An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Australia:Dame Elisabeth Murdoch dies at 103

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch - a woman who touched so many lives

Andrew Rule 
Herald Sun
December 05, 2012 11:34PM

DAME Elisabeth Murdoch has died, aged 103.

She passed away peacefully at her home Cruden Farm in Langwarrin.

The renowned community leader, charity worker, philanthropist and matriach of Australia's greatest media family will be mourned by countless thousands of Australians whose lives she has touched.

She was the wife of Sir Keith Murdoch and mother of four children, including Rupert Murdoch.

Dame Elisabeth leaves behind three surviving children - Rupert, Anne Kantor and Janet Calvert-Jones. 

Her eldest daughter, Helen Handbury, died in 2004.

Share your memories and leave your condolences below.

She is also survived by 77 living direct descendants, including five great-great grandchildren as well as other members of her large extended family.

Dame Elisabeth devoted her life to helping others.

She said it was the most important thing in life and the most rewarding.

"Be optimistic - and always think of other people before yourself," she said in an interview to mark her 100th birthday.

Born on February 8, 1909, in Melbourne, she went to school at St Catherine’s in Toorak before being sent to board at Clyde at Mt Macedon.

As Elisabeth Greene, aged 18, she featured as a debutante in Table Talk magazine, which was published by the Herald and Weekly Times Limited.

The photograph caught the eye of Keith Murdoch, influential editor and newspaperman and at 42, one of Melbourne’s most eligible bachelors.

After a fairytale romance they married on June 6, 1928, and they would have 24 years together before his death.

As a wedding present, Keith Murdoch gave his bride Cruden Farm, set on 54ha at Langwarrin.

Over the years the property became both the family home and an internationally famous garden which Dame Elisabeth opened to the public to raise millions of dollars for charity.

Dame Elisabeth constantly supported her husband and he became chairman of the Herald and Weekly Times Limited in 1942.

Her interest in the arts grew alongside his as he became president of the board of trustees which ran the National Gallery of Victoria, the State Library and the Museum until he put them into separate administrations.

Dame Elisabeth was the first woman trustee of the National Gallery of Victoria; chair of the committee which established the Victorian Tapestry Workshop; trustee and prime mover behind the establishment of the regional McLelland Gallery and a benefactor of organisations ranging from the Australian Ballet and Opera Australia to the Bell Theatre Company.

She was known to have helped at least 100 organisations directly.

But she also helped thousands of individuals, either with advice or by using her considerable influence and contacts.

Her greatest monuments are the Royal Children's Hospital and the Murdoch Children's Research Institute.

Lady Elisabeth, as she was then, threw herself into the work of the Royal Children's Hospital after the sudden death of Sir Keith in 1952.

Widowed at 43 and left to raise four children, she commuted to Melbourne almost daily from Cruden Farm to head the planning committee to relocate and build a new children's hospital at Parkville.

She was created a Dame the day the Queen opened the hospital.

Altogether, Dame Elisabeth would serve the hospital for 33 years, retiring as President. She was known ever since as the children's friend.

Her interest in the hospital never waned and she turned up at every Good Friday Appeal to greet volunteers and thank them for their efforts.

Peter Blunden, Victorian Managing Director (Editorial) said Dame Elisabeth was “part of the family” and that everyone at the Herald and Weekly Times was feeling “a deep sense of personal loss”.

“Dame Elisabeth involved herself in all our lives and with our newspapers,” he said. “She was part of the fabric of Melbourne and Victoria and did so much good in the community.”

News Limited CEO Kim Williams said all who work at News Limited in Australia mourned the loss of “an extraordinary national figure who inspired generations of Australians through her selfless devotion to helping others and by her leadership and her remarkable generosity in fostering both scientific research and the arts.

“We feel the loss intensely because she was the wife of Sir Keith Murdoch and mother of our chairman Rupert Murdoch, both towering figures in our national story and the builders of our own media heritage here at News.”

HWT board chairman Julian Clarke said Dame Elisabeth’s extraordinary contribution and generosity and warmth and hospitality would not be forgotten.

"History will long remember Dame Elisabeth Murdoch's extraordinary contribution and generosity to this State and the wider Australian community.

"Undoubtedly, Dame Elisabeth has been one of the great Australians whose intellect and keen interest in others, particularly their welfare, has endeared her to so many throughout her long and remarkable life.

"Dame Elisabeth has been an ever-present influence in our company and will be sadly missed by the many employees who knew her personally.

"We send our sincere condolences to her loving family."

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

ASSASSINS that live among us Sydney Muslim Youth Forum

"You may (and must) curse...the Infidel "

Sydney under siege Muslim Insurgents riot

Muslim Insurgents Sydney Riot latest Video and Pictures

"You may (and must) curse...he Infidel "

Whilst in Sydney Jewish School Girls are been programmed to submit the Saudi's have issued the following instructions to their fellow Muslims when living amongst the Infidel 

Don't dare say hello to your `infidel' neighbor

A report by the Center for Religious Freedom shows that literature distributed at many U.S. mosques promotes extreme Islamic teachings as well as hatred of Jews, Christians, moderate Muslims and America.

By Nathan Guttman
Feb.14, 2005 | 12:00 AM

WASHINGTON - When a believing Muslim is summoned to the United States due to 
life's circumstances, Saudi Arabian authorities disseminate through a 
network of major American mosques, like other religious directives, clear 
ways as to how one should act in his new surroundings.

Take, for example, a document signed by the cultural attache at the Saudi 
embassy in Washington that instructs Muslims arriving in the United States 
not to initiate a greeting when meeting Christians or Jews, and never to 
convey good wishes marking a Christian or Jewish holiday. 

In general, the attached recommends that the Muslim believer avoid friendships with the 
infidels, be careful not to imitate their customs (e.g. not to wear a cap 
and gown at a graduation ceremony), and try not to remain in the country any 
longer than required. The Saudis feel that a good Muslim can stay in America 
only for two reasons: acquiring knowledge and capital to promote the 
objectives of jihad, and lobbying the infidels to accept Islam.

The aforementioned document and dozens of other papers and books are 
distributed for free at major mosques throughout the U.S. 
This is revealed in a recent study published by the Center for Religious Freedom, which is 
affiliated with Freedom House, an unaffiliated organization promoting 
political and economic freedom around the world, partly through research 
studies and information dissemination.

The center's representatives went to the 12 largest mosques in American 
urban centers and took samples of literature distributed to all comers. The 
study's findings were unequivocal: All of the mosques had literature 
originating from Saudi Arabia that promoted extreme Islamic teachings 
(Wahabi) as well as the hatred of Jews, Christians, moderate Muslims and 

The report further exacerbates the rift in America between supporters of 
friendship with Saudi Arabia and those calling for a forceful approach 
against the kingdom. While the Bush administration continues to show 
patience toward the House of Saud, and finds rays of democratization and the 
war on terror, some congressmen consider the report on Saudi incitement in 
the mosques as additional evidence that the country's soft-handed approach 
is a mistake and will not produce results.

Examination of the literature began about a year and a half ago after 
American Muslims informed the center about hate literature being distributed 
in the mosques. Although the center usually tracks religious freedoms 
outside the United States, since this issue involved actions taken by a 
foreign regime, the Saudi government, it decided to pursue the 

Once the material was assembled and translated, the researchers concluded 
that the Saudi Arabians indeed were trying to promote an attitude among 
Muslims living in America that they should resist their hosts and not 
befriend them. "It represents an ideology in which the Muslim in the U.S. is 
in enemy territory," Paul Marshall, a senior fellow at the center who 
co-authored the report, says.

One of the documents, signed by the Saudi embassy in Washington, warns Muslim foreigners that there are no Muslim scholars in the country who might guide the visitor, and therefore, he must learn from distributed written 
material. The document may explain how the Wahabi followers became 
mainstream in America, even though they are in the majority in the Muslim world at large.

You may (and must) curse

The main message of the material examined in the study is one of hatred 
toward any non-Muslim.

 "[I]t is basic Islam to believe that everyone who 
does not embrace Islam is an unbeliever, and must be called an unbeliever, 
and that they are enemies to Allah, his Prophet and believers,"

one handout distributed at a San Diego mosque said. Another document, found in the Great Mosque in Washington, D.C., explains to Muslims that they must keep their 
distance from non-believers:
 "To be disassociated from the infidels is to hate them for their religion, to leave them, never to rely on them for support, not to admire them, to be on one's guard against them, never to imitate them, and to always oppose them in every way according to Islamic 
A book was distributed in another mosque containing questions and 
answers on matters of religion. 

Regarding whether it is permitted to curse Christians and Jews, the author answers it is not only permitted, but also obligatory.

Hatred aside,the literature found in American mosques clearly maps out what 
sort of difficulties the United States can expect when it tries to enlist 
the Muslim community to help in the war on terror. The Saudi literature 
expresses absolute opposition to any believing Muslim working for the alien 
government or assisting it to defend itself from its enemies.

The report's authors believe that the aim of the authors and disseminators 
of the documents is to intimidate Muslims living in America not to become 
involved in local culture, thereby ensuring loyalty to the Islamic approach 
represented in the literature. A booklet distributed to high-school students 
at a Houston mosque goes so far as to warn Muslim youth not to celebrate 
birthdays in an American style.

Three wrongs of the Jews

Much of the literature groups Christians and Jews together as "infidels" 
whom one is obligated to hate, but a significant amount of the material 
specifically refers to hatred of Jews. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" 
is referred to as absolute truth and as containing basic facts about Jews, 
who are accused of harming Muslim values and of being infidels. 

One document found in Washington even enumerates the three wrongs of the Jews against 
religion in general, and the Muslims in particular - Karl Marx, Sigmund 
Freud and the industrial revolution, which brought women into the labor 
force and caused the loss of their modesty. "They're anti-Semitic," Marshall 
says. "It is beyond criticism of Israel and views on the conflict; they 
speak directly about the Jews in an anti-Semitic way."

The material relating to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute also is rife with 
harsh expressions. A fourth-grade textbook written in Saudi Arabia that was 
handed out at a New Jersey mosque states that Israel is "a thorn in the back 
of the Muslim nations, and a window through which colonialism can sneak up 
among the ranks of the Muslims to work on dividing them, and light the fire 
of hatred between them." The book explains to pupils that "the Muslims will 
not rest until they cut off this disease, and purify the land of Palestine 
from the plague of Zionism."

The researchers also discovered some discordant expressions reserved for 
moderate Muslims, including a definition of Muslims who exhibit tolerance 
for other religions as "infidels." In a similar context, threats were 
leveled against any Muslim who converts - such an individual faces a 
punishment of death.

The Saudi embassy in Washington did not deny the existence of the incitement 
literature in mosques, or their Saudi origin. A statement issued to several 
American media outlets simply stated, "Saudi Arabia condemns extremism or 
hateful expressions among people anywhere in the world."

The study's authors are asking American mosques to take measures to prevent 
the free distribution of the literature, and that minimally, it should be 
placed in a separate area of the mosque. But beyond that, it will be 
difficult to do much about the phenomenon. Marshall explains there is 
disagreement among people engaged with the issue over whether it is 
permitted to restrict distribution of such written material: 

On the one hand, some people believe this is an issue of freedom of expression, 
protected by the First Amendment. On the other hand, however, some observers 
believe the First Amendment does not apply to foreign governments, and 
therefore, the United States can prohibit Saudi Arabia from bringing such 
material into its borders. Due to the differences of opinion, the Center for 
Religious Freedom is making do with a call on the administration to lodge a 
protest against Saudi Arabia regarding distribution of the hate literature.

However, the situation of the Saudi Arabians in Congress is much less 
secure. Two subcommittee chairmen in the House of Representatives already 
have promised to hold hearings on the subject. And at least three 
congressmen, prompted by the Center for Religious Freedom report, have 
issued condemnations of the Saudis. A group of six House lawmakers sent a 
letter to the Saudi ambassador in Washington, Prince Bandar, calling on him 
to denounce the literature.

Congress has been pestering the administration with a lengthy list of 
complaints against Saudi Arabia for some time, including foot dragging in 
the quelling of terror, questions of human rights and democracy within the 
kingdom, and issues of xenophobia and incitement toward anti-Semitism. It is 
hard to find any real changes, however, in the administration's position.

U.S. President George W. Bush did issue a rare direct call on the Saudis in 
his State of the Union address two weeks ago, saying, "The government of 
Saudi Arabia can demonstrate its leadership in the region by expanding the 
role of its people in determining their future." However, critics contend 
this was merely lip service, and the United States has little intention of 
altering its supportive attitude toward the House of Saud.

Today marks the 60th anniversary of the historic meeting between former U.S. 
president Franklin Roosevelt and former Saudi King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, a 
meeting that paved the way for long years of partnership between the two 

The U.S.-Saudi relationship is still in robust condition, albeit 
with a sense of continued erosion: Disapproving voices in Congress, 
grievances of Democrats (expressed during John Kerry's presidential 
campaign), and the administration's desire to avoid an image of exercising 
double standards in its drive to realize the vision of promoting democracy 
around the world are jeopardizing the old friendship between the two states.

The Saudis still enjoy an open door to the administration, but now they are 
also appealing to the American people. For the past three years, they have 
invested large sums of money in advertising and public relations in the 
United States, and last month, a counselor at the Saudi Arabian embassy, 
Nail Al-Jubier, even embarked on a U.S. speaking tour with the aim of 
promoting Saudi interests.

Even so, the report on incitement literature is the clearest indicator of 
all that the Saudis have little to be concerned about. The American 
administration has done nothing about the report, so far. When asked about 
it last week, deputy spokesman of the State Department Adam Ereli said that 
the department is still studying the report and that it had yet to be 
determined that any "wrongdoing had been done by diplomatic establishments."

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Australain Courts Side with the "Savage" again.

Alan Jones fails to get Muslim lawsuit dismissed

Vanda Carson 
The Daily Telegraph
December 04, 2012 12:03PM

SHOCKJOCK Alan Jones has been unsuccessful in his latest attempt to have a lawsuit claiming he racially vilified Sydney's Muslims three days before the Cronulla riots in 2005, dismissed.

Alan Jones

Cronulla "Riots" 2005 Islamic Insurgency 2012 Whats changed ?

In those proceedings, father-of-eight Sam Ekermawi, of Moorebank, claims Jones vilified Muslims when he derided  "Lebs", "wogs" and "Middle Eastern" people in his breakfast program on 2GB on December 8, 2005.

Jones read out SMS text messages that had been circulating, allegedly triggered by the assault of two volunteer surf lifesavers by men of Middle Eastern appearance on December 4.

It is claimed the text messages were encouraging people to attend a protest rally on December 11, the day of the riots.

One message allegedly said: "Come to Cronulla this weekend to take revenge."

"This Sunday every Aussie in the Shire get down to North Cronulla to support the Leb and wog bashing day," it is claimed the message said.

It is alleged that Jones also read an email on air, it said "Alan, it's not just a few Middle Eastern bastards at the weekend, its thousands. Cronulla is a very long beach and it's been taken over by this scum. It's not a few causing trouble. "It's all of them, it's an attitude that you feel whenever you go there, it's just straight out racism against the skippies".

Three days later an estimated 5000 Sydney youths gathered at the beach and fights erupted. The violence spread to Cronulla railway station and on to a train. Police arrested 51 people and charged them with assault and riot.

More than a dozen men served jail time, including a Penrith man who assaulted Lebanese men while wearing a singlet with the words "Mohammed was a camel-raping faggot".

Jones and 2GB tried to have Mr Ekermawi's case thrown out on a legal technicality. The attempt failed, with the three-member appeal panel of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal ruling on November 30 that the case should continue.

Mr Ekermawi first lodged his complaint with the Anti-Discrimination Board in 2005, and seven years later he is still waiting for it to be heard in the ADT.

It is not the only case  to claim Jones and 2GB racially vilified Muslims prior to the Cronulla riots.

In October Jones and 2GB were ordered to apologise on air for a separate racist rant where he called Sydney's Lebanese Muslims "vermin" who "infest our shores" and "rape" and "pillage" our nation.

He has not yet apologised. 

The apology order was made by the three-member appeal panel of the tribunal.

Multicultural Australia : When Harmony Day Ambassadors Go Wild

Labor's Multicultural Industry "Harmony Day" Ambassadors Gone Wild
Teen run over during wild street brawl


Police have charged a 21-year-old man with murder after a teenager was killed in a hit-and-run incident during a violent street brawl south of Brisbane.

A 17-year-old Marsden boy died after being hit by a car outside a party at Station Road at Woodridge, south of Brisbane, around 10.00pm (AEST) on Saturday night.

Police say fight broke out between two groups of youths at the party.

Sergeant Tony Jackson says officers found a badly injured teenager when they arrived at the scene.

Ambulance officers and a doctor tried to revive the teen before he was taken the Princess Alexandra Hospital on Brisbane's southside where he died.

"The fight has spread out onto the road and during the fight a male person has been run over by a vehicle which has failed to remain at the scene," he said.

A witness, who did not want to be named, says bottles were smashed over people's heads, beer glasses were thrown and posts were ripped out of the ground and used to damage cars.

"There was glass everywhere - I was literally in the middle of world war three," she said.

"I had to stand behind trees so nobody would throw beer glasses or anything at me.

"People were picking up weapons like mailboxes [and] bricks and they were smashing all the cars.

She says one man got into his car and "sped up towards the crowd until he hit somebody.

"We were actually trying to get him off the road but this guy was going to run all of us over we had no choice but to drag him to the side of the road."

The girl says a passer-by stopped to help the teen, but was forced to leave after people involved in the brawl turned on her.

"He went under the car and someone who was driving past stopped and she was going to take him to the hospital and then her car [became] the target," she said.

"Everyone started throwing everything at her car and that's when she had to take off. She actually had to leave him there."

The 21-year-old Woodridge man has been charged with murder and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle.

He is due to face Beenleigh Magistrates Court on Monday.

But Come Monday it will be alright let the SPIN BEGIN

"Riot isn’t about race, although both sides seem to think otherwise"

Andrew Bolt
3 12 2012

Dr. Patrick Moore joins Ezra Levant :Socialists,Communists,Sociopaths,Green Loons and Muslims worship their new God at the UN's Climate Conference in Qatar.

Co Founder of Green Peace Dr. Patrick Moore speaks with Ezra Levant about the UN Climate Conference in Qatar aka. Climate SCAM

KKKKKCAT FIGHT!!!!!!! Alia Bak El Hassan and Ghazwa El Hassan,accused of assaulting Sophie Kalantzis and Vernesa Toroman

Accused pair in Shire case to cool heels

By Vanda Carson 
The Daily Telegraph 
December 04, 2012 12:00AM

THE two women accused of assaulting Sophie Kalantzis and Vernesa Toroman from The Shire will have to wait three months to have their case heard.

What's a Cat Fight?

Alia Bak El Hassan and Ghazwa El Hassan, who are accused of assaulting the beauticians outside a cafe in Rhodes Shopping Centre on August 15, were due to have the charges against them heard in Burwood Local Court yesterday.

The El Hassan sisters allegedly took part in a slapping, hair-pulling tussle that left Toroman with a black eye and scratches.

Kalantzis was allegedly threatened with a knife.

The sisters have been charged with assault and affray. Alia has also been charged with being armed with intent. The case was adjourned until February 25.

There will be five witnesses at the hearing, which is expected to run for four hours.

Video footage of the fight, filmed on a mobile phone and widely aired on TV, is expected to be shown during the hearing.

An interim apprehended violence order aimed at keeping the women apart has been extended until next year.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Socialism Down Under: Illegal Muslim asylum seekers crown PM Julia Gillard their "hero"

'Party time' as PM called a 'hero' over asylum-seeker detention policies

Daily Telegraph
December 03, 2012 12:00AM

ASYLUM seekers in Indonesia have swung into party mode and labelled Julia Gillard a "hero" after learning they will receive welfare payments and rent assistance should they make it to Australia by boat.

The wannabe citizens are ecstatic the government has conceded detention centres are beyond maximum capacity and that asylum seekers would need to be released into the community while their applications for refugee status were processed.

They would be given financial and housing support - as well as free basic health care - a massive boost from their current financial status in Indonesia where many are struggling to afford food.

However the asylum seekers, based in Puncak, 80km from Jakarta, said they feared Liberal leader Tony Abbott would be successful in his bid to become prime minister.

"Mr Abbott is not good for refugees and asylum seekers, he does not like us, he is not really a nice man," said Zia Haidari, a 25-year-old Afghanistan man who has attempted - unsuccessfully - to travel to Australia by boat seven times.

"Ms Gillard seems to understand how we feel and is trying her best.

Socialist Priorities Down Under Grant Lee is not one of them.

"Abdulah Sulamani, 41, heaped praise on Ms Gillard: "She is a hero, you are lucky to have this woman for your country."

Solo mother Fatemeh Khavari, 30, told News Ltd she did not have enough money saved to travel by boat to Australia and had spent time living homeless and hungry in Indonesia with her six-month-old son.

Labor's announcement was music to her ears.

"If I can get this free money and house when I come to Australia this will make life very easy for me," Ms Khavari said.

"It is very hard right now for us, I cannot afford to buy milk formula, we are very hungry. Me and my child need the generosity of the Australian people.

"If that doesn't happen my baby may die."

Ms Khavari - whose reasons fleeing Iran were "private" - said the other factor to draw her towards Australia was free medical care.

"I cannot afford to have vaccinations for my baby so I can get this in Australia.

A new low for the Australian Labor Party:$173.000 per ILLEGAL Muslim asylum seeker as Chemotherapy Patients asked to pay MORE for treatment or die.

"The praise directed at the prime minister may be unwelcome by its recipient, with voters unlikely to be impressed with the notion asylum seekers think they are coming to a country with soft laws.

A new monthly record was set in November with 2443 people arriving on boats and Ms Gillard was asked yesterday if she would bring back temporary protection visas and tow boats back to Indonesia.

The government last month announced thousands of asylum seekers threatened with processing in Nauru and Manus Island would be released in the community in Australia on bridging visas with almost $440 a fortnight plus help to pay rent.

It is understood the government is aware large numbers of asylum seekers are rushing to get on boats in Indonesia before the monsoon season and are undeterred by the government's pledge to keep them waiting in the community for protection visas for up to five years under a "no advantage" test.

Ms Gillard said TPVs and tow backs were not policy options hours before the government announced 75 people on two boats had been rescued by the Navy off Christmas Island.

"This is a complicated issue for our nation, for nations around the world," Ms Gillard told Channel 10.

"Anybody who says that there is a simple fix to you is not telling you the truth. It takes a range of policies, and we are putting that range of policies in place."

The desperation in the voices of asylum seekers in Puncak is echoed right throughout the village, where many asylum seekers come prior to embarking on the sea journey to Australia.

They eat their basic evening meals with rusty utensils scattered around. Their tiny bedrooms contain no blankets and sleep up to eight people. The days are dull with no ability to work as work visas from Indonesian officials are non-existent for the travellers.

It is this harsh reality of life in villages like Punchak combined with the arrival of news about Labor's policy backflip that is bringing about party fever and the desire to come to Australia as soon as possible.

Seventeen-year-old Adres, who does not have a surname listed on his passport, said when he arrived on Indonesian soil three weeks ago he planned to apply for refugee status through UNHCR.

But upon learning of the over-filled detention centres in Australia he was determined to travel by sea.

"This is good news for us, if we stay here and apply for status we might not be allowed into Australia, but if we come on boat we get the money and house," Adres said.

"This is a great thing and I am very thanking to the government in your country."

The Afghanistan teenager, whose father was killed in Pakistan, made the journey to Indonesia by plane. He saved for the journey and would use his money to engage people smugglers.

"It is a dangerous risk but worth it to get a new country with opportunities.

"This is party time."

How would you like tens of thousands of Bilal Skaf's and his fellow Muslim Peadophile Gang Rapists moving into your city ?Gillard backs down forced to support "The Savage" over Israel in UN Vote to save own job
Sydney's Occupied Territories residents urged to wear Keffiyeh to show support for Terrorism
Sydney's Occupied Territories remind Labor Green Loon Government who is in charge
The Bolt Report November 25 2012 1/ 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy,Illegals and moreMulticultural Australia If all Cultures and Religions are equal what's the big deal with Female Genital Mutilation ?Tony Abbott shuts the door on ILLEGALS
Multicultural Australia we were warned two years ago
Australia: From the West to the East Coast, Every Day is a Harmony Day............

The Bolt Report Dec 2 2012 and Julia Rice Susan Gillard ? Same ideology, same M O

Julia Rice Susan Gillard same modi operandi

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has again been shown to have lied and sought to mislead the Australian people and various Australian government authorities before she was appointed Prime Minister by her minority "Co Party" partners, made up of Green and Independent members of the House of Representatives.

Her deceits are numerous,and started many years ago,the most notable so far to be revealed,is her part in establishing what she describes as a "slush fund" for the proceeds of monies, extorted from building and construction companies, in exchange for industrial peace under the guise of the extorted monies been donations to an Australian Workers Union workers safety / welfare fund, when these monies were in fact to be used for the benefit of her then boy friend Bruce Wilson an official of the Australian Workers Union.

Full details are available via the links at bottom of page.

Julia Gillard's excuse / defence for her appalling conduct has a lot in common with Susan Rice's defence of her complicity in the cover up of the slaughter of America's Benghazi Ambassador and the deaths of those brave men who undertook the task of defending him and the embassy.

Both Gillard and Rice and their respective media and political cheer squads and apologists  are claiming,
Sexism,Racism,Misogyny, "older white men " however the truth is obvious and beyond doubt,Gillard is a proven liar,who along with her fellow "Co Party" government members  is just plain and simply incompetent at every level of  governance.

10,000 miles away in Washington Susan Rice is, from what I read and see, nearly as dishonest and or incompetent as her "sista" in Australia.

Michael Smith News  for various supporting documents 

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