An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Why is Islam the only Religion permitted to TAX the Australian shopper ?

Halal certification in Australia is big business and worth 
millions to certifiers

"YOU may not have noticed it — the halal certification mark that sits on almost every item in an Aussie shopping basket from Vegemite and Cadbury chocolate to Steggles chicken breast tenders.But it is there and manufacturers, wholesalers and food processors have paid a slew of unregulated certifiers millions of dollars to put it there.It’s all about money."
 MATTHEW BENNSThe Daily TelegraphAugust 15, 2015  
          FULL ARTICLE 

Why is this TAX on Australian food not shown on all receipts like the Goods and Services Tax (GST)  is rightly required to be ?

What part of the Australian Taxation Act permits this TAX been imposed upon Australians by this Religious Organisation?

Will the Islamic Religion be the only organisation authorised to levy TAXES on Australia's food products and indeed other non food items, if not why not?

Why is the RSPCA Silent on this barbaric cruel slaughter of animals?

I will start returning OPENED products that I have unknowingly purchased that I have been forced to pay the Islamic TAX on any product that bears the Islamic Halal TAX certification sticker.

The Manifestations of this belief system, Islam, have, according to those who flee it in the millions every year for safety and a better life in the " land of the Great Satan" the USA and other Judeo Christian Western Democracies,are so vile, that according to these "refugees" from Islam, are not able to provide even a most basic quality of life that is to be reasonably expected in the 21st Century.

Could someone tell me why, once these same people are given sanctuary and safe haven from the manifestations of their Religious beliefs,these same people demand that their host country adopt the same failed practices they say they had no choice but to flee ?

Where will these Muslims run away too after they have done to OUR  Country what they did to their various nations of birth ? 

The only Logical conclusion that can be arrived at if we are to believe those who say they fled their various Islamic nations of birth because life was so intolerable under the manifestations of Islam is that they are colonising the west because it is their intention to do to the west what they did to the nations they say they were forced to flee, If not why then do they demand that their Western Judeo Christian Democracy host nations that gave them shelter adopt the very legal, social and religious practices that they say those same practices failed them and indeed the Nations that were ruled by them.

Australian's hard earned WAGES at Work, every time you buy a Halal Certified product from the freezer or Butcher this is the Islamic Religions version of Holy Slaughter.

Humans, Male,Female,Adult and Child  are slaughtered in the same way but without the 'high tech " restraining devices (as seen in the video below) by Pious Muslims when they no longer have any use for infidels (Non Muslims), or Muslims no longer useful or deemed to be not savage enough to satisfy the demands of allah as recorded by Islams "Perfect Man" Mohammed in what Muslims insist on calling the "Holy Koran" 

Halal Choices is an excellent website that explains how your hard earned dollars are legally appropriated by the Islamic "Religion" to further the objectives of "Only True Religion" Islam.

"Support Call: Mohamed El-Mouelhy vs Q Society, Kirralie Smith et al
Help Q Society defend freedom of expression in Australia by donating towards the legal cost of our defence against claims of defamation by Mohamed El-Mouelhy, the director of the private company ‘Halal Certification Authority Pty Ltd’ in the NSW Supreme Court.
Read the letter of our president Debbie Robinson for more details.
It is vital that those who speak the truth about Islamic halal certification and other Islamic impositions are not silenced by time-consuming and expensive court action."

It is difficult to know but I wonder how many lamb chops did Australian Supermarkets sell that were loaded up with the Halal TAX did it take to finance say the two Bali Bombings, the WTC on 911, the Man Monis Lindt Cafe killer's activities since he arrived in Australia.

How much of these compulsory Muslim TAXES has been used will be used in the future to kill Australian Soldiers both in the middle east and on Australian soil,how much of this money is used to finance illegal drug importation and distribution in Australia and around the world.


We will never know how many Australians have been Raped Bashed Stabbed Killed or blown into a thousand pieces financed by the Islamic Halal TAX that Australians are forced to pay by the 2.5% "Muslim Community" aka. Labor Green Loons VOTE People.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) GetUp financed Labor Green Loon  "Independent" Co Party does not think that there is enough Muslims in Australia and despite importing some 55,000 majority single undocumented Muslim males 18 to 28 into Australia during their Rudd (Lu Kewen) / Gillard / Rudd (Lu Kewen) six year reign of open borders they are PROMISING, that if re elected in 2016 the securing of Australia's borders will be an OPTION as opposed to the present Conservative Abbott Governments policy of Secure Borders been an OBLIGATION of the Australian Government.

Labor Green Loon foot soldiers

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Videos !!!!!

Hello: By now all Videos on Aussie News and Views are probably not working, this is due to the host VideoBam closing down in spite of accepting 12 months in advance hosting subscription.

I will attempt to find a solution other than re uploading nearly 1000 video's to yet another host then re embedding them again on this site.
Thanks for your continued support and following of ANV,


Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Professor Plimer Answers, MISSING Document,as exposed by Brian Wilshire on his top rating radio show 2GB 873,Sydney Australia

I found this pioneering anti Climate SCAM Documentary among my files and thought it was time to repost it.

We need to keep and distribute hard copies of the former Dep't of Climate Change .pdf (attached) ~ they've recently taken their old website down. All attempts to reach it via the Wayback Machine at result in a re-direction to the current “Dep’t of the Environment” site.
The document was an attempt to answer points made in Ian Plimer's book, "How to Get Expelled from School".Page 32 has the heat/C02 revelation: they admit that, for the last 800,000 years, heating events have
 preceded increases in the atmosphere's C02 levels, and therefore could not have been caused by C02. No wonder tricky Al Gore separated the two Vostok Ice Core graphs by several metres in his Inconvenient Truth doco.
They've destroyed the historical foundation of their global warming theory. We have them on the run.

Please share.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Statue of Virgin Mary smashed and desecrated at Maronite Christian Church in Sydney's Occupied Territories.

Police are investigating after St Charbel's Maronite Church in Punchbowl was allegedly vandalised last night

Monkey See Monkey Do?

and this  from last year

As IS sympathisers drive by Catholic school and threaten children and nun I pray God takes pity on them

Lillian Saleh 
Daily Telegraph
September 18 2014

THE nerve. The sheer nerve of threatening children and staff outside their Catholic primary school.

How dare these cowards threaten to “slaughter the Christians” on the footpath outside the Our Lady of Lebanon Church in Harris Park.

FOR where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Matthew 18:20 

What makes me so angry about this is that it happened at my local church — the church where I wept tears of joy when I got married eight 

years ago and stood beside the Baptismal Font as my niece and nephew were Christened.

It’s the church where I wept tears of sadness farewelling my grandmother last year and attending funerals of other loved ones.

It is also the Church where I can be found most Sunday evenings — taking solace in the comforting words of God and in the comforting arms of fellow churchgoers.


But rather than seek revenge or retribution. I will pray. I will pray for these miserable excuses of humans who think it’s manly to drive by in a car threatening innocent children.

I will pray that God takes pity of their pathetic lives and grants them the sense to grow the f*** up.

Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

Isaiah 1:18 

Growing up Lebanese in Sydney is hard. Growing up Lebanese with the surname Saleh is even harder. My entire life I have had to answer  whether I was a Muslim, whether I found Ramadan hard, why I don’t wear a burqa ...

But this isn’t about Muslim v Christian.

Let’s call this for what it is — pure evil personified. Some of my closest friends are Muslim and they are ashamed of what is happening.

Our parents did not leave their war-torn countries only to witness this kinds of moral-less behaviour in the very country that has afforded us a peaceful life — one free of bombings and murders.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:34-35

Friday, January 23, 2015

Islamic Sociopath's Inc. Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar Rapists and Paedophiles enslave Yazidi Women and children

Australian jihadists Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar accused of enslaving Yazidi women in Islamic State stronghold

"He threatened to sell us if we did. He said, 'Why are you sad? Forget about your home and family. This is your home and we are your family now. Forget about your gods, for good, because we have killed them all'."

Yazidis told by Australian Islamic Sociopaths Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar.

7.30 "THEIR" ABC Australia,a welcome turnaround in the reporting at THEIR ABC.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Multicultural Sydney : Muslim Insurgents Call for Muslim army in Australia

"Eventually, we will bounce back and we will reclaim everything that they have taken from us,”  “Takbir... Allahu Akbar!”

Australian Council of Trade Unions, GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Co Party VOTE People 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Islamic Terrorism apologists Andrew OKeefe and Patrick Condren get ripped a new Arse Hole

Sunrise’s Andrew O’Keefe and Hizb ut-Tahrir wonder what terror has to do with Islam

The Australian
January 14,2015 

WHILE the breakfast host frets about abortion bombers the Islamists pine for a caliphate.

Rita Panahi with Andrew O’Keefe, Sunrise, Monday:

RITA Panahi: It is so inane to pretend that these ... terror incidents have nothing to do with Islam. ... and we need to start discussing why are they happening, why are so many in the wider community displaying some permissive attitudes to this horror and what can we do to bring the Muslim community into the mainstream even more …

Andrew O’Keefe: But ... every time a bunch of fundamentalist Christians in the US bomb an abortion clinic or a synagogue, do we hold every Christian in the world to account for that?

Panahi: ... we’ve got to stop doing what you just did and pretending that Islam is like every other religion as far as being behind incidents of terror. We are seeing all around the world ... Islam at the centre of these terror acts ... it’s not happening with Christianity ... with Buddhism or Judaism …

O’Keefe: Well it is happening with Buddhism in Burma ...

Panahi: ... but there’s only one religion which is at the centre of acts of terrorism all around the world, including in Australia, and that’s why we need to talk about it.

O’Keefe: That’s simply not true ... bombing an abortion clinic is an act of terrorism based upon your religious belief.

Panahi: When’s the last time an abortion clinic was bombed ...?

O’Keefe: I can’t tell you off the top of my head, but I’ll find it for you ... Just on abortion clinic bombings, the last one was in 2009.

Abortion terror deaths. NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation, September 21, 2009:

SINCE 1993, eight people have been murdered for helping women (abort).

Islam terror deaths. Helier Cheung, BBC News, November 18, 2014:

GLOBAL terrorism index 2014. 10,000 terror attacks in 2013. 17,958 deaths. That’s a 61 per cent increase on 2012. 14,722 deaths in just five countries: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. 6362 deaths in Iraq — the country worst-affected; 60 countries around the world (affected) ... militant groups Islamic State, al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram and the Taliban were behind most of the deaths ... “Not only is the intensity of terrorism increasing, its breadth is increasing as well,” the report said.

Later on Sunrise, Monday:

PATRICK Condren of Radio 4BC: I’m in the Andrew camp ... Where was this conversation when the IRA was bombing London and parts of Ireland on the basis of their Catholic religion?

On the basis of Catholicism? Amy Zalman, About

THE (objective of the) Irish Republican Army ... ( was to create) a unified Ireland.

Put deaths in perspective! Media release from Hizb ut-Tahrir, Sunday:

THE politicisation of the Charlie Hebdo incidents last week necessitates an exposition on the issue that would otherwise be undeserving. People are killed every day around the world in numbers and in circumstances that should put the events in France (last week) in perspective.

Perspective. Helier Cheung, BBC News, November 18, 2014:

FOUR main groups were responsible for 66 per cent of all (terror) deaths ... All ... used “religious ideologies based on extreme interpretations of Wahhabi Islam”.

Hizb ut-Tahrir, Sunday:

MUSLIMS do not need to be lectured about the sanctity of human life ... (we need) the establishment of a just caliphate ...

Sanctity of life in a caliphate., September 16, 2009:

METHODS of execution in Islamic countries ... include beheading, firing squad, hanging and stoning ... the death penalty is appropriate for ... intentional murder ... (and) “spreading mischief in the land” ... (including) treason/apostasy ... terrorism, piracy ... rape, adultery, homosexual activity ...

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Charlie Hebdo, nothing to see here......... as usual

When SAVAGES are permitted to control your nations laws Security and morals this, as shocking as it is, is surely of no surprise even to the most simple minded of the French population.

These followers of their "Perfect Man" and his "Religion of Peace" are simply doing what they PROMISED to do should the various host nations not adopt their ideology.

 But they said they said it was a "Religion of Peace" are you sure they are really Dead and not just doing a Goof or something? They are dead? oh, ok can someone get me out of here I left something on the stove, anyway they must have done something really bad for the "Religion of Peace" to stop them breathing like that.

"I strongly condemn the horrific shooting at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris" —President Obama

 US was willing to help the French with an investigation.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Help Support David Hicks and his facilitators by buying Dick Smith products Aaaaaastraaaaaaaaaaaalian Certified and approved rigididge Maaaate

I like Dick Smith "The Electronic Dick" (he is able to own and fly a helicopter and I cannot) as is his mate Pat Soars of Australian Native Landscapes at Terry Hills,and I applaud his philanthropic exploits over the years in Australia, at least the ones he is prepared to publicly come clean with, but I have to say that I am disappointed with his and indeed his and THEIR ABC's / SBS along with the Union GetUp Financed Australian Labor Party's Green Loon support of "THEIR David", aka Mohammed Dawood and his Koran inspired Terrorism.

Pat Soars for what ever reason gave Mohammed Dawood aka. "OUR David" surely HIS and his mate Dick Smith's David, a job at his landscape supplies business after his release from custody in Australia.
Dick's,and his pals at THEIR ABC , SBS,"Our David", is to this day a Celebrity Muslim Terrorist Wannabe for hire, available for speaking engagements at any Labor Green Loon Progressive function wherever a real life Islamic Terrorist is required to send a shiver up the spines of Australia's inner city Labor Green loon Progressives, and indeed that of the handful of female companions who may accompany them.
Dick, why would you and your media pals,beautiful people,not simply stick with a side that has made all of you a lot of money as opposed to "Your David" and his band of Islamic (Multicultural) Sociopath's ?

And say hello to "Everybody Loves Ray" for me will you.

I know 2008 but so far the apologist for "Our David" has not said a word in remorse for his and his celebrity media wannabes and friends support of this Islamic Sociopath, THEIR David.

What Dick won't do:
Pay His David's Halal Tax for the right to sell his Dick Smith line of products in Australia.

Please Note that Dick Smith also paid for / contributed to a ransom for the release from Islamic Terrorists,Our /His David's new best Muslim friends custody of an Australian and a Canadian.
Does dick want a world where Islamic Sociopaths are permitted to what they are commanded to do by their Holy Koran so long as he does not have to pay the Halal Tax all is ok?

Dick Smith gave $50,000 to David Hicks' defence


AUGUST 20, 2008

ENTREPRENEUR Dick Smith provided $50,000 to assist David Hicks' family and help fund the legal battle to bring the terrorism supporter home.

But Mr Smith says "not a cent" went directly to Hicks and some cash had been returned after Hicks was brought back to Australia.

Details of Mr Smith's financial assistance and other support for Hicks has been outlined in an interview with Readers Digest magazine.

"I sent money to a trust account to David's solicitor David McLeod in Adelaide," Mr Smith told the magazine.

"I think it must have got up to about $50,000.

"It was to support family members to visit David and for other purposes.

"The money also funded Geoffrey Robertson, the top international human rights lawyer, to travel to Washington.

"None of it went to David Hicks. Not a cent..

"When David Hicks finally came back to Australia, a cheque arrived from David McLeod for the money that hadn't been used. I thought that was incredibly ethical."

Last March, a US military commission sentenced Hicks to seven years in jail, with all but nine months suspended after he pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorism.

Under a plea bargain, Hicks was returned to Australia from the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in May last year to serve the remainder of his sentence.

He had been held at Guantanamo Bay for more than five years after being caught fighting alongside Taliban forces in Afghanistan in 2001.

Hicks was released from South Australia's Yatala Prison in December but his movements remain restricted.

He also has been barred from selling his story.

Mr Smith said he hoped one day Hicks' conviction would be quashed and that all Australians would realise that his case was a huge miscarriage of justice.

But he said his initial support for the Australian stemmed from his belief that everyone deserved a fair trial.

"Even if you are the worst rapist in the world you get a proper trial in this country," he said.

"I was horrified that people would not allow that for David Hicks.

"Even (former Prime Minister) John Howard, who I respect and is a good friend of mine, had made up his mind that David Hicks was a bad person.

"I wanted to get David in front of a jury and I feel short-changed because that never happened."

Mr Smith said that his sense from talking to Hicks was that if he had gone before a jury, he would never have been convicted.

"When I read the initial claims about David they just didn't ring true, that a simple country bloke who had a decent family should become a supporter of terrorism," he said.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Australian Christmas Holiday period Muslim Terrorist attack likely Australian PM Tony Abbott cautions Australians to be alert.

God Bless you ALL, Wishing you a Happy and Holy Christmas and prosperous 2015

Mr Nick Folkes and his Dumb Arsed "Patriotic" Dress Up Pantomime street theatre Installation, at Martin Place following the execution of two of seventeen hostages at the Lindt Cafe by a Muslim Savage.

The text below is a reproduction of a reply to my post on the website Bare Naked Islam 
My purpose here is to reply to Mr Nick Folkes and his criticism of my criticism of his and his friends 'protest" following the Kidnapping of some seventeen Australians and the subsequent execution of two of their number by an Koran inspired Muslim Terrorist. 

I was required to apologise to Mr Folkes by the owner of the BNI website, I did so out of common courtesy to the owner and have decided that I will not knowingly again post comment that the owner of BNI or it's followers would disagree with in the interests of Free Speech,under threat of, I assume a permanent ban for disagreeing with not only Mr Folkes position but that of the majority of Mr Folkes supporters, indeed to be fair and honest  ALL of the posters in reply to my comments regarding the story about Mr Folkes and his "Australian Patriots" were anti my position.

Given the advice given to me by the BNI owner of the unacceptability of my dissenting view point I have not requested this response be posted on the BNI site.
I will however try my luck by copy and posting it as a Reply on the Post concerned weather it is approved for publishing or not no inference should be drawn on the BNI management, it is their web site and they have the right to decide what does and does not get published on it.

Blog site owners all have their own criteria for posting comments, going too hard on Mr Folkes is a no no on the BNI website, I do not agree with it but respect the authority of the owners of BNI.

I am proud to say that since Aussie News and Views opening, post have a 99% success rate for those who have taken the time to reply to an opinion of mine or a article news story reproduced by me on ANV.

NO ONE has ever been threatened with been banned by me irrespective of their comment been critical of my or my subscriber's point of view even those who demand all sorts of bad things happen to me.

Any way read on, my replies to Mr Folkes are in BLUE ITALICS

Faux Aussienews,

Faux ? No I am the owner of various blogs and web sites called band or connected to  Aussie News and Views.

Who are you? What is your name?  As If.

You are a coward hiding behind a pseudonym.
It is not wise calling someone you know nothing about a Coward.

The real patriot wearing an Aussie flag bandana works for s federal government department and would have been intimidated at work due to his stand against Islam. 

So he or she must be by your definition a Coward ? How do you like been around Cowards?

It is always easy to judge other people so I ask, what have you done publicly in the fight against Islam?

I have never played dress up in my Country's Flag or the Sacred representations of the Christian Religion or indeed the flags or representations of any other Country or Religion and hey call me crazy but I am proud to say it.

Last Friday, I stood with three Aussie compatriots for over two hours. In that time we came under considerable abuse and intimidation. Many Muslims and white trash liberals threatened to kill us but this did not deter us.

Why were you not engaged in gainful employment especially the man / woman wearing the disguise who you say is paid by the Federal Government and is therefore on the public payroll or did he like so many other recipients of the taxpayers dollars "Flex off" for yet another Bludgers Day?

Can you please explain why you attributed the Nazi Swastika between our Prime Ministers Tony SWASTICKER HERE  Abbottt's name ?
So do you really believe that he Tony Abbott, is a NAZI Party Member? 
Why did you not have any sinage alluding to Islams long documented and indeed freely available support and indeed alligence with the former Nazi leader Adolf Hitler via the late Yasser Arafat's uncle?
What proof do you have that the Australian Prime Minister is as you claim a Nazi? 
If you have such proof why have you kept it hidden for so long?
Tony Abbott has been in Parliament for a long time at least twenty years or are you suggesting that he only recently has joined the ranks of the Nazi Party?

We put Islam on trial and got decent media coverage. Our points were made and there were many people at Martin Place who cheered when we made our speeches.

You got a quarter page at most on the most UNREAD Sydney Left wing newspaper called the Sydney Morning Herald that ripped you a new arse hole in their usual way when dealing with you and similar self described "Patriot Parties"

I have received emails from all over the work congratulating us on our efforts.

Go Nick yes but who cares ? My understanding was that you say you are trying to negate the malevolent forces of Islam by dressing up in flags and crosses and various disguises as opposed to collecting emails from strangers "from all over the work" 

I have also received death threats via email and phone but this will not stop me or my Aussie brothers.

Oh Nick say it ain't so big fella, the tears are cascading down my cheeks as I read this part of your reply, Come on Nick Man Up,don't be a coward, embrace your "Aussie Brothers" on a Man Date and reconnect with your feelings.

Party for Freedom is not afraid to make a stand in defence of our identity, survival and Judeo-Christian heritage and Western civilisation. It is a battle between good and bad. Australia must end Muslim immigration and state sanctioned multiculturalism.

A coward like you had no right to ridicule real patriots.

A Coward like Me ? What do you base that accusation on?

What would you have done after two Australians were murdered by Sheikh Haron?

I did not and would not dress up looking like an idiot and accusing our Prime Minister of been a member of the NAZI Party, again please provide evidence of same to me or any other forum of your choosing eg BareNaked Islam.

We have every right to be angry at muslims, Islam and our piss weak government.

You can be as angry as you like so what? You Nick have been an "angry" self styled freedom fighting "Patriot" for a while maybe for too long haven't you ? and how has it worked out so far for you Nick ? 
Playing dress up in public places,has, according to you only increased the ascendency of the Islamic menace or are you telling fibs and you just like to get your visage on the TV, Maybe you just like the publicity?

Our crusade against the forces of darkness will continue.

I am sure it will Nick,until something else catches your attention. for instance getting NAZI'S out of the Australian Parliament starting with Australian PM Tony Abbott for instance?

You know what Nick, I have met and know NOW as I write, many people who are doing or have  actually DONE something, every hour of their working day, to physically protect the Australian People from the correctly described "forces of darkness"

Whilst they have told me they know of you,and that your existence has been appropriately noted, they were unaware of and unable to tell me of any positive contribution you or your fellow "Patriots'' have made in the war against Islam. 

Good luck Nick with future Patriot Pantomimes,Swastickers ,Disguises,and the Irish /Multicultural Gold Miners flag of the Southern Cross as shown in the top right hand corner of picture above, how do you get a flag for surrendering twenty minutes after starting a fight that you lose ? and why would you want to display that absurd grotesque Progressive Leftist Union Labor Green Loon rag  publicly and at the same time claim to be Australian? mmmmmm I wonder.

Maybe ISIS will be your first scalp, maybe they will realise they are toast and surrender to you and your fellow Pantomime  "Patriots" on the steps of the Sydney Opera House whilst you are delivering an "Installation" of some kind or other...... imagine how many emails from all over the world you would get then,why you could possibly even get elected to an inner city council somewhere or be a school crossing marshal.

What other self described "Patriot" groups / organizations Political Party's have you been involved with,been a candidate for, supported or been a member of now and say these past twenty years Nick ?

Nick a Patriot like you must surely have an enthralling and indeed illuminating ,to say the least, CV.
You simply must share you previous beliefs and allegiances with your Australian and  world wide audience  or is there someone in the background willing and able to write a no holds barred autobiography for you? either way Nick it is almost too thrilling to contemplate and I have to say that despite our differences I am almost tempted to do so myself at no charge to you of course.

Everyone is free to post a reply comment here at ANV so long as you do not use a certain word that is to do with a Lady Bit that starts with "C" I will edit it out, but I will never ban you because you do not agree with me.
After all I am most definitely NOT A Muslim or free thinking progressive, Just plain old white trash Australian.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Bolt Report 24814

Gillian Triggs V Scott Morrison 
Gillian Gets a New Arse Hole

"But not everything has gone to plan. Triggs's first marriage, to Melbourne senior counsel Prof Sandy Clark, ended in 1989. They had three children; James, who is 34 and working as a commercial lawyer in Paris, Alexandra, 32, who is an art/design teacher in Melbourne, and Victoria, who was born in 1984, profoundly disabled, with a rare chromosomal disorder known as Edwards Syndrome. "Victoria was as severely retarded as anyone who is still alive can be," Triggs says. "Her condition usually results in the death of the baby before or shortly after birth. In fact, the doctors kept saying, 'Just leave her in the corner and she'll die.' So, it sounds terrible, but I'd look at Victoria and think, 'Well, you're going to die, so I'm not going to invest too much in you.' But she didn't die. She had this inner rod of determination, and she simply refused to die."

At about six months of age, Triggs and Clark took Victoria home, and, with the help of the Uniting Church, found a family who took over her primary care. (Victoria died eight years ago, at the age of 21.) When I ask Triggs if this arrangement bothered her, she says: "Yes, because you have child and you expect to look after her. But in the end I simply made the judgement that I would rather put my time into my other children and family, because I also never believed she would live to that age."
                   And the above clearly defines just who IS this Englishwoman who her Progressive Left Cheer Squad demand be given the mantle of Australia's moral compass in all things pertaining to other peoples children Children

In depth: Muslim leaders who banned talks with Prime Minister Tony Abbott and those who signed up to discuss terrorist laws

Piers Akerman 
The Sunday Telegraph
August 24,2014

A motley group of some 60 self-proclaimed Muslim organisations or self-appointed leaders garnered publicity Wednesday with their snubbing of Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s offer to discuss proposed changes to terrorist laws.
The ABC and Fairfax lapped it up.

But anyone who took the time to see who organised the ban and who signed up to its idiocy would have realised that the signatories did themselves a serious disservice.

Among those on the list was Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia, which supports honour killings, the
Perth-based Aboriginal convert Mohammed Junaid Thorne who enjoys the support of extremist organisation Millatu Ibrahim, banned in Germany because of its ties to mass murder in Iraq, and the Sydney book shop al-Risalah, which has claimed its imam is terrorist Bilal Khazal who is serving a 12-year sentence for promoting violence against 

 Organiser of the ban was self-anointed community activist and Muslim convert Rebecca Kay, who re-Tweets propaganda from the Hamas terrorist organisation and is married to a brother of notorious drug boss Abdul Darwiche, who was gunned down outside a Bass Hill service station five years ago.

The usual medley of Muslim student organisations also signed on, along with an assortment of imams, who, according to Kay, believe the proposed changes target Muslims unjustly – though she admits that the language of the law is neutral.

She says that in practise these laws will target Muslims because of a “trumped up” threat from “radicalised” Muslims returning from Irag or Syria.

She claims there is no solid evidence to substantiate this threat – despite the Facebook postings of various Australian-born murderers who have joined the murderous Islamic State posing with weapons and severed heads in their selfie videos.

The home-grown risk is real, as the British have discovered to their cost 

She goes on to say that “racist caricatures of Muslims as backwards, prone to violence and inherently problematic are being exploited”, presumably a reference to psychiatrist Tanveer Ahmed’s prescient view that “there remains a marked difference in the way males are raised within some Lebanese groups which predisposes them to greater acts of anti-social behaviour” and his observation from studying Arab youths in prison that “there is a rampant anti-social character to some youths from this segment which stems in part from unsuccessful child rearing. The horrific moves towards terror acts can be seen as an ideological extension of a propensity towards bad behaviour, combined with an unshakable victim mentality.”

Kay and her followers haven’t come to terms with the hard evidence of beheadings of children as well as adults, crucifixions, and mass murder of fellow Muslims as well as the slaughter of apostates, Christians and other non-Muslims in areas where Australia’s terror tourists are at large.

The home-grown risk is real, as the British have discovered to their cost.

It’s now a dozen years since Omar Sheikh, a London-born private school and London School of Economics graduate, was in Pakistan after fighting in the Balkans and Kashmir. Ten years ago he was arrested and jailed for assisting in the kidnapping of three Britons and an American in India.

After being released in 1999 in exchange for the passengers and crew of the hijacked Air India flight IC-814, he was connected to the bombing of an American cultural centre in Calcutta in January 2002 and that same month organised the kidnapping and beheading of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

In 2003, two British Muslims Asif Hanif and Omar Khan Sharif carried out a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv on behalf of Hamas, which Ms Kay gives succour to via her Twitter account.

Four British Islamist terrorists killed 52 civilians on July 7, 2005 in the first suicide bombings to take place in Britain. The former head of the Islamic Society at University College London, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, attempted to explode his “underwear” bomb on a plane as it landed in Detroit on Christmas Day, 2009. He was a follower of Anwar al-Awlaki, who was later killed in an American drone attack in Yemen three years ago.

Ms Kay’s claims are unsupportable. There is no reason why Australia is under any lesser threat from home-grown terrorists than Britain, the US, Belgium, the Netherlands or France – or Indonesia.

In an important interview with The Australian, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono condemned violent Islamist extremism, labelling the actions of the Islamic State terror group as “embarrassing” and “humiliating” to the religion.

His government has banned the ISIS (now known as the Islamic State), which is supported by some of the signatories to Ms Kay’s statement, and called for respect for all religions – which some of Ms Kay’s supporters reject.

Acknowledging the reality that Ms Kay rubbishes, President Yudhoyono said a number of Indonesians have joined IS to fight in Syria and Iraq.

“Our citizens here in Indonesia are picking up recruitment messages from ISIS containing extremist ideas,” he said.

“The philosophy of ISIS stands against the fundamental values we embrace in Indonesia. Last Friday, in my state of the union address to the nation, I called on all Indonesians to reject ISIS and to stop the spread of its radical ideology.

“My government and security agencies have taken decisive steps to curtail the spread of ISIS in Indonesia, including by prohibiting Indonesians to join ISIS or to fight for ISIS, and also by blocking internet sites that promote this idea.”

Yet Ms Kay and her group are opposed to less radical actions proposed by the Abbott government.

It would appear that in Indonesia, which has the largest Islamic population of any nation, community leaders are helping the government communicate to their members the dangers of ISIS.

Which demonstrates just how isolated Muslims like Ms Kay and her radical supporters are from the rational world in their blind refusal to engage on the obvious problems of the radicalisation of young members of the Australian Muslim community.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sydney's Occupied Territories : Muslim Sociopath's Declare that they are Living and Dying for the Flag of allah

Islam in Australia: Living and dying for the flag of Allah

Exclusive Geoff Chambers 
The Daily Telegraph
August 19,2014

A SENIOR leader of radical Sydney-based Islamic organisation al-Risalah has denounced the Australian flag, as the group’s supporters posted Facebook messages about ­beheading “non-believers”.

Wissam Haddad, the head of the al-Risalah Islamic Centre in Sydney’s southwest, yesterday told The Daily Telegraph he followed the “flag of Allah” rather than the flag of Australia.

The flag, called the Shahada, is the same as the one used by Islamic State terrorists who have been spreading death and terror across the Middle East.


“I’m not comfortable personally holding the (Australian) flag because this flag does not represent me as a Muslim. My flag is the flag of Allah. That’s my flag.

“For me to have the Shahada flag, as it’s called, that’s a flag that I stand and live and die for and I don’t stand and live and die for the Australian flag.”

Mr Haddad’s comments came just hours after Prime Minister Tony Abbott told Ray Hadley on 2GB radio that “the only flag that should be flying is the Australian national flag”.

Mr Haddad, who has ties to Sydney men fighting with Islamic State terrorists in Iraq and Syria, avoids appearing in public and never allows his photograph to be taken.

He said his group was entitled to fly the ancient symbol.

He cited the “genocide of Aboriginals” and the use of their flag as justification for supporting the Shahada.

Mr Haddad, who was not invited to join a group of Muslims for talks with Mr Abbott yesterday, has had eight social media accounts shut down, forcing him to rename his profile. He claims Muslims are being unfairly targeted both by Facebook and Twitter.

“I know a lot of people (who have had to shut down and restart their accounts),” he said. “Pretty much anyone very outspoken is getting their accounts shut down.”

In the past week, al-Risalah followers have posted messages about beheading, in the wake of the shocking image of Sydney terrorist Khaled Sharrouf’s son holding the severed head of a Syrian soldier.

At allegedly 2.9% of the Population Australia must STOP Islam NOW

This followed fellow terrorist and former Sydney boxer Mohamed Elomar posting similar photographs on Twitter. Al-Risalah members wear black supporter vests, which sell for $65.

The al-Risalah centre has hosted radical preachers, and Mr Haddad is a supporter of the Islamic State’s “Jizyah” protection tax on Christians and Jews in Syria and Iraq.

Also yesterday, teenage Muslim extremist Sulyman Khalid, who was arrested for an alleged hate crime against a Bankstown cleaner, has been released on bail. Mr Khalid, who calls himself Abu Bakr, will front Bankstown Local Court on September

Yet another SBS "Good Muslim, Bad Muslim" Whine Festival ... Duh its the Koran Stoopid

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