A blog revealing the horrors of Islam,International Socialism,the misery these two evils are inflicting upon the free the world,and those it has already enslaved,along with various articles revealing the attacks from within upon the western Judeo Christian ethic by those we entrusted to preserve it. Videos and Pictures of many varied subjects from around the world, along with some jokes of mine and any funny ones you want to send me.
Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”
--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!
When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.
Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Muslim has Daughter Killed for wearing MINI SKIRT
Daughter killed over mini-skirt
April 13, 2009 11:20pm
AN Azeri immigrant in Russia's northern city of Saint Petersburg has been charged with hiring hit men to kill his 21-year-old daughter for wearing a mini-skirt, police said today.
The man's arrest follows the detention last week of two other citizens of Azerbaijan, a majority Muslim state in the Caucasus, who confessed to murdering the girl, a university medical student.
“They admitted to being paid 100,000 rubles ($4140) by the girl's father. They said he wanted to punish his daughter for flouting national traditions and wearing a mini-skirt,” a police source told said today.
The girl was abducted on the street in Russia's second city on March 8, taken to the outskirts of Saint Petersburg and then shot twice in the head, the source said.
Russia has experienced a revival of conservative religious tradition since the fall of the Soviet Union both within its Russian Orthodox and large Muslim communities.
The Saint Petersburg Mosque – the largest and northernmost in Europe when it was built in 1913 – now counts mostly migrants from ex-Soviet Azerbaijan among its worshippers.
Hey don't get mad and object you just gotta do what Hussein Obama says and RESPECT this mans right to have his daughter slaughtered by his fellow Islamists, It's all about regaining Honour, you know honour don't you ? if you dont it's probably because you are not a Muslim, Oh you disagree ? you are not one of those ARROGANT,Racist Islamophobes are you ?
April 13, 2009 11:20pm
AN Azeri immigrant in Russia's northern city of Saint Petersburg has been charged with hiring hit men to kill his 21-year-old daughter for wearing a mini-skirt, police said today.
The man's arrest follows the detention last week of two other citizens of Azerbaijan, a majority Muslim state in the Caucasus, who confessed to murdering the girl, a university medical student.
“They admitted to being paid 100,000 rubles ($4140) by the girl's father. They said he wanted to punish his daughter for flouting national traditions and wearing a mini-skirt,” a police source told said today.
The girl was abducted on the street in Russia's second city on March 8, taken to the outskirts of Saint Petersburg and then shot twice in the head, the source said.
Russia has experienced a revival of conservative religious tradition since the fall of the Soviet Union both within its Russian Orthodox and large Muslim communities.
The Saint Petersburg Mosque – the largest and northernmost in Europe when it was built in 1913 – now counts mostly migrants from ex-Soviet Azerbaijan among its worshippers.
Hey don't get mad and object you just gotta do what Hussein Obama says and RESPECT this mans right to have his daughter slaughtered by his fellow Islamists, It's all about regaining Honour, you know honour don't you ? if you dont it's probably because you are not a Muslim, Oh you disagree ? you are not one of those ARROGANT,Racist Islamophobes are you ?
Congratulations to the US Navy Seals, rescuing Captain Phillips from Islams finest.
Congratulations to the US Navy Seals on the success of their mission.
Once again we see those most despised by the left,the US Military,laying their lives on the line to deal with the consequences and manifestations of the ideology and foreign policy of the left, they must be devastated at the loss of their much romanticised Muslim "Pirates"
No doubt after Hussein Obama has finished basking in the success, of what the media is spinning into a stroke of his own unique personal brilliance and cunning military savvy on his part by saving Captain Phillips from been yet another statistic on the ever growing list of Americans assassinated by members of the "Religion of Peace", there will be the obligatory "full and open " inquiry, aka a Democrat led star chamber to see if there is any possibility to lay charges against the Navy Seals involved in the rescue for anything from first degree murder,impolite and or,god forbid,they were ARROGANT, did not remove their shoes before entering the life boat,to been in violation of US Navy dress code as they carried out their deadly mission.
How long before we see "Che" style tee shirts,romanticising the Lefts Dead Muslim Pirates at the next ACORN,Move On,Not in Our Name or Code Pink hate fest ? naturally all proceeds going to the grieving widows and orphaned children of their much loved Dead Muslim Pirates / Freedom Fighters.
Aussie, 13 4 09
Hussein Obama exposed here at Atlas Shrugs President Hussein did not give the order
Once again we see those most despised by the left,the US Military,laying their lives on the line to deal with the consequences and manifestations of the ideology and foreign policy of the left, they must be devastated at the loss of their much romanticised Muslim "Pirates"
No doubt after Hussein Obama has finished basking in the success, of what the media is spinning into a stroke of his own unique personal brilliance and cunning military savvy on his part by saving Captain Phillips from been yet another statistic on the ever growing list of Americans assassinated by members of the "Religion of Peace", there will be the obligatory "full and open " inquiry, aka a Democrat led star chamber to see if there is any possibility to lay charges against the Navy Seals involved in the rescue for anything from first degree murder,impolite and or,god forbid,they were ARROGANT, did not remove their shoes before entering the life boat,to been in violation of US Navy dress code as they carried out their deadly mission.
How long before we see "Che" style tee shirts,romanticising the Lefts Dead Muslim Pirates at the next ACORN,Move On,Not in Our Name or Code Pink hate fest ? naturally all proceeds going to the grieving widows and orphaned children of their much loved Dead Muslim Pirates / Freedom Fighters.
Aussie, 13 4 09
Hussein Obama exposed here at Atlas Shrugs President Hussein did not give the order
Sadui Arabia: Eight-year-old girl's arranged marriage is legal
Eight-year-old girl's arranged marriage is legal
The Daily Telegraph
April 13, 2009 02:45pm
A JUDGE has refused to overturn his ruling declaring the arranged marriage of an eight-year-old girl to a 47-year-old man legal - despite her mum's appeal.
Saudi Arabian judge Sheikh Habib Habib insists the girl's marriage to her father's friend is binding, although she can file for divorce when she reaches puberty.
But what if this little 8 year old girl wanted to remain a virgin until such time as she chose to marry a real man in a real marriage?
This piece of Islamist Paedophile Crap is simply following in the footsteps of the founder of Islam, Mohammed, with his vile filthy custom of interferring with young children.
Hussein Obama now demands we must RESPECT this quirkey little trait in Islamic culture.
The mother's attorney Abdullah Jutaili said the girl's father arranged the marriage with his "close friend" to pay off a monetary debt.
A relative said the girl's mother, who is divorced from the father, will continue to seek to overturn the marriage.
And Hussein Obama BOW's and apologises to this, look out America.
The Daily Telegraph
April 13, 2009 02:45pm
A JUDGE has refused to overturn his ruling declaring the arranged marriage of an eight-year-old girl to a 47-year-old man legal - despite her mum's appeal.
Saudi Arabian judge Sheikh Habib Habib insists the girl's marriage to her father's friend is binding, although she can file for divorce when she reaches puberty.
But what if this little 8 year old girl wanted to remain a virgin until such time as she chose to marry a real man in a real marriage?
This piece of Islamist Paedophile Crap is simply following in the footsteps of the founder of Islam, Mohammed, with his vile filthy custom of interferring with young children.
Hussein Obama now demands we must RESPECT this quirkey little trait in Islamic culture.
The mother's attorney Abdullah Jutaili said the girl's father arranged the marriage with his "close friend" to pay off a monetary debt.
A relative said the girl's mother, who is divorced from the father, will continue to seek to overturn the marriage.
And Hussein Obama BOW's and apologises to this, look out America.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Sydney Australia: Crucifixes, Bibles banned from Hospital Chapel " to avoid offending Muslims, Hindus or other non-Christian believers"
The chapel without a crucifix
by Paul Tatnell
08 Apr 09
THE home of God at Royal North Shore hospital has fallen victim to a higher power - the State Government bureaucracy.
The Mosman Daily has learnt that crucifixes, Bibles and all other Christian symbols are banned inside the hospital’s chapel when it is not being used for a church service.
The move, ordered by senior staff, is to avoid offending Muslims, Hindus or other non-Christian believers who may want to pray in the chapel.
Hospital staff say that while the chapel was built for Christians, they now want the chapel to be completely non-denominational. An inspection of the chapel last week by the Daily found no trace of a crucifix or any other religious symbol inside the chapel.
The Daily has been told that church leaders must bring their own symbols to use in a service.
The chapel building also contains a separate Muslim prayer room.
Mosman Mayor Dom Lopez, a devout Catholic, said he was “outraged” to discover the rule when he was recently undergoing treatment at the hospital for bowel cancer. “When I was first told it I didn’t believe it,” Cr Lopez said.
“When I was recovering, the Catholic priest came to see me and said, ‘It is true all the crosses are gone, somebody said we have to be a non-denomination church’.
“That’s just not right, it was built as a Christian chapel, now they (church leaders) have all to take all those things with them.”
North Shore Liberal MP and Opposition health spokeswoman Jillian Skinner said the decision was “bureaucratic madness”.
“It’s crazy, absolutely crazy,” she said.
“I bet there was no pressure from the Muslim community, the Jews or anyone - it’s just silly bureaucrats.”
Mrs Skinner said visitors to the chapel needed all the strength they could get and that symbols of God would provide that.
“I actually think it’s offensive to all faiths (and) it is silly bureaucratic rules,” she said.
Cr Lopez agreed.
“They have completely disenfranchised a Christian chapel,” he said.
“Being a Christian, I find a lot of power in prayer and I think a lot of people do whether they are Muslim, Jewish or whatever.”
A hospital spokeswoman said the rule change came after “the chapel was enhanced with the provision of a Muslim prayer space in the loft area”.
“At that time the decision was made to display the symbols of each faith, for example the chapel’s cross and Bible, during specific services and ceremonies only,” she said.
“These important religious symbols are appropriately stored and used regularly. This decision was made out of respect for the many faiths that make up both the hospital and also the modern Australian community.”
Hussein Obama's Congressional Black Caucus: U.S. Lawmakers Meet With Castros, Push for New Policy on Cuba.
Seven lawmakers traveled to Cuba this week to encourage greater dialogue between the U.S. and the communist nation.
By Chad Pergram
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
WASHINGTON -- Former Cuban President Fidel Castro was "very engaging, very energetic," U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, a California Democrat, said following a congressional delegation's meeting with the ailing revolutionary.
The delegation that traveled to Cuba featured six members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif., and they returned to Washington late Tuesday afternoon and urged the United States government to begin steps to alter its relationship with Cuba.
"For the past 50 years, the United States has been swimming in the Caribbean Sea of delusion," said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., who described the United States as "the isolated nation" compared to European countries which have diplomatic ties with Havana.
"This is the dawning of a new day," Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., declared. "Fifty years of foolishness is over. It's time for the children to sit in the corner and the adults to take over."
Rush was one of three members of the delegation to meet with Fidel Castro. A meeting with his brother, Cuban leader Raul Castro, took place Monday.
Tuesday afternoon, the Cuban government released a statement that it indicated was Fidel Castro's assessment of a session he had with the lawmakers. In the statement, Castro said that one of the Members of Congress told him that the United States should "apologize" to Cuba. And another lawmaker told the former leader that despite the victory by President Obama, U.S. society is still "racist."
All members of the delegation denied that those two exchanges took place during their time with Fidel Castro.
The lawmakers encouraged the U.S. to launch a dialogue with Cuba and relieve trade and modify a 47-year-old American trade embargo against the island nation.
"You can't not talk to people and expect to get a desirable result," said Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C., who added that the embargo "was not effective."
Rep. Laura Richardson, D-Calif., was one of three lawmakers who requested and met with Fidel Castro. She described him as alert and said the former Cuban dictator "looked directly into our eyes, quite aware of what was happening. He said to us, 'how can we help President Obama?'"
Rush indicated that it was time for Washington to remove Cuba from the list of terrorist nations. Rush dismissed Cuba as a security threat to the United States. He said that when he was a member of the Black Panthers in the 1960s, former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover warned that his organization as "the number one threat to national security.
"So I know foolhardy approaches and asinine labels when I see them, " said Rush. "American people need to be told the truth and they have been lied to for too long about the threat from Cuba."
Both Rep. Rush, an ordained Baptist minister, and Rep. Cleaver, a Methodist pastor, delivered sermons at churches while in Cuba.
The CBC members conceded there were limited discussions about human rights abuses in Cuba.
"We didn't talk about it much," said Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio. "You don't go into someone's house and insult them."
But Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Barbara Lee, D-Calif., who led the delegation said that Raul Castro indicated to her that "everything's on the table."
"Two sovereign nations should be able to sit down and talk about their differences, " Lee said.
The U.S. Air Force flew the Congressional Black Caucus delegation directly to Havana and not the American military base at Guantanamo Bay. The Air Force then gave each lawmaker a pin featuring adjoining American and Cuban flags to help identify them as members of the delegation.
FOX News' Mosheh Oinounou contributed to this report.
Hussein Obama's agents doing the bidding of the United Nations ? or just pig ignorant pampered pooches of the Liberal elite and the US Democrats? either way there is no excuse for their trechary, so what do you do about ?
By Chad Pergram
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
WASHINGTON -- Former Cuban President Fidel Castro was "very engaging, very energetic," U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, a California Democrat, said following a congressional delegation's meeting with the ailing revolutionary.
The delegation that traveled to Cuba featured six members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif., and they returned to Washington late Tuesday afternoon and urged the United States government to begin steps to alter its relationship with Cuba.
"For the past 50 years, the United States has been swimming in the Caribbean Sea of delusion," said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., who described the United States as "the isolated nation" compared to European countries which have diplomatic ties with Havana.
"This is the dawning of a new day," Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., declared. "Fifty years of foolishness is over. It's time for the children to sit in the corner and the adults to take over."
Rush was one of three members of the delegation to meet with Fidel Castro. A meeting with his brother, Cuban leader Raul Castro, took place Monday.
Tuesday afternoon, the Cuban government released a statement that it indicated was Fidel Castro's assessment of a session he had with the lawmakers. In the statement, Castro said that one of the Members of Congress told him that the United States should "apologize" to Cuba. And another lawmaker told the former leader that despite the victory by President Obama, U.S. society is still "racist."
All members of the delegation denied that those two exchanges took place during their time with Fidel Castro.
The lawmakers encouraged the U.S. to launch a dialogue with Cuba and relieve trade and modify a 47-year-old American trade embargo against the island nation.
"You can't not talk to people and expect to get a desirable result," said Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C., who added that the embargo "was not effective."
Rep. Laura Richardson, D-Calif., was one of three lawmakers who requested and met with Fidel Castro. She described him as alert and said the former Cuban dictator "looked directly into our eyes, quite aware of what was happening. He said to us, 'how can we help President Obama?'"
Rush indicated that it was time for Washington to remove Cuba from the list of terrorist nations. Rush dismissed Cuba as a security threat to the United States. He said that when he was a member of the Black Panthers in the 1960s, former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover warned that his organization as "the number one threat to national security.
"So I know foolhardy approaches and asinine labels when I see them, " said Rush. "American people need to be told the truth and they have been lied to for too long about the threat from Cuba."
Both Rep. Rush, an ordained Baptist minister, and Rep. Cleaver, a Methodist pastor, delivered sermons at churches while in Cuba.
The CBC members conceded there were limited discussions about human rights abuses in Cuba.
"We didn't talk about it much," said Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio. "You don't go into someone's house and insult them."
But Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Barbara Lee, D-Calif., who led the delegation said that Raul Castro indicated to her that "everything's on the table."
"Two sovereign nations should be able to sit down and talk about their differences, " Lee said.
The U.S. Air Force flew the Congressional Black Caucus delegation directly to Havana and not the American military base at Guantanamo Bay. The Air Force then gave each lawmaker a pin featuring adjoining American and Cuban flags to help identify them as members of the delegation.
FOX News' Mosheh Oinounou contributed to this report.
Hussein Obama's agents doing the bidding of the United Nations ? or just pig ignorant pampered pooches of the Liberal elite and the US Democrats? either way there is no excuse for their trechary, so what do you do about ?
Black Panthers,
Bobby Rush,
California Democrat,
Emanuel Cleaver,
Fidel Castro,
Marcia Fudge,
Mel Watt,
Raul Castro,
Rep. Cleaver,
U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Barack Hussein Obama :Assassination plot thwarted in Turkey
Barack Hussein Obama,
Community Organizer and Islamic Terrorism apologist in Chief,
Emporer of all Eurabia and its colonies and dominions,
America hater and Islamic appeaser in Chief,official ring kisser and brown noser,by Royal appointment,to the King of Saudi Arabia,
"Lower,Lower,nearly there Hussein,that's it,you can go back to your seat now"
See him shit his pants here,hey,Hussein,why so jumpy in the home of
"Moderate Islam" I thought you "reached out" what are you worried about?
It's different when it's YOUR arse on the line ay Hussein.
I thought all he had to worry about was does damn white folke's with dose blue eyes of da Devil, ohh save me Lord, oops sorry,allah, tell me it ain't so,that a brother can be at risk in a land of "Moderate Islam" Thank God,oops sorry allah, no one threw a shoe at him,the "Hope" would still be running, you would have to send out a search party to find him.
Community Organizer and Islamic Terrorism apologist in Chief,
Emporer of all Eurabia and its colonies and dominions,
America hater and Islamic appeaser in Chief,official ring kisser and brown noser,by Royal appointment,to the King of Saudi Arabia,
"Lower,Lower,nearly there Hussein,that's it,you can go back to your seat now"
See him shit his pants here,hey,Hussein,why so jumpy in the home of
"Moderate Islam" I thought you "reached out" what are you worried about?
It's different when it's YOUR arse on the line ay Hussein.
I thought all he had to worry about was does damn white folke's with dose blue eyes of da Devil, ohh save me Lord, oops sorry,allah, tell me it ain't so,that a brother can be at risk in a land of "Moderate Islam" Thank God,oops sorry allah, no one threw a shoe at him,the "Hope" would still be running, you would have to send out a search party to find him.
Stop Press!!!! Barack Hussein Obama has landed in Iraq, to try and get some "military cred" off the back of former American President,George W Bush and his relentless support of the US and coalition troops with the "surge" that Barack Hussein Obama decried and derided and slammed and voted against,along with his fellow Democrat Party appeasers and traitors.
Thanks to President Bushe's much despised and derided SURGE,Barack Hussein Obama has arrived SAFELY at Camp Victory, however he refused to alight Air Force One until the name was changed from Camp Victory to " Camp of the White skinned blue eyed Infidel Devil Dogs who are to arrogant to understand Europe and Islam and all the really cool things I stand for"
Fuck you Hussein.
The latest from FoxNews via Pam at AtlasShrugs is that the report of an assassination plot is in fact a HOAX,Turkish Police released a man without charge.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Remember when,Great Moments in History , Satans Jins , Goblins and Demons claim the rotting corpse of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini
Great Moments in History, a very "spiritual moment" indeed,
that proves there IS a God.
See Satan"s underlings claim the rotting decaying corpse of one of his spawn,Pious Islams, Iranian chapter leader,the one and only Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini.
Dead as a maggot and torn apart by his adoring "Pious Muslim" fans.
It's the Koran Stupid!!!!!!
Garbage IN Garbage OUT
Article below recounts the "touching" ? Satanic scene, as one of Satan's most infamous helpers is claimed by Satan's underlings and is returned to the sewers of Hell.
that proves there IS a God.
See Satan"s underlings claim the rotting decaying corpse of one of his spawn,Pious Islams, Iranian chapter leader,the one and only Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini.
Dead as a maggot and torn apart by his adoring "Pious Muslim" fans.
It's the Koran Stupid!!!!!!
Garbage IN Garbage OUT
Article below recounts the "touching" ? Satanic scene, as one of Satan's most infamous helpers is claimed by Satan's underlings and is returned to the sewers of Hell.
Daniel Pipes
The death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini on June 4 was mourned by millions of his followers with an extravagance that surprised even the Iranian authorities. Time and again, funeral plans were disrupted by gigantic mobs unwilling to give way either to schedules or politicians.
The scene in Tehran was one of unrelieved chaos. In the traditional Shi`i manner, men pounded their chests and flagellated themselves with chains. Some sacrificed sheep and some shouted, "We wish we were dead, so not to see our beloved imam dead." Others ran 25 miles to the cemetery. The grave dug for Khomeini's body was occupied by mourners who refused to leave. The authorities appealed to citizens to stay away from Khomeini's house and from the cemetery, but to no avail.
Fire trucks sprayed water on mourners in an effort to keep them from fainting in the intensity of the June heat and the press of humanity. According to official sources, 10,879 people were injured and received on-the-spot medical attention, 438 were taken to hospitals, and eight died in the crush to view Khomeini's body. In the cemetery, mourners climbed on buses the better to catch a glimpse of the body, and in one case the roof of a bus collapsed, injuring those sitting inside. `Ali Khamene'i, the president of the republic, could not even reach the special stand set up for dignitaries. The special stand for state officials and foreign dignitaries almost collapsed under pressure of the crowd.
The height of frenzy occurred at the gravesite itself. Bringing the body by land vehicle was out of the question, so it arrived by helicopter. The first time the helicopter landed, the crowd swarmed in and grabbed pieces of the shroud, causing the corpse actually to fall to the ground. After fifteen frantic minutes, the coffin was put back on the helicopter, which then bore the body away. In an attempt to thin out the crowd, it was announced that the funeral had been postponed by a day. The trick worked, as many went home. Then, six hours after the first attempt, a second effort at a helicopter landing was made. This time more guards were around and the body was placed in a metal casket. Still, it was not easy. As the Iranian news agency described it: "The grave was only ten meters away but the pushing and shoving of thousands made it seem like kilometers. It took ten terrible minutes to be able to put the casket down near the grave." Once the body had finally been buried, concrete blocks were placed on top of it.
What a fitting ending for one of "Islams finest"
The death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini on June 4 was mourned by millions of his followers with an extravagance that surprised even the Iranian authorities. Time and again, funeral plans were disrupted by gigantic mobs unwilling to give way either to schedules or politicians.
The scene in Tehran was one of unrelieved chaos. In the traditional Shi`i manner, men pounded their chests and flagellated themselves with chains. Some sacrificed sheep and some shouted, "We wish we were dead, so not to see our beloved imam dead." Others ran 25 miles to the cemetery. The grave dug for Khomeini's body was occupied by mourners who refused to leave. The authorities appealed to citizens to stay away from Khomeini's house and from the cemetery, but to no avail.
Fire trucks sprayed water on mourners in an effort to keep them from fainting in the intensity of the June heat and the press of humanity. According to official sources, 10,879 people were injured and received on-the-spot medical attention, 438 were taken to hospitals, and eight died in the crush to view Khomeini's body. In the cemetery, mourners climbed on buses the better to catch a glimpse of the body, and in one case the roof of a bus collapsed, injuring those sitting inside. `Ali Khamene'i, the president of the republic, could not even reach the special stand set up for dignitaries. The special stand for state officials and foreign dignitaries almost collapsed under pressure of the crowd.
The height of frenzy occurred at the gravesite itself. Bringing the body by land vehicle was out of the question, so it arrived by helicopter. The first time the helicopter landed, the crowd swarmed in and grabbed pieces of the shroud, causing the corpse actually to fall to the ground. After fifteen frantic minutes, the coffin was put back on the helicopter, which then bore the body away. In an attempt to thin out the crowd, it was announced that the funeral had been postponed by a day. The trick worked, as many went home. Then, six hours after the first attempt, a second effort at a helicopter landing was made. This time more guards were around and the body was placed in a metal casket. Still, it was not easy. As the Iranian news agency described it: "The grave was only ten meters away but the pushing and shoving of thousands made it seem like kilometers. It took ten terrible minutes to be able to put the casket down near the grave." Once the body had finally been buried, concrete blocks were placed on top of it.
What a fitting ending for one of "Islams finest"
Islam IS what Islam DOES
Islamic Terrorism: Dirty Bomb or "man caused disaster" ?
Is a "Dirty Bomb" made and detonated by Islamic Terrorist the same as an Obama "man caused disaster" ?
If not, when will,Obama tell us,or admit who is responsible for
"man caused disasters" ?
If not, when will,Obama tell us,or admit who is responsible for
"man caused disasters" ?
Best we all keep our eyes open for "man caused disaster" facilitators then.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Rudd must come clean about China briefing before US visit
PM 'must reveal details' of China talks
By Sandra O'Malley
Tue Mar 24 2009
Nationals Senate leader Barnaby Joyce has called on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to reveal details of a meeting with one of China's most senior officials.
On Saturday, the prime minister met Li Changchun at The Lodge in Canberra, at the start of a four-nation tour for the fifth most senior Chinese Communist Party official.
Why would Comrade Rudd ban Australian media, from covering his "briefing" (aka.taking instructions from) the fifth most important man in the Communist Party of China, Li Changchun, before Comrade Rudd set off to visit Comrade Obama?
While Mr Rudd's office released minimal information about the engagement, China's official CCTV news network had a more detailed report.
Mr Rudd's office was not immediately available for additional comment.
The visit comes as the Foreign Investment Review Board mulls state-owned Chinalco's $30 billion grab for a larger share of Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto.
Treasurer Wayne Swan will make the ultimate decision about whether the Chinalco bid is in Australia's national interest and if it will get the go-ahead.
The perceived lack of information about Mr Li's visit has aroused suspicion in some quarters of the Australian media and Senator Joyce has accused Mr Rudd of being downright sneaky.
"My concern is if Mr Rudd is doing side deals to ... secure (votes for his bid on) the UN Security Council," Senator Joyce told AAP.
"Here we have something so palpably of concern to the Australian electorate that is being swept under the carpet.
"I find it outrageous we have to find out from a Chinese source who is having lunch with our prime minister."
Australia is trying to secure enough votes for its 2013-14 bid for a temporary seat on the Security Council. It is taking on Luxembourg and Finland for the two available seats.
Senator Joyce said the easiest way for Mr Rudd to clear up speculation on whether he was lobbied about Chinalco was to disclose what was discussed at the lunch.
"Mr Rudd is being totally and utterly sneaky," he said.
"He is not being forthright and transparent in the way he is acting.
"Why are people concerned about this? It is because he would have been discussing handing sovereignty of our nation to another nation."
According to CCTV, Mr Li told Mr Rudd both countries should maintain high-level exchanges and he extended an invitation to the prime minister and other Australian leaders to visit China.
"(Mr Li) suggested the two countries expand economic cooperation on the basis of mutual benefits," the network reported.
"And Li also suggested that both countries maintain close consultation on major issues such as the financial crisis and climate change."
Mr Rudd, a Mandarin speaker, praised the stimulus measures that China had adopted to deal with the financial crisis, CCTV reported.
The Spin on the US visit
By Sandra O'Malley
Tue Mar 24 2009
Nationals Senate leader Barnaby Joyce has called on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to reveal details of a meeting with one of China's most senior officials.
On Saturday, the prime minister met Li Changchun at The Lodge in Canberra, at the start of a four-nation tour for the fifth most senior Chinese Communist Party official.
Why would Comrade Rudd ban Australian media, from covering his "briefing" (aka.taking instructions from) the fifth most important man in the Communist Party of China, Li Changchun, before Comrade Rudd set off to visit Comrade Obama?
While Mr Rudd's office released minimal information about the engagement, China's official CCTV news network had a more detailed report.
Mr Rudd's office was not immediately available for additional comment.
The visit comes as the Foreign Investment Review Board mulls state-owned Chinalco's $30 billion grab for a larger share of Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto.
Treasurer Wayne Swan will make the ultimate decision about whether the Chinalco bid is in Australia's national interest and if it will get the go-ahead.
The perceived lack of information about Mr Li's visit has aroused suspicion in some quarters of the Australian media and Senator Joyce has accused Mr Rudd of being downright sneaky.
"My concern is if Mr Rudd is doing side deals to ... secure (votes for his bid on) the UN Security Council," Senator Joyce told AAP.
"Here we have something so palpably of concern to the Australian electorate that is being swept under the carpet.
"I find it outrageous we have to find out from a Chinese source who is having lunch with our prime minister."
Australia is trying to secure enough votes for its 2013-14 bid for a temporary seat on the Security Council. It is taking on Luxembourg and Finland for the two available seats.
Senator Joyce said the easiest way for Mr Rudd to clear up speculation on whether he was lobbied about Chinalco was to disclose what was discussed at the lunch.
"Mr Rudd is being totally and utterly sneaky," he said.
"He is not being forthright and transparent in the way he is acting.
"Why are people concerned about this? It is because he would have been discussing handing sovereignty of our nation to another nation."
According to CCTV, Mr Li told Mr Rudd both countries should maintain high-level exchanges and he extended an invitation to the prime minister and other Australian leaders to visit China.
"(Mr Li) suggested the two countries expand economic cooperation on the basis of mutual benefits," the network reported.
"And Li also suggested that both countries maintain close consultation on major issues such as the financial crisis and climate change."
Mr Rudd, a Mandarin speaker, praised the stimulus measures that China had adopted to deal with the financial crisis, CCTV reported.
The Spin on the US visit
Sydney's Occupied Territories:Mahmoud Dib refused bail Video of court fracas
Bandidos Sergent-at-Arms Mahmoud Dib refused bail, supporter arrested for allegedly spitting at photographer
March 24, 2009 05:11pm
A SENIOR Bandidos bikie has been refused bail on weapons charges, with one of his supporters arrested outside a Sydney court for spitting on a photographer.
Bandidos Sergent-at-Arms Mahmoud Dib, 27, appeared briefly in Burwood Local Court today on six weapons-related charges.
He was arrested earlier in the day by detectives investigating a series of shootings in suburban Sydney allegedly involving outlaw bikie gangs.
Wearing a red hooded jumper and supported by a handful of associates, Mr Dib sat silently throughout his brief court appearance.
His lawyer Mohammed Masri did not apply for bail on his behalf, instead asking for the bail hearing to be adjourned until Friday.
Bail was formally refused by Magistrate Michael Dakin, who set down a bail hearing for Friday.
There were dramatic scenes outside the court after police swooped on an associate of Mr Dib for allegedly spitting on a Daily Telegraph news photographer.
Other associates of Mr Dib verbally abused reporters and cameramen as they left the area.
March 24, 2009 05:11pm
A SENIOR Bandidos bikie has been refused bail on weapons charges, with one of his supporters arrested outside a Sydney court for spitting on a photographer.
Bandidos Sergent-at-Arms Mahmoud Dib, 27, appeared briefly in Burwood Local Court today on six weapons-related charges.
He was arrested earlier in the day by detectives investigating a series of shootings in suburban Sydney allegedly involving outlaw bikie gangs.
More Info
Wearing a red hooded jumper and supported by a handful of associates, Mr Dib sat silently throughout his brief court appearance.
His lawyer Mohammed Masri did not apply for bail on his behalf, instead asking for the bail hearing to be adjourned until Friday.
Bail was formally refused by Magistrate Michael Dakin, who set down a bail hearing for Friday.
There were dramatic scenes outside the court after police swooped on an associate of Mr Dib for allegedly spitting on a Daily Telegraph news photographer.
See " Trick Spitter " arrested.
Other associates of Mr Dib verbally abused reporters and cameramen as they left the area.
Sydney's Occupied Territories: Arms Mahmoud Dib arrested and charged on firearms charges
Senior Bandidos bikie arrested on firearms charges
March 24, 2009 03:13pm
A SENIOR Bandidos bikie gang member has been charged with seven firearms offences as police investigate a string of shootings in Sydney's southwest.
Bandidos Sergeant-at-Arms Mahmoud Dib, 27, was arrested about 10am (AEDT) today following a raid on his home on Park Rd in Auburn at 6am.
He has since been charged with six firearms offences, including possessing a firearm in a public place and possessing an unregistered firearm, after gang squad detectives found a loaded gun in a car owned by Mr Dib parked in a Guildford St last Monday.
Acting Superintendent Angelo Memmolo, from the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad, said a .45 calibre semi-automatic pistol, loaded with seven bullets, was found in the car.
Mr Dib wasn't in the car at the time, but was in the area, he said.
Acting Supt Memmolo said no drugs or weapons were found in the early morning raid on Mr Dib's home.
However, police have seized two Harley-Davidson motorcycles, which they believe may be stolen.
Mr Dib was refused bail to face Burwood Local Court later today.
NSW police are targeting Sydney's bikie gangs following a fatal brawl at Sydney airport on Sunday in which the 29-year-old brother of a senior Hells Angel was bludgeoned to death.
March 24, 2009 03:13pm
A SENIOR Bandidos bikie gang member has been charged with seven firearms offences as police investigate a string of shootings in Sydney's southwest.
Bandidos Sergeant-at-Arms Mahmoud Dib, 27, was arrested about 10am (AEDT) today following a raid on his home on Park Rd in Auburn at 6am.
He has since been charged with six firearms offences, including possessing a firearm in a public place and possessing an unregistered firearm, after gang squad detectives found a loaded gun in a car owned by Mr Dib parked in a Guildford St last Monday.
Acting Superintendent Angelo Memmolo, from the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad, said a .45 calibre semi-automatic pistol, loaded with seven bullets, was found in the car.
Mr Dib wasn't in the car at the time, but was in the area, he said.
Acting Supt Memmolo said no drugs or weapons were found in the early morning raid on Mr Dib's home.
However, police have seized two Harley-Davidson motorcycles, which they believe may be stolen.
Mr Dib was refused bail to face Burwood Local Court later today.
NSW police are targeting Sydney's bikie gangs following a fatal brawl at Sydney airport on Sunday in which the 29-year-old brother of a senior Hells Angel was bludgeoned to death.
Australia: Muslim refused employment in Christian school.
Muslim student teacher refused position at Christian college
by Kellie Cameron
24 Mar 09 @ 12:40pm
A MUSLIM student teacher has labelled a Christian school in Wyndham discriminatory for refusing her a position based on her religion.
But Heathdale Christian College is standing by its decision, saying that as a faith-based school it expects its teachers, including student ones, to support its Christian perspective.
Mother-of-two Rachida Dahlal, 35, has complained to the Equal Opportunity Commission on the grounds of discrimination, prejudice and unequal employment opportunities.
The Hoppers Crossing college where she wanted to do placement said it would not have been in its, or Mrs Dahlal’s, best interests.
Mrs Dahlal said on-the-job training was a requirement of her one-year diploma course in secondary education at Victoria University, and that the college was on a list of schools provided by the university offering trainee positions.
She said she chose Heathdale because it was the closest to her home and her sons’ childcare centre and also one of few schools in Wyndham offering both her specialty subjects of mathematics and French.
“I am Muslim, wear a head scarf, and respect all fellow humans regardless of their beliefs, race, or cultural background,” she said.
Mrs Dahlal said that as a result of the knock-back in February, she had started placement late at The Grange P-12 College in Hoppers Crossing, which did not offer French. She is observing Italian classes, but does not understand the language.
Heathdale principal Reynald Tibben said the Christian school was not the best option for Mrs Dahlal.
“It was not in her interest to expect her to operate in a culture that was different to her own religious standards,” he said. “To expect her to support the Christian ethos and practice of the college would have been unreasonable, just as it would be for me to operate as a teacher in a Muslim school.”
Victoria University acting vice-chancellor Prof John McCallum said it told Mrs Dahlal that the college had a policy of accepting only student teachers whose values were “consistent” with ths school’s.
“Armed with this information, the student decided to proceed to interview with the school,” he said.
Prof McCallum added: “In many instances Muslim students have been successfully placed in Christian schools.”
Mrs Dahlal said she was not told of any policy, only that she would not be able to speak about religion while on placement.
Mr Tibben said the college had offered to let Mrs Dahlal see its French curriculum.
The Equal Opportunity Commission said it could not comment on individual cases because its complaints process was confidential.
At last some backbone been shown, now lets see the Labor State Government Islam friendly Socialist's try and crush this school with their taxpayer funded Islamic Star Chamber.see
Salt Shakers
Australia: Discrimination AGAINST white Males to be legalised
Islam can only exist as a DISRUPTIVE Minority or
as an OPPRESSIVE Majority
as an OPPRESSIVE Majority
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