An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Labors Green Loon Sen. Sarah Hanson Young, Gets Ripped a New Arse Hole by Ray Hadley

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young won't say sorry to Ray Hadley

Simon Black 
The Daily Telegraph
March 02, 2013 12:00AM

GREENS Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has refused to apologise for an attack against broadcaster Ray Hadley on the ABC's Lateline program - despite the show's presenter Tony Jones defending Hadley yesterday.

Tony Jones and Sen. Sarah Hanson Young on "Their ABC" Lateline.

Ms Hanson-Young accused Hadley of a "horrid" display of "irresponsibility" in his commentary on asylum seekers during her appearance on Lateline on Thursday night.

"Hadley ... went on air saying these people are doing these bad things," Ms Hanson-Young said.

"These people obviously referring to the entire community of asylum seekers on bridging visas rather than understanding that this was one particular incident."

The "incident" she referred to was the sexual assault of a Macquarie University student, allegedly by a Sri Lankan refugee.

Hadley angrily refuted Ms Hanson-Young's claims on his program yesterday.

"Never, in any stage, did I say these people are doing these bad things," he said. "(Ms Hanson-Young) you lied to Tony Jones last night, you lied to the audience of the ABC."

Hadley said rather than "demonising" asylum seekers, he was responsible for removing a group of them from squalid living conditions in a disused office."I'm the one that identified the sort of conditions these people are being housed in and hopefully they won't be housed in them any further," he said.

Yesterday, Jones told The Daily Telegraph he had reviewed the material and found "no evidence of (Hadley) making racist remarks" during an on-air interview with opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison. He also commended Hadley and his team's investigation, stating they "did conduct good journalism in exposing the slum-like conditions asylum seekers on bridging visas are forced to endure".

But Jones said he still had concerns and stressed the broadcaster had a responsibility not to use a single case of sexual abuse to exaggerate the threat posed by asylum seekers in the community.

"To do that would risk demonising the very people he said he's trying to help," he said.

Hadley yesterday demanded an apology from Ms Hanson-Young, who refused to provide it.

"The person who needs to apologise is Ray Hadley," she said. "People are responding to his comments on radio even just this morning, saying that the only good refugee is a dead one."

A spokesperson for Ms Hanson-Young later said the comment about dead refugees was not said on air, but was emailed to the senator's office. He was not able to provide detail on how Ms Hanson-Young had linked the email to Hadley's show.

Macquarie University Sexual assault: Labor HIDES Illegal's throughout Australian community

Asylum Seeker Attack :The Union/ GetUp funded Federal Labor Green Loon Independent minority Co Party Government has placed 80 illegal immigrant males next door to teenage female students. WHY?

Suspect arrested despite Macquarie Uni. Sex Assault attempted cover up?..........

Sri Lankan asylum seeker Daxchan Selvarajah in custody over Macquarie University sex assault

Friday, March 01, 2013

Sydney September 15 2012 CBD Muslim Insurgency rioter,Mohammed Issai Issaka pleads not guilty

Rioter Mohammed Issai Issaka's bloodied badge of dishonour

Amy Dale
The Daily Telegraph
February 28, 2013 12:00AM

ONE of the men charged over the Hyde Park Muslim riots yesterday held up a blood-stained beanie in court as evidence was heard of the confrontation between police and protesters.
Mohammed Issai Issaka has pleaded not guilty to riot, assaulting police and resisting arrest during the protest on September 15 last year, which was staged in retaliation to a YouTube clip entitled The Innocence Of Muslims.

One of the officers who arrested Issaka agreed he had been left bleeding, but said police had feared for their safety as he and other protesters surged towards them.
It is alleged Issaka joined in the protest as hundreds of people went to Hyde Park, where about 15 bottles were hurled by those in attendance.

Police say they do not accept Issaka's claim he was acting in self-defence to police restraining and hurting him during arrest.
When Senior Constable Raymond Carey was asked in evidence to confirm Issaka was wearing a white beanie during the protest, the 43-year-old Issaka held up the headwear for magistrate Jacqueline Milledge to see it was now covered with a large dried blood stain.
He held the beanie in his hands for most of the hearing.

Sen-Constable Carey told the court: "I thought I was going to be assaulted. He stepped towards me ... I wasn't going to take a chance (so) I grabbed him by the arm."
The Downing Centre Local Court heard Issaka shouted "just shoot me, just shoot me" and "flailed" his arms and legs around during his arrest. "I saw blood stains coming from his head, I thought he had hit it," Sen-Constable Carey said.
Video footage, taken from police and television cameras, was played in court and showed officers on top of Issaka near St James train station.

Sen-Constable Carey agreed he did not see Issaka throw a bottle, but said many
were left ducking for cover as the protest escalated out of control.

He said Issaka had been draped in a green flag and was with other protesters who "were yelling and screaming".
Another officer, Sen-Constable Joshua Dixon, told the court the protesters started throwing water bottles after hearing someone shout: "Why did so many people have to die in the name of religion?"
He described Issaka as looking "very threatening" during the protest.
The hearing was adjourned until May.

Omar Halaby 19 year old Muslim Insurgent / Rioter and Disability Pensioner.

Muslim rioter and vandal Omar Halaby spared jail following September 15 2012 Sydney CBD Muslim Insurgency Riots..Life on the pension is a riot for Omar

What makes the "Mufti of Sydney's Occupied Territories and his fellow insurgents "feel like we is on cloud nine" ?

Sydney's Muslim Insurgency Riots Aftermath: Spin Doctors and apologists still performing CPR on Multiculturalism.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wasim Fayed 44,Zakaryah Raad, 21,Tolga Cifki, 21,and Gengiz Coskin, 22,found Guilty of Sharia Whipping Punishment in Sydney's Occupied Territories

Four men found guilty of whipping Muslim convert in Sydney's west

Daily Telegraph

February 28, 20131:12PM

FOUR men who took part in the whipping of a Muslim convert as punishment for him drinking alcohol and taking drugs have been found guilty of assault in Sydney.

Christian Martinez, 32, was whipped with an electric cord at his home in Silverwater in Sydney's west between July 16 and 17 in 2011.

His mentor, Wasim Fayed, was accused of carrying out the whipping as punishment under sharia law, while the other three men held Mr Martinez down on his bed.

Fayed, 44, along with Zakaryah Raad, 21, Tolga Cifki, 21, and Gengiz Coskin, 22, pleaded not guilty to charges of assault occasioning bodily harm, causing harm in company and stealing.

Fayed also faced two charges of intimidation.

Magistrate Brian Maloney convicted the men in Burwood Local Court today.

He will sentence them at a later date.

Christian Martinez Interviewed

As Fayed left the court and was bundled into a car, he told reporters, "I love him for the sake of Allah'', referring to Mr Martinez.

Second Islamic Sociopath,Wassim Fayad, appears in court charged with Sharia Flogging,Victim Christian Martinez speaks about flogging.

New Zealand Man Torn apart by Five Sharks

Man dies in shark attack at Muriwai Beach, north of Auckland

Daily Telegraph
February 27, 2013 5:54PM

A MAN is dead after a Great White shark attack at Muriwai Beach, north of Auckland.
Emergency services rushed to Muriwai, a popular west coast surf beach just before 11.30am today following reports of a shark attack.
A student said police officers fired 20 shots at the 3.7-4.3 metre long Great White Shark, which has not been retrieved from the sea, Stuff NZ reported.
Newstalk ZB reporter Juliette Sivertsen said the attack was very aggressive, with the shark refusing to let go of the man's body until police shot at it.
Fisherman Pio Mose told APNZ that he saw a man swimming nearby.

"All of a sudden ... we saw the shark fin and next minute, boom, attack him then blood every where on the water," he said.
He called 111 while his mate ran to get help.
"He was still alive, he put his, head up, we called him to swim over the rock to where we were.
"He raised his hand up, and then while he was rising his hand up we saw another attack pull him in the water.

"He came back up, his head was on the water ... then we notice he was already dead."
He said as the blood covered the water more sharks started swimming around the area.
Mr Mose and the other fisherman watched as the shark took the man's body out to sea and when lifeguards eventually arrived they directed them to where the group of sharks were.
"It's awful - it's scary like a nightmare to me. I was shaking, scared, panicked," said Mr Mose.

He said he had never seen sharks in the area in the three years he'd been fishing in that spot.
"All I was thinking was I wanted to jump in the water and help but I didn't want to get attacked by a shark too."
Mr Mose said those who went out to retrieve the man's body fired about six shots at the shark.
Stef McCallum, 18, of Wellington, said they were first aware something was wrong when a man ran across to the surf club to get help.

A woman told us a man had just been killed by a shark, she said.
"She said there was a big pool of blood in the water."
McCallum said they saw a police officer go out in a surf boat and shoot the shark.
"He fired about 20 shots."

Around 200 people were on the beach and people quickly ran.
"Everybody was evacuated from the water. Word of mouth, 'shark', and everybody left the water."
A witness told 3 News NZ that he spotted the lone swimmer while he was out fishing at the beach.
The distressed man signalled for help when he was attacked by a shark, before he was pulled underwater.

At this point, the witness said three or four other sharks appeared in the area.
The victim was aged 47, from Meriwai.
Police Inspector Shawn Rutene said the man had been swimming alone from Maori Bay to Muriwai Beach, several hundred metres from shore when he was attacked by a 4-metre shark, described as broad.
Insp Rutene said the man's wife and family were distraught. It took police and Muriwai lifeguards about 30 minutes to recover the body as two sharks circled, with police shooting at the sharks.
The three lifeguards recovering the body knew the victim.
His family gathered at the scene, with people seen embracing in the surf club car park and being escorted into the club, New Zealand Herald reported.
Auckland Council has closed Muriwai Regional Park and expects it to be closed for the next few days. All beaches north of Manukau Harbour, including popular Karekare and Piha, are also closed.
Lifeguard presence will be increased on the beaches, as well as mobile patrols in the water until Friday when the situation will be reassessed.
Earlier this week surfer Bourne Nobel Buiski posted on Facebook that there had been a "massive" shark spotted near surfers on Monday at Piha, 14 kilometres south of Muriwai.
He said that a local man ran out of the water "white faced and terrified".
"He was saying that a great white, a massive great white had just swum right beside him," Buiski said.
No one believed him, he said.
"As they are so rare here. There were about 60 people there, and no one came in." 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sri Lankan asylum seeker Daxchan Selvarajah in custody over Macquarie University sex assault

Sri Lankan asylum seeker Daxchan Selvarajah in custody over Macquarie University sex assault

Peter Bodkin 
The Daily Telegraph
February 27, 2013 10:54AM

A SRI Lankan asylum seeker accused of indecently assaulting a young university student will remain in custody until at least next month after his first appearance in a Sydney court this morning.

Daxchan Selvarajah, 21, didn't apply for bail in Central Local Court after his arrest at Central Station yesterday morning over the assault on a sleeping female student at Macquarie University.

He was charged with aggravated breaking and entering, and indecent assault after allegedly forcing his way into the university's student accommodation about 3.20am.

The 20-year-old woman woke during the incident and her attacker fled.
Outside the court, Selvarajah's lawyer Ken Robinson said his client was "doing well", although he was "feeling the strains a little bit" in custody.

He would not say whether the Sri Lankan national intended to fight the charges.

Immigration officials yesterday confirmed the 21-year-old was on a bridging visa, but he was not staying in the university housing - where 55 asylum seekers are living.
Selvarajah was believed to be visiting other asylum seekers at the facility.

It has been revealed a security guard arrived within minutes of the alleged attack but failed to call police at the time, with authorities not notified until 9.56am according to official records.

Selvarajah is due to appear in Parramatta Local Court next month.

Suspect arrested despite Macquarie Uni. Sex Assault attempted cover up?..........

Offensive Muslim Swine appeal dismissed

High Court dismisses appeal in 'offensive' letters case

Bianca Hall is immigration correspondent


February 27, 2013 - 11:18AM

A self-styled Muslim cleric accused of sending offensive letters to the families of dead diggers has had his appeal against the charge dismissed by the High Court.

Man Haron Monis, also known as Sheik Haron, and his co-appellant, Amirah Droudis, are accused of sending letters to the widows and family members of several soldiers, referring to the dead men in what one judge described as ''a denigrating and derogatory fashion''.

Their pre-trial application to have the charge that it was a crime to use a postal or similar service in a way that reasonable persons would regard as offensive was dismissed.

The men's lawyers had argued that the material was ''purely political'' in nature, and were therefore protected as political speech.

The High Court decision, published on Wednesday morning, said the co-accused had allegedly sent letters (and in one case a recorded message) to the relatives of Australian soldiers killed in action in Afghanistan and to the mother of an Austrade official killed in Indonesia.

''The communications criticised Australia's military involvement in Afghanistan. They opened with expressions of sympathy for the grieving relatives but then proceeded to criticise and condemn the deceased person,'' the decision read.

The High Court was divided 50-50 on whether the Constitution prohibits the postal service being used to deliver ''seriously offensive material''.

Under the Judiciary Act, when the High Court is equally divided, the decision that is being appealed is upheld.

The High Court was told in October that the letters, which were also sent to various politicians including the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader, contained ''expressions of sympathy'' for the soldiers' families.

But they also included passages including: ''The Australian government represents the Australian nation. The Australian nation has approved the oppressive behaviour of its own government. How? By its silence. Insane people and children are exceptions.''

High Court Judge Dyson Heydon questioned whether passages expressing sympathy could add to the offensiveness of the letters.

''You cannot offer condolences for the loss of someone's son and speak of the dirty body of a pig or say that Hitler was not inferior to them in moral merit,'' he said.

Barrister David Bennett, who appeared for Mr Droudis, told the court in October the letters were ''purely political'' and should therefore be protected as free speech.

''It is putting an extreme view,'' Mr Bennett said. ''It is putting what is no doubt very much a minority view, but it is purely political and it requires considerable imagination to see how that can be regarded as offensive in any way. That, of course, does not matter. If it is offensive it is offensive because the views are offensive, which is exactly what the freedom is designed to protect.''

Chief Justice Robert French in October suggested the letters could be offensive because of their context and the fact they were addressed to military families and relatives of a victim of terrorism.

But Mr Bennett insisted wounding a person's feelings should not invoke a criminal offence.

An unqualified prohibition against being ''offensive'' was not compatible with the implied freedom of political communication, he said.

In its draft anti-discrimination legislation, the federal government had previously proposed changing the definition of discrimination to include treating someone else unfavourably by ''harassing the other person'', or ''other conduct that offends, insults or intimidates the other person''.

Last Thursday parliament's legal and constitutional affairs committee recommended that definition be dumped from the revised legislation.

UPDATE Macquarie Uni. Sexual assault : POLICE charged a Sri Lankan asylum seeker yesterday over the alleged indecent assault of a university student

Asylum seeker charged over alleged sex assault at Macquarie University

Gemma Jones 
The Daily Telegraph
February 27, 2013 12:00AM

POLICE charged a Sri Lankan asylum seeker yesterday over the alleged indecent assault of a university student, as it emerged the federal government has given the Red Cross $265 million for asylum seekers.

The 21-year-old was on a bridging visa, immigration officials confirmed after he was arrested near Central Station at 10.15am. He was later charged with aggravated break and enter and aggravated indecent assault.

It was revealed yesterday that police were not called by Macquarie University after a 20-year-old student was allegedly attacked in campus accommodation last Thursday.

There were 55 asylum seekers living in the student accommodation at the time of the attack. Asylum seekers have also been placed at 

the University of Western Sydney by the Red Cross, but those at Macquarie will leave by the end of next month, it was announced yesterday.

The charged man was believed to be visiting other asylum seekers at the campus but did not live there.

A security guard arrived at the housing block within minutes of the 3.20am incident but failed to call police, with the company which manages the accommodation declining to answer questions about the specific time police were called.

A university spokeswoman said "security protocol was not followed in the initial reporting of this incident to police."

Macquarie University claimed police were called by accommodation provider Campus Living at 7.40am, however police records show the call was not made until 9.56am.

Suspect arrested despite Macquarie Uni. Sex Assault attempted cover up?..........

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Suspect arrested despite Macquarie Uni. Sex Assault attempted cover up?..........

Macquarie University 'failed' to call police after sex assault, 2GB's Ray Hadley revealed

The Daily Telegraph
February 26, 2013 4:17PM

A YOUNG Sri Lankan man arrested over the sexual assault of a female student at Macquarie University in Sydney's northwest is an asylum seeker, immigration officials have confirmed.

However, the accused man was not living in student accommodation at Macquarie University at the time of the attack, an immigration department spokeswoman said this afternoon.

Police say the 20-year-old student was asleep in a student accommodation building at the uni when a man broke into her room and indecently assaulted her about 3.20am last Thursday.

The woman woke up during the attack and the man fled.

Police say they arrested a 21-year-old Sri Lankan national at Railway Square in Sydney's CBD on Tuesday morning and took him to Surry Hills police station for questioning.

Macquarie University provides services for asylum seekers, including temporary accommodation, under a 2012 agreement with the Red Cross Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme (ASAS).

It was claimed earlier today, the university failed to call police immediately after security was told of the indecent assault.
The victim waited almost eight hours for help, 2GB's Ray Hadley revealed this morning.

He said a security guard came to the girl's unit about 10 minutes after the indecent assault and that he may have touched parts of the crime scene.

The victim and her flatmates assumed police had been called after the 3.20am attack but uniformed officers and detectives only came after the young women called them around 11am.

When Too Many Illegal Entrants are barely enough
there is never a shortage of replacements, Thanks ACTU, GetUp, Labor Green Loons and Independents

Asylum seekers intercepted near Ashmore Islands on 25th boat of 2013

Alice Coote 
The Daily Telegraph 
February 26, 2013 12:00AM

A BOAT carrying 68 people was intercepted off the north-west coast on the weekend.

The vessel was discovered to the north-east of Ashmore Islands on Saturday night and HMAS Maitland, under the control of the Border Protection Command was called to assist.

It is the 25th boat arrival for the year with more than 3000 people arriving by boat since December 1.

As a result of safety concerns due to poor weather conditions the 68 asylum seekers were embarked in HMAS Maitland under the coordination of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority's Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC Australia).

A statement from the office of the Minister for Home Affairs Jason Clare said the people would be transferred to Darwin to undergo initial health, security and identity checks.

The vessel was first detected by a Customs and Border Protection Dash-8 surveillance aircraft.

Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Scott Morrison and Shadow Minister for Justice, Customs and Border Protection, Michael Keenan said it was an "all time record summer of illegal boat arrivals", with more than 1000 extra people arriving this summer than last summer.

"Disturbingly not even the treacherous conditions of the monsoon season, with reports of a cyclone continuing to develop off our north-west coast this evening, are dissuading people smugglers," Mr Morrison said.

"Labor's border protection crisis is reaching new levels of failure and still they have no answer to stopping the boats."

Australia 2013 Who would have thought?

Free speech stoned to death

Miranda Devine 
The Sunday Telegraph
February 24, 2013 12:00AM

IF you needed proof that free speech in Australia is on the run, look at what happened when Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders came to town.

With 10 per cent of the vote in Holland, Wilders is a mainstream politician, leading the third largest political party in one of the most tolerant liberal democracies in the world. Yet in Australia he is treated like a pariah, denied a visa for months, and unable to secure a venue for his speaking tour in Perth.

Geert Wilders: Another Pignoramus from the Seven Network "Interviews" Geert Wilders

Instead of a "welcome to country" before he spoke to audiences in Sydney and Melbourne last week, organisers had to read aloud a statement of Victoria's racial and religious tolerant act.

As much as anything, this curious legal requirement adhered to by the Melbourne-based Q society which hosted Wilders, explains why Australians are open to his message of creeping Islamisation.

That and the enormous security needed to guard him from assassins 24-hours-a-day.

It is shameful that of all the Western democracies Geert Wilders has visited it turns out, Australia is the most repressive.

Not only did more than 30 venues refuse to host him or cancel at the last minute, politicians denounced him and in Melbourne protesters tried to block the entrance of the function hall where he was speaking and pushed at least one attendee to the ground in violent clashes.

This of course is great publicity for Wilders. When you meet him in person, he is much more normal than his image would suggest. The shock of hair isn't quite so yellow and he presents as a tall, well-dressed, quietly spoken, articulate politician with perfect English.

"I have no problem with Muslims," he said reasonably on a balcony in an undisclosed location on Sydney harbour, with yachts clinking nearby, and an armed bodyguard even nearer.

"The majority of them are not extremist. But there is no such thing as moderate Islam."

As proof he spoke of of gays being beaten up by Muslims in Amsterdam "once the most tolerant city in Europe", of high crime statistics for Moroccan youth in Holland, the over-representation of Somalis on welfare, of suburbs looking like Mecca. In Europe he says "it is almost too late, but Australia can learn from the mistakes."

He says although he is not religious, he feels a sense of "mission" which he loves, although he has had to sacrifice his freedom, living with his Hungarian-born wife Krisztina for nine years like a prisoner, surrounded by bodyguards, moving from safe house to safe house.

He is strongest on his attacks on cultural relativism which he calls "the biggest political disease which says that all cultures are equal.

"They are not. I'm proud to say our Judeo Christian humanist culture is much better than the barbaric Islamic culture."

It was a message that struck a chord in Sydney, on Friday night, at speeches hosted by the Q society, which is named after the Melbourne suburb of Kew where its first meeting was held, and is dedicated to "preserving western values and making the discussion of Islam a respectable topic of debate," says member Marshall Ahern, a Lidcombe businessman. Unlike in Melbourne, the unionists and student socialist groups protesting outside the Liverpool function hall on Friday night were fairly quiet.

"I don't think he should be able to come here and say disgusting racist ideas," said Amy Thomas, 26, a UTS arts student.

Inside, Wilders said he just wants the right to state his views without being killed or put on trial as he was in Holland. The threat of an assassin is real. Two weeks ago his friend, Lars Hedegaard, a 70-year-old Danish journalist and a critic of Islam, was shot at.

Wilders invited the audience to "make up your own mind on who I am and what I really stand for."

Then he claimed Sydney was the Australian city "where Islamisation has progressed the worst.

"This city needs to hear the truth about the dangerous ideology of Islam ."

He complained that he had to wait five weeks for a visa to Australia.

But a radical sheik who calls Jews "rats, apes and monkeys or the scum of the human race" and will be visiting Sydney in a few weeks, "gets a visa within a day".

He said he wanted to warn Australia about Islam which he claims is "predominantly a totalitarian ideology striving for world dominance.

"I believe Islam and freedom are incompatible.

"The more Islamic a society becomes the less free and tolerant it will be even when the majority of Muslims are tolerant."

He cited suburbs in Holland, France and in Europe which have become no go zones for non-Muslims, where gays are attacked, alcohol confiscated, non-Muslim women forced to cover up, polygamy and female genital mutilation practised and the police dare not enter. Do you want all this to happen in Australia," he asked.

"No" shouted the audience.

He claimed Australia is heading down the same path.

"Your country too is facing stealth Jihad, and Islamic attempts to introduce Sharia law bit by bit.

He pointed to a proposed "Muslim enclave in Riverstone" , a Sydney sheik "who performs female genital mutilation, women walk around in hijabs, banks offer financial services compliant with Sharia law, separate segregated swimming hours for Muslim women, universities cater to Sharia demands for students but at the same time refuse to allow me to speak at their premises."

There was applause when he explained his platform: "No Sharia ... No more mosques. No more immigration from Islamic countries." But he received his loudest applause when he slammed as "most dangerous of all are the attempts of governments all over our Western societies to draft bills that restrict our freedom of speech under the pretext of discrimination or hate speech.

"I say we have to let the law protect us against Islam instead of selling us out to it."

The second loudest applause came when he praised Israel.

Much of what he says about the difficulties of Muslim integration in Europe is true.

But I couldn't help but wonder how it would feel for the decent law-abiding Australian Muslims I know to sit in that room.

What is wrong with a Muslim women wearing a headscarf?

What is wrong with painting an arrow on the floor of a jail cell pointing to Mecca?

What is wrong with Muslims building a mosque to pray in?

And why keep calling Muhammed a paedophile?

Some of what Wilders says is calculated to cause offence, and so if he is snubbed, he can blame himself.

But you don't have to agree with everything he says to acknowledge that he has the right to say it.

And as one audience member on Friday night said: "If he's a far right extremist, he's the first one I've heard who supports Jews and gays."

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