An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Ignorance:What excuse do western politicians have, for their ignorance of Islam’s stated objectives? well I hope they are ignorant, otherwise they are well aware of these stated objectives and agree with them,why else would they embrace and facilitate them ?

"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise.

To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history.

Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels.

Vernon Richards
Islam Undressed

Arm and defend yourself, KNOW your enemy.


If I may add to the above and say, the chief weapon of all of those dedicated to the destruction of the God given and created sanctity of Judeo Christian Western civilization is the art of deceit,accusing THEIR enemies of been what THEY are.

In other words the Liberal,the Communist,the Nazi the Muslim aka.Fascist,the Democrat, accuses their opponent of been a follower and advocate of the ideology and evil that they believe in and work to ensure that it becomes the prevailing ideology and form of Governance.

The Islamist and their Liberal / Democrat apologists and supporters accuse the Jew,the Christian the NON Muslim of having committed or wanting to commit all of Islam’s documented atrocities.

Accuse your enemy of been what you are,is a typical “Liberal” tactic.

Hussein Obama and his UN Muslim financiers have used this tactic to claim the White House in 2008, some eight months on his administration is in tatters,his # 1 Communist un elected “Green  Czar” of Choice, has been forced to resign, who knows who will be next? perhaps Hussein himself will be soon forced to fall on his Islamic head hunting sword and stand down from the office of The President Of The United States of America.

It’s Time to say GOOD BYE, to the UN Sponsored, Muslim financed Messiah, it’s obvious they and their Messiah Hussein Obama and his self declared Communist and Green new age crystal gazing loon members of their administration, have nothing in common with or nothing to offer an  American Judeo Christian Non Muslim Western Democracy.

Get this Kenyan National, Muslim, Indonesian educated, Islamist groupie and apologist and his Democrat Party out of the White House.

obama kenya

The UN sponsored,Islam financed, Multi-faith Multicultural, all values, Religions,ideals are equal left coast, “experiment”  has clearly FAILED in America, just as it has in the Middle East,Cuba, Venezuela, China,Russia and North Korea,France,Europe, I gotta ask why did Americans think the same old same old Communist  and Islamist ideology would be a good thing for them and it would work and uplift America and Americans and improve their and their childrens lives?

In ALL bar none of the above mentioned countries, where the Hussein Obama, Democrat Ideology is in power, are the citizens of those countries in charge of their elected Hope and change,Messiah Masters.

Hussein Obama has only been the President of the United States since January 2009, It is obvious he and his party are the BOOBIE PRIZE, neither Hussein Obama or his UN Sponsored Muslin financed backers would have believed in their wildest dreams that their Muslim Kenyan candidate had any chance of been nominated for the position of, let alone elected to the office of the POTUS.

It’s obvious that Hussein Obama is so far out of his depth in matters concerning the desires and beliefs of Judeo Christian Non Muslim Americans and is so ideologically aligned with and in tune with, the Religious and ideological objectives of the Bin Laden financers,the King of Saudi Arabia, why else would an Indonesian educated Muslim“Christain” African,Kenyan,BOW and kiss the hand of the head of Islam, the King of Saudi Arabia


What force would compel, for whatever reason,the Democrat President of the USA Hussein Obama,to BOW to the Head of Islam and financier of 911,and many other Islamic atrocities, yet the same POTUS refuses, along with his “partner” (wife) to show the most basic respect to the Queen of England ie the the head of the the Christian Church of England?

The question is how do Americans get rid of what will surely be recorded in their history as their greatest collective mistake ever, will they even be able to VOTE this GROSS ERROR of Judgement OUT, will the Non Muslim, Non Democrat Americans be able to VOTE … again?

It’s time the Non Muslim Non Democrat Non UN worshipping Citizens of the Judeo Christian Western Democracies spoke out and Mobilized against their self declared enemies and wannabee oppressors.

Hussein Obama’s favourite Communist resigns from his administration


6 9 09 Van Jones

"I am resigning my post at the Council on Environmental Quality, effective today.

On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.

I have been inundated with calls - from across the political spectrum - urging me to "stay and fight."

But I came here to fight for others, not for myself. I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future.

It has been a great honor to serve my country and my President in this capacity. I thank everyone who has offered support and encouragement. I am proud to have been able to make a contribution to the clean energy future. I will continue to do so, in the months and years ahead."

See Fox news

RAW DATA: Text of Resignation Letter From Van Jones
The Radicalization of Van Jones | Jones' Resume

for further details

Get out, get out!!!!NOW you COMMUNIST BUM and take that sack of shit, aka. the “Community Organizer in Chief” with you and make sure the rent is fully paid up before you leave the premises,oh and don’t forget to hand back your keys.

Impeach Hussein Obama NOW !!!

3 1/2 More Years?


Hussein Obama OUT NOW !!!!!

Impeach the Democrats NOW !!!!!!!

Majority Mobilization NOW !!!

Americans  YES !!!!

Hussein Obama / Democrats  NO !!!!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

The joys of Multiculturalism and “reaching out to and embracing diversity” know no bounds in Australia.


Two students charged with sex attack


September 4, 2009,

Two Indian students charged with sexually assaulting a teenage girl as she slept on an interstate train have been refused bail.

22, and Amarjit Singh, 28, are accused of attacking the 17-year-old girl in her seat as the train travelled through southern NSW, police said.

She was allegedly woken as the men began to restrain her about 3am (AEST) on Wednesday on the Melbourne to Sydney train.

"The girl was then allegedly sexually assaulted before she broke free and sought assistance from rail staff," police said in a statement.

Rail staff contacted police, who met the train at Goulburn railway station.

The men, who are in Australia on student visas, did not enter a plea during the brief hearing, but police said they had been charged with aggravated sexual assault.

The matter was adjourned until September 16, when they are expected to apply for bail.

The girl, from Gosford on the NSW Central Coast, received treatment at Goulburn Hospital and had been offered counselling, police said.

The Australian LABOR party and their United Nations masters, have released into the Australian community the worst of the worst, the lowest of the low in order to destroy what is,from within, with their lowest common denominator of humanity, the ignorant the Godless, and after they arrive in Australia,totally welfare dependant “New Age Man” whose only allegiance is to his or her next provider of Australian TAXPAYER FUNDED instant self gratification and for this they will commit any atrocity or betray any friend or family member.

These two pieces of shit must be wondering what’s going on what’s the deal? well you two pieces of “diversity and cultural enrichment” MOST times “Aussie Pigs and Sluts” FIGHT BACK,The borderless all cultures,Religions are equal UN promised one world nirvana has not yet arrived.  

Multiculturalism’s finest:The Taufahema’s DEPORT THEM NOW!!!!!!


The Taufahemas - a loving family of killers and thugs

The Daily Telegraph
September 05, 2009 12:00AM

THE first thing Tevita Taufahema - Rowdy to his mates - saw when he woke up every morning at home was a target which hung from the curtain rail in his bedroom.

In his Parramatta Two Blues footy bag under his bed was a rifle and two shotguns - one an Italian-made single barrel, the other a shortened 12-gauge British double-barrel with its serial number filed off.

Sometimes he shared the bedroom with some of his brothers but it was a moveable feast.

On a warm February evening in 2008, the small bedroom was packed with testosterone. Tevita had six of his mates around. Some were on PlayStation 3, others were talking.

By the end of the evening one of them, Chris Emmerson, 18, sleeping in his car after being thrown out of home by his parents, had been shot dead. One of the others, a 16-year-old, is due to be sentenced later this month for his manslaughter.

Two of the others, both 14, are in juvenile institutions after storming Merrylands High School armed with a Samurai sword and assaulting pupils and staff during morning assembly a few months later. One of the teenagers was high on an "ice binge" at the time they ran amok.

Then this week, barely a month after he turned 18, Tevita was shot dead by police during an armed robbery after he held a Canley Heights bar manager hostage with a gun to his head about 12.40am.

Welcome to the world of the Taufahema family.

5 9 09 The Taufahemas  a loving family of killers and thugs

Parents Loa and Heleine thought they were doing the best thing for their family when they migrated to Australia from their native Tonga in 1988 and took out Australian citizenship. They had 11 children, eight boys and three girls, some of whom still live at home in Blaxland.

It is a close knit family that protects its own. The way it feels about outsiders is best demonstrated by what the family calls itself on its page on social networking site Bebo: The Taufahema Army.

Meet them.

The two oldest Motekiai, 33, and John, 30, both born in Tonga, are in jail for the shooting death of highway patrol officer Glenn McEnally after a high speed chase in 2002. Murder convictions were overturned and they are each serving a minimum of seven years after pleading guilty to manslaughter.

Sister Honora, 28, a mother-of-three better known as Nola, who has a conviction for robbery in company, is in Mulawa women's jail until December after she breached a suspended sentence.

Filisione, 27, is on remand in Parklea jail charged with the armed robbery of the Regents Park Sporting Club in February last year, the same month Emmerson was shot dead in his brother's bedroom.

Filisione was one of the first people on which police used a Taser gun.

"I can control them at home but when they get out . . ." a heartbroken Heleine Taufahema told The Daily Telegraph this week.

The four-bedroom family home is old. A small, weatherboard-clad cottage on a corner block in a predominantly housing commission area, but it is clean and tidy.

Time and again, judges in Sydney courts called for pre-sentence reports on whichever Taufahema was standing before them but appear to be at a loss to explain what turned them into a family of several young thugs.

They appeared to be close and stable without particular problems or the usual triggers which experts like to blame for acts of violence.

"From the information available, it is difficult to explain Mr Taufahema's behaviour," Justice James Wood said when dealing with John Taufahema over the killing of Senior Constable McEnally.

"He does not present with a history of having been exposed to any aggression in his own family. The typical factors which are commonly found among people who have criminal records similar to Mr Taufahema do not appear to be present."

Like some of his brothers, Tevita was a promising footballer. Wallabies legend Gary Ella wrote to him offering him equipment and sponsorship at Parramatta Two Blues.

Tevita, whose criminal record began at the age of 15 for assault and demanding property with menaces, was not involved in the shooting of Emmerson but 16 days later he was behind bars for assault with intent to rob. He was arrested on February 27.

Released from jail in November last year, he was back inside in March for breaching parole.

Tevita finally walked free from

on June 19. Less than six weeks later he was dead.

When The Daily Telegraph returned to the family home on Thursday, a large window at the front of the house had been smashed and there was a glass repair company replacing it.

Loa Taufahema said it had been accidentally broken when they were moving furniture.

Sydney’s Occupied Territories: Courtesy of the “enlightened progressives” of the Australian Labor Party and their United Nations masters.

Get this SHIT out of here now, NO? I hear you say Kevin 07, Oh yeah that’s right that would be one less family of Labor’s preferred criminal arse hole voters and life long social security receipient’s who would be able to “vote early and vote often” in order to keep Kevin 07 and his successors in Power.

Australian PM,Kevin Rudd, Beijings man in Australia

ASIO has ear on Chinese whispers

EXCLUSIVE: Cameron Stewart | September 05, 2009
The Australian

ASIO is investigating claims that Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei is employing technicians in Australia with direct links to the People's Liberation Army.

The claims have been made by Huawei employees in Sydney and Melbourne, who are understood to have approached ASIO with their concerns.

Huawei has been the subject of critical scrutiny by intelligence agencies in the US and Britain about its alleged links with the Chinese military and intelligence apparatus.

The company, which employs more than 100 people in Sydney and about 20 in Melbourne, was founded by former PLA officer Ren Zhengfei, but strongly denies that it does the bidding of the Chinese government or that it has links with the PLA.

Nearly two years on this video is now seen as more of a true reflection of the Lick spittle, Beijing, United Nations centric Australian Socialist Kevin “I have never been a socialist” 07, Labor government, than a clever satire.

It maintains that it is a legitimate telecom company, having been a part of the recent unsuccessful bid by Singtel Optus to build the $15 billion national broadband network.

The federal government, which has warned about the growing threat of cyber-espionage, has not made any public allegations against Huawei, which has been operating in Australia for four years.

But The Weekend Australian understands that ASIO officers have interviewed current and former Huawei employees - all Australian nationals - several times this year in Melbourne and Sydney.

The claims made to ASIO include:

* That Huawei employs Chinese nationals in Australia who have direct links with the PLA and with the Chinese government;

* That senior Huawei officials are summoned to frequent meetings with Chinese government officials at Chinese embassies and consulates in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne;

* That Huawei has recently sacked several dozen of its Australian-born workforce, replacing them with Chinese nationals brought in from China;

* That Huawei employs a security controller whose full-time job is to monitor the emails and other communications of the company.

The Weekend Australian understands that ASIO has conducted a broad investigation into Huawei's operations in Australia, but it is unclear what the spy probe has found.

A spokesman for Huawei yesterday described as "inaccurate and ungrounded" claims that the company had links to the Chinese military or the Chinese government.

"Huawei is 100 per cent employee-owned and no government or government agencies have any involvement or ownership in our operations," the spokesman said.

"Our links to the government are no more than any links General Electric might have to the US government due to the fact that some members of its management team are military veterans and they sell products to the US military."

He revealed that Huawei representatives met officers from ASIO in June for "a routine briefing" to "provide a brief introduction to Huawei".

The company says about 30per cent of its workers in Australia are "Chinese expats" and that while there had been recent "adjustments to the allocation and structure of resources", there had been no wholesale sacking of Australian staff.

A spokesman for Attorney-General Robert McClelland told The Weekend Australian: "ASIO has frequent contact with the telecommunications industry in Australia. In that context, ASIO contact with Huawei Telecommunications is unsurprising.

"Beyond that, and consistent with longstanding practice of the Australian government, it would be inappropriate to comment on the operational activities of the intelligence community." In his first public speech as ASIO chief, David Irvine, a former ambassador to China, warned in July that cyber espionage was a growing threat for countries such as Australia.

"The explosion of electronic communications technology has expanded infinitely the opportunities for the covert acquisition of information by both state-sponsored and non-state actors," he said.

Beijing has vigorously denied claims that it engages in human or cyber espionage in Australia, but in 2004, ASIO set up a new counter-espionage unit to combat the rising incidence of foreign espionage in Australia.

More recently, the government has boosted the electronic eavesdropping agency, Defence Signals Directorate, to combat what it believes is a concerted attempt by Chinese hackers to gain access to Australian government computer systems.

Huawei was the subject of a US investigation last year after legislators expressed concern about its alleged links to the Chinese military. Intelligence chiefs in the US, Britain and India have debated the legitimacy of Huawei; however, the company has been a commercial success.

In March, the propaganda chief of the Chinese Communist Party, Li Changchun, visited the company's Australian headquarters in Sydney.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Australia’s FREE Medi DONT Care health system strikes again


Elderly patient left on bedpan for days

September 4, 2009

AN ELDERLY man is being treated for a life-threatening infection after he was allegedly left on a bedpan for as much as five days in a Sydney hospital, the Herald has learnt.

The man, 80, from Gladesville, was forced to undergo two bouts of surgery after the green pan became embedded in his skin, causing massive ulcers on both buttocks and leaving him with a hole at the base of his spine big enough to fit two fists.

The Herald understands the man, a patient at Concord Repatriation General Hospital since early July, has limited English and was not able to inform staff the bedpan had not been removed. It is believed his family was told of the incident only two weeks after the pan was discovered and his buttocks had become severely infected, requiring surgery to debride the rotting skin.

The man was admitted with pneumonia and spent 19 days in intensive care and about seven days on a cardiac ward but it is believed the pan was discovered after he was transferred to a respiratory ward in early August.

Bed Pan stuck to 80 year olds Bum 

The incident raises serious questions about whether the man, who was immobile, had been turned regularly to prevent bedsores, was washed or had his sheets changed during his time on the cardiac ward.

The hospital has refused to answer detailed questions on the case, citing patient confidentiality, but one senior staff member disputed that the man's injury had been caused by a bedpan or that he had been left unattended for up to five days.

He said it was still unclear how the injury had occurred or who had been responsible.

The man has two long incisions on each buttock and a big open sore near his sacrum, but he must sit or lie lay on the damaged areas because his pneumonia prevents him lying on his stomach.

He was moved into a single room with an $8000 mattress yesterday after the Herald contacted the hospital.

A spokesman for Sydney South West Area Health Service said the hospital was taking the claims seriously and had apologised to the family for any distress caused.

''The possibility of a patient being left on a bedpan for the length of time suggested is implausible. Patients who are confined to bed are regularly and routinely turned and provided with pressure-relieving treatment to prevent bedsores,'' the spokesman said.

Lillian Jeter, from the Elder Abuse Prevention Association, said the case appeared to be one of ''severe negligence''.

''If this allegation is true, this man was subjected to significant elder abuse and mistreatment in a public place where he should have been getting care.''

The best third world Nationalised Health system in the world bar NONE.

Attention Americans, Australia’s Medi DONT Care,why would you think Hussein’s Obama Care would ?

When they no longer NEED you Socilist’s no longer see any need to FEED you

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hazem El Masri Islams Australian Poster Boy


Mortimer's stunning tribute to 'El Magic' legacy

By James Hooper
 The Sunday Telegraph
August 30, 2009 12:01AM

FROM the prayer call at Punchbowl mosque to the corridors of Parliament House in Sydney's

Macquarie St, the magic of blue-and-white wizard Hazem El Masri has touched thousands of people.

In the hospital wards and school playgrounds, on the football field and in the Muslim community, the NRL's greatest point scorer has chosen to speak largely with actions rather than words.

To truly grasp the legacy of this one-of-a-kind rugby league icon,perhaps the greatest tribute has come from the most decorated Bulldogs legend, Steve Mortimer.

"It's an absolute privilege to be mentioned in the same sentence as Hazem El Masri,'' Mortimer said. "For me, rugby league is the greatest game of all and it just seems with all the hardships we've been through, Hazem has been a shining light his entire career."

"He's a silent hero, an unsung hero, who has played the most number of games for the Bulldogs and been a wonderful servant for rugby league."

"With his religion and his faith, he's just an absolute role model not only as a player on the football field, but as an Australian citizen as well. I'm proud to say I know him."

"He's a very humble man and an absolute star.''

In so many ways and on so many different levels, El Masri has been one of the NRL's candles of hope.

Through the the Bulldogs' salary cap and Coffs Harbour scandals, the Sonny Bill Williams saga and last year's wooden spoon, he has remained absolutely loyal to his club.

And off the field, out in the wider community, well, if they named six Immortals for service to the game, you-know-who would qualify in a canter.

This is a right winger who can kick goals blindfolded, bend the ball right to left in a perfect arc, finish a try with speed or snuff one out with an intercept - one of his trademark plays during the Bulldogs era of up-and-in umbrella defence.

Today, the Bulldogs and the NRL community say thank you to a player who can never be replaced.

The little boy from Tripoli in Lebanon, who travelled 16,000km to Sydney at age four, proudly grew into a rugby league legend.

Together, rugby league fans will celebrate at ANZ Stadium, where a crowd of over 40,000 is expected.

"As a young player coming up in the ranks, you look at the Terry Lambs and the Steve Mortimers and you hope that one day you can leave some sort of legacy behind,'' El Masri said. "I'm nowhere near them, but hopefully I can leave something that kids can aspire to in the local district."

"I've been one of the local kids who's come through and made it. I hope for some of the younger Lebanese kids as well, that they can get there mind in order and they put in and be dedicated to what they want to do and do it properly.''

During the week, farewell tributes flowed with the same regularity as El Masri's record haul of 2342 points. And they will continue into the finals.

For rookie Bulldog Jamal Idris, the NRL's next big thing who has played standing inside El Masri all season, Hazem has been a father figure.

"If you look back at the Melbourne Storm game on the Central Coast, he was actually teaching me on the field,'' Idris said.

"He took me in the middle of the field and he was walking me through stuff. I had to tell him to hold up because they were running at us. But it was awesome. He's always teaching me stuff.

He just tries to keep your head in footy."

"That's the best thing. Once your mind is focussed on footy you don't have time to get into mischief. He tries to educate everybody.''

That's El Masri. Simply magic.

There is no doubt Hazem El Masri is a very good Australian Rugby League player and he should be applauded for his ability and lamented for his decision to retire, Hazem El Masri is without doubt a very good athlete and has served the Cantebury Bankstown Bull Dogs well.

It’s just a pity he was a Muslim first and an Australian second.If Hazem El Masri was a NON Muslim he would have been just like any another Rugby League player contracted to the ARL playing for Cantebury Bankstown “The Bull Dogs”

Well done Hazem El Masri you have served your club well, as for Steve Mortimore and his reported comments:

"It's an absolute privilege to be mentioned in the same sentence as Hazem El Masri,'' Mortimer said. "For me, rugby league is the greatest game of all and it just seems with all the hardships we've been through, Hazem has been a shining light his entire career."

"He's a silent hero, an unsung hero, who has played the most number of games for the Bulldogs and been a wonderful servant for rugby league."

"With his religion and his faith, he's just an absolute role model not only as a player on the football field, but as an Australian citizen as well. I'm proud to say I know him."

"He's a very humble man and an absolute star.''

Well I guess Hazem El Masri sure fooled Steve at least, I did not realize Steve thought so little of his own and fellow Cantebury Bankstown greats abilities and contribution to Cantebury Bankstown Rugby Leagues Club and to Australian Rugby League in general that he felt that the likes of Hazem El Masri  were owed such adulation by someone like him, I guess the Multiculturalism thought police are alive and well out Cantebury Bankstown Rugby  Leagues Club way, so much so that one it’s greatest feel he is required to kneel and grovel at its alter, with such embarrassing comments.

God bless you Hazem El Masri lets hope you see the error of your ways and one day realise that you and your yours are no different than the rest of the majority Judeo Christian Australian community and are subject to the laws of Australia, irrespective of your “Religious” ,“ Ideological” or superstitious beliefs.

If you and you family find Australia’s Judeo / Christian laws and social structures so incompatible with your ideology, religion or superstitions, FUCK OFF back to whatever country it was your parents RAN AWAY from, where all the manifestations of the 7th century are already in place and are ready and waiting for you and yours to take full benefit and advantage of.

The Superstition /Ideology of Islam does not begat Rugby League,just what would you have become without the Judeo Christian creation of Rugby League?

Another Lebanese Muslim malcontent sitting on a bench late at night refusing to give members of the NSW Police Force your name and address when legally requested to do so, or some light in the darkness of Sydney’s Occupied Territories, who accepted his responsibilities of been a citizen of Australia FIRST and a follower of a 7th Century belief system second and co operated with members of the NSW Police force rather than refuse to do so.

Unfortunately for you Hazem El Masri you and your Muslim “defendant of choice” legal council, you chose to side with the smart arse criminals,pimps and drug dealers and Islamic invaders and colonizers, forget your brilliant sporting record and Steve Mortimor’s lick spittle eulogy, I for one will know you as a Muslim male who, when given the chance, like so many other law abiding Australians to obey and comply with those entrusted to ensure the safety of the majority, that  you and your smart arse /mouthed, legal mouth piece, chose to side with,those who have professed to do Australians harm in whatever way they are able to do so, whenever the are able to do so.

Just how many points did you score for your Rugby League Club again ? you see I have forgotten already, no prizes for guessing what I do remember about you though.   

You Hazem El Masri, like your fellow ideologues have shown, your total incompatibility with the civilized values and laws of the Western Judeo Christian civilizations aka “The lands of the Great Satan” you and your fore fathers chose to run away to,now that you have finished your brilliant Rugby League career could you at least promise to go home to  wherever it was your parents ran away from, and fight your brave fight for your “alternate life style” “culturally diverse” “Multicultural”  “Religion of Peace” ideology from your own ideological homeland.

Oh I almost forgot the Gang Rape case, just why did Hazem El Masri refuse a DNA test? Does Hazem really think that he is the exception to the rule when so many of his co religionists have been convicted of gang rape in NSW that he should be exempt from a lawful request to subject himself to a DNA test / well yes he did and he got away with it ,he was not required to give a sample of DNA to the NSW Police Service / force, the rest of his team did however obey Police requests for same, I guess we will never know just what it was Hazem El Masri did or did not get up to the night of the Gang Rape at Coffs Harbour.

Personally I don’t know what he did that night,apart from enunciating the same mantra of denile the Bilal Skaf gang rape scum did following their arrest for the infamous Muslim Gang Rapes, there has been no evidence made public to incriminate Hazem El Masri in the gang rape of a woman at the resort he and his fellow team mates were staying at.

The team willingly gave, and was subjected to DNA tests, all, except for Hazem El Masri, it may well be the victim was an “Aussie Slut” “Skip slut” or a humble “Aussie Pig” and she indeed deserved to get it “Leb style” either way Australians will never know.

However Australians of the Australian Labor Party leftist ideology, will no doubt be able to salve any uncomfortable itches they may have re this matter by “rejoicing in Australia’s rich and diverse Multicultural society” irrespective of how many “Aussie sluts “ and ‘Aussie Pigs” speak up and complain and want to rain on Kevin o7’s Australian Labor Party’s “Multicultural Parade”

Pink slays Australia.


Pink Inc tour broke all records

The Sunday Telegraph
August 30, 2009 12:00AM

Record breaker ... Pink in final concert at Acer Arena, Sydney. Pic: Simon Bullard Source: The Sunday Telegraph

AFTER more than three months criss-crossing Australia, American pop superstar Pink has wrapped her record-breaking tour, grossing more than $80 million.


The inspirational singer played to a packed house at Sydney's Acer Arena last night. It was the 58th and final performance of her phenomenal Funhouse national tour.

In total, Pink performed before more than 660,000 concert-goers - 150,000 of those in Sydney alone - over the past three months.

"It is a huge commitment on her part but she loves being here,'' said tour promoter Michael Coppel.

"She didn't do it unwillingly. When we were doing (planning) the tour, we only had a month commitment and then all of a sudden the demand was there so we kept adding shows and ended up with three months. It was really meant to be a maximum of 30 days.

"She has graciously made the time available and I think she's had a great time doing it as well.''

Pink - whose real name is Alecia Moore - played her first show of the tour in Perth on May 22, then travelled the country tirelessly, performing sell-out shows.

She played 17 concerts in Melbourne, six in Adelaide, four in Newcastle, two in Wollongong and Canberra, 11 in Brisbane and four in Perth.

Combining ticket sales and merchandise, it is estimated the Funhouse tour would have grossed more than $80 million.
How much of Pink's multi-million dollar earnings will remain in Australia would depend on the type of contract she signed prior to arriving in the country, said University of Queensland taxation expert Stephen Marsden.

"There are special provisions in the Taxation Act for entertainers and sports people but it's not a flat rate,'' Mr Marsden said.

"If the contract was signed overseas, very little (of her earnings from ticket sales) may be subject to tax.''

Pink's high-energy, two-hour show covered all her biggest songs from her five albums, including Just Like A Pill, U + Ur Hand, Trouble, So What!! and Get The Party Started.

Reinforcing her reputation as one of the world's best live performers, her spectacular stage show included risque costumes, breathtaking aerial acrobatics and fabulous visual effects.

But it's not just Pink's concert tickets that have been selling.
She has sold more than 4.8 million albums and singles in Australia since releasing her debut offering, Can't Take Me Home, in 2000.

Her single So What!! has been in the ARIA Charts for the past year. Also over the past 12 months, all five of her albums made it into the top 30 at the same time.

Pink's Funhouse album has never left the top 10 in the 42 weeks since it was released last October, spending nine weeks at number one, which is a record for any female artist on the ARIA Charts.

It's not surprising Pink has often spoken of her desire to one day live in Australia.

"The Pink Australian success story has been extraordinary, it just doesn't get any bigger,'' said Sony Music chief Denis Handlin.

"Australians have affectionately embraced her as their own as she has done with us.''
Pink is scheduled to return tothe US today, where she will be reunited with her husband Carey Hart.

Hart spent some of the past few months in Australia, performing at moto-cross events in cities where Pink was playing.

Pink will celebrate her 30th birthday on September 8 before kicking off her first ever headline American tour.
She's has 12 American shows planned, starting in Seattle on September 15.

Painting the town Pink

Pink in Kings Park

Tickled Pink

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ted Kennedy

To my American cousins,I have been watching the adulation heaped upon Ted Kennedy these last few days since he died, boy you guys sure know how to bung on a ‘wake’

I cant imagine what America would have done to honour him in his death had he not been responsible for the death of a young girl who’s scratch marks from her fingernails were found in the hood lining of the  motor vehicle he drove off a bridge into a river in a drunken stupor and managed to escape from, then wait over 24 hours to notify authorities of the “accident”

Ted Kennedy was above all a Humanitarian always on the look out for those who needed help the most … unless of course you were on his root list and he was so pissed he was not able to save you as well as himself after he drove his car off a bridge.

Ted was also a supporter of the Democrats  “Wimmins rights” and an opponent of older drunken male domination of young  girls.

Ted Kennedy, just like his dead brothers, represents all that the Democrat / International Socialism / Feminist Ideology stands for.

If only Mary Jo had of just been washed away, this Democrat Icon and holder of the left’s moral key’s  would have been President of the USA (what a bitch,have her parents prosecuted yet? If no why not?)

I am watching Foxe’s affirmative action correspondent One Williams waxing lyrical over this drunken womanizer and Democrat Icon, Ted Kennedy, claiming he is everything but the cure for cancer.

Son of  Bootlegging IRA financing,Irish Crap, but at least Ted never forgot the pathetic lack of standards he and his party stood for and  was expected to invoke, and he delivered 100% +

God Bless you Ted, for Satan clearly already has.

SHAME on Republicans lining up like lickspittle whipped dogs to praise this piece of SOCIALIST shit, Non Socialist Americans should note their names.

Ted Kennedy is why I started to understand why Christians hate Catholics.

Hussein Obowma Bitch slapped by Saudi Masters


Saudi Arabia in $2.4b Russian arms deal

From correspondents in Moscow
August 29, 2009 8:11PM

SAUDI Arabia is close to signing a $US2 billion ($2.39 billion) deal to buy Russian arms, a Russian defence industry source says.


US President,Islamic apologist and Islamic groupie and UN Pretty Boy, Hussein Obowma seen here grovelling to his Saudi Masters as French President looks on and sniggers at his subservience on one of Hussein Obowma’s

“I hate America too” world tours in 2009.


"Work is nearly complete on a set of contracts on the delivery of Russian arms and military technology to Saudi Arabia, with a total value of around two billion dollars," the source told Interfax news agency.

"For many of these contracts, all the technical and financial details have practically been agreed, for others work is still ongoing," he added.

Riyadh may purchase up to 150 helicopters  - 30 Mi-35 attack helicopters and up to 120 Mi-17 transport helicopters - more than 150 T-90S tanks, around 250 BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles and "several dozen" air defence systems, the source said.

Contracts for the sale of the tanks and the helicopters "could be signed as soon as this year," he told Interfax.

Spokespersons for Rosoboronexport, Russia's state-owned arms export monopoly, and for the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, which oversees the arms trade, could not be reached for comment.

Saudi Arabia - a close US ally - has long bought most of its arms from the US and Western Europe, but in recent years has been in talks on buying military equipment from Russia.

Meanwhile Russia is keen to find new markets for its weapons exports, one of the few sectors of Russian manufacturing that has enjoyed international success.

In 2008 Moscow and Riyadh signed a military cooperaton treaty, and this year Saudi King Abdullah received a delegation that included a top Kremlin adviser and an official from  Rosoboronexport.

Obama self portrait

Not so fast Messiah, I think there may have been a change of plan

“This used to be America…….” “Hope and Change you can believe in”

Well according to officer Wesley Cheeks

“It ain’t no more… OK”

Americans constitutional rights are now granted or taken away at any given time by any law enforcement officer,who may disagree with your right to exercise your constitutional rights at any given time.

I wonder if the “dissident” who was wanting to express his right to show his dissatisfaction with the Hussein Obama regime had of been holding a placard supporting Hussein Obama and his regime would Officer Wesley Cheeks threatened him with arrest for trespass or would the good officer simply have said good evening Sir can I help you do you need any directions


Freedom from free speech.. Hussein Obams’

“Hope and Change you can believe in ” for


Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan free at last.


Controversial nuclear scientist totally free


Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:45am AEST

A court in Pakistan has lifted the final restrictions on nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, allowing him total freedom of movement.

Dr Khan, whose work helped Pakistan become a nuclear state, spent years under house arrest after he admitted selling off nuclear weapons secrets.

In February, most restrictions on him were lifted, but he still had to notify authorities of his movements.

Dr Khan confessed to transferring nuclear weapons technology to Libya, North Korea and Iran in 2004 but was later pardoned by former Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf.

He has since said that the charges against him were false and that his confession was "forced".

Australia’s rich tapestry of Cultural Diversity on Parade …. again.


Darwiche murder: arrest warrant issued


Police have issued an arrest warrant for a man wanted over the murder of Sydney crime figure Abdul Darwiche.

29 8 09 Arrest warrant issued for Darwich murder 

Darwiche, 37, was shot outside a service station in Sydney's west in March.

At the time police appealed for Mohammed 'Blackie' Fahda to come forward and speak with investigators about the shooting.

They have now added Fahda to the


 Gun accused denies involvement in Darwiche feud

 Darwiche's brother 'plotting revenge murder'

 Crime rival wanted over Darwiche murder

Two charged in Darwiche murder probe

  Hundreds farewell alleged Sydney crime boss

Friday, August 28, 2009

Wife sets fire to Husbands Penis… no kidding or………..


'Penis burning' wife accused of murder


August 28, 2009 - 4:28PM

A jealous wife who allegedly set her husband's penis on fire will answer a murder charge in October.

Rajini Narayan appeared briefly in the Adelaide Magistrates Court today, charged with the murder of her husband.

The mother of three allegedly set fire to the genitals of her husband, Satish Narayan, in December last year.

Mr Narayan suffered major burns in the blaze and died several weeks later.

The fire also gutted the family's home in Unley, leaving a damage bill of $1 million.

A previous court hearing in January heard Narayan had told neighbours: "I'm a jealous wife, his penis should belong to me, I just wanted to burn his penis so it belongs to me and no one else ... I didn't mean this to happen."

In court on Friday, the case against Narayan, 44, was adjourned until October 30, when she will answer charges of murder, arson and endangering life.

What is it with these women ? geeeeeessse  what a way to go.I am sure the wimmins collective co operative and foundation of crystal gazing universal sisterhood is working on an excuse for her already,you know having a bad day or a day of incorrect choices, “she is the real victim here you honour’ blah blah blah.

Strewth!!!!! what a way to go.

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