An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Paedophilia Progressive says "It is the quality of the relationship that matters""

Guardian: Paedophiles are 'ordinary members of society' who need moral support

By Damian Thompson
January 3rd, 2013

Britain's most persecuted minority have found a new advocate. An article this morning in the Guardian by feature writer Jon Henley addresses misconceptions about paedophiles, quoting one "expert" who believes that: "It is the quality of the relationship that matters".
No, this is not not some sick send-up on my part. "If there's no bullying, no coercion, no abuse of power," says Tom O'Carroll, "if the child enters into the relationship voluntarily … the evidence shows there need be no harm."

O'Carroll is a former chairman of the Paedophile Information Exchange with a conviction for distributing indecent photographs. The Guardian acknowledges this, but gives him a respectful hearing and points out that "some academics do not dispute" his views. For example:
A Dutch study published in 1987 found that a sample of boys in paedophilic relationships felt positively about them. And a major if still controversial 1998-2000 meta-study suggests – as J Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, Chicago, says – that such relationships, entered into voluntarily, are "nearly uncorrelated with undesirable outcomes".
Most people find that idea impossible. But writing last year in the peer-reviewed Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Bailey said that while he also found the notion "disturbing", he was forced to recognise that "persuasive evidence for the harmfulness of paedophilic relationships does not yet exist".

Remember  "It is the quality of the relationship that matters".

One of Australia's most infamous Paedophiles Dennis Ferguson.
Henley attaches a lot of weight to the views of Sarah Goode, a senior lecturer at the University of Winchester:
For Goode, though, broader, societal change is needed. "Adult sexual attraction to children is part of the continuum of human sexuality; it's not something we can eliminate," she says. "If we can talk about this rationally – acknowledge that yes, men do get sexually attracted to children, but no, they don't have to act on it – we can maybe avoid the hysteria. We won't label paedophiles monsters; it won't be taboo to see and name what is happening in front of us."

We can help keep children safe, Goode argues, "by allowing paedophiles to be ordinary members of society, with moral standards like everyone else", and by "respecting and valuing those paedophiles who choose self-restraint". Only then will men tempted to abuse children "be able to be honest about their feelings, and perhaps find people around them who could support them and challenge their behaviour before children get harmed".
I'll leave you to make up your minds about this argument, but here's a point to bear in mind. It was precisely this sort of "enlightened" attitude that persuaded Catholic bishops in the 1980s to adopt a mild, nuanced approach to suspicions of clerical paedophilia.

Jimmy Savile Paedophile Investigates 25 more "celebrities" "beautiful / gifted / artistic / progressive / people"   

Jimmy Savile Paedophile scandal : Australian Entertainer questioned by Scotland Yard detectives in relation to one of the biggest sex scandals to rock the UK.

Dennis Ferguson's last words: 'This will show them'

January 06, 201312:00AM

PAEDOPHILE Dennis Ferguson chose to end his own life by suddenly stopping his diabetes medication, telling supporters he blamed police for making his life a living hell.

"This will show them," Australia's most notorious sex offender said in the days before he died at his Surry Hills flat, a Department of Housing property on Poplar Ave, a stone's throw from Sydney Grammar and other schools and childcare centres. His body laid undiscovered for several days before being found last Sunday.

Ferguson's biggest advocate, the Justice Action group campaigner Brett Collins, says police continuously "undermined" the 64-year-old's efforts to redeem himself and tipped off media about his whereabouts on at least two occasions.

"He said to people (when he stopped taking insulin), 'That will show them'," Mr Collins said.

"What we're saying is Dennis Ferguson was killed by the police."

Police last week said the circumstances surrounding Ferguson's death were not suspicious.

Friends say Ferguson left no suicide note and was feeling confident about his upcoming court case, after being caught trying to sign up to do volunteer work with children in Bondi Junction in October and November.

The Sunday Telegraph can reveal Ferguson had been living in a 10th-floor unit for at least two years, within walking distance of five childcare centres and eight schools, including one for children with special needs, in Bourke St. His public housing was being subsidised by taxpayers, with Housing NSW charging rent of between 25-30 per cent of his disability pension.

Ferguson, who was jailed for kidnapping and sexually assaulting two boys and a girl in 1987 in company with other men, was born legally blind.

He was admitted to St Vincent's Hospital on December 14 for 10 days with a bladder infection but was discharged.
Why did the experts locate this man in amongst so many children,what were they doing?

 Jian-Carlo Destefano, a 20-year-old student whose father lives on the same floor where Ferguson resided, said his dad had warned his neighbour to stay away from his two sons.

"We generally stayed away from him whenever we saw him," Mr Destefano said. "He was kind of hermit-ish."

Another neighbour, who did not want to be identified, said while some tenants wanted Ferguson out of the building once they found out he was living there, others pitied him.

"It must have been Christmas Eve and I came home and found some biscuits in front of my door and I knew it was him," the neighbour said. "Some people tried to start some altercations but were put down by others who felt sorry for the man."

Public sentiment towards Ferguson was far from sympathetic. Former neighbour Sean Killgallon - who famously made a coffin for Ferguson when he found out he was living in his Ryde street in 2009 - expressed relief over his death. "I'm just happy that he's not going to prey on young, innocent children anymore," Mr Killgallon said.

Ferguson's latest court case represented the second time he had been caught trying to land charity work that could put him in contact with children, after The Daily Telegraph revealed he was selling biscuits for the RSPCA under a false name. The charity has overhauled its screening policy as a result.

Sydney Occupied Territories Insurgency Nashville - Sydney gun supply route, Nafaf Chaouk & Mohamed Metleg bail refused

Gun traffic accused facing 40 years' jail

Brenden Hills 
The Daily Telegraph
January 05, 2013 12:00AM

TWO men accused of being part of an illegal international gun shipping operation between the US and Australia face up to 40 years in jail.

US Link in arming of Insurgents in Sydney's Occupied Territories?

Magistrate Michael Morahan told Nafaf Chaouk and Mohamed Metleg of the possible maximum sentence they face when they appeared in Parramatta Local Court yesterday, accused of being part of the "gun supply route" between Nashville, Tennessee, and Sydney.

The pair will spend at least 35 days behind bars after Mr Morahan refused their bail application yesterday.

They were arrested on Thursday after US authorities asked Australian police to detain them for extradition to the US to face charges.

Chaouk, 44, (a resident of Guilford a suburb of Sydney's Occupied Territories)was arrested while working as a plasterer in Mona Vale on the northern beaches while Metleg, 31, was arrested at Mascot.

It followed a lengthy multi-national investigation into the alleged gun supply route.

NSW police and Australian Customs and Border Protection Service have been working on the investigation with the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the US Drug Enforcement Administration since 2011.

The agencies had been investigating the illegal importation of firearms to Sydney from Nashville for several months and believe 20 guns have been sent to Sydney.

One of the handguns was seized along with six other firearms during a search warrant at Fairfield in January last year. Three people were also arrested in the US.

Chaouk's lawyer Tony Newton told the court he had only been given a basic outline of the US charges which related to "firearms and cocaine"."If they are being detained they are entitled to know exactly what they are charged with," Mr Newton said.

"The facts (provided) show no detail with what they have been charged with."

Friday, January 04, 2013

US Link in arming of Insurgents in Sydney's Occupied Territories?

NSW arrests over US gun ring

The Daily Telegraph 
January 04, 2013 12:00AM

TWO men wanted for firearms and drugs offences in the US have been arrested in Sydney.

The men, aged 31 and 44, were detained by NSW police yesterday following requests from US authorities for their provisional arrest pending their extradition.

Yesterday's arrests follow an investigation into an alleged illegal gun supply route operating between Nashville, Tennessee and Sydney.

NSW police and Australian Customs and Border Protection Service have been working on the investigation with the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the US Drug Enforcement Administration since last year.

In October 2012, officers from the NSW police firearms and organised crime squad and Australian Customs were present during raids by the ATF in Nashville, which resulted in a number of arrests.

The multi-agency investigation is ongoing.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Sydney's Occupied Territories : Pious Muslim Mehanna family Bailed after

Police used "excessive force" in dealing with a dispute involving members of a western Sydney family accused of assaulting officers, a court has been told.

Jan.3 2013

Members of the Mehanna family have been charged with assaulting police, resisting police and affray after police responded to reports of a domestic incident at their home in Bankstown, in Sydney's west, at 12.30am (AEDT) on Wednesday.
Police allege members of the family assaulted officers after they were called to the scene.

Seven NSW Police officers assaulted in Sydney's Occupied Territories by Muslim Family aka. Labor's Vote People

As police were in the driveway preparing to leave, a family member allegedly punched a probationary constable, giving him a black eye, police said on Wednesday.
The remaining family members allegedly joined the assault on the officer before other officers came to his aid.
On Thursday, five members of the family were granted bail after appearing via an audio-visual link from the cells at Penrith police station.
As part of their bail conditions, Mohammed Mehanna and his 18-year-old triplets Ali and Zainab Mehanna and Hussain Mehanni are required to report twice a week to Bankstown police station and must live at their Bankstown address.

Another sibling, 21-year old Adele Mehanna, who is charged with affray and resisting police, was also granted bail in a separate hearing.
Appearing for Adele Mehanna, defence lawyer Greg Heathcote told the court there were "two sides to the story" and police had reacted "excessively" in dealing with the matter.
"This is a very emotive matter," he told the court.
"The case of the defence in all matters is excessive force by police.
"In trying to prevent assault on members of his family, as a result, (Adele Mehanna) was arrested.

Prosecutors opposed bail on the grounds that Adele Mehanna had prior police assault charges and five breach of bail conditions.

Appearing agitated, Mehanna interjected as the prosecution put forward its case.
"You are going to make things worse.
"It was a family argument between two girls and police pepper-sprayed my f***ing family.
That's my whole f***ing family."

Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam by Citizen Warrior.  How to Disarm Good People

Relatives of the family in court appeared visibly upset, crying as Magistrate John McIntosh asked Mehanna to stop interrupting proceedings.
Mr McIntosh imposed strict bail conditions, including requiring Mehanna to report to Bankstown police daily and imposing a curfew between 10pm and 5am (AEDT).
Mehanna and his four other family members are due to appear at Bankstown local court on January 24.
His 41-year-old mother, who has also been charged, is due to appear Bankstown Local Court on February 13.

Mother, Rafah  Mehanna  41
Daughter Zainab 18
Father Mohamed Mehanna Mother, Rafah, 41,Ali and Hussain, and daughter Zainab 18, Adel, 21,

Father Mohamed Mehanna

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

ASIO Comrade Gietzelt and Comrade Hawke

ASIO claimed minister was being controlled by Soviets

The Australian
January 02, 2013 12:00AM
How could anyone NOT like him ?
Comrade Gietzelt
IN February 1983, just weeks before the first Hawke ministry was sworn in, ASIO believed that the new minister for veterans' affairs, Arthur Gietzelt, was possibly "a secret member" of the Communist Party and "under some form of control" by the Soviet Union.

Several months after senator Gietzelt became a minister, an ASIO agent reported in a "secret" note a conversation between Communist Party leaders Laurie Aarons and Joe Palmada that revealed senator Gietzelt was "still a financial member of the CPA" and that he was meeting Aarons "regularly".

A previously unreleased cache of ASIO files made available to The Australian provides the first documentary evidence that Mr Gietzelt, now 92, was believed to have still had close links with the Communist Party while serving as a minister.

A "secret" ASIO minute paper, dated February 18, 1983, concluded with the "possibility" that "GIETZELT is under some form of control by the Soviets. As a secret member of the CPA and a parliamentarian he would undoubtedly be of interest to the Soviets," it said.

In an interview with The Australian, former prime minister Bob Hawke said: "I just don't think it is appropriate for a (former) prime minister to discuss the nature of the conversations they had with ASIO."

Mr Hawke said he was satisfied about senator Gietzelt's loyalty to the government.

"I had no problem with any of my ministers in terms of their complete commitment to the Australian Labor Party," he said.

"I had heard there was scuttlebutt about Gietzelt; there was scuttlebutt about Tom Uren. But as far as I was concerned they were totally committed to the Labor Party."

Yes I am sure they "were totally committed to the Labor Party." Comrade Hawke,as are you and all members of the ACTU GetUp funded ALP,but the Australian Labor Party is not the Australian People, it is not representative of the aspirations of the Australian people it is unashamedly committed to the objectives of International Socialism aka.Socialist aka Communist World Government, or is Comrade Macken lieing?

ASIO maintained its interest in senator Gietzelt's alleged communist linkages as the Hawke government came into office and while senator Gietzelt was serving as a minister.

Two days before the March 5, 1983 election, which swept Labor into government, ASIO completed an examination of its extensive files on senator Gietzelt, who had been a member of the upper house since 1971. "An examination of the GIETZELT file leads to the conclusion that he was and probably remains a secret member of the Communist Party of Australia," notes a minute paper labelled "top secret".

Another "secret" file note prepared in April 1982, during the Fraser government, documents senator Gietzelt's association with the Communist Party between April 1976 and November 1981.

It reports that Aarons, the then national secretary of the Communist Party, described senator Gietzelt as "the CPA's official parliamentary co-ordinator in Canberra between 1972 and 1975" -- the term of Gough Whitlam's Labor government.

It also notes that senator Gietzelt "was a secret member of the CPA" in 1969 or 1970, and also in 1979 that he "is a dual ticket holder (CPA/ALP) and is the main key of influence of the CPA in the left wing of the ALP".

In the March 1983 document, ASIO notes that while the source material on senator Gietzelt's secret involvement in the Communist Party stretched for at least four decades, it could not be certain that he "was a secret party member", even though earlier and later ASIO documents suggest that he was.

ASIO's files cover his alleged involvement with the Communist Party from the 1940s to at least the 1980s, and include extensive agent reports, informant reports, photos and films outlining a secret role in organising for the CPA inside the Labor Party.

Several ASIO files concerning senator Gietzelt's Communist Party linkages remain unreleased. Several documents that have been released have many redactions throughout.

When contacted by The Australian on Monday, Mr Gietzelt refused to respond to the ASIO claims in the new documents. When contacted by The Australian in 2010, Mr Gietzelt denied that he was a member of, or an organiser for, the Communist Party.

Dead Muslim Yusuf Toprakkaya, Desecrates Australia's name ... at least he is dead

The BEASTS who live amongst us

Syrian rebels eulogise Aussie 'martyr'

The Australian 
January 02, 2013 12:00AM

AN Australian man killed while fighting in Syria's bloody civil war is being hailed as a martyr in online tributes posted by rebel forces, which show him posing with weapons and building home made bombs.

The man's name and date of birth correspond with that given for one person in a secret 2010 cable sent by the US embassy in Canberra, detailing people to be added to the US government's Terrorist Screening Database. However, his family deny he was a member of any extremist group.

Travelling under the name Abu al-Walid al-Australi, the former Melbourne bricklayer is shown in tributes to be a fighter with the anti-government Syrian militia. Two other Australians, from Sydney and from Melbourne, were killed last year after entering Syria to take part in what their families described as humanitarian work.

Security agencies believe that more than 100 Australians have joined the Syrian civil war, amid fears the experience could provide potential extremists with combat skills and training.

Abu al-Walid's real name is Yusuf Toprakkaya, a 30-year-old Turkish-Australian whose parents and wife still live in Melbourne's northern suburb of Broadmeadows, although his wife is understood to have supported him going to Syria.

A 2010 US government cable, released by WikiLeaks, requested that a Turkish-Australian called "Yousef Topprakaya" be placed on the "SELECTEE list", of the Terrorist Screening Database as he had "demonstrated connections" with a former Yemeni al-Qaida leader, Anwar al-Awlaki.

Twenty-three Australians are named in the US embassy cable, which said the names were provided by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation. Anyone placed on the 'SELECTEE list' should be automatically selected for enhanced screening for US flights.

An online tribute posted by the al-Farouk Brigades, part of the Free Syria Army, said Mr Toprakkaya had been killed by a sniper during a battle at the Wadi al-Dayf military base on December 30.

"The martyr Abu al-Walid al-Australi . . . whenever we went on any battle I would see him on the front lines," this tribute said.

"(He) left Australia and left behind his parents, and he's their only son, and he left his wife and job. And he headed for Syria a mujahed for the cause of Allah."

The short film shows Mr Toprakkaya as one of a group of bearded fighters, posing with heavy weapons and squatting on the ground while he primed the detonators of homemade bombs.

"Abu al-Walid received today what he asked for . . . His body received the bullet as he was advancing, not retreating," the text accompanying this film reads.

Online reports posted by pro-government agencies in Syria suggested Mr Toprakkaya was a member of the al-Nusra Front, an extremist group linked to al-Qa'ida, which is also fighting as part of the Free Syria Army.

Friends of Mr Toprakkaya denied this connection, however, and the claims made in this video have not been supported elsewhere.

Mr Toprakkaya's sisters, who declined to be named, said yesterday he had gone to Syria to provide humanitarian assistance. "He didn't want to be a bystander to all the atrocity that was happening," one said.

"He paid the ultimate price for being a nice person, for helping out and not just sitting and watching what was happening. He wouldn't harm a thing. Animals would follow him home from the shopping centre -- he had so much love to give."

The Syrian civil war has already seen thousands of foreigners cross the country's porous borders to join the fighting between the country's Sunni majority and the minority Alawite regime of Bashar al-Assad.

A number of Islamic organisations in Australia are sending money to Syria, ostensibly to support humanitarian work, although security agencies believe some of this money may flow to rebel forces.

A delegation of leading Australian Muslims, including the Grand Mufti, Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, yesterday visited a refugee camp in neighbouring Jordan.

What makes the "Mufti of Sydney's Occupied Territories and his fellow insurgents "feel like we are on cloud nine" ?

He's such a Good Boy he neva do nutting to no body

Mother's grief after Yusuf Toprakkaya's death in Syria battle

Stephen Drill
January 03, 201312:00AM

THE mother of an Australian killed fighting with rebel forces in Syria says he was not a terrorist despite being put on a US watch list.

Muazez Toprakkaya told the Herald Sun at her Broadmeadows home her son Yusuf was only trying to help the Syrian people.

"My son is very sweet. He was there just to help, to help the children. (Syrian leader Bashar al-) Assad is very bad, he has killed all those people, why?" she said.

When asked whether her son was involved with terrorists, Mrs Toprakkaya said: "No, my son is very good, my son is not like that."

Mr Toprakkaya, 30, was killed by a sniper in a battle for the Wadi al-Dayf military base on December 30.

His sisters said in a statement their brother was a kind-hearted person.

"He was in Syria for this same reason - to help the innocent people who were being oppressed," they said.

"His last sentiments were that if (his) family was in the same situation he would want someone to defend and protect them."

Neighbours were delivering food to the family home yesterday as relatives gathered to mourn his death.

The family is of Turkish background and are Sunni Muslims, a group that is in conflict with al-Assad who is from the Alawite group.

Mr Toprakkaya had been in Syria for at least six months, his mother said.

A YouTube tribute for Mr Toprakkaya described him as Abu al-Walid, "who died a martyr". He can also be seen making a crude bomb in the YouTube clip, posted by the al-Farouk Brigades in the past week.

"Abu al-Walid left Australia and left behind his parents, and he's their only son, and he left his wife and job," the tribute said.

"He rose to be martyred by the snipers of the Assad gangs in the Solid Built battle to liberate Wadi al-Dayf.

"His body received the bullet as he was advancing, not retreating."

The Australian reported Mr Toprakkaya was on a US terrorist screening database.

What do Obama's "Freedom Fighters" and "Peace Partners" do with Christians when their Dogs are Hungry ?

Syria rebels 'beheaded a Christian and fed him to the dogs' as fears grow over Islamist atrocities.

Christian Andrei Arbashe, 38, was kidnapped and beheaded by rebel fighters in northern town of Ras Al-Ayn on the Turkish border
News came as pro-government forces celebrated their victory against rebels near Aleppo Airport
Daily Mail
31 December 2012 | 
Syrian rebels beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs, according to a nun who says the West is ignoring atrocities committed by Islamic extremists.

The nun said taxi driver Andrei Arbashe, 38, was kidnapped after his brother was heard complaining that fighters against the ruling regime behaved like bandits.

She said his headless corpse was found by the side of the road, surrounded by hungry dogs. He had recently married and was soon to be a father.

Sister Agnes-Mariam de la Croix said: ‘His only crime was his brother criticised the rebels, accused them of acting like bandits, which is what they are.’
There have been a growing number of accounts of atrocities carried out by rogue elements of the Syrian Free Army, which opposes dictator Bashar al-Assad and is recognised by Britain and the West as the legitimate leadership.
Sister Agnes-Miriam, mother superior of the Monastery of St James the Mutilated, has condemned Britain and the west for supporting the rebels despite growing evidence of human rights abuses. Murder, kidnapping, rape and robbery are becoming commonplace, she says.
‘The free and democratic world is supporting extremists,’ Sister Agnes-Miriam said from her sanctuary in Lebanon. ‘They want to impose Sharia Law and create an Islamic state in Syria.’

The 60-year-old Carmelite nun claims the west has turned a blind eye to growing evidence of a ‘fifth column’ of fanatics within the rag-tag ranks that make up the Free Syrian Army that they back to oust Assad.
One of the most effective fighting forces is the Jabat Al-Nusra, which has an ideology similar to Al Qaeda.
‘The uprising has been hijacked by Islamist mercenaries who are more interested in fighting a holy war than in changing the government,’ she said.
‘It has turned into a sectarian conflict. One in which Christians are paying a high price.’
The rebel attacked the northern town of Ras Al-Ayn, on the Turkish border, last month. The fighters entered the Christian quarter, ordering civilians to leave and leaving their homes.
‘More than 200 families were driven out in the night,’ Sister Agnes-Miriam says. ‘People are afraid. Everywhere the deaths squads stop civilians, abduct them and ask for ransom, sometimes they kill them.

Militants wearing black bandanas of Al Qaeda recently laid siege to the Monastery of St James the Mutilated, located between Damascus and Homs, for two days in an attempt to prevent Christmas celebrations, the nun claims.

An estimated 300,000 Christians have been displaced in the conflict, with 80,000 forced out of the Homs region alone, she claims.
Many have fled abroad raising fears that Syria’s Christian community may vanish - like others across Middle East, the birthplace of Christianity.
Al Assad, a member of the Alawite Muslim sect, claims only his regime can protect Syria’s minorities from domination from the Sunni Muslims majority.
Meanwhile the fighting continues to rage with government forces retaking control of a key district in the city of Homs yesterday.
The latest violence comes after United Nations peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi warned of ‘hell’ for Syria if no political solution could be found.
Russia has stated the conflict is becoming increasingly militarised and sectarian and risks bringing chaos to the whole region.
Some 44,000 people have been killed since the uprising against the Al Assad regime began in March 2011.

Seven NSW Police officers assaulted in Sydney's Occupied Territories by Muslim Family aka. Labor's Vote People

Full marks to whoever it was that refused bail pending these "Harmony Day Ambassadors"  " Labor Vote People" court appearance tomorrow.
It appears that the NSW Police Force is clawing back 16 years of Socialist intervention and pro Muslim Lawless and Disorder (EG: NSW Labor Government Sponsored Intifada following "Cronulla Riots") imposed by the former Labor Socialist State Governments, under the Liberal (Conservative) O'Farrell State Government, no coincidence the Police Minister is a former Copper.
Now its up to the Magistrate to do his or her job and ensure they get it through their thick Middle Eastern Savage Skulls that it is against Australian Law to behave the way they did and impose a punitive sentence on all of them that they wont forget , say 6 months with 3 months non parole for all of them 
My only complaint is that they were not hit hard enough for long enough. 
Why does the NSW Police Force insist on sending 4foot nothing Australian women officers into these crap holes that are with any reasonable assessement are suitable only for only the most physically capable Male Public Order and Riot Squad members with water cannon (Crucifixes,50 lb Pork Legs and Garlic cloves ?) or better still Australia's SAS going door to door doing top to bottom searches with residents face down on the street cuffed behind heads under the supervision of Police Dog Squad.

Seven police officers injured in brawl with family during domestic dispute in Sydney

Nathan Klein 
The Daily Telegraph 
January 02, 2013 7:14AM

THREE police officers were hospitalised and another four have been injured after responding to a domestic violence incident in Sydney's south-west this morning.

Police were called to a house on Ogmore Court, Bankstown, following a number of complaints around 13.30am.

As police were preparing to leave the premises, a probationary constable was punched in the face by one of the family members while standing in the driveway.

The punch left the officer with a black eye.

Up to six members of the family then allegedly joined in the assault of the officer, before other police came to his aid.

A violent altercation then took place between police and the family, which resulted in injuries to a further six officers, who suffered bruising and concussion. One officer was also allegedly bitten on the hand.

Tasers were drawn, but not fired during the brawl which involved in 18-year-old triplets and resulted in one officer being bitten on the hand.

Police from neighbouring Local Area Commands responded to calls for urgent assistance, and five members of the family - four adult males and an adult female - were arrested.

They were taken to Bankstown Police Station where they are assisting with inquiries.

Three of the officers, including the Probationary Constable who was originally attacked, required treatment at Bankstown Hospital. They have since been released.

Full marks to whoever it was that refused bail pending these "Harmony Day Ambassadors"  "Vote People" court appearance tomorrow.
My only complaint is that they were not hit hard enough for long enough. 

Monday, December 31, 2012

Tony Greig 1946-2012

What makes the "Mufti of Sydney's Occupied Territories and his fellow insurgents "feel like we are on cloud nine" ?

Where do Labor's VOTE People go for their Christmas Break?

Australia's Grand Mufti meets Hamas

Patrick Lion 
Political Reporter
The Daily Telegraph
December 31, 201212:00AM

AUSTRALIA'S Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohamed has met with the hierarchy of Hamas, the Palestinian party listed by the Gillard government as a terrorist organisation.

Last week Dr Mohamed led an Australian delegation of Muslim scholars to the Gaza Strip, where they met Hamas senior political leader Ismail Haniyeh.

Mr Haniyeh, who has been pushing for the US and the EU to remove Hamas from its terrorist watchlist, last year described former al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden as "a Muslim and Arabic warrior" while condemning the US for killing the terrorist leader.

What makes the Mufti of Australia's Occupied Territories, Dr. Ibrahim 'Abu Muhammad and his fellow insurgents ".......feel like we are on cloud nine. ".......feel like we are on top of the world."
A personal audience with the Islamic Terrorist organization and mass murderers Hamas of course.I am sure this Mufti of Australia's Occupied Territories will reveal all when he returns to his Judeo Christian safe haven and flag of convenience, Australia.

Dr Mohamed, who has been styled as a moderate since taking the top Australian Muslim post, last week expressed his happiness at being in Gaza, describing it as the land of pride and martyrdom.

"I am pleased to stand on the land of jihad to learn from its sons and I have the honour to be among the people of Gaza where the weakness always becomes strength, the few becomes many and the humiliation turns into pride," he told local news agencies.

"We came here in order to learn from Gaza. As I said in my speech, we will make the stones, trees, and people of Gaza talk, in order to learn steadfastness, sacrifice, and the defence of one's rights from them.

"We feel like we are on cloud nine. We feel like we are on top of the world." Images of the visit were shown on local TV and hailed as a PR coup by Hamas, the fanatical ruling party in Gaza.

Attempts to contact Dr Mohamed, who has insisted radical Muslim extremists in Australia need to be corrected, were unsuccessful.

According to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Australia has listed Hamas as a terrorist entity subject to financial sanctions since 2001.

The military wing of Hamas is also listed as a terrorist organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995.

In July 2009, Prime Minister Julia Gillard, then deputy prime minister, said: "Hamas obviously is a terrorist organisation that has been engaged in violent actions against the Israeli people."

Ms Gillard was unavailable to comment.

Foreign Minister Bob Carr said through a spokesman that the trip had nothing to do with the government.

"It's up to them to explain their own views and travel plans," the spokesman said.

"We have no diplomatic engagement with Hamas."

Last week's delegation, described by the media as one of several "delegations of solidarity", also visited the Ministry of Islamic Endowments and met with religious scholars and sheikhs.

Labor's Vote People and the Islamic Colonization of Australia

Sydney's Muslim Insurgency Riots Aftermath: Spin Doctors and apologists still performing CPR on Multiculturalism.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Hussein Obama's "Dickless" Dick Windsor aka. "Lisa Jackson" "outs" him / herself and resigns

Hussein Obama's, what we now who was in fact a Dickless Richard Windsor aka. "Lisa Jackson"
EPA Administrator Jackson announces resignation

Politics aside how could anyone not wish this Hussein Obama "Affirmative Action" "Leftist  Progressive" EPA appointee Dick / Richard Windsor  / "Lisa Jackson" every happiness in his / her future affirmative Gender Neutral sexual preference affirmative action Progressive  tax payer funded world.
Come on now lets give Dick/ Richard "Lisa" a big hand in appreciation of the many many free enterprises he / she sent to the wall in only four years of the Hussein Obama regime.
Come on now America Dick / Richard "Lisa" should be worth at least another dollar for dollar in extra taxation just to make sure he / she is comfortable in her retirement.

Richard Richard / Lisa Lisa You Go Boy / Girl (whatever) !!!!!  After all  He / She is WHY you voted Democrat NOW its up to YOU to do the right thing and ensure this affirmative action Jewel in the Crown of International Socialism wants for nothing in retirement after his / her service

Bee Gees Queensland Childhood Home Burnt

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