An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Friday, March 12, 2010

Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation


Media rights group puts Australia on internet watchlist

March 12, 2010

A top media rights watchdog has listed Australia along with Iran and North Korea in a report on countries that pose a threat of internet censorship.

Paris-based media rights group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on Thursday put Australia and South Korea on its list of countries "under surveillance" in its "Internet Enemies" report.

Australia was listed for the government's plan to block access to websites featuring material such as rape, drug use, bestiality and child sex abuse. Critics say the plan is a misguided measure that will harm civil liberties by blocking a broader range of content than just nasty material.

comrade rudd 

The Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy, has said he plans to introduce legislation by the end of next week that would require ISPs to block a blacklist of "refused classification" websites for all Australians. It is not clear if the government will meet this deadline; a spokeswoman for Senator Conroy said the legislation would be introduced "after it has been considered by caucus and cabinet".

In South Korea, the RSF report added, "draconian laws are creating too many specific restrictions on web users by challenging their anonymity and promoting self-censorship".

Fresh Thinking PPHat

Lu Kewen aka. Australian PM “Kevin 07” Rudd

“It’s all about getting the balance right”

"These countries are worrying us because they have measures that could have repercussions for freedom of expression on the internet," RSF secretary general Jean-Francois Julliard said at an internet rights award ceremony on Thursday.

Russia and Turkey were also added to the watchlist, which is a category below RSF's top "Enemies of the internet", the countries it considers the 12 worst web freedom violators.

These include Saudi Arabia, Burma, China, North Korea, Iran and Vietnam.

"The world's largest netizen prison is in China, which is far out ahead of other countries with 72 detainees, followed by Vietnam and then by Iran, which have all launched waves of brutal attacks on websites in recent months," RSF's report said.

A senior manager of US internet giant Google, David Drummond, said there was an "alarming trend" of government interference in online freedom, not only in countries that are judged to have poor human rights records.

He cited Australia's plans as an example, saying that there "the wide scope of content prohibited could include socially and politically controversial material".

The Australian case "is an example of where these benign intentions can result in the spectre of true censorship", he added, speaking at Thursday's ceremony.

"Here in Europe, even in France, at this very moment, some are tempted by this slippery path of network filtering."

Access denied

Click HERE for further information on Lu Kewen’s internet censorship plans for Australia

Last month, after Senator Conroy called on YouTube to censor videos in accordance with his filtering scheme, the search giant's head of policy in Australia, Iarla Flynn, said: "The scope of RC is simply too broad and can raise genuine questions about restrictions on access to information. RC includes the grey realms of material instructing in any crime from [painting] graffiti to politically controversial crimes such as euthanasia, and exposing these topics to public debate is vital for democracy."

Update on Rudd's internet censorship laws
Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party

Compulsory censorship for internet.

Daily Telegraph 29 10 08 Pg. 4

THE Federal Government will make internet censorship compulsory for all Australians and could ban controversial websites on euthanasia and anorexia. Australia's level of net censorship will put it in the same league as China, Cuba, Iran and North Korea.

internet censorship despots 

The Government will not let users opt out of the proposed national internet filter. Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy Minister Stephen Conroy said the Government's $44.2 million internet censorship plan would now include two tiers — one level of mandatory filtering for all Australians and an optional level that will provide a "clean feed", censoring adult material. Despite planning to hold "live trials" before the end of the year, Senator Conroy said it was not known what content the mandatory filter would bar, with euthanasia or proanorexia sites on the chopping block. "We are talking about mandatory blocking, where possible, of illegal material," he said.

'Australia's level of net censorship will put it in the same league as China, Cuba, Iran and North Korea. The Government will not let users opt out of the proposed national internet filter.

The Ascension of Lu Kewen

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Canadian wheelchair bashing victim’s family speaks out, see the THUG who bashed him.


Vicious Sydney bashing horrifies family

Carly Crawford in New York
The Daily Telegraph
March 11, 2010

THE Canadian family of the wheelchair-bound man allegedly bashed with a metal bar in an unprovoked attack at a Sydney railway station is stunned by its brutality.

Shellan Proden, the mother of the victim, was horrified to learn that two teens had allegedly hit her 35-year-old son with metal bars before running off with his wheelchair in the 11pm assault on Tuesday.

"I can't believe a human being would do that to someone else," Ms Proden said."It's like a savage."

See the Multicultural THUG and his supporters

Rudd’s Multicultural Australia: Two Multicultural Thugs bash Canadian wheel chair bound Tourist sens less

Relatives later told The Daily Telegraph the family was considering a mercy dash to Australia as the man recovers from his skull fracture at Sydney's Westmead Hospital.

"I just want him home," Ms Proden said."I just want him home and safe,

"I just want to see him."

She has asked that her son's name not be released.

He has been confined to a wheelchair since a snowmobile accident in 2000.In a tragic twist, his father was also killed in a snowmobile crash that year.

The attack, which has made headlines worldwide, happened at the Mt Druitt railway station on Tuesday.

Two youths allegedly bashed the man in the face, striking him with parts of his wheelchair as he lay helpless on the ground in a sickening assault that lasted up to five minutes.

Two boys, aged 15 and 16, have been charged with robbery and assault offences.

The man's Australian girlfriend, Kristin Sharrock, is wracked with guilt.

"He's been through a lot in his life and he doesn't deserve what's happened," she told a Canadian TV network.

"I'm sick to my stomach. He came out here for me and he ended up in hospital. And to think that he could have died."

The victim had been waiting at the station after going out to watch a Canadian band play in Sydney's suburbs.

Some members of the group, Doc Walker, were mates with the victim.

"The band is certainly saddened by the turn of events and we're still trying to find out more details ourselves," band manager Ron Kitchener said.

"The band are aware ... and are obviously concerned about his health."

Rudd’s Multicultural Australia: Two Multicultural Thugs bash Canadian wheel chair bound Tourist sens less


Hunt for teen after wheelchair-bound Canadian battered at station


March 10, 2010 - 12:59PM

A wheelchair-bound Canadian tourist is in a serious condition after an alleged unprovoked assault by two youths at a train station in Sydney's west last night, say police.

See Multiculturalism’s Finest in action.

Aussie Rock Icon blasts Multiculturalism’s Knife culture…and the “usual suspects” react with the usual slogans and name calling.

The 35-year-old Mosman man - who is undergoing surgery for head wounds today - was on the platform at  Mount Druitt train station when two teenagers approached him, police said.

Do you know more? Message 0424 SMS SMH (+61 424 767 764), email us or direct message us on Twitter @smh_news with information or images.

They "verbally intimidated" him, so he tried to leave by a lift at the station, police said.

But one of the youths allegedly punched him in the face, knocking him out of his wheelchair.

The teenagers then allegedly stomped on the tourist, hitting him about the head and body with metal bars - one from the wheelchair, police said. They then tried to take his wheelchair and belongings.

Police allege the pair left but returned a few times to batter the man with the metal bars again before running from the station.

A NSW Ambulance spokesman said emergency services were called to the station about 11.15pm.

The victim was taken to Westmead Hospital in a serious condition about 11.45pm and was operated on for a  depressed skull wound and cuts.

Mount Druitt Local Area Commmander Superintendent Wayne Cox told reporters this morning that the attack had taken between three to five minutes and had been captured on security video as well as being witnessed by a train station employee.

He described the attack as ‘‘a calculated assault’’.

‘‘It’s one of the most serious attacks I’ve seen,’’ Superintendent Cox said.

‘‘Particularly when you’re looking at a person that’s confined to a wheelchair.

‘‘It’s quite distressing to see these young people come back and assault him on a number of occasions.’’

Police said the man was a tourist, who is visiting Australia on a year-long visa, and had been living in Mosman on Sydney's lower north shore.

He was in Mount Druitt to watch friends play in a band.

A 16-year-old youth was charged with robbery and assault offences today and is due to face Parramatta’s Children Court.

Police are still looking for the second alleged attacker, who they say is aged between 12 and 15 and of Pacific Islander appearance. He was last seen wearing a white long-sleeved T-shirt, a logo on the front and black track-suit pants.

Kristin Sharrock from Mosman, said she met the victim, who does not want to be identified, at a Pearl Jam concert in Los Angeles last year.

They started dating and he came to Australia in November to visit her.

Ms Sharrock said the victim had a snowmobile accident in Canada about 10 years ago and had been confined to a wheelchair as a result.

‘‘He is a wonderful, kind, generous individual. He’s been through a lot in his life and he doesn’t deserve what’s happened.’’

Ms Sharrock said she was called at midnight by police and told what had happened.

‘‘I was disgusted. I can’t believe someone would attack anybody, let alone someone in a wheelchair.’’
Police said they were reviewing CCTV footage of the alleged assault and urged anyone who could assist to phone Mount Druitt police on 9675 0699 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.


Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Australia : Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Muslim Leaders admit Muslims are incompatible with civilized Societies.

Aussie Muslims support Sharia law: Trad

March 8, 2010,

There's broad Muslim community support for aspects of Sharia law being adopted in Australia, a leading spokesman for the religion says.

However, harsh penal aspects of the law, including stoning and chopping off hands, will never work and aren't being called for, Islamic Friendship Association of Australia president Keysar Trad says.

But personal aspects of the law, particularly those involving marriage and inheritance, would be broadly supported and would offer great help to ordinary Australian Muslims, he said.

Mr Trad's remarks come after Dr Zachariah Matthews, president of the Australian Islamic Mission, made a similar call, saying aspects of Sharia law could run parallel to existing legislation.

Dr Matthews was speaking during an open day at Lakemba Mosque in Sydney on Saturday.

Some non-Muslims in the audience were reportedly left shocked by the speech.

"Most people seem to think that when it comes to Sharia law it's just about the penal provisions, but that's not that case," Mr Trad told AAP on Monday.

"(The penal provisions) can't work here. No serious person would advocate them."

But he said adopting aspects of Sharia marital and inheritance law - in a dual legal system - would be an advantage, particularly for women.

"At the moment it can disadvantage Muslims here, particularly women, because if a woman gets divorced through the normal civil process that divorce is not recognised in Muslim countries," Mr Trad said.

"So they would still be considered to be married elsewhere."

Equally, Australian governments don't recognise divorce documents made by imams, the mosque and community leaders, Mr Trad said.

"These are all considerations that

face all the time and a lot of them support introducing these parts of Sharia law here," he added.

Dr Matthews also said he was not proposing the introduction of wider Sharia law.

"I don't think we are so unsophisticated that we cannot consider a multi-layered legal system as long as it doesn't conflict with the existing civil system," he was quoted as saying by Fairfax.
There are about 340,000 Muslims in Australia, or 1.7 per cent of the population, Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show.

At last they fess up !!!!

Update to Rudd’s Australia:Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Call for a parallel Sharia Law system in Australia
Taquiah Festival this weekend at Lakemba Mosque.

Lying (Taqiyya and Kitman)

Polygamy is illegal in Australia, but a Centrelink spokeswoman said it was not the welfare agency’s job to police polygamy law

Monday, March 08, 2010

Update to Rudd’s Australia:Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Call for a parallel Sharia Law system in Australia


Muslim leader wants elements of Sharia in Australia

March 8, 2010

ELEMENTS of Islamic law - the sharia - should be legally recognised in Australia so that Muslims can live according their faith, a prominent Muslim leader says.

Addressing an open day at Lakemba Mosque on Saturday, the president of the Australian Islamic Mission, Zachariah Matthews, said parts of sharia could be recognised as a secondary legal system so that Muslims were not forced to act contrary to their beliefs. ''Sharia law could function as a parallel system in the same way that some traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander law was recognised in the Northern Territory,'' Dr Matthews told the Herald after the session.

Millions, Hundreds of Thousands, Thousands, Hundreds tons of Australians flock to Lakemba Mosque.. Honest.

Taquiah Festival this weekend at Lakemba Mosque.

Lying (Taqiyya and Kitman)


Matthews said of the Islamic objective in his writings “The Hijrah: A Necessary Phase in the Dawah” 30 3 2004 on page 4, wrote.

" iii. Secrets should be hidden: The Prophet (s) hid the secrets of his journey and only disclosed them to those with strong ties to him. And, then they were only told what they needed to know in order for them to act - they were "on a need to know" basis. Today we talk about issues that don’t need to be talked about to the general public - what is needed is "less talk and more action."

vi. Deception is necessary: The Prophet (s) instructed ‘Ali (ra) to put on the cloak in which the Prophet (s) normally slept and to lay down on his bed. The Prophet (s) and Abu Bakr (ra) also chose to hide in a cave to the south in the direction of Yemen so as to fool their pursuers. [Al-Ghazali] )

''I don't think we are so unsophisticated that we cannot consider a multilayered legal system as long as it doesn't conflict with the existing civil system.''

The comments shocked some attending the open day. They felt Dr Matthews was advocating the introduction of the penal system under which women have been stoned to death for adultery, and corporal punishment is meted out for some offences.

''It came as quite a shock to some non-Muslims in the crowd when sharia law and the idea of a parallel legal system was mentioned,'' one audience member, Jasmine Donnelly, said.

''One group of people just left straight after that.''

But Dr Matthews said he was referring only to certain elements of family law and inheritance law and was not advocating the sharia penal system.

''I wasn't talking about sharia law in its entirety - we are not calling for the introduction of the penal system which calls for cutting off hands,'' he said.

Dr Matthews said a clash occurred in some custody matters. ''Under sharia law, if a couple divorce and the mother remarries, her former husband has the right to decide whether the children will live with the new husband or not,'' Dr Matthews said.

''There is still a preference for the child to go with the mother, but the father has the ultimate decision.

''This does not exist in Australian law but I do not believe it clashes fundamentally with Australian values or the Australian legal system.''


Muslims kick own goal in PR stunt

Piers Akerman
Daily Telegraph
Monday, March 08, 2010

Attempts by Australian Muslims to build bridges to the wider community through Saturday’s open day at the Lakemba mosque exploded as dramatically as an Islamist suicide terrorist.

In an effort to present an acceptable face of Islam, the president of the Australian Islamic Mission Dr Zachary Matthews, held an “Ask the Sheikh” session at which he admitted that he and the Islamic community do want sharia law in Australia to government the lives of local Muslims.
This was mentioned uncritically in this article in Monday’s edition of The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday.
“Why is it not possible to manage diverse legal systems? We could have common civil law and personal religious law. If people want to administer their own legal systems then why not?” he said.

As a German man at the back of the crowd said: “I’m German - then I could drive on the roads at whatever speed I want because that’s the law in Germany.”
Dr Matthews said he only wanted sharia to govern the domestic lives of Muslims. Driving on the roads would affect the good of the majority, so that’s different, he said.

But as my correspondent, former Reuter’s reporter Alison Bevege noted in her missive to me, it isn’t.
“Sharia law affects the legal pillars of equality before the law and the separation of church and state. Two far more important principles than a mere speed limit,” she wrote.
“Under sharia law, a man is considered to be boss of the household and his wife must defer to him. He can choose to keep the children in a divorce arrangement even in situations where this would not be best for the children’s welfare.”

While Dr Mathews was presenting an argument for a multicultural society by confusing the flawed concept with the case for a multiracial Australia, books on sale in the basement below the mosque reflected the awful truth about the values broadly supported by those who fully embrace Islam and its holy book, the Koran.

Bevege found most of the books on offer were in Arabic but among those in English were publications which exposed the wide cultural gap that would be legalised under sharia law: Islamic intolerance for homosexuality, for equal rights of women and for individual freedoms.

She quoted from the “The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam” by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, which says: “Because of his natural ability ...  the man is the head of the house ... He is entitled to the obedience and cooperation of his wife, and accordingly it is not permissible for her to rebel against his authority.”
And what happens if she does?
After first sleeping apart from her to try to rectify his wife’s behaviour, we learn on page 205 that it is OK for the husband to beat her, although just “lightly with his hands”. As Bevege said, perhaps that means he can just slap her around a bit.

The book then quotes Imam al-Hafiz ibn Hajar who says “To be specific, one may beat only to safeguard Islamic behaviour and if he (the husband) sees deviation only in what she must do or obey in relation to him.”
Bevege, who has worked in North Africa, said despite Dr Matthew’s public support for multiculturalism and diversity, the books in the basement state Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men.
“It is forbidden. They might abandon their religion - the ultimate sin of apostasy - punishable in some parts of the world by death.
“But polygamy is legal under sharia - and Muslim men can marry a variety of women both Muslim and non-Muslim.

It’s OK for a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman because she must submit to the husband so she will ultimately be converted,” she said.
“The German’s point about the roads hit upon the massive chasm between those who identify with Islam and Westerners who identify with their country of origin.

“The German identified with Germany. He can be of any religion or none at all as a German. He can be gay or straight or bi and expect equal rights. His nationality-defined identity gives him rights as an individual to be free from state meddling in his personal affairs and equality before the law - as in every Western nation. Church and state are separate.

“Priests do not make legally enforceable decrees from the pulpit. They can not interfere in daily life and the public are not obliged to listen to them.
“But sharia law does not separate church and state. Islam becomes not just a religion but a legal code and a political system.

“Sharia means religious laws and religious leaders being able to make legal decrees. “Sharia is an Islamic system of jurisprudence agreed on and issued by holy men.
“The individual is micromanaged within an inch of their lives. There can be edicts on every facet of existence from hand-washing to what foods you can eat and who you can marry. There are hundreds of directions on how to behave.
“Under some interpretations of sharia law, punishments that seem barbaric to Western eyes are widely practiced. In Islamic countries from Somalia, Saudi Arabia and north Sudan to Pakistan adulterers may be stoned to death or women whipped for daring to wear a pair of jeans. All it takes is one bad holy man.
“There are moderate nations like Malaysia where people are not stoned to death under sharia. But they can still be officially caned and beaten - unlike Australia.
“Those who want sharia do not identify with a nation-state of geographic boundaries but with a global ideology that differs drastically from the values of Western societies. “They follow the nation’s laws out of necessity but their loyalty is to Islam first.
Bevege asked the question that Muslims wanting to introduce sharia to the nations to which they migrate do not seem to have any answer.

“With so many Muslim countries where living under sharia law is possible, in all flavours of moderation or extremism, why would Muslims want to move to Australia then ask for our laws to change? Why not just go and live in one of the many countries where sharia law already exists? It would be more culturally appropriate,” she stated.
She believes one answer lies in the bookstore where among the many books for sale lies a slim volume: “The Return of the Khalifate” by Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi. It outlines the demise of the Ottoman Empire and the need to re-unite the world’s Muslims. The goal: domination under Islam in a global caliphate.
Its premise: Western society is doomed. Democracy is doomed and Westernism in Islamic nations is doomed. Islam is the only answer.
In his book, Sheikh As-Sufi calls democracy a “cynical deception”, in another book by Imam Ibn Hajr catchily-titled

“The Attainment of The Objective According to the Evidences of the Ordinances”, the religious ruling on apostates is bluntly spelled out “Kill those who change their religion”.
Bevege reasonably argues that some might say that similar violent exhortations are contained in the Bible, and that religion is all in the interpretation. They are right. But the difference is that Western countries have a well-defined separation of church and state. The courts are secular. Priests are not judges.
She continued, that is not what happens where religion is law under sharia. In many countries - Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Somalia, under al-Shabaab, all come to mind - these pronouncements are taken literally and apostates have been murdered.
Australia has long been a tolerant society but there are limits to tolerance - and that is a good thing.
As Bevege summed up, while the Sheikh made a valiant effort to sugar-coat the pill, putting on a free sausage sizzle and opening the mosque for a day of PR pleasantries does not change that fact.

She says Australia should defend the limits of multiculturalism and not change the laws of the land for a minority.
“We will safeguard the personal liberties and freedoms of all who come to this country under the Western system of democracy.
“All will be equal before the law. There will be no separate law for Muslims.
“Muslims are very welcome in Australia - there are many very wonderful Islamic people, especially the Somalis, who are my personal favourites,” she wrote. “But in Australia we will not have sharia law, so all Muslims must first decide that religion is to be a personal and private matter not a legal matter for the state, before they choose to move here.
“Otherwise they are free to leave.”


Sunday, March 07, 2010

Video of the only fight a Kangaroo should ever have to fight and Kangaroo Bashing in Texas Sponsored by the company that Gave Australia Halal Vegimite.Our friends in Texas have got it wrong,wrong,wrong.


A multinational company Sponsoring the Tying of a rope around a Kangaroo and have it “Box” in a ring with some Arse Clown is easier to understand when you consider that the same multinational company has with much chest thumping,whooping and fan fare all to the applause of their leftist Islamist apologists just rolled over to the Islamic colonialists occupying forces in Australia, by making the much Loved (or hated) Australian icon,Vegemite, “Halal”.

The cruelty inflicted upon Animals during the barbaric slaughtering process that is the Halal method of animal killing, is just a few steps up the animal cruelty ladder than what is seen in the video below where some Arse “Clown” and his brave assistants, assault an Australian Kangaroo, I suppose we should be grateful they did not hack its head off with an Islamic Holy sword or hatchet so as to yet again appease Kraft’s Muslim colonialists occupying forces in Australia.


Nine News Australia.

US 'Aussie' show knocks a kangaroo around for laughs

EXCLUSIVE by Chelsea White
The Daily Telegraph
March 06, 2010 12:00AM

IT IS an image that will leave every Australian sick to the stomach.

Our national mascot dressed in shorts and boxing gloves with a rope tied around its chest, goaded into boxing with a human clown.

Copy of 6 3 2010 US 'Aussie' show knocks a kangaroo around for laughs

Bring this Kangaroo HOME NOW 

One of Australia's most iconic symbols is reduced to a cruel and insulting comedy act - all in front of an audience cheering for more.

Welcome to BorderFest - a US festival in Hidalgo, Texas, designed to "celebrate" all things Australian.

A festival sponsor is Kraft, US owners of another Aussie icon Vegemite. Pepsi sponsors the show itself and the festival website has a Tourism Australia logo and link.

The "Rocky Show Circus" runs at least twice a day, starring two kangaroos and their owner Javier Martinez, who also dons the clownsuit.

Mr Martinez baits the kangaroo by pushing it and repeatedly jabs at it before placing it in a headlock.

If Rocky fights back too much Mr Martinez's wife Sandra restrains the kangaroo using a heavy tether attached to a harness around the animal's chest.

Yesterday, Mr Martinez defended his cruel act. "You cannot force a kangaroo to do nothing," he said.

"(Kangaroos) only do what they want to do so we don't make them work, you work around them."

Mr Martinez is not alone. The Daily Telegraph can reveal that circuses in Asia, Europe and the US are increasingly using our national mascots as comedy acts, leaving the animals traumatised and injured - and in some cases dead. Mr Martinez's treatment of his kangaroos - which travel across the US performing at different circuses - has been investigated by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) repeatedly for violations of animal welfare act.

He has been on the authority's watch list since 2003 when two kangaroos under his care died within four months.

According to animal welfare group PETA, who did their own investigations of the show, one kangaroo died from complications caused by a deadly bacterial disease called "lumpy jaw".

After another undercover investigation by the USDA in 2007, Mr Martinez was told to immediately change the way he handled his kangaroos.

An inspection report reported the kangaroo showed signs of behavioural stress including severe aggressiveness.

"During the boxing performance the animal was observed trying to leave the ring and being forced to remain in the ring to complete the act," the USDA inspection report said.

PETA's Asia-Pacific senior campaigner Ashley Fruno last night called for a boycott of kangaroo acts. "Being forced to participate in these tawdry shows is cruel and can cost kangaroos their lives," Ms Fruno said.


The only Fight a Kangaroo should EVER have to FIGHT can be seen in the video below


Saturday, March 06, 2010

Polygamy is illegal in Australia, but a Centrelink spokeswoman said it was not the welfare agency’s job to police polygamy law


Growing number of Muslim men and multiple wives exploiting loophole for taxpayer handouts

“Islamic Friendship Association of Australia president Keysar Trad said he believed “not many more than 50″ Muslim families in Australia were polygamist. But he said he also knew of non-Muslim men who had more than one de facto wife who claimed Centrelink payments.

Mr Trad agreed only those who could afford a second wife, without reliance on Centrelink, should marry more than one woman.

“Marriage, whether they are single or plural, I believe in the old adage, they are made in heaven,” he said.“

and from ANV post titled  (scroll to “Islam's man of a million comments”)

Multicultural Australia: Islamic “moderate Islamic community leader” warns Australian’s SYDNEY Muslims are ''angry and frustrated'' following sentencing of Five Islamic Terrorists. 
Mrs Trad  reflects “……….It has not been easy and they remember 1998 as their worst year when Trad fell in love - "became obsessed", his wife says - with another woman. In desperation, Hanifeh proposed marriage on her husband's behalf to the other woman. "We were having a terrible time. He fell in love and I wasn't thinking about myself," she says. But his obsession passed. "He became more compassionate after it," Hanifeh says. "God meant for him to go through this experience and it made him a better person and more emotionally aware. It knocked him off his perch."

Kevin 07 aka.Lu Kewen’s “working families” read the full story HERE at Sheik Yer Mami’s Winds of Jihad and weep.

Fresh Thinking PPHat


 “It’s all about getting the balance right” Kevin 07 aka.Le Kewen, Australian Federal Election campaign 2007

Friday, March 05, 2010

Islam means Peace…. yeah, honest, it does…..well sort of.


So we ALL know (or should know,unless of course you are a racist) by now that “Islam is a Religion of Peace”

So who DID kill these children and 1.5 million of their countrymen and women ?

Answer HERE

Taquiah Festival this weekend at Lakemba Mosque.


Mosque at Lakemba opens door to Sydney's mind

Lying (Taqiyya and Kitman)

By Edith Bevin
The Daily Telegraph
March 05, 2010

Mosque Flying Pigs Sheik Yahya Safi of Lakemba Mosque welcomes Sydney to his Mosque - Lakemba Mosque is having an open day, inviting all to come visit and learn about Islam.

ISLAM comes from the Arabic word Salem meaning peace but for Sydney's Lebanese Muslims the past few years have been anything but peaceful.

Tensions between Sydney's Muslim population and the wider community grew with the arrest of our first home-grown Islamic terrorists, outcry over applications for Islamic schools in formerly Anglo Saxon enclaves of outer western Sydney, debate over asylum seekers from war-torn Afghanistan and a series of gang rapes blamed on men of Middle Eastern descent.

“Anglo Saxon enclaves “ You mean post WW2 South Western suburbs of Sydney, established and developed for returned service men via cheap war service home loans ? now these same areas are known as the “Occupied Territories” and no go zones for Australians due to the Australian Labor Party’s importation of Muslim colonialists from the “Middle East” and any where else they can find them.

Not only were the “series of gang rapes blamed on men of Middle Eastern descent” those the Police caught and whose victims “Aussie Pigs and Sluts” had the intestinal fortitude to lay charges and testify, were found GUILTY and are serving lengthy jail terms, does the name Bilal Skaf ring a bell?

It revealed a deep-seated ignorance of what the Islamic faith was actually about, according to Sheik Yahya Safi, the imam at the Lakemba Mosque.

Oh Really Sheik? “deep-seated ignorance” you say? no, Australians are no different than any other Judeo Christian Democracy, we are well of what Islam and it’s followers are up to.

"I believe that Australians, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, can live together in harmony but we can only do that if there is an understanding and tolerance of each other's religion and customs," Sheik Safi said. "I think there is still a lot of misunderstandings."

"I believe that Australians, Muslim…..” Sorry Sheik there is no such thing as a “Muslim Australian” there are Muslims and there are Australians,Muslims are, if you like “Non Australians” just as they are Non Americans,Non British,Non Indian,Non Chinese, Non Danish, Non Sweedish etc etc etc .

To dispel those misunderstandings and myths, worshippers are throwing opening the doors of their Lakemba Mosque to the public tomorrow.

More than 1000 Sydneysiders go to the Lakemba Mosque to pray each day - and the congregation swells to 5000 for Friday prayers, a mandatory day of worship in the Islamic faith.

It's been two years since Sydney's largest mosque was open to the public.

As well as tours of the mosque, the open day will enable the wider community to question the sheik.

Sheik Safi agreed he was probably a little more moderate than past sheiks who have preached at the mosque.

He said past leaders had resigned themselves to a belief in a polarised clash of cultures.

Now Muslim community leaders were looking for ways to work together with the non-Muslim community to build a mutual understanding of the respective cultures.

“…..the non-Muslim community….” Ah Ah Ah ! There you go again, you mean the Australian Community.

"This year we decided to go big to make the opportunity to show that we're tolerant and we're trying to assimilate and work with each other, and to try and get a better understanding of what Islam is really about," Sheik Safi said.

"When you have experience with people - you can have more open ideas than before."

He said while everyone was invited to the open day he hoped those who had been most outspoken in their feelings against the Islamic community would take the time to visit the mosque.

"When people have a bad idea about you, you need to give them the right idea - we don't want to lie, we want them to understand who we really are and what our religion is about," he said.

"People don't know Islam but maybe they know a Muslim - that one person will reflect Islam to this man and the community. Our challenge is to let our people practice real Islam, not to claim they are Muslim."

The Lakemba Mosque is at 65-67 Wangee Rd, Lakemba. Tomorrow's open day is from 10am to 5pm

                            Muslim Spin Doctor Talks to Chris Smith Radio 2gb

men and women are distractions to each other”

Islamic Sociopaths Inc. : Muslim Poet freed on appeal.

Australia: Five Mass Murder Muslim Terrorist conspirators sentenced.
ASIO saves Australians from Mansour Leghaei and Rudd government Attorney General, McClelland.

Kevin 07’s Australia: “Dhimmi Cop / Community Cop”, to ensure the facilitation of Rudd’s “Fresh Thinking” aka. Muslim Colonization of Australia.

$10 Million for Muslim Terrorists

Lu Kewen aka. Australian PM Kevin Rudd CALLS FOR more Sharia Banks in Australia
Sydney's Occupied Territories: Rape victim too distraught to speak after video
Sydney's Occupied Territories, Harmony Day Surprise,Rudd's Assassins: Muslim Gang Targets Aussie's
Woman organizes rape of 80 women to later recruite as suicide bombers
Aussie Mum fights Islamist mysogney and wins
Sydney Australia: Crucifixes, Bibles banned from Hospital Chapel " to avoid offending Muslims, Hindus or other non-Christian believers"
"Middle Eastern" aka. "The Usual suspects" charged with Rape at Sydney theme park.
Lawyer,Mohammed Masri 's "12 year old boy "client pleads not guilty to Jambaroo Action Park sex assault charges.

Muhammad and Incitement to Violence

31 7 09 Keysar Trad RACISM an Islamic Response

Islams Plan

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Islamic Sociopaths Inc. : Muslim Poet freed on appeal.



Self described Lyrical Terrorist Samina Malik.

The 23-year-old Muslim wrote of her desire to become a martyr and listed her favourite videos as the "beheading ones".

Yet another example of the effects upon the human mind following exposure to Islamic Sociopaths Inc.’s Manifesto or what these befuddled Sociopaths call “The Holy Koran”.

This Sociopaths Manifesto should be withdrawn from circulation and only be able to be accessed for bona fide Scientific and Legal examination.

3 3 2010 Islamic Poetry 

Full Story here at Atlas Shrugs

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Aussie Rock Icon blasts Multiculturalism’s Knife culture…and the “usual suspects” react with the usual slogans and name calling.


Angry Anderson - other cultures have introduced weapons

By Angela Kamper
The Daily Telegraph
March 02, 2010

ROCK'N'ROLL bad boy Gary Angry Anderson believes life experience has taught him "Aussies use their fists" when they fight and that "weapons were introduced by other cultures".

The former Rose Tattoo frontman's comments before a Parliamentary inquiry in Canberra yesterday have experts describing his views as "pure fantasy" and ignoring "the realities of life".

Anderson, 63, was adamant he's not racist and said politically correct bureaucrats were getting in the way of progress when it comes to preventing youth violence.

“We Can’t be Beaten”

"The racial thing, the cultural thing needs to be addressed because it's not going to go away," he told a Federal Parliamentary Committee into the impact of violence on youth.

"You never kick a bloke when he's down . . . you don't gang up on a bloke. These things are Australian and we shouldn't shy away from being Australian."

The father of four said he had taught his sons these principles and said "other cultures" had introduced weapons, including the Lebanese, Indochinese and Pacific Islanders.

"We have to acknowledge that they have a different view about how they deal with each other," he said.

"It's not untoward for them to turn up to a fight with a hatchet."

Anti-Discrimination Board president

Stepan Kerkyasharian said the entertainer's views were unrealistic.

"To suggest that if people of a particular kind of culture weren't here a particular kind of violence wouldn't occur is pure fantasy," Mr Kerkyasharian said.

"To suggest a type of violence didn't exist before is purely ignoring the realities of life."

Australian Race Discrimination commissioner Graham Innes agreed with Anderson that "some violence in Australia has a racial aspect" but said it had been going on since the goldfields in the 19th century.

"We need a zero-tolerance policy from government to say that multicultural violence is not tolerated," Mr Innes said.

"Violence amongst racial groups is not new - the white settlers were violent towards Aboriginal people."

Outside Parliament, Anderson, who has worked with numerous youth charities, said he grew up in '80s Australia when "Aussie kids didn't use weapons".

"We've got to tell Lebanese kids and Indochinese kids that it might be all right where you come from but it's not all right here," he said.

"To suggest that if people of a particular kind of culture weren't here a particular kind of violence wouldn't occur is pure fantasy," Mr Kerkyasharian said.

The only fantasy here Mr Kerkyasharian, is the belief in Multiculturalism, a belief in a social structure where the host culture is legally cannabalised by the inferior cultures, indeed proven failed culrtures of colonialist who’s own culture was so good they RAN AWAY from it.

These colonialists and cultural assassins from many and varied failed cultures, are not happy with been given sanctuary in Australia, no, not at all, they and the likes of Mr Kerkyasharian  immediately start eating away at Australia and it’s institutions, demanding they be given every right, and indeed legal sanction, to impose upon Australia the very same culture,social structures and beliefs that they say made their own countries un liveable for them and their families.

In recent days following the conviction and jailing of Australian based Islamic Terrorists, their supporters and various members of the Multicultural Industry and their left wing fifth column apologists,declared Australia an uncivilized country.

Please do us both a favour now and  go back to your mud huts jungle caves and Middle Eastern Islamic run shit holes.

Australians NEVER invited you here, you were imported by the Australian Labor Party, clothed fed and housed,placed on the social security tit for life in exchange for your vote and let off your leash on unsuspecting Australians to set up your own territories on Australian soil paid for by Australians.

The criminal and anti social behaviour that comes so naturally to you, as is seen everywhere on earth the rotting dead corpse of Multiculturalism casts its shadow, was no secret to your sponsors and facilitators in the Australian Labor Party their financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions and the “beautiful people” of Australia aka. the infamous “Progressives”

Professional Multiculturalists in Australia, are people,who,after having run away from the manifestations of their own cultural / Religious / Governance structures and belief’s are so pig ignorant and stupid as not to realise that the reason they ran away from their “homeland” was simply because it was NOT like Australia…. if it was then why are they here ? and what is their purpose in been here ? if the objectives of Multiculturalism are achieved in Australia where will these flag of convenience colonialists RUN AWAY to next?

Under the Hoax of Multiculturalism the western world is fast becoming equally as unliveable and dangerous as the third world and Islamic shit holes the left’s fifth column insists on recruiting “ethnic citizens” from for importing into the west.

Angry Anderson will no doubt pay for his forthright and honest comments.

He deserves the support of all Australians for having the guts to stand and say what any Australian will tell you.

ASIO saves Australians from Mansour Leghaei and Rudd government Attorney General, McClelland.

Kevin 07’s Australia: “Dhimmi Cop / Community Cop”, to ensure the facilitation of Rudd’s “Fresh Thinking” aka. Muslim Colonization of Australia.

Australia: Five Mass Murder Muslim Terrorist conspirators sentenced.

$10 Million for Muslim Terrorists

Lu Kewen aka. Australian PM Kevin Rudd CALLS FOR more Sharia Banks in Australia

Monday, March 01, 2010

Beijing’s man on the ground in Australia, Kevin 07 Rudd, the petulant wannabe Socialist Emperor poonce, abstains in UN vote on Israel over war crimes investigation


Australia abstains in UN vote on Israel over war crimes investigation

Mark Dodd and John Lyons
The Australian
March 01, 2010 12:00AM

AUSTRALIA has abstained from a key UN vote supporting a war crimes investigation of Israel's military assault on Gaza last year, three months after voting against the resolution.

Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said yesterday the decision was unrelated to "recent events", a reference to Canberra's anger at Israel's failure to explain the use of three Australian passports by suspects in the murder in Dubai of a senior Palestinian militant.

Israel has neither confirmed nor denied the involvement of its spy agency Mossad in the killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, which Dubai police say involved 26 people travelling on false passports from four nations.

However, Israel said last night it would provide whatever assistance was needed by any Australian investigation into the misuse of its passports.

"There's nothing we have to fear here, we've nothing to hide," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor.

On Friday, the UN General Assembly considered a follow-up resolution to the Goldstone report on the Gaza conflict, which was passed with 98 countries voting in favour, seven against and 31 abstaining.

Australia is traditionally one of Israel's strongest supporters at the UN, and Canberra denied its decision to abstain was related to the passports affair.

"The Australian government always considers UN resolutions on a case-by-case basis and on their merits," Mr Smith said. "Australian abstained on this resolution because . . . it did not endorse the Goldstone report.

"Our vote on the resolution was neither determined nor influenced by recent events."

But the decision appears to mark a hardening of Australia's stand on the Middle East peace process and frustration at the lack of progress by both sides to resume negotiations.

It could be seen as a signal to Jerusalem not to take Australia's friendship for granted.

Mahmoud Al Mabhouh “Drugged and suffocated” what a humane way to dispose of this piece of Trash, why was he not locked in a cell and told that sometime in the future a series of bombs would blow a few limbs off one at a time, until he eventually bled to death a week or so later.

Opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Julie Bishop accused the government of downgrading its support for Israel, telling Fairfax: "I don't understand the government's change of heart."

Speaking on the Ten Network's Meet the Press program yesterday, terrorism expert Clive Williams said he had little doubt Mossad was responsible for the Dubai assassination. "I don't think there is much doubt Israel was responsible for the simple reason they haven't denied it," Professor Williams said.

Opposition defence spokesman Bob Baldwin said Israel owed Australia a "deep apology" if Mossad was responsible.

It was right for Australia to vote against the motion in the most disgraceful cabal of despots and thugs that is the United Nations.

Cowardly Cur Rudd shames Australia.

17 10 09 Rudd

Beijing’s man on the ground in Australia, Australian PM Kevin 07 Rudd,aka Lu Kewen facing rapidly declining popularity polls Rudd,Lu Kewen has fallen back into line and has adopted the lefts traditional attack Israel mode.

Had Israel not been accused of eliminating a Muslim Terrorist Thug from the face of the earth,would Rudd have ordered Australia abstain from voting for the UN’s  war crimes investigation of Israel's military assault on Gaza last year?

Perhaps abstaining from voting was a compromise for his UN masters, after all Rudd,aka Lu Kewen has his eye on the top job at the UN after the Australian voters throw him out of office later this year.

Rudd,Lu Kewen,has so far donated in excess of $150 million dollars of Australian’s hard earned Taxes to these Godless Muslim savages the left calls “The Palestinians”


Monday, February 22, 2010

ASIO saves Australians from Mansour Leghaei and Rudd government Attorney General, McClelland.


Iranian cleric, Mansour Leghaei, given 28 days to leave the country

Paul Maley
The Australian
February 22, 2010

MANSOUR Leghaei, the Iranian cleric twice declared a security threat by ASIO, has been given 28 days to leave the country after an immigration appeals tribunal rejected his final application to remain in Australia.

MANSOUR Leghaei 

Dr Leghaei

For more than a decade, Dr Leghaei has been contesting in the courts two adverse security assessments issued by ASIO, which it is understood believes the cleric is an Iranian operative. Dr Leghaei's battle to remain in Australia has won high-profile backing, with Attorney-General Robert McClelland writing two character references for the Sydney-based sheik, one of which challenged ASIO's findings.

But on Friday, the Migration Review Tribunal upheld a decision by the Immigration Department denying the sheik a residency visa.

As a result, the department has cancelled Dr Leghaei's bridging visa, giving him 28 days to leave.

A spokesman for Immigration Minister Chris Evans said ASIO had indicated it had no objection to Dr Leghaei remaining at large in the community while he finalised his affairs. "Dr Leghaei should now make arrangements to depart Australia. The department will seek to engage with Dr Leghaei in the coming weeks to facilitate his departure," he said.

Multicultural TV’s report.

The spokesman said the tribunal's decision also applied to Dr Leghaei's wife and one of his adult children, meaning their bridging visas would also be cancelled in 28 days.

At least one of Dr Leghaei's children was born in Australia.

During his hearing, the sheik argued little weight should be given to ASIO's assessment as the agency had refused to provide the reasons underpinning it.

But the tribunal ruled that, while sympathetic to Dr Leghaei's predicament, it lacked the authority to examine or overrule ASIO's judgment.

Mr McClelland wrote a reference for Dr Leghaei in 1997 while an opposition backbencher. He described the sheik as an asset to the Australian and Muslim communities.

"I was most surprised to learn that Sheik Leghaei's application had been rejected on the failure to satisfy part 4002 of Schedule 4 of the Migration Regulations, that is the public-interest criteria," Mr McClelland wrote.

But ASIO, which reports to Mr McClelland as Attorney-General, has taken a different view for more than a decade.

The Australian understands the agency still considers Dr Leghaei a security threat and has refused to undertake another assessment of him. Aside from his links with Iran, it is understood ASIO has concerns about Dr Leghaei's alleged knowledge of Ahlul Bait, a French terrorist organisation.

Dr Leghaei has repeatedly denied he has been a spy for Iran or is a threat to security. But his 1997 residency application was denied on public-interest grounds after ASIO found against him, and in 2002 the agency formally issued an adverse security assessment.

In 2004, a second adverse security assessment was handed down. Despite the concerns, Dr Leghaei has lived freely since arriving in Australia in 1994. At one point he did not even have a valid visa, meaning that in addition to being a security threat, he was living unlawfully in Australia.

Dr Leghaei could not be contacted for comment.

Australians saved from our Rudd Government Labor Party,Attorney General Robert McClelland by ASIO.

Thanks to ASIO this piece of shit will be removed from Australian soil within 28 days,hopefully he will not be the last to be thrown out of the country notwithstanding the Rudd Governments belief, that he and his kind are

"... an asset to the Australian and Muslim communities."

Thank you ASIO, it is good to know that ASIO is looking out for Australia

Stockholm Syndrome, and useful idiot # 1 see Father Dave


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