An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tennis, Australian Open: Two “Multicultural” rioters awaiting murder trial


Australian Open tennis rioter on murder charge

Daily Telegraph
January 20, 2010

A JUDGE says it is concerning up to two men facing murder charges may have been involved in a gang who marred the first day of the Australian Open.

18 1 2010 Croatian mob mars first day of Australian Open tennis 3

A mob of young men disrupted the opening day of the tennis with flares and unruly and anti-social behaviour.

The Victorian Supreme Court heard on Wednesday that possibly one man on bail for murder may have been involved.

Rudd’s Australia 2010 Labor’s much loved Multiculturalism gate crashes the Australian Open

Prosecutor Raymond Elston SC told the preliminary hearing it was asserted two of the men charged with murder were involved but it was not known who.

"One possibly (was involved). I don't know whether any others are. I don't believe any charges have been laid as a result," he said.

Justice Betty King said the matter was concerning.

"It's a little bit concerning when they're on bail for such serious offences," she said.

Eight men including one minor from Melbourne's western suburbs will face trial in the same court later this year charged with murder.

Another man pleaded guilty to murder and will face a pre-sentence hearing in March.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rudd’s Australia 2010: Jihad in the Car Park?


Australia's shopping centres are full of these type of obnoxious foul mouthed violent people of “middle eastern appearance”aka. Sociopaths Inc.I don’t enter them often, but whenever I, do I seem to run into these arse clowns way or other.

They can be found wearing security uniforms at our International Airports, Shopping Malls, Cinema Complexes and Sporting Venues.
In Sydney's Occupied Territories,south western Sydney, young Australian girls seeking assistance from harassment by "Middle Eastern Youths" at Malls and Cinema Complexes have reported been ignored and laughed at abused by

Security Guards of "Middle Eastern appearance" who are able to converse in the same foreign tongue as their assailants and tormenters.

Who finances this Australian National Car Parks and who selects their staff ? and why do companies like Coles use them to alienate and annoy and FINE their customers for parking in their car parks ?

Is it because the Avatar wannabees and Crystal gazers that control the local council’s, Green Loons and Labor Party underlings are charging the shopping centres a parking levy so as to encourage shoppers to leave their cars at home and risk their lives on state Labor’s public transport system?

Australian Tennis Open, Croatian Thugs the Facts & The Spin


Rudd’s Australia 2010 Labor’s much loved Multiculturalism gate crashes the Australian Open

Another IPCC SCAM revealed,United Nations' blunder on glaciers exposed


United Nations' blunder on glaciers exposed

Chris Hastings and Jonathan Leake
The Australian
January 18, 2010

THE peak UN body on climate change has been dealt another humiliating blow to its credibility after it was revealed a central claim of one of its benchmark reports - that most of the Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035 because of global warming - was based on a "speculative" claim by an obscure Indian scientist.

The 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which claimed to incorporate the latest and most detailed research into the impact of global warming, appears to have simply adopted the untested opinions of the Indian glaciologist from a magazine article published in 1999.

The IPCC report claimed that the world's glaciers were melting so fast that those in the Himalayas could vanish inside 30 years.

But the scientists behind the warning have now admitted it was based on a news story in the New Scientist, a popular science journal, published eight years before the IPCC's report.

It has also emerged that the New Scientist report was based on a short telephone interview with Syed Hasnain, a little-known Indian scientist then based at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi.

Mr Hasnain, who was then the chairman of the International Commission on Snow and Ice's working group on Himalayan glaciology, has since admitted that the claim was "speculation" and was not supported by any formal research.

The revelation represents another embarrassing blow to the credibility of the IPCC, less than two months after the emergence of leaked emails from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit, which raised questions about the legitimacy of data published by the IPCC about global warming.

One email written by a scientist referred to ways of ensuring information that doubted the veracity of man-made climate change science did not appear in IPCC reports.

Several emails also revealed that some scientists at East Anglia tried to bully colleagues who challenged the theory of man-made climate change.

Murari Lal, who oversaw the chapter on Himalayan glaciers in the 2007 IPCC report, said on the weekend he was considering recommending that the claim about glaciers be dropped.

"If Hasnain says officially that he never asserted this, or that it is a wrong presumption, then I will recommend that the assertion about Himalayan glaciers be removed from future IPCC assessments," Professor Lal said.

The IPCC's reliance on Mr Hasnain's 1999 interview has been highlighted by Fred Pearce, the journalist who carried out the original interview for New Scientist. Pearce said he rang Mr Hasnain in India in 1999 after spotting his claims in an Indian magazine.

"Hasnain told me then that he was bringing a report containing those numbers to Britain," Pearce said. "The report had not been peer reviewed or formally published in a scientific journal and it had no formal status so I reported his work on that basis.

"Since then I have obtained a copy and it does not say what Hasnain said. In other words, it does not mention 2035 as a date by which any Himalayan glaciers will melt.

"However, he did make clear that his comments related only to part of the Himalayan glaciers, not the whole massif."

The New Scientist report was apparently forgotten until 2005 when environmental group WWF cited it in a report called An Overview of Glaciers, Glacier Retreat, and Subsequent Impacts in Nepal, India and China. The report credited Hasnain's 1999 interview with New Scientist. But it was a campaigning report rather than an academic paper.

Despite this it rapidly became a key source for the IPCC when Professor Lal and his colleagues came to write the section on the Himalayas.

When published, the IPCC report gave its source as the WWF study but went further, suggesting the melting of the glaciers was "very likely". The IPCC defines "very likely" as having a probability of greater than 90 per cent.

Glaciologists find such figures inherently ludicrous, pointing out that most Himalayan glaciers are hundreds of metres thick and could not melt fast enough to vanish by 2035 unless there was a huge global temperature rise.

Julian Dowdeswell, director of the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge University, said: "A small glacier such as the Dokriani glacier is up to 120m thick. A big one would be several hundred metres thick and tens of kilometres long. The average is 300m thick so to melt one at 5m a year would take 60 years."

Some scientists have questioned how the IPCC could have allowed such a mistake into print. Professor Lal admits he knows little about glaciers.

The Sunday Times. Additional reporting: James Madden

Rudd’s Australia 2010 Labor’s much loved Multiculturalism gate crashes the Australian Open


Croatian mob mars first day of Australian Open tennis

Kelly Ryan
Herald Sun
January 18, 2010

AN UNRULY mob of Croatian fans set a sinister tone on the first day of the 2010 Australian Open.

18 1 2010 Croatian mob mars first day of Australian Open tennis 4 

About 60 aggressive and chanting supporters in Croatia's chequered colours lit flares and made offensive and threatening gestures as they marched en masse to Melbourne Park, scattering other shocked spectators in their way.

In a display that left onlookers disgusted, Herald Sun photographer Craig Borrow was spat on and punched as he photographed the chanting mob.

18 1 2010 Croatian mob mars first day of Australian Open tennis 3

This is the Crap the Australian Labor Party and their various leftists front organizations in the Social Welfare industries, Unions and social justice networks,demand Australians accept and embrace 

Security staff were waiting at the front gates to search them for contraband amid strict new measures for the tennis.

But some of the fans tried to dodge security by running up the stairs while others buried themselves in their their hoodies to hide their faces as they arrived.

18 1 2010 Croatian mob mars first day of Australian Open tennis 2

It was an disappointing start to the two-week tournament for organisers after the feel-good flavour of Sunday's charity exhibition match to raise money for victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

The behaviour of some fans - before the first ball had been hit - was a disturbing signal that more of the racial tensions and trouble that have marred the international grand slam event in recent years could be on the cards.

Last year, opposing Bosnian and Serbian fans sent chairs hurtling during a sudden fracas in front of stunned families enjoying the sunshine in Garden Square last year.

Tennis Australia has put fans on notice that they will be expelled from Melbourne Park if they play up, and have separated families and partygoers at the centre.

Officials have previously vowed that tennis fans previously banned from the Australian Open won't make it through the gates, as police increase their efforts to stop violence and anti-social behaviour.

Police numbers have been increased and CCTV camera zones expanded.

Supt John Cooke said late last week he was confident there would be no repetition of violent brawls that had marred the tournament in previous years.

"A number of people have been banned for the 24-hour period in the last couple of years, and those people certainly aren't welcome," Supt Cook said.

"We will have police inside and outside the venue throughout the event, supporting security," he said.

New powers are also available to police to deal with anti-social behaviour by fining people who are drunk or disorderly.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rudd’s Australia: a very Dangerous Place for the Non “Middle Eastern Tourist” and resident.


At least 10 Australians have been murdered. Australians! do not go to India, you will die of “zinc phosphate poisoning”.


Ten Aussies killed in India, families claim

By Peter Rolfe
The Sunday Telegraph
January 17, 2010

THE family of an Australian man found dead in India say a growing number of foreign tourists are being murdered and the crimes covered up by authorities there.

Copy of 17 1 2010 Ten Aussies killed in India, families claim 

At least 10 Australians have been murdered or feared murdered in violent attacks in India since 1999, with claims that up to 200 westerners have been killed. In what is expected to further heighten tension between India and Australia, the families of dead Australians say the subcontinent nation is hypocritical in attacking Victorian authorities and are calling for an investigation by the Rudd Government.

They are also issuing their own travel warning to Australians planning to visit India, saying they are "taking their lives into their own hands".

Melbourne disability pensioner Michael Osborne was found dead in a guest house near the city of Patna with his bank account empty and most of his belongings gone less than three weeks into a dream visit to India last June.

Indian police initially said the death was due to a drug overdose but when pushed for detail twice changed their story, saying he died from injuries sustained from a fall and finally that the death was caused by zinc phosphate poisoning.

Patna police told the Australian High Commission in New Delhi the death was not suspicious and that there were "no apparent external injuries to Michael's body".

But a post mortem report reveals the body had a catalogue of injuries, including brain haemorrhaging, an abdomen cavity "full of blood", scratches and abrasions on his left arm, elbow, wrist and leg and right side of his chest and hip.

It said: "All abrasions caused by hand and blunt object."

Osborne's brother Laurie believes he was beaten to death and has not ruled out a racial motive. But Indian and Australian authorities appeared to have closed the book on the case, he said.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will not say how many Australians had been killed in India. But the Tourist Justice and Safety in India group, set up by families of murder victims, have listed 10.

The Indian media has recently painted Melbourne as a racist city and condemned a string of violent attacks against Indian students.

But Laurie Osborne said his brother's death was the latest in a line of attacks against Australians being swept under the carpet by Indian authorities.

"We want to warn Australians going over to India that they are in danger," he said.

"Especially if they are going by themselves. Indians jump up and down and say that Australians are attacking Indians but look at what they are doing to Australians."

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thought for the Day


Q.How does one Humiliate a Muslim?

A.Request that he or she live their lives and behave in a civilised manner according to the social norms of the 21st Century.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Islamic Sociopaths Inc.,Ignoble Islam: Only “Pious Muslims” can play Soccer for Egypt says “Rage Coach” Hassan Shehata


Included in this post is an article titled “Egypt's atrocities can't be hidden forever” and a Video of the Melbourne Coptic Christians protesting their Egyptian resident co religionists slaughter at the hands of “Pious Muslims”

Observing Islam equally as important as skill for Egypt boss

January 15, 2010

Egypt coach Hassan Shehata wants only players who observe Islam, and says team selection is based equally on religious piety and skill.

Shehata's comments, published in Egyptian newspapers, show how sports and religion are increasingly mixing in the overwhelmingly Muslim nation of some 80 million.

Copy of 15 1 2010 Observing Islam equally as important as skill for Egypt boss

Egypt coach Hassan Shehata, in traditional “Pious Muslim” in ya face “I’m a Loon Muslim Rage Boy, Rage Coach” pose

The intrusion of religion into sports is part of the country's gradual movement toward religious conservatism over the last few decades, with more people praying at mosques, most women adopting the Islamic veil in public, and diminishing tolerance for secular Muslims or minority Christians.

There are no Christians in the squad defending its title at the African Cup of Nations in Angola.

For years, Egyptian athletes have demonstrated their religious piety in front of fans and the media - kneeling down to offer a prayer of thanks after scoring or winning, or praying before games to implore God to come to their team's aid.

But Shehata's comments take religion in sports to a whole new level.

He was quoted by Cairo newspapers as saying skill alone won't guarantee anyone a place on the national team.

He said "pious behaviour" was the main category for selection.

"Without it, we will never select any player regardless of his potential," he said.

"I always strive to make sure that those who wear the Egypt jersey are on good terms with God."

One newspaper, the independent al-Shorouk, quoted Shehata as saying that striker Ahmed "Mido", on loan from England's Middlesbrough to Cairo's Zamalek, was cut after his initial selection because he did not fit the manager's prerequisite for piety.

Mido was cut four days after his selection last month in a surprise decision given that Egypt was already missing Amr Zaki, formerly a striker with England's Wigan, through injury, as well as attacking midfielder Mohammed Abu Trekka.

Mido, who enjoys a reputation for hard partying, said he was insulted by his exclusion.

Shehata, a former Egypt international best remembered for his midfield creativity, has not made a secret of the big role religion plays in what he does.

He is consistently seen by millions of fans and TV viewers murmuring prayers during games. He often asks supporters to pray for the national side.

In Thursday's comments, Shehata boasted of how he convinced Egypt striker Mohammed Zidan, who plays for the German club Dortmund, to pray.

"I did not like how he used to be aloof and not mix with the rest," Shehata said of Zidan.

"I convinced him of the need to pray and how important it is. He has been praying since."

Shehata is looking for his third straight African Cup title after leading six-time champion Egypt to victory in 2006 and 2008.

Egypt began its title defence on Tuesday with an emphatic, come-from-behind 3-1 win over World Cup qualifier Nigeria.

However, Shehata failed to take Egypt to this year's World Cup finals in South Africa, losing to Algeria 1-0 in a make-or-break decider last year. Egypt last qualified for the World Cup in 1990.

Egypt's atrocities can't be hidden forever

National Times
January 13, 2010
In his mainstream best seller The DaVinci Code, Dan Brown fuses fact and fiction in a panoply of adventure-riddled conversations and quasi-mythical fabulations. However, he correctly – albeit fleetingly, mentions the small town of Nag Hammadi about 65 kilometres from Luxor in Egypt as the site where the Gnostic Gospels were discovered.

Brown, within the narrative of the novel, reveals that these "lost gospels" compiled allegedly by St Thomas ultimately hold the clues to Christianity's aversion to the feminine divine and the source of its fragility by not addressing the Freudian sexual ghosts present in its formation as a world religion. However, Brown's Western-centric beef with the Catholic Church ends up ignoring the continuous indigenous history of Coptic Christianity present since Mark the Apostle's arrival in Egypt and other repressed ghosts lurking behind religion and politics.


It was at Nag Hammadi that eight Coptic youth and a security official were murdered in a drive-by shooting by extremist Muslim gunmen after they had just celebrated the midnight Orthodox Christmas Eve mass. Government officials suspect that the attack, where gunmen haphazardly started shooting at a crowd injuring many, was in retaliation for the alleged rape of a 12-year-old Muslim girl by a Coptic man in the town in November. The spill over from the attacks has resulted in riots and arrests that have engulfed Christian and Muslim communities in a wave of sectarian passions. These aggressive acts in poor rural towns in southern Egypt have been common in recent years and the ferocity of sectarian violence has recently escalated in larger metropolises such as in Alexandria last year.

However, these latest attacks need to be contextualised beyond the facile claims of sectarian carnage. Coptic Christians are the indigenous peoples of Egypt and have been maintaining their traditions, rites and customs since the 1st century despite centuries of repression under Roman and Muslims rulers. They represent about 10 per cent of Egypt's 80 million people and generally have co-existed along with their Muslim compatriots in an atmosphere of tense yet liveable amicability. Yet, with the decades of governmental oppression and quashing of civil liberties since the time of Gamal Abdel Nasser and extending to the current policies of President Hosni Mubarak and corruption on local levels, cadres of Islamic extremists have sprung up to retaliate and restore a more equitable social order through a brutal mix of lethality and religious misinterpretations.

Melbourne's Coptic community Protest “Pious Muslims” Murdering Copts in Egypt

In most cases of these hostilities, the victims have been Coptic Christians due to a combination of reasons. Coptic Christians are a minority and within the psyche of the state they remain problematic in terms of citizenship because of their religious status as the largest non-Sunni Muslim minority along with other discriminated minorities such as Bahai's, Yezidis, Catholics etc. Moreover, within daily Egyptian popular representations, Copts are stereotypically seen as elitist and bourgeois because of their economic leverage through entrepreneurial successes of Coptic businessmen such as Naguib Sawires – the founder of Orascom, the biggest telecommunications network in the Middle East and Africa.

The fundamentalist voices of some Copts living in the West, especially the US and Canada, pressuring Western governments to interfere in Egyptian domestic politics, leads to a scenario where Copts in Egypt are seen as Western colluders and in turn bear the brunt of disgruntled local elements as well as blatant institutional discrimination. Nonetheless, these depictions do not fully explain why these violent incidents persist.

As renowned anthropologist Arjun Appadurai succinctly explains in his book The Fear of Small Numbers : "the existence of even the smallest minority within national boundaries is seen as an intolerable deficit in the purity of the national whole . . . Minorities being a reminder of this small but frustrating deficit, thus unleash the urge to purify."

The predominantly rural south of Egypt has historically languished through mismanaged policies of economic advancement of various governments and has been depicted as racially and technologically backward in Egyptian and Western popular imaginations.

The demographic make-up of towns such as Nag Hammadi have large minorities pitted against each other where Christians and Muslims roughly represent the same number of inhabitants but political power resides with corrupt local authorities intent on subverting any notion of justice. The climate of economic disenfranchisement in these towns plus the venomous diatribes of some extremist religiously untrained Muslim clerics presents a fertile ground for young Muslims – especially men – to express their rage in violent ways.

The Egyptian Government is complicit in trying to present a picture of religious harmony to allay Western fears of human right violations but the ugliness and fissures of these local disputes dispel the cosmetic attempts of a cowardly government dealing with its domestic politics and its international image especially in relation to Gaza.

In an interview broadcast on Egyptian national TV a few hours before this fateful incident, the head of the Coptic Church, Pope Shenouda III, urged a return to the ideals of the 1919 Revolution against British colonial occupation. He implored Egyptians to a secularist ethics of citizenship based on mutual respect for difference beyond the dead-end of religious labelling. It is these wise words that must be heeded now more than ever for Nag Hammadi not to continue being a site where ghosts continue to dwell.

Farid Farid is a doctoral candidate at the University of Western Sydney. His research deals with the politics of exile, race and religion.

A rally in support of Coptic Christians in Egypt will be held in Melbourne today. Melbourne's Coptic community  march to the Egyptian consulate in the city. And in Sydney, supporters are to gather St James Station end of Hyde Park (corner St James and Macquarie streets) at 11am on Tuesday, January 19.

To think that as well as training to play Soccer in the Egyptian National Team, you are also expected to find time to act like a “Pious Muslim”,where do they find the time?

“Pious Muslims” occupy themselves as follows:

Latest from NY

NYC: Thosands of Christians Protest Islamic Murder, Persecution, and Dhimmitude

Atlas Shrugs: Evil Egypt

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    The Arabs are killing the Sudanese fleeing to Israel to escape the unrelenting rape and murder by the Islamic Jihad government in Khartoum.



    Reports: Most-wanted Nazi died in Cairo in 1992 CAIRO (AP) — Documents have surfaced in Egypt showing the world's most-wanted Nazi war criminal, ...


  • Egypt: Muslims Burn Christian Shops and a Police Station - Atlas ...

    23 Nov 2009 ... RoP. Indeed. They keep slaughtering people, destroying churches, villages, persecuting Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, non-practicing ...


  • ISRAEL MK Katz: Obama's "'no natural growth' policy for 650000 ...

    3 Jun 2009 ... Egypt: Obama "The Boy King" Interesting that he should make this comparison at the time that Hussein is speaking in Egypt.


  • Egypt: Free Aymanour - Atlas Shrugs

    Please consider signing this petition, and emailing others to do so…It could make a difference Steve Stalinsky writes "Freeing a Parlimentarian" in today's ...


  • Coptic Christians Rally in New York against Egypt Government's ...

    14 Dec 2009 ... Coptic Christians took to the streets of Manhattan today to protest the brutal persecution. Pamela H pver at Silent Majority was there: ...



    Previously at Atlas I have made the case for the arrest of Islam Said, the brother and accessory to the honor killing of Amina and Sarah Said.


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    Egypt Bans Marriage to Israelis by Al-Qotb, Contributing Writer After the ... “Egyptians married to Israelis are dangerous to Egypt's national security, ...


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    25 Jun 2008 ... Another day, another muslim attack on infidels. ... Pakistani muslim mob drags Christian women through street, desecrates Church ... - Cached -


  • Egyptians riot after 7 killed in church attack -- Signs of the ...

    7 Jan 2010 ... The thorny issue of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt has taken added ... "My faithful were also receiving threats in the streets, ... The Institute for Relational Harm Reduction's Women's Inpatient Hospital Program ... - Cached -


  • EGYPT: 7 Christian Copts killed by MUSLIMS in savage church attack ...

    7 Jan 2010 ... 28 attack. Mansoor said a Muslim known as Mogal beat him and his daughter with the rod on the street in front of their apartment home after ... - Cached -


  • Egypt: “Muslim Mob” of 3000 Attack Christian Businesses ...

    AINA reports “Muslim Anti-Christian Riots Spread in Upper Egypt, ... There are reports that seven Coptic women have been abducted.” ... no arrests and were just dispersing the mob from one street, only for them to appear in the next.” ... - Cached -


  • Muslim mob attacks Christians in Egypt

    24 Nov 2009 ... egyptian muslim attack christians ... MECA reported that three girls were assaulted in the street by having bricks hurled at them. .... Women harassed across Arab world (16 December 2009); What a difference geography ... - Cached -


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    Women's Ministry · Open Doors Youth ... Rescue of Coptic Girl in Egypt Prompts Muslim Attack. Saturday 27 June 2009 ... “They must take an equal number, and sometimes they snatch people on the street.” International and Egyptian news ... - Cached -


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    Muslim Mob Attacks Church and Loots Christian Homes in Egypt June 20, 2009 .... Muslim Mob Drags Christian Women Through Streets April 3, 2009 ... - Cached -


  • Muslim Kills Egyptian Christian, Villagers Attack Mourners At Funeral

    30 Sep 2009 ... Egypt (AINA) -- Nayer Mansour Sahrab, a Muslim minibus driver, ... drum beats and Muslim women were letting out the traditional celebration sound. ... with Muslims smashing Coptic-owned cars, as well as attacking streets ... - Cached - Similar -


  • Islam: Making a True Difference in the World

    (Egypt) Gunmen Take Down Six Christians Outside a Church. .... Enraged Muslims Attack Church Screening of 'Jesus' Film with Clubs and Axes. ... 77% of Gaza Women Face Abuse (Violence Worsens Under Hamas) ..... 2009.11.25, Somalia, Mogadishu, 1, 1, A civilian is killed when Jihadis throw a grenade into the street. ... - Cached - Similar -


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  • Thursday, January 14, 2010

    “Multiculturalism and Diversity” are a conspiracy by Labour to destroy the British culture


    Labour let in migrants 'to engineer multicultural UK'

    By Daily Mail Reporter
    24th October 2009

    Huge increases in immigration over the past decade were a deliberate attempt to engineer a more multicultural Britain, a former Government adviser said yesterday.

    Andrew Neather, a speechwriter who worked in Downing Street for Tony Blair and in the Home Office for Jack Straw and David Blunkett, said Labour's relaxation of controls was a plan to 'open up the UK to mass migration'.

    As well as bringing in hundreds of thousands to plug labour market gaps, there was also a 'driving political purpose' behind immigration policy, he claimed.

    Ministers hoped to change the country radically and 'rub the Right's nose in diversity'. But Mr Neather said senior Labour figures were reluctant to discuss the policy, fearing it would alienate its 'core working-class vote'.

    On Question Time, Mr Straw was repeatedly quizzed about whether Labour's immigration policies had left the door open for the BNP.

    Writing in the Evening Standard, Mr Neather revealed the 'major shift' in immigration policy came after the publication of a policy paper from the Performance and Innovation Unit, a Downing Street think tank based in the Cabinet Office.

    The published version promoted the labour-market case for immigration but Mr Neather said unpublished versions contained additional reasons.

    'Earlier drafts I saw also included a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural.

    'I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended - even if this wasn't its main purpose - to rub the Right's nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date.' The 'deliberate policy', from late 2000 until 'at least February last year', when the new points-based system was introduced, was to open up the UK to mass migration, he said.

    Mr Neather defended the policy, saying mass immigration has 'enriched' Britain and made London a more attractive and cosmopolitan place.

    Sir Andrew Green, chairman of the Migrationwatch think tank, said: 'Now at least the truth is out, and it's dynamite. Many have long suspected that mass immigration under Labour was not just a cock-up but a conspiracy. They were right.

    'This Government has admitted three million immigrants for cynical political reasons concealed by dodgy economic camouflage.'

    The chairmen of the cross-party Group for Balanced Migration, MPs Frank Field and Nicholas Soames, said: 'We welcome this statement which the whole country knows to be true.

    'It is the first beam of truth that has officially been shone on the immigration issue in Britain.'


    Kevin Rudd :”no credibility on border security and the war on terror…”


    Rudd opens the door for genuine security threats

    Piers Akerman
    Daily Telegraph
    Thursday, January 14, 2010

    KEVIN Rudd has shown he has absolutely no credibility on border security and the war on terror by insisting that Tamil refugees deemed to be a security threat be brought to Australia.

    He did so to shore up the deal he personally cut with Indonesia’s President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. This followed the rescue of undocumented arrivals on their way to Australia who were landed first in Indonesia.

    There they were promised speedy processing and resettlement, in a secret agreement that has never been explained to the Australian public.

    It is now clear that Rudd has ignored various ministers and security agencies as he engaged in his own simple-minded personal diplomacy.


    In this instance, Rudd approved the transfer to Australia of four Tamil refugees, including a woman accompanied by two children, deemed to be a security threat by ASIO while they were in detention in Indonesia after the four-week standoff aboard the Oceanic Viking.

    A fifth Tamil, the woman’s husband, who had travelled to Australia aboard an earlier boat in the Rudd refugee fleet, was also refused a visa on security grounds.

    Since the Rudd Government watered down border security legislation in August 2008, nearly 70 boatloads of undocumented arrivals have reached Australian waters.

    The Rudd Government met this surge with a barrage of propaganda, claiming that the flood was due to “push” factors not “pull” factors and it attempted to smear WA Premier Colin Barnett, who claimed (correctly) that security personnel had been seriously injured when a fire was lit aboard one vessel.

    Rudd hysterically attacked then Opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull and accused him of endorsing Wilson Tuckey’s comment that terrorists were masquerading as asylum seekers in their bid to reach Australia.

    Rudd called on Turnbull to withdraw Tuckey’s preselection, claiming the MP’s remarks were “divisive and disgusting”.

    Grandstanding, he bellowed to his parliamentary audience that if Turnbull had “one shred of credibility, one shred of decency on the question of asylum seekers, he would stand to his feet (and) repudiate the Member for O’Connor”.

    Turnbull wisely and correctly refused to repudiate his backbencher’s remarks. As time has shown, Tuckey was only speaking the truth out of genuine concern at the failure of the Rudd Government’s policies and all Rudd was attempting to do with his ill-mannered and poorly-considered outburst was distract attention from his own calamitous border protection regime. His disastrous personal intervention with the Indonesian President was to follow.

    By any measure, the current border protection policy is in crisis.

    Far from being a deterrent, routine detention on Christmas Island is regarded as stepping stone to the mainland. Those people smugglers who have not programmed the co-ordinates of the island’s Flying Fish Cove wharf into their GPS units are happy to be ferried there by the navy and customs vessels.

    Single men are kept in the overcrowded detention centre, families are held in the island’s converted recreation centre or released into the community.

    Immigration Minister Chris Evans says the woman identified as a security risk is not behind a security fence with her children, so it is to be presumed - failing the release of any pertinent information from the Government - that she is living with them in the general community.

    The Christmas Islanders have been growing increasingly disgruntled at the presence of hundreds of extra government personnel billeted on the island dealing with the new arrivals. The medical staff, security and education specialists, counsellors and immigration officers and maintenance workers have taken up almost all the spare accommodation and rental cars and scooters and driven up the cost of food and rent.

    As a sop to the islanders, the Rudd Government has promised an increased emphasis on tourism but, without accommodation, tourists would be better off arriving via people smuggler boat, so they will at least be guaranteed taxpayer-provided services.

    During the Howard years, two Iraqi detainees, Mohammed Yussef Sagar and Muhammad Faisal, were issued negative security assessments after they arrived in Australia. They spent five years in detention before Sagar was accepted by Sweden and Faisal, who underwent psychiatric treatment, was allowed into Australia and later reassessed by ASIO.

    Under Rudd, those assessed as risks are being brought to Australia. How long they will remain depends on how soon another country agrees to host them. Rudd might explain why another nation should be as silly as Australia and accept a person reckoned to be a bona fide security risk.

    The Labor Party and their Union Financiers will not be happy until there is a Terrorist attack on our soil.


    Wednesday, January 13, 2010

    Islamic Sociopaths Inc., al-Muhajiroun BANNED


    Ignoble Islam: Islam’s Mad Dogs of Luton found GUILTY

    Keysar Trad’s Neice, Suspect in $150m loan scam fronts court.


    Suspect in $150m loan scam fronts court

    January 13, 2010

    SHE used to drive a Honda with number plates that read ''CL55SY'' and Hiba Cornell, one of 14 people accused of involvement in a $150 million mortgage fraud syndicate linked to the September murder of the Sydney loan shark Michael McGurk, cut a demure figure in court yesterday.

    After the brief appearance to vary her bail conditions, Mrs Cornell left Newtown Local Court holding the hand of her husband, Ashfield detective Andrew Cornell. She did not speak during the hearing.

    Mrs Cornell, a 43-year-old mother of two and the niece of the Sydney Lebanese identity Keysar Trad, is charged with 10 fraud and conspiracy offences relating to the fraudulent activities in assisting members of the syndicate to apply for loans.

    She is charged with helping members of the syndicate fraudulently apply for loans from the St George and Commonwealth banks worth almost $5 million between 2006 and 2008.

    In a letter to police tendered in court, Mrs Cornell's lawyer, Brett Hearnden, asked that his client's bail conditions be amended so she did not have to report to a police station once a week.

    The alleged scam, which investigators say involved up to 250 people and more than $150 million, allegedly involved inflating the value of properties and then taking out mortgages based on the inflated amounts.

    The head of the fraud squad, Detective Superintendent Col Dyson, has said there were direct links between the fraud syndicate and the investigation into the murder of the lender of last resort Michael McGurk.

    The names of the 13 other people charged so far were included in a document tendered yesterday. They are: Fatima and Ali Moussa; Ahmad Hamze; Adam Perez; Trent Knox; Rachid Kabhara; Taam Chamna; Hammoude Badr; Mohamad Mehajer; Mohamad Sowaid; Mohamad Diab; Abdul Sayadi and Todd Blunt.

    There is a common thread here, can anyone else sense it or is it just me ? call me crazy but there is something here that… well I just cant put my finger on it… come on help me out here.

    Tuesday, January 12, 2010

    Un Australianism on the rise,Lambassador addresses UN and seeks support in New York and Los Angeles



    As Lambassador, Sam's mission is to combat unAustralian behaviour. Because if the world were more like Australia, it would be a better place. Everyone would stop fighting, and get together as mates over a Lamb barbie — just like we do Down Under. Having addressed the United Nations General Assembly, Sam's continuing to seek support for International Australia Day in New York and Los Angeles.




    Ignoble Islam: Islam’s Mad Dogs of Luton found GUILTY



    The ICE AGE Commeth, BBC interviewer rips UK MET head a new …..


    The mini ice age starts here

    By David Rose
    Last updated at 11:17 AM on 10th January 2010

    The bitter winter afflicting much of the Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the world’s most eminent climate scientists.

    Their predictions – based on an analysis of natural cycles in water temperatures in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans – challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy’s most deeply cherished beliefs, such as the claim that the North Pole will be free of ice in
    summer by 2013.

    According to the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado, Arctic summer sea ice has increased by 409,000 square miles, or 26 per cent, since 2007 – and even the most committed global warming activists do not dispute this.

    North Pole

    The scientists’ predictions also undermine the standard climate computer models, which assert that the warming of the Earth since 1900 has been driven solely by man-made greenhouse gas emissions and will continue as long as carbon dioxide levels rise.

    They say that their research shows that much of the warming was caused by oceanic cycles when they were in a ‘warm mode’ as opposed to the present ‘cold mode’.

    This challenge to the widespread view that the planet is on the brink of an irreversible catastrophe is all the greater because the scientists could never be described as global warming ‘deniers’ or sceptics.

    However, both main British political parties continue to insist that the world is facing imminent disaster without drastic cuts in CO2.

    This image of the UK taken from NASA's multi-national Terra satellite on Thursday shows the extent of the freezing weather

    This image of the UK taken from NASA's multi-national Terra satellite on Thursday shows the extent of the freezing weather

    Last week, as Britain froze, Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband maintained in a parliamentary answer that the science of global warming was ‘settled’.

    Among the most prominent of the scientists is Professor Mojib Latif, a leading member of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has been pushing the issue of man-made global warming on to the international political agenda since it was formed 22 years ago.

    Prof Latif, who leads a research team at the renowned Leibniz  Institute at Germany’s Kiel University, has developed new methods for measuring ocean temperatures 3,000ft beneath the surface, where the cooling and warming cycles start.

    He and his colleagues predicted the new cooling trend in a paper published in 2008 and warned of it again at an IPCC conference in Geneva last September.

    Last night he told The Mail on Sunday: ‘A significant share of the warming we saw from 1980 to 2000 and at earlier periods in the 20th Century was due to these cycles – perhaps as much as 50 per cent.

    'They have now gone into reverse, so winters like this one will become much more likely. Summers will also probably be cooler, and all this may well last two decades or longer.

    ‘The extreme retreats that we have seen in glaciers and sea ice will come to a halt. For the time being, global warming has paused, and there may well be some cooling.’

    As Europe, Asia and North America froze last week, conventional wisdom insisted that this was merely a ‘blip’ of no long-term significance.

    Though record lows were experienced as far south as Cuba, where the daily maximum on beaches normally used for winter bathing was just 4.5C, the BBC assured viewers that the big chill was merely short-term ‘weather’ that had nothing to do with ‘climate’, which was still warming.

    The work of Prof Latif and the other scientists refutes that view.

    On the one hand, it is true that the current freeze is the product of the ‘Arctic oscillation’ – a weather pattern that sees the development of huge ‘blocking’ areas of high pressure in northern latitudes, driving polar winds far to the south.

    Meteorologists say that this is at its strongest for at least 60 years.

    As a result, the jetstream – the high-altitude wind that circles the globe from west to east and normally pushes a series of wet but mild Atlantic lows across Britain – is currently running not over the English Channel but the Strait of Gibraltar.

    A composite photograph released last year to highlight the issue of melting ice and global warming

    A composite photograph released last year to highlight the issue of melting ice and global warming

    However, according to Prof Latif and his colleagues, this in turn relates to much longer-term shifts – what are known as the Pacific and Atlantic ‘multi-decadal oscillations’ (MDOs).

    For Europe, the crucial factor here is the temperature of the water in the middle of the North Atlantic, now several degrees below its average when the world was still warming.

    But the effects are not confined to the Northern Hemisphere. Prof Anastasios Tsonis, head of the University of Wisconsin Atmospheric Sciences Group, has recently shown that these MDOs move together in a synchronised way across the globe, abruptly flipping the world’s climate from a ‘warm mode’ to a ‘cold mode’ and back again in 20 to 30-year cycles.

    'They amount to massive rearrangements in the dominant patterns of the weather,’ he said yesterday, ‘and their shifts explain all the major changes in world temperatures during the 20th and 21st Centuries.

    'We have such a change now and can therefore expect 20 or 30 years of cooler temperatures.’

    Prof Tsonis said that the period from 1915 to 1940 saw a strong warm mode, reflected in rising temperatures.

    Pictures of the snow in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, last week show the city is the coldest it has been since 1970

    Pictures of the snow in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, last week show the city is the coldest it has been since 1970

    But from 1940 until the late Seventies, the last MDO cold-mode era, the world cooled, despite the fact that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere continued to rise.

    Many of the consequences of the recent warm mode were also observed 90 years ago.

    For example, in 1922, the Washington Post reported that Greenland’s glaciers were fast disappearing, while Arctic seals were ‘finding the water too hot’.

    It interviewed a Captain Martin Ingebrigsten, who had been sailing the eastern Arctic for 54 years: ‘He says that he first noted warmer conditions in 1918, and since that time it has gotten steadily warmer.

    'Where formerly great masses of ice were found, there are now moraines, accumulations of earth and stones. At many points where glaciers formerly extended into the sea they have entirely disappeared.’

    As a result, the shoals of fish that used to live in these waters had vanished, while the sea ice beyond the north coast of Spitsbergen in the Arctic Ocean had melted.

    Warm Gulf Stream water was still detectable within a few hundred miles of the Pole.
    In contrast, Prof Tsonis said, last week 56 per cent of the surface of the United States was covered by snow.

    ‘That hasn’t happened for several decades,’ he pointed out. ‘It just isn’t true to say this is a blip. We can expect colder winters for quite a while.’

    He recalled that towards the end of the last cold mode, the world’s media were preoccupied by fears of freezing.

    For example, in 1974, a Time magazine cover story predicted ‘Another Ice Age’, saying: ‘Man may be somewhat responsible – as a result of farming and fuel burning [which is] blocking more and more sunlight from reaching and heating the Earth.’

    Prof Tsonis said: ‘Perhaps we will see talk of an ice age again by the early 2030s, just as the MDOs shift once more and temperatures begin to rise.’

    Like Prof Latif, Prof Tsonis is not a climate change ‘denier’. There is, he said, a measure of additional ‘background’ warming due to human activity and greenhouse gases that runs across the MDO cycles.

    'This isn't just a blip. We can expect colder winters for quite a while'

    But he added: ‘I do not believe in catastrophe theories. Man-made warming is balanced by the natural cycles, and I do not trust the computer models which state that if CO2 reaches a particular level then temperatures and sea levels will rise by a given amount.

    'These models cannot be trusted to predict the weather for a week, yet they are running them to give readings for 100 years.’

    Prof Tsonis said that when he published his work in the highly respected journal Geophysical Research Letters, he was deluged with ‘hate emails’.

    He added: ‘People were accusing me of wanting to destroy the climate, yet all I’m interested in is the truth.’

    He said he also received hate mail from climate change sceptics, accusing him of not going far enough to attack the theory of man-made warming.

    The work of Profs Latif, Tsonis and their teams raises a crucial question: If some of the late 20th Century warming was caused not by carbon dioxide but by MDOs, then how much?

    Tsonis did not give a figure; Latif suggested it could be anything between ten and 50 per cent.

    Other critics of the warming orthodoxy say the role played by MDOs is even greater.

    William Gray, emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Colorado State University, said that while he believed there had been some background rise caused by greenhouse gases, the computer models used by advocates of man-made warming had hugely exaggerated their effect.

    Dr David Viner stands by his claim that snow will become an 'increasingly rare event'

    Dr David Viner stands by his claim that snow will become an 'increasingly rare event'

    According to Prof Gray, these distort the way the atmosphere works. ‘Most of the rise in temperature from the Seventies to the Nineties was natural,’ he said. ‘Very little was down to CO2 – in my view, as little as five to ten per cent.’

    But last week, die-hard warming advocates were refusing to admit that MDOs were having any impact.

    In March 2000, Dr David Viner, then a member of the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit, the body now being investigated over the notorious ‘Warmergate’ leaked emails, said that within a few years snowfall would become ‘a very rare and exciting event’ in Britain, and that ‘children just aren’t going to know what snow is’.

    Now the head of a British Council programme with an annual £10 million budget that raises awareness of global warming among young people abroad, Dr Viner last week said he still stood by that prediction: ‘We’ve had three weeks of relatively cold weather, and that doesn’t change anything.

    'This winter is just a little cooler than average, and I still think that snow will become an increasingly rare event.’

    The longer the cold spell lasts, the harder it may be to persuade the public of that assertion.

    BBC inter viewer rips head of UK MET a new arse hole

    Shocking images of “Mohammed” removed from the MET by the Arrrts Dhharrrlings & beautiful people …pants down bum up!!!


    Warning!!!! Warning!!!! Warning!!!! Heeee Haaaaw Heeee Haaaaaw

    Members of Islamic Sociopaths Inc. should not proceed past here … for “Here there be Dragons”, and you might start projectile vomiting and evacuating your back passage if you view the following


    Images of the worlds most infamous Slave Trading Paedophile,Head Hunting Pirate have been found at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    MO 1

    Mohammed seen here holding out his right hand with what appears to be a, to some, a very intimidating model of the,John Holmes “Handsome up “ Penis Pump in his left.

    MO 2 Mohammed seen on his Magic Flying Carpet,all flights were cancelled the day this picture was painted due to an anonymous Terrorist threat.

    MO 3 

    Mohammed, and might I say a very Asian type Chinese looking Mohammed, seen here with that left hand of his, up to who knows what, yet again.


    Monday, January 11, 2010

    Australian PM Kevin “I have never been a Socialist” 07 Rudd….. “getting the balance right”


    Rudd's quest for "getting the balance right " his and his Labor Party’s "Fresh thinking" has cost Australia's working families dearly.

    In 2008 3/4 of the 13,500 illegal entrants Rudd allowed to remain in Australia are on Social Security benefits.

    Since 1990 25% of illegal entrants are on Social Security benefits, costing “Australia's working families” $628 Million in extra taxation or reduction of or denile of services that they have paid for via their taxation.


    Since Rudd was elected in November 2007 the cost of social security provided to illegal entrants has risen 40%.

    One in Five illegal entrants are on disability pensions,costing working families $23 million a year.
    Added to the above,$21.6 Million was paid to Illegal entrants in "Baby Bonus" payments.

    Rudd has made Australia a magnet,a honey pot for illegal,predominantly,Muslim entrants, since his election as Labor Party PM in November 2007.

    Rudd and his Union funded Socialist Labor Party call it

    "getting the balance right"

    Based on the manifestations of his Party's policies since they attained government in November 2007, Mr Rudd and his Labor Party clearly felt that there were not enough Muslims on social security in Australia, aka. Labor voters.

    "Getting the balance right" was a Rudd Labor Party Kevin "I have never been a socialist" 07 Rudd election PROMISE, along with "Fresh Thinking" and "Working Families" it was the most often repeated bumper sticker / slogan enunciated during the campaign,by Labor and their MSM sycophants, as opposed to POLICY,and in place of coming clean with  Labor's much cultivated and mined "Working Families" .... getting the balance right?

    comrade rudd_thumb[1]

    "yes Dear Leader I will work harder....." and I am very sorry for what ever you say I should be sorry for.

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