An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Latest Cash Register SCAM

 This is worth reading if shopping at stores....They do not automatically hand you a receipt anymore if the sale is under $30. you must ask for it…

An associate bought a heap of stuff the other day while on holidaying in Melbourne (over $450), & when he glanced at his receipt as the cashier was handing him the bags. He saw cash out of $20.

He told her he didn't request any cash and to delete it. She said he'd have to take the $20 because she couldn't delete it. 

He told her to call a supervisor. Supervisor came and said he'd have to take it..
He said NO Bloody way! 

Because taking the $20 would be a cash advance against his Credit card and he wasn't paying interest on a cash advance!!!!! 

If they couldn't delete it then they would have to delete the whole order. 

So the supervisor had the cashier delete the whole order and re-scan everything! 

The second time he looked at the electronic pad before he pinned in his number and again cash-back of $20 popped. 

At that point he told the cashier and she deleted it. The total then came out right. 

The cashier said that the Electronic Pad must be defective. Obviously the cashier knew the electronic pad was defective because she NEVER offered him any cash after either of the transactions. 

Can you imagine how many people went through before him and by the end of her shift how much money she pocketed?

His wife went into a Coles Warehouse last week. She had her items rung up by the cashier. The cashier hurried her along and didn't give her a receipt. She asked the cashier for the receipt and the cashier seemed annoyed but gave it to her. 

She didn't look at her receipt until later that night when back at their Hotel.
The receipt showed that she had asked for $20 cash.

So she called Coles who investigated but could not see the cashier pocket the money. 

They then spoke with a friend who works for one of the banks; they told them that this was a new scam that was bound to escalate. 

The cashier will key in that you asked for cash and then hand it to one of her friends when they next come through the check-out queue.

This is NOT limited to Coles; they are just one of the largest retailers so have the most incidents.

I wonder how many "seniors" have been, or will be, "stung" by this one?????

To make matters worse ..... 


I've since seen people do just that….. SO NOW I'LL START!
PASS THIS ON TO YOUR FRIENDS, KIDS, LOVED ONES - lets not get ripped off.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Turia Pitt and Kate Sanderson so so brave, please help with whatever you can.

Ultra-marathon disaster
Clare Brady 
Today Tonight
February 27, 2012

An ultra-marathon competitor is fighting horrific burns after she was allowed to run straight into a fierce bushfire that almost took her life.

But Kate Sanderson is also fighting for an inquiry to find out who should be held responsible for her terrible injuries.

Sanderson, 35, a super fit and experienced ultra-marathon runner, now has 55 per cent of her body covered in burns.

Part of her left foot has been amputated, and after six months in hospital, and enduring fifteen skin grafts, she has finally been allowed to go home.

As she told the Herald Sun, a 100 kilometre foot race in Western Australia's outback has ruined her life.

Sanderson was competing in one of Racing The Planet’s gruelling marathons - this one through the unforgiving terrain of the Kimberley Region.

The runners knew about the heat, but weren't told what lay ahead - dormant and waiting was a fire that had been smouldering for days.

“It was horrendous - the scariest time of my life. And to hear the girls screaming, and there was nothing we could do,” marathon runner Michael Hull said.

Marathon runners like Hull are made tough, but nothing prepared them for what to do. When six runners, including Sanderson, were in a gorge, winds whipped up and the fire trapped them in a fight for their lives.

“We were trying to find where the roads were. No one had mobile phones because we knew there was no coverage. You know, we had a whistle. There was no shade, so we were getting sunburn on the burns,” Sanderson said.

In excruciating heat they waited for four hours for help to arrive.

“Any burn has a huge impact on all body systems: even a small burn will affect your nerves, your liver, your heart, your lungs, your kidneys. I know if you're burnt on your arm, your nerves are affected on the other side, so if you escalate that to 55 per cent body surface area, that is a huge insult to the area, and takes a significant recovery,” burns expert and plastic surgeon, Dr Fiona Woods said.

Dr Wood's work with burns victims after the Bali bombing is well known.

“When you're burnt you are no longer waterproof - this beautiful casing skin is interrupted, and so you're a leaky sieve - you lose a lot of fluid and circulation, and you can't deliver oxygen to everywhere in the body as well as the skin,” Dr Woods said.

Naturally Sanderson wants answers - answers about why they weren't warned about the fire.

Now the Western Australian Government has agreed ‘in principle’ to hold a Parliamentary Committee into that race.

According to Phil Gleeson from Maurice Blackburn Lawyers “if there is a finding of fault, or a want of responsibility, of either the State Government or the organiser’s part, I think they would deserve compensation.”

He'll now compete in an ultra-marathon in New Zealand next month, and with each step he'll raise money for Sanderson and Turia Pitt (who was also trapped by the flames and has burns to most of her body) to aid their recovery.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Australia: ELECTION 2013 IS COMING

A Nation of Sheep, Breeds (has bred in Australia already)a Government of Wolves !











As Australia’s business leaders take their money and their  jobs overseas the Union / GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Independent Socialist Minority “Co Party” Federal Government continues with its Open Borders policy for Muslim “refugees” 85% of who will still be on social security benefits, ie: free housing, medical , dental, education, pharmaceutical,subsidesed public transport,child minding, retraining,etc etc etc 5 years after their illegal entry into Australia, most will receive these benefits for life as will their children and grand children.








Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In Case you missed it, Aussie Angel, Rachael Leahcar Sings La Vie En Rose

Sorry Guys I tried however the following is self explanatory You can watch it here without 5 minutes of commercials. The performance of this girl is in stark contrast to that of that arse clown Delta Goodrum who when faced with an amater with 100 times the talent she would ever hope to have decided to take the shine off Rachel with a performance about her own hardships at 18, you see Rachel it is all about Delta, fricking ignorant bad mannered pain in the arse. Dear AussieNewsViews, We have disabled the following material as a result of a third-party notification from Shine Australia Pty Ltd, claiming that this material is infringing: The Voice_ The Voice _ Rachael Leahcar Sings La Vie En Rose Please Note: Repeated incidents of copyright infringement will result in the deletion of your account and all videos uploaded to that account. In order to prevent this from happening, please delete any videos to which you do not own the rights and refrain from uploading additional videos that infringe on the copyrights of others. For more information about YouTube's copyright policy, please read the Copyright Tips guide. If one of your postings has been misidentified as infringing, you may submit a counter-notification. Information about this process is in our Help Centre . Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material was disabled due to mistake or misidentification may be liable for damages. Yours sincerely, – The YouTube Team

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rachel Finch Australian Beauty Queen and Useful Idiot for Islam and her New Best Friends

Channel Seven Today Tonights and Rachel Finch’s new best friends
Australia,Sydney’s Occupied Territories,The SLIME of Multiculturalism jizzed over both sides of politics, when you lay down with DOGS you wake up with Muslims and Multiculturalism.
Multicultural Sydney: Muslim “Community Leader” Rebecca Kay exposed after Hoxton Park High School Muslim Riot
Muslin Insurgents in Sydney’s Occupied Territories, thumb their noses at Australia and our Laws……gee who da thought it possible?

Reality Check for Finch ?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kevin Rudd aka. Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Labor’s next PM,Uncensored

Swearing Kevin Rudd video posted on You Tube under the title Happy Little Vegemite

AN EXPLETIVE-laden video outtake featuring Kevin Rudd swearing at the camera has become an instant internet sensation.
KEVIN Rudd's expletive-laden outburst in the outtakes of a taxpayer-funded video have emerged as an internet sensation after it was posted on YouTube under the title "Kevin Rudd is a happy little vegemite"
As the Prime Minister's backers declared war on the Foreign Minister's fitness for office, the video was causing a sensation on the social networking site Twitter.
The video, which is not dated, clearly shows an exasperated Mr Rudd swearing as he repeatedly fluffs his lines
"Mate, this is just impossible. I get the very end. You can tell these dickheads in the embassy to just give me simple sentences. I've said this before,'' Mr Rudd says.
COULD Kevin Rudd be this vindictive? Our complex, brilliant, idiosyncratic, angry former prime minister.
"Tell that bloody interpreter. This f***ing language just complicates it so much, you know. How can anyone do this. It's just..
"Tell em to cancel this meeting at 6pm ...I don't have the patience to deal with. The f***ing Chinese interpreter. Just f***ing hopeless,'' he says.
The video was uploaded by "Happy Little Vegemite" on Friday, Mr Rudd has repeatedly used the term when asked if he would launch a challenge against Julia Gillard for the Labor leadership.
Below is the uncensored version of the video as posted on You Tube.WARNING: CONTAINS FREQUENT USE OF THE F-WORD

Recommended Coverage

Swearing helps ease pain
UTTERING expletives can help people cope with pain, but is less effective if a person swears often, according to a published study.
Rudd's fickle finger of fate
The inside story of Kevin Rudd's bizarre conference outburst in a bar
The Rudd we never really knew

Thursday, February 09, 2012

“If there is a yardstick to measure cultural decay, the child pornography epidemic must register.”

Kiddie porn horror
Piers Akerman
Daily Telegraph
Wednesday, February 08,
2012 at 06:16am

If there is a yardstick to measure cultural decay, the child pornography epidemic must register.
The federal police have warned that child pornography use is at sickening levels in Australia with paedophiles increasingly recording themselves molesting children before swapping the images with other abusers.
According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the head of the Australian Federal Police serious organised crime unit, Assistant Commissioner Kevin Zuccato, said where federal police would once have been overwhelmed by finding hundreds of images on a suspect’s computer, they are now finding hundreds of thousands and even millions.
The head of the federal police’s cyber-crime unit, Assistant Commissioner Neil Gaughan, told the newspaper there might have been no increase in the number of adults sexually assaulting children but, “we are seeing those sexual assaults being recorded, and those sexual assaults being uploaded onto the internet”.
“There’s no empirical evidence of an increase in child abuse, but we’re seeing an increase in the number of violent images that clearly have not been commercially made,” he said.
There was a 30 per cent jump, from 136 to 180, in the number of Australians arrested for child pornography offences last year compared with 2010.
Gaughan was cautious in his assessment of the alarming increase saying: “I think there’s two schools of thought here, one that there’s been a proliferation of the image-making and the image dissemination. There’s also a school of thought that the reason why we’re getting so many more referrals is that law enforcement and industry are working better together and we’re discovering a lot more.”
So, the technology is making it easier for paedophiles to amass their files of degradation and horror and law enforcement officers are working together more closely and cracking more criminal networks.
Cold comfort for the kids whose lives are being destroyed by these monsters of cyber space.
Meanwhile, the Australian arts community and so-called progressives are still ambivalent about the sexualisation of the young and innocent.
Their images are art when made by celebrity photographers but porn when manufactured in the back alleys of Asian crime capitals.

"...the most important thing to do is to do what is neccessary... and as Fellini once said ,sometimes the most outlandish things are neccessary"  Bill Henson.
Cate Blanchett calls on Kevin Rudd to soften Bill Henson art remarks
From: The Australian
May 28, 2008 12:00AM
KEVIN Rudd's handpicked arts mentor Cate Blanchett yesterday co-signed an open letter urging the Prime Minister to rethink his public comments about artist Bill Henson's work.
Kevin 07 and Cate Blanchett 20 20 Summiteers
Kevin 07 and Cate Blanchett  (“arguably the most beautiful woman in the world”) seen here at the 20 20 Summit taking a break from planning (plotting) Australia’s future (demise) with fellow Summiteers
Blanchett, co-chair of the Creative Australia group at last month's 2020 Summit, was joined by other summiteers including Nobel Prize-winning writer John Coetzee, Museum of Contemporary Art director Elizabeth Ann Macgregor and economist Saul Eslake in expressing dismay at last Friday's raid on Henson's exhibition at the Roslyn Oxley9 Sydney gallery.
"The potential prosecution of one of our most respected artists is no way to build a Creative Australia, and does untold damage to our cultural reputation," said the letter, which was also addressed to NSW Premier Morris Iemma and federal Arts Minister Peter Garrett.
"We should remember that an important index of social freedom, in earlier times or in repressive regimes elsewhere in the world, is how artists and art are treated by the state."
The move came as police ordered a Henson work in a staff office at the Newcastle Region Art Gallery be covered, the third NSW gallery to remove the respected artist's works from view after police intervention.
Albury City Council last week decided to take down three Henson pictures from the Albury Regional Art Gallery after a visit from police.
In Friday's raid on the Roslyn Oxley9 gallery in Paddington, police seized about 20 Henson works that depicted a nude teen.
They are investigating whether child pornography and obscenity charges should be laid but have not made it clear whether they will prosecute Henson or gallery owner Roslyn Oxley.
Members of the arts community yesterday continued to condemn the police action as censorship. One collector likened the confiscation of art works to book-burning in Nazi Germany.
Sue Curtis, an art and design consultant who has been collecting Henson's works for 20 years, told The Australian she was deeply upset for Henson.
Ms Curtis said she hoped no further Henson images would be removed from galleries. "I don't think it could possibly get to the stage where galleries or collectors who own Bill Henson's work would have to give them up," she said. "If it did, it would be like Nazi Germany's burning of the books."
Australian Commercial Galleries Association president Guy Abrahams last night defended galleries' right to show controversial art in the right context.
"Art galleries are special places like libraries and everyone would expect a library would contain all sorts of books, and we can view them as we please," Mr Abrahams said.
A Newcastle council spokeswoman said yesterday the Newcastle Region Art Gallery had owned four Henson photographs since the early 1990s. "We have never received any complaints about the work," she said.
Two of the photographs featured naked youths and were part of Strange Cargo, a travelling exhibition curated by the gallery that toured regional Australia over the past two years.
Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox of Newcastle command said police received information from the Newcastle Herald newspaper that the gallery housed images by Henson like those seized in Paddington on Friday. "We worked with both council and the gallery (yesterday) morning," Inspector Fox said. "Both images have been removed and secured away from public or private viewing."
He said the images were removed from the gallery's website.
On Monday, Victorian police visited the National Gallery of Victoria to follow up a complaint about one of Henson's works, but the matter was dropped and no pictures were removed.
Additional reporting: Sarah Elks, AAP
"I guess its is difficult for the Australian Labor Party and the Progressives in the Left, to get too excited about Paedophilia, given the number of their own party and supporters who promote and practice it.
The UN treaties Australia has signed under their stewardship that promote and facilitate the practice under the guise of all values all cultures are equal. See the United Nations Rights of the Child.
Kevin 07 aka. Lee Kewan, was roundly condemned by Australias elites and beautiful, people including “One of the worlds most beautiful women” and Rudd government advisor and “futurest” soothsayer, Kate Blanchette, for speaking out
against a Paedophile photographic exhibition in Sydney some months back, by photographer Bill Henson.
Poor Kevin has to spin the bumper sticker policies and phoney imagery of his Socialist Left, Chinese Communist Party backed ACTU funded Labor Party, occasionally the elite’s true heart and what they are prepared to defend is let out of
the bag.
Why do Australians reel back when Paedophilia rears it’s ugly face..? that’s what ya dumb shits voted for, well ya got it, shut the fuck up or do something about it, demand that the Kevin 07 led Australian Labor Party does something about it.
Kevin 07 has never been too troubled about child rape though, so don’t hold your breath waiting for action from Kevin Rudd, see the  Heiner Affair  for his most infamous betrayal of Australian children."

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christ the King

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Miss USA , my 'it Girl" the Most beautiful woman in the world introduced me to Josh Groban's work in 2007.
God bless you Susan.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Why I Love Australia By Charles Krauthammer Real Clear Politics June 23, 2006. WASHINGTON -- In the Australian House of Representatives last month, opposition member Julia Gillard interrupted a speech by the minister of health thusly: "I move that that sniveling grub over there be not further heard.'' For that, the good woman was ordered removed from the House, if only for a day. She might have escaped that little time-out if she had responded to the speaker's demand for an apology with something other than "If I have offended grubs, I withdraw unconditionally.'' God, I love Australia. Where else do you have a shadow health minister with such, er, starch? Of course I'm prejudiced, having married an Australian, but how not to like a country, in this age of sniveling grubs worldwide, whose treasurer suggests to any person who "wants to live under sharia law'' to try Saudi Arabia and Iran, "but not Australia.'' He was elaborating on an earlier suggestion that "people who ... don't want to live by Australian values and understand them, well then they can basically clear off.'' Contrast this with Canada, historically and culturally Australia's commonwealth twin, where last year Ontario actually gave serious consideration to allowing its Muslims to live under sharia law. Such things don't happen in Australia. This is a place where, when the remains of a fallen soldier are accidentally switched with those of a Bosnian, the enraged widow picks up the phone late at night, calls the prime minister at home in bed and delivers a furious unedited rant -- which he publicly and graciously accepts as fully deserved. Where Americans today sue, Australians slash and skewer. For Americans, Australia engenders nostalgia for our own past, which we gauzily remember as infused with John Wayne plain-spokenness and vigor. Australia evokes an echo of our own frontier, which is why Australia is the only place you can unironically still shoot a Western. It is surely the only place where you hear officials speaking plainly in defense of action. What other foreign minister but Australia's would see through "multilateralism,'' the fetish of every sniveling foreign policy grub from the Quai d'Orsay to Foggy Bottom, calling it correctly "a synonym for an ineffective and unfocused policy involving internationalism of the lowest common denominator''? And with action comes bravery, from the transcendent courage of the doomed at Gallipoli to the playful insanity of Australian-rules football. How can you not like a country whose trademark sport has Attila-the-Hun rules, short pants and no padding -- a national passion that makes American football look positively pastoral? That bravery breeds affection in America for another reason as well. Australia is the only country that has fought with the United States in every one of its major conflicts since 1914, the good and the bad, the winning and the losing. Why? Because Australia's geographic and historical isolation has bred a wisdom about the structure of peace -- a wisdom that eludes most other countries. Australia has no illusions about the "international community'' and its feckless institutions. An island of tranquility in a roiling region, Australia understands that peace and prosperity do not come with the air we breathe, but are maintained by power -- once the power of the British Empire, now the power of the United States. Australia joined the faraway wars of early-20th-century Europe not out of imperial nostalgia, but out of a deep understanding that its fate and the fate of liberty were intimately bound with that of the British Empire as principal underwriter of the international system. Today the underwriter is America, and Australia understands that an American retreat or defeat -- a chastening consummation devoutly, if secretly, wished by many a Western ally -- would be catastrophic for Australia and for the world. When Australian ambassadors in Washington express support for the U.S., it is heartfelt and unalloyed, never the "yes, but'' of the other allies, perfunctory support followed by a list of complaints, slights and sage finger-wagging. Australia understands America's role and is sympathetic to its predicament as reluctant hegemon. That understanding has led it to share foxholes with Americans from Korea to Kabul. They fought with us at Tet and now in Baghdad. Not every engagement has ended well. But every one was strenuous, and many quite friendless. Which is why America has such affection for a country whose prime minister said after 9/11, "This is no time to be an 80 percent ally,'' and actually meant it. (c) 2006, The Washington Post Writers Group

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Lakemba Mosque,base camp for Australia's "Moderate Muslims" and the Labor Green Loon every day's a "Harmony Day" Multicultural Minority Union GetUp funded Australian Government, Vale Anwar al Awlkaki ?

Anwar al Awlkaki, muslim terroist reportedly just killed by a us drone
in Yemen,  was a great draw card at the Lakemba mosque.

Here is the notice of his appearance by audio link  from the local
muslimvillage website: 05 February 2009

"Posted 05 February 2009 - 09:04 AM
Assalamu Alaikum,

You have heard his lectures on your ipods, you have heard his lectures
in your car, now you have the opportunity to hear him LIVE!

This coming Monday, 9th Jan Imam Anwar Al Awlaki will be giving a LIVE
talk via phone to our brothers and sisters in Australia.

Don't miss out on this excellent opportunity.

Monday 9th January, 9:30pm @ Lakemba Mosque.

For those who are unable to attend, please listen LIVE via web cast at
Imedia webcast. At 9:30pm EST."

All this proves local muslim activists are in direct contact with Al-Qaeda.

SMH Erik Jensen April 15, 2010 reported:

AN AL-QAEDA recruiter, described as the No. 1 terrorist threat to
America, was engaged by a Sydney youth group to address hundreds of
young people - a decision that has caused deep divisions at one of
Australia's largest mosques.

At the same time as Anwar al-Awlaki was advising the extremist later
charged with killing 13 people at Fort Hood in Texas, he was in talks
with a group, Sydney Muslim Youth, about delivering a sermon to young
Australians. He was already well known to security agencies as the
spiritual guide to three of the hijackers on September 11, 2001.

''Anwar al-Awlaki is like a virus produced by the body wanting to
fight a microbe,'' said Taj el-Din al-Hilaly, condemning the sermon,
which was delivered at his mosque by phone link from Yemen.


forwarded by Bob Vinnicombe

Forwarded by Bob Vinnicombe Australia.Thanks from ANV.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Aussie’s Farewell ? (yes I know,who cares ?)

Circumstances beyond my control dictate that I am constricted to posting only at  for future posts.

My Video Posting is down due to third party tech difficulties and You Tube  sanctions.

I will continue to post as best as I can, info, relevant to Islam’s war against humanity here in Australia and throughout the world and wherever its Godless shadow is cast.

I will post comments to Winds of Jihad, Atlas Shrugs,World Net Daily, to name but a few, these bloggers, internet warriors are good people with good hearts dedicated to the survival of mankind and civilization as we in the Judeo Christian World know it.

To the hundreds of thousands of viewers of ANV,thanks for your support and God bless you all in our shared fight for the continuation of a God created Civilized Society free of Satan’s Dead Hand of Islam and the UN.

I can be contacted or insulted at


I will be back !!!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Digger's family slam ABC's 'abuse' of Australian flag in sex-filled episode of “At Home With Julia”

This show is not all that funny, you have to be a follower of Australian Politics to get most of the “jokes” the actors are better than good in their parody of the PM and her fellow Political players.
I am an Australian who does not embrace the Communist / Green Party (Labor Party) and as such don’t mind seeing them copping it up the arse, as rare as that is,however,
I have to say that there is this thing where the Australian Flag should not be defiled and I believe that this is an example where these guys have overstepped the mark.
Madame Gillard can look after herself, although I believe the office of PM should hold some degree of respect in the community, unfortunately Madame Gillard,Comrade Rudd aka. Lu Kewen,Comrade Brown and the other Stars of the  Union / GetUp financed Madame Gillard led,minority Marxist Green Loon/ “Independent” coalition Australian Government have treated Australians with such hateful contempt for them and their families and loved ones that we may well have crossed the line of where now anything goes.
Australians would, I am sure in the majority, would be offended by the defilement of the Australian Flag as per this episode of Tax Payer funded “creativity” or is it a “text” or an “installation “ even?
Lt. Marcus Case and his fellow Warriors are  people who actually DO matter,for without them and the hundreds of thousands of their fellow brave selfless ADF members before them, Australia would simply not exist.
Madam Gillard has  step daughter who has done a few tricks with the Australian Flag, Her hairdresser and “partner’s” daughter Staci Child.
Copy of Staci Child png

Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Australia: Satan’s Sword given another “get out of jail card”

Pulling pin on bomb terror plotters' trial

Keith Moor
The Daily Telegraph
September 21, 2011

POLICE secretly created and exploded a "Mother of Satan" bomb to prove that Abdul Benbrika and his extremist followers had the materials to make the feared terrorist device.

They were able to show that terrorist followers of the radical Muslim cleric ordered or bought chemicals and specialist laboratory equipment to make a bomb capable of killing and injuring hundreds of


The "Mother of Satan" bomb is the weapon of choice for terrorists around the world.

It was used in the 2005 London Tube and bus bombings which killed 52 people and injured more than 700, as well as many more terror attacks during the past decade.

But now officers from the joint taskforce that foiled the devastating plot - which had included a bomb attack at Sydney's nuclear reactor - must face the fact Benbrika and the other Melbourne cell members

will not face a jury.

The decision to permanently stay the charges in Victoria was made despite evidence in the trial of the NSW cell members that a terrorist attack of potentially mammoth proportions was imminent when

Benbrika and the Melbourne and Sydney cell members were arrested in co-ordinated swoops in 2005. NSW cell members Mohamed Elomar, 46, Abdul Rakib Hasan, 41, Khaled Cheikho, 38, Moustafa Cheikho,

33, and Mohammed Omar Jamal, 27, were subsequently convicted of conspiring to commit a terrorist act and jailed for 23 to 28 years.

In that trial, prosecutor Richard Maidment SC said the men sought large quantities of firearms, ammunition and chemicals that would have enabled them to build devices "capable of causing substantial

damage and loss of life".

"There are a number of utterances which suggest that the purpose of the organisation was to do something big, cause maximum damage, kill a thousand at the train station, football, whatever," he said.

The prosecution detailed the role of Benbrika and Aimen Joud in helping to order the lab equipment as evidence of a conspiracy to commit a terrorist act. It also provided an extensive chronology of the

many contacts between NSW and Melbourne terror cell members as more evidence of a joint conspiracy to commit a terrorist act.

Justice Terry Forrest's decision means Benbrika, Joud, Fadl Sayadi and Ahmed Raad will not face extra jail time on top of their sentences on the lesser terrorism charges they received in 2008.

Related Coverage


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Green Loon’s Parliamentary rant labeled “Claptrap”

Green MP Adam Bandt's carbon rant ridiculed

Alison Rehn
The Daily Telegraph

September 20, 2011

Copy of 20 9 2011 Green MP Adam Bandt's carbon rant ridiculed THE nation faces a doomsday scenario of "hurricanes, storms and floods" unless action is taken on climate change, Greens MP Adam Bandt warned yesterday.

During yesterday's carbon tax debate, Mr Bandt said every person was threatened by climate change and "we are running out of time to prevent a catastrophe". "Ice caps are melting and the seas are rising," he said. "The hit to the Australian economy if we are not able to prevent runaway climate change is going to be enormous.

Mr Bandt warned jobs were threatened by climate change, saying that in Queensland 67,000 workers directly dependent on tourism and the Great Barrier Reef could be "turfed out of a job" if the reef is irreversibly damaged.

Speaking immediately after Mr Bandt, NSW Nationals MHR Mark Coulton said he had "never heard so much emotional claptrap".

"It seems to me that there's a lot of houses, a lot of buildings in the middle of Melbourne made out of concrete and it seems to me that while the good folk of Melbourne might have a desire to improve the environment, they don't appear to be doing too much of it themselves," Mr Coulton said.


Sharia Law consistent with Australian Culture and Values

New Mufti Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed assures us Muslim law fits with Australian culture

Tim Vollmer
The Daily Telegraph

September 20, 2011


Copy of 20 9 2011 New Mufti Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed assures us Muslim law fits with Australian culture

AUSTRALIANS should not be scared of Sharia law because it is consistent with our own culture and values, the country's new Muslim leader says.

Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed yesterday said his goal as the Grand Mufti of Australia was "clarifying the misconceptions about our religion".

He said debate was clouded by misunderstanding and a focus on the more extreme punishments, such as a death penalty for Muslims who convert to another religion.

"It's not fair that you just look at one element out of a hundred elements in the Sharia law and make that element to be the most important thing," he said.

"We see a lot of the Australian culture and values are part of our Sharia law.

"Freedom is a Sharia law, respecting others is a Sharia law, justice is a Sharia law, tax and paying tax and fulfilling your obligations is also considered to be a Sharia law, respecting others and honouring others, that is all Sharia law," he said.

Dr Abu Mohamed insisted the Muslim community believed in a democratic system: "We are a democratic nation, and whatever the majority votes for is what goes."

He also hit out at talk that radical groups were drawing young Muslims to extremism and violence, saying "evilness always had followings".

"Extremism and radicalisation is not just in Islam and among Muslims, it does exist in all societies and all communities," he said.

He also said Australian troops in Afghanistan had the potential to inflame passions in the community, adding: "It is a nature of mankind that if there is any oppression upon any nation that our emotions start to move and react."


Update: Although this Clown has lived in Australia since the 90’s he does not speak ENGLISH.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

R U OK ?

Just thought I should ask. I was wondering if you were thinking of flying a plane into a NY Sky Scraper or Gang Raping or slashing some”Aussie Pig, Sluts” throat, in order to regain your Pious Muslim Families Honour.

No matter, if indeed you are OK  I just thought I should ask.

As for me and my gang of Infidel Aussie Sluts and Pigs, well we just get along, and defer to God whenever the shit hits the fan.

But hey who would not want to fly a plane into a multi story building or gang rape a hundred or so infidels aka. “Aussie Pigs and Sluts” to express their belief in the Moon God allah ?

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