An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Diversity Martyrs Wanted Now : Idiot Marxist Pope calls on world to accept "diversity" If you believe in NOTHING you can believe in DIVERSITY

Some One Get this Marxist Bum out of the Vatican NOW!!!!

Pope Francis, laying out his hopes Wednesday for 2014, urged people to work for a world where everyone accepts each other’s differences and where enemies recognize that they are brothers.
“We are all children of one heavenly father, we belong to the same human family and we share a common destiny,” Francis said, speaking from his studio window overlooking St. Peter’s Square, jammed with tens of thousands of faithful, tourists and Romans.
If you object to the following images, get with the Pope's Diversity Program and just lay back and respect it, after all, All Cultures Religions Legal Systems Social Norms are Equal arn't they? according to the Pope they are, so get used to it.
You, your wife or daughter, son could be next on the expressions of Diversity Hit List 
We all know who this Marxist "Professional Peasant" Arse Clown is defending, apologising / facilitating for, and it is not Jews or Christians or CATHOLICS or those who believe in Democracy.

       Adults Only from here on            
The Popes Diversity Photo Album
What in the Popes Photo Album of Diversity would he NOT tolerate or facilitate in his Earthly Kingdom, May God Damn this Useless Godless Marxist BUM
Only if you believe in NOTHING can believe in DIVERSITY
The following Photos are the manifestations of the unchecked practice of the CULT of Diversity 

Sydney Australia : ENOUGH of the Alcohol Drug FuXXed fuled DOG PUNCH

Violence of Sydney's streets: enough is enough

Bruce McDougall,Peter Bodkin
The Daily Telegraph
January 2,2014

IT is extremely painful that once again we are reporting on a young man who has suffered severe head injuries from a king-hit punch during a night of celebration on the town.

As the latest unsuspecting victim - a teenager from Sydney's north - fights for his life in hospital, we can only imagine what suffering his family and those close to him are enduring.

These images are a glimpse into myriad lives that have been ruined and their families consigned to months and years of misery because of a single moment of madness. It is impossible to find reasons why such devastation should be inflicted and there is no silver bullet solution to ensure it never happens again.






But the photos give us cause to reflect on what we can do as a society to reduce the scourge of mindless violence that is wrecking so many Australian families and affecting those in the wider community whose job it is to pick up the pieces.

The fallout has a ripple effect and includes the nurses, doctors and hospital staff who turn up for work in a state of anxiety expecting that at some point in their shift they will be called on to treat victims of senseless and unnecessary violence.

Now it is time to say enough is enough, and take action to stop the violence on our streets and prevent any more young lives from being needlessly destroyed.

This New Year's Eve yet another young life was damaged, another family left devastated by another senseless act of violence driven at least in part by alcohol. The fact it happened in Victoria St, Kings Cross, only metres from the spot where another teen, Thomas Kelly, was attacked 18 months ago and after all the warnings of the dangers is simply awful.

Thomas died after he was king-hit by another young man while walking down Victoria St, the 18-year-old's head slamming into the concrete after the unprovoked attack. Just a week later Kelvin Kane, a 50-year-old cattle farmer from Kingscliff on the state's far north coast, died when allegedly king-hit outside a pub.

Michael McEwen, 23, survived but spent a week in an induced coma after he was punched and stomped on at Bondi Beach in the early hours of December 14. Michael's dad says his son was close to becoming "the next Thomas Kelly".

Triage nurses - those first to treat victims when they arrive at hospital bleeding or having lost consciousness from a fight - now use "king hit" as a description.

St Vincent's emergency department director Dr Gordian Fulde has no doubt alcohol is a factor in many of the assaults. "It is devastating in all directions - even for the staff in the emergency department or intensive care units - when a young life is wasted," Dr Fulde says.

"You can't be human to not be affected by it. The single punch and bloody nose are less common now while there are more Thomas Kelly king-hits in which brains are really injured and people die.

"They are tragedies that are totally unnecessary and totally preventable if someone hadn't got drunk and been in the wrong spot at the wrong time."

He believes the message is getting through to some and that police presence on the streets is making a difference.

But he says some people have become more violent and "animalistically violent" when they get drunk. "There is no reason for it - it's not a robbery or something between two groups that hate each other," he says.

"We have cleaners leaving work at night and they get bashed up for no reason. The community now has got to become upset about this. We should all pull together and say enough is enough."

He says a curb on the availability of alcohol after 3am and an extension to Sydney's danger spots of the trial that reduced violence in Newcastle must be considered

Thomas Kelly Murder accused Kieran Loveridge faces Court

Thomas Kelly accused Killer appears in Court supporter knocks Cameraman unconscious outside court

Funeral of Murder Victim, 22 year old Patrick Crowe.

Accused Murderer of Thomas Kelly appears in Court as supporters knock Ch9 cameraman unconscious outside.

No Jab No Play ....Finally a Government who is prepared to Protect Australians from the Progressive Labor Green Loons and their Multicultural VOTE People

No jab, no play policy is now a reality across NSW

Jane Hansen
The Daily Telegraph
January 2, 2014

Labor's Green Loon supporters and their Anti Immunisation DEATH WISH

THE state's new laws aimed at raising immunisation rates have now come into effect in childcare centres across NSW.

As of January 1, a child cannot be enrolled at a childcare facility unless the parent or guardian provides an official record proving the child is fully immunised or an approved exemption is provided.

Health Minister Jillian Skinner said the law sent a clear message to parents that the health of children and the wider community needed to be protected: "The government is determined to protect our children from the devastating consequences of vaccine-preventable disease."

The change to the Public Health Act follows The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph's No Jab No Play campaign, which highlighted how many communities in NSW had vaccination rates which had fallen below 50 per cent.

While the national average for vaccination is 92 per cent, almost 80,000 Australian children are not vaccinated.

Research released by The National Health Performance Authority last year revealed vaccination rates in some suburbs like Mosman and the eastern suburbs had fallen below 85 per cent, lower than some third world countries.

Some pockets in northern NSW have vaccination rates at 43 per cent, leaving communities open to epidemics of vaccine-preventable diseases.

Australian Medical Association president Steve Hambleton applauded the new laws.

"The conscientious objectors are not the target of these laws, you can talk to them until you are blue in the face and they won't change their mind, it's to target parents who have not got around to it or are concerned and it will compel them to get quality advice from their doctor," Dr Hambleton said.

The national notifiable diseases surveillance system reveals a resurgence of measles, mumps and rubella in 2013.

There have been 140 cases of measles. The NNDSS found half the cases of measles were in people who were not vaccinated, and 35 per cent had unknown vaccination status.

Under the new laws, if children have a medical contraindication to vaccination, are on a recognised catch-up schedule for immunisation, or if the parents or guardians are reluctant to vaccinate on religious or other grounds, the parents or guardian will have to produce Commonwealth forms that have been completed by a GP or nurse immuniser before entrance into a childcare centre.

Better Late than Never, Australia must start rebuilding or previously first world health standards that were in place before the Labor Green Loon Progressives "Powers of the Crystal and Unicorn Urine " Healing Balms that are so revered by the Marxist Left as a way of culling their Herd.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Their ABC Humiliates Australia again,even New Years Eve is reduced to the lowest common denominator.

The fireworks were OK, the music was rubbish.
Their ABC coverage was as to be expected,like their political party,the Union/GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Co Party, Their ABC cannot help but F***k everything they touch.

To be fair it could have been that the host's were told that they were been broadcast live into Redfern, Mount Druitt,Balmain,Newtown and other inner city suburbs of Sydney and they simply could not stop showing off to their comrades, who, after all are their target audience.

To think that this garbage was broadcast throughout Asia and other world markets as been representative of Australia and Australians says all that needs to be said about Their ABC and the urgent need to disband it as soon as possible, If the Australian Council of Trade Unions, GetUp, Australian Labor Party and their Green Loon Co Party want a National TV and Radio Broadcasting they and their cabal of Marxist fellow travellers in the "ARTS" and Australian Film and TV Industry can pay for it. 

Ditto for Their VOTE People's SBS TV and Radio network

Angry viewers have vented their outrage at coverage of New Year's Eve on ABC1

Bruce Mc Dougalll
The Daily Telegraph
January 1,2014

THE ABC's coverage of the New Year's Eve celebrations has been slammed as a "train wreck" amid a barrage of complaints about tasteless jokes, the lampooning of public figures and claims some on the show appeared to be affected by alcohol.

The three-and-a-half hour telecast leading up to the midnight fireworks was littered with references to penises, vomit and offensive comments about Prime Minister Tony Abbott, numerous other Australian politicians, the Pope and even the Duchess of Cambridge.

Last night's broadcast on @ABCTV of Sydney's NYE fireworks dubbed a "train wreck" and "diabolical". Very poor.

— Barry Walmsley (@bnwalmsley) December 31, 2013

 In a segment reviewing events of 2013 references were made about Mr Abbott having

"duck feet" and "cocktail frankfurts" as a photo was displayed of the PM wearing budgie smugglers on the beach.

Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Simon Crean, Wayne Swan and Scott Morrison also came in for treatment during the politically-loaded broadcast from Lord Mayor Clover Moore's New Year's Eve party on the Opera House forecourt.

I'm going to be blunt about @ABCTV's #NYE coverage - Some people need to be pulled over coals for drinking on air. Not professional at all.

— Kate Doak (@katedoak) December 31, 2013
At one stage in a discussion featuring Chaser stars Chas Licciardello and Andrew Hansen, Channel Nine personality Richard Wilkins was compared to a block of wood.

Compere Stephanie Brantz had to warn her co-host Lawrence Mooney that the show was "moving into inappropriate land" and later indicated she was trying to steer the coverage back on to safer ground.

When Mooney asked Brantz if he was going to get a "cheeky pash" from her at midnight she rebuffed him with a firm "No".

Jeez @ABCTV you could have given us something more entertaining on NYE. Like the test pattern.

— Neil Watt (@neil_watt) December 31, 2013
Roving reporter Kayne Tremills also requested a "pash" from a female reveller and at one stage asked a child in the crowd: "Is your bum tired?"

The insensitive coverage drew a large number of complaints to The Daily Telegraph, to Radio 2GB and online from shocked and outraged viewers.

One viewer said she had watched the "first ever politically biased presentation of our fireworks".

The Twittersphere also lit up with angry comments such as, "If the ABC hosts New Year's Eve again this year it will be the last New Year's Eve I ever see, I think."

Another said: "ABC coverage of Sydney New Year's Eve absolutely diabolical! Bring back channel 9, 7or 10! One song every hour and crap commentary _ just awful."

Was in other room and thought the TV had broken listening the din coming from @ABCTV. What time did they all get on it? November? #nye

— NeilMcMahon (@NeilMcMahon) December 31, 2013
I vote @SBS or @tvsn get the Sydney New Years fireworks broadcast next year... Surely would do a better job than @ABCTV #NYE #sydnye

— Nathan Taylor (@NateTaylor87) December 31, 2013
@JulianWalmsley @choox75 "train wreck"? How about the worst outside broadcast I have watched in my entire life. Did we pay for that crap?

— Kay Innes (@InnesKay) January 1, 2014
@JulianWalmsley @wallrad The biggest problem is that ABC on air 'personalities' actually don't have any.

— Ross Martin (@RossMartin1960) January 1, 2014
I am not drunk, but this #ABC1 coverage has become surreal. People jumping on the couch, discussing the sobriety of a purple muppet. #NYESYD

— Susan Bee (@subege) December 31, 2013
One complainant described the show as "just sicko garbage".

"It ruined the night for those who could not make it out to a vantage point.

"Dumb, sexist, political and shallow … like we are all bogons if we want to have fun on this night …"

There was even a joke about drink drivers avoiding police by using backstreets to get home.

A spokeswoman for Radio 2GB said callers to the station's breakfast program

"went berserk" and many others rang the overnight program to express their displeasure. Some said they had switched off their TV in disgust.

Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi was not surprised by the broadcast controversy, saying the ABC had long been a "cause of concern".

"I have said before that the ABC appears to be a law unto itself and at some point we've got to start reflecting on the conduct of the national broadcaster," Sen Bernardi said.

The ABC, which had exclusive rights to broadcast the celebrations, said the midnight fireworks achieved a five city metropolitan audience of 1.3 million (53 per cent share) on ABC1.

In Sydney the midnight fireworks drew 666,000 viewers (77 per cent share).

During prime-time last night ABC1 was the number one channel in the combined metro markets with a share of 19 per cent and in Sydney with a share of 26 per cent, the spokeswoman said.

New Year Message From Australian Prime Minister Tony Abott

Sydney Happy New Year 2013

Friday, December 27, 2013

SHOCKING SCENES FROM "Concentartion Camp Gaza"

Apologies but these stories and images are too shocking to post at Aussie News & Views, see for yourself what your Government(s) does not want you to ever see at :


A room full of eco-idiots...........Shell finally notices something odd

A room full of eco-idiots

Tony Thomas
The Daily Telegraph
December 19,2013

IT must be a tipping point in the climate debate when a senior Shell executive notices something odd about the green activists with whom he has been consorting.

David Hone, Shell UK's Melbourne-born "senior climate change adviser", went to an academic conference on "radical emission reduction strategies" in London on December 10-11.

He concluded that he had fallen among eco-idiots wanting to remould society from the ground up.

Hone, also a director of the Emissions Trading Association, has a background in oil- and shipping-trade markets. One explanation for his blog outburst could be that he was still in shock from the collapse of carbon pricing and trading schemes at the Warsaw IPCC conference. Hone wrote: "This was a room of catastrophists (as in 'catastrophic global warming'), with the prevailing view, at least to my ears, that the issue could only be addressed by the complete transformation of the global energy and political systems, with the latter moving to one of state control and regulated consumerism. There would be no room for 'ruthless individualism' in such a world. The posters that dotted the lecture theatre lobby area covered topics as diverse as vegan diets to an eventual return to low technology hunter-gatherer societies. Much to my surprise I was not really at an emission reduction conference (despite the label saying I was), but a political ideology conference."

The conference, sadly, was no less unhinged than the UK government's legally mandated goal to cut CO2 emissions by at least 80 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050. Stand by, hardy Britons, for brown and black-outs. Australian national targets are 5 per cent emission cuts by 2020, compared with 2000 levels.

UK climate blogger Andrew Montford noted: "Hone's sudden realisation that many of his fellow-travellers in the environmental movement are completely round the twist is rather comical and you can't help but wonder where he has been in the last 20 years."

At this loopy conference, Australia's ideas on climate catastrophism were well represented. One weblink paper was from Laurence Delina and Dr Mark Diesendorf, of the Institute of Environmental Studies, University of NSW. The title? "Is wartime mobilisation a suitable policy model for rapid national climate mitigation?" No wonder Shell's Hone felt trapped in a madhouse!

Our two experts in war-time mobilisations wrote: "Climate activists assert that rapid mitigation is feasible, invoking the scale and scope of wartime mobilisation strategies. This paper draws upon historical accounts of social, technological and economic restructurings in several countries during World War II in order to investigate potential applications of wartime experience to radical, rigorous and rapid climate mitigation strategies …We find that, while wartime experience suggests some potential strategies for rapid climate mitigation in the areas of finance and labour, it also has severe limitations, resulting from its lack of democratic processes. Furthermore, since restructuring the existing socio-economic system to mitigate climate change is more complex than fighting a war and since the threat of climate change is less obvious to non-scientists, it is unlikely the public will be unified in support of such executive action …"

Yep, that could be right.

Another participant was Professor John Wiseman, of Melbourne University's Sustainable Society Institute, whose weblink talk was titled, ''Winning the climate war: removing political roadblocks to radical emissions reductions''.

I particularly enjoyed a portrait of Professor Wiseman at an Australian conference last October, shown alongside a slide projection quoting excitable green activist Miriam Lyons: "The highest priority action for achieving a rapid transition to a just health and resilient post-carbon future is to sculpt visions of the future that are beautiful, and lifelike enough to fall in love with." (Needless to say, Ms Lyons is a regular guest on Radio National's Drive and Outsiders programs, along with ABC-TV's Q&A and The Drum).

Among Wiseman's authorships is ''Hope, Despair and Transformation: Climate Change and the Promotion of Mental Health and Wellbeing''. Hopefully the absence of global warming since 1997 has restored to sanity the victims of climate scare campaigns.

Another Aussie was Dr Jane O'Sullivan, of the University of Queensland, whose topic was, "Reducing emissions through family planning and women's empowerment." A gung-ho person on carbon taxes, Dr O'Sullivan shows symptoms of Life of Brian's People's Front of Judea divisiveness, being "frustrated by the tangled web of misconceptions and the determination of environmental activists to regard any criticism of the cap-and-trade proposal as climate change denial."

However, our Aussie presenters seem conservative compared to the Poms.

Typical of the green contingent was Pete Brace, an IT nerd and seven-year careerist in computer games, who wound up three years ago in a community called Tinkers Bubble which prohibits fossil fuels. His ambition is zero emissions plus a high quality of life. The whole show, including David Hone's epiphany, would be funny - except that taxpayers, including Australia's, must have funded 90 per cent of it.

Tony Thomas is a writer for Quadrant, where this piece first appeared.

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