An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Australia : Video News,Illegal entrants bury their dead and what they think of Australia, well at least what one group thinks of Australia.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Muslim illegal entrant advocate comes clean and acknowledges former Australian PM John Howard STOPPED THE BOATS

........"Mr John Howard has stopped the boats at his time,i don't know why did they allow them
again back again,either if you stop them,if you don't want either you stop the boats,or if you want them
and you let them come you have to accept them"
Illegal entrant and Muslim illegal entrant spokesman Mohummed Alfagi, Cousin of asylum boat crash victims.

The Media reports on the Funerals of Illegal entrants who tragically drowned two months ago whilst illegally entering Australian waters

How two groups of survivors and family react to the SAME tragedy.

Is it just me ? Stop ALL Muslim immigration into Australia NOW!!!
NON Muslims ONLY Please

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Australians sleep under the stars as the Labor Green Independent Union funded Socialist minority Government spends $60,000 a NIGHT to house illegal immigrants in HOTELS


Asylum seekers' $2.5 million hotel bill

EXCLUSIVE by Simon Benson
The Daily Telegraph

February 15, 2011

A HOTEL bill of almost $2.5 million a month is being racked up by the Federal Government to house some 500 asylum seekers outside detention centres as it struggles to find a solution to the record number of boat arrivals.

The Department of Immigration has admitted paying $60,000 a night in November last year to house up to 188 people, mainly families, a total bill of almost $800,000, for a fortnight's accommodation at Darwin's Airport Lodge.

The figures reveal that, based on the leases the Government had in place at the end of 2010, the average cost across motels, hotels and guest houses around the country was $2.36 million a month.

The Government had previously refused to reveal the true cost of its alternative accommodation policy to house families and unaccompanied minors outside detention camps - claiming the contracts with hotels were commercial-in-confidence.

During one 13 day period - from November 10 to November 23, 2010 - the cost of accommodation at the Darwin Airport Lodge was $778,000, including GST.

The cost of flights to and from Christmas Island to bring detainees to the mainland also topped $12 million last year, for an average of $145,000 per charter for 83 flights.

Only last week the Government revealed it would need an extra $290 million this year to cover the rising costs.

"They have a financial crisis on asylum seekers of their own making," Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said.

"This is a government paying five-star rates for roadside motel accommodation."

According to the documents, as at October 2010 there were eight motels, hotels or commercial accommodations housing a total of 461 asylum seekers, who the department refer to as irregular maritime arrivals or IMAs.

Refugee advocates claim that the perception that IMAs were enjoying a luxurious life by being housed in motels was ridiculous when some of the accommodation was no grander than a demountable camp. The majority of those in motels were families who were forced to live in small rooms with children for periods of up to six months with no cooking facilities.

The number of asylum seekers arriving by boat from war-torn regions abroad is at a record high, now total- ling 6200.

A spokesman for Immigration Minister Chris Bowen defended the cost of alternative accommodation, which was a humanitarian obligation to ensure families and children did not have to experience high security detention centres. "Immigration detention is expensive - whether it's onshore or offshore," the spokesman said.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

QANTAS The Safest and Greatest Airline in the World. The Hero’s of Flight QF 32

Qantas 'hero' pilot retains faith in A380
Daily Telegraph
February 13, 2011
THE pilot of last November's Airbus flight from Singapore, in which the engine exploded, has declared the Qantas A380 aircraft "absolutely" safe.
Richard de Crespigny managed to land the aircraft after the engine exploded mid-air, resulting in more than 60 separate system failures.
"This is the biggest testament to Airbus. Some people might think the aircraft collapsed under the onslaught but no aircraft is ever designed to take the beating that this aircraft got," Mr de Crespigny told the Nine Network's 60 Minutes tonight.

"The wing was cluster bombed, the aircraft had phenomenal damage to all systems - and it didn't just recover, it performed brilliantly. It is indestructible."
Just minutes into the QF32 flight from Singapore on November 4 of last year there was a small oil leak in the intermediate pressure turbine of engine number two.
The oil ignited causing a turbine disk to explode at high speed.
Two pieces smashed through the wing severing the plane's controls while a third did the same underneath the plane.
"Electrically the left hand side of the aircraft was dead. We'd lost 50 per cent of the hydraulics system. The brakes underneath the wings were reduced to 30 per cent braking conditions," he said.
The pilot has been praised for his cool head as he managed to land the plane under these conditions.
"I think it was my finest moment, I think I should give up aviation now and leave on a high because I think it was a good landing under tough conditions," he said.
Mr de Crespigny has been flying with Qantas for 25 years and before that was a pilot with the Airforce.
"I'm so confident that there is nobody in this world who knows that aircraft better than Rich," his wife Coral de Crespigny said.
Ms de Crespigny didn't know about the incident until after her husband was safely on the ground and she got a call from his boss at Qantas.
"He said I need to tell you that Richard's safe and he's on the ground and I said why are you telling me this.
"He said there's been an incident so I immediately turned on the news and I saw that wasn't...well I assumed there had been a crash.
"I'm just so glad he didn't stuff up that landing," she said.
Mr de Crespigny doesn't like being deemed a hero as he said he was just doing his job and was supported by an extraordinary crew with lots of experience.
"I would ultimately be responsible if people died and I am so proud of everyone and all the teams that helped out. I was proud to be in command of that aircraft," he said.
The pilot said that he didn't think an airbus aircraft had ever been challenged as much as this one.
"I think a Rolls Royce engine has never failed so spectacularly... there was so much collateral was a flight that you could never train for.
"You might practice one or two emergencies, not 60," he said.
Qantas is now completely confident Rolls Royce has fixed the engine fault on the jet.
QANTAS It ain’t perfect,and does not pretend to be, but when the shit hits the fan I know what Airline I would want to be flying on, God bless this Captain and his crew of no nonsense no BS Aussies, thinking clearly, with nothing on their minds other than saving the lives of their passengers and landing safely. Mission accomplished.

Oprah Winfrey wants “respect” for US President Hussein Obama,Is that before or after Hussein demonstrates some respect for America and Americans, or is it just another Islamic DEMAND placed upon Judeo Christian Western Civilization ?


Does Oprah mean the sort of respect afforded to President GW Bush during his two terms as President of the United States of America by her side of politics / ideology ?


Oprah Winfrey (l) and Hussein Obama (r)

Well, if the President and his wife,purposefully and deliberately demonstrate he and his family and administration have no respect for his new found office or the United States (all 57 of them), why should the vast overwhelming majority of the American people show respect toward him ?

Respect is EARNED,it cannot be  not given upon DEMAND or by THREAT of retribution for refusing to give it.

Something Socialists,Communists,Islamist,Fascists and Despots the world over have never understood. 

Respect this America!!!obama-bowing-down President Hussein Obama (left,bending over) seen here reporting to head office.


Former Labor Socialist Australian Prime Minister of Australia, Bob Hawke, said of his Labor Socialist successor Paul Keating, that he was the first Australian PM who hated Australians, upon Hussein Obama,showing his true colours AFTER he was elected, I thought of the now ex Australian PM Hawke and his comments re Keating.

I am sure, upon reflection, many many Americans would say, that they have, resident in the highest office in the land, a self described “community organizer”  Americans could rightfully ask of Hussein Obama “well we know who is paying you (the US Taxpayer) but who are you working for, Oprah?

obama.bow.Akihito.big_pic (1)

As an Australian,an Australian, MY soldiers, my fellow Australians before me, were starved to death, “sliced and diced” at the will of some Japanese sociopath, flogged and abused, decapitated, tortured,this demonstration of subservience to a foreign power, by the “leader” of the United States of America is not only revolting,sickening and demeaning to all that is good in the world,it demonstrates the Offenders, Hussein Obama’s, total unsuitability for the office he soils every day he occupies it.

But don’t forget Oprah wants you to RESPECT IT……..or else what?


dressed-obama-photo-flapIdentification +Internment+Deportation to an “Islamic Utopia” of their choosing = an America / Free Western Judeo Christian civilization,free of Islamic fifth columnist 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Daddy,What’s a Socialist?


Whats a Socialist Daddy

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. "
Margaret Thatcher

'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.

Sir Winston Churchill

 The Dawning of America’s new era of “un exceptionalism”

Guidelines for Muslim women engaging in sport and exercise


See also

Multicultural Australia Muslims demand Pool Curtains for public swimming pool

[This article was published in the 19th issue of Nida\'ul Islam
magazine (, July - August 1997]

Muslim Women in Sport

The benefits derived from sport can not be denied. Not only do they have physical and social benefits, but also essential psychological consequences. Since sport is also a compulsory part of the curriculum in all schools, it is important to address the many Islamic conflicts that us sisters may face.

The Need for Sport

Men and women alike are in need of sport and exercise. Physical fitness is certainly encouraged, just as a balanced diet is endorsed, and harmful substances are prohibited. Exercise is also conducive to a more balanced emotional state, as it aids in the release of harmful free radicals and excess hormones. Mundane routines must also be broken otherwise it could affect a women\'s input into society, as well as her relationship with her husband and family.
The Sahaabah were aware of these issues, and would exhort others for the same. \'Ali bin Abi Talib (r.a.a) said: \"Refresh your minds from time to time, for a tired mind becomes blind.\" Abu Darda` (r.a.a) also commented: \"I entertain my heart with something trivial in order to make it stronger in the service of the Truth.\"
The Prophet (s.a.w) advised his followers to engage in many forms of sport, which even today are considered of the best form of exercise. The Prophet (s.a.w) himself would engage in wrestling, racing, archery and horse races.
While Aisha (r.a.a) was on a journey along with the Apostle of Allah (s.a.w), she had a race with him and outpaced him. As time passed, the Prophet (s.a.w) wished to avenge for his loss, so he raced her again, in which case he outpaced her, and remarked: \"This is for that outpacing.\"

The Etiquette\'s of Sport

The restrictions on women participating in sport or physical activity is more than that of men. All Islamic observances must be followed, regardless of any school policies or social stigmas. Our obedience to our Creator cannot be given preference to a creature of Allah.
When participating in sports, the clothing must be Islamically acceptable. This would therefore exclude shorts, t-shirts, leotards, swimming costumes etc.
It is very important to ensure that there are no males watching. Mixing of sexes is forbidden in normal situations, except in special situations under certain conditions, let alone in a sporting arena or exercise facility. It also restricts your activities, and modesty would not allow this in any case.


In most female-only schools, there are always male teachers around. Hence wearing even body suits is not sufficient, therefore to remove yourself from this activity is the only solution. There are some female-only baths or swimming complexes, yet even this is not suitable for the purposes of Muslim women. The following tradition treats this point:

\"Some women from Homs or from Sham (now the area of Damascus) came to \'A\'ishah. She asked, \'Do you enter the public baths? I heard the Messenger of Allah saying that a woman who undresses anywhere else other than in her own house tears off the Satr (shelter) which lies between her and her Lord .\' \" [At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud]

It is not only a problem of Satr, but also revealing yourself to disbelievers, an important point which ssisters are ignoranor careless of. Permission for a Muslim woman to reveal her hair, arms etc. is permitted to her husband, father, mother and so on.

Non-Muslim women are excluded from this permission, because contact with them might easily lead to disastrous results. That is why the Khalif \'Umar wrote to Abu \'Ubaidah Ibn al-Jarrah, the Governor of Syria, to prohibit the Muslim women from going to the baths with the women of the Ahl al-Kitab (the People of the Book). [At-Tabari, Ibn Jazir]. According to Ibn \'Abbas \"...a Muslim woman is not allowed to display herself before the women of the unbelievers and non-Muslim poll-tax payers (Ahl al-Dhimmah) any more than she can display herself before other men\" [At-Tabari].
This distinction between women on grounds of character and religion is intended to safeguard Muslim women against the influence of women whose moral and cultural background is either not known or is objectionable from the Islamic point of view.


Although many women-only gyms have become popular, we have the same problem as with baths, that being in the presence of non-Muslim women. However, as long as loose clothing is worn along with proper head covering, this problem can be avoided.


Particularly in Western countries, this is an important form of popular exercise. Sisters must be careful to train only with other women, to maintain loose clothing and head cover, and not to attack at the head, as the Prophet (s.a.w) has forbidden us to hit on the face while training.

Watching Sport

Many sisters find themselves in situations where they will be watching sports on TV, at school carnivals, or going to matches. Stadiums are not advisable places for Muslims in general, because of the language, drinking and scenery. Allah has commanded the believing women to lower their gaze, and sport comes as no exception, especially with guys in shorts.

Other Points

Sports and exercise should be judged according to the level of modesty involved. Games such as netball played in a public arena is not befitting to the honour of a Muslimah. No compromises can be made in terms of clothing or mixing. Public showers at female schools is totally forbidden. Many sisters will also apply deodorants after a work-out. What must be kept in mind is the Prophet\'s warning on a fragrant perfumes: \"The woman who perfumes herself and passes through a gathering is an adulteress.\" Some fragrant-free deodorants are available, otherwise apply enough so that the fragrance is not apparent.
A married woman must also have the permission of her husband beforehand, and must ensure that non of her duties as a wife are being sacrificed as a result of her activities.
To keep in line with today's excessive and unwarranted demands for women to have a \"supermodel\" physique, many sisters will exercise for this sole purpose, only adding more stress and anguish to themselves. Keep it as a fun activity, involve your husband with it and make it an intimate part of your marriage life. Keep in mind that over-exercising can result in unrepairable tissue damage, and will turn you off it. Bodily exhaustion is not called for, as Allah (s.w.t) tells us: \"Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope.\" [2: 286] .

By Sister: Hikmat Beiruty
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Friday, February 11, 2011

Multicultural Australia Muslims demand Pool Curtains for public swimming pool

Creeping Sharia catches up to Australia  You can swim,but you have to wear MUSLIM dress
Hefty bill for Muslim women's privacy at public swimming pool

John Masanauskas
Herald Sun February 11, 2011 12:00AM

RATEPAYERS could be stung up to $45,000 to install curtains at a public pool so Muslim women can have privacy during a female-only exercise classes.

The City of Monash has won an exemption from equal opportunity laws to run the sessions outside normal opening hours.

The council says the privacy screen is needed for "cultural reasons".

It follows moves by other councils to introduce women-only sessions for the Muslim community, such as Greater Dandenong asking a tribunal to approve a ban on uncovered shoulders and thighs for those attending a family event at a pool.

Special exercise classes for women will be held at the Clayton Community Centre every second Sunday evening after VCAT gave the green light this week.

Ross Buscemi, director of refugee charity group the New Hope Foundation, said his organisation had lobbied for the sessions on behalf of Muslim women, mostly from African countries including Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan.

Mr Buscemi said the women had sought separate classes for cultural reasons and curtains or blinds were needed to protect their privacy because the centre had glass walls.

"At night, when the lights are on inside, everybody in there can be seen - it's a broader privacy issue, not just for the women," he said.

"It's stopping anybody perving on anybody in there really."

But Ratepayers Victoria president Jack Davis said it was disgraceful for councils to subsidise programs that segregated people.

"People come to Australia because it's a better place," he said.

"So then you should become Australian and abide by the customs of Australia, not change Australia to suit your customs from another country."

Monash councillors accepted that the women couldn't use the pool in normal hours for cultural and religious reasons.

They were told the special classes would address issues such as "obesity, social isolation and lack of physical strength".

Monash mayor Greg Male said the council sought funding from the Victorian Multicultural Commission to help meet the $45,000 cost of curtains or blinds for the pool.

Similar women-only programs at public pools are run at Monash University, Dandenong Oasis recreation centre and the Don Tatnell Leisure Centre in Parkdale.


Pakistani Bride electrocuted to save Fathers Honour

“Islam is one of the worlds great civilizing forces” Hussein Obama.

The Shark ate my Striped Marlin


Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Dozen Bad Ideas for the 21st Century


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Dozen Bad Ideas for the 21st Century

“Here is a list of false beliefs and modes of thought which make it hard for people in the West to come to terms with the challenge of Islam today.  If you are deeply attached to any of these ideas or ways of thinking, you will have difficulty accepting the truth about Islam's teachings and their impact.

Example # 7 The belief that everyone is good and decent, and if you just make a sincere effort to get to know another person, you will always come to respect them. This is not universally true.  Holding this view is a luxury.  Those who have experienced life under evil governments or in dysfunctional societies are shocked at the naivety of this assumption.”

Read the other Eleven bad ideas at The Brilliant  Mark Durie


Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Only In Labor’s Progressive Australia


Underage rape victims could face charges due to legal loophole

Gemma Jones
The Daily Telegraph

February 09, 2011 12:00AM

UNDERAGE girls could be charged with being an accessory to their own rape due to a legal loophole.

Police said prosecuting men for statutory rape was difficult because they could be compelled to charge the vulnerable child victim as an accessory to the crime.

The offence of statutory rape is known in Australia as the sexual assault of a child under 16. The revelation to Parliament came after Opposition community services spokeswoman Pru Goward questioned why a 25-year-old man had not been charged over an alleged relationship with a pregnant 14-year-old girl.

Ms Goward had no further details of that case but she yesterday said the refusal by police to lay charges in those circumstances had set progress in rape cases back years. "It is the footballer's defence," she said. "In high profile cases that have involved young girls, they always say the girl asked for it. "The prospect that a young woman who is underage could be charged as an accessory after the fact because she initiated the man to have sex with her or she hid her age, none of these statutory rape cases would ever succeed."

Police Minister Michael Daley was provided general advice from police which stated there were a number of difficulties in bringing statutory rape charges against an adult male. "One of which is that the underage female in such a case may be liable as an accessory to the offence and may not co-operate with the investigation," the advice read.

Police said other factors such as the "stress and trauma of a trial on the wellbeing of the underage female would also need to be weighed up against the psychological harm that may have arisen from the relationship."

Mr Daley last night said he was unaware of any cases where child victims had been charged with accessories and he said it would be "against police prosecutorial policy."

"In the majority of these cases I would expect that they would lay charges against the adult offender," Mr Daley said. "Police have not requested further laws in this area, but if they did the Government would be happy to consider them."

DOCS has also admitted they are sometimes powerless to prevent men living with children in intimate relationships. Cases of girls younger than 16, the legal age of consent, were complex.

Is this yet another concession to the Multicultural / Progressive / Deviant community by the "Progressive" Australian Labor Party?


Australian Conservatives finally get the BALLS to speak out publicly against the HOAX of Multiculturalism, Gee Fella’s good to know you are on the Job F**K me at last finally.


Ethnic divide a rising threat, say senior Liberal MPs

Steve Lewis
The Daily Telegraph

February 09, 2011 12:00AM

AUSTRALIA risks becoming a nation of "ethnic enclaves" with meat slaughtered "in the name of Allah", senior Liberal MPs have warned.

Opening up a new political faultline, former immigration minister Kevin Andrews has lashed out at political leaders who fail to speak on the rise of extreme Islam, saying this silence contributes to the rise of One Nation-type groups.

Liberal frontbencher, Mitch Fifield, also warned of the danger of "parallel societies" as in Europe where hardline Muslim groups preach sharia law rather than Western values.

Their comments follow attacks by British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the "failure" of multi-culturalism in their respective countries.

Former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett also bought into the debate by saying migrants needed to accept the Australian way of life.

Mr Andrews described the British prime minister's comments as "fairly sensible" and relevant to Australia.

"I think there is a risk [of ethnic enclaves] in Australia," Mr Andrews said.

"What actually concerns me the most is that we can't have a discussion about it," he said, as he pushed for a public debate on the issue.

Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi has warned of a growing "cultural divide" as hardline followers of Islam turn their backs on mainstream values.

He cited Muslim-only toilets at a Melbourne university and the slaughtering of meat "in the name of Allah" as two cultural practices that should be opposed.

"I, for one, don't want to eat meat butchered in the name of an ideology that is mired in sixth century brutality and is anathema to my own values," Senator Bernardi said.

Their concerns were dismissed by the Government and the Greens, who instead want to focus on the "positive" aspects of Australia's diverse ethnic heritage.

Parliamentary secretary on immigration, Kate Lundy, said the "Australian community is uniquely diverse and we have a proud record of successfully leveraging the benefits of migration".

Greens' immigration spokeswoman, Sarah Hanson-Young, wants MPs to focus on the positive aspects of Australia's rich ethnic mix.

Please Sarah two names, and Kate Lundy please tell Australians just what are the positive aspects of Multiculturalism? apart from the Harmony Day Festivals,handouts and wimmins / ethnic collective co operatives,clearly YOU have not been gang Raped or bashed  …. yet.


Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Indonesian “Interfaith Harmony Week “ Celebrations continue with the burning down of some more Christian Churches, rioting and various acts of Islamic “outreach” to the infidel community.

The President of the United States,Hussein Obama, some three months ago, on a visit to  his childhood homeland,Indonesia, praised Indonesia for its
"spirit of religious tolerance" and that Indonesia is an "example to the world"
You gotta love the guy ay, Nothing to see here … move along.

Protesters riot in central Java town
Daily Telegraph
February 08, 2011 6:22PM
HUNDREDS of protesters have gone on a rampage in a town in central Java, burning down churches and schools and clashing with police in response to a sentence request from the prosecution in a blasphemy trial.
The violence first erupted in the Temanggung District Court yesterday when the prosecution requested a sentence of five years for Antonius Richmond Bawengan, accused of insulting Islam in relation to the distribution of flyers and books.
At least three Christian churches, as well schools, had been burnt down by the early afternoon.
Tear gas was used to disperse the crowd, but sporadic clashes between protesters and police were still erupting shortly after 1pm (5pm AEDT).
Bawengan is accused of distributing books and flyers in October last year which described the Black Stone, or al-Hajaru-l-Aswad, on the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque in Mecca as looking like a woman's genitals.
The material also described the jamarat, three stone pillars in the city of Mina just east of Mecca which worshippers thrown stones at during the Haj, as looking like a man's genitals.
Bawengan, who has been in custody since October 26, has also been accused of describing Islam as a cruel religion.
The crowd initially demanded he be handed over when the sentence request was delivered, but Bawengan was lead away from the court under heavy security.
Shortly afterwards, the protesters trashed the courtroom before attacking Christian buildings, including churches and schools.
Thank God it’s Indonesian “Interfaith Harmony Week” who knows what might have happened otherwise.Aheem, well there was this little incident two days ago where the followers of “One of the Worlds Great Religions” (Hussein Obama) “Islam has been a civilizing force throughout the world” (Hussein Obama) and  those  old stand bys “Islam means Peace” “The Religion of Peace” (any pig ignorant Liberal Leftist apologist and facilitator for the “Religion of Peace”) who got a little burr in their saddle and thought they should share some “Interfaith dialogue” “outreach” with some members of another branch of the “Religion of Peace”
A video is worth a thousand words.
Indonesian “Harmony Week” goes wild,3 months after US President Barack Obama praised Indonesia’s "spirit of religious tolerance" as an "example to the world" on a recent visit to his former childhood homeland + Video
WARNING !!!!!! Indonesian Islamic “Interfaith Harmony Week” Celebrations in Progress.
You Tube did not want you to see this, I have been banned that’s why You Tube (Google)videos no longer work on my site, If my Blogs name was “Kill all Jews and Infidels now” and I was applauding the Satanic actions depicted in the following video and invoking Jihad in the name of the allah thingo everything would be ok with You Tube (Google) but because I am against the wholesale slaughter of men women and children in the name of this allah thing,I am banned by You Tube (Google).Unlike, Good Pious Muslims, I do not accept that my destiny is predetermined and like any other child of God I will work on a solution to You Tube’s Google’s censorship.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Indonesian “Harmony Week” goes wild,3 months after US President Barack Obama praised Indonesia’s "spirit of religious tolerance" as an "example to the world" on a recent visit to his former childhood homeland + Video

Footage of deadly mob attack emerges
By Arlina Arshad
Daily Telegraph
February 07, 2011 8:57PM
DISTURBING video has emerged of a bloody religious mob attack in Indonesia that killed three members of a minority Muslim sect, showing extremists beating and stoning their victims to death.
The incident, involving more than 1000 Muslims who stormed a house in West Java yesterday to stop the minority Ahmadiyah Islamic sect from holding worship, has been condemned by the government and rights activists.
Footage of the attack - which came at the start of "interfaith harmony week" in the mainly Muslim country - shows police doing nothing as scores of Islamic fanatics go berserk with stones, knives and sticks.
Shouting "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest) and "kafir" (infidel), the mob brush aside a lone police officer and launch a sustained attack on the house, as a small group of Ahmadis try briefly to defend the property.

WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!! Indonesian Islamic “Interfaith Harmony Week” celebrations in progress.
“….US President Barack Obama visited Indonesia and praised its "spirit of religious tolerance" as an "example to the world".
Note the second man at bottom left of screen is still alive. Hussein Obama claims Indonesia is an “example to the world” in its ‘spirit of religious tolerance” remember these poor men ARE Muslims,but they are members of the the wrong sect.

Defenceless and half-naked Ahmadi men are then shown being beaten and stoned to death in the mud outside the house. Their bodies are pelted with stones and desecrated as members of the mob laugh and take pictures.
Throughout the attack police are either absent or standing amid the mob doing nothing to intervene, with the exception of a lone police officer, who is seen attempting to stop people beating and stoning one of the dead men, but he is ignored.
National police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar said eight people are being questioned in relation to the violence but no one had been charged.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instructed police to capture the perpetrators and "haul them to court if need be", his senior adviser, Daniel Sparingga, said.
"The president is deeply concerned and condemned the violence and said that the country must be firm in defending the constitution, that would never allow small groups to use religion to attack groups of different faiths," he said.
Ahmadiyah spokesman Zafrullah Ahmad Pontoh said the mob committed murder and appealed to the government for protection. Similar appeals have been ignored in the past.
"We're saddened because innocent people were killed. The mob committed murder and Islam never taught people to attack and kill," he said.
"We hope the government can provide us with protection so we can practise our faith in peace."
Indonesia's constitution explicitly guarantees freedom of religion and the country of some 240 million people, 80 per cent of whom are Muslim, has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
But a government decree adopted in 2008 under pressure from Islamic conservatives bans the Ahmadiyah sect from spreading its faith, which includes the belief that its founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, was the final Muslim prophet.
Orthodox Muslims hold that Mohammed was the last prophet of Islam.
The group, which claims hundreds of thousands of members in Indonesia and millions in South Asia, has been repeatedly targeted with violence by Islamic extremist organisations.
National Human Rights Commission chairman Ifdhal Kasim said the incident was "embarrassing" as the police had made no effort to stop the mob.
"The police are biased and ignored their ultimate responsibility which is to protect the people," he said.
"The government has no right to make judgments on whether a religion is heretical or not. Its job is to protect the people."
The violence comes less than three months after US President Barack Obama visited Indonesia and praised its "spirit of religious tolerance" as an "example to the world".
"President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instructed police to capture the perpetrators and "haul them to court if need be"
"haul them to court if need be" I think says it all , we have three people beaten stoned hacked dismembered and defiled and good ole President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono seems to think that there maybe other means of punishment other than facing trial in a court, Is arrest and charged with murder a last resort?
 How many more of these Godless Savages is the Australian Labor Party going to insist on importing into Australia ? and WHY?

Australia: Lockyer Valley floods, Queensland, a day in the life of the Perry Family.

The Perry Family, January 10 2011.


Saturday, February 05, 2011

Denmark gets serious with Pious axe wielding member of Islamic Sociopaths Inc.aka. “Religion of Peace”.


Mohamed Geele jailed for axe attack on Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard

From correspondents in Aarhus, Denmark
Daily Telegraph

February 04, 2011 11:08PM

image A DANISH court has jailed a man for nine years after finding him guilty of attempted terrorism and attempted murder for an axe attack on a cartoonist who caricatured the Prophet Mohammed.

"Mohamed Geele is sentenced to nine years in prison and expulsion from Denmark for life," judge Ingrid Thorsboe told the court in the central Danish city of Aarhus.

The 29-year-old Somali "must also pay damages amounting to 10,000 Danish kroner ($1800) to Kurt Westergaard, as well as cover the costs of the trial", she added.

The court had earlier found Geele guilty of attempted terrorism and attempted murder for his 2010 New Years Day attack on the 75-year-old cartoonist.

Prosecutors had requested he serve 12 years in prison before being deported back to his war-torn homeland and banned from ever returning to Denmark, while the defence asked that he only serve six years and not be forced to leave the country.


image Geele broke into Westergaard's home last year wielding an axe and screaming, "You must die! You are going to Hell!", according to the cartoonist's testimony in court last month.

Westergaard, who has faced numerous death threats since the publication of his drawing of Mohammed in the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten in 2005, said he escaped "certain death" by rushing into a bathroom-turned-panic-room to call police.







Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Member, Mohamed Geele.

Great work Judge Ingrid Thorsboe, I suppose this piece of craps co Religionists will place you on their Holy Islamic Assassin squad hit list now, however stay strong and keep locking up and deporting these swine.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Australia: Multiculturalism weaves yet another magical golden thread into Australia’s “rich and diverse tapestry” of “cultural diversity”

Mass brawl closes Westfield shopping centre, Mt Druitt

By Katherine Danks
The Daily Telegraph
February 04, 2011
SOCIAL networking sites like Facebook helped tip-off police about a planned brawl in Mount Druitt last night.

Police intercepted online chatter between two gangs and learned of their plans two days before the pre-organised fight, Acting Assistant Commissioner Wayne Cox said.

Mt Druitt police also received a number of tip-offs from elders in the Pacific Islander community and called in the Public Order and Riot Squad, Dog Unit, mounted police and commuter crime unit.

Up to 100 teenagers and young men armed with crude weapons made with glass descended on the Westfield Shopping Centre about 7pm.
There were general scuffles and fights between individual persons or one person on six people or vice versa,'' Mr Cox told reporters.
There was a whole range of different incidents occurring at the one time. Police were able to pull those incidents apart and grab the main offenders and then arrest and charge them.''

The fight began over ``general insults'' traded between the groups, one of which is linked to Mount Druitt and the other from the Granville area. He said both groups have Pacific Islander backgrounds.
There has been some banter between the two groups in relation to insults being traded and this is obviously turned in to a ridiculous outcome for them,'' he said.

Mr Cox said police were waiting and prepared for the fight when it broke out. Thirteen people were arrested at the scene and police believe they will make more arrests after looking at security vision from the shopping centre
When you have large groups like that, they have that mob mentality where they really don't care about other people and that's why we were there,'' he said. We read the situation correctly and certainly had the resources to deal with it affirmatively.''

Police seized two baseball bats and a number of home-made weapons from the scene.
Those arrested ranged in age from 16 to 22 and they have been charged with a combination of affray, assault police and resist arrest offences.
One of the juveniles, aged 16 will appear in Parramatta Children's Court today, while three of the men, aged 20 and 19, will appear at Mt Druitt Local Court later today.

Australia’s Finest:"I MET this really amazing girl." Corporal Richard "Rich" Atkinson.


Love, loyalty and loss of our Digger Richard Atkinson

Gemma Jones and Ian McPhedran
The Daily Telegraph

February 04, 2011

"I MET this really amazing girl."

Corporal Richard "Rich" Atkinson had a shy "little boy" look on his face as he told his friend about meeting karate instructor and school teacher Dannielle Kitchen.

Copy of 4 2 2011 Love, loyalty and loss of our Digger Richard Atkinson 

"He was cute, he had that cute little boy look on his face. He was so in love. I thought, 'This is the best thing.' They were perfect together. They couldn't wait for the wedding," his friend Stephanie Heazle- wood recalled.

Shortly before the 22-year-old was deployed to Afghanistan in October with the Darwin-based 1st Combat Engineer Regiment, Cpl Atkinson asked Ms Kitchen to marry him. The answer was "Yes".

His family said he was looking forward to starting a family.

But an insurgent bomb ended those dreams at 9.25am on Wednesday in a cold valley in Afghanistan, a long way from the balmy Darwin sunsets the couple enjoyed before he went to war.

One of his sapper mates from Darwin was badly wounded by the blast.

Ms Kitchen was yesterday devastated, along with his parents Dr Ross Atkinson, a Launceston GP, his wife Kate and their son James.

"We are just so sad," Mrs Atkinson said from the family's home in Tasmania.

Mr Atkinson said his son loved the army and had a real knack for adventure.

"He enjoyed being deployed," he said.

"He was just a lovely boy. He was funny. He loved playing sports. He was a much-loved son and a loved brother to James."

He was a family man who was very close to all of his relatives and was looking forward to coming home at the end of his tour about June to spend time with them in Tasmania.

The young sapper joined the army in 2007 and his natural leadership skills took him quickly through the ranks.

"He was a dedicated soldier with career aspirations," his family said.

"He shared a strong mateship with those he left behind in Afghanistan and all his mates in Australia. He will be missed by all and not a day will go by that he won't be thought of."

Mr Atkinson said the family was in shock and still battling to come to terms with their loss.

"We're just getting our heads around that he's not coming back. It's hard. It's all pretty unreal," he said.

Acting Defence Chief Lieutenant-General David Hurley said it was unclear whether the blast had been remotely detonated, but he conceded the area had become a "hot spot" for Australian soldiers.

"It's a difficult area for us, yes," he said yesterday.

Cpl Atkinson was the 22nd Australian soldier to die in the bloody war in Afghanistan.

Australia: Corporal Richard Edward Atkinson killed in Afghanistan.  Video


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