An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sydney's Occupied Territories:Wild Mob attack Police after Murder

Wild mob fights with police after a 20-year-old man Dyllan Kettule was shot dead in a suspected drive-by in Sydney's south west

Ian Walker 
The Sunday Telegraph
January 26,2014

Multicultural Sydney, Australia Day 2014

Sydney's Occupied Territories : Muticultural Crime Gangs celebrate the ABC's Harmony Day,Diversity Day,Invasion Day with a Culturally Sensitive MURDER

 A WILD mob fought with police after a man was shot dead in a suspected drive-by in Sydney's south west this morning.

The man aged in his 20s was gunned down on Equity Place, Canley Vale about 2.45am.

He was found on a footpath suffering gunshot wounds but despite efforts of paramedics the man died at the scene.

"There were three gunshot sounds then a car went really fast like someone came to do it," a woman who didn't wish to be named said.

Police battled a group of men upset they weren't allowed to enter the crime scene to see the body of the deceased.

The area quickly descended into chaos as people arrived in speeding cars and nearly ran over police officers.

A man jumped out of a 4WD stopped in the middle of the road and shouted, "I want to see my brother, c'mon I'll take you all on," before him and four men attacked the officers.

Police used batons and torches to defend themselves as a violent rolling scrum between them and their attackers moved through the street.

The men were wrestled to the ground and placed under arrest as a tirade of verbal abuse was launched at police.

Officers pulled a woman away and threw her to the ground as she interfered in the arrest of one of the men.

A police dog barked at the feet of the brawlers as its handler held it back from setting upon the group.

Three Public Order and Riot Squad 4WDs arrived and parked in the middle of the street to restore order as the number of police swelled to over 50.

The tense stand off continued as more people arrived in cars and taxis.

A group of over 20 family and friends gathered down the street. Some taunted police while others did their best to calm them down.

"Is fighting with them gonna bring him back?" one man said as he dragged another away.

Forensic officers arrived to examine the crime scene.

Detectives from Cabramatta and the State Crime Command's Homicide Squad are investigating the shooting.

Courageous Adam Goodes : “racism had a face - and it was a 13-year-old girl”

Man honored after yelling at 13-year-old girl

Andrew Bolt 
Herald Sun
January 26, 2014

But his advocacy might never be as influential as his magnificent demonstration of character and compassion in May 2013. The day after Goodes raised his arm to identify a 13-year-old girl in the MCG crowd who had shouted ‘’ape’’ at him, he stood, shaken and shattered, before a media throng.

How utterly absurd:

On Friday, a 13-year-old Collingwood fan at the football with her Nan shouts “ape” at bearded Sydney player Adam Goodes.

She said later she did not mean the word in a racist way and tried to apologise when she was told he was upset. Yet this girl, as old as my year 7 son, was pointed out by Goodes to security staff, who marched her out of the stadium. 
She was grilled [and then detained] by police for two hours, initially without her grandmother present, and threatened with charges. Her face was shown on national TV and she was publicly branded a racist.

On Saturday Goodes absurdly declared “racism had a face - and it was a 13-year-old girl”.

If security staff and Police had of done to a "Multicultural" child what they did to this child there would have been a legal case so high you could not jump over it, THEIR ABC and the various other Multicultural Apologists would be howling from the tree tops.

Did this incident secure Adam Goodes the title of Australian of the Year 2014 ?

The US has its Ku Klux Klansmen, Serbia its Ratko Mladic, Australia a teary 13-year-old.

Only by reducing two individuals to racial caricatures - a repentant 13-year-old girl into a white racist and 34-year-old champion footballer into a black victim - could you see in that public shaming a “ magnificent demonstration of character and compassion” worthy of an Australian of the Year. (I do note, however, Goodes was honored for more than this incident alone.)

I completely agree that racism is an evil that must be fought. What concerns me, though, is that the public is instead being coached into acceptance of a New Racism which reduces us to our “racial” identities. Next step: the constitutional recognition of indigenous Australians, to divide Australians on the basis of the “race” of their ancestors.

Who runs the Australian of the Year / Racism Industry ?

Ms Shelley Reys AO 

Managing Director
Arrilla - Indigenous Consultants & Services

Professor Samina Yasmeen 

Centre for Muslim States and Societies

Dr Tim Soutphommasane 
Race Discrimination Commissioner

Jason Glanville

Chief Executive Officer

National Centre of Indigenous Excellence

Another Australian institution hijacked.The remaining members are largely administrative or former recipients.

To what extent do our institutions now reflect the values of the people who fund them?

Sydney's Occupied Territories : Muticultural Crime Gangs celebrate the ABC's Harmony Day,Diversity Day,Invasion Day with a Culturally Sensitive MURDER

When Too much Harmony and Diversity is barely enough.
Multiculturalist's celebrate Harmony Day,Diversity Day, Invasion Day, in a way that only they can,with a simple, yet, Culturally Sensitive and Respectful Murder,on a suburban street in Sydney's Occupied Territories.

Riot Squad called in as Police and Paramedics attacked by grieving relatives and friends.

Police investigate fatal shooting - Canley Vale

Sunday, 26 January 2014 05:53:51 AM

Police are investigating the death of a man after he was shot at Canley Vale in Sydney’s south-west this morning.

About 2:45am, Sunday 26 January 2014, police and NSW Ambulance Paramedics were called to Equity Place following reports of a shooting.

They found a man, aged in his 20s, on the footpath suffering gunshot wounds. Despite efforts of paramedics the man died at the scene.

A crime scene was established in Equity Place and will be examined by specialist forensic officers.

Detectives from Cabramatta Local Area Command and the State Crime Command’s Homicide Squad are conducting investigations into the shooting.

They urge anyone who saw or heard any suspicious activity in the street to contact police.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Did this incident secure Adam Goodes the title of Australian of the Year 2014 ?

Frightened 13-year-old hunted by a pack of wolves

Miranda Devine 
The Daily Telegraph
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

THE 13-year-old girl vilified for accidentally making a racist slur against indigenous footballer Adam Goodes is the daughter of a single mother on a disability pension, from one of the most underprivileged and powerless backgrounds possible.

Yet the elites of Australia’s sport and media have not stopped smashing her and her family as racist rednecks.

The debacle began on Friday night at the MCG when the girl, a Collingwood fan, leaned across from her front row seat and shouted at Swans player Goodes: “You’re an ape”.

Breathless Media report Goodes courage.

Understandably this upset Goodes, since ape is understood by most people, although not the girl, to be a racist slur.

So he pointed her out to stadium officials.

Fair enough. But her treatment since has been unforgiveable, starting with the security guards who paraded her through a jeering crowd, the police who detained her, to the AFL officials who decided to make an example of her and the media that spread her name and picture far and wide.

Goodes is the least culpable, but his statement: “Racism had a face - and it was a 13-year-old girl” was hyperbole that fanned the hysteria, even if he did say it wasn’t her fault.

Later he tried to make amends by calling off the witch-hunt.

But by then it was too late. A respected, highly-paid footballer, the powerful institution of the AFL and the collective force of the mass media had unleashed a witless, cowardly mob on a vulnerable little girl.

The girl, who we will call Samantha, lives with her single mother and two sisters, aged 15 and 16, in a small town in the depressed Gippsland area of Victoria. Her father, estranged from the family, is unemployed and lives in the even more depressed Latrobe Valley.

She only turned 13 last month, and has a sweet baby face, though she is tall for her age. Goodes said he knew she was young when he called her out.

“She is just a child,” says her mother Joanne, who is on a disability pension, with agoraphobia, anxiety and depression. “It’s been a media circus for a single word she didn’t even understand was racist. He was a big bloke with a hairy face. That’s all she meant. It was one moment taken way out of proportion.”

Joanne split from the father of her girls when Samantha was a baby, but his mother, Lucy, aka “Nana”, who works at the Hazelwood power station, “helps a lot”.

Nana bought AFL season tickets for the girls and drives a six-hour round trip to Melbourne to take them to Collingwood games.

It was the highlight of Samantha’s life - until Friday.

“She was crying when (the security guards) took her away,” says Joanne. “She thought they were just going to take her to the top of the steps and talk to her.”

Instead she was taken to the stadium police, questioned and detained from 10.10pm to 12.20am while her grandmother and sisters were told to stay where they were.

“She was beside herself.”

Goodes was asked if he wanted to press charges. He didn’t, but what a chilling concept.Joanne, was at home watching the news when she saw the incident: “My godfather - that’s my daughter!”

Nana didn’t get the girls home till 3am. Little did they know of the media firestorm that would extend to New York and London. Samantha rang Goodes the next day and wrote him a letter: “I’m sorry for being racist. I didn’t mean any harm and now I’ll think twice before I speak.”

Goodes accepted her apology with good grace. But the baying guardians of public morality wouldn’t let up.

Child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg watched the lynch mob with horror, saying people forget she “has the mind of a child. A unique characteristic of 13-year-olds is an inability to predict the consequences of their actions Kids are all accelerator, no brake.”

Her punishment has been disproportionately harsh, which is of concern at a time when girls are so vulnerable in our toxic culture. In his new book Raising Girls, psychologist Steve Biddulph says girls are in a “catastrophic state of crisis” because of pressure to grow up too fast, leading to an epidemic of eating disorders and self-harm.

“We’ve seen a marked decline in the mental health of girls,” says Carr-Gregg. They hit puberty earlier, but their brains haven’t caught up. So the psychological problems he used to see in girls of 16 he is now seeing at 12. Samantha will avoid long-term psychological trauma, depending on her “temperament, personality, and the amount of support she’s had”.

So far she’s OK. Her sisters defend her from Facebook trolls, and the pastor from her small school of 138 students has visited.

“All the kids at the school have been great,” says Joanne. “They’ve turned it into a bit of a joke and everyone’s been calling each other ape.”

Samantha is a “very outgoing, full-on kid. She’s one for blurting stuff out but she won’t be blurting things out any more. She’ll be in her shell, I think”.

Yes, Samantha has learned her lesson. But it’s no thanks to the commentators who sneered all week at a vulnerable young girl and her family.

Well, meet the family now, and see how virtuous you are.

UPDATE This morning on radio Collingwood president Eddie McGuire joked that Adam Goodes should play King Kong in the musical. No wonder Goodes is sensitive. So, tough guys, are you going to smash Eddie like a defenceless 13-year-old girl?

The controversial comment came while McGuire was speaking with co-host Luke Darcy on Triple M’s Hot Breakfast show this morning. 
Darcy was talking about the new musical. “What a great promo that is, for King Kong,” he said. 
To which McGuire replied: “Get Adam Goodes down for it, d’you reckon?” 
“No, I wouldn’t have thought so,” was the response from Darcy. 
McGuire went on, stumbling over his words: “You can see them doing that, can’t you? Goodesy. You know, the big, not the ape thing the whole thing, I’m just saying the pumping him up and mucking around and that sort of stuff.” 
He then said: “Just to clear up, when we were talking about King Kong there and I was mumbling my way through about Goodesy, I was trying to say ‘Imagine the old days of trying to get people in for publicity’ and I’ve mumbled my way through that so anyone who thought that I was having a go or being a smart alec I take that back.” 
Darcy: “Yeah. Not sure where you were going there.” 
McGuire: “Nah, neither did I halfway there I was that exhausted this morning, so apologies to that.”

I'm Mohammad Asghar!!!!!!!!!!!! : Pakistan court sentences British man to death for claiming to be prophet of Islam .Isn't EVERYONE?

I'm Mohammad Asghar!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pakistan court sentences British man to death for claiming to be prophet of Islam


January 25,2014

A court in Pakistan has sentenced a British man to death for blasphemy for claiming to be a prophet of Islam.

Mohammad Asghar, a British national of Pakistani origin, was arrested in 2010 in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, near Islamabad, for writing letters claiming to be a prophet, police said.

The special court inside Rawalpindi's Adiala Jail, where Asghar is being held, rejected defence claims that the 65-year-old has mental health problems.

"Asghar claimed to be a prophet even inside the court. He confessed it in front of the judge," Javed Gul, a government prosecutor said.

"Asghar used to write it even on his visiting card."

Blasphemy is an extremely sensitive issue in Pakistan, where 97 per cent of the population is Muslim, and insulting the Prophet Mohammed can carry the death penalty.

But the country has had a de facto moratorium on civilian hangings since 2008.

Only one person has been executed since then - a soldier convicted by court martial.

In 2006, the then-president Pervez Musharraf commuted the death sentence on a British man convicted of murder after appeals from former UK prime minister Tony Blair and Prince Charles.

Asghar also ordered to pay fine

Mr Gul says the court also ordered Asghar to pay a fine of $11,480.

A medical board examined Asghar after defence lawyers said he was suffering from some mental disorder, but Mr Gul said they "declared him as a normal person".

"Asghar was failed to produce even a single witness in his favour," Mr Gul said.

A police official in Sadiq Abad neighbourhood of Rawalpindi, where Asghar was arrested, confirmed the death sentence.

Pakistan's tough blasphemy laws have attracted criticism from rights groups, who say they are frequently abused to settle personal scores.

In 2012, Rimsha Masih, a young Christian girl, was arrested for alleged blasphemy in Islamabad.

The case provoked international concern because of her age, estimated at 14, and because she was variously described as "uneducated" or suffering from Down's syndrome.

The charges against here were eventually thrown out and last June she fled to Canada with her family.

Even unproven allegations of blasphemy can provoke a violent public response.

There have been several cases where mobs have attacked mentally ill people who have made supposedly blasphemous claims.


Friday, January 24, 2014

THEIR ABC and Fairfax, Rats in the SILO, doing their best to undermine border protection +FACTS on numbers of Labor Green Loon VOTE People arrivals

ABC and Fairfax doing their best to undermine border protection issue

Piers Akerman
The Daily Telegraph
January 24,2014

FORCED to face the collapse of their repeated pre-election prediction that the Coalition's border protection policy would be unworkable, the ABC and Fairfax are now doing their utmost to undermine the national effort.

In many countries the activities of these media outlets would be regarded as traitorous.

In 1946 William Joyce, known to the world as Lord Haw-Haw, was executed for treason after spending the war years broadcasting propaganda from Berlin on behalf of his Nazi hosts.

The actions of the ABC this week, notably through its ill-gotten Australia Network, which broadcasts into Indonesia, rival Joyce's disgraceful deeds.

How the ABC and its Fairfax supporters can believe that reporting allegations of accusations of torture by Australian service personnel without a shred of corroborating evidence is in line with sound journalistic practice and principle is beyond belief.

Before the election, both media outlets noisily protested that the Coalition's plan to stop the boats would fail. In the face of the indisputable success of Operation Sovereign Borders, both have been forced to recalibrate their politicised campaign of attack on the Coalition.

Producing an asylum seeker with a burnt finger or two hardly constitutes evidence of torture on the high seas.

Not surprisingly, the ABC and Fairfax are clamouring for an inquiry. So, too, are the people-smugglers - because an inquiry would tie up the naval resources that are damaging their businesses.

The ABC constantly claims Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has imposed a blanket of secrecy over the anti-people-smuggling operation. Secrecy was a prerequisite of the military involved in the operation, as it would be in any military exercise.

The attempts to smear Morrison don't stop there. The ABC and Fairfax try to make him the scapegoat for every action taken by the Immigration Department, even when nothing more than due process is being followed, so intent are they on pursuing their own dubious political agendas.

Earlier this month the organisations prosecuted the cause of a homosexual man who was in Australia unlawfully.

They, and the Twitterati, claimed Morrison was somehow reluctant to act because the man was in a same-sex relationship.

They agitated for Morrison to ignore the process that applies to all individuals applying for protection visas, be they heterosexual or homosexual, and grant the man residency immediately - same-sex relationships take precedence in their alternate world.

Every day these organisations take up political cudgels in the hope of damaging the government.

Occasionally, the ABC's broadcasts generate a response from Indonesia and some minister is obliged to increase the rhetoric even though the political reality dictates the cessation of the people-smuggling trade would benefit both Indonesia and Australia.

Once the boats are stopped, the issue is dead and the countries can get on with more important issues beneficial to both.

But the ABC and Fairfax want to keep the issue alive and they ignore the international precedents for the Abbott government's actions.

Here is the mission statement from the US Coast Guard on illegal boat arrivals: "The Coast Guard conducts patrols and coordinates with other federal agencies and foreign countries to interdict undocumented migrants at sea, denying them entry via maritime routes to the United States, its territories and possessions.

"Thousands of people try to enter this country illegally every year using maritime routes, many via smuggling operations. Interdicting migrants at sea means they can be quickly returned to their countries of origin without the costly processes required if they successfully enter the United States.

"When successful, illegal immigration can potentially cost US taxpayers billions of dollars each year in social services. In addition to relieving this financial burden on our citizens, the Coast Guard's efforts help to support legal migration systems.

"Primarily, the Coast Guard maintains its humanitarian responsibility to prevent the loss of life at sea, since the majority of migrant vessels are dangerously overloaded, unseaworthy or unsafe."

It could just as easily describe the Abbott government policy.

People-smugglers, the ABC and Fairfax have a vested interest in keeping this issue alive in the hope there will be sufficient public outrage to bring about a review. Despite all the indignation, it isn't going to happen.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has given his full backing to the operation and expressed total support to the naval and customs officers on the frontline.

Speaking in Davos, Switzerland, he said: "These are just claims without any apparent facts to back them up. I fully support the statement of the minister on this subject and I have complete confidence in the decency, the humanity and the professionalism of Australia's navy and customs personnel, who I commend for a magnificent job - a job which is increasingly effective and successful.

"While I'm not saying this problem has been entirely resolved, the fact is we have gone many weeks now without a single boat arrival in Australia and the last time we had this kind of an outcome was back, from memory, in 2008.

"I think people making allegations should be able to produce some evidence. There is no evidence to back them up. Who do you believe? Do you believe Australian naval personnel or the people who are trying to break Australian law?

"I trust Australia's naval personnel."

FACTS That the Insurgents apologists and facilitators don't want you to know.

No boat in five weeks vindicates Prime Minister's tactics

Patrick Lion
The DailyTelegraph
Jamuary 24,2014

AUSTRALIA has not recorded an asylum seeker boat arrival in five weeks - the first time in five years there has been such a quiet stretch without more people filling detention centres.

The Abbott government last night said Australia was now back close to the "starting line" in its bid to eliminate "the border chaos" that had started under Kevin Rudd in early 2009 and continued under Julia Gillard.

The reduction comes as relations between Australia and Indonesia over asylum seekers soured further yesterday with our closest northern neighbour warning that Australia was "reachable" by its fighter planes.

The development comes as the population of asylum seekers at Christmas Island has also dropped below 2000 for the first time since February last year.

"We have our foot on the neck of the smugglers and we are not going to give them any relief," Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said. "We are going to keep applying the pressure."

The last boat arrival of asylum seekers was transferred to Australian authorities on December 19, a period of 35 days, or five weeks, without an arrival.

While the government has declined to comment about "on-water" incidents, citing operational reasons, Indonesian authorities have confirmed several boats have been turned or towed back in that time.

The federal government does not count them as arrivals requiring transfers because the people returned to Indonesia instead.

According to the government, the last time a similar period of no transfers occurred was between January and March of 2009 when the Rudd government started relaxing border protection measures.

Mr Morrison last night said he had increasing confidence his policy measures were working, even though he conceded there was more work to do.

He said over the first 100 days the Coalition had pushed down arrivals to about 300 a month - close to the level of the 2010 election - and had now wound back the arrival numbers to the early Rudd era.

"This takes us back close to the starting line on boat arrivals, with it being five years since there was such a period of time with no arrivals," Mr Morrison said.

"Between January and March of 2009 was the last time there has been a longer period with no arrivals. That was when things started to ramp up.

"We are repairing the damage - that means getting us back to what it was like before Rudd and Gillard's border chaos wreaked havoc."

Although the government is aware arrivals do slow during the monsoon season, there were 357 people who arrived on five boats in the first 23 days of January last year.

The population on Christmas Island yesterday was 1909 people, the first time it has been under 2000 people since February last year when monthly reports began and the total was 1224 people.

In March last year, the total rose to 2251 detainees and had stayed above 2000 since.

Racist Hooligans and Vandals desecrate Eight Kilometres of Botany Bay foreshore and Captain Cooks Cottage in Melbourne

Anti Australian Racist Vandals and Hooligans desecrate Captain James Cooks Cottage and 8 killometers of Botany Bay foreshore

Anti Australian Racist Vandals and Hooligans desecrate Captain James Cooks Cottage and 8 killometers of Botany Bay foreshore

Trail of racist graffiti from Brighton to Sans Souci dampens Oz Day weekend celebrations  

Murray Trembath
The Leader
January 24, 2014, 

A Rockdale Council contractor is working to remove a trail of racist graffiti scrawled overnight on walls and walkways along the beach front from Brighton-Le-Sands to Sans Souci.

The graffiti condemned Australia Day and ‘‘colonialism’’

Residents were sickened by the attack.

‘‘It is a disgusting thing to happen  just before Australia Day,’’ said Roxy Wilson, of Brighton-Le-Sands.

Oleksandra Kaleichyk, of Monterey, who migrated from the Ukraine four years ago and has become an Australian citizen, said it was ‘‘disrespectful to the people of Australia’’.

‘‘It is very sad,’’ she said.

"I had tears in my eyes when I saw what had been done"

Contractor Sam Bennett removed graffiti quickly by painting with a chemical solution, then water blasting.

A similar Anti-Australia day graffiti attack took place overnight on the Melbourne historical landmark, Cooks’ Cottage, in Fitzroy Gardens.

Messages were sprayed on the building, which was once the home of Captain James Cook’s parents, located in Fitzroy Gardens.

Police were called to the cottage, which is 259 years old, just after 7.30am today.

Reports said vandals had filled light bulbs with paint to create makeshift paint bombs before hurling them at the walls and roof.

Fluro and black lights were used to emblazen anti-Australia Day slogans, which include a large scrawl calling January 26 ‘‘Australia’s shame’’

Why they HATE Captain James Cook and Australia. 

Captain James Cook is one of the greatest maritime explorers of all time -- only the acclaimed fifteenth-century explorers, Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama, can stand with him. Bestselling author of FATAL STORM, BLIGH and FLINDERS, Rob Mundle explores the life and travels of James Cook in a major new biography for lovers of adventure and the romance of sail. 

Over three remarkable voyages of discovery into the Pacific in the latter part of the eighteenth century, Cook unravelled the centuries-old mystery surrounding the existence of the great south land, Terra Australis Incognita; became the first explorer to circumnavigate New Zealand and prove it comprised two main islands; discovered the Hawaiian Islands; and much more. Cook was a man who pursued a teenager's dream that evolved from a chance encounter in a small seafront village on the east coast of England. 

It was a dream that became a reality and transported him to legendary status among all who mapped the world, on land and sea. Through the combination of hard-won skills as a seafarer, the talents of a self-taught navigator and surveyor, and an exceptional ability to lead and care for his men, Cook contributed to changing the shape of the world map more than anyone else. 

About the Author

Rob Mundle is the author of the highly acclaimed international bestseller Fatal Storm. He has written six other books, including the bestselling Sir James Hardy: An Adventurous Life, Alan Bond’s authorised biography,Bond, and Life at the Extreme, the official record of the 2005/2006 Volvo Ocean Race round the world. He lives in Main Beach, Queensland.

Anti-Australia Day vandals target Cooks' Cottage in Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne

Tom Miner
Herald Sun
January 24,2013

SECURITY guards were scheduled to patrol Cooks' Cottage this weekend before anti-Australia Day activists vandalised the historic landmark last night.

The vandals sprayed inflammatory messages on the former home of Captain James Cook's parents, located in Fitzroy Gardens.

One said "26th Jan Australia's shame" while the other said "F@#$ Aus Day".

People walking through Fitzroy Gardens stopped to look at the graffiti this morning, with the building also sprayed with fluorescent green and orange paint.

A window was also broken in what Lord Mayor Robert Doyle described as a "senseless act of vandalism against one of the icons of our city".

He said "vandalism is not a legitimate form of protest" and the messages were an "act of disrespect" to Melbourne.

"It detracts from the message that those vandals were trying to get across in the first place," he said.

Cr Doyle said security guards were scheduled to patrol Cooks' Cottage throughout the Australia Day long weekend after previous acts of vandalism last year.

"Unfortunately these vandals got in advance of the security guards," he said.

The incident was captured on CCTV cameras installed last year and Cr Doyle said that footage would be "very helpful" to police.

Cooks' Cottage is scheduled to reopen to the public this afternoon but Cr Doyle said the clean-up bill for the historic heritage bluestone building would be costly.

Police arrived at the scene shortly before 8am to inspect the damage and Detective Sen-Constable Scott Gray said it was disappointing to see the anti-Australian messages.

At least two vandals were believed to have been involved in the attack and Det-Sen Constable Gray said they appeared to know where the CCTV cameras were located.

It was not clear what time the vandals had struck but a security guard passing through the area at 5am did not notice the graffiti.

A passer-by was believed to have contacted police this morning.

The cottage was erected at the site in 1934 after it was brought to Australia to commemorate Captain Cook's voyages.

About 100,000 people visit the landmark every year.

Inside the mind of the SAVAGE

Thursday, January 23, 2014

US, German and Russian backed INDONESIA has beefed up its military presence in waters off its southern border as military officials claim its air force is ready and that Australia is "reachabale"

Claims Australia is 'reachable' by Indonesia's air force as border stoush hits new lows

Patrick Lion
The Daily Telegraph
January 23,2014

  •  Military presence in southern waters has been increased
  • Radar centres facing Australia are on alert
  • Air Force base in Makassar makes our country 'reachable'
  • Follows admission sovereign waters had been breached

INDONESIA has beefed up its military presence in waters off its southern border as military officials claim its air force is ready and that Australia is "reachabale" if there are any more border violations.

Indonesian military officials have today told the Jakarta Post its Navy warships, including frigates, fast torpedo craft and corvettes as well as maritime patrol aircraft, have been deployed to waters off its southern border.

Four Air Force defence radars have also been programmed to closely monitor the area.

"We are watching four radars in Timika, Merauke (in Papua), Saumlaki (Maluku) and Buraen (East Nusa Tenggara), which all face Australia," Air Force chief spokesman Air Commodore Hadi Tjahjanto told The Jakarta Post.

USA Germany Russia supply Tanks F16's, Apache attack helicopters and Submarines to Indonesia as Indonesia continues to demand Australia cease defending its borders from Indonesian based Insurgents / asylum seekers

If we notice any border violations, our air base in Makassar will be ready. Australia is reachable from there."

The Post said the base referred to was the Sultan Hasanuddin Air Force Base in the South Sulawesi provincial capital, home the 11th squadron of 16 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flankers.

The newspaper said the flankers have a maximum range of some 3,000 kilometers. The sea border lies some 1,000 km from Makassar. At Mach 1, or the speed of sound, the Flankers would reach the border in little over an hour.

Comment is being sought from Prime Minister Tony Abbott's office and the Australian Defence Force.

The developments come after Australia admitted last week it had accidentally breached Indonesia's sovereignty during asylum seeker missions in recent weeks.

Professor Damien Kingsbury from Deakin University told "Indonesia has always been pensive about its territorial integrity and Australia has played a role in that in the past."

"There's a sensitivity about that. If Indonesia did that to Australia we'd be very upset, if not more so," he said.

The Australian Government apologised to Indonesia after Navy vessels "inadvertently" breached Indonesia's territory "on several occasions" in recent weeks.

Australia's relationship with Indonesia has hit rocky waters recently, particularly because of the government's 'turn back the boats' policy and allegations from US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden that Australia spied on the country's president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and his wife, Ani in 2009.

Professor Clive Williams, from Australian National University's Centre of Military and Security Law, hosed down concerns, saying it was just rhetoric that was good for Indonesia's politicians ahead of looming elections.

But he said Australia had blundered last week by admitting the sovereignty violations, which then demanded a response.

"It's probably good mileage for politicians in Indonesian to be extra nationalistic," he said.

"I would doubt whether they would follow through on that - it's very much for home consumption. The stupidity on our part was admitting we'd entered their waters. That was necessary on our part and has just created problems."

USA Germany Russia supply Tanks F16's, Apache attack helicopters and Submarines to Indonesia as Indonesia continues to demand Australia cease defending its borders from Indonesian based Insurgents / asylum seekers

USA,Barack Husseine Obama & Germany supply 30 F-16 fighters,a dozen Apache attack helicopters and 103 Leopard battle tanks while Russia supplies 12 Submarines armed with cruise missiles.
I have to wonder who's side those 1700 US Marines recently stationed on Australian soil in Darwin will be on when Indonesia starts pushing buttons.
It could well be they are part of an Obama Muslim Brother Hood sabotage /advanced scout force,designed to pave the way for an Indonesian invasion.
Sydney's Occupied Territories should make for interesting viewing as the already embedded Jihadi's mobilise;

Indonesia boosts military presence near Australia and ramps up efforts to increase its firepower

January 23, 2014

INDONESIA has boosted its military presence near Australia and ramped up a push to increase the firepower of its armed forces, according to a report.

It comes at a time of growing turmoil in Australia's relationship with Indonesia after revelations last week Australian Navy vessels breached Indonesia's territorial waters while enforcing the Coalition's asylum seeker policy.

As The Jakarta Post reports, Indonesia is greatly expanding its Marine Corps.
The nation is reportedly awaiting the delivery of 30 F-16 fighters, a dozen Apache attack helicopters and 103 Leopard battle tanks from the US and Germany, and is purchasing a dozen Russian submarines armed with cruise missiles.

The country has warned it will deploy navy vessels to patrol its coast after the Australian incursion last week. The nation's Air Force has also programmed four radars to monitor the country's southern border.

 She said the military should strengthen its "outward-looking" approach due to signs of escalating threats. The Post also quoted an anonymous official who said a clash at sea could be "imminent".

"Now that we have three frigates on the border, a clash could be imminent as our Navy will prevent the towing back," the official said.

One expert told the military upgrade was a response to fears about Australia, which is "front and centre" in the country's mind at the moment, as well as concerns about other neighbours and growing powers such as India and China.

Professor Damien Kingsbury from Deakin University said: "Indonesia has always been pensive about its territorial integrity and Australia has played a role in that in the past."
"There's a sensitivity about that. If Indonesia did that to Australia we'd be very upset, if not more so," he said.

The Australian Government apologised to Indonesia after Navy vessels "inadvertently" breached Indonesia's territory "on several occasions" in recent weeks.
Australia's relationship with Indonesia has hit rocky waters recently, particularly because of the government's 'turn back the boats' policy and allegations from US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden that Australia spied on the country's president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and his wife, Ani in 2009.

Prof Kingsbury said the Government had handled the spying issue "very poorly". "We needed to apologise and we needed to do it quickly and we didn't," he told
At a media interview at the weekend, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop said she works very closely with her Indonesian equivalent, Dr Marty Natalegawa.
"We're in regular communication, we are working together for the shared purpose of ensuring the people smuggling trade is dismantled but also that the Australia-Indonesia relationship is strengthened."
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said at a press conference this afternoon that Tony Abbott's policies were causing tension with Indonesia.
"Our relationship with Indonesia is important. Clearly Abbott policies are causing real friction with Indonesia.

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