An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Islamic Sociopath's Inc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Sociopath's Inc. Show all posts

Friday, June 27, 2014

Australian PM Tony Abbott declares WAR against Female Genital Mutilation and Paedophile Marriage

Tony Abbott launching plan to stop domestic violence, forced marriages and female genital mutilation

Lauren Wilson 
Social Affairs Writer 
Daily Telegraph
June 27,2014

AUTHORITIES will crack down on forced marriages, female genital mutilation and the abuse of migrant spouses under a new national plan to stop violence against women.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott will today launch the $100 million Second Action Plan to stop domestic violence, which will also see state and territory governments commit to work on implementing a national scheme for domestic violence orders.

The scheme means perpetrators of domestic abuse would no longer be able to flee across state borders to escape court sanctions, and women who move interstate would still be protected from violent partners.

The plan is the second phase of a 12-year strategy to curb violence against women and their children.

Currently one in three Australian women experience physical violence, and domestic abuse will cost the national economy more than $15.5 billion a year by 2021 unless stronger action is taken.

“As a husband, a father and as a brother, I believe it is the responsibility for all of us to stand against domestic and family violence,” Mr Abbott told News Corp.

“The Second Action Plan is about improving what we already do in terms of prevention, action and support. It contains practical actions that are critical to improve women’s safety.”

The plan will specifically target abuse perpetrated against women with a disability, women from culturally diverse backgrounds, and Indigenous women who are 31 times more likely to be hospitalised due to family violence related assaults.

ROSIE BATTY: And Australia’s domestic violence shame

INQUIRY HEARS: Mothers fake domestic violence to keep kids


Assistant Minister for Women Michaelia Cash said migrant women are often not aware of their rights in Australia, particularly in relation to forced or underage marriage and female genital mutilation.

Sydney Australia 2014 : Arrested for alleged female genital mutilation of an infant.

“This is where the Second Action Plan steps in,” Senator Cash said.

“Forced and underage marriages are not tolerated in Australia, the same applies to the abhorrent practice of Female Genital Mutilation” she said.

Pious Islamic Paedophiles "It is the young flesh they want"

“Australians were shocked earlier this year with the news that right in our backyard, a 12 year old girl was allegedly married off to a 26 year old man.”

Labor Green Loon's VOTE People :Sydney's Occupied Territories "..........hundreds of children as young as 11 were being sent overseas to be married after being “shopped” on Facebook."

The plan will mean foreign-born spouses who come to Australia on marriage visas will receive additional support. Their husbands or fiancés will have to provide authorities with additional information, and new material will be developed to inform these women about essential services and emergency contacts in Australia.

When too much Diversity and Cultural Enrichment is barely enough!!! NSW Sex Crimes Squad attached to Strike Force Longfield arrest Solicitor over female genital mutilation case

“We must be aware that sadly, some women coming to our country are not afforded the same rights at home and we must as a Government ensure they are equipped with the knowledge they need to prevent being subjected to violence and abuse,” Senator Cash said.

The long-awaited plan will also commit states and territories to work with the Commonwealth to streamline information sharing and establish national standards for perpetrator intervention.

It says it is “highly desirable” that state-based domestic violence orders be nationalised.

Northern Territory Minister Bess Price, who will attend today’s launch, said she is pleased the Second Action Plan has specific initiatives to deal with violence against Indigenous women.

“I have been a victim as well, and I know how it is, and I want to make sure the future is better for women and their families and that help is provided so women can feel safe.”

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Labor's Socialism's Multiculturalism: Fifth Column War against the Host Judeo Christian Western Democratic Nation

Trojan Horse debate: We were wrong, all cultures are not equal
For years, we all turned a blind eye to the segregation of Muslim pupils. Now it is time to stand up to propagators of barbarism and ignorance

Allison Pearson By Allison Pearson 
The Telegraph
11 Jun 2014

If I have learnt one thing working with children as a teacher, a volunteer and, more recently, a parent, it’s that what children want above all else is to fit in. The desire not to be different must be hard-wired, so urgent is the need of your average nine-year-old to have the same pencil case as every other nine-year-old. Individuality, much prized in adult life, is abhorred by our conservative juniors, who crave acceptance as the thirsty crave water. “Fitting in” is braided into the DNA of every child, regardless of creed or colour. When the deep, resonant bell of human evolution tolls, it says: “Belong, belong, belong.”

Integrating children into a new society, then, should not present too much of a problem. A football, some Panini World Cup stickers to trade, One Direction, Harry Potter, 97 episodes of Friends, especially the one where Rachel has a baby: common interests for youngsters are not hard to find. So how have we ended up with a situation where so many Muslims are adrift from the mainstream? Why this scandal in Birmingham where five overwhelmingly Muslim schools, some until recently judged to be outstanding, are to be put into special measures because they have sought to inculcate ideas that are repellent to this country?

Let me quote Myriam Francois-Cerrah, a writer and Muslim convert, who told Channel 4 News on Tuesday that she rejected calls by the Prime Minister and Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, for schools to promote British values. “In many ways, the problem is creating a hierarchy of cultures when you say you need to promote British values,” she objected. “What does that say to children in a classroom whose heritage harks from outside the British Isles? It says this country has superior moral values and you are coming from some backward culture whose values you … must not consider equal to our own.”

Funnily enough, that’s exactly what we are saying, Myriam. Spot on! A Muslim girl who winds up in Bolton or Luton should thank her lucky stars she doesn’t live in Sudan – or Pakistan, where, only last month, a woman was stoned to death by her family for the crime of marrying a man of whom they disapproved. Farzana Parveen’s father explained: “I killed my daughter as she had insulted all of our family by marrying a man without our consent, and I have no regret over it.”

Are British values superior to Mr Parveen’s? I do hope so.
Unfortunately, the great lie underpinning the creed of multiculturalism, as spouted by Francois‑Cerrah and her ilk, is that all cultures are “equally valid”. Well, patently, they’re not. The reason irate Pakistani patriarchs are not chucking bricks at their errant daughters in the Birmingham Bull Ring is because Britain has a basically uncorrupt police force, a robust judiciary and an enlightened, hard-won system of liberal values that regards women and girls as equals, not third-class citizens.

But instead of standing up to barbarism and ignorance, too often we have looked away in embarrassment or fear. How many teachers have averted their gaze when 13-year-old Muslim girls suddenly disappear from the classroom to be taken “home” for a forced marriage, because this would present unwelcome evidence that some cultures are less valid than others?

How many health professionals in Bradford are concerned, but never say so, that intermarriage in the Muslim community – 75 per cent of Pakistanis in the city are married to their first cousin – is causing babies to be born blind, deaf and with other disabilities? Back in 2008, when Labour environment minister Phil Woolas said that British Pakistanis were fuelling the rate of birth defects, he was slapped down by Downing Street, with a spokesman for prime minister Gordon Brown saying the issue was not one for ministers to comment on. Government after government has filed this thorny issue in “The Too Difficult Box”, the title of a timely new book edited by former Cabinet minister Charles Clarke.

This was all so predictable. Back in the summer of 1981, I was working in a primary school in west London where the children were dizzy with excitement about Prince Charles and Lady Di. The royal wedding was a great unifying event, but there was one group of pupils who were not allowed to fit in. The little Muslim girls did not wear cool, gingham-checked dresses in the heat like the others. Instead, they were dressed in the winter uniform – a polo neck and tunic worn over strictly non-uniform trousers and thick tights. As far as I could tell, no teacher dared challenge this clear breach of school rules. In a similar spirit, it was accepted that the Muslim girls could not attend the weekly swimming lesson.

When a trip was planned to Hampton Court, the children were told they would be seeing Henry VIII’s bed. Somehow, the word “bed”, coupled with the humongously horny Henry, set off alarm bells among Muslim parents, who withdrew their sons and daughters from the outing. This irrational boycott was tolerated. I remember thinking how awful and sad it was that liberal, white teachers didn’t stick up for the Muslim children’s right to play a full part in the life of their country.

It made me angry when I was practically a child myself, and it makes me even angrier now, 30 years on, thinking of the lost decades when good people did nothing to prevent the toxic situation outlined this week by the chief inspector of schools. Music and dancing banned in a primary school because they are un-Islamic. Muslim pupils not allowed to study Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing because it shows young people falling in love and marrying. A preacher who believes homosexuals should be stoned to death invited to address an assembly – in a British school in a British town, forsooth. Children as young as six told that Western women are “white prostitutes”, if you please.

Sir Michael Wilshaw, the Ofsted chief, said that hardline Islamists wanted to impose a “narrow, faith-based ideology” on schools in Birmingham, though clearly the problem is not confined to one city. Now Bradford, Luton and east London are being investigated.
And still our politicians will not face up to what multiculturalism has unleashed: one of the biggest peacetime challenges ever faced by Britain. Nick Clegg, at his most ineffectually Fotherington-Thomas, says he is “sure that all parents will support a wide curriculum”. As if. The promised “dawn-raid” school inspections, which will not give schools time to stage Christian lessons to fool Ofsted inspectors, are too little, too late.

Growing suggestions that all faith schools should be banned because some Muslims cannot be trusted to prepare their children for life in contemporary society are simply outrageous. Why should Catholic, Jewish and Church of England schools, which provide a terrific, disciplined learning environment for millions of children, be forced to cease their good work and shut down? Why must the tolerant be made to carry the can for the intolerable?

The crisis in Birmingham made me look up Ray Honeyford. The headmaster of a school in Bradford, Honeyford published an article highly critical of multiculturalism around the same time that I was wondering why Muslim girls in west London weren’t allowed to learn how to swim. Honeyford was damned as a racist and forced to take early retirement, but how prophetic his words seem now. The alarmed headmaster referred to a “growing number of Asians whose aim is to preserve as intact as possible the values of the Indian subcontinent within a framework of British social and political privilege”. Honeyford questioned the wisdom of the local education authority in allowing such practices as the withdrawal of children from school for months at a time, in order to go “home” to Pakistan, on the grounds that this was appropriate to the children’s native culture.

“Those of us working in Asian areas,” he wrote, “are encouraged, officially, to 'celebrate linguistic diversity’ – ie, applaud the rapidly mounting linguistic confusion in these growing number of city schools in which British-born Asian children begin their mastery of English by being taught in Urdu.”
Ray Honeyford died in 2012, so he didn’t live to see the Leeds secondary school where every single pupil, including a handful of white ones, is being taught English as a foreign language. He didn’t need to see it. He knew it would happen, and what the cost would be, and his warnings were shouted down or put away in the Too Difficult Box.

I think the battle we must fight now really has very little to do with sincere religious belief. It’s about social control, repression, misogyny and cruelty. The battle is about Kamaljit, a 14-year-old girl I once taught, who chided me when I read the class a story about snakes in India, like the good, clueless multiculturalist that I was. “Please, Miss, we don’t like that stuff,” she said. “We’re English. We like ice skating.”

We have to expose Muslim children to as wide a range of experiences as possible so they will feel the gravitational pull of British values. If a Devon primary school recently criticised by Ofsted for not being multicultural enough (yes, really) can arrange a horizon-broadening trip to the inner city, then surely it’s time that Birmingham and Bradford came to Hereford and Hampshire. It was Rodgers and Hammerstein who observed in South Pacific: “You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear / You’ve got to be taught from year to year / It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear / You’ve got to be carefully taught. / You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late / Before you are six or seven or eight / To hate all the people your relatives hate / You’ve got to be carefully taught.”
But there is another song, and a better one, and children will learn it if they are only given the chance: Belong, belong, belong.

Pious Islamic Paedophiles "It is the young flesh they want"

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sydney's Occupied Territories Barbarous Muslim Savages to stand trial over Genital Mutilation of child.“she suffered a cut to her private parts”.“hurt in the bottom”.

Sydney sheik, mum and nurse to face mutilation judgment

Sarah Crawford
Daily Telegraph
May 24 2014

A SYDNEY mother stood in the dock holding her baby daughter as she became the first person in the state to be committed to stand trial for genital mutilation.

Why does the author of this story call this Sadistic Muslim Pervert a "priest" instead of his correct term of Imam,is she trying to invoke some moral equivalence of barbarity and perversion is equally approved of by Christianity ? If so why ? I have never heard of any Australian female Christian been spirited away to, say, the Vatican, for Genital Mutilation or Child Marriage rituals, happy to post reports detailing same here if any readers can supply same.  

The mother, who can’t be named, and retired nurse Kubra Magennis became the first people in NSW to stand trial for female genital mutilation, accused in Parramatta Local Court yesterday of performing the circumcision ritual on the mother’s daughters, aged 6 and 7. The pair face a maximum sentence of seven years in jail if convicted.

Sheik Shabbir Vaziri is charged with being an accessory to the circumcision ritual, allegedly telling locals to lie to police about the prevalence of female genital mutilation in the community.

The alleged circumcisions took place in Wollongong and Sydney some time between October 2010 and July 2012.

Defence lawyers unsuccessfully tried to argue the girls were not victims of female genital mutilation because they only received a nick to their clitoris.

Magistrate Roger Brown dismissed the submission, saying: “Any cut or nick to the clitoris will amount to mutilation.”

Dr Brown said female genital mutilation incited a strong response in the community.

“The nature of the allegations and the language used in the legislation can arouse strong passions,” he said.

Ms Magennis stood quietly as she was indicted to stand trial responding “No sir,” when Dr Brown asked if she had anything to say.

Outside of court she covered her face with her headscarf and swatted a journalist who approached for comment.

The mother whispered “No,” when Dr Brown asked her if she wished to provide any evidence in her defence.

The prosecution will largely rely on a police interview and a phone intercept between the mother and Ms Magennis.

Dr Brown said the oldest girl, known as C1 to protect her identity, had told police that, “she suffered a cut to her private parts”.

Her sister, C2, said she had been “hurt in the bottom”.

The girls’ father, a GP, and four other female relatives, who can’t be named to protect the girls, were also charged over the circumcision but their charges were dismissed at earlier court appearances.

A lawyer has been committed to stand trial with perverting the course of justice over the ritual circumcisions.

A date for the trial of Sheik Vaziri, Ms Magennis and the girls’ mother will be set on June 20.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Australian Based Muslim Jihadi's Amira Karroum and Yusuf Ali Killed in Syria.... NEXT!!!!

There is something very wrong with this story.

Aussie beauty killed in Syrian hell hole had a secret jihad life

Clementine Cuneo 
The Daily Telegraph
January 14,2014

CLAD in a black burqa, Sydney woman Amira Karroum bore no resemblance to the fresh-faced student from one of the country's most prestigious Anglican schools when she died in a bullet-ridden house in Syria last week.

The 22-year-old had left her western Sydney home just days before Christmas, telling her family she was heading to Denmark to holiday with friends and then do some humanitarian work.



But on Saturday morning, Department of Foreign Affairs officials broke the news to Karroum's father Mohamad and mother Honor Deane their daughter and her Muslim husband, Yusuf Ali, had died in the war-torn country, the latest victims of the conflict that has been raging since 2011.

Gold Coast-based Mr Karroum, who runs a kebab shop in Broadwater, collapsed with a heart attack after hearing the devastating news.

Amira Karroum and her husband were killed inside a house near the city of Aleppo, ground zero of the war near the border with Turkey, last Thursday, possibly by members of the Free Syrian Army, which is fighting government troops and other factions of the rebel movement trying to oust President Bashar al-Assad.

When she finished school five years ago, before moving to Granville in Sydney's western suburbs, ( aka. Sydney's Occupied Territories) Karroum showed no hint of being the radical Muslim she would become.

Her half-brother Karl Karroum said yesterday it was a mystery how she came to be in Syria.

"We had no idea she was going to Syria. She left Sydney about December 20, I think, andsaid she was going to Copenhagen for a holiday with friends and to do some humanitarian work," Mr Karroum said.

"How or why she ended up in Syria, we just don't know.

"I mean, her husband lives in Syria, so that's obviously why she went there, but we thought he was going to meet up with her in Copenhagen."

Karroum grew up on Queensland's Gold Coast, where she was educated at the prestigious St Hilda's school, graduating in 2008. She then enrolled to study graphic design at Queensland's University of Technology.

Karl Karroum said his half-sister was always a Muslim, despite her Anglican education.

"She was born a Muslim, so was her sister Rose. Their mum isn't Muslim, but our dad is," he said.

"She went to that school because it was the best education, and an all-girls' school ... it suited our faith."

He said Karroum did not wear a burqua or niqab, traditional Muslim dress for women, until a few years ago.

"She started wearing it once she studied her religion more as an adult ... she definitely wasn't a recent convert to Islam, that's not right," he said.

In mid-2012, Karroum moved to Granville, in Sydney's western suburbs,( aka. Sydney's Occupied Territories) where she met Ali, who is believed to be a Muslim convert originally from North America. They married in Sydney in April last year.

Ali left Granville and headed to Syria soon after the wedding, telling friends at a Granville mosque he was going to do humanitarian work. It is understood some worshippers at the mosque suspected he was planning to fight for a jihadist faction.

But Karl Karroum said he had no knowledge of Ali's involvement in the civil war in Syria.

"They are peaceful people," he said.

On Facebook, Ms Karroum's sister Rose asked for prayers in the dead pair's honour, claiming they had been "martyred".

"Please everyone make dua for my sister Amira Ali and brother Inlaw Yusuf. They have been martyred," she wrote.

"I miss u already. May Allah grant u and Yusuf the highest of heavens and be together always. Love u my beautiful sister Amira Ali."

Last night the grieving family was waiting for Mr Karroum Sr's blood pressure to drop before he could fly to Sydney and begin making plans to bring his daughter's body home.

"Dad's planning to come to Sydney once his blood pressure comes down, and then we can make funeral plans," Mr Karroum said.

"It's such an awful time. We really don't know what's happened ... we need to get to the bottom of a lot of things.''

DFAT said in a statement yesterday that Australians were "strongly advised" not to travel to Syria because of the "extremely serious security situation" in that country.

"Australia does not have an embassy or consulate in Syria,'' the DFAT statement said.

"The Australian government's capacity to deliver consular assistance in Syria is extremely limited.''

A young married couple from Sydney are thought to have been killed by the Free Syrian Army near Aleppo last week.

Service held for husband and wife, Yusuf and Amira Ali, thought to have died in Syria


A mosque in Sydney's west has held a service for two Australians believed to have been killed in Syria.

Yusuf Ali and his wife Amira are thought to have been killed by the Free Syrian Army near Aleppo last week.

It is understood the couple had lived on the Gold Coast in Queensland and Granville in Sydney's inner-west before moving to Syria.

Yusuf is believed to have moved to Syria a year ago, while his 22-year-old wife travelled there a month ago.

Shaykh Omar El Banna from the Masjid Noor Mosque in Granville says the couple indicated they were going to Syria to help the humanitarian effort.

"Maybe a year ago we heard that he had left to help with humanitarian aid there," he said.

"Of course, since then all news has been cut off. We didn't hear any more of that.

"His wife Amira followed up later when they secured accommodation."

But he says no-one in the community knows for certain what happened to the pair.

"The rumours that are coming now and the information coming - no-one really knows what's happening," he said.

"We're just hearing conflicting reports of how he died, who attacked.

"We really don't know what the intricate details of what happened.

"All that we know is that when he left he was going for aid."

DFAT still investigating reports of pair's deaths

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is still trying to confirm the deaths.

A DFAT spokeswoman said earlier that Australia does not have an embassy or consulate in Syria and the Government's capacity to deliver assistance in the country is limited.

A number of Australians have been directly involved in the Syrian conflict, causing concern for Australian officials.

If the deaths are confirmed, it would bring the number of Australians killed in the conflict to seven.

In December, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) arrested two Sydney men, one of whom allegedly tried to leave Australia to go fight on the frontline in Syria.

The other man was accused of acting as a ringleader to recruit fighters for the Syrian conflict.

Increasing number of Australians joining hardline groups

Earlier last year a suspected Brisbane man was thought to have become Australia's first suicide bomber in the Syrian conflict.

The Syrian militias are happy to get new recruits, but want them to bring money for weapons and supplies, and there is evidence many would-be jihadists raise money in Australia before heading to Syria.

The AFP says from 2012 to 2013 there was a substantial increase in the number of Australians joining hardline groups.

Police believe in just a year the number has risen from a few to 20 or 30, possibly more.

The news comes as a monitor group said almost 700 people were killed in Syria in just eight days
 in early January.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Jew Bashing Down Under .........Three Insurgents? arrested Harmony Day Ambassadors Gone Bad

Trio questioned over 'anit-Semitic' attack and assault on five people in Bondi

Ian Walker
The Daily Telegraph
October 26,2013

UPDATE 3 Charged with affray and other charges

Three charged after assault - Bondi

Saturday, 26 October 2013 02:48:03 PM
Three people have been charged following an assault near Bondi Beach overnight.
About 12.30am today, (Saturday October 2013), a group of four men, aged 66, 48, 39 and 27, and a 62-year-old woman were walking along Blair Street when they passed a group of eight males.
Police have been told the males made derogatory comments towards the group and assaulted them.
The melee continued along Glenayr Avenue until the arrival of officers from the Eastern Suburbs Local Area Command.
The alleged offenders attempted to flee however officers arrested three males a short distance away. All three were taken to Waverley Police Station.
Two 17-year-old males were charged with affray and breach of bail. They were refused bail and will appear at children’s court tomorrow (Sunday 27 October 2013).
A 23-year-old man was charged with affray. He was granted bail and will appear at Waverley Local Court on Tuesday 3 December 2013.
All five adults were injured suffering concussion, a fractured cheekbone, a possible broken nose, lacerations and bruising.
They were treated at the scene by Ambulance Paramedics and conveyed to St Vincents Hospital.
Investigations into the incident continue and officers have urged anyone with information about the incident to come forward.

A GROUP of five people were violently attacked on the street in Sydney's east early this morning in what witnesses have called a racially motivated attack.

Police said the group of four men, aged 66, 48, 39 and 27 and a 62-year-old woman were walking along Blair Street when they passed a group of eight males about 12.30am.

Police said they were told told the males made derogatory comments towards the group and assaulted them with the melee continuing along Glenayr Avenue until the arrival of officers from the Eastern Suburbs Local Area Command.
The males attempted to flee but officers arrested two 16-year-old males and a 23-year-old man and are questioning them over the alleged anit-Semitic attack.

All five adults were injured suffering concussion, a fractured cheekbone, a possible broken nose, lacerations and bruising.

They were treated at the scene by Ambulance Paramedics and conveyed to St Vincents Hospital.

Adam, 18, who didn't wish to give his surname, said the fight was unprovoked and the teens were yelling anti-Semitic slurs at the group.

"An old bloke who's 68 has been bashed. The guys set upon them for no reason," he said.

A security guard from the Beach Road Hotel intervened in the attack and said a taxi driver helped catch one of the youths.

"A taxi driver drove after the kids and grabbed one of them and held him until the police came," he said.

Oshi from Rap N' Roll was working in his shop when he heard the commotion outside.
"I was working in my shop and heard all this noise and a group of kids were punching this family right out the front so I shut the doors," he said.

Police are continuing to investigate the incident and urge anyone with information to come forward or to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page.

Information provided will be treated in the strictest of confidence. Police remind people they should not report crime information via our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Religion of Peace Down Under: Harmony Day Ambassadors Rape Pillage and Plunder Sydney's Occupied Territories to fund Terrorism .. No way!!!

NSW Counter Terrorism Squad says proceeds of crime in Australia are used to fund terrorism groups overseas

Mark Morri Crime Editor
The Daily Telegraph
August 12 2013

YOUNG Islamic extremists are committing crimes in Sydney to send money overseas to terrorist groups or to pay for their own trips to countries where they come in contact with extremists groups.

The head of the NSW Counter Terrorism Squad, Assistant Commissioner Peter Dein, said some of the proceeds of crimes had been funnelled into overseas terrorist organisations.

"It is well documented that in the past there has been a link between criminal activity and funding of terrorism," he said.

Assistant Commissioner Dein said he could not comment on individual cases but he conceded funds were, in some cases, finding "their way into the wrong hands".

The most pressing concern for the Counter Terrorism Squad and national intelligence services is young Australians being recruited and involved in terrorist camps overseas, especially in Syria, where it has been estimated more than 100 Australian dual nationals are suspected of fighting with the al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria.

"We know there are people going overseas and getting involved with insurgents," Assistant Commissioner Dein said. "How do they get there, who pays for their airfares, for spending money? Also what are they doing there, who are they associated with and what are they bringing back or doing when they get back?"

He said the squad was investigating these cases, following the money trails and examining any links with organisations or individuals in Sydney or the rest of Australia.

He said there was "not a lot of proven cases" but "what is of concern is the unknown".

He would not comment on individual cases as investigations were ongoing. However, a known extreme radical was involved in a theft and was caught on listening devices saying he wanted his portion of the robbery to go to the "cause".

In another case, debt collector and businessman Vasko Boskovski _ who was gunned down outside his home in Earlwood _ was a co-director in a company with convicted Punchbowl terrorist Khaled Sharrouf, who was jailed in 2005 for plotting to blow up the Lucas Heights nuclear reactor.

Assistant Commissioner Dein stressed the vast majority of money transfers going overseas were for valid reasons.

"But some of those funds do find their way into the wrong hands," he said.

But he said it was virtually impossible to estimate what percentage of the money was not for legitimate means.

Detectives have interviewed some of those who have returned from Syria and information is still being assessed.

"But it is only a small number because many have not returned," he said. "Obviously there are people we are concerned about and we keep a watch but it the unknown that is the biggest worry."

He said one of the biggest sources of information came from the Muslim community.

"They are vital to helping us keep abreast of what is happening in the community."

Counter Terrorism and Special Tactics command has just under 600 people at its disposal, including bomb response, rescue and negotiators.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Muslim sterotyping Down Under " Terrorist Man" costume "......"It's disrespectful to so many - Muslims.."

Baulkham Hills store bans 'disrespectful' terrorist costume

APRIL 26, 2013 10:07AM

RED Riding Hood, Spider Girl, Lil Bee... and Terrorist Man?

A Baulkham Hills discount store has moved quickly to remove from sale a highly offensive novelty costume depicting a stereotypical Arab man, complete with turban, beard, white robes and army camouflage vest and holding a large assault rifle.

The packaging identifies the costume as "Terrorist Man''.

A Hills Shire Times reader contacted the paper earlier today, complaining about the costume on sale for $32.99 at Red Dollar at Stockland Mall Baulkham Hill.

It was hanging right alongside children's and adults novelty costumes including nurses, superheroes, animals and policemen.
"It's disrespectful to so many - Muslims, victims of terrorism and the general community - and is a terrible example to children,'' the reader said.
The costume comes in sizes small (8-10), medium (12-14) and large (16-18).

When confronted, the store's manager removed the five costumes from sale and apologised, saying she understood the complaint ``given what's happening at the moment''.

It is unclear whether the same costume is for sale in other stores around the Hills and Sydney.
Does this depiction of a Muslim above,resemble the pictures of Islam's finest shown below?  Of course not say the Islamist's and their Multicultural Harmony Day apologists.

Left click image to enlarge

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Adnan Karabegovic Harmony Day / Multiculturalism Ambasador "Get your troops out of Muslim lands you dirty convict pigs".

Accused terrorist wanted to ignite bushfires, court hears

The Age
Adam Cooper
April 8, 2013 - 2:01PM

An accused terrorist had instructional material on how to make a remote control bomb that would ignite a bushfire in Australia, a court has heard.

Adnan Karabegovic, 24, of Officer, appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Monday on six counts of collecting documents connected with a terrorist act and six counts of possessing documents connected to a terrorist act.

The court heard Mr Karabegovic had copies of an al-Qaeda magazine, Inspire, on his laptop and on a USB device found in his pocket when arrested after his home was raided last September.

"Get your troops out of Muslim lands you dirty convict pigs".

The accused's home was one of at least 11 properties across Melbourne's south-east that were raided on September 12 by the Australian Federal Police.
The court heard Inspire was published on the Arabian peninsula for those who declare an "open jihad" and as a "resource manual for those who loathe the tyrants".

Articles in six issues of the magazine in Mr Karabegovic's possession focused on handgun training, poisoning water supplies, making a bomb that would ignite a bushfire and a list of countries at war with Muslims.

Other articles specifically instructed how to make bombs out of common kitchen ingredients, welding blades on to the front of a four-wheel-drive to attack people and the best shooting positions for an AK-47 assault rifle at the Sydney Opera House.

The court heard that in addition to the magazine articles, Mr Karabegovic was overheard by the AFP in telephone conversations with another man saying he wanted to "make a plan and stick to it".

He also spoke of being prepared for war, being happy in jail, of plans to modify items bought at Bunnings into weapons and of his hope to travel to Bosnia for training, the court was told.

It is also alleged he was involved in hanging a banner over a building which read:

"Get your troops out of Muslim lands you dirty convict pigs".

Prosecutor Daniel Gurvich said Mr Karabegovic, when questioned by the AFP, said he thought he had deleted the files from his laptop, and had not looked at articles for months.

He told officers he did not read the instructional articles, but only opinion pieces by commentators.

The committal hearing before magistrate Cathie Lamble was told four witnesses would give evidence: a digital forensic investigator, a translator and two AFP agents.
The hearing continues.

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