An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Thursday, September 24, 2015

THEIR Malcolm: How long can Malcolm Turnbull stick with his new 'conservative" message, before he reverts to type?

Malcolm Turnbull’s rise is a defeat for conservatives that looks a lot like victory

Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
September 24 2015.

THE media Left is gloating. They’ve won and knuckle-dragging conservatives like me and
Alan Jones have lost. Our man, Tony Abbott, is gone as prime minister. Their man, Malcolm Turnbull, rules.

“Ha, ha, ha,” they point out.

Or as the ABC, the taxpayer-funded voice of the Left, put it on Monday, suck it up, Jones and Bolt.

“Once again, it’s remarkable that Abbott was felled despite their support,” crowed Media Watch host Paul Barry. “And it shows how little power they actually have.”

He’s right. Alan and I are shocked we couldn’t get every single Australian to back Abbott, when the only thing against us was the $1 billion-a-year ABC, the anti-Abbott smear factory of Fairfax and the rest of the army of media orcs: SBS, Guardian, Daily Mail, The Monthly, The Project, FM hosts, half the News Corp empire and the Canberra bureaus of every TV station.

Humiliating, I know, but Alan and I proved in the end surprisingly powerless against the others, too — the academics, the race industry, the professional victims, the climate cranks, the multicultural commissars, the free speech police and all the other arbiters of Good Taste.

So boo hoo hoo, we cry. We helped get Abbott elected, but couldn’t save him. But at the ABC it’s party, party. Abbott used to be treated like filth there, but it’s all hugs and kisses now for Turnbull, the ABC’s favourite Liberal.

This, swear to God, is an actual transcript from Monday’s 7.30:

Host Leigh Sales (giggling): I’m sorry I’m laughing, but you’re not at the dispatch box and you’re not at the bar, so I’ve got to squeeze in one more question before we run out of time.

Turnbull (beaming): One more question. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Sales (looking flirtatious): I’m sorry. I’m sorry to be rude like that too.

Turnbull: You’re not being rude at all. It’s quite understandable.

Sales: The — no, no, I did cut you directly off.

Turnbull: That’s fine.

So, yes, I should feel like Samson after a haircut. But here’s the funny thing. We’ve actually won. Me and Alan. We’ve house-trained Turnbull.

Remember what Turnbull used to be like? He headed the Australian Republican Movement and even donated to Labor’s campaign against the Howard government. He trashed opponents of same-sex marriage. He backed Labor’s carbon tax.

But we knocked him into shape, Alan and I. Now behold our neo-Turnbull. This new model refuses to back Labor’s carbon tax and promises to let the public, not the politicians, decide on same-sex marriage.

Turnbull yesterday seemed even to be reading our script on unions and Labor, attacking Labor leader Bill Shorten as just “a cork in the slipstream of the CFMEU”, the most lawless of unions.

And his new ministers stuck to our messages, too. His Communications Minister, who once called for the ABC to be privatised, said yesterday the Abbott government had been right to slash the ABC’s budget.

The Islamic State was still our great threat, assured the new Defence Minister. We’re spending too much, repeated the new Treasurer. And the penny is dropping with some on the Left. Where’s Malcolm? Where’s their Malcolm?

Take warmist Bernie Fraser, former chairman of the Government’s Climate Change Authority. Turnbull “is just sticking with the status quo” on global warming, Fraser groaned this week. “His courage deserted him.”

But Alan and I aren’t kidding ourselves. Yes, we’ve tamed the Turnbull and painted new spots on him. But we know that underneath that painted fur remains a leopard of the Left, fighting his natural instincts.

Take yesterday. Asked by a journalist if he’d change the policies that stopped the boats, Turnbull couldn’t say no — the clear answer that deters people smugglers best, but jars at Point Piper dinners parties.

“I have the same concerns about the situation of people on Nauru and Manus as you do,” he pleaded. (Code: It’s really me, Malcolm, under these Right-wing spots.) “(But) we are not going to make policy changes — particularly the type you’re talking about — on the run.”

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton had to clean up afterwards, insisting Turnbull was “resolute” and illegal immigrants would not land.

Alan and I also remember how easily Kevin Rudd shook off his own training. Rudd promised us before the 2007 election he, too, would be a John Howard-lite and that “this sort of reckless spending must stop”.

Yet after the election was won, the real Rudd re-emerged, even lavishing “stimulus” cheques on the dead.

Perhaps we’ll see the same backsliding with Turnbull, but until then, Alan and I will bask in our success.

Behold our neo-Turnbull. Let the Left weep.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Alan Jones and Lord Monckton on why Australian PM Had to go

Alan Jones and Lord Monckton, September 23 2015

Alan Jones and Angus Taylor, September 3 2014.

Lord Monckton 2014

Why Turnbull is a Labor Stooge

Muslim Refugee AID arrives in Greece by the shipping container load

Muslims Gone Wild Down Under: Hamza Cheikho “taken out of context”.

Hamza Cheikho: Protester not ashamed to be at rally where others called for a beheading

Amy Dale Chief Court Reporter
The Daily Telegraph
September 23 2015

A MAN who participated in Sydney’s Hyde Park Muslim protests in 2012 told a TV interviewer that the person who made a video deemed offensive to the prophet Mohammed, and which sparked the riots when it was posted online, should be beheaded, a court heard yesterday.

But Hamza Cheikho, 22, yesterday told the court his quote had been “taken out of context”.

Moments before he was shown the footage from an ABC news bulletin, Mr Cheikho had told a jury he did not agree anyone who insults Islam should be punished by decapitation.

Mr Cheikho is suing Nationwide News, publisher of The Daily Telegraph, for defamation over four articles published in the days following the violent September, 2012, protests, during which several police officers were injured.

The publisher is defending the claims on grounds including truth and honest opinion.

The Supreme Court also heard Mr Cheikho attended a conference organised by radical Islamic group Hizb Ut-Tahrir the day after the riots, but he said during his evidence that he “wasn’t sure” if Hizb Ut-Tahrir was a radical group.

“You say, do you, that you don’t agree with the view that a person who insults Islam should be decapitated?” Tom Blackburn SC, counsel for ­Nationwide News, asked him.

“Yes (I don't agree),” Mr Cheikho said.

“And this was the view you held at the time?”


But the jury of two men and two women who are hearing the case were then immediately shown the news footage, in which Mr Cheikho is asked for his view on beheading those ­responsible for a YouTube film that was deemed insulting to Islam and Mohammed.

He was being interviewed following public outrage about a placard brandished at the Hyde Park protest, including by a child, which read: “Behead all those who insult the Prophet.”

“It (the placard) wasn’t for the Police Commissioner, it was for the individual who made the video,” Mr Cheikho says in the interview, broadcast by the ABC the day after the riots.

“So you agree the person who made the video should be beheaded?” the reporter asks.

Mr Cheikho replies: “Yeah.”

When questioned in court yesterday by Mr Blackburn about the inconsistency, Mr Cheikho said he had been “taken out of context” and he had been explaining off camera about “Islamic law” and didn’t pay attention to that question.

“The Islamic rule is whoever insults the prophet or curses at the prophet ... the Islamic rule is that they be decapitated,” Mr Cheikho told the jury.

Mr Cheikho earlier said he was not “embarrassed” or “ashamed” to have been at a protest where some had called for the ­beheading of the person who made the film.

“I put it to you, Mr Cheikho, that after what you said to the ABC you don’t have any right to feel respected about your views on Islam. Do you agree with that proposition?” Mr Blackburn said.

“No,” Mr Cheikho said.

The hearing resumes ­tomorrow before Justice Lucy McCallum.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sydney : Female Genital Mutilation Case, Shabbir Mohammedbhai Vaziri

 Genital mutilation: Blame led to ‘blessings’, says Islamic religious leader

Carleen Frost
The Daily Telegraph
September 22 2015

A RELIGIOUS leader told ­detectives that the members of his sect charged with the genital mutilation of two young sisters had come to him seeking “blessings” once police began investigating the case.

In a series of recorded interviews played to the Supreme Court yesterday, Shabbir Mohammedbhai Vaziri — the Sydney head of the Shia Islamic Dawoodi Bohra sect — told detectives from the NSW Police Sex Crimes Squad he had “petitioned blessings”, or prayed for them.

“Those people just told me that much, that such blame has come on us, has befallen on us, please petition for blessings for us,” he said through an ­interpreter.

Vaziri said he wasn’t aware any of his teachings conflicted with NSW laws.

When he was questioned about ­female genital mutilation, the cleric asked detectives: “What is it?”

Vaziri has pleaded not guilty to being an accessory after the fact, while the girls’ mother — known in court as A2 for legal reasons — and ­retired midwife KM — who is ­alleged to have performed the procedures — have both pleaded not guilty to charges of female genital mutilation.

A2 and KM have also pleaded not guilty to two charges of assault occasioning actual bodily harm in company.


It is alleged the procedures were performed at homes in Wollongong and Baulkham Hills at some time between 2009 and 2012.

Yesterday the Supreme Court trial was also played a recorded police interview with the girls’ mother, who said she knew of friends and family members who had undergone female genital mutilation in Africa — including a young girl who was roughly her daughters’ age in Nairobi.

She told the detectives she did not believe that either of her daughters had been subjected to female genital mutilation but believes they were instead examined.

She answered “yes” when asked if there was a possibility the practice may have been performed on her daughters while in Africa early in 2012.

She said that she spoke about female genital mutilation with the girls upon returning to Australia.

“Because they were talking a lot about it when we came back also, so I just say that just to make sure that, well, I had left them a couple of times with Mum, ah, when I was in Africa so (I was) just concerned that hadn’t been done.”

The Supreme Court trial continues before Justice Peter Johnson.

Monday, September 21, 2015

How to become Australian Prime Minister

Why Turnbull is a Labor Stooge
Why Abbott HAD to GO!!! Paris is near.

Islamic State Australian Defence Force releases video of fighter jets destroying IS targets in Iraq

Australia's Finest. controlled by this Turnbull Affirmative Action Token Woman.

Marise Payne  and Australian Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove

Waffling Turnbull fails to disappoint fawning ABC's Leigh Sales

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Emily Moulton
Daily Telegraph
September 21 2015

Well, he got off to a good start, laughing off the first question by 7.30 host Leigh Sales about whether he would ever say on the program that the only poll that matters is the on one election day.

Chuckling, he said: “Well, I have only ever said that tongue-in-cheek. It’s like one of those things that many politicians say ‘we don’t all look at opinion polls’ ‘nobody looks at opinion polls’. But you’ve got to remember a single poll is a snapshot in time”.

Last week, when Mr Turnbull launched his leadership challenge against Tony Abbott, he referred to the fact the Coalition had lost the last 30 Newspolls in a row.

If we are to understand his answer, polls don’t matter anymore.

The interview quickly turned to policy direction and how Mr Turnbull planned to steer the country.

The new Prime Minister began by explaining how the Government was a Coalition government, a Liberal/National government that was “committed to ensuring that Australians were free to chose their own direction” adding that “freedom” was the key point.

Then he lost most of us.

While his predecessor Tony Abbott was renowned for using three-word slogans to get his message across, Mr Turnbull used far more. Way more.

So many more that his waffling became a source of fun on social media

Why Turnbull is a Labor Stooge

Among the waffling, Mr Turnbull did manage to inform us that one of the first things his new Cabinet will tackle will be tax reform and that he would “inspire confidence”.

But when asked how he would do that if Australia’s economy either stays the same or worsens, he wasn’t so clear.

And when asked by Sales if reforms in other areas were “on the table”, the PM said that he wasn’t going to “rule things in or rule things out”.

“One of the things I am trying to do is to change the paradigm so it is a more rational one,” he said.

When Mr Turnbull tried to answer what he thought was the biggest global threat to Australia and our country’s defence policies, he wasn’t clear which terror organisation was Australia’s biggest threat.

What was clear was our PM’s view on a what he viewed was a more pressing threat, China.

Mr Turnbull told Sales that he thought in terms of our region “the rise of China”, was very concerning adding that he thought the country’s territorial claims were “counter-productive policies”.

He explained China’s actions had the potential to disrupt peace in the region.

But the real waffling didn’t begin until the Prime Minister was asked to answer what he had learnt from the last Liberal Party leadership coup, when he was ousted by Mr Abbott in 2009.

He rambled on about not being good at “analysing” himself but then went on about his success.

But the real clanger came when Sales asked the PM what he would say to people about understanding what it’s like to struggle given his background.

Mr Turnbull started by saying he didn’t grow up with a “silver spoon” but then launched into his time at the prestigious financial institution Goldman and Sachs, in New York, sparking this reaction on 

As he rambled on about being committed to being “extremely consultative”, sales interrupted Mr Turnbull to ask him where he intended to live.

The question of where has been hot topic for the past week given he currently resides in a multi-million dollar waterfront mansion in Sydney’s east.

The Prime Minister revealed that he will continue to at his Point Piper mansion, which has been estimated to be worth $50 million, and use the official Prime Minister’s residence, Kirribili House for political functions and charity events.

“Lucy and I will continue to live and to sleep in our house in Sydney which is of course agreeably close to our grandson. Kirribili House has been used by Prime Ministers and we’ll use that for official entertaining, for charities and opportunities to support good causes.”

Rock Spider Grant Davies pleads guilty to Paedophilia and Pornography charges

Sydney dance teacher Grant Davies pleads guilty to child sex and pornography charges

The Daily Telegraph
September 21, 2015 5:03pm

Osman Chamseddine ,Pious Muslim Paedophile convicted of "Judge Knox said Chamseddine’s assaults included putting his finger in her vagina, touching her breast and making her touch his erect penis"

A Sydney dance teacher has pleaded guilty to 28 child sex and pornography offences following more than a decade worth of offending.

Grant Davies, 41, was charged last May with a string of offences on children aged between nine and 15, including sexual intercourse with a child.

Dressed in a suit, Davies - who was set to face trial this month - pleaded guilty to the charges at Sydney’s District Court on Monday.

Speaking outside court, one of the victims, who cannot be named, said he no longer dances and felt betrayed by Davies.

“It’s an abuse of trust, in a position of authority,” he told reporters.

“The criminal justice system may be slow - I think today it reached a just outcome for the victims such as myself, and the wider community.”

The victim said he hopes Davies’ guilty pleas demonstrates to similar offenders that such conduct will be prosecuted.

Davies, who ran a studio in Sydney’s inner west and trained performers for hit productions, including Billy Elliot, was initially facing more than 60 charges.

Davies will be sentenced in February 2016.

His pleas come almost a year since a mother of two of Davies’ dance students was jailed for at least one-and-a-half years for sending pictures and videos of her daughters to him.

The woman, who cannot be named, said she fell under the spell of Davies and became engulfed by stage ambitions for her daughters who had been accepted into Davies’ exclusive Sydney dance school.

Judge Peter Zahra said last year that for almost three years the mother took numerous photos of her daughters for Davies, and some of the pictures had depicted the girls performing sexually explicit acts.

Texts allegedly sent between Davies and the mother in 2011 about her daughters, include requests by the dance teacher for some “special G-shots”.

When the mother later sent sexually explicit photos of her daughters, Sydney’s District Court heard last year that Davies responded: “Now that has made me excited. I’m so lucky.”

The mother had told the court she was scared of Davies, and had described him as domineering and aggressive.

She feared he would punish her children by kicking them out of starring roles in his company’s dance productions or remove them altogether.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Labor Green Loons VOTE People on the rampage at Rugby League Game as their Occupied Territories Team, appropriately named the Bull Dogs /Dogs are FLOGGED

Canterbury Bulldogs fans clash with police at Roosters game at Allianz Stadium

Ben McClellan
The Daily Telegraph
September 18, 2015 

CANTERBURY Bulldogs fans have been filmed clashing with police during their teams 38-12 NRL semi-final loss at Allianz Stadium on Friday night.

Roosters 38 Dogs 12

In the video posted on You Tube by a fan a large group of police and security are seen trying to control a group of men.

When one man is grabbed by police another tries to grab the officers who are holding his friend before stepping on railing and throwing a punch at a police officer’s head.

The officers then point out that man while the man who was being held, who by the end of the two minute video has his shirt pulled over his hands.

Police could not confirm if any charges had been laid. (Oh Yeah as if)

Bulldog fans involved in an altercation with police in the crowd at Allianz Stadium Moore 
Bulldogs fans brought shame to the sport and their club by hurling bottles at the referees after their side’s close to South Sydney on Good Friday at ANZ Stadium. Eight fans were fined by police.

A Souths fan was also shoulder charged as he left the ground.

Nektarios Kalaitzakis pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm after he shoulder charged 21-year-old Mathew Makaritis.

Australia's Finest forced to walk with Australia's lowest.

Imagine the revulsion Andrew Hastie must have felt when forced to walk the media campaign walk with the traitorous piece of shit on his left,as his by election campaign wound up for today's Canning By Election.

A former Australian SAS Officer who was prepared to lay down his life for Australia forced to walk along side that traitorous Bitch and Turnbull Groupie Julie Bishop,must have been difficult for him to say the least.

I have not seen her pictured with her  "Beard" lately perhaps he, unlike Madame Gillard's male consort Tim what's his name had a little more self respect.

Best of luck for Andrew Hastie for today, if he is successful lets hope he is able to rid the Liberal Party of the likes of Bishop and her "dear friend" Turnbull as soon as possible.

Why Turnbull is a Labor Stooge

Grace Colliers (Arse) Clown of the week

Australia's Finest cheer Tony Abbott as he leaves office and makes his way home to Sydney's Northern Beaches.

Why Turnbull is a Labor Stooge
Moving tribute for ousted PM Tony Abbott before last hurrah at Kirribilli House

Ben McClellan
The Daily Telegraph
September 19 2015.

AS he boarded his Royal Australian Air Force VIP jet for the last time, former Prime Minister Tony Abbott was given a round of applause by the crew in military uniform.

The touching gesture to a man, known on board as down to earth and polite, at Fairbairn air base in Canberra yesterday afternoon started Mr Abbott’s short trip to Sydney where he joined wife Margie to finish packing up their prime ministerial lives at Kirribilli House.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull departed in another RAAF jet an hour later.

Mr Abbott greeted his wife with a hug in the doorway before changing out of his suit and trademark blue tie and donning a blue jumper and jeans before packing his car.

Strapping his kayak to the top of his 1995 Mercedes-Benz 280, which he famously claimed in 2010 did not make him a “silvertail” because it was 15 years old, the former prime minister appeared like any 

other man moving home.

Margie Abbott scooped up their family dog Maisie as she carried flowers and a tennis ball thrower for the dog,

Why Abbott had to GO

Speaking publicly for the second time since his ousting on Monday, Mr Abbott told reporters outside the iconic waterfront property it had been a “tremendous honour” to serve his nation.

“Shortly, Margie and I will be driving out of Kirribilli House for the last time as residents,” he said.

“To the people of Australia, it has been a tremendous, a tremendous, honour to be your prime minister and I thank you very, very much indeed,” he said.

The Abbotts left in separate cars with Mr Abbott waving to the media as he drove off.

Despite driving off , he later returned to host a 40-year reunion for his former St Ignatius College classmates at Kirribilli House.

The swanky party for about 60 people was to celebrate a Saint Ignatius College, Riverview school reunion.

Mr Abbott could be seen swigging a beer as he eagerly awaited the class of 1975.

The first busload of guests arrived at 7.15pm on a Murrays Coach.

Mr Abbott barely showed his face outdoors except to meet and greet former school mates.

From beyond the gates of Kirribilli House, loud laughter, cheers and the rattling of bottles could be heard.
Just before 8pm a Murrays coach full of Mr Abbott’s former classmates arrived at the gate of the lodge.

The event had been planned a while ago and is being privately funded. Funds raised will go to charity, The Australian reports.

After two years at Kirribilli House, with its charming period setting and stunning harbour views, the Abbotts are set to return to their suburban home in the northern beaches suburb of Forestville.

Eight out of Ten Australian journalists do NOT believe in God, Eight out of Ten Australians DO believe in God.No wonder the news does not make sense.

"Eight out of Ten Australian Journalists do NOT believe in God, Eight out of Ten Australians DO believe in God." Fred Nile

NOW do you understand why the MSM is so Pro Islam and the United Nations?

Its not the owners of the MSM its the majority of the Pig Ignorant shits that pass for journalists that the MSM employ's that is the problem

Even on Sydney's # 1 all time slots Rating "conservative" radio station 2GB 873 When the announcers switch to the news the anti conservative slant in reporting 'facts" is so obvious it's not funny.

I have been told first hand that the off air staff are at odds with the on air staff,as in what their perceptions of reality are, the "news room " dominated by school girls" who still believe in the crap they were sold as an University  Education look down on their meal tickets, the on air staff as been right wing conservative loons.

You only have to listen to the leftist slant that is applied to every news service broadcast by 2GB to appreciate the difference between the callers to its announcers and the slant their news readers place on the same stories.

Sydney TV Channel 9 (Seven  and Ten are no different)  is a classic example of the leftist perversion of "what happened" aka News.
THEIR ABC,SBS, Is free to do and say whatever they wish to do, both these organisations are publicly funded and are able to run their own show irrespective of FACTS.
THEIR  ABC, SBS are basically there to espouse the leftist UN Muslim Socialist Green Loon agenda funded by the Australian TAX Payers aka those they SAY they despise the most.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Osman Chamseddine ,Pious Muslim Paedophile convicted of "Judge Knox said Chamseddine’s assaults included putting his finger in her vagina, touching her breast and making her touch his erect penis"

Wherever the followers of the ideology of Islam are resident there is a common thread of acts of Paedophilia committed against the host nations children.
The story below is but one of, by now thousands of sexual assaults by "Pious Muslim" Males across all ages of repeated violent sexual assaults upon NON Muslim children.

How many Non Muslim children, their mothers our wives our Mothers and sisters will have to be violated, Gang Raped or Assaulted in the name of enforcing their "Holy Koran's" edicts before the Australian Council of Trade Unions, GetUp funded Labor Green Loons Progressives and the various other apologists for ISLAM and its vile putrid Manifestations accept the fact that Multiculturalism is a Failure and that there is no such thing as a "Harmony Day" as long as these savages are permitted to roam our streets and practice their  "Holy Koran" given perversions ?  
These Koran Inspired Paedophiles simply cannot be trusted to live and walk among us.
God only know's what they do to their own children when the children of their host / sanctuary nations are not available for them to engage in their re enactment of the life of the "Perfect Man" the Islamic Prophet,History's most infamous Paedophile, Gang Rapist, Genocidal Mass Murderer and Slave Trader Mohammed.
Monkey See Monkey Do.

Taxi driver Osman Chamseddine jailed for ‘heinous’ sexual assaults of deaf girl, 15

Sarah Crawford
The Daily Telegraph
September 18, 2015 5:21pm

A TAXI driver has been sentenced to at least 10 years in jail for repeatedly sexually assaulting a profoundly deaf girl while dropping her home from her primary school.

Osman Chamseddine, 65, slumped in his chair at Parramatta District Court yesterday and clasped his hands to his face as he was sentenced to 15 years with a non-parole ­period of 10 years by Judge Brian Knox, who described his offending as “reprehensible” and “heinous”.

Chamseddine was found guilty in May of sexually assaulting the girl, when she was aged 10 and 11, as he took her home from school in his mini van for disabled children.

The taxi driver, who was a subcontractor for the Education Department, would drop off the other children first, then take the girl to an industrial block in Sydney’s west. It was there that he assaulted her on four occasions between June and November 2009.

The girl wrote in a victim impact statement that the attacks made her feel uncomfortable around all men except her father. “I don’t trust men, I don’t like being around men, I don’t trust anyone. I am not comfortable around any man except for my dad,” the now 17-year-old victim wrote.

Judge Knox said Chamseddine’s assaults included putting his finger in her vagina, touching her breast and making her touch his erect penis.

“When the offender touched her, her body was frozen from fear,” the judge said.

“She could not say ‘stop’ and did not know how to say ‘don’t touch me’.”

The girl kept the attacks ­secret until December 2013 when a teacher spoke to students about sexual assault as part of White Ribbon Day.

Judge Knox said Chamseddine had “manifestly breached” the trust given to him by the girl, her parents and her school to deliver her safely between her home and classes.

The court heard he continued to deny assaulting the girl.

Ray Hadley Scott Morrison four days after Liberal Party leadership coup d'état

Scott Morrison speaks with Ray Hadley four days AFTER Liberal Party leadership  coup d'état.

Scott Morrison speaks with Ray Hadley four days BEFORE Liberal Party leadership  coup d'état.

Why Turnbull is a Labor Stooge

Scott Morrison tells Ray Hadley: ‘I voted for Tony Abbott but he threw Hockey under the bus’

September 18, 2015 7:41am

Scott Morrison challenged to swear on Bible he didn’t undermine Abbott
Didn’t understand Abbott move to oust Hockey and give him Treasury
2GB host Ray Hadley insisted Abbott felt “betrayed” by Morrison
SCOTT Morrison has revealed the former Prime Minister Tony Abbott threw Treasurer Joe Hockey “under the bus” in an 11th hour bid to save his leadership.

In a fiery exchange with “good mate” Ray Hadley on 2GB this morning, the Social Services minister said he was shocked Mr Abbott offered him the role of treasurer in the lead up to the leadership spill.

“I didn’t understand it,” Mr Morrison said on 2GB.

“I didn’t understand how if we were to be successful that night, how we would explain that to the Australian people.

“I didn’t understand why he wanted me to pick a fight with Joe Hockey and throw him under the bus.”

Scott Morrison picks up the bible during his fiery debate with Ray Hadley on 2GB this morning.

Before his heated exchange on 2GB, Scott Morrison signed a hard hat that will be auctioned for charity. Picture: Twitter / Stephanie Borys
Mr Hadley pressed Mr Morrison to swear on the Bible that he had not plotted with the new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to overthrow Mr Abbott.

While Mr Morrison initially refused to bring faith into the argument, he flatly denied he undercut Tony Abbot to elevate Mr Turnbull.

“Absolutely not, I had no role in his demise,” Mr Morrison said.

Mr Hadley continued to press him, saying the Australian people had a right to know the truth. and the only way to do that was to swear on a Bible.

“I’m not going to use my faith for a stunt for your program,” Mr Morrison said.

“You get to judge my policies but you don’t get to judge my faith.”

Mr Hadley also revealed Mr Abbott felt “betrayed” by Mr Morrison, saying a source close to the former leader said he felt Mr Morrison had “blotted his copybook”.

“Mr Abbott thinks you ran with the foxes and hunted with the hounds,” Mr Hadley said.

A nonplussed Mr Morrison replied: “Well, he’s wrong ... At the end of the day I voted for Tony Abbott. I gave him utter loyalty for the entire time I served.”

“You get to judge my policies but you don’t get to judge my faith” — Scott Morrison

He also said he had not used the automatic deleting Wikr messaging service to secretly bolster support for Mr Turnbull with factional allies and had in fact warned Mr Abbott of an impending coup.

“I said on Friday to the PM’s office that things were pretty febrile and they should be on high alert,” he said.

Scott Morrison conceded Tony Abbott offered him the role of Treasurer in a bid to save himself

Ray Hadley had a fiery interview with Scott Morrison on his role in the Abbott coup
Mr Morrison also revealed he has not spoken to Mr Abbott since Monday night’s leadership ballot.

“I said good luck after the ballot and we shook hands,” he said.

Mr Morrison has been accused of deliberately “running dead” in the lead-up to the coup when he could have been rallying coalition troops to support the ousted leader.

It was revealed earlier this week that Mr Abbott had been warned by allies not to trust Mr Morrison as far back as May amid fears he would two-face the leader — offering support but allegedly double dealing behind his back.

Social Services Minister Scott Morrison speaks to the media after a radio interview with Ray Hadley in which he revealed Tony Abbott had offered him the position of Treasurer in a last-minute bid to save 

Concerns escalated last week before Mr Turnbull’s leadership challenge when it became obvious the Social Services Minister was not actively supporting Mr Abbott.

However witnesses told The Australian they saw Mr Morrison’s ballot paper in the Liberal Party room on Monday night and it showed he voted for Mr Abbott.

Mr Morrison is likely to benefit from the change of leadership having been tipped to take on the role of treasurer from Mr Hockey.

It comes as Liberal frontbencher Christopher Pyne told Mr Abbott he didn’t expect there would be a leadership challenge this week, 24 hours before he jumped ship and sided with Malcolm Turnbull.

The eduction minister confirmed on Friday that Mr Abbott had his support the day before the spill which resulted in him losing the prime ministership.

“The truth is on Sunday there was no leadership ballot, on Monday there was, then I made an assessment,” Mr Pyne told the Nine Network’s Today show this morning.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Minister for Social Services Scott Morrison at Parliament House in Canberra. Mr Morrison has been tipped to take on the new role of Treasurer.
Mr Pyne said Mr Abbott was given a warning by the party room in February and seven months later things still weren’t any better.

“It was very hard for anyone to argue that he wasn’t given absolutely every opportunity to prove that he was the best person to lead the party,” he said.

Mr Pyne, who has been mooted as a possible replacement for Kevin Andrew as Defence Minister, was one of the more high-profile Liberal MPs to back Mr Turnbull in Monday’s leadership vote.

Originally published as Hadley and Morrison in bible bust-up

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