An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Paedophilia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paedophilia. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2014

Pious Muslim Shopping Centre Security Guards, Accused of Paedophilia (sexual assault of two teenage girls) Abu Ahmed Zafor Murad,50 and Ahmed A Thafer, 21, refused Bail

I see these Middle Eastern, aka. Muslim "Rats with a Gold Tooth", strutting around my local shopping centre, leering at "Aussie Pigs and Sluts" aka. Australian Wives,Mothers and our Daughters and sisters and have wondered for a long time when such an ALLEGATION like this would be reported.

Abu Ahmed Zafor Murad,50 and Ahmed A Thafer, 21, appeared in Campbelltown Local Court today Friday January 10,2014 charged with :
Aggrevated Indecent Assault
Aggrevated Sexual Assault
Detain for advantage ( aka.Kidnap)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Is this Why the Progressives are so in favour of "Gay Marriage" and adoption of children by their "Gay Community" ?

United States Jails Australian Paedophile,Gay Man, who with his Male Partner Purchased a Womans Baby.

June 29, 2013, 4:55 pm

An Australian man who bought a baby boy for $US8000 ($A8659) with his partner, ( Another Male) sexually abused the child and handed him off to other pedophiles (Paedophiles)  to molest, has been sentenced to 40 years' prison in the US.

Judge Sarah Evans Barker, while sentencing the 42-year-old in the US District Court in Indianapolis on Friday, said he deserved a harsher punishment but accepted the plea deal because she did not want to subject jurors to the disturbing evidence.

Prosecutors discovered videos and photos of the man, his domestic partner, also an Australian, and other men in Australia, the US, Germany and France abusing the child from the age of two to six.

"For more than one year and across three continents, these men submitted this young child to some of the most heinous acts of exploitation that this office has ever seen," Indiana US Attorney Joe Hogsett said after the sentencing.

The 40-year sentence was the maximum available for the conspiracy to sexually exploit a minor and conspiracy to posses child pornography charges the man entered guilty pleas to.

His partner has also entered guilty pleas and will be sentenced later this year.

The court heard the two men, who had been living in California, bought the newborn boy for $US8000 in an undisclosed country and use falsified documents in Los Angeles in an attempt to adopt him.

The boy was rescued by US authorities and is being cared for in California.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

"All Cultures and Religions are equal", enter "Moderate Islam"

Raped girl, 15, faces flogging for sex

January 8, 2013 - 6:00AM

A 15-year-old in the Maldives whose father is accused of repeatedly raping her and killing the resulting baby risks being flogged for "fornication" with another man under the nation's strict Islamic law, a police source says.
In the course of inquiries into the rape case, investigators say they unearthed evidence of the girl having had consensual sex with another man, which is an offence in the Indian Ocean holiday destination, the source said.
Women, including minors, having consensual sex outside marriage can be charged in the Maldives, where convicts can be publicly flogged. Minors receive the punishment when they reach 18, the age of majority.
The child's stepfather is accused by police of repeatedly raping the girl and fathering a child by her which he subsequently murdered. The girl's mother has been charged with helping dispose of the infant's body, police said.

"We completed the investigation (into the murder of the infant) and gave a report to the prosecutor-general's office," Maldivian police spokesman Hassan Haneef told AFP by telephone.
He declined to give details saying that Maldivian common law did not allow the discussion of any case involving a minor.
The local Haveeru newspaper quoted an unnamed official from the prosecutor's office saying the fornication charge was unrelated to the rape, which had been separately dealt with.
The legal system of the Maldives, a nation of 330,000 Sunni Muslims known for its coral-fringed islands and sandy beaches, has elements of Islamic Sharia law as well as English common law.
The country carries out the flogging of women despite calls from the UN Human Rights Council to drop the practice.
In September, a Maldivian court ordered a public flogging for a 16-year-old girl who confessed to having pre-marital sex. Her 29-year-old lover was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
The gang-rape last month in the Indian capital of a 23-year-old student who subsequently died has also sparked protests over crime against women in neighbouring South Asian nations including Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Man, 90, marries 15-year old girl
Wants to sue bride after she locked herself up and fled
Emerates 24/7
By Staff
Published Monday, January 07, 2013

A Saudi man aged around 90 married a 15-year old girl, but she then locked herself up in her room for two days before fleeing back to her family, prompting threats by the man to sue her parents.

Relatives said the girl told them that she was so frightened when her bridegroom came close to her that she ran into her room and locked herself up.

“She remained inside her room for two days before sneaking out and fleeing back to her family,” the Saudi Alhayat daily said in a report from the southern province of Jazan.

The London-based newspaper quoted the man as saying he had paid SR65,000 (Dh64,000) dowry (money paid by a man to his bride under Islamic law) for her Yemeni father, adding that her mother is Saudi.

“I feel that there is a conspiracy by her mother against me,” he said. “I will go to court tomorrow and demand that her parents give me back my money.”

Why would the Australian Labor Party and their Green Loon Independent "Co Party" Government insist on bringing in another 30,000 illegal,undocumented, predominantly single male Muslim Labor Green "Vote People" into Australia in 2013 ?

Labor Greens Independents we know who is paying you, now come clean and tell us who you are working for.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Jimmy Savile Paedophile Investigates 25 more "celebrities" "beautiful / gifted / artistic / progressive / people"

Savile investigation: Police investigate 25 celebrities for sex offences

Daily Telegraph
December 10, 2012 7:43AM

Videos at : 

Jimmy Savile Paedophile scandal : Australian Entertainer questioned by Scotland Yard detectives in relation to one of the biggest sex scandals to rock the UK.

BRITISH police are investigating claims of sex offences by 25 celebrities and expect to arrest six of them in coming weeks.

Most of the 25 are television and radio entertainers, London's Sunday Times newspaper reported.

However, the newspaper said some of the alleged victims did not want to be identified or to press charges, which would make a criminal case unlikely.

Police reportedly believe there is enough evidence to detain people in at least a dozen cases.

A source told The Sun newspaper "they all tend to be white men of the Savile generation." They were named in phone calls to the police or to charities.

Five of those questioned have already been named: pop star Gary Glitter, comedian Freddie Starr, DJ Dave Lee Travis, BBC producer Wilfred De'ath and PR guru Max Clifford.

A sixth man, a world-famous entertainer in his 80s, has been questioned under caution but has not been named by the media.

All those questioned have denied any wrongdoing.

About 450 potential victims have come forward since the Operation Yewtree inquiry started two months ago.

Yewtree was set up after late Top of the Pops presenter Jimmy Savile was revealed as a serial abuser.

It has three strands: allegations against Savile, allegations involving Savile and other people, and allegations against people unconnected to Savile.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Australia: Royal Commission into Paedophilia announced

Today's abuse victims must be kept in focus

Miranda Devine 
The Daily Telegraph
November 14, 2012 12:00AM

IT'S hard to separate the royal commission into child sexual abuse from politics and anti-Catholic agendas, in the fetid atmosphere that currently exists in Canberra.

The prime minister at least appears genuine in her decision to set up the inquiry, after serious allegations of paedophilia and cover-ups in the Catholic Church in NSW and Victoria.

She has broadened the inquiry, as she should, to include other institutions where children may have been abused, both religious and state-run, as well as the police, giving it much the same remit as the 1995 Wood Royal Commission into the NSW police service.

The Wood inquiry was a horrendous eye-opener.

In the associated successful trials of predatory paedophiles Dolly Dunn, a teacher at a Catholic school, and businessman Phillip Bell, prosecutor Margaret Cunneen insisted the worst details be made public. A video of Dunn sitting on the edge of a bed, undressing a little boy of about eight, is seared into my memory.

Cunneen wanted people to know what paedophiles are capable of, because in the past they have been protected by our refusal to believe anyone is capable of such depravity, especially men who seem on the surface so normal.

But paedophiles like Dunn and Bell inveigle their way into institutions and families with charm and trickery. Their aim in life is to have sex with children and fool everyone.

That is why institutions like the church were perfect covers, and it is to those institutions' eternal shame they didn't realise they were being used.

But since the Wood Royal Commission, and the Catholic Church's Towards Healing program, there has been significant reform, which led to a flood of historic cases coming before the courts in recent years.

In his report, Justice Wood praised the response of the Catholic Church, describing its response as a "model" for others. "While a good deal of evidence and assistance was provided by the Catholic Church, it 

is not the case that the Commission finds particular fault with that church or its constituent bodies. Indeed, the response to the matters disclosed to the Commission is held up as a model for other churches and religious organisations to follow."

Cardinal George Pell set up the process which has been so lauded in 1996, in which complainants are told to go to the police to report any criminal abuse and which uses independent experts to investigate complaints.

He can defend himself, but I will point out that the attempts to hound him to resign resemble a witch hunt.

For instance, last month he was smeared at the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Alleged Criminal Abuse of Children by Religious and Other Organisations.

It was claimed to the inquiry that in 1969 in Ballarat, a boy complained of being raped by a brother and Pell refused to see him. Pell rejected the allegations as false.

He was lucky he had records and could prove he was out of the country, studying in Rome and Oxford from 1966 to 1971.

But the defamation remains. Those accusations remained yesterday on the ABC website, and elsewhere, almost four weeks after they were made, with no correction.

In such an atmosphere, a royal commission may be the best way of clearing the air and discovering if there still is abuse and institutional cover-up of abuse, and to ensure victims are helped, the vulnerable 

protected and the guilty punished.

But some police officers working in child protection are concerned that focusing on historical abuse will divert resources away from children in need today.

"We can't investigate kids being raped two weeks ago properly," said one officer.

NSW Police should be commended for the effort it is putting into investigating historical cases of child abuse, but there are questions over whether enough is being done for crimes that are occurring today.

For instance, the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics found in 2010 there were 4886 sexual offence incidents involving children that were reported to police. Criminal proceedings were commenced in 590 cases.

In other words, just 12 per cent of reported cases of child sexual abuse end up with an offender being charged.

The NSW Ombudsman is understood to be working on a report on the NSW police handling of child sex cases.

There are understood to be thousands of cases when police have not charged a perpetrator because the child victim did not want to commence proceedings.

Unlike in domestic violence cases, where police are compelled to press charges even if the victim is unwilling, in child sex abuse allegations the child must agree.

"Parents want to protect their child from going through court proceedings," said the officer.

Historical cases are easier for police to take to court because the victim is an adult who has built up the courage to come forward.

This police officer is worried that another inquiry into abuse that occurred decades ago will give a cover to paedophiles operating today because it "will distract the authorities, create hysteria, and nobble juries' objectivity".

Let us hope that's wrong.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Australia: NSW Schools now teaching that Hetrosexuality is not NORMAL

Being straight no longer normal, students taught

EXCLUSIVE by Miranda Devine 
The Daily Telegraph
October 17, 2012 12:00AM

STUDENTS at 12 NSW high schools are being taught it is wrong and "heterosexist" to regard heterosexuality as the norm for human relationships.

The "Proud Schools" pilot program, implemented in 12 government schools in Sydney and the Hunter, is designed to stamp out "homophobia, transphobia (fear of transsexuals) and heterosexism".

Teachers are given professional development to learn to identify and stamp out any instances of "heterosexist" language in the playground, such as "that's so gay".

But at least 10 Liberal MPs are "extremely concerned" about the program, and will complain to Education Minister Adrian Piccoli this week.

The program defines "heterosexism" as the practice of "positioning heterosexuality as the norm for human relationship," according to the Proud Schools Consultation Report.

"It involves ignoring, making invisible or discriminating against non-heterosexual people, their relationships and their interests. Heterosexism feeds homophobia."

The program should "focus on the dominance of heterosexism rather than on homophobia," according to the minutes from the Proud Schools steering committee on March 22, 2011.

The $250,000 pilot program was initiated by the Labor government but Mr Piccoli has overseen its implementation in terms three and four this year at six high schools in Sydney and six in the Hunter.

"It is envisaged that this program will be made available to non-government schools as well," he said last year.

Upper house MP Fred Nile yesterday attacked the program, calling it "propaganda" and promised to raise the issue in parliament.

"I'm totally opposed to the brainwashing of high school students, especially when they are going through puberty," Mr Nile said.

"Homosexuals at most make up 2 per cent of the population - I don't know why the education department would give priority to promoting this (program).

"We will have more confused teenagers than ever ... children should be allowed to develop themselves."

In June, Mr Piccoli pledged the government's ongoing support of the pilot.

But last night his spokesman distanced the Coalition from the project, saying it was launched by his Labor predecessor Verity Firth in 2010.

"Minister Piccoli has continued to support the initiative. Professional learning is being developed to assist schools provide a safe and supportive environment for all students. All schools encourage their students to speak to each other and treat each other in a respectful manner."

He said any material prepared by a "third party" would not be approved for use in NSW.

The pilot drew on a similar program in Victoria, the "Safe Schools Coalition" to "support sexual diversity" in schools, which holds that gender and sexuality are not fixed but fluid concepts. In Victoria, each participating school is advised to erect a noticeboard specifically for gay, lesbian, transgender and "gender-questioning" young people.

Mr Piccoli's spokesman said Proud Schools was not based on the Victorian model, and noticeboards would not be required in NSW.

A Proud Schools consultation report also recommended that schools review existing PDHPE programs from Year 7 to "incorporate learning about same-sex attraction and sexual diversity".

The program was based on LaTrobe University research that schools are the "primary site of homophobic abuse".

Thursday, February 09, 2012

“If there is a yardstick to measure cultural decay, the child pornography epidemic must register.”

Kiddie porn horror
Piers Akerman
Daily Telegraph
Wednesday, February 08,
2012 at 06:16am

If there is a yardstick to measure cultural decay, the child pornography epidemic must register.
The federal police have warned that child pornography use is at sickening levels in Australia with paedophiles increasingly recording themselves molesting children before swapping the images with other abusers.
According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the head of the Australian Federal Police serious organised crime unit, Assistant Commissioner Kevin Zuccato, said where federal police would once have been overwhelmed by finding hundreds of images on a suspect’s computer, they are now finding hundreds of thousands and even millions.
The head of the federal police’s cyber-crime unit, Assistant Commissioner Neil Gaughan, told the newspaper there might have been no increase in the number of adults sexually assaulting children but, “we are seeing those sexual assaults being recorded, and those sexual assaults being uploaded onto the internet”.
“There’s no empirical evidence of an increase in child abuse, but we’re seeing an increase in the number of violent images that clearly have not been commercially made,” he said.
There was a 30 per cent jump, from 136 to 180, in the number of Australians arrested for child pornography offences last year compared with 2010.
Gaughan was cautious in his assessment of the alarming increase saying: “I think there’s two schools of thought here, one that there’s been a proliferation of the image-making and the image dissemination. There’s also a school of thought that the reason why we’re getting so many more referrals is that law enforcement and industry are working better together and we’re discovering a lot more.”
So, the technology is making it easier for paedophiles to amass their files of degradation and horror and law enforcement officers are working together more closely and cracking more criminal networks.
Cold comfort for the kids whose lives are being destroyed by these monsters of cyber space.
Meanwhile, the Australian arts community and so-called progressives are still ambivalent about the sexualisation of the young and innocent.
Their images are art when made by celebrity photographers but porn when manufactured in the back alleys of Asian crime capitals.

"...the most important thing to do is to do what is neccessary... and as Fellini once said ,sometimes the most outlandish things are neccessary"  Bill Henson.
Cate Blanchett calls on Kevin Rudd to soften Bill Henson art remarks
From: The Australian
May 28, 2008 12:00AM
KEVIN Rudd's handpicked arts mentor Cate Blanchett yesterday co-signed an open letter urging the Prime Minister to rethink his public comments about artist Bill Henson's work.
Kevin 07 and Cate Blanchett 20 20 Summiteers
Kevin 07 and Cate Blanchett  (“arguably the most beautiful woman in the world”) seen here at the 20 20 Summit taking a break from planning (plotting) Australia’s future (demise) with fellow Summiteers
Blanchett, co-chair of the Creative Australia group at last month's 2020 Summit, was joined by other summiteers including Nobel Prize-winning writer John Coetzee, Museum of Contemporary Art director Elizabeth Ann Macgregor and economist Saul Eslake in expressing dismay at last Friday's raid on Henson's exhibition at the Roslyn Oxley9 Sydney gallery.
"The potential prosecution of one of our most respected artists is no way to build a Creative Australia, and does untold damage to our cultural reputation," said the letter, which was also addressed to NSW Premier Morris Iemma and federal Arts Minister Peter Garrett.
"We should remember that an important index of social freedom, in earlier times or in repressive regimes elsewhere in the world, is how artists and art are treated by the state."
The move came as police ordered a Henson work in a staff office at the Newcastle Region Art Gallery be covered, the third NSW gallery to remove the respected artist's works from view after police intervention.
Albury City Council last week decided to take down three Henson pictures from the Albury Regional Art Gallery after a visit from police.
In Friday's raid on the Roslyn Oxley9 gallery in Paddington, police seized about 20 Henson works that depicted a nude teen.
They are investigating whether child pornography and obscenity charges should be laid but have not made it clear whether they will prosecute Henson or gallery owner Roslyn Oxley.
Members of the arts community yesterday continued to condemn the police action as censorship. One collector likened the confiscation of art works to book-burning in Nazi Germany.
Sue Curtis, an art and design consultant who has been collecting Henson's works for 20 years, told The Australian she was deeply upset for Henson.
Ms Curtis said she hoped no further Henson images would be removed from galleries. "I don't think it could possibly get to the stage where galleries or collectors who own Bill Henson's work would have to give them up," she said. "If it did, it would be like Nazi Germany's burning of the books."
Australian Commercial Galleries Association president Guy Abrahams last night defended galleries' right to show controversial art in the right context.
"Art galleries are special places like libraries and everyone would expect a library would contain all sorts of books, and we can view them as we please," Mr Abrahams said.
A Newcastle council spokeswoman said yesterday the Newcastle Region Art Gallery had owned four Henson photographs since the early 1990s. "We have never received any complaints about the work," she said.
Two of the photographs featured naked youths and were part of Strange Cargo, a travelling exhibition curated by the gallery that toured regional Australia over the past two years.
Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox of Newcastle command said police received information from the Newcastle Herald newspaper that the gallery housed images by Henson like those seized in Paddington on Friday. "We worked with both council and the gallery (yesterday) morning," Inspector Fox said. "Both images have been removed and secured away from public or private viewing."
He said the images were removed from the gallery's website.
On Monday, Victorian police visited the National Gallery of Victoria to follow up a complaint about one of Henson's works, but the matter was dropped and no pictures were removed.
Additional reporting: Sarah Elks, AAP
"I guess its is difficult for the Australian Labor Party and the Progressives in the Left, to get too excited about Paedophilia, given the number of their own party and supporters who promote and practice it.
The UN treaties Australia has signed under their stewardship that promote and facilitate the practice under the guise of all values all cultures are equal. See the United Nations Rights of the Child.
Kevin 07 aka. Lee Kewan, was roundly condemned by Australias elites and beautiful, people including “One of the worlds most beautiful women” and Rudd government advisor and “futurest” soothsayer, Kate Blanchette, for speaking out
against a Paedophile photographic exhibition in Sydney some months back, by photographer Bill Henson.
Poor Kevin has to spin the bumper sticker policies and phoney imagery of his Socialist Left, Chinese Communist Party backed ACTU funded Labor Party, occasionally the elite’s true heart and what they are prepared to defend is let out of
the bag.
Why do Australians reel back when Paedophilia rears it’s ugly face..? that’s what ya dumb shits voted for, well ya got it, shut the fuck up or do something about it, demand that the Kevin 07 led Australian Labor Party does something about it.
Kevin 07 has never been too troubled about child rape though, so don’t hold your breath waiting for action from Kevin Rudd, see the  Heiner Affair  for his most infamous betrayal of Australian children."

Monday, July 12, 2010

Michael El Ali, 44, and Houssam Khaled El Ali, Charged with 20 Child Sex offences.


Brothers charged with 20 child sex offences

July 11, 2010

TWO brothers sexually assaulted teenage girls for years and one of them gave his victims drugs in return for sexual favours, police alleged at Parramatta Bail Court yesterday.

The men were each charged with 10 child sex offences. One was remanded in custody but the other was granted bail and allowed to return home.

Michael El Ali, 44, and Houssam Khaled El Ali, 37, both of Katoomba, represented themselves before Magistrate Andrew George.

In evidence tendered to the court, police alleged that Houssam Khaled El Ali had molested four girls aged 12 to 14 between 2000 and 2006 and that Michael El Ali had sexually abused a girl between 2006 and January this year. The girl was aged 13 when the alleged assaults began.

Michael El Ali denied the allegations. ''Whatever they are saying is not true. I didn't do anything,'' he said.

Police alleged that when the girl was 13, Michael El Ali began asking her to take her clothes off in front of him, forced her to perform oral sex on him and raped her.

The girl's mother told police she saw the pair naked together. Police told the court they had found a photo of the girl naked from the waist up on Michael El Ali's mobile phone.

They said Houssam Khaled El Ali had met one of his alleged victims at the girl's birthday party.

According to police evidence, Houssam Khaled El Ali ran a tobacconist at the time the offences took place and allegedly gave young girls cigarettes, drugs and cash for sexual favours. Police alleged that on more than one occasion, he had taken a group of girls to a motel where he had sexually assaulted them and given them cigarettes and alcohol.

One of his alleged victims had entered drug rehabilitation when she was aged 14.

In granting bail to Houssam Khaled El Ali, Magistrate Andrew George said: ''Given the age of the offences, I am not confident the case [against Houssam Khaled El Ali] is that strong. The last offence was around 2006 and it has taken four years before the matter has come to light.''

Michael El Ali will face Penrith Local Court tomorrow. Houssam Khaled El Ali will appear at Penrith Local Court on Friday.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ding Dong the Peadophile Bitch is Dead

Sex offender Robert 'Dolly' Dunn dies in jail

July 11, 2009 08:01am

CONVICTED pedophile Robert "Dolly" Dunn has died in jail aged 68.

Dunn died in Long Bay Prison Hospital at 4am (AEST) on Saturday, a New South Wales Corrective Services spokesman said.

He was serving a 20-year sentence for a series of sexual offences against boys in the 1980s and 1990s.

Dunn, a former school teacher, would have been eligible for parole in 2015, the spokesman said.

In 1996 a Royal Commission chaired by Justice James Woods was shown home videos and photographs from Dunn's collection featuring images of child sex abuse involving Dunn himself.

Dunn fled the country but was later found in Honduras and was successfully extradited back to Australia.

From jail he repeatedly made statements that he saw nothing wrong with sex between men and boys.

He was suffering multiple organ failure and in 2004 underwent coronary bypass surgery after suffering from angina.

Based upon the "conga lines of suck holes" (not mine but I promised myself I would use it one day ) from the ranks of the "beautiful people" and various professional " African American" industries who lined up to praise and pay homage to Michael Jackson last week in the USA, anything less than a State Funeral for this piece of shit would be a gross breech of protocol.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sadui Arabia: Eight-year-old girl's arranged marriage is legal

Eight-year-old girl's arranged marriage is legal

The Daily Telegraph
April 13, 2009 02:45pm

A JUDGE has refused to overturn his ruling declaring the arranged marriage of an eight-year-old girl to a 47-year-old man legal - despite her mum's appeal.

Saudi Arabian judge Sheikh Habib Habib insists the girl's marriage to her father's friend is binding, although she can file for divorce when she reaches puberty.

But what if this little 8 year old girl wanted to remain a virgin until such time as she chose to marry a real man in a real marriage?

This piece of Islamist Paedophile Crap is simply following in the footsteps of the founder of Islam, Mohammed, with his vile filthy custom of interferring with young children.

Hussein Obama now demands we must RESPECT this quirkey little trait in Islamic culture.

The mother's attorney Abdullah Jutaili said the girl's father arranged the marriage with his "close friend" to pay off a monetary debt.

A relative said the girl's mother, who is divorced from the father, will continue to seek to overturn the marriage.

And Hussein Obama BOW's and apologises to this, look out America.

Hussein Obama seen here executing his now infamous "O BowMa" upon the King of Saudi Arabia, who was described by American commentator Dennis Miller as been a "Mysogynist Pig"

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