An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Monday, April 14, 2014

Australia's Labor Green Loons and that terrible "Jewish Lobby"

Jewish lobby is not the most worrying problem

Andrew Bolt 
Herald Sun
April 13,2014

FORMER foreign minister Bob Carr is not wrong: there is a Jewish lobby. But it’s not the lobby that worries me.

Carr last week outraged Jews by attacking Melbourne’s “Israel lobby” for its “very unhealthy” influence on prime minister Julia Gillard.

Carr accused it of trying “to block the Foreign Minister of Australia through their influence with the Prime Minister’s office from even making the most routine criticism of Israeli settlement policy”.


True, there is a Jewish lobby, just as there are other ethnic and religious lobbies. True also, it’s more organised than most, and richer.

But also true is that many supporters of Israel — like Gillard, like me — reach their opinions on the arguments, not as quo for Jewish quids.

We see a democracy threatened by terrorism, an open society challenged by closed ones.

Carr also leaves out a critical fact, making the Jewish lobby seem unique and even sinister.

See, he actually defeated the “Israel lobby” in 2012 by warning Labor MPs of a more powerful lobby — the Muslim one.

Steve Price and Andrew Bolt discuss the appalling Mr Carr and further on the Un Holy Alliance between his Labor Party and Islam,aka. Labor/Green Loon's VOTE People

As The Australian then reported: “Mr Carr is believed to have spent an hour with Ms Gillard … explaining the electoral problems in Sydney” if she did not become less pro-Israeli.

The Sydney Morning Herald noted: “Many MPs in western Sydney, who are already fearful of losing their seats, are coming under pressure from constituents with a Middle East background.”

Frontbencher Tony Burke also insisted Gillard back the Palestinian cause — and here’s why: Burke’s Sydney seat of Watson now has an astonishing 20 per cent of Muslim voters. In fact, of the 20 seats with the most Muslim voters, Labor held all but one.

And so Carr rolled Gillard and overturned her support for Israel.

This is not the first time Labor placated the Muslim lobby. It notoriously reversed a decision to deport extremist preacher Sheik Taj El-Din Hilali.

Just last September, the Mufti of Australia wrote to Labor members to warn union boss Paul Howe had a “bias” towards Israel, and if he was not blocked from becoming a senator, Labor would lose the Muslim votes that helped “successfully retain the majority of ALP seats in Western Sydney”.

Did Carr denounce that “unhealthy” influence? No.

It seems there’s only one kind of “unhealthy”ethnic influence now for modern Labor.

The Labor / Green Loon's Muslim "Un Holy Alliance"

If any one wants to know how a grub like Hilalie could ever get into Australia and then be granted citizenship and then rejoice in the murder of 18 Australians and some 2,900 men women and children from all over the world at the World Trade Center it's easy, just arrive when the country is been run by the Australian Socialist Labor Party that needs votes to stay in power regardless of the economic social or security cost's


Interview with Alan Jones, 2UE

ALAN JONES: This boat people issue doesn't go away. The Prime Minister yesterday, in launching his policy, made the simple point that the Government will decide who comes into Australia and on what terms. It's as simple as that, and it is simple. How many times have I made the point that if you're going to determine who comes into your home and on what terms, surely we as a nation have that entitlement in relation to our national home.

But now we have the spectacle after last week and an Indonesian fishing boat sinking and 350 so-called asylum seekers dying, we've got the spectacle of three Indonesian warships searching for a fishing boat ! allegedly hijacked by Iraqi asylum seekers and believed to be heading to Australia.

Now, the search was under way since last Thursday, the day after it was reportedly seized by 170 asylum seekers. But now it has been found drifting off the Indonesian island of Sumbawa and the boat people have been taken by smaller boats to the village of Sangyang which is an hour's sail away. It's said that the boat was hijacked by a group of Iraqi refugees who want to go to Australia. So the debate goes on.

As one editorial wrote at the weekend, "When Australians awoke last week to the image of three little girls staring from almost every newspaper front page, many felt a surge of sorrow and a huge pang of guilt. Suddenly, protecting our borders from asylum seekers seemed flint-hearted. What nation could be so stony as to turn away the sweet innocence? Surely not the land of a fair go."

But it went on. "A mourning Muslim community was quick to blame the Government. After ! all, it was argued the girls would never have been on board that leaking rust bucket had it not been for our law designed to ensure those who seek refugee status really are refugees."

It said, "The Muslim community, so deeply touched by tragedy, could easily be forgiven for reacting in anger." And then it said, "The truth is somewhat different." It said, "It should be remembered that those who choose Australia as a destination do so not because they've suddenly become imbued with Aussie fervour, it's because the people-smuggling industry sees us as an easy target. The softer we get, the more they will come."

And it's on again. We woke yesterday to headlines which cried, "Mutiny on the Ocean - Vessels Head for Australia." And then of course in the middle of all this last week, we've got Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly, the alleged spiritual leader of Australia's 300,000 Muslims, accusing John Howard and government policy of having "opened the gates to death" to the asy! lum seekers who drowned off Indonesia.

And that has led to a flood of comments, emails and faxes from you to me about the Sheik, such that it's time we spoke to the Immigration Minister about what this bloke is saying, who he is and how long he can go on saying it. And Philip Ruddock is on the line.

Minister, good morning.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Morning, Alan.

ALAN JONES: What about this mutiny on the ocean? What is the update, and what do you know on that?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, no more than the reports. I mean, obviously while we're in touch with the Indonesian authorities, they don't brief us on all of these developments. But I'm pleased that we haven't seen a further loss of life because I think the events of last week were tragic and one wouldn't want to see those sorts of things happening again.

And as far as I'm concerned, if we were to relax our approach and encourage more people to think that they should come this way, we would only ! be exposing more children to a possible death in the same way that these children have died.

ALAN JONES: There is talk today that two Indonesian police officers have been arrested over the fishing boat that sank on October 19 with only 44 of its passengers surviving. Can you confirm that?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: I can't, but it's a matter for the Indonesian authorities to, of course, progress. They've been obviously very concerned about many of the claims that have been made - I would be - and they've sought to deal with it.

And our view all along was that it was a matter for the Indonesians to handle. It's within their boundaries, they're a sovereign nation and they've got responsibility in relation to any complaints that are made about their law enforcement officers.

ALAN JONES: There's talk of 3,000 more boat people expected to head for Australia in the next few weeks and the Indonesian Government saying there are 4,000 illegal immigrants waiting to sail! to Australia. Is that consistent with your intelligence?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Not quite. I mean, the sorts of numbers that we've known to be in the hands of smugglers - that is, we've identified particular smugglers who might be planning to bring boats to Australia - don't suggest the numbers are immediately as high as that. But the reports of up to 4,000 in Indonesia and possibly another 4,000 in Malaysia are very real.

ALAN JONES: Is there a need to re-examine the quotas on refugees who are found to be genuine? We allow in about 12,000 a year.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, I mean, Mr Beazley's not arguing that we should and the reason he's not is that there is a very heavy cost. And it's one of the draw factors, of course. I mean, for us it's $30 million per thousand on the forward estimates. So I mean, you can decide that you're going to spend that money on additional refugees being resettled in Australia, but I look at what's happening at the moment in Pakistan, f! or instance, and I think to myself, well, what would $30 million do in terms of looking after millions of people who are in dire straits.

And I think that certainly the approach being taken by the international community at this stage is that an evacuation of modest numbers of people from Pakistan is not going to deal with the very much larger crisis that Pakistan faces. And I think it has to be seen in that context.

And there's no amount of people that we could take that would limit, I think, the groups of people with money to travel and still vulnerable to the blandishments of smugglers.

ALAN JONES: Okay. Well, down to the thing that has concerned my listeners - and I have been inundated and I suppose you have as well. But they're asking me how much longer that Australians have to cop the kind of stuff that this Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly went on with last week arguing that you and the Prime Minister and government policy had "opened the gates of death! ."

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well look, I wasn't very impressed with the comments, as you can imagine, and I'd seen the Sheik several hours before he made them and didn't make them to my face.

I said - look, one of the things in your introduction I'd just pick up. I think it's unfair to say that all Muslims take the view that the government policy in this area is wrong. Many Muslims I know very strongly support the approach that we take because they believe we're a…

ALAN JONES: But this bloke calls himself the spiritual leader.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Yeah well, he does that but his position is not as sound as that and he's been - essentially, I think there are very significant splits within the Islamic community.

ALAN JONES: Well, Alan Ramsey who's been around Canberra longer than you have - and that's saying something…


ALAN JONES: Well, he wrote at the weekend - and I just want to take you through some of this beca! use my listeners want some answers - that 11 years ago, as Opposition spokesman on immigration, you pursued questions never answered as to why the Hawke Labor Government granted this bloke, Al Hilaly, permanent residency in 1990, that eight years earlier, he said, the Sheik had arrived in Sydney from Egypt under the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils on a three-month visa and his family never left.

Now there were several convictions, intellectual convictions against this bloke and many want to know how he still remains in the light of saying the things he said.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, I mean, Alan Ramsey's story went through it and I think there were some other stories at the same time, that related what happened. I mean, this…

ALAN JONES: He was accused of inciting racial hatred.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Yes, and Chris Herford, who was the former Minister, determined that in character terms he should not remain in Australia.

ALAN JONES: That's r! ight.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: And he issued a deportation order.

ALAN JONES: That's in 1986.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: And that was overturned because there were representations made by essentially the Lebanese Muslim Association in Sydney to the Members of Parliament - I think Leo McLeay was one and Paul Keating was another.

ALAN JONES: Alan Ramsey said that Hilaly had been supported by strong New South Wales and federal ALP lobbying and survived.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, as I understand it, there was very strong lobbying, and I spoke to Robert Ray at the time. He made the decisions that he would be able to continue to remain here on a temporary basis. They were renewed, as I understand it, for a number of years, and Ray I think was a bit nervous that there may be a change in an election. It didn't happen. There was a Labor Government was returned and Hilaly was given permanent residency.

And once he was granted permanent residency, provided he remained i! n Australia, he was eligible for citizenship.

ALAN JONES: Let's go back a bit, just go back a bit, because…

PHILIP RUDDOCK: …while Gerry Hand was Minister…

ALAN JONES: Let's go back a bit though before we get to Gerry Hand because you're going fairly quickly but my listeners would want us to go a bit more slowly.

In October 1998, you demanded his visa be withdrawn after, as Ramsey rightly reports, a series of virulent anti-Semitic comments were attributed to a speech he made at the University of Sydney. I should repeat that Ramsey at the weekend said the comments were published in a Jewish newspaper and contained a reference to Jews as the underlying cause of all wars and that Jews who "used sex and abominable acts of buggery to control the world."

And this bloke, in spite of overtures that such a person shouldn't be kept in this country, has been kept here.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: And the reason he's been kept here is that the decisions the L! abor Government took at that time gave him permanent residency and then citizenship, and once you achieve citizenship, it cannot be revoked. And you know, when we came into office…

ALAN JONES: So the deportation order of Herford was revoked by Herford's successor?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: That's right.

ALAN JONES: To placate an ethnic community in the run-up to the July '87 election?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: There were very significant pressures put on at that time, and former Prime Minister Keating, I believe, was the person who pushed for the Minister at that time to take those decisions.

ALAN JONES: Ramsey wrote on Saturday that privately the Sheik had travelled to Canberra for a meeting with McLeay and Keating and when Robert Ray learnt of it - the Minister - he deferred the Sheik's application for a year on the grounds of collusion. And Ramsey said that Keating wouldn't speak to Robert Ray for months.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, I know none of that. But ! I know that Ray was not keen to make the decision, but I know the decision was made and I know when I came Minister in 1996 it was a fait accompli.

I mean, citizenship is something that cannot be revoked unless it was initially obtained by fraud, and there is no suggestion here the information that you are speaking of was not known to the Government at the time.

ALAN JONES: Right. But Ramsey does say in September 1990, when Hand then approved Hilaly's permanent residence, you, Philip Ruddock, sought under Freedom of Information "all briefings and advisings" in the "grant of resident status to Hilaly and his family." And you were quoted as saying the Minister must be able to justify the decision, and yet you've never had those questions answered.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: No. I mean, you might - the question I would expect from you is why I haven't asked for those papers now and what would I do with it. And essentially I've come to the view that if I can't do anythin! g about the decision, it's going to be pretty silly of me just seeking to look at the papers.

I mean, I know of the concerns. There were security concerns and they were mentioned in that article as well as the vilification of a segment of our community. And I make the point every time I speak in front of Hilaly about the importance of our culturally diverse society and what that means. And I make the point very strongly that, you know, when you've settled in Australia, while we acknowledge that people have different cultural backgrounds, we have an expectation that they'll observe our laws.

And one of the things that disappoints me in relation to immigration laws is that some people seem to think - and Hilaly is arguing this - are entitled to ignore our laws if they relate to immigration. And I don't think you have a society that believes in the rule of law where you say, well, there are some laws that I'll obey and some that I won't.

ALAN JONES: But when ! a bloke says that the Prime Minister of a country has opened the gates to death because asylum seekers have drowned, isn't this an incitement to mobilise his people against those who support the Government?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Look, I mean it is very clear that remarks of that sort, if they were being made - and the sort of remarks that he's made elsewhere - would be matters that we would take into account under the character provisions if we were dealing with a migration application de nevo. They are matters…

ALAN JONES: He's already a permanent citizen.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: He's a permanent resident and citizen.

ALAN JONES: And citizen. But in January last year, is it right that he was sentenced to a year in jail with hard labour after being convicted of smuggling antiquities from Egypt to Australia?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: I believe there was a conviction which he has appealed and that appeal is still being dealt with.

ALAN JONES: And the Sheik's so! n and four other people were also jailed.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: I don't know about that, but I do know that those proceedings were taking place in Egypt and he was the subject of a conviction and that matter has been appealed and that appeal is still being dealt with.

ALAN JONES: It's not fair to the Muslim community, surely, to be represented in the public place by people who speak like this, is it?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, I think the Islamic community have been very concerned about this matter themselves and he's been at times relieved of some of his responsibilities. And as I understand it, he is no longer the Mufti - which was the terms used - for the Supreme Spiritual Leader in Australia. He is just one of a number of imams.

ALAN JONES: Good on you. Thank you for your time because many of my listeners wrote and asked me to ask you those questions. I've done that and you've answered them. I thank you for that.

ALAN JONES: Philip Ruddock, the Immigration Minister. There you are, we're inundated with letters and faxes and emails here about all of that. I hope that clarifies it for you. He is an Australian citizen.

29 October 2001

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

The Halal Tax scam and the Sharia Home Loan SCAM

... best become a Muslim

Larry Pickering

Ask any Muslim leader and he (there are only “hes”) will tell you Sharia law is coming to the West and there’s nothing the West can do about it. He will also declare that democracy will be abolished, the Islam faith will be adopted by all and non-compliance will unfortunately require the removal of your head. 

“It’s just a matter of time”, is the oft-quoted phrase and time, including various explosive devices, his steely black eyes will confirm he has plenty of.

But Oz is a sleepy little corner of the Globe where “faith” is in footy, fishing and the fifth at Flemington. And anyway we have a sweet little section of our Racial Discrimination Act (18C) where our judiciary requires us to accommodate this Muslim leader’s forecast and prevents us offending him.

It’s probably time we put down the form guide and had a gander at what this Muslim has accomplished so far.

Halal certification is going really well, mosques are still mushrooming, imams are still promising multiple virgins in return for murder and there’s even a bikie gang (Brothers 4 Life) to make sure everything goes smoothly.

The financial arm of the movement, Sharia Banking, is also booming with the assistance of local banks like the NAB. There’s a superannution fund offering good interest rates and a housing scheme where you pay no interest or stamp duty at all, allowing you to give the finger to the infidel next door.

I mean, after all, you need to own a nice residence where you can relax and watch the West’s demise.

Sharia law won’t allow you to pay interest but Mr Allah allows you to receive it. Sheeeeeze... that sounds all right! I must have a chat to this Allah bloke and his offsider, Mo.
Now Mo sort of makes all the rules but has his own earthly offsider, a Mr Professor Akhtar Kalam, JP, BSc, BScEng, MS, PhD, FEA, CPEng, FIET, CEng, FAIE, MCIGRE, MIEEE (which I think are acronyms for Arab soccer teams). 
Anyway, the Mr Professor runs the Islamic Finance & Investment mob, MCCA, (I think there’s an E missing somewhere there) in Lakemba, Sydney and he knows all the best rorts.

First thing to do is get your hands on the “first home buyer’s grant” and then the Mr Professor will get the ball rolling for you. 
Next, select a nice home. Then an Islamic “Funder” appoints you as his agent to buy him that home which he has already agreed to lease to you. 
Then you promise to make regular repayments to the "Funder" via direct debit from your nominated Sharia bank account. 

Now, at any time in the future you can purchase the property from this "Funder" and he will transfer part ownership of the property to you in the form of a gift while you arrange to settle the difference in the original purchase price at some time in the future.

If you’d prefer to continue paying “rent” for the whole of the agreed period, the "Funder" will then transfer the title over to you in the form of a promissory gift known as “hiba”. Thereby dodging a hefty stamp duty fee we mere mortal infidels have to fork out.

Sounds pretty good eh? The only question is, who the fuck is this generous “Funder”? Well, the shutters came down with a bang when I asked that question. So, after a bit of fishing around I came up with my best guess:
The enigmatic "Funder" (and there are many) are actually separate nominee accounts within the Sharia banking system. 

These accounts are “topped up” as needed from various sources, but mainly from the millions of dollars paid by Australian companies in the slick protection racket known as Halal Certification.

So next time a hooded person pushes in front of you at the supermarket checkout, politely suggest you should go first, because after all you are paying her housing loan interest for her.

Hey Dad !!! , Robert Hughes, A Paedophile brought to justice

THEIR ABC Reports on THEIR ACTU. Have the Thugs and Stand over Men / Persons finally been called to account?

Sydney's Occupied Territories : Police continue search for three "Middle Eastern" Gang Rapists

Australian couple Marcus & Julie Lee 's nightmare in Dubai

Sydney's Occupied Territories : NSW Police seeking the " Usual Subjects" following sexual assaults on two sixteen year old girls in park. UPDATED

Police appeal for information following sexual assault - Fairfield

Wednesday, 09 April 2014 01:19:34 AM

Police are appealing for information following the sexual assault of two girls in Fairfield.

About Midday yesterday (Tuesday 8 April 2014) two girls, both aged 16, were travelling on a train between Blacktown and Fairfield when they began talking to three males.

The group got off the train at Fairfield and walked to a nearby park on Ulverstone Street, Fairfield.

UPDATE!!! Multicultural Sydney where " Sharia is always # 1", Cries for help from 15 year old girl Gang Raped in Parramatta City Mall ignored by passer by

Sydney's Occupied Territories Skaf Rape Gang "I've got a slut with me bro, come to Punchbowl."

Investigators have been told that once the group reached the park, the three males sexually assaulted both the girls before leaving the area.

Police were later alerted to the incident and commenced inquiries.

A crime scene was established at the park and was examined by forensic specialists.

Detectives from Fairfield Local Area Command, along with the assistance of the Sex Crimes Squad, continue to make inquiries into the incident 
and are appealing for information in relation to the incident.

In particular, police would like to speak to three males who they believe may be able to assist with their inquiries.

The first male is described as being of Mediterranean/Middle Eastern appearance, about 19-21 years old, with a dark complexion, about 178cm 
tall, with a thin build and dark hair.

The second male is also described as being of Mediterranean/Middle Eastern appearance, about 175cm tall, with a thin build and black hair.

The third male is described as being of Mediterranean/Middle Eastern appearance, aged between 17-19 years old, with a medium build and about 175cm tall.

Anyone who saw or heard any suspicious activity in the vicinity of Fairfield Park on Ulverstone Street yesterday is urged to contact detectives or Crime Stoppers immediately. In particular, police would like to speak to anyone who may have been walking their dogs at the park around the same time.

Police are urging anyone with information about this incident to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting 

page: Information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence. We remind people they should not report crime information via our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Western Australia : Four meter Great White goes hunting along Perth beaches

Aussie's Living and Dieing Down Under : Christine Armstrong, Tathra Shark attack.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Has a Queens Guard drawn a line in the sand that his government refused to do?

Queen’s soldier in Buckingham Palace gun drama

Daily Telegraph
April 06, 2014

A QUEEN’S Guard, wearing the distinctive red tunic and tall bearskin hat that tourists come from all over the world to see, has proved he’s more than a pretty face.

The soldier left his post to intervene when a member of the public refused to stop shouting at a police officer stationed outside Buckingham Palace gates on Friday.

The front page of The Sun on Sunday shows the guard pointing his bayonet-fixed rifle towards the man’s face while he stood next to the police officer.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: “Police were made aware of a disturbance at the North-Centre Gate of Buckingham Palace at approximately 5.50pm on Friday, April 4.

“Officers from Royalty Protection spoke to a man and he was given words of advice and there were no arrests.’’

The Queen’s Guard is not believed to be facing any action over the incident.

An Army spokesman said: “We are aware of an incident outside Buckingham Palace on Friday and while no one came to any harm and there were no arrests, we are very clear that the Metropolitan Police lead on Royal Security arrangements including outside the Palace itself.’’

Buckingham Palace declined to comment.

The North-Centre Gate is now the everyday entrance to the Palace.

The Queen’s Guard are a contingents of soldiers charged with guarding the Palace but carry a largely ceremonial role.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

allah's Zoo

The Muslim Zoo

The Surabaya Zoo in Indonesia  In the most populous Muslim nation on Earth,Indonesia, these pictures represent the manifestation of their Religious and Cultural connection with their "alla's" creations.
The islamic ZOO.

The civilization / morality of any society on earth can be judged by how it treats those at the bottom of it's structure, NOT by how it treats those at the TOP.

These God created Beasts are victims of the Godless followers of islam, the believers of mohammed's "allah" and it's koran, God will one day seek an accounting of it's vile followers sins against his creatures.
God's creations are gifts for Man to use for the benefit of Mankind in a Godly manner, not to Torture,Beat,Humiliate,Starve, Sodomise or engage in acts of male or female bestiality or otherwise abuse for Satanic Rituals or customs.
God's creatures are not for some limp dicked fourth world follower of this allah prick to starve,slaughter, harvest their organs / skins so as to supercharge their muslim asian machismo libido.

I have had the miss fortune to work alongside these Godless Cunts in my own country,Australia, I have heard and seen what their "Religion's" plans are for Western Judeo Christian Democracy are and guess what ? Just like the Tiger and the other creations of God above,their plans have no place for the existing NON muslim residents of Judeo Christian Western  Democracies that they reside in.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Rob Armstrong pays tribute to Shark attack victim wife Christine Armstrong

Australian Defence League Nathan Abela shot at.UPDATED 2

Anti-Islamic shooting victim Nathan Abela has string of detractors

Megan Levy and Rachel Olding
April 4, 2014 

He's offended countless Muslims, been described as a "grub" on Sydney radio and been in court over a domestic dispute, and that's just in the past fortnight. When it comes to the shooting of Nathan Abela's house, it seems there is no shortage of suspects.

Just last week, Nathan Abela posted footage of himself on YouTube standing outside an Islamic school in Chullora.

The 24-year-old had made the journey there from his home in Greystanes, apparently aiming to educate people about what he believed was occurring behind the large fence of the Waterloo Road school.

Nathan Abella, Australian Defence League leader home shot up narrowly dodges bullets .

 The footage he took, containing his controversial and extremist views, was uploaded online for anyone to see.

"Why have we got a fort in the middle of Sydney?" he asks in the footage.

"...Why do we need Fort f---ing Knox in the middle of Sydney with a mosque in it and children like this? So I daresay they're keeping and locking up people inside there because it's a massive complex."

One week on and it appears that Mr Abela, the president of the western Sydney chapter of the anti-Islamic Australian Defence League, could do with a similar security fence around his home, after it was sprayed with bullets overnight in what police say was a targeted attack.

Mr Abela claims that up to eight bullets were fired through the front window, narrowly missing him as he dived for cover. He suffered a minor injury to his shoulder while diving over a table and doing a commando roll. He was not shot, and neither were his mother and 15-year-old sister, who were upstairs at the time.

The gunman or gunmen then took off in what witnesses told police was a silver Audi.

Targeted shooting: Nathan Abela is a member of an anti-Islamic group.
Targeted shooting: Nathan Abela is a member of an anti-Islamic group. Photo: Facebook
Plenty of detractors

Thursday night's shooting appears to be the culmination of simmering tension between Mr Abela and many people who had taken exception to his and his organisation's extremist views.

The Australian Defence League, based on the emergence in early 2009 of the English
Defence League, says on its Facebook page that its aim is "standing up against Islam now, not when its [sic] too late".

Mr Abela has posted several YouTube clips in the past week that include the slogans "Love of country leads me" and "ban Islam".

His anti-Islamic have led to online threats, including that he should be "demolished", while his mobile phone number was also published online and people were urged to call him at any hour.

"I'm surprised this didn't come sooner," said Wissam Haddad, the owner of the former Al Risalah Bookstore in Bankstown, following Thursday night's shooting.

Mr Haddad said he had been trying to get Mr Abela's public pages closed down to avoid inflaming tensions.

"He's offended 2.8 billion Muslims by insulting our prophet; he has numerous AVOs out against him; he's even offended Ray Hadley."

Mr Abela last week had a verbal stoush with 2GB host Hadley, who accused him of secretly and illegally taping a conversation with Hadley's personal assistant and posting it on YouTube.

Mr Hadley described Mr Abela on air at the time as a “liar”, a “grub” and a "cowardly bastard".

On Friday morning, Hadley once again denounced Mr Abela, as well as the actions of the shooter or shooters.

"To the people that shot up his joint - for God's sake, I mean, you could have killed his mother or his sister who were innocent bystanders," Hadley said on air.

"The simple fact of the matter is that you've now given this lunatic a platform that he doesn't deserve and all of a sudden his hateful, vengeful rantings will be out there for all people to see and that's not good."

After viewing the footage from outside the Islamic school in Chullora, Hadley also suggested that Mr Abela may have some "mental health issues".

Indeed, Mr Abela recently told a local court that he did suffer from mental health issues.

On Wednesday, he applied to have a domestic stalking/intimidating and breach of AVO matter dealt with under mental health legislation in Liverpool Local Court.

The charges relate to a domestic dispute with a woman.

Straight to camera

Following Thursday night's shooting, Mr Abela uploaded a new YouTube clip in which he recounted how the bullets were fired into his loungeroom.

Speaking to the camera, Mr Abela says: "Hello fellow Australians. I've just been shot at. It's not good, but it means nothing, in that we are never going to be silenced for speaking the truth. So I'm bringing you exclusively in my house of what we as Australians now have to put up with for speaking the truth."

Mr Abela then describes how he was sitting in his computer room on the ground floor, while his mother and sister were in the upstairs bedrooms, when he heard a knock at the front door and someone yelling his name.

"It was highly suspicious, because people don't knock at the door, and when police do or whatever they don't knock on the door like that, so I knew it was a split-second decision. If I didn't answer it, they were going to shoot upstairs because that's where the bedrooms are and it was 11 o'clock," he said.

Mr Abela said he then walked to the front window, knowing that "they didn't want a friendly discussion, these blokes".

He claims the men yelled: "Nathan, is that you?"

Mr Abela said he responded that it was him, because he did not want the men to target the upstairs bedrooms.

In the video, Mr Abela then dramatically recounts how he leapt over the lounge chair and table as shots rang out.

"The minute I said 'Yes, it's me' I jumped from about here over the lounge, over the table, landed somewhere about here, rolled, was ready," he says.

"I could have either went here, went up, went there, went back here, crouched and ran in the dark," he explains, pointing the camera at his possible escape routes.

"Many options, but I won't tell them what option I was going to take, but I jumped from there to there. It was a pretty far jump, considering I had to jump high. It was an interesting jump."

He says the men fired seven or eight shots before driving off "like it was a circuit".

He then says he believes he was targeted for speaking publicly about his views.

Police said the investigation into the shooting was in its early stages, but they believed it was a targeted attack.

A NSW Police spokeswoman would not comment on whether police believed Mr Abela's involvement in the anti-Islamic group was linked to the shooting.

Police have urged anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or to use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page.

Nathan Abella, Australian Defence League leader home shot up narrowly dodges bullets .

Australian Defence League Shoots itself in the head with both barrels, No doubt Labor Green Loon Embedded Muslim Jihadi's all over Sydney will be rejoicing.

What a Fricking COCK UP !!!!

THEIR ABC We know that 100% of Australian Tax Payers Fund it, So how many Australians watch it ?

Aunty is not the all-conquering audience-snatcher, it’s the great unwatched

The Australian
April 4 2014 

44 per cent of people watched the ABC for more than four minutes a week.

ABC managing director Mark Scott, Wednesday:

NEARLY five years ago I (delivered a) lecture ... entitled “The Fall of Rome’’ … I looked at why (media) empires fail … The evidence that was clear then is even clearer now.

Decline. ABC annual report 2000:

ABC TV’s five-city weekly reach was 69.9 per cent.

Fall. ABC annual report, 2013:

ABC1’S average weekly (five-city) ... reach in 2012-13 was ... 44 per cent.

Define reach?

“REACH” is defined as the number of unique viewers who tune in to a channel for five consecutive minutes or more over a week.

Scott, Wednesday:

COMMERCIAL networks know that winning in news gives you a platform ... and they invest accordingly.

Seems to be paying off. David Dale, The Sydney Morning Herald, March 25:

WHAT Australia watched on Wednesday … 3. Nine News, 4. Nine News 6.30, 5. Seven News, 6. Seven News/ Today Tonight, 7. A Current Affair …

Dismal diet? Scott, Wednesday:

THE ABC offers a different diet — to what remains a large and appreciative audience.

Large? Dale, SMH, March 25:

(IN 10th place) ABC News (with) 848,000 viewers (nationwide).

Scott, Wednesday:

ONLY three certainties remain as a compelling live free-to-air proposition: news, sport and whatever TV marketing departments can convince you to watch tonight.

Michael Idato, the SMH, December 1 last year:

(THE ABC had no shows in the) Top 5 sport broadcasts, Top 5 single events … Top 5 news and current affairs ... Top 5 reality shows ...

Scott, Wednesday:

LAST year all 50 of the top rating programs were Australian ...

How many from Aunty? Idato, SMH, December 1 last year:

(OF the) Top 5 Australian dramas (only number) 5. The Dr Blake Mysteries (ABC) 1.03 million.

Proud of this? Scott, Wednesday:

AND, I might add, not one of those Top 50 rating shows was on the ABC — a fact conveniently lost on those who persist in depicting the ABC as an all-conquering, audience-snatching competitor.

Audience snatcher? Idato, SMH, December 1ast year:

ABC (with ABC2, ABC3 and ABC News 24) (had) an 18.1 per cent share.

Scott, The Australian Financial Review, Wednesday:

NO other media organisation has a more comprehensive process for detailing with audience complaints …

Marc Hendrickx, The Australian, March 14, 2012:

THE ABC has turned the process of correcting even the most basic factual errors into a saga ... In 2010-11, the ABC received 41,258 complaints ... only 463 … were upheld.

The future? Scott, Wednesday:

THERE are countless examples of iconic brands ... that failed to see what the technologically changing world meant for their business models.

The future. Daniel Hannan, The (UK) Telegraph, March 25:

THE (UK) government has indic­ated … the BBC will become, in practice, a pay-on-demand service … It won’t be political objections that do for the BBC monopoly, but technological progress. And, of course, you can’t argue with progress.

Aussie's Living and Dieing Down Under : Christine Armstrong, Tathra Shark attack.

Rob Armstrong spotted the shark that took the life of his wife Christine at Tathra Wharf

Geoff Chambers and Patrick Lion 
The Daily Telegraph

April 4,2014

FOR the past 14 years, Christine and Rob Armstrong made the short trek down to the Tathra Surf Club for their daily swim.

As they swam past the breakers yesterday morning on the 600m journey to the Tathra Wharf, the pair took their last few strokes together before Mrs Armstrong made the fateful decision to return to shore alone.

At the 200m mark, the 63-year-old had told the group she was not feeling well.Mr Armstrong continued towards the wharf as part of his morning routine — he would never see his wife of 44 years again.



It was Mr Armstrong who spotted the shark — up to 4m long — lurking. As he made his way toward shore with the other swimmers they formed a huddle and kept a close watch for the shark.

Residents yesterday told The Daily Telegraph there was a resident great white shark that had been sighted near the wharf.

When Mr Armstrong could not locate his wife he started a frantic search — looking for her distinctive pink and orange cap.

At 8.40am police, ambulance and surf lifesavers were informed of a fatal shark attack — the second in NSW in less than five months.

An orange buoy was dropped on the spot where it was believed Mrs Armstrong had been attacked by the shark, likely to be either a great white or bronze whaler.

Late yesterday dye was dropped in the water to determine the currents as they continued searching for Mrs Armstrong’s body.

A witness has told police he saw Mrs Armstrong being attacked by the shark from nearby rocks but was too far away to help.

Inspector Jason Edmunds confirmed Mr Armstrong had seen a shark: “Rob was part of the group of five people. He did see a shape of a shark he described as three to four metres long and quite big.’’

As Mr Armstrong and other swimmers were treated for shock on the beach, the tight-knit town of Tathra, with a population of 1500, pulled together.

Mrs Armstrong, who helped run the surf club’s bronze medallion courses, was described as being “very loved by many people”.

“She has been swimming at Tathra Beach for 14 years and was an experienced and committed member of the surf club,” the club said.

“She was a senior surf club trainer for many years. Swimming brought her much joy and many friends.”

Her fellow clubbies from the Tathra, Narooma, Bermagui and Pambula surf clubs put aside their grief and jumped in five IRBs and two Jet Skis to search for the recently retired and popular member.

Far South Coast director of lifesaving Andrew Edmunds said club members were “extremely upset”.

He said Mrs Armstrong “was a capable, active lifesaver”.

“Our hearts go out to Christine’s family and friends and we are doing all we can to support club members at this time,” Mr Edmunds said.

Earlier this year Mrs Armstrong competed in the Wharf to Waves annual swimming competition and finished fourth in the 60 to 69 years age group.

Tathra Beach will remain closed today as the search resumes early this morning.

The Department of Primary Industries has appointed a shark biologist to assist investigators and attempt to identify what species of shark was responsible for the attack.

Mrs Armstrong is the 47th person to be killed by a shark in NSW waters in the past 100 years.


THE Tathra Wharf is one of the Sapphire Coast’s best-known landmarks — but recently, it has become known more for tragedy than its historical significance.

On November 18, 2008, Shane O’Neill leapt from the 5m-high jetty into the ocean after his four-year-old son Riley and 15-month-old son Travis fell from the wharf.

Mr O’Neill, 28, struggled to find his boys in the darkness and himself succumbed to the water.

He was declared dead at the scene and his sons were located and taken to Bega Hospital but sadly did not survive.

The tragedy shattered the small town but the wharf remains an important part of the community.

Every year, more than 400 people compete in the 1.2km Tathra Wharf to Waves ocean swim. Construction of the wharf dates back to 1860 and it serviced the local farming industry before being decommissioned as a coastal steamer wharf in the 1950s.

After that, a push to pull the wharf down was defeated by the Tathra Wharf Action Group and money was raised to restore part of it. In the 1990s, the wharf came to prominence after shocking photos of shark fishing appeared.


TATHRA lifeguards raised concerns about fishermen setting illegal baits and attracting big sharks close to the beach.

In 2012, Tathra Surf Life Saving Club surf boat captain Sharon Clarke expressed concern for a group of 20 swimmers — including Christine Armstrong — who swam 1.2km between the beach and the wharf every morning.

At the time, the surf club found a black balloon floating 150m off the beach, which was holding bait to lure in sharks.

“We all swim in the ocean knowing there are sharks, but you don’t like the idea that there are people luring and attracting sharks in so close,” Ms Clarke said at the time.

For decades, fishermen from across the country would come to Tathra wharf to catch great white sharks and bronze whalers hunting bait fish in the cool channels off the coast.

In 1996, after a push by locals, Bega Valley Shire Council banned shark fishing from the wharf and a sign was erected on the edge of the wharf. Off the wharf, fishermen would place a perimeter of bait settings between 600m to 1000m.

The Daily Telegraph has been told there is still some shark fishing but that it was smaller sharks being caught. A Department of Primary Industries spokeswoman said the fines for illegal shark fishing vary from $500 to $220,000 and possibly a two-year prison sentence if a threatened shark is caught.

Local oyster fisherman Brad Ellison said he did not think anyone fished for sharks from the wharf anymore after it was previously banned.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

The Islamic Juggernaut


... and you can't even hear the footsteps

Like bacteria in a petri dish, an all-pervasive Sharia law has silently, overnight, eaten into your life-style and bank account. A bacterial bath of Islamic “culture” is feeding on its host’s nutrients and, when sated, it is programmed to move on to the next host.

Paedophilia again excused as “cultural differences”

Twisted view of life and justice

Miranda Devine 
The Daily Telegraph
April 2 2014

HOW can “cultural differences” be an excuse for child sexual offences? Yet, as Patrick Lion reported in The Daily Telegraph yesterday, this is the excuse a Victorian magistrate has accepted as a “mitigating factor” in the case of an Afghan man charged with the attempted kidnap of a four-year-old girl.

Ali Jaffari, 35, had already been convicted last year of sexually molesting two boys, aged 12 and 13, at a Geelong beach. Despite the fact he showed no remorse and the prosecution wanted him jailed, Magistrate Ann McGarvie let him off with a two-year community corrections order, saying he had a low risk of re offending.

Jaffari was back in Geelong Magistrate’s Court after he allegedly snatched a four-year-old girl at a cricket oval in Geelong last year while her father and brother were distracted.

But in February Magistrate Ron Saines threw out the child stealing charge and cited “cultural differences”.

In what culture is their any different view to ours, that preying on children is unacceptable? Child sexual abuse in Afghanistan might be “endemic”, as a US State department report puts it.

But that doesn’t mean it is culturally acceptable, especially not to parents and children. There is no culture on Earth in which it is normal or innocent for a stranger to molest little boys or allegedly kidnap a little girl.

And, if there were, the last thing we should do is calibrate our justice system to accommodate such a despicable culture.

Jaffari arrived in Australia by boat in 2010 and spent 15 months in a detention centre before being released into the community and granted a permanent protection visa at a time when the Gillard government had lost control of the borders. Immigration Minister Scott Morrison is now trying to find a way to strengthen his power to cancel visas on character grounds.

But there is only so much he can do if courts are going to excuse child predators on cultural grounds.

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