An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

ANV Back in Biz...........

Recent events beyond my control have prevented me from posting to ANV ,  I was however able to post to the ANV Facebook site up until yesterday March 24 14.

It seems my criticism of the Madison Solar Power Company and it's products, and their subsequent threats  to 'Record" my criticism of their Solar Power Scam has resulted in the cancellation of the ANV Facebook account.

From a commercial perspective I guess Facebook have done the numbers and have decided that my input into their enterprise is nothing more than an Opinion where as the Madison Solar Power Co's. input into Facebook is, Opinion, backed by whatever $$$$$$$$$'s Facebook charges to advertise the Solar Power / Green Loon agenda.
Anyone of ANV'S Facebook's friends / followers please don't take it personal but Aussie News & Views is no longer on Facebook, and given that Google (Blogger) are the owners of Facebook I don't know how much longer ANV will be up and running.

Many Thanks to my viewers pro and con over many years  if ANV suddenly disappears you can contact me at for info as to where you may find me.

Remember that on Facebook that the ONLY Opinion that counts at the end of the day is the one that is PAID for, and if you have the Bucks to back Up your Bull Shit, Facebook will look the other way, and indeed facilitate the removal of those who disagree with your PAID for Opinion / Schpeil / Snake Oil Salesman Products and New Age Unicorn Urine Crystal Gazing / Chicken En-trail Gazing  based Power Generation aka. SOLAR POWER

Yours faithfully,

Craig Thomson 3 months in the slammer 9 months suspended

Australia:Labor Steve Price, Andrew Bolt, Ben Fordham,Michael Smith, Craig Thomson, Chris Mcardle, HSU

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Banjo Paterson --------- Lost


`He ought to be home,' said the old man, `without there's something amiss.

He only went to the Two-mile -- he ought to be back by this.
He WOULD ride the Reckless filly, he WOULD have his wilful way;
And, here, he's not back at sundown -- and what will his mother say?

`He was always his mother's idol, since ever his father died;

And there isn't a horse on the station that he isn't game to ride.
But that Reckless mare is vicious, and if once she gets away
He hasn't got strength to hold her -- and what will his mother say?'

The old man walked to the sliprail, and peered up the dark'ning track,

And looked and longed for the rider that would never more come back;
And the mother came and clutched him, with sudden, spasmodic fright:
`What has become of my Willie? -- why isn't he home to-night?'

Away in the gloomy ranges, at the foot of an ironbark,

The bonnie, winsome laddie was lying stiff and stark;
For the Reckless mare had smashed him against a leaning limb,
And his comely face was battered, and his merry eyes were dim.

And the thoroughbred chestnut filly, the saddle beneath her flanks,

Was away like fire through the ranges to join the wild mob's ranks;
And a broken-hearted woman and an old man worn and grey
Were searching all night in the ranges till the sunrise brought the day.

And the mother kept feebly calling, with a hope that would not die,

`Willie! where are you, Willie?' But how can the dead reply;
And hope died out with the daylight, and the darkness brought despair,
God pity the stricken mother, and answer the widow's prayer!

Though far and wide they sought him, they found not where he fell;

For the ranges held him precious, and guarded their treasure well.
The wattle blooms above him, and the blue bells blow close by,
And the brown bees buzz the secret, and the wild birds sing reply.

But the mother pined and faded, and cried, and took no rest,

And rode each day to the ranges on her hopeless, weary quest.
Seeking her loved one ever, she faded and pined away,
But with strength of her great affection she still sought every day.

`I know that sooner or later I shall find my boy,' she said.

But she came not home one evening, and they found her lying dead,
And stamped on the poor pale features, as the spirit homeward pass'd,
Was an angel smile of gladness -- she had found the boy at last.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Criminal gangs targeting children in state care Paedophilia Ring

Criminal gangs targeting children in state care

March 12, 2014,

Organised gangs of men are sexually exploiting children in out-of-home care and enticing them into trading sex for money, drugs and alcohol.

An ABC investigation has found children as young as 12 are being exploited by the men.

Some of the children have been transported between towns and even interstate, while the ABC has also been told that some abuse has been filmed by paedophiles. 

It is understood that police have identified between 30 and 40 children who are living in Department of Human Services residential care that may have been exploited in this fashion in the past 18 months, but the number could be higher.

The suburbs around Dandenong are believed to be an area of particular concern to police and the department.

Police have found it difficult to charge the perpetrators, as the victims, many of whom come from traumatic backgrounds, are reluctant to give statements implicating their abusers whether through fear, a mistrust of authority or a belief that they are not actually being abused.

The Department of Human Services and Victoria Police have spent two years working on a new approach to tackling the issue, which revolves around better sharing of information and educating workers on how to recognise the signs of sexual exploitation.

Police are also practising disruptive policing.

This can mean charging the abusers with drug or property offences to bring them into the criminal justice system and keep them away from their victims.

Staff from the department have also been embedded in the police sex crimes unit.

"What we would say is that these young people are not competent to make a decision, and using that word 'prostitution' implies that they are making a lifestyle choice, working in the sex industry," the department's chief practitioner, Robyn Miller, told the ABC. 

"They are children, they are young people, they have this history of trauma. They are not competent to make that decision.

"It is abuse and we name it that and we have a zero tolerance.  

"Our whole approach has been to raise consciousness within police and with carers that this is not adolescent behaviour, it is not experimentation, it is sexual exploitation and it is a form of abuse."

Men would choose a girl to have sex with
In one case that did go to court, a number of men in Shepparton were charged with child sex and prostitution offences after having sex with girls in return for cigarettes, cash and shopping trips.

At the plea hearing of the ringleader, Emran Dad, in 2012, the court heard that he gave a 13-year-old girl a pack of cigarettes in exchange for sex.

Another girl, 16, said Dad would contact her via Facebook, then drive her to the house of a friend of his.

The girl said other girls were at the house and that men would then turn up and choose a girl to have sex with.

She said they would be paid about $200 each time this happened, depending on the sex acts they would perform.

She said Dad would receive a separate $150 payment for organising it.

"The young people that we work with have experienced such loss and grief and pain that they are really vulnerable to people giving them attention, and these offenders are expert manipulators," Ms Miller said.  

"They are disgusting in the way that they entrap our young people, so they will use social media in an expert way and will befriend, so it's like they will pretend to be something they are not."

In a statement, Victoria Police said there had been a number of successful prosecutions for exploitation offences of this nature and that there were ongoing investigations.

The State Opposition's Jenny Mikakos says there must be an investigation.

"There needs to be a thorough inquiry into how this has happened," she said.

But Community Services Minister Mary Wooldridge says the exploitation precedes the current Government.

"It's only the Coalition Government that has responded comprehensively," she said.

She says 2,000 police, child protection and care workers have been trained disrupt the exploitation of children.

_Do you know more? Email*

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Two come forward and deny they were passengers aboard lost Malaysian Airliner

So Far TWO people have come forward and declared that hey were NOT passengers aboard a Malaysian Airlines flight lost over Vietnam.
One , an Italian has confirmed his passport was stolen some months back.

Do Not Waste your time........

Under NO Circumstances, do not waste your time and sweat providing Australia's "main stream media" with information, regarding what is now obvious their Islamic financial and ideological bedfellows.
The main stream media is already "owned" by those who are sworn to destroy Australia.
By that I mean, that those who, at every opportunity profess their "Australianism" their Dinky Die Rat with a Gold Tooth swaggering parading before any camera available, with a Faux Swagmans hat for any media opp. available to them.

Yet these same  Professional Australians , Media "Rats with a Gold Tooth" side with those who Boast of their Religious Obligations to Destroy NON Believers"

Update ...........Malaysian Airlines .....Lost Flight

Malaysian Airlines ..... Italian reports that he was not a passenger despite his passport been recorded as been that of a passenger aboard the lost flight.

Another "passenger" comes forward to say they were NOT on the MISSING Malaysian airliner.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Who will the United States of America choose, Husseine Obama's Indonesia or the USA'S oldest ally?

No less than two days ago I spoke to a former Australian serviceman,who served alongside and healed American and Australian soldiers in World War Two  for four years., so as to ensure the freedom of the Pacific as we know it today
I am not at liberty to reveal where and when,suffice to say my"informant" is 101 years of age and has recently finished his fourth book.

I dared not burden him with proof of the  futility of his and his fellow Warriors, Australian and American's countless acts of self sacrifice and unimaginable courage, repelling an enemy who's only purpose was to destroy and occupy his and my country, Australia and from there the world.

Australia is,today, Australia, because of the sacrifice of Australia's finest and the sacrifice of America's finest.

Today 2014 only one nation has a leader who still believes in the virtue of the US Australian alliance ....Why? 

P.S. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is not a Muslim.

 The President of the United States of America (r)

The President of the United States of America (seen here bowing, center, to Saudia Arabian leader Abdullah) )

Indonesia appeals to it's favourite Son, Husseine Obama to assist in it's Islamic Colonisation of Australia, as more US troops are based on Australian soil.

Australian PM Tony Abbott should immediately order the disarmament of,and place all US Military personnel on Australian soil under "house arrest" until such time as Indonesia's favourite Son in the White House aka. POTUS. Husseine Obama makes a clear and unambigious statement refuting the Indonesians/Islams right / claims to colonise Australia with Muslims via the previous Rudd / Gillard/ Rudd Union GetUp funded Australian Labor Green "Co Party" Governments joint criminal enterprise immigration policy of Open Borders aka. Islamic Colonisation of Australia by Stealth.

Under the Husseine Obama regime Australia can no longer regard America as an ally, but more as a Nation who has not once but twice voted for the ascendancy of the Islamic manifesto as promised by their President.

Indonesia to raise Australian asylum seeker policy with United States
By Helen Brown in Jakarta, staff

Indonesia says it will raise the Abbott Government's asylum seeker policy with the United States during official talks next week.

Jakarta has stepped up its protest to the Coalition's boat turn-back policy, calling in the Australian ambassador in Jakarta for a meeting with a senior official.

Indonesia's foreign affairs minister Marty Natalegawa says a strong protest message was given to Australian ambassador Greg Moriarty over the use of lifeboats to send asylum seekers back.

US, German and Russian backed INDONESIA has beefed up its military presence in waters off its southern border as military officials claim its air force is ready and that Australia is "reachabale"

THEIR ABC and Fairfax, Rats in the SILO, doing their best to undermine border protection +FACTS on numbers of Labor Green Loon VOTE People arrivals

Dr Natalegawa says Australia was already violating its international commitments, but the use of lifeboats to send people back is an escalation.

"What Australia has been doing is a bigger development than before," he said.

"In the past when they have turned back the boats, or pulled the refugee boats back to Indonesia, that alone is a violation against their international commitment under the Refugee Convention.

"But this time it has escalated."

Dr Natalegawa told reporters Indonesia does what it can to stop boats leaving the country and that Australia's actions are "against the values of humanity".

He says he will inform US secretary of state John Kerry - who will visit Jakarta next week - about Australia's actions and let officials draw their own conclusions.

"There is no need to ask; we only need to inform it, and let America draw its own conclusion," he said.

Dr Natalegawa says he will discuss Australia's policy with other countries as well.

Union GetUp Funded Labor Green Loon's Enemy Embedded Combatants (VOTE People) on the Move in Australia

A bush hideaway has become the focus of a counterterrorism investigation amid fears it was used by Khaled Sharrouf

Yoni Bashan State Political Reporter
The Sunday Telegraph
February 16,2014 

  • 400 rounds were fired in an hour
  • police allegedly found Khaled Sharrouf and associates at the property
  • officers seized four high-powered rifles at the scene
  • property is now focus of a multi-agency counterterrorism investigation

LAND owner is used to shooting parties spending the weekend at his remote property, Rockview. But there was something about the group who turned up in November last year that made him uneasy.

For a start there was the sheer amount of gunfire and style of shooting — 400 rounds fired in an hour by men lying on the ground in combat position.

The ground was covered “like a carpet” with spent ammunition, according to police.

Many of the bullets appeared to be aimed at a large tree, which authorities described as being “blistered” by bullets.

“They were on their guts shooting, like soldiers. It was very strange,” Mr Landry said. “They used, I think, 400 shots in an hour, one guy at a time. They were big guns as well.”

The booking was made under the name Jack. But when police arrived they allegedly found Khaled Sharrouf, convicted of plotting a terror attack in Sydney as one of the “terror nine”, his associate Omar Ammouche, a known counterintelligence target, an unnamed construction industry identity and an eight-year-old boy.

Officers seized four high-powered rifles at the scene.

Now the property at Glen Davis, near Lithgow, has become the focus of a multi-agency counterterrorism investigation amid fears it was used as a training ground by Sharrouf, who is believed to be in Syria after slipping out of the country illegally on his brother’s passport.

According to court documents police were called to the property on Crown Station Rd about 6.50pm on November 9 after complaints about noise. They arrived to find Sharrouf holding the butt of a CZ-brand bolt-action rifle with a scope attachment, against his right shoulder.

“The accused turned towards police and immediately placed the firearm on the ground upon seeing police. There was a large amount of spent ammunition on the ground,” the police statement of facts said.

“They were on their guts shooting, like soldiers. It was very strange,” Mr Landry said. “They used, I think, 400 shots in an hour, one guy at a time. They were big guns as well.”Michael Landry
Sharrouf told police he did not have a firearms license or permit, and claimed he did not fire the gun.

Ammouche was standing two metres away and said: “I thought if I was licensed I could supervise him, but he wasn’t shooting anyway and I was only sighting in.”

Police later said two bullets were found in the gun’s magazine.

Sharrouf was charged and convicted of possessing an unauthorised firearm. Ammouche is still before the courts for allowing an unauthorised person to possess a firearm.


The seized weapons were all licensed to Sydney man Ibrahim Massri, who loaned them to Ammouche, a licensed shooter whose permit is now facing suspension.

Sharrouf is facing two further charges, laid by the NSW Counter Terrorism Command, for using his brother’s passport to leave Australia 10 days after the firearms charge was laid.

The Sunday Telegraph revealed last week how Sharrouf, 31, boarded a flight for Kuala Lumpur from Sydney on December 6, less than a month after the trip to Glen Davis. His wife, Tara Nettleton — an Anglo-Australian who converted to Islam — has also left the country, authorities confirmed.

It is understood Mostafa Sharrouf, whose passport was used, has vigorously denied providing or assisting his brother to leave the country and had no knowledge of the event until notified by police.

"The accused turned towards police and immediately placed the firearm on the ground upon seeing police. There was a large amount of spent ammunition on the ground."police report
The booking, made for two nights from November 8, is not the first time the name Jack was used to book the cabins. There were two previous bookings at the 160 acre property, with each of the men paying $50 each per night.

Mr Landry said it was the first time he had seen Sharrouf at the farm.

Ammouche’s presence remains of deep interest to investigators. He was last year filmed by Channel Seven spitting on and assaulting Muslim community leader Jamal Daoud over a disagreement about Syria. A magistrate later ruled he was a “good community member and community builder”.

Similar remote locations in far western NSW were used by the “Terror Nine” — of which Ammouche is not a member — during investigations by Operation Pendennis to test and train with weapons.

Friday, February 14, 2014

“They are just criminals and don’t warrant any sort of special status,’’ Detective Superintendent Debbie Wallace

Don’t try to Ms around with our top cop, Detective Superintendent Debbie Wallace

Mark Morrie Crime Editor
The Daily Telegraph
February 14,2014

THE new boss of the NSW Police Gang Squad has a message for Sydney’s most infamous gang members: You’re nothing special.

And Detective Superintendent Debbie Wallace says she won’t treat gang bosses with kid gloves either. “They are just criminals and don’t warrant any sort of special status,’’ she said yesterday.

Supt Wallace takes it her stride that she is the first female boss of the Gang Squad.

“It’s really not an issue. I’ve been in the NSW police force for over 30 years. On my second day a respected policewoman I know told me there were two things to remember. Never lose your integrity or your femininity.’’

It’s not as if dealing with criminal gangs is anything new for Supt Wallace.

In the 90s she was a detective at Cabramatta fighting Asian street gangs, including the infamous 5T, which have since vanished.

And for the past five and half years she has headed the Middle Eastern Crime squad (MEOCS) which has been credited with the dismantling the vicious Brothers for Life gang responsible for dozens of shootings in Sydney over the past 12 months.

“There is a lot of crossover. Many Middle Eastern criminals are either in outlaw motor cycle gangs, associated with them or do business with them so my time with the MEOCS will help with the new role.

“The major difference is bikies have a banner which they trade on to intimidate people. Other gangs often implode or just die out, like the 5T and the Brothers for Life which sprung up in 2008 and have now been reduced markedly.

“But bikies have a brand which is more enduring and even international. They wear their colours which to them gives them special status.’’

Supt Wallace said the squad will continue to disrupt bikie business with a special squad, called Raptor, set up in 2009 targeting OMCG whenever they can.

They routinely stop known members for vehicle checks, licence checks and just to let them know they are being watched.

“We also have a strategy in place to close down their club houses by any means we can. We will get other government agencies in to breach them for fire regulations, building codes – anything that is available to us we will use.

Wallace says making it hard for bikies to meet takes away a lot of their power. “They exist as a group. If we stop them meeting at gyms, cafes or anywhere else it makes it hard for them to do business.’’

Supt Wallace’s transfer to the squad is part of a major reshuffling of the state’s crime commanders announced two weeks ago.

Supt Wallace said she will initially spend time on the street.

“It is the best way to know what is going on and what the officers in the field are up against,’’ she said.


THE High Court will today hear an application by the NSW Attorney-General Greg Smith to bypass the Court of Appeal after bikies launched a legal challenge against new consorting laws.

Tough new anti-consorting laws aimed at cracking down on bikies similar to those introduced in Queensland were passed by the O’Farrell government last November after a number of public shootings.

The government and the police want the matter resolved after two Nomads and another man challenged the new laws after being charged with consorting. Lawyers representing Nomads boss Sleiman Tajjour and fellow bikie Justin Hawthorne, who are challenging the laws in the Court of Appeals, support the High Court application.

Lawyers for Charlie Foster, an intellectually handicapped 21-year-old from Inverell, have also challenged the laws.

The consorting laws impose a penalty of up to three years jail for convicted offenders who continue to consort with other criminals who have been convicted of an indictable offence after receiving an official police warning.

The Attorney-General used his right to seek removal to the High Court under s40 of the Judiciary Act 1903, after receiving legal advice.

Australians Befuddled of mind, turn to worlds most violent and dangerous cult

Sydney's Occupied Territories : Missing Fatima Al-Shara - Prayers for a safe return


Australia's Finest: 100th Victoria Cross awarded to late Digger Corporal Cameron Stewart Baird

100th Victoria Cross awarded to late Digger Corporal Cameron Stewart Baird

Jennifer Rajca and Simon Benson 
The Daily Telegraph
February 13, 2014 

A DIGGER killed in Afghanistan has been posthumously awarded Australia’s 100th Victoria Cross, which left his father fighting back tears.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott informed Federal Parliament of Corporal Cameron Stewart Baird’s honour, as his family looked on.

“This is a bittersweet day,” Mr Abbott told the Lower House, explaining the honour was for “acts of valour, extreme devotion to duty and ultimate self-sacrifice”.

Corporal Baird died in Afghanistan on June 22 last year.

He was the 40th digger to die in the conflict.


Mr Abbott said Baird was an iconic figure in the army, and had already received the medal of gallantry.

He is being awarded the cross for most conspicuous acts of valour, extreme devotion to duty and ultimate self sacrifice in Afghanistan as a commando team leader.

Mr Abbott said Corporal Baird joined the army at 18 and was eventually posted to what is now the 2nd Commando Regiment.
He served in East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The late Corporal’s brother Brendan said it was a “tremendous honour” to accept the award on his behalf.

“Today is a proud day for the Baird family,” he told reporters.

“Cameron never liked the limelight, he was a very humble man who would not see this as an individual award.”

Brendan thanked the Army and the Defence Force on the family’s behalf.

His father Doug choked back tears as he recited the ‘soldier’s code’ given to his son.

“I had the honour to be a soldier in the Australian army,” he read, before being comforted by his wife Kaye.

“At all times I act in ways that will bring honour to Australia, credit upon the army, my unit and my fellow soldiers,” he went on.

“I think that sums Cameron up.”



Mr Abbott said Corporal Baird was the 40th Australian soldier killed in Afghanistan.

“And, please God, the last,” he said.

“He was on his fifth special forces tour when he was killed in the action for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.”

Addressing Corporal Baird’s family members in the public gallery, he said: “You have lost a son, a brother, an uncle and our country has lost a citizen, a soldier, a hero.”

Mr Abbott recalled the day Corporal Baird died, telling how he and his team came under heavy fire on three separate occasions “from well prepared enemy positions”.

“Corporal Baird charged enemy positions and neutralised them with grenade and rifle fire,” he said.


“By drawing fire on himself repeatedly he enabled other members of his team to regain the initiative.”

Mr Abbott then explained how the Commando then led an assault on an enemy-led compound, forcing the door of the building before being killed.

“Words can hardly do justice to the chaos, confusion and courage which were evident that day,” he said.

“He repeatedly drew enemy fire away from his team members and charged enemy positions under heavy fire,” Mr Abbott said.

“His actions enabled the enemy to be neutralised and his team to be kept safe.

“This award is in recognition of his most conspicuous acts of valour, extreme devotion to duty and ultimate self-sacrifice.

“The Victoria Cross is inscribed with the words “For Valour”.

“Corporal Baird’s actions were in keeping with the finest traditions of the Australian Army and the Australian Defence Force.

“He is an Australian hero.”

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said it was difficult to convey words that would properly describe Corporal Baird’s acts of heroism.

“I hope his family here feel that our Parliament, all of us here, do some justice to his memory today,” Mr Shorten said.

He said the VC is part of a proud military and Australian tradition, which recognises the courage to sacrifice your own safety for your friends.

“A quality Corporal Baird exemplified to the highest degree,” Mr Shorten added.

Corporal Baird was a member of the Special Operations Task Group and was from the 2nd Commando Regiment based at Holsworthy Barracks in Sydney, New South Wales.

He is survived by his parents, brother and his partner.

Corporal Baird was born in Burnie, Tasmania in 1981. He joined the Army in January 2000 and upon completion of his initial training was posted to the then 4th Battalion (Commando), The Royal Australian Regiment, now the 2nd Commando Regiment, in February 2000.

Corporal Baird was an outstanding Special Forces soldier.

The Defence Department website states: “He exemplified what it meant to be a Commando, living by the attributes of uncompromising spirit and honour, which in turn earned him the unconditional respect of his fellow Commandos. His leadership in action was exemplary, constantly inspiring those around him to achieve greater things.

“Corporal Baird was an extremely dedicated and disciplined soldier, always striving for excellence in everything he did.

“Corporal Baird died how he lived — at the front, giving it his all, without any indecision. He will forever be remembered by his mates and the soldiers he served with in the 2nd Commando Regiment.”

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