An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Muslim Insurgents in Sydney’s Occupied Territories, thumb their noses at Australia and our Laws……gee who da thought it possible?

Australian Muslim women choose to live by own code
The Daily Telegraph
July 23, 2011 12:00AM

WHEN Australian Muslim Frida Dakiz's marriage dissolved she was granted a divorce by her local imam.

The 33-year-old dress shop manager said it was only after she was officially separated by religious law that she considered secular options.
Ms Dakiz is among thousands of Australian Muslims living by a shadow civil code known as sharia law.And despite the arrests this week of three men who police allege carried out a sharia law punishment,
Ms Dakiz and 28-year-old friend Rebecca Kay yesterday said their traditions have a place in Australian society.
The sharia is the code of conduct in Islam and its applications cover marriage, divorce, inheritance and custody of children.
23 7 2011 Muslim Women Choose Sharia
Sharia Law / Multiculturalism, The Australian Labor Party’s preferred face of Australia.
23 7 2011 Muslim Women choose Sharia 2 
Rebecca Kay, left.
The power of an Islamic leader, known as an imam, to settle disputes is not officially sanctioned by the Australian legal system, yet it is happening every day in Sydney's western suburbs.
In May, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils suggested in a submission to the federal government that small changes could be introduced giving Muslims "legal pluralism". They asked the
government to fund halal and kosher meat outlets and for state schools to have special sports uniforms for female Muslim students. Attorney-General Robert McClelland said at the time "there is no place
for sharia law in Australian society", and this week NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione repeated the sentiment.
Sharia law's more controversial elements - including polygamous marriages, relationships where one person is legally underage, and its penal code - ensure ample opportunity for clashes with the traditional
legal system.
Yet Muslims like Ms Dakiz and Ms Kay say if the police allegations are true, the attack is not consistent with their view of sharia law.
"Everyone in our community is shaking their heads, it is unbelievable," Ms Kay said.
"For moderate Muslims we take one step forward when something good happens and then 100 steps back when these sorts of things happen."
Ms Kay said sharia law covered only private issues that go to the heart of their religious beliefs, and is only used when all parties agreed to its application.
Religious courts should not replace the existing system, she added.
"It's not that the Australian laws are not good, it's just that we choose to live like this," Ms Kay said.
Ms Dakiz said she knew of religious marriages involving underage women in Melbourne, but not in Sydney.
Another Muslim woman, Ruba Naboush, 32, said she was aware of polygamous marriages in Sydney and that the women seemed happy.
However, she said she would not personally enjoy the arrangement.
Ms Kay said: "I'll quote from my husband. He said: Why would I want two headaches?"
Haset Sali, author of The Quran Simply, an English translation of the Koran, said it was an "unhealthy development" that some of the more extreme elements of sharia law were creeping into society.
"There is a small number of fanatics who are introducing it and setting themselves up as the custodians of the community," he said."It's most unfortunate that some people are trying to introduce a
sub-culture into Australia under the guise of sharia law."
Keysar Trad, from the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, says there is support for some parts of sharia law like marriage and inheritance, but the penal aspects were not accepted. "Generally
religious people don't want to offend God, so they ask an imam how they can do these things in a religious way," he said.
The penal provisions of sharia can only be carried out in an Islamic state, with a caliph as head of state, and through a properly constituted court.
"It cannot be done through vigilantes," Mr Trad said.
He said that if the current allegations of a vigilante sharia law punishment were proven, it would be a crime against Islam - and a crime against the state.
"They cannot appoint themselves as a court, they have no mandate," he added.
This week, academics Ann Black and Kerrie Sadiq said Australia was right to act with caution when dealing with sharia law.
They said not all Muslims were registering their marriages and some were relying on religious ceremonies to validate unions that were in breach of the Marriage Act. This included polygamist marriages or
where one member was under the legal age.

Rebecca Kay

Identification + Internment + Repatriation to an Islamic Shit Hole / Utopia of their Choosing is the ONLY way to ensure the future of Mankind.
UPDATE!!! Multicultural Sydney where " Sharia is always # 1", Cries for help from 15 year old girl Gang Raped in Parramatta City Mall ignored by passer by
The Gifts of Multiculturalism Know no Bounds “North Asian” man jailed for Continued and Persistent RAPE of 8 year old Primary School Girl who later bore his child
Sydney's Occupied Territories Sharia Law Flogging :Third arrest Zakaryah Raad
Sharia Law Misunderstood AGAIN!!!! by Sydney Floggers according to ..... you guessed it Keysar Trad.
Second Islamic Sociopath,Wassim Fayad, appears in court charged with Sharia Flogging,Victim Christian Martinez speaks about flogging.
Australian Muslim spin doctor, Samah Hadid, renounces the Koran AGAIN!!! Or is she simply covering Islam’s bare naked ugly arse hole, after yet another Koran inspired attack on Australian Society?
Islamic Sociopath,released on Bail after charge of administering Sharia Law flogging upon convert
Muslim Flogging, I was right, Just another “Harmony Day” in Sydney’s Occupied Territories
Is this Australia's first reported Sharia Law Flogging?
Sharia Law Misunderstood AGAIN!!!! by Sydney Floggers according to ..... you guessed it Keysar Trad
Australian Muslim spin doctor, Samah Hadid, renounces the Koran AGAIN!!! Or is she simply covering Islam’s bare naked ugly arse hole, after yet another Koran inspired attack on Australian Society?
Is this Australia's first reported Sharia Law Flogging?
Muslim Flogging, I was right, Just another “Harmony Day” in Sydney’s Occupied Territories.
Rev. Ian Powell and "Bill Board Blasphemist" Muslim Diaa Mohamed debate Islamic Bill “Board Blasphemy”

The Gifts of Multiculturalism Know no Bounds “North Asian” man jailed for Continued and Persistent RAPE of 8 year old Primary School Girl who later bore his child.

Man who had relationship with primary-school girl jailed for 10 years

Mark Dunn
Herald Sun

July 22, 2011

A MAN who claimed it was culturally acceptable for him to have a sexual relationship with a primary-school child who later bore him a son will spend up to 10 years in jail.

The 31-year-old, now classified as a pedophile, had claimed his cultural background meant age was not a relevant factor in choosing a wife or sexual partner, the County Court in Melbourne heard.

But in sentencing the man, who migrated as a refugee from a north-Asian country, Judge Lisa Hannan said his continued sexual relationship with the girl - from the age of eight until she fell pregnant  - was

repulsive and defied morality.

The court heard the man, who was married to an adult at the time of the offending and already had a child, had an IQ in the bottom 5 per cent for his age group.

"Your conduct is abhorrent to anyone with even a shred of decency or moral compass,'' Judge Hannan said.

"Whether or not it may or might have been acceptable in any culture in any part of the world is irrelevant.''

The court heard the man, who pleaded guilty to charges of persistent sexual abuse of a minor and child stealing, had told authorities in his cultural background "there were no restrictions on age'' for a


But Judge Hannan said the man knew he was breaking Australian law, that he initially lied about having sex with the child and attempted to procure an abortion before a baby was born in 2010.

"You knew what you were doing was wrong,'' the judge said.

Judge Hannan, in setting a seven-year minimum, said his "disgraceful desires'' had "robbed her of her childhood''.

Judge Hannan also disputed the extent of the man's remorse, noting he continued to try to justify his relationship with her - including saying he loved her "for real''.

"I do not think you are truly remorseful ... indeed you still seek to justify it.''


“North Asian” Man? so Australians are again been kept in the dark as to the origin of these “Multicultural” “Diversity” “ Harmony Day” “Cultural Enrichment” specialists, the Australian Labor Party is hell bent on importing into Australia every hour of the day, WHY?

Now what North Asian country would condone the Rape of an eight year old child ?……Thinking Thinking Thinking……ANSWER !!!!! . Any Country who’s citizens follow the teachings of the Koran.

What civilized society would consider a 10 year Jail sentence sufficient punishment the total and complete defilement of this poor girl ? “Progress” “New Age” Australia that’s what.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Sydney's Occupied Territories Sharia Law Flogging :Third arrest Zakaryah Raad.

Third man on bail in Muslim lashing case

Daily Telegraph
July 22, 2011 6:29PM

A THIRD man accused of whipping a Muslim man for drinking alcohol has been granted bail despite police claiming he threatened the victim and may have organised the alleged attack.

Zakaryah Raad, 20, faced Burwood Local Court on Friday over the incident at a unit in Silverwater in Sydney's west in the early hours of July 17.

Christian Martinez, 31, was allegedly restrained by four men who broke into his flat and lashed him 40 times with an electric cable as punishment under Islamic law, or sharia, for drinking alcohol.

The court heard Raad, from Guildford, was arrested on Thursday in the backyard of the Melton Street apartment block where Mr Martinez lived.

He was charged with breaking and entering, resisting arrest and detaining a person.

He was also charged with two counts of stealing and two counts of intending to influence a witness.

In granting bail, Magistrate Tim Keddy said he accepted Raad was at the apartment block to visit his boss, who also lived there, and not to "threaten, influence or intimidate" Mr Martinez.

Police prosecutor George Lolis told the court it would be alleged Raad had also attended Mr Martinez's unit block in the hours before the alleged attack on July 17.

Raad was "in a position to see the beer bottles strewn throughout the premises", Mr Lolis said.

Police would allege Raad played a key role in the "organisation and coordination of the males" involved in the incident and that he contacted Mr Martinez by text message and phone in the days following, Mr

Lolis said.


Mr Lolis said police allege this was "an attempt ... to have Martinez withdraw his complaint".

Raad's lawyer George Ikners told the court his client made the calls because he was concerned Mr Martinez had mistaken him as one of the alleged attackers.

Mr Ikners said Raad had visited Mr Martinez prior to the alleged attack and that Mr Martinez was "somewhat out of control" from the effects of drugs and alcohol.

"He may have thought Mr Raad was still there (when the attack occurred) when in fact he may not have been," Mr Ikners told the court.

Mr Keddy imposed a nightly curfew on Raad and ordered he lodge $10,000 for bail.

He was also told stay away from the Melton Street apartment complex and Mr Martinez.

Two other men charged over the incident were also granted conditional bail at Burwood Local Court earlier this week.

Tolga Cifci, 20, was bailed on Tuesday, while 43-year-old Wassim Fayad left custody on Thursday afternoon after posting bail.

But Fayad returned to the Burwood court on Friday to have his bail conditions changed after his parents refused to let him stay at their residence.

"He was informed by his parents they were not happy with him staying there," the court heard.

Fayad's lawyer requested that he be allowed to stay instead at a close friend's house in nearby Lidcombe.

Mr Keddy approved the change of address but upheld the other bail conditions, including that he not approach Mr Martinez.

The matters for all three men will return to the same court on September 14.

Sharia Law Misunderstood AGAIN!!!! by Sydney Floggers according to ..... you guessed it Keysar Trad.
Second Islamic Sociopath,Wassim Fayad, appears in court charged with Sharia Flogging,Victim Christian Martinez speaks about flogging.
Australian Muslim spin doctor, Samah Hadid, renounces the Koran AGAIN!!! Or is she simply covering Islam’s bare naked ugly arse hole, after yet another Koran inspired attack on Australian Society?
Islamic Sociopath,released on Bail after charge of administering Sharia Law flogging upon convert
Muslim Flogging, I was right, Just another “Harmony Day” in Sydney’s Occupied Territories
Is this Australia's first reported Sharia Law Flogging?


Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 aka. Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd scares the shit out of Madame Gillard,with threats of a new something or other.


Madame Gillard unleashes Green “Goebbels” Loons loose on Australian Free Press

Greens want inquiry to consider Government power to force break-up of newspaper groups
By Malcolm Farr
National Political Editor
Daily Telegraph
July 21, 2011 3:58PM
THE Greens want Government powers to force the break-up of newspaper groups as well as the licensing of newspapers to be considered at a federal inquiry into the media.
Greens deputy leader Christine Milne today said the media convulsions in Britain around unacceptable privacy breaches meant it was "opportune" for an inquiry here.
"The important thing here is that out of the scandal in the UK there is an opportunity now for Australia to look at a number of issues,"  Senator Milne said.
"One is concentration of the media ownership for the print media in Australia.
Julia Christine & Bob
Australian PM.Madame Gillard, Greens Senator Comrade Christine “Goebbels” Milne & Greens Leader Comrade Bob (The Godless Loon) Brown.
Not satisfied with taxpayer funded ABC, SBS (Multicultural),TV Radio, all commercial TV and Radio networks bar one (2GB) along with all newspaper’s, bar the Murdoch Press, the ACTU,Union, Get Up Funded, Labor /Green Loon/ “Independent” Minority Coalition Socialist Australian Government  moves on the ONLY Free Press in the Nation, as it tries to divert attention from its collective 26% approval rating and TAX on life aka.CO2 Tax, attack the messenger those who don’t lie for them MUST be destroyed.
The stuff up in the UK is too good an opportunity for them, to not use, as a reason for Government control of the media, aka.Nationalization of the Media.
"Another is the privacy issues. Others relate to licensing and fit-and-proper person tests. All of those things should come out in an inquiry."
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is considering the Greens demands for a full inquiry, but far that might be limited to discussion of privacy recommendations made by the Law Reform Commission in 2008.
Senator Milne confirmed the Greens policy is for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to be given the power to order the divestment of media groups "where those mergers fail a media-specific public interest test".
"Let's see what an inquiry has to say about what the broader community think about the divesting of assets and the breaking up of some of these companies and controls of separate parts of the media," she said.
"I think the time is opportune for a broad ranging inquiry and I for one don't have preconceived ideas about what that might look like.
"But I do think the Australian community is asking questions as a result  of this scandal in the UK and they have a right to now think about what that media environment might look like into the future."
The Greens have already said an inquiry should look at why there is "no licensing or independent oversight of major newspapers" - a bid for newspaper licensing by the Government.
The Prime Minister today was asked by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to "put up or shut up" after she yesterday said News Ltd Australia had "hard questions" to answer.
News Ltd, the publisher of, is related to News International, which is at the centre of the British upheaval.
"There is no evidence whatsoever to any of the practices, the reprehensible practices, that we saw at one newspaper in England have any currency here in Australia," Mr Abbott said today.
"The Prime Minister must specify exactly what those questions are and if she can't specify exactly what those questions are, what she's doing is just smearing a perfectly good organisation.
"Frankly, it demeans our polity for this kind of thing to go on. I call on the Prime Minister to put up or shut up when it comes to those sorts of issues."
Today the Prime Minister said the questions were "very simple" following the British events.
"And consequently it's common sense that having seen the kind of  reports we've seen from the United Kingdom Australians would be asking themselves, 'Could that happen here? What does this mean for us in Australia?'
"Very simple questions like that."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sharia Law Misunderstood AGAIN!!!! by Sydney Floggers according to ..... you guessed it Keysar Trad.

Keysar Trad explains its all been a terrible mistake, as it always is, thanks Keyser for putting it all into perspective.
Islam and Sharia yet again have nothing to do with the way Muslims behave.
The thoughts of Br Keysar Trad

"The criminal dregs of white society colonised this country, (Australia) and now, they only
take the select choice of other societies, and the descendants of these criminal
dregs tell us that they are better than us. And because we are not elitists, we
tolerate them
.(Muslims TOLERATE Australians) Yet they want us to assimilate, perhaps they will only become
satisfied when we each die our hair red, wear blue/green contact lenses, and
operate a fish and chips shop, otherwise, we would not be truly assimilating,
would we?
"As for those whose souls the angels took while still they were wronging
themselves - the angels said, "in what were you engaged?" They said, "We were weak
in the land." They said: "was not Allah's earth spacious, so that you might have
emigrated in it?" So for those, their abode is hell, and it is a bad destination."

By Br. Keysar Trad

Full article here


Islam's man of a million comments

October 2 2002

Recent events have focused attention on Muslims in a way never before considered. Deborah Cameron profiles one of the Sydney community's leading lights.

Pink pickled turnip and little sprigs of mint tumble out of the pita bread as Keysar Trad hits the kerb in his big old Pajero.

He is taking a short cut between his favourite falafel shop and a cafe where the walls are lined with jars of honey and bottles of rosewater.

The wheel thumps hard. The four-year-old in front lets out a squawk. His wife, Hanifeh, sitting in the back with the two-year-old, tut-tuts at him driving, eating, talking and winding down the windows, more or less at the same time.

Pulling up at the Farouk and Chehade El Bahsa Sweets shop in South Bankstown, everyone is ready for the ice-cream which comes in about 10 colours. It is practically an insult to order one scoop of pistachio. "You must taste every colour," insists Trad, handing over a deep silver bowl and spoon.

Outside it is warm. Hanifeh, covered from head to toe in a long dark-coloured dress and headscarf, looks cooler than she probably feels. For a woman of 38 with nine children, no money to spare and a husband devoted to voluntary community work, her face is free of worry. She is even at ease with what she calls "Keysar's pet topic": a second wife.


Trad  and FAMILY_thumb[1]

Trad is director of the Lebanese Muslim Association and, because the times have demanded it, an increasingly well-known community spokesman. He is a refugee advocate and translator, an essayist, a spokesman on political issues, a critic of racial labelling by police, a close adviser to the Mufti Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly and a calm interpreter of Islam to the nervous broader community.

He gets frustrated with the association and has quit at least twice this year but returned out of a sense of duty and an instinct that it would revert to a "no comment" approach to the media which would be wrong at a time like this. Within his community he is criticised for publicly discussing refugees, Lebanese gang rapes and Islamic attitudes.

"They say when a Muslim speaks it is an admission that Islam has a problem," Trad says. "They say you don't see them filming churches when a Christian commits a rape or a murder, so why are you letting them come to interview you at the mosque? They don't realise that the media comes anyway. They tell me - just say "no comment" - but I have a million comments. They cannot censor me. I answer the questions sensibly and we have got nothing to hide."

TRAD and Hanifeh have been through a lot. They met in Lebanon when they were both about 22. They married after three weeks and she came to live with her new husband and mother-in-law in Yagoona. Trad worked at the Australian Tax Office while Hanifeh took English classes. "I find it hard to believe these mothers who cannot understand their children's language or who are dependent on their children for translation," she says.

Hanifeh, a law student in Lebanon, worked as an editor and journalist on Arabic publications in Sydney and studied computer science after emigrating. But when her fourth child was born, family took over.

It has not been easy and they remember 1998 as their worst year when Trad fell in love - "became obsessed", his wife says - with another woman. In desperation, Hanifeh proposed marriage on her husband's behalf to the other woman. "We were having a terrible time. He fell in love and I wasn't thinking about myself," she says. But his obsession passed. "He became more compassionate after it," Hanifeh says. "God meant for him to go through this experience and it made him a better person and more emotionally aware. It knocked him off his perch."

Hanifeh was not heartbroken. A second wife would have meant divorce (though he was against it) or living under the same roof as her husband's mistress. As long as the arrangement was fair and had the consent of all involved, it would be acceptable. Hanifeh loves her husband and the children, but says she is not strong enough, physically or emotionally, for more babies.

Aware that Australian law prohibits polygamy, they know a second wife could never be official. But their religion allows a man four wives and though a lot of what they say to each other about polygamy amounts to teasing, there is also a serious thread. It was Hanifeh who first raised it, approvingly, before they married.

Trad and Hanifeh say Islam is central to their values and the most important thing they can impart to their children. A strong set of beliefs is needed to resist society's temptations. Both were raised in large devout families - Trad the eldest son of his father's third wife, and Hanifeh a middle daughter in a family of 12 - and they have accepted the same model for themselves.

Trad arrived in Australia at 13 as part of a family reunion complicated by polygamy. His half-brother who had settled in Sydney got permission to bring his mother and siblings from Lebanon. Because his mother was married, she was able to bring her husband. At the time her husband was married to two other women. One of them (Trad's mother) came along, too, with her children. The older wife divorced her husband in Australia and the patriarch lived with Trad's mother.

To Trad's regret his father, in his 60s then, did not adjust. He could not find full-time work in Sydney. "Isn't it a shame for a grown man not to have a job," he would say, even as he neared death at 80. His father eventually returned to Lebanon which left Trad - as a teenager - responsible for his mother and the younger children.

After ice-cream, the family returns to the house Trad calls "the untidiest in street". In the lounge, three couches are pushed back against walls in need of painting. Bits of jute poke out of the plaster rubbed raw by chairs. A coffee table is laid with almonds, preserved green plums, sweet biscuits, glasses of cold delicious Lebanese cordial tasting like liquified quinces, and the baby capsule bearing the youngest child cooing and kicking his legs.

Trad is opening mail and wonders whether a letter from the council might be to direct him to mow the grass. Instead, it concerns the baby's immunisations. "Give this to your mum," he tells the four-year-old who has walked into the room prattling about The Simpsons and clutching a pencil case, two colouring books and an oven mitt.

In the same post is a statement from the Public Service superannuation fund. He reads out the balance which is tiny. "Money means nothing to me," he says. The family qualifies for low-income support. Trad is prepared for more years of financial hardship.

For the children, it means few toys and a scant wardrobe. "I can see when my son needs new pants but he doesn't talk about it," Hanifeh says. "The kids don't ask for too much." Hanifeh reads the employment section on his behalf, but one of the children put it well: "Dad doesn't need a job; he needs a miracle to make him rich."

The mayhem that comes with nine children in a modest house does not faze them. Even on a school day with six of the kids at local public high and primary schools, the three youngest are a distraction. Conversation occurs against a background of slamming doors, kids yelling and toys being dropped, with neither parent worried. They wipe runny noses and finish complicated anecdotes.

"Imagine if our children grow up with good values like we are trying to give them,"says Trad, "Imagine what great people they'll be for society. I have to make sure that they are positive, contributing members. I will be happy if their sense of social justice is very strong."

Trad's faith has had its phases. It was least strong in Lebanon when he lived among non-practising Muslims who rarely prayed at mosques and did not have access to religious texts. Arriving in Australia he was advised by his half-brother to keep quiet about religion, to be careful around women and to change his name. His half-brother went by the surname Wilson.

For the first few years Trad did not talk about his religion. "People could see that my mother covered her hair; they knew that I was Muslim but I couldn't talk about it because I didn't know where to begin," Trad says.

He was gradually drawn in, especially after a 1987 pilgrimage to Mecca with his mother that he regards as his spiritual turning point. After that he prayed five times a day on schedule, even at the office.

"I was adamant that if someone could take a five-minute break for a ciggie, I could sit at my workstation and pray for five minutes," Trad said. "I was on good terms with my boss and she said it was OK. Initially people made jokes about me headbutting my head against the carpet or by flicking rubber bands while I was praying. But they were my close friends so it didn't matter. It was nothing."

Trad resigned from the ATO at the end of 1998, the year of his infatuation. It was a decision with some familiar elements for anyone who has had a mid-life crisis or considered a sea change. A decade after his Mecca visit he wanted to do religious work. He travelled with his family to Lebanon for three months and returned home to write.

Known at the Lakemba Mosque as a translator, the Mufti asked him to take a more prominent role. Trad is a natural communicator in a community that is not blessed with them and, with his Public Service background, knows the limits in political debate. (When an Iraqi acquaintance once made a colourful reference to Jews, Trad ticked him off.) Instead of being suspicious and defensive with talkback callers, politicians and journalists, he is prepared to explain.

The Public Service also made him confront some of his practices - he cropped his beard and, after a debate with himself, started shaking hands with women. "I kept saying, 'Please don't be offended' but a couple of them were honest and said that they were offended. And I thought - do I really have to be so strict?"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Second Islamic Sociopath,Wassim Fayad, appears in court charged with Sharia Flogging,Victim Christian Martinez speaks about flogging.

Father of six alleged sharia law flogging ringleader
Katherine Danks
The Daily Telegraph
July 20, 2011 5:10PM
20 7 2011 Wassim Fayed Sharia Flogger
THE alleged ringleader of a sharia law flogging is a father of six who works in a book store, a court has been told.
Wassim Fayad, 43, is the second man to be arrested for the attack on Christian Martinez, 31, who was lashed 40 times with an electrical cable.
The men allegedly confronted Mr Martinez in his bedroom after breaking into townhouse in Silverwater in Sydney's south west on Sunday about 1am.
Fayad faced Burwood Local Court today charged with aggravated break and enter with intent to commit an indictable offence, detain person in company with intent obtain advantage, and two counts of steal from dwelling.
Magistrate Tim Keady was told that Fayad had been an Australian resident since age two and had strong community ties, including six children.
He works part time in a book store and as traffic controller on the weekends.
Fayad was given $20,000 bail with conditions including he not approach Mr Martinez or go within 200 metres of the Silverwater residence.
Tolga Cifci, 20, has already been charged and was granted strict conditional bail in the same court yesterday.
Police continue to search for the other two men.

Muslim Spin Doctor Kuranda Seyit in a beautifully executed display of Taqiyyah, on 2GB Radio’s Chris Smith afternoon Show

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Australian Politics: The Bolt Report 17 7 2011

Australian Muslim spin doctor, Samah Hadid, renounces the Koran AGAIN!!! Or is she simply covering Islam’s bare naked ugly arse hole, after yet another Koran inspired attack on Australian Society?

In March she refuted the Koran in this “ Every Day is a Harmony Day” Pap piece for 60 Minutes Australia.

Islamic Sociopath,released on Bail after charge of administering Sharia Law flogging upon convert

Men charged over 'Sharia law' lashing
Rosemarie Lentini
The Daily Telegraph
July 19, 2011 2:30PM
A MUSLIM who allegedly broke into the house of an Islam convert and whipped him 40 times for drinking alcohol has "complete and utter disregard for the laws of this state", police say.
Tolga Cifci, 20, is one of three men accused of attacking the 31-year-old victim at his Silverwater unit on Sunday, Burwood Local Court was told.
The victim who converted to Islam recently was allegedly whipped up to forty times for going out for alcoholic drinks with friends.

The man awoke in the middle of the night to find that four men had broken into his bedroom.
As three men held the victim down on the bed, the fourth man is alleged to have lashed him 40 times with a cable.
Police arrested Cifci at his home in Auburn last night and he was charged with aggravated break and enter and commit serious indictable offence.
Police opposed bail and said Cifci put his religious rules above the laws of NSW.
Cifci's barrister Ertunc Ozen said his client did not have a criminal history and offered strict conditions which were "one step short of jail".
"Leaving all the emotion out of this, leaving the obvious controversy out of this and the Sharia law to one side, every offence if proven shows a disregard for the law," Mr Ozen told the court.
Magistrate Tim Keady granted Cifci bail but imposed strict conditions, including a curfew and reporting daily to police.

The Latest and The Usual Taqiyyah from the “Islamic Community” about “the vast majority of Muslims are insert Taqiyyah here….blah blah blah etc etc etc. 

Is this Australia's first reported Sharia Law Flogging?
Muslim Flogging, I was right, Just another “Harmony Day” in Sydney’s Occupied Territories.
Rev. Ian Powell and "Bill Board Blasphemist" Muslim Diaa Mohamed debate Islamic Bill “Board Blasphemy”

Australian’s in case you forgot who was running your lives……

Copy of CO2 TAX


Add a couple of thousand Australian Council of Trade Union & Green Crystal Gazing Basket Weaving  Bludgers & Parasites with a few more tens of thousands vested hangers on from the various Gay / Wimmins Collective Co Operatives and Multicultural Industry hucksters and Bludgers, and you have a small representation of the people who are RUNNING your and your Family’s lives.

Wales Dodged a Bullet


Gillard Welsh Flag 1

In 1966 this woman’s parents immigrated to Australia from Wales, she became a “Student and Union Activist” in September 2010 she was appointed by the Greens Party and three “Independents” to the office of Prime Minister of Australia.


Julia Gillard and her Australian Labor Party are the true Casanova’s of Australian Politics, for they have well and truly FUCKED everything they have seen or touched.

She says she has never forgotten her roots, Wales, be Afraid, be very Afraid.

Fuck Up Australia! You betchya ,ya Aussie Pricks

Fuck Up Australia you betchya Aussie Pricks

Bring on the Treason Trials !!!!

Fuck Up Australia! YES WE CAN!!!

Fuck Up Australia Bob Brown

Bring on the Treason Trials!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Muslim Flogging, I was right, Just another “Harmony Day” in Sydney’s Occupied Territories.

Sydney man lashed 40 times under Sharia law
July 18, 2011, 6:17 pm
Man lashed 40 times during home attack
A violent example of extreme Islamic law punishment has been carried out in Sydney, according to a 7News report.
A Sydney man who converted to Islam recently was allegedly whipped up to forty times for going out for alcoholic drinks with friends.
Reports say the man awoke in the middle of the night to find that four bearded men had broken into his bedroom at Melton St North in Silverwater.
As three men held the 31-year-old electrician down on the bed, the fourth man is alleged to have administered 30 minutes worth of lashing with a cable.

The victim told 7News that the attack was fundamental Wahhabist punishment for drinking alcohol, and that the welts he sustained were severe.
The assault has been condemned by members of Sydney's Muslim community.
According to the report, the man made a complaint to Burwood police after the attack on Sunday but is now afraid and has since become hesitant to cooperate with authorities.
He told 7News that he believed Islam is a beautiful religion and he hoped what happened did not distort people's view of the religion.

I posted this story yesterday 17 7 2011 with the headline "Is this Australia's first reported Sharia Law Flogging?  The answer is Yes according to the victim.
This is one of a handful of such barbaric assaults upon,and indeed deaths of victims of the Islamic ideology aka. as The Religion of Peace.
I know for a fact that there is a support network operating in Sydney run by a Christian organization that has been sheltering Muslims who have renounced Islam for many, many years.

Despite the blatherings of the Muslim apologist seen in the above video,the ONLY Crime committed here was that the victim went public, I don’t think I would want to be in his shoes, however if you lay down with these Dogs you are bound to get up with Fleas at the least or a good Flogging.

These Godless Bastards are FUCKING NUTS!!!! How many more of these Godless Savages is the Australian Labor Party, and their Green Loon, new best friends, going to IMPORT into Australia?
Islam (Muslims) have only ever existed as a DISRUPTIVE Minority or as an OPPRESSIVE Majority
Aussie is Flabbergasted, “Proposal for an Islamic Museum” on Australian soil
Rev. Ian Powell and "Bill Board Blasphemist" Muslim Diaa Mohamed debate Islamic Bill “Board Blasphemy”
Australia: Devout Muslim Diaa Mohamed the “Bill Board Blasphemist” sharing the “real truth” of Islam
UPDATE!!! Multicultural Sydney where " Sharia is always # 1", Cries for help from 15 year old girl Gang Raped in Parramatta City Mall ignored by passer by
MUSLIMS "have an obligation" to target Australian troops in Afghanistan…” Islamic Swine declares at Hizb ut-Tahrir’s ASSASSINS Conference at Lidcombe, in Sydney’s no go zone aka.“Occupied Territories”
Australia: Devout Muslim Diaa Mohamed the “Bill Board Blasphemist” sharing the “real truth” of Islam
UPDATE!!! Multicultural Sydney where " Sharia is always # 1", Cries for help from 15 year old girl Gang Raped in Parramatta City Mall ignored by passer by
MUSLIMS "have an obligation" to target Australian troops in Afghanistan…” Islamic Swine declares at Hizb ut-Tahrir’s ASSASSINS Conference at Lidcombe, in Sydney’s no go zone aka.“Occupied Territories”

Islam (Muslims) have only ever existed as a DISRUPTIVE Minority or as an OPPRESSIVE Majority

From Dr. Peter Hammond's book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.  From a Post at Atlas Shrugs

Muslim rebels slaughter Buddhists in Thailand: “We will kill, burn, and destroy all Buddhists: you will never be able to live in peace here"

Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.
When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.
Here's how it works:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:

  • United States -- Muslim 0.6%
  • Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
  • Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
  • China -- Muslim 1.8%
  • Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
  • Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:

  • Denmark -- Muslim 2%
  • Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
  • United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
  • Spain -- Muslim 4%
  • Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:

  • France -- Muslim 8%
  • Philippines -- 5% Sweden -- Muslim 5%
  • Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
  • The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
  • Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections in:

  • Guyana -- Muslim 10%
  • India -- Muslim 13.4%
  • Israel -- Muslim 16%
  • Kenya -- Muslim 10%
  • Russia -- Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:

  • Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:

  • Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
  • Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
  • Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non- believers of all other religions (including non- conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:

  • Albania -- Muslim 70%
  • Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
  • Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
  • Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:

  • Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
  • Egypt -- Muslim 90%
  • Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
  • Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
  • Iran -- Muslim 98%
  • Iraq -- Muslim 97%
  • Jordan -- Muslim 92%
  • Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
  • Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
  • "Palestine" -- Muslim 99%
  • Syria -- Muslim 90%
  • Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
  • Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
  • United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-al-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrassas are the only schools, and the Koran is the only “Word”, such as in:

  • Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
  • Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
  • Somalia -- Muslim 100%
  • Yemen -- Muslim 100%

Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.

Islam (Muslims) have only ever existed as a DISRUPTIVE Minority or as an OPPRESSIVE Majority.

The sooner the “All cultures, Religions, Societies are Equal Loons” get it through their thick as a plank Multicultural Skulls,the sooner we can start cleaning up their Multicultural MESS.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is this Australia's first reported Sharia Law Flogging?

Man Lashed 40 times during home invasion. Police issue description of “the Usual Suspects”

July 17, 2011, 1:51 pm

A man has been lashed 40 times with a cable after he woke to find four bearded men in his bedroom in Sydney's west.

The 31-year-old man was asleep in his Menton Street apartment in Silverwater when he woke to find four unknown men in his bedroom about 1am (AEST) on Sunday.

Three of the intruders allegedly restrained him on the bed, while the fourth used a cable to lash him 40 times.

The attack lasted about 30 minutes, police said.

The four men then left the flat.

Specialist forensic officers are examining the flat for evidence and detectives are calling for help to identify the men.

The man who allegedly carried out the lashing has been described as being between 40 to 50 years of age, of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean appearance, 175cm tall with a solid build.

He has a beard and was wearing a T-shirt and track pants at the time of the incident.

The three other men have been described as being aged in their late teens or early 20s, of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean appearance, and 175cm to 180cm tall.

They also have beards.

Anyone with any information should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Australia: Devout Muslim Diaa Mohamed the “Bill Board Blasphemist” sharing the “real truth” of Islam.

Devout Muslim Diaa Mohamed sharing the 'real truth' of Islam
EXCLUSIVE by Nathan Klein
The Daily Telegraph
July 15, 2011 12:00AM
"MUSLIMS can be whingers and they tend to blame everyone but themselves for the way people view them."
They are the words of a devout Muslim man who is determined to show the real people behind the religion.
Television commercials aimed at improving the "concerning" way many Australians perceive Muslims will soon hit our screens.
They are the brainchild of - the same group of Muslims behind the "Jesus is a Prophet of Islam" billboards across the city. I guess Diaa Mohamed and his group are not yet prepared to go as far as their fellow Islamist’s in Israel and declare Jesus a SLAVE of allah, not yet anyway.
In the muslim area of Jerusalem, right next to the spot where Jesus Christ fell while carrying the cross, Glenn Beck comes across the following sign: Via. Bare Naked Islam
Jesus a slave of allah

"A lot of Muslims point the finger at the media for giving them a bad reputation but it's nobody's fault but our own," (Blasphemy Inc.) founder Diaa Mohamed said. "Muslims haven't done the job when it comes to being out there and showing who they are and what their values are.

"A lot of the things we see on television are acts by extremists and radical Muslims. (according to Muslims and their apologists there is only about 100 million of them)
"That is not who we are."
The state government recently flagged new laws giving police the power to compel Muslim women to show their faces if they are suspected of committing an offence.
The move came after the case of Carnita Matthews, who was convicted and later acquitted of falsely accusing a police officer of trying to rip her niqab from her face when stopped for traffic offences.
The commercials - the first Islamic advertisement on free-to-air TV - are stage two of a plan to improve the way Muslims are viewed in Australia.
They will be unveiled at a $75-a-head dinner tonight featuring a guest appearance by Canadian Muslim rapper Boona Mohammed.
Organisers will also reveal the findings of a survey of more than 1000 people, commissioned by, which aims to educate all religions on the Islamic faith.
"When people understand other religions, only then can they accept them and have nothing to be concerned about," Mr Mohamed said.
Billboards preaching about Mohammed, Islam and the Koran have already started springing up around Sydney and the campaign features in ads on the back of more than 40 buses. As for his comment that "Muslims can be whingers", Mr Mohamed said: "A large part of that is, even though we have migrated well, we have kept who we are from Australians.
"This commercial will educate non-Muslims on Islam and the beauty of our religion.
"We can't keep letting other people paint a picture of who we are."

So this Muslim is urging fellow Muslims to renounce the Koran ?  "We can't keep letting other people paint a picture of who we are"
There must be a miss print here, the above should read:  "We can't keep letting the Koran,and PIOUS Muslims and what we DO paint a picture of who we are"

Well sorry Diaa Mohamed, nice try, but we have read and heard it all before, you see,what you say you believe in and want to impose upon Mankind is all written in the Koran,or do you, Diaa Mohamed, RENOUNCE the "Holy " Koran, the word of allah ? Do you refute it's edicts and call to war against non Muslims, the Infidels?
Muslims,when the manifestations of their "Religion" are exposed and are in the public spotlight for the world to see,constantly claim that those who object to those same manifestations are "ignorant" and immediately their Multiculturalist's cheer squad joins in with cries of "Islamaphobia" and Racism along with a compliant media fighting each other trying to prove how Multicultural and Diverse their news room is.
5/6ths of the Earths population has rejected Islam outright,because they have seen or experienced the "Joys" of Islam first hand.

Mr Diaa Mohamed are you saying that you to are rejecting the teachings and ideology  of the "Holy Koran"? or is this yet another attempt by your Religions propagandists and Apologists to quell the opposition to your Religions Godless intent and are calling for a Hudna, now that, even you realize,that Islam and it's followers are about as popular as a Turd in a Swimming Pool?
If Muslims are NOT what their Holy Koran says they MUST be, and they are NOT what they DO and SAY they ARE,Then what ARE they?
Like the Alice In Wonderland Tea Party,it would seem they are and can be anything they and their Leftist supporters and apologist say they are, at any given moment in time to suit any given Islamic atrocity committed at any given moment in time.
The Majority of the worlds great "Ideas" have progressed to go on and produce a wealth of good and benifited mankind, not so the Satan spawned Islam,founded by a Paedophile Slave Trading Pirate and mass murderer, a slave of Satan,the infamous Mohammed,islam and it's be4fuddled followers are still spinning, what passes for its intellectual "wheels" in the vile putrid filth,death and decay that is the only manifestation of it's evil ideology some 1400 years after its invention.
Australians see Islam for what it IS because they are NOT Ignorant,or Islamophobic or Racists or Bigots,Australians can see when they are been had. Australians are well aware of the wickedness and inherant evil of Islam,from the first Islamic Terrorist attack upon Australians on Australian Soil.
"On 1st January 1915, two Muslim civilians opened fire on a civilian picnic train at Broken Hill, killing several people. The train held men, women and children.
Although they were not Turkish Muslims, it was a protest against Australia fighting their Muslim brothers in Turkey and a note left by one of them said "You kill our brothers we kill yours".
This event has been recorded by the Broken Hill Historical Society and is an extract from the book Broken Hill 1915 - 1939 by R.H.B. Kearns.
As the attack was on defenceless civilians, it could only be called an act of terrorism, not an act of war."
Not to mention the twelve Australians slaughtered on 9/11, the 82 Australians slaughtered in  "Bali Bombing 1" and then another Four Australians in "Bali Bombing 2" then there are those who survived, some of them wishing they had not, so wickedly burnt and disfigured condemend to a lifetime of pain and suffering.
Sydney siders have the Islamic, Skaff Brothers led, Muslim Gang Rape "Intifada" where NSW Police estimate that in excess of one hundred Australian Girls and women were gang Raped by the Skaf's and indeed other swine originating from Sydney's "Pious Islamic Community" based in Sydney's Occupied Territories.
No amount of "Bill Board Blasphemy", defiling Jesus Christ,the Son of God will ever convince Australians that you are not what you have proven by your words and deeds what you ARE.
Australia: Dr.Suhail Ahmad Khan Durani,Jailed for practicing,Cultural Enrichment aka.Sexual Assault,upon Female patients
Australia : Ban the Burka Day & Day of Infamy wrap up
UPDATE!!! Multicultural Sydney where " Sharia is always # 1", Cries for help from 15 year old girl Gang Raped in Parramatta City Mall ignored by passer by
Carnita Matthews Driving Record
Carnita Matthews husband,Ibrahim Galiel claims “….my wife has suffered”
Australia’s Multicultural Media reports Carnita Matthews to seek costs and compensation from NSW Tax payers.
Judge Defends Decision & Carnita Matthews son Defends Lieing Mother on Sydney Radio
Lieing Muslim Carnita Matthews and former Guantanamo Bay inmate Mamdouh Habib engage in Muslim Festival of LIES and Deceit
Lieing Muslim Hag in a Bag’s supporters aka.Muslim Savages, charge Media and pedestrians whilst invoking the Head Hunters Chant of "allah ackbar" following the appeal of Carnita Matthews been upheld in Sydney Court.
Lieing Muslim, HAG in a BAG, Carnita Matthews Sentenced to six months in Jail, for Lies and Deception,by Sydney, Campbelltown Magistrate.
Illegal Entrant kicks baby girl away from Life Jacket after people smugglers boat crashes onto rocks Inquest told.
Australia: Dr.Suhail Ahmad Khan Durani,Jailed for practicing,Cultural Enrichment aka.Sexual Assault,upon Female patients

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