An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Islamic Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Terrorism. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sydney's Hyde Park Muslim Insurgency Protestor Hamza Cheikho

Hamza Cheikho: Jury told to accept his role in the Hyde Park Muslim protest

Amy Dale Chief Court Reporter
The Daily Telegraph
September 30 2015.

A SUPREME Court jury was yesterday urged to accept that a man who participated in the Hyde Park Muslim protest should take responsibility for his part in working up the crowd.

Hamza Cheikho is suing Nationwide News, the publisher of The Daily Telegraph, for defamation over four articles published in the fortnight following the protest in September 2012.

The publisher is defending the proceedings on grounds ­including truth and honest opinion.

Tom Blackburn SC, counsel for Nationwide News, yesterday finished his closing ­address to the jury of two men and two women before submissions began from Mr Cheikho’s barrister, Tom Molomby SC.

Mr Cheikho, 22, was never interviewed by police nor charged in relation to the ­protests, which were sparked by Muslim outrage at a YouTube video that was deemed to be offensive to Islam.

The former junior rugby league coach claims the articles falsely depicted him, among other imputations, as a Muslim extremist who incites other Muslims to violence.

Mr Molomby told the jury his client had been portrayed in a “viscous distortion” as “one of the ringleaders, one of the activists, one of the troublemakers who had done this”.

“(But) he’s not in the front rank, he’s not in the pushing and shoving. He is a follower and not a leader,” he said.

Mr Blackburn reminded the jury that NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione had given evidence about the investigation after the protest as police attempted to work out why the day turned violent.

Mr Scipione gave evidence last week that the event, which resulted in the arrest of several men and injuries to police, could be classified as “a riot”.

Mr Blackburn told the court yesterday “no Australian gets praise for not being violent ­because that is an obligation that we all have”.

Mr Blackburn suggested to the jury Mr Cheikho “must take responsibility” for attending the protest and for encouraging others to attend via a post he made on Facebook.

The court has heard Mr Cheikho joined in with chanting at the US consulate on the day of the protests when the crowd shouted “Obama, Obama, we love Osama”.

Mr Cheikho has denied he chanted those words.

The hearing continues.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Muslim Problem : Enduring cost of Labor’s failure as nearly 90 per cent of ‘humanitarian migrants’ are on welfare

Refugee crisis: Enduring cost of Labor’s failure as nearly 90 per cent of ‘humanitarian migrants’ are on welfare

Simon Benson
National Political Editor
The Daily Telegraph

MORE than 90 per cent of surveyed refugees granted permanent visas under the previous Labor government had failed to find a job within three to six months, forcing the majority to rely on government welfare to survive, a new report has revealed.

Despite 80 per cent claiming to feel “welcomed by Australia”, the social difficulties they faced were immense, according to the first government study to follow the new wave of humanitarian ­migrants.

Almost half reported they had never had a job in their lives, and 15 per cent had never attended school in their birth country.

Almost 40 per cent reported not understanding or speaking English, with only 10 per cent having a university degree and just 6 per cent being qualified for a trade. Only 7.8 per cent had qualifications recognised in Australia.

As a result, only 6 per cent of all those followed in the Building a New Life in Australia (BNLA) report, to be released today by the Department of Social Services, had found a job.

The main source of income for 88 per cent of the refugees at the time of reporting was government payments.

Newstart or Youth allowance payments accounted for 71.8 per cent, with 1.8 per cent on the age pension and 1.4 per cent on the Disability Support Pension. A further 19.3 per cent relied on family and parenting-related payments.

The study highlights the difficulties facing the 12,000 Syrians the government last week announced would be granted permanent visas in the wake of the humanitarian crisis flowing from civil war and terrorism in Syria.
Social Services Minister Scott Morrison said it “highlighted the serious challenges that Australia had always faced when seeking to resettle refugees through the humanitarian entrance”.

“What we want is a good settlement outcome where people become part of Australia’s culture, learn the language, go to school and get a job so they can support themselves,” Mr Morrison said.

“We can’t underestimate the scale of that challenge … and the less control over the selection process, the less control you have over outcome.

“When you get this wrong the consequences are generational.

“That is why, as we seek to identify and assess and integrate 12,000 refugees into Australia, we are focusing on the persecuted minorities, which are dominated by Christian groups, and will go about the process in a systemic and measured, professional manner.
“Where you rush this, where you fail to appreciate the challenges, that is when you reap a bitter harvest.”

The study looked at 2399 refugees from over 1500 migrating families who had all been granted permanent visas in 2013 under the former Labor government. They had either arrived or been granted visas three to six months prior to the study being conducted.

The study included asylum seekers, boat arrivals and refugees classed as either women at risk, UNHRC-identified refugees, and those granted protection under the special humanitarian program.

All were from Iran, Afghanistan or Iraq.

Despite the challenges facing refugees in Australia, the majority reported positive experiences with more than 80 per cent saying it was “good” or “very good”.

The majority of all those surveyed had also enrolled in English language classes, which would boost their employment prospects.

Many refugees granted protection were regarded as having significant mental health problems, such as post-traumatic stress associated with war zones.

More than a third assessed their health as fair, poor or very poor, which was ­marginally higher than ­indigenous communities but three times higher than non-indigenous Australians.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Victory for Sterling Heights Residents NO Mosque.


via Barenaked Islam.

September 11 2015

MICHIGANISTAN: Stunning victory for residents of Sterling Height as Planning Commission unanimously votes to deny permission to build a mosque.

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...”
―Recep Tayyip Erdogan  The Progressive Lefts and Obama's favourite "Moderate" Muslim Leader.

September Eleven 2015 : Islam still Means Peace.... or whatever they and their Progressive Left cheer squad and Media apologists want it to mean...........

Since September 11 2001 there have been another 26,855 Koran induced Terror attacks perpetrated by members of the Islamic Religion of Peace

There is a reason we call it Islamic terrorism, and it isn't 
because we falsely attribute motives to the terrorists, but
because Islam is the stated purpose and aim of the terrorists. 
Daniel Greenfield

The Peace of Islam coming to a neighbour hood near you.

September Eleven 2015 and according to Muslims and the Progressive Left apologists facilitators and media cheer squads  Islam still Means

India and the Sudan and Algeria and New York and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh 

and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and Kuwait and 

Ethiopia and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Tanzania  and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and the Netherlands and Afghanistan and Chad and Canada and 

China and Nepal and the Maldives and Argentina and Mali and Angola and the Ukraine and Uganda and Germany and Lebanon and Iran and Kazakhstan and Sweden and Azerbaijan and Iraq and Scotland and 

Macedonia and Bulgaria and Cameroon and Djibouti and Australia and...
...and pretty much wherever Islam is taken seriously: 

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who 
are near to you, and let them find harshness in you,
and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty" 
 Qur'an, Sura 9:123

Compiled from material sourced from  The Religion of Peace 

For an extensive coverage of events of September 11 2001 check out :

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Pious ISIS Muslim Sociopath Killed by his Sex Slave.

IS commander ‘shot dead’ by woman he forced into sex slavery

Lauren Mc Mah
The Daily Telegraph
September 10, 2015 

HE WAS one of Islamic State’s top commanders who captured women in terrifying conditions and forced them to have sex with his depraved fighters.

But it seems one of his captives has exacted their bloody revenge.

It has emerged the senior commander, known only by his nom de guerre Abu Anas, was murdered on Saturday by an unidentified Iraqi woman he kept as a sex slave.

Kurdistan Democratic Party spokesman Saeed Mamouzini told Iraqi television network al-Sumaria that the woman shot Anas dead in Iraq’s Tal Roman district, three months after she had been forced to sex slavery. He said the woman was married off to several of Anas’s fighters as a sick “gift”.

"In February it was reported militants fighting in Syria were seeking medical attention to improve their sexual prowess and subjecting their wives to ‘brutal, abnormal’ sex acts, according to local doctors.

Yazidi women and girls, some as young as five, taken from their homes earlier in the year were also regularly raped and abused by fighters, survivors said."

It comes as more details emerge of IS’s use of rape as a weapon of power and cruelty against its captives.

It is not known what happened to the woman, who is believed to be a member of the Yazidi-Kurdish minority.

The Yazidis are a religious minority in Syria and Iraq that is targeted by IS. A total of 5270 Yazidis were abducted by IS last year, and more than 3000 are still in their grip, according to figures within the community.


News of the commander’s death comes as Hollywood actor Angelina Jolie said IS dictated mass rape as official policy, the kind of which was “beyond what we have seen before”.

Jolie, a United Nations special envoy, was giving evidence at a Lords committee hearing on sexual violence in conflict zones.

“It’s not sexual, it is a violent, brutal terrorising weapon,” she told the committee.

“The most aggressive terrorist group in the world today knows what we know, knows that it is a very effective weapon and they are using it as a centre point of their terror and their way of destroying communities and families, and attacking and dehumanising.”

She said IS explicitly told its fighters: “We ask you to rape.”

“They are saying, ‘You should do this, this is the way to build a society’,” Jolie said.

The star, who has campaigned for a decade against the use of rape in war, recalled meeting girls as young as seven who had been brutally raped in war zones.

“I remember distinctly meeting this little girl who was very young, perhaps seven or eight, and she was rocking back and forward staring at the wall and tears streaming down her face because she had been brutally raped multiple times,” Jolie said.

“You couldn’t talk to her, you could touch her. I felt absolutely helpless and didn’t know what to do for her.

“More recently, I met a 13-year-old girl in Iraq who had been kept in a room with many other girls. They were taken out in twos, brought to this very dirty room with this dirty couch and raped repeatedly.

“They told me what was even worse than this physical violence was they had to stand in rooms and watch their friends be sold.

“To hear men arguing over what they were worth. Were they worth $40, $50? What was the price, their value? And how humiliating that was.”

Jolie appeared at the committee at the UK House of Parliament alongside former Foreign Secretary William Hague, with whom she co-founded Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative, which campaigns for the victims of rape in war zones.

She praised British government for taking a lead on the issue but urged for a “very strong response” to IS in Iraq and Syria.

This week Human Rights Watch (HWR) executive director Kenneth Roth revealed that IS has circulated a chilling “pamphlet” that outlines rules about having sex with enslaved women who are not Muslim, including girls and young women from the Yazidi community.

The pamphlet, which is available on Twitter, has been translated and republished on the HRW website.

Set out in a question-and-answer format, the document uses passages from the Koran to justify rape, and recommends that if the female captive is a virgin, her master “can have intercourse with her immediately after taking possession of her”.

“However,” the pamphlet continues, “if she isn’t, her uterus must be purified (first).”

Roth said that by treating captured non-Muslim women as subject to the sexual whims of those who control them, “ISIS disregards nearly universal injunctions against slavery and rape”.

Previous reports by HRW have outlined the horrifying system of organised rape, sexual slavery and forced marriage inflicted on Yazidi girls and women held captive by IS.

Earlier this year HRW interviewed 20 girls and young women who escaped from IS and suffered “unimaginable trauma” from their ordeals.

Modern slavery takes many forms, but most slaves are forced to work in the shadows. Those who control modern slaves—whether men compelled to work on Thai fishing boats, domestic workers trapped in the homes of their Saudi employers, children ordered to beg in Senegal, bonded workers in India, or sex workers trafficked in the West—usually shun publicity because treating human beings as mere chattel can be criminally prosecuted and cause moral revulsion.


The self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, is a rare exception. Much as it openly flouts the global prohibition of summary execution, often with unspeakable cruelty, it has published an attempt to justify its subjugation of non-Muslim women and girls in sexual bondage. Its argument is not an academic exercise: Human Rights Watch has interviewed Yazidi women and girls who have escaped ISIS captivity. They describe a system of organized rape and sexual assault, sexual slavery, and forced marriage.

The excerpts from the ISIS pamphlet printed below—posted on a pro-ISIS Twitter account
and generally considered authentic—use a question-and-answer format to set forth rules for having sex with captured and enslaved women and girls who are not Muslim.* What is striking is that, in the minds of its authors, this is not a lawless document. It sets forth an interpretation of sharia, or Islamic law, albeit an extreme one. Far from pure licentiousness, it is filled with legal constraints. Yet by treating captured non-Muslim women as subject to the sexual whims of those who control them, ISIS disregards nearly universal injunctions against slavery and rape.

The ISIS pamphlet does not mean that its members who enslave and rape women necessarily act with Islam in mind. Like any ruthless group, ISIS undoubtedly includes many who are attracted by the opportunity to subjugate and brutalize others regardless of the rationalization. Yet ISIS’s effort to justify its conduct through sharia law highlights the importance of countering this legal claim, both by those qualified to speak for Islamic law and by those able to enforce the prohibitions of international human rights law.

Question 1: What is al-sabi?

Al-Sabi is a woman from among ahl al-harb [the people of war] who has been captured by Muslims.

Question 2: What makes al-sabi permissible?

What makes al-sabi permissible [i.e., what makes it permissible to take such a woman captive] is [her] unbelief. Unbelieving [women] who were captured and brought into the abode of Islam are permissible to us, after the imam distributes them [among us].

Question 3: Can all unbelieving women be taken captive?

There is no dispute among the scholars that it is permissible to capture unbelieving women [who are characterized by] original unbelief [kufr asli], such as the kitabiyat [women from among the People of the Book, i.e., Jews and Christians] and polytheists. However, [the scholars] are disputed over [the issue of] capturing apostate women. The consensus leans toward forbidding it, though some people of knowledge think it permissible. We [ISIS] lean toward accepting the consensus….

Question 4: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female captive?

It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with the female captive. Allah the almighty said: “[Successful are the believers] who guard their chastity, except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are free from blame [Koran 23:5–6].”…

Question 5: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female captive immediately after taking possession [of her]?

If she is a virgin, he [her master] can have intercourse with her immediately after taking possession of her. However, if she isn’t, her uterus must be purified [first]….

Question 6: Is it permissible to sell a female captive?

It is permissible to buy, sell, or give as a gift female captives and slaves, for they are merely property, which can be disposed of as long as that doesn’t cause [the Muslim ummah] any harm or damage.

Question 7: Is it permissible to separate a mother from her children through [the act of] buying and selling?

It is not permissible to separate a mother from her prepubescent children through buying, selling, or giving away [a captive or slave]. [But] it is permissible to separate them if the children are grown and mature.

Question 8: If two or more [men] buy a female captive together, does she then become [sexually] permissible to each of them?

It is forbidden to have intercourse with a female captive if [the master] does not own her exclusively. One who owns [a captive] in partnership [with others] may not have sexual intercourse with her until the other [owners] sell or give him [their share].

Question 9: If the female captive was impregnated by her owner, can he then sell her?

He can’t sell her if she becomes the mother of a child….

Question 10: If a man dies, what is the law regarding the female captive he owned?

Female captives are distributed as part of his estate, just as all [other parts] of his estate [are distributed]. However, they may only provide services, not intercourse, if a father or [one of the] sons has already had intercourse with them, or if several [people] inherit them in partnership.

Question 11: May a man have intercourse with the female slave of his wife?

A man may not have intercourse with the female slave of his wife, because [the slave] is owned by someone else.

Question 12: May a man kiss the female slave of another, with the owner’s permission?

A man may not kiss the female slave of another, for kissing [involves] pleasure, and pleasure is prohibited unless [the man] owns [the slave] exclusively.

Question 13: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty?

It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse.

Question 14: What private parts of the female slave’s body must be concealed during prayer?

Her private body parts [that must be concealed] during prayer are the same as those [that must be concealed] outside [prayer], and they [include] everything besides the head, neck, hands, and feet.

Question 15: May a female slave meet foreign men without wearing a hijab?

A female slave is allowed to expose her head, neck, hands, and feet in front of foreign men if fitna [enticement] can be avoided. However, if fitna is present, or of there is fear that it will occur, then it [i.e., exposing these body parts becomes] forbidden.

Question 16: Can two sisters be taken together while taking slaves?

It is permissible to have two sisters, a female slave and her aunt [her father’s sister], or a female slave and her aunt [from her mother’s side]. But they cannot be together during intercourse, [and] whoever has intercourse with one of them cannot have intercourse with the other, due to the general [consensus] over the prohibition of this.

Question 17: What is al-’azl?

Al-’azl is refraining from ejaculating on a woman’s pudendum [i.e., coitus interruptus].

Question 18: May a man use the al-’azl [technique] with his female slave?

A man is allowed [to use] al-’azl during intercourse with his female slave with or without her consent.

Question 19: Is it permissible to beat a female slave?

It is permissible to beat the female slave as a [form of] darb ta’deeb [disciplinary beating], [but] it is forbidden to [use] darb al-takseer [literally, breaking beating], [darb] al-tashaffi [beating for the purpose of achieving gratification], or [darb] al-ta’dheeb [torture beating]. Further, it is forbidden to hit the face.

Question 20: What is the ruling regarding a female slave who runs away from her master?

A male or female slave’s running away [from their master] is among the gravest of sins….

Question 21: What is the earthly punishment of a female slave who runs away from her master?

She [i.e., the female slave who runs away from her master] has no punishment according to the sharia of Allah; however, she is [to be] reprimanded [in such a way that] deters others like her from escaping.

Question 22: Is it permissible to marry a Muslim [slave] or a kitabiyya [i.e., Jewish or Christian] female slave?

It is impermissible for a free [man] to marry Muslim or kitabiyat female slaves, except for those [men] who feared to [commit] a sin, that is, the sin of fornication….

Question 24: If a man marries a female slave who is owned by someone else, who is allowed to have intercourse with her?

A master is prohibited from having intercourse with his female slave who is married to someone else; instead, the master receives her service, [while] the husband [gets to] enjoy her [sexually].

Question 25: Are the huddoud [Koranic punishments] applied to female slaves?

If a female slave committed what necessitated the enforcement of a hadd [on her], a hadd [is then] enforced on her—however, the hadd is reduced by half within the hudud that accepts reduction by half….

Question 27: What is the reward for freeing a slave girl?

Allah the exalted said [in the Koran]: “And what can make you know what is [breaking through] the difficult pass [hell]? It is the freeing of a slave.” And [the prophet Muhammad] said: “Whoever frees a believer Allah frees every organ of his body from hellfire.”


Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Australian's Food Taxed to fund Mosque in Indonesia

Halal: Australian money used to fund mosque being built by Indonesia’s certification authority

Matthew Benns
The Daily Telegraph

AUSTRALIAN food manufacturers are paying millions of dollars for halal certification — only to see some of the money sent overseas to help pay for a $5 million mosque development in Indonesia.

The mosque is being built by the head of Indonesia’s halal certification authority, which controls access to the giant Indonesian market.

The disclosures, made last night on ABC’s Four Corners program, follow an exclusive investigation by The Daily Telegraph that revealed Australian businesses were paying millions of dollars for halal ­certification to gain access to ­lucrative overseas markets.

The Islamic Co-ordinating Council of Victoria’s deputy chairman Ekrem Ozyurek confirmed to the program that some of the profits from the certification of red meat in Australia were going towards a $5 million mosque development in West Java.

“It’s going for the purpose of [an] orphanage or something they are building and they need that money to build that orphanage or a mosque, that kind of thing ... there’s a possibility that some money might be given to them, yes,” he said.

The project is being built by Amidhan Shaberah, who heads the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), gatekeeper to the Indonesian market. Former Australian Federation of Islamic Councils president Ikebal Patel said local certifiers had offered thousands of dollars to the MUI in return for favourable treatment.

A senate food certification is has received almost 1500 submissions.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Why is Islam the only Religion permitted to TAX the Australian shopper ?

Halal certification in Australia is big business and worth 
millions to certifiers

"YOU may not have noticed it — the halal certification mark that sits on almost every item in an Aussie shopping basket from Vegemite and Cadbury chocolate to Steggles chicken breast tenders.But it is there and manufacturers, wholesalers and food processors have paid a slew of unregulated certifiers millions of dollars to put it there.It’s all about money."
 MATTHEW BENNSThe Daily TelegraphAugust 15, 2015  
          FULL ARTICLE 

Why is this TAX on Australian food not shown on all receipts like the Goods and Services Tax (GST)  is rightly required to be ?

What part of the Australian Taxation Act permits this TAX been imposed upon Australians by this Religious Organisation?

Will the Islamic Religion be the only organisation authorised to levy TAXES on Australia's food products and indeed other non food items, if not why not?

Why is the RSPCA Silent on this barbaric cruel slaughter of animals?

I will start returning OPENED products that I have unknowingly purchased that I have been forced to pay the Islamic TAX on any product that bears the Islamic Halal TAX certification sticker.

The Manifestations of this belief system, Islam, have, according to those who flee it in the millions every year for safety and a better life in the " land of the Great Satan" the USA and other Judeo Christian Western Democracies,are so vile, that according to these "refugees" from Islam, are not able to provide even a most basic quality of life that is to be reasonably expected in the 21st Century.

Could someone tell me why, once these same people are given sanctuary and safe haven from the manifestations of their Religious beliefs,these same people demand that their host country adopt the same failed practices they say they had no choice but to flee ?

Where will these Muslims run away too after they have done to OUR  Country what they did to their various nations of birth ? 

The only Logical conclusion that can be arrived at if we are to believe those who say they fled their various Islamic nations of birth because life was so intolerable under the manifestations of Islam is that they are colonising the west because it is their intention to do to the west what they did to the nations they say they were forced to flee, If not why then do they demand that their Western Judeo Christian Democracy host nations that gave them shelter adopt the very legal, social and religious practices that they say those same practices failed them and indeed the Nations that were ruled by them.

Australian's hard earned WAGES at Work, every time you buy a Halal Certified product from the freezer or Butcher this is the Islamic Religions version of Holy Slaughter.

Humans, Male,Female,Adult and Child  are slaughtered in the same way but without the 'high tech " restraining devices (as seen in the video below) by Pious Muslims when they no longer have any use for infidels (Non Muslims), or Muslims no longer useful or deemed to be not savage enough to satisfy the demands of allah as recorded by Islams "Perfect Man" Mohammed in what Muslims insist on calling the "Holy Koran" 

Halal Choices is an excellent website that explains how your hard earned dollars are legally appropriated by the Islamic "Religion" to further the objectives of "Only True Religion" Islam.

"Support Call: Mohamed El-Mouelhy vs Q Society, Kirralie Smith et al
Help Q Society defend freedom of expression in Australia by donating towards the legal cost of our defence against claims of defamation by Mohamed El-Mouelhy, the director of the private company ‘Halal Certification Authority Pty Ltd’ in the NSW Supreme Court.
Read the letter of our president Debbie Robinson for more details.
It is vital that those who speak the truth about Islamic halal certification and other Islamic impositions are not silenced by time-consuming and expensive court action."

It is difficult to know but I wonder how many lamb chops did Australian Supermarkets sell that were loaded up with the Halal TAX did it take to finance say the two Bali Bombings, the WTC on 911, the Man Monis Lindt Cafe killer's activities since he arrived in Australia.

How much of these compulsory Muslim TAXES has been used will be used in the future to kill Australian Soldiers both in the middle east and on Australian soil,how much of this money is used to finance illegal drug importation and distribution in Australia and around the world.


We will never know how many Australians have been Raped Bashed Stabbed Killed or blown into a thousand pieces financed by the Islamic Halal TAX that Australians are forced to pay by the 2.5% "Muslim Community" aka. Labor Green Loons VOTE People.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) GetUp financed Labor Green Loon  "Independent" Co Party does not think that there is enough Muslims in Australia and despite importing some 55,000 majority single undocumented Muslim males 18 to 28 into Australia during their Rudd (Lu Kewen) / Gillard / Rudd (Lu Kewen) six year reign of open borders they are PROMISING, that if re elected in 2016 the securing of Australia's borders will be an OPTION as opposed to the present Conservative Abbott Governments policy of Secure Borders been an OBLIGATION of the Australian Government.

Labor Green Loon foot soldiers

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Islamic Terrorism apologists Andrew OKeefe and Patrick Condren get ripped a new Arse Hole

Sunrise’s Andrew O’Keefe and Hizb ut-Tahrir wonder what terror has to do with Islam

The Australian
January 14,2015 

WHILE the breakfast host frets about abortion bombers the Islamists pine for a caliphate.

Rita Panahi with Andrew O’Keefe, Sunrise, Monday:

RITA Panahi: It is so inane to pretend that these ... terror incidents have nothing to do with Islam. ... and we need to start discussing why are they happening, why are so many in the wider community displaying some permissive attitudes to this horror and what can we do to bring the Muslim community into the mainstream even more …

Andrew O’Keefe: But ... every time a bunch of fundamentalist Christians in the US bomb an abortion clinic or a synagogue, do we hold every Christian in the world to account for that?

Panahi: ... we’ve got to stop doing what you just did and pretending that Islam is like every other religion as far as being behind incidents of terror. We are seeing all around the world ... Islam at the centre of these terror acts ... it’s not happening with Christianity ... with Buddhism or Judaism …

O’Keefe: Well it is happening with Buddhism in Burma ...

Panahi: ... but there’s only one religion which is at the centre of acts of terrorism all around the world, including in Australia, and that’s why we need to talk about it.

O’Keefe: That’s simply not true ... bombing an abortion clinic is an act of terrorism based upon your religious belief.

Panahi: When’s the last time an abortion clinic was bombed ...?

O’Keefe: I can’t tell you off the top of my head, but I’ll find it for you ... Just on abortion clinic bombings, the last one was in 2009.

Abortion terror deaths. NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation, September 21, 2009:

SINCE 1993, eight people have been murdered for helping women (abort).

Islam terror deaths. Helier Cheung, BBC News, November 18, 2014:

GLOBAL terrorism index 2014. 10,000 terror attacks in 2013. 17,958 deaths. That’s a 61 per cent increase on 2012. 14,722 deaths in just five countries: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. 6362 deaths in Iraq — the country worst-affected; 60 countries around the world (affected) ... militant groups Islamic State, al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram and the Taliban were behind most of the deaths ... “Not only is the intensity of terrorism increasing, its breadth is increasing as well,” the report said.

Later on Sunrise, Monday:

PATRICK Condren of Radio 4BC: I’m in the Andrew camp ... Where was this conversation when the IRA was bombing London and parts of Ireland on the basis of their Catholic religion?

On the basis of Catholicism? Amy Zalman, About

THE (objective of the) Irish Republican Army ... ( was to create) a unified Ireland.

Put deaths in perspective! Media release from Hizb ut-Tahrir, Sunday:

THE politicisation of the Charlie Hebdo incidents last week necessitates an exposition on the issue that would otherwise be undeserving. People are killed every day around the world in numbers and in circumstances that should put the events in France (last week) in perspective.

Perspective. Helier Cheung, BBC News, November 18, 2014:

FOUR main groups were responsible for 66 per cent of all (terror) deaths ... All ... used “religious ideologies based on extreme interpretations of Wahhabi Islam”.

Hizb ut-Tahrir, Sunday:

MUSLIMS do not need to be lectured about the sanctity of human life ... (we need) the establishment of a just caliphate ...

Sanctity of life in a caliphate., September 16, 2009:

METHODS of execution in Islamic countries ... include beheading, firing squad, hanging and stoning ... the death penalty is appropriate for ... intentional murder ... (and) “spreading mischief in the land” ... (including) treason/apostasy ... terrorism, piracy ... rape, adultery, homosexual activity ...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Terror Australis : Abbott Government goes into Muslim Terrorist Lockdown to prevent Labor Green Loons VOTE People from re entering Australia.....and the Sydney September 2012 Insurgency up rising

Australia goes into terror lockdown: Spy agencies and customs will lock down borders to ­potential jihadists

Exclusive Simon Benson
National Political Editor 
The Daily Telegraph
June 20 ,2014

AN unprecedented security intelligence-sharing arrangement between spy agencies and customs will lock down Australia’s borders to ­potential jihadists either trying to return to Australia or leave our shores to join Syrian and Iraqi terror groups.



The Daily Telegraph understands customs officials will be given higher-level intelligence briefs in the wake of the failure that enabled convicted Sydney terrorist Khaled Sharrouf to slip out of the country last year using his brother’s passport.

The Daily Telegraph yesterday revealed Sharrouf, a convicted terrorist from south-western Sydney, is in Iraq with the militant group ISIL, which is trying to overthrow the Iraqi government.

Yesterday Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the border protection agencies were on high alert for up to 150 Australians believed to be fighting in either Syria or Iraq seeking to return to Australia and for associates trying to leave Australia to join them.

More than 50 passports had been cancelled, the Daily Telegraph revealed yesterday.

But a draft report of the Cousins’ review is believed to have uncovered a 9/11 “silo mentality” scenario in ­Australia — a reference to US intelligence failures uncovered after 9/11 — where vital intelligence which could have stopped Sharrouf at the gate was not shared.

Senior government sources revealed new intelligence-sharing arrangements were being rolled out to ­ensure customs officers at airport gates had greater ­access to data that could help them identify ­people on watch lists.

Mr Morrison said the Sharrouf incident had been “an early wake-up call” that had exposed weaknesses in the chain, which were now being addressed.

He said the government was also “rebuilding capacity” into the system after budget cuts to customs under the ­previous government of ­almost $700 million.

Rioter Ahmed Elomar Jailed for Police Assault

Amy Dale Chief Court Reporter

HYDE Park rioter Ahmed Elomar will spend at least two and a half years in jail for brutally bashing a police officer. The former champion boxer hit 
the officer with a pole during a confrontation on September 15, 2012, in Sydney’s angry Islamic march as part of a global protest against the anti-Islamic YouTube clip The Innocence of Muslims.

Judge Donna Woodburne yesterday said Elomar, the last of seven rioters to have their case finalised in court, had “agitated the crowd” as part of a group of “aggressive men”.

She fixed a total sentence of four years and eight months, and said only a full-time custodial sentence would match the crime.

The man, whose own mother described him as “not very intelligent”, became “overcome with the occasion” of the protests, the court heard.

Elomar’s barrister Greg James QC told the Sydney District Court during a ­hearing earlier this week that his client, a former champion boxer who competed in more than 20 professional bouts, was suffering an “impaired intellectual state”.

But Judge Woodburne said Elomar’s “cognitive ­impairment” had not ­“deprived him of the ability to appreciate it was wrong to bash a police officer in the head, as he did”.

Elomar smiled at the judge as the sentence hearing, which lasted almost two hours, finished.

The court heard the ­31- year-old married man “deliberately and forcefully hit a man who had done nothing more than get up that day and put his uniform on.”

Pious Muslim Ahmed Elomar ( left, wearing Black T Shirt and Cammo's) waving the Pirate Flag of Islam

Senior-Constable Jason Blanchard was struck with a pole and left bleeding from the head, with the court told the balaclava-clad Elomar “disappeared” into the almost 400-strong crowd after ­hitting the officer.

“(The officer) had no ­opportunity to see it coming,” Judge Woodburne said, ­adding police work is often “difficult, challenging and dangerous.

During the protest, ­Elomar carried a sign which read: “Our dead are in paradise, your dead are in hell.”

The charge of recklessly wounding a police officer and causing actual bodily harm, carries a maximum sentence of 14 years but Elomar ­received a 15 per cent ­discount for pleading guilty.

Judge Woodburne said the non-parole period would begin from September 2013, a year after the riots, meaning Elomar is eligible for release in March 2016.

His sentencing brings to an end more than 18 months of court hearings involving people charged over the riots.

Last year, protester ­Mohammed Issaka angered the court when he refused to stand for a magistrate. He later apologised.


An urgent review initiated by Immigration Minister Scott Morrison and Attorney-General George Brandis ­following the border blunder, known as the Cousins’ review, is believed to have found holes in the security net from the airport barrier all the way up to ASIO.


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