A blog revealing the horrors of Islam,International Socialism,the misery these two evils are inflicting upon the free the world,and those it has already enslaved,along with various articles revealing the attacks from within upon the western Judeo Christian ethic by those we entrusted to preserve it. Videos and Pictures of many varied subjects from around the world, along with some jokes of mine and any funny ones you want to send me.
Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”
--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!
When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.
Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"
Thursday, October 08, 2015
It's very hard to go to Jail in Queensland,Australia.
Soft SentencesDrug dealers, serial drink drivers, thieves and even men who beat women. They're among the dangerous criminals who have been lucky enough to escape with relatively soft sentences.
Salim Mehajer charged with intimidation over alleged threats against father of Lindt Cafe siege survivor.Video
The Auburn deputy mayor who made headlines around the world for his lavish wedding and outlandish political ambitions has been charged with allegedly intimidating the father of a Sydney siege survivor.
Salim Mehajer is now accused of threatening the family of a Sydney siege survivor. His colleagues, once again, say he has brought shame on their council.
Salim Mehajer to be charged over alleged threats he made against the father of one of the Lindt siege survivors
Police lay charges against Salim Mehajer over alleged threats he made against the father of one of the Lindt siege survivors
The Daily Telegraph
October 8 2015
Mehajer, whose lavish wedding outraged the city in August, allegedly threatened Bruce Herat at a gym in Burwood on September 16.
Bruce Herat, whose son Joel was one of the Lindt Cafe workers taken hostage by terrorist Man Monis last December, accused Salim Mehajer of threatening his children after he asked the deputy mayor to stop dropping weights on the floor of Anytime Fitness.
Mr Mehajer allegedly said he would “find out where you live and have your kids kidnapped” following the confrontation.
The Daily Telegraph understands Burwood police are planning to charge Mr Mehajer today and also slap him with an AVO.
It is expected Mr Mehajer will be issued a court attendance notice for a future court date.
The Daily Telegraph
October 8 2015
Salim Mehajer is now accused of threatening the family of a Sydney siege survivor. His colleagues, once again, say he has brought shame on their council.
POLICE are preparing to lay charges relating to intimidation against Auburn deputy mayor Salim Mehajer over alleged threats he made against the father of one of the Lindt siege survivors.
Mehajer, whose lavish wedding outraged the city in August, allegedly threatened Bruce Herat at a gym in Burwood on September 16.
Bruce Herat, whose son Joel was one of the Lindt Cafe workers taken hostage by terrorist Man Monis last December, accused Salim Mehajer of threatening his children after he asked the deputy mayor to stop dropping weights on the floor of Anytime Fitness.
Mr Mehajer allegedly said he would “find out where you live and have your kids kidnapped” following the confrontation.
The Daily Telegraph understands Burwood police are planning to charge Mr Mehajer today and also slap him with an AVO.
It is expected Mr Mehajer will be issued a court attendance notice for a future court date.
Australia's Leaders and Police lying about Islamic ASSASSIN Farhad Jabar’s Motivation for Killing Mr Curtis Cheng.
Police and politicians lying about what inspired Farhad Jabar’s Parramatta police shooting
Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
October 7, 2015
THEY treat us like fools. Police and politicians are telling untruths about what inspired Farhad Jabar to kill.
Those untruths are meant to build trust with Muslim Australians, which we need. But everyone else will wonder: “What other lies are we being told?”
Consider: Iranian-born Jabar went from his mosque to the Parramatta police station where he shot a Buddhist accountant and shouted “Allahu akbar” — Allah is the greatest. In his backpack was a letter reportedly containing Islamist extremist literature.
Police have raided Farhad’s mosque and are checking sermons given there. They are also investigating an alleged ring of sympathisers of the Islamic State, which quotes the Koran to legitimise the murder of nonbelievers.
“Kill the polytheists wherever you find them,” goes one such passage in Islam’s holiest text.
Yet police and ministers of the Turnbull Government still pretend this murder was not religiously inspired, but politically.
“This appears to have been an act of politically motivated violence,” claimed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop agreed this was “a politically motivated killing”.
Even NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione repeated this deception: “We believe (Farhad’s) actions were politically motivated and therefore linked to terrorism.”
Excuse me, but what political party did Farhad represent? Who is this “Allah” — a candidate at the next federal election?
Full interview and comment with Steve Price and Andrew Bolt
Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
October 7, 2015
THEY treat us like fools. Police and politicians are telling untruths about what inspired Farhad Jabar to kill.
Those untruths are meant to build trust with Muslim Australians, which we need. But everyone else will wonder: “What other lies are we being told?”
Consider: Iranian-born Jabar went from his mosque to the Parramatta police station where he shot a Buddhist accountant and shouted “Allahu akbar” — Allah is the greatest. In his backpack was a letter reportedly containing Islamist extremist literature.
Police have raided Farhad’s mosque and are checking sermons given there. They are also investigating an alleged ring of sympathisers of the Islamic State, which quotes the Koran to legitimise the murder of nonbelievers.
“Kill the polytheists wherever you find them,” goes one such passage in Islam’s holiest text.
Yet police and ministers of the Turnbull Government still pretend this murder was not religiously inspired, but politically.
“This appears to have been an act of politically motivated violence,” claimed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop agreed this was “a politically motivated killing”.
Even NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione repeated this deception: “We believe (Farhad’s) actions were politically motivated and therefore linked to terrorism.”
Excuse me, but what political party did Farhad represent? Who is this “Allah” — a candidate at the next federal election?
Deputy Police Commissioner Nick Kaldas kept up the act on the ABC’s 7.30, claiming Muslim youths such as Farhad were “doing this simply as a way to rebel”.
“In a sense, they’re not really religiously driven. I wouldn’t say they’ve studied the Koran and come to some firm views … It is a rebellion.”
True, many children of all faiths rebel, but most don’t rebel by shooting or stabbing our police, or supporting terrorist groups that slaughter unbelievers and hack off heads.
That’s a script we don’t see Buddhist or Presbyterian Australians following. But it is one followed by hundreds of Muslim Australians, who quote the Koran in justification.
Yet the Government won’t discuss the links between Islam and terrorism, saying it is determined to “reach out” to Muslim Australians.
But keeping quiet about Islam doesn’t merely take the pressure off Muslim leaders to reform their faith. (Anyone heard from the Grand Mufti?) It destroys the trust of other Australians in the authorities meant to protect them, not least when choosing who to let into our country.
The Government’s policies left even the usually frank Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs, performing strange contortions in my interview with her on 2GB on Tuesday.
Full interview and comment with Steve Price and Andrew Bolt
Bolt: Why is Malcolm Turnbull — and Julie Bishop and Andrew Scipione — calling what happened politically motivated violence when the boy was shouting “Allah” when he shot the unfortunate police accountant?
Fierravanti-Wells: Well, Andrew, I think the Prime Minister today … referred to it as politically motivated and then said “and that’s terrorism”.
Bolt: Yes, the word that is missing here is “religious”.
Fierravanti-Wells: Well, Andrew I think there will be things that are going to come out as part of the inquiry …
Bolt: I find it amazing that … the Government keeps calling it a politically motivated attack and not a religious one and I just want to know why.
Fierravanti-Wells: I think, Andrew, that this is an ongoing investigation … Look, there is no doubt that the motivation is a very important issue. People want to know what motivates a 15-year-old boy to walk down a street ...
Bolt: Shouting “Allah”.
Fierravanti-Wells: ... shouting whatever he is alleged to have shouted.
Bolt: You see, you can’t even say what he is alleged to have shouted. He shouted “Allah”.
Fierravanti-Wells: He shouted what he shouted and did this and it is really important that we do understand what is the motivation.
Get the impression the Government actually has no interest in the motivation if it’s Islam?
Notice how it prefers to talk about everything but — about the “marginalisation” of Muslim youths, the “divisive” language of former prime minister Tony Abbott, the need to “engage” Muslim parents, the creation of more “deradicalisation” programs.
Easy stuff. But largely peripheral stuff. It’s like searching under a street light for your lost key, because it’s too dark where you actually dropped it.
Yes, I understand the Government doesn’t want to alienate the many law-abiding Muslims. It does not want rednecks hitting back. It needs the trust of Muslim parents to help stop radicals.
Yet much of this treats the symptoms, not the cause.
And for many Australians, the deceitful language suggests our politicians lack the courage to even name that cause, let alone confront it.
WARNING: our universities are breeding a generation of totalitarians determined to shut down debates.
Take the University of NSW. Its Student Representative Council demanded other students cancel a lecture this week by former defence minister Kevin Andrews.
Andrews was against same-sex marriage, complained SRC president Billy Bruffey, and that would “cause UNSW students to feel victimised and isolated”.
Besides, “Andrews’ views do not conform with those of the University or its students”. Really? Andrews’ views conform with not one of the students’? And by what right does Bruffey stop students from hearing different arguments and deciding for themselves?
Yet how often we now see this effrontery. In South Australia, the Flinders University Student Association’s head declared she was “repulsed” by the proposal to have Danish academic Bjorn Lomborg set up a think tank at the university. Lomborg, she claimed, would run “a climate change denial centre on campus” putting out “Right-wing junk”.
I don’t know if she bothered to listen to the renowned academic she wants to ban because she’d know he was no “denier”. He merely believes the planet is warming less than once predicted, a fact the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change admits.
He also believes it’s not smart to spend trillions on “solutions” that make little difference to the temperature. But that important debate is now impossible on many campuses. In fact, students and staff at the University of Western Australia stopped Lomborg’s centre from opening there, falsely accusing him of “bad science”.
But global warmists aren’t the only ideological stormtroopers.
Socialist Alternative protesters have howled down a lecture at Melbourne University by former Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella and assaulted Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop at Sydney University.
In May, also at Sydney University, students, backed by two academics, burst into a lecture by retired British colonel Richard Kemp, chanting, “Richard Kemp, you can’t hide, you support genocide”. Kemp’s crime? To argue that Israel had tried very hard to avoid civilian casualties in its war with Hamas.
Watch out. Today’s campus totalitarians are tomorrow’s politicians, judges and journalists and our free speech is already in danger. We’ve seen even the Turnbull Government ban an American who had been booked to speak here against abortion.
Who will be silenced next?
Wednesday, October 07, 2015
Fady Taiba's assailant James Longworth appears in Court
Sydney's latest king-hit victim is still too weak to be brought out of a medical coma after having parts of his skull removed. Ashlea Brown reports.
Why should Fady Taiba be on Life Support ?
Round Up of Sydney Muslim Terror Raids following ASSASSINATION of Curtis Cheng
A classmate of 15-year-old Parramatta shooter Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar remains in custody, after police raided several homes today, including several that had been previously targeted by counter-terrorism Operation Appleby
Muslims and THEIR ABC insisting that Australian's are the cause of all of of Australia's troubles just under twelve months ago , gee if only we would just leave them be.
Pious Muslim Salim Mehajer and Bow Wow
Mehajer mansion the unreal setting for rapper Bow Wow’s video for Too Real
Annette Sharp
The Daily Telegraph
October 7, 2015
Salim Mehajer speaks out
US rap artist Bow Wow has released his latest single, the video clip for which was shot at the mansion of Auburn council’s deputy mayor Salim Mehajer.
Too Real, a collaboration with Australian hip hop and RnBass producer DJ Willi, features the marble staircase of Mehajer’s mansion, adorned with curvy women.
Its glass balustrade resembles the glamour-type staircases that might be found at The Star casino, complete with interior lighting in each marble stair riser.
Mehajer’s white Ferrari also features prominently in the clip and is driven by Bow Wow, otherwise known as Shad Gregory Moss, 28, around the Opera House. It was the car, say sources, that brought Mehajer and Bow Wow into contact after the DJ’s entourage started making inquiries about the hire of an “exotic car” for the video.
“We wanted to get an exotic car into the video and he (Mehajer) offered and asked if we wanted to come to the house and use it for the clip too,” DJ Willi has confirmed.
Bow Wow has said — rap style — the idea of making Too Real and shooting its clip in Sydney came during his fourth trip to “Aussie” and went something like this:
“I was doing a lot of partying, a lot of clubs, a lot of crazy nights over here in Australia and one night Crazy Willi had the studio and the deck and played a couple of beats and sh** ... and I was like Damn! I could do something to these …
“He took me to the studio and next thing you know we had a hit and it was like Damn Dog! before I leave, like my last night, let’s just shoot a video you know. Let’s knock it out because like I’m gonna go back to shooting CSI. So I ain’t really had no time to shoot no videos or no shit like that.
“All it takes is one call, that’s it. We ain’t stalling for nothing. One call, my man Willi. I need to shoot this video, my man made it happen.”
Happy with the result, which includes crowd shots of gorgeous, exotic-looking Sydney women, though not, apparently, the new Mrs Mehajer, Wow crowed: “All my fans are gonna love this sh*t.”
Annette Sharp
The Daily Telegraph
October 7, 2015
Salim Mehajer speaks out
US rap artist Bow Wow has released his latest single, the video clip for which was shot at the mansion of Auburn council’s deputy mayor Salim Mehajer.
Too Real, a collaboration with Australian hip hop and RnBass producer DJ Willi, features the marble staircase of Mehajer’s mansion, adorned with curvy women.
Its glass balustrade resembles the glamour-type staircases that might be found at The Star casino, complete with interior lighting in each marble stair riser.
Mehajer’s white Ferrari also features prominently in the clip and is driven by Bow Wow, otherwise known as Shad Gregory Moss, 28, around the Opera House. It was the car, say sources, that brought Mehajer and Bow Wow into contact after the DJ’s entourage started making inquiries about the hire of an “exotic car” for the video.
“We wanted to get an exotic car into the video and he (Mehajer) offered and asked if we wanted to come to the house and use it for the clip too,” DJ Willi has confirmed.
Bow Wow has said — rap style — the idea of making Too Real and shooting its clip in Sydney came during his fourth trip to “Aussie” and went something like this:
“I was doing a lot of partying, a lot of clubs, a lot of crazy nights over here in Australia and one night Crazy Willi had the studio and the deck and played a couple of beats and sh** ... and I was like Damn! I could do something to these …
“He took me to the studio and next thing you know we had a hit and it was like Damn Dog! before I leave, like my last night, let’s just shoot a video you know. Let’s knock it out because like I’m gonna go back to shooting CSI. So I ain’t really had no time to shoot no videos or no shit like that.
“All it takes is one call, that’s it. We ain’t stalling for nothing. One call, my man Willi. I need to shoot this video, my man made it happen.”
Happy with the result, which includes crowd shots of gorgeous, exotic-looking Sydney women, though not, apparently, the new Mrs Mehajer, Wow crowed: “All my fans are gonna love this sh*t.”
Islamic Terrorism is Islamic Terrorism why wont our leaders and media admit it ?
We can’t combat Islamist terrorism until we admit that’s what it is
Miranda Devine
The Daily Telegraph
October 7 2015
THE 15-year-old male of Middle Eastern background who dropped into Parramatta Mosque on Friday, before descending on NSW Police HQ brandishing a loaded gun, was wearing a long black cloak, and calling out “Allah Akbar”, before he put a bullet in the head of Curtis Cheng.
Even before official confirmation, it didn’t take a genius to work out that the cold blooded execution of Cheng, 58, a police accountant and father of two, was a terrorist attack perpetrated by a radical Muslim, no matter what his age.
We’ve known since September 11, 2001, exactly what Islamist terrorism is, and who are its targets. With the rise of Islamic State we have seen lone wolf and tag team terrorist attacks occur around the Western world with sickening regularity.
They began in earnest after an IS edict was issued last September calling on followers around the world to “kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever …
‘If you are not able to find a [bomb] or a bullet … Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him.”
In the ensuing 13 months we have had three terrorist attacks on home soil — two in Sydney and one in Melbourne — as well as numerous foiled attacks.
One day after the IS call to arms, we had the savage stabbing attack on two police officers in Melbourne by 18-year-old Afghan migrant Numan Haider, who was shot dead.
Three months later came the Lindt Café siege at Martin Place which resulted in the death of hostages Tori Johnson and Katrina Dawson, as well as gunman Man Monis, another IS sympathiser.
And then on Friday came 15-year-old Farhad Mohammad’s attack on Parramatta police HQ, home of the counter-terrorism squad.
In addition there have been numerous foiled alleged terror plots.
They include an alleged suicide attack planned on this year’s Anzac Day parade in Melbourne in which police claim an officer was to be run over and beheaded before his gun was taken on a shooting rampage; two Melbourne 18-year-olds were arrested in April over the case, along with a 14-year-old in the UK, who has just been jailed.
In May, a 17-year-old boy was arrested in Melbourne over an alleged Mother’s Day terror plot to bomb a public event.
Yes, Australians are familiar with the threat of Islamist terrorism.
And yet our leaders continue to insult our intelligence by pretending that this latest terrorist attack was something other than what it was.
For too many hours, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Premier Mike Baird and even Commissioner Andrew Scipione pussyfooted around the truth, using carefully scripted euphemisms such as “politically motivated”, while mystifyingly exhorting the public to “come together”.
Is it any wonder the ABC on Friday afternoon declared the attack “not terror-related”?
Less than 24 hours later the PM held a press conference in which, incredibly, his main message was not to reassure all Australians that we were safe, but to quell incipient imaginary Islamophobia.
“We must not vilify or blame the entire Muslim community with the actions of what is in truth a very small percentage of violent extremist individuals.”
But who was vilifying or blaming the entire Muslim community? The silence was deafening.
There was no rioting in the streets, no civil unrest. The Australian public was stoically getting on with life, feeling sorrow for the Cheng family, but trusting our police forces to continue doing their best to protect us.
Then Bill Shorten jumped the shark: “Our thoughts are with the family of a 15-year-old alleged perpetrator,” he said.
We deserve better than this patronising insult from our leaders. The first step to combatting homegrown Islamist terrorism is to be honest about defining it.
In any case, all this appeasement does no good. It makes the vast bulk of moderate Muslims wonder, since our leaders are so concerned, what sort of secret atrocities are being conducted against their community by unnamed bigoted Australians.
Meanwhile, radical fringe Islamists are further emboldened.
After Friday’s attack, a tribute page was set up on Facebook for Cheng’s killer, hailing him a “hero” and “martyr ... all he is guilty of was being Muslim.”
In December it will be the ten years since the Cronulla riot.
That was a culture clash prompted by genuine concerns over the harassment of girls and bashing of lifeguards at Cronulla Beach by young Lebanese-Australian Muslim men who travelled to the beach by train.
A Sunday protest turned nasty when drunken thugs started physically to attack random Lebanese-Australians.
This led to proper arrests of those few offenders. But the paroxysm of self-criticism has not ceased.
Less well-publicized was the organized violent criminal retaliation in which carloads of Middle Eastern gangsters descended on the Cronulla area on subsequent nights, smashing up cars, breaking windows and using iron bars to assault innocent residents, all under the noses of a politically correct police force.
Cronulla became synonymous with Islamophobia. If ever there was a case of victim blaming this was a classic.
From then on, all non-Muslim Australians were deemed to be closet bigots, unless they publicly proclaimed #Illridewithyou solidarity at every opportunity.
It seems we have learned nothing in the past ten years.
Miranda Devine
The Daily Telegraph
October 7 2015
THE 15-year-old male of Middle Eastern background who dropped into Parramatta Mosque on Friday, before descending on NSW Police HQ brandishing a loaded gun, was wearing a long black cloak, and calling out “Allah Akbar”, before he put a bullet in the head of Curtis Cheng.
Even before official confirmation, it didn’t take a genius to work out that the cold blooded execution of Cheng, 58, a police accountant and father of two, was a terrorist attack perpetrated by a radical Muslim, no matter what his age.
We’ve known since September 11, 2001, exactly what Islamist terrorism is, and who are its targets. With the rise of Islamic State we have seen lone wolf and tag team terrorist attacks occur around the Western world with sickening regularity.
They began in earnest after an IS edict was issued last September calling on followers around the world to “kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever …
‘If you are not able to find a [bomb] or a bullet … Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him.”
In the ensuing 13 months we have had three terrorist attacks on home soil — two in Sydney and one in Melbourne — as well as numerous foiled attacks.
One day after the IS call to arms, we had the savage stabbing attack on two police officers in Melbourne by 18-year-old Afghan migrant Numan Haider, who was shot dead.
Three months later came the Lindt Café siege at Martin Place which resulted in the death of hostages Tori Johnson and Katrina Dawson, as well as gunman Man Monis, another IS sympathiser.
And then on Friday came 15-year-old Farhad Mohammad’s attack on Parramatta police HQ, home of the counter-terrorism squad.
In addition there have been numerous foiled alleged terror plots.
They include an alleged suicide attack planned on this year’s Anzac Day parade in Melbourne in which police claim an officer was to be run over and beheaded before his gun was taken on a shooting rampage; two Melbourne 18-year-olds were arrested in April over the case, along with a 14-year-old in the UK, who has just been jailed.
In May, a 17-year-old boy was arrested in Melbourne over an alleged Mother’s Day terror plot to bomb a public event.
Yes, Australians are familiar with the threat of Islamist terrorism.
And yet our leaders continue to insult our intelligence by pretending that this latest terrorist attack was something other than what it was.
For too many hours, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Premier Mike Baird and even Commissioner Andrew Scipione pussyfooted around the truth, using carefully scripted euphemisms such as “politically motivated”, while mystifyingly exhorting the public to “come together”.
Is it any wonder the ABC on Friday afternoon declared the attack “not terror-related”?
Less than 24 hours later the PM held a press conference in which, incredibly, his main message was not to reassure all Australians that we were safe, but to quell incipient imaginary Islamophobia.
“We must not vilify or blame the entire Muslim community with the actions of what is in truth a very small percentage of violent extremist individuals.”
But who was vilifying or blaming the entire Muslim community? The silence was deafening.
There was no rioting in the streets, no civil unrest. The Australian public was stoically getting on with life, feeling sorrow for the Cheng family, but trusting our police forces to continue doing their best to protect us.
Then Bill Shorten jumped the shark: “Our thoughts are with the family of a 15-year-old alleged perpetrator,” he said.
We deserve better than this patronising insult from our leaders. The first step to combatting homegrown Islamist terrorism is to be honest about defining it.
Meanwhile, radical fringe Islamists are further emboldened.
After Friday’s attack, a tribute page was set up on Facebook for Cheng’s killer, hailing him a “hero” and “martyr ... all he is guilty of was being Muslim.”
In December it will be the ten years since the Cronulla riot.
That was a culture clash prompted by genuine concerns over the harassment of girls and bashing of lifeguards at Cronulla Beach by young Lebanese-Australian Muslim men who travelled to the beach by train.
A Sunday protest turned nasty when drunken thugs started physically to attack random Lebanese-Australians.
This led to proper arrests of those few offenders. But the paroxysm of self-criticism has not ceased.
Less well-publicized was the organized violent criminal retaliation in which carloads of Middle Eastern gangsters descended on the Cronulla area on subsequent nights, smashing up cars, breaking windows and using iron bars to assault innocent residents, all under the noses of a politically correct police force.
Cronulla became synonymous with Islamophobia. If ever there was a case of victim blaming this was a classic.
From then on, all non-Muslim Australians were deemed to be closet bigots, unless they publicly proclaimed #Illridewithyou solidarity at every opportunity.
It seems we have learned nothing in the past ten years.
Islamic Terrorism Raids at Sydney's Occupied Territories suspects homes raided.
Five men arrested in terror raids following Parramatta shooting attack
Mark Morri, Janet Fife-Yeomans, Taylor Auerbach, Leigh van den Broeke, Sarah Crawford
The Daily Telegraph
October 7 2015
ALL of the homes raided by counter-terrorism officers today were also targeted during last September’s Operation Appleby, which was launched to investigate the plot to behead a member of the public in Sydney.
Five people were arrested at dawn in four separate raids in Sydney’s suburbs, including a 16-year-old schoolmate of Farhad Jabar, the teen terrorist who murdered police worker Curtis Cheng on Friday.
More than 200 armed officers stormed four homes in Bursill St, Guildford; Lane St, Wentworthville; Lockwood Street, Merrylands; and Booth Street, Marsfield, at 6am.
It is believed at least one of the men picked up is an associate of terror suspect Omarjan Azari who was arrested during Operation Appleby.
At a lunchtime press conference, Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn confirmed all of the addresses targeted were the same as last year but denied police had taken their eye off the ball.
“We know some of the people we are now interested in are people that have come under notice previously in relation to Operation Appleby,” she said.
But it was a ‘sad reality’ that police couldn’t be everywhere at all time.
Today’s raids were a direct result of Friday’s murder out the front of police headquarters and had not been in the planning before the terror attack.
“This is a clear indication of our determination to actually find out who murdered Curtis Cheng and to take all necessary action that we possibly can,” she said.
“It’s a very, very serious concern that in the heart of our community there is attack planning that is under way and that may have led to what we saw on Friday.”
Cheng, a 58-year-old father of two, was shot dead at 4.30pm as he left Parramatta police HQ with a single bullet from a .38 Smith and Wesson that Jabar is now believed to have been given at the local mosque.
Federal police have thwarted a number of terror attacks across the country since September last year, AFP Acting Deputy Commissioner Neil Gaughan said.
“We have disrupted six attacks (and) we have a large number of persons of interest across the country and we have a large number of persons on the periphery of those investigations that we clearly cannot monitor 24/7,” he said.
“This is not just an issue for the NSW police and Australian Federal Police. This is an issue for every law enforcement agency in this country as well as all our intelligence communities.”
Ms Burn confirmed the teen gunman had not been in the sights of NSW Police ahead of the attack but said they were confident he had not acted alone.
“The 15-year-old deceased has not been a target of ours and is not somebody we would have assessed as a threat,” she said.
She refused to speculate on his motives.
The five people arrested today were located in:
* Wentworthville - Two brothers aged 16 and 18.
* Merrylands - Two men aged 22 and 24, one on an unrelated fraud charge.
* Marsfield - One 22-year-old man.
Karen Smith, 57, in Wentworthville, said she woke to the yells of counter terrorism officers at 5am.
“They were yelling — ‘there’s a warrant, don’t move, everyone get out, don’t resist’,” she said.
“They were taking people out one by one.”
She said of her neighbours: “I’ve never had any problem with them at all, the boys are always polite. I think it’s a real shame that the world has come to this.”
In Marsfield, Derek Archer, 52, lives opposite the house which was raided and woke up to the noise of the police raid.
“I just woke up to some large shouting similar to 12 months ago, just ‘get down, get down’,” he said.
“We didn’t open the door this time or anything like that, just had a look out the window.”
In Merrylands, a woman dressed in a pink chador lashed out at the media before entering the house raided by officers.
Later, eggs were thrown at reporters standing outside.
In Guildford, counter-terrorism detectives removed a number of large bags of evidence from the family home of terror suspect Azari.
Mark Morri, Janet Fife-Yeomans, Taylor Auerbach, Leigh van den Broeke, Sarah Crawford
The Daily Telegraph
October 7 2015
ALL of the homes raided by counter-terrorism officers today were also targeted during last September’s Operation Appleby, which was launched to investigate the plot to behead a member of the public in Sydney.
Five people were arrested at dawn in four separate raids in Sydney’s suburbs, including a 16-year-old schoolmate of Farhad Jabar, the teen terrorist who murdered police worker Curtis Cheng on Friday.
More than 200 armed officers stormed four homes in Bursill St, Guildford; Lane St, Wentworthville; Lockwood Street, Merrylands; and Booth Street, Marsfield, at 6am.
It is believed at least one of the men picked up is an associate of terror suspect Omarjan Azari who was arrested during Operation Appleby.
Statue of Virgin Mary smashed and desecrated at Maronite Christian Church in Sydney's Occupied Territories.
At a lunchtime press conference, Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn confirmed all of the addresses targeted were the same as last year but denied police had taken their eye off the ball.
“We know some of the people we are now interested in are people that have come under notice previously in relation to Operation Appleby,” she said.
But it was a ‘sad reality’ that police couldn’t be everywhere at all time.
Today’s raids were a direct result of Friday’s murder out the front of police headquarters and had not been in the planning before the terror attack.
“This is a clear indication of our determination to actually find out who murdered Curtis Cheng and to take all necessary action that we possibly can,” she said.
“It’s a very, very serious concern that in the heart of our community there is attack planning that is under way and that may have led to what we saw on Friday.”
Cheng, a 58-year-old father of two, was shot dead at 4.30pm as he left Parramatta police HQ with a single bullet from a .38 Smith and Wesson that Jabar is now believed to have been given at the local mosque.
Federal police have thwarted a number of terror attacks across the country since September last year, AFP Acting Deputy Commissioner Neil Gaughan said.
“We have disrupted six attacks (and) we have a large number of persons of interest across the country and we have a large number of persons on the periphery of those investigations that we clearly cannot monitor 24/7,” he said.
“This is not just an issue for the NSW police and Australian Federal Police. This is an issue for every law enforcement agency in this country as well as all our intelligence communities.”
Ms Burn confirmed the teen gunman had not been in the sights of NSW Police ahead of the attack but said they were confident he had not acted alone.
“The 15-year-old deceased has not been a target of ours and is not somebody we would have assessed as a threat,” she said.
She refused to speculate on his motives.
The five people arrested today were located in:
* Wentworthville - Two brothers aged 16 and 18.
* Merrylands - Two men aged 22 and 24, one on an unrelated fraud charge.
* Marsfield - One 22-year-old man.
Karen Smith, 57, in Wentworthville, said she woke to the yells of counter terrorism officers at 5am.
“They were yelling — ‘there’s a warrant, don’t move, everyone get out, don’t resist’,” she said.
“They were taking people out one by one.”
She said of her neighbours: “I’ve never had any problem with them at all, the boys are always polite. I think it’s a real shame that the world has come to this.”
In Marsfield, Derek Archer, 52, lives opposite the house which was raided and woke up to the noise of the police raid.
“I just woke up to some large shouting similar to 12 months ago, just ‘get down, get down’,” he said.
“We didn’t open the door this time or anything like that, just had a look out the window.”
In Merrylands, a woman dressed in a pink chador lashed out at the media before entering the house raided by officers.
Later, eggs were thrown at reporters standing outside.
In Guildford, counter-terrorism detectives removed a number of large bags of evidence from the family home of terror suspect Azari.
Sydney's Occupied Territories: Muslim attack Media and confront Police at Islamic Terror Raid House.
Eggs thrown at 9NEWS reporter as tensions flare outside Sydney home raided by police
October 7, 2015
A 9NEWS reporter has been pelted with eggs outside a Sydney home raided by counter-terrorism police today.
Two Merrylands men, aged 22 and 24, were arrested this morning during raids linked to the deadly shooting of NSW Police worker Curtis Cheng last week.
Journalist Natalia Cooper was filming a cross in front of the home when a series of eggs were hurled in her direction.
Cooper managed to avoid the projectiles, which were not thrown from the property where the arrested men lived.
It followed an earlier incident when a woman, believed to be a relative of the arrested men, clashed with media as she entered the home.
The woman snatched microphones and threatened reporters before police defused the situation.
Four men and a teenage boy were arrested in co-ordinated raids of four homes this morning.
The operation was linked to the murder of Mr Cheng by 15-year-old high school student Farhad Jabar outside police headquarters on Friday.
Jabar was later killed in a shootout with special constables.
October 7, 2015
A 9NEWS reporter has been pelted with eggs outside a Sydney home raided by counter-terrorism police today.
Two Merrylands men, aged 22 and 24, were arrested this morning during raids linked to the deadly shooting of NSW Police worker Curtis Cheng last week.
Journalist Natalia Cooper was filming a cross in front of the home when a series of eggs were hurled in her direction.
Cooper managed to avoid the projectiles, which were not thrown from the property where the arrested men lived.
It followed an earlier incident when a woman, believed to be a relative of the arrested men, clashed with media as she entered the home.
The woman snatched microphones and threatened reporters before police defused the situation.
Four men and a teenage boy were arrested in co-ordinated raids of four homes this morning.
The operation was linked to the murder of Mr Cheng by 15-year-old high school student Farhad Jabar outside police headquarters on Friday.
Jabar was later killed in a shootout with special constables.
Tuesday, October 06, 2015
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