An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Geert Wilders has postponed a visit to Australia because of delays in obtaining a visa.

Controversial Dutch MP postpones Australia visit

By chief political correspondent Simon Cullen

Anti-Islamic Dutch politician Geert Wilders has postponed a visit to Australia because of delays in obtaining a visa, despite today's announcement that his application would be approved.

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen said he had decided to issue a visa to the controversial MP, declaring Australia's democracy is strong enough to withstand a visit by the "extremist commentator".

Mr Wilders was due to speak at events in Sydney and Melbourne later this month at the invitation of the Q Society, which is concerned by what it calls the "Islamisation" of Australia.

But the group says "extraordinary delays" in getting a visa have forced Mr Wilders to delay his visit until mid-February next year.

"Minister Bowen's (announcement)... is too little too late," the Q Society said in a statement.

"When Mr Wilders' visa may be issued is still uncertain; it could be tomorrow, it could be next week, it could be a week after the scheduled departure.

"Q Society asks Minister Bowen why, after lodging papers in late August, has his visa still not been issued?"

A spokesman for Mr Bowen says Mr Wilders was advised by email this morning that his visa application had been approved.

Q Society's spokesman Andrew Horwood has told the ABC that Mr Wilders' speaking tour may now be expanded to include Perth given the strong public interest.

"We've been really inundated by what I'd call the silent majority in Australia who've been looking back and concerned about what's been happening," Mr Horwood said.

Last month, the ABC's 7.30 program reported the processing of the Dutch MP's visa had stalled because it triggered a notification on the Movement Alert List - a database of people of concern to Australia.

It meant his application was held up at the Department of Immigration headquarters in Canberra while more thorough checks were done.

But Mr Bowen this morning announced that after long and careful consideration, he would not be intervening in the process to stop Mr Wilders coming to Australia.

"I've taken the view that he's a provocateur who would like nothing more than for me to reject his visa so that he could become a cause célèbre ," Mr Bowen told ABC radio's AM program.

"I'm not going to give him that opportunity to be the cause célèbre for his cause which is radical and extremist.

"I think our society's robust enough, our multicultural is strong enough, and our love of freedom of speech entrenched enough that we can withstand a visit from this fringe commentator from the other side of the world.

"We should defeat his ideas with the force of our ideas and the force of our experience, not by the blunt instrument of keeping him out of Australia."

As one of the world's most prominent anti-Islam campaigners, Mr Wilders has attracted controversy in many parts of the world.

In 2009 he was refused entry to the UK but later appealed and won.

He was also tried and acquitted in the Netherlands on hate charges over his controversial public comments.

The website for the Q Society, which invited Mr Wilders to Australia, states that: "Aggressive or stealth proselytising and brazen imposition by Islamic organisations and Islamic religious fanatics were our 'call to arms'".

And it has accused the Federal Government of "kowtowing to Islamic supremacists".

The Bolt Report Pts. 1,2 & 3 Sept 30 2012.

Enemies use broadcaster Alan Jones's stupidity to smear Opposition Leader Tony Abbott

Andrew Bolt From
01, 2012 12:00AM

I'VE long respected broadcaster Alan Jones for his courage. Jones is also a colleague of mine on 2GB.

But telling the Sydney University Liberal Club President's dinner the Prime Minister's father had "died a few weeks ago of shame" for his daughter was cruel and shameful.
Even so, I'm also suspicious of the spin put on it by enemies of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

Here's what Jones said of Ms Gillard's father, John: "The old man recently died a few weeks ago of shame. To think that he has a daughter who told lies every time she stood for Parliament."

The Young Liberals listening may well be young, but the audio shows most still had the judgment to gasp or laugh in astonishment at such a vicious remark.

Jones has now apologised and said he feels "shame". But at the dinner, he protested at the students' reaction: "No, no look, hang on, this is where we are weak. The federal party's been brainwashed by the media to 'Oh back off, she's a woman, go easy'."

If Jones knew the Opposition was under that pressure, he should also have known his attack was not just in appallingly bad taste, but also appalling politics. Mr Abbott, a friend of Jones, is already being falsely smeared by Labor as too aggressive and too nasty to women - part of a tactic to build sympathy for Ms Gillard among women voters.

Down rocky road to ruin

Never mind the many equally vicious attacks from Labor and its media mates on former prime minister John Howard and Mr Abbott, actually an acutely moral man.

Indeed, not one newspaper last month even bothered reporting that former union official Rebecca Mifsud, wife of Immigration Minister Chris Bowen, retweeted a vile attack on Jones.
"Alan Jones age 71," her retweet noted. "Average lifespan for an Australian male 79. Patience my pretties."

So I'm a little sceptical now - not about the justified anger, but the use some make of it.

Take Liberal frontbencher Malcolm Turnbull's tweet yesterday: "Alan Jones' comments about the late John Gillard were cruel and offensive. He should apologise to the PM and her family."

Mr Turnbull's attack did what I suspect may have been his intention.

The Australian's Peter van Onselen was one of many to jump to the next step, tweeting: "Well done Malcolm Turnbull for coming out quickly & condemning Alan Jones. Let's see how long others take to do the same . . . " Others meaning Mr Abbott, now under pressure to attack a staunch ally.

Oddly enough, Mr Turnbull last month pressured Mr Abbott to also attack another ally, MP Cory Bernadi, by just as quickly damning Senator Bernardi's comments on gay marriage and bestiality.
Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr went even further, demanding Mr Abbott "apologise to the Prime Minister" for what Jones said to Liberal students, claiming it showed Mr Abbott "associated with extremists".

Fast work, turning Jones's stupidity into a smear of Mr Abbott.
Yes, Jones's attack on Ms Gillard was shocking. Just don't take all the criticism at face value.
Yes, what Alan Jones said was shameful. No excuse for it.

But if the topic is hate speech, can the Fairfax newspapers explain why they illustrate articles on Jones with these photographs?

Vilification by carefully selected photographs of the most unflattering kind seems kind of puerile.


Why do so many Fairfax and ABC journalists seem to love Alan Jones being so nasty? Because it lets them be every bit as vile and return - and still feel virtuous as well. Take this tweet by an ABC presenter, retweeted by an Age journalist: 

An occasional Fairfax columnist and frequent ABC guest can even appeal to the inner homophobe and feel she’s just doing the moral thing: 

Alan Jones apologises and Their ABC enlists Sista Bergmann for an analysis.

Feminist slams "Jones's 'pathological pursuit' of Gillard"

Dr Meredith Burgmann, organiser of the 'Ernie Awards', which present mock prizes for sexist comments by public figures, has slammed comments made by Alan Jones about Julia Gillard's father at a Young Liberals dinner.

Bergmann and the Australian Labor Party, Enemies of the People

This Dickless Arse Clown Bergmann's greatest claim to fame is that  she invited and sanctioned the Communist North Vietnamese Army to march through Macquarie Street on the opening of her Socialist Labor Party's  NSW Parliament .

Bring on the Treason Trials, I would love to see her arms bound together at the elbows behind her back, blind folded head forcibly bowed and kneeling on broken glass on the steps of the Sydney Opera House as a Vietnam Veteran passes sentence upon her ,her Labor Party their co conspirators and North Vietnamese Communist Party financiers the ACTU and their legion of Media Sycophants and apologists.

Alan Jones claims PM Gillard's father died of shame.....I disagree

Alan Jones apologises as sponsors pull ads

The Daily Telegraph 
October 01, 2012 12:00AM

SPONSORS of the Sydney radio station part-owned by Alan Jones have been inundated with thousands of complaints about the talkback king's comments on the death of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's father.

As politicians of all persuasions condemned the 2GB star yesterday, its backers were swamped with messages of hate towards Jones. One sponsor received 2000 emails demanding they cancel their advertising contract.

The emails were triggered after The Sunday Telegraph revealed Jones told Young Liberals at a dinner that Ms Gillard's 83-year-old father, John, had died of shame. Last night more than 8000 Australians had signed an online petition calling for advertisers and sponsors to terminate their arrangements with the 2GB morning show. The radio station removed the list of sponsors from its website, in a belated bid to protect it from the fallout. Some of the vitriol was nasty, with some even tweeting they hoped Jones would "get his cancer
'Private' dinner was open to anyone
THIS was a room chockers with young opinionated sparks, many of whom one day aspire to help lead this nation.
An apology tempered by anger
WHEN I repeated a comment I had heard only hours before at a birthday party for one of my godsons, as I said yesterday, I was wrong.
JJ Metro West managing director John Megalli said the airconditioning company was considering its options for advertising with 2GB and it would boycott Alan Jones' program altogether.

"We disagree 100 per cent with what Alan Jones said and we have already contacted the station with our concerns about the comments," he said.

"We are not boycotting 2GB, but we will definitely be pulling out our advertising with Alan Jones." Lexus of Parramatta said it had pulled its sponsorship with 2GB two weeks ago following Mr Jones' comments about women "destroying the joint".

Jones held a 45-minute press conference yesterday morning at 2GB where he said he regretted making the comments about Ms Gillard.

"The comments were, in the light of everything, unacceptable," Jones said. "They merit an apology by me.

"There are days when you just have to concede, man up and say you got it wrong. And on this instance these are remarks which I shouldn't have made.

"I was taught as a young kid by my father if you're going to eat crow, you should eat it while it's hot. In this instance, these are remarks which I shouldn't have repeated.

"To repeat them was wrong, to even offer any impression that I might seek to diminish the grief a daughter would feel for her father, independently of who that daughter might be, is unacceptable."

Jones added he would contact Ms Gillard directly to apologise but the Prime Minister said she was not interested in talking to the broadcaster.

Ms Gillard's office made no comment yesterday other than to say: "The Prime Minister does not intend to talk to Mr Jones about his comments."

Liberal leader Tony Abbott said: "Alan's remarks regarding the PM were completely out of line".

Monday, October 01, 2012

Australias Union SCUM; Labors Union C***S and Financiers flex their Monthly's on QLD Childrens Hospital Construction.

Madame Gillards Financiers the Lowest of the Low... no wonder Australia has a drug Problem when one of the big two Political parties is financed by these OOPS SORRY ABOUT THE WORD THAT USED TO BE HERE,A DRAFT THAT SLIPPED THROUGH, how else could these THUGS raise money to fund their political party when they are not kicking sick children out of Hospital beds.
Pack of Poo Poking AND HERE the lot of yas, Union SCUM.
Cannot wait to se yas hanging by whats left of ya nuts from the nearest light pole.

I know one of these spineless gutless Union Pricks they are as weak as water pathetic BLUDGERS dedicated to sponging off Australians in anyway they can at any cost to the economy.
The most useless pack of Bludgers you could find,the same type that withheld food and ammunition to the Australian Military Forces during WW2 in exchange for MONEY as they HID from those determined to kill Australians and take over Australia, in the pathetic hope they would be spared the will of Australia's enemies in exchange for betraying and sabotaging Australia's Soldiers in New Guinea in WW2 .... Bastard Cowardly Bludgers fund the Australian Labor Party
 via COMPULSORY Union Dues.The Lowest of the Low a Unionist.

Hospital standoff sees subbies sidelined

From: The Australian 
September 06, 2012 12:00AM

UP to 2000 people have been affected by a month-long strike at the site of the new $1.4 billion Children's Hospital in Brisbane, despite the construction union being directed to resume work two weeks ago.

While 600 full-time workers have not been able to work for a month, Electrical Contractors Association Australia workplace relations manager Jason O'Dwyer said the dispute had worked its way along the supply chain.

"You've got the 600 people on site who are not able to work, but now it's got well beyond them, and possibly three times that number of people are also being affected," he said.

"In a lot of cases, the businesses that had contracts to supply to the hospital were able to shuffle other work around so they still had something to go on with, but we've had reports of the suppliers having to put some of their workers on notice that work's drying up."

Mr O'Dwyer claimed that because of a Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union picket line many subcontractors were unable to access the site and complete work or get their tools so they could go on to other jobs.

"These are people who aren't even involved in the original dispute but are now not able to work because they can't get their tools."

The dispute at one of the biggest building projects in Queensland centres around an insistence from the union to renegotiate an agreement originally set to cover wages up to 2014.

This happened after a subcontractor allegedly went bankrupt after another firm undercut it for the gyprocking of internal walls at the hospital site.

Builder Abigroup was granted an injunction in the Federal Magistrates Court on August 16, which prevented the CFMEU from industrial action by banning union organisers from within 100m of the site. The CFMEU is believed to be arguing the picket is a "community protest" and not a formal strike.

CFMEU Queensland state secretary Michael Ravbar did not return calls, but when The Australian visited last week there was no activity and the only people on site were security guards.

Mr O'Dwyer said that subcontractors were further being pressured by the main contractor, Abigroup, which said they were free to work at the site because of the August 16 injunction. "But in practice the subcontractors' employees are just not prepared to take that risk, given that there have been threats to their physical wellbeing if they access the site."

The hospital is due for completion next year, and Abigroup is subject to fines that could exceed $100,000 a day if work is delayed.

A statement from Abigroup said it was "experiencing a CFMEU campaign of unlawful work stoppages and blockades as a result of resisting unsustainable union demands". "Abigroup is taking legal action . . . to prevent further stoppages and to protect its employees, clients and the company," it said.

Alan Jones does what MOST Conservatives never do ....

Full marks to the Daily Telegraph for allowing the right of reply to a Conservative Commentator.

An apology tempered by anger

Alan Jones 
The Daily Telegraph
October 01, 2012 12:00AM

WHEN I repeated last Saturday week, at a private dinner of the Sydney University Liberal Club, a comment I had heard only hours before at a birthday party for one of my godsons, as I said yesterday, I was wrong.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard was entitled to an apology, which I publicly offered and repeated yesterday.

My attempts to deliver it personally to her were in vain.

She declined to take my call.

The comments which should not be repeated here were in bad taste.

But party talk of the prime minister's untruths is a measure of real anger out there about Gillard's persistent and unapologetic breach of public trust.

On top of the carbon tax and asylum seeker broken promises, the taxpayer now sees ballooning debt.

And after endlessly talking about the necessity of a floor price for carbon dioxide emissions, come 2015, suddenly everything said in the past means nothing.

The consequences for revenue of this latest about face are mammoth.

The compensation package to taxpayers will remain as if the carbon dioxide price were $29 a tonne.

But the revenue will be based on a price set in Brussels, perhaps as low as $8 a tonne.

It doesn't add up.

But to the Gillard government, it doesn't seem to matter. You see, even the term carbon pollution reduction scheme is an untruth.

It's CO2 that is being taxed not carbon.

And CO2 is not a pollutant.

These are some of the issues I addressed at the dinner last Saturday week in a private room at the Waterfront Restaurant in Sydney, in a 58-minute speech I delivered without notes.

It was a typically under-graduate evening.

Everyone, as we say in Aussie lingo, copped a serve.

The jokes and the songs were all, understandably, about a Labor government which has not only dishonoured promises on so many issues, but also has stood democracy on its head by telling the voting public what it believes is good for them.

I rose to speak at 10.10pm in this atmosphere.

Wrongly, I repeated the offending remarks.

And there could be no justification for that.

That said, there are other issues at work here.

A person, apparently a journalist, represented himself to the organisers as a Liberal student and paid the Liberal student entry fee, but he's not a student.

He registered for the evening with an email address which concealed the fact that he was a journalist.

And without notifying or seeking approval from the organisers or the speakers, he apparently taped the speech.

Where the Listening Devices Act fits in relation to such behaviour is interesting.

But if people at private dinner parties have to wonder whether someone is secretly taping proceedings for reproduction to any media outlet that wants them, then it seems that no one is safe on a Saturday night from details of the evening being later revealed.

That does not mean that comments made privately or publicly should be such as to give offence to another, should those comments be made public. But I wonder if such reporting behaviour occurred at a Labor Party dinner, what the response might have been.

What is more, only last week, the wife of a federal government minister tweeted to the extent that Alan Jones won't have to be endured for much longer as the average age that males live to in Australia is such that he won't be with us for long.

Or words to that effect.

Nice stuff.

And the social media yesterday were wishing my cancers to return, except this time, the hope was expressed that they should finish the job.

I'm not complaining and I'm not suggesting anyone should run to my defence.

What I am suggesting is that some seem to practise the standards they selectively condemn.

As I soon as I learnt my comments would have made their way to the Prime Minister, I determined I must apologise. And I say again, I sought neither to reflect on Mr John Gillard, the Prime Minister's father, nor to dismiss the grief that any daughter feels for the death of her father.

I said yesterday that I have nothing but praise for the John Gillards of this world.

Mr Gillard is an emblem of all migrant fathers who came here to give their families a better life.

I will stand anywhere to deliver a eulogy to John Gillard as a father and a worker and a man. And that applies to his wife. But I will never eulogise what Mr Gillard's daughter and her party are doing to our country.

The public know what is happening and they are angry.

And when they are lied to on grocery watch, fuel watch, carbon tax, asylum seekers, a carbon tax floor price and debt; to say nothing of four young men losing their lives in a pink batts fiasco these issues, amongst others, are the basis for that anger.

I addressed all these issues at the Liberal Club function.

I should never have included in my remarks the words rightly attributed to me.

But if only some of the trenchant criticism directed towards me is inspired by a ruthless determination to silence legitimate comment and condemnation of government policy, then just as comments which strike at the grief of a daughter for her father should be condemned, so too should be condemned the widespread efforts by the Gillard government, and Julia Gillard herself, to silence or punish anyone who dares to articulate one political certainty that this may be the worst and least trustworthy government in Australian history.

Alan Jones Replies at last a conservative defends himself

At last a Conservative takes the time to Defend themselves

However in my opinion Gillard is everything and more Jones has accused her of been.
Her Father would have died with a smile on his face knowing that JulIAR was implementing their shared Socialist agenda upon their adopted Country, Australia in the true cloth cap class war that Wales is INfamous for.
Go back to the Fucking Coal Mine ya Socialist Pricks nothing to see here in Australia.
Jones has nothing to apologise for apart from holding back.

The MSM need to dispose of Jones, for once they have done so,.
 the MSM will have an unchallanged monopoly on their Socialist agenda

An apology tempered by anger

Alan Jones 
The Daily Telegraph
 October 01, 2012 12:00AM

WHEN I repeated last Saturday week, at a private dinner of the Sydney University Liberal Club, a comment I had heard only hours before at a birthday party for one of my godsons, as I said yesterday, I was wrong.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard was entitled to an apology, which I publicly offered and repeated yesterday.

My attempts to deliver it personally to her were in vain.

She declined to take my call.

The comments which should not be repeated here were in bad taste.

But party talk of the prime minister's untruths is a measure of real anger out there about Gillard's persistent and unapologetic breach of public trust.

On top of the carbon tax and asylum seeker broken promises, the taxpayer now sees ballooning debt.

And after endlessly talking about the necessity of a floor price for carbon dioxide emissions, come 2015, suddenly everything said in the past means nothing.

The consequences for revenue of this latest about face are mammoth.

The compensation package to taxpayers will remain as if the carbon dioxide price were $29 a tonne.

But the revenue will be based on a price set in Brussels, perhaps as low as $8 a tonne.

It doesn't add up.

But to the Gillard government, it doesn't seem to matter. You see, even the term carbon pollution reduction scheme is an untruth.

It's CO2 that is being taxed not carbon.

And CO2 is not a pollutant.

These are some of the issues I addressed at the dinner last Saturday week in a private room at the Waterfront Restaurant in Sydney, in a 

58-minute speech I delivered without notes.

It was a typically under-graduate evening.

Everyone, as we say in Aussie lingo, copped a serve.

The jokes and the songs were all, understandably, about a Labor government which has not only dishonoured promises on so many issues, but also has stood democracy on its head by telling the voting public what it believes is good for them.

I rose to speak at 10.10pm in this atmosphere.

Wrongly, I repeated the offending remarks.

And there could be no justification for that.

That said, there are other issues at work here.

A person, apparently a journalist, represented himself to the organisers as a Liberal student and paid the Liberal student entry fee, but he's not a student.

He registered for the evening with an email address which concealed the fact that he was a journalist.

And without notifying or seeking approval from the organisers or the speakers, he apparently taped the speech.

Where the Listening Devices Act fits in relation to such behaviour is interesting.

But if people at private dinner parties have to wonder whether someone is secretly taping proceedings for reproduction to any media outlet that 

wants them, then it seems that no one is safe on a Saturday night from details of the evening being later revealed.

That does not mean that comments made privately or publicly should be such as to give offence to another, should those comments be made public. But I wonder if such reporting behaviour occurred at a Labor Party dinner, what the response might have been.

What is more, only last week, the wife of a federal government minister tweeted to the extent that Alan Jones won't have to be endured for much longer as the average age that males live to in Australia is such that he won't be with us for long.

Or words to that effect.

Nice stuff.

And the social media yesterday were wishing my cancers to return, except this time, the hope was expressed that they should finish the job.

I'm not complaining and I'm not suggesting anyone should run to my defence.

What I am suggesting is that some seem to practise the standards they selectively condemn.

As I soon as I learnt my comments would have made their way to the Prime Minister, I determined I must apologise. And I say again, I sought neither to reflect on Mr John Gillard, the Prime Minister's father, nor to dismiss the grief that any daughter feels for the death of her father.

I said yesterday that I have nothing but praise for the John Gillards of this world.

Mr Gillard is an emblem of all migrant fathers who came here to give their families a better life.

I will stand anywhere to deliver a eulogy to John Gillard as a father and a worker and a man. And that applies to his wife. But I will never eulogise 

what Mr Gillard's daughter and her party are doing to our country.

The public know what is happening and they are angry.

And when they are lied to on grocery watch, fuel watch, carbon tax, asylum seekers, a carbon tax floor price and debt; to say nothing of four young men losing their lives in a pink batts fiasco these issues, amongst others, are the basis for that anger.

I addressed all these issues at the Liberal Club function.

I should never have included in my remarks the words rightly attributed to me.

But if only some of the trenchant criticism directed towards me is inspired by a ruthless determination to silence legitimate comment and condemnation of government policy, then just as comments which strike at the grief of a daughter for her father should be condemned, so too should be condemned the widespread efforts by the Gillard government, and Julia Gillard herself, to silence or punish anyone who dares to 
articulate one political certainty that this may be the worst and least trustworthy government in Australian history.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Islam means Peace and slitting your daughters throat proves it....... but hey all cultures Religions are equal right? Oh so you are a racist bigot ?

Unashamedly copy and pasted from Jihad Watch  ....  

Canada: "Then I stab her, stab her neck. She said, 'No Mom!' I said, 'It's for your good. Let me finish.'"

Attempted honor murder in Montreal.
Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that "retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right." However, "not subject to retaliation" is "a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring." ('Umdat al-Saliko1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.
The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but "the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour 'provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.'" And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that "Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values."
In light of all this, until authorities get the courage to tell the truth about honor killing, there will be many more such murders.
"‘It’s for your good. Let me finish’: Afghan-Canadian mother told police she stabbed her daughter with a kitchen knife," by Graeme Hamilton for the National Post, September 26 (thanks to Michael):
MONTREAL – For months, Bahar Ebrahimi had been rebelling against her parents, complaining their Afghan culture and Muslim religion were suffocating her. “I want to enjoy my life. I want to feel what the other ones feel,” she told them, according to her mother’s statement to police.
It was June, 2010, Grand Prix weekend in downtown Montreal, and on two straight nights the 19-year-old stayed out past dawn against her parents’ wishes.
For her mother, Johra Kaleki, the behaviour confirmed that all her efforts to steer her eldest daughter on the right path had failed. “I felt like she would never be fixed,” she told Sgt.-Det. Alexandre Bertrand in an interrogation video played Wednesday in Quebec Court.
As her crying husband spoke to Bahar in the basement of their Dorval home, Ms. Kaleki went upstairs and grabbed a large knife from the kitchen counter, the one she used to chop meat, she recounted. “I said, ‘This is the time.’ ”
She hid the knife under her T-shirt, returned to the basement, and told her husband the problem would best be resolved between mother and daughter. “Just leave us alone for five minutes,” she said she told him. “Don’t come until I call you.”
He left and she cuddled her first-born and told her to lie on her stomach so she could give her a back massage. “Then I stab her, stab her neck,” she confessed. “She said, ‘No Mom!’ I said, ‘It’s for your good. Let me finish.’ ”
Earlier in the interrogation, Sgt.-Det. Bertrand has asked whether the knife blade was sharp. “No, it wasn’t,” she replied. “I wish it was. I wanted to give her the peace that she needed.”
Bahar survived the attack, suffering serious knife wounds to her head and shoulder. Ms. Kaleki, 40, is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and illegal use of a weapon.
Her husband, alerted by Bahar’s screams, rushed downstairs and grabbed the knife from Ms. Kaleki, the court heard. “I said to my husband, let me finish her.’ ” She tried to choke her daughter, she said, and after Bahar escaped, she chased her upstairs and tried to break down the locked door to the bedroom where she was calling 911.
She was arrested, and after being treated in hospital for a knife wound on her own arm, she told her story to Sgt.-Det. Bertrand.
The first night Bahar stayed out late, informing her parents she was downtown enjoying a concert, they went to the local police station to file a report, Ms. Kaleki said. The officer told them there was nothing that could be done. “He said, ‘She’s safe. Don’t worry. She’s a teenager.’ ”
But the idea of a rebellious teenage girl was foreign to her parents. They expected Bahar to be home by 11 p.m. and not to smoke, drink or have boyfriends.
After the second night, when Bahar said she had spent much of the evening walking along St. Laurent Blvd., Ms. Kaleki was horrified. “I asked her, ‘Are you a prostitute? Are you a whore?’ ” she said.
A few months earlier, when Ms. Kaleki discovered Bahar was being harassed by an ex-boyfriend, she blamed her daughter. After speaking to the boy once on the phone, Ms. Kaleki decided he sounded like “a very good Muslim guy” and told Bahar he would make a good husband. “Probably you’ve done something to drive him crazy,” she told her. “I know you. You’re my daughter.” Bahar refused the idea of marriage, calling the boy a “psycho.”
Toward the end of the four-hour interview, the detective asked Ms. Kaleki whether she had anything to add. “I hope she gets well,” she said referring to her daughter. But she did not want her to emerge unscarred.
“She live with that wound,” she continued, pointing to her neck, “she remembers me.” The experience “will make her strong and give her wisdom. . . . It means she will give up her ways of living.”...

Alan Jones Greg Sheridan

Australia 14 Bulldogs 4.In any conflict between the savage,their supporters and the Australian, always support the Australian. Melbourne Storm 14. Cantebury 4

Mob from Lakemba aka. BullDogs  Bitch Slapped by Melbourne Storm 
14  to 4 in Rugby League Grand Final.
Commiserations to Channel 9, the NRL, Radio 2gb the various Multicultural Politically Correct electronic and print media in Australia.
Well there is always next year, maybe you can try and legislate a 20 point start to attoine for Australia's sins should The 'Dogs' make it to the Grand Final in 2013

In any conflict between the savage,their supporters and the Australian, always support the Australian.
Melbourne Storm 14. Cantebury 4

Lets hope there is no offence taken at been defeated and that Sydney will not have to suffer another 2005 style week long  state facilitated Jihad.

PC Multicultural Media,State Sponsored Bull Shit does not a Premiership Make.

Should Des Hasler resign and return the money ?
If Not Why Not?
Should the Australian Government give the 
Bull Dogs more money so as they will be assured of winning next year ? or should the Mob from Lakemba be given automatic entry into the 2013 Grand Final along with a 15 to 20 point start in the interests of Multiculturalism?

Alan Jones Julia Gillards Father comments

Bill Shorten Labor's sharpest

 Future Labor PM, Bill Shorten

Steve Price is joined by The Australian's John Lyons, currently in Jerusalem.

2GB's Steve Price is joined by The Australian's John Lyons, currently in Jerusalem.

Alan Jones on the Economic Vandalism of the Australian Labor Green Loon Govt.

Andrew Moore Barnaby Joyce, Australia Socialisms road to Serfdom

Straight talking Barnaby Joyce, tells it like it is (or should be)

Luke Grant and Steve Lancaster on the rising Islamic Insurgency as seen in Sydney 15 Sept 2012

Luke Grant speaks with Australian Federal Police Ass. Comm. Steve Lancaster regarding the rising Islamic Insurgency as recently seen in the Sydney CBD Islamic Insurgency Riots

Alan Jones claims PM Gillard's father died of shame.....I disagree

I strongly disagree with Jones. Madame Gillard's father would have been very proud of his daughters stewardship over Australia's destruction, he was a committed "Socialist" just like his daughter and often spoke of his admiration for her efforts to change Australia from the Nation he found upon his arrival in Adelaide as an assisted passage immigrant family from Barry in Wales in 1966, to the Socialist Utopian Multicultural crime ridden beggar Nation Australia is fast becoming today.
The Australian Labor Party and their Australian Council of Trade Unions and GetUp financiers are working towards a Serfdom state with social order dictated and enforced by  Muslim Savages via Sharia Law sold to the masses as Resdistributive Social Justice.

Alan Jones says Julia Gillard's dad 'died of shame'

The Sunday Telegraph 
September 30, 2012 12:00AM

VETERAN broadcaster and 2GB host Alan Jones has claimed Prime Minister Julia Gillard's father died of "shame" because of the political "lies" his daughter told.

He told a group of 100 Young Liberals that John Gillard's death was the fault of his proud child.

He went on to suggest Ms Gillard's tears of grief, for a man she publicly said she "will miss for the rest of my life", were what sparked a sudden leap in political polling for her.

Mr Gillard, a former psychiatric nurse, died in Adelaide on September 8, age 83.

The remarks occurred during Mr Jones' 50-minute speech at the annual $100-per-head Sydney University Liberal Club President's Dinner, on the top floor of Sydney's Waterfront restaurant in The Rocks last Saturday.

After referring to Ms Gillard's track record with telling the truth to voters over issues including the carbon tax, Mr Jones said her father's death was caused by the Prime Minister herself.

"The old man recently died a few weeks ago of shame," Mr Jones told a group of party members and MPs, including Alex Hawke, Ray Williams and Sussan Ley.

"To think that he had a daughter who told lies every time she stood for parliament.

"Every person in the caucus of the Labor Party knows that Julia Gillard is a liar."

Some members of the audience gasped with surprise.

The radio star went on to say Ms Gillard had enjoyed a recent spike in polls sparked by her tears. He also said she was being given an easy ride by the "brainwashed" Liberal Party who had backed down because she was a woman.

Labor Green Loons  (Madame Gillard's)  Australia

Organisers of the dinner were not aware a journalist from The Sunday Telegraph, who had purchased a ticket, was present.

While paying tribute to her father in parliament on September 19, Ms Gillard spoke of the rough and tumble of politics and how that affected the family.

She said her father "felt more deeply than me, in many ways, some of the personal attacks that we face in the business of politics, but I was always able to reassure him that he had raised a daughter with sufficient strength not to let that get her down".

Mr Jones made several mentions about why Liberal leader Tony Abbott should be Australia's next PM.

"His overweening weakness is his humility. You will never ever hear this bloke argue his ability, his virtue, or indeed his competence," he said.

"He is a man of incomparable integrity and conviction."

The broadcaster said it was vital every member of Mr Abbott's party united behind their leader in the lead-up to the election. Mr Jones said some members of the Labor caucus were scared of the Liberal leader and others thought he was sexist.

Yesterday Mr Jones did not respond to approaches from The Sunday Telegraph.

The event was staged by Sydney University Liberal Club president and aspiring MP Alex Dore. Mr Jones has endorsed his political endeavours.

Yesterday, Mr Dore said Mr Jones had not made the comments about Ms Gillard's father. Later, informed there was a recording of the speech, his position changed.

"It was a very long speech and I did not hear it. I have always found Alan to be respectful," Mr Dore said.

He said there was "no need" to "pick apart Alan's speech. All you are doing is reducing it to a very small thing which distracts from the issues facing Australia".

Mr Williams would not be drawn on Mr Jones' remarks.

"I will just let this one go through to the keeper, the room was a bit a noisy at the time, I can't remember him saying it," he said.

Fellow MPs Mr Hawke and Ms Ley could not be reached.

Mr Abbott had previously expressed his condolences for the Prime Minister.

"This is a tragic time for (Ms Gillard) and we all feel for her at this very sad time," he told parliament. "It is a remarkable parent who produces a prime minister of this country."

During the five-hour event, three spoof songs were sung by Young Liberals member Simon Berger, Woolworths' government realtions manager.

Tirade of abuse on airwaves

The Sunday Telegraph
September 30, 2012 12:00AM

ALAN Jones cannot stand Julia Gillard.

The former Wallabies coach has previously suggested the prime minister should be thrown out to sea in a chaff bag, ridiculed her on live radio for arriving late to an interview and even called her a liar.

During a now infamous February 2011 interview on 2GB, Jones made it clear to the Labor leader that being 10 minutes late was not on.

"Ten past seven is 10 past seven isn't it?" he said.

" I can understand you may not want to come on

or you can't come on but surely courtesy has to be part of the way in which the public are treated."

She apologised and said a previous media commitment was the reason for being late.

During the 30-minute exchange, in which the carbon tax was the hot topic, Mr Jones said Australia was being headed by a liar.

"Do you understand, Julia, that you are the issue today, because there are people now saying your name is not Julia but Ju-liar and they are saying that we've got a liar running the country?" he said.

Days later Ms Gillard told the ABC's Q&A show that she could not say on national television what she thought of Mr Jones.

"Some words you probably can't use on the ABC, even at this time of night. I think it would be a bad result if tomorrow people were (watching) TV, and then the prime minister said 'beep, beep beep'."

Mr Jones once unsuccessfully sought Liberal pre-selection for the NSW seat of Earlwood.

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