An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hussein Obowma Bitch slapped by Saudi Masters


Saudi Arabia in $2.4b Russian arms deal

From correspondents in Moscow
August 29, 2009 8:11PM

SAUDI Arabia is close to signing a $US2 billion ($2.39 billion) deal to buy Russian arms, a Russian defence industry source says.


US President,Islamic apologist and Islamic groupie and UN Pretty Boy, Hussein Obowma seen here grovelling to his Saudi Masters as French President looks on and sniggers at his subservience on one of Hussein Obowma’s

“I hate America too” world tours in 2009.


"Work is nearly complete on a set of contracts on the delivery of Russian arms and military technology to Saudi Arabia, with a total value of around two billion dollars," the source told Interfax news agency.

"For many of these contracts, all the technical and financial details have practically been agreed, for others work is still ongoing," he added.

Riyadh may purchase up to 150 helicopters  - 30 Mi-35 attack helicopters and up to 120 Mi-17 transport helicopters - more than 150 T-90S tanks, around 250 BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles and "several dozen" air defence systems, the source said.

Contracts for the sale of the tanks and the helicopters "could be signed as soon as this year," he told Interfax.

Spokespersons for Rosoboronexport, Russia's state-owned arms export monopoly, and for the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, which oversees the arms trade, could not be reached for comment.

Saudi Arabia - a close US ally - has long bought most of its arms from the US and Western Europe, but in recent years has been in talks on buying military equipment from Russia.

Meanwhile Russia is keen to find new markets for its weapons exports, one of the few sectors of Russian manufacturing that has enjoyed international success.

In 2008 Moscow and Riyadh signed a military cooperaton treaty, and this year Saudi King Abdullah received a delegation that included a top Kremlin adviser and an official from  Rosoboronexport.

Obama self portrait

Not so fast Messiah, I think there may have been a change of plan

“This used to be America…….” “Hope and Change you can believe in”

Well according to officer Wesley Cheeks

“It ain’t no more… OK”

Americans constitutional rights are now granted or taken away at any given time by any law enforcement officer,who may disagree with your right to exercise your constitutional rights at any given time.

I wonder if the “dissident” who was wanting to express his right to show his dissatisfaction with the Hussein Obama regime had of been holding a placard supporting Hussein Obama and his regime would Officer Wesley Cheeks threatened him with arrest for trespass or would the good officer simply have said good evening Sir can I help you do you need any directions


Freedom from free speech.. Hussein Obams’

“Hope and Change you can believe in ” for


Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan free at last.


Controversial nuclear scientist totally free


Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:45am AEST

A court in Pakistan has lifted the final restrictions on nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, allowing him total freedom of movement.

Dr Khan, whose work helped Pakistan become a nuclear state, spent years under house arrest after he admitted selling off nuclear weapons secrets.

In February, most restrictions on him were lifted, but he still had to notify authorities of his movements.

Dr Khan confessed to transferring nuclear weapons technology to Libya, North Korea and Iran in 2004 but was later pardoned by former Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf.

He has since said that the charges against him were false and that his confession was "forced".

Australia’s rich tapestry of Cultural Diversity on Parade …. again.


Darwiche murder: arrest warrant issued


Police have issued an arrest warrant for a man wanted over the murder of Sydney crime figure Abdul Darwiche.

29 8 09 Arrest warrant issued for Darwich murder 

Darwiche, 37, was shot outside a service station in Sydney's west in March.

At the time police appealed for Mohammed 'Blackie' Fahda to come forward and speak with investigators about the shooting.

They have now added Fahda to the


 Gun accused denies involvement in Darwiche feud

 Darwiche's brother 'plotting revenge murder'

 Crime rival wanted over Darwiche murder

Two charged in Darwiche murder probe

  Hundreds farewell alleged Sydney crime boss

Friday, August 28, 2009

Wife sets fire to Husbands Penis… no kidding or………..


'Penis burning' wife accused of murder


August 28, 2009 - 4:28PM

A jealous wife who allegedly set her husband's penis on fire will answer a murder charge in October.

Rajini Narayan appeared briefly in the Adelaide Magistrates Court today, charged with the murder of her husband.

The mother of three allegedly set fire to the genitals of her husband, Satish Narayan, in December last year.

Mr Narayan suffered major burns in the blaze and died several weeks later.

The fire also gutted the family's home in Unley, leaving a damage bill of $1 million.

A previous court hearing in January heard Narayan had told neighbours: "I'm a jealous wife, his penis should belong to me, I just wanted to burn his penis so it belongs to me and no one else ... I didn't mean this to happen."

In court on Friday, the case against Narayan, 44, was adjourned until October 30, when she will answer charges of murder, arson and endangering life.

What is it with these women ? geeeeeessse  what a way to go.I am sure the wimmins collective co operative and foundation of crystal gazing universal sisterhood is working on an excuse for her already,you know having a bad day or a day of incorrect choices, “she is the real victim here you honour’ blah blah blah.

Strewth!!!!! what a way to go.

Text messaging and driving …. Well do you feel lucky?

I know a very beautiful and competent woman who can drive a BMW with a 6 speed stick shift through peak hour traffic whilst applying make up,sending and receiving text messages,tuning the radio, setting the air conditioner and search for, find and light a cigarette, hey for me I managed to lose 2 to 3 pounds every time we went to the shop or anywhere else.

I am not making light of this dangerous practice, please

DONT DO IT!!!!!!

Bond Action Inc.Black Group Comes Out In Support Of Glenn Beck

Black Group Comes Out In Support Of Glenn Beck

LOS ANGELES—BOND Action, Inc., a national cultural action organization, has come out in support of FOX News Channel broadcaster Glenn Beck. Beck has been under attack from the radical left-wing group after he said last month that he believes President Obama is “a racist.” was founded by Van Jones; a self-described “rowdy black nationalist.” Jones now serves as White House environmental advisor (“green jobs czar”). So far advertisers including Geico, Ally Bank, and Sargento Cheese have been intimidated into pulling ads off The Glenn Beck Show. “BOND Action, Inc., will be working to expose the source behind the boycott and counter it,” said Founder and President, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson.

“Glenn Beck is right, Obama is a racist! ” added Rev. Peterson. “Where were the boycotts and outraged activists when President George W. Bush was being falsely maligned as a ‘racist’? This is a blatant double standard. This boycott is an attempt to silence Beck from continuing his expose’ of Barack Obama’s socialist agenda and his radical ‘green jobs czar’ Van Jones.” claims some 33 advertisers have pulled their ads off The Glenn Beck Show, but that number is reportedly exaggerated. has a checkered past. The group reportedly endorsed outrageous statements by rapper Kanye West that former President Bush gave troops permission to go to New Orleans and shoot black people during Hurricane Katrina. Beck’s television program draws more than 2 million viewers and BOND Action, Inc., is calling on advertisers not to cave in to pressure.

Rev. Peterson said, “ claims that it exists to ‘strengthen Black America’s political voice’—but it’s clear that they are a left-wing, racist political group that deal in lies. This attempt to silence Beck is an attack on free speech and must be countered.”

BOND Action, Inc. is a 501 (c) (4) cultural action organization, which exists to educate motivate and rally Americans to greater involvement in the moral, cultural and political issues that threaten our great country. Contributions to BOND Action, Inc. are NOT tax-deductible, but are confidential. For more information call (877) WE-ACT-77 (932-2877) or visit

I have seen this Rev.Jesse Lee Peterson, I believe on the Hannity show,he is one class act, certainly one of the sharpest most logical thinkers I have heard in a long time.

Pauline Talty survives 13 hour transplant operation in USA

“Pauline makes it through the transplant surgery

Hi all,

After a 13 hour surgery, Pauline was able to pull through her transplant being the strong person we all know her to be. She is currently in intentive care which is expected after such a major procedure and the next few weeks will be critical as she needs to fight potenial infections as well as rejection of the organ.

Please keep Pauline in your thoughts as she faces the second biggest battle in her life. Pauline’s Mother, Linda, will be staying with her to provide her with all the support she can give and Linda, like Pauline needs to be in our thoughts.

Get well soon Pauline and we are looking forward to having you back in Australia, happy and healthy as soon as you are able.

Marni”Pauline Talty

Pauline Talty ready to receive transplant in USA !!!

Pauline Talty Large

Hear Radio 2gb’s Chris Smith talk to Amber Williams, Pauline’s sister, after Pauline’s marathon operation & UPMC

Somalian self described “Australia Haters” refused bail


Multicultural Australia:Another rich tapestry of diversity and cultural enrichment is hung out to dry in all its glory.

Remember This ?

Young Somalis lured home by al-Qa'ida

Richard Kerbaj
The Australian
October 02, 2007

YOUNG Somalian Muslims are secretly travelling back to their homeland to fight alongside al-Qa'ida-backed terrorists at the urging of hardline spiritual leaders in Australia.

Somalian spiritual leader Hersi Hilole yesterday warned that young men returning from their jihad mission against the Ethiopian-backed Somalian Government were more likely to consider becoming involved in a terrorist attack on Australia.

"Now when they come back, how are they going to join the rest of society?" Sheik Hilole said. "There is a great danger that they could carry out any kind of terrorist activity here."

Sheik Hilole, chairman of the Somali Community Council of Australia, said hardline clerics in Melbourne continued to "prey" on young Somalian men, whose welcoming attitudes to Wahabism - a puritanical interpretation of Islam espoused by Osama bin Laden - were a result of the ideology's prevalance in their home country.

He said the Somalian spiritual leaders preaching Wahabism had gone further "underground", following an Australian Federal Police investigation into claims that some Somalian community members were sending money home to assist the Islamic Courts movement that has been accused by the US of harbouring al-Qa'ida operatives. The AFP investigation, revealed in The Australian in April, is continuing.

"Some of these religious leaders who are teaching these radical ideas to the young people now have gone underground," Sheik Hilole said.

The Australian revealed yesterday that a Somalian man from Melbourne, Ahmed Ali, who travelled to Somalia in December to fight alongside the Islamic Courts movement after telling his mother he was going to Dubai, was believed to be working as an interpreter with al-Qa'ida.

Mr Ali's mother also accused Melbourne's ultra-radical Islamic spiritual leader Mohammed Omran of radicalising her son. A spokesman for Sheik Omran rejected her claims.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pauline Talty ready to receive transplant in USA !!!


Any Help and prayers

Aussie News & Views readers can afford this wonderfully brave and beautiful woman would be greatly appreciated,she is an Australian and has been deliberately jerked around by the Socialist Rudd Labor government,in the hope she would die before they had to provide her with the necessary assistance and treatment so as she might have a chance of life.

Medi DONT Care

Interesting the same Socialist Labor Government falls over itself to spend millions of Australian taxpayers taxes to provide medical assistance to our declared enemies and non citizens around the world,even those who support the killing of Australian service personnel

 Pauline Talty

Pauline being transplanted today!!

Hi all,

Very exciting news today. Pauline was called up for the forth time for transplant today and has been told the organs are good! She is being prepared for surgery as we speak and by tomorrow she should be on the way to having a second chance at life.

Please all send your thoughts to Pauline during this difficult surgery.

Thank you all for your support, you helped make this happen.


Tags: life-saving surgery

Iraqi family embraces life with old enemy

Michael McKenna 
The Australian
August 25, 2009

FOUR years after the al-Saadi family's lives were shattered by a Digger's spray of bullets in Baghdad, the Iraqis are making a new start in Australia following the granting of permanent residency.

In that fateful instant, on the evening of February 26, 2005, shop owner Nezar Saadi, his wife Lamyaa and their three young children - crowded into a Volkswagen as they returned home from a family function - were shot by a patrolling Australian soldier who mistook them for the enemy. Now, settled in Brisbane just suburbs away from the Digger who fired the volley of shots that maimed Mrs Saadi and youngest son Ahmed, the family of five has embraced the local lifestyle and professes gratitude to a country whose soldiers nearly killed them.

Both Ahmed, 13, and his older sister Shaymaa, 16, are typical Australian kids - loaded with energy and carrying mischievous smiles. They are both at high school, having studied English since their arrival for medical treatment in 2007, and talk of sports and their mates in broad Australian accents.

"We have really good friends at school," Shaymaa said.

Both play a range of sports, with their favourite, soccer, being the subject of typical sibling banter about who is the better player.

Mr Saadi is studying English, in preparation for entering the workforce. His wife is looking after their youngest daughter, Reem, 5, and herself, after bearing the brunt of the bullets and shrapnel that peppered their car in 2005.

Through an interpreter, Mrs Saadi said her children had fitted in well at school.

"They have been treated well and have made some good friends in Australia," she said.

Mrs Saadi can't get over the abundance of food compared with Iraq, which endured years of rations before the start of the war, and then massive shortages after the US forces took Baghdad.

"It's amazing - there's nothing I can't get here," she said.

In the attack, Mrs Saadi lost the sight in her left eye, suffered skull and jaw fractures, hearing loss and scarring to her face.

Ahmed, then aged 8, was blinded in his right eye.

Mrs Saadi still has severe headaches and may soon have further plastic surgery and be fitted with an artificial eye.

All of them were traumatised by the shooting and still undergo counselling.

The soldier who fired the shots was medically discharged months later, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Although the Saadis are not the only innocents to be injured by Australian forces in Iraq or Afghanistan, Immigration Department officials say they are the only known victims of either war to be brought to Australia for specialist medical treatment. Last year, they were granted permanent residency - also a first of its kind - in a move that appears to put to rest doubts about Australia's culpability in the attack on the family.

The Department of Defence has refused to release the report of the internal investigation into the shooting, but the secret report is likely to become the subject of a legal tug-of-war.

Last year, the Saadis made Australian legal history by launching civil action in Queensland's Supreme Court, seeking compensation for their injuries.

The case is set to test the assertion by Chief of the Defence Force Angus Houston that the commonwealth is not "legally liable" for injuries inflicted in ADF military operations.

The Saadis' solicitor, Rod Hodgson, a partner at Maurice Blackburn lawyers, said the government had treated the family well in Australia.

But Mr Hodgson said the standard of care and approval for permanent residency did not excuse the government from liability for the damage they had caused the family.

"The issue of compensation is distinct from that of their status as permanent residents, and the court proceedings remain on foot," he told The Australian.

"When we have some clarity as to prognosis, we are hopeful of having discussion with the government and resolving the court action.

"The government has been very sensible, compassionate and demonstrative of good will in their treatment of the family."

The Department of Defence last night failed to respond to questions about the case supplied last Thursday.

Through their lawyers, the Saadis said they were trying to put the pieces back together and create a brighter future for their children in Australia.

While the Saadis are the first to be allowed to live in Australia because of injuries inflicted by Australian troops, there are hundreds of other Iraqis who have been granted residency visas because of the assistance they gave to Australian forces.

Last year, the Rudd government said Iraqi employees, including translators and interpreters, would be able to apply for resettlement in "recognition of the personal security situation they will face" for their work with Australian forces.

The visas would extend to the employees' immediate families.

Immigration department figures show that up to last month, 450 Iraqis have arrived in Australia, with another 50 visas having been granted.

These people will cost Australian taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars over their and their families lifetime’s, with a never ending supply of social security benefits and FREE for life medical and dental treatment along with Free or heavily subsidised housing and an endless supply of family reunion “relatives” who are, for what ever reason granted residency in Australia over the coming years by a lick spittle Socialist Labor government and PM,”Kevin 07”  obsessed with engratiating themselves to their International Socialist masters at the United Nations.



This is clever & SEXY!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Multicultural Australia:Another rich tapestry of diversity and cultural enrichment is hung out to dry in all its glory.


Terror plot suspect 'planned big attack'

Mon Aug 24 2009
By Melissa Jenkins

Three men who allegedly plotted to kill soldiers at a Sydney army barracks are applying for bail.

One of the five men charged over an alleged suicide terrorism plot to kill soldiers at an Australian army barracks was keen to "strike big" if permitted under Islamic law.

Three of the men charged over the plan to attack the Holsworthy army barracks in Sydney -

Saney Edow Aweys, 26, of Carlton North, Nayef El Sayed, 25, of Glenroy, and Yacqub Khayre, 22, of Meadow Heights - are applying for bail in the Melbourne Magistrates' Court.

Co-accused Abdirahman Mohamud Ahmed, 25, from Preston, is expected to apply for bail at a later date. Another co-accused, Wissmam Mahmoud Fattal, 33, who thinks prison is like an "eight-star hotel", did not apply for bail.

Translations of secretly recorded telephone conversations involving the accused were read to the court by federal agent Chris Salmon.

Agent Salmon said Fattal was the central figure in the plot and was already in prison over an assault at a Preston mosque.

"I would like to strike big if it's Halal (permissible under Islamic law)," El Sayed told Fattal on April 7.

During a prison visit on May 3, Fattal and El Sayed discussed Fattal applying for bail, the court was told.

"We are working together on a great, monstrous thing," Fattal told El Sayed.

"We need to persevere.

"There is no point coming out. If the work is ready I will come out."

In another conversation on July 10, Aweys confided in Somali Sheik Abdirahman about accessing guns for their plan.

"Their desire is to fan out as much as possible until they would be hit," Aweys told the sheik.

"Twenty minutes is enough for us to take out five, six, 10, eight."

Aweys asked the sheik if the plot was permissible. Noting there could be horrific consequences, the sheik raised the idea of a mass exodus of Muslims, with those left behind to "carry out the activity".

All of the five accused are charged with conspiring to attack the Holsworthy base. Aweys is also accused of abetting Walid Osman Mohamed to engage in a hostile act in Somalia.

On July 25, the pair was engaged in a telephone conversation, in which Aweys confirmed he had sent money to Mohamed, the court was told.

From Somalia, Mohamed told Aweys he planned to hold a PKM heavy machine gun in the frontline.

"Holding this and being the target at the front is the closest thing to martyrdom," he said.

Khayre was tasked by El Sayed to travel to Somalia to obtain a fatwa to authorise a terrorist attack in Australia.

He left on April 13 and, having obtained a fatwa, returned to Australia on July 14.

Agent Salmon said each defendant has indicated a willingness to leave Australia to go to Somalia to fight.

When asked by El Sayed's lawyer, Julian McMahon, if he tipped off The Australian newspaper about the investigation, agent Salmon said he did not.

Asked if he knew who was responsible for the leak, agent Salmon said he wanted to seek advice from legal counsel before answering that question.

The hearing before Magistrate Peter Reardon was subject to tight security, including weapon detectors and armed officers.

The hearing continues on Tuesday.

If Only Australian’s would provide “support networks” for these rich diverse cultures, that are colonizing Australia faster than HIV replicating in a poofters arse hole…. Oh please gimme a break.

And guess who is in charge of security at Australia’s Airports and Military bases?

Security guards paid for passes

By Byron Kaye
The Daily Telegraph
August 25, 2009 12:29AM

THEY might have had no English and no experience - but for $300 students at the state's biggest security training school allegedly walked away qualified in just one day.

Meanwhile their "trainers" - whose jobs amounted to little more than marking exam papers for which the answers had already been supplied - earned huge sums.

That was the damning picture of Roger Training Academy, which churned out a quarter of the state's accredited security guards until it was shut down in March, presented to the ICAC yesterday.

The commission heard the western Sydney college gave students answers to exam questions in advance, issued first aid certificates without training and faked resumes. It allegedly had its staff write out students' exam answers for qualifications that included gun handling, basic English, and conflict negotiation.

Students were charged between $300 and $500 for the same-day service - payable in cash only.

"Toward the end there were a lot of students who were walking in, who I didn't know from a bar of soap, who were just writing out the (supplied) answers," a trainer, Dru Hyland, told the commission. "It was definitely dishonest, Your Honour."

Mr Hyland agreed the practice amounted to corruption but said he was under pressure from the company's principal, Ahmed Mossani, and the students themselves.

Recorded telephone calls showed Mr Hyland less remorseful.

He told a friend he made $150,000 in five months - equivalent to a senior parliamentarian or CEO.

He enjoyed his newfound riches, telling the friend he used the cash for a holiday in Vanuatu, had splashed out cash on a new motorbike, four-wheel drive and another new car for his wife and set up his own business.

"I've had the money to do stuff I've been trying to do for so long," he said. "I've now got an opportunity to earn a great whack in a short period of time."

He denied the $150,000 figure - saying it was closer to $90,000 - explaining he had a "slapstick" relationship with the friend and he was exaggerating.

The commission heard more than $1.3 million was deposited into Mr Mossani's bank accounts between August 2007 and April 2009.

Counsel assisting, Carolyn Davenport SC, said: "Subverting the correct assessment process created an opportunity for persons at Roger to make large sums of money."

Mr Mossani is expected to give evidence later this week.

The inquiry continues today.



Speeding Leb rev head claims Police are racists for arresting him


Highway speed police were racists, says caught driver

By Janet Fife-Yeomans
The Daily Telegraph
August 25, 2009 12:00AM

25 8 09 Highway speed police were racists, says caught driver 2NO One denies that when highway patrol officers chased an allegedly speeding driver they manhandled him from his car and threw him to the ground. But Jamal Ejaidi  claims it was because he was Lebanese.

The arresting officers say different. Senior Constable Brett Rossiter said he treated Ejaidi the same as he treated nine out of 10 drivers after a chase and denied he was being violent or racist.

Copy of 25 8 09 Highway speed police were racists, says caught driver

Graphic vision captured by the highway patrol car camera was played in Bankstown Local Court yesterday showing Ejaidi being dragged from his car and then out of sight of the camera.

Defending the way he acted, Constable Rossiter said he needed to take control of the situation for his safety and the safety of other officers.

But Ejaidi's lawyer Greg Walsh said: "Without even asking them to produce their licence? You resort to violence?"

It is alleged that Ejaidi was stopped after a police pursuit which lasted just 30 seconds through Punchbowl on October 16 last year.

Ejaidi, 22, of Riverwood has pleaded not guilty to driving his rotary-charged Mazda RX8 in a dangerous manner and not stopping when directed to. Mr Walsh told the court the arrest should have not only been captured on camera, but recorded for sound to safeguard the police as well as the alleged offender.

But Constable Rossiter said he did not take the microphone out of the patrol car with him. "I forgot," he said.

The police allege that they followed Ejaidi in his green Mazda which was driving erratically in company with a red Nissan Pulsar SSS. When they pulled the Nissan over, Ejaidi sped past doing up to 100km/h in a 50km/h zone.

With sirens and lights, the police gave chase and Ejaidi stopped in Punchbowl Rd.

Constable Rossiter said: "We got him down on the ground. My knees were then on his back to restrain him on the ground while I brought his arms around to handcuff him."

Constable Rossiter and his partner Senior Constable Aaron Sheldrick denied deliberately moving Ejaidi out of sight of the police camera.

The court was told Ejaidi has made an official complaint to Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione about the behaviour of the two officers, alleging he was assaulted.

Both officers denied a suggestion by Mr Walsh that they swore at Ejaidi, telling him "f . . . ing smart-arse Lebbo. You're f . . . . d".

Mr Walsh told the court that six months later, Constable Sheldrick pulled Ejaidi over again.

He gave Ejaidi a defect notice and then asked him what Mr Walsh was charging for his defence, it was alleged.

Mr Walsh said that Constable Sheldrick then asked Ejaidi to go to McDonald's with him for a coffee to "sort this out".

The accusation was not put to Constable Sheldrick yesterday before the court adjourned.

It would be great if the officers concerned did in fact use the words “"f . . . ing smart-arse Lebbo. You're f . . . . d". It would indicate a willingness on the part of at least one or two NSW Police officers to speak the language of the buyer.

Ask any Australian’s unfortunate enough to still be living inside Sydney’s Occupied Territories, what it’s like driving on the roads with these arse clowns displaying their macho cultural diversity via their girly man cars, breaking every traffic law written and been totally untouchable by the NSW Police.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Rifqa Bary and her right to LIVE as a Christian in America.


24 8 09 AShrugs The brilliant Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs has again led the way in bringing to the attention of not only the American people but indeed the world,the plight of yet another Muslim female,Rifqa Bary,facing the wrath of Islam, aka.”The Religion of Peace” for rejecting the Islamic manifesto and in Rifqa Bary’s case converting to Christianity.

How long before such demonstrations of the “love” of Islam are made public in Australia is anyone’s guess, there have however been around half a dozen instances of Muslim girls abused and shipped back to the country their parents ran away from as punishment for not conforming with the Islamic code of female submission and repression.There was a very public instance of the systematic torture and slaughter by a Muslim Mother and Father of their daughter in the northern Sydney suburb of Chatswood some years ago.

The danger certainly exists in Sydney for those who are born into the Islamic system and decide to renounce it, so much so that there has been a volunteer organization for some time now that will protect and when necessary hide those who seek their help.

I urge all Australians to educate themselves by checking out the links below for what is without doubt the most comprehensive coverage of a most sinister manifestation of the Islamic manifesto.

Not a word of protest from the Left’s Wimmin’s, feminist collective co operative,no “social justice” crusaders with their shrieking outrage, you see Islam owns the Left,those pathetic grubs can hardly bite the hand that feeds them,it’s all about unlimited rights for Muslims and NONE for everybody else.

Welcome to Hussein Obama’s America 2009

All accurate and vetted and investigative Rifqa Bary coverage here.
ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: Was Rifqa Bary's Father Planning on Fleeing the Country with his threatened daughter?
RIFQTORY VICTORY! Rifqa Bary Spared!
Liveblogging Rifqa Bary Hearing: "I've been a Christian for 4 years of my life. I love my parents but I am in fear of my life because of the past abuse. I assure your honor, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior"
OHIO Law Enforcement COVER-UP on Rifqa Bary's Abuse
We've Got Mail! Governor Crist on Rifqa Bary
Unindicted Co-Conspirator CAIR's Strategy To Attack Rifqa Bary
HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER ADAM HASNER: "Rifqa Bary’s life must be safeguarded
ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: A Plea from Wafa Sultan for Rifqa Bary
EXCLUSIVE Nonie Darwish: Saving Rifqa; Apostates Demand Protection
The Media Puts Rifqa and those trying to help her on trial: Orlando Sentinel Shills for Islamic Misogynists and Rifqa Bary's Promised Honor Killers, Continues to Prints their lies
Note to Rifqa Bary Authorities: A Muslim teenager made a dramatic plea to be saved from her abusive parents a few months before she died in an "honour killing"
Rifqa Bary Before her Escape: Beatings, Brutality, Subjugation
Pamela Geller, Newsmax: Rifqa Bary, Dad Claims Brainwashing As Muslim Girl Fears He’ll Kill Her UPDATE: RIFQA BARY ACTION ALERT!
Atlas Has the Evidence Against the Islamic Lies and Smears, the Treachery against Rifqa Bary: "Brainwashed by a cult," "Kidnapped by a Cult"
The Case for Rifqa Bary
"We love her, we want her back, she is free to practice her [Christian] religion, whatever she believes in, that's OK," said her father, devout Muslim Mohamed Bary
Islamic Apologists, Media Hacks and Clueless Cops Come to the Aid of Islamic Misogyny: Rifqa Bary's Life in Jeopardy
Rifqa Bary, "My life is at stake"
Clueless Cops Doubt Rifqa Bary's Story: Aiding an Honor Killing
Rifqa Bary: "I want to be free"
PLEASE HELP SAVE THIS TEENAGE GIRL: "They have to kill me. My blood is now halal which means because I am now a Christian, I am from a Muslim background, it is an honor. If they [my family] love god more than me, they have to kill me"
She got away!
Fathima Rifqa Bary: I hope she got away.

*** Copyright © 2005-2009 Pamela Geller | All Rights Reserved ***

More on the “Honour” of Islam and how it is defended and protected by it’s brave “Son’s of Allah”

24 8 09 Stabbed wife

“On New Year's Eve 2008 he stabbed his 18-year-old wife Mujde 46 times and beat her with a billiard cue.

And because she was 'already so disfigured from the stabbing and beating that she would hate me for the rest of her life,' he got into his car and ran over her body several times.

“….because the defendant stabbed his wife in both eyeballs while she was still alive.

He stabbed her so hard in the head with a fruit knife that the blade broke off in her skull.”

Full story of this inhumane Godless savage and member of the “Religion of Peace” “one of the worlds great Religions” HERE

Islamic mercy: Hey great news these Malaysian Muslim thugs are not going to beat the crap out of this woman until after their HOLY month of Ramadan has finished.


Caning delayed for beer-drinking model

AAP August 24, 2009, 5:14 pm

Officials say the caning of a Muslim model who was apprehended for drinking beer has been postponed until after the Islamic fasting month.

24 8 09 muslim model

Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno originally had been scheduled to enter a women's prison on Monday before being lashed six times with a rattan cane some time this week.

However, Mohamad Sahfri Abdul Aziz, a legislator in charge of religious affairs, says the caning will be carried out after the current Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. It began on Saturday and will end in mid-September.

He says the decision was made at the last minute for compassionate reasons on the advice of the Attorney General's office.

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