An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

FU*KI*G Terrorist !!!! oops woowww,sorry what was he thinking? how about Muslim “car enthusiast” (that’s better), bailed for Easter riot, cameraman stood down.


This Thug Omar, and his Father have been shamed by their OWN actions, nobody else’s.Why act,with even the slightest amount of dignity, when you can behave like a Muslim ? Over the top reactions, to every slight,perceived or real. Thank God they are members of the “Religion of Peace” who knows how they would behave if they were members of the “Religion of Bloodthirsty Rioting Hoodlums Head hunters and Terrorists” we would really be in trouble then.

Alleged ringleaders of Bob Jane riot bailed despite fears of repeat

Norrie Ross
Herald Sun
April 01, 2010

TWO alleged ringleaders of the Bob Jane T-Marts riot at Oakleigh have been granted bail today, despite fears of a repeat of the mayhem over the Easter weekend.

Copy of 13 4 2010 Alleged ringleaders of Bob Jane riot bailed despite fears of repeat

Magistrate Fiona Stewart released Aziz Elbayeh, 19, of Springvale, and Omar Amr, 19, of Springvale South but set strict reporting restrictions and a curfew for the pair.

Ms Stewart said Mr Elbayeh and Mr Amr had shown cause why they should be granted bail but warned them they should steer clear of any "car culture'' gatherings or social networks.

Prosecutor Catherine Sedgwick, who had opposed bail, revealed today that a warrant was issued for Amr's arrest last week when he failed to appear in court on other matters.

For this reason, she said the prosecution believed he was a flight risk.

At an earlier hearing, Constable Greer Goldsmith told the court police had evidence of further riots being planned this weekend on Facebook and car enthusiast websites.

Both men face charges of riot, incitement to riot, affray, burglary, theft and criminal damage arising out of the riot over the cancellation of an Easternats car race.

Mr Elbayeh is accused of smashing a chair through the window of the T-Mart store while Mr Amr allegedly threw a lit flare at a policeman.

During the the riot, 100 police faced off against 2000 protesters.

Ms Stewart ordered that the teenagers cannot leave the house between 9pm and 6am without being accompanied by a parent and that they not use the internet or mobile phones in relation to the so-called "car culture'' network in Melbourne.

Additional conditions that Amr should surrender his passport and not attend an international point of departure were also imposed.

"If you are found guilty you have significantly let your decent families down,'' she told the pair.

Police raided the homes of Mr Elbayeh and Mr Amr on Tuesday night, seizing mobile phones and laptops.

They were allegedly identified on CCTV at the scene of mayhem.

UPDATE The Cameraman has been sacked. 

Monday, April 12, 2010

Labors’ Medi DONT Care and never did.

War veteran calls triple-0 from own hospital bed

EXCLUSIVE by Neil Keene
The Daily Telegraph  April 05, 2010

AN 87-year-old war veteran had to use his own mobile phone to call triple-0 from his hospital bed because he couldn't get help from nursing staff.

Asbestosis sufferer Kevin Park was left languishing in Lismore Base Hospital earlier this month after waking in, in the middle of the night, soaked in sweat.

Copy of 5 4 2010 War veteran calls triple-0 from own hospital bed

Patients on the ward were forced to use archaic brass bells to get attention after the paging system failed. A nurse initially tended to Mr Park but no one bothered to help him change out of his soaked hospital gown, so he tried ringing his bell again to get someone back.

Scared, confused and alone, Mr Park was at his wit's end after 45 minutes of ringing when he finally decided to call triple-0 on his mobile.

"I didn't know what was going on. It hadn't happened to me before and I wasn't even sure whether it was blood or sweat," he said from his hospital bed yesterday.

"Desperate people do desperate things. In the end I rang the emergency telephone number to ask them to get me out of here and somewhere where I would get some attention."

Only after his telephone call of desperation went through to an operator did a nurse finally appear, but Mr Park's ordeal did not end there.

The nurse took his phone, returning it later that night with its SIM card and battery removed.

"Taking my phone was, to me, the biggest offence," Mr Park said.

"To me it's thieving. You can't ring out on the phones they have here so that mobile phone was my only access to the outside world."

A North Coast Area Health Service spokeswoman said staff took Mr Park's phone to prevent other patients being disturbed in the middle of the night. "NCAHS has apologised for any distress that may have been caused to Mr Park and his family," she said.

"The nurse call system on Ward C8 was identified as faulty (but) the emergency part of the system is still operative."

The spokeswoman said a replacement system would be installed later this month.

Mr Park, who served with the RAAF in World War II, was admitted to hospital last month suffering a lung condition.


Rudd’s Illegal’s on their way to Australia


Flotilla of asylum seekers heads to Oz

By Charles Miranda
The Daily Telegraph
April 12, 2010  

A LARGE flotilla of boats is expected to sail from the Indonesian archipelago within days as people smugglers urge asylum seekers to leave now or risk not getting into Australia.

Fresh Thinking PPHat_thumb[2] “It’s about getting the balance right”

"The advice I have this morning is that capacity remains on Christmas Island,"

“My name’s Kevin, I’m from Queensland and I’m here to help”

Who’s ya Daddy?

People smugglers, who use the internet to keep up with Australian immigration changes, are duping refugees by claiming they can beat visa changes if boats leave now.

An undercover people smuggler confirmed to The Daily Telegraph that hundreds of refugees were rushing to organise boats for the journey to Australia.

Yesterday two more boats arrived, carrying a combined 55 passengers and six crew, the third and carrying a combined 55 passengers and six crew, the third and fourth boats intercepted since the suspension of visas came into force last week.

The arrivals come as The Daily Telegraph can reveal a bidding war between people smugglers has seen the price of passage to Australia drop 50 per cent to about $US4000 a head for passengers.

Authorities have identified at least 15 people-smuggling gangs in Malaysia and Indonesia, who have mobilised hundreds of refugees, predominantly from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Sri Lanka.

Other refugees have been hiding out in the Cipanas mountains outside Jakarta as well as among high immigrant populations in Puncak in Jakarta's south and Sarina in the north.

But they were now rushing to organise boats off islands about Sumatra, following internet reports of the visa freeze. About 80 per cent of asylum seekers heading to Australia by boat are either from Afghanistan or Sri Lanka.

There are genuine fears the rush will lead to overcrowding on unseaworthy boats which may not make the already perilous journey to Christmas Island off Australia's mainland.

Yesterday an Iraqi-born former people-smuggler turned Australia police informant said the visa freeze was too little too late and the dash had already begun.

The man, who calls himself Shadi, told The Daily Telegraph people-smugglers were internet-savvy and were using the visa changes to direct the people-smuggling market.

"That is why so many people [are] coming now," he said.

Shadi, who worked undercover for police in Indonesia until the end of 2002, when people-smugglers wanted to kill him and he was brought to Australia as a protected witness, continues to provide critical intelligence to authorities on the movement.

He identified five Iraqi or Pakistani-born smugglers operating in Indonesia and Malaysia and said they were preparing boats. "Your laws are not strong enough to stop them," he said.

An Iraqi Kurd is being hunted by the AFP and local police in Indonesia as the king-pin of the human trafficking misery. The number of so-called illegal entry vessels stopped in Australian waters this year now stands at 42.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott doubted the processing freeze would stop the boats.

"Certainly, the people smugglers, I think, will remain in business because they suspect, as I do, that this is an election fix. It's not a solution," Mr Abbott said.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said he stood by the visa changes: "Our obligations are to deal with genuine asylum seekers, and those who are not genuine asylum seekers, to send them back to their countries of origin."

HMAS Childers finally a chance to speak the truth.
Prof.Bob Birrell Speaks for Australia and Australians


Christmas Island isn't full: Rudd

By national political editor Simon Kearney
The Sunday Telegraph
April 04, 2010 12:01AM

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd says there is more room on Christmas Island for the increasing flow of asylum seekers.

Another boat of 79 asylum seekers is reportedly being taken to Christmas Island today and it is understood the air shuttle service between Christmas Island and mainland Australia was ferrying another 63 asylum seekers to Brisbane last night.

The 63 were understood to have been granted asylum and were to be placed in a Brisbane motel last night for a medical check-up and to undergo some more processing formalities before being released.

Speaking at The Lodge yesterday Mr Rudd left open the option of altering the policy on asylum seekers as international and regional security circumstances changed. "It's important that we place this in its context," he said.

However he continued to deny detention facilities on Christmas Island had exceeded capacity despite some reports more than 2000 people were in the facility which has a maximum capacity of 1200.

"The advice I have this morning is that capacity remains on Christmas Island," Mr Rudd said.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said it was clear asylum seekers were being drawn to Australia, not pushed by international and regional conflicts.

Easy money in a desperate trade

Exclusive Investigation by Charles Miranda
The Daily Telegraph
April 12, 2010

ALONG Jalan Jaksa, the men move suspiciously from cafe to cafe, boarding house to hotel.

"You want to go live in Australia, we have a big boat and it's ready to go now," says one Iraqi-born man to some of the illegal immigrants hiding out on the busy Jakarta street.

There is no need to wait or prepare, to plot or plan for the hundreds of desperate illegal immigrants in Indonesia of Afghan, Iranian, Sri Lankan and Iraqi origin.

"It really is that easy," says former people smuggler "Shadi".

He clicks his fingers.

"I could go now, today, and get 50 passengers for Australia just like that for you and you can get half a million dollars US, not Aussie, just like that."

Shadi should know. He tried to make it to Christmas Island but when things didn't work out he became a people smuggler himself and for three years helped send more people to Australia than he can remember. The number is in the thousands.

But in the third phase of his three years walking about Jalan Jaksa he became one of the Australian Federal Police's most significant covert agents and later one of the first to be given a protected new life in Australia - a thanks from a grateful nation.

He not only exposed the men behind the smuggling but single-handedly stopped dozens of boats from coming to Australia, testified against some of the biggest people-smugglers in South East Asia and, more importantly, laid out a detailed map of the routes for thousands plotting to come to Australia.

Today he is again helping authorities hunt the smugglers and track the boats preparing to make the voyage.

Shadi yesterday agreed to speak with The Daily Telegraph to reveal the true extent of the problem and how and why it is about to get a lot worse.

His story is common. He went to Jordan in 1997 with a plan to be smuggled to Sweden.

After a three-year wait for Swedish passage Shadi decided instead to go to Australia and immediately flew to Jakarta to prepare. He made one failed voyage with 300 others and just remembered the huge waves and the dread he would die at sea. It put him off but he felt sorry for his fellow passengers, abandoned by the head smuggler after two failed attempts to cross the straits, and decided to help them leave. He also spoke English - a bonus in Jakarta - so he became an accidental people smuggler.

He was the moneyman and recruiter. He was the quartermaster buying the supplies for the voyages, including life vests and essentials such as bags of sugar, tea, bread and water. He even had a collection of rubber stamps to put fake entry and exit visa marks in passports.

The would-be Aussie asylum seekers generally flew into Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia first from Iraq or Jordan. They would stay at a specific hotel off Jalan Tun Sambanthan before being flown to Jakarta. At Jakarta International, a corrupt airport official would be paid $1000 in US cash to open a side door to the airport and the mostly Arab men would slip out to a waiting bus without having to pass through the border gates. Their passports would be stamped on the bus or later at a hotel with a fake Customs stamp and entry/exit visas, used should they be stopped by local police at a later time. They would then be bussed to Sarina in North Jakarta where they would congregate at the local McDonald's waiting for orders. Others would be taken to Cipanos in the mountains or Puncak, another staging post, before setting sail from Lombok or Sumatra or even Cambodia. Intelligence points to these haunts being used today.

There are no special pitches, no facts, no planning or training. People are ready to just go. For the smugglers it was easy money. A boat cost on average $US20,000, the local Indonesian fisherman crew and corrupt airport officials would cost another $US20,000 but each passenger would pay between $2000 to $10,000, according to market demands.

"I know how to sell it, I know the places to talk to people, where they are. I know how to get a passenger to get his hand in his pocket and give it to me. It's very easy," Shadi says.

"You don't need to sell this, or say things like government will pay you money if you go, no one says that. It's just that everybody knows Australia is much better than their own country. That is it. We know by TV, newspaper, internet, you know what the life is like here, Western life. We give you promise to get there and we will try again and again and again until we get you there. We give you promise to leave in two weeks and if it's longer than two weeks we will pay for your hotel, accommodation, whatever."

Some people smugglers left when they had 60 passengers. Others waited for a minimum 200.

It costs about $US50,000 to organise a boat but with just 100 people $500,000 can be made.

It's a trade and the best boat, price and reputation gets the lion's share. One chief smuggler would go on the asylum seekers' boat as far as international waters, to assure them all was well, before a second shadowing smaller boat would take him off and he would leave them to their fate.

Meanwhile, the flood of asylum seekers now rushing Australia was a direct result of the Labor Government's policies, according to the men who are dispatching the boats.

For weeks, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has denied that the sharp rise in the number of refugee boats entering Australian waters had anything to do with his softening of his Liberal predecessor's hardline Pacific Solution doctrine.

Mr Rudd said the 29 per cent rise in arrivals was a worldwide phenomenon with other Western nations experiencing similar rises.

But according to a former smuggler now living in Australia, those coming know the change in policy now meant quick entry to the country and a strong likelihood refugee status would be granted within three monthinstead of years.

"The immigration rules in Australia were changed and everyone knows it and that's why so many are now coming," the smuggler, who can be identified only as Shadi, said yesterday.

"Before, the reasons it stopped was John Howard absolutely, he deterred some boats by force and Nauru Island where they [boat people] knew they could get stuck for one or two or three years. We and the passengers would check the internet daily to see what Canberra was doing and we all knew these things.

"This is very hard for everyone to imagine being in a camp like a jail. The idea is to get in quick, get a visa then return home to see family and then bring them all to Australia. No one wants to be without family for years under old laws. Now [with] new laws it's easy and quick, maybe weeks or a few months. You can call people on the mobile, you stay two or three weeks at Christmas Island then they call others."

Shadi said when the rules changed, the snake heads - leaders of the human smuggling operations - cut the price for a seat on their boat from $US10,000 to about $US4000.


Family of Yemeni Paedophile victim demand allah’s law


Read the shocking disgusting details of these sick F*c*s and their perverted Religion of Peace

Husband of dead Yemeni child bride should die: family

April 12, 2010

12 4 2010 Husband of dead Yemeni child bride should die family

The family of a 13-year-old Yemeni girl who died after being sexually violated by her husband a few days into her arranged marriage is demanding his execution.

Ilham al-Ashi died on Friday, five days after marrying Abed al-Hekmi, 24, in a case that has again brought into sharp focus the plight of Yemen's so-called "brides of death".

The medical report from the main hospital in the Hajja province, north of the capital, said she suffered a deep rupture in the genitals.

"I demand the implementation of Allah's law. I demand punishment," the mother of the girl, Nejma al-Ashi, said, referring to execution, which is the penalty for murder in the Muslim country.

In the hut village of Al-Asha, about 200km northwest of the capital, Sana'a, the mother said her daughter had been "fine and full of health" when she got married.

The husband's family in a neighbouring village told her a few days after the wedding that her daughter "was sick, suffering malaria, and that the spirits have possessed her in the wedding".

"I responded: Have fear for God. My daughter has no problems," she added.

But her daughter, the latest victim of the widespread custom of under-age marriage in the tribe-structured society, had been in trouble for days, according to medical staff who had seen her earlier in the week.

An Uzbek gynaecologist at a medical clinic, Zahra Makyayeva, said she saw Ashi on the second day of her marriage, after her husband brought her in asking to "tear her hymen" - proving they had not consummated their marriage.

The doctor said she refused because "it was forbidden" and advised the husband to go to a government hospital, pointing out that the girl, who was too shy to allow the doctor to check her, appeared frail.

But instead of going to a hospital, Hekmi stopped at the clinic's pharmacy asking for sleeping pills or tranquilisers, but when he failed to obtain such pills, he asked for a sexual performance enhancer, which he got.

"We realised he wanted to drug the girl," said Sheikh Ali al-Huda, the owner of the clinic.

Three days later, Hekmi took his wife back to the clinic, where she was diagnosed with urine retention and found to have vaginal injuries and infection, according to nurse Fathiya Haidar.

"We gave her medication and she left. The morning after we heard she died," she said.

The brother of the girl, Abdullah, who had married the sister of Hekmi on the same day as part of the traditional custom of Sheghar, or swap marriage, accused his brother-in-law and his family of killing his sister.

"They have killed her: her husband and his family. They tied down my sister and killed her," he said.

Hekmi remains in custody and, according to a police report, has admitted forcing himself onto his wife when she refused to have sex with him.

Yemeni Paedophile rapes and kills 13 year old wife
Pious Islam: Islamic Boy Love
Islamic Sociopaths Inc. 95,000 descendants of the most infamous Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader known as Mohammed are sueing ten news papers for publishing pictures of their beloved Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader.

The two faces of Hussein Obama.


Two faces of Obama crop and text

Is Hussein Obama Insane ?

HMAS Childers finally a chance to speak the truth.


This incident by Lu Kewen aka.Kevin Rudd and his Australian Labor Party and their financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, preferred immigrants,successful criminal enterprise to enter Australia via invasion,has seen the crew of HMAS Childers slandered and ridiculed by the usual suspects aka. the Australian Labor Party and their left wing supporters, for causing / not doing enough / to prevent the incident or just for being there in their way as they executed their criminal act.

The fact that these Afghani criminals attempted to murder Australian Naval servicemen and women is of no concern for Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 and his Beijing,Main stream media, ACTU sponsored regime,in fact Lu Kewen granted these criminals visas in exchange for their attempted murder of the crew of the HMAS Childers and the Murder of five of their fellow co conspirators / invaders.

Lu Kewen’s “Getting the balance right”

Full marks to the crew at 60 Minutes Australia for exposing the TRUTH.

The Afghani criminals who attempted to murder the crew members of HMAS Childers and succeeded in murdering five of their fellow conspiritors are still at large in Australia,the Rudd Government granted them visas immediately following their murderous acts,their whereabouts are unknown.

Boat blast report triggers call to revoke visas

March 18, 2010

THE opposition has seized on a coroner's findings to accuse the government of acting irresponsibly by giving visas to Afghan refugees blamed for a deadly boat blast last year.

The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, is under pressure to revoke the protection visas handed to three Afghans accused of plotting the April 16 blast on the boat known as SIEV 36. The men received the visas before an inquiry into the blast was complete.

Yesterday the Northern Territory Coroner, Greg Cavanagh, named three men as being part of a plan to cripple the boat and start a fire so that they could not be forced to return to Indonesia.

He found that Arman Ali Brahimi, Ghulam Mohammadi and Sabzali Salman had, with others, collaborated to lie to him about the explosion that killed five Afghan men and endangered Defence personnel who had boarded the boat.

The Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, demanded to know who had decided to grant the men visas and challenged Mr Rudd to cancel them. ''My question is to the Prime Minister. It is simple, it is clear and it should not require him to read any briefing notes … Will he now revoke the visas of those three individuals who were found by the Northern Territory coroner to be involved in a plan to set fire to the vessel?''

Under taunts of being soft on criminals, Mr Rudd said the coroner's report had been forwarded to the Northern Territory police, who would decide whether charges would be laid.

''I am advised by the Immigration Minister that that decision [to grant visas] was made independently by his department through a careful and rigorous assessment of the merits of each individual case,'' Mr Rudd said.

But the opposition immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, said the Immigration Minister could decide to deport the men on character grounds now.

''This is a government where ministers and the Prime Minister are more interested in protecting themselves from accountability than they are in making decisions and taking responsibility,'' he said.

Mr Cavanagh found the asylum seekers colluded to lie about the explosion on the boat, near Ashmore Reef. He said most of the asylum seekers had known of the plan to cripple the boat, despite their denials.

"Because they have all told similar lies, I can only conclude that they have all to some extent colluded with each other and decided as a group to lie to this inquest," Mr Cavanagh said.

Mr Cavanagh said one or more asylum seekers deliberately ignited petrol which had been spilt into the bilge, causing an almost instantaneous explosion.

The Immigration Minister, Chris Evans, said he was ''disturbed'' by the findings but would await the findings of any criminal proceedings before making a decision on deportation. Northern Territory police had supported his department's decision to give visas to all survivors of the boat blast, he said.

The Coroner also found the explosion could have been avoided if Defence personnel had properly searched the boat for petrol and confiscated cigarette lighters and matches from those on board.

The explosion would probably have been avoided if Defence had not served an "inappropriate" warning notice on the asylum seekers, telling them to consider returning to Indonesia.

Mr Cavanagh praised the bravery and professionalism of three personnel and said more people might have died but for their actions.

He found Defence members had rescued their colleagues first but he could not criticise that given the circumstances.

There has been NO announcement by the Beijing sponsored Lu Kewen,aka. Kevin 07 Labor Government, regarding the hunting down and arrest of the criminals responsible for the Murder of their five co conspiritors  and the attempted murder of the crew members of the HMAS Childers.

I am however sure that come time to enrol to vote at the upcoming federal election Lu Kewen’s financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions will not have any trouble locating them and all the other criminal entrants they have invited to Australia, I mean after all if you are been fed housed and clothed by the Australian Social Security System for the rest of your and your children’s lives who ya gonna vote for ? the hand that feeds you of course, just take a tour of Sydney’s Occupied Territories any working day and see who it is that does not have to go to work,you wont see any Australians.

Australians should have listened to Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin 07 Labor Party’s celebrity Muslim terrorist apologist, MSmedia darling,and Polygamist groupie Keysar Trad, back in his article published in the 16th issue of Nida'ul Islam magazine (, December - January 1996-97] when he warned Australians …….


The Tradstradwithbrood

“What will a starving person do (they are able to fly via 747 from  Afghanistan / Middle East to Indonesia, however they are starving? ) when he wants food? They will no longer respect these laws which were drafted in a cocoon away from the reality that the land of Australia does not belong to white European man.(Australians) In fact, if the original inhabitants had their way, or if we want to employ Pauline Hanson justice, then white man should pack his bags and leave this country, for your people Pauline, have been the worst of guests!

The criminal dregs (Australians) of white society colonised this country, and now, they only take the select choice of other societies, and the descendants of these criminal dregs tell us that they are better than us. And because we are not elitists, we tolerate them.( great to know that the Australian Labor Party’s new best Muslim friends are able “tolerate” Australians, is that before or after they they illegally enter Australia and go on to Social Security for life ?)  Yet they want us to assimilate, perhaps they will only become satisfied when we each die our hair red, wear blue/green contact lenses, and operate a fish and chips shop, otherwise, we would not be truly assimilating, would we?

Full text here 


Friday, April 09, 2010

Pious Islam: Islamic Boy Love


No wonder Muslim Men are Sociopaths

Warning Chunder Bucket may be required.

How many of these creatures are in Australia thanks to Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd and his open boarders policy?




Australia’s Finest.



While these brave Australians are risking their lives in Afghanistan,Lu Kewen,aka. Kevin Rudd,and his Labor Government facilitate the entry of as many of their enemies as possible to enter Australia via their Illegal Refugee Boat people SCAM.

Australian Flag

Yemeni Paedophile rapes and kills 13 year old wife


Yemeni child bride dies of bleeding after intercourse

The Australian
April 08, 2010

A 13-year-old Yemeni girl who was forced into marriage died five days after her wedding when she suffered a rupture in her sex organs and hemorrhaging, a local rights organization said today.

Ilham Mahdi al Assi died last Friday in a hospital in Yemen's Hajja province, the Shaqaeq Arab Forum for Human Rights said in a statement quoting a medical report.

She was wedded the previous Monday in a traditional arrangement known as a "swap marriage," in which the brother of the bride also married the sister of the groom, it said.

"The child Ilham has died as a martyr due to the abuse of children's lives in Yemen," the non-governmental organization said.

Her death was a "flagrant example" of the results of opposing the ban on child marriage in Yemen, which was leading to "killing child females," it said.

The marriage of young girls is widespread in Yemen, which has a strong tribal structure.

The death of a 12-year-old girl in childbirth in September illustrated the case of the country's "brides of death," many of whom were married off even before puberty.

Controversy heightened in Yemen recently over a law banning child marriage in the impoverished country through setting a minimum age of 17 for women and 18 for men.

Thousands of conservative women demonstrated outside parliament last month, answering a call by Islamist parties opposing the law.

A lesser number of women rallied at the same venue a few days later in support of the law, the implementation of which was blocked pending a request by a group of politicians for a review.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Why they wear the Burqa… will Russia save the world?

Whilst Russia is still no friend of the west its heartening to hear their leader calling Muslim Terrorists what they are, “SCUM”.

There was time when western leaders would have called Muslim Terrorists what they are, SCUM.

In these days of Hope and change we are ordered to respect Islam, under threat of human rights legislation and freedom FROM free speech legislation.

Maybe the Ruskies will lead the way and conquer the stated Islamic Jihad for world domination.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rudd’s Australia: Sharia LIGHT


Attackers on bonds in sex assault plea deal outrage

By Gemma Jones
The Daily Telegraph

March 31, 2010 12:00AM

THE now 17-year-old victim has clear memories of a night that will forever haunt her.

"I couldn't move," she said of a horrifying sexual assault by four teenage boys in 2008 after a football awards ceremony in a NSW country town. "When I started crying, (one of the attackers) said, 'What are you crying for, you sook?', or, 'Why are you crying, you sook?'."

Two of the accused are awaiting sentencing. The other two are on 18-month good behaviour bonds after a plea bargain deal with the Director of Public Prosecutions. Remarkably, her father is on a two-year bond for common assault after punching one of the accused.

The girl and her father both said they had felt pressured to agree to the plea deal - including an agreed statement of facts very different to the girl's initial police statement.

"They pressured us. They told us . . . they have barristers, they will really barrage you, the chances are you will lose the case," her father said. "They wore us down to accept the plea. They walked out of that court free as birds."

The 17-year-old's four attackers each pleaded guilty to aggravated indecent assault after prosecutors drew up the statement.

Part of the assault on the then 15-year-old, who was almost passed out drunk, was recorded by video on a mobile phone.

She was stripped naked and attacked in a bathroom by two of the teenagers.

The agreed statement focused on how much alcohol the victim had consumed and referred to the attack as "sexual activity". In stark contrast, her police statement was full of horrific descriptions, particularly of a separate attack on the same night in a bedroom by the other two teenagers, which she remembers clearly.

As she tried to fight them off to find her clothes, she ripped the door handle off in her desperation.

The young men were originally charged with a range of offences, including aggravated sexual assault, offender in company, aggravated sexual intercourse with a child and aggravated indecent assault.

Yesterday the shattered girl, who had to move from her own town because one of the attackers attended her school, said she was changed by the attack.

"I used to be so happy and go-lucky, I am just so depressed," she said.

Karen Willis from the NSW Rape Crisis Centre said the DPP should appeal against the good behaviour bonds.

Howard Brown from the Victims of Crime Assistance League said plea deals agreed to by the DPP were undermining the justice system.

"If they don't face the charges for what they have done, how do you call it a justice system?" Mr Brown said.

A spokeswoman for Attorney-General John Hatzistergos said he was unable to comment as two of the teens had yet to be sentenced.

The girl, her father, the accused rapists, the town, the judge and even any legal representatives cannot be identified in order to protect the victim's identity.

Socialism has always been  about the welfare of the socialist ideology, never about the welfare of people.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Prof.Bob Birrell Speaks for Australia and Australians


Mass immigration kills Aussie culture, says demographer Bob Birrell

By staff writers
Herald Sun
March 24, 2010 7:49AM

    * 'Migration causes social problems'
    * Population expected to hit 35 million by 2050
    * Calls for enquiry into migration numbers
    * Aussie asylum seeker numbers buck world trend

TRADITIONS based on heritage, sporting culture and common language are threatened by mass immigration, a leading demographer has warned.

Monash University population expert Dr Bob Birrell  has said the huge influx of people with few or no English skills had created social problems in Melbourne suburbs such as Dandenong, Sunshine and Broadmeadows and most major cities were feeling the population strain, the Herald Sun reported.

"This is not a pretty picture," he said.  "Social divisions are becoming more obvious and geographically concentrated and certain areas are being overlain by an ethnic identification."

Dr Birrell made the explosive comments in an article for Policy,a magazine published by the Centre for Independent Studies,a right-wing think tank.

In a plea to the Rudd Government to slash the current immigrant intake of 180,000 a year, Dr Birrell warned that the predicted population of 35 million by 2050 would be a disaster for urban living and the environment.

"One would have to wander deaf, dumb and blind through Australian capital cities to not notice how urban congestion has already reduced the quality of life," he said.

The intake dominated by people from non-English speaking backgrounds was transforming Australia, Dr Birrell said. 

"We are losing core elements of what was once shared. Almost all could once aspire to a house and land ... and sharing a common language, sporting culture and heritage," he said.

But mass migration was creating ethnic enclaves in suburbs with cheap housing, and planning rules were forcing Australian-born "losers" and non-English speaking background migrants to live in congested neighbourhoods, "cheek by jowl".

Population target

Kevin Rudd has made it clear that he believes in a big Australia. In a recent speech he declared that migration was "good for our national security, good for our long-term prosperity, good in enhancing our role in the region and the world".

But the Federal Opposition and the Greens said questions needed to be asked about Australia's immigration plans.

Opposition immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, told the ABC there should be an inquiry into how many people the nation can support.

"It's about what the carrying capacity is," he said.  "We need to get that perspective from regional areas as well as metropolitan areas, where issues of congestion and housing affordability are major problems as well as public transport.

"What's more important, is the process for planning. For example, the states and territories have no input into questions of immigration and migration intakes but they're the ones at the end of the day that have to service the needs that are created by it."

Greens Leader Bob Brown said there should be an independent national inquiry into Australia's population target.

"So that politicians do have an idea of the carrying capacity of this country, its infrastructure, its ability to deal with those quite worrying projections of 35 million people by 2050," he said.   "We've got to do better than just say well let it happen."

Other leading academics have also questioned the challenge that mass intake of migrants will pose.

In their book Australia's Immigration Revolution, Andrew Markus, James Jupp and Peter McDonald agrue that while immigration "offers ‘the most immediate and simplest short term measure to deal with labour and skills shortages" it also comes with serious questions about social cohesion.

Prior to the 1950s 80 per cent of immigrants came from the United Kingdom. Between the 50s and the 1960s migrants from continental Europe became the majority.

After the abolition of the White Australia policy in the early 1970s the mixture of migration changed again. Today, the largest proportion of immigrants come from Asia and Oceania.  China and India rival New Zealand and Britian as the biggest source of immigrants.

Many of the catastrophic outcomes alluded to by Bob Birrell are already facts of life in Australia's  “Occupied Territories”, Multicultural ghettos, no go zones for anyone who is, or identifies as Australian.

The South Western suburbs of Sydney are a good example of what Bob Birrell is trying to warn Australians and our Numb Nutted “leaders “of.These suburbs have been colonized predominantly by Middle Eastern “refugees” and escapees from Lebanon sent here by the Syrian Government during the 70’s and later in the 80’ and 90’s by targeted selection by Australian Labor (Socialist) Governments.

These Muslim Middle Eastern immigrants have at every opportunity made known their hatred of Australians,our Judeo Christian based legal and democratic governmental structures and everything that has manifested the Nation that RAN AWAY TOO NOT FROM and hold in such contempt with the exception of Australia’s FREE Hospital and Medical, subsidised Pharmacy,FREE Tax payer provided housing,Life long social security payments for them and their indigent off spring,FREE education,FREE Dental,FREE translation services for LIFE,Subsidised public transport fares for LIFE, Subsidised child minding fees,Subsidised Gas Electricity and Water charges,these are just a few of the parts (hand outs) these Muslim colonialists apparently LIKE about Australia.

The Government of New South Wales has even provided a specialist consanguineous / incest marriage unit at Auburn Hospital (a Public Hospital now part of the Occupied Territories) in order to deal with the tragic and grotesque manifestations of Middle Eastern Muslims sexual preferences.

The Government of NSW has also provided a dedicated Middle Eastern Crime task force within the NSW Police Force / Service to Police the Muslim Middle Eastern Drug importation / Distribution,Car re birthing / export,Protection rackets and Islamic Rape Gangs who target “Aussie Sluts and Pigs” of ANY age.

Ahh!!!! the joys of Multiculturalism. Australians have never known such divisive HATRED and lack of social cohesion since the official imposition of Multiculturalism during  the Socialist Australian Labor Party Government of E.G Whitlam, sold to Australians by Australia's TV and Hollywood Idiot Wannabees, Social Justice Snake Oil Salesmen and various “Christian Religious Leaders” via the mindless slogan / jingle  / bumper sticker  of “It’s Time” over thirty years ago.

Australia has never recovered from culturally and socially from the relatively short time Whitlam and his subversives were in power.

The Muslim inbreeding problem comes to Australia

Within Sydney's Middle Eastern community inter family marriage seems to be on the rise and it is leading to a high incidence of children born with defects: Erin O' Dwyer explores the devastating cost of a tradition that many in the West regard as taboo.

A smile twists across Kaled Assoum's face. Lying in his cot, he gurgles happily as his mother, Randa, tickles his belly and kisses him on the face. The eight-year-old, pictured above with his grandmother, was born with severe intellectual and physical disabilities. He cannot walk or talk, and feeds through a tube in his stomach. He has the mental capacity of a one-year-old. "I still love him day after day" his father Mohammed says. "From the beginning I was a bit sad and she was a bit sad. She started crying but I said in the end we can't do anything. That’s how God created him. Even if we cry from now on until 100 years, you can't do anything."

It is almost two decades since doctors at Sydney's Auburn Hospital began to research a devastating pattern of birth defects among babies born to Lebanese families. Led by pioneering obstetrician Dr Caroline de Costa, the study showed significant increases in birth defects, stillbirths and miscarriages among women who were married to blood relatives, particularly first and second cousins from families who came largely but not exclusively, from the Middle East. The study found that one in three Lebanese women were married to a cousin and, across the hospital's maternity ward, one in 10 women had married a cousin. Even more alarming was the finding that babies born to these women were four times more likely to be stillborn and eight times more likely to suffer serious birth defects.

Ten years later, maternity ward staff reported these marriages were on the rise. De Costa followed up her landmark study, interviewing every pregnant women who booked into the hospital's maternity ward in one year. In 2001 she published her results,revealing that almost 20 per cent of women were consanguineously married. Of those,more than half were married to first cousins and almost 60 per cent were born in Australia.

Fifteen babies born to consanguineous couples - related by birth - at Auburn Hospital had severe defects, including heart, kidney and liver function problems. Among non-cousin couples there were five disabled babies - one with a cleft lip and two with club feet. Of those babies that died - six in total - all were born to consanguineous couples. "What was interesting," de Costa wrote at the time, "was that the proportion of pregnant women who were consanguineously married had risen from 11 per cent in the 1980s to 19.6 per cent in 1999. "In other words.. .consanguineous marriage is continuing to be commonly practised by the next generation. Accurate information about risks and non-judgemental genetic counselling need to be available."

When loving your family breeds tragic consequences.

For most in the West, consanguinity is abhorrent but across the world it is a respected cultural practice. Globally at least, 20 per cent of people live in places where cousin-to-cousin marriage is preferred, and nearly 10 per cent of people have consanguineous parents. It is accepted in South-East Asia, Japan, Brazil and Africa, and is particularly common in the Middle East among Muslims and Christians. In Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, about half of all marriages are consanguineous while in Lebanon it is about 25 per cent. At Westmead's Children's hospital, people from 14 Middle

Eastern and African nationalities attended genetic counselling. There are no figures on how widespread inter-family marriage is in Australia, but among immigrant communities in Britain and Canada the practice is even more common than in their country of origin.

Researchers say the trend is the same here. Families want to continue cultural traditions, and the small pool of potential spouses makes intermarriage more likely. Traditionally,the practice has been driven by economics. Dowries were reduced, and landholdings were preserved. Spouses had similar social status, and were thus considered more compatible. In modem times, family support has remained a key factor, as well as a practical way of bringing new family members into the country

So it was for second cousins Randa and Mohammed Assoum. But when Kaled, their fourth son, was born, his severe disabilities shocked them. His birth should have brought joy Instead there was sadness. And questions. "The doctors didn't say it was because we were related, but they did say stop... no more kids," Mohammed says. "We didn't feel angry we just accepted it. It's our faith that makes us accept it."

Their intense love has also seen them through the dark days. The couple remember being sweet on each other as children and when Mohammed emigrated from Lebanon to Australia as a teenager, he knew Randa would one day join him. In Sydney, he worked long hours on construction sites to win her hand in marriage. "Since we were little, our families said, 'She belongs to him and he belongs to her'," Mohammed says.

It was the same story for the couple's siblings. Randa's three brothers married Mohammed's three sisters, and their homes are clustered around the

Auburn area. They are successful, self-sufficient and extremely supportive. But Kaled's disabilities have forced them to reconsider their cultural practices. "What we're hearing from doctors and what happened to us, it's very hard now to let our daughters and sons marry from their family".

Mohammed says. "I wish my sons and daughters would not marry from their family" It is a viewpoint rippling across the Lebanese community

Nonetheless the subject is extremely sensitive, and families fear recrimination for a practice that has long been completely the nor in the East, yet taboo in the West.

The Assoum family was alone in agreeing to tell their story openly to The Sun-Herald but those who spoke on the condition of anonymity admitted they too did not want their children to marry within the family. Lebanese-born mother-of-nine Patima says it is a view supported by the Koran, which states that marriage outside the family helps create new friendships and bonds.

But cousin marriage was common in Fatima's family, and she felt that she and her cousin were well-suited. "But back then I wouldn't have thought about children," Fatima says. "I didn't think of him as a cousin. I was just thinking, is this a partner I can live with?" Fatima says that although her children are all healthy they are ashamed of their parents' marriage. Their grandparents would like the tradition to continue, but Fatima remains opposed. "My children are rejecting it," she says. "They feel ashamed about it so they hide it and they don't talk about it."

Australian-born mother-of-two Salima says she does not explain her family situation to anyone. "For us, it's a very normal situation," she says. "But it's a very difficult topic, because in this society it is unacceptable." Salima was still at university when she first met her older cousin - an engineer from Lebanon who moved to Australia to find work. The pair fell in love and later married. Their youngest son, now 14, is autistic."No one has ever said it is because you are married to your cousin," says Salima, who works in the finance industry "but I've thought about it myself over the years and

I've started to question it. I've learnt to live with the situation, but it's not something I would want my children to do."

It is the wind of change that the medical fraternity has been praying for. The risk of defect or death in babies born to cousin couples is double that of the general population - about 6 per cent compared to 3 percent. Butde Costa's year-long project showed significantly higher risks, perhaps due to the the smaller gene pool in Australian immigrant communities.

Auburn Hospital obstetrician Greg Jenkins who worked with de Costa on the study before she relocated to Queensland - says it is vital that families are educated about the risks, particularly those who face higher risks due to known genetic conditions or a history of intermarriage. In cases where women access high quality ultrasounds early in their pregnancy abnormalities can be identified and couples referred to genetic counselling. They can then decide to terminate - an option allowed in the Muslim faith in the first trimester - or proceed with the pregnancy under expert medical care. But

Jenkins says poor levels of awareness mean that many women book into antenatal clinics too late, and never see trained genetic counsellors or paediatric specialists.

Yet even women with the best medical care have stories that are heartbreaking. Jenkins tells of one woman who learnt at 19 weeks that her baby had a lethal brain abnormality She decided to carry the child. "From her perspective, it was the will of God," Jenkins says. "It broke her heart, but the way she approached it was that she would do the best she could because it was something over which she had no control. "It was a very painful experience.. .a very challenging and confronting situation. My staff kept wanting to send her away for more tests and I said, 'No, that's not -what she wants'." In the end, the woman's baby died an hour after birth. "[But] she got to meet her baby and she got to comfort it," Jenkins says. "She didn't have to make the decision to terminate the life of her child. Her next baby was fine and it brought great joy to everyone involved."

At the children’s hospital at Westmead geneticist Professor David Sillence believes consanguinity may have outlived its usefulness. "When you make the transition from Lebanon to Australia, the bank is on George Street in Parramatta - it's no longer money which the family holds in it own pocket,"

Sillence says. "Consanguinity doesn't necessarily preserve marriages anymore and it doesn't necessarily protect women from abuse within the family

It puts women in a relationship within their household where they not only have a husband but a father-in-law who is related to them because he is the uncle and there is increased pressure on them.

"There is a dysgenic [relating to or causing degeneration in the type of offspring produced] effect that's been shown in repeated studies." One of those is reproductive loss, Sillence says. He has devoted his career to untangling the complicated family tree of Sydney's Middle Eastern community

He tells the story of a Pakistani woman who had five pregnancies, all ending in miscarriage at 16 to 18 weeks. But he was surprised by the depth of grief in the community, particularly among men."I was not prepared for Mediterranean males who sit and cry for one hour about their sadness," he says. Dozens of men spoke to Sillence during a study at Westmead in the late 1990s. He hoped his research would lead to a funding grant to help establish a data bank of rare disorders, and improve screening and testing options.

But September 11 put paid to that. The research funding dried up and the community closed up. Politicians became uninterested in health. Sillence hopes his research will gain momentum again. In the meantime, he mops up the tears and discourages interfamily marriage, except in cases where love is Involved. This is because only love can overcome the vast grief. "You cannot know how much grief there is until you do a study like this," he says. "Your only research cost is Kleenex tissues. Grief can be like a well and that well is very deep for these families."It's grief heaped upon grief.. .the personal grief of a miscarriage, heaped upon the grief of a community, heaped upon grief in an international context."

For Randa and Mohammed Assoum, love has kept them together. And as they sit side by side in the lounge room of their Lidcombe home, their connection is obvious. They giggle, and smile at each other, recounting their courtship. "I loved him," Randa says shyly. "We're still in love and we'll never stop loving each other," Mohammed says. "Not everyone has that we're just lucky,thank God. And we love our children very much."

The risks are far greater when blood relatives marry

* Consanguinity describes the relationship between blood relatives.Most common is marriage between first cousins.
* Birth defects occur because blood relatives share a greater number of genes, so there is a greater chance of both parents sharing the same faulty gene.

* Children risk inheriting two copies of the same faulty gene, and so being born with a genetic disability.
* Parents who are not related face a 3 per cent risk of having a disabled child. For first cousins, the risk is twice as high.

But, says Dr Kristine Barlow-Stewart, from the centre for Genetics Education, this means the vast majority of children are born healthy. "People think they will automatically have a child with genetic problems and of course that's not so,"she says. "The risk of having a [disabled] child when the parents are first cousins is around 5-6 per cent. "The problem is that where there is a tradition for relatives to marry, you'll get the grandparents who are first cousins,the parents who are first cousins and the children who are first cousins. Then the chance of them sharing the same faulty gene is compounded and there risk is much greater than the 5to 6 per cent risk."

The above article appeared in the Sydney "Sun Herald" on 28 May, 2006, Pgs 77 & 80 under the heading: "The family ties that bind".

Whilst Millions of Dollars are been spent trying to rectify and dealing with the manifestations of Muslim cultural / perversions /bizarre marriage customs and sexual practices, Australian veterans and pensioners are told they cannot access a bed for a knee or hip replacement or even more urgent life saving surgery for up to two or more years, Australian women have given birth to their babies in Hospital Waiting room toilets and in cleaners cupboards because the FREE Medicare health system is unable to cope with the demand for routine medical services for the most needy.

The culture of Islamic inbreeding is so well established and accepted in Australia that a Queens Council appointed at tax payers expense,to defend a member of a Muslim Gang Rape gang,responsible for what Police believe were up to 100 gang rapes of Australian children, known as the Skaf Brothers, used Muslim inbreeding as a defence for his clients participation in the gang rapes of what Muslims described as “ Aussie Sluts and Pigs” citing his physical deformities due to him been one of eleven children born to a mother married to her cousin at the age of 14 as been the cause of his troubled mind and therefore his background should be taken into consideration when sentencing was considered.

To imply that Australia has been diminished and lessened only by the colonization / immigration of Muslims would be incorrect, there are many other separatist cultural groups that have been established in Australia via the myth / ideology of Multiculturalism.

Despite the Australian Labor Party and their Multiculturalism machines non stop insistence that Australians accept without question any and all behaviours illegal or otherwise of their Islamic and other Colonialist friends and indeed guaranteed Australian Labor Party VOTERS has not broken the Australian spirit, Australians will as long as they have breath in their lungs resist the Australian Labor Party sponsored Islamic Intifada and any other Multicultural group the ALP seeks to use to reduce Australia to a third world crap hole like that their new best friends RAN AWAY from.

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