An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Multicultural Australia : When Harmony Day Ambassadors Go Wild

Labor's Multicultural Industry "Harmony Day" Ambassadors Gone Wild
Teen run over during wild street brawl


Police have charged a 21-year-old man with murder after a teenager was killed in a hit-and-run incident during a violent street brawl south of Brisbane.

A 17-year-old Marsden boy died after being hit by a car outside a party at Station Road at Woodridge, south of Brisbane, around 10.00pm (AEST) on Saturday night.

Police say fight broke out between two groups of youths at the party.

Sergeant Tony Jackson says officers found a badly injured teenager when they arrived at the scene.

Ambulance officers and a doctor tried to revive the teen before he was taken the Princess Alexandra Hospital on Brisbane's southside where he died.

"The fight has spread out onto the road and during the fight a male person has been run over by a vehicle which has failed to remain at the scene," he said.

A witness, who did not want to be named, says bottles were smashed over people's heads, beer glasses were thrown and posts were ripped out of the ground and used to damage cars.

"There was glass everywhere - I was literally in the middle of world war three," she said.

"I had to stand behind trees so nobody would throw beer glasses or anything at me.

"People were picking up weapons like mailboxes [and] bricks and they were smashing all the cars.

She says one man got into his car and "sped up towards the crowd until he hit somebody.

"We were actually trying to get him off the road but this guy was going to run all of us over we had no choice but to drag him to the side of the road."

The girl says a passer-by stopped to help the teen, but was forced to leave after people involved in the brawl turned on her.

"He went under the car and someone who was driving past stopped and she was going to take him to the hospital and then her car [became] the target," she said.

"Everyone started throwing everything at her car and that's when she had to take off. She actually had to leave him there."

The 21-year-old Woodridge man has been charged with murder and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle.

He is due to face Beenleigh Magistrates Court on Monday.

But Come Monday it will be alright let the SPIN BEGIN

"Riot isn’t about race, although both sides seem to think otherwise"

Andrew Bolt
3 12 2012

Dr. Patrick Moore joins Ezra Levant :Socialists,Communists,Sociopaths,Green Loons and Muslims worship their new God at the UN's Climate Conference in Qatar.

Co Founder of Green Peace Dr. Patrick Moore speaks with Ezra Levant about the UN Climate Conference in Qatar aka. Climate SCAM

KKKKKCAT FIGHT!!!!!!! Alia Bak El Hassan and Ghazwa El Hassan,accused of assaulting Sophie Kalantzis and Vernesa Toroman

Accused pair in Shire case to cool heels

By Vanda Carson 
The Daily Telegraph 
December 04, 2012 12:00AM

THE two women accused of assaulting Sophie Kalantzis and Vernesa Toroman from The Shire will have to wait three months to have their case heard.

What's a Cat Fight?

Alia Bak El Hassan and Ghazwa El Hassan, who are accused of assaulting the beauticians outside a cafe in Rhodes Shopping Centre on August 15, were due to have the charges against them heard in Burwood Local Court yesterday.

The El Hassan sisters allegedly took part in a slapping, hair-pulling tussle that left Toroman with a black eye and scratches.

Kalantzis was allegedly threatened with a knife.

The sisters have been charged with assault and affray. Alia has also been charged with being armed with intent. The case was adjourned until February 25.

There will be five witnesses at the hearing, which is expected to run for four hours.

Video footage of the fight, filmed on a mobile phone and widely aired on TV, is expected to be shown during the hearing.

An interim apprehended violence order aimed at keeping the women apart has been extended until next year.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Socialism Down Under: Illegal Muslim asylum seekers crown PM Julia Gillard their "hero"

'Party time' as PM called a 'hero' over asylum-seeker detention policies

Daily Telegraph
December 03, 2012 12:00AM

ASYLUM seekers in Indonesia have swung into party mode and labelled Julia Gillard a "hero" after learning they will receive welfare payments and rent assistance should they make it to Australia by boat.

The wannabe citizens are ecstatic the government has conceded detention centres are beyond maximum capacity and that asylum seekers would need to be released into the community while their applications for refugee status were processed.

They would be given financial and housing support - as well as free basic health care - a massive boost from their current financial status in Indonesia where many are struggling to afford food.

However the asylum seekers, based in Puncak, 80km from Jakarta, said they feared Liberal leader Tony Abbott would be successful in his bid to become prime minister.

"Mr Abbott is not good for refugees and asylum seekers, he does not like us, he is not really a nice man," said Zia Haidari, a 25-year-old Afghanistan man who has attempted - unsuccessfully - to travel to Australia by boat seven times.

"Ms Gillard seems to understand how we feel and is trying her best.

Socialist Priorities Down Under Grant Lee is not one of them.

"Abdulah Sulamani, 41, heaped praise on Ms Gillard: "She is a hero, you are lucky to have this woman for your country."

Solo mother Fatemeh Khavari, 30, told News Ltd she did not have enough money saved to travel by boat to Australia and had spent time living homeless and hungry in Indonesia with her six-month-old son.

Labor's announcement was music to her ears.

"If I can get this free money and house when I come to Australia this will make life very easy for me," Ms Khavari said.

"It is very hard right now for us, I cannot afford to buy milk formula, we are very hungry. Me and my child need the generosity of the Australian people.

"If that doesn't happen my baby may die."

Ms Khavari - whose reasons fleeing Iran were "private" - said the other factor to draw her towards Australia was free medical care.

"I cannot afford to have vaccinations for my baby so I can get this in Australia.

A new low for the Australian Labor Party:$173.000 per ILLEGAL Muslim asylum seeker as Chemotherapy Patients asked to pay MORE for treatment or die.

"The praise directed at the prime minister may be unwelcome by its recipient, with voters unlikely to be impressed with the notion asylum seekers think they are coming to a country with soft laws.

A new monthly record was set in November with 2443 people arriving on boats and Ms Gillard was asked yesterday if she would bring back temporary protection visas and tow boats back to Indonesia.

The government last month announced thousands of asylum seekers threatened with processing in Nauru and Manus Island would be released in the community in Australia on bridging visas with almost $440 a fortnight plus help to pay rent.

It is understood the government is aware large numbers of asylum seekers are rushing to get on boats in Indonesia before the monsoon season and are undeterred by the government's pledge to keep them waiting in the community for protection visas for up to five years under a "no advantage" test.

Ms Gillard said TPVs and tow backs were not policy options hours before the government announced 75 people on two boats had been rescued by the Navy off Christmas Island.

"This is a complicated issue for our nation, for nations around the world," Ms Gillard told Channel 10.

"Anybody who says that there is a simple fix to you is not telling you the truth. It takes a range of policies, and we are putting that range of policies in place."

The desperation in the voices of asylum seekers in Puncak is echoed right throughout the village, where many asylum seekers come prior to embarking on the sea journey to Australia.

They eat their basic evening meals with rusty utensils scattered around. Their tiny bedrooms contain no blankets and sleep up to eight people. The days are dull with no ability to work as work visas from Indonesian officials are non-existent for the travellers.

It is this harsh reality of life in villages like Punchak combined with the arrival of news about Labor's policy backflip that is bringing about party fever and the desire to come to Australia as soon as possible.

Seventeen-year-old Adres, who does not have a surname listed on his passport, said when he arrived on Indonesian soil three weeks ago he planned to apply for refugee status through UNHCR.

But upon learning of the over-filled detention centres in Australia he was determined to travel by sea.

"This is good news for us, if we stay here and apply for status we might not be allowed into Australia, but if we come on boat we get the money and house," Adres said.

"This is a great thing and I am very thanking to the government in your country."

The Afghanistan teenager, whose father was killed in Pakistan, made the journey to Indonesia by plane. He saved for the journey and would use his money to engage people smugglers.

"It is a dangerous risk but worth it to get a new country with opportunities.

"This is party time."

How would you like tens of thousands of Bilal Skaf's and his fellow Muslim Peadophile Gang Rapists moving into your city ?Gillard backs down forced to support "The Savage" over Israel in UN Vote to save own job
Sydney's Occupied Territories residents urged to wear Keffiyeh to show support for Terrorism
Sydney's Occupied Territories remind Labor Green Loon Government who is in charge
The Bolt Report November 25 2012 1/ 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy,Illegals and moreMulticultural Australia If all Cultures and Religions are equal what's the big deal with Female Genital Mutilation ?Tony Abbott shuts the door on ILLEGALS
Multicultural Australia we were warned two years ago
Australia: From the West to the East Coast, Every Day is a Harmony Day............

The Bolt Report Dec 2 2012 and Julia Rice Susan Gillard ? Same ideology, same M O

Julia Rice Susan Gillard same modi operandi

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has again been shown to have lied and sought to mislead the Australian people and various Australian government authorities before she was appointed Prime Minister by her minority "Co Party" partners, made up of Green and Independent members of the House of Representatives.

Her deceits are numerous,and started many years ago,the most notable so far to be revealed,is her part in establishing what she describes as a "slush fund" for the proceeds of monies, extorted from building and construction companies, in exchange for industrial peace under the guise of the extorted monies been donations to an Australian Workers Union workers safety / welfare fund, when these monies were in fact to be used for the benefit of her then boy friend Bruce Wilson an official of the Australian Workers Union.

Full details are available via the links at bottom of page.

Julia Gillard's excuse / defence for her appalling conduct has a lot in common with Susan Rice's defence of her complicity in the cover up of the slaughter of America's Benghazi Ambassador and the deaths of those brave men who undertook the task of defending him and the embassy.

Both Gillard and Rice and their respective media and political cheer squads and apologists  are claiming,
Sexism,Racism,Misogyny, "older white men " however the truth is obvious and beyond doubt,Gillard is a proven liar,who along with her fellow "Co Party" government members  is just plain and simply incompetent at every level of  governance.

10,000 miles away in Washington Susan Rice is, from what I read and see, nearly as dishonest and or incompetent as her "sista" in Australia.

Michael Smith News  for various supporting documents 

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Jimmy Savile Paedophile scandal : Australian Entertainer questioned by Scotland Yard detectives in relation to one of the biggest sex scandals to rock the UK.

UK's Jimmy Savile child sex scandal linked to an Australian music legend

Charles Miranda, Janet Fife-Yeomans and Yoni Bashan 
The Daily Telegraph
December 01, 2012 12:00AM

AN Australian entertainer (My Guess is it is Rolf Harris) has been interviewed by Scotland Yard detectives in relation to one of the biggest sex scandals to rock the UK, a prominent child protection expert claimed last night.

Leading criminologist Mark Williams-Thomas - whose expose on British icon Jimmy Savile sparked a major investigation into some of the UK's biggest entertainers - last night tweeted the name of the man quizzed by detectives. But police will not confirm his name.

In Sydney, the entertainer's brother said he was not aware of the events unfolding in London.

"I haven't spoken to him, he's just come back from America," the brother told The Daily Telegraph.

"I know what (he) did as an entertainer - he didn't have anything to do with Jimmy Savile.

"He'd been involved with the BBC so maybe they're talking to him about the fuss with Savile. That could be it."

Another director of the entertainer's company said at his city centre office that he knew nothing about the matter.

Jimmy Savile,the BBC's most (in)famous Paedophile ?

Operation Yewtree was established in the wake of revelations British entertainer Savile sexually abused and assaulted more than 400 people, mostly children, over five decades, in hospitals, schools and BBC's London studios.

There are two strands to Yewtree, one directly related to Savile's acts and the other, simply called "others", related to sexual offences that had come to light during the overall investigation but not directly related to Savile.

The latest man fell into the latter.

News of the man's questioning came in a statement from Scotland Yard, released soon after he left Lewisham Police Station in London's south at 5pm where he had attended "by appointment" and was "interviewed under caution", meaning he was read his rights before he spoke with police.

He has not been arrested or charged. Police searched his home in Berkshire in southeast England last Saturday when they arranged for him to formally be spoken to.

"A man in his 80s, from Berkshire, was interviewed under caution on suspicion of sexual offences after attending south London police premises by appointment at midday today," police said.

"We are not prepared to discuss (the matter) further."

The entertainer could not be contacted last night, nor could his London agent.


Australian entertainer linked to Jimmy Savile child sex scandal left 'almost suicidal'

The Daily Telegraph 
December 02, 2012 12:00AM

FRIENDS of the Aussie entertainer interviewed by police on suspicion of sexual misconduct have accused detectives of indiscriminately rounding up suspects and tainting their names.

The Australian celebrity aged in his 80s was nowhere to be seen at his property yesterday; his partner of many years was at home with other relatives including a man believed to be his son-in-law but both declined to comment.

But friends have said he has been left “almost suicidal” by the claims of being guilty by association with now deceased British celebrity Jimmy Savile who allegedly sexually abused at least 450 people mostly children over a five decade period.

A friend told the British press the Australian entertainer and children’s TV presenter, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had done nothing wrong.

“Quite frankly I think police should be ashamed of what they are doing,” the friend who has known the Australian for 50 years has said.
“He wouldn’t do anything like this. We’ve spent hours on the river together and in each other’s homes and we often confide in each other. Is everyone who has ever worked with that man Savile going to be hauled in? He is being tainted with guilt by association.”

The friend said it was a shocking slur.

Giant TV broadcast vans with roof-top satellite dishes and a number of Fleet Street photographers have clogged the small laneway outside the star’s home. The attention prompted a number of police to patrol the laneway a number of times during the day. Many media remain in their cars with heaters on prompting locals to complain about the constant car engine drones.

Metropolitan Police yesterday announced the man aged in his 80s had been formally interviewed under caution by detectives from Operation Yewtree which was set up to probe allegations British entertainer and national icon Jimmy Savile assaulted more than 450 people over a five decade period.

Savile died last year before revelations emerged he abused children aged as young as nine years mostly at BBC but since the revelation first emerged four other celebrities had been arrested and charged including the notorious former pop star Gary Glitter and comedian Freddie Starr. Both have denied the charges.

The Australian entertainer is the fifth man to be spoken to but unlike the others has not arrested.

Yewtree is divided into two branches; one looking specifically at Savile’s sexual crimes and the second one simply dubbed “others” looking into suspicion of sexual misconduct that had come to light during the Savile inquiries.

In some instances the latter has involved multiple claims of groping by BBC employees and personalities of mostly young women and girls brought to the dress rooms backstage for private meetings with their celebrity heroes. The majority of the alleged offences took place in the 1960s and ‘70s.

Police were remaining tight-lipped about what detectives called suspicions of sexual misconduct made against the Aussie but confirmed he fell into the second “other” grouping. He was read his rights before he was questioned by police. His house was searched by police last weekend although it is not known what items were seized if any.

The story first broke on Twitter by a person believed to be a well-known former police officer turned criminologist.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

How would you like tens of thousands of Bilal Skaf's and his fellow Muslim Peadophile Gang Rapists moving into your city ?

MUSLIM IMMIGRATION = RAPE JIHAD. Coming soon, to a young white girl near you. Yes, YOU!

I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get f****d to pieces.”

Thanks to  Bare Naked Islam for compiling this very detailed and accurate post see it at Bare Naked Islam and then ask why the Australian,American,UK and other western governments are importing into their respective Judeo Christian nations  as many of these Godless savages as they can get their hands on.

Fire Fighting Malmo Sweeden

Thursday, November 29, 2012

At Last Some Serious Stuff

1/85 Kerr St. Fitzroy : Who needs enemies with friends like.........

Gillard's old friends dig up the dirt

The Australian 
November 29, 2012 12:00AM 

ONE way or another everybody ends up paying for their mistakes. The bigger the mistake, the bigger the price, bigger still if the doer holds high office.

Julia Gillard has made a few doozies in her life and she is paying for them now. Call it karma, call it retribution, call it plain old revenge, Gillard is suffering from events of 17 years ago, and not only because, as Nicola Roxon observed, she might have had bad taste in men. You think?

Even if, as Gillard says, she did nothing wrong when she was a partner in law firm Slater & Gordon, what happened then was not trivial and nor is it now inconsequential, no matter how hard she and her supporters try to make it so.

The excuses made on her behalf are as numerous as those she makes for herself. They run along these lines: nothing has emerged to prove she has done anything wrong, it was so long ago it is irrelevant today, no smoking gun has been produced, no documents have surfaced to contradict her accounts, plus her accusers are either shonky, they have an axe to grind, they are desperate for distractions, they are throwing mud, they are throwing old mud or they are misogynist nut jobs and sexist pigs.

Gillard's frustration is palpable, her fury barely disguised in the face of these attacks on her honesty and her character. You could see it in parliament and at her press conference. In parliament it was a toss-up what she found the most galling: the fact that Julie Bishop was daring to question her, or that Tony Abbott refused for two days to question her at all about that issue.

Sensibly, Abbott stayed out of it, lashed like Ulysses to his chair in the house, resisting the calls of the sirens, knowing if he responded he risked terminal injuries. As one of his advisers said: "When all your enemies are pressuring you to do something, then clearly it is not a good idea to do it."

It suits Gillard to present the campaign against her as some vast right-wing conspiracy; however, she knows only too well the roots of this story lie deeply embedded in the Labor movement.

One Labor MP, a supporter of Gillard, neatly summed up by blaming a "rat-infested AWU for her political persecution".

Abbott's strategic withdrawal also sensibly ended with Gillard's decision to jump before she was rolled by her own backbenchers over the UN vote to grant observer status to Palestine. The leaking of that story so quickly and so comprehensively, especially the detail of the cabinet debate where she overruled her ministers to insist on a no vote was an ominous sign for Gillard.

Another ominous sign was Bob Carr opposing her in cabinet then threatening to speak against her in caucus, which would have resulted in her losing both the vote and her foreign minister.

Finally the gravity of her situation sunk in.

After amputating her legs, Carr sped out to praise her support for the abstention he had compelled her to adopt as a display of clever leadership. There's a Yiddish word for that: chutzpah. In English, it's give us a break.

If Gillard had not been so preoccupied by the AWU scandal, she would have seen it coming. If she had been properly plugged in to her caucus she would have known the numbers were not there. Then again her capacity to read people and judge situations has always been suspect.

At Monday's press conference she was defiant and belligerent, complaining about the recycling and re-recycling of old fabrications, daring journalists to choose between her and self-confessed fraudster Ralph Blewitt, without once saying he was present when she signed his power of attorney.

She seized on the contribution of one of the crooners, that band of sympathetic male journalists, to thank him and echo his question by asking: "what is the big deal?" Try this: she was the instrument used by her then boyfriend, AWU official Bruce Wilson, to help set up the instrument that enabled the defrauding of hundreds of thousands of dollars that today remains missing. Owners of the Fitzroy property shouldn't waste time fossicking in the backyard.

For some people hundreds of thousands of dollars isn't a big deal. For others it is. It reminds them of other big deals such as the one that got Michael Williamson into so much trouble, the same one that wrecked Craig Thomson's career, or the ones Eddie Obeid is accused of which are stinking out the NSW Labor Party.

For too long people inside the Labor movement failed to acknowledge big deals even when they rose up and bit them on the bum. If you are looking for reasons for record low membership, add this to the list.

Just for fun, how's this for another big deal: Gillard accuses the opposition of wallowing in sleaze, yet she spent four years surrounded by it and was, by her own admission, oblivious to it.

Her boyfriend's bestie all that time was Blewitt, who has gone from bagman to bogeyman to criminal genius. Blewitt says Wilson was the mastermind, Wilson insists it was Blewitt and that he was burying stolen money in the backyard. Dontcha love it when thieves fall out.

Echoes reverberated on the ABC's 7.30 when Wilson said he could not see what the big deal was, nor understand why this story kept getting recycled and recycled. Perhaps it's partly because its taken 17 years for Blewitt and Wilson to talk publicly about it.

Blewitt is the same bestie Gillard now describes as an imbecilic sexist pig and crook, who was joined at the hip with her then boyfriend. It is the same Blewitt the government reckons is a "scumbag" and that Bishop's contact with him in pursuit of information against the Prime Minister warrants her sacking because it showed her lack of judgment.

Bishop's meeting with Blewitt was dumb and her loose words garnered the kind of prominent coverage denied to the original questions to the Prime Minister over her role, but hey, if you follow the government's arguments of guilt by association to its logical conclusion, where does it lead you with the Prime Minister?

Gillard, showing way too much hubris and way too little self-awareness, picked up on the theme in parliament to get stuck into the opposition for its lack of standards "and the company they keep".

Gillard's prime ministership has turned into a cross between Judge Judy ("they done me wrong your honour") and CSI (join the dots, find the culprits).

She is ending the parliamentary year as she began it. Very badly. Her enemies inside and outside, in front of her and behind her, will not give up, confident any poll improvement is ephemeral.

According to one Ruddite, the AWU scandal isn't killing her, not yet, and it won't unless something else emerges, but it is hurting her. A lot. All because of that pesky question of trust, which hangs like a shroud over almost everything she says and does.

Labor's Hamas Groupies lay down the law to Gillard

Gillard backs down forced to support "The Savage" over Israel in UN Vote to save own job

1 / 85 Kerr St. Fitzroy: Madame Gillard under seige

Pressure on a PM under siege

Miranda Devine 
The Daily Telegraph
November 28, 2012 12:00AM

A CONSTELLATION of competing emotions flitted across the Prime Minister's face during her extraordinary press conference on Monday.

Was she frightened? Was she angry? Was she nervous? Was she defiant? Was she evasive? Was she irritated? She seemed to be all of the above, all at once, and as she licked her lips and rearranged her face, she was a fascinating study of a woman barely holding it together under tremendous pressure.

In fact, if you turned down the sound on your TV or just let the words wash over you, the non-verbal information told a more interesting story, one that is off and running in the electorate: that our prime minister appears to be a person under siege.

Whatever is the upshot of the 17-year-old fraud allegations involving Gillard and Bruce Wilson, the married AWU official who was her then-boyfriend, and the legal advice she provided to him to incorporate an association, which she later described as a slush fund, the damage is done to Gillard's reputation. No amount of spin doctoring will put it back together.

Whatever is the upshot of the various allegations of wrongdoing which Gillard repeatedly has denied, what this story does, fairly or unfairly, is in the eyes of some cement an adverse impression of Gillard's character.

It is an impression that accords with a view of her character as someone who ousted her boss and took his job as prime minister, who vowed there would be "no carbon tax under the government I lead" before the last election and then signed a deal for one with the Greens and independents afterwards.

It is an impression that accords with a view of a leader who defended with "complete confidence" Dobell MP Craig Thomson last year over allegations of misuse of union money on prostitutes and his election campaign: "I think he is doing a fine job."

It is an impression that accords with the spin emanating from her office, which includes a lie told to incite Aboriginal anger against Opposition Leader Tony Abbott resulting in a riot on Australia Day from which both Gillard and Abbott had to be rescued by police.

And it accords with a view of a character that would accuse others of engaging in the politics of smear while engaging in a most vicious smearing of a private citizen to defend herself.

Gillard opened Monday's press conference with a 500 word statement decrying "smear and sleaze" and then she tipped a bucket of the stuff on Ralph Blewitt, a former AWU official who had once been her friend. Blewitt, described as a one time union bagman, had been a "loyal lieutenant" to Wilson in the AWU, at a time when Wilson was being touted by his bosses as a future prime minister.

"So it's going to come down to Mr Blewitt's word against me," said Gillard. "Let me remind you who Mr Blewitt is. Mr Blewitt is a man who has publicly said he was involved in fraud. Mr Blewitt is a man who has sought immunity from prosecution. Mr Blewitt admits to using the services of prostitutes in Asia. Mr Blewitt has published lewd and degrading comments and accompanying photographs of women on his Facebook page.

"Mr Blewitt, according to people who know him, has been described as a complete imbecile, an idiot, a stooge, a sexist pig, a liar, and his sister has said he's a crook and rotten to the core. His word against mine, make your mind up. "

And minutes later: "You are talking about a contest here between me and Mr Blewitt, and you can work out who you believe: the person who is standing here, prime minister of Australia who has done nothing wrong, or the man who says he's guilty of fraud and is looking for an immunity. Work it out. "

It was a ferocious character assassination and a turnaround from the position she took on the alleged use of prostitutes when defending Thomson.

There are a handful of people in the country who know all the ins and outs of the AWU story, including The Australian's Hedley Thomas and policeman turned broadcaster Michael Smith, who lost his job at radio station 2UE after trying to air the allegations last year.

Smith, a forensic sleuth with a point to prove, has teamed up with Blewitt and a mysterious character named Harry Nowicki, a wealthy former personal injury lawyer and union adviser who is writing a history of the AWU.

Nowicki financed Blewitt's trip from Malaysia to take his allegations to Victorian police about the role Gillard played in providing advice in the setting up in 1995 of the AWU Workplace Relations Association, the so-called slush fund from which Wilson allegedly siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars. Every day Smith updates his blog with fresh information and he says on Monday there were one million hits on the website.

Yesterday he posted two new interviews, one with Blewitt's Muslim wife Ruby, in Malaysia, dismayed at the PM's characterisation of her husband: "I am burning in my heart". The other was an interview with a former miner, making sensational allegations involving Wilson and 25kg of explosives in the WA mining town of Kambalda.

The Prime Minister is probably right when she says the public is "sick of stories they don't understand about events 17 to 20 years ago". But that is because they formed their impression of her character long ago.

It's not the media's fault she is mired in this. Nor is it particularly the fault of the opposition, which has come late to the party and has contributed little fresh information. It's certainly not the fault of "sexists" who can't stand having a woman in charge, as Greens Christine Milne claimed yesterday.

No. In my view it is entirely the fault of Julia Gillard and colleagues who installed her and now are suffering buyers' remorse. Character is destiny.

1 / 85 Kerr St. Fitzroy. Fraud squad detectives start interviewing witnesses over Australian Workers Union scandal.

Witnesses quizzed over AWU scandal

Daily Telegraph
November 29, 201212:00AM

Fraud squad detectives contact at least two people
PM under more pressure
New allegations about her involvement

VICTORIAN police have begun interviewing key witnesses as part of an investigation into the Australian Workers Union scandal.

Fraud squad detectives have contacted at least two people, including retired Greek-born builder Kon Spyridis, who said he spoke with police on Monday in relation to payments he'd received from the AWU in the mid-1990s.

Police have also contacted former Slater & Gordon employee Olive Brosnahan, who in 1993 did the conveyancing on the Melbourne property at the centre of the affair.

The police move comes as new allegations  emerge that Prime Minister Julia Gillard was heavily involved in the creation of a union body later used as a "slush fund".

The Australian reports today that documents, released after 17 years, show Ms Gillard argued the case for the incorporation of the Australian Workers Union Workplace Reform Association.

Ms Gillard told her employers at the law firm Slater & Gordon in 1995 that the association was a "slush fund" to be used for the re-election of union officials.

However, it eventually became the vehicle through which major union fraud was committed, with $100,000 from it being used to buy a Melbourne home which Ms Gillard's boyfriend, union official Bruce Wilson, lived in

The newly released documents, a record of interview about the association between Ms Gillard and Slater & Gordon then-senior partner Peter Gordon in September 1995, show Ms Gillard alone prepared the response when the authority suggested it was ineligible for incorporation due to its "trade union status".

Yesterday, Ms Gillard yesterday declined, amid multiple questions from the Opposition, to give a direct answer when asked if she had written to WA's Corporate Affairs Commission vouching for the bonafides of the association 20 years ago.

Ms Gillard provided legal advice for the incorporation of the AWU Workplace Reform Association, but has denied any knowledge of its operations.

She labelled Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop - who is under fire after admitting to meeting key witness Ralph Blewitt - an embarrassment before telling Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, who has remained silent on the affair in parliament this week, that she would answer if he asked the question.

"Get up and ask it yourself, then I will answer it," she thundered at her political rival.

Liberal Senator George Brandis used parliamentary privilege to call Ms Gillard's account of her actions "implausible."

A spokeswoman for Ms Gillard said Victorian police had not approached the Prime Minister.

Victorian police are investigating whether criminal action took place during 1992 to 1995 in relation to a series of unauthorised union accounts. The Kerr St Fitzroy home, which was purchased for $230,000, was partly financed with around $67,000 from the AWU Workplace Reform Association.

The Opposition has questioned the Prime Minister's involvement in helping to purchase the property, although Ms Gillard insists she has done nothing wrong and that her role was limited to witnessing a power of attorney from Mr Blewitt, a former AWU official and self-confessed "bagman".

That document gave Ms Gillard's then boyfriend, Bruce Wilson, authority to secure a loan and purchase the property, which was later sold in 1996.

Mr Spyridis told News Limited that police had quizzed him over work he had done for the AWU in the mid-1990s. In August, the retired builder broke a 17-year silence to clear Prime Minister Julia Gillard of allegations that funds from the AWU "slush" had helped to pay for renovations on her Melbourne home.

Yesterday, Mr Spyridis denied he had ever approached former AWUVictorian State Secretary Bob Smith seeking payment for unpaid work.

"I don't remember Bob Smith," he said.

Mr Smith declined to comment on whether he had been contacted by the fraud squad.

It is understood Peter Gordon who was one of two Slater and Gordon senior staff who interviewed Ms Gillard around the time she left the firm over the AWU association affair has not been contacted by police.

Victoria police said the fraud and extortion squad "is currently assessing a file which relates to the alleged misappropriation of funds from a Union. Victoria Police does not confirm who may or may not be under investigation or providing statements.

Ms Gillard has always vehemently denied any knowledge of the fraud.

She has admitted having only been involved in providing legal advice to Mr Wilson and their friend, union bagman Ralph Blewitt, as to the incorporation of the association.

1 / 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy : Dear Prime Minister. You are a liar.

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