A blog revealing the horrors of Islam,International Socialism,the misery these two evils are inflicting upon the free the world,and those it has already enslaved,along with various articles revealing the attacks from within upon the western Judeo Christian ethic by those we entrusted to preserve it. Videos and Pictures of many varied subjects from around the world, along with some jokes of mine and any funny ones you want to send me.
Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”
--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!
When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.
Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"
Monday, September 16, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Why should Fady Taiba be on Life Support ?
The following story is about a good man,who's only crime was to work his arse hole out, so as to further the advancement of his wife and children's future,then some drunk piss head took a cheap shot and felled him.
That cowardly punch took from this man everything he lived and worked for.
Fady's wife Daniell and their children represent what Australia is all about,self reliance hard work and the sacrosancy of the family.
Fady's assailant is what Australia is not about,despite the progressive Lefts promotion of all behaviours belief's are equal.
Aussie News and Views is so sick and tired of reading of these stories, some innocent Australian bashed senseless by some drug fucked piss head via a cowardly sucker punch out of no where.
If Fady Taiba's accused offers a defence of intoxication, then in my opinion he should have added to his sentence extra punishments for been intoxicated whilst assaulting Fady Taiba.
I am one pissed off Australian.
Yes I have a personal interest here, a family member was on more than one occasion similarly assaulted by some Drug Fucked Piss Heads 'just for the fun of it"
King-hit bouncer Fady Taiba squeezes wife Danielle's hand
Clemntine Cuneo
The Daily Telegraph
September 14,2013
A GENTLE squeeze of the hand was the tonic Danielle Taiba needed to feel from her critically ill husband to know he was fighting to stay alive.
Father-of-four Fady Taiba, 43, has been in a coma for the past week, after allegedly being king hit while working as a bouncer outside a Sydney nightclub.
Each day, Mrs Taiba has sat at his bedside in St Vincent's Hospital's intensive care unit, holding his hand, chatting to him and begging that he pull through.
On Thursday night, a gentle squeeze from her husband of 20-years, was the assurance and encouragement she and their children needed.
"My baby squeezed my hand," an emotional Mrs Taiba said. "It's going to be OK, I know it is."
The couple's eldest son Adam, 17, who should be competing in a national swimming competition in Adelaide this week but was too distraught to go, then grabbed his dad's hand to feel it for himself.
"It's reassuring Dad's there," Adam said.
Until then, there had been little response from Mr Taiba, something doctors have told the family is normal for a person in a medically induced coma.
Mr Taiba had part of his skull removed to relieve the bleeding and the pressure on his brain, when he was rushed to hospital, last Friday night.
Doctors have no idea as to the extent of Mr Taiba's injuries, until they slowly wake him from the coma when his condition allows.
"They're telling us that around day 10 they will try and wake him, but it depends on when the swelling goes down," his sister Tess said.
In the meantime, Tess said it's a waiting game.
"It's just devastating seeing him like that. His kids haven't been to school at all since this happened, they're too upset," she said.
"We are all trying to be positive, but you can't help but wonder what the future will be like for him."
Mr Taiba, a first aid instructor, was working a night shift as a security guard at Bar 333 in the CBD, when he was allegedly assaulted.
He took on the extra work to give as much as he could to his talented children, Tess said.
UBS banker James Longworth, 32, has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent, and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. He was granted bail and will face court again on November 5.
That cowardly punch took from this man everything he lived and worked for.
Fady's wife Daniell and their children represent what Australia is all about,self reliance hard work and the sacrosancy of the family.
Fady's assailant is what Australia is not about,despite the progressive Lefts promotion of all behaviours belief's are equal.
Aussie News and Views is so sick and tired of reading of these stories, some innocent Australian bashed senseless by some drug fucked piss head via a cowardly sucker punch out of no where.
If Fady Taiba's accused offers a defence of intoxication, then in my opinion he should have added to his sentence extra punishments for been intoxicated whilst assaulting Fady Taiba.
I am one pissed off Australian.
Yes I have a personal interest here, a family member was on more than one occasion similarly assaulted by some Drug Fucked Piss Heads 'just for the fun of it"
Prayers please for Fady Taiba and his Family
King-hit bouncer Fady Taiba squeezes wife Danielle's hand
Clemntine Cuneo
The Daily Telegraph
September 14,2013
A GENTLE squeeze of the hand was the tonic Danielle Taiba needed to feel from her critically ill husband to know he was fighting to stay alive.
Father-of-four Fady Taiba, 43, has been in a coma for the past week, after allegedly being king hit while working as a bouncer outside a Sydney nightclub.
Each day, Mrs Taiba has sat at his bedside in St Vincent's Hospital's intensive care unit, holding his hand, chatting to him and begging that he pull through.
On Thursday night, a gentle squeeze from her husband of 20-years, was the assurance and encouragement she and their children needed.
"My baby squeezed my hand," an emotional Mrs Taiba said. "It's going to be OK, I know it is."
The couple's eldest son Adam, 17, who should be competing in a national swimming competition in Adelaide this week but was too distraught to go, then grabbed his dad's hand to feel it for himself.
"It's reassuring Dad's there," Adam said.
Until then, there had been little response from Mr Taiba, something doctors have told the family is normal for a person in a medically induced coma.
Mr Taiba had part of his skull removed to relieve the bleeding and the pressure on his brain, when he was rushed to hospital, last Friday night.
Doctors have no idea as to the extent of Mr Taiba's injuries, until they slowly wake him from the coma when his condition allows.
"They're telling us that around day 10 they will try and wake him, but it depends on when the swelling goes down," his sister Tess said.
In the meantime, Tess said it's a waiting game.
"It's just devastating seeing him like that. His kids haven't been to school at all since this happened, they're too upset," she said.
"We are all trying to be positive, but you can't help but wonder what the future will be like for him."
Mr Taiba, a first aid instructor, was working a night shift as a security guard at Bar 333 in the CBD, when he was allegedly assaulted.
He took on the extra work to give as much as he could to his talented children, Tess said.
UBS banker James Longworth, 32, has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent, and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. He was granted bail and will face court again on November 5.
'Tony Abbott should be assassinated'. Tony Abbott Australian PM elect,should be assassinated according to Progressive Union Affillated Facebook web site.
Tony Abbott death threats spark federal investigation
Facebook page 'Tony Abbott should be assassinated' taken down and threat being investigated by detectives
Australian Associated Press
The Guardian,
Thursday 12 September 2013
Federal detectives are assessing serious threats against senior Australian politicians after a webpage advocated the assassination of Tony Abbott.
The page "Tony Abbott should be assassinated" appeared on Facebook this week after the Coalition won Saturday's federal election. Abbott is expected to be sworn in as prime minister next week.
That page and others including "Tony Abbott should just die" and "20,000 likes and I will assassinate Tony Abbott" have gathered a series of threatening comments and have been removed from the social network.
The Australian Federal Police would not confirm if those particular pages have formed part of an ongoing assessment of threats against senior politicians.
"The AFP treats reports of threats against members of parliament and high office holders seriously and investigates complaints where appropriate," a spokesman said.
"Commentary of this nature can occur in a range of media forums, often anonymously, and where these comments are brought to the attention of the AFP an assessment is made. The AFP is currently assessing a number of Facebook pages and comments. While these processes are under way it is not appropriate for the AFP to comment further."
Facebook was not able to confirm if it removed the pages. Content is removed from its site for a variety of reasons, including pages relating to "actionable threats of violence", it said.
"Our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities forbids content that includes pornography, bullying and actionable threats of violence and we will remove any content reported to us that violates these policies," a Facebook spokesperson told AAP.
The threats against Abbott have sparked anger on other social network sites. "This needs to be looked into. It should be regarded as serious," one person wrote on Twitter.
"This is in poor taste, even for the unhinged," another added.
Adelaide-based lawyer Alex Ward says it is illegal to use telecommunications networks or carriage services to make threats or hoax threats. But he said Australian law has struggled to keep pace with advances in technology.
"It's illegal to do it but people just don't seem to know that's the law," Ward told Adelaide radio station Five AA. "It's very hard to find the law on this and this is one part where society has gone just a million miles ahead of the laws very ponderously keeping up."
Abbott's office has been asked for comment.
Minister Michael Gallacher's ire over fire gaffe
Staff Writers
The Daily Telegraph
September 12,2013
NSW emergency services minister Michael Gallacher has hit out at a former fire union boss who said Tony Abbott's electorate of Warringah should burn down.
After Tuesday's bushfires, former Fire Brigade Employees Union president Darryl Snow tweeted: "I nominate the electorate of Warringah to burn down first.''
Mr Gallacher said the comment was immature and dangerous.
"The worst thing about the internet age is that the public has to endure comments from people like this. The best thing we can do is pretend they don't exist,'' Mr Gallacher said.
"If this individual's perverse dream were to come true, it would be his own former fire fighting colleagues putting their lives at risk putting this fire out.''
NSW FBEU secretary Jim Casey said Mr Snow's views did not reflect those of the union.
''Darryl Snow is a valued former official of the FBEU. As he no longer holds a position with the union, he is unable to speak on its behalf, so any comments made on Twitter or elsewhere are clearly the personal views of a private individual,'' Mr Casey said.
Facebook page 'Tony Abbott should be assassinated' taken down and threat being investigated by detectives
Australian Associated Press
The Guardian,
Thursday 12 September 2013
Federal detectives are assessing serious threats against senior Australian politicians after a webpage advocated the assassination of Tony Abbott.
The Man (Tony Abbott with Family) the Union GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Progressives want assassinated or burnt to death.
The page "Tony Abbott should be assassinated" appeared on Facebook this week after the Coalition won Saturday's federal election. Abbott is expected to be sworn in as prime minister next week.
That page and others including "Tony Abbott should just die" and "20,000 likes and I will assassinate Tony Abbott" have gathered a series of threatening comments and have been removed from the social network.
The Australian Federal Police would not confirm if those particular pages have formed part of an ongoing assessment of threats against senior politicians.
"The AFP treats reports of threats against members of parliament and high office holders seriously and investigates complaints where appropriate," a spokesman said.
"Commentary of this nature can occur in a range of media forums, often anonymously, and where these comments are brought to the attention of the AFP an assessment is made. The AFP is currently assessing a number of Facebook pages and comments. While these processes are under way it is not appropriate for the AFP to comment further."
Facebook was not able to confirm if it removed the pages. Content is removed from its site for a variety of reasons, including pages relating to "actionable threats of violence", it said.
"Our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities forbids content that includes pornography, bullying and actionable threats of violence and we will remove any content reported to us that violates these policies," a Facebook spokesperson told AAP.
The threats against Abbott have sparked anger on other social network sites. "This needs to be looked into. It should be regarded as serious," one person wrote on Twitter.
"This is in poor taste, even for the unhinged," another added.
Adelaide-based lawyer Alex Ward says it is illegal to use telecommunications networks or carriage services to make threats or hoax threats. But he said Australian law has struggled to keep pace with advances in technology.
"It's illegal to do it but people just don't seem to know that's the law," Ward told Adelaide radio station Five AA. "It's very hard to find the law on this and this is one part where society has gone just a million miles ahead of the laws very ponderously keeping up."
Abbott's office has been asked for comment.
Minister Michael Gallacher's ire over fire gaffe
Staff Writers
The Daily Telegraph
September 12,2013
NSW emergency services minister Michael Gallacher has hit out at a former fire union boss who said Tony Abbott's electorate of Warringah should burn down.
After Tuesday's bushfires, former Fire Brigade Employees Union president Darryl Snow tweeted: "I nominate the electorate of Warringah to burn down first.''
Mr Gallacher said the comment was immature and dangerous.
"The worst thing about the internet age is that the public has to endure comments from people like this. The best thing we can do is pretend they don't exist,'' Mr Gallacher said.
"If this individual's perverse dream were to come true, it would be his own former fire fighting colleagues putting their lives at risk putting this fire out.''
Comrade Jim Casey (l) seen here with Green Loon NSW MLC Comrade David Shoebridge
''Darryl Snow is a valued former official of the FBEU. As he no longer holds a position with the union, he is unable to speak on its behalf, so any comments made on Twitter or elsewhere are clearly the personal views of a private individual,'' Mr Casey said.
Alex Ward,
Australian Federal Police,
Bush Fires,
Comrade Casey,
Comrade Snow,
former FBEU president Darryl Snow,
Minister Michael Gallacher,
Tont Abbott,
Saturday, September 07, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Australia's Finest : Turia Pitt,"..........it may have taken away my body but there's still a piece inside of me which is still that independent woman who's very determined.''
Burn victim Turia Pitt opens up to 60 Minutes about 100km Kimberley Ultramarathon fire
Ashlee Mullany
The Sunday Times
August 24, 2013
A FIRE robbed Turia Pitt of her body but, in just two years, the ultra-marathon burns survivor has painstakingly taught herself to sprint like a top athlete.
With a clear mission to never give up, the 26-year-old has opened up about her determination to rebuild her life after suffering horrific burns during an outback marathon.
INSPIRATION: How love saved Turia Pitt's life
`I think there's a little piece inside of me which the fire didn't get to, if that makes sense,'' Ms Ms Pitt tells 60 Minutes in an interviewing airing tonight.
``So yeah it may have taken away my body but there's still a piece inside of me which is still that independent woman who's very determined.''
In her fight back from the brink of death, she has learnt to walk, run and sprint.
``When I look at photos from before I just think you know, bloody hell I was really good looking and I'm a really determined person so I'll try to get as much of that back as I can,'' she said.
Ms Pitt was among a group of runners who suffered burns when fire swept through a rocky gorge as they competed in the 100km Kimberley Ultramarathon, between Kununurra and El Questro in September 2011.
ACTION: Turia Pitt takes Racing The Planet organisers to court
Runners Michael Hull and Martin Van Der Merwe received less serious injuries in the fire.
Ms Pitt, then a successful mining engineer, spent months in hospital and had to have all her fingers and a thumb removed on her right hand.
After more than 16 surgeries and almost two years wearing a head-to-toe compression suit, she says she can finally remove her face mask.
Ms Pitt was insistent on showing her face on 60 Minutes and hoped to inspire others with her story.
She's now studying for her Master's degree and preparing for the release of her book, Everything to Live For, on September 2.
Her boyfriend Michael Hoskin has remained by her side during her recovery and legal
battle for compensation from event organiser Racing the Planet.
The family is yet to receive any contribution from RTP towards Ms Pitt's medical bills, which have topped $2 million.
Racing the Planet is still advertising marathon events for 2014 in Asia, Africa and South America.
Company founder Mary Gadams did not respond to questions from The Sunday Telegraph.
Ashlee Mullany
The Sunday Times
August 24, 2013
A FIRE robbed Turia Pitt of her body but, in just two years, the ultra-marathon burns survivor has painstakingly taught herself to sprint like a top athlete.
With a clear mission to never give up, the 26-year-old has opened up about her determination to rebuild her life after suffering horrific burns during an outback marathon.
INSPIRATION: How love saved Turia Pitt's life
`I think there's a little piece inside of me which the fire didn't get to, if that makes sense,'' Ms Ms Pitt tells 60 Minutes in an interviewing airing tonight.
``So yeah it may have taken away my body but there's still a piece inside of me which is still that independent woman who's very determined.''
In her fight back from the brink of death, she has learnt to walk, run and sprint.
``When I look at photos from before I just think you know, bloody hell I was really good looking and I'm a really determined person so I'll try to get as much of that back as I can,'' she said.
Ms Pitt was among a group of runners who suffered burns when fire swept through a rocky gorge as they competed in the 100km Kimberley Ultramarathon, between Kununurra and El Questro in September 2011.
ACTION: Turia Pitt takes Racing The Planet organisers to court
The blaze left Ms Pitt, from Ulladulla on the NSW south coast, and fellow runner Kate Sanderson severely disfigured, with burns to more than 60 per cent of their bodies.
Runners Michael Hull and Martin Van Der Merwe received less serious injuries in the fire.
Ms Pitt, then a successful mining engineer, spent months in hospital and had to have all her fingers and a thumb removed on her right hand.
After more than 16 surgeries and almost two years wearing a head-to-toe compression suit, she says she can finally remove her face mask.
Ms Pitt was insistent on showing her face on 60 Minutes and hoped to inspire others with her story.
She's now studying for her Master's degree and preparing for the release of her book, Everything to Live For, on September 2.
Her boyfriend Michael Hoskin has remained by her side during her recovery and legal
battle for compensation from event organiser Racing the Planet.
The family is yet to receive any contribution from RTP towards Ms Pitt's medical bills, which have topped $2 million.
Racing the Planet is still advertising marathon events for 2014 in Asia, Africa and South America.
Company founder Mary Gadams did not respond to questions from The Sunday Telegraph.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
If Barack Hussein Obama had a Son would he kill Chris Lane or EMULATE Chris Lane ?
Sarah Harper's tribute to slain Australian boyfriend Christopher Lane
Carmel Melouney in Oaklahoma
Herald Sun
August 24, 2013.
HE got me this," Sarah Harper said, indicating her singlet, emblazoned with the Australian flag in a love heart.
"And I never wore it, because I thought, 'Why would I represent that? I'll represent an American flag. But today I saw it and ... ".
Sarah is the girlfriend of Melburnian Chris Lane, who was tragically slain in a bizarre shooting this week.
Sarah, 22, speaking at her family home in Duncan, told the Herald Sun she was finding things "really hard" without her boyfriend of four years. Before his death, they had been planning their life together.
Sarah said she appreciated all the support she was receiving from around the world.
"I'm really thankful for that, and it at least brings some sort of comfort knowing that he was so respected and no one had anything negative to say," she said.
Sarah and her family are on their way to Melbourne for Chris's funeral.
"We're going to go back when he goes back, for the funeral," she said.
"I and my parents and my brother and my cousin will all attend and say goodbye, and meet the rest of the family that I hadn't met.
"He had a very big family that he was extremely proud of, so it will be nice to meet the rest of them and say goodbye, all together."
The couple met soon after Chris had moved to the US to attend Oklahoma's East Central University on a baseball scholarship.
She said she had been attracted to him because he was laid-back and "not the typical showoff type of guy".
They had discussed buying a house together.
"We had just started discussing all of that," Sarah said.
"This next year was going to be trying to be grown-ups and stop living under our parents," she said.
"His big thing was he didn't want to have a house where you had to do a lot of yard work. So he always talked about having artificial turf because he had seen it in the neighbourhood and he thought it was kind of cool because it was always green," she recalled.
"I was like, 'No, that's not going to fly because dogs don't go on turf grass and I'm keeping my dogs.'
"So we had talked about all of that stuff."
Sarah said they had intended to "play it by ear this year" and see whether Chris, who was studying business, found an internship in Oklahoma or a job in Melbourne.
"We had looked into prices, comparing master's programs here or there, because I want to do physical therapy," she said.
"He liked to make jokes about the differences between here and Australia.
"And he didn't understand why we have so many (US) flags here," she said.
"Everything was always better in Australia.
"He was really patriotic, but he also liked living here," she said.
Sarah said Chris wanted to explore the world, and had planned to travel to Russia and Hong Kong, and to revisit Japan.
"He had seen and met a lot of different people and things. He was adventurous and a big dreamer," she said. "He got a lot accomplished."
Sarah first visited Australia early last year, just after the Christmas break.
"Everything was so nice and the people were really nice," she said. "It was his home and he was proud to show it off.
"I liked getting to see and hear stories of places he had been and what he had done," she said.
She met his parents, grandparents and many of his extended family.
She recalled accompanying him to watch his niece take swimming lessons at St Bernard's College in Essendon, where Chris had spent his formative years.
"We also went to the city a lot. He thought it was weird that I actually enjoyed riding on the tram, because we don't have a lot of (public) transport here.
"Going down to Flinders St was pretty neat, seeing all of the older architecture and Victorian style, with the new buildings."
The couple also holidayed in Cairns and then drove to Port Douglas.
"He hadn't been there, so it was kind of neat doing something new," she said.
"It was really beautiful and warm, and then we went to visit his dad in Adelaide and spent two nights on Kangaroo Island.
"It was pretty cool seeing the diversity of the country."
On her most recent visit, they watched a lot of the Ashes series, and her sports-loving boyfriend taught her the rules of cricket, AFL and the difference between the two rugby codes. He also introduced her to his favourite food.
"His favourite was always Red Rooster and Nando's.
"He loved chicken and the joke was that he was going to turn into a chicken because he ate it for every meal."
Sarah said she planned to return to Australia in the future.
"His family has been my second family for four years now," she said.
"I plan on going back. It's not like it's over."
Sarah's aunt, Deanna Cogswell, told the Herald Sun that the whole family had rallied around Sarah to support her.
"It's very shocking, but the support and comfort they've got from so many people all over the world is overwhelming," said Ms Cogswell, who came from Nebraska with her own family to support her niece.
Donations are being raised to help the Harper family travel to Melbourne for Chris's funeral. Last night donations continued to pour into an online fund to help Chris's family with the funeral costs.
AT Taystee's, a truck-stop cafe on Duncan's main highway, local residents Susi Hertzler and Linda Rozza told the Herald Sun the whole town was in mourning.
"Everybody's been sad, and it's all we talk about," said Ms Hertzler.
Mother of two Tammy Faulkner said Duncan had been shaken by Chris's tragic death. "It's all we've been talking about here.
"It has stirred up a lot of emotions here," she said.
When the Herald Sun visited the Daybreak Diner, Australian accents prompted a string of fellow patrons and waiters to come over and say, "I'm sorry. We want Australians to know we are sorry".
"I hope you find something nice to say about Duncan to Australians," said Duncan resident Beverly Morris.
"We are so sorry. This is not who we are."
Sydney woman Antoinette Landis, who has lived in Duncan with her American husband for the past two years, said: " I don't want Australians to be scared to come over here. I don't like what (former deputy prime minister) Tim Fischer said."
(Mr Fischer urged Australian tourists to stay away from America as a protest over the need for stricter US gun controls.)
"The law here is very strict," said Ms Landis.
"(The accused killers) will get their punishment.
"In Duncan, there's good and there's bad," she said.
"It's just the same as Australia."
**I don't give a stuff what you look like, it's all about what you act like.
Carmel Melouney in Oaklahoma
Herald Sun
August 24, 2013.
HE got me this," Sarah Harper said, indicating her singlet, emblazoned with the Australian flag in a love heart.
"And I never wore it, because I thought, 'Why would I represent that? I'll represent an American flag. But today I saw it and ... ".
Sarah is the girlfriend of Melburnian Chris Lane, who was tragically slain in a bizarre shooting this week.
Sarah, 22, speaking at her family home in Duncan, told the Herald Sun she was finding things "really hard" without her boyfriend of four years. Before his death, they had been planning their life together.
Sarah said she appreciated all the support she was receiving from around the world.
"I'm really thankful for that, and it at least brings some sort of comfort knowing that he was so respected and no one had anything negative to say," she said.
Sarah and her family are on their way to Melbourne for Chris's funeral.
"We're going to go back when he goes back, for the funeral," she said.
How Responsible Is Obama for the Oklahoma Killing?
"There is nothing more painful for me at this stage in my life," Jackson admitted in a rare honest moment twenty years ago, "than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start to think about robbery and then look around and see it's somebody white and feel relieved. How humiliating."
"He had a very big family that he was extremely proud of, so it will be nice to meet the rest of them and say goodbye, all together."
The couple met soon after Chris had moved to the US to attend Oklahoma's East Central University on a baseball scholarship.
She said she had been attracted to him because he was laid-back and "not the typical showoff type of guy".
They had discussed buying a house together.
"We had just started discussing all of that," Sarah said.
"This next year was going to be trying to be grown-ups and stop living under our parents," she said.
"His big thing was he didn't want to have a house where you had to do a lot of yard work. So he always talked about having artificial turf because he had seen it in the neighbourhood and he thought it was kind of cool because it was always green," she recalled.
"I was like, 'No, that's not going to fly because dogs don't go on turf grass and I'm keeping my dogs.'
"So we had talked about all of that stuff."
Sarah said they had intended to "play it by ear this year" and see whether Chris, who was studying business, found an internship in Oklahoma or a job in Melbourne.
"We had looked into prices, comparing master's programs here or there, because I want to do physical therapy," she said.
"He liked to make jokes about the differences between here and Australia.
"And he didn't understand why we have so many (US) flags here," she said.
"Everything was always better in Australia.
"He was really patriotic, but he also liked living here," she said.
Sarah said Chris wanted to explore the world, and had planned to travel to Russia and Hong Kong, and to revisit Japan.
"He had seen and met a lot of different people and things. He was adventurous and a big dreamer," she said. "He got a lot accomplished."
Sarah first visited Australia early last year, just after the Christmas break.
"Everything was so nice and the people were really nice," she said. "It was his home and he was proud to show it off.
"I liked getting to see and hear stories of places he had been and what he had done," she said.
She met his parents, grandparents and many of his extended family.
She recalled accompanying him to watch his niece take swimming lessons at St Bernard's College in Essendon, where Chris had spent his formative years.
"We also went to the city a lot. He thought it was weird that I actually enjoyed riding on the tram, because we don't have a lot of (public) transport here.
"Going down to Flinders St was pretty neat, seeing all of the older architecture and Victorian style, with the new buildings."
The couple also holidayed in Cairns and then drove to Port Douglas.
"He hadn't been there, so it was kind of neat doing something new," she said.
"It was really beautiful and warm, and then we went to visit his dad in Adelaide and spent two nights on Kangaroo Island.
"It was pretty cool seeing the diversity of the country."
On her most recent visit, they watched a lot of the Ashes series, and her sports-loving boyfriend taught her the rules of cricket, AFL and the difference between the two rugby codes. He also introduced her to his favourite food.
"His favourite was always Red Rooster and Nando's.
"He loved chicken and the joke was that he was going to turn into a chicken because he ate it for every meal."
Sarah said she planned to return to Australia in the future.
"His family has been my second family for four years now," she said.
"I plan on going back. It's not like it's over."
Sarah's aunt, Deanna Cogswell, told the Herald Sun that the whole family had rallied around Sarah to support her.
"It's very shocking, but the support and comfort they've got from so many people all over the world is overwhelming," said Ms Cogswell, who came from Nebraska with her own family to support her niece.
Donations are being raised to help the Harper family travel to Melbourne for Chris's funeral. Last night donations continued to pour into an online fund to help Chris's family with the funeral costs.
AT Taystee's, a truck-stop cafe on Duncan's main highway, local residents Susi Hertzler and Linda Rozza told the Herald Sun the whole town was in mourning.
"Everybody's been sad, and it's all we talk about," said Ms Hertzler.
Mother of two Tammy Faulkner said Duncan had been shaken by Chris's tragic death. "It's all we've been talking about here.
"It has stirred up a lot of emotions here," she said.
When the Herald Sun visited the Daybreak Diner, Australian accents prompted a string of fellow patrons and waiters to come over and say, "I'm sorry. We want Australians to know we are sorry".
"I hope you find something nice to say about Duncan to Australians," said Duncan resident Beverly Morris.
"We are so sorry. This is not who we are."
Sydney woman Antoinette Landis, who has lived in Duncan with her American husband for the past two years, said: " I don't want Australians to be scared to come over here. I don't like what (former deputy prime minister) Tim Fischer said."
(Mr Fischer urged Australian tourists to stay away from America as a protest over the need for stricter US gun controls.)
"The law here is very strict," said Ms Landis.
"(The accused killers) will get their punishment.
"In Duncan, there's good and there's bad," she said.
"It's just the same as Australia."
**I don't give a stuff what you look like, it's all about what you act like.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Muslim Gang Rapist Mohammed Sanoussi parole stalled over Brothers 4 Life gang links
Skaf gang rape member's bid for freedom stalled over possible criminal gang association
Staff Writers
The Daily Telegraph
August 22 2013.
A SKAF gang rapist's fourth bid for freedom has stalled after a hearing before the NSW State Parole Authority was told he had possibly been associating with members of a criminal gang.
Mohammed Sanoussi has already served 13 years of a 16-year sentence for his role in the August 2000 gang rapes of young girls.
The attacks, involving 14 men, happened at various locations in Sydney.
Sanoussi, who became eligible for parole in 2010, made his fourth application today, but it was adjourned after information was presented to the board that he had been seen meeting with members of the Brothers 4 Life gang.
GANG: Sydney gangs flash diamonds and guns in new wave of violence
A police report delivered to Corrective Services late on Tuesday alleges that members of the notorious Brothers 4 Life street gang have been meeting at the Sanoussi family home.
It was at this southwest Sydney property that Sanoussi had been staying while on weekend leave from jail in recent months, and where he was expected to reside if released on parole.
Counsel for the corrective services commissioner Geoff Denman told the parole hearing at Parramatta Justice Precinct on Thursday that releasing Sanoussi into the family home posed an "unacceptable danger".
"Mr Sanoussi has a background of being prone to the pressure of his peers, including his brothers," he said.
"If the information in the police report is correct, then that raises great concerns about whether he might be falling into that company again."
The hearing was adjourned until September 5.
Staff Writers
The Daily Telegraph
August 22 2013.
Mohammed Sanoussi has already served 13 years of a 16-year sentence for his role in the August 2000 gang rapes of young girls.
The attacks, involving 14 men, happened at various locations in Sydney.
Sanoussi, who became eligible for parole in 2010, made his fourth application today, but it was adjourned after information was presented to the board that he had been seen meeting with members of the Brothers 4 Life gang.
GANG: Sydney gangs flash diamonds and guns in new wave of violence
It was at this southwest Sydney property that Sanoussi had been staying while on weekend leave from jail in recent months, and where he was expected to reside if released on parole.
Counsel for the corrective services commissioner Geoff Denman told the parole hearing at Parramatta Justice Precinct on Thursday that releasing Sanoussi into the family home posed an "unacceptable danger".
"Mr Sanoussi has a background of being prone to the pressure of his peers, including his brothers," he said.
"If the information in the police report is correct, then that raises great concerns about whether he might be falling into that company again."
The hearing was adjourned until September 5.
- AUGUST 22, 2013 6:13PM
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Turks to refuse Visa's to Australian MP's who refuse to deny the Assyrian, Armenian and Greek genocides.
Turkey bans NSW MPs from Gallipoli service
The Daily Telegraph
August 21 2013
TURKEY has warned some NSW MPs not be welcome at the Gallipoli service after state parliament officially recognised the Ottoman genocide of the Armenians earlier in the year.
The NSW legislative council in May passed a motion calling for the official recognition of the Assyrian, Armenian and Greek genocides.
Turkey strongly condemned the move and said the motion was not compatible with historic facts.
"Although the solid friendly relations existing between the peoples of Turkey and Australia will not deteriorate because of this unilateral decision
... its negative repercussions are nonetheless inevitable," Turkey's foreign ministry said in May, which ABC television reported on Wednesday.
The proponents of such initiatives would "doubtlessly be deprived of the hospitality and friendship that we will never withhold from the people of Australia", the ministry warned. "These persons who try to damage the spirit of Canakkale/Gallipoli will also not have their place in the Canakkale ceremonies where we commemorate together our sons lying side by side in our soil," it said.
Turkish consul-general Gulseren Celik was asked whether the statement meant that Premier Barry O'Farrell and other NSW MPs would be denied visas to attend the Gallipoli service.
"Yes," she told ABC television.
Turkey threatens to delay Gallipoli survey in statue row
Daily Telegraph
September 29, 2010 5:16PM
TURKEY may delay a survey of its
battlefields with New Zealand and Australia in protest at a World War I monument built in Australia, the Turkish ambassador said Wednesday.
Oguz Ozge, Turkey's ambassador to Australia and New Zealand, told Radio New Zealand that the monument in Sydney, which commemorates the deaths of around 750,000 Assyrians, was "quite unacceptable."
The monument, erected by Assyrian community leaders, refers to the alleged killing of the Assyrians by Ottoman troops as "genocide". Government minister Chris Bowen was photographed at its unveiling last month.
"This is quite concerning to the Turkish government, and as long as remedial action is not taken we intend to do something on the part of the Turkish government," Mr Ozge said.
Archaeologists from Turkey, New Zealand and Australia are next week due to begin mapping the Gallipoli peninsula, the scene of a bloody World War I offensive seen as a key moment in Australian and New Zealand history.
A final decision to suspend the Gallipoli survey had not yet been taken, but Mr Ozge said it "could be, until we find a way out".
"We hope to see the Australian government do something about (the monument)" he said.
"We are in touch with the Australian authorities ... It is our intention to find a way out which would be satisfactory to us all," he added.
Ian McGibbon, New Zealand's representative in the Gallipoli survey, said the row had cast next week's trip to Turkey into doubt, adding that the project had been several years in the making.
"I suspect it may eventually be next year now," Mr McGibbon told NZPA.
"I guess we just wait until the issue is resolved."
Mr McGibbon said the exercise aimed to provide a detailed archaeological map of the battlefields, where 11,500 Australian and New Zealand troops died in an offensive aimed at wresting the Dardanelles Strait from the Ottoman Empire, the predecessor of modern Turkey.
Turkey's foreign minister had earlier condemned the monument in Sydney's south-west, blaming people who "want to poison the perfect relations between Australia and Turkey and intend to rewrite history for political gain".
Vandals have attacked the monument, spray-painting it with the words, "Assyrian dogs", and the Turkish flag.
31 8 2010
FAIRFIELD, Australia (AINA) — The recently erected Assyrian Genocide Monument has been vandalized and painted with a Turkish crescent and star.
According to Fairfield police, the vandalism occurred around 4 AM. The police thus far have no leads on the perpetrators.
The vandals painted a Turkish crescent and star on the monument’s globe, which sits on a pedestal resembling a hand, as well as spray painted the words: “fuck Assyrian dogs” and “fuck Assyria” on the left and forward sides of the base of the monument. The plaque at the front of the monument was also removed.
According to the Fairfield City Champion, a local newspaper, a war memorial in Fairfield Park, dedicated to Australian and Assyrian soldiers who fought together, was also vandalized with a mixture of concrete and paint.
The monument’s desecration comes as no surprise to the local community, which erected the structure on August 7. Assyrian community leaders had privately expressed concerns about the safety of the monument immediately after its dedication ceremony.
The monument is dedicated to the 750,000 Assyrians that were killed by Turks in World War One, between 1915 and 1918.
The Daily Telegraph
August 21 2013
TURKEY has warned some NSW MPs not be welcome at the Gallipoli service after state parliament officially recognised the Ottoman genocide of the Armenians earlier in the year.
The NSW legislative council in May passed a motion calling for the official recognition of the Assyrian, Armenian and Greek genocides.
Turkey strongly condemned the move and said the motion was not compatible with historic facts.
"Although the solid friendly relations existing between the peoples of Turkey and Australia will not deteriorate because of this unilateral decision
... its negative repercussions are nonetheless inevitable," Turkey's foreign ministry said in May, which ABC television reported on Wednesday.
The proponents of such initiatives would "doubtlessly be deprived of the hospitality and friendship that we will never withhold from the people of Australia", the ministry warned. "These persons who try to damage the spirit of Canakkale/Gallipoli will also not have their place in the Canakkale ceremonies where we commemorate together our sons lying side by side in our soil," it said.
Turkish consul-general Gulseren Celik was asked whether the statement meant that Premier Barry O'Farrell and other NSW MPs would be denied visas to attend the Gallipoli service.
"Yes," she told ABC television.
Turkey threatens to delay Gallipoli survey in statue row
Daily Telegraph
September 29, 2010 5:16PM
TURKEY may delay a survey of its
battlefields with New Zealand and Australia in protest at a World War I monument built in Australia, the Turkish ambassador said Wednesday.
Oguz Ozge, Turkey's ambassador to Australia and New Zealand, told Radio New Zealand that the monument in Sydney, which commemorates the deaths of around 750,000 Assyrians, was "quite unacceptable."
The monument, erected by Assyrian community leaders, refers to the alleged killing of the Assyrians by Ottoman troops as "genocide". Government minister Chris Bowen was photographed at its unveiling last month.
"This is quite concerning to the Turkish government, and as long as remedial action is not taken we intend to do something on the part of the Turkish government," Mr Ozge said.
Archaeologists from Turkey, New Zealand and Australia are next week due to begin mapping the Gallipoli peninsula, the scene of a bloody World War I offensive seen as a key moment in Australian and New Zealand history.
A final decision to suspend the Gallipoli survey had not yet been taken, but Mr Ozge said it "could be, until we find a way out".
"We hope to see the Australian government do something about (the monument)" he said.
"We are in touch with the Australian authorities ... It is our intention to find a way out which would be satisfactory to us all," he added.
Ian McGibbon, New Zealand's representative in the Gallipoli survey, said the row had cast next week's trip to Turkey into doubt, adding that the project had been several years in the making.
"I suspect it may eventually be next year now," Mr McGibbon told NZPA.
"I guess we just wait until the issue is resolved."
Mr McGibbon said the exercise aimed to provide a detailed archaeological map of the battlefields, where 11,500 Australian and New Zealand troops died in an offensive aimed at wresting the Dardanelles Strait from the Ottoman Empire, the predecessor of modern Turkey.
Turkey's foreign minister had earlier condemned the monument in Sydney's south-west, blaming people who "want to poison the perfect relations between Australia and Turkey and intend to rewrite history for political gain".
Vandals have attacked the monument, spray-painting it with the words, "Assyrian dogs", and the Turkish flag.
Perhaps Sydney’s “Muslim community “ will start desecrating Australian War Memorials if we don’t demolish this Assyrian Genocide Memorial.
Note the desecration of the Australian continent on the Globe, with the Islamic terrorist insignia, their “Moon God’s” crescent and star.
Assyrian Genocide Monument in Australia Vandalized
Asbarez31 8 2010
FAIRFIELD, Australia (AINA) — The recently erected Assyrian Genocide Monument has been vandalized and painted with a Turkish crescent and star.
According to Fairfield police, the vandalism occurred around 4 AM. The police thus far have no leads on the perpetrators.
The vandals painted a Turkish crescent and star on the monument’s globe, which sits on a pedestal resembling a hand, as well as spray painted the words: “fuck Assyrian dogs” and “fuck Assyria” on the left and forward sides of the base of the monument. The plaque at the front of the monument was also removed.
According to the Fairfield City Champion, a local newspaper, a war memorial in Fairfield Park, dedicated to Australian and Assyrian soldiers who fought together, was also vandalized with a mixture of concrete and paint.
The monument’s desecration comes as no surprise to the local community, which erected the structure on August 7. Assyrian community leaders had privately expressed concerns about the safety of the monument immediately after its dedication ceremony.
The monument is dedicated to the 750,000 Assyrians that were killed by Turks in World War One, between 1915 and 1918.
Pious Muslim Gang Rapist's may be paroled as early as tomorrow.
Notorious Skaf Gang Rapist may be paroled
Lee Jeloscek,
7News Sydney
August 21, 2013,
FIRST ON 7: Two of Sydney's notorious Skaf gang rapists looks set to be released on parole as early as tomorrow.
It is a prospect that many find appalling, but a victims' support group says it is better to have 29-year-old Mohamed Sanoussi out, but under control.
Sanoussi has served 13 years for his role in the rapes which horrified Sydney on the eve of the Olympics.
His family is preparing for his release, which could be rubber stamped by the parole authority tomorrow.
"I think he should be given parole, e only has three years left on his sentence," the Victims of Crime Action League's Howard Brown said.
"He is going to require a hell of a lot of intensive supervision out in the community so he actually adapts to that."
Despite the prisons commissioner and the NSW Attorney General having previously opposed release, another rapist code-named H, could also go free tomorrow.
Earlier this year, another of the gang, Mahmoud Chami was released, while ringleader Bilal Skaff has another 20 years to serve.
If let out, Sanoussi will be under surveillance but could be free to return to one of the crime scenes, a park near his home.
Mr Brown added: "My concern is however that generally what happens with electronic tagging is that it only lasts three months."
"In this case it needs to last a minimum of 12 months so we can actually track where he's going."
Parole monitoring has come under fire since 7News revealed budget cuts to the unit which tracks violent offenders.
We asked the Attorney General to explain what supervision would be given to Sanoussi and others but he declined to comment.
Paul Lynch, the shadow Attorney General warned: "Last week we discovered that there were 200 positions lost in the surveillance system."
The community compliance and monitoring group. That is too many to allow proper and effective surveillance.
Lee Jeloscek,
7News Sydney
August 21, 2013,
FIRST ON 7: Two of Sydney's notorious Skaf gang rapists looks set to be released on parole as early as tomorrow.
It is a prospect that many find appalling, but a victims' support group says it is better to have 29-year-old Mohamed Sanoussi out, but under control.
Sanoussi has served 13 years for his role in the rapes which horrified Sydney on the eve of the Olympics.
His family is preparing for his release, which could be rubber stamped by the parole authority tomorrow.
"I think he should be given parole, e only has three years left on his sentence," the Victims of Crime Action League's Howard Brown said.
"He is going to require a hell of a lot of intensive supervision out in the community so he actually adapts to that."
Despite the prisons commissioner and the NSW Attorney General having previously opposed release, another rapist code-named H, could also go free tomorrow.
Earlier this year, another of the gang, Mahmoud Chami was released, while ringleader Bilal Skaff has another 20 years to serve.
If let out, Sanoussi will be under surveillance but could be free to return to one of the crime scenes, a park near his home.
Mr Brown added: "My concern is however that generally what happens with electronic tagging is that it only lasts three months."
"In this case it needs to last a minimum of 12 months so we can actually track where he's going."
Parole monitoring has come under fire since 7News revealed budget cuts to the unit which tracks violent offenders.
We asked the Attorney General to explain what supervision would be given to Sanoussi and others but he declined to comment.
Paul Lynch, the shadow Attorney General warned: "Last week we discovered that there were 200 positions lost in the surveillance system."
The community compliance and monitoring group. That is too many to allow proper and effective surveillance.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Pious Muslim Sociopath Baby Killer awarded $3000 damages by Australian "Fifth Column" Discrimination Tribunal
A-G to fight baby killer compo
Andrew Fraser
August 16 2013
THE Queensland government will appeal against a decision to award a convicted murderer $3000 for feeding him vegetarian food when the man, a Muslim, had requested halal food.
Queensland Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie said the government had received crown law advice yesterday that there was a good chance the decision by the Queensland Civil Administrative Tribunal could be overturned.
QCAT had awarded the compensation to prisoner Raymond Akhtar Ali, who was found to have violently murdered his new-born daughter in 1998 before cutting her body in half and burying it at his Logan Village home.
Ali was fed vegetarian food for four months in jail at Maryborough Correctional Centre, despite requesting halal meat prepared in accordance with his religious beliefs, and QCAT found he had been discriminated against because of his religious beliefs. "When I found out about this matter, I was as shocked and appalled as I think most Queenslanders would be," Mr Bleijie said.
"It's not common sense to award that particular monster $3000 in compensation."
Mr Bleijie said while prisoners had some rights, and freedom of religion was part of Queensland society, there was a limit to what could reasonably be delivered to those in jail. "It has gone too far when the state has to fork out $3000 in compensation," he said.
"I think people just have to accept it's not all rosy in prison. It's not a holiday camp."
So what did this Muslim Sociopath do? Original ANV Report 2008 below
Appeal fails for baby butcher
Christine Kellett
March 4, 2008 - 12:52PM
March 4, 2008 - 12:52PM
A halal butcher who dissected his newborn daughter and buried her body in a neighbour's yard to conceal an extramarital affair has had yet another appeal thrown out.
Brisbane man Raymond Akhtar Ali was jailed for life in 1999 over the gruesome murder of Chahleen Amy Blackwell just moments after her birth at Ali's family home at Logan Valley, in the city's south, on September 8, 1998.
The child's mother and the Ali family's live-in babysitter, Amanda Blackwell, was also convicted of manslaughter.
The infant was bashed, stomped on and sliced in half by her father, a trained butcher who slaughtered goats for the muslim market, because he did not want his wife to find out about his infidelity.
Her sexual organs were also removed and her body buried in a neighbouring property before it was eventually dug up by dogs.
Ali appealed his conviction to the High Court in March 2005, claiming the conduct of his defence lawyers had resulted in a miscarriage of justice, however the appeal was rejected.
A second bid in Brisbane's Supreme Court of Appeal this morning - this time for an extension of time to mount another legal challenge - was also swiftly thrown out.
While Ali denied any connection with the birth or death, DNA testing showed he was the baby's father.
Australian Federal Election 2013: Green Loon, Sen. Sarah Hanson - Young hangs up on Ben Fordham interview.
Fuming Greens Senator Sarah Hanson hangs up on 2GB host Ben Fordham
Daniel Piotrowski
Daily Telegraph
August 16 2013
GREENS Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has angrily hung up on Sydney talkback radio host Ben Fordham during a tense interview concerning asylum seekers.
The senator fumed after an aggressive Mr Fordham said her refugee policy "stinks" and was a "laughing stock".
"I don't know why you bother to invite me on to interview me," she told Mr Fordham. "You can have your own opinions. Don't invite me back on your show just so can sit on your soapbox.
"You can do that without inviting people on your show. I'm sure you do it day in, day out."
Tension mounted after Mr Fordham asked if Ms Hanson-Young took responsibility for the deaths that have occurred at sea since the Rudd Government dismantled John Howard's immigration policies.
Ms Hanson-Young said no one who understands refugee policy believes more people came to Australia just because the Labor Party were elected in 2007.
"You supported a policy which has led to 50,000 people arriving here ever since and 1000 plus people drowning to the bottom of the ocean and dying," Mr Fordham said. "They're not on the earth anymore."
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott declared "this is our country" when he announced a harsh asylum seeker policy this morning.
It would see future arrivals and asylum seekers currently awaiting processing by Australia placed on three-year temporary protection visas if they are found to be genuine refugees.
Daniel Piotrowski
Daily Telegraph
August 16 2013
Green Loon / Islamo Fascist Hate Monger Hanson Young, seen here supporting Islamic Sociopaths Inc.
GREENS Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has angrily hung up on Sydney talkback radio host Ben Fordham during a tense interview concerning asylum seekers.
The senator fumed after an aggressive Mr Fordham said her refugee policy "stinks" and was a "laughing stock".
"I don't know why you bother to invite me on to interview me," she told Mr Fordham. "You can have your own opinions. Don't invite me back on your show just so can sit on your soapbox.
"You can do that without inviting people on your show. I'm sure you do it day in, day out."
Tension mounted after Mr Fordham asked if Ms Hanson-Young took responsibility for the deaths that have occurred at sea since the Rudd Government dismantled John Howard's immigration policies.
Ms Hanson-Young said no one who understands refugee policy believes more people came to Australia just because the Labor Party were elected in 2007.
But Mr Fordham argued it was not the change of government but the Labor Government's change of policy that had seen the number of boats arriving on Australia's borders.
"You supported a policy which has led to 50,000 people arriving here ever since and 1000 plus people drowning to the bottom of the ocean and dying," Mr Fordham said. "They're not on the earth anymore."
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott declared "this is our country" when he announced a harsh asylum seeker policy this morning.
It would see future arrivals and asylum seekers currently awaiting processing by Australia placed on three-year temporary protection visas if they are found to be genuine refugees.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Australian Federal Election 2013: Abbott to scrap asylum appeal process
Coalition to scrap asylum appeals process
Lanai Scarr,Lauren Novak,Gemma Jones and Jessica Marszalek
The Daily Telegraph
August 16 2013
TONY Abbott has given his clearest time frame yet as to when he will be able to stop the boats should he be elected prime minister on September 7.
The opposition leader today said that by the 2016 election levels of boat arrivals would be back down to the last days of the Howard era when there were just three arrivals a year.
"That's my confidence," he said.
"Obviously idea is having zero boats but if we were able to get it down to three boats a year that would be a good thing."
Mr Abbott and his immigration spokesman Scott Morrison today unveiled more detail on the Coalition's border protection policy, as revealed by News Corp Australia today.
Under the Coalition plan, anyone who arrives in Australia illegally by boat will not get permanent residency, including more than 30,000 people already here.
Anyone arrivals "reasonably believed" to have destroyed their documentation would not be accepted.
A new assessment process, based on a UK model, would see faster removal of illegal arrivals.
Those found to be refugees would be granted temporary protection visas.
They would not be allowed to bring their family to Australia or convert the TPV to permanent residency.
The TPV would last three years after which holders would have to apply for another visa if it was not safe to return home.
They would be required to work for the dole.
The Coalition has also pledged to scrap a $58 million detention centre planned by Labor for Singleton in NSW.
Tony Abbott channelled his predecessor and mentor, former prime minister John Howard by saying that Australians "were in charge of this country and we'll decide who comes here".
However the Opposition Leader could not rule out that asylum-seekers given refuge in Australia on temporary protection visas would not one day be permitted family reunions.
"I can't say what might happen in ten, twenty, thirty years time," Mr Abbott said.
"But what I can say is if you come here by boat you should never expect to get permanent residency.
"If you turn out not to be a refugee you will be in detention, that's where you'll be. If you are a refugee you will be on a temporary protection visa and you should expect to be on it indefinitely."
Mr Morrison said he was confident the new process would stand up to any future court challenges.
"This is a complicated and detailed area," Mr Morrison said.
"I am very confident that we will get this as right as it can be."
The removal of failed asylum seekers from Australia would be dramatically fast tracked under a hardline Coalition plan to send them packing in as little as three months.
And any of the 30,000 boat arrivals already in the country who have been found to be genuine refugees would denied a permanent visa.
The Coalition would also scrap plans for a detention centre at Singleton in the NSW Hunter Valley, where Labor plans to house more than 1000 people, and divert almost $60 million to build 2000 places it has promised for offshore processing in Nauru.
Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison plans to adopt a hardline UK-style removal regime and to scrap the refugee review tribunal.
Asylum seekers would be "triaged" and those considered unlikely to be found to be refugees taken into detention, pending a review by up to two departmental case workers which could take as little as 28 days.
The removal process would be modelled on a scheme in the United Kingdom called Detained Fast Track, Mr Morrison said.
Those considered unlikely to be refugees would have their first assessment inside detention finished within 14 days and if it found against them they would then be able to access a 14 day review by another case worker.
The process would take no more than three months, a Coalition policy document shows.
A failed review would result in the government seeking travel documents in order for the person to be removed.
Failed refugees from countries, such as Iran which refuses to accept involuntary returns, would be left on the Christmas Island indefinitely.
"If there are issues with them being removed from the country we will send them to Christmas Island until they can be removed," Mr Morrison said.
Mr Morrison said the 30,000 asylum seekers who arrived before Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's announcement of the PNG Solution, and who are waiting in the community for their refugee claims to be processed, would be made to work for welfare payments.
They would all be moved onto temporary protection visas for up to three years and given work rights with a work for the dole style regime used in cases where they were unable to secure a job.
Asylum seekers could also be directed to regions where more work was available.
The temporary visas would prevent them bringing family to Australia and if they chose to leave they would be barred from returning, in a policy mirroring the Howard Government's temporary protection visas.
"They won't get a protection visa from us, they will be desperately hoping a Labor government gets elected," Mr Morrison said.
He said a Coalition government wanted to scrap the refugee review tribunal to help achieve its policy of "getting out of the country" people rejected as refugees under its single case worker review model.
Courts and tribunals have overturned up to 80 percent of departmental decisions to refuse a protection visa and cases have had to be re examined, Mr Morrison said.
"Our objective would be to get back to a single case officer decision and review system," he said.
In addition to other hard line measures, boat arrivals who came without paperwork would be rejected as refugees if it was found they had deliberately thrown their identification out.
About 90 per cent of people have arrived without paperwork at times under the current government.
The Coalition says the investment in a new detention centre for Singleton wasn't needed.
"Under the Coalition, offshore processing will be done on Nauru and PNG, not in Singleton," Mr Morrison said.
"That's why we will shut down Labor's plan to spend almost $60 million at Singleton and create that capacity where it's needed offshore.
"Kevin Rudd is making more room for people coming illegally on boats in Australia, at places like Singleton than he is offshore on PNG."
Mr Morrison said scrapping Singleton would allow the Coalition to fund plans it announced last month to house an extra 2000 asylum seekers in
Nauru, including accommodating refugees in refurbished homes in the nation's slum district while Australia searched for third country resettlement options.
Almost 2500 asylum seekers have arrived in almost a month since Mr Rudd announced his PNG solution with only a few hundred sent to Manus Island after health checks so far.
Single adult men have been sent to the remote island while the government works to bring accommodation up to standard for families.
More than 50,000 people have arrived on boats under Labor.
Lanai Scarr,Lauren Novak,Gemma Jones and Jessica Marszalek
The Daily Telegraph
August 16 2013
TONY Abbott has given his clearest time frame yet as to when he will be able to stop the boats should he be elected prime minister on September 7.
The opposition leader today said that by the 2016 election levels of boat arrivals would be back down to the last days of the Howard era when there were just three arrivals a year.
"That's my confidence," he said.
"Obviously idea is having zero boats but if we were able to get it down to three boats a year that would be a good thing."
More than 50,000 Illegal VOTE people have arrived on boats under Kevin 07/ Gillard/Kevin 07 Labor/Green Loon Independent / "Co Party Government"
Mr Abbott and his immigration spokesman Scott Morrison today unveiled more detail on the Coalition's border protection policy, as revealed by News Corp Australia today.
Under the Coalition plan, anyone who arrives in Australia illegally by boat will not get permanent residency, including more than 30,000 people already here.
Anyone arrivals "reasonably believed" to have destroyed their documentation would not be accepted.
A new assessment process, based on a UK model, would see faster removal of illegal arrivals.
Those found to be refugees would be granted temporary protection visas.
They would not be allowed to bring their family to Australia or convert the TPV to permanent residency.
The TPV would last three years after which holders would have to apply for another visa if it was not safe to return home.
They would be required to work for the dole.
The Coalition has also pledged to scrap a $58 million detention centre planned by Labor for Singleton in NSW.
However the Opposition Leader could not rule out that asylum-seekers given refuge in Australia on temporary protection visas would not one day be permitted family reunions.
"I can't say what might happen in ten, twenty, thirty years time," Mr Abbott said.
"But what I can say is if you come here by boat you should never expect to get permanent residency.
"If you turn out not to be a refugee you will be in detention, that's where you'll be. If you are a refugee you will be on a temporary protection visa and you should expect to be on it indefinitely."
Mr Morrison said he was confident the new process would stand up to any future court challenges.
"This is a complicated and detailed area," Mr Morrison said.
"I am very confident that we will get this as right as it can be."
The removal of failed asylum seekers from Australia would be dramatically fast tracked under a hardline Coalition plan to send them packing in as little as three months.
And any of the 30,000 boat arrivals already in the country who have been found to be genuine refugees would denied a permanent visa.
The Coalition would also scrap plans for a detention centre at Singleton in the NSW Hunter Valley, where Labor plans to house more than 1000 people, and divert almost $60 million to build 2000 places it has promised for offshore processing in Nauru.
Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison plans to adopt a hardline UK-style removal regime and to scrap the refugee review tribunal.
Asylum seekers would be "triaged" and those considered unlikely to be found to be refugees taken into detention, pending a review by up to two departmental case workers which could take as little as 28 days.
The removal process would be modelled on a scheme in the United Kingdom called Detained Fast Track, Mr Morrison said.
Those considered unlikely to be refugees would have their first assessment inside detention finished within 14 days and if it found against them they would then be able to access a 14 day review by another case worker.
The process would take no more than three months, a Coalition policy document shows.
A failed review would result in the government seeking travel documents in order for the person to be removed.
Failed refugees from countries, such as Iran which refuses to accept involuntary returns, would be left on the Christmas Island indefinitely.
"If there are issues with them being removed from the country we will send them to Christmas Island until they can be removed," Mr Morrison said.
Mr Morrison said the 30,000 asylum seekers who arrived before Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's announcement of the PNG Solution, and who are waiting in the community for their refugee claims to be processed, would be made to work for welfare payments.
They would all be moved onto temporary protection visas for up to three years and given work rights with a work for the dole style regime used in cases where they were unable to secure a job.
Asylum seekers could also be directed to regions where more work was available.
The temporary visas would prevent them bringing family to Australia and if they chose to leave they would be barred from returning, in a policy mirroring the Howard Government's temporary protection visas.
"They won't get a protection visa from us, they will be desperately hoping a Labor government gets elected," Mr Morrison said.
He said a Coalition government wanted to scrap the refugee review tribunal to help achieve its policy of "getting out of the country" people rejected as refugees under its single case worker review model.
Courts and tribunals have overturned up to 80 percent of departmental decisions to refuse a protection visa and cases have had to be re examined, Mr Morrison said.
"Our objective would be to get back to a single case officer decision and review system," he said.
In addition to other hard line measures, boat arrivals who came without paperwork would be rejected as refugees if it was found they had deliberately thrown their identification out.
About 90 per cent of people have arrived without paperwork at times under the current government.
The Coalition says the investment in a new detention centre for Singleton wasn't needed.
"Under the Coalition, offshore processing will be done on Nauru and PNG, not in Singleton," Mr Morrison said.
"That's why we will shut down Labor's plan to spend almost $60 million at Singleton and create that capacity where it's needed offshore.
"Kevin Rudd is making more room for people coming illegally on boats in Australia, at places like Singleton than he is offshore on PNG."
Mr Morrison said scrapping Singleton would allow the Coalition to fund plans it announced last month to house an extra 2000 asylum seekers in
Nauru, including accommodating refugees in refurbished homes in the nation's slum district while Australia searched for third country resettlement options.
Almost 2500 asylum seekers have arrived in almost a month since Mr Rudd announced his PNG solution with only a few hundred sent to Manus Island after health checks so far.
Single adult men have been sent to the remote island while the government works to bring accommodation up to standard for families.
More than 50,000 people have arrived on boats under Labor.
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