An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Follow New Zealand NOT Obama

Follow the Kiwi leader, not Obama
In this crisis, our neighbour is a better economic model than the US or Britain,contends Tony Makin

The Australian
March 11, 2009

DESPITE the federal fiscal stimuli we had to have, Australia is almost certain to experience the recession it was not supposed to have.

So, with earlier stimulatory measures failing to work as expected, what alternatives would work better?

The answer is: those primarily focused on the production rather than the spending side of the economy.

Federal fiscal packages unveiled since October last year have aimed to boost consumption in the short term, in keeping with Treasury advice at the outset that the best fiscal response to the global financial crisis was to "go early, go hard, go households".

However, an arguably sounder fiscal response would have been the exact opposite: go later, go easy, go firms.

This does not mean federal policymakers should have ignored the downturn or that all aspects of fiscal stimulus packages have been unworthy. On the contrary, many infrastructure projects scheduled for future years have been overdue, there is some business tax relief and business regulation problems are being addressed.

But too much faith has been put in using fiscal policy to boost consumption on the demand side of the economy in the short run via tens of billions of dollars' worth of bonus payments. A different mix of measures should have recognised that the financial crisis first struck the aggregate supply side of the economy, not the demand side.

For federal fiscal policy to go later would have meant letting monetary policy go further in the first instance to pre-emptively manage the expected downturn in short-run macro-economic activity. The Reserve Bank of Australia has had much greater scope to do this compared with central banks abroad because official interest rates in Australia had been too high for too long before the global financial crisis hit home.

Inflation also had been wrongly diagnosed as an aggregate demand problem rather than a supply side, or cost-push, problem thanks to high oil and other international commodity prices.

The lowering of official interest rates by four full percentage points since September and the sharp exchange rate depreciation since then will do more to buffer the economy from the worst of the crisis than any fiscal action in train.

It also would have been advisable for federal fiscal policy to go easy in the light of the whack to budget revenue and the budget bottom line as a result of global commodity price falls and diminishing company and capital gains tax receipts.

Moreover, going easy on fiscal policy would have avoided the problem that will soon arise when government borrowing to fund growing state and federal budget deficits puts upward pressure on long-term interest rates, thereby limiting the Reserve Bank's discretion to lower interest rates across the spectrum.

"Go households" has meant channelling scarce federal fiscal outlays to select segments of the economy's household sector. But this has ignored the fact firms were the first victims of the crisis.

For many struggling firms, falling sales were initially less of a problem than the unavailability of credit. Paradoxically, the raft of hasty public spending initiatives implemented across the world may hold back recovery if households and markets become increasingly alarmed about higher future taxation, interest rates and inflation.

Unemployment is the scourge of recessions. However, it is the business sector, not households, that ultimately employs most people, creates most of gross domestic product and invests in the economy's future. Hence, it would have been better to assist firms' bottom line directly on the cost side through rapid regulation relief and tax relief, such as payroll tax reduction, than assist indirectly on the revenue side through trickle-down sales.

Though the federal fiscal response so far offers some business tax relief, this is dwarfed by the bonus payments aimed at boosting consumption.

Rather than following aggregate demand-oriented approaches adopted by the US, Britain and other countries, federal policymakers should look to New Zealand, which so far has avoided measures aimed directly at inflating consumption spending. Instead, the NZ Government has emphasised supply-side measures that will flatten marginal taxes levied on individuals, improve infrastructure and quickly lower the regulatory burden on business.

This is not the first time NZ has led the world in economic policy innovation. It was a Labour government there that initiated comprehensive economic reform under the direction of treasurer Roger Douglas from the mid-1980s.

This change in policy direction occurred following a currency crisis resulting from fiscal excess and included labour market reform, privatisation, public finance reform and trade liberalisation.

The breadth and depth of NZ's reforms had no precedent in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the measures were initiated before the Hawke-Keating government commendably followed suit with a similar reform program that delivered the strong productivity gains Australia enjoyed until the turn of the century.

NZ was also the first country to formally legislate for an independent central bank whose sole objective was to keep inflation low.

Years later Australia adopted a weaker version of the NZ monetary policy model, as did Britain. It's now time to emulate the spirit of NZ's fiscal response to the crisis.

We all know about NZ's rugby prowess and how often it beats Australia at the game. If we were to score Australia v New Zealand on fiscal responses to the global financial crisis so far, it would be Australia0, NZ 1.

That's not counting penalty tries where one side gets points for being obstructed by the other. Such obstruction will be evident as public sector borrowing resulting from aggregate demand management by the state and federal governments in this country pushes up Australasian interest rates at NZ's expense.

Tony Makin is professor of economics at Griffith University's Gold Coast campus.

Too simple, just common sense, Obama & Rudd are, we are told, highly intelligent, so they must be must be sending the United States ( western world) and Australia, to hell in a hand basket deliberately. See Rudd's hand outs below.

Australia's much loved,Dear Leader,Comrade Rudd salutes his adoring followers.

Family bonuses roll out tomorrow
March 10, 2009
CENTRELINK will start rolling out one-off payments to families from tomorrow as part of the Federal Government's $42 billion stimulus package.

Single-income families will receive a $900 bonus if they are recipients of Family Tax Benefit part B.

Families receiving Tax Benefit A will get a $950 back-to-school bonus for each child aged between four and 18.

Recipients of the carer payment or disability support pension, aged less than 19 years old on February 3, 2009, will also receive $950.

Eligible drought-affected farmers will receive $950 hardship payments from March 24, the same time a $950 one-off training and learning bonus and education entry payment is paid to eligible students.

The one-off bonus of up to $900 for taxpayers, earning less than $100,000, will flow from April.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Australian PM Kevin Rudd "...and his hypocrisy. Underline hypocrisy."

Comrade Rudd's great con game

Paul Sheehan
March 9, 2009

It is going to be fascinating to see how long Kevin Rudd, the greatest illusionist ever to become prime minister of Australia, can maintain this illusion of omnipresent leadership created by his energy, his ubiquity and his hypocrisy. Underline hypocrisy.

Rudd is on course to become the next Gough Whitlam, but Whitlam without the wit. Like Whitlam, he may win a second election before the electorate wakes up. At least Comrade Whitlam was stuck with a claque of criminals in his ministry - Al Grassby, Jim Cairns, Rex Connor - whereas Rudd has no such impediment.

So remember the words, uttered last night, by Rudd on Channel Seven: "Any person's job loss through no fault of their own is a lost job too many when it comes to me. I'm the Prime Minister of the country, the buck stops with me."

Was Rudd able to save a single one of the 2000 manufacturing jobs lost at Pacific Brands last week? No, the buck stopped with the workers. This is the man who increased the immigration program to the largest annual intake in Australia's history, and it is now swelling the ranks of job seekers. This is the man whose Government will, tomorrow, introduce workplace legislation which will increase the power of unions, and give pause to job creators. This is the man who has offered no structural relief to the great job-creating engine of the economy - small business. And this is the man who panicked at the first sign of danger and sprayed the entire $20 billion budget surplus he inherited up against a wall.

If Rudd wants to be Everywhere Man, then let him play the role and bear the consequences. Like most other Western leaders responding to the global financial freeze, he is making it up as he goes along, because we are in uncharted territory. Global industrial output has fallen faster in the past six months than it did at the advent of the Great Depression in 1929-30.

The response of policymakers has been to pump a massive increase in liquidity and government debt obligations into the system. But as the eminent economic historian Professor Niall Ferguson, of Harvard and Oxford, recently warned on his website: "The general assumption seemed to be that practically any kind of government expenditure would be beneficial, provided it was financed by a really big deficit."

Sound familiar? Ferguson continued: "There is something desperate about the way people are clinging to their dog-eared copies of John Maynard Keynes's General Theory. Uneasily aware that their discipline almost entirely failed to anticipate the current crisis, economists seemed to be regressing to macroeconomic childhood, clutching the multiplier like an old teddy bear.

"The harsh reality that is being repressed is this: the Western world is suffering a crisis of excessive indebtedness. Many governments are too highly leveraged, as are many corporations. More importantly, households are groaning under unprecedented debt burdens. Worst of all are the banks. Some of the best-known names in American and European finance have balance sheets 40, 60 or even 100 times the size of their capital …

"The delusion is that a crisis of excess debt can be solved by creating more debt. Yet that is precisely what most governments currently propose to do." Space precludes listing Ferguson's prescriptions but they can be found on his website, and summed up with this sentence: "The solution to the debt crisis is not more debt but less debt."

Tell that to Kevin Keynes. In opposition, Rudd opposed the GST, which in retrospect has been a tremendous stabilising influence in the economy, thanks to John Howard. During the last election, Rudd campaigned as an "economic conservative". Upon winning office, and inheriting a $90 billion financial buffer from outgoing treasurer Peter Costello, he accused the previous government of creating a dangerous inflation threat. It was a fabrication.

After the global financial storm broke, Rudd attacked the excesses of neo-liberal market capitalism even as he spent the entire $20 billion budget surplus he had inherited from the neo-liberals in an absurd attempt to claim he had kept Australia out of recession. The evolution of his economic position has been an opportunistic fraud, exposed by those on his own side of politics.

As the former Labor leader Mark Latham wrote on February 20, in The Australian Financial Review: "When Kevin Rudd lobbied me in October 2004 to become Labor's shadow treasurer, his sales pitch was straight from the neo-liberal playbook. He was enthusiastic about pro-market policies such as deregulation and reducing the size of the state. [As leader] he went to the polls as Howard-lite."

Michael Costa, former Labor treasurer of NSW, dismissed Rudd's recent attack on the excesses of market capitalism, in a critique in The Australian on February 6 as "rambling and selective" and warned that Rudd's response to the global crisis "is likely to do more damage to the economy".

As Niall Ferguson has also warned. When the recession in Australia gets worse, and Rudd's Keynesian cliches have increased the long-term cost of the government intervention, Labor will run a diversionary personal campaign against the Leader of the Opposition, simply because Malcolm Turnbull is a wealthy former merchant banker.

What, you may ask, about the multi-millions the Rudd family has made from neo-liberal policies of the Howard years? Latham had something to say about this, too: "Rudd's wife created an impressive business network and fortune from the Howard government's privatisation of labour market programs."

Rudd can trim his economic sails to pick up whatever political wind he can find because he embodies the hollowness of the pursuit of power before principle.

Alan Jones interviews Paul Sheehan 10 3 09 Americans take note

The Leader of Australia's largest Socialist political party,the Australian Labor Party, ALP, financed by the Marxist based Australian Council of Trade Unions, ACTU,has done very nicely indeed from the policies of the previous conservative Liberal Government of John Howard, he and his wife, Therese Rein (Madame Rudd?) are very wealthy and good luck to them, it was only mid 2008 that the former public servant and his partner were searching for a holiday home and were looking at holiday homes in the vicinity of 10 million dollars, Conservative Capitalist Australia has allowed them to drop the chant of "four legs good two legs bad" and replace it with "four legs good two legs better"

Who can forget Kevin 07's answer to a question during the 2007 election campaign,I believe he asked himself, "I have never been a socialist" clearly he and his wife reject totally the platform of the political party he is now the leader of.

I have never seen an Australian Labor Party leader or politician or their bankers in the ACTU, LIVE the ideology they demand be imposed upon those they despise so much,the Australian people, Mr Rudd and Madame Rudd are doing nothing any different than every other Socialist here and through out the world are doing have done and will continue to do, it's "do as I say not as I do"

Kangaroo crashes through bedroom window and terrorises family of four.....

Canberra man forced to evict break-and-enter roo... in a headlock

A Canberra family's had a rude awakening after a kangaroo crashed through a bedroom window and terrorised its unsuspecting occupants.

The family, from the suburb of Garran in Canberra's south were awoken in the early hours of yesterday morning when their pet dog began barking from the garden.

Moments later a kangaroo burst through a three metre high window in the master bedroom and onto the bed where Beat Ettlin his partner Verity Beman and their nine-year-old daughter Beatrix lay.

While the family took refuge under the blankets the injured animal proceeded to jump on top of them, gouging holes in the furniture and smearing blood all over the walls.

The roo then went to their 10-year-old son Leighton's room so Mr Ettlin went after it, wrestled it into a headlock and dragged it out the front door.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Jade Goody & Children Christened

Dying reality TV star christened with sons

From correspondents in London
March 08, 2009 01:28am

TERMINALLY-ill reality television star Jade Goody was christened with her two young sons yesterday in a service at the London hospital where she is being treated, her publicist said.

Max Clifford said Goody, who has cancer, attended the ceremony in a wheelchair at London's Royal Marsden Hospital.

"It was a very moving and emotional 20-minute service and there was about, I imagine, 30 people in the chapel -- just very close

relatives and friends," Clifford told the BBC.

He said Goody, who is weak and looked very thin and pale, was finding it difficult to stay awake but was conscious throughout the ceremony.

Bobby, 5, and Freddy, 4, were earlier brought to the hospital's chapel in west London by their father Jeff Brazier.

"She was very happy about the whole thing. And that is what she wanted. She wanted them all to be christened, because in her own words, hopefully through Jesus, they can stay together," Clifford said.

"On the way in she thanked everyone for coming and on the way out she was kissing them saying goodbye. I imagine that for a lot of them it will be the last time they will see her," he said.

The service was the last time she would be seen in public, the publicist added.

Goody has only weeks to live after her cervical cancer spread to her liver, groin and bowel.

I know nothing about this woman's past however,I feel her,and her children's future will be a lot better than was their past.
God Bless Them.

Masked Rock Apes protest in Malmoe Sweeden over Israeli Davis Cup matchi

Police and protesters (The Usual Suspects) clash at tennis

Agence France-Presse
From correspondents in Malmoe, Sweden
March 08, 2009 01:37am

MORE than 100 masked demonstrators (Gee I wonder who would do such a thing... masked demonstrators in Malmoe Sweeden you say? Hmmm thinking, thinking) clashed today with Swedish police outside a sports arena amid a larger protest against the Scandinavian country's Davis Cup tie against Israel.

Youths clad in black, their faces covered with masks, threw bottles of paint, stones and firecrackers at police in riot squad vans and on horseback, sending the horses into a panic.

One of the demonstrators climbed onto a police van and, applauded by the crowd, stomped on its flashing lights until they were smashed to bits.

The large police deployment then charged the demonstrators, who were shouting "Stop the Match!'', and arrested at least five people, police spokesman Lars-Haakan Lindholm said.

The violent demonstrators, described as anarchists, were part of a larger, authorised demonstration organised by the 'Stop the Match' network to protest against Israel's recent offensive in Gaza.

The march gathered between 6000 and 10,000 demonstrators, according to various estimates from police and organisers.

Citing security fears, Malmoe city council had ordered the three-day World Group first round match played behind closed doors.

Yesterday, about 200 people demonstrated peacefully outside the Baltiska Hallen arena, as Sweden and Israel each won a singles match.

Today a doubles match was underway, pitting Simon Aspelin and Robert Lindstedt of Sweden against Israel's Amir Hadad and Andy Ram.

Inside the stadium, only teams, media and guests were allowed in the stands.

A Flea Dissess a Giant or Why Obama returned Chruchill bust to UK

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill
(Former member of the Communist Party)

Obama returns Churchill Bust

I can only imagine how far up Obama's arse Sir Winston Churchill would have told Obama to shove his DVD's had times been different.
"Community Organizer in Chief" yeah..thats about right.

So what were the titles of those DVD's ?

Any suggestions please post in the comments section below

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Sydney Harbour Shark fishing

Strike Zone Sydney Harbour

Anna Bligh's contempt for Queensland voter

The following video clip is a good demonstration of the contempt that the "all wise" "all knowing" "compassionate" and "we know whats best for you" Socialist Government of Queensland has,for the Queensland people, the same people it was elected to represent not rule over.

The Queensland Labor Party leader Anna Bligh seems confused to say the least, when questioned by a voter on the campaign trail, she quickly reminded her (serf ?) that she was NOT a journalist and as such was not eligible to question her,it seems the former Union Official (ALP fund raiser) believes that only paid members of the Journalists Union (jugglers and clowns Union) are entitled to question her on matters relating to her and her Government's appalling governance of the State of Queensland.
Comrade Anna, has perhaps been spending too much time around fellow Queenslander and Federal Labor leader and Australian PM,Kevin 07 aka "I have never been a socialist" Rudd.

Australia's Crocodile Man catches the BIG ONE

Friday, March 06, 2009

ITALY will not take part in an upcoming UN conference on racism .....

Italy pulls out 'anti-Semitic' UN meet

Agence France-Presse
From correspondents in Rome, Italy
March 06, 2009 10:02pm

ITALY will not take part in an upcoming UN conference on racism because of a draft declaration that the foreign ministry says contains anti-Semitic language.

"Foreign Minister Franco Frattini decided that Italy was withdrawing its delegation because it does not approve of the draft declaration, which contains unacceptable, aggressive and anti-Semitic phrases,'' a spokesman said today.

The New York-based World Jewish Congress hailed what it called a "principled decision''.

"Italy has given a strong signal, which should be a rallying call for other EU countries,'' WJC President Ronald Lauder said.

Sending delegations to the April 20-24 conference in Geneva "would lend credibility to the efforts by some states to single out Israel for criticism ... and distract from the very real problems of state-sponsored racism in their own countries,'' he said.

The inaugural racism conference, held in the South African city of Durban in September 2001, saw a walk-out by Israeli and US delegates in protest against a bid by Arab nations to adopt a resolution that equates Zionism with racism.

Israel, Canada and the US have also vowed to boycott this year's gathering, dubbed "Durban II'', while Britain has threatened to walk away unless the language of the draft declaration is amended.

The EU is seeking to remove at least five paragraphs from the draft declaration relating to the situation in the Palestinian territories, such as an assertion that "in order to consolidate the Israeli occupation, (Palestinians) have been subjected to unlawful collective punishment, torture.''

You go Italy!!!!! at last!!!!


Australian survivors of Pakistan Terror attack speak out.

Pakistan on the brink.

Beheading Saudi Arabia, "...when all around lose their's dont lose your's"

We,in the decadent,unenlightened west, have so much to learn from these Godless savages,these brave son's of Allah, don't you think so?

I mean why waste our time and money with jailing Muslim terrorists, and spending millions of dollars pandering to their every whim and demand whilst they are locked up in Guantanamo Bay, US, UK ,Israeli & Australian Jails, put em down like the rabid dogs they are, hey it is clearly the UN Human Rights sanctioned method of dealing with wrong doers or naughty Islamic Sociopaths, it must be, I have not heard EVER a word of protest from the various Liberal human rights watch dogs in the USA or that most noble cabal of sociopaths,the United Nations.

Kevin 37 T V's the Stimulus Hoax

The pictures below are from a post at Atlas Shrugs , seems some of our American friends have woken up to the International Socialist's con job before Australians have, ie rejecting a "free" TV (free cheese, see Monty Python) in exchange for their and their children's future.

American Democrat strategist's and campaign workers were flown to Australia to run the Australian Labor Party's "Kevin 07" election campaign, along with over 100 CHINESE foot soldiers to "enlighten" Australia's "Chinese community" as to who they should vote for, many of whom would no doubt have relatives in China.

So we have a common thread here,
Australian Labor Party = Socialist ideology funded by the MARXIST Australian Council of Trade Unions. Led by Kevin 07 aka "I have never been a Socialist" "Time for change" Rudd.

Chinese Government foot soldiers invited to Australia by the Australian Labor Party (ALP)to assist the ALP in recruiting supporters ie voters in the Kevin 2007 election.

American Democrats "Change we can believe in" = Obama ... yeah right.

Sydney: Catholic Church Desecrated and set fire

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Muslim Paedophile Teacher spared Jail time

Teacher Nazira Rafei spared jail over student sex case

The Daily Telegraph
March 05, 2009 12:15pm

A HIGH school teacher who had an indecent relationship with a 15-year-old student has been spared jail but will be registered as a sex offender.

Nazira Rafei, 26, of Fawkner in Melbourne, was found guilty of committing an indecent act with the boy but cleared of a charge that she had sex with him.

"treat me like I'm your sex slave, abuse me, tell me to shut the f up and to pinch ... my nipples".

She was also cleared of a second charge of an indecent act with a child under 16. The County Court had heard the married science teacher struck up a friendship with the boy outside school and they began a relationship.

Judge Liz Gaynor convicted Rafei and sentenced her to an 18-month community-based order with 150 hours of community work.
She has also been placed on the sex offenders register.

Judge Gaynor said Rafei was immature and had behaved inappropriately, breaching the student-teacher trust in the most serious way.
But she accepted her behaviour was not predatory. "You leave this court with a conviction against your name and a life of the most extraordinary difficulty," she said.

The court heard she had led a sheltered life and was forbidden from mixing with boys at school and university.

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