An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Australia’s first Political Prisoner is BA ACK: Pauline Hanson sets the Labor and the Gutless Conservatives running for their Racist Multicultural pro forma script.


Muhammed Dawood aka. Celebrity Terrorist David Hicks “mingles with Sydney’s Jet Set” aka. Labor and their Leftist backers


David Hicks mingles with the jet set

The Daily Telegraph

March 09, 2011

Copy of 9 3 2011 David Hicks mingles with the jet set  FORMER guest of Guantanamo Bay David Hicks was a surprise guest at a charity book launch this week, mixing with NSW powerbrokers.

Hicks and wife Aloysia mingled with the likes of Premier Kristina Keneally and NSW Governor Marie Bashir at the Elizabeth Bay launch of Stories From The Wayside, a book by    The Wayside Chapel's Reverend Graham Long, Hicks' pastor.

"We are proud of every single person who came to the event tonight and that includes David Hicks," a spokeswoman said.

  •  Hicks petitions on Gitmo torture The Australian, 5 days ago
  •  Hicks claims Howard intervention proof Courier Mail, 5 days ago
  •  US won't give Assange fair trial: Hicks The Australian, 14 Dec 2010
  •  Don't clear Hicks - Defence Association The Daily Telegraph,19 Jul 2010
  •  'David Hicks should clear his name' The Daily Telegraph, 18 Jul 2010


     The beautiful people and “their David”, these beautiful people , the “jet set” these vermin have the gall to appear at funerals of Australian servicemen killed in Afghanistan by “their David’s’ fellow terrorists pals, with onion in handkerchief so as to elicit a tear when required for their media publicists  camera’s.

    You would not piss on “……Sydney’s Jet Set “ if it was on fire. 



    Muhammad Dawood (David Hicks): Osama a "lovely man"

    The lovely one

    Muhammad Dawood, aka David Hicks, is an Australian convert to and misunderstander of Islam. "Osama bin Laden a 'lovely' man, Hicks says in letter," from the Herald Sun (thanks to all who sent this in):

    DAVID Hicks praised Osama bin Laden as "lovely" in letters read to a court as a magistrate considered the conditions of a control order to be placed on the former Guantanamo Bay detainee.

    The Australian Federal Police (AFP) today used the six-year-old letters to argue the 32-year-old terrorism supporter remained a perceived threat to Australia.

    But although they say the letters are out of date and he poses no threat, Hicks's lawyers today did not oppose the AFP's application to the Federal Magistrates Court for Australia's second control order.

    Hicks will be released from Adelaide's Yatala prison on December 29 after serving out his US-imposed sentence for providing material support for terrorism.

    AFP lawyer Andrew Berger today asked that as part of a control order Hicks be forced to attend a police station three times a week and stick to a midnight to 6am curfew, among other conditions.[...}

    Oh, well, then, nothing to be concerned about!

    Arguing for the control order, Mr Berger said Hicks had admitted taking part in four al-Qaida training camps between January 2001 and August 2001, a month before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York.

    Hicks undertook "substantial training" in basic arms and combat training, guerilla warfare and advanced marksmanship, he told the court.

    Mr Berger said there was a "plethora of evidence" against Hicks, including letters he sent to his family in Adelaide while training with al-Qaida.

    In one, Hicks wrote: "By the way, I have met Osama bin Laden 20 times now, lovely brother, everything for the cause of Islam. The only reason the west calls him the most wanted Muslim is because he's got the money to take action."

    Hicks also described himself as a "fit, young Muslim, ready to defend Islam", and in another letter wrote of the "poison" of the west, which he said was trying to crush Islam.

    "Jihad is still valid to this day," he wrote.

    Tuesday, March 08, 2011

    Australians tell Madame Gillard, Australia’s Socialist Liar for Hire PM just how popular she really is, whilst fellow Socialist Hussein Obama sings her praises.


    8 3 2011 Laqbor its a mess

    Every day it is becoming clearer just how much of a mess Labor is in.

    Five days before the last election Julia Gillard promised: “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.” Now, with Ms Gillard caving in to the Greens and breaking her promise, Australians face a new tax and extra pressure on family budgets.

    At a time when Australians are already doing it tough, Labor’s carbon tax will unnecessarily lift electricity, grocery and petrol prices and attack jobs in our key industries.

    In a major address delivered in Adelaide last night, Tony Abbott warned of the cost of Labor’s carbon tax.

    He said:

    “Even at $26 a tonne, a carbon tax would add an average of $300 a year to electricity bills (and $500 in NSW). It would add 6.5 cents to the cost of a litre of petrol. At this rate, a carbon tax would raise about $10 billion a year without materially reducing emissions because consumers have previously absorbed price rises of this magnitude.

    “A carbon tax of about $25 a tonne would close 16 coal mines and cost 10,000 jobs in coal mining (according to Access Economics). It would cost 24,000 jobs in mining generally (according to ACIL). It would cost 45,000 jobs in emissions-intensive industries (according to Frontier Economics). It’s “economic vandalism” according to the head of Bluescope Steel that will drive manufacturing jobs offshore.

    “A carbon tax would add 25 per cent to the price of electricity and up to five per cent to the cost of groceries because power and transport costs are embedded in the price.”

    For Labor and the Greens the only answer is tax, tax, tax.

    The Coalition knows there is a better way. Our direct action plan on climate change is economically responsible and won’t cost Australian jobs.

    Labor’s CO2 Tax,Labor’s TAX on everything, Global Warming SCAM,Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM,United Nations, Al Gore,Carbon Tax,CO2 TAX,Tax for living, Labor’s Road to Serfdom,Green Loons,Bob Brown, Christine Milne, Rob Oakeshott, Tony Windsor,Flim Flannery,Carpet Baggers,Snake Oil Salesmen,

    Sunday, March 06, 2011

    Daniel Greenfield article: The Economic Counterrevolution of the Environmentalists

     CO2 TAX

     Australia’s Green LOONS aka. the  Labor / Green Loon/ Independent/ Union Financed Minority Federal Government on Parade.

    Australia: Labor’s CO2 TAX On EVERYTHING explained, CO2 Tax for Dummies

    “But it isn't really about the environment or the myth of manmade global warming. If it was, then global warming conferences would be teleconferences, not giant binges of jet travel, hotel stays and open bars. It's about what all counter-revolutions are about, the recovery of lost power by an elite. As the Bolshevik takeover of Russia was a counterrevolution against the authentic revolution that had toppled the imported German monarchy of the Czars, the left has been conducting its own counterrevolution against the republican political and economic revolutions that put an end to the monarchies of the West. Their goal is to dismantle the republics and replace them with global entities under the control of the truly enlightened. The anti-elitist elite.

    Environmentalism is a convenient tool of the economic counterrevolution, which undermines popular rule, national sovereignty, individualism, economic prosperity and cultural identity, in order to reassemble a bureaucratic empire that will oversee everyone's lives, with no say in it from them. Spreading poverty, cultural division, fragmenting families and national unity, are all key elements in the campaign. Creating chaos and misery, and then stepping in to fix it, is a time honored trick of tyrants. The trick is being played on us all over again. Almost all of their cards are on the table now. And they are dealing from the bottom of the deck.”

    Full article at  Sultan Knish  READ IT!!!!


    Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE
    Australian Politics:Madame Gillard receives a touch up from the back room boys aka. Labor’s “Faceless men”
    Australia PM, Madame Gillard her minority Green Loon “Independent” coalition government in turmoil.
    Agenda 21, Nancy Levant.
    Madame Gillard Australia’s Shameless Socialist LIAR
    Alan Jones exposes Madame Gillard and her Marxist Governments Road to Serfdom for her subjects.

    Australia: Labor’s CO2 TAX On EVERYTHING explained, CO2 Tax for Dummies

    CO2 Tax for Dummies

    Let's put this into a bit of perspective for laymen!  Graphic Here

    ETS is another tax. It is equal to putting up the GST to 12.5% which would be unacceptable and produce an outcry.

    Read the following analogy and you will realize the insignificance of carbon dioxide as a weather controller.

    Pass on to all in your address book including politicians and may be they will listen to their constituents, rather than vested interests which stand to gain by the ETS.

    Here's a practical way to understand Julia Gillard Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

    Imagine 1 kilometer of atmosphere and we want to get rid of the carbon pollution in it created by human activity.  Let's go for a walk along it.

    The first 770 meters are Nitrogen.

    The next 210 meters are Oxygen.

    That's 980 meters of the 1 kilometer.  20 meters to go.

    The next 10 meters are water vapour.  10 meters left.

    9 meters are argon.   Just 1 more meter.

    A few gases make up the first bit of that last meter.

    The last 38 centimeters of the kilometer - that's carbon dioxide.  A bit over one foot.

    97% of that is produced by Mother Nature.  It’s natural.

    Out of our journey of one kilometer, there are just 12 millimeters left.  Just over a centimeter - about half an inch.

    That’s the amount of carbon dioxide that global human activity puts into the atmosphere.

    And of those 12 millimeters Australia puts in .18 of a millimeter.

    Less than the thickness of a hair.  Out of a kilometer!

    As a hair is to a kilometer - so is Australia 's contribution to what Julia Gillard calls Carbon Pollution.

    Imagine Brisbane 's new Gateway Bridge , ready to be opened by Julia Gillard. It's been polished, painted and scrubbed by an army of workers till its 1 kilometer length is surgically clean. Except that Julia Gillard says we have a huge problem, the bridge is polluted - there's a human hair on the roadway. We'd laugh ourselves silly.

    There are plenty of real pollution problems to worry about.

    It's hard to imagine that Australia 's contribution to carbon dioxide in the world's atmosphere is one of the more pressing ones.  And I can't believe that a new tax on everything is the only way to blow that pesky hair away.

    Pass this on quickly while the ETS is being debated in Federal Parliament.

    CO2 TAX

    Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE
    Australian Politics:Madame Gillard receives a touch up from the back room boys aka. Labor’s “Faceless men”
    Australia PM, Madame Gillard her minority Green Loon “Independent” coalition government in turmoil.
    Agenda 21, Nancy Levant.
    Madame Gillard Australia’s Shameless Socialist LIAR
    Alan Jones exposes Madame Gillard and her Marxist Governments Road to Serfdom for her subjects.


    Saturday, March 05, 2011

    Australia. Sapper Jamie Larcombe laid to rest on Kangaroo Island


    Sapper Jamie Larcombe farewelled on Kangaroo Island

    Michael McGuire
    The Advertiser

    March 05, 2011

    IT felt like too nice a day to say goodbye. The clouds had parted to let the autumn sun shine through, the wind was gentle and faraway surf crashed.

    High on a bluff on Kangaroo Island, overlooking a sparkling blue sea, the younger sister of Sapper Jamie Larcombe read a poem farewelling her beloved brother, her voice catching on emotion and tears.

    Sapper Larcombe was killed in Afghanistan two weeks ago.

    5 3 2011 Sapper Jamie Larcombe farewelled on Kangaroo Island 2

    "I miss being your little sister," Emily Larcombe began. "I miss hearing the sound of your voice. I wish I got to say I love you before you were given to the sky."

    On a day when the heroism and valour of Sapper Larcombe, of the 1st Combat Engineer Regiment, was commemorated at his funeral service, it was the voice of his family that brought the devastating loss of war home to the 1000 people gathered at Flagstaff Hill on Kangaroo Island. Sapper Larcombe's three sisters all read poems in honour of their brother as his parents Steven and Tricia looked on. The pain and the grief was in their voices and words, and in the hush of those who had gathered to pay their respects to the 23rd Australian to die far from home, fighting a ruthless enemy in Afghanistan.

    They came from everywhere to say goodbye. Climbing the hill from Kingscote were the young and the old, the workers and the retired, those who never knew Jamie Larcombe and those who'd known him forever.

    There was Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, Defence Minister Stephen Smith and Acting Premier John Rau.

    It was a sad and solemn day but there were moments of lightness and laughter when family friend Ted Speed delivered the eulogy for Sapper Larcombe.

    There were old tales of horse rides gone wrong, motorbikes that had crashed, injuries to sisters.

    Mr Speed spoke of the gratitude that Sapper Larcombe's long-time girlfriend Rhiannon Penhall had been able to speak to her boyfriend less than 24 hours before he was killed. He told the life story of a boy who became a man who was widely loved and respected. A fanatical Crows supporter, a keen fisherman who always got seasick, a member of the Country Fire Service who lived by the motto "Give it a Go".

    His hero was Crows' legend Andrew McLeod. Larcombe sported McLeod's number 23 when playing for the Western Districts Football Club and Mr Speed noted the irony that Sapper Larcombe was the "23rd Australian to pay the ultimate price in Afghanistan". "Jamie left me in no doubt that he fought for what he believed in and he believed in what he fought for," Mr Speed said. "He was courageous, he was strong and a caring young man."

    Sapper Larcombe grew up in the small community of Parndana. Fittingly, it was established as a soldiers' settlement after World War II and features the Soldiers Settlement Museum. All his schooling was done in Parndana and he graduated from the local area school in 2007.

    He joined the army in 2008 and he was killed four months into his first tour of Afghanistan. Brigade Commander Gus McLauchlin told the crowd that sappers such as Larcombe were the heart and soul of the regiment. Often dirty, regularly cheeky, most likely to be found in the pub, the sappers of the 1st Combat Engineering Regiment also took on the most dangerous jobs the army had to offer.

    The regiment had a motto that said simply: "Follow the Sapper".

    On the day he was killed, Sapper Larcombe was at the head of a mission that was forging into the Taliban strongholds in the Mirabad Valley, not far from Tarin Kowt, to establish forward bases for Australian and Afghan forces . His job was to clear improvised explosive devices from the way ahead to make the route safe for others to follow.

    Sapper Larcombe was doing his job when he was cut down by Taliban gunfire in an ambush. As Anzac Day approaches, Brigadier McLauchlin reminded us that: "He shall not grow old as those that are left behind grow old. Age will not weary him, or the years condemn.


    Copy of 5 3 2011 Sapper Jamie Larcombe farewelled on Kangaroo Island

    "Whoever reads the Ode this year is talking about Jamie Larcombe. We will remember him just as he is for the rest of our lives."

    Friday, March 04, 2011

    Multicultural Sydney: Muslim “Community Leader” Rebecca Kay exposed after Hoxton Park High School Muslim Riot

    The latest

    Afternoon following riot 3 / 3

    Morning of 4 / 3

    Damage Control 3 pm 4 / 3

    Above video is report on student been stabbed in head at a nearby school as the interview above this video was taking place.
    Story Background

    Multicultural Sydney: Up[date.Official Police Report of Muslim Riot and aftermath Video Mohammed Masri Threatens arresting Officer ……the usual suspects “school Jihad” erupts in Sydney’s occupied Territories

    Family Background
    Savouring peace behind the scarf
    Paul Kent From
    The Daily Telegraph
    September 25, 2010 12:00AM
    4 3 2011 Savouring peace behind the scarf WHAT she finds ... is beauty.
    A serenity, a peacefulness in her life that wasn't there before.
    "When I put the scarf on," she says, "I have never felt so beautiful in my whole, entire life."
    What a feeling it must be.
    A young woman, bright-eyed and true, brought up in the backyards of Australia. It was a childhood of touch football and hockey, of summer afternoons and big family Christmases.
    Typical, you might call it.
    And now she is a young mum, with four bouncing kids, and a husband and a life she nearly missed - and every day she prays and gives thanks for it. And all because she is now a Muslim.
    It hits you like it hits everybody when they learn Rebecca Kay's choice.
    Just last weekend a friend from her former hometown of Kiama came to visit her at home in Bankstown. She noticed the scarf and couldn't help but ask.
    "But you're Australian," she said. "I know," she said.
    "But why are you Muslim for?" was the response.
    For many traditional Australians, the two are mutually exclusive. You cannot be both.
    It is part of the misunderstanding about Islam, muddied by extremists and ignorance and all the very worst behaviour there is in all of us but which we often refuse to admit.
    What is true is that fewer and fewer Australians are converting to Islam. When the planes went into the towers on September 11, 2001, Islam and the world changed forever.
    What official figures there are for Australian converts, held by the Muslim Women's Association, are closely guarded and, even then, not entirely accurate.
    "They can do it [convert] without even going to the mosque," says Keysar Trad, a Muslim spokesman.
    "They can do it in a private ceremony at home. They can do it anywhere.
    "But one thing I have found is even though there are a lot of people saying in the last nine years that there's a lot more interest in Islam, there were more people [converting] before we got so much publicity.
    "The private interest changed to 'Can we tolerate Muslims' rather than 'Is this a way of life for us?'."
    For Rebecca, the easy explanation is that her interest changed when she met her husband, Abdul Latf Darwiche, known as Albert.
    Not that it changed quickly. Or easily. She is not the kind who does it the easy way.
    From a family of high achievers - her mother Marie holds three world Masters records, her father John also represents Australia in Masters competition - she was similarly strong-willed.
    She lived the young life, which is one of excess.
    "The path I was going down before wasn't a great path," she says.
    "I was a typical Australian that liked going out and drinking five nights a week.
    "It kind of gets depressing over time."
    For Marie and John, unable to curb their daughter's behaviour, it grew increasingly worrying. Until she met Albert and began asking his sisters about Islam.
    "I give all my gratification to Albert for putting her back on the right road," Marie says. "It works both ways."
    They met during Ramadan and, for Rebecca, the beauty of the religion came at night, when the sun was down and the family ate and drank together, and she saw the bond in their sacrifice.
    She began questioning Albert's sisters, interested in the religion she knew so little about. They married in 2003 and, slowly, as is her way, Rebecca waited until the following year before telling Albert she wanted to convert.
    It was done without ceremony, because, as she says, "God knows".
    Three years later she went to a girlfriend's house, ready to begin wearing the hijab.
    "My husband isn't fussed if I wear the scarf or not," she says. "I've been wearing it for three years. I feel that it's the next spiritual step for me. That it's the next decision."
    Says Marie: "I get a lot of people look at me strangely here in Wollongong when I say my daughter is married to a Muslim and she's a Muslim and wears a scarf. I say she's still my daughter."
    She has blossomed into a wonderful mother, says her mum, and now is part of a wider, wonderful family.
    This is her religion.
    One for which some want the burqa banned because they aren't like us.
    Well, some are.
    Bankstown Independent candidate Rebecca Kay married to Darwiche family member

    8 FEB 11 @ 06:00AM BY JOANNE VELLA
    Bankstown Express

    A BANKSTOWN State Election candidate married to a member of the Darwiche family has urged people not to judge her or her relatives.
    Rebecca Kay, 28, is the wife of Albert Darwiche, the older brother of 37-year-old drug boss Abdul, who was gunned down outside a Bass Hill service station on March 14, 2009. On October 30, 2003, Ahmad Fahda was shot 30 times at a service station in Punchbowl Rd, Punchbowl.
    Ms Kay denied the Darwiches had an ongoing feud with the Fahda family. “I don’t feel there is a problem,” she said.
    “Their (the Darwiches’) reputation exceeds them.”
    The mother-of-four says she was driven to stand as an independent to keep the major parties “honest”.
    Ms Kay is also prepared to take part in the Canterbury-Bankstown Express forum at Bankstown Sports Club on March 2 - unlike her Liberal opponent Bill Chahine and East Hills contender Glenn Brookes. “It’s the whole issue of Labor and Liberal,” she said.
    “I hope to win but realistically I’m there to keep them honest. I want to see them fight for the seat.”
    Formerly a loyal Labor voter, Ms Kay named Bankstown’s high-rise developments as one of her chief concerns for the electorate and accused Labor of being detached to the community’s needs.
    Ms Kay said she had strong support with voters being a Muslim of Anglo-Australian background. The Wollongong-raised Bankstown resident converted to Islam eight years ago when she married Mr Darwiche.
    “I’m a real person. I have a mortgage. I’m a mother. I know how it is to live in Bankstown.”

                                                                                                          Another Shining Star in Labor's Multicultural Crown

    Thursday, March 03, 2011

    Australia PM, Madame Gillard her minority Green Loon “Independent” coalition government in turmoil.


    Alan Jones & Tim Blair discuss the rabble that is the “Gillard Government”

    CO2 TAX

    Australian Politics:Madame Gillard receives a touch up from the back room boys aka. Labor’s “Faceless men”
    Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE .
    Agenda 21, Nancy Levant.
    Madame Gillard Australia’s Shameless Socialist LIAR
    Alan Jones exposes Madame Gillard and her Marxist Governments Road to Serfdom for her subjects.

    Multicultural Sydney: Up[date.Official Police Report of Muslim Riot and aftermath Video Mohammed Masri Threatens arresting Officer ……the usual suspects “school Jihad” erupts in Sydney’s occupied Territories

    Latest Update

    Official Police Report of Hoxton Park High School Muslim Riot and aftermath

    3 3 2011 Hoxton Park High School Riot 649258-police-report

    3 3 2011 Mohammed Masri Rat with a Gold Tooth
    Strutting Islamic Rat with a Gold Tooth, threatens arresting officer.

    Green Valley police station surrounded after confrontation over 'Facebook slurs'
    Chelsea White and Rosemary Lentini
    The Daily Telegraph
    March 03, 2011 1:30PM
    3 3 2011 Hoxton Park School Riot
    A CONFRONTATION between parents and police following racial slurs allegedly posted on a high school student's Facebook page descended into a police station being put into lockdown yesterday.
    The incident began outside Hoxton Park High School, after the school closed yesterday.
    Police were forced to use capsicum spray on some of the adults involved as stunned students watched on.
    Six men and women aged between 26 and 50 were arrested.
    Some of those involved said the incident began when a Muslim student was attacked by a mob of year 9 school girls.
    The alleged victim of the mob attack claimed she was bashed by about 10 "Australian girls" at the school and the attack was racially motivated.
    "I don't know why they chose me. I'm feeling really hurt and worried about what happened," she said.
    She said the attack followed anti-Islamic slurs allegedly made on a fellow student's Facebook page.
    Parents said this was not the first time such attacks had occurred, and some gathered at the school  following the alleged attack on the girl.
    The group of arrested people was taken to Green Valley police station.
    But rumours then spread, also on Facebook, suggesting the fight was racially motivated and that police had removed the veil of a Muslim woman during the protest that followed.
    An angry mob descended on the police station, with a witness saying hundreds of youths threw projectiles at officers.
    The police helicopter, dog squad and riot officers were believed to have been called in. Police declined to comment on the alleged attack.
    Brawl outside school sparks mob protest
    Daily Telegraph
    March 03, 2011 10:44AM
    A CROWD descended on a southwestern Sydney police station after six people were arrested for fighting outside a high school.
    Six men and women, aged from 26 to 50, were arrested outside Hoxton Park High School at Hinchinbrook about 3pm yesterday and charged
    with various offences including affray.
    Police used capsicum spray on the group and a number of officers were injured during the confrontation.
    Hours later, about 8pm, a group of about 40 supporters entered Green Valley police station where the men and women were being held.
    The supporters were told to leave when they became agitated and abusive.
    The group then congregated outside the station but left a short time later.
    The six arrested people have been granted bail and are due to appear at Liverpool Local Court on April 8.

    Emotions run high as playground fight leads to parents brawl and invasion of police station
    Stephanie Gardiner
    March 3, 2011 - 9:59AM
    A group of 40 "emotional" people crowded into a Sydney police station after officers arrested six people over a fight outside a high school
    about a playground dispute, police say.
    Police said they were forced to use capsicum spray on the group outside Hoxton Park High School on Wilson Road, Hinchinbrook yesterday
    Some officers were allegedly injured in the confrontation and six men and women, aged between 26 and 50, were arrested and taken to Green
    Valley police station.
    A large group of people later came into the police station, upset over the arrests, police said.
    Chief Inspector Darrin Wilson said the scuffle outside the high school was over an earlier fight between students in the playground.
    ''That was a result of parents being unhappy with their daughter being assaulted in school grounds earlier in the day,'' he said.
    He said the group were emotional, not angry.
    "I guess it's just like any group of people, your family and friends get arrested, you become emotional," he said. "They took offence to us
    arresting them."
    Chief Inspector Wilson could not confirm reports a Muslim woman's veil had been ripped off by officers outside the high school.
    "I've heard those rumours and I can't confirm them. Police were the victims in this and they acted accordingly."
    The group were asked to leave the station, but gathered outside before finally leaving.
    The six people arrested outside the school were charged with offences including affray, intimidation, assault police, resist arrest and
    offensive language.
    They were bailed and will appear in Liverpool Local Court on April 8.
    Stay tuned More to come on this story…….

    Australian Politics:Madame Gillard receives a touch up from the back room boys aka. Labor’s “Faceless men”

    These three Labor heavies tell Gillard to put brake on Greens
    Simon Benson and Steve Lewis
    The Daily Telegraph
    March 03, 2011 12:00AM

    Led by the so-called "Godfather" of the NSW Labor right, Senator Don Farrell, the trio gave voice to backbench fears over the Greens' hold on the Gillard Government.
    The right-wing delegation of Senator Farrell, and senior senators Steve Hutchins and John Hogg met the PM at 11.30am yesterday after the Greens claimed to have Government backing for a Bill to pave the way for gay marriage and legal euthanasia.
    It is believed the PM said she had no knowledge of it and gave a commitment she would not back legal euthanasia.They had also confronted Treasurer Wayne Swan, who also claimed to be in the dark.
    Senate Labor leader Chris Evans was later forced to apologise to a caucus of Labor senators at a 3pm meeting over what they claimed was a return to the Rudd-style lack of consultation and failure of government process.
    The Greens had ambushed the Government by quietly introducing amendments to its own private member's Bill late on Tuesday night.
    The amendment made the Bill far more radical and turned a "machinery" Bill into one that would pave the way for the territories to allow legal euthanasia and gay marriage by limiting the Commonwealth's ability to overturn territory legislation.
    Anger was directed at former Labor leader Simon Crean, who briefed the ALP Caucus on the territories Bill on Tuesday. "There is a view around that, at best, Crean didn't explain the Bill and we've been misled," one Labor MP said. "Either that or it was a giant stuff up."
    Mr Crean, however, defended his position, saying: "The position that I took to Caucus was the same position as supported by the party in 2006."
    Ms Gillard now faces a possible breakout of factional war with right-wing MPs accusing Labor left MPs - who support gay marriage and euthanasia - of conspiring with the Greens to deceive the Government. The issue was later resolved when the PM intervened to ensure Labor would vote with the Coalition in the Senate to delay the Bill by referring it to a committee.
    MPs are also angry that the PM's decision to introduce a carbon tax was not taken to the caucus.
    Others told The Daily Telegraph they were receiving "virulent" emails complaining of a Labor "sell out" to the Greens, who combined with Ms Gillard to unveil the climate change pact.

    And Last week Deputy Prime Minister Bob Brown announced the CO 2 TAX, the Labor Green TAX on EVERYTHING.

    CO2 TAX

    Multicultural Sydney: Muslim Brotherhood member quizzed over Auburn shooting, the “usual suspects” weaving their “cultural diversity” magic in Labor’s Multicultural ZOO again.


    Muslim Brotherhood member quizzed over Auburn shooting

    Geoff Chambers
    The Daily Telegraph

    March 03, 2011 12:00AM

    A SENIOR member of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement gang has been quizzed by police after a man was shot in the neck.

    Police are investigating whether the Auburn shooting on Tuesday night is linked to gang rivalries in Sydney's southwest.

    Detectives interviewed two men allegedly in a car with the victim, 21, about 9.40pm.

    As the car pulled into Pine Rd, an argument erupted between the men and a group standing on the road.

    "We have been given different version of events," Detective Inspector White said.

    Shots were fired with one grazing the victim's neck. Shots also went into a house.



    Fifty Seven percent of Australians very concerned about the number of Muslims living in Australia
    Australia,Sydney’s Occupied Territories,The SLIME of Multiculturalism jizzed over both sides of politics, when you lay down with DOGS you wake up with Muslims and Multiculturalism.
    Intend on visiting France ? best to stay off public transport
    Those Darn Crazy “Militants” are at it again at Russian Ski Resort
    Multiculturalism weaves it's MAGICAL Golden Threads into Labor's "Rich Tapestry" of "Cultural Diversity" AGAIN.
    Australia : Video News,Illegal entrants bury their dead and what they think of Australia, well at least what one group thinks of Australia.
    Australians sleep under the stars as the Labor Green Independent Union funded Socialist minority Government spends $60,000 a NIGHT to house illegal immigrants in HOTELS
    Sydney Australia Video News,Multicultural Sydney,Moderate Indonesia,Iraq revokes fly over permission for QANTAS QF32 Mid Air,Australia’s Finest,Sydney Harbour underwater wonderland
    Guidelines for Muslim women engaging in sport and exercise
    Multicultural Australia Muslims demand Pool Curtains for public swimming pool
  • Islamist head claims responsibility The Daily Telegraph, 8 Feb 2011
  • Suicide mission coming, says rebel The Daily Telegraph, 6 Feb 2011
  • Moscow bomber from North Caucasus The Australian, 30 Jan 2011
  • Militant wanted for Moscow bomb Adelaide Now, 27 Jan 2011
  • Four dead in car bomb in Russian Caucasus The Daily Telegraph, 26 Jan 2011

  • Wednesday, March 02, 2011

    Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE .



    Media Release

    Menzies House, an independent grassroots website for centre right political activists, today announced the launch of 300_gillard-300x340, an online petition and information resource opposing the recent proposal to implement a carbon tax as a transition to an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

    If enacted, it is estimated that this tax hike will cost the average Australian household a staggering extra $300 a year in electricity bills, as with further sharp increases in the costs of goods and services.

    “This proposal is an economically damaging grab for cash by a desperate government and will lead to the very same ETS rejected by the Australian people.” said Timothy Andrews, Managing Editor of Menzies House.“It will hurt businesses, hurt families, and seriously harm the Australian economy – at a time Australian Families can least afford it. With recent increases in the cost of living already hitting Australian households, this is a tax hike Australia just can not afford.

    The Editor-in-Chief of Menzies House, John Humphreys, has previously written about revenue-neutral carbon tax, but opposes the current proposal

    “A moderate carbon tax, with offsetting tax cuts, would be the least harmful policy for combating climate change” said Mr. Humphreys. “However, the current policy fails because it does not provide the offsetting tax cuts, and so it will increase the size of government and hurt the economy. It is also worrying that the government seems intent on switching to an emissions trading system, which is an unnecessarily complicated and inefficient response to climate change."                                                 Madame Gillard

    John Humphreys

    Mobile: 0404 044 561
    Timothy Andrews

    Click Here to view as a PDF


    Australian’s please register here to show your support for freedom. This is a TAX on everything.

    Tuesday, March 01, 2011

    Fifty Seven percent of Australians very concerned about the number of Muslims living in Australia


    Most Australians concerned by Muslims

    The Daily Telegraph

    March 01, 2011

     23 6 2010 Burka Ban Fred Nile NEARLY six in 10 Australians are concerned about the number of Muslim people in Australia, according to a new poll.

    A poll by Essential Media Communications found 57 per cent of people were "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" about the number of Muslims in Australia.

    The poll conducted in the past week, found four in 10 people said they believed Muslims made up more than 5 per cent of the population, when in fact the figure was 1.7 per cent, according to the report.

    When presented with the actual figures, the number of people who said they were concerned declined.



    "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" about the number of Muslims in Australia.Gee why? maybe they have friends in Sweeden.

    Australia,Sydney’s Occupied Territories,The SLIME of Multiculturalism jizzed over both sides of politics, when you lay down with DOGS you wake up with Muslims and Multiculturalism.
    Intend on visiting France ? best to stay off public transport
    Those Darn Crazy “Militants” are at it again at Russian Ski Resort
    Multiculturalism weaves it's MAGICAL Golden Threads into Labor's "Rich Tapestry" of "Cultural Diversity" AGAIN.
    Australia : Video News,Illegal entrants bury their dead and what they think of Australia, well at least what one group thinks of Australia.
    Australians sleep under the stars as the Labor Green Independent Union funded Socialist minority Government spends $60,000 a NIGHT to house illegal immigrants in HOTELS
    Sydney Australia Video News,Multicultural Sydney,Moderate Indonesia,Iraq revokes fly over permission for QANTAS QF32 Mid Air,Australia’s Finest,Sydney Harbour underwater wonderland
    Guidelines for Muslim women engaging in sport and exercise
    Multicultural Australia Muslims demand Pool Curtains for public swimming pool
  • Islamist head claims responsibility The Daily Telegraph, 8 Feb 2011
  • Suicide mission coming, says rebel The Daily Telegraph, 6 Feb 2011
  • Moscow bomber from North Caucasus The Australian, 30 Jan 2011
  • Militant wanted for Moscow bomb Adelaide Now, 27 Jan 2011
  • Four dead in car bomb in Russian Caucasus The Daily Telegraph, 26 Jan 2011
  • Agenda 21, Nancy Levant.



    Nancy Levant
    June 13, 2005

    Let’s imagine that we all live the Agenda 21 way.

    We own no land. We have no guns. We have no vote. Our children are the property of a global government taught by NGO agents called Career Certification Specialists, and God is outlawed and a thing of the past.

    We are assigned to employers who are assigned to our settlement territories. There is no local government and there are no counties or cities. We are barred from large forests, natural fresh waters, and beachfront properties, which are all owned by businesses and used, tax free, by their families and friends.


    Enemies of the People,Australian Socialist, Union funded, Labor / Green Loon / “Independent” minority coalition federal government.

    The population of what was once American people, is now squeezed into settlement communities in the center of the country. The wealthy live in mega-mansions, and conservation easements, corridors, and buffer zones separate us from them. The mountains and large forested areas of the country are strictly off limits to Mid-North American people (M-NAPs), and corporate government owns all land and watershed systems.

    We drive less and less as government security and the Real ID denies more and more driver’s licenses for more and more reasons. The cut-off age for driver’s licenses is lowered to 60 and the driving age is raised to following compulsory military service, but all driving is restricted to 25 miles a week. Then 20. Then 15, and so forth.

    Employers send trams to pick us up for work and drop us off. That will come out of our paychecks, but enforced non-pollution is just that – enforced.

    Via nano-technology and widespread RFID use, all pretense of privacy will leave our imaginations, and we become a highly managed species to find, punish, eavesdrop upon, and watch (Sub-dermal chipping was tested on grazing animals, then dogs, and chipping centers are now open for business in Florida and being tested on senior citizens. Children will be next under the guise of security/anti-kidnapping technology, and then banking rights will require chipping).

    As we become ill more frequently, living in such close and small quarters, we are given the medical care that the government deems appropriate, and NGO governing boards determine the definition of human quality of life. Remember that human life is to be reduced by 40-75% depending upon which U.N. conservation partners you listen to.

    At least 50% of the North American continent is off limits to Homo Sapiens. Between the government and large land trusts, more than half of American land is already in their hands.

    Species of large mammals are repopulated. Wolves and cougars, mountain lions and bears guard the wilderness areas to ensure that people keep away. All wilderness areas are now the private property of corporate government. Watch for fencing.

    International conglomerations, which are partnered with international conservation/land trusts, and all partnered with the United Nations, are the holders and keepers of land stolen by complex business schemes. Those conglomerations and their partnerships, which “control” and “aid” and “create” the conservation strategy of all life on Earth and are the self-proclaimed custodians of all living ecosystems, are historically, and remain the largest polluters on Earth. Their leadership and their partners are all multi-millionaires and billionaires.

    All children, following 10-12 years of indoctrination, are soldiers. All women are rated for limited reproductive rights and licenses will be issued for reproductive rights. The mentally or physically damaged are eliminated. All income is reduced to under 20K per year, and American suburbia is leveled and rebuilt into business and trade corridors.

    The Mexican and Canadian borders are dissolved. Martial law is implemented to keep the peace and to put down all attempted uprisings. Troublemakers will be killed or removed from the general population and placed into determent camps, which are currently readied and staffed.

    The sick, infirmed, and the children of troublemakers will become wards of the state. Some will be re-engineered and some will be put down.

    Now, why would all this happen to the human population? Why would big business and the largest banks in the world ever conceive of such a plan? Why, to protect nature, of course! That is what the U.N. has declared – and the World Bank and the World Trade Organization and the American government. And if you believe that, I’ve got some swampland to sell you, located in a U.N. Biosphere Reserve, which is surrounded by a conservation easement, which is surrounded by a buffer zone (the politically correct term for de-militarized zone) in deed-restricted Florida, which is actually owned by the corporation of Florida, under the CEO Governor-General.

    Just keep telling yourselves – we elected them – we elected them.


    Sunday, February 27, 2011

    “Europe's problem is not multiculturalism, but that it has been invaded and it has forgotten how to fight back.” ….. So it’s business as usual then?


    Tout va Très Bien Madame la Multiculturalisma

    From Sultan Knish

    Posted: 26 Feb 2011 06:49 PM PST

    France's President Sarkozy has stated that multiculturalism has failed, insisting that Muslim immigrants merge into the "national community". German President Angela Merkel made virtuallythe same statement earlier at her party's convention. British PM David Cameron went further saying that Islamism had taken root because multiculturalism had diminished a collective English identity. All three leaders are conservatives and language like this has been greeted with applause by their base. But there is really very little to cheer here.

    Announcing the failure of multiculturalism in Europe of 2011 is as relevant a disclosure as the comic French song, Tout Va Très Bien, Madame La Marquise, in which the groom informs her ladyship that her husband had committed suicide after losing his money and burned down the estate, by telling her that everything was alright except for a minor mishap with her horse. Multiculturalism may be the post-national left's favorite nag, but the failure here is much greater. It is mass migration from the Muslim world that is the problem, and any policy that only addresses the consequences, rather than the cause, is bound to be a failure.
    Of the three leaders, Cameron was the only to lay out something close to a policy. But his muscular rhetoric sounds suspiciously like the pre-election Sarkozy. And conservative British pols have developed a habit of talking tough about Islam one minute, and pandering to it shamelessly for votes on the other. Before becoming Prime Minister, Cameron went to live with a Muslim family and announced that, "Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around."
    Has Cameron suddenly realized that the extended Muslim family with its rugs and hospitality masks less appetizing cultural problems, particularlywhen it comes to the treatment of women, or is he trying to stay ahead of a public backlash. Sarkozy certainly is. His popularity is low. Meanwhile LePen's daughter is behind a revived party, without her father's Nazi sympathies and anti-semitism, that may take away enough votes to make a difference. Merkel is also unpopular and needs a red meat issue that will distract the voters from Greece and Portugal. And so for all that European leaders are talking about the threat of Islamic separatism, and the Palestinization of Muslim communities with their No Go zones, honor killings and riots, they are still speaking the language of integration.
    Integration. Process the millions of Muslims through British, Germany and French schools and make sure that they know the national language, rather than the urban patois that has become the lingua franca of a changing Europe, showing up in rap albums and TV shows. Teach them how wonderfully tolerant we are, bridge the gap by celebrating their culture, and maybe even making room for a little Sharia law on the side. Tie the knot and there'll be a happy integrated nation, which marries the Middle Eastern values of hospitality and the British values of not beheading your daughter.
    The problem with this new anthem of 'Tout va Très Bien Madame la Multiculturalisma' is that multiculturalism isn't the problem, it's the symptom. The British, French and German systems haven't failed, they have had a chance of success. It would have been possible to integrate a few thousand Muslims per country, but not a few million. Certainly not people who have no definition of integration, and whose cultural and religious assumptions are so far apart that they cannot integrate without losing their identity.
    But even this need not have been a complete and absolute disaster. 3 million Nepalese might have made their own separate communities, as they have in towns such as Reading, without it leading to a civil war. The natives would have complained of the smells, the foreign languages and the strange signs. Of entire English towns in the hands of strangers. And it would have ended at that. But Muslims are a special case for three unfortunate reasons.

    First, they hold an enduring grievance toward Europe for everything over the last 1000 years. Considering the troubles in Northern Ireland between peoples far more closely related by culture and blood, who in their right mind thought that it would be a good idea to import millions of foreigners who still resent the loss of Spain, the Crusades and colonial governments with nearly equal ferocity, and imagined that it would all go smoothly.
    Second, their culture is tightly integrated with their religion, and their religion has a long history of expanding through conquest. A history both ancient and recent. It took enormous arrogance to import millions of members whose civilization still employs violence as a religiously sanctioned tool for promoting the faith, and then act as if they could be integrated with a good lesson plan.
    Third, many Muslim countries have enormous wealth and influence, and have used it to promote Islamism and tear down the defenses of Western nations. Imagine if the Soviet Union had possessed enormous oil wealth or if Japan in the 80's had decided to use its wealth to aggressively promote a cultural takeover. That is what we are dealing with here.
    All this talk of integrating Muslims disregards them as a civilization, and treats them as if they were delinquents. Cameron's talk of youth falling into extremism suggests that he thinks of them as if they were children from a broken home falling through the cracks of the system and shooting up heroin on council estates, rather than young men acting in accord with the values of their own religion.
    The Muslim terrorists of Europe are neither impoverished nor marginalized. They are doctors, architects and university students who have taken the full benefit of what the countries have to offer them, and gone to war to win it all. They are brats acting out, but soldiers engaging in a war of conquest. A simple fact that all the integration prattle obscures.
    The difference between the so-called extremists and the moderates, is that the extremists want to conquer Europe by force, and the moderates through demographics and culture. The extremists want to blow up Europe. The moderates want to integrate it. And their lesson plans have gotten much further into the European, Canadian, Australian and American child-- than the lesson plans of the Western integrators have into the Muslim child.
    Cameron has rightly identified a portion of the problem. But his solution is asinine. You do not create a vigorous culture worthy of respect by passing a law and making it so. A culture that merits respect can only be created by the measure of its accomplishments. The decline of English culture parallels the physical recession of the nation, its power, its industry and its achievements. (And that is a fair warning for America, which is headed down the same path at a slower pace.) A lesson plan on King Alfred the Great, will not make England great, and will not earn Muslim respect, let alone their integration. Most nations have their own grand histories and their own tales. But unless they still have greatness within them, these are nothing but matters of trivia.
    Talk all you want of greatness, but great nations colonize, they are not colonized. All a UK Muslim needs to do in order to gauge where the future lies is look at the native birth rate, at the Muslim birth rate and at the immigration statistics. And then he can safely relegate King Alfred the Great, Lord Nelson and Winston Churchill to the realm of obscure trivia from a vanishing nation. After all Byzantium too was great in its time, but now it's a giant Muslim marketplace.

    The Middle East was once the cradle of civilization, today it is a heap of dirt with a smattering of oil, olive groves and vast dirty slum carrying the names of once legendary cities. The region was full of cultures and civilizations that were once great, before being trodden under the boots of maddened Bedouin fanatics. Today only two, the Jews and the Persians, exist as independent nations. And it would not take all that long to turn Europe into the new Middle East.
    The integrators imagine that they can halt that process with a reading of 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' or by banning the burqa, but the tide of history is not turned so easily as that. The great men of England's own history could tell Cameron that. It is not history that makes nations great, but the way in which they carry on that history into the present. The way in which they realize that history in the present day.
    Say what you will about Muslims, but they are realizing their history in Europe today. While they reenact the old battles, their foes are tempting them with social services funding. European governments want Muslims to join their republican secular states. Muslims want Europeans to join their caliphate. And it is not difficult to see who will that particular contest if things go on as they are.
    Reporting the failure of multiculturalism is a touch of Tout Va Très Bien, Madame La Marquise by the integrators who are comically understating the scope and the nature of the problem. Europe's problem is not multiculturalism, but that it has been invaded and it has forgotten how to fight back.

    “Europe's problem is not multiculturalism, but that it has been invaded and it has forgotten how to fight back”

    So what’s new? see WW2.

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