An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Trinity Catholic College in Auburn Trashed by Machete-wielding teens aka Pacific Islander Thugs

Machete-wielding teens go on school rampage

Joe Kelly and Natalie O'Brien March 02, 2009
The Australian

THREE teenage boys armed with a machete and a tomahawk allegedly went on a rampage in a western Sydney school today.

The teenagers, aged from 15 to 17, allegedly ran into Trinity Catholic College in Auburn this morning, smashing windows, noticeboards and a car while screaming the name of a male student.

The school was put into lockdown after the three boys allegedly stormed into the school from Alice Street at about 8.15am.

Last night they were charged with three counts of malicious damage, being armed with intent to commit a serious indictable offence, stealing, two counts of assault and affray.

The rampage follows a similar attack last year when a gang of five boys stormed into Merrylands High School, also in Sydney's west, armed with a machete, a sword and baseball bats. They smashed 103 windows and caused more than $26,000 damage. Those teenagers, aged from 14 to 17, were jailed for up to 16 months.

The three teenage boys involved in the incident were refused bail and are due to appear in the Parramatta Children's Court today.

The Court Appearance

A Year 10 student, who described the alleged target as his best friend, told The Australian he believed the incident was a payback for a failed romance at the western Sydney school.

“They were after my best friend ... I was with him and a few others doing homework on the table and they were around the corner screaming out his name,” said the boy, who declined to be named.

He speculated they were the cousins of his friend's ex-girlfriend.

He said the girlfriend, also in Year 10, had been happy in the relationship.

“They broke up (and) the guys got angry at him cause she was so happy with him,” the friend said.

He said the relationship had lasted for “about a year” but had ended sometime in the past two months. “My friend doesn't like to talk about it,” he said.

Students at Trinity College who were arriving for the 8.30am start were ushered for safety through the staff room into a study centre.

One Year 12 student said students and staff had been screaming and running. She said some teachers had jumped over the fence to get away.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Donald Trump talks common sense to Sean Hannity

Why can't the Messiah, understand such simple concepts,as those enunciated by Donald Trump in the following interview with Hannity ?

".....whens the economy getting better?
It can't get better until you destroy OPEC "

But hey,what would Donald Trump know compared to a self described "Community Organizer" aka Barack Hussein Obama.

Islamic Honour Killing for Dummies

Islamic Beheading & Honour Killings.

O'Reilly,Fox,27 2 09

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Australia's rich tapestry of tolerance and cultural diversity, shines again.

Rock Apes on Parade

Third man charged over brutal gang bashing

A third man has been charged over a bashing at a Melbourne train station that left a young man unconscious with head injuries.

The 23-year-old victim was also robbed of a backpack containing a mobile phone, wallet and personal cards valued at $500 in the February 24 attack at Sunshine train station.

Monda Mentel, 21, of Flemington, on Monday became the third man charged over the incident, which was captured on CCTV camera.

He appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court charged with recklessly causing injury and affray.

Two other men, Maluac Kir, 19, of St Albans, and Ahmed Mohamed, 21, of Brooklyn, appeared in court earlier on similar charges.

None of the men have applied for bail.

All three have been remanded in custody to reappear in court on March 31 for a contest mention.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kevin Rudd Gives away $75 million to Gazan Islamic terrorists and their supporters

Rudd hands another $20m to Gaza recovery
February 28, 2009 10:44pm

THE federal government will give a further $20 million to help with the recovery and reconstruction of Gaza.

The new funding is an addition to $10 million provided in January for emergency and humanitarian relief through United Nations and international and Australian non-governmental organisations.

A 22-day Israeli offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip ended on January 18 after causing massive devastation and killing more than 1300 Palestinians.

It's not funny you moron!!!!!
Please, someone tell this arse clown idiot in search of a village, Australian Prime Minister, to stop giving away millions upon millions of Australian Taxpayers hard earned money to United Nations sponsored Muslim Terrorists and their Muslim supporters.
Australians are dieing in hospitals because of inadequate treatment due to staff and equipment shortages,Australian women are delivering their own dead babies into toilet bowls alone after been told to squat on waiting room floors until they can be attended to, all this is happening in the middle of Sydney,as Labor's Medi DONT Care health system rots away before their eyes, and this GOOSE, this incompetent FOOL gives away $75 Million to people who HATE our GUTS and have sworn to eliminate "Infidels" like us, ie anyone who is not a Muslim, from the planet
God Help us!!!

See how Australian Taxpayers hard earned money is used
Rudd's Messiah President Obama has promised $900 million of US taxpayers moneyto help theses savages re arm and re supply

In a statement released by Foreign Minister Stephen Smith's office on Saturday, it was announced the new funding will be committed at an international donors conference on the recovery of Gaza in Egypt on Monday.

Assessments of damage to infrastructure in Gaza are continuing, the statement said.

United Nations agencies report widespread damage to vital infrastructure, resulting in a lack of shelter and energy, deterioration of water and sanitation services and overcrowding.

It is estimated 100,000 people are displaced and living in shelters.

The Australian government has committed $75 million to the Palestinian territories since December 2007.

More of the infamous members of the Religion of PEACE and what Australian Taxes are funding

Friday, February 27, 2009

Australia's Idiot in search of a village PM

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's overseas travel bill hits $3.4m

Steve Lewis
The Courier-Mail
February 25, 2009 11:00pm

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has splurged close to $3.4 million on overseas travel since coming to power.
The globe-trotting PM has racked up one overseas trip every month on average - and spent close to one in six days on foreign soil.

Taxpayers have paid a hefty price for Mr Rudd's 15 global trips, but the PM is defending the time he spends meeting world leaders. But with the Government now forecasting a hefty budget deficit, the Opposition has slammed the travel costs as an "absolute disgrace" and branded the PM "Emperor Kevin". One 18-day trip to the US, Belgium, Romania, Britain and China cost $640,749, according to details obtained by The Courier-Mail.Australian PM Kevin Rudd (r) seen here on a visit to Japan doing his best to appear Chinese, why? because he has sold out Australia to the Chinese, after all if you are not able to make it as an Australian, why not be an honorary Chinese and United Nations lick spittle?

Five-star accommodation and meals cost just over $100,000 while the cost of commercial airfares for Mr Rudd's advance team hit $52,000. Mr Rudd took 11 of his personal staff and wife Therese Rein, along with public servants, security personnel and his personal GP. Another big spending visit - to Japan and Indonesia last June - cost taxpayers $547,000. The PM's entourage spent $32,000 on hospitality alone. Former diplomat Mr Rudd has been privately criticised by some of his own colleagues for spending so much time away.

He cancelled
an overseas trip - to the World Economic Forum in Switzerland and to India - in late January as the global economic meltdown worsened. But the PM, dubbed Kevin 747, has racked up plenty of frequent flyer points as he seeks to recast Australia's image as a middle-ranking power. Last night, the Opposition's shadow special minister of state Michael Ronaldson described the expenditure as an "absolute disgrace". "On several trips, he took 12 or 13 family members and staff with him. It was 'Emperor Kevin and his Manchu Court' flying off to see the world," Mr Ronaldson said. But the PM hit back, saying it was essential to meet global leaders to discuss a solution to the world's economic crisis.

"You can be part of the global response to the global financial crisis or you can sit back and watch it on CNN," a spokesman for Mr Rudd said. The Government also pointed out that former PM John Howard spent about $25 million of taxpayers' money on overseas travel while in office.

Australia's very own "community organizer" International Socialist,and United Nations lick spittle, Kevin "I have never been a socialist" Rudd, busy looking after Australia's "working families" and delivering "change" since November 2007 Australia's unemployment has risen, bankruptcies are rising, small businesses are closing down, and he has spent all of the 28 billion dollar surplus the (great Satan) Conservative Howard Government left him, Australia's "working families" code for Labor voters and Union members, are about to live for the first time in 12 years the ideology of their and their socialist pin up boys who are the Australian Labor Government led by Kevin 07 or more correctly a government and leader with the same amount of substance and depth as the bumper sticker slogans and ideology that got them elected.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Australian Labor Party pilfers Australian Soldiers pay packets while they fight Taliban

Malcolm Turnbull ups pressure on Joel Fitzgibbon over SAS pay

Christian Kerr
The Australian
February 25, 2009

OPPOSITION Leader Malcolm Turnbull continued to target beleaguered Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon in question time this afternoon over the SAS pay bungle as the Liberals sniff blood. Members of the elite special services squad have been hit with debt recovery notices of up to $50,000 for overpayments of allowances.

The soldiers have also been threatened with disciplinary action and warned of expulsion from their unit if they complain about the bungle. Mr Fitzgibbon stumbled on the issue in parliament yesterday. And, desperate to land blows against the Government after a week where his own party was wracked by infighting and a series of poor performances in Newspoll, Mr Turnbull has moved to increase the pressure on Mr Fitzgibbon.
"Mr Fitzgibbon is blaming everybody but himself for this appalling SAS pay scandal," Mr Turnbull said this morning.

"Joel Fitzgibbon's incompetence has undermined the morale of the SAS. It has undermined the morale of the entire ADF. "He has by his incompetence allowed a situation to continue where soldiers, troopers in the SAS, are having their pay docked, some are getting no pay, so while they are taking the fight up to the Taliban they are having to worry whether they can meet their mortgage payments."

Mr Turnbull described the matter as an "extraordinary example" of ministerial incompetence, saying any bookkeeper could clear the matter up in a couple of hours. "He is the minister. He could have fixed this up long ago. He said he would. He hasn't,"
Mr Turnbull said. He stopped short of calling for Mr Fitzgibbon to be sacked, but instead put the pressure on the Prime Minister saying it was a matter from him.
Opposition defence spokesman David Johnston sought an undertaking in senate estimates this morning that no soldier who had approached politicians would be penalised.
Head of the Defence Forces Air Chief Marshal Houston told the committee nothing was more important than the welfare of personnel.
"You have my undertaking that there will be no retribution," he said, referring to an email from a regimental sergeant-major warning soldiers against taking the issue outside the chain of command. "You have my word that we will not pursue these people in any way."

This typical of the Australian Labor Party,(ALP) during the Vietnam war they and their financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) actively supported, morally and financially, the North Vietnamese.
Organizing some of the most disgraceful and violent demonstrations and physical attacks upon Australia's returned servicemen as they attempted to regain their civilian lives after service in Vietnam.

The ACTU's and their political party the Australian Labor Party (ALP) knew no depths in their attempts to "punish" Australia's finest who had the courage and patriotism to serve their country in Vietnam, from preventing supplies from been loaded onto ships and aircraft to physical assaults upon defence service personnel on the streets of Sydney to the Australian Deputy PM and Communist,the late Dr Jim Cairns hosting in Sydney Town Hall a North Vietnamese delegation all seated beneath the Communist Flag of North Vietnam.

“We (Labor) are situated in the political spectrum next to the Communists, and they will stand for many things for which we also stand. We cannot therefore oppose those things."
Former Deputy Labor PM and Communist Dr Jim Cairns (c)
at Sydney Town Hall with Labors best friends, two days after Australia's most sacred day
. April 26 1975

These Socialist Labor scum, and their financiers, the Marxist based ACTU, have Australian soldiers blood on their hands, stealing their pay packets whilst they risk life and limb in Iraq and Afghanistan is simply just another attack on Australia's finest, in a time they and their families need support the most.

I remember when the first ship sailed to Iraq, Labor put out a press release alleging that the crew were crying and that the moral was so low on board because none of the crew believed in the cause, How would the Labor party know? I hear you ask,they claimed they had a crew member on board who was the son of a Labor supporting family and he was keeping them informed via email, updating them on the ships progress and the moral of the crew.

So we had a situation where Saddam's cheer squad here in Australia, the ALP , ACTU and the Greens (Former Communist Party) had one of their "men" on board an Australian Naval ship on its way to Iraq keeping Saddam's pals and sympathisers updated on the daily activities aboard ship.
In the first Gulf War the then Labor Government led by PM Bob Hawke, ordered Australian service personnel not to wear their uniforms off base, because they had received representations,demands, from Sydney's (occupied territories) Muslim controlled south west Sydney suburbs, that they found it offensive seeing Australian military personnel on the streets of Sydney and suburbs given they were about to attack their hero, and fellow Islamic leader Saddam Hussein.


Soldier's pay was $0.0, says SAS wife

Matthew Franklin and Mark Dodd
The Australian
February 27, 2009

THE wife of a Special Air Service Regiment soldier has accused Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon of misleading parliament, backing claims that army bungling over an overpayment led to another soldier being given a paypacket marked $0.0 last month.

Directly rejecting Mr Fitzgibbon's version of a pay dispute that has dominated parliament this week, the woman, who asked not to be named, said she had personal knowledge that despite denials by the army and the minister, the soldier's pay packet on January 22 had been entirely docked over disputed claims that he had been overpaid.

The claims came as the Opposition warned that army officials had launched a witch-hunt against soldiers who publicly complained

about threats of disciplinary action if they leaked details of the pay dispute, which also triggered demands that Kevin Rudd sack Mr Fitzgibbon for incompetence.

But the army denied claims that it had required soldiers to sign declarations they had not flouted the chain of command by leaking information about the affair.

The furore centres on a 2007 Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal decision granting upgraded special forces pay and allowances.

Defence officials incorrectly assumed its special forces soldiers all qualified for the new allowances, but later discovered many did not have the qualifications to match their pay.

They launched a retrospective debt-recovery program aimed at about 380 SAS soldiers. On Wednesday, Deputy Opposition Leader

Julie Bishop produced but would not table a pay packet showing a soldier had been docked his entire pay.

Mr Fitzgibbon hit back yesterday, telling parliament he believed he had found a copy of the man's pay packet, indicating he had been paid $2749, which went into two different bank accounts.

"Either the Opposition are very dumb and cannot read the pay slip properly or they are misrepresenting the facts," said Mr Fitzgibbon, who declared all pay recovery efforts had been frozen.

Later, Defence officials conducted a briefing in which they also insisted the man had been paid. They were unwilling to have their names attributed as sources of the information.

However, last night Ms Bishop showed The Australian a copy of the pay packet at issue, proving it read that the man's "entitlement (includes adjustments this fortnight) for pay day 22 January 09" was $0.0.

The woman who contacted The Australian last night said: "I heard from his mouth. I heard him state that he received $0." She also disputed Mr Fitzgibbon's claim in parliament on Wednesday that no one had contacted his office to complain about the pay issue except for one woman who had refused to leave her contact details. "I was that woman," she said. "And I did leave my name and phone number."

Last night, a spokesman for Mr Fitzgibbon said the woman had given her name and contact details to a staffer in the office of Defence Personnel Minister Warren Snowdon.

Earlier, in question time, Opposition frontbencher Bob Baldwin asked Kevin Rudd whether he was aware that SAS soldiers had been grilled by their superiors and required to sign statements saying they had not leaked a recent email threatening disciplinary action if soldiers went outside the chain of command over the pay scandal.

The Prime Minister did not answer the question directly, instead noting that Defence Force chief Angus Houston had guaranteed no one would face such action.

Defence officials repeated this pledge in their subsequent media briefing. But they said soldiers had been requested to report whether they thought their pay had been incorrectly assessed.

They also said they would conduct an audit to tally the number of soldiers affected by a computerised pay bungle. It would be finalised by April 27.

No doubt Australia's Dear Leader, Kevin 07, aka Kevin "I have never been a socialist" Rudd., would have Australian soldiers believe that they were well off, in as much as Dear Leader did not send them a demand for outstanding Union Fees for the privilege of risking life and limb.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nigerian Christians finally speak the language of their oppressors.

Clashes in Nigerian city kill at least 3: Red Cross
February 21, 2009 11:15pm

AT least three people were killed and churches and mosques were set ablaze in the eastern Nigerian city of Bauchi today, close to where clashes between religious gangs killed hundreds of people last November.

"A number of churches and mosques have been burned and at least three people killed and seven injured," a Nigerian Red Cross official said.

Clashes between Muslim and Christian gangs provoked by a disputed election killed hundreds of people in Jos, capital of neighbouring Plateau state, in November, the worst unrest in Africa's most populous nation for several years.

A spokesman for the governor of Plateau state said the security forces were on high alert.

"We have placed security here in Jos on red alert. We want to forestall any eventuality here," Dan Manjang said, adding the situation was calm.

Nigerian Christians appear to have decided to speak the language of the buyer, in other words reply in kind to their Islamic oppressors .

Australian Troops Afghanistan.Trooper Mark Donaldson VC

Trooper Mark Donaldson V. C.

Rape penalities increased in Italy following Immigrant Rape rampage

Italy toughens penalties for rape after attacks

February 21, 2009 12:37am

ITALY'S government rushed through a decree law today toughening penalties for sex offenders and permitting neighbourhood citizen patrols after a spate of high-profile rapes by immigrants sparked national outrage.

Italy's government says data show the number of sexual assaults actually fell last year, but three rapes last weekend in Rome, Milan and Bologna triggered a media frenzy that prompted calls for tougher measures.

The decree approved by Italy's cabinet sets a mandatory life sentence for rapes that result in death, speeds up trials for sex offenders caught in the act, takes away the possibility of house arrest, and gives free legal assistance to victims.

The decree also introduces mandatory life sentences for rapes of minors. It goes into effect immediately but must be approved by both houses of parliament within 60 days. It also establishes rules for citizen street patrols by unarmed and unpaid volunteers. The move came after groups of self-styled and unregulated vigilantes began patrolling some towns, alarming law enforcement officials.

"This is what was needed. I have to wake up at five in the morning to accompany my daughter to the train station because the streets are not safe," a resident of Guidonia, a town east of Rome with a large immigrant population, said.

Mayors will be able to approve citizen patrols, with priority given to membership or leadership roles by retired police and military on leave.

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi earlier said the number of sexual assaults fell 10 per cent last year compared to 2006 and 2007, which he said showed the government's efforts to improve security were working.

But many Italians are unconvinced, with recent rapes grabbing headlines in newspapers and television, often playing up the role of foreigners as perpetrators.

Some lawmakers have also reopened the debate over whether chemical castration of sex offenders should be instituted.

"There's a rape every 12 hours, every 24 hours, and it's time to end this," another resident of Guidonia, where a group of Romanians

last month raped a woman and beat her boyfriend, said.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Pope Gooses Pelosie

"Cafeteria Catholics" Pope reminds Pelosie what Catholicism is

Israeli TV Mocks Jesus Christ , Blessed Virgin Mary

Catholics outraged over Israeli TV spoof
February 20, 2009 09:54pm

CATHOLIC bishops in the Holy Land have expressed outrage over what they call "repulsive attacks" on Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary after an Israeli TV program spoofed them.

"We, the members of the Assembly of the Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land deplore and condemn with utter dismay the repulsive attacks on our lord Jesus Christ and on his mother, the blessed Virgin Mary, carried out on Channel 10 of the Israeli television," the group said in a statement.

Earlier this week, the private channel broadcast a series of skits, one of which suggested the Virgin Mary "was impregnated at the age of 15 by a school friend."

Another said Jesus died at a young age "because he was fat" and that his excess weight would have made it impossible for him to walk on water.

In the program, Israeli comedian Yair Shlein joked that since Christians "deny the Holocaust, then I want to deny Christianity."

Following protests, he later apologised to Arab Israeli Christian dignitaries.

The bishops said they viewed "this recent incident in the larger context of continuous attacks against Christians throughout Israel over the years" and urged authorities to launch an investigation.

"It is unconceivable that such incidents have to occur in Israel which hosts some of the holiest shrines of Christianity," said the statement, signed by the Latin patriach of Jerusalem as well as Armenian, Chaldean, Greek, Maronite and Syrian Catholic bishops.

Uneasy relations between the Vatican and Israel have been further strained a by Pope Benedict XVI's recent decision to lift the excommunication of Holocaust-denying English Bishop Richard Williamson.

The pontiff is scheduled to visit Israel in May.

I guess when you have as many friends in the world as Israel does you can afford to shit down the throats of those who are most likely (Christians) to support Israel in their fight against the planed Islamic Holocaust eg that promised by Iran for instance, great work Channel 10 Israel, talk about PR.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Killing Spree continues Australian Greens and Labor : First Victoria now New South Wales

Australia: 200+ Burnt to death in Victoria, a million plus native animals dead, New South Wales citizens and wildlife now a target of Labor and their Green Loon preference sluts "environmental policies"

What a flaming disgrace - half of NSW's burnoffs cancelled

EXCLUSIVE by Gemma Jones
The Daily Telegraph
February 19, 2009 12:00am

A DECISION to cancel almost half the burn-offs planned for NSW bushfire zones has put thousands of lives and properties in danger.

Frustrated volunteer firefighters yesterday lashed out at bureaucrats and greenies for preventing them from protecting communities.In one outrageous case, a woman was told by the State Government her fire escape route would remain an overgrown mess because it was a corridor for native flora and fauna.

More than 2100 hazard reduction operations planned by the Rural Fire Service were abandoned last year, the organisation's annual report reveals.

Editorial: Trees grow back and we die

Deputy Captain George Bennett said firefighters were so frustrated by bureaucratic hurdles they were finding legal ways to complete small burns "undercover" on private property.

He said it took some brigades 12 months to gain approval for hazard reductions. The RFS admitted one burn-off on Mona Vale Rd in Sydney recently took several years to be approved.

"There is very little hazard reduction happening because of the bureaucratic processes, quite often it gets to the stage where brigades don't do it because of the paperwork," Mr Bennett said.

"We have got a very, very dangerous situation looming here. There are no areas you could use for fire containment, we have got a situation where there is an enormous build-up of fuel.

"It will be frightening if we get harsh conditions in October. There is the potential for loss of life and property."

A firefighter from a brigade in northern NSW, who declined to be named, said his firefighters had stopped asking to do burns: "We don't bother doing it any more, it takes up to 12 months, you are only allowed to go and put fires out."

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