An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Friday, November 15, 2013

Islamic Sociopath's Inc: Mohammed Issai Issaka freed on bail pending appeal of 12 month sentence

Hyde Park rioter Mohammed Issai Issaka gets bail after appealing jail term

Simon Black

The Daily Telegraph

November 15,2013

THE Hyde Park rioter who made headlines earlier this year when he refused to stand for a judge has been granted bail after appealing a jail term handed down to him today.

Mohammed Issai Issaka walked free from Downing Local Court after appealing a sentenced of 12 months in jail with a non-parole period of six months for taking part in last September's riots.

He was also given three months jail for the charge of resist arrest and six months jail for assaulting a police officer, both of which will be served concurrently.

The Muslim Savage in all its glory  Rioting Mohammed Issai Issaka

Moderate Peace Loving Misunderstood Family Man Mohammed Issai Issaka 

In sentencing the father of eight Magistrate Jacqueline Milledge said that while Issaka was a man of "otherwise impeccable character" his "lack of contrition" for his actions on the day gave her concern.

"I can't look at you as someone who has learnt from this event and would not revisit it" Magistrate Milledge said. "The courts have to say to people like you who overstep the mark that your behaviour cannot be accepted."

Mgstr Milledge said that Isaaka was "frontline" throughout the riots as an inflaming presence - even causing distress to other peaceful protesters.

"They're were trying to bring about calm and you weren't to be calmed," she said. "You frustrated them as well."

"You weren't just someone who was there to demonstrate."

Isaaka will be eligible for release on May 15, 2014. 

Sydney September 15 2012 CBD Muslim Insurgency rioter,Mohammed Issai Issaka pleads not guilty

Pious Muslim cleric, Uthman Badar Warns Australian's it will be OUR fault if Muslims blow us up.

An act of terror on Australian soil will be the fault of the government, says Muslim cleric Uthman Badar

Mark Morri
Crime Editor 
The Daily Telegraph
November 15,2013 

A RADICAL Sydney Muslim has warned an act of terrorism on home soil is possible - and it will be the fault of the Australian government.

MUSLIMS "have an obligation" to target Australian troops in Afghanistan…” Islamic Swine declares at Hizb ut-Tahrir’s ASSASSINS Conference at Lidcombe, in Sydney’s no go zone aka.“Occupied Territories”

Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar distributed a dossier accusing the government's counter-terrorism laws of unfairly targeting the Muslim community.

He also claimed the government was deliberately trying to antagonise Muslims into reacting violently.

"An act of violence or terrorism is possible by someone who can't be controlled," Badar said yesterday.

"These laws and the surveillance tactics of ASIO and counter-counter terrorism police is begging for a reaction from disenfranchised Muslims. The government should be warned."

Federal Attorney-General George Brandis last night said there would be an investigation into the disturbing comments that were made ahead of the group's annual conference on Sunday at Lidcombe.

"Australia has strong laws against urging violence and inciting terrorism and any accusation of this will be investigated," Senator Brandis said.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is known around the globe as a "prescribed terrorist" group and is banned in Germany and in many Middle East countries.

On Anzac Day eve last year, Hizb ut-Tahrir outraged many Australians with the headline "Anzac Day is not for Muslims" on its website.

It attacked the soldiers who fought at Gallipoli, saying it was a military failure and said Australians were responsible for indiscretions such as burning the belongings of locals in Egypt, brawling, getting drunk and rioting, and contracting venereal diseases due to time spent in local brothels.

Mr Badar came to Australia when he was three and grew up in western Sydney.

He is currently doing a PHD in economics at Sydney University. He said his group was not concerned about a vow by Prime Minister Tony Abbott when in opposition that the movement would be outlawed once he got into power.

"He was just playing to the electorate and we are not worried," Mr Badar said.

The jailing of a number of Muslims, including those involved in a plot to blow up Holsworthy Army barracks, was again the fault of the government, he claimed.

One police source said Hizb ut-Tahrir "pushes the boundaries" in an attempt to appear relevant.

"Many members are educated young Australians, but their views are extreme and they have been banned in some places," the source said.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Brilliant Robert Wargas, In case you forgot, How identity politics works.

How do identity politics work? A quick refresher course

By Robert Wargas US politics
The Telegraph
November 11th, 2013

Tim Stanley has already drawn your attention to a perfectly odious video of Dan Savage’s recent appearance on the Australian show Q&A, in which he “jokes” about mandating abortion to combat “overpopulation.”

Miranda Devine: "THE sneering foulness of the Left is bubbling up like overflow from an unblocked sewer at the realisation the Abbott government is here to stay."

Q & A

I urge everyone to watch the video of the entire episode, which you can find here. I did so a few days ago and have been turning the detritus over in my mind ever since. The entire episode really is a marvel of political correctness and identity politics, and a few brief comments are necessary, I believe, to remind everyone of the type of attitudes and opinions that underlay such a large segment of contemporary society. Those familiar with these slimy phenomena needn’t even watch the episode to understand the following points; they will read and nod with familiarity. Call it a refresher course, then.

1) Note how crude and vulgar Savage acts in general. Early in the show he refers, in an exceptionally explicit manner, to his alleged ability in oral sex. He seems to direct this comment at Peter Hitchens. I want you to imagine for a moment what would happen if a heterosexual man appeared on a television debate show and mentioned his prowess in oral sex to a female panelist. This would quite rightly be construed not only as creepy and disgusting but as an act of harassment, especially if the obvious purpose of the comment was, as in the case of Savage’s, to make his interlocutor feel uncomfortable and humiliated.

2) Savage acts the way he does because he believes he is entitled to do so. He believes his status as a member of The Oppressed exempts him from the rules of common decency and politeness that his Bourgeois Oppressors follow. You will notice all aggrieved people act in this way: they abuse others in the most heinous way while simultaneously demanding that those they’re abusing act deferential towards them. Note also that, in Savage’s case, this contempt for common decency extends to dress as well: he doesn’t feel compelled to wear a shirt or tie or jacket to an appearance before an enormous television crowd.

3) The audience encourages the panel’s radicalism. The panellists, emboldened by the howls of approval, are therefore encouraged to outdo one another in expressions of identity politics.

4) Notice how, with the exception of Peter Hitchens, all the other panelists are categorically obsessed with their own social identities, mainly in terms of gender and sexuality. For them, there is no reality beyond this identity; it is what defines them, determines their place in life as well as their moral standing. Like all radicals, however, their obsession (and pity) is limited only to select groups. If a feminist says, “As a woman, I feel that…” everyone keeps quiet and listens. If a conservative male says, “As a man, I feel that…” he is excoriated as a reactionary misogynist. Double standards are the single standard of political correctness.

5) As a corollary to point 4, notice how all the panelists (again, excepting Hitchens) turn every answer into a speech about how some nefarious force is responsible for all their problems. Nothing is their fault. The ills of the world are due to the racism, sexism, classism, and other -isms of the eternal oppressors. Nonetheless, the panelists seem almost to rejoice in their perceived oppression. It’s almost as though they enjoy it. Why not? It defines them. Like all radicals, their worldview is an odd and toxic marriage of self-worship and self-pity.
Do I really have to remind you that such people and attitudes have controlled our universities for well nigh half a century now? If you are someone who has never attended a university, let the episode and these brief observations serve as a kind of primer on the criminal misuse of the academy. Then again, these attitudes are so widespread nowadays, a university education is no longer necessary for the dumbing down of Western civilisation.

Robert Wargas

Robert Wargas is an American journalist who lives in New York. He has written for Newsday, PJ Media and Publishers Weekly. Most recently, he worked as a historian at the renowned Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island, where he helped the institution document its record in biotechnology and molecular biology.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank You Diggers!!!! Lest We Forget, Australia's Finest Who Gave Their Today So That The Likes Of Me Might Have A Tomorrow .. Thank You

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

John McCrae (1872–1918)

Saint JuLIAR Gillard addresses Hags (not in Bags yet) Misandry Affirmative Action Appointee Whine Fest

The Mythology 

Julia Gillard serenaded by ukulele player at Victorian Women's Trust event

Patrick Lion
The Daily Telegraph
November 11,2013

JULIA Gillard was yesterday serenaded by a female ukulele player singing her famous misogyny speech during an address to thousands of women.

The former prime minister was surprised at the Victorian Women's Trust with the performance by Melbourne singer songwriter Bronwyn Calcutt who recited the October 2012 parliamentary speech aimed at then opposition leader Tony Abbott word for word.

"I rise to oppose the motion moved by the leader of the opposition," Calcutt sung, slowly strumming her instrument before picking up the pace.

"I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. I will not! I will not!

"I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. Not now! Not ever!"

Ms Gillard described it as a "world-class welcome" she had not been expecting.

"An unexpected delight!," Ms Gillard said.

JuLIARS Feminist Hags (but not in Bags... yet)
Check the expressions on their faces,Fuck me Drunk, it has to be a JOKE? Even by Labor standards this Welsh refugee is the greatest failure of a PM in the history of the Nation. 

"What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals - and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?"

Artistic JuLIAR and other members of Labor's Emilys List Affirmative Action Appointees seen here Doing it for dem selves except for the male musicians and Mick Jagger vocals apart from that the Feminist Arse Clown Collective did it all themselves

Another Sista

Not the place to try and sell Female contraceptive products thats for sure

In a speech defending her legacy, Ms Gillard also called for Australians to think about how the gender revolution of the past 50 years had created a "deeply held cultural stereotyping, anger and misogyny'' towards females.

Failed asylum seeker policy among Julia Gillard's regrets as prime minister

Her comments came as the Prime Minister broadcast a video message on his Facebook page last night brandishing the carbon tax repeal legislation he will introduce this week and calling on Labor to support the move.

"This is my bill to reduce your bills,'' Mr Abbott told his Facebook friends. "This is the first big job of the new parliament and I want to assure that as far as the government is concerned, it will happen.''

Labor has insisted it will only support the repeal if it is replaced with an emissions trading scheme, not the Coalition's direct action policy, potentially forcing the government to wait for the new, friendlier senate next July.

But the pomp and ceremony of the opening of the 44th parliament this week may be without Clive Palmer, who yesterday claimed he was sick and may not make it to Canberra after failing to show for a Meet The Press interview.

During her speech, Ms Gillard defended her record on the economy, the disability insurance scheme, welfare, cracking down on big tobacco and setting up the royal commission into child sex abuse.

But she also admitted to "regrets" including not taking voters into her confidence earlier on why she knifed Kevin Rudd, claiming it allowed a "myth'' to be created about a "conspiracy'' of "faceless men'' installing her.

She also regretted that the government, and the parliament, was not able to better handle asylum seeker policy.

"Another bad error was effectively conceding the terminology 'carbon tax','' she said, urging Labor to stick by pricing carbon. "Our carbon pricing mechanism is an ETS with a fixed price for the first three years and I should have clearly said so."

Ms Gillard said she wanted Australians to think about how her gender influenced her prime ministership.

So been Female is an excuse for her appalling Prime Ministership ?

The Reality

Holiday Snap of "The REAL Julia" visiting her party's head office.

Even  the "Real Julia" had to call on terrible Men to save her oversized "barge arse", arse, after her and her party's "Usefull idiot" "Pet Aboriginies" were letof ftheir leashes by her fellow Union "Sista", Unions ACT's Kim Sattler declared the then Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to be ".. a raving Zionist"
Kim Sattler's fellow Tribes persons and wimmin, upon hearing that, went for broke and charged anyone who looked like they might not be on social security and the glass windows of the Australia Day Hero's awards ceremony venue,its recipients and their families and friends,even JuLIAR.   The then affirmative action appointee PM could not run out of sight on a Dark Night to save her own  Arse. Note Australia's now Adult Liberal PM, then opposition leader, Tony Abbott,(top right, blue and white striped tie) has no problem keeping up with AFP Officers as they try to hustle "Barge Arse" into the safety of her Car

Labor IS an equal opportunity employer of  IDIOT HALF WITT'S of either GENDER.
the present Australian Governer General's Son in Law,former Union leader and now Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Bill Shorten has demonstrated this via the above video.

Within months of dumping his ex-wife Debbie Beale at the football grand final, Bill Shorten was married to his heavily pregnant mistress, the Governor Generals daughter, Chloe Bryce.

"If even his 1st wife couldn't trust him, (Chloe too for that matter) then why should we?

Labor Opposition Leader's Mother In Law Australia's (Idiot Savant?,, hopefully) , former  Equal Opportunity Commission,and Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner and part time Australian Governor General and Labor Party Emissary and Order taker to the United Nations and the third world and Kevin 07 Sales Representative / Groupie, Her Royal Highness, Comrade Madame

For more on Union GetUp funded Labor affirmative Action Appointee Saint JuLiar click on the picture below.

Fuck me Drunk things ya find!!! Where is Tim the "Beard" Mathieson  ?

Well here is the "Beards" Daughter Stacy "Struttin her Stuff" for the ALP and STRAY LYA 

There is a "Driver" (who's fares are paid for by the Australian Taxpayers) in Brisbane, who says he is regularly called to deliver and pick up a famous "Beard" from various "Progressive" Clubs and Bars in Brisbane when the said "Beard" is in Town 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

When you believe in NOTHING you will believe in ANYTHING even in the teachings of a Sociopath Slave Trading Mass Murderer and Paedophile called mohammed or is it just another version of "Dream Time" and the "Vomiting Serpent" Hoax?

Blake Ferguson converts to Islam under the guidance of "his brother" Anthony Mundine

Phil Rothfield 
 November 9, 2013

TROUBLED rugby league star Blake Ferguson has been converted to Islam by controversial boxer Anthony Mundine.

The NRL bad boy made the commitment to his new Islamic faith at Zetland Mosque on Friday, hoping it can help to save his ailing career.

The State of Origin star was photographed praying beside Mundine, who also converted rugby league superstar Sonny Bill Williams to the Muslim faith five years ago when Williams was going through a difficult period in his life.

Ferguson declined to comment yesterday, saying: "It's private. I can't talk about it, I'm sorry."

Ferguson has previously vowed to give up alcohol - as required by the Muslim faith - but failed.

Mundine revealed that the sacked and now unemployed Canberra Raiders star had been asking him about converting for almost six weeks.

"He's thought about it and it's a commitment he wants to make," Mundine said. "But it's up to Blake to speak about it when he's ready.

"He's just looking forward to changing his direction in life. At the moment he's in good space - no drinking, no drugs, no parties.

"He's got the colour back in his face. He wants to be a better person but he'll still have his faults, like we all do."

Ferguson's rugby league career has been in limbo for several months after he was dumped by the Raiders over a number of off-field incidents.

He is facing charges of indecent assault on a woman at a Cronulla nightspot and was also caught speeding and driving while suspended before having his $400,000 NRL contract terminated.

" indecent assault on a woman at a Cronulla nightspot" 

Well hey, he has certainly fulfilled at least one of the requirements for been a Pious Muslim in Australia at least 

This was after he was disciplined the Raiders earlier in the season for drinking on a roof with team mate Josh Dugan.

The player, who was once earning $400,000-a-year, is living at Mundine's Hurstville home with the boxer and his mum.

Does that mean that Tony Mundine and his  Wife ("the boxer and his mum" as opposed to the boxer and his parents) are no longer living together? 
Anthony Mundine's Father is a Union / Labor Party / media portrayed "elder" of the Redfern Ghetto known as the Block, surely the Mundine's would want LIVE in what they help to create? Hurstville is a part of Sydney's "Occupied Territories" and a long way from Redfern a suburb Australians have been ordered to accept as a Traditional Aboriginal "suburb" "hunting ground" ? five minutes from the Sydney CBD
When Sonny Bill Williams' life went off the rails and he was battling alcohol-related incidents in 2008, Mundine intervened in a similar way.

He lent the Roosters grand final hero $700,000 ($700,000 to lend ? Strewth maybe thats why his cousin is trying to CONFISCATE Australians homesfor the legal costs of breaking his contract and paying out the Bulldogs - then persuaded him to take up the Muslim faith.

He is now a $1 million-a-year superstar in NRL and rugby union.

Bad boy Blake Ferguson converts to Islam in a bid to save his ailing career

Phil Rothfield
Sports Editor 
TheSunday Telegraph
November 10,2013 

ONE o'clock, Friday afternoon, Zetland mosque.

Brown Noseing the "God" of the Paedophile Slave Trading Mass Murdering Prophet mohammed
In walk two of the city's most recognisable sporting stars in T-shirts and long, baggy shorts.

They're in bare feet as is the practice of this religion and gathering where they assemble every Friday afternoon to say their prayers and worship their god.

They stand and pray, then kneel and bow to Allah.

Blake Ferguson is wearing a shirt with the words "haters gonna hate" plastered across the front. The troubled rugby league star is here with his "brother" Anthony Mundine, the controversial boxer who also converted superstar Sonny Bill Williams to the Muslim faith five years ago.

Neither is keen to talk about this latest chapter in Ferguson's tumultuous life.

Asked if he had converted to Islam, the NSW State of Origin star declined to comment.

But another person at the mosque said Ferguson "had taken shahada" - an Arabic tradition and declaration of faith in the Muslim god.

Under the Islam beliefs, Ferguson cannot drink alcohol. He announced he was off the booze earlier in the year but didn't stick to it.

Mundine was also hesitant to talk when contacted later on Friday afternoon.

"It's up to Blake to speak about it when he's ready to," Mundine told The Sunday Telegraph.

For all his showmanship and madness, Mundine is a deeply religious person who genuinely cares for Ferguson and wants to help him realise his enormous potential in the NRL.

When Williams' life went off the rails and he was also battling alcohol-related incidents in 2008, Mundine intervened in a similar way.

Ferguson has had a troubled year in the NRL and is currently facing charges over the alleged indecent assault of a woman at a Cronulla nightspot.

He was also caught speeding and driving while suspended before being sacked by the Raiders.

He is now even estranged from his "pop", Rex Sutherland, who raised him with his wife in Wellington from age 13 after the Sutherlands' son Michael met and married Retta Ferguson, who had given birth to Blake a year earlier.

Ferguson moved in with them after the Department of Community Services deemed Retta unable to care for her child and demanded they take custody.

"They are my grandparents," Ferguson once said. "They're my family. They're everything."

He has no contact with his mother but recently saw his father on the day he was released from Goulburn jail.

Ferguson now lives at Mundine's home and they train together every day as the boxer prepares for the rescheduled fight with US legend Shane Mosley on November 27.

The NRL has yet to decide if Ferguson will be cleared to play next year, with his decision to convert to Islam unlikely to have any effect on their decision.

"We're still talking about his progress and keeping an eye on him," said the NRL's integrity boss and chief operating officer Jim Doyle.

"Our player welfare and education department have been talking to him and the integrity department will monitor his (upcoming) court case.

"He is no longer registered after being fired by the Raiders and at this stage no club has indicated they want to sign him.

"That's something we'd have to talk about if or when it happens.

"He's got a hell of a lot of talent and it would be a shame to see it go to waste."

Who IS Australian PM Tony Abbott ? Well he is NOT Rudd (aka, Lu Kewen, Kevin 07) or Gillard or Rudd (aka, Lu Kewen, Kevin 07) or one of their Union Bankers and Financiers that's for sure, he obviously cannot afford to live their SOCIALIST lifestyle.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott still prefers his family home to Kirribilli residence

Samatha Maiden 
The Sunday Telagreph
November 9, 2013 

IT has harbour views, a personal chef and the Governor-General's swimming pool in easy walking distance, but 64 days after he was elected Prime Minister Tony Abbott still prefers his modest family home to his official residence in Kirribilli.

Nine weeks after he won the election, Mr Abbott has confirmed he is still waiting for the advice of his security team about whether he can remain at his family home and use his official residences only to ­entertain guests.

"All things being equal, I would prefer to stay at Forestville,'' Mr Abbott told the Sunday Telegraph. "I'm just talking to the security people about what is doable."

The Forestville house is now the subject of around-the-clock security when Mr Abbott is at home with AFP officers keeping  a close eye on the family. The Prime Minister has entertained special guests at   Kirribilli but currently commutes back home whenever possible.

Kirribili House

Kirribilli is missing one ­attraction that Mr Abbott has at home in the suburbs - a swimming pool.


Tony Abbott IS a "Man of the People", unfortunately for him 
"his people" are Australians and as such he is up against the eight ball of Australia's "Progressive Media" and fifth column "Multicultural Industry" insurgents.
Having said that I have a feeling that this is one Volunteer Surf Life Saver,One Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade member, who, like his fellow volunteers will give his best until there is nothing left to give for those who need it most.
This Guy may well be the REAL DEAL,my belief is strengthened by the  number of self identified ASSASSINS seen circling overhead since his election as Australian Prime Minister on  September 7 2013.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Stopping Islamic Colonization of Australia: Australian PM Warns Indonesia "that his pledge to turn back the boats is a matter of "sovereignty''

Abbott describes 'disappointment' as Australia accepts boat people in stand-off with Indonesia

Samantha Maiden
National Political Editor
The Daily Telegraph
November 9, 2013 

TONY Abbott has warned Indonesia that his pledge to turn back the boats is a matter of "sovereignty'' after Australia agreed to back down and accept a boatload of 63 asylum seekers.

Sky News Australia, along with "Their SBS " and  "Their ABC" is a Loyal and valued  propaganda / publicity arm of the Progressive Left and  Islamic Sociopath's Inc. Taquiyha network of enlightened and progressive Journalists.

After a three-day ocean stand off, Australia agreed to accept the asylum seekers today despite the fact they were rescued just 43 nautical miles off Java.

Labor has compared the capitulation with Kevin Rudd's disastrous Oceanic Viking saga but the Coalition said Indonesia had agreed to accept a number of asylum-seeker boats back since the Coalition was elected.

Senior Liberal sources have confirmed that the Prime Minister believed it was still possible Indonesia would have eventually accepted the asylum-seekers but did not want the stand-off to drag on into the opening of Parliament and overshadow the carbon tax debate.

While Australia had requested that the boatload of 63 suspected asylum-seekers picked up close to Java be returned, 

Indonesian officials were still considering the request.

"We will have disappointments. But we will succeed,'' Mr Abbott told a Liberal Party Conference in Perth today.

"We will never again tolerate a situation where an important part of our immigration program has been subcontracted out to people smugglers.

"This is an issue of sovereignty for us. We have good relations with Indonesia. But we will stop these boats."

On Friday, an Indonesian official Djoko Suyanto warned Indonesia would not accept the asylum-seekers.

"The Indonesian government NEVER AGREED to such wishes or policies of Australia,'' he said.

"There is NO CHANGE of policy."

After warning on Friday he would not be providing "shipping news'' on the boat stand off, the Abbott Government broke with recent protocol and issued a statement on the resolution of the stand-off.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison confirmed that Border Protection had first responded to a request for assistance on Thursday.

Because the incident took place within close proximity to the Indonesian coast, "a request was made, consistent with our standing practice under Operation Sovereign Borders, to transfer the passengers rescued to Indonesia, in accordance with international search and rescue protocols."

"On two recent occasions, Indonesia has agreed to these requests and facilitated an on water transfer,'' Mr Morrison said.

"The Indonesian Government has advised Australian officials overnight that they are reviewing the request put forward by Australia.

"While we welcome Indonesia's review of our request, in the best interests of the safety of the passengers and crew of the rescued vessel and the Australian vessel that has been rendering assistance, earlier this morning I requested 

Lieutenant General Campbell to transfer the persons rescued from the SAR incident to Christmas Island for rapid onward transfer to Manus Island or Nauru. They will not be resettled in Australia."

But Labor's immigration spokesman Richard Marles said the back down was embarrassing.

"The diplomacy of the Abbott Government with Indonesia around asylum seekers has been absolutely inept.

"What we have seen is the embarrassing spectacle of the Abbott Government seeking to dictate terms to the 

Indonesia Government. This is school year diplomacy backed up by half-hearted resolve and it is a sad embarrassment."

"So today, I call upon the Prime Minister and Minster Morrison to end this farce, to end this culture of secrecy."

The Greens said Mr Abbott's border protection policy was "in tatters."

Indonesia says it will absolutely not take back Insurgents

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Australia Haters Gone Bad er

Intolerance and rudeness shouldn't be the bottom line

Andrew Bolt 
Herald Sun
November 6, 2013

IT IS getting harder to cop moral lectures. I mean, have our moral "betters" ever been this savage?

For instance, once you might have thought a "human rights" lawyer just wanted people to be nicer to each other. But then comes Julian Burnside, the best-known of them, urging children to spit on Immigration Minister Scott Morrison.

Tweeted Burnside: "I hope little children stop him in the street and spit on his shoes."

I note Burnside refuses to set the children an example. He neither urges them to act in a civil way, nor takes the lead in spitting on a government minister.

He lacks conviction or lacks guts, urging children to do what he dares not.

How often it turns out that the greatest demands for tolerance come from the intolerant.

Take Dan Savage, a gay activist on the ABC's Q&A on Monday who demands more tolerance for gays, but showed little himself.

"You are full of s---," he told one panellist and heckled: "I give a wicked blow job."

Asked to nominate a "dangerous idea ... to change the world for the better", he suggested "abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years".

Same twist with The Age. It denounced signs calling Labor Prime Minister Julia Gillard a "witch", but when former 

Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died ran a big picture on its website of a sign jeering, "The bitch is dead".

The Age has even now promoted T-shirts printed by one of its columnists with the slogan "F--- Abbott."

You see, with tribalists it's not the principle that counts, but the side.

I can understand such abuse from desperate attention seekers. When Catherine Deveny, an ABC favourite, tweeted that she hoped her former Age editor developed "a-----e cancer" I knew she needed to sell tickets to her shows.

Miranda Devine: "THE sneering foulness of the Left is bubbling up like overflow from an unblocked sewer at the realisation the Abbott government is here to stay."

  Catherine Deveny,Fat and Proud ?

But we pay the ABC more than $1 billion, so it could set the moral standard, not trawl the meanest streets for cheap tricks.

Yet we've seen ABC TV even show a picture of a conservative critic doctored to make him look as if he was having sex with a dog.

The journalists' union is no better. To present the finalists of its Walkley Awards, allegedly to honour the noblest journalism, it hired two presenters who had tweeted about Abbott performing sex acts, including with an animal.

The crude rule. And it's not OK.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Miranda Devine: "THE sneering foulness of the Left is bubbling up like overflow from an unblocked sewer at the realisation the Abbott government is here to stay."

Sneering Lefties love to hate Abbott

Miranda Devine 
The Daily Telegraph
November 6, 2013

THE sneering foulness of the Left is bubbling up like overflow from an unblocked sewer at the realisation the Abbott government is here to stay.

From Jonathan Biggins' agonised cri de coeur playing at the Wharf Theatre, to the Festival of Dangerous Ideas at the Opera House, to the live audience of the ABC's Q&A, lefties are suffering an existential crisis.

The letters page of the SMH is exploding with rage.

Refugee advocate Julian Burnside has found his vicious tongue.

Student protesters - suddenly enraged about cuts brought in by Labor - burn effigies of Tony Abbott.

Welcome back to the Howard years, those glory days when the Left laid claim to the moral high ground.

Much of the baggage Labor brought with it into office, and which eventually brought it down, was filled with progressive fancies.

The last six years was an uncomfortable time for lefties as their wishes were granted by government (hello open borders, hello carbon tax).

None of it turned out well, but they now pretend it wasn't the ideas that were the problem. Not that they want to think too hard because they're too busy revelling in victimhood, post-election.

A selection from the Fairfax letters pages shows their fighting spirit: "Abbott's neo-idiocrasy"; "Climate change deniers and coalminers will be dancing in the streets with Abbott"; "This is what happens when you send a boy to do a woman's work"; "Please, Tony Abbott, couldn't I just say an 'Our Father' and 10 'Hail Marys'?"; "Can we be sure it was The Lodge and not Rome he has been aiming for?" Oh, yes, Abbott is worse even than Howard. He's Catholic! Herewith, some tales from the frontline.

At the Wharf Theatre on Monday night the chattering classes wallowed in the rueful melancholy of Whoops - The Wharf Revue. The mystery is that: "Abbott (deficient of faculty) delights not many … And yet he rules."

In one skit "the last surviving Q&A panel", including Bob Ellis and Marieke Hardy, cower as the Abbott forces storm the citadels of culture.

Amid the sound of exploding ordnance, a football falls at their feet: "Oh no! Eddie McGuire is closer than we think." Yuk yuk. The barbarians are through the gate.

In another skit, Abbott is played as a lip-smacking Neanderthal: "a smug Catholic knob … a blokey bloke not worth two bob" whose only skill is producing "soundbites of unrelenting negativity".

The same theme was taken up by the real Q&A on ABC TV later that night.

"For me the biggest mystery is that Tony Abbott is a Rhodes Scholar," sneered Germaine Greer to howls of laughter from the audience.

The program was a classic in the genre of conservative-bashing.

The cleverest person on the panel was British conservative columnist Peter Hitchens, eloquently arguing against same-sex marriage, and other totemic issues of progressives. Or trying to.

He could barely complete a sentence without being interrupted by Greer, American homosexual activist Dan Savage (whose "dangerous idea" is making abortion mandatory for 30 years), and Hanna Rosin, author of The End Of Men.

Tony Jones gave all free rein - except to Hitchens.

"I'm stopping you," Jones told Hitchens.

"Don't stop me … I haven't finished my answer," protested Hitchens. "You haven't stopped anyone else."

It's always the way.

The audience is as bad. "It's a rally," Hitchens told them, waiting to speak over applause for a Savage interjection. "While you do this I can't talk, and you know it, and that's to your shame because silencing opponents is a very wicked thing to do."

He even told his fellow panellists they were "fantastically intolerant".

"This is the absolute seedbed of totalitarianism. When you start believing that the opinions of other people are a pathology then you are in the beginning of the stage that leads to the secret police and the gulag."

Yes, it is true that Abbott has won the election. But conservatives have never yet won the culture war.

When Labor is in office, the Left do their work, quietly, inside the corridors of power, to change the nature of the country. The curriculum, the universities, the ABC, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the National Museum of Australia.

They do it for posterity. When conservatives are in power, they keep busy fixing the economy, controlling the borders, maybe switching off a money tap or two at the ABC.

But they are too polite to seize the narrative of history. In the culture wars it's always two steps forward for the Left. The best conservatives have ever managed is to maintain the status quo.

When the conservatives are in power, the Left make merry mischief.

They bully and bluster and fill every cultural space.

Which is why, for all their moaning, they haven't been this excited for years.

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