler gave free rein to the Hunt of the Jews.

I find it shameful that in obedience to the , vile, dishonest, and for them extremely advantageous fashion of Political Correctness the usual opportunists - or better the usual parasites - exploit the word Peace. That in the name of the word Peace, by now more debauched than the words Love and Humanity, they absolve one side alone of its hate and bestiality. That in the name of a pacifism (read conformism) delegated to the singing crickets and buffoons who used to lick Pol Pot's feet they incite people who are confused or ingenuous or intimidated. Trick them, corrupt them, carry them back a half century to the time of the yellow star on the coat. These charlatans who care about the Palestinians as much as I care about the charlatans. That is not at all.

I find it shameful that many Italians and many Europeans have chosen as their standard-bearer the gentleman (or so it is polite to say) Arafat. This nonentity who thanks to the money of the Saudi Royal Family plays the Mussolini ad perpetuum and in his megalomania believes he will pass into History as the George Washington of Palestine. This ungrammatical wretch who when I interviewed him was unable even to put together a complete sentence, to make articulate conversation. So that to put it all together, write it, publish it, cost me a tremendous effort and I concluded that compared to him even Ghaddafi sounds like Leonardo da Vinci. This false warrior who always goes around in uniform like Pinochet, never putting on civilian garb, and yet despite this has never participated in a battle. War is something he sends, has always sent, others to do for him. That is, the poor souls who believe in him. This pompous incompetent who playing the part of Head of State caused the failure of the Camp David negotiations, Clinton's mediation. No-no-I-want-Jerusalem-all-to-myself.
This eternal liar who has a flash of sincerity only when (in private) he denies Israel's right to exist, and who as I say in my book contradicts himself every five minutes. He always plays the double-cross, lies even if you ask him what time it is, so that you can never trust him. Never! With him you will always wind up systematically betrayed. This eternal terrorist who knows only how to be a terrorist (while keeping himself safe) and who during the Seventies, that is when I interviewed him, even trained the terrorists of Baader-Meinhof. With them, children ten years of age. Poor children. (Now he trains them to become suicide bombers. A hundred baby suicide bombers are in the works: a hundred!). This weather*** who keeps his wife at Paris, served and revered like a queen, and keeps his people down in the squalor. He takes them out of the squalor only to send them to die, to kill and to die, like the eighteen year old girls who in order to earn equality with the fate of their victims. And yet many Italians love him, yes. Just like they loved Mussolini. And many other Europeans do the same.

I find it shameful and see in all this the rise of a new fascism, a new n-a-z-i-s-m.
A fascism, a n-a-z-i-s-m, that much more grim and revolting because it is conducted and nourished by those who hypocritically pose as do-gooders, progressives, communists, pacifists, Catholics or rather Christians, and who have the gall to label a warmonger anyone like me who screams the truth. I see it, yes, and I say the following. I have never been tender with the tragic and Shakespearean figure Sharon. ("I know you've come to add another scalp to your necklace," he murmured almost with sadness when I went to interview him in 1982.) I have often had disagreements with the Israelis, ugly ones, and in the past I have defended the Palestinians a great deal. Maybe more than they deserved.

But I stand with Israel, I stand with the Jews. I stand just as I stood as a young girl during the time when I fought with them, and when the Anna Marias were shot. I defend their right to exist, to defend themselves, to not let themselves be exterminated a second time. And disgusted by the anti-Semitism of many Italians, of many Europeans, I am ashamed of this shame that dishonors my Country and Europe. At best, it is not a community of States, but a pit of Pontius Pilates. And even if all the inhabitants of this planet were to think otherwise, I would continue to think so.

The Religion of Peace 

Monday, May 24, 2010

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

Red Oil… “Redistributive” Government
Is this like Barack Hugo Chavez Hussein Obama’s million strong civilian civil service “army” “There are so many different military forces at Chavez’s disposal – the parade seems endless.  And although they’re not marching here today - Chavez has recently armed a 30,000-strong civilian militia.  Venezuela! Venezuela! He told them there were plots to kill him, and if it happened - they would know what to do. The message here today is crystal clear - both to his enemies abroad and his opponents at home. In the stands, Cuba's President Raul Castro would certainly approve. Chavez, Socialist, Motherland or death! It leaves the President's political opponents like Dr Douglas Leon very worried. “

Comrade Hugo Mr 30% inflation Chavez,the role model for the Australian Labor Party.
Australian Labor Party, Communisms Fifth Column, led by Kevin“I am not a socialist. I have never been a socialist and I never will be a socialist” Rudd
Will someone please explain to me how you can be elected to the leadership of the largest Socialist / Communist Party in Australia, Lu Kewen aka Kevin Rudd,and claim to not believe in its ideology and manifesto ? or is this yet another example of the Labor Party’s most adhered to commandment of “whatever it takes” Chk – chk- BOOM The Australian Labor Party,ALP,is funded by the Australian Council of Trade Unions,ACTU,these bankers and financiers of the ALP are without question radical left in ideology and actions, are we to believe that they are unaware they have a man leading the political party they finance and SCAM for does not believe in or subscribe to their social and political objectives ? An invitation to President Chavez by the undersigned cabal of Labor Party officials, Parliamentarians,Union officials and leftist beard strokers and “Religious” leaders. For the latest developments in the Socialist Utopia of Venezuela,see SheikYerMami’s Winds of Jihad Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country. We have watched developments in Venezuela with great interest. We have been impressed by the great effort that your government has taken to improve the living standards of the majority of Venezuelans. We have also noted with keen attention the moves that your government has begun to make to create a society based on popular participation in all spheres of society—from the workplace up to the national government. Although we are on the opposite side of the globe we feel that our shared ideals of social justice and democracy bring us close together. Every country has its own traditions and culture and has to find its own solutions, but what Venezuela has been able to achieve in so little time will be a source of inspiration and ideas for many in Australia. chavez-on-parade
“that our shared ideals of social justice and democracy bring us close together”
“…..source of inspiration and ideas for many in Australia.”
Venezuelan President for life wannabe, “Mad Dog” Hugo Chavez, seen here with one of his advisors,Senorita Parrot.
In this light we believe that a visit to our country by yourself would not only help to improve the awareness of the Australian people of developments in Venezuela, but also be an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen the ties of friendship and solidarity between our two peoples. All signatures will be posted to Nelson Davila, Venezuela’s charge d’affaires in Australia, Canberra.(Todas las firmas de invitación serán enviadas a Nelson Dávila, Encargado de Negocios de Venezuela en Australia, Canberra) If you would like to confirm the signature of yourself or you organisation for identification and for promotion of President Chavez' visit please contact us: Jody Betzien 0425 887 078 or email Signatories include Andrew Ferguson NSW Secretary, CFMEU Construction and General Division, John Pilger - Independent Journalist, Warren Mundine - National President of the ALP in 2006, Sylvia Hale - Member of the Legislative Council NSW (Greens), Steve Dargavel - Acting State Secretary, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Victoria, Meredith Burgmann - President of the Legislative Council of NSW, Wayne Berry - MLA (ALP) Speaker of the ACT Legislative Assembly, Tim Gooden - Geelong Trades Hall Secretary, Van Thanh Rudd - Visual Artist  Nephew of Australian PM Lu Kewen aka.Kevin 07 Rudd Labor’s, Rudd’s coveted economic,social plan for Australia. Comradesharan Australian Council of Trade Unions President Comrade Darling! Sharan Burrow, in the centre with ASU National Chairperson Alison Peters front right, Fran Teirney of the ASU-NSW & ACT (Services) Branch front left and others. organizers as educators
“Organisers as Educators”
"The only way you'll fly is with the ASU!" Airlines organisers showing the way.”
Signatories to invite Chavez to Australia Ali Kazak - Former Ambassador of Palestine Andrew Ferguson NSW Secretary, CFMEU Construction and General Division Angela Briant - Secretary Independent Education Union (Tasmania) Antony Loewenstein - Independent Journalist Barry Carr - Director of la Trobe University, Institute of Latin American Studies Belinda Selke - NTEU, Wollongong Blake Stephens - Organier, CPSU NSW Brendan Hewson - President, Community & Public Sector Union /CSA Buranjali David Allie - Council of Elders, Indigenious Land Council Cameron Durnsford - LMHU, Qld Caroline Risely - Monash University Welfare Officer Carolyn Smith - Childcare Union Assistant Secretary, WA Liqor Hospitality Miscellaneous workers Union Casper Cumming - Swinborne Student Union President 2006 Charlotte Boss-Walker -Peace Activist (Tas) Cheryl Dillon - NTEU, Wollongong Chris Game - Secretary, NTEU NSW, Clare Ozich - Industrial Officer, Unions WA Craig Bulley - Worker's Radio Craig Johnson - Cultural Studies, Macquarie University. Darren Mathewson - director of Organising CPSU Dave Robinson - Secretary, Unions WA David O’Byrne - Sectretary LHMU Deb Foskey - Greens Member of the Legislative Assembly (ACT) Dick Nichols - National Co-ordinator, Socialist Alliance Doreen Shenman - Peace Activist (Tas) Dr Alastair Grieg Senior Lecturer, Australian National University: Faculty of Arts Dr Coral Wynter - biochemist, Brisbane Dr Rhonda Forrest - Lecturer, Charles Sturt University Dr. Anthony Ashbolt - NTEU, Wollongong Dr. Henk Eijkman - Empowered Learning International Dr. Peter Ross - Spanish & Latin American Studies, UNSW Erick Maldonado - NTEU, Wollongong Federico Fuentes - National Co-ordinator, Resistance socialist youth organisation Fay Hannah - Cuba Friendship Society Geoff Hull - LMHU (NT) Gil Anderson - Secretary ACT Branch LHMU Graciela Nogues - ASU workplace delegate & L.A Solidarity Committe Graham Pallot - organiser, CFMEU WA Grahame McCulloch - General Secretaty, NTEU Glenda Mejía - Spanish Co-ordinator at RMIT Humphrey McQueen - Historian Ian Bray - WA assistant branch secretary, Maritime Union of Australia WA Ian Cohen - MLC NSW, Greens Ian Newman - Peace Activist (Tas) J Keith Atkinson - Associate Professor emeritus, UQ; Healer Jack Mundey - Environmentalist Jade Mason - LMHU (Qld) Janine Aitkens -President, Cairns Campus, James Cook University Student Assoc. Jakalene X - Indigenous community activist Jake Wishart - Student Activist Alliance Jenni Bond - Peace Activist (Tas) Jenny Forward - Organiser CPSU (Tasmania) Jim McIlroy - journalist, Brisbane Jim Mellor - Communications/Projects, CFMEU WA Jim Reid - organiser, CFMEU WA Jo Maree Coghlan - Faculty of Arts, University of Wollongong Joan Doyle - Victorian Branch Secretary of the CEPU Communications Division Joe Cambria - The Australian Global Warming and Fair Pay Institute Joe McDonald - Assistant Secretary, CFMEU WA Joel Asphar - AMWU WA Organiser John Pilger - Independent Journalist John Sutton - National Secretary, CFMEU, Construction & Gernaral Division Jose Munoz - Organiser ACT Branch LHMU Judith Pabian - President ACT Branch NTEU Keith Peckham - Industrial development officer, UnionsWA Kerry Nettle - Australian Greens Senator for NSW Kerryn Williams - Editor, Green Left Weekly Kevin Ennor - organiser, CFMEU WA Keysar Trad - Islamic Friendship Association Kim Sattler - Secretary UnionsACT Kiraz Janicke - National Co-ordinating Committee Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network Lee Rhiannon - Member of the Legislative Council NSW (Greens)Len Palmer - Lecturer, Charles Sturt University Lisa Darmanin, ASU Assistant Branch Secretary, Lisa Darmanin Linda Briskman - Professor, Curtin Centre for Human Rights Education Linda Seaborn - Welfare worker, and HACSU delegate Lisa MacDonald - National Co-ordinating Committee Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network Mark Taylor - Australian Services Union (Qld) Marree O'Halloran - President, NSW Teachers Federation Michele McKenzie - Greens Councillor, Leichhardt Council Michelle O'Neil - TCFUA State secretary Megan Clement - Newcastle University Students Association, Education Officer 2006 Meredith Burgmann - President of the Legislative Council of NSW Mick Baker - MUA WA organiser Mick Buchan - Organiser, CFMEU WA Mick Campion - President, NTEU Murdoch Univeristy Branch Mike Donaldson - NTEU, Wollongong Naomi Arrowsmith - Australian Services Union, Assistant State Secretary (NSW) Narendra Mohan Kommalapati - Journalist Natasha Stott-Despoja - SA Australian Democrats Senator Neil Mudford - Secretary ACT Branch NTEU Nicholas Kafer - Education Campaigns Coordinator - Wollonongong Undergraduate Students' Association (WUSA) Noah Bassil - Associate of the Centre for Middle East & North African Studies Paul Halfpenny - WA Organiser, NTEU Paul Lynch - State member for Liverpool Paul Gonzalez - Pablo Neruda Cultural Centre (Melb) Paul Obohoov - Trade Union Voices Choir, ACTU Phillip Adams - Journalist, Republican of the Year 2005 Peter Boyle - National Secretary, Democratic Socialist Perspective Raul Bassi - Transport Workers Union delegate, Sydney Ray Jackson - Indigenous Social Justice Association Reverend Alex Gator Robert Austin - Honorary Fellow Department of History, University of Melbourne Robyn Francis -Permaculture Education, Erda Institute Inc Ryan Ardill - Your Rights at Work, Kingston Division Saeb Ali - Peace For Lebanon (Wollongong) Sam Watson - Indigenous Murri Activist Scott Poynting - Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Education, UW Shelley Watson-Harris - Executive Officer, Unions WA Simon Cocker - Secretary, Unions Tasmania Stephen Weber - ASU (Alice Springs) Steve Dargavel - Acting State Secretary, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Victoria. Steve McCartney - State President, AMWU WA Steven Arditto - Organiser CPSU (Tasmania) Susan Engel - NTEU Wollongong Susan Hopgood - Federal Secretary, AEU Susan Price - UNSW National Tertiary Education Union, Branch President Sylvia Hale - Member of the Legislative Council NSW (Greens) Tania Jorquera - Youth Worker Thirza White - Campaign Coordinator Unions WA Tim Anderson - Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Sydney Tim Gooden - Geelong Trades Hall Secretary Van Thanh Rudd - Visual Artist Vinnie Molina Organiser, CFMEU WA Viviana Ramírez - Senior Teacher of Spanish, Beerwah State High School Warren Mundine - National President of the ALP in 2006 Warren Smith - Assistant Sydney Branch Secretary, Maritime Union of Australia Wayne Berry - MLA (ALP) Speaker of the ACT Legislative Assembly Wendy Jopson - Lecturer, University of Technology Sydne Yvette Berry - Organiser ACT Branch LHMU Rudd backtracks on socialist label Samantha Maiden and Verity Edwards The Australian December 15, 2006 KEVIN Rudd has junked a pledge to remove the word socialism from the Labor Party's constitution just a day after denouncing it as an "arcane, 19th-century" doctrine. Three years ago he declared himself "an old-fashioned Christian socialist", but yesterday he was busily denouncing socialism and also backflipping on a 2001 push to remove it from the ALP's constitution. Mr Rudd has previously declared the ALP's socialist dogma of controlling "production, distribution and exchange" had nostalgia value only and was "entirely unmemorable". When asked yesterday whether he would now take action, the Labor leader changed tack and said he had no plans to pursue the reforms at next year's ALP national conference. "I have no plans of doing so," he said in Adelaide yesterday. "I've already indicated where I stand philosophically in terms of the questions of my own beliefs, my own values and the priorities and objectives which I believe for a modern, progressive, democratic party. "These are core social democratic values and I'm proud to be a committed social democrat as I have been all my life." Mr Rudd's emphatic rejection of socialism was frontpage news in Melbourne's The Age yesterday. The newspaper's website also included video images of the Labor leader denouncing socialism but admitting he did not want workers being left to the "dung heap of the market". "I am not a socialist. I have never been a socialist and I never will be a socialist," Mr Rudd said. However, his bold statement of values was immediately undermined by the emergence of another declaration in 2003, when he was quoted in another Fairfax newspaper as saying: "I am an old-fashioned Christian socialist." Mr Rudd also cites Keir Hardie, founder of the 19th century British Christian socialist movement, as one of his heroes. In a homage to another of his political heroes, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who fought to expunge socialism from the British Labour Party's constitution in 1994, Mr Rudd has repeatedly said the ALP should follow suit. "The socialist objective ... should be abolished," he said in 2002. "While we may not have taken the socialist objective seriously ... there are others outside the party who have - and have been fundamentally alienated by it." Socialism has clearly been on the Labor leader's mind for a while. In his maiden speech to parliament, Mr Rudd said: "Nambour, for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, was not a major centre of revolutionary socialism in the 1970s - the cane growers hall even less so." Former Labor Party president Barry Jones said yesterday the ALP's constitution had already been updated during a special national conference in 1981. "(But) if there's going to be a broad debate about what we stand for that's terrific because, in a way, for some decades we just haven't talked about it," he said. Mr Jones pointed to a discussion in his autobiography, A Thinking Reed, which refers to comments by Polish philosopher Leszek Kilakowski, who said: "The trouble with the social democratic idea is that it does not stock and does not sell any of the existing ideological commodities which various totalitarian movements offer dream-hungry youth." Fresh Thinking 
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Oliver Stone, Hugo Chavez, Hussein Obama and “European Hollywood Idiots” celebrate Communism at Venice Film Festival

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

France stands Tall


France set to ban full Islamic veil

Daily Telegraph

April 21, 2010

FRANCE is drawing up a law to ban the full-face Islamic veil from all public spaces, despite a warning from experts that it could face a legal challenge.


Government spokesman Luc Chatel said the bill would be presented to ministers next month and would go beyond a mere ban on women wearing the niqab and the burqa while dealing with French officials.

"We're legislating for the future. Wearing a full veil is a sign of a community closing in on itself and a rejection of our values," he said.

Last month, the State Council - France's top administrative authority - warned President Nicolas Sarkozy against a full ban on the veil, suggesting instead an order that women uncover their faces for identity checks or for state business.

But there remains broad support in parliament for a full ban and the Government is determined to press on with legislation, which it says would affect only around 2000 Muslim French women who cover their faces.


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