An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Australia: Kevin Rudd “QUIETLY” asking Christian Churches to take in Illegal immigrants….

Radio 2GB’S Ray Hadley talks to opposition shadow immigration minister Scott Morrison about the avalanche of illegal entrants into Australia under the Rudd government
……………….It has been done before with the following (unintended ?) consequences.
 Muslim protest group in Brussels effectively preventing access of the Faithful to the Church of the Minimes, for all but the brave.

In the centre of Brussels, there is the beautiful Church of the Minimes . It contains a Chapel in the form of the Holy House of Loretto which was built at the same time as the Church. A house of low repute was demolished to make way for the Church and there used to be an inscription in the Church, "Where once stood a temple of Venus, now stands a shrine to Our Blessed Lady." But now can it be said?
"Where once stood a shrine to Our Blessed Lady, now stands a mosque".

The Chapel is now being desecrated by an occupation by a group of Kurds. They claim to be on hunger strike. Why choose a Catholic Church when there are so many other places in Belgium to protest? But is the Chapel now being used as a mosque?; the Vicariat of Brussels have neither confirmed nor denied this, despite several e-mails. The altar has been moved. The statue of Our Lady has been covered by a cloth in such a way that she is mostly hidden from the eyes of the occupants.
The entrance to the new mosque?

The Loretto Chapel is in the form of the house of the Annunciation and the childhood home of Jesus. The walls are painted in such a way as to give the illusion of life outside in Nazareth.
Taking a telephone call in this holy place
The other side of the Chapel showing the original artwork representing St Joseph's carpenters shop and Nazareth beyond.
Other supporters of the group use the Church as a meeting place

There is a track record of occupations of Belgian Churches by Muslim groups. The Beguinage Church, one witness alleged was "trashed". This is more than supported by its present state. The Church of the Holy Cross has been occupied. The Church of the Minimes was also occupied two years ago. Children were seen sitting in the priests' chairs in the sanctuary.
The Church authorities no longer defend the inheritance of the Churches. In the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a banner hangs bearing the name of Allah.
"Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved." St Peter on the Holy Name Acts 4:12
Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Our Lady
No penitent, even if he had wanted to, could have gone to confession here--a tea stand was placed in the way:
...where in this abominable sacrilege the Blessed Sacrament was still reserved in this not only NEGLECTED but now desecrated CHURCH
This obscured the HIGH ALTAR:
.... in front of the Blessed Sacrament (The Blessed Sacrament remains in the tabernacle!) and under the gaze of Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy and St Charles Borromeo, Father of the Clergy.
This is the Chapel to the left of the entrance
In the opposite chapel, a reception centre has been set up. The emblems behind are the coats of arms of all the prominent supporters of the Confraternity of Our Lady of Loretto, together with beautiful votive pictures
Here is St Anthony over the entrance to the Chapel of Our Lady of Loretto.

A tea urn at the entrance to the chapel.

Muslims are infamous for their destruction of Religious symbols and sacred sites
Josephs Tomb
Josephs Tomb before Muslim occupation
Josephs Tomb 2
Josephs Tomb after Muslim occupation
Josephs Tomb 3
Sydney Australia: Crucifixes, Bibles banned from Hospital Chapel " to avoid offending Muslims, Hindus or other non-Christian believers"
Indonesia: Christian Minister & Wife Hacked to Death in the land of the "Religion of Peace"

Quiet search for housing for asylum seekers

May 19, 2010
THE federal government is asking church groups for access to private properties to house asylum seekers spilling over from Christmas Island.
Immigration officials have spent recent weeks quietly phoning churches, asking them to nominate convents, monasteries and boarding houses where at
least 100 children and families might stay.
The government has already expanded Christmas Island detention centre and last month began moving people without visas to detention in Darwin and
Port Augusta.
Any extra accommodation is intended to supplement hotels and motels, such as the Palms International in Brisbane, which reportedly won a government
contract of more than $1 million to house asylum seekers.
The province leader of the Christian Brothers, Vince Duggan, confirmed the search for more accommodation on the mainland was under way. ''I know
approaches have been made to some bodies,'' the Brisbane cleric said. ''The request was made for 100 places.''
It is understood officials were making the calls as recently as last week, seeking places for families and unaccompanied minors, who sailed to Australia
without parents.
In Sydney, the Josephites' Sister Kathleen O'Connor was also aware of verbal requests from the Immigration Department. She said the government was
putting out feelers quietly to avoid further politicising refugee issues.
''It's done quietly,'' she said. ''[Asylum seekers have] just become this political football.''
More than 90 per cent of boat arrivals to Australia in 2009 were eventually found to be refugees. However, prolonged detention in faraway places
hampered their ability to settle into the community because of increased stress and exacerbated trauma, Sr O'Connor said.
According to the Immigration Department, efforts to quietly find more accommodation were part of ''prudent'' planning.
A spokesman reiterated the government policy pledging to keep children and families out of high-security detention centres.
''[The Department of Immigration and Citizenship] has been investigating a range of private properties around Australia - including some owned by
churches - as potential additional accommodation options for families and children should the need arise,'' he said.
''This may provide an alternative and more suitable accommodation option to the use of motels or serviced apartments.''
The Immigration Minister, Chris Evans, declined to comment.
The opposition said the government's failed policies had forced it into ''billeting'' asylum seekers. Its immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, said boat
arrivals were unaffected by the freeze on refugee claims from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.
''I have no doubt that Christian churches will respond generously, which is their nature,'' he said. ''But we have always had the view that offshore
processing should be universal and that is our preference.''
More than 120 unauthorised boats have arrived in Australia in the 30 months since the Rudd government came to power.
Mr Morrison said the Howard government first took children out of detention. There were facilities on Christmas Island to cater for families - but these
were now full.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

“The West has become irrational. By turning truth and lies, victim and aggressor, justice and injustice upside down, it cannot even recognise, let alone deal with, the threats being mounted to its own values and civilisation.”

Blind ideology is dancing on the grave of reason
Melanie Phillips  
The Australian
May 15, 2010
IN Britain, the benefits of diversity are apparently boundless. Now that the Pagan Police Association has received government recognition, police officers can take a string of pagan festivals as official holidays.

These include celebrating the festival of lactating sheep, and drinking mead and dancing naked to celebrate the harvest. In court, pagan officers will be allowed to pledge to tell the truth not before God but by what "they hold sacred", including, presumably, the Sun God or Kriss Kringle, the Germanic god of yule.

In Australia, as historian Keith Windschuttle has chronicled in his new book The Stolen Generations - volume three of his tireless evisceration of The Fabrication of Aboriginal History - the allegedly monstrous theft of 100,000 Aboriginal children by Australian officials just because they were Aboriginal never actually happened.

In the US, when a car bomb was planted recently in New York's Times Square by a man later revealed to be a Muslim trained in bomb-making in Pakistan's Waziristan region, there was an initial stampede to declare the attempted atrocity was unconnected to Islamic terrorism.
It was said to be most likely the work of a Tea Party member, right-wing militiaman or lone nut. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg even suggested the bomb could have been placed by "somebody with a political agenda who doesn't like the healthcare bill or something".

What has Britain come to when its police officers are given leave to dance about naked? How can generations of Australians have been taught the egregious falsehood of the Stolen Generations as fact? And how many times have Tea Party members or people opposed to a piece of legislation tried to commit mass murder against their fellow Americans, compared with the number of recent attempts by Muslim terrorists?

Such intellectual perversity can be understood only in the context of a far wider and profound retreat from reason throughout the West.
Across a broad range of issues, the progressive intelligentsia appears to have junked the rules of evidence, objectivity and rationality in favour of fantasy, irrationality and upside-down thinking.
Take man-made global warming, for example.
The belief that the planet is on course for carbon Armageddon is now embedded in Western politics. Yet the evidence that the climate is warming to an unprecedented and catastrophic degree just isn't there. The seas are not rising, the ice is not shrinking, the polar bears are not vanishing, and there has been no significant climate warming since 1995.

Or take the Middle East. Israel is the victim of six decades of exterminatory aggression from the Arab and Muslim world. Yet it is Israel that is expected to make concessions to its attackers, who are said by the West to deserve a state of their own. Meanwhile, the US extends its hand of friendship to Iran, which is building a nuclear bomb to commit another Jewish genocide.

Closer to home, "minority rights" mean activities previously marginalised or considered transgressive are now privileged through "family lifestyle choice" or multiculturalism.
Dissenters from these creeds are socially and professionally ostracised. Academics are hounded as racists for upholding the true historic origins of Western civilisation. Scientists sceptical of man-made global warming find funding is withheld. And those sounding the alarm about the true scope of the Islamic jihad are demonised as warmongering neo-cons or part of a Jewish conspiracy.

Such irrationality, intolerance and, indeed, bigotry run counter to the cardinal tenets of a free society based on reason and the toleration of dissent.
This is because these dominant ideas are all rooted in ideologies: environmentalism, anti-racism, anti-Americanism, anti-imperialism, anti-Zionism, egalitarianism or scientism, the belief that scientific materialism alone explains everything.

Rather than going where the evidence leads, ideology wrenches the evidence to fit a prior idea. Not only is ideology inimical to reason, it sacrifices truth to power as it attacks those who try to uphold reality in the face of dogma.

This is because the progressive mindset believes it is synonymous with virtue itself. All opposition is therefore not just wrong but evil. Since progressives also believe anyone who opposes them is a right-winger, it follows that all dissent is right-wing and evil, and so must be shut down.
In other words, these are not propositions to be debated in a rational way but are seen as self-evident truths with the infallibility of religious dogma.

They also smack of the political totalitarianism of communism and fascism, as well as resembling, ironically, the fanatical doctrines of militant Islam. Curiously, they also display religious motifs of sin, guilt and salvation. Odder still, they all exhibit features of millenarianism: the religious belief in the perfectibility of life through the collective redemption of sin. Contemporary secular ideologies identify the sins committed by humanity - oppression of the people of developing nations, despoliation of nature, bigotry, poverty, war - and offer salvation by a return to righteousness.

Thus the greens believe they will save the planet. The leftists believe they will create the brotherhood of man. The anti-Zionists believe they will turn suicide bomb-belts into cucumber frames. The atheists believe they will create the Garden of Reason. And the Islamists believe they
will create the kingdom of God on earth.
Dissenters are dismissed because they deny the unchallengeable truths of anti-imperialism, environmentalism and scientific materialism. The explanation for the frustration of Utopia must therefore lie in conspiracies by the neo-cons or the Jews, Big Oil or the creationists.

The result is not merely that the West has become irrational. By turning truth and lies, victim and aggressor, justice and injustice upside down, it cannot even recognise, let alone deal with, the threats being mounted to its own values and civilisation.
With ideology eroding the principles of rationality and freedom, truth and justice on which it rests, the West is failing to understand what it is that it cannot understand, and so cannot grasp the mortal danger in which it stands.

The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power by Melanie Phillips is published by Encounter, New York.

Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete


Access Denied Pt 1.

“The idea that the Internet is this scary place that parents don't understand, that everybody needs protection from, isn't a view that's held by most of society.

What it actually is, is a scary place that politicians don't understand, that politicians need protection from and that's why we're having this debate now.”

Access Denied Pt.2


comrade rudd

Beijing’s highest ranking official in Australia, Australian Prime Minister Lu Kewen, aka. Kevin Rudd.

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: Trevor Kelway on the EDL Website Shutdown
Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation
Update on Rudd's internet censorship laws
Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party


The Washington Times

U.N. group seeks control of Internet
By John Zarocostas


Published November 18, 2003
GENEVA -- Governments spearheaded by China, Brazil, India, Russia and Saudi Arabia are trying to place the Internet under the control of the United Nations or its member governments, a move that the United States and other developed countries are determined to resist.

The issue has cropped up in preparatory talks for a world summit on the information society to be held from Dec. 10 to 12 in Geneva, with the stated goal of advancing the management and worldwide use of the Internet, especially in poorer nations.
Delegates from rich and developing nations remained divided on the matter at the end of the latest round of talks on Friday, senior diplomats said.

"We will continue to fight hard to ensure that Internet governance remains a balanced enterprise among all stakeholders and continues to be private-sector-led," said the chief of the U.S. delegation, Ambassador David A. Gross.
Pierre Gagne, executive director of the world summit, earlier identified control of the Internet as one of two key issues in the talks, adding that control and financial issues "will probably be the last issues to be resolved" at the summit.
Many developing countries argue that governments need to play a greater role in managing and setting policy for the Internet, while the United States, the European Union and Japan, among others, say government interference could stifle the development of the dynamic medium.
The Internet, at present, is loosely managed by a private organization in California named the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which coordinates such matters as Internet servers and domain names.
Countries with developing and emerging economies would like to hand over that authority to a U.N. agency, such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
The Internet medium is too important to be left in the hands of one major power, some argue, and others say problems such as cybercrime and protection of intellectual property rights require greater government involvement.
Yoshio Utsumi, secretary-general of the ITU, which will host the December summit, said in an interview that Brazil is "a very strong advocate" of his agency taking over the Internet.
China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Senegal and many other African countries were also "keen" for the United Nations to have a role, he said.
But, he said, the differences of opinion were "too big" to be settled before the delegates meet in Geneva next month. Other diplomats said there might be no decision even then.
The summit also will deal with questions such as how to block the spread of viruses, prevent unwanted "spam" and prevent the use of the medium for criminal purposes such as identity theft, Western officials said.
Russia has proposed that the final declaration address Internet security in both "civil and security fields," but many countries fear that any reference to military security could limit freedom of expression, Mr. Utsumi said.
There also is pressure for a strong statement in support of free expression on the Internet but sources said that is being resisted by China and other countries that want to maintain strong oversight of the medium.
Nitin Desai, special adviser to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, said the core purpose of the summit is to establish a common vision for the information society, to utilize new technologies to overcome poverty and to find ways to make Internet access affordable to all.
The president of Senegal has proposed the creation of a "global digital solidarity fund" to help poor countries establish Internet access. The ITU estimates that fewer than 1 percent of low-income country residents are Internet subscribers.
The United States and other industrialized countries say the existing mechanisms are sufficient and argue that funding a new international bureaucracy would not be an effective way to spread information technology.
Poor countries would be better served by establishing an environment in which the private sector would develop the needed infrastructure, the industrialized countries say.


Afghanistani “Polyanna” gets reality check after going “home”




Australia’s useful idiots support Burqa,Islamic insurgent to be deported

Ban the Burqa

Apologies for throwing a spanner into the Islamic victim hood narrative here, but neither "Islam" or "Muslim" are races of people. Islam is a belief system and its followers are called Muslims (amongst many other things)
This is a simple security issue,trying to protect terrorists by elevating their political and "religious" beliefs to a "race" of people has worked so far and has enabled these self declared Islamic / Muslim Killers/Terrorists/ "man made disaster makers" to get away with anything they choose in the knowledge that they have an army of apologist and spin doctors in the Multicultural Industry, salivating over the opportunity to defend their vile actions and intent.

Belgium the Brave

Australia:Fred Nile calls for Burqa Ban.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Fall of Greece, oops sorry what am I saying, the Liberation of Greece.


Greece laid low by its decadence


May 17, 2010

On Wednesday the bill comes due for Greece, and Greece can't pay. Instead, it is going to take Europe down to its level, to an economy that has been kept afloat for years by blackmail, self-delusion and other people's money.

The metaphor for the decadence of modern Greece was years in the making but took shape on May 5, on Stadiou Street in the commercial district of Athens. Yet another mass strike by unionists and anarchists was making its way through the city. Three hooded men spun off from the march and began using hammers and rocks to smash the front window of the Marfin Egnatia Bank. After breaking the windows, and despite shouted warnings that there were people inside, the men lobbed several petrol bombs inside. Flames and smoke quickly engulfed the three-storey building.

Enter the Cavalry to save the day. 

Upstairs, in her second-floor office, Paraskevi Zoulia, 34, known to her friends as Vivi, was at her desk. She was engaged to be married, and had been planning her wedding. She died of burns and smoke inhalation. A second young woman, Angeliki Papathanasopoulou, 32, who was four months pregnant, tried to escape the fire by climbing onto a balcony. She did not make it. A third co-worker, a young man, Epaminondas Tsalkis, 36, was found in a stairwell, asphyxiated by smoke.

What happened next was just as disturbing. When fire and ambulance crews attempted to respond, they were hampered by demonstrators protesting against cuts to public sector pay packages. People were still shouting anti-capitalist slogans outside the bank even after the fire bombing.

As the bank's chairman, Andreas Vgenopoulos, arrived at the scene soon after the attack, he was greeted by shouts of "murderer". One of the demonstrators shouted: "How many yachts do you own?" Police surrounded Vgenopoulos to protect him from the crowd. A video shows a man trying to break through the cordon to attack Vgenopoulos. The activist was bundled away by police in riot gear.

In response to the incident, the Greek Federation of Bank Employees' Unions issued a statement blaming the bank for the deaths, citing inadequate safety measures. The federation called for strike action, even accusing the government of complicity: ''This tragic event that took the life of three of our colleagues, two women and a man, is the sad consequence of anti-popular [government] measures that whipped up popular anger."

This absurd logic was then parroted on the hard-left websites. Typical was this tortured reasoning: ''Bank branches have been a regular target for protesters in the streets of Athens for years; for this reason, banks are boarded up on demonstration days. To lock up employees in a bank branch lying on the route of the biggest demonstration the country has seen in its post-dictatorial era is murderous negligence.''

The union front for the Communist Party, PAME, also blamed the government for the tragedy and called for a blockade of Parliament. It described the decision to endanger the workers by not closing the bank as a provocative act designed to ''demoralise the working class movement''.

This is the depravity of modern Greece, where political street intimidation is routine and public debt is larger than the nation's gross national product. This debt has been used to pay the bribes demanded by the militants, to pay for a giant public sector that Greece cannot afford, and whose workers expect a generous pension from the age of 58. Finally, this collective madness reached crisis point. Many people have blood on their hands in today's Greece. Violent demonstrations are commonplace. Deceit is endemic. Tax avoidance is the national sport. The public sector is bloated and strike-ridden. The government is bankrupt. The nation is deluded. The Greeks lied to get into the European currency union, then spent like fools once they gained admission.

With Wednesday's multimillion debt deadline looming for Greece, instead of allowing the country to default on its loans and accept reality, and for the euro-zone banks who lent so recklessly to absorb the consequences, the Greek cancer has been allowed to spread into the entire system of the European currency union. The European Central Bank, in concert with other agencies, has agreed to provide more than a trillion dollars (€750 million) of more debt to prop up the euro-zone banking system.

This is an enormous gamble, imposed by the political elite and technocratic class in Brussels, the headquarters of the European Union. At a stroke, this financial accord has significantly changed and enlarged the nature of the European Union, which will now issue bonds that carry Europe's AAA rating, to prop up nations in severe financial stress.

The bailout is designed to protect the euro-zone banking system, which is even more leveraged than the American banks were going into the global financial crisis in 2008. That crisis, unlike this one, was caused by the convergence of the excesses of casino capitalism, and the US government's meddling in diluting the bank lending standards. It was a disastrous combination.

Europe is largely burdened by a different disastrous convergence: a welfare system it can't sustain, excessive speculative lending by banks and, until last week, an inert European Central Bank. So the European Union has, de facto, extended its power into the banking system to save a currency union that is fractured in all but name.

No one knows how this will unfold. The euro zone has a tectonic fault-line between the Teutonic north and the Mediterranean south. The German people, the ultimate lenders of last resort for all this economic excess, may revolt under the burden. As they should. My guess is that this massive gamble will ultimately fail.


Technorati Tags:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Australia: Lu Kewen’s (aka. Kevin Rudd’s) Multicultural Zoo erupts.


Up to 30 asylum seekers in brawl

Daily Telegraph
May 15, 2010

THREE people have been taken to hospital after up to 30 teenage asylum seekers brawled at a Melbourne accommodation centre.

The fight broke out at the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation facility in Broadmeadows at 9.30pm (AEST) on Friday after an argument between two groups got out of control.

A Department of Immigration spokesperson said staff had the brawl under control before police arrived.

Two teenagers who suffered cuts to their upper bodies have been released from hospital. Another is waiting to be treated.

The facility houses family groups and unaccompanied minors.

Police are investigating the incident while the private contractor which runs the centre, Serco, is also investigating.

The immigration department says the facility, which holds 50 people, remains calm.

The spokesperson would not reveal the nationalities of the teenagers in the brawl.

Lu Kewen’s latest shipment of imported Labor voters,life long Social Security recepients and Muslim colonialists, should know better,after all they are predominantly members of the “Religion of Peace” and as such should at least wait until they are let loose on the Australian community by Lu Kewen and his Union funded Australian Labor Party, before they start spreading their version of “Peace” aka. Gang Rape of “Aussie Pigs and Sluts”,Drug importation and distribution,Motor Vehicle theft and rebirthing, kneecappings, stabbings, home invasions,armed hold ups,common assaults, Social Security fraud and anything else the “Religion of Peace” and its Australian Labor Party,Multicultural Industry apologists throughout Australia, give them permission to engage in, in the name of all cultures, Religions, belief’s, value systems are equal.

Australia: Alan Jones interviews Janet Levy on her American Thinker article, The Narrative of Defeat.


The Narrative of Defeat

By Janet Levy
American Thinker
May 09, 2010

It is now life-threatening to criticize or mock Islam in the United States of America. The creators of South Park, Viacom, and anyone associated with the production of a recent episode portraying Mohammed in a bear suit would have potentially risked life and limb if they had broadcast the original cartoon sketch. In a manner eerily reminiscent of the Danish cartoon jihad, a Brooklyn-based Muslim group called Revolution Muslim posted a threat to South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker for their "outright insult" to the prophet.

"We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid, and they will probably end up like Theo van Gogh for airing this show," read the post. Theo Van Gogh was the Dutch filmmaker who was murdered by a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim for producing the film Submission, critical of the treatment of women in Islam. Like Salman Rushdie, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, and targeted infidels before them, life would have been reduced to an unending fielding of threats and the heavily guarded jockeying between safe houses for those associated with South Park if the episode had aired unaltered.

Alan Jones Janet Levy, Radio 2gb Sydney May 14 2010

The incident underscores the unceasing efforts by Islam to silence opposition and criticism in order to advance the establishment of a worldwide caliphate under Shari'ah law. Despite incidents like these, we in the West continue to react to Islam as if it were merely another variety of religious faith. Descriptions of Islam as a "religion of peace" and as "one of the three Abrahamic faiths" proliferate, obfuscating the need for further study and shielding the immutable, intolerant, militant, murderous doctrine from discovery. Although it's been almost nine years since 9/11, the level of knowledge and understanding of Islam is staggeringly low among the general population, let alone those sworn to protect us -- our military and intelligence services. At a time when the Western world should be intimately familiar with the concepts of jihad and dhimmitude, as well as the provisos of Shari'ah law, we are lulled back to sleep with platitudes of peaceful coexistence and shamed with charges of "Islamophobia" if we question the motives, demands, or practices of adherents to the Muslim faith.

Quite illogically -- given the sequence of events from 9/11 forward -- the very act of exhibiting fear or suspicion of Muslims is dubbed a "phobia" -- an irrational fear. This, after nineteen Muslims hijacked planes and flew them into buildings, exacting massive carnage in the name of their god, and afterward, their coreligionists feted the deed. The carnage has continued nonstop since then in other countries. In 2002, Muslim jihadists set off three bombs in Bali, killing over 200 people and wounding 240. In 2004, Islamic practitioners orchestrated a series of coordinated attacks against Madrid's commuter train system,  claiming 200 lives and injuring 1,800. The following year, suicide attacks in London's public transportation system during the morning rush hour resulted in 52 deaths and 700 wounded. In 2008, Muslim terrorists held India's most populous city hostage for three days with a string of more than ten shootings and bombings at a hospital, cinema, college, and Jewish center that left 175 dead and over 300 injured. These are just a few examples among hundreds of recent attacks by Muslims worldwide.

Yet we in America shrink from charges of Islamophobia and fail to acknowledge our righteous apprehension of unthinkable acts of evil in the name of a vengeful and certainly not peaceful god. We allow ourselves to be censured and plead guilty as charged of Islamophobia for scrutinizing the activities of Muslims and placing blame on the canons of Islam. The joy and celebration from Muslims across the world following the mass slaughter and destruction of 9/11 should have put us over the edge and strengthened our resolve to eradicate followers of this deadly belief system. Instead, we exhibit suicidal insanity in our failure and unwillingness to connect the dots of Islam, jihad, and Shari'ah. We dither, apologize to the enemy, and shrink from rightful condemnations of their holy books, their religious practices, and their legal code.

No other religion on earth exists with a holy book dominated by hatred toward non-believers. The Islamic trilogy -- the Koran, the Sira (or biography of Mohammed), and the Hadith (the words and deeds of Mohammed) -- requires jihad, the killing of infidels, as the highest form of devotion to Allah. Islam is a theo-political-legal doctrine whose primary focus is not on the "goodness" of Muslims, but on others -- evildoers who do not share the Islamic belief system. Certainly the Old and New Testaments offer their fair share of brutal passages, but the practices described within those passages haven't been in evidence for centuries. The brutal practices contained within Shari'ah law are practiced today throughout the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds, even in the United States.

Christians suffer through confession and acts of repentance for untoward acts that hurt others. Christians aspire to exemplary kindness and service to their fellow man for the privilege of escaping a hellfire-filled afterlife. Jihadists are awarded a guaranteed place in heaven and the promise of great reward for the holy act of murdering those who don't believe. While Jews practice "tikkun olam" -- repairing the world -- and perform "mitzvoth," or good deeds, devout Muslims pray to Allah for inanimate objects like rocks and trees to alert them to the presence of dastardly Jews. They pray, "O Muslim there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." Muslim world leaders and clerics routinely call for the death of non-Muslims. Has anyone ever heard a Western prime minister, president, rabbi, or priest call for the annihilation of a country or for the destruction of practitioners of other religions?

The Koran contains over four thousand verses of enmity toward non-believers. Over 63% of the Koran instructs Muslims to hate and avoid any association with non-Muslims. It teaches that non-Muslims should be held in contempt, killed, beheaded, humiliated, raped, enslaved, converted, or forced to pay the jizya or dhimmi tax. Eighty-five percent of the Sira -- the biography of Mohammed, the ideal man or moral icon for Muslims -- has to do with his battles against kuffars, or non-believers. This is a far cry from "Jesus died for your sins." Islamic teachings laud and require lying and deception, "taquiya," to advance the "ummah," or Islamic community. While Jews and Christians honor the Golden Rule, turn the other cheek and practice tolerance and inclusiveness, Muslims learn how to fight the Dar al-Harb, the infidel world of war, and practice the artistry of duplicity not only with impunity, but also with the highest praises from their god.

Let's not lull ourselves into complacency by citing that out of 1.57 billion Muslims worldwide, many are secular or have little knowledge of Islam. Although this may be true, that still leaves, conservatively, 10% to 15% (upwards of 235 million) of devout Muslims or jihadists who fit the description of submissive and intimidated, witting or unwitting enablers. As Mark Steyn astutely observed in America Alone, a "dominant minority" is the sole requirement for global jihad to take hold. In Mumbai, the carnage wreaked was caused by just ten people over three days. Nineteen hijackers were able to commandeer four passenger planes and murder three thousand Americans on 9/11. It doesn't take huge numbers to institute evil. In Nazi Germany, Hitler didn't win popular support in the country, but he pushed through his genocidal agenda as a passive, fearful populace looked on.

In our free society with a tradition of openly criticizing everything, even the sacred, it has now somehow become unacceptable to criticize Islam and the heinous actions of many of its practitioners. Yet it is perfectly acceptable to criticize Christianity, Judaism, or any other religion, for that matter. In 1989, "Piss Christ," an offensive photograph of a plastic crucifix submerged in a container of urine, was prominently displayed at a museum and won a U.S. government-funded award. While members of Congress and clerics condemned the sculpture in the media, the most egregious responses were from a museum patron who attempted to dislodge the photograph from the museum wall and a pair of teenagers who attacked it with a hammer. By comparison, in 2005, when editorial cartoons depicting Mohammed were published in a Danish newspaper, the Muslim world erupted into violence that claimed over one hundred lives and destroyed property worldwide, including four Danish embassies. Instead of reinforcing the Western value of free expression and severely punishing the actions of destructive Muslims, Westerners apologized for giving offense, censored the display of the cartoons, and cautiously monitored any future examination or critique of Islam.

Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna said,  "It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated; to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet." The work of the Muslim Brotherhood in America is "a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions."

It is now five minutes to midnight in the global jihad that endeavors to destroy us and establish a worldwide caliphate under Shari'ah law. Instead of standing our ground and asserting the supremacy of our values, our fear and submissiveness have taken root to hasten our defeat. Will we wake up and face the enemy head-on before it is too late and all is lost?

 Dangerous Racists

Australia:Fred Nile calls for Burqa Ban.


 Islam means peace      Burkah killer 

Right says Fred Nile, ban the burqa

By Gemma Jones
The Daily Telegraph
May 14, 2010

THE Reverend Fred Nile will introduce a Bill to parliament calling for a ban on the Islamic burqa head and body veil.

The Christian Democrats MP wants NSW to follow France and other European countries, which have moved to ban women from wearing the full head and body covering in public.

But Muslim leaders yesterday said it was inappropriate for a man to tell a woman to remove clothing.

The private member's Bill will likely be introduced next Thursday.

"We should establish that in Australia we are an open society, that people don't cover up their faces. If they are involved in criminal activity they do," Mr Nile said yesterday.

"They do it with the burqa, it is not part of our culture and tradition."

Copy of 14 5 2010 Right says Fred Nile, ban the burqa

Fred Nile says this image doesn't fit Australian values

Muslim spokesman Keysar Trad attacked the proposed law, and said it was an attack on women's freedom.

"Muslim women will be disgusted, especially that a man who is supposedly a man of God is telling them to remove items of clothing and telling them how to dress," he said. "While I don't advocate the face cover, I will defend the rights of any Muslim woman who wishes to wear it and if she doesn't choose to wear it, I defend her as well."

Mr Nile asked the State Government to ban the burqa eight years ago in a move that sparked a furore at the time.

But his private member's Bill will almost certainly not succeed because he lacks the required numbers.

Opposition spokeswoman for women Pru Goward said society was split but the burqa did not fit with her view of women's rights in the same way as the overt sexualisation of women at the opposite end of the spectrum.

"It is very difficult ... everyone has the choice to dress the way they want to. The question is are they dressing like that because they have to or because they feel they have to? You can't answer that question," she said.

Mr Nile told parliament on Wednesday night there were also security fears as terrorists in the Middle East and Russia had launched attacks while concealing their identity under a burqa.

Belgium the Brave

Friday, April 30, 2010

U.N. Elects Iran to Commission on Women's Rights



 Iran’s,Islam’s Sociopath In Chief,President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, appointed to UN’s Gabfest on Wimmin’s Rights 

This Islamic Sociopath believes that there is a thing called the “Mahadi’ living down a well somewhere in Iran and that his only responsibility to Iran is to prepare for this things coming.

One of his Religious and all things Scientific advisors believes, that the recent spat of Earthquakes were,and are, caused by Women,who dress immodestly.

What better Islamic Sociopath for the United Nations to appoint to a committee to proscribe Women’s (Wimmins?) Rights.

Will Women be permitted to attend funerals now that this UN and Hussein Obama like thinker,Darling’s ideology is now deciding what is good for Women ? Or will he maintain the Islamic status quo and agree that women are Filthy and they should not attend Funerals ?

This Iranian recently sought to disagree with Hussein Obama and the UN’s pin up boy, she took to the streets to demonstrate with thousands of other Iranians, she was spared the Gang Rape by her prison guards prior to her execution, she was mercifully shot through the head on the street and died in the arms of those who loved her and like her were rejecting the Godless Savagery of the Islamic Republic of Iran.



More about Neda at Atlas Shrugs




Belgium the Brave


Now how about the rest of those who subscribe to “freedom and civilization”, start “walking the walk”


Australia, UK: United Nations, aka. International Socialism’s agenda EXPOSED.


Thought police muscle up in Britain

Hal G. P. Colebatch
The Australian
April 21, 2009

BRITAIN appears to be evolving into the first modern soft totalitarian state. As a sometime teacher of political science and international law, I do not use the term totalitarian loosely.

There are no concentration camps or gulags but there are thought police with unprecedented powers to dictate ways of thinking and sniff out heresy, and there can be harsh punishments for dissent.

Nikolai Bukharin claimed one of the Bolshevik Revolution's principal tasks was "to alter people's actual psychology". Britain is not Bolshevik, but a campaign to alter people's psychology and create a new Homo britannicus is under way without even a fig leaf of disguise.

The Government is pushing ahead with legislation that will criminalise politically incorrect jokes, with a maximum punishment of up to seven years' prison. The House of Lords tried to insert a free-speech amendment, but Justice Secretary Jack Straw knocked it out. It was Straw who previously called for a redefinition of Englishness and suggested the "global baggage of empire" was linked to soccer violence by "racist and xenophobic white males". He claimed the English "propensity for violence" was used to subjugate Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and that the English as a race were "potentially very aggressive".

In the past 10 years I have collected reports of many instances of draconian punishments, including the arrest and criminal prosecution of children, for thought-crimes and offences against political correctness.

Countryside Restoration Trust chairman and columnist Robin Page said at a rally against the Government's anti-hunting laws in Gloucestershire in 2002: "If you are a black vegetarian Muslim asylum-seeking one-legged lesbian lorry driver, I want the same rights as you." Page was arrested, and after four months he received a letter saying no charges would be pressed, but that: "If further evidence comes to our attention whereby your involvement is implicated, we will seek to initiate proceedings." It took him five years to clear his name.

Page was at least an adult. In September 2006, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, Codie Stott, asked a teacher if she could sit with another group to do a science project as all the girls with her spoke only Urdu. The teacher's first response, according to Stott, was to scream at her: "It's racist, you're going to get done by the police!" Upset and terrified, the schoolgirl went outside to calm down. The teacher called the police and a few days later, presumably after officialdom had thought the matter over, she was arrested and taken to a police station, where she was fingerprinted and photographed. According to her mother, she was placed in a bare cell for 3 1/2 hours. She was questioned on suspicion of committing a racial public order offence and then released without charge. The school was said to be investigating what further action to take, not against the teacher, but against Stott. Headmaster Anthony Edkins reportedly said: "An allegation of a serious nature was made concerning a racially motivated remark. We aim to ensure a caring and tolerant attitude towards pupils of all ethnic backgrounds and will not stand for racism in any form."

A 10-year-old child was arrested and brought before a judge, for having allegedly called an 11-year-old boya "Paki" and "bin Laden" during a playground argument at a primary school (the other boy had called him a skunk and a Teletubby). When it reached the court the case had cost taxpayers pound stg. 25,000. The accused was so distressed that he had stopped attending school. The judge, Jonathan Finestein, said: "Have we really got to the stage where we are prosecuting 10-year-old boys because of political correctness? There are major crimes out there and the police don't bother to prosecute. This is nonsense."

Finestein was fiercely attacked by teaching union leaders, as in those witch-hunt trials where any who spoke in defence of an accused or pointed to defects in the prosecution were immediately targeted as witches and candidates for burning.

Hate-crime police investigated Basil Brush, a puppet fox on children's television, who had made a joke about Gypsies. The BBC confessed that Brush had behaved inappropriately and assured police that the episode would be banned.

A bishop was warned by the police for not having done enough to "celebrate diversity", the enforcing of which is now apparently a police function. A Christian home for retired clergy and religious workers lost a grant because it would not reveal to official snoopers how many of the residents were homosexual. That they had never been asked was taken as evidence of homophobia.

Muslim parents who objected to young children being given books advocating same-sex marriage and adoption at one school last year had their wishes respected and the offending material withdrawn. This year, Muslim and Christian parents at another school objecting to the same material have not only had their objections ignored but have been threatened with prosecution if they withdraw their children.

There have been innumerable cases in recent months of people in schools, hospitals and other institutions losing their jobs because of various religious scruples, often, as in the East Germany of yore, not shouted fanatically from the rooftops but betrayed in private conversations and reported to authorities. The crime of one nurse was to offer to pray for a patient, who did not complain but merely mentioned the matter to another nurse. A primary school receptionist, Jennie Cain, whose five-year-old daughter was told off for talking about Jesus in class, faces the sack for seeking support from her church. A private email from her to other members of the church asking for prayers fell into the hands of school authorities.

Permissiveness as well as draconianism can be deployed to destroy socially accepted norms and values. The Royal Navy, for instance, has installed a satanist chapel in a warship to accommodate the proclivities of a satanist crew member. "What would Nelson have said?" is a British newspaper cliche about navy scandals, but in this case seems a legitimate question. Satanist paraphernalia is also supplied to prison inmates who need it.

This campaign seems to come from unelected or quasi-governmental bodies controlling various institutions, which are more or less unanswerable to electors, more than it does directly from the Government, although the Government helps drive it and condones it in a fudged and deniable manner.

Any one of these incidents might be dismissed as an aberration, but taken together - and I have only mentioned a tiny sample; more are reported almost every day - they add up to a pretty clear picture.

Hal G. P. Colebatch's Blair's Britain was chosen as a book of the year by The Spectator in 1999.

Australia… New Strategies


Labor’s Paedophiles of the Mind

Students being directed to pro-asylum seeker websites in new campaign

John Masanauskas
Herald Sun
April 28, 2010

EDUCATION Minister Julia Gillard has urged schools to teach a "balanced'' curriculum after Victorian students were directed to a pro-asylum seeker website and encouraged to create political campaigns in a new multicultural agenda for state schools.

A resource kit urges students to design slogans, badges, bumper stickers and posters for display in classrooms and to question terms such as "boat people", "queue jumpers" and "illegals".

It also says schools should display welcome signs in different languages, become involved in events like National Sorry Day and Refugee Week, and invites students to spend quiet time meditating on their core beliefs and values.

Ms Gillard says a new national curriculum is under consideration and schools should be encouraging their students to learn every side of each story.

"We want to see people getting balanced information,'' she said.

"Thinking their way through, discussing questions - that's the journey of education ... We would expect them to be debating and to (be) looking at all sides of any proposition.''

Ms Gillard said research projects should be designed for students to draw their own conclusions on major issues.

"If you set a research project for students, you'd obviously want them to go to all potential sources of information. You'd want them to have the skills to evaluate the sources of information,'' she said.

The program, dubbed All of Us - Multicultural Perspectives in Victorian Schools, was devised by the Victorian Multicultural Commission and is endorsed by high-profile citizens including Governor David de Kretser.

The kit is part of a Brumby Government policy that calls for cultural diversity to be integrated into the curriculum rather than just experienced through dress-up days and food festivals.

The Education Department resource kit recommends that secondary students go to websites such as A Just Australia for myths and facts about asylum seekers.

AJA is a refugee lobby group founded by Left-wing broadcaster Phillip Adams that does not support mandatory detention of asylum seekers.

Students are asked to show support for refugees by writing personal action plans and to "brainstorm" ideas that could be taken up by the school council.

Swinburne University sociologist Dr Katherine Betts said the kit seemed biased.

"This is rather heavy duty stuff for school children and I'd worry that they would be in a position to evaluate the arguments that they're being exposed to," she said. "It's surprising that they're not being directed to alternative sources of information."

Liberal education spokesman Martin Dixon said the policy showed how out of touch the Government was on mainstream issues.

"Teachers and students are only being encouraged to explore one side of the refugee/illegal immigrant debate," he said. "It's not encouraging students to bring an open mind to the debate, it's guiding their thoughts towards what the Education Department says."

But Education Minister Bronwyn Pike said: "It is appalling that the Liberal Party want to stop Victorian students from learning about cultural diversity."


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