An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Friday, November 26, 2010

Australia" Islamic Insurgent / Occupier, Amina Ghafoor, "HAG in a BAG" Demands to wear the Islamic "Cloth Coffin"

Amina Ghafoor demands to wear the Islamic "HAG in a BAG" "Cloth Coffin"

"She's like a jewel, and jewels , you put them in safes, you know what I mean, we dont really show them off" Ahmed Saghir, swaggering Muslim RAT with a Gold Tooth.

Where are the Lefts hairy armpit brigade aka. the "Wimmins Liberation" warriors?
Can you imagine the outrage from the Lefts attack Dogs, had a Christian or Jewish man enunciated these same sentiments ?
Islam, the Left's and the the United Nations barking MAD attack DOGS let loose against Judeo Christian Western Democracy aka. The Civilized World.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Australia: Burqa Madness,Public meeting discusses the Islamic Hag in a Bag syndrome

Sergio Redegalli updates Jason Morrison on his summons to appear at the Labor Party created Muslim Star Chamber for painting a mural on the wall of his property.

The Town Hall meeting called by Sergio Redegalli, the Muslim's and their leftist Feminist apologists, thought they had it in the bag until the man dressed in the Burqa rained on their 'all cultures beliefs and behaviors are equal" parade

For the benefit of the Burqa "groupie" at around 57 sec. demanding to know exactly how many Burqa clad "Muslims gone mad" attacks there have been , here is but the first page of a Google search.
No Terrorists or their supporters, should be permitted to wear a disguise in any public place in Australia.
What they wear in the privacy of their own homes is their business, but they should not be permitted to venture outside the confines of their own homes wearing a disguise

Woman threatens France with suicide bomb attack after burka ban
A woman who has threatened to blow herself up on the Paris transport system is being hunted by police.

Suicide bombers dressed in burqa clad killed in Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan
Posted by Mc Parry on March 17th, 2010

Niqabs and Burqas as Security Threats
by Daniel Pipes
November 4, 2006
updated Sep 5, 2010

2 US troops, 11 civilians killed in Afghanistan's volatile south

The Associated Press

By AMIR SHAH and ROHAN SULLIVAN Associated Press Writers
KABUL, Afghanistan June 11, 2010 (AP)
Three international service members and at least 11 civilians died in violence across southern Afghanistan on Friday, including one attack in which a suicide bomber wearing a burqa blew himself up in a bazaar.

Niqabs and Burqas as Security Threats (part: 5) The most interesting.....

"In the past two years, police have dealt with 170 crimes committed by 50 people who wore concealing Islamic clothing to hide their identities, according to police officials.

Police are still looking for two men who were wearing the niqab when they opened fire on policemen in a western Amman neighbourhood in July and escaped. It was not clear if they were militants or robbers. Last year, two niqab-wearing men were arrested after robbing Société Générale Bank in Amman at gunpoint and taking US$37,000 (Dh1360,000).

" … it is evident that the number of criminal cases where the niqab is used has increased," Jamal Bdour, the director of the Criminal Investigations Department at the Public Security Department, told a press conference in July. Public cautions by the police regarding the niqaband khimar have triggered a debate in the country over how to tackle the use of the garments in crimes, with some calling for them to be restricted or even banned."

""Arab envoy finds wife-to-be bearded behind veil": For a humorous touch comes this testimony (from Dubai's Gulf News) to the niqab as disguise for physical unattractiveness. It concerns an unnamed Arab ambassador who called off his wedding after discovering his wife-to-be, who had worn a face-covering veil whenever they met, was bearded and cross-eyed. … The envoy had only met the woman a few times, during which she had hidden her face behind a niqab, or face-covering veil, the paper said. After the marriage contract was signed, the ambassador attempted to kiss his bride-to-be, upon which he discovered she had facial hair and was cross-eyed, it said. The ambassador told an Islamic Sharia court in the United Arab Emirates that he was tricked into the marriage as the woman's mother had shown his own mother pictures of her sister instead of her, the report said. He sued for the contract to be annulled and also demanded the woman pay him 500,000 dirhams (136,000 dollars) for clothes, jewelry and other gifts he had bought for her. The court annulled the contract but rejected the ambassador's demand for compensation.
(February 10, 2010)"
by Chaya2010
Posted 09/11/10

Sydney Court releases audio of liar Muslim, Carnita Matthews

Friday, November 19, 2010

Lieing Muslim, HAG in a BAG, Carnita Matthews Sentenced to six months in Jail, for Lies and Deception,by Sydney, Campbelltown Magistrate.

Burqa-clad mum Carnita Matthews jailed for six months

Copy of 19 11 2010 Burqa-clad mum Carnita Matthews jailed for six months
Tim Vollmer and Nathan Klein
The Daily Telegraph
November 19, 2010
A BURQA-CLAD mother of seven who claimed she was the victim of mistaken identity has been jailed for six months for making a false complaint against a police officer.
Magistrate Robert Rabbidge dismissed Carnita Matthews' allegations that a highway patrol officer was racist after he pulled her over for a Random Breath Test and claims he forcibly tried to remove her face veil as false.
In sentencing her, he described her actions as "both deliberate and malicious" saying he had no option but to sentence her to jail given the seriousness of her allegations, and to send a clear message to the community.
A second woman, also wearing a burqa today who was supporting Matthews in court broke down in tears as she was removed by Corrective Service officers.
Matthews was charged in June after allegedly falsely claiming that a highway patrol officer handled her in an attempt to see her burqa-hidden face during a random breath test.
She pleaded not guilty.

After arriving at Campbelltown Local Court yesterday with an identically dressed friend, Matthews watched the in-car police video of her being pulled over and asked to lift the burqa so the officer could verify her licence photo.
Her claim that she had not signed the Statutory Declaration outlining her complaint were rejected with Magistrate Rabbidge saying the signature on it was almost identical to that on her driver's licence.
The court was told that after being issued an infringement notice for not properly displaying her P-plates, the 46-year-old branded the officer "a racist" and claimed he only booked her because of what she was wearing.
"I've got my P-plates on my car ... there was nothing wrong with how they were displayed," Matthews said on the video.
"You look at me and see me wearing this and you couldn't handle it. All cops are racist."
The court heard that Matthews then drove to Campbelltown police station to complain that she was unfairly treated by the officer.
Giving evidence yesterday, the station officer who took the complaint said he had told Matthews the officer had been right to ask for identification.
In a statement read to the court, Sergeant Paul Kearney said he told her: "I'm looking at you and all I can see is two eyes."
However, the court was told that an officer who three days later accepted a statutory declaration from a burqa-clad woman he assumed to be Matthews failed to check her identification.
Matthews' lawyer Stephen Hopper said there was no way for police to prove that his client was the one who signed the statutory declaration at Campbelltown police station on June 10.
Mr. Hopper said that meant Matthews should not have been charged with the offence of making a false complaint to police.
Back Story.

The creators of Australia’s Multicultural Industry will no doubt fix the appeal for this lieing Muslim, the Magistrate will no doubt be counseled and re educated in the ways of the Labor Party, Leftist,Independent,”New Age Social Justice” Islamic Supremacist Legal system and will, if he has no other career options, confess his sins and proclaim his enlightenment and tow the Labor Party Multicultural line, he will always be watched and monitored and will no doubt retire from the Magistrates bench due to “illness” or “family reasons” in the not too distant future.

Carnita Matthews will possibly become a Feminist Matyre for the Labor Party’s “Broad and inclusive Church” the “Church” that Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07, aka. former PM Kevin Rudd boasted about at every opportunity during his election campaign during 2007.

Christian “Social Justice “  advocates  and Uniting Church  UN Groupies,will physically fight each other for Radio and TV time, to profess their and only their “special understanding” (because of their UN inspired Social Justice insight) of the plight of the oppressed aka.. lieing Muslims like Carnita Mathews.

Australians have what they voted for in 2010, the Australian Labor Party’s Whitlam Labor Government manifesto aka. “It’s  Time”, Multiculturalism aka. a land of Minority Tribes, eg.Pacific Islanders, New Zealanders,Middle Eastern Muslims, who hate Australia, OUR culture,OUR history and OUR hero’s and what Australia is.

These New specimens of “cultural enrichment and diversity” have been imported into Australia by the Australian Labor Party and their financiers, The Australian Council of Trade Unions,(ACTU) various “Christian” “Social Justice” groups and “Refugee Action” groups eg.Project Safecom, loyal to whoever they think will give their “chosen people” the largest Social Security Cheque upon their illegal entry into Australia, and for the rest of their lives for them and their children and relatives aka. “Family Reunion”

Where will these Islamic,Multicultural “rats” who deserted the sinking ship of the manifestations of Islam and the UN’s’ created third world societies of,at best, Serfdom, where will these “citizens of the world” RUN to when they have done to MY Country what they stood idly by, hands and mouths bound and silenced by some seventh century belief in the syphilitic ramblings of a Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader they call Mohammed the prophet of their allah?

When they have FUCKED Australia and Australians,in the same way the evil vile putrid manifestations of their “Religious” beliefs, their Social practices, their seventh century “legal system”, when the proven manifestations of the Koran, Multiculturalism and Voodoo Science is all that is left, where will these Multicultural RATS run to then? where will these Muslim,Multicultural, UN useful idiots collect their Social Security Cheque, free Education, Medical, Dental, Housing,Legal Aid,Transport,Child Care, Pharmaceutical to name but a few of the manifestations of the Judeo Christian Democratic Nation of AUSTRALIA they demand daily be destroyed?

The Muslim invaders are here because Australia is NOT like the Islamic governed cesspool they ran away from, after all if the manifestations of Islam were so good, so perfect, all that they say is all that man needs, why are  Muslims invading Australia at every opportunity given to them by the Australian Council of Trade Unions financed Australian Labor Party, Madame Gillard, Federal Labor Government?

So what are the “Insurgents”/”Freedom fighters” “Multiculturalists” saying about this Islamic outrage? see HERE

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Latest from the Winds of Jihad


Is the ABC running a recruiting drive for Al Qaeda?

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 05:05 AM PDT

Andrew Bolt Now ABC Online uses taxpayers’ money to publish the rantings of a spokesman for an Islamist group which is so radical that it is banned or restricted in several countries and brands our...

Tears of a Muslim woman cause sudden outbreak of dhimmitude in state parliament

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 02:46 AM PDT

Correction thanks to Aussie: South Australian Parliament! Adelaide Now/thanks to MullahSPEAKER Lyn Breuer has apologised to a Muslim woman who left Question Time in tears today after a question about...

Indonesia Watch (update)

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 01:07 AM PDT

Give generously: Indonesia tsunami death toll tops 300 Not enough Islam, Allah wanted them dead: THE death toll from a tsunami that struck western Indonesia this week rose to 343, with another 338...

Litigation Jihad: Lawfare Against Truth

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 12:55 AM PDT

What we need to learn from from our enemiesA message from Pamela Geller: Truth is the new hate-speech The Silence of the Lambs There are lessons that we can learn from the enemy. There is little...

Ahmed Akbar cops it

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 11:28 PM PDT

No, Professor Ahmed, the Founders Were Not So Fond of Islam While doing the MSM circuit this week, American University professor Akbar Ahmed told some whoppers about Adams, Jefferson, and Franklin....

Wilders shakes up Dutch parliament

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 08:08 PM PDT

Geert Wilders: “Deport lazy Muslim immigrants” “If you want to go back to sleep instead of attending your integration course, then you’ll not merely have to get out of bed, you’ll have to get out of...

Sheikh Anwar Al Awlaki: 44 Ways to Support Jihad

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 06:52 PM PDT

Rush Limbaugh Quote of the Day “I find it funny that 35% of the Democrats in the country believe that 9/11 was an inside job, and yet we’re supposed to be outraged that 20% of Americans...

Is Egypt preparing the genocide on the Coptic Christians?

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 05:36 PM PDT

All the signs are pointing in the same direction: for years, the soldiers of Allah have been sharpening the knives to cut the throats of the  Christian minority, Egypts original inhabitants. The...

Ahmed arrested trying to blow up DC Metro

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 04:32 PM PDT

You know the drill: Nothing to do with Islam, can’t blame all Muslims for a few bad apples, all religions have violent texts, Islam is a religion of peace and if you disagree 1.5 gazillion mad...

Islam is a religion of peace (the alternative is too horrible to contemplate….)

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 04:08 PM PDT

The above quote is attributed to Britain’s former Minister of Justice, Jack  Straw, who also famously stated “The English as a race are not worth saving!” – truly astounding...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tolerance, can’t we just get along?


I  am perplexed that so many of my friends are against a mosque  being built near Ground Zero. I think it

should be the goal of  every American to be tolerant.  The mosque should be  allowed, in an effort to

promote TOLERANCE.

That  is why I also propose, that two gay nightclubs be opened next  door to the mosque thereby

promoting tolerance within the  mosque. We could call the clubs "The Turban Cowboy" and "You  Mecca

Me So Hot".

Next  door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork and have  an open barbeque with spare ribs

as its daily special.   Across the street a very daring lingerie store called  "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret”

with sexy mannequins in the  window modeling the goods.

Next  door to the lingerie shop, there would be room for an Adult Toy Shop (Koranal Knowledge?), its

name in flashing neon lights, and on the other side a liquor store, maybe call it "Morehammered"?  

If  you agree in promoting tolerance and you think this is a good  plan, pass it on. 

Thanks to Mike for the above. 

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also Demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming…….. OR ELSE!!!!!!

Climate change campaigners spark fury with video featuring exploding children

Daily Telegraph
October 02, 2010

A CLIMATE change campaign video made by Love Actually writer Richard Curtis sparked fury after it featured children being blown up, the (London) Daily Telegraph reported Saturday.

In the four-minute video a teacher is shown blowing up two schoolchildren with a detonator after they display little interest in a project to cut carbon emissions, the (London) Daily Telegraph reported.

Former soccer star David Ginola and The X-Files star Gillian Anderson were also given the same treatment.

The film, which is part of a 10:10 climate change campaign, was posted online but withdrawn within hours after a barrage of outrage, especially from climate change sceptics.

Curtis, who is famous for sugar-sweet films such as Love Actually, Four Weddings and a Funeral and Notting Hill, is a big supporter of the campaign which aims to cut carbon emissions by 10 per cent.

A spokesman for the campaign organisers said: "We have discussed our decision with Richard and he is happy for the film to be withdrawn. We wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines while making people laugh.

“Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn't and we sincerely apologise to anybody we have offended. As a result we've taken if off our website."

This Video is an insight into the mindset of the Enviro NAZI's,Gore, Brown, Wong,Oakeshott,Windsor, Gillard,Combet,Turnbull,Rudd,Hussein Obama, the Clinton's to name but a few, no wonder Bin Laden has joined their Islamo Fascist Enviro Nazi cause, both cults /ideologies enjoy blowing up children and adults who disagree with their cults belief's.

Paedophiles of the mind, standing in front of every classroom,wearing the United Nations cloak of peace and understanding,Unionism,love and tolerance, whilst they busily go about infecting and intimidating our children with their sick perverted cult of "Anthropogenic Global Warming" and "All Cultures, Religions are equal" & “Multiculturalism” so long as its not Judeo Christian Western Democracy.
There was time when all school teachers wanted to was sexually abuse our children, now,bored with that, they want their minds as well.

Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also Demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming. Aussie News & Views Jan. 1 2009

OR ELSE !!!!!

Some great posts from Ross’s Right Angle, well worth a read.



Aceh Sharianazis Flog Women for Selling Rice

Posted on October 2, 2010 by Ross

The stinking sharia savages in Aceh excelled themselves in their determination to make their lousy province’s name accursed throughout the civilised world yesterday. I was just about to turn off my tv at 12.30 last night but chose to watch … Continue reading →


Marxists, Mobsters, Mujahideen, and Medical Services…My Kind of Town, Jakarta!

Posted on September 30, 2010 by Ross

September 30th, 1965. The day, or night, of the PKI Communists’ bid to seize power in Jakarta, with top generals murdered and their mutilated bodies dumped in the Lubang Buaya, the Crocodile Pit, a well in East Jakarta, now a … Continue reading →


Bloodthirsty Islamist’s Rant – and his PKS party’s in SBY’s Coalition!

Posted on September 29, 2010 by Ross

A shocking and shameful outburst of sectarian hatred was reported by Indonesian website, with a senior member of the PKS party here rejoicing in the (happily false) rumour that a pastor on the USA had died in an accident. … Continue reading →


Arrogant Obama Parasite on WBZ-TV – “If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen.”

Posted on September 28, 2010 by Ross

This was so appalling I had to reproduce it for RRA readers. Aunt Zeituni: ‘The System Took Advantage Of Me’ President Obama’s Aunt Speaks Exclusively With WBZ-TV “If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me … Continue reading →


“Ours in 2030!” Say Islamists in Sweden. Fightback Begins!

Posted on September 27, 2010 by Ross

On September 17th, the post we published contained a few paragraphs on the Swedish patriotic party fighting the general election this month. We instanced the tilted coverage of the media and the vicious violence used to deny them their democratic … Continue reading


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Australian Socialist Labor government refuses to increase troop numbers and supplies to Afghanistan

Australian Socialist Labor Government to try Australian Soldiers for manslaughter !!!!!

Australia: Australian Affirmative Action appointee and Socialist TRASH to prosecute Australian Soldiers.

Australia:Australian Officers demand more support for Diggers
"The army has let us down mate and I am disgusted." Battle of Derapet, Australian Soldier’s shocking account of needless death of Lance Corporal Jared Mackinney
Australia’s Finest laid to rest, Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney’s wife gives birth hours after Funeral of her Husband
Koran Burning: Australian Diggers under attack in Afghanistan by Islamic Sociopaths Inc.for NOT Burning the Koran.


Former Miss Universe Australia’s Jennifer Hawkins injured by shards of flying glass.




Turkish ambassador to Australia demands removal of Assyrian Genocide memorial, or else………………….

Turkey threatens to delay Gallipoli survey in statue row

Daily Telegraph
September 29, 2010 5:16PM

TURKEY may delay a survey of its

battlefields with New Zealand and Australia in protest at a World War I monument built in Australia, the Turkish ambassador said Wednesday.

Oguz Ozge, Turkey's ambassador to Australia and New Zealand, told Radio New Zealand that the monument in Sydney, which commemorates the deaths of around 750,000 Assyrians, was "quite unacceptable."

The monument, erected by Assyrian community leaders, refers to the alleged killing of the Assyrians by Ottoman troops as "genocide". Government minister Chris Bowen was photographed at its unveiling last month.

"This is quite concerning to the Turkish government, and as long as remedial action is not taken we intend to do something on the part of the Turkish government," Mr Ozge said.

Archaeologists from Turkey, New Zealand and Australia are next week due to begin mapping the Gallipoli peninsula, the scene of a bloody World War I offensive seen as a key moment in Australian and New Zealand history.

A final decision to suspend the Gallipoli survey had not yet been taken, but Mr Ozge said it "could be, until we find a way out".

"We hope to see the Australian government do something about (the monument)" he said.

"We are in touch with the Australian authorities ... It is our intention to find a way out which would be satisfactory to us all," he added.

Ian McGibbon, New Zealand's representative in the Gallipoli survey, said the row had cast next week's trip to Turkey into doubt, adding that the project had been several years in the making.

"I suspect it may eventually be next year now," Mr McGibbon told NZPA.

"I guess we just wait until the issue is resolved."

Mr McGibbon said the exercise aimed to provide a detailed archaeological map of the battlefields, where 11,500 Australian and New Zealand troops died in an offensive aimed at wresting the Dardanelles Strait from the Ottoman Empire, the predecessor of modern Turkey.

Turkey's foreign minister had earlier condemned the monument in Sydney's south-west, blaming people who "want to poison the perfect relations between Australia and Turkey and intend to rewrite history for political gain".

Vandals have attacked the monument, spray-painting it with the words, "Assyrian dogs", and the Turkish flag.

30 9 2010 Assyriam memorial

Perhaps Sydney’s “Muslim community “ will start desecrating Australian War Memorials if we don’t demolish this Assyrian Genocide Memorial.

Note the desecration of the Australian continent on the Globe, with the Islamic terrorist insignia, their “Moon God’s” crescent and star.

Assyrian Genocide Monument in Australia Vandalized


31 8 2010

FAIRFIELD, Australia (AINA) — The recently erected Assyrian Genocide Monument has been vandalized and painted with a Turkish crescent and star.

According to Fairfield police, the vandalism occurred around 4 AM. The police thus far have no leads on the perpetrators.

The vandals painted a Turkish crescent and star on the monument’s globe, which sits on a pedestal resembling a hand, as well as spray painted the words: “fuck Assyrian dogs” and “fuck Assyria” on the left and forward sides of the base of the monument. The plaque at the front of the monument was also removed.

According to the Fairfield City Champion, a local newspaper, a war memorial in Fairfield Park, dedicated to Australian and Assyrian soldiers who fought together, was also vandalized with a mixture of concrete and paint.

The monument’s desecration comes as no surprise to the local community, which erected the structure on August 7. Assyrian community leaders had privately expressed concerns about the safety of the monument immediately after its dedication ceremony.

The monument is dedicated to the 750,000 Assyrians that were killed by Turks in World War One, between 1915 and 1918.

"a manipulative, deceitful man" and Turkish wife beater, “just dancing”… honest “just dancing”


Man claimed wife beating was 'dancing'

Daily Telegraph
September 30, 2010 12:04PM

A TURKISH immigrant who claimed he was performing a traditional dance with violent-looking moves as he beat his wife has been convicted of assault by a New Zealand judge.

Kebab shop owner Allaetin Can was arrested in August after a passer-by reported he was attacking his wife outside their takeaway in the North Island town of Hawera.

He denied the assault charge, arguing he and his wife were celebrating a profitable lunchtime's trade with a traditional dance called kolbasti, which features mock wrestling, hitting and kicking.

After last month ordering police to examine Can's claims, judge Allan Roberts described them as "nonsense" in a decision handed down yesterday.

"I reject the explanation as a lie," Roberts said, labelling Can "a manipulative, deceitful man".

Is there no end to these arse clowns insolence?  Identification + Internment + repatriation = a civilized west again.

Former Australian PM John Howard stands up for the “Anglosphere”


Islam can only exist as a DISRUPTIVE  minority or as an OPPRESSIVE majority

English-speaking countries should hold on to identities: Howard

Sep 30, 2010

John Howard Australia 101507 WASHINGTON - Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard has attacked "multiculturalism" in English-speaking nations, while urging countries to hold on firmly to their cultural identities in the battle against


Mr Howard said on Tuesday on a visit to Washington that the "Anglosphere" needed to take greater pride in its values and achievements.

"I think one of the errors that some sections of the English-speaking world have made in the last few decades has been to confuse multiracialism and multiculturalism," Mr Howard said at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank.

He pointed in particular to Britain, whose Muslim community came under the spotlight after the 2005 bombings on the London transport system.

He declared that he was "a passionate believer in multiracialism", in which migrants from different cultures of the world adopt the culture of their new country.



"I believe that societies are enriched if they draw ... from all parts of the world on a non-discriminatory basis," he said.

"But when a nation draws people from other parts of the world, it draws them because of the magnetism of its own culture and its own way of life.

"People want to live in the United States not because of some futuristic ideal of multiculturalism but because of what they regard as the American way of life and American values," he said.

Mr Howard also warned that Islamic radicalism posed a real threat and warned against pandering to extremist philosophies in order to win their support.

"There is a tendency to see a response to terrorism in terms of placating alternative philosophies in the hope that they will accommodate you and abandon their aggressive designs on your society," he said.

The "Anglosphere" and other countries should not apologise for their cultur al identities but instead stand up for their beliefs, Mr Howard said. Agencies

Pretty straight forward and logical comments I would have thought… but wait, Howard is like the overwhelming majority of the Earths population NOT a Muslim, so what does Australia’s Muslim Idiot in search of a village in residence say in reply to Howards wise words….

Brad Norington and Lanai Vasek

The Australian
September 30, 2010

Trad  and FAMILY “………………………….Islamic Friendship Association of Australia president Keysar Trad said Mr Howard's comments were racist.

"He should find relevance in the world without picking on minorities," he said. "I think it is really a guilty conscience."

Mr Trad said Mr Howard had a "phobia" about multiculturalism.

"There is no harm of having a different understanding of variety of cultures in a society," he said.

Rachel Bloul, a sociologist who specialises in Muslim migrants in the West at the Australian National University, said Mr Howard's comments were "inappropriate' and "not at all smart".

"Each time when the question of Muslim migrants is taken up by politicians it inflames debate even more than is necessary," Dr Bloul said.

"I'm sure it would create problems in Australia."

And Australia’s very own Fabian Socialist minority Labor / Green Loon / socialist independent coalition appointed federal government PM says

A spokesman for Julia Gillard declined to comment on Mr Howard's speech.

"Mr Howard's comments are a matter for him."

That’s code for I am importing into Australia as many of these cave dwellers as I can, she can hardly agree with Howard can she?

Denmark's Burning

Islam's Man of a Million Comments


31 7 09 Keysar Trad RACISM an Islamic Response



TradvHarbour Radio Pty Ltd 2009 NSWSC 750

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Indonesia : Schoolgirl virginity test rejected, “…….a "frenzy" of internet use could tear the nation apart”


Schoolgirl virginity test plan rejected

Daily Telegraph
September 28, 2010 6:51PM

THE Indonesian government has dismissed a lawmaker's proposal to force teenage schoolgirls to undergo virginity tests.

Women's affairs ministry official Wahyu Hartomo said such tests would violate basic human rights and potentially harm the health of young women.

"That kind of test violates human rights and will have serious psychological impacts on students," he said.

"It is more effective for our generation to receive moral education from their parents at home, especially with the (bad) influence from the internet."

Lawmakers in Sumatra island's Jambi province have agreed to drop the idea, which was proposed by local parliamentarian Bambang Bayu Suseno, Hartomo said.

Suseno believes girls should be required to pass virginity tests before they can enter state-funded high schools, citing concerns over pre-marital sex among teenagers in the Muslim-majority country.

"The idea is simple. Parents are obviously afraid of their daughters being deflowered before the time comes, so before they continue their studies they can undergo a virginity test and automatically protect their dignity,'' he told The Jakarta Post newspaper.

"Why are girls who lose their virginity allowed to go to public school?"

Indonesian officials are struggling to balance the country's rapid modernisation, especially the runaway growth of internet use, with traditional, mainly Muslim values.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has signed a controversial anti-pornography law, backed filters against online pornography and warned that a "frenzy" of internet use could tear the nation apart.

Earlier this year police entered classrooms to check teenage students' mobile phones for evidence they had downloaded celebrity sex clips that went viral on the internet, causing a national scandal.

Well hey who are we to judge? …. I am just trying to be non judgmental, in a spirit of outreach and interfaith dialogue.


Hey those crazy French ……Something on her mind…….


Oops: ex-minister Rachida Dati confuses oral sex for inflation


September 28, 2010 - 7:33AM

    Rachida Dati ... plotted against Carla Bruni-Sarkozy.

    Rachida Dati ... plotted against Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. Photo: Getty Images

    France's glamorous former justice minister

    confused oral sex with rising prices as she launched an attack on foreign investment funds.

    "When I see some of them (funds) looking for returns of 20 or 25 percent, at a time when fellatio is almost non-existent...," she said during an interview on Europe 1 radio on Sunday.

    In French the word is "fellation," which shares some syllables with inflation, which in French is the same as in English.

    Dati was dropped from the French government last year after her penchant for designer dresses and appearing on the covers of celebrity magazines prompted criticism that a senior minister should not engage in such frivolity.

    She is now a member of the European parliament.


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    Monday, September 27, 2010

    Australian Socialist Labor Government to try Australian Soldiers for manslaughter !!!!!

    Ex-soldiers face manslaughter charges
    Daily Telegraph
    September 27, 2010 1:24PM
    THREE former Australian soldiers will be charged with manslaughter following an incident in Afghanistan last year, the Director of Military Prosecutions says.
    "The accused persons will be charged with various service offences, including manslaughter, dangerous conduct, failing to comply with a lawful general order and prejudicial conduct," the director said in a statement.
    The director, Brigadier Lyn McDade, had been considering whether to lay charges against the former commandos who conducted a night-time raid on a residential compound believed to harbour Taliban insurgents in February 2009.
    Defense previously has said the deaths occurred as the soldiers conducted clearance operations using gunfire and hand grenades.
    One suspected insurgent and five children were killed, while another two children and two adults were wounded.
    Three former members of the Special Operations Task Group will be charged with service offences, Brigadier McDade said.
    The soldiers facing charges were not named in the statement.
    Brigadier McDade said her investigations had been completed only recently and only after "careful, deliberate and informed consideration".
    In a statement released the day after the attack, defense said the deaths occurred as SOTG soldiers conducted clearance operations through a number of compounds.
    "During the conduct of this operation the soldiers were fired upon by Taliban insurgents," it said.
    "The SOTG engaged the insurgents, returning fire in accordance with their rules of engagement."
    Two of the commandos say they will strenuously defend themselves.
    Soldiers A and B, who remain anonymous, have issued a lengthy statement in response, promising to fight the charges.

    "We will strenuously defend the charges and we look forward to the opportunity of publicly clearing our reputations, as well as the reputation of the Australian Defense Force," the pair said through the law firm Kennedys.
    Defense Minister Stephen Smith said Brigadier's McDade decision was a matter for the "independent military legal process".
    "It is not appropriate for me to comment on the decision of the military prosecutor, the incident itself, or to prejudge in any way the outcome which will be heard before a service tribunal or tribunals," he said in a statement.
    Two ex-commandos to plead not guilty to manslaughter
    By Peter Veness
    Daily Telegraph
    September 27, 2010 2:19PM
    TWO former Australian commandos facing charges over an incident in Afghanistan that left five children dead say they will strenuously defend themselves.
    The Director of Military Prosecutions earlier today announced three commandos would be charged with a range of offences including manslaughter.
    Soldiers A and B, who remain anonymous, have issued a lengthy statement in response, promising to fight the charges.
    "We will strenuously defend the charges and we look forward to the opportunity of publicly clearing our reputations, as well as the reputation of the Australian Defence Force," the pair said through the law firm Kennedys.
    Australian forces have now been in Afghanistan for nine years.
    Soldiers A and B attacked the media for "many cases" of inaccurate reporting of the clearance operations.
    "Words will never adequately express our regret that women and children were killed and injured during the incident on 12 February 2009," they said.
    "These were people we were risking our lives to protect."
    The soldiers blamed the deaths on the enemy.
    "It should not be forgotten that the casualties were ultimately caused by the callous and reckless act of an insurgent who chose to repeatedly fire upon us at extreme close range from within a room he knew contained women and children," the pair said.
    Their story was backed by a defence statement issued at the time which told of close fire from Taliban insurgents as the commandos cleared buildings.
    Director Lyn McDade said her investigations - only recently completed - had been "careful, deliberate and informed".
    "The accused persons will be charged with various service offences, including manslaughter, dangerous conduct, failing to comply with a lawful general order and prejudicial conduct," Brigadier McDade said in a statement.
    Soldiers A and B said when the full facts of the battle became public, their decision would be vindicated.
    "It will be clear to everyone that we made the correct decision under truly awful circumstances."
    Australia:Australian Officers demand more support for Diggers
    "The army has let us down mate and I am disgusted." Battle of Derapet, Australian Soldier’s shocking account of needless death of Lance Corporal Jared Mackinney
    Australia’s Finest laid to rest, Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney’s wife gives birth hours after Funeral of her Husband
    Koran Burning: Australian Diggers under attack in Afghanistan by Islamic Sociopaths Inc.for NOT Burning the Koran.
    I knew this would be Labor’s way of getting back at our soldiers,too obvious are the old ways of their Union financiers boycotting supplies and sabotaging equipment, simply charge OUR Soldiers with criminal offenses for fighting Islamic terrorism.
    Australians MUST stand with OUR Soldiers, the Australian Labor Party / ACTU / Greens / Independents Pro Islam Marxist Coalition sure as hell wont.
    The latest group of deceased Soldiers have returned home and have been buried, the nations highest ranking Atheist Madame Gillard has performed her contractual obligations by going through the motions of the various Church Funeral services and mouthed the obligatory insincere platitudes.
    Now it’s time for Labor and their Marxist Loon coalition minority government, to get the Soldiers who don’t come home in a coffin, time for these loons to exercise their twisted perverted ideology
    Tell Madame Gillard to leave OUR troops alone

    One of Australia’s Finest who survived

    Just what does Labor think of Australia’s Military? former Labor Leader tells us .

    So just who is this Brigadier Lyn McDade?


    She is a former civilian lawyer who has no previous military experience (and certainly no Australian infantry combat action badge), but who was brought into the new military justice system to aid in efficiency and effectiveness.  Has she accomplished this?  “There has been widespread discontent with the take-no-prisoners approach of the Director of Military Prosecutions, Brigadier Lyn McDade. Military lawyers have told The Australian they believed minor offences that were previously subject to prejudicial conduct hearings had been endlessly moved into the court.”

    It doesn’t bode well when the very chief of the military justice system is taking what would previously have been between a Non Commissioned Officer and his enlisted men – what in the U.S. is called non-judicial punishment – and placing it in formal military courts.  It would quite literally bring military justice to a halt in the U.S., cause undermanned units, and bring with it an atmosphere of dishonesty and suspicion.

    Friday, September 24, 2010

    Australia:Australian Officers demand more support for Diggers


    Rebellion in the Defence ranks - officers want more support for Diggers

    Ian McPhedran
    The Daily Telegraph
    September 24, 2010 12:00AM

    MILITARY officers are angry top brass failed to reveal hundreds of troops were available but not used during a fatal battle in Afghanistan.

    They accused Joint Operations Chief Lieutenant-General Mark Evans of understating the numbers available for the August 24 battle against 100 enemy fighters that claimed the life of Lance Corporal Jared Mackinney.

    Up to 200 soldiers were kept in reserve during the three-hour battle and mortar and artillery support were not deployed, according to a briefing paper written by a senior intelligence official and obtained by The Daily Telegraph.

    "Why did we have to withdraw when the enemy would have been armed with nothing more than light machine guns, rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and we had artillery, attack helicopters, light armour, fixed-wing air support and 250 troops?" the brief read.

    The brief echoes the frustration at a lack of fire support and heavy armour to Australian troops first outlined in an email from a Digger who fought in the battle.

    The paper adds weight to the view Diggers are fighting with a hand tied behind their backs.

    "No one is questioning the conduct of the tactical commander," the document said.

    "No one is being an 'armchair general'. What is being asked is whether General-rank officers are doing their job, shaping the battlefield by providing to the tactical commanders in these fire fights the resources they need to do the job and prevail. Retreating from a battle does not win you a war."

    The latest document reflects the frustration felt by soldiers who believe the Australian commander on the ground, Major General John Cantwell - an armoured corps officer - should be provided with Abrams tanks.

    "The deployment of a troop of tanks [three or four Abrams main battle tanks] would provide the existing task force with sufficient heavy armour to make the task force self-sufficient in terms of heavy armour support," it said.

    According to sources, General Cantwell regularly requests more fire support, but his pleas have been rejected by a Government that fears a Vietnam-style quagmire or civilian casualties.

    The army has 59 Abrams available for deployment.

    Some officers have also demanded $70 million Tiger attack helicopters, but the Army's 17 machines won't be ready to fly to war until May next year.

    "This battle has got to have raised doubts in the minds of the troops that we are behind them all the way," the report says.

    "The army has let us down mate and I am disgusted." Battle of Derapet, Australian Soldier’s shocking account of needless death of Lance Corporal Jared Mackinney


    Thursday, September 23, 2010

    Sydney Artist paints “Say no to Burqa Mural”


    Ban the burqa mural 'not anti-Muslim' says artist

    Henry Budd From: The Daily Telegraph
    September 23, 2010

    Copy of 23 9 2010 Ban the burqa mural 'not anti-Muslim' says artist

    A MURAL urging governments to outlaw the burqa has appeared in the trendy inner-city suburb of Newtown.

    Local artist Sergio Redegalli painted the "Say no to burqas" sign on the outside of workshop this week to start a debate about the practice of wearing face-covering veils.

    Redegalli said burqas and niqabs are symbols of religious extremism and were becoming more prevalent in Australia.

    He said the image was not anti-Muslim, anti-Islam or anti-women.

    "If you let it [the practice of covering your face] go, someone, somewhere down the line will say we would like Sharia Law," he said.

    Mr Redegalli said the image has already been defaced twice since he began painting it on Monday.

    Mr Redegalli also drives a ute with stickers on the front saying "Australians have nothing to hide, say no to burqas".

    About 2000 Muslims held a peaceful protest in Lakemba last Saturday, angered by growing local and international pressure to restrict the wearing of veils in public.

    The rally was a response to recent bans in Europe and two failed attempts by Christian Democratic Party MP Fred Nile to have a Bill banning burqas and other face veils in public introduced in the NSW Legislative Council.

    This Guy has had to employ a security guard to watch over his PRIVATE PROPERTY because he chooses to exercise his right to free speech in Australia.

    Australia: Islamic values are superior to ''flawed'' Western secular values and non-Muslims are in no position to lecture Muslims about the oppression of women,
    Australia: The FACTS on Labor’s policy of The Islamic Colonization of Australia by Stealth.
    Australia: The Peoples Republic of Victoria, orders Australians to cover up so as to not offend Muslims.


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