An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The FILTH That IS Islam, no wonder Hussein Obama & the United Nations are such a staunch allies of the “Palestinians”


Fourteen hundred odd years ago Satan’s apostle, Mohammad, took a bride six years of age, Aisha ,oh “six years of age” I hear you say, “that’s terrible,” relax, chill out Islam is a "Religion of Peace” and of the highest moral authority,and naturally Mohammed did not deflower Aisha until she “bled” three years later at the age of NINE years of age, to the applause and celebration of Mohammed’s fellow paedophile slave trading pirates and you are right.

Since then,the followers of the worlds most infamous Paedophile Pirate,Mohammed, have, according to none other than the current President of the United States of America,Hussein Obama,made contributions to mankind of such type that Hussein Obama described those "contributions" as “civilizing” the world.

President Hussein Obama has dictated that Americans “respect Islam” and has ordered all negative references to Islam be removed from the US Government lexicon.

So infatuated by the “Religion of Peace” is the President of the United States of America, he has, amongst many other declarations, pertaining to Islam, declared that the war on terror is now over, and ordered that all acts of Islamic Terrorism, eg. September 11 attacks, Bali 1 & 2 be described as as “man caused disasters” in order to ensure that Islam and it’s adherents are  not brought into disrepute by their actions.

After all, when the “founder” of your “Religion of Peace” comes from the noble family of Islamic Paedophile Pirate and slave trading, head hunting stock ,I guess you have to make sure you have to do all you can to protect Islam’s high standards and reputation / mythology of been a “civilizing force for mankind"

I digress,the year is 2009, Islam has, according to Hussein Obama been a “civilizing force” for mankind and demanded that “Americans respect it” for its great contribution to mankind…

I am sure the President of the United States of America,Hussein Obama,would be so proud to announce that following some 1400 years of “civilizing mankind” “jihad” and almost indescribable sacrifice for the good of mankind that following his administrations appropriation of $1billion dollars of American taxpayers wages the "Palestinian's" (WTF? ) have  engaged in a radical reformation of "One of the worlds great Religions" and "Civilizing forces for mankind" by raising the age of marriage from six to seven years of age.

I know,I know,what you are thinking, like you, I feel Hussein Obama's pain but I have to say that I am sure that as radical  a proposal as it is on the surface to raise the age of marriage from six to seven years of age for females,it might just be, like Islam's previous "civilizing forces for mankind" (head hunting, female circumcision)the very thing Hussein Obama's America, and indeed the world needs in these troubled times.

Rejoice in the happy pics below as these  “Brides of Islam” "strut their stuff" with their proud Islamic "Palestinian" (WTF?) worriers.

The Brave Son’s of Allah and their Brides


Children,created and born of God desecrated by

“one of the worlds great civilizing forces” Paedo-Pals

The next time you see some Hollywood Idiot or some Australian Hollywood Idiot Wannabee wearing one of those chequered scarf's as a “Statement” in support of their pals in “Palestine” (WTF?) if the pictures above offend you email them and ask them why they are not offended by them and why they support such a depraved “Civilizing force for mankind”

Has Hussein Obama said when HE will donate one of his Daughters to this FILTH?

or is it a case of do as I say not as I do?

Full story here

Thanks to ANV reader Terri for the above story.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The “Science” of the UN’s Comrade Kevin Rudd

Bring it on, Labor, pull that trigger

Miranda Devine
August 15, 2009

When the Government's chief climate change science adviser, Professor Will Steffen, was asked to participate in an open debate this week for the benefit of senators about to vote on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill, he refused. Instead, he sent the independent senator Steve Fielding a letter belittling the scientist he was asked to debate.

Steffen, a research chemist with an interest in "Earth System science", accused Professor Bob Carter, a palaeoclimatologist, and other eminent scientists who have questioned the Government's scientific advice, of "flawed logic, misleading and inaccurate statements and confused and inconsistent analyses" not even worthy of university science students.

Steffen's reasons for his no-show? "By going there I would have given exactly the wrong impression, simply by being there, that there is a debate."

Steffen's attitude flies in the face of 1000 years of scientific method - of open inquiry, of encouraging the objective search for truth, sharing knowledge, testing hypotheses, welcoming challenges in order to demonstrate the robustness of your theories or help you develop new ones.

Something stinks in the climate science industry. The confected sense of urgency. The comic predictions by the United Nations that we have only "four months" to save the planet or that next year as many as 50 million climate refugees will be "displaced" by human-caused climate change. The fantasy that imposing a new tax on Australians will make any difference to the age-old phenomenon of climate change.

Here we had the Senate voting on Thursday on what both sides describe as one of the most significant pieces of legislation since Federation. Yet there has been little debate about the impact on jobs, household budgets, agriculture and industry, on electricity, gas and petrol prices, no consideration of nuclear energy, and scarce information about how we will do without the cheap baseload energy from coal-fired power stations which underpins Australia's high standard of living. Instead we have McCarthyist bullying of critics. At least Fielding, an engineer, is strong-minded enough to seek his own answers.

As it happened on Wednesday, the day before the vote, just 13 MPs and senators showed up to the debate he organised that had become a one-man talk by Carter. None were from the Government. Just 6 per cent of the Parliament could spare an hour to hear what the fuss was about.

What misgivings did Carter and three other scientists advising Fielding (the climatologist William Kininmonth, the former head of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology National Climate Centre; the hydro-climatologist Dr Stewart Franks; and the mathematician Dr David Evans, the former Australian Greenhouse Office carbon modeller) have about the science underpinning the Government's legislation?

Even if you reject the sceptical view, Australia produces just 1 per cent of the world's carbon dioxide emissions so if we were to shut down the country, the impact on global climate would still be negligible.

The Government is determined to resubmit its legislation to the Senate in November, under the threat of a double dissolution election, so that it is completed before the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen in December. Malcolm Turnbull is busy drafting amendments in an attempt to make the legislation palatable.

But the Coalition should embrace a double dissolution on climate change. Bring it on. Call the Government's bluff. It'll be their best chance of winning back office for years.

As Barnaby Joyce reminded everyone this week, by winning the "unwinnable" 1993 election, Paul Keating showed John Hewson how difficult it was to go to the Australian people with a new tax - which is what the emissions trading scheme is - an energy tax.

In Turnbull, the Coalition has the perfect man for the job of winning an election on an energy tax. He is enough of a genuine climate change alarmist to reassure green-minded voters, yet he is also a successful capitalist who knows the value of preserving a healthy economy.

Crafting complex deals, such as an ETS that might work, is his forte.

It's probably his only chance of being prime minister, so he will fight for all he's worth.

An early election will also force the Coalition to rally behind its leader, removing the unsettling effect of all that free speech they are currently engaging in. Plus it's just the kind of reckless gamble for which Turnbull is famed, and which he occasionally pulls off. It's right up his alley, if Utegate hasn't taken all his bottle.

You can bet money from industry would roll into Coalition coffers to help fight such an election, easily rivalling the union advertising largesse against Work Choices in the last poll.

And as Steve Fielding has found from the supportive emails and letters flooding his office, the public mood is turning resolutely against rash measures to stop climate change.

A Newspoll last month found 53 per cent of Australians want the Government to delay the ETS legislation until after Copenhagen, or not introduce it at all. Six per cent are uncommitted.

Only 41 per cent think Australia should pass the legislation before Copenhagen.

So what's the big hurry? In the Senate on Thursday after losing the vote, Penny Wong revealed the reason: "Because if we don't [bring the bill back in November], this nation goes to Copenhagen with no means to deliver on its targets.'' It's to give Kevin Rudd something to strut with on the global stage.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pakistan has already fallen to the Taliban

While the children of the infidel west are indoctrinated into believing that Muslims, world wide are followers of a “Religion of Peace” the following videos show what Muslim’s get up to when they think we are too busy attending “Religious and cultural sensitivity classes” to notice.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama (don’t)Care

Why would he ?…. after all just like my country Australia,the UK and Canada, it’s not about CARING for those who need it most,it’s about the survival of the fittest.

9 8 09 Obama care logo

It’s about…. well you know… after all you voted for it… it’s about "the efficient delivery of scarce resources to those who need them most…." not those sick fucks who clog up the hospitals and demand treatment for diseases or the effects of aging, hey they will die some day any way!!!

Eugenics,Hitler,it was not just about the mass murder of Jews and those who were opposed to international Socialism,that Hitler and his supporters in the Islamic world wanted gassed and fried in their ovens.

Those, mentally and able bodied who did not embrace the ideology of Socialism, were not the only victims of the Nazi death / purification squads,their victims also included those incapable of understanding any form of ideology, those who relied on the compassion and caring of any society that would help their parents / families look after them and afford them whatever care was possible for their most basic needs.

There was another classification of human life form, who were declared enemies of the invigorated healthy thriving Socialist State,these were the sufferers of incurable diseases like cancer,the amputee’s,those suffering depression and other mental disorders, the aged,slow of wit to but name a hand full of those Hitler and his Socialist followers, decreed not worthy of life support, better still gas and burn these pests before they drag down the pure, disease free new Europe, borne of promises of “Hope and Change”

Calling it Obama Care or any other bumper sticker slogan the UN and their Union Thug financed politically correct US Democrat’s can think up, will not re write history or the wicked Godless savagery and intent of

“Obama DONT Care”

Why should he ?

After all,he and his fellow Democrats have ensured he and his wife and children,will not be subjected to it… they will be permitted to retain the health system he and his Union Thugs and UN pals demand YOU be DENIED

It’s like Kym Jong Ill having his own lane of every highway in North Korea exclusively reserved for him whenever the North Korean “God” ventures outside his Palace.

Just like the Germans in July1932, Americans have voted for their own enslavement or elimination, they have voted for a “SAVIOUR” a man described by one of his MSM press release officers and apologists as “God”.

The same man who has been proven to and has admitted, to have worshiped at the alter of a “Church” administered by an Anti Semitic,Non Black hating racist thug for over twenty years.

I am sure this “God” and former Community Organizer who has been elected to the Office of the President of the United States of America,is really worried about weather or not your White Republican voting Veteran Father or Mother,Brother or Sister,Son or Daughter,is able to receive the necessary medical treatment to keep them alive for another ten or fifteen years following injuries sustained during their service to their Country.

Hey if in doubt, just ask “What would Adolf do”


Under “God’s” scheme at least HE will get to laugh all the way to the best health care service your money can buy him and his Pals.

"They called for rational planning and scientific management of every phase of society. Economically they substituted laissez-faire views for an emphasis on state intervention and promoted the use of trained experts in setting economic and social regulatory policies. The movement preached the doctrine of efficiency, which applied cost-benefit analysis and emphasized solving problems at their root, rather than after a crisis has arisen, for example, as in preventive medicine. Eugenics was first embraced politically as a scientific means of halting the rising stream of "defective" immigrants who came to the United States from 1880 to 1914 seeking relief from the economic problems besetting Europe."


See for yourself the Health Care system Hollywood's beautiful people salivate over,however like Hussein Obama, would never use themselves.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Hussein Obama Mr 50% and falling

Obama's rating drops to 50 per cent
6 8 09

US President Barack Obama's approval rating has slumped to 50 per cent, the lowest since his inauguration, according to a poll released on the eve of his 200th day in office.

Pollsters at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut said Mr Obama's job approval rating dipped to 50-42 per cent, a reflection of growing unease over his handling of the economy.

The figure, released today, is a substantial drop from the 57-33 per cent approval rating he had on July 2, and far less than the glowing numbers he enjoyed in the honeymoon first 100 days of his tenure.

The national poll of 2409 registered voters was carried out between July 27 and August 3.

It found voters disapproved 49-45 per cent of the way Mr Obama was handling the economy, and disapproved 52-39 per cent on his handling of health care, but approved 52-38 per cent on his foreign policy.

But while Republicans disapproved of the Democratic president's job performance by an expectedly large margin of 77-16 per cent, the poll found Americans disapproved 59-29 per cent of how Republicans in Congress were doing their job.

They also trusted Mr Obama over Republicans 47-36 per cent to fix the economy and 46-37 per cent to deal with health care.

"The President is right on the magic 50 per cent threshold in public approval because of bad grades on the economy and even worse grades on health care," Peter Brown, assistant director of Quinnipiac's Polling Institute, said.

"The good news ... is that American voters still see him as better able to handle the economy and health care than Republicans in Congress," Mr Brown said.

"The bad news is his margins are shrinking."

Happy Birthday Community Organizer in Chief Hussein obama.

Many thanks for this from Terri, Florida,USA.

Are you one of the Americans who favors Communism or socialism?
Do you believe that America is now a Communistor a socialistic nation?
Do you believe that President Barack Obama is not a Communist?
During Obama's campaign for the 2008 presidential election, he portrayed
his mother as a conservative girl from Kansas. However, in reality, she was
a radical leftist and cultural Marxist. She lived in the Seattle area;
spending her teenage years in Seattle coffee shops with other young radical
leftists. Obama claims his mother's family were conservative Methodists or
Baptists from Kansas. However, his mother's parents were members of a
left-wing Unitarian church in Bellevue, Washington near Seattle nicknamed
"the little red church" because of it's communist leanings.
Dunham has been described by her friends as "a fellow traveler", meaning
a communist sympathizer. In an interview, Barack Obama referred to his
mother as "the dominant figure in my formative years . . . The values she
taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the
world of politics." It is likely that those "touchstone values" Stanley Ann
Dunham taught the young Barry Obama were straight out of Marxist ideology.
As a Nairobi bureaucrat, Barack Obama Sr. advised the pro-Western Kenyan
government there to "redistribute" income through higher taxes. He also
demonized corporations and called for massive social programs.
Writing in a 1965 scholarly paper, Obama's late father slammed the
administration of then-President Jomo Kenyatta for moving the Third World
country away from socialism toward capitalism.
Though Obama's father had little contact with him, therefore little
influence, Obama entitled his first book "Dreams From My Father".
Additionally, there is little doubt that Barack Obama was familiar with his
father's 1965 paper calling for re-distributive justice in Kenya back in
1965, much as Obama himself would do in America over forty years later.
The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where he
developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to
his "poetry" and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book,
Dreams From My Father, refers to him as just "Frank".
The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a
party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the
Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of
Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What's more, anti-communist
congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities
Committee, accused Davis of involvement in several communist organizations.
The most significant part of Barack Obama's education, according to
Obama himself, was not at Columbia University or Harvard Law School, but the
years he spent being trained in the Saul Alinsky system for community
organizing, and then practicing what he learned.
All practicing leftists have been influenced by Saul Alinsky, author of
Rules for Radicals; the essential primer for all good America-hating
radicals. Written by the great granddaddy of all community organizers,
Alinsky's book lays out the tactics to be employed in creating a revolution.
What distinguished Alinsky from your run-of-the-mill revolutionary is
Alinsky's preference to wreck the system from within the existing order
rather than resort to violence; not that violence was out of the question.
A former fellow organizer said that Obama was the "master" of agitation.
Note: A pair of radical Columbia University sociology professors were
inspired by the Alinsky method to write a piece in "The Nation" in 1965
which came to be known by their names -- the Cloward-Piven strategy. The
purpose of the Cloward-Piven strategy is to overburden the social welfare
system to the point of breaking and hasten the breakdown of the capitalist
system. The CP strategy has been applied by ACORN and other welfare right's
organizations, with not only the intent to obtain "benefits" for their
members, but also to hasten the decline of the American free-market system.
Black Liberation Theology is the basis for former Pastor Jeremiah
Wright's anti-American sermons at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago
(a church attended by Sen. Barack Obama and his wife Michelle for more than
20 years). Why is this important? Because Wright served as Obama's pastor
for more than 20 years as well as his mentor and spiritual advisor. It is
unlikely that a person can sit in a pew of a church for 20 years and not
understand or disagree with the ideology being promoted every week in Sunday
sermons and in published materials distributed by a church.
Black Liberation Theology is the creation of Professor James Cone, who
currently serves at New York's Union Theological Seminary. In 1969, Cone
wrote Black Theology and Black Power, which is required reading at Trinity.
Professor Cone's Black Liberation Theology is a mixture of Marxism and
Afrocentric thinking. According to Cone, "Together, black religion and
Marxist philosophy may show us the way to build a completely new society.
Capitalism is economic slavery imposed upon black Americans by whites."
In 1995 when Obama decided to go in to politics and run for the Illinois
state senate, he sought and obtained the endorsement of the "New Party", a
party made up largely of Socialists and Communists. Obama's predecessor in
the Illinois senate seat which he filled, Alice Palmer, was also a
Communist, and she endorsed Barack Obama as her replacement.
95% of blacks and at least 80% of women are communists. We need not fear the
blacks as much as we should fear the women . There is a concerted attack on men
by women to destroy America and liberty.Communism is a negative ideology romanced
by ignorance. Most of the congressional acts of the last 20 years are for the
destruction of men, liberty and Christianity. The destruction of family
is also pivital for the destruction of liberty. Essential family destruction
is the prybar for forcing open the doors to communists and communism.

Some on the left might claim that this is "guilt by association", but
there is far more than just "association" when every single influence over
Barack Obama's life has come from a leftwing, Marxist perspective. If he
does indeed have the traditional American belief in private property and
free-enterprise, the capitalist system, just when did he pick it up, who
taught it to him? Certainly not his mother, his father, his mentor Frank
Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky, or his pastor Jeremiah Wright, his closest
associates and mentors from his earliest days -- they were, each and every
one of them, Marxists!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Australia, Love it or Fuck off back to wherever it was you help trash and RAN AWAY from.


How all business phones should be answered!




Press '1' for English.

Press '2' to disconnect until you learn

to speak English


Remember there only two defining forces that have
offered to die for YOU:
The Son of God

Jesus Christ


Our Australian Soldiers


Died for your soul


Others for your freedom.




Thank you Aussie News & Views reader Heather, for sending me this “reality check” If only those entrusted with our security and well being thought as logically as the author of the above compilation.

Perhaps one day Mr Rudd or Kevin 07 or Lee Kewan as his adoring media fan club call him, depending on the audience he, and they are trying to impress at any given time, will side with Australia and (God forbid)AUSTRALIANS and act in THEIR interests instead of the interests of those who have, on a daily basis enunciated their HATRED for, and their commitment to DESTROY all that is Australian.

Mr Rudd you are the Prime Minister of Australia not the

Secretary General of the United Nations or the Grand Islamic Sociopath in Chief of some Middle Eastern Labor Party financing Islamic shit hole, so start delivering policies to Australians that protect them from, well, the stated objectives of your party’s financiers and supporters,indeed protect Australians from your party’s United Nations manifesto.

If you cannot do that perhaps you too should Fuck off to one of the lands of your masters and leave Australians alone, we will clean up the mess you and your like thinkers have made these last thirty years, however a warning don’t think about coming back you see Australians WILL shut the fricking border.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Australian Labor's "celebrity Muslim" Keysar Trad has been found to be a racist by Supreme Court

Judgement passed on Islams finest

Keysar Trad defamation case against 2GB's Jason Morrison dismissed

Richard Maxton with AAP

A defamation case taken out against Macquarie Radio by Islamic Friendship Association spokesman Keysar Trad has been dismissed, with the Supreme court judge finding he has racist views.

Two years ago it was ruled 2GB radio broadcaster Jason Morrison had defamed Mr Trad when he labelled him "gutless" and "disgraceful and dangerous" following a speech Mr Trad made over the 2005 Cronulla riots.

A Supreme Court jury found in Mr Trad's favour.

But the jury's decision has been effectively quashed by today's judgement from Justice Peter McClellan.

Justice McClellan ruled that the case should be dismissed, after lawyers for 2GB argued that information claimed to be defamatory was in fact true.

"There is little doubt that many of the plaintiff's remarks are offensive to Jewish persons and homosexuals,"

Justice McClellan said in his judgment.

"Many of his remarks are distasteful and appear to condone violence," the judgment continued.

"I'm satisfied that the plaintiff does hold views which can properly be described as racist.

"I'm also satisfied that he encourages others to hold those views. In particular he holds views derogatory of

Jewish people.

"The views which he holds would not be acceptable to most right-thinking Australians," Justice McClellan's judgment said.

Mr Morrison said it is a relief the matter has finally been resolved.

"I was very pleasantly surprised. These things are tough," he said.

"This has been hanging over me and this radio station for four years and it's not a particularly nice assertion that's been made, so I was very relieved at the judge's decsision."

Lawyer for 2GB's licensee Harbour Radio, Richard McHugh SC, had told the judge the "truth case" largely related to documents, including articles which Mr Trad had admitted writing and media interviews.

He read out parts of an article on homosexuals, submitting the views were "offensive" and showed Mr Trad to be a "disgraceful and dangerous individual".

He also played two radio interviews, where Mr Trad was asked about the comments made by his friend Sheik Alhilali, who had described scantily clad women as "uncovered meat".

Rather than condemning the sheik, Mr Trad was "an apologist for the appalling views" and gave out misinformation about the Islamic community, Mr McHugh said.

Mr Trad's case has been dismissed with costs.

Full judgement

TradvHarbour Radio Pty Ltd 2009 NSWSC 750

Trads thoughts on Racism.

31 7 09 Keysar Trad RACISIM an Islamic Response

Trad has been trashed by justice

Piers Akerman
Friday, July 31, 2009

The more than a decade, the barricade of political correctness which has protected Sydney’s self-proclaimed Islamic spokesman Keysar Trad has been dealt a mortal blow.

Justice Peter McClelland in the NSW Court of Appeal yesterday branded him a dangerous, dishonest, racist person and unbelievable liar.

Overturning a defamation judgement awarded to Trad against 2GB over a broadcast by Jason Morrison on December 19, 2005, Justice McClelland has demolished the nation that Trad is harmless assistant and translator to Lakemba’s Sheikh Taj el-Din al-Hilali, who in 2006 was the Mufti of Australia.

Trad had claimed he was defamed in a Morrison broadcast which followed a so-called “peace rally” the previous

day in which Morrison commented on a number of reports of the rally.
Like most of “peace” rallies, the gathering was aggressive and attended by the usual radicals protesting about most things that keep the world safe.

He said that he was satisfied that Trad holds views which can “properly be described as racist” and that he was “also satisfied that he encourages others to hold those views”.
In particular, he said, he holds views derogatory of Jewish people. The views which he holds would not be acceptable to most right thinking Australians.

He went on to say that Trad’s defence of al-Hilali’s description of suicide bombing as a legitimate tool, and his call for the delisting of Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation were dangerous remarks.

The support of the use of boys as martyrs in war was obviously dangerous.
He found that “various of the plaintiff’s actions including the material on his website were designed to contribute to anti-Semitism in the Australian community” and that “these views encouraged division and hostility between Muslims and non-Muslims in Australia”.

He also said that, in his judgement, Trad was a dangerous person because he incited violence or disparagement of women, Jews and homosexuals though his views.
He said he was a disgrace because he encouraged others to support attitudes repugnant to the Australian community.

He said Trad was not a reliable witness and said it was disingenuous to claim that he did recall that Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf.

"A Dangerous Racist"

“I am satisfied that his answers were dishonest,” McClelland said.

Let it not be forgotten that al-Hilali is in Australia because former Prime Minister Paul Keating ignored warnings from the Department of Immigration and security services.

Trad has made a career out of supporting al-Hilali, during which he has lived on welfare benefits.

The ABC and SBS have given Trad a platform and quasi-legitimacy by unquestioningly permitting him access to their airwaves and seeking him out for comment.

He should be sent to Coventry now Justice McClelland has exposed the true nature of the beast.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Australia's Finest: Vale,Private Benjamin Ranaudo.

Private Benjamin Ranaudo's girlfriend weeps for lover killed in Afghanistan

By Antonia Magee and Michael Harvey
# July 20, 2009 1:22AM

THE heartbroken girlfriend of Private Benjamin Ranaudo said a part of her soul was stolen when her boyfriend was killed by an explosion in Afghanistan.

Just hours after the Australian Defence Force confirmed Pte Ranaudo's death, Haylee Tamara McCarthy, 21, wrote several tributes to him on her Facebook page, including a heartfelt message to her lost love saying he would stay with her forever.

"Forever in my heart, forever in my mind - you've taken a bit of my soul with you bub," Ms McCarthy said yesterday.

"I really thought we were going to be together forever and we promised each other we'd get through anything - that this trip would make us stronger."

Pte Ranaudo, 22, was killed when an anti-personnel explosive device detonated in the Baluchi Valley, near Tarin Kowt, early on Saturday as a part of an operation against a "compound of interest".

The blast left another Australian soldier fighting for his life and injured three civilians, including an eight-year-old boy.

The Melbourne man was a member of the Townsville-based 1RAR. He had been in the army for three years and in Afghanistan for less than two months when he died.

In one of his last messages to home, he described serving his country as "awesome".

In a message to a friend on his Facebook page on Friday afternoon, just a day before he died, Pte Ranaudo wrote: "I actually like it over here, weird huh. Be good to tell ya all about it when I get bak (sic)."

On July 5 Pte Ranaudo said his Afghanistan experience was ``awesome'', but cautiously added "still early days thou (sic)".

Last week he sent a message congratulating Ms McCarthy on her university results, but his army duty was something that obviously weighed heavily on their minds.

"Hey bub, hope ur (sic) doing a little better now. I really think time will fly by, and will be back together in no time," he wrote.

His uncle Andrew Renaudo said last night his "brave" nephew was too young to be fighting a war.

"I don't know who you send there, but I think 22-year-old kids shouldn't be in that sort of a war zone," Mr Ranaudo said.

"We want this to stop, we don't want this to happen to anyone else."

Mr Ranaudo said his nephew had always been brave and was flagged for greater things in the armed forces.

"He was only a young man, but he was there doing what he wanted to do. He wanted to be there."

His death - the 11th Australian soldier killed in Afghanistan - drew tributes from military and political leaders.

Chief of Defence Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston described him as a "fine, brave and dedicated soldier" who risked his life for his fellow Australians.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Methodology of Hizb Ut Tahrir for Change

Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs reports today of the meeting of the Islamic Hizb Ut Tahrir or Islamic Pirate organization who are holding a Hate Fest, titled "The Fall of Capitalism and Hta-logo-july-19 Rise of Islam," this Sunday, July 19th, 2009, at the Aqsa School in Bridgeview, Illinois.


I have posted this document, below, written by the pious members of Islamic Hizb Ut Tahrir some years back in the UK complete with the Pirate Black Death Flag of Islam.
These terrorists are now moving on the USA, having been emboldened, by the election of a President of THEIR choice, Hussein Obama, they now well understand they have nothing to fear from the White House or the various federal and state law enforcement agencies as they go about planning the destruction of the United States of America on American soil, paid for and facilitated by the Hussein Obama administration

This from January 2007 in Sydney.
Radical plan for pain By Piers Akerman January 29, 2007 12:00 THE radical Islamists of Hizb ut-Tahrir (Party of Liberation) who met in Lakemba to cheer speakers calling for a global Islamic state, which somehow did not include Australia, raised a number of issues. The first is about Australia's tolerance for such a call, for, as students of the group (which is banned in a number of nations) know, an Islamic state could not possibly condone many of the freedoms basic to our society. Another issue is just as crucial: if Australia is not among the nations to be targeted and brought under the Islamist umbrella, exactly which nations does Hizb ut-Tahrir believe need an Islamist makeover? If "humankind" can only escape destruction if it becomes subservient to the "divine order of Islam", and Australia is not to be subjected to the group's reconstructive process, wouldn't its members be better off going to a nation which would benefit from a more proscriptive regime? The reality is of course that few Islamic nations want a bar of Hizb ut-Tahrir's proselytisers and they have to find helpful suckers in Western nations who will permit them to hold their "Islam-or-else" meetings. As it is unimaginable that any Islamic nation, or any other nation for that matter, would host a conference of fundamentalist Christians calling for the restoration of Istanbul to Constantinople, why should any Western state play host to these plotters? Are we so naive, so politically correct, that we feel compelled to host a party for people who wish to cut the throats of our metaphorical cousins, even if they promise that we are not (yet) in their sights? One of the speakers at the conference, Palestinian Sheik Issam Amera, told the audience: "If two people are united and a third person comes along and tries to incite disunity . . . kill him. Muslims are not unique in doing so as most nations kill those charged with treason. "The establishment of caliphate is an Islamic duty. The evidence for the duty for establishing (the) caliphate is confirmed in the Koran," he said. The Koran also mentions supernatural bodies, but that doesn't make them real. In fact, if one looks around the world and particularly at those states which nominate themselves as Islamic, one could draw the conclusion that followers of Islam are doomed to live in Third World poverty listening to hate-filled speeches from their religious leaders fuelled by envy of the comparatively successful nation of Israel, and with sufficient time on their hands to riot over almost nothing whenever someone gets to his feet in the local mosque. Sunday's conference, though little different from others held in some Muslim communities lodged in Western societies, heard calls for the political destiny of the Muslim world to be in the hands of Muslims and for external forces to be rejected. Judging by the manner in which members of Hamas and Hezbollah, both professing to be Islamic organisations, are currently kidnapping and killing each other, and considering the wars of attrition up to the current day waged between followers of the Shia and Sunni arms of Islam, any notion that Islamists could achieve a better record of governance than many Western nations, including Australia, is fanciful, no matter how vehement the calls for sacrifice and jihad may be. Hizb ut-Tahrir clearly has no place in Australia, and it would be heartening if more Australian Muslims said this. Unfortunately, as older Australians well know from the attempts to ban the Communist Party in the middle of the last century, it is awfully difficult to ban any group in this country. Greens Senator Bob Brown, aided by the Left-inclined Fairfax press, is attempting to disrupt the activities of the Exclusive Brethren, a minor Christian sect which has angered him because it quoted from Green policies in a series of political advertisements, but has barely raised a whimper about the treatment of homosexuals in Muslim countries. The NSW Government's recycled Police Minister John Watkins believes there is sufficient evidence to have Hizb ut-Tahrir banned but has failed to persuade his ALP colleagues in other states to join him in making such a recommendation to the Federal Government. Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock has asked NSW to provide evidence that Hizb ut-Tahrir meets the definition of a terrorist group and has also called on federal agencies to review the comments made at its conference to determine whether its conduct crosses that threshold. If Watson believes the body is breaking NSW laws, he is free to deal with it under state law. Civil libertarians, usually highly visible and irritatingly voluble whenever Islam and ban are mentioned in the same sentence, are nowhere to be seen or heard. Until firm evidence of illegal activity emerges, it would seem there is no recourse available beyond making the usual expressions of disgust and contempt that it deserves. That of course, is fitting proof that Australia has a robust and admirable pluralist culture – just the sort of thing that gets up the noses of the Hiz ut-Tahrir – if indeed they have such organs behind their hijabs and scarfs.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Respect THIS !!!! INFIDELS !!!!! UPDATE Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein

Forty lashes for female journalist wearing trousers

The Daily Telegraph
July 15, 2009 12:00am

A HIGH profile Sudanese woman journalist is facing 40 lashes after being accused of wearing "indecent" clothes, with 10 women already whipped for similar offences against Islamic law.

Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein, who writes for the left-wing Al-Sahafa newspaper and works for the media department of the United Nations Mission in Sudan, was arrested in Khartoum last week and charged with dressing indecently.

Ms Hussein said she was at a restaurant on July 3 when police came in and ordered women wearing trousers to follow them to the police station.

"They took away me and 12 other young women, including southerners," she said, referring to women from Sudan's animist and Christian south where the Muslim north's Islamic or sharia law does not apply.

"Two days later, 10 of them were summoned to the police station in downtown Khartoum and given 10 lashes each," Ms Hussein said.

The remaining three women, including Ms Hussein, have been charged under Sudanese law with "committing an indecent act or one which violates public morality or wearing indecent clothes".

If convicted, they face a mandatory 40 lashes. Ms Hussein said she did not know when her case would be heard.

"I want people to know what happened," she said.

Unlike some countries in the region, particularly in the Gulf, women have a prominent place in Sudanese public life. Nevertheless, human rights organisations say that some laws discriminate against women.

Hussein Obama's Science Cszar : We will need to surrender national sovereignty to an armed international police force

John Holdren, Hussein Obama's Science Cszar.

Hold on to your hat,Hussein Obama is just starting to feel in charge of the United Serfdom of America,Please read the following report brilliantly compiled by Zombietime
If you read NOTHING else this month read this article, it fully exposes the International Socialist, NAZI mindset and their commitment to finish what they started in 1939.
They have regrouped and are ready to go again,only this time they are in control of the White House.

See: Hussein Obama's Agenda 21 or how we are all going to live in peace with each other and the environment

Yes,I know,I put it up before but this time READ IT, the authors have been warning Free men and women of the plans the Enviro Nazi's have for mankind for years.

" Individual rights. Individual rights must be balanced against the power of the government to control human reproduction. Some people—respected legislators, judges, and lawyers included—have viewed the right to have children as a fundamental and inalienable right. Yet neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution mentions a right to reproduce. Nor does the UN Charter describe such a right, although a resolution of the United Nations affirms the "right responsibly to choose" the number and spacing of children (our emphasis). In the United States, individuals have a constitutional right to privacy and it has been held that the right to privacy includes the right to choose whether or not to have children, at least to the extent that a woman has a right to choose not to have children. But the right is not unlimited. Where the society has a "compelling, subordinating interest" in regulating population size, the right of the individual may be curtailed. If society's survival depended on having more children, women could he required to bear children, just as men can constitutionally be required to serve in the armed forces. Similarly, given a crisis caused by overpopulation, reasonably necessary laws to control excessive reproduction could be enacted.

It is often argued that the right to have children is so personal that the government should not regulate it. In an ideal society, no doubt the state should leave family size and composition solely to the desires of the parents. In today's world, however, the number of children in a family is a matter of profound public concern. The law regulates other highly personal matters. For example, no one may lawfully have more than one spouse at a time. Why should the law not be able to prevent a person from having more than two children?"

Read full expose' of the Godless evil that now has control of the White House at : Zombietime

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rudds OPEN Door for Illegal Aliens exposed

Rudd’s open door to illegals

Piers Akerman
Saturday, July 11, 2009

The great cover-up of the illegal asylum-seeker traffic to Australia is beginning to unravel.

The Rudd government’s relentless claims that “push” factors - the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, unrest in Pakistan - have been responsible for driving more refugees to our shores are proving to be hollow.
The “pull” factors - Labor’s softening of the Howard government’s hard line against people-smugglers and opportunistic asylum-seekers - remain the principal factors in the huge increase in numbers of undocumented illegal arrivals in Australia, the biggest since 2001.

Now it is revealed that a refugee advocate Ian Rintoul was in constant mobile-phone contact with boatloads of refugees even as they prepared to leave Indonesian waters for Christmas Island.

According to reports in The Australian newspaper last Friday, Rintoul acted as a conduit for messages between asylum-seekers aboard an illegal people-smuggling boat in Indonesian waters, Pakistani people-smuggling facilitators and Australian authorities.

His role came to light when he contacted the Australian Border Protection Command about the plight of passengers, including women and children, aboard an Australia-bound vessel, which contacts in Pakistan had conveyed to him.

Rintoul was in touch with both the Pakistan end of the operation and those aboard the vessel, who apparently feared for their lives and wanted to be rescued.

As the boat was still in Indonesian waters, the Indonesian navy was alerted and brought into the operation.

Although it could not locate the vessel, its passengers have indicated that they reached safety on an island in East Nusa Tenggara province.

Will the Australian Federal Police investigate Rintoul’s involvement in the incident?

Since Labor came to office, Immigration Minister Chris Evans has moved with ferocious haste to remove possible impediments for queue-jumpers.

There’s no doubt the new arrivals reaching Christmas Island, where they are assured of residency permits within 90 days, are jumping the queues administered by the UN High Commission for Refugees and bodies such as the International Organisation for Migration.

Acting under the radar, Evans has surreptitiously removed the character test that used to apply to new arrivals and protected Australians from those whose general conduct was questionable.

Shadow immigration minister Sharman Stone says Senator Evans directed the Immigration Department to disregard a person’s character, the provision of bogus documents, behaviour that was disreputable and acts that fell short of criminal fraud.

Evans’ latest direction also widens the scope of considerations to allow people who are found not to be of good character to nevertheless enter and remain here in Australia.

This may well be why the Government has done nothing about accused East Timorese human-rights violator and murderer Guy Campos, who is still at large, having entered Australia on a pilgrim’s visa for the World Youth Day celebrations last year.

Evans has significantly increased the “pull” factor for illegal entrants by changing rules that required the expectations of the community to be considered when decisions were taken on whether to refuse illegal immigrants entry to Australia or remove them from the country.

Someone who commits serious crimes against the Migration Act is no longer considered to be of character concern.

Further, this minister has personally overturned the decisions of the Migration and Refugee Review Tribunal and the courts more than 1000 times.

Yet he has claimed in his statements that ministerial intervention cannot result in a fair outcome and has stated that he doesn’t want to “play God”.

Evans has also said he wants to delegate his powers back to tribunals and the department, but has not done so.

As with so many of the public statements of the Rudd ministry, there’s a huge gulf between what is said and what is done.

The previous Coalition government managed to halt the number of unsafe and illegal people-smuggling boats attempting the hazardous voyage to Australia.

The Rudd government has abolished almost every barrier to this traffic.

It has discarded temporary protection visas, it has dropped the 45-day rule that required applications for protection visas to be made within 45 days of arrival in this country, and it has now proposed a new category of visa for those who currently are ineligible for refugee protection under United Nations High Commission for Refugees rules.

Waiving the rules for those who can afford to jump the queue, those who have been living safely for the most part in third nations and not in refugee camps, hurts the most needy: those living under blue plastic in camps around the world.

Yet once again, we see the Rudd government secretly destroying policy that clearly worked and replacing it with flawed regulation that relies on ministerial discretion.

Such flouting of the community will is doubtless going to result in increased numbers embracing unwholesome anti-immigration groups.

Simply flood Australia with as many illegal hostile aliens and impose their predominantly Muslim culture,facilitated by satellite Labor Party groups,"concerned citizens" and other fronts for International Socialism,and bingo who they gonna vote for?

Pat Buchanan nails it again.

It Can't Happen Here

by Patrick J. Buchanan
Human Events

So grave was the crisis in western China that President Hu Jintao canceled a meeting with President Obama, broke off from the G8 summit and flew home.

By official count, 158 are dead, 1,080 injured and a thousand arrested in ethnic violence between Han Chinese and the Muslim, Turkic-speaking Uighurs of Xinjiang. That is the huge oil-rich province that borders Pakistan, Afghanistan and several Central Asian countries that seceded from the Soviet Union.

Uighur sources put the death toll much higher.

The Communist Party chief in Xinjiang has promised to execute those responsible for the killings.

In 1989, fear that what was happening in Eastern Europe might happen in Beijing produced Tiananmen Square. The flooding of Chinese troops into Xinjiang bespeaks a fear that what happened to the Soviet Union could happen to China. Unlike Mikhail Gorbachev, the Chinese, as they showed in Tibet, will wage civil war to crush secession.

Already, Beijing has struggled to ensure perpetual possession of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet -- half of the national territory -- by moving in millions of Han Chinese, swamping the indigenous peoples, as they did in Manchuria.

The larger issue here is the enduring power of ethnonationalism -- the drive of ethnic minorities, embryonic nations, to break free and create their own countries, where their faith, culture and language are predominant. The Uighurs are such a people.

Ethnonationalism caused the Balkan wars of 1912 and 1913, triggered World War I in Sarajevo, and tore apart the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires. Ethnonationalism birthed Ireland, Turkey and Israel.

Ethnonationalism in the 1990s tore apart the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, and broke up Czechoslovakia, creating two-dozen nations out of three. Last August, ethnonationalism, with an assist from the Russian Army, relieved Georgia of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Russia has its own ethnic worries in Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia, whose Moscow-installed president was nearly blown to pieces two weeks ago and where a Chechen convoy was ambushed last week with 10 soldiers killed.

The ethnonationalism that pulled Ireland out of the United Kingdom in 1921 is pulling Scotland out. It split the Asian subcontinent up into Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Iran, Iraq and Pakistan are all threatened.

Persians are a bare majority against the combined numbers of Azeris, Kurds, Arabs and Baluch. Each of those minorities shares a border with kinfolk -- in Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Iraq and Pakistan.

Turkey has fought for decades against Kurd ethnonationalism.

If one were to wager on new nations, Kurdistan and Baluchistan would be among the favorites. And Pashtun in Pakistan outnumber Pashtun in Afghanistan, though in the latter they are the majority.

In Africa, the savage attacks on the Kikiyu by Luo manifest a resurgent tribalism, as did the horrors of Rwanda, where Tutsi in the hundreds of thousands were massacred by Hutu.

President Clinton may have apologized to the Africans for not sending troops to stop the genocide in Rwanda, but if the America of Obama is into interventionism to protect human rights, Africa in the 21st century should provide us plenty of opportunity.

Evo Morales in Bolivia, Ollanta Humala in Peru and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez are stoking the embers, goading the Indian populations, the indigenous peoples, to take back what the white man took 500 years ago. They have met with no small success.

The contrast between insouciant America and serious China today is instructive. China is protectionist; America free trade. China is nationalist; America globalist. China's economy is export-driven; America's base is consumption. China saves; America spends. China uses its foreign exchange to lock up overseas resources; America uses foreign aid for humanitarian assistance to failed states. Behaving like ruthlessly purposeful 19th-century Americans, China grows as America shrinks.

Where Beijing floods its borderlands with Han to reduce indigenous populations to minorities, and stifles religious, ethnic and linguistic diversity, America, declaring, "Diversity is our strength!" invites the whole world to come to America and swamp her own native-born.

Observing the lightning breakup of the Soviet Union, the Chinese take ethnonationalism with deadly seriousness. American's elite regard it an irrelevancy, an obsession only of the politically retarded.

After all, they tell us, we were never blood-and-soil people, always a propositional nation, a nation of ideas. Our belief in democracy, diversity, and equality define us and make us different from all other nations.

Indeed, we now happily predict the year, 2042, when Americans of European ancestry become a minority in a country whose Founding Fathers declared it set aside for "ourselves and our posterity."

Without the assent of her people, America is being converted from a Christian country, nine in 10 of whose people traced their roots to Europe as late as the time of JFK, into a multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual, multicultural Tower of Babel not seen since the late Roman Empire.

The city farthest along the path is Los Angeles, famous worldwide for the number, variety, and size of its ethnic and racial street gangs.

Not to worry. It can't happen here.

One of many letters in reply to the above article:

I think you are off the mark, Mr. Buchanan. The ethnic group that is wreaking havoc has a different name, and I don't toss this idea out lightly.

Socialists/progressives are the new ethnicity in America. They have all of the earmarks (no pun intended) of any other culture.

They have a common spiritual 'north:' a distain for 'West.'

They have a common language: They marginalize and disparage those who dissent with labeling words like kooks, ne-cons, Nazis, et al.

They have little use for God, but are Godly in their anthropocentric belief that is is they who control nature.

They have no common motherland, but as they ignore Mother Nature, they seek to replace her.

Socialists, facists, and progressives--all peas in a pod who want to force social liberty upon us as their means for taking ours.

Jul 10, 2009 @ 03:47 AM
Lance Morrison, CA

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