An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Indonesian “Interfaith Harmony Week “ Celebrations continue with the burning down of some more Christian Churches, rioting and various acts of Islamic “outreach” to the infidel community.

The President of the United States,Hussein Obama, some three months ago, on a visit to  his childhood homeland,Indonesia, praised Indonesia for its
"spirit of religious tolerance" and that Indonesia is an "example to the world"
You gotta love the guy ay, Nothing to see here … move along.

Protesters riot in central Java town
Daily Telegraph
February 08, 2011 6:22PM
HUNDREDS of protesters have gone on a rampage in a town in central Java, burning down churches and schools and clashing with police in response to a sentence request from the prosecution in a blasphemy trial.
The violence first erupted in the Temanggung District Court yesterday when the prosecution requested a sentence of five years for Antonius Richmond Bawengan, accused of insulting Islam in relation to the distribution of flyers and books.
At least three Christian churches, as well schools, had been burnt down by the early afternoon.
Tear gas was used to disperse the crowd, but sporadic clashes between protesters and police were still erupting shortly after 1pm (5pm AEDT).
Bawengan is accused of distributing books and flyers in October last year which described the Black Stone, or al-Hajaru-l-Aswad, on the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque in Mecca as looking like a woman's genitals.
The material also described the jamarat, three stone pillars in the city of Mina just east of Mecca which worshippers thrown stones at during the Haj, as looking like a man's genitals.
Bawengan, who has been in custody since October 26, has also been accused of describing Islam as a cruel religion.
The crowd initially demanded he be handed over when the sentence request was delivered, but Bawengan was lead away from the court under heavy security.
Shortly afterwards, the protesters trashed the courtroom before attacking Christian buildings, including churches and schools.
Thank God it’s Indonesian “Interfaith Harmony Week” who knows what might have happened otherwise.Aheem, well there was this little incident two days ago where the followers of “One of the Worlds Great Religions” (Hussein Obama) “Islam has been a civilizing force throughout the world” (Hussein Obama) and  those  old stand bys “Islam means Peace” “The Religion of Peace” (any pig ignorant Liberal Leftist apologist and facilitator for the “Religion of Peace”) who got a little burr in their saddle and thought they should share some “Interfaith dialogue” “outreach” with some members of another branch of the “Religion of Peace”
A video is worth a thousand words.
Indonesian “Harmony Week” goes wild,3 months after US President Barack Obama praised Indonesia’s "spirit of religious tolerance" as an "example to the world" on a recent visit to his former childhood homeland + Video
WARNING !!!!!! Indonesian Islamic “Interfaith Harmony Week” Celebrations in Progress.
You Tube did not want you to see this, I have been banned that’s why You Tube (Google)videos no longer work on my site, If my Blogs name was “Kill all Jews and Infidels now” and I was applauding the Satanic actions depicted in the following video and invoking Jihad in the name of the allah thingo everything would be ok with You Tube (Google) but because I am against the wholesale slaughter of men women and children in the name of this allah thing,I am banned by You Tube (Google).Unlike, Good Pious Muslims, I do not accept that my destiny is predetermined and like any other child of God I will work on a solution to You Tube’s Google’s censorship.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Indonesian “Harmony Week” goes wild,3 months after US President Barack Obama praised Indonesia’s "spirit of religious tolerance" as an "example to the world" on a recent visit to his former childhood homeland + Video

Footage of deadly mob attack emerges
By Arlina Arshad
Daily Telegraph
February 07, 2011 8:57PM
DISTURBING video has emerged of a bloody religious mob attack in Indonesia that killed three members of a minority Muslim sect, showing extremists beating and stoning their victims to death.
The incident, involving more than 1000 Muslims who stormed a house in West Java yesterday to stop the minority Ahmadiyah Islamic sect from holding worship, has been condemned by the government and rights activists.
Footage of the attack - which came at the start of "interfaith harmony week" in the mainly Muslim country - shows police doing nothing as scores of Islamic fanatics go berserk with stones, knives and sticks.
Shouting "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest) and "kafir" (infidel), the mob brush aside a lone police officer and launch a sustained attack on the house, as a small group of Ahmadis try briefly to defend the property.

WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!! Indonesian Islamic “Interfaith Harmony Week” celebrations in progress.
“….US President Barack Obama visited Indonesia and praised its "spirit of religious tolerance" as an "example to the world".
Note the second man at bottom left of screen is still alive. Hussein Obama claims Indonesia is an “example to the world” in its ‘spirit of religious tolerance” remember these poor men ARE Muslims,but they are members of the the wrong sect.

Defenceless and half-naked Ahmadi men are then shown being beaten and stoned to death in the mud outside the house. Their bodies are pelted with stones and desecrated as members of the mob laugh and take pictures.
Throughout the attack police are either absent or standing amid the mob doing nothing to intervene, with the exception of a lone police officer, who is seen attempting to stop people beating and stoning one of the dead men, but he is ignored.
National police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar said eight people are being questioned in relation to the violence but no one had been charged.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instructed police to capture the perpetrators and "haul them to court if need be", his senior adviser, Daniel Sparingga, said.
"The president is deeply concerned and condemned the violence and said that the country must be firm in defending the constitution, that would never allow small groups to use religion to attack groups of different faiths," he said.
Ahmadiyah spokesman Zafrullah Ahmad Pontoh said the mob committed murder and appealed to the government for protection. Similar appeals have been ignored in the past.
"We're saddened because innocent people were killed. The mob committed murder and Islam never taught people to attack and kill," he said.
"We hope the government can provide us with protection so we can practise our faith in peace."
Indonesia's constitution explicitly guarantees freedom of religion and the country of some 240 million people, 80 per cent of whom are Muslim, has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
But a government decree adopted in 2008 under pressure from Islamic conservatives bans the Ahmadiyah sect from spreading its faith, which includes the belief that its founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, was the final Muslim prophet.
Orthodox Muslims hold that Mohammed was the last prophet of Islam.
The group, which claims hundreds of thousands of members in Indonesia and millions in South Asia, has been repeatedly targeted with violence by Islamic extremist organisations.
National Human Rights Commission chairman Ifdhal Kasim said the incident was "embarrassing" as the police had made no effort to stop the mob.
"The police are biased and ignored their ultimate responsibility which is to protect the people," he said.
"The government has no right to make judgments on whether a religion is heretical or not. Its job is to protect the people."
The violence comes less than three months after US President Barack Obama visited Indonesia and praised its "spirit of religious tolerance" as an "example to the world".
"President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instructed police to capture the perpetrators and "haul them to court if need be"
"haul them to court if need be" I think says it all , we have three people beaten stoned hacked dismembered and defiled and good ole President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono seems to think that there maybe other means of punishment other than facing trial in a court, Is arrest and charged with murder a last resort?
 How many more of these Godless Savages is the Australian Labor Party going to insist on importing into Australia ? and WHY?

Australia: Lockyer Valley floods, Queensland, a day in the life of the Perry Family.

The Perry Family, January 10 2011.


Saturday, February 05, 2011

Denmark gets serious with Pious axe wielding member of Islamic Sociopaths Inc.aka. “Religion of Peace”.


Mohamed Geele jailed for axe attack on Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard

From correspondents in Aarhus, Denmark
Daily Telegraph

February 04, 2011 11:08PM

image A DANISH court has jailed a man for nine years after finding him guilty of attempted terrorism and attempted murder for an axe attack on a cartoonist who caricatured the Prophet Mohammed.

"Mohamed Geele is sentenced to nine years in prison and expulsion from Denmark for life," judge Ingrid Thorsboe told the court in the central Danish city of Aarhus.

The 29-year-old Somali "must also pay damages amounting to 10,000 Danish kroner ($1800) to Kurt Westergaard, as well as cover the costs of the trial", she added.

The court had earlier found Geele guilty of attempted terrorism and attempted murder for his 2010 New Years Day attack on the 75-year-old cartoonist.

Prosecutors had requested he serve 12 years in prison before being deported back to his war-torn homeland and banned from ever returning to Denmark, while the defence asked that he only serve six years and not be forced to leave the country.


image Geele broke into Westergaard's home last year wielding an axe and screaming, "You must die! You are going to Hell!", according to the cartoonist's testimony in court last month.

Westergaard, who has faced numerous death threats since the publication of his drawing of Mohammed in the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten in 2005, said he escaped "certain death" by rushing into a bathroom-turned-panic-room to call police.







Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Member, Mohamed Geele.

Great work Judge Ingrid Thorsboe, I suppose this piece of craps co Religionists will place you on their Holy Islamic Assassin squad hit list now, however stay strong and keep locking up and deporting these swine.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Australia: Multiculturalism weaves yet another magical golden thread into Australia’s “rich and diverse tapestry” of “cultural diversity”

Mass brawl closes Westfield shopping centre, Mt Druitt

By Katherine Danks
The Daily Telegraph
February 04, 2011
SOCIAL networking sites like Facebook helped tip-off police about a planned brawl in Mount Druitt last night.

Police intercepted online chatter between two gangs and learned of their plans two days before the pre-organised fight, Acting Assistant Commissioner Wayne Cox said.

Mt Druitt police also received a number of tip-offs from elders in the Pacific Islander community and called in the Public Order and Riot Squad, Dog Unit, mounted police and commuter crime unit.

Up to 100 teenagers and young men armed with crude weapons made with glass descended on the Westfield Shopping Centre about 7pm.
There were general scuffles and fights between individual persons or one person on six people or vice versa,'' Mr Cox told reporters.
There was a whole range of different incidents occurring at the one time. Police were able to pull those incidents apart and grab the main offenders and then arrest and charge them.''

The fight began over ``general insults'' traded between the groups, one of which is linked to Mount Druitt and the other from the Granville area. He said both groups have Pacific Islander backgrounds.
There has been some banter between the two groups in relation to insults being traded and this is obviously turned in to a ridiculous outcome for them,'' he said.

Mr Cox said police were waiting and prepared for the fight when it broke out. Thirteen people were arrested at the scene and police believe they will make more arrests after looking at security vision from the shopping centre
When you have large groups like that, they have that mob mentality where they really don't care about other people and that's why we were there,'' he said. We read the situation correctly and certainly had the resources to deal with it affirmatively.''

Police seized two baseball bats and a number of home-made weapons from the scene.
Those arrested ranged in age from 16 to 22 and they have been charged with a combination of affray, assault police and resist arrest offences.
One of the juveniles, aged 16 will appear in Parramatta Children's Court today, while three of the men, aged 20 and 19, will appear at Mt Druitt Local Court later today.

Australia’s Finest:"I MET this really amazing girl." Corporal Richard "Rich" Atkinson.


Love, loyalty and loss of our Digger Richard Atkinson

Gemma Jones and Ian McPhedran
The Daily Telegraph

February 04, 2011

"I MET this really amazing girl."

Corporal Richard "Rich" Atkinson had a shy "little boy" look on his face as he told his friend about meeting karate instructor and school teacher Dannielle Kitchen.

Copy of 4 2 2011 Love, loyalty and loss of our Digger Richard Atkinson 

"He was cute, he had that cute little boy look on his face. He was so in love. I thought, 'This is the best thing.' They were perfect together. They couldn't wait for the wedding," his friend Stephanie Heazle- wood recalled.

Shortly before the 22-year-old was deployed to Afghanistan in October with the Darwin-based 1st Combat Engineer Regiment, Cpl Atkinson asked Ms Kitchen to marry him. The answer was "Yes".

His family said he was looking forward to starting a family.

But an insurgent bomb ended those dreams at 9.25am on Wednesday in a cold valley in Afghanistan, a long way from the balmy Darwin sunsets the couple enjoyed before he went to war.

One of his sapper mates from Darwin was badly wounded by the blast.

Ms Kitchen was yesterday devastated, along with his parents Dr Ross Atkinson, a Launceston GP, his wife Kate and their son James.

"We are just so sad," Mrs Atkinson said from the family's home in Tasmania.

Mr Atkinson said his son loved the army and had a real knack for adventure.

"He enjoyed being deployed," he said.

"He was just a lovely boy. He was funny. He loved playing sports. He was a much-loved son and a loved brother to James."

He was a family man who was very close to all of his relatives and was looking forward to coming home at the end of his tour about June to spend time with them in Tasmania.

The young sapper joined the army in 2007 and his natural leadership skills took him quickly through the ranks.

"He was a dedicated soldier with career aspirations," his family said.

"He shared a strong mateship with those he left behind in Afghanistan and all his mates in Australia. He will be missed by all and not a day will go by that he won't be thought of."

Mr Atkinson said the family was in shock and still battling to come to terms with their loss.

"We're just getting our heads around that he's not coming back. It's hard. It's all pretty unreal," he said.

Acting Defence Chief Lieutenant-General David Hurley said it was unclear whether the blast had been remotely detonated, but he conceded the area had become a "hot spot" for Australian soldiers.

"It's a difficult area for us, yes," he said yesterday.

Cpl Atkinson was the 22nd Australian soldier to die in the bloody war in Afghanistan.

Australia: Corporal Richard Edward Atkinson killed in Afghanistan.  Video


Thursday, February 03, 2011

Sean Hannity slices and dices Pious Muslim Imam Anjem Choudary


Australia: Corporal Richard Edward Atkinson killed in Afghanistan.


Digger Corporal Richard Edward Atkinson killed by roadside bomb

By Kara Lawrence
The Daily Telegraph February 03, 2011

Copy of 3 2 2011 Digger Corporal Richard Edward Atkinson killed by roadside bombA DIGGER, engaged to be married, has been killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan and a second seriously wounded.

The Department of Defence announced Corporal Richard Edward Atkinson was killed in the incident caused by an improvised explosive device.

The soldiers were with Mentoring Task Group 2 on patrol in the Oruzgan province.

Defence said Corporal Atkinson was a member of the Darwin-based 1st Combat Engineering Regiment and was engaged to be married. He was originally from Western Australia.

He is the twenty-second Australian solider to die in Afghanistan.

The wounded soldier, who was retrieved from the area by helicopter and remains in hospital in Tarin Kowt, has not been named. Defence said he was in a stable condition.

God Bless you Corporal Richard Edward Atkinson,thank you.




Australia,Queensland, Cyclone Yasi aftermath

Thankfully so far there are no reports of deaths of injuries

Australia,Queensland : Cyclone Yasi Head Quarters.


Many Thanks to Rick Bush for this link

Cyclone HQ


Yasi crosses Queensland coast

1:41AM CYCLONE Yasi is starting to cross the north Queensland coast near Mission Beach, about 50km south of Innisfail, the Bureau of Meteorology says.

Shelter in pub for kids of Babinda

HUDDLING in the cellar of the historic Babinda Hotel, the cyclone kids tell each other stories to block out the roaring winds outside.

Extreme moments that bare souls

A CYCLONE warning is always the catalyst for a mad rush for emergency supplies, a two-hour wait to buy fuel. Then nothing, but an agonising wait.

Longest day all too brief

BY several other measures yesterday was both the longest and the shortest day in Queensland's history. Cyclone Yasi bore down hard.


Australia’s Ombudsman / Person / Mrs./ Miss./ ms. (enlightened being) Outraged over Illegal Entrant accommodation.

Whilst Australians fight for FOOD and sleep on the floor in Cyclone Yasi evacuation centers and wherever they can in the OPEN  in Queensland

Crowded house detention flaws

Simon Benson
The Daily Telegraph

February 03, 2011 12:00AM

THE Commonwealth Ombudsman will today hand down a scathing report into the Christmas Island detention centre.

During the two-year inquiry by Ombudsman Allan Asher's office, the number of detainees jumped from 32 to 2757.

"Christmas Island is overloaded," Mr Asher said in the report to be released today.

"There is little doubt resources have been sorely stretched as the facilities have sought to accommodate a continued increase in numbers.

"We remain concerned about timeliness in processing refugee applications, delays in security agency clearances and various health issues -

particularly those related to mental health."

While the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) was doing the best it could, the facility in its current form had become unsustainable:

"When Ombudsman staff first visited the Christmas Island immigration detention facilities in October, 2008, 32 people were detained there out of a

nominal operational capacity of 744.

"By the time this report was finalised, DIAC advised there were some 2757 people awaiting processing of claims, 2000 more than the facilities were

designed to accommodate."

The Ombudsman's recommendations included dramatically increasing mental health and general health services to the island. It also recommended

increased accommodation, education and recreation.

Australians are,as I write, fighting for food in Cyclone evacuation centers, sleeping on bare floors or under whatever shelter they can find out doors, I am sure these Illegal Entrants are unlike, those who pay taxes to support these illegals, well fed and are sleeping in warm beds.

Boo Fucking Hoo for Illegal Muslim Immigrants on CHRISTmas Island.

Mr Asher also called for community detention on mainland Australia for unaccompanied minors, families with children, and people who have received

positive assessments.

"Attempting to manage more [refugee applicants with] the existing level of resources potentially brings with it other problems," the report said.

Simple solution, a win win for Australians the Ombudsperson / Ombudsthingoh  and the illegal entrants, send the illegal Muslim entrants back to the Islamic Utopia they ran away from, that they demand be imposed upon Australia.

Problems solved !!!!!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Australia : Queensland,Cyclone Yasi evacuee’s forced to fight each other for food in evacuation shelters.


Evacuees fight over food in safe house while sheltering from Cyclone Yasi

Kym Agius
The Daily Telegraph

February 02, 2011 6:40PM

A FOOD shortage has gripped a Cairn's evacuation centre, with police and security brought in to calm ravenous evacuees fighting for Red Cross food parcels this afternoon.

About 2500 people have crammed into the makeshift evacuation centre at one of Cairns' shopping centres.

Food shortages, a power black out and a scary night ahead are feared as Cyclone Yasi barrels towards north Queensland.

Copy of 2 2 2011 Evacuees fight over food in safe house while sheltering from Cyclone Yasi

The vast majority of these Queenslanders displaced and now living in evacuation shelters are not Muslims or illegal entrants,they are simply people who would call themselves Australians first second and last.

Can you imagine the outrage if it was discovered that Illegal Middle Eastern entrants who are presently colonizing Australia under the Labor /Green Loon / Independent Union Financed Socialist Minority Federal Governments open borders immigration policy were having to fight each other for food inside the Five Star Hotels the Australian Labor Party houses them in,in Queensland once they breech Australia's borders and demand citizenship.

Queensland’s favorite son Lu Kewan aka. Kevin 07 is presently writing cheques for any Middle Eastern / African despot who wants one in order to ensure his elevation to a temporary,2 year, seat on the the Australian Labor Party’s masters United Nations Security Council,no cheques for food for Australians however,maybe “Julia” or the “Real Julia” could throw a few crumbs their way after she and her fellow Socialist grubs finish their dinner.

Row upon row of people are lying in the food court of the Earlville Shopping Centre, in an area of the mall designated by owners, Stockland, as the safest to ride out Category 5 cyclones, with the expectation of winds topping 290km/hr.

Centre manager Paul Kelsey said they were only asked to open their doors to evacuees on Tuesday afternoon, and the thousands that have sought refuge have caught them off guard.

He said the biggest task underway is to coordinate food.
"We've all been taken a bit by surprise," Mr Kelsey told AAP.

"What we're actually trying to do now is feed people."

Only two of the centre's fast-food restaurants agreed to open, and lines were stretching more than 40 people deep.

Some hungry, or under-prepared, evacuees became quite cunning when Red Cross food parcels started being handed out.

The 50-strong crowd rushed and swarmed the volunteers slightly nudging each other to get their hands on food.

Police and security quickly moved in to bring law and order, and soon the ravenous crowd agreed to form two lines.

Only two pallets of food had been delivered for the evacuees by early Wednesday afternoon, Mr Kelsey said.

Woolworths has agreed to supply two meals per evacuee and it is hoped a similar agreement will be put in place with Coles.

Cairns City Council Mayor Val Schier said more food is on the way.

"I'm confident there will be enough food," she told AAP.

The defence force has 5000 ration packs, which will be distributed to the evacuation centres by Thursday morning.

Power is expected to be lost in the Earlville shopping centre, descending the area into a ghostly darkness as the cyclone rages during the night.

Sharni Neville said she's expecting the mood to turn to fear when the lights go out.

"Just the darkness and the noise," she told AAP.

She and her family evacuated their Edmonton, besser-block house at 8am.

"We just weren't confident at home," she said.

"It went through Cyclone Larry, so I'm not sure what was weakened, plus there's nowhere to hide in the house."

Ms Neville said the boredom is setting in and that has the potential to cause trouble, no matter how amusing.

She said one adventurous boy climbed into a very large toy-dispensing machine, the one you use the claw to win the prize.

As soon as the boy started celebrating his feat - from within the machine - police once again descended and rained on his parade.

"It was about 10 minutes of entertainment," Ms Neville said.


Australia Cyclone Yasi nears NE Queensland coast expected to arrive 11 pm AEST 2 2 2011

Technorati Tags: ,,,,,

Cyclone Yasi upgraded to category 5


Cyclone Yasi upgraded to category 5

2 2 2011 QLD Map

“This is the most severe, most catastrophic storm that has ever hit our coast,'' QLD Premier Anna Bligh.

Yasi Map

Powerful Yasi a serious threat

1:36PM THE latest Cyclone Yasi advice from the Bureau of Meteorology paints a very grim picture for a large chunk of Queensland.

Cairns, Townsville flights suspended

2:22PM QANTAS has suspended flights to and from Cairns and Townsville airports until Friday in response to Tropical Cyclone Yasi.

More evacuation centres open

2:05PM AN EIGHTH evacuation centre has been opened in Cairns to accommodate the thousands fleeing the storm surges expected to accompany Cyclone Yasi.

'Don't panic if roof lifts off'

12:31PM PEOPLE bunkering down at home for the onslaught of Cyclone Yasi should not panic if their roof lifts off, authorities say.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Creeping Sharia:Australians forced to eat Halal Chickens

Well if it’s no big deal like Muslims,their media apologists and facilitators and befuddled Priests say it is, then simply ban Halal food in Australia NOW,that will give Muslims one less reason to be despised and reviled by Australians and it is perfect demonstration of Democracy in action ie the will of the Majority overrules the will of a tiny insignificant uninvited  malignant minority.
Islam can only exist as an Oppressive Majority or as a Disruptive Minority.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Australia: “Multicultural / Muslim outreach” Muslim Paedophile, Rapist,Mohamed Sabra,Sabra Limousines, pleads guilty to sexually assaulting a 14 year old girl.


Limo driver teen sex attack

The Sunday Telegraph

January 23, 2011

A 14-YEAR-OLD girl has been sexually assaulted by a limousine driver hired to ferry a group of teenage friends around Sydney after a late-night party at Bondi.

Copy of 23 1 2011 Limo driver teen sex attackThis brave son of allah, this swaggering Muslim RAT with a Gold Tooth,unrestrained under the Australian Labor Party’s filthy, putrid dead cat skin cloak of Multiculturalism. 

A Sydney court has heard the driver promised the girl she could ride to his next appointment to pick up rap star Kanye West and then plied her with alcohol.

After falling asleep on a back seat, the girl awoke to find the man, Mohamed Sabra, 34, of Bexley, fondling her breasts and performing oral sex on her, court documents allege.

Sabra, who owns Rockdale based Sabra Limousines, faced Sydney District Court on Friday after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting the girl in December 2008.

His victim, now 16, is the daughter of a prominent Sydney businessman, but neither can be named to protect her identity.

Agreed facts tendered at Sabra's sentencing submission hearing said the teen first met Sabra in November 2008 when a "family friend" arranged for him to drive her and a friend to the Rihanna-Chris Brown concert in Homebush.

On that occasion, the girl told Sabra she was 14-years-old, court documents said.

One month later she called his limo service and asked him to collect her and a group of friends from a party at Bondi where she had two alcoholic drinks.

In the limo, Sabra told the girl he "had an appointment to pick up singer Kanye West" who was touring Australia. The teen said she was a fan and the driver replied that she could "could go with him but there would not be enough room for her friends", court documents said.

She agreed and Sabra drove her to the Sydney CBD where she drank a Red Bull and vodka drink that he had poured in a champagne glass for her.

Sabra said he had a sore neck and asked the girl for a massage. She gave him a short massage and he started massaging her shoulders, court documents said. After waking during the alleged assault, the girl pushed Sabra away and said: "Why would you take advantage of me?", court documents said.

Sabra allegedly replied: "Why are you crying? If you didn't like it why didn't you stop me?"

The matter will return to court on January 28.

So what can be said ? it’s all been said before in Australia,England,Sweden,Denmark,France,Sudan,America,to name just a few, part of the Islamic agenda is to Rape and despoil their enemies “women” and girls at every opportunity or as the Muslim appointed “Grand Mufti of Australia” would say “Cat meat” there for the taking.

But hey think about all those Multicultural Restaurants,parades and tax payer funded “Harmony Days” you can go to .

Repatriate all Muslims from Judeo Christian Western Democracies NOW !!!!

Demand the right of return be enforced upon ALL Muslims NOW!!!

Identification + Internment + Repatriation to whatever Islamic shit hole these scum or their parents  / grand parents RAN AWAY from is the ONLY way to return Australia to the “Land of Oz”


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's the Koran Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!

At last someone GETS IT and is prepared to publicly speak the truth about Hussein Obama's favorite "Religion of Peace"

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Australia:Seven Muslim Refugees charged with Gang Rape of 21 year old mother as her children slept.


More Muslim / Multicultural Outreach into the Australian Infidel Community.Muslim Refugee Rape Gang spreads the Joy’s of Multiculturalism and Cultural Diversity in Victoria.

Bendigo mother 'raped as children slept nearby'

Pia Akerman
The Australian

January 15, 2011 12:04AM

A GROUP of seven young males trapped a 21-year-old woman in her laundry before raping her while her children slept nearby, a Bendigo court has heard.

The males, aged between 14 and 21 and who came to Australia as refugees, yesterday applied for bail in the Bendigo Magistrates' and Children's courts.

Police told the hearings that the group of seven went to Bendigo from Shepparton to go nightclubbing last Saturday.

They have each been charged with 17 offences, including rape and assault.

Detective Senior Constable Christopher Reed of the sexual crimes squad said the alleged victim, who lives locally, left her children with a babysitter while she went with a friend to two Bendigo clubs, the HuHa Club and the Star Bar.

As she was leaving the Star Bar at about 2am, she met a 16-year-old girl, who introduced her to the group. The men then went back to the woman's house, joining the 16-year-old girl and the babysitter there.

Peter Baker, the lawyer for one of the men , said evidence from the babysitter portrayed a party that was "initially . . . pleasant".

Constable Reed said the victim began to feel unsafe when one of the teenage men became aggressive, putting his arms around the victim.

A video recorded on one of the men's mobile phones shows the victim being grabbed in her kitchen, with the 16-year-old trying to pull her into the laundry.

"She can be clearly heard saying no," Constable Reed said.

The footage showed the 16-year-old and 14-year-old persisting in trying to shepherd the woman into the laundry while she pushed them away.

Mr Gar allegedly lifted the victim's skirt and pulled her underwear down while she tried to kick him away.

Constable Reed said the group was laughing while Mr Gar digitally raped the woman.

She was then taken into the laundry where  she was held down by two men while she was raped by two others.

Detective Reed said the woman's screams could be heard from outside the laundry.

The woman went to her bedroom and called police, who arrested all seven at the house.

Mr Baker said the evidence of the babysitter, who described the group being in the laundry for about 30 minutes, portrayed a less serious situation than police described.

One of the accused men told police his friends and the victim were "having a little wrestle" and "grabbing each other like a porno", and she was not really fighting back, but "more like a play".

Constable Reed said the victim was "extremely fearful" for her safety and her children if the men received bail.

Bail was granted for three of the accused men, while the rest have been remanded to appear again next week.

The men, Mohammad Zaoli, 21,
Aru Gar, 19,
Mohammed El Nour, 18,
Akoak Manon, 18,
and three youths aged 17, 16 and 14,

They will reappear in court for a committal mention in March.

Read how well the Australian Labor Party’s rotten stinking dead cat of Multiculturalism works in England.

Rape Jihad


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Multicultural Australia: Sam Ibrahim shot in leg, Riot Squad called to Westmead Hospital to protect patients staff and visitors from Sam’s relatives and supporters.

Sam Ibrahim, brother of John Ibrahim shot in the leg at Merrylands  (aka “Sydney’s Occupied Territories” )
Daily Telegraph January 13, 2011 8:36PM
THE older brother of nightclub supremo John Ibrahim is in a Sydney hospital after being shot in the leg, sources say.
Former Nomads bikie boss Hassan "Sam" Ibrahim was shot at a property on Price Street, Merrylands this evening.
A police spokeswoman confirmed emergency services were called to a property at 6.45pm (AEDT).
"Police located a man with a gunshot wound," she added.
Officers are expected to reveal more details shortly.
Sam Ibrahim
Why, Why, Why, Sam ? yooos don’t know Sam, he don’t do Nutting to Nobody, he is such a Good boy,is our Sam .
The shooting happened less than two months after a drive-by shooting at the Ryde home of Armani Stelio, a sister of the Ibrahim brothers.
Following the attack on his sister's home, "Sam" was shown in television footage speaking to police at her property.
In June 2009, another brother, Fadi Ibrahim, was shot five times as he sat with his girlfriend in his car outside his home in Castle Cove.
Sam Ibrahim was standing outside the house in Sydney's west when he was shot twice in the leg, it is believed.
The bullets were fired from a light-coloured car, witnesses have told police.
Ibrahim, 44, is receiving treatment at Westmead Hospital and is reportedly in a stable condition.
Despite a string of attacks involving bikie gangs in recent months, police insist it is too early to say if the Ibrahim shooting is gang-related.
The car involved in the incident was believed to be carrying a number of passengers.
Price Street was cordoned off by police as detectives searched for forensic evidence.
Neighbours have told how they heard "at least" two blasts.
"I heard something but had no idea it was gunshots," one woman who asked not to be named told AAP.
"There were at least two bangs. Maybe three."
The Ibrahim family will be making no public comment on the attack.
"It's inappropriate to say anything at this stage pending a police investigation," family lawyer Stephen Alexander told AAP.

Maybe someone from the media shot Sammy,maybe that accounts for the obvious lack of marksmanship.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Australia: Demand Marrickville Council and its Councilors Boycott Israel NOW!!!!


Australia's  Marrickville Council, a jewel in the Marxist Green, Australian Labor Party's putrid Crown, wants to “Boycott Israel”, well bring it on you Labor Socialist Green Luddites start Boycotting NOW!!!! Come on ya Politically Correct descendants of Drugged Fucked Hippy Progressive bums get with YOUR program, Do It !!!!Do it Now Walk the Fricking Walk!!!! Ya Fricking waste of space get off the Planet make room for Humans.
LEAD your rate payers,your MASTERS,rather than PUSH them on your ? / their journey into Serfdom.

So, you want to boycott Israel ?????

I’ll be sorry to miss you, but if you are doing it – do it properly. Let me help you.

The Local  Sweden’s News in English

Check all your medications. Make sure that you do not have tablets, drops lotions, etc., made by Abic or Teva. It may mean that you will suffer from colds and flu this winter but, hey, that’s a small price for you to pay in your campaign against Israel, isn’t it?

While we are on the subject of your Israeli boycott, and the medical contributions to the world made by Israeli doctors and scientists, how about telling your pals to boycott the following…

12 1 2010 mazrrickville Council

Sydney’s running joke and Infamous Marrickville Council.

Sign the Petition, tell these Ignorant  Bums what you think of them HERE

More than happy to acknowledge any Councilor who voted against this STUNT.

An Israeli company has developed a simple blood test that distinguishes between mild and more severe cases of Multiple Sclerosis. So, if you know anyone suffering from MS, tell them to ignore the Israeli patent that may, more accurately, diagnose their symptoms.

An Israeli-made device helps restore the use of paralyzed hands. This device electrically stimulates the hand muscles, providing hope to millions of stroke sufferers and victims of spinal injuries. If you wish to remove this hope of a better quality of life to these people, go ahead and boycott Israel.

Young children with breathing problems will soon be sleeping more soundly, thanks to a new Israeli device called the Child Hood. This innovation replaces the inhalation mask with an improved drug delivery system that provides relief for child and parent. Please tell anxious
mothers that they shouldn’t use this device because of your passionate cause.

These are just a few examples of how people have benefited medically from the Israeli know-how you wish to block. Boycotts often affect research. A new research center in Israel hopes to throw light on brain disorders such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

The Joseph Sangol Neuroscience Center in the Sheba Medical Center at Tel HaShomer Hospital, aims to bring thousands of scientists and doctors to focus on brain research.

A researcher at Israel ‘s Ben Gurion University has succeeded in creating human monoclonal antibodies which can neutralize the highly contagious smallpox virus without inducing the dangerous side effects of the existing vaccine.

Two Israelis received the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Doctors Ciechanover and Hershko’s research and discovery of one of the human cells most important cyclical processes will lead the way to DNA repair, control of newly produced proteins, and immune defense systems.

The Movement Disorder Surgery program at Israel ‘s Hadassah Medical Center has successfully eliminated the physical manifestations of Parkinson’s disease in a select group of patients with a deep brain stimulation technique.

For women who undergo hysterectomies each year for the treatment of uterine fibroids, the development in Israel of the Ex Ablate 2000 System is a welcome breakthrough, offering a noninvasive alternative to surgery.

Israel is developing a nose drop that will provide a five year flu vaccine.

These are just a few of the projects that you can help stop with your Israeli boycott. But let’s not get too obsessed with my ducal research, there are other ways you can make a personal sacrifice with your anti-Israel boycott.

Most of Windows operating systems were developed by Microsoft-Israel. So, set a personal example. Throw away your computer!

Computers should have a sign attached saying Israel Inside. The Pentium NMX Chip technology was designed at Intel in Israel . Both the Pentium 4 microprocessor and the Centrum processor were entirely designed, developed, and produced in Israel.

Voice mail technology was developed in Israel.

The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed in 1996 in Israel by four young Israeli whiz kids.

Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R. & D. facilities outside the US in Israel .

So, due to your complete boycott of anything Israeli, you can now have poor health and no computer.

But your bad news does not end there. Get rid of your cellular phone. Cell phone technology was also developed in Israel by MOTOROLA which has its biggest development center in Israel. Most of the latest technology in your mobile phone was developed by Israeli scientists.

Feeling unsettled? You should be. Part of your personal security rests with Israeli inventiveness, borne out of our urgent necessity to protect and defend our lives from the terrorists you support.

A phone can remotely activate a bomb, or be used for tactical communications by terrorists, bank robbers, or hostage-takers. It is vital that official security and law enforcement authorities have access to cellular jamming and detection solutions. Enter Israel ‘s Net line Communications Technologies with their security expertise to help the fight against terror.

So All The Noise About The Usa Listening To Our Private Telephone Calls, You Should Know It Is Israel Who Is Doing The Listening For Us.

A joint, nonprofit, venture between Israel and Maryland will result in a 5 day Business Development and Planning Conference next March. Elected Israeli companies will partner with Maryland firms to provide innovation to the US need for homeland security.

I also want you to know that Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world.

Israel produces more scientific papers per capita – 109 per 10,000 – than any other nation.

Israel has the highest number of startup companies per rata. In absolute terms, the highest number, except the US . Israel has a ratio of patents filed.

Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies outside of Silicon Valley . Israel is ranked #2 in the world for venture capital funds, behind the USA .

Israel has more museums per capita.

Israel has the second highest publication of new books per capita.

Relative to population, Israel is the largest immigrant absorbing nation on earth.

These immigrants come in search of democracy, religious freedom or expression, economic opportunity, and quality of life. Believe it or not, Israel is the only country in the world which had a net gain in the number of trees last year.

Even Warren Buffet of Berkshire-Hathaway fame has just invested millions with Israeli Companies.

So, you can vilify and demonize the State of Israel. You can continue your silly boycott, if you wish. But I wish you would consider the consequences, and the truth.

Think of the massive contribution that Israel is giving to the world, including the Palestinians – and to you – in science, medicine, communications, security.

No wonder Marrickville Councillors  want to distance themselves from "DOSE JOOOS” The Road to Serfdom is their “vision”

Comparison of Arab and Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

Arab/Islamic Nobel Prize Winners

From a pool of 1.4 BILLION Muslims which are 20% of the world's population (2 out of every 10 people)


1988 - Najib Mahfooz


1978 - Anwar El-Sadat

1994 - Yasser Arafat *

2003 - Shirin Ebadi


1999 - Ahmed Zewail


Abdus Salam

* NOTE: Norwegian, Kaare Kristiansen, was a member of the Nobel Committee. He resigned in 1994 to protest the awarding of a Nobel "Peace Prize" to Yasser Arafat, whom he correctly labeled a "terrorist."

Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

From a pool of 12 million Jews which are 0.2% of the World's Population (2 out of every 1,000 people)


1910 - Paul Heyse

1927 - Henri Bergson

1958 - Boris Pasternak

1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon

1966 - Nelly Sachs

1976 - Saul Bellow

1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer

1981 - Elias Canetti

1987 - Joseph Brodsky

1991 - Nadine Gordimer

2002 - Imre Kertesz

World Peace

1911 - Alfred Fried

1911 - Tobias Asser

1968 - Rene Cassin

1973 - Henry Kissinger

1978 - Menachem Begin

1986 - Elie Wiesel

1994 - Shimon Peres

1994 - Yitzhak Rabin

1995 - Joseph Rotblat


1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer

1906 - Henri Moissan

1910 - Otto Wallach

1915 - Richard Willstaetter

1918 - Fritz Haber

1943 - George Charles de Hevesy

1961 - Melvin Calvin

1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz

1972 - William Howard Stein

1972 - C.B. Anfinsen

1977 - Ilya Prigogine

1979 - Herbert Charles Brown

1980 - Paul Berg

1980 - Walter Gilbert

1981 - Ronald Hoffmann

1982 - Aaron Klug

1985 - Herbert A. Hauptman

1985 - Jerome Karle

1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach

1988 - Robert Huber

1989 - Sidney Altman

1992 - Rudolph Marcus

1998 - Walter Kohn

2000 - Alan J. Heeger

2004 - Irwin Rose

2004 - Avram Hershko

2004 - Aaron Ciechanover


1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson

1971 - Simon Kuznets

1972 - Kenneth Joseph Arrow

1973 - Wassily Leontief

1975 - Leonid Kantorovich

1976 - Milton Friedman

1978 - Herbert A. Simon

1980 - Lawrence Robert Klein

1985 - Franco Modigliani

1987 - Robert M. Solow

1990 - Harry Markowitz

1990 - Merton Miller

1992 - Gary Becker

1993 - Rober Fogel

1994 - John Harsanyi

1994 - Reinhard Selten

1997 - Robert Merton

1997 - Myron Scholes

2001 - George Akerlof

2001 - Joseph Stiglitz

2002 - Daniel Kahneman

2005 - Robert (Israel) Aumann


1908 - Elie Metchnikoff

1908 - Paul Erlich

1914 - Robert Barany

1922 - Otto Meyerhof

1930 - Karl Landsteiner

1931 - Otto Warburg

1936 - Otto Loewi

1944 - Joseph Erlanger

1944 - Herbert Spencer Gasser

1945 - Ernst Boris Chain

1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller

1950 - Tadeus Reichstein

1952 - Selman Abraham Waksman

1953 - Hans Krebs

1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann

1958 - Joshua Lederberg

1959 - Arthur Kornberg

1964 - Konrad Bloch

1965 - Francois Jacob

1965 - Andre Lwoff

1967 - George Wald

1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg

1969 - Salvador Luria

1970 - Julius Axelrod

1970 - Sir Bernard Katz

1972 - Gerald Maurice Edelman

1975 - David Baltimore

1975 - Howard Martin Temin

1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg

1977 - Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

1977 - Andrew V. Schally

1978 - Daniel Nathans

1980 - Baruj Benacerraf

1984 - Cesar Milstein

1985 - Michael Stuart Brown

1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein

1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]

1988 - Gertrude Elion

1989 - Harold Varmus

1991 - Erwin Neher

1991 - Bert Sakmann

1993 - Richard J. Roberts

1993 - Phillip Sharp

1994 - Alfred Gilman

1994 - Martin Rodbell

1995 - Edward B. Lewis

1997 - Stanley B. Prusiner

1998 - Robert F. Furchgott

2000 - Eric R. Kandel

2002 - Sydney Brenner

2002 - Robert H. Horvitz


1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson

1908 - Gabriel Lippmann

1921 - Albert Einstein

1922 - Niels Bohr

1925 - James Franck

1925 - Gustav Hertz

1943 - Gustav Stern

1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi

1945 - Wolfgang Pauli

1952 - Felix Bloch

1954 - Max Born

1958 - Igor Tamm

1958 - Il'ja Mikhailovich

1958 - Igor Yevgenyevich

1959 - Emilio Segre

1960 - Donald A. Glaser

1961 - Robert Hofstadter

1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau

1963 - Eugene P. Wigner

1965 - Richard Phillips Feynman

1965 - Julian Schwinger

1967 - Hans Albrecht Bethe

1969 - Murray Gell-Mann

1971 - Dennis Gabor

1972 - Leon N. Cooper

1973 - Brian David Josephson

1975 - Benjamin Mottleson

1976 - Burton Richter

1978 - Arno Allan Penzias

1978 - Peter L Kapitza

1979 - Stephen Weinberg

1979 - Sheldon Glashow

1988 - Leon Lederman

1988 - Melvin Schwartz

1988 - Jack Steinberger

1990 - Jerome Friedman

1992 - Georges Charpak

1995 - Martin Perl

1995 - Frederick Reines

1996 - David M. Lee

1996 - Douglas D. Osheroff

1997 - Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

2000 - Zhores I. Alferov

2003 - Vitaly Ginsburg

2003 - Alexei Abrikosov

After reviewing this list, can you supply a reason for the large discrepancy between the Arab/Islamic population's contribution to the world body and that of the Jew? There are 165 Jews listed as opposed to 6 from the Arab side.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Australian Video News

UPDATE!!!!! The man stabbed was in fact another African, it is not clear if he was known to his assailants or not.One man has attended Merrylands Police Station, it is not known if he is a witness or one of the attackers.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

The Crap that gets to teach at Princeton University


THE GREENS: Peter Singer and the party of death

by Bill Muehlenberg
News Weekly, 2 October 2010

In 2006 Ramesh Ponnuru wrote a book entitled The Party of Death. It was primarily about the US Democratic Party, and the courts and mainstream media who side with the culture of death. They see the right to abortion as almost a religious obligation.

And it is not just abortion, but a general disregard for human life that is expressed in plenty of other policy positions. The culture of death is ever on the move, and it is not just the unborn who are at risk.

As Ponnuru put it in the opening page of his book: "The party of death started with abortion, but its sickle has gone from threatening the unborn, to the elderly, to the disabled; it has swept from the maternity ward to the cloning laboratory to a generalised disregard for 'inconvenient' life."

He says the phrase is not just pejorative, but descriptive: "The party's core members are those who explicitly deny that all human beings are equal in having a right to life and who propose the creation of a category of 'human non-persons' who can be treated as expendable."

The story is the same in Australia. We clearly have a party of death here: they are known as the Greens. They are quite open about how they embrace the culture of death. This could not be clearer than in today's headlines: "Greens fight for euthanasia" (September 20, 2010).

The new Labor/Green government has not even been in power for two weeks, and already the Greens are telling us what they consider to be the most pressing issue of the day - their key priority: the right to kill off the elderly, the infirm, the suffering. And of course they will push this agenda in the name of compassion.

But it is a horrific type of compassion which says that to help relieve suffering we should kill the sufferer. This has nothing to do with compassion, but everything to do with a diabolical view of human life. The Greens have bought into the mistaken notion that somehow the "quality" of life is superior to the sanctity of life.

Moreover, it is always a minority of elites and technocrats who decide for the rest of mankind who should live and who should die. They tell us that the unborn are not persons, that the terminally ill are not persons, and soon that a depressed teenager is not really a person.

But what should one expect from a party which was begun with someone like Peter Singer? He and Senator Bob Brown co-authored the book The Greens back in 1996, laying out the core beliefs, values and philosophies of the Greens. And Singer ran as a Greens' candidate for the Senate in the same year.

Singer, of course, is the animal rights activist who is pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia and pro-infanticide. Yes, he actually believes that the newborn do not have a right to life, because they are not "persons". As he and Helga Kuhse said back in 1985, "We do not think new-born infants have an inherent right to life."

Back in 1983 he wrote, "Species membership in homo-sapiens is not morally relevant. If we compare a dog or a pig to a severely defective infant, we often find the non-human to have superior capacities."

With a guru like this helping to set up the Greens, why should we be surprised at their consistent and insistent pro-death agenda?

Yet some might argue that Singer is a bit extreme, and does not really represent the Greens, and he is not with the Greens now. But the reason he is no longer with the Greens is of course because he left Australia in 1999 to lecture at Princeton University in the US.

How can it be argued that he is not representative of the Greens? He ran as their Senate candidate and co-authored their manifesto! Of course, his views are right in line with that of the Greens. So spare us trying to make a distinction between the two.

If some neo-Nazi managed to run for a conservative party here, it would be attacked by these very same people. "See!" they would cry, "This is what these conservatives are really all about - they are all a bunch of closet Nazis."

Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. If commentators take this line on the conservatives, then they must consistently take it with the Greens as well.

Trying to disassociate Singer from the Greens will just not work.

Australia: What the Rats in the silo have planned for us.


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