An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Labor Green Loon VOTE People “Those who oppose the Khilafah should be crucified.”

Australian terrorists Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar share extremist views supporting ISIS through Twitter

James Law
The Daily Telegraph
July 8 2014 

“BY THE will of Allah, heads will be removed.”

“Can’t wait to see an Australian soldier crying.”

“Those who oppose the Khilafah should be crucified.”

These are just some of the chilling comments made by two Australian men who have joined the Islamic State (ISIS) fundamentalist uprising in Syria and Iraq.

Former Sydney residents Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar have joined the ISIS movement in the Middle East, and they are using the megaphone of social media to spread jihadist statements and take on their detractors.

They have both been prolific since joining Twitter a few months ago, sharing death threats and shockingly violent images.

Convicted terrorist Sharrouf was born in Australia and lived in Sydney’s west until he fled the country on his brother Mustafa’s passport in December.

He spent time in jail for his part the in a foiled “Terror Nine” plot to blow up targets in Sydney and Melbourne.

He is now believed to be in Syria, where he has joined the Sunni revolt and has proudly tweeted photos of himself with machine guns and military vehicles.

On Saturday, he delivered a plea for others to join the extremist movement, tweeting “come and be part of what we have dreamt For for decades” (sic).

His first tweet when he joined in May was of a little boy holding a machinegun.

He also tweeted a shockingly violent photograph of a man whose head had been blown away.

Elomar, a boxer, has also joined the fighting in the Middle East and he has been very busy on Twitter despite only joining in April. He has used the site to spout hateful anti-democracy rhetoric, tweeting as many as 11 times yesterday alone.

Detractors around the world have taken to Twitter to challenge the men’s comments.

In response to one Australian detractor over Twitter, Elomar said burning his Australian passport was the best day of his life.

Australian police and security agencies are aware of the two men and they will not be permitted back into the country should they attempt to return.

Security sources told The Daily Telegraph last month that they were concerned Sharrouf was using social media to “whip up” radical sentiments back in Australia.

The military situation in Iraq remains perilous, with hopes of regaining control of nearly half the country from Sunni extremists suffering dual setbacks yesterday.

The Iraqi Parliament failed to form a new government and insurgents killed a top military officer who was leading the defence of Baghdad’s western suburbs.

The uprising represents the biggest threat to the country’s survival since US troops invaded in 2003.

Sharrouf and Elomar are among  as many as 300 young Australians who have left for the Middle East with hopes of joining the battles  according to sources close to families and communities in western Sydney.

Here are some more of the most worrying posts on Elomar’s Twitter:

And these are some of Sharrouf’s other shocking comments:

Khilafah has the same meaning as caliphate, which refers to the sovereign state the IS revolutionaries claim to have established in Syria and Iraq, under Sharia law.

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Labor Green Loon Co Party Opposition VOTE People declare ''Look at the end of these Iraqi maliki dogs bunch of girls can't wait to see a Australian soldier cyring (sic) saying bakia.''

These are some of the 55,000 Godless Bastard Muslim Savages that the ACTU GetUp funded Rudd Gillard Rudd Labor Green Loon Independent "Co Party Government" imported into Australia over their six year governance between 2007 and 2013.
How many more of these Godless Bastard Muslim Savages do you want walking the streets of Sydney ?  

Well next time your Union GetUp bag man comes a knocking on pay day tell him her to Fuck Off and that you,unlike them, will not finance those dedicated to killing Australian Soldiers. 

Australian jihadists in macabre threat to soldiers

David Wroe
July 5, 2014

Australia's most notorious jihadists fighting in Iraq have issued a macabre threat to Australian soldiers as their ranks were bolstered by a Melbourne-born preacher who has joined their new ''caliphate''.

Underscoring the deep concern the Abbott government has expressed in recent weeks about Australians involved with extremist groups, two prominent jihadists fighting with the al-Qaeda splinter group the Islamic State took to Twitter to issue fresh threats.
Mohamed Elomar, a former boxer from Sydney who has been implicated in executions of unarmed Iraqis, posted on the social media site a distressing picture of what appears to be a captured Iraqi soldier who has been beaten and is about to be executed.

The accompanying message states: ''Look at the end of these Iraqi maliki dogs bunch ofgirls can't wait to see a Australian soldier cyring (sic) saying bakia.''
''Bakia'' means ''he cries'' in Arabic and ''maliki'' refers to the Shiite-led Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki, the fervent enemy of the Sunni extremists who have
swept through northern Iraq in recent weeks.

 Australian terrorist Khaled Sharrouf, who appeared in Facebook images recently brandishing a gun over executed Iraqis, replied on Twitter: ''Allah … says 'kill them where ever you find them' … terrorise the enemies of Allah.''

Both Elomar and Sharrouf are known to be in Iraq with the ultra-violent group the Islamic State (IS), formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The group changed its name recently after declaring a caliphate, or global Muslim state, in the territory it has captured spanning Syria and Iraq.
Sharrouf was convicted over the 2005 Pendennis terrorism plot and jailed for nearly four years before slipping out of Australia in December on his brother's passport to join the fighting in Syria.
He and Elomar are believed to have crossed the border in recent weeks with IS fighters as the group surged across northern Iraq seizing major towns and cities.
A small force of Australian troops, including elite members of the SAS, travelled to Baghdad just over a fortnight ago to help secure the Australian embassy, though it is regarded as unlikely that IS fighters could reach the Iraqi capital. The Abbott government has ruled out sending troops into combat in the country.
Meanwhile Melbourne-born extremist preacher Musa Cerantonio declared on Twitter that he had reached the ISIL-controlled territory in Syria and Iraq, reflecting the potentially dangerous gravitational effect of the group's caliphate declaration.
''Al-Hamdulillah [Thanks to God] I have arrived in the land of Khilafah [caliphate] in Ash-Sham [the Levant]!'' he wrote on Twitter.

Sharrouf replied: ''Alhumdulihe [Thanks to God] on your arrival see u soon akhi [brother].''
The case of Cerantonio is particularly troubling because of his status as a top cheerleader for IS with a massive online following. A recent report by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence at King's College, London, described him as one of the three most influential preachers online.

He appears to have slipped out of the Philippines where he was in hiding in recent months. His arrival in the Middle East is a blow to Australian authorities who were reportedly making moves to extradite him from the Philippines.
Andrew Zammit, a researcher with Monash University's Global Terrorism Research Centre, said the fact there had been six plots in Europe by returnees from Syria reflected the significant threat level of Westerners fighting in the region. ''Most of the fighters will likely confine their violence to the region, but the prospect that some will return and carry out violence at home is real,'' he said.

Mr Zammit said Cerantonio had previously hedged his bets between key jihadist groups but now appeared to have ''gone all in'' with his support for IS and its new caliphate.
IS is in a power struggle with the old al-Qaeda of Osama bin Laden as well as with another al-Qaeda splinter group, Jabhat al-Nusra. Some experts have said this increases the danger because of the risk one group will try to establish its supremacy over the others by carrying out a major attack on the West.

Sydney Muslim community advocate Dr Jamal Rifi said he was anticipating such an escalation in Australians' participation in the Iraqi conflict and it was dominating nightly discussions on western Sydney streets during Ramadan.

''The community is not happy at all,'' he said. ''These men had already made up their minds and they were never going to come back to Australia. They think they are taking the high moral ground above everyone else back home,'' he said. ''It's a sentiment that we don't agree with at all.''

Read more: 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Labor Green LOON VOTE Person, denies funding ISIS TERRORISTS

Australian ISIS supporter Mohamed Zuhbi denies funding terrorism after bank accounts frozen

30 jUNE 2014

"Lee Rigby 'was punished for crimes against Islam'
In one of Mr Zuhbi's social media posts, he discusses the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby, who was stabbed and hacked to death on a 
London street by Islamic fanatics in May last year.
"The death of Lee Rigby wasn't murder, it was his punishment ... for his crimes against Islam," he wrote.
"If the governments won't hold their criminal soldiers responsible for the atrocities caused in our countries, the Muslims will."
Mr Zuhbi insists he does not represent ISIS and says the media has "sensationalised" the group.
"I'm not part of ISIS, I'm not a spokesperson of ISIS. What I do, however, is clear the misconceptions against them," he said.
Mr Zuhbi admits to living in an area governed by ISIS while staying in Syria.
"I did not see any brutality. I did not see any of these massacres people speak about," he said.
"There are groups that are much more brutal than ISIS. The only difference is ISIS has an Islamic agenda, they want to establish an Islamic 

The Bolt Report June 29 2014

Andrew Bolt is an Australian journalist,newspaper columnist, radio commentator,blogger and television host. He is a columnist and former associate editor of the Melbourne-based Herald Sun.
Andrew Bolt is also Australia's ONLY Conservative Political and Current Affairs television host,The Bolt Report, Sundays 10 am and 4 pm Ten Network Sydney

Socialist Alliance call for Australian PM Tony Abbott's throat to be cut

The throat cutters of the Socialist Alternative

Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun

The Socialist Alternative is a Marxist group claiming to represent more moral people.

In fact, as I’ve noted many times, it is a natural home of the thug and the vicious. Socialist Alternative members have this year physically attacked Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, physically intimidated and shouted down former Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella as she 
gave a university lecture, vilified a daughter of the Prime Minister and shut down debate on the ABC’s Q&A.

Now this: 

 Mamdouh Habib Red Flag
Former Guantanamo Bay inmate and and Celebrity Muslim Rat with a Gold Tooth Mamdouh Habib and his wife Maha, praise the Red Flag.

Note well the savagery of these totalitarians. Imagine a society in which they were allowed real power.

Realise these are barbarians.

And one final thought: remember how the Left used to complain, on the basis of a Ditch the Witch sign, that no prime minister had ever been abused as badly as Julia Gillard?

Update : 13-year-old Rania Farrah kidnapped beaten forcibly married off to her cousin,her courageous story of her escape from Syria and return to Australia

Pious Islamic Paedophiles "It is the young flesh they want"

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Labor Green Loon VOTE People, Abdullah Elmir joins the Murdering Godless Butchering Savages in Iraq.

Sydney teenagers head for Iraq

Natalie O'Brien
June 29, 2014

Two teenage boys from south-west Sydney have travelled to the Middle East without their parents' knowledge and are believed to be heading to Iraq to join the fighting.

If Tanya and Bill had a son he could be Abdullah

Abdullah Elmir
How many of these Pious Muslim Savages did the Labor Green Loon Independent Co Party foster facilitate bring into Australia during the Rudd Gillard Rudd previous Federal Governments?
One of the boys, Abdullah Elmir, who turned 17 earlier this month, told his mother he was "going fishing" before he disappeared from his home in the Bankstown area just over a week ago.

His family said they only discovered he had left the country after Abdullah sent a text message to another family member asking them to tell his mother he had "gone" and did not know his current location. They have since learnt he left with a 16-year-old boy, who they have never met nor heard of, by the name of Feiz.

Abdullah's family said they are shocked and devastated and want their son brought back home. They believe he has been "brainwashed" and they want to know who paid for his air ticket and encouraged him to go.

He has simply been exposed to the Koran, just look at all the other millions upon millions of self identified Sociopaths who boast of and promote the Book of Satan's calls to SAVAGERY contained within it's pages. His parents should be charged with child abuse.

A proud Muslim Mother takes a picture of her Son during her families contribution to the Muslim Insurgency Uprising, September 15  2012 , Sydney Australia.

ASIO and the federal police have since been questioning friends of the family about Abdullah, and who might have given him the money to buy the air ticket and whether he was going to the Middle East to join jihadists.

His family and friends said Abdullah was a normal teenager who had just finished school and liked X-Box, playing with the family cat and hanging out with his brothers and sisters. He was very bright  and had just finished school. He was considering what he wanted to do for a career and they were trying to push him towards going to university.

It is understood the boys travelled from Sydney to Perth, Malaysia, Thailand and finally, Turkey. Abdullah contacted his family from Turkey telling them he was going to "cross the border" and they understood he meant he was heading to Iraq.

Muslim Pre School ?
His mother tried to convince him not to go and was preparing to travel to Turkey to try and bring him back. She contacted the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade immediately to advise them of her plan. But by that time it was too late and Abdullah is understood to have left Turkey.

"We are devastated that we may never be able to see him again. We wish for his safety and we want the government to help bring him home," a family member said.

I have a great idea why don't you all go and look for him

It is believed that about 10 Australians have died in Syria and Iraq, the latest a  22-year-old Sydney man, Zakaria Raad, who appeared in a recruitment video for the terror group The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) shortly before he was killed in an ambush in Syria while preparing to go to Iraq. Some Australians who claimed they were going to do humanitarian work have been caught in the crossfire.

Aww gee that's terrible only 10 ?

The family's lawyer, Zali Burrows, said they are concerned that government agencies had known about the boys' plans but had not stopped the youths from leaving Australia.

"What is concerning is that if the Federal Police and ASIO had the intelligence, they why did they fail to stop him from departing or fail to stop the boy while he was in Turkey?" Ms Burrows said.

"The family believes that the government knows where their boy is and they just want them to bring him home," she said.

Once these Arse Holes are caught out it's suddenly the Australian Government's fault

The Attorney-General's department said due to privacy reasons they could not comment on individual cases but in a statement, a spokesman said, Australia does not have an embassy or consulate in Syria and the department’s capacity to deliver consular assistance is extremely limited.  

The statement said parents with concerns about the whereabouts of children overseas should direct their inquiries to the police or the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

This is the third case where teenagers have left Sydney without the knowledge of their families and headed to Iraq and Syria.

It is understood that another 17-year-old had recently told his mother he was going to get a job, and then turned up in Syria. 

The government believes there are up to 150 Australians who have joined extremist groups including  ISIS.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Gold Coast Australia : Currumbin Mosque outrage Video

The "Colonisation by stealth" started before 2010, two stories below demonstrating the Gold Coast Councils lick spittle submission and appeasement of the "Savage" in exchange for tourist dollars.

Australian PM Tony Abbott declares WAR against Female Genital Mutilation and Paedophile Marriage

Tony Abbott launching plan to stop domestic violence, forced marriages and female genital mutilation

Lauren Wilson 
Social Affairs Writer 
Daily Telegraph
June 27,2014

AUTHORITIES will crack down on forced marriages, female genital mutilation and the abuse of migrant spouses under a new national plan to stop violence against women.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott will today launch the $100 million Second Action Plan to stop domestic violence, which will also see state and territory governments commit to work on implementing a national scheme for domestic violence orders.

The scheme means perpetrators of domestic abuse would no longer be able to flee across state borders to escape court sanctions, and women who move interstate would still be protected from violent partners.

The plan is the second phase of a 12-year strategy to curb violence against women and their children.

Currently one in three Australian women experience physical violence, and domestic abuse will cost the national economy more than $15.5 billion a year by 2021 unless stronger action is taken.

“As a husband, a father and as a brother, I believe it is the responsibility for all of us to stand against domestic and family violence,” Mr Abbott told News Corp.

“The Second Action Plan is about improving what we already do in terms of prevention, action and support. It contains practical actions that are critical to improve women’s safety.”

The plan will specifically target abuse perpetrated against women with a disability, women from culturally diverse backgrounds, and Indigenous women who are 31 times more likely to be hospitalised due to family violence related assaults.

ROSIE BATTY: And Australia’s domestic violence shame

INQUIRY HEARS: Mothers fake domestic violence to keep kids


Assistant Minister for Women Michaelia Cash said migrant women are often not aware of their rights in Australia, particularly in relation to forced or underage marriage and female genital mutilation.

Sydney Australia 2014 : Arrested for alleged female genital mutilation of an infant.

“This is where the Second Action Plan steps in,” Senator Cash said.

“Forced and underage marriages are not tolerated in Australia, the same applies to the abhorrent practice of Female Genital Mutilation” she said.

Pious Islamic Paedophiles "It is the young flesh they want"

“Australians were shocked earlier this year with the news that right in our backyard, a 12 year old girl was allegedly married off to a 26 year old man.”

Labor Green Loon's VOTE People :Sydney's Occupied Territories "..........hundreds of children as young as 11 were being sent overseas to be married after being “shopped” on Facebook."

The plan will mean foreign-born spouses who come to Australia on marriage visas will receive additional support. Their husbands or fiancés will have to provide authorities with additional information, and new material will be developed to inform these women about essential services and emergency contacts in Australia.

When too much Diversity and Cultural Enrichment is barely enough!!! NSW Sex Crimes Squad attached to Strike Force Longfield arrest Solicitor over female genital mutilation case

“We must be aware that sadly, some women coming to our country are not afforded the same rights at home and we must as a Government ensure they are equipped with the knowledge they need to prevent being subjected to violence and abuse,” Senator Cash said.

The long-awaited plan will also commit states and territories to work with the Commonwealth to streamline information sharing and establish national standards for perpetrator intervention.

It says it is “highly desirable” that state-based domestic violence orders be nationalised.

Northern Territory Minister Bess Price, who will attend today’s launch, said she is pleased the Second Action Plan has specific initiatives to deal with violence against Indigenous women.

“I have been a victim as well, and I know how it is, and I want to make sure the future is better for women and their families and that help is provided so women can feel safe.”

Muslim Spin Doctors swing into gear, Good Muslim / Bad Muslim routine under way in Australia

Australian Islamic leaders call for an end to hatred and provocation, claim radical group Hizb ut-Tahrir is tarnishing religion’s reputations

Andrew Carswell and Geoff Chambers
The Daily Telegraph
June 27,2014

AUSTRALIA’S Islamic leaders have demanded radical group Hizb ut-Tahrir stop voicing its vile sermons in public, hate-filled messages which they claim are tarnishing the entire Muslim community.

The stinging rebuke comes as the religion’s leaders prepare to intervene in the activist group in a last-ditch attempt to calm its members’ aggressive and scandalous approach and curb its fundamentalism.




For years Australia’s often divided coterie of imams have been loathe to publicly scold Hizb ut-Tahrir’s tiny but vocal members, shaking their heads in private but preferring to preach freedom of expression.

Now the religion’s chief authority — the Australian National Imams Council — has had enough.

The stance follows The Daily Telegraph’s revelations Hizb ut-Tahrir’s spokesman Uthman Badar was stopped from giving a speech at the Sydney Opera House that debated the moral justification of honour killing, while the group was also found to have sickening views that men could “morally’’ marry pre-teen girls and that the US and Australia were terrorist nations for invading Iraq and Afghanistan.

“They send the wrong message about Islam and they should refrain and have better judgment about preaching a message of inflammatory nature,’’ said Imam Mohammadu Nawas, a spokesman for both the ANIC and the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed.

“The vast majority of Muslims in this country do not subscribe to anything what they say. We call on them, and any other organisation making inflammatory statements that can cause upset among the general public, to restrain. We want them to stop.’’

In response to the public condemnation to the group’s abhorrent views, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop issued a veiled threat in Question Time yesterday to any group or organisation that appeared to be supporting terrorism.

“The government will shortly introduce new legislation giving our security agencies greater powers to counter the terrorist threat. The government will not hesitate to take strong action against any person or any group that is a threat to our national security,” Ms Bishop said.

Prominent Islamic leader Ameer Ali, former president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, said all Muslim groups, leaders and mosque preachers should be resoundingly denouncing the views of Hizb ut-Tahrir.

“But I don’t hear it yet. I don’t hear people coming out in sermons denouncing them. They need to do this and be at the forefront of demolishing these ideas,’’ he said.

“Indeed, most Muslims are horrified by what they are saying. So why aren’t the council of Imams stopping them? That’s surprising to me.’’

Muslim community organiser and political aspirant Keysar Trad also denounced the group, saying: “This organisation thrives on controversy and picks topics that will appeal to the disenfranchised.’’

Happy Ramadan !!!!! Australia's second largest supermarket Woolworths sides with the SAVAGES

It's bad enough Australians are forced to pay the Halal food tax, now, when we enter their stores we are greeted with the most wicked of Blasphemies Celebrating the Paedophile Slave Trading Sociopath's, Ramadan.What next for Woolworths, Live Slaughter and Sharia floggings in the Car Parks and Honour Killings to make them feel at home?

Religion of Peace Daily update of the Ramadan Bombathon
 Ramadan Death Count

Happy Ramadan signs at 239 Woolworths stores creates a stir with some customers threatening to boycott stores

Kathryn Powley 
Herald Sun 
June 26 2014
If you support Woolworths tell them, If you do not, tell them, POLITELY and in a CIVIL manner
We encourage you to talk to your local Store Manager or call the National Customer Support Centre on 1300 767 969 as both these will provide the fastest possible resolution.
Alternatively, submit an online enquiry

WOOLWORTHS is wishing some customers a “Happy Ramadan” — but not everybody is celebrating.

The supermarket giant has Ramadan promotions in 239 stores in areas with big Muslim populations.

At Sunshine’s Marketplace Woolworths, posters and a display of nuts and dried fruit greet customers.

The month-long Islamic religious festival involves fasting in daylight hours.

But some customers have complained the promotion is offensive and un-Australian.

On the supermarket’s Facebook page, one person accused the chain of “pandering to a minority”.

Another said: “I find this kind of advertising OFFENSIVE, as an Australian & as a female!!!”.

Coming soon to a Woolworths ,The Fresh Food People, Car Park near you ?
And another said the signs were offensive to her beliefs and she would boycott stores where they were displayed.

Woolworths spokesman Russell Mahoney said the promotion was running in 239 stores around Australia.

“We celebrate as many international festivities as possible to support the diverse population of Australia,” he said.

That included Diwali, Lunar New Year and Passover.

Time to satiate their inbred blood lust after the fasting, the slaughter oops sorry "celebrations" begin.

Islamic Council of Victoria secretary Ghaith Krayem welcomed Woolworths’ promotion and said people who opposed such initiatives did so out of ignorance and unsubstantiated fears.

“Ramadan is a time of reflection and renewal and maybe it is also a time for all of us to be inclusive rather than push each other away.”


Remember When ? and nothing has changed. Hizb ut Tahrir Hate Fest in Sydney July 5 2010

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

More Loons at the Sydney Opera House "..........why ‘honour killings are morally justified’

Opera House to host speech on why ‘honour killings are morally justified’

Geoff Chambers 

The Daily Telegraph

 June 24 2014

THE face of an extremist Muslim group calling for the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate will appear at a $25-a-head Sydney Opera 

House function to support “honour killings”.

Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar’s appearance as a headline speaker at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas comes after six young 

Sydney Muslims have been killed fighting in Syria and Iraq.

The subject of Mr Badar’s speech is “Honour killings are morally justified”.

“The accuser and moral judge is the secular (white) westerner and the accused is the oriental other; the powerful condemn the 

powerless,” Mr Badar’s bio reads.

“By taking a particular cultural view of honour, some killings are condemned whilst others are celebrated. In turn, the act becomes a 

symbol of everything that is allegedly wrong with the other culture.”

The Festival of Dangerous Ideas is hosted by the Sydney Opera House and St James Ethics Centre.

Mr Badar last year blamed terrorism on the Federal Government and the group has previously attacked the Anzac’s Gallipoli battle.

Co-curator Ann Mossop would not confirm if Mr Badar would receive an appearance fee.

“Uthman Badar is not speaking as a representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir, he is a PhD student at the University of Western Sydney. He hasn’t 

been asked to speak in his official capacity,” Ms Mossop said.

“If you want to talk about the information we’ve put out, we have announced Uthman Badar will be giving a talk about honour killings 

and about whether it can be morally justified.

“He is not advocating honour killing. There is a distinct line between discussing ideas about something and advocating violence, he is 

not saying people should perpetrate honour killings.”

There has been a backlash on Twitter against the decision to appoint Mr Badar

Channel 9 and 2GB host Ben Fordham tweeted “WTF! Why is the Sydney Opera House hosting a talk titled “Honour killings are morally justified”.

Pious Muslim cleric, Uthman Badar Warns Australian's it will be OUR fault if Muslims blow us up.

The Beautiful Tamar Iveri, Sacked by Opera Australia for calling a Pooh Poking Fuck Fest a Pooh Poking Fuck Fest, TRUTH is now Homophobic

Opera Australia Dumps Star after Homophobic Slur 

 The Hype
June 23,2014

A soprano has been dumped by Opera Australia after she was accused of labeling homosexuals as "sewage" and "fecal masses" on her Facebook page.

Tamar Iveri

Just another pesky "Smelly FISH" Her Employers had to compete with and as such have to keep out of THEIR "YARTS" Club ? 

Perhaps she was perceived as a threat by some of Opera Australia Progressives.

I do not know the year this Lady is alleged to have made these comments (or did ) however it brings to mind one year not that long ago,when one of the highly taxpayer financed,publicized and promoted events for the State Labor Government and Clover Moore's Sydney City Council sponsored Sydney "Gay Mardi Gras" Pooh Pokers Fuck Fest, boasted about a 'First Time in a Long Time" SPECIAL event where upon a "Male" Public Toilet that had been closed down for many many  years due to the activities of the NSW Labor Party, Sydney City Councils "Rainbow" "Artistic  Creative Progressive Types" illegal activities,would  be opened on the night of their Pooh Poking Fuck Fest, until such time as it was full of such "Progressive" types and then the doors were to be locked, and indeed the lights turned out,so as those inside could express their "Progressive" "Uninhibited" "Creative" "Artistic" "Rainbow Non Judgemental" talents pertaining to Homosexual Gang Rape of all variations, until such time as there was not a "person" standing, crawling and the Council Cleaners were called to hose out the SHIT and other bodily fluids from Clover's filthy smelly long time unused shit house.

This particular Male Public Toilet is not all that far away from the Sydney Opera House,indeed even if you were employed by Opera Australia it is easily able to be reached by foot as it is from the NSW Parliament House occupied then by the NSW Labor government.

I ask you, why would anybody object to such "Progressives" been granted marriage status and the right to adopt babies? 
After all they are just like you and me aren't they?, hey we all do this kinda stuff don't we / you? No ? well you don't mind financing it and voting for the Sydney City Council and the then NSW Labor Party Green Loon Independent State government,who demands that your taxes pay for such activities.

Why would any red blooded "Real Australian" Non Judgemental New Age Metro sexual Australian Father not take, say his 9 to 12 year old son down to such a display of Government sponsored "Rainbow Diversity" and he could drop off his 6 to 9 year old daughter off at the Dykes on Bikes Crèche along the way.. no shortage of FREE  child care on this night I assure you.

Individual employees of Sydney City Council employees street cleaning staff would, in the past, have been ready to tell any one who asked of the FILTH they are forced to clean up after their employers funded "Gay Mardi Gras" participants are finished "expressing" themselves upon Sydney's street every March.

The terms  "sewage" and "fecal masses" is outrageous as it no where near accurately describes the FILTH that is deposited upon Sydney's streets during the Sydney City Council Funded and Promoted Sydney Gay Mardi Gras.

So good to see a WOMAN in the entertainment industry with the courage and  prepared to call a filthy "fecal" semen, blood infused mess on the streets of Sydney a filthy "fecal" semen blood infused mess on the streets of Sydney, as opposed to those who demand that we accept these manifestations of those who we dare not criticize lest we are Homophobic and in her case no longer want a job in the Pooh Pokers Domain of the  "YARTS"

Where is Da Sista Hood ? Oh that's right Pooh Poking Progressives are always preferred over straight genetic Females.

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