An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Tony Abbott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tony Abbott. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2015

ALP Wins Liberal Party Leadership Ballott

 Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull and Member for Goldman Sachs,THEIR ABC,Q & A Homosexual Marriage,Open Borders, Climate Change Tax and all round UN Cheer Leader.

Re Elected Deputy Liberal Party Leader Julie Bishop alleged architect of the leadership spill.

Australia Falls to the Left effectively now a One Party State.Labor Wins Liberal Party Leadership Ballott

NEW Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull 
 A "self centred, selfish individual. It has always been about you.”

Australian Liberal Party (Conservative) Leadership decided. Turnbull wins Party ballot.

Australian PM Tony Abbott loses Liberal Party (Conservative) leadership and Prime Ministership.

Leadership spill was instigated by the resignation of Left wing and Media poster boy Malcolm Turnbull, and subsequent press conferences outlining why he no longer is prepared to serve under Tony Abbott as Leader and PM.

Leftist Media Pin Up Boy Malcolm Turnbull (aka. Prince of Darkness POD.)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The first obligation of the Australian Government is to protect Australians from Muslim Terrorism.

Andrew Bolt: Our safety must be the priority, not Christian charity

Andrew Bolt
THerald Sun
September 10, 2015 

LET’S be honest — please — before this frenzy of “compassion” for Syrians makes Australians even less safe.

Already our Jewish schools need armed guards for fear of local jihadists. Already ASIO is investigating 400 terrorist threats.

Yet the Abbott Government said yesterday it would take in an extra 12,000 Syrian refugees.

Know two things about this response to the invasion of Europe by illegal immigrants from the Third World — now more than 4000 people every day and half of them claiming to be Syrians.

First, our intake will not stop this invasion. No, the word has spread to as far as Nigeria and Bangladesh that Europe’s fences are down. Iraqi airlines have even had to put on an extra three flights a day to 

Istanbul to deposit more Iraqis on the edge of Europe and its riches.

Look at the “refugees” you see crashing through Europe’s weak borders, or check the statistics of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Is it normal for 72 per cent of “refugees” from war to be men — and predominantly young, fit men you might expect to defend their country rather than flee it?

And consider: how many relatives will they later send for? So, no, Europe’s crisis will continue until it, too, turns back the boats.

But, second: in making this gesture, we risk making Australia even less safe.

Amazingly, even the people loudly demanding we take in more Syrian Muslims implicitly concede that danger. Sydney Islamic leader Ahmed Kilani warned that favouring Christian refugees over Muslim risked more terrorism here.

“The Government keeps saying it is worried about people being radicalised. What do you think young Muslims are going to think when they see who can come in and who can’t?”

Maher Mughrabi, foreign editor of The Age, said the ominous same.

“Arab communities of this country are already bitterly divided by this (Syrian) conflict and the Government’s response to it.

“If Muslims here feel that the blood of their brothers and sisters in Syria does not cry out as loudly as that of other communities, I worry about the long-term consequences.”

Is that a warning or a threat?

Or take Australia’s Anglican Primate, Archbishop Philip Freier. He wants 10,000 more Syrian refugees, but advises against bombing the Islamic State for fear that Muslims here could launch an “asymetrical response” — a terrorist attack. This is madness. Once such people assured us there were too few jihadists to worry about. Now they warn there are too many to offend.

Oh, and we should import potentially more.

True, Prime Minister Tony Abbott yesterday winked that he will take only Syrian refugees from “very persecuted minorities” — code for Christians. Yet even Abbott dared not say so openly. In fact, he flinched at the first hostile question at his press conference, saying he was also thinking of “Muslim minorities”.

But if the polls are right, Labor will next year form government and take over this immigration program and its foreign affairs spokeswoman, Tanya Plibersek, insists the “basis of our policy should not discriminate on religion or ethnicity or gender”.

Has Labor learned nothing from the Fraser government’s blunder in responding with “compassion” to Lebanon’s civil war in the 1970s?

Then, too, government ministers privately urged prime minister Malcolm Fraser to accept only Christian refugees, given how Lebanese Christians had thrived here. Fraser ignored them and nearly 20,000 Lebanese Muslims, many from poor and tribal areas, soon came instead.


The consequences are with us today. True, most made good citizens, but gun crime today is rife in Sydney suburbs with large Lebanese populations. Crime rates are high.

More seriously, of the 21 Australians jailed for terrorism offences, at least four were born in Lebanon and seven were born to Lebanese families.

History may already be repeating itself with our Afghan refugees.

Melbourne jihadist Numan Haider, who stabbed two police, was an Afghan refugee. Bikie gangs recruit heavily from Afghans.

Let’s not make the same mistakes all over again.

Australia’s political class has for years been too dishonest to admit that when you import people, you import their culture.

But our politicians must ask pragmatic questions when deciding which of the millions of the world’s refugees to help.

Who will make best use of our help by fitting in? And who will best repay our charity by enriching Australia, not hurting it? You can’t make such guesses without considering culture and religion — factors that 

influence the behaviour of the refugees’ future children, too.

I know, this makes a politician seem mean and “racist”, but what is their highest duty? To merely seem good, or to protect Australians from future harm?

Refugee Facts you should Know:

Here are nine facts few journalist will report.

THE people flooding into Germany are not “refugees”. Once they arrived in Greece — or Turkey before that — they were safe. Moving north to rich Germany is an economic decision.

MOST of the “refugees” are not fleeing death. United Nations’ figures suggest half are not Syrians. Real refugees do not leave their families back home, yet 72 per cent of these are men.

AYLAN Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian photographed lying dead on a Turkish beach, was not fleeing Syria. His father had lived for three years in Turkey, working on construction sites. His Canadian sister supported him and says her brother wanted to go to Europe fix his teeth.

GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is not showing great “compassion” by welcoming an expected 800,000 illegal immigrants this year. She simply knows German soldiers cannot turn away trains of unwanted people. (Remember the war!) But she claims this intake will be “one off” and demands other countries take some immigrants off her hands. Germany has already had hundreds of anti-immigrant protests, some violent. Soon it must get tough.

THIS is not a benign invasion. Hundreds of Afghans on Lesbos last weekend rioted when they couldn’t get to the mainland. More rioted earlier on Kos. More than 100 Syrian immigrants rioted three weeks ago at hostel in the German town of Suhl when an Afghan man ripped a Koran. Eleven migrants and four police were hurt.

WE ARE doing more than our “fair share”. Japan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel and the United Arab Emirates are among many countries refusing to take Syrian refugees. Poland, Slovakia and Hungary will accept only Christians.

THIS is not our responsibility. Australia didn’t bomb in Syria.

EUROPE is paying the price for its weakness — and that of the US. They refused to intervene when jihadist and other groups started to attack Syria’s Assad regime, triggering the refugee exodus. Now Europe won’t defend its borders.

EUROPE has struggled to assimilate large Muslim populations in France, Sweden, Germany and elsewhere. Illegal immigration of 4000 people a day — mainly Muslim and young — represents an existential threat.

What Moderate Muslim Leaders SAY they want to do:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Bolt Report 24814

Gillian Triggs V Scott Morrison 
Gillian Gets a New Arse Hole

"But not everything has gone to plan. Triggs's first marriage, to Melbourne senior counsel Prof Sandy Clark, ended in 1989. They had three children; James, who is 34 and working as a commercial lawyer in Paris, Alexandra, 32, who is an art/design teacher in Melbourne, and Victoria, who was born in 1984, profoundly disabled, with a rare chromosomal disorder known as Edwards Syndrome. "Victoria was as severely retarded as anyone who is still alive can be," Triggs says. "Her condition usually results in the death of the baby before or shortly after birth. In fact, the doctors kept saying, 'Just leave her in the corner and she'll die.' So, it sounds terrible, but I'd look at Victoria and think, 'Well, you're going to die, so I'm not going to invest too much in you.' But she didn't die. She had this inner rod of determination, and she simply refused to die."

At about six months of age, Triggs and Clark took Victoria home, and, with the help of the Uniting Church, found a family who took over her primary care. (Victoria died eight years ago, at the age of 21.) When I ask Triggs if this arrangement bothered her, she says: "Yes, because you have child and you expect to look after her. But in the end I simply made the judgement that I would rather put my time into my other children and family, because I also never believed she would live to that age."
                   And the above clearly defines just who IS this Englishwoman who her Progressive Left Cheer Squad demand be given the mantle of Australia's moral compass in all things pertaining to other peoples children Children

In depth: Muslim leaders who banned talks with Prime Minister Tony Abbott and those who signed up to discuss terrorist laws

Piers Akerman 
The Sunday Telegraph
August 24,2014

A motley group of some 60 self-proclaimed Muslim organisations or self-appointed leaders garnered publicity Wednesday with their snubbing of Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s offer to discuss proposed changes to terrorist laws.
The ABC and Fairfax lapped it up.

But anyone who took the time to see who organised the ban and who signed up to its idiocy would have realised that the signatories did themselves a serious disservice.

Among those on the list was Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia, which supports honour killings, the
Perth-based Aboriginal convert Mohammed Junaid Thorne who enjoys the support of extremist organisation Millatu Ibrahim, banned in Germany because of its ties to mass murder in Iraq, and the Sydney book shop al-Risalah, which has claimed its imam is terrorist Bilal Khazal who is serving a 12-year sentence for promoting violence against 

 Organiser of the ban was self-anointed community activist and Muslim convert Rebecca Kay, who re-Tweets propaganda from the Hamas terrorist organisation and is married to a brother of notorious drug boss Abdul Darwiche, who was gunned down outside a Bass Hill service station five years ago.

The usual medley of Muslim student organisations also signed on, along with an assortment of imams, who, according to Kay, believe the proposed changes target Muslims unjustly – though she admits that the language of the law is neutral.

She says that in practise these laws will target Muslims because of a “trumped up” threat from “radicalised” Muslims returning from Irag or Syria.

She claims there is no solid evidence to substantiate this threat – despite the Facebook postings of various Australian-born murderers who have joined the murderous Islamic State posing with weapons and severed heads in their selfie videos.

The home-grown risk is real, as the British have discovered to their cost 

She goes on to say that “racist caricatures of Muslims as backwards, prone to violence and inherently problematic are being exploited”, presumably a reference to psychiatrist Tanveer Ahmed’s prescient view that “there remains a marked difference in the way males are raised within some Lebanese groups which predisposes them to greater acts of anti-social behaviour” and his observation from studying Arab youths in prison that “there is a rampant anti-social character to some youths from this segment which stems in part from unsuccessful child rearing. The horrific moves towards terror acts can be seen as an ideological extension of a propensity towards bad behaviour, combined with an unshakable victim mentality.”

Kay and her followers haven’t come to terms with the hard evidence of beheadings of children as well as adults, crucifixions, and mass murder of fellow Muslims as well as the slaughter of apostates, Christians and other non-Muslims in areas where Australia’s terror tourists are at large.

The home-grown risk is real, as the British have discovered to their cost.

It’s now a dozen years since Omar Sheikh, a London-born private school and London School of Economics graduate, was in Pakistan after fighting in the Balkans and Kashmir. Ten years ago he was arrested and jailed for assisting in the kidnapping of three Britons and an American in India.

After being released in 1999 in exchange for the passengers and crew of the hijacked Air India flight IC-814, he was connected to the bombing of an American cultural centre in Calcutta in January 2002 and that same month organised the kidnapping and beheading of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

In 2003, two British Muslims Asif Hanif and Omar Khan Sharif carried out a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv on behalf of Hamas, which Ms Kay gives succour to via her Twitter account.

Four British Islamist terrorists killed 52 civilians on July 7, 2005 in the first suicide bombings to take place in Britain. The former head of the Islamic Society at University College London, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, attempted to explode his “underwear” bomb on a plane as it landed in Detroit on Christmas Day, 2009. He was a follower of Anwar al-Awlaki, who was later killed in an American drone attack in Yemen three years ago.

Ms Kay’s claims are unsupportable. There is no reason why Australia is under any lesser threat from home-grown terrorists than Britain, the US, Belgium, the Netherlands or France – or Indonesia.

In an important interview with The Australian, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono condemned violent Islamist extremism, labelling the actions of the Islamic State terror group as “embarrassing” and “humiliating” to the religion.

His government has banned the ISIS (now known as the Islamic State), which is supported by some of the signatories to Ms Kay’s statement, and called for respect for all religions – which some of Ms Kay’s supporters reject.

Acknowledging the reality that Ms Kay rubbishes, President Yudhoyono said a number of Indonesians have joined IS to fight in Syria and Iraq.

“Our citizens here in Indonesia are picking up recruitment messages from ISIS containing extremist ideas,” he said.

“The philosophy of ISIS stands against the fundamental values we embrace in Indonesia. Last Friday, in my state of the union address to the nation, I called on all Indonesians to reject ISIS and to stop the spread of its radical ideology.

“My government and security agencies have taken decisive steps to curtail the spread of ISIS in Indonesia, including by prohibiting Indonesians to join ISIS or to fight for ISIS, and also by blocking internet sites that promote this idea.”

Yet Ms Kay and her group are opposed to less radical actions proposed by the Abbott government.

It would appear that in Indonesia, which has the largest Islamic population of any nation, community leaders are helping the government communicate to their members the dangers of ISIS.

Which demonstrates just how isolated Muslims like Ms Kay and her radical supporters are from the rational world in their blind refusal to engage on the obvious problems of the radicalisation of young members of the Australian Muslim community.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Australian PM Tony Abbott declares WAR against Female Genital Mutilation and Paedophile Marriage

Tony Abbott launching plan to stop domestic violence, forced marriages and female genital mutilation

Lauren Wilson 
Social Affairs Writer 
Daily Telegraph
June 27,2014

AUTHORITIES will crack down on forced marriages, female genital mutilation and the abuse of migrant spouses under a new national plan to stop violence against women.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott will today launch the $100 million Second Action Plan to stop domestic violence, which will also see state and territory governments commit to work on implementing a national scheme for domestic violence orders.

The scheme means perpetrators of domestic abuse would no longer be able to flee across state borders to escape court sanctions, and women who move interstate would still be protected from violent partners.

The plan is the second phase of a 12-year strategy to curb violence against women and their children.

Currently one in three Australian women experience physical violence, and domestic abuse will cost the national economy more than $15.5 billion a year by 2021 unless stronger action is taken.

“As a husband, a father and as a brother, I believe it is the responsibility for all of us to stand against domestic and family violence,” Mr Abbott told News Corp.

“The Second Action Plan is about improving what we already do in terms of prevention, action and support. It contains practical actions that are critical to improve women’s safety.”

The plan will specifically target abuse perpetrated against women with a disability, women from culturally diverse backgrounds, and Indigenous women who are 31 times more likely to be hospitalised due to family violence related assaults.

ROSIE BATTY: And Australia’s domestic violence shame

INQUIRY HEARS: Mothers fake domestic violence to keep kids


Assistant Minister for Women Michaelia Cash said migrant women are often not aware of their rights in Australia, particularly in relation to forced or underage marriage and female genital mutilation.

Sydney Australia 2014 : Arrested for alleged female genital mutilation of an infant.

“This is where the Second Action Plan steps in,” Senator Cash said.

“Forced and underage marriages are not tolerated in Australia, the same applies to the abhorrent practice of Female Genital Mutilation” she said.

Pious Islamic Paedophiles "It is the young flesh they want"

“Australians were shocked earlier this year with the news that right in our backyard, a 12 year old girl was allegedly married off to a 26 year old man.”

Labor Green Loon's VOTE People :Sydney's Occupied Territories "..........hundreds of children as young as 11 were being sent overseas to be married after being “shopped” on Facebook."

The plan will mean foreign-born spouses who come to Australia on marriage visas will receive additional support. Their husbands or fiancés will have to provide authorities with additional information, and new material will be developed to inform these women about essential services and emergency contacts in Australia.

When too much Diversity and Cultural Enrichment is barely enough!!! NSW Sex Crimes Squad attached to Strike Force Longfield arrest Solicitor over female genital mutilation case

“We must be aware that sadly, some women coming to our country are not afforded the same rights at home and we must as a Government ensure they are equipped with the knowledge they need to prevent being subjected to violence and abuse,” Senator Cash said.

The long-awaited plan will also commit states and territories to work with the Commonwealth to streamline information sharing and establish national standards for perpetrator intervention.

It says it is “highly desirable” that state-based domestic violence orders be nationalised.

Northern Territory Minister Bess Price, who will attend today’s launch, said she is pleased the Second Action Plan has specific initiatives to deal with violence against Indigenous women.

“I have been a victim as well, and I know how it is, and I want to make sure the future is better for women and their families and that help is provided so women can feel safe.”

Friday, June 20, 2014

Terror Australis : Abbott Government goes into Muslim Terrorist Lockdown to prevent Labor Green Loons VOTE People from re entering Australia.....and the Sydney September 2012 Insurgency up rising

Australia goes into terror lockdown: Spy agencies and customs will lock down borders to ­potential jihadists

Exclusive Simon Benson
National Political Editor 
The Daily Telegraph
June 20 ,2014

AN unprecedented security intelligence-sharing arrangement between spy agencies and customs will lock down Australia’s borders to ­potential jihadists either trying to return to Australia or leave our shores to join Syrian and Iraqi terror groups.



The Daily Telegraph understands customs officials will be given higher-level intelligence briefs in the wake of the failure that enabled convicted Sydney terrorist Khaled Sharrouf to slip out of the country last year using his brother’s passport.

The Daily Telegraph yesterday revealed Sharrouf, a convicted terrorist from south-western Sydney, is in Iraq with the militant group ISIL, which is trying to overthrow the Iraqi government.

Yesterday Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the border protection agencies were on high alert for up to 150 Australians believed to be fighting in either Syria or Iraq seeking to return to Australia and for associates trying to leave Australia to join them.

More than 50 passports had been cancelled, the Daily Telegraph revealed yesterday.

But a draft report of the Cousins’ review is believed to have uncovered a 9/11 “silo mentality” scenario in ­Australia — a reference to US intelligence failures uncovered after 9/11 — where vital intelligence which could have stopped Sharrouf at the gate was not shared.

Senior government sources revealed new intelligence-sharing arrangements were being rolled out to ­ensure customs officers at airport gates had greater ­access to data that could help them identify ­people on watch lists.

Mr Morrison said the Sharrouf incident had been “an early wake-up call” that had exposed weaknesses in the chain, which were now being addressed.

He said the government was also “rebuilding capacity” into the system after budget cuts to customs under the ­previous government of ­almost $700 million.

Rioter Ahmed Elomar Jailed for Police Assault

Amy Dale Chief Court Reporter

HYDE Park rioter Ahmed Elomar will spend at least two and a half years in jail for brutally bashing a police officer. The former champion boxer hit 
the officer with a pole during a confrontation on September 15, 2012, in Sydney’s angry Islamic march as part of a global protest against the anti-Islamic YouTube clip The Innocence of Muslims.

Judge Donna Woodburne yesterday said Elomar, the last of seven rioters to have their case finalised in court, had “agitated the crowd” as part of a group of “aggressive men”.

She fixed a total sentence of four years and eight months, and said only a full-time custodial sentence would match the crime.

The man, whose own mother described him as “not very intelligent”, became “overcome with the occasion” of the protests, the court heard.

Elomar’s barrister Greg James QC told the Sydney District Court during a ­hearing earlier this week that his client, a former champion boxer who competed in more than 20 professional bouts, was suffering an “impaired intellectual state”.

But Judge Woodburne said Elomar’s “cognitive ­impairment” had not ­“deprived him of the ability to appreciate it was wrong to bash a police officer in the head, as he did”.

Elomar smiled at the judge as the sentence hearing, which lasted almost two hours, finished.

The court heard the ­31- year-old married man “deliberately and forcefully hit a man who had done nothing more than get up that day and put his uniform on.”

Pious Muslim Ahmed Elomar ( left, wearing Black T Shirt and Cammo's) waving the Pirate Flag of Islam

Senior-Constable Jason Blanchard was struck with a pole and left bleeding from the head, with the court told the balaclava-clad Elomar “disappeared” into the almost 400-strong crowd after ­hitting the officer.

“(The officer) had no ­opportunity to see it coming,” Judge Woodburne said, ­adding police work is often “difficult, challenging and dangerous.

During the protest, ­Elomar carried a sign which read: “Our dead are in paradise, your dead are in hell.”

The charge of recklessly wounding a police officer and causing actual bodily harm, carries a maximum sentence of 14 years but Elomar ­received a 15 per cent ­discount for pleading guilty.

Judge Woodburne said the non-parole period would begin from September 2013, a year after the riots, meaning Elomar is eligible for release in March 2016.

His sentencing brings to an end more than 18 months of court hearings involving people charged over the riots.

Last year, protester ­Mohammed Issaka angered the court when he refused to stand for a magistrate. He later apologised.


An urgent review initiated by Immigration Minister Scott Morrison and Attorney-General George Brandis ­following the border blunder, known as the Cousins’ review, is believed to have found holes in the security net from the airport barrier all the way up to ASIO.


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Australian PM Tony Abbott and why he is hated by the "Progressives"

Australia’s carbon tax has gone for good

Terry McCrann
Herald Sun
June 14 2014

TONY Abbott promised to stop the boats. They’ve been stopped.

Tony Abbott promised to abolish Julia Gillard and Christine Milne’s dishonest, punishing and utterly pointless carbon tax. When the Senate changes in two weeks, that now looks certain after Clive Palmer on Friday finally committed his four senators to abolition.

That leaves only fixing Labor’s debt and deficit budget mess to go, of the three big promises that the prime minister made in opposition.

That’s going to be harder to achieve and was always going to take longer. Obviously, it could never have been done in a single budget, even with an opposition prepared to behave responsibly; holding the government to account but also letting it govern.

We might not now get all the way back to a balanced budget in three or four years time — ultimately that outcome is hostage anyway to what happens in the US and China.

But whether or not the government gets some or all of its measures through a ‘recalcitrant’ Senate, the deficit and the debt WILL be smaller than would have been the case with a continuing Labor government.

It is also the case that the Budget promise was the least important of the three, for saving Australia from the disastrous course it was on under the Rudd, Gillard and Rudd governments.

The other two went to the fundamentals of our national sovereignty. Border protection, or in the famous words of John Howard — deciding who comes to our country — is the most basic issue of sovereignty. That’s true, whether we are talking of Japanese heading towards us in 1942, or ‘subcontracting’ our immigration policy to people smugglers in 2008-2013 as Rudd and Gillard did.

But the carbon tax was equally destructive of sovereignty. We had a government imposing a massive cost on both consumers and business, deliberately if mindlessly undermining the national economy.

At its most basic it was a government prepared to hand control of the future price of our carbon (dioxide) emissions — and so, of the price of our electricity and our key exports — over to European bureaucrats in Brussels.

Abolition of the carbon tax will deliver real cash savings to all Australians. The savings per year will go close to cancelling out ALL the cost increases imposed in the budget — if indeed they are actually imposed.

Arguably more importantly, abolition will take a great dead weight off business. It will also have huge political implications.

First off, it will demonstrate the benefit of wresting control of the Senate away from the destructive and dangerous control of the Labor-Green left combination.

Yes, we have ended up with all sorts of odds and sods holding the balance of power. They range from the rational and reasonable group of Nick Xenophon, Bob Day, David Leyonhjelm and John Madigan, to the ‘Palmer trio plus Ricky.’

But for all their oddities and particular agendas, they are NOT Christine Milne and Penny Wong.

The Prime Minister’s North American trip completely shredded the desperate lie that axing the tax would leave Australia isolated.

Despite the frenzied and quite hysterical ‘projections’ of the Fairfax press and the ABC, it did NOT put Abbott off-side with US President Barack Obama.

Indeed Obama specifically noted that Abbott had a mandate to abolish the tax — putting if anyone ‘off-side’ with him, the said Shorten, who refuses to accept Abbott’s mandate.

Abolition of the carbon tax will rule out any prospect of a double dissolution election. That means this Government will run its full term.

Yes, it might not be able to get some or even most of its Budget measures through the Senate, but they are all secondary. The really important thing is that we do NOT have a PM Rudd or Gillard — or indeed, Shorten — proposing NEW spending initiatives.

One absolutely important thing that has not been well understood — and why avoiding a DD election was so vital — is that the way the Senate vote works, this non-Labor-Green control of the Senate will last through the next parliament as well.

But it also importantly means that a returned Labor government would almost certainly not have a Labor-Green Senate majority.

Specifically, it would not be able to bring back the carbon tax. And by 2019 — the time of the next election — the whole global warming craziness will likely have imploded on its own unsustainability.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott meets US President Barack Obama in Washington DC this week.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Bolt Report March 30 2014

The Bolt Report,Australia's ONLY Conservative Political and Social Commentary Television Show.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Labor Green Loon's outraged as Abbott Government continues to repel Muslim Insurgents back to Indonesia.

First close-up look at a lifeboat the Abbott Government is using to stop asylum seeker boats

Paul Toohey
Daily Telegraph
February 1,2014

First look at air-conditioned, powered 90-seat lifeboats used to send asylum-seekers home
'Unsinkable' fully enclosed pods contain food, water and navigational equipment
Arrival of first boat in Java has sent shock waves throughout the people-smuggler and asylum networks

THIS is what awaits asylum-seekers trying to get to Australia on dodgy wooden smuggling boats - the gift of an air-conditioned, 90-seat lifeboat, and an armed escort back to Indonesia.

This is the first close-up look at one of the 11 lifeboats that the Abbott Government has sourced out of Singapore in its uncompromising fight to stop the boats - a fight that it appears to be winning.

The fully enclosed and submersible 8.5m x 3.2m survival capsule, fitted with safety belts, navigational equipment, life jackets, food, water and an inboard diesel motor, came ashore in remote Cikepuh, in West Java, on the afternoon of January 15.

Naval officer Edi Sukendi, based in Ujung Genteng, the closest point between Indonesia and Australia, got word from a forest ranger that an unusual vessel had crash-landed and disgorged an estimated 60 asylum-seekers, who immediately scattered into the jungle.

Sukendi, a naval operational with no boat of his own, asked a local fishermen to take him up the coast to Cikepuh to investigate. They found the orange capsule jammed on a coral reef within wading distance of shore and approached it cautiously.

"When we first saw it, we were very surprised," Sukendi said. "We were worried it might have explosives." He said they found discarded food and water bottles with Malaysian markings, and first assumed it had come from there.

Twenty men heaved the boat to the beach. It was not leaking but they were unable to start it because the keys were missing.

The boat was towed to the port of Pelabuhan Ratu and has been impounded by the navy.

Prime Minister Abbott's turn-back policy - along with the phone-tapping scandal - has caused intense heat at the highest diplomatic levels between Indonesia and Australia.

But there is no question the policy has sent a shock through smuggler and asylum networks, already reeling from Kevin Rudd's declaration of July last year that no one who arrived by boat would ever settle in Australia.

Cisarua, in central West Java, once the biggest catchment for Australia-bound asylum-seekers, is a shadow of what it was only seven months ago, when thousands of asylum-seekers were highly visible on the city's streets.

Ali Abbas Josh, 35, an Afghan asylum-seeker who came back to Cisarua last year for a second attempt after failing to make it to Australia by boat under John Howard, said people had lost hope.

"We agree the way to Australia has been closed," he said. "We accept that you have closed the way, that you won't take us if we come by boat."

Mr Josh said those remaining in Cisarua were the most desperate stragglers, who could not afford to pay smugglers. He said they had been abandoned by the UNHCR and the International Organisation for Migration.


From June 2012 to June 2013, there was a huge surge in the boats, when 25,793 people made it to Australia under the former government. Most of those were Sri Lankan and Iranians, who during that period came in an unprecedented rush.

Now, it is estimated there are only 20 Iranian families left in the area. Most have gone home or are scattered in detention centres across Indonesia, awaiting formal resettlement.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison's office said in March last year, 68 per cent of people registered with the UNHCR in Indonesia were failing to do follow up interviews and were instead "opting to attempt to enter Australia illegally by boat. By December last year, that rate had dropped to nine per cent."


An Iranian husband and wife in Cisarua said they received a visit from three filthy and distraught Iranian asylum-seekers who knocked on their door on January 17, two days after the lifeboat came ashore.

They told the husband and wife they had made it close to Christmas Island in when they sighted an Australian Border protection Command vessel. At that point, they began scuttling the boat.

The Australians tried to pump the wooden boat but it was too damaged. They were then taken aboard the vessel where, according to this account, they spent 10 days cruising within sight of Christmas Island.

It was said there were adults, children and teenagers aboard.

They were fed and photographed. On the tenth day, they were ordered into the lifeboat. Some, according to the husband and wife, refused to enter the capsule and were physically shoved inside. They were given documents stating they were not permitted to enter Australian waters.

The Indonesian crew piloted the lifeboat, shadowed by a Border Protection Command vessel, until they arrived close to Indonesian territory.


The Indonesian crew chose a sparsely inhabited jungle reserve, one of the most remote areas on the southern coast, to land the vessel.

The asylum-seekers - said to be mostly Iranian and Sri Lankan - told the husband and wife the Indonesians jumped out close to shore and handed the controls to an Iranian, who ran the boat into a coral reef.

They waded ashore wearing life jackets and spent two days wandering terrified in the jungle before a sheepherder directed them towards a road, where they grabbed minibuses and motorbikes to take them back to Cisarua.

Three people died while crossing a river in the jungle.

The boats have slowed dramatically but members of this particular group will not take no for an answer - the Iranian couple said their phones were now switched off and they were trying once again to get to Australia.

The lifeboat - believed to be the second so far sent to Indonesia - is understood to be one of 11 bought by the government for around $500,000. The Customs vessel Ocean Protector was expected to arrive off Christmas Island on Thursday with eight of the 11 lifeboats for boat people "turn around duty".

Australia is also being assisted indirectly by Indonesia, who despite the current political difficulties is staging its own crackdown.

TurningBack the Boat

An Indonesian intelligence source said agents were flooding known smuggling hot spots looking to break the industry from the inside by exposing military and police known to assist smugglers moving people to the coast and onto the boats.

"The belief is that many individuals in the military and police are involved," said the intelligence officer. "They are getting much more attention now. They are putting kuching (meaning cats, or spies) everywhere. If there is good control, the problem with Australia will stop."

News Corp heard a disturbing report from an Iranian asylum-seeker, who took the boat that sunk off Java on July 23, that his group had been escorted to the coast in 11 mini-vans by 15 plainclothes men carrying automatic rifles and pistols.

The asylum-seeker said the presence of the armed escorts - whom he believed were off-duty police or military - was unprecedented in the experience of most asylum-seekers, but showed how serious the smugglers had become as the way to Australia became harder.

Former air chief marshall, Chappy Hakim, who headed the Indonesian air force and has had decades-long ties with the Australian military, said Australia ought to work with Indonesia on the turn-back policy.

"Pushing back the boats is a small issue," he said. "But if your government is tackling issues alone, not negotiating first, then we have a problem."

It is not known what will become of returned lifeboats, but Corporal Sukendi said he'd gladly take the boat and use it to conduct patrols on his coast.

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