An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Multiculturalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multiculturalism. Show all posts

Monday, May 05, 2014

Sydney's Occupied Territories, More Harmony Days Down Under : Embedded Muslim Savages lays siege to Sydney Police Station, following arrest at Sydney's Kingsford Smith International Airport of Female Muslim Terrorist Supporter, Police forced to call in reinforcements as Police station besieged by Embedded Muslim Mob.

Syrian terror strikes home as Australian mother arrested and charged with supporting terrorism

Geoff Chambers and Mark Morrie
The Daily Telegraph
May 5 2014

POLICE had to call in reinforcements after a group of hard line Muslims gathered at a Sydney police station clamouring for the release of a woman later charged with supporting terrorism.

The mother-of-four was arrested­ as she allegedly tried to board a flight in Sydney carrying­ cash and equipment — believed to include camouflage gear — for her husband fighting in Syria.

Why does our government bother with these embedded Insurgents ? simply let them go anywhere they want cancel their passports the minute their flight reaches their intended destination, in this case one less embedded Muslim breeder and a bonus of four future savages no longer resident in Australia a win win they are no longer in Australia and hopefully they will be killed engaging in their cause in whatever Islamic shit hole it is they are fighting in.

These Savages are NOT Australians they never were and never will be they embedded  Muslim Insurgents  living on Australian soil granted Australian Passports by the  previous Union GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Rudd/ Gillard / Rudd Minority "Co Party Government" in exchange for their VOTE.

Joint Counter Terrorism detectives stopped the 29-year-old and her four young children as they attempted to board the flight about 8.30pm on Saturday.


A police spokesman said the Brisbane woman was taken to Mascot police station and later charged.

Three search warrants were also executed­ — two in Sydney and one in Brisbane.

Hardline supporters arrived at the police station after news of the woman’s arrest was posted on social media, with police forced to call for back-up to deal with them.

She was granted strict conditional bail by police and will appear at Downing Centre Local Court on June 2.

“The Brisbane woman was taken to the Mascot police station, where she was charged under the Crimes (Foreign Incursions and Recruitment) Act 1978,” the spokesman said.

“She was charged with supporting incursions into a foreign state with the intention of engaging in hostile activities.”

Sources have confirmed the mother was allegedly carrying an amount of cash and other supplies — believed to include camouflage gear — on behalf of her husband, who is in Syria.

The Al-Risalah Facebook page — a meeting place for young Muslims — yesterday claimed the woman’s passport had been confiscated.

“As per the sister who was stopped at the airport last night she and her kids are now safe with family but passport has been taken,” the post said.

Previous posts on Facebook about the arrest were removed after the woman’s family contacted the page’s convener.

While inner-west Sydney remains the hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism in the country, a tangled web of networks runs along the east coast from Brisbane down to Melbourne. In September, reports emerged of a 27-year-old Brisbane man becoming Australia’s first suicide bomber in Syria after a video showed the bombing of a military checkpoint, killing 35 people.

Al-Qaeda group Jabhat Al Nusra took responsibility for the attack.

More than 100 Australians, many from NSW and mostly young men, have travelled to Syria via alleged terrorist support networks linked to Jabhat Al Nusra and State of Iraq and the Levant movements.

The total number of Australians killed in Syria is believed to be eight, including Melbourne men Roger Abbas and Yusuf Toprakkaya.

Former Sydney soldier Caner Temel, who went AWOL from his Brisbane barracks and was later discharged, was killed by gunfire from other anti-Assad rebels in January.

The 22-year-old left behind a wife and baby.

Couple Yusuf Ali and Amira Karroum — also aged 22 — were killed in the same month.

Ali, a US-Australian citizen, grew up in suburban Brisbane and converted to Islam, later becoming a street preacher. Just last week, FBI director James Comey said the flow of foreign fighters into Syria had grown in the past few months.

Up to 5500 foreign fighters have travelled to Syria to fight and Mr Comey compared the flow with Afghanistan in the 1980s and 1990s.


AS President Bashar al-Assad wrestles back control of Syria, Islamic fighters struggle to hold on to their gains. While the exact figure is unknown, it is estimated more than 100 Australian Muslims have travelled to Syria to fight alongside al-Qaeda affiliated rebels.

The number of passports cancelled by ASIO has soared to record levels, preventing people from travelling to Syria on security grounds. In March, it was reported 33 passports were cancelled in eight months.

Last month, the Lowy Institute report Next-Gen Jihad in the Middle East reiterated concerns of the Abbott government and NSW Police about young men returning to Australia with combat training.
“In the coming years Australia will face a more complex and serious terrorist threat than it did after 9/11,” Lowy ­Institute research director ­Anthony Bubalo said.

Alleged terrorist organiser Hamdi Alqudsi, based in ­Sydney’s west, is accused of ­organising six young men, ­including slain former soldier Caner Temel and US-Australian convert Yusuf Ali, to travel to Syria. The 39-year-old was charged late last year, accused of being “actively involved” in the recruitment of six men, ­facilitating their flights to Syria to fight alongside al-Qaeda ­affiliated terror organisation Jabhat Al Nusra.

Assistant Commissioner Peter Dein recently said it had become “obvious” to anti-terror police that Islamic radicals were actively recruiting on southwest Sydney streets.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Another Cultural Enrichment Harmony Day gift from Labor Green Loon Multiculturalists

Adelaide pathologist Heddy Zola wants more squat toilets to address needs of large migrant population

Jill Pengelley 
The Advertiser
December 25,2013

SQUAT toilets should be considered for new buildings, says a leading pathologist who has had to instruct his staff in correct use of western toilets.

SA Pathology research director Professor Heddy Zola says it is probably time Adelaide acknowledged the cultural needs of its large migrant population.

Squat toilets, also known as Nile pans, are preferred in parts of Asia and Europe.

"In the research environment, the native-born Australian is a rarity," Professor Zola said.

"We do very well with our immigrant population.

"I'm a migrant myself and we do need to accommodate them."

In his monthly research newsletter, he has included a page on "toilet etiquette", which includes a diagram, with a cross through it, of a stick figure standing on a toilet seat.

The instructions also include an appeal not to throw water on the floor.

He said there had been a recurring problem with the state of the toilets in his IMVS building, on Frome Rd.

TELL US: Should more squat toilets be introduced?

At one stage, a PhD student had cleaned up after others to spare the cleaners the task.

"I think it's a mixture of cultural differences and just people not giving a damn about who comes after them,'' Professor Zola said.

He said it would be "sensible" to install squats in new buildings, especially those used by large numbers of migrant students and staff.

"I wouldn't be surprised if in 30 years' time, all buildings had to have both styles,'' he said.

The University of Adelaide has "culturally sensitive amenities" to cater for students and staff from more than 90 countries, a spokeswoman told The Advertiser.

"We have prayer rooms with culturally appropriate ablutions at both Union House and Nexus10 as well as squat toilets in the Ingkarni Wardli building," she said.

"It is important to consider culturally sensitive amenities as part of building development planning.

"Feedback from occupants and visitors alike is invariably positive and it further reinforces the university's values of inclusivity and tolerance."

Flinders University also has installed squat toilets and special washrooms.

UniSA has none but has recognised a problem and placed signs on cubicle doors, asking users not to stand on seats.

The new South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute building on North Terrace does not have squat toilets.

I have seen first hand in the public toilets of a major Sydney Public Hospital the Toilet habits of the Labor Green Loon VOTE People and what they do to normal Toilets as a way of protesting their demands for the imposition of the filth you see above and believe me what you see above would be classed as hygienic by their standards.
I have seen normal Australian toilets trashed by Union / GetUp financed Labor, Green Loon, Cultural Enrichment, Harmony Day Ambassadors, to the extent that they are rendered unusable by Australians in private and public buildings.

Maybe these Labor Green Loon VOTE People and their Progressive apologists are pining for Cholera, Diphtheria, Polio, Diarrhoea,Dysentery,and of course the old "Group Shit" custom of the Middle East.

For Gods sake if this Cultural Enrichment Ambassador,Heddy Zola is the best Adelaide University can come up with in its Pathology Department no wonder people are dying in Hospitals of causes new to Australia.
Just how safe is the Lab he oversees?

"SA Pathology research director Professor Heddy Zola says it is probably time Adelaide acknowledged the cultural needs of its large migrant population."

Its high time Labor Green Loon VOTE People acknowledge that the reason they are here is because they could no longer suffer the Religious Social and Cultural manifestations of whatever nation it was they ran away from,they came here because Australia was NOT like the Godless Shit Hole they decided was not able to produce a standard of living and safety for them and their families and so either illegally entered Australia and asked for shelter or immigrated legally.

Heddy Zola if you and your kind are successful in doing to MY Country what you, your Parents, Grand Parents did to the nation they / you, ran away from, where will you run to next after you and your "Culture" have turned Australia into another third world shit hole?

Friday, November 15, 2013

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Sheik refused bail after accessory to murder charges laid in Burwood Court

'Sheikh' in court on woman 'set alight'

November 15, 2013, 4:14 pm

A self-styled sheikh who sent offensive letters to the families of dead Australian soldiers has faced court in connection to the murder of a woman.

Man Haron Monis, 59, fronted Burwood Local Court charged with being an accessory before and after the fact to the murder of a woman allegedly stabbed and set alight in a western Sydney stairwell earlier this year.

Monis, also known as Sheikh Haron, was arrested along with a woman who earlier on Friday was charged with murder.

Dressed in black tracksuit pants and with a beard, Monis didn't apply for bail and it was formally refused by Magistrate Christopher Longley.

Emergency workers found the woman's body in the Werrington apartment block on April 21 after responding to a fire.

The 30-year-old had allegedly been stabbed multiple times and set alight.

Police say the three people knew each other.

Amirah Droudis, who is believed to be the partner of Monis, was charged with murdering Noleen Hayson Pal.

She sat quietly in the dock, wearing a black blouse and with her long dark hair out.

Her lawyer said she wouldn't apply for bail and it was formally refused.

The pair will appear in Penrith Local Court on November 22.

Monis was previously sentenced to 300 hours of community service and placed on a two-year good behaviour bond for 12 counts of using a postal service to cause offence.

Droudis was sentenced to a two-year bond for aiding and abetting him.

Monis had sent offensive letters to the grieving families of seven soldiers killed in Afghanistan between 2007 and 2009.

The self-employed spiritual adviser and astrologer also wrote to the family of trade official Craig Senger, who was killed in the 2009 Marriott Hotel bombing in Jakarta.

In the letters, Monis likened soldiers to murderers and killers, and in one letter said a digger was going to hell.

Commando Pte.Luke Worsley parents told by Islamic swine "can't be proud" of his son who "died for nothing"

From May 25 2009

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cultural Enrichment and Diversity Down Under

Abuse alert

Miranda Devine
Sunday, October 20, 2013

A MUSLIM child-bride married off at age 14 and abused by her husband for the next six years has won full custody of their child in a case that should send warning bells across Australia.

Federal Circuit Court judge Joe Harman was so appalled by the violent abuse endured by the young woman, now 24, that he called her former husband as “a most heinous, capricious and revolting misogynist”.

What is most disturbing about this story is not just that her parents willingly married her off to such a man.

It is that she told a teacher of her problems but nothing was done, despite mandatory reporting requirements.

This is cultural tolerance beyond reason. Domestic abuse is wrong in any culture.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Muslim Gang Rapist Mohammed Sanoussi parole stalled over Brothers 4 Life gang links

Skaf gang rape member's bid for freedom stalled over possible criminal gang association
Staff Writers

The Daily Telegraph
August 22 2013.

 A SKAF gang rapist's fourth bid for freedom has stalled after a hearing before the NSW State Parole Authority was told he had possibly been associating with members of a criminal gang.

Mohammed Sanoussi has already served 13 years of a 16-year sentence for his role in the August 2000 gang rapes of young girls.

The attacks, involving 14 men, happened at various locations in Sydney.

Sanoussi, who became eligible for parole in 2010, made his fourth application today, but it was adjourned after information was presented to the board that he had been seen meeting with members of the Brothers 4 Life gang.

GANG: Sydney gangs flash diamonds and guns in new wave of violence



A police report delivered to Corrective Services late on Tuesday alleges that members of the notorious Brothers 4 Life street gang have been meeting at the Sanoussi family home.

It was at this southwest Sydney property that Sanoussi had been staying while on weekend leave from jail in recent months, and where he was expected to reside if released on parole.

Counsel for the corrective services commissioner Geoff Denman told the parole hearing at Parramatta Justice Precinct on Thursday that releasing Sanoussi into the family home posed an "unacceptable danger".

"Mr Sanoussi has a background of being prone to the pressure of his peers, including his brothers," he said.

"If the information in the police report is correct, then that raises great concerns about whether he might be falling into that company again."

The hearing was adjourned until September 5.


Two Skaf rapists may be freed on parole

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pious Muslim Gang Rapist's may be paroled as early as tomorrow.

Notorious Skaf Gang Rapist may be paroled

Lee Jeloscek, 
7News Sydney
August 21, 2013,

FIRST ON 7: Two of Sydney's notorious Skaf gang rapists looks set to be released on parole as early as tomorrow.

It is a prospect that many find appalling, but a victims' support group says it is better to have 29-year-old Mohamed Sanoussi out, but under control. 

Sanoussi has served 13 years for his role in the rapes which horrified Sydney on the eve of the Olympics.

His family is preparing for his release, which could be rubber stamped by the parole authority tomorrow.

"I think he should be given parole, e only has three years left on his sentence," the Victims of Crime Action League's Howard Brown said.

"He is going to require a hell of a lot of intensive supervision out in the community so he actually adapts to that."

Despite the prisons commissioner and the NSW Attorney General having previously opposed release, another rapist code-named H, could also go free tomorrow.

Earlier this year, another of the gang, Mahmoud Chami was released, while ringleader Bilal Skaff has another 20 years to serve.

If let out, Sanoussi will be under surveillance but could be free to return to one of the crime scenes, a park near his home.

Mr Brown added: "My concern is however that generally what happens with electronic tagging is that it only lasts three months."

"In this case it needs to last a minimum of 12 months so we can actually track where he's going."

Parole monitoring has come under fire since 7News revealed budget cuts to the unit which tracks violent offenders.

We asked the Attorney General to explain what supervision would be given to Sanoussi and others but he declined to comment.

Paul Lynch, the shadow Attorney General warned: "Last week we discovered that there were 200 positions lost in the surveillance system."

The community compliance and monitoring group. That is too many to allow proper and effective surveillance.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Labor / Green Loon's Australia 2013: "FORCED child marriage, life-threatening domestic violence and dowry abuse............."

Another "Specialist Multicultural Welfare Industry" that Australians will be forced to pay for with no shortage of Labor Green Loon politicians clawing over each other to be the first to throw any number of millions of $'s at in exchange for votes.

New agency to help abused women of Africa, Middle East origins in Casey, Greater Dandenong

Rachel Flaherty, 
Dandenong Leader 
March 31, 2013 12:00AM

FORCED child marriage, life-threatening domestic violence and dowry abuse are rife in Greater Dandenong and Casey, a welfare agency has warned.

Shakti Migrant and Refugee Women's Support Group Melbourne, which champions the human rights of women of African and Middle Eastern origin, only opened locally in April, but already is overrun with requests for assistance.

From Sydney's Occupied Territories: Sheik and a Nurse charged over Female Genital Mutilation

Spokeswoman Hiba Casablanca said the system was failing women of multicultural backgrounds.

"We opened in response to demand from people here and it's increasing every week," Ms Casablanca said.

"We need a specialist refuge catering for the needs of women of colour, run by people who can speak their language and who truly understand and connect with what we're saying, when we talk about cultural practices that violate our rights."

Ms Casablanca said some of the women's stories were heart-breaking.

"One woman, married for 25 years, her husband would physically abuse her by strangling and raping her on a weekly basis," she said.

"Financially abuse her by taking all her money and socially isolate her by preventing her having friends."

Ms Casablana said the woman was terrified, but embarrassed to speak out and felt she had nowhere to turn for help.

"These woman are being treated like slaves here in Dandenong and Casey," she said.

"They are very brave to speak out, but we need a safe place for them so they don't have to return to their abusers."

More "Harmony Days" Down Under : Australian Mourners told to leave Muslims funeral "not welcome"

Non-Muslims 'not welcome' at mosque funeral for former policeman

"All of his friends were not Muslim, so they had to leave - it was a big shock. It upset a lot of people."

Yoni Bashan 
The Sunday Telegraph
April 07, 2013 12:00AM

MOURNERS were told they were "not welcome" by a cleric at a former policeman's funeral because they were non-Muslims.

The family of Erdinc Ozen, a former police officer and member of the navy reserves, are demanding an apology following the incident at Sydney's Auburn Gallipoli Mosque last month.

Mr Ozen, a Turkish-born Australian who served as a policeman until 2011, died from a brain aneurysm last month.

His brother Tunc said a number of senior police and friends from his fishing club at the Seven Hills-Toongabbie RSL left the service after the unexpected directive from acting president Dr Abdurrahman Asaroglu. Others attending included an 87-year-old World War II veteran and former NSW premier Nathan Rees.

"He told everyone it's a Muslim prayer service, all women and non-Muslims were not welcome and they had to leave the mosque area," Tunc Ozen said.

"All of his friends were not Muslim, so they had to leave - it was a big shock. It upset a lot of people."

Most hurtful for his family was that when it came time to move Erdinc's coffin, his closest friends were not allowed to take part in the proceedings.

"These complete strangers were grabbing my brother's coffin, not his mates, as a result of what this bloke had said," Mr Ozen said.

Mr Ozen has written to the mosque and Turkish consulate demanding an apology.

 "He didn't raise any of this with us. There were plenty of opportunities," he said.

"I've spent as much time thanking people for coming as I have apologising to them over what happened."

Islamic Friendship Association president Keysar Trad said: "What was done does not run consistently with our traditions. Our religion teaches us to be compassionate towards people grieving."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sydney Muslim Insurgents "Fury" after Police Target Muslim Crime Gangs

Muslim fury at crime gang link

Mark Morri 
The Daily Telegraph
February 13, 2013 12:00AM

POLICE will hold a secret meeting with Middle Eastern community leaders today after a major announcement about Sydney crime backfired, causing tensions between Muslim leaders and police.
Islams Finest, Bilal Skaf

Nothing to see here! move along please.

The government and police launched Operation Apollo last week with a major press conference announcing the Middle Eastern organised crime squad would have an "over-arching role" in investigating and targeting criminals involved in Sydney's shootings, especially in the south-west.

Some community leaders are incensed Operation Apollo appeared to centre on Middle Eastern gangs. "It is insulting to say all gun crime is the fault of Middle Eastern people," said Keysar Trad, a spokesman for the Muslim Australia Organisation.

"I was contacted yesterday afternoon by NSW police and told about the meeting and would be texted the location later."

But police stressed the meeting was part of ongoing community consultation about Operation Apollo. "We have held meetings before Apollo was announced and will have more in the future," Detective Superintendent Arthur Katsogiannis, commander of Operation Apollo, said.

The Australian in this Coffin.......

Sydney Riots: The radicalization of Muslim children you have when you are not radicalizing Muslim Children

"It is a low-key meeting where we want to convey to the community our aim is to get guns off the street and we are not targeting any one ethnic group."

Police said there was a misconception that only the Middle Eastern organised crime squad was involved.

"We will be using officers and intelligence from the homicide squad, the gangs squad, drug squads and other specialised police.

"The job is to get guns off the street and we need the community to help us as well."

It's believed about six leaders from a number of organisations have been asked to attend the meeting to try to calm angry community leaders.

Many leaders said the way the announcement was made gave the appearance all gun crime was being blamed on Middle Eastern people.

"There are bikies and other people involved in crime" Mr Trad said yesterday.

Another community leader who is attending the meeting said: "We have been asked not to talk about the meeting or say when or where it is. I'm surprised the media have found out. I was told it was to explain their position and to try to explain they are not singling out Muslims."

No No need for a Middle Eastern Crime Squad to investigate Muslim Crime Gangs

Omar Halaby 19 year old Muslim Insurgent / Rioter and Disability Pensioner.

Muslim rioter and vandal Omar Halaby spared jail following September 15 2012 Sydney CBD Muslim Insurgency Riots..Life on the pension is a riot for Omar

What makes the "Mufti of Sydney's Occupied Territories and his fellow insurgents "feel like we is on cloud nine" ?

Sydney's Muslim Insurgency Riots Aftermath: Spin Doctors and apologists still performing CPR on Multiculturalism.

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