An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rudd’s Australia : Proscribed Muslim Terrorist Group permitted to hold HATE FEST in Sydney July 4 2010


Muslim Conference

Hizb ut- Tahrir

When our Federal attorney general is not writing character references for Iranian spy Sheikh Mansour Leghaei that ASIO deems to be a threat to our National Security, his Labor Party is allowing these Islamic Terrorists / Supporters to gather like a pack of Jackals at their Sydney head quarters, 12 Bridge Street Lidcombe in the heart of the Labor Party created, Sydney’s Occupied Territories, to consort and conspire to further the objectives of their Islamic Terrorist Organization.

Good Work Australian Labor Party and your financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions, Australia’s “Working Families” really appreciate the great work you are doing.

Islams maddest of Islamic dogs down under enunciates " for military coups and revolutions to overthrow non-Muslim governments worldwide"
Islamist leader in call for revolution

Natalie O'Brien
The Australian
September 26, 2007

THE mysterious sheik behind the Australian chapter of Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir has revealed the organisation's support for military coups and revolutions to overthrow non-Muslim governments worldwide.
Ismail Al Wahwah, who was little known until last month when he was banned from a Hizb ut-Tahrir conference in Indonesia, spoke out on an Arabic radio program that revealed him as the "active member" of the group in Australia.

In an interview conducted in Arabic on SBS radio last month, he attacked the West's lack of values and backed the use of suicide bombings in Iraq and Palestine, even if they killed Australians.
"I say any occupied people have the responsibility to defend their country," he said in the interview, which The Australian had translated into English. "The victim ... should not be asked how he is defending himself."

Sheik Wahwah is understood to be the unofficial leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Australia. The Australian has obtained the first pictures of the man widely known in the Muslim community as Abu Anas.
Hizb ut-Tahrir's media spokesman, Wassim Doureihi, denied the sheik was the group's leader in Australia, saying Sheik Wahwah was a senior member and that his brother, Ashraf, a civil engineer at North Sydney Council, was the official leader.

But Sheik Wahwah is sent to address senior members of the Islamic community in Sydney on behalf of Hizb ut-Tahrir, and he was Australia's representative for the Indonesian conference.
On the radio program, he was introduced as the "active member" of the party - a statement he did not correct.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is a secretive organisation known as the Party of Islamic Liberation, which advocates the destruction of Western civilisation and the overthrow of governments and their replacement by Islamic rule.
The group is banned in Europe, China and Saudi Arabia, but remains legal in Britain and Australia, actively pushing the idea of a Muslim rule.
It has been investigated by ASIO but there is not enough evidence to proscribe it as a terrorist organisation. Five years ago, most Western observers did not consider Hizb ut-Tahrir a serious threat, but its influence has grown and it now has a presence in about 45 countries.

Sheik Wahwah has refused to speak to the mainstream media in Australia.
In his radio interview, he said the allegations that the failed London bomb plotters were linked to Hizb ut-Tahrir was another example of the clash of civilisations and the West's dropping of one of its most basic values - the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
Sheik Wahwah expressed support for violent means to overthrow governments to achieve the group's aim of a caliphate.
He said if nations did not respond to the wishes of their people, the people should use all the powers they had, including the army, to usurp the rulers.
"It is up to the Ummah (community) to sort out its own matter with these rulers and remove their ruler in a public manner," he said.
"It could be such as a public revolution, public disobedience or a military coup ...
"We are in the front line with the Ummah. We don't engage in militant activities. Our case is to make the case of Islam the case of the Ummah."


Terror Australis:Wassim Doureihi Hizb ut-Tahrir wants a Caliphate

Hizb ut-Tahrir wants a Caliphate

By Wassim Doureihi
Daily Telegraph
July 12, 2007 12:00am

THE debate over Hizb ut-Tahrir has proven to be nothing more than a poorly scripted melodrama.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is a global Islamic political party working to re-establish the Islamic Caliphate within the Muslim world.

Since its inception in 1953, Hizb ut-Tahrir has been subject to the severest of repression by tyrants in the Muslim world. Our members have been consistently persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and murdered.
Despite operating under the most horrendous conditions, Hizb ut-Tahrir continues to oppose all forms of tyranny and dictatorship exclusively through intellectual and political means and in fact considers violence a violation of Islamic law.

Hizb ut-Tahrir's courageous stance in mobilising public opinion in the Muslim world has earned it the universal support of Muslim masses and caused widespread consternation among its opponents.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is now being targeted in the West for three primary reasons: The party continues to courageously expose the crimes of Western governments to a global audience; it unrelentingly challenges the West's neo-liberal interventionist policies in the Muslim world and it works to present Islam as an ideological alternative to Western secular capitalism as a model of governance in the Muslim world.
Critics of Hizb ut-Tahrir are desperately seeking to suppress debate. Our opposition to the illegal state of Israel, for instance, is howled down as anti-Semitism, our displeasure at the West's foreign policy labelled subversion, our challenge to Western-backed dictators characterised as rebellion, our work to generate political awareness described as radicalisation and our call for the affairs of the Muslim world to be governed by Islam branded as extremism.

Governments have even lent sympathetic ears to opportunistic individuals parroting the established government narrative by seeking to draw spurious and unfounded links between Hizb ut-Tahrir and recent events in London and Glasgow.

In the last century, Western governments conducted a brutal and unashamedly interventionist policy in the Muslim world which wreaked havoc on local populations through military occupation, economic exploitation and political repression.
But despite the concerted effort to demonise and silence Hizb ut-Tahrir, we will continue a serious and open debate on the way forward for the Muslim world.
* Wassim Doureihi is the media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia

Muslim first, Australian second, so leave us alone

By Lee Glendinning and Tom Allard
July 25, 2005

Wassim Doureihi

                                                                                           "I don't choose where I was born" … Wassim Doureihi

Westerners must leave Muslim lands if they want to safeguard themselves against terrorist attacks, says the Sydney leader of the global Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir, Wassim Doureihi.

Although Mr Doureihi says his group espouses non-violence, he warns Australia to "stop interfering in Islamic land, stop enforcing rules over Muslims and allow the Muslims to assume their own political destiny … If we are really serious about protecting the lives of the people in Australia, if you want to remove the possibility of these actions occurring within these countries, then remove the original injustice."

Hizb ut-Tahrir came under scrutiny yesterday after a report it was launching a recruitment drive in Sydney and was linked to one of the London bombers. But Mr Doureihi, 28, an accountant, vehemently denied a London link.

"The Islamic position is very clear - that is, Islam condemns the killing of innocent non-combatants whether it's in London or Iraq," he said at the rented room at Greenacre where his group meets on Friday nights.

However, leaflets handed out to members refer to the "war on Islam being reignited", leading to accusations of inflammatory language. "It's very ironic," Mr Doureihi said, "that certain groups can be targeted with words they use, when at the same time bombs are being dropped on entire villages and yet the world hasn't arisen to condemn that."
He does not believe Muslims can co-exist with Western society. Asked, then, why he chose to stay in Australia, he said: "I was born in this country. I don't choose where I was born … I consider myself as a Muslim first and foremost."

Hizb ut-Tahrir supports a transnational regime under Sharia law. It is banned in a number of Middle Eastern countries, but it is not a proscribed terrorist organisation in Australia, the US or Britain.

The president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Dr Ameer Ali, said: "Whenever we come across any groups like this, who are openly, blatantly advocating violence, we bring them to the notice of the law-enforcing authorities."

However, Keysar Trad, a founder of the Australian Islamic Friendship Association, said the group was "non-integrationist but not violent".

He does not believe Muslims can co-exist with Western society. Well he‘s  got that right at least.




Monday, June 14, 2010

The Infamous & Ignoble Keysar Trad argues “….the deliberate peddling of grossly sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic filth is not dangerous and disgraceful and an incitement to violence and racist attitudes in Australia in 2010. The most extraordinary claim is that his extreme views are [a] 'Muslim view'…………..''


“This appeal was an attempt, McHugh argued, to turn the case into one about ''freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and that the appellant has been unfairly branded as a racist, homophobic, terrorist-supporting, woman-hating bigot when all he was doing was expressing views consistent with his Islamic faith and his role as a prominent Australian Lebanese community spokesman … The question here is whether the deliberate peddling of grossly sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic filth is not dangerous and disgraceful and an incitement to violence and racist attitudes in Australia in 2010. The most extraordinary claim is that his extreme views are [a] 'Muslim view'. This ought not to be accepted.''

Explosive argument behind Trad's defamation reasoning

June 14, 2010

The man carrying a legal bomb into courtroom 11A in the NSW Supreme Court building on Friday morning did not look menacing and is not menacing under normal circumstances. But these were not normal circumstances. This was cultural war. The legal bomb was brought to court by the once leonine figure of Clive Evatt, a veteran defamation lawyer who now walks with the aid of a cane, on which his severely bent frame leans heavily.

As Evatt took his place at the plaintiff's bench, the man on whose instructions he was acting, Keysar Trad - a thickset, bearded man wearing a grey suit, blue shirt and tie - sat alone in the back row of the public gallery.

Trad is no stranger to litigation. Over many years he has expended untold hours making formal complaints to the NSW Supreme Court, the Administrative Decisions Tribunal, the Anti-Discrimination Board, the Human Rights Commission, the Press Council, other review bodies and, above all, the media, where he has operated as a quote-machine representing the Muslim community in Australia.

He was in court on Friday because of a disaster of his own making. After delivering a hostile tirade against Sydney's top-rated radio station, 2GB, during a ''peace'' rally in 2005, Trad was himself criticised the next day by a 2GB presenter, Jason Morrison, though not in the same language Trad had used at the rally where he claimed to speak on behalf of Muslims in Australia.

Australian Labor's "celebrity Muslim" Keysar Trad has been found to be a racist by Supreme Court

He read out parts of an article on homosexuals, submitting the views were "offensive" and showed Mr Trad to be a "disgraceful and dangerous individual".

Trad sued for defamation. He was the star witness for his own case. The senior judge, Justice Peter McClellan, the chief judge of common law in the NSW Supreme Court, found against Trad, and found him to be a witness of little credibility, a man of extreme views and, in summary, ''a disgraceful individual''.

Such was Trad's performance under oath that on Friday the counsel for the defence, Richard McHugh, SC, delivered this devastating portrayal of his credibility under oath: ''[Trad] attempted to evade responsibility for his statements by claiming he was misquoted, by claiming he was taken out of context, by claiming he had changed his mind, or by claiming he did not even know what he had said or written at the instant he said or wrote it. He was entirely disbelieved.

''[His] evidence that he did not know who was the author of Mein Kampf - and his feigned attempts at a thought process to recollect the author's name - were a low point in this trial. The transcript in this case can supply only a colourless picture of the evidence at trial.''

Even before this appeal, Trad was facing legal costs exceeding $250,000. He decided to up his risk. On Friday morning, I counted 16 lawyers in the court. At this level, justice is neither fast nor cheap.

Trad  and FAMILY

The Trads

His appeal was based on several major grounds but the most prominent and contentious, made repeatedly in oral and written submissions, was that Justice McClellan had erred fundamentally by taking Trad's provocative comments over the years out of the context of the Muslim community. To quote Evatt: ''His honour did not take into account that Australia is a multicultural society and the viewpoints of ethnic groups are recognised by the Australian community even though not all members of the community agree with them.''

And this: ''His honour did not refer to or even consider the likelihood the average citizen would recognise that the views expressed by [Trad] were similar to beliefs shared by Muslims throughout the world including Muslims in Australia.'' And this: ''His honour appears to have given no weight to the fact that the speech was made to Muslims in a mosque and not in an address to the general community.''

And this: ''His honour overlooked the fact Sheikh Hilaly's speech [defended by Trad] was not made to members of the Australian community but to Muslims and others who attended the Sidon Mosque in Lebanon.''

This is an explosive argument. It means this aspect of the appeal may rest on the argument that the Muslim community operates under different standards than the rest of society and cannot be judged using the same standards. Further, these standards, even if judged to be extreme by the rest of society, should be respected.

It is fair to say the bench became restive on Friday. There were plenty of tart exchanges from the three judges, justices Murray Tobias, Ruth McColl and John Basten. But this was nothing compared with the fire and brimstone from the defence.

This appeal was an attempt, McHugh argued, to turn the case into one about ''freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and that the appellant has been unfairly branded as a racist, homophobic, terrorist-supporting, woman-hating bigot when all he was doing was expressing views consistent with his Islamic faith and his role as a prominent Australian Lebanese community spokesman … The question here is whether the deliberate peddling of grossly sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic filth is not dangerous and disgraceful and an incitement to violence and racist attitudes in Australia in 2010. The most extraordinary claim is that his extreme views are [a] 'Muslim view'. This ought not to be accepted.''

If Trad does prevail in his appeal, this case, Trad v Harbour Radio, will be corrosive to the idea of mainstream Muslim moderation, and to the ideal that most Muslims are naturally part of a cohesive element in the weave of Australia's culture rather than functioning under de facto Islamic law while giving mere lip service to the Australian legal system and the values it upholds.

Keysar Trad’s Neice, Suspect in $150m loan scam fronts court.
Lakemba Mosque caught out again.
Australia : Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Muslim Leaders admit Muslims are incompatible with civilized Societies.
Polygamy is illegal in Australia, but a Centrelink spokeswoman said it was not the welfare agency’s job to police polygamy law
Taquiah Festival this weekend at Lakemba Mosque.
Multicultural Australia: Islamic “moderate Islamic community leader” warns Australian’s SYDNEY Muslims are ''angry and frustrated'' following sentencing of Five Islamic Terrorists.
Follow up to: Rudd’s Australia,Telling the TRUTH in Australia now costs $10,000, it used to be free.
Rudd’s Australia,Telling the TRUTH in Australia now costs $10,000, it used to be free.

Islam's man of a million comments

October 2 2002

Recent events have focused attention on Muslims in a way never before considered. Deborah Cameron profiles one of the Sydney community's leading lights.

Pink pickled turnip and little sprigs of mint tumble out of the pita bread as Keysar Trad hits the kerb in his big old Pajero.

He is taking a short cut between his favourite falafel shop and a cafe where the walls are lined with jars of honey and bottles of rosewater.

The wheel thumps hard. The four-year-old in front lets out a squawk. His wife, Hanifeh, sitting in the back with the two-year-old, tut-tuts at him driving, eating, talking and winding down the windows, more or less at the same time.

Pulling up at the Farouk and Chehade El Bahsa Sweets shop in South Bankstown, everyone is ready for the ice-cream which comes in about 10 colours. It is practically an insult to order one scoop of pistachio. "You must taste every colour," insists Trad, handing over a deep silver bowl and spoon.

Outside it is warm. Hanifeh, covered from head to toe in a long dark-coloured dress and headscarf, looks cooler than she probably feels. For a woman of 38 with nine children, no money to spare and a husband devoted to voluntary community work, her face is free of worry. She is even at ease with what she calls "Keysar's pet topic": a second wife.

Trad is director of the Lebanese Muslim Association and, because the times have demanded it, an increasingly well-known community spokesman. He is a refugee advocate and translator, an essayist, a spokesman on political issues, a critic of racial labelling by police, a close adviser to the Mufti Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly and a calm interpreter of Islam to the nervous broader community.

He gets frustrated with the association and has quit at least twice this year but returned out of a sense of duty and an instinct that it would revert to a "no comment" approach to the media which would be wrong at a time like this. Within his community he is criticised for publicly discussing refugees, Lebanese gang rapes and Islamic attitudes.

"They say when a Muslim speaks it is an admission that Islam has a problem," Trad says. "They say you don't see them filming churches when a Christian commits a rape or a murder, so why are you letting them come to interview you at the mosque? They don't realise that the media comes anyway. They tell me - just say "no comment" - but I have a million comments. They cannot censor me. I answer the questions sensibly and we have got nothing to hide."

TRAD and Hanifeh have been through a lot. They met in Lebanon when they were both about 22. They married after three weeks and she came to live with her new husband and mother-in-law in Yagoona. Trad worked at the Australian Tax Office while Hanifeh took English classes. "I find it hard to believe these mothers who cannot understand their children's language or who are dependent on their children for translation," she says.

Hanifeh, a law student in Lebanon, worked as an editor and journalist on Arabic publications in Sydney and studied computer science after emigrating. But when her fourth child was born, family took over.

It has not been easy and they remember 1998 as their worst year when Trad fell in love - "became obsessed", his wife says - with another woman. In desperation, Hanifeh proposed marriage on her husband's behalf to the other woman. "We were having a terrible time. He fell in love and I wasn't thinking about myself," she says. But his obsession passed. "He became more compassionate after it," Hanifeh says. "God meant for him to go through this experience and it made him a better person and more emotionally aware. It knocked him off his perch."

Hanifeh was not heartbroken. A second wife would have meant divorce (though he was against it) or living under the same roof as her husband's mistress. As long as the arrangement was fair and had the consent of all involved, it would be acceptable. Hanifeh loves her husband and the children, but says she is not strong enough, physically or emotionally, for more babies.

Aware that Australian law prohibits polygamy, they know a second wife could never be official. But their religion allows a man four wives and though a lot of what they say to each other about polygamy amounts to teasing, there is also a serious thread. It was Hanifeh who first raised it, approvingly, before they married.

Trad and Hanifeh say Islam is central to their values and the most important thing they can impart to their children. A strong set of beliefs is needed to resist society's temptations. Both were raised in large devout families - Trad the eldest son of his father's third wife, and Hanifeh a middle daughter in a family of 12 - and they have accepted the same model for themselves.

Trad arrived in Australia at 13 as part of a family reunion complicated by polygamy. His half-brother who had settled in Sydney got permission to bring his mother and siblings from Lebanon. Because his mother was married, she was able to bring her husband. At the time her husband was married to two other women. One of them (Trad's mother) came along, too, with her children. The older wife divorced her husband in Australia and the patriarch lived with Trad's mother.

To Trad's regret his father, in his 60s then, did not adjust. He could not find full-time work in Sydney. "Isn't it a shame for a grown man not to have a job," he would say, even as he neared death at 80. His father eventually returned to Lebanon which left Trad - as a teenager - responsible for his mother and the younger children.

After ice-cream, the family returns to the house Trad calls "the untidiest in street". In the lounge, three couches are pushed back against walls in need of painting. Bits of jute poke out of the plaster rubbed raw by chairs. A coffee table is laid with almonds, preserved green plums, sweet biscuits, glasses of cold delicious Lebanese cordial tasting like liquified quinces, and the baby capsule bearing the youngest child cooing and kicking his legs.

Trad is opening mail and wonders whether a letter from the council might be to direct him to mow the grass. Instead, it concerns the baby's immunisations. "Give this to your mum," he tells the four-year-old who has walked into the room prattling about The Simpsons and clutching a pencil case, two colouring books and an oven mitt.

In the same post is a statement from the Public Service superannuation fund. He reads out the balance which is tiny. "Money means nothing to me," he says. The family qualifies for low-income support. Trad is prepared for more years of financial hardship.

For the children, it means few toys and a scant wardrobe. "I can see when my son needs new pants but he doesn't talk about it," Hanifeh says. "The kids don't ask for too much." Hanifeh reads the employment section on his behalf, but one of the children put it well: "Dad doesn't need a job; he needs a miracle to make him rich."

The mayhem that comes with nine children in a modest house does not faze them. Even on a school day with six of the kids at local public high and primary schools, the three youngest are a distraction. Conversation occurs against a background of slamming doors, kids yelling and toys being dropped, with neither parent worried. They wipe runny noses and finish complicated anecdotes.

"Imagine if our children grow up with good values like we are trying to give them,"says Trad, "Imagine what great people they'll be for society. I have to make sure that they are positive, contributing members. I will be happy if their sense of social justice is very strong."

Trad's faith has had its phases. It was least strong in Lebanon when he lived among non-practising Muslims who rarely prayed at mosques and did not have access to religious texts. Arriving in Australia he was advised by his half-brother to keep quiet about religion, to be careful around women and to change his name. His half-brother went by the surname Wilson.

For the first few years Trad did not talk about his religion. "People could see that my mother covered her hair; they knew that I was Muslim but I couldn't talk about it because I didn't know where to begin," Trad says.

He was gradually drawn in, especially after a 1987 pilgrimage to Mecca with his mother that he regards as his spiritual turning point. After that he prayed five times a day on schedule, even at the office.

"I was adamant that if someone could take a five-minute break for a ciggie, I could sit at my workstation and pray for five minutes," Trad said. "I was on good terms with my boss and she said it was OK. Initially people made jokes about me headbutting my head against the carpet or by flicking rubber bands while I was praying. But they were my close friends so it didn't matter. It was nothing."

Trad resigned from the ATO at the end of 1998, the year of his infatuation. It was a decision with some familiar elements for anyone who has had a mid-life crisis or considered a sea change. A decade after his Mecca visit he wanted to do religious work. He travelled with his family to Lebanon for three months and returned home to write.

Known at the Lakemba Mosque as a translator, the Mufti asked him to take a more prominent role. Trad is a natural communicator in a community that is not blessed with them and, with his Public Service background, knows the limits in political debate. (When an Iraqi acquaintance once made a colourful reference to Jews, Trad ticked him off.) Instead of being suspicious and defensive with talkback callers, politicians and journalists, he is prepared to explain.

The Public Service also made him confront some of his practices - he cropped his beard and, after a debate with himself, started shaking hands with women. "I kept saying, 'Please don't be offended' but a couple of them were honest and said that they were offended. And I thought - do I really have to be so strict?"


Hope for Cancer Cure from Down Under Rainforests


Fingers Crossed !!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Australian Labor Party Icon and role model orders arrest of TV station owner…

Chavez targets critical media mogul
The Australian
June 12, 2010 4:52PM
A VENEZUELAN court has issued an arrest warrant against Guillermo Zuloaga, president of Globovision, a TV network fiercely critical of President Hugo Chavez.
Mr Zuloaga's lawyer Perla Jaimes said that members of Venezuela's intelligence service showed up at the Globovision president's home with an arrest warrant for him and his son.
Neither Mr Zuloaga, 67, nor his son were at home, the lawyer said.
Attorney General Luisa Ortega told reporters that the arrest warrant was related to a May 2009 case in which Mr Zuloaga was accused of illegally storing 24 vehicles.
In March, Mr Zuloaga was arrested for statements he made in the Dutch island of Aruba, and charged with the crime of offending Mr Chavez and spreading false information. A Caracas court also ordered him not to leave the country.
Venezuela on Thursday announced a new government agency with the power to suppress or curtail "any information" deemed of national interest.
International organisations and rights groups, as well as several governments, including the US, have expressed concern over free speech in Venezuela as Mr Chavez expands his socialist agenda.
Who will be the first Australian media / mining   / owner to be charged with the following “………the crime of offending Mr Rudd and spreading false information”
Australian Labor Party members and Union officials and supporters wrote the following invitation to the man who has an arrest warrant out for a man who is accused of committing the crime of “illegally storing 24 vehicles”
comrade rudd_thumb[3]              From rear to left, Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia,Australian Prime Minister Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd, Comrade Garrett,Comrade Swan,and deputy Australian Prime Minister,Madame Gillard.
“Dear President Chávez,
We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country. We have watched developments in Venezuela with great interest. We have been impressed by the great effort that your government has taken to improve the living standards of the majority of Venezuelans. We have also noted with keen attention the moves that your government has begun to make to create a society based on popular participation in all spheres of society—from the workplace up to the national government.
Although we are on the opposite side of the globe we feel that our shared ideals of social justice and democracy bring us close together. Every country has its own traditions and culture and has to find its own solutions, but what Venezuela has been able to achieve in so little time will be a source of inspiration and ideas for many in Australia.
In this light we believe that a visit to our country by yourself would not only help to improve the awareness of the Australian people of developments in Venezuela, but also be an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen the ties of friendship and solidarity between our two peoples.”

Who are  "We the undersigned citizens of Australia " ? well they signed their names to the above invitation and the full list can be read at the link below.
Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”
Australian Labor Party, Communisms Fifth Column, led by Kevin“I am not a socialist. I have never been a socialist and I never will be a socialist” Rudd
Australia: Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd’s Socialist Labor Policies take effect, $600 Million shut down of mining industry
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Oliver Stone, Hugo Chavez, Hussein Obama and “European Hollywood Idiots” celebrate Communism at Venice Film Festival

Friday, June 11, 2010

Abby Sunderland found by Australian Search & Rescue on board QANTAS jet


Abby Sunderland found 'safe' in Indian Ocean

Daily Telegraph
June 11, 2010

TEEN solo sailor Abby Sunderland has been located alive in the Indian Ocean, after fears were raised when she encountered extremely rough weather early today.

"She's fine, the boat's afloat and she's on it,'' Laurence Sutherland told Australian ABC Radio.

"It's huge, fantastic, exciting news.''

“She wasn’t rattled by the abating conditions that she had during her daytime,” he said.

“Everything seemed to be fine but the calls were dropping in and out."

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (ASMA) said their search aircraft located the young American about 4.20pm (AEST).

A spokesman said she appeared "fit and well'' and the search aircraft had made VHF radio contact with her.

A rescue vessel is being sent to her, but it is not expected to reach the site till Saturday.

ASMA will hold a press conference in Canberra shortly.

Abby had activated two emergency beacons early this morning (AEST), barely minutes after telling her parents about fierce weather conditions off Australia's west coast.

A Qantas plane was sent to search the area, about 3700km off the coast of Western Australia.

Abby had been attempting to sail solo around the world and passed the halfway mark earlier in the week.

Australian teenager Jessica Watson successfully finished her trip last month.

Well done good find indeed, lucky girl.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Update on Rudd’s Australia:Muslim Hag in a Bag ,Carnita Matthews, caught out Lying big time on camera.


This lying hag swore under oath,that a member of the New South Wales Police Force assaulted her, “disrespected her” what is there to respect ? video and audio evidence proved she lied, now the NSW Attorney General is duty bound to prosecute her for making a FALSE declaration under Oath, however, we know that will not happen, note the comment from the head of the taxpayer funded Multicultural Industry,Stepan Kerkyasharian, where he alludes to “sensitivity”and the calling for “a Female Police Officer”

The NSW Government has run a mile from this disgraceful act by this lying Bitch,just as well there was an in car video camera running the whole time this Officer was executing his lawful duty, no doubt he will still be posted to some shit hole Police station sooner than later just to make sure he does not pull over any more Hags in Bags driving motor vehicles.

Latest update on this story here 11 6 2010

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Jews finally learn how to play the Muslim / MSM game


Jews desecrate mosque with Hebrew graffiti in northern Israeli city of Haifa

Daily Telegraph
June 09, 2010

MENACING Hebrew graffiti was found on a mosque outside the Israeli city of Haifa today, a religious foundation said, amid rising threats against leaders of the country's Arab minority.

The Al Aqsa Foundation for Religious Endowments and Heritage distributed pictures of the graffiti, calling the vandalism a "great and reprehensible crime" and demanding that Israeli authorities investigate it.

The graffiti, sprayed on the outside of the mosque and accompanied by the star of David, reads "slated for demolition" and "there will be a war for Judaea and Samaria" the biblical name of the occupied West Bank.

The police were not immediately available for comment.

The incident comes as leaders of Israel's 1.3 million-strong Palestinian minority have come under attack for their support of a Gaza aid flotilla seized by the Israeli navy in international waters after a deadly confrontation in which naval commandos shot dead nine activists.

Haneen Zuabi, an Arab member of the Israeli parliament, received death threats and was accused of being a traitor by fellow lawmakers after taking part in the six-ship flotilla that aimed to break Israel's blockade of Gaza.

Ahmed Tibi, another Arab MP who did not take part in the flotilla, has also received death threats.

The Al Aqsa Foundation linked the desecration of the mosque to the "atmosphere of hatred and racism against Arabs and Muslims in this country on the official and popular level."

The foundation is linked to the radical wing of the Islamic Movement led by Sheikh Raed Salah, who was also on one of the ships.

Israel's Arab citizens, who make up nearly 20 percent of the population, are the descendants of Palestinians who remained in the Jewish state following the 1948 war that attended its creation.

“Menacing Hebrew Graffiti” Oh My God is such a thing possible ? Hey when the Jews start shooting babies with sniper shooters and firing rockets into Kindergartens or sending Homocide Bomberes to blow up Gaza Taxis, Busses, Shopping Malls and Coffee Shops let me know, until then tell someone who cares.

Why are any Arabs permitted in Israel at all, let alone to sit in Israel’s Parliament? the Muslim mindset is a proven retrograde neanderthal ideology why would Israeli’s tolerate such a barbaric backward mindset?

Friday, June 04, 2010

The Stupid in Chief and the First Stupid.


Stupid is as Stupid Does



As any American knows, we place our right hand over our heart when we recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
And for anyone who thinks this may be a “mirror-image” picture, please note the wedding rings on the ring fingers of their LEFT HANDS
and the RIGHT side of the “Messiah’s” suit coat where the buttons are.
These two morons are so clueless, they can’t possibly be Americans!

Thanks to Terri.

“SPARE me the pathetic preaching of the pro-Palestinian “peace activists” and their Western propagandists.”


Martyrs on holiday - a nice cruise in the Med

Piers Akerman     

Daily Telegraph
Friday, June 04, 2010

SPARE me the pathetic preaching of the pro-Palestinian “peace activists” and their Western propagandists. It is now obvious that the goal of a number of those stupid enough to attempt to breach the Israeli blockade was martyrdom not the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

In the previous 24 hours, the wife of Ali Haydar Bengi, one of the nine killed when they confronted Israeli commandos boarding the MV Mavi Marmara, said he “constantly prayed to become a martyr”, according to a report in The Times of London. A friend of Bengi’s, Sabir Ceylan, confirmed this, saying that “before embarking on the journey, he said he desired to become a martyr”.

One of the late Mr Bengi’s shipmates aboard the Turkish-flagged ship was the one-armed Amin Abou Rashed. He was formerly a Palestinian national but is now the happy owner of a Dutch passport.

Mr Rashed is known to be a senior official in the Hamas terrorist organisation.

He is also listed on the official website of the Muslim Brotherhood, a movement for international Islamic domination as one of the organisers of the martyrs’ “Let’s Go to Gaza” cruise.

The so-called Free Gaza Movement, another of the organisers of this ill-fated cruise, has its roots in the International Solidarity Movement. This is yet another radical pro-Palestinian organisation that advocates what is euphemistically known as “direct action” in support of its destructive goals.

In 2003, the late American ISM activist Rachel Corrie - a foe of both Israel and her own homeland - applied a form of direct action when she misguidedly decided to kneel directly in front of an armoured Israeli bulldozer.

The bulldozer was engaged in searches for hidden tunnels at the time. Sadly for Corrie, she placed herself in a position where she could not be seen by the Caterpillar’s operator.

She is remembered today for the futility of her gesture.

Greta Berlin, the group’s 69-year-old co-founder and spokeswoman, agrees with Hamas that Israel has no right to exist.

However, she justifies her view as being part of a larger philosophy that is opposed to all national borders.

While there have been the usual raging anti-Israel demonstrations staged by Islamist sympathisers here and elsewhere, their case has been totally undermined by the videos now circulating.

These show activists aboard the Turkish-flagged Marmara chanting radical Islamic slogans before the clash. The circulation of those videos has done a great deal to take the sting out of this story for open-minded viewers.

We Con the World “Abadone Reason” via Atlas Shrugs

Dr Abd Al-Fatah Shayyeq Naaman, a lecturer in Shariah law at a university in Yemen, also indicated that the Islamist violence was premeditated.

He told an interviewer: “The [Gaza] flotilla commander said: ‘We will not allow the Zionists to get near us and we will use resistance against them. They will resist with their fingernails. They are people who seek martyrdom for Allah, as much as they want to reach Gaza, but the first [martyrdom] is more desirable.” In Western cultures, there is a saying: “Be careful what you wish for.”

But when you belong to an insane Islamist death cult that worships martyrdom and preaches it to kindergarten-aged children, as the Palestinian Authority does through its bizarre television network, wishing for death is seen as a rewarding pursuit.

It was interesting to watch the angst-ridden faces of Western newsreaders conveying urgent updates on the fate of the useful idiots who lent their presence to this terrorist-sponsored cruise of the Mediterranean. It was dramatically apparent that these talking heads had no idea at all that the blockade on the importation of weapons and certain dual-use items into the Gaza Strip is imposed by both Israel and Egypt.

Among this concerned crowd, it doesn’t seem to have sunk in yet that there have been no reports of riots outside Egyptian embassies.

Nor do the public hand-wringers seem to understand that Israel has permitted about 2000 tonnes of humanitarian goods per day to flow into Gaza, along with access to medical care, power, and funds for the army of NGOs and the salaries of those working for the Palestinian Authority.

The flotilla was carrying the equivalent of five days’ supply of goods. In return, more than 1000 rockets, smuggled in through tunnels from Egypt, were launched from the Gaza Strip by Hamas at Israel where the targeted population is commonly given just a 45-second warning to seek shelter. The pro-Palestinian lobby is working overtime to tug at the heartstrings of the guilt-ridden middle classes to suggest that the blockade is creating critical shortages of food in Gaza. But just last week Financial Times reporter Tobias Buck wrote from Rafah that the volumes conveyed through tunnel smuggling are such that: “[The] prices of many smuggled goods have fallen in recent months, thanks to a supply glut that is on striking displays across the [Gaza] Strip.”

The tunnel smuggling, he wrote, had “become so efficient that shops all over Gaza are bursting with goods. Branded products such as Coca-Cola, Nescafe, Snickers [chocolate bars] and Heinz ketchup - long absent as a result of the Israeli blockade - are both cheap and widely available.”

No doubt the merchants were further outraged by the efforts of the “peace” flotilla to further undercut the prices in the souk. Before and during their provocative cruise, the Islamist flotilla organisers were offered the opportunity to offload their cargo in the port of Ashdod and hand it over to the UN for delivery to Gaza.

While this would have ensured the cargo reached its destination safely and expeditiously, it would not have helped those who were seeking martyrdom.

It would also have relieved them of the dozens of knives, Molotov cocktails, detonators, metal pipes, clubs, slingshots and stones, large hammers, wrenches, sharp metal objects, gas masks and bullet proof vests that were later found - hardly the kind of equipment usually associated with charity workers.

Peeling away the layers of disinformation disseminated by the Leftist-media, there seems little dispute that the Israeli and Egyptian blockade has been largely successful. The popularity of the leadership of Hamas has fallen behind that of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah in the West Bank.

It is impossible to see how Hamas can be regarded as anything but a barbaric terrorist organisation while it maintains its core belief that the independent state of Israel must be destroyed.

In Western culture, all loss of life is regrettable.

However, it is clear that the organisers of this week’s voyage to disaster are now intending to attempt to further provoke the Israelis with another futile exercise in blockade-running in the next day or so - and possibly earn more martyrs a speedy pathway to paradise.

While ever there exist cults that prefer death to life, there will be dupes willing to buy one-way tickets to oblivion.



Australian School Children to be “re educated” in Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd’s Communist Class War and Union Treachery .


Schools hit by class war - Coalition objects to 'Labor' lessons

By Steve Lewis
The Daily Telegraph

June 04, 2010
SENIOR school students will be taught about the formation of the Labor Party and union movement but little about the struggles of the conservative side of politics.

Sparking a fresh political brawl, thousands of high school history students will also be asked to examine minutes from union meetings so they can better appreciate a "worker" perspective.

The controversial education strategy forms part of a draft national course - The Development of Australian Identity - to be rolled out from next year.

It has triggered a backlash, with the Federal Opposition claiming students would get "a skewed view of history".

"The drafters of the national curriculum seem to think that the only side of political history worth studying is the history of the union movement and the birth of the Labor Party," Coalition education spokesman Christopher Pyne said.

“The Development of Australian Identity” ?


Labor’s Working Families

President of the Australian Labor Party’s fund raising arm,the Australian Council of Trade Unions, ACTU, self described “Comrade Darling” Sharan Burrow (c) “Union “ studies have already been introduced into New South Wales schools. An example of Union studies is where in the Math classes students are taught how to fill out an application for the dole.

organizers as educators_thumb[1]

“Organisers as educators”

"This beggars belief given that the most successful side in politics since Federation has been the non-Labor side of politics."

The Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has previously been in hot water for teaching students how to apply for welfare benefits as part of the maths curriculum.

It has given teachers and the public until the end of July to comment on its draft national curriculum. This would then be rolled out next year, providing a uniform curriculum for the first time in Australia.

Releasing the draft in May, Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the education plan was "important to our sense of being one nation".

Last night, Ms Gillard accused the Coalition and Mr Pyne of being "all talk and no action" on a national curriculum.

"Now, instead of being constructive, he is of course simply being negative but worst of all, he is wrong," Ms Gillard said.

"The draft history curriculum does include elements of the conservative side of politics. The section Mr Pyne refers to, which of course is an optional unit, covers a period of history before the Liberal Party existed, so it is hardly surprising it isn't mentioned."

Ms Gillard said the education experts at ACARA had released the curriculum as a draft "and Mr Pyne, like every other Australian, was encouraged to have their say on the final".

The Coalition claimed the ACARA drafts were forcing a view of politics on to students.

"They believe the union movement and the Labor Party is the only side of politics that should be studied," Mr Pyne said.

The most failed and savage ideology on earth second only to the cult of Islam for the death and misery wrought on mankind,is to be a subject in Australian schools,taught by the ACTU’s Paedophiles of the mind and body, members of the Australian Teachers Federation.

Just where is Australia heading ? Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia, Australian Prime Minister Lu Kewen.aka. Kevin 07 Rudd’s political party the ACTU funded Australian Labor Party, says it wants to embrace the following

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”   

Dear President Chávez,

Viva La France!!!! Hag in a bag fined for wearing a disguise whilst driving.


Frenchwoman fined for wearing Islamic veil

Daily Telegraph
June 04, 2010

FRENCH police fined a woman for driving while wearing an Islamic veil, just weeks after a similar incident sparked a major political row.

Motorbike police carrying out random alcohol tests stopped the 23-year-old French national on a minor road near the northern town of Maubeuge.

They at first mistook her for a masked man but when they saw she was wearing a niqab - a veil that leaves only the eyes exposed - they fined her 35 euros ($51) for driving with a reduced field of vision, a police

source said.

The woman, who has not been named, had received her provisional driving licence just two weeks earlier, the source added.

In April, a major political row blew up in France after a woman was fined in the western city of Nantes for driving while wearing a niqab.

She accused the state of violating her human rights, while the interior minister sought to have her husband, who he said may be a polygamist with four wives and 12 children, stripped of his French nationality.

The Islamic veil has become a political sore point in France.

President Nicolas Sarkozy's government is pushing ahead with a legal ban on wearing full-face veils such as the niqab or burqa in public, despite a warning from state judicial experts that such a law could be unconstitutional.

Well done France please keep leading the way.

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Thursday, June 03, 2010

Australia:Up dates to the weeks stories from Australia and the Gaza “Peace Flotilla”



Chris Smith talks to Andrew Bolt about our Liar of a Prime Minister and the “Gaza Aid / Peace Flotilla”

Peace Flotilla members Practice Killing and Maiming

2 6 2010 Peace activists aboard Flotilla ship

A member of the Gaza Aid / Peace Flotilla rehearsing with his Peace Dagger

Alan Jones “A choice between Civilization & Barbarism

Alan Jones talks with Rio Tinto Mining boss Tom Albanese about the Rudd Governments “Super Tax”

Gaza Peace Flotilla exposed
Lu Kewen aka.Kevin Rudd, Beijing’s very own Australian “Liar for Hire” PM
Islamic Sociopaths invoke Islamic “Death Chant” or “Call to Kill” Allahu Akbar, as LA PD forced to draw batons to defend lone Jewish youth outside Israeli consulate.
Australia: Lu Kewen aka. Kevin Rudd’s Socialist Labor Policies take effect, $600 Million shut down of mining industry

Pacific Islands “Some of those islands have gotten dramatically larger, by 20 or 30 per cent.” Pacific islands growing, not sinking


Pacific islands growing, not sinking

Philippa McDonald in Auckland,
ABC June 3, 2010,

Climate scientists have expressed surprise at findings that many low-lying Pacific islands are growing, not sinking.

Islands in Tuvalu, Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia are among those which have grown, largely due to coral debris, land reclamation and sediment.

The findings, published in the magazine New Scientist, were gathered by comparing changes to 27 Pacific islands over the last 20 to 60 years using historical aerial photos and satellite images.

Auckland University's Associate Professor Paul Kench, a member of the team of scientists, says the results challenge the view that Pacific islands are sinking due to rising sea levels associated with climate change.

"Eighty per cent of the islands we've looked at have either remained about the same or, in fact, gotten larger," he said.

"Some of those islands have gotten dramatically larger, by 20 or 30 per cent.

"We've now got evidence the physical foundations of these islands will still be there in 100 years."

Dr Kench says the growth of the islands can keep pace with rising sea levels.

"The reason for this is these islands are so low lying that in extreme events waves crash straight over the top of them," he said.

"In doing that they transport sediment from the beach or adjacent reef platform and they throw it onto the top of the island."

But Dr Kench says this does not mean climate change does not pose dangers.

"The land may still be there but will they still be able to support human habitation?" he asked.

Adelaide University climate scientist Professor Barry Brook says he is surprised by the findings.

"Sea levels are obviously rising - I think in the short term [the study] suggests that there's maybe more time to do something about the problem than we'd first anticipated," he said.

"But the key problem is that sea level rise is likely to accelerate much beyond what we've seen in the 20th century."

Naomi Thirobaux, from Kiribati, has studied the shape of Pacific islands for her PhD and says no-one should be lulled into thinking erosion and inundation is not taking its toll and displacing people from their land.

"In a populated area what would happen was that if it's eroding, a few metres would actually displace people," she said.

"In a populated place people can't move back or inland because there's hardly any place to move into, so that's quite dramatic."
Both Dr Kench and Dr Brook and scientists agree further rises in sea levels pose a significant danger to the livelihoods of people living in Tuvalu, Kirabati and the Federated States of Micronesia.


Australia: 17 year old girl saves herself from parents arranged marriage in Lebanon AFP apply to court for protection


Police save Sydney girl from forced marriage

ABC June 3, 2010, 7:44 am

A 17-year-old Sydney girl has saved herself from being forced to go to Lebanon for an arranged marriage by calling the Australian Federal Police (AFP).

Federal police say the girl sounded frightened when she called them about a month ago. She said mother was out, but that she may have to hang up at any time.

She then explained her plight - her mother had booked her on a flight from Australia to Lebanon in mid-May, where she was to be married.

She said her father and step-father supported the decision.

The girl, who can not be named, said she had heard about the airport watch list and wanted to be placed on it so that there was no way she would be able to leave the country.

The AFP took the matter to the Federal Magistrate's Court which handed down its judgement last week.
It banned her family from taking her from Australia and ordered them not to threaten her.

The Usual Suspects.

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