An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sydney Sharks , double in number and are much bigger.

Sydney 2009 : Sharks double the number
and bigger than ever!!!!

Religion of Peace: Copenhagen pro-jihad demo and Jew Hate festival

"Heil Hitler" and "We must just kill all those Jews, man!" -- at Copenhagen pro-jihad demo

Henrik Raeder Clausen Via Jihad Watch Video of Jew-hating demonstration in Copenhagen last Saturday, along with this translation of some of the notable remarks made there:

Alla-hu Akbar, Alla-hu Akbar
Hitler! Heil Hitler! Hitler! Hitler! Hitler! …
We must just kill all those Jews, man! Then we'd be rid of them, man!
All Jews, man, they will never be loved, never loved.
We are prepared for everything! Prepared for everything! It is you [shouting].
[Interrupting] Give us some Jews!
Now listen up. Now you go home, treading [??] where you want. If you meet some Jews.
[Interrupting] We fuck them, man!
Tell them how many they've killed.
Tell them how all Arabs from Copenhagen, how all Arabs from [??], how all Arabs from Hitler, how their punishment will be, for the blood of the Palestinians.
[Assorted shouting, including:] Fucking Jews, man!
Death to Israel.
Kill the Jews.
Allah-hu Akbar
Israel under my foot, Palestine in my blood!
Muhammad Rasul Allah! [Muhammad prophet of Allah!]
Down, down Israel! Down, down Israel!
Down, down USA! Down, down USA!
Viva, viva Palestine! Viva, viva Palestine!
[The banner reads:] Is this defense?
Viva, viva Palestine! Viva, viva Palestine!
Give us some Jews! Give us some Jews! [Explosion heard]
Israel under my foot, Palestine in my blood! Israel under my foot, Palestine in my blood!
[Arabic – probably a Khaybar reference]

Turkey : Antisemitism Gets Out of Control

Turkey: Antisemitism Gets Out of Control

This has been sent to me by a very reliable friend who has agreed to distribution as long as his name is not used. You are invited to post or send to your list. It is not unthinkable that the future of the Turkish Jewish community is in doubt.—Barry Rubin

The Prime Minister in Turkey has encouraged hatred against Israel in his speeches which has become obvious anti-Semitic propaganda among the general public.

There are people around the clock besieging the Israeli consulate in Istanbul shouting their hatred against Israel and Jewish people. All around Istanbul billboards are full of propaganda posters against Israel like; “Moses, even this is not written in your book” and “Israel Stop this Crime.” On the streets the people are writing such graffiti as: “Kill Jews,” “Kill Israel,” “Israel should no longer exist in the Middle East,” and “Stop Israeli Massacre.”

The week-end before, some people wrote, “We will kill you” on the door of one of the biggest synagogues in Izmir resulted in the closing down of synagogues. Near Istanbul University, a group put a huge poster on the door of a shop owned by a Jew: “Do not buy from here, since this shop is owned by a Jew.” A group put posters on his wall saying that: “Jews and Armenians are not allowed but dogs are allowed.” Some young people are even threatening others with violence if they are seen as pro-Israel in social networking websites such as Facebook and Hi5.

The document attached is the official statement by the minister of education stating that tomorrow [January 14] at 11am in all the high schools and primary schools the students will pay homage to the women and children dead during the war and furthermore, the teachers of art will organize the session of painting and writing on the subject: “Humanity Drama in Palestine” and the winners will receive awards.

The Jewish community can do nothing in response to what has been going on for the last few weeks, except giving vague statements that the Turkish Jewish Community does not want the war to be continued any more.

We have previously faced some strong reaction regarding previous operations in Gaza and the West Bank but this time is really different from former ones. I feel open anti-Semitism and hatred from all these people. Nobody understood, Even some widely read columnists in Turkey are writing things that lead all these groups toward this hatred becoming much more dangerous day by day.

But I know one thing: that the world should know about the widespread and openly anti-Semitic propaganda which far exceeds anything happening in Europe.

Professor Barry Rubin

Director, Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center
Editor, Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal
Watch on the Middle East
Editor Turkish Studies,

Turkish Family jailed for "honour killing"

Pregnant as a result of rape, she was killed by her family

January 13, 2009

A Turkish court sentenced five members of the same family to life imprisonment for the "honour killing" of Naile Erdas, 16, who got pregnant as a result of rape, activists said Monday.

In its verdict, a court in the eastern city of Van sentenced the murder victim's brother to life in jail for the 2006 murder to cleanse the family honour, the Van Women's Association said.

The girl's father, mother and two uncles were also given life sentences for instigating the murder, while a third uncle was jailed for 16 years and eight months for failing to report the murder in one of the heaviest sentences handed down in Turkey for such a killing.

"We can say this verdict is a first in terms of the harshness of the sentences and the fact that the entire family was convicted,"
Mazlum Bagli, a researcher into honour killings at the Dicle University, said.

Zelal Ozgokce of the Van Women's Association also welcomed the sentence as an appropriate deterrent.

"It is very good that the entire family was punished for the crime," she said. "It will serve as a deterrent. People will become aware that they will face the consequences of an honour killing."

Erdas became pregnant as a result of a rape but concealed her condition until she was hospitalised for a severe headache, when doctors determined she was pregnant.

When the family made threats and offered bribes to get the girl back, doctors decided to keep her in the hospital and informed police and the prosecutor's office.

One week after Erdas gave birth, the prosecutor agreed to send her home after the girl's father promised she would not be harmed.

But she was shot dead by her brother a few hours after returning home.

In "honour killings", generally prevalent among Turkey's Kurdish community, a so-called family council names a member to murder a female relative considered to have sullied the family honour. In most cases this is because of an extra-marital affair.

But there have been cases where those killed have been rape victims or women who simply talked to strange men or requested a song on the radio.

In recent years, the government and civic groups have stepped up efforts to stamp out honour killings, but the practice still has considerable public support in the mainly Kurdish southeast.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Australia targeted by Islamic people smugglers

Australia's No2 with people-smugglers

Paige Taylor
The Australian
January 10, 2009

PAKISTANI people-smugglers recommend Australia as the second-best destination for seeking asylum after Canada, according to one of the 134 Asian and Middle Eastern asylum-seekers intercepted off the Australian coast since October.

Sadiq Bahram, an ethnic Hazara from Afghanistan who has reached Australian waters twice from Indonesia since 1999, said known in Pakistan were former police officers who charged $US15,000 ($21,000) for passage to Canada, $US10,000 to Australia and $US9000 to Europe.

In the first interview with any member of the seven boatloads of asylum-seekers now living or being detained on Christmas Island, Mr Bahram said: "They tell me Canada is the best, second is Australia and third is Europe but I tell them I want Australia, I love Australia and its people (is) the best paradise in the world because it is peaceful and beautiful."

Well Mr Bahram,until people (like yourself)started invading the country from Middle Eastern Islamic cess pools,under the protection and facilitation of the Australian Labor Party and its fundraising arm the The Australian Council of Trade Unions, Australia was all you say you think it is, however you have missed the boat if you think you will find in Australia now what you speak of.

Mr Bahram and his 13-year-old daughter, Arzoo, were intercepted at Ashmore Reef with 12 others on a small boat - the second detected in Australian waters since the Rudd Government was elected in November 2007.

They were brought to Christmas Island on October 10.

Everyone aboard, except the crew, and everyone aboard the first boat to arrive last year have had their hopes boosted by the Rudd Government's decision last month to permit all 26 to apply for protection visas.

Mr Bahram said he had paid a Pakistani people-smuggler $12,000. He received a special discount on his daughter's fare after giving the smuggler all his savings.

He said they were issued with false passports and flew unaccompanied from Islamabad to Singapore. He said they then joined others in a 12-day boat trip from Malaysia to Kupang, in West Timor, where they got into another smaller boat for the trip to Australia.

The trip was scary, he said, because the boat was in terrible condition and Arzoo could not swim.

None of the three Indonesian crew, including a teenage boy, seemed to know where they were.

"I asked him, 'Are we in Australia?' and the captain said, 'Yes'. But when I asked him later, 'Are we in Indonesia?' he said 'Yes'," Mr Bahram said. "We were lost."

Mr Bahram first sought asylum here in 1999. He was working as a camera operator for the Wahdat party in Afghanistan and coming under increasing pressure for his involvement in a social and cultural group called Machid Art, in which he met friends on Friday nights to write plays, film dramas and play music.

Mr Bahram tells a harrowing story of being pursued by mullahs over a film he made with Machid about the plight of Hazaras in Afghanistan, Broken Night, and a drama he helped write urging better leadership in Afghanistan entitled Gamshuda.

Local young men were warned by mujaheddin not to associate with them, and soon a leaflet was being distributed describing their activities as "not Muslim", Mr Bahram said.

Mr Bahram,those same thinking people are NOW living in Australia,we cannot be critical of them because to do so is Islamophobic and rascist,if you are not of the same mind set as these people and the Australian Labor Party's created Multicultural Industry, you, along with the overwhelming majority of Anglo Saxon Australians, will be scorned by Australia's Islamic and Socialist elites who will remind you that "Islam is a Religion of Peace" and Australian's and people like yourself are simply rascists and Islamophobic.

"It said this group is not Muslim because they are watching a movie, making a movie, showing a movie," he said.

He fled to Pakistan after receiving threatening letters from a local leader, who was in the Taliban.

There, he paid a Pakistani people-smuggler $6000 for a journey to Australia that included two days locked in a basement in Bali.

He spent a year at Woomera, which he said he prefers not to speak about, and was living on a temporary protection visa when he learned that his friend from Machid Art, Qais, had been murdered.

He said the death of his brother and sister in a bomb blast from US troops put him under pressure to return, and he accepted $1800 from the International Organisation for Migration to help get home. "I thought things might be different with the new leaders but it was not," Mr Bahram said.

He knew he would be killed when he saw a "night notice" on a mosque wall referring to him and his former activities. "It said I had insulted the imam and would be sent to hell," he said.

Sorry Mr Bahram, you have just jumped out of the frying pan into the fire, the same views and threats against infidels are spoken here daily and sometimes all too often "Aussie Sluts" "Aussie Pigs" "Skips" are gang raped stabbed bashed forced to leave schools and indeed change employment.
You see Mr Bahram your fellow coreligionists have done to Australia what you did to Afghanistan and every where else the followers of Islam have invaded or colonized by stealth under the protection of Multiculturalism.

*Please NOTE the BLUE text within the above article are ANV'S comments they are not part of the original article*

Thousands rally for Israel world wide

Support for Israel grows world wide

Thousands world wide rally for Israel

Towards the end of this video you will see the "usual suspects" aka "Pious Peace Loving Muslims" and their supporters, engaged in their usual rants and acts of urban terrorism, their behavior is in stark contrast to the behavior of the Jews and their supporters, a classic case of Garbage IN Garbage OUT, clearly exposure to the "Holy Koran" does have some rather un Godly consequences, unbridled blood lusting savagery been just one.

Former British PM Tony Blair was reported as saying the other day, that he reads the Koran daily and can understand how Islam became such a civilizing influence on the world,based on the behavior,writings and verbalised threats to mankind by Islams finest, almost 24/7 clearly the definition of civilizing has changed, to this day surely it cannot be argued that the Islamic nations are leaders in the subjugation of men and women and the greatest oppressors of mankind leaving Communist / Socialist nations green with envy.

I believe that Mr Blair is now some sort of Middle Eastern liaison officer, (Islam apologist ?) perhaps that's why he is reading the Koran in an effort to get some street cred with Islamic Mobsters he has deal with

Australia:Another Shark Attack

Another Shark Attack

Muslim child abuse caught on camera

In any other culture or "Religious" organization what you are about to view, would, rightly be called Child Abuse and condemned by all,including those self appointed arse clowns down at the United Nations.
However they and the rest of the International Socialist movement are silent when this Child Abuse is perpetrated by their long standing Allys and soul mates in Islam, in this example of Islamic mental and physical child abuse,the leftist chic Islamic Terrorist's of choice,Hamas show the world what been a "good peace loving Muslim" is all about,after all as we are all constantly reminded,under threat of death,Islam is a
"Religion of Peace" and what better way to produce "Peace Loving" Muslims than to inculcate the following values and beliefs in the minds of Islamic children.

Muslims Repent ,Definition of a good Muslim

Fat, bearded, smelly, hysterical, estrogen charged, misogynist short dick persons with beards,sniffing each others Arse Holes five times a day,to the call of a half dead swine in labour.

Muslims (Satanist/Moon God Followers)seen here worshipping outside a Christian Church in Milan,finally they have seen the evil of their paganistic ways and have crawled to the car park of their local Christian Church in Milan, to, I assume, beg God for forgivness for their life time of sin and blasphemy,It's never too late.

Teacher has sex with student 300 times under Husbands nose

Teacher 'had sex with 13-year-old boy 300 times'
January 12, 2009 12:00am

A MARRIED teacher has been charged with seven counts of statutory rape after allegedly having sex with a 13-year-old schoolboy more than 300 times - including right under her husband's nose.

Police say Christine McCallum, 29, lived a disturbed double life for almost two years.

The Boston teacher is accused of having serial liaisons with the boy in Rockland and Abington from February 2006, when she allegedly took his virginity, to November 2007.

The lad told police they had sex for the first time on a couch at McCallum's home while her husband slept upstairs.

They also had unprotected sex in the shower, on the kitchen floor and on the living room floor, court documents say.

The Boston Herald reports that McCallum denies all the allegations, saying she took the boy and his brother in.

"She tried to mother the child because she felt sorry for them," her lawyer Frederick McDermott said.

Prosecutors claim McCallum weaved her way into the boy’s life in late 2005 when she became a tutor for his younger brother.

But within months she was allegedly giving them vodka and rum - and sleeping with him in her house.

Police said McCallum ended the relationship in a fit of jealousy when she discovered the boy was using a mobile phone she bought him to text other girls.

The alleged affair was uncovered last week when a friend of the boy told his mother.

I want to know how big is the Husbands nose?
I mean the average Aussie Guy could possibly go for 450 or 500 times over a month or so in the back seat of the car, however 300 times under the husbands nose is stretching it a bit,
surely its a case of case dismissed?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Australia :SHAAARRRRKS !!!!!!! and more SHAAARRRRKS !!!!!!! How many do ya want ? cause we have all ya need Down Under!!! and they are ready to EAT ya

Come on Down!!!! RAG HEADS the reception committee is a ready and a waiting!!!!!
Two More Shark attacks in Australia

Fries with that Sir?

Tasmanian shark attack 'like a scene from Jaws'


A surfer has told of his horror as he watched a five-metre white pointer shark repeatedly attack a teenage girl this afternoon on Tasmania's east coast.

The 13-year-old girl was surfing at Baileys Rocks at Binalong Bay when the attack happened.

Ian Hollingsworth was surfing 20 to 40 metres away and saw the attack, and the efforts of the girl's male cousin to protect her.

"It was basically a scene out of 'Jaws'," he said.

"The shark went around and I saw it actually come out of the water and hit her.

"It then went around, I believe I saw her going backwards, and she was screaming.

"The guy was just fighting to save her. All the time the shark was circling."

The girl has injuries to her lower right leg, but they are not believed to be life-threatening.

She has been flown to Hobart for treatment.

It's true there are more fricking Great Whites and Tiger Sharks now on the Australian East Coast than there were on the first day of creation!!!
I have seen these Bastards of things from my earliest of days (6-12 years of age, roughly ten or so years ago) of surfing on Sydney's Northern Beaches and in Queensland.
The earth worshipers / Enviro Nazi's decreed that no SHARK should be killed, some ten years ago in the state of New South Wales, It's like saying that Lions in Africa need to be protected from Gazelle because there are some occasions when a Gazelle can manage to escape from the jaws of a Lion / Great White or Tiger Shark, or closer to home in Sydney Harbour Bull Sharks, as per the incident just prior to the Sydney 2000 Olympics where Olympic gravy train hangers on witnessed from a trendy shore line restaurant, a man knocked from his surf ski by a Bull Shark, clinging to a channel marker for dear life as his attacker circled waiting for his grip to fail.
As a result of these Loon Nut Job Green / Enviro Nazi's any Australian living within 5 miles of the coast is constantly checking their Toilet Bowls for Great Whites and Tiger Sharks before they comfortably allow their arse to "rest in peace" before opening their favourite edition of Penthouse or Cosmo on the toilet seat to do the job at hand.

I have personally had to engage at least 101 times, in a life or death battle with what PETA has now demanded be classified as "sea kittens" simply to be able to do, in a civilized and hygienic manner what nature intended, that is to say a # 2, Thank God I am still "intact" or as a Vet would describe me as "entire", however it is only due to my never ending diligence.

Rag Heads the world over Come on Down!!!!!!!!!!!! and swim in our Oceans (fully clothed of course) and meet Australia's Islamic, Politically Correct, Multicultural, non Judgemental, Sea Kittens.
I have so much more to say here however I gotta go as in "I gotta go!!!" and I cant remember where I left my spear gun, Oh jeeeze that's right, that, French prick Jacques Cousteau borrowed it,It could be any where, so where is my cricket bat? steak knife? Kangaroo Paw bottle opener?..... geeeee I need to go quick, maybe I can engage the sea kitten in some "non violent conflict resolution" tactics ? here goes .........
We have fricking Sharks falling out our Arse here we are not considered well dressed without a fricking Great White snapping at our heels on our way to to the super market.
Feeling sorry for KILLER Sharks don"t have enough on YOUR Beach? How many dozen ya want?

Thankfully,most Australians have our very own Australian Heinz White Pointer Terrier attack dogs and position them alongside our Toilets to warn us of any stray White Pointers before we sit down on the can.

Islam, United Kingdoms new Sociopathic master,rule Satania.

The Following videos sourced from Lion Heart

Lion Heart arrest video

Lion Heart: Islamification

Lion Heart 700 Club world news

Islam,"The Religion of Peace" and the Godless blood lusting savages who are it's followers

"Rats in the Silo" Islams 5th column come out to demonstrate their support for Islamic terrorism and the destruction of Israel.

Los Angeles:
"Long Live Hitler, Put Jews in Ovens"

Via Atlas Shrugs, London.

London: Islamic Zoo,Terror Supporters erupt.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hamas Terror supporters hold candle light vigil, in Australia's capitol, Canberra.

Thousands of candles lit in Gaza vigil
January 10, 2009 08:29pm

MORE than 4000 candles in white paper bags have been lit on the front lawn outside Parliament House in Canberra as part of a vigil against the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Religious leaders from the Islamic, Catholic, Anglican and Uniting faiths were also present to show their solidarity and support for peace in the Middle East region.

The paper bags were carefully laid out across the lawn to spell out both English and Arabic translations of the words, "Save Gaza Now".

The display's artist, Jorge Pujol, designed the Sorry, the First Step display after last year's historic apology to Indigenous Australians by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

“The candle message is pretty much a silent message. It's a message of light,” Keysar Trad, from the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, told the gathering.

“We are lighting candles to bring about light, dissipate this evil of destruction.”

The vigil concludes a day of protests in Canberra over the conflict.

Australian Terror supporters Rally in Canberra 1

Australian Terror supporters Rally in Canberra 2

Australian Terror supporters Rally in Canberra 3

Australia's useful idiots have no limit to their idiocy and confected compassion,the usual parade of unelected,school teachers,'students",public servants,carers and sharers,the unemployable,publicly funded parasites, Union officials, Union members, and other assorted leftists, and free loading God Botherer's with clearly, not much to do today.
Under the ever present main stream, pro Hamas media eye, they cried on cue and shouted for the destruction of Israel in their quest for "peace" in a way that only Islamist's aka members of the "Religion of Peace" and their adoring new age Christian / atheist fan club can,
Ingratiating themselves to Australia's imported and purpose home bred Islamic Terrorist's and terrorism supporters,members of the Religion of Peace,aka Islam, and it's two faced carpet bagger's / community leaders clearly loved every minuet of their HATE FEST,just what would these arse clowns do without Israel and the west to blame 24/7 for every hurt they feel?

I can only assume they believe that they will in exchange for their betrayal of Australia they will be spared their lives should the Mongrel Dog of Islam take over here in Australia as it has in Gaza, why else would "Catholic, Anglican and Uniting faith" and other sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome, make such unashamed arse clowns of themselves by this Curr like behavior? when Australians who feel their only chance of survival and to appease Islams Satanic Beast,is to jump into bed with Islamic Terrorists and their Australian based representatives,all those who fought and died for us must be wondering why the hell they bothered.
I wonder just how many of these new age God loving "Christians" and atheist's live in Sydney's occupied territories in the south western Sydney suburbs with the Godless savages they marched with today.
What really happened in the Middle East or what you are NOT supposed to know.

Terrorists boasting about using "human shields"

Al-Aqsa propoganda

Out of the mouths of HAMAS

Israel Gaza operations Jan.8/09

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