An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Monday, August 18, 2014

At allegedly 2.9% of the Population Australia must STOP Islam NOW

Three young Sydney Muslims talk to Taylor Auerbach about why they and other Aussies convert to Islam

Taylor Auerbach
The Daily Telegraph
August 16,2014

THREE 28-year-olds. All raised in Christian homes. All Australians. Some dark, some fair, some male, some female. They are the faces of Sydney’s new Muslims.

As a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes growing up on the northern beaches, Sydney mum Jessica was called “a Nazi” by the ignorant young tongues around her.

Quote below added by ANV
"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers - Already, you see, the world had already fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing Christianity! - Then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so."
                                                                                                     Adolf Hitler.

 Picture above added by ANV

She remembers the pangs she felt when ridiculed over her crimes — being born fair to a German mother.

There’s absolutely nothing in (the Koran) that suggests it’s OK to kill people. It is horrible to hear people say that they actually think Muslims want to hurt people because it is just madness. 
- Fourth generation Aussie Stephanie Jenner 

So when she became a Muslim four years ago, Jessica knew she was not one for headscarfs.

“I don’t think it’s all of a sudden you flick a switch ‘OK you’re a Muslim, you have to wear a hijab’,” she tells The Saturday Telegraph as her toddlers giggle and gawp at plasma cartoons nearby.

“I feel very intimidated by people staring at me. I personally feel more protected not wearing it.”

In spite of Jessica’s trepidation at attracting glares because of her Islamic dress, the number of women likely to wear such religious fashion statement is steadily rising.

The Australian New Muslims Association in Lakemba says three Aussies a week are filing through its doors as recent converts to the religion.

They say two-thirds are women.

Jessica, 28, converted to Islam six years after her husband Michael. The two were high school sweethearts.

The elephant in the sunlit, salty-aired living room of their Sydney home is, of course, the terrorist Khaled Sharrouf.

Sharrouf’s son — pictured holding the head of a Syrian soldier in a photograph that shocked the world — is not much older than their eldest 

daughter, who is watching The Wiggles and munching on biscuits.

“It makes me really sad that people feel they need to do that and that there is a situation in the world that’s causing it to happen,” she says.

“It only takes one image to make everyone think ‘oh my gosh, everyone’s doing that’.”

Council worker Stephanie Jenner, a fourth-generation Australian raised in Noosa, agrees with the sentiment.

“There’s absolutely nothing in (the Koran) that suggests it’s OK to kill people,” she says.

“It is horrible to hear people say that they actually think Muslims want to hurt people because it is just madness.”

When she meets The Saturday Telegraph for coffee in Top Ryde she is covered from head to toe in eye-catching turquoise.

Not a single strand of her hair is visible, hidden beneath a floral hijab. The “great, great, great, great” niece of Edward Jenner — the inventor of the smallpox vaccine — became a Muslim four months ago.

Like Jessica, Stephanie was introduced to the religion by her new husband — a Pakistani Muslim.

The former “racist” party girl now declines to shake male hands, doesn’t go near bacon or alcohol and is thrilled at who she has become.

“The basic way Muslims live is to try and be a better person than you were yesterday,” she says.

One member of that community, that “clan”, is 28-year-old Jean Pierre Alba.

We hurt as well. We don’t like to see these things. We live a life that’s peaceful and coexistent. 

In October 2007, while working at a health food store, he met a young Muslim woman.

“She made me think outside the box a little bit,” he says.

“I was a Christian but not that religious. I called a local mosque, proclaimed my Islam and the rest is history.”

Jean Pierre lost all his friends, and his family was shocked.

Initially they weren’t happy with him, he tells The Saturday Telegraph.

“They saw Muslims as fundamental people … It took them a while to come around.”

Thanks to people like Khaled Sharrouf, Mohamed Elomar and Ahmad Naizmand, much of Australia thinks of Muslims as fundamental people.

“It’s very disheartening,” says Jean Pierre.

“We hurt as well. We don’t like to see these things. We live a life that’s peaceful and coexistent.”

Sydney is the Islamic capital of Australia. A total of 208,000 Sydney siders identified as Muslim at the most recent census. Sydney’s population is 

4.7 per cent Muslim — more than double the national average.

The number is getting bigger every day. These smiling faces will tell you the city is better for it.

The Religion of Peace

2014.08.16IraqSamarrah311Religion of Peace bombers target an engineering team trying to repair a bridge, killing three.
2014.08.16SomaliaBeledweyne20A woman is among two people shot dead by al-Shabaab fundamentalists.
2014.08.16IraqKucho3120Another three-hundred religious minorities are slaughtered in cold blood by the Islamic State after refusing to convert.
2014.08.15SyriaDeir al-Zor7000Seven-hundred tribesman are executed by the caliphate over the course of a week, mostly by beheading.
2014.08.15IraqJalawla10A Shiite imam is executed in front of his mosque by dedicated Sunnis, who then blow up the mosque.
2014.08.15SyriaAkhtarin90Caliphate members slit the throats of nine captives.
2014.08.14KenyaGarissa22Pro-Sharia extremists open fire on a crowd of civilians, killing two.
2014.08.13Egyptel-Mattallah12A 13-year-old child bleeds out from a Hamas rocket fired from Gaza.
2014.08.13YemenLahj1416A bomb planted by al-Qaeda takes out fourteen innocents on a main street.
2014.08.12IraqBaghdad1327Thirteen people lose their lives to a Mujahideen bombing outside a family home.
2014.08.11IraqMosul10Islamists identify a Christian cab driver by his rosary and quickly butcher him.
2014.08.11SyriaDeir Ezzor50Five people are beheaded by ISIL.
2014.08.11SyriaMayadin40Four men are crucified by the Islamic State - two for blasphemy and two for 'dealing with apostates'.
2014.08.11IraqBieji20Two Iraqis are kidnapped and shot in the head by al-Qaeda.
2014.08.10Syriaal-Shaafa20Two tribesmen are beheaded by the caliphate.
2014.08.10PakistanSurjani22A Shiite man and his daughter are exterminated by committed Sunnis.
2014.08.10IraqJalawla1080A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills ten Iraqis.
2014.08.10AfghanistanKabul47A woman and two children are sectionalized by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.08.10IraqNineveh170Seventeen members of the Shabak religious minority are executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2014.08.10DRCKivu30Three priests kidnapped in 2012 are reported executed afer refusing to convert to Islam
2014.08.10NigeriaKaduna10One person is killed when militant Muslims fire into a Catholic church during worship.
2014.08.10NigeriaDoron Baga31122Pro-Sharia gunmen fire into a village, killing over thirty residents while shouting 'Allah Akbar'.
2014.08.09SomaliaBuloburde133Thirteen security personnel are reportedly killed in an attack by al-Shabaab.
2014.08.09IraqMakhmour10A journalist is killed by an ISIL shell.
2014.08.09Syriaal-Bulel20ISIL beheads two captives.
2014.08.09SyriaAlippo312Three children are 'torn apart' by an Islamic State rocket.
2014.08.08AfghanistanSangin40Religious extremists storm a checkpoint and kill four policemen.
2014.08.08IraqIraq150Fifteen male members of a Yazidi family are beheaded by Islamic State. The women are taken away for 'marriage'.
2014.08.08SyriaDamascus150Fifteen more people are reported killed by Ajnad al-Sham Islamist militia.
2014.08.08YemenHuta140Religion of Peace proponents capture and behead fourteen soldiers.
2014.08.08AfghanistanTenai Dara42Religious radicals storm a house in the middle of the night and slaughter four family members.
2014.08.07IraqSinjar397500The death toll from the slaughter of Yazidi religious minorities by Caliphate militants rises.
2014.08.07YemenSeyoun500At least fifty soldiers are reported killed during an al-Qaeda suicide attack.
2014.08.07IraqKirkuk1150Eleven people outside a Shiite are reduced to pulp by co-religionists.
2014.08.07SyriaRaqqa360Forty people are reported dead in three suicide blasts and subsequent beheadings by the Caliphate.
2014.08.07SyriaDeir Ezzor190Nineteen oil workers are lined up and executed by militants who quote verse 5:32 of the Quran.
2014.08.07LibyaZawiya49Four people are killed during an attack by Islamist militia.
2014.08.06IraqSinjar600Another thirty children and thirty elderly are reported dead following displacement by the Islamic State.
2014.08.06IraqQara Qosh23A Christian woman and her baby are killed by ISIS shelling.
2014.08.06IraqBaghdad114A Mujahid bombing claims the lives of eleven Iraqis.
2014.08.06YemenHabban51Five security personnel are machine-gunned in their car by al-Qaeda.
2014.08.06LebanonTripoli17A civilian is killed when Sunni radicals toss a bomb under a bridge.
2014.08.06PakistanPeshawar12Sunnis open fire on a group of Sikhs, killing a teenager.
2014.08.06IraqSadr City3184Thirty-one people at a Shiite shopping center are reduced to pulp by Sunni bombers.
2014.08.06IndiaKupwara10Terrorists fire on a security patrol, killing a member.
2014.08.06IraqAliya Rash114One other person is killed by a suicide truck bomber.
2014.08.06IraqBaghdad1725Seventeen Iraqis are disassembled by a Fedyeen suicide bomber.
2014.08.06CameroonZigague100Ten bus passengers are machine-gunned point blank by Boko Haram Islamists.
2014.08.06NigeriaGwoza99740One-thousand people are reported dead after Boko Haram fire indiscriminately at residents of a Christian village while praising Allah.
2014.08.06LibyaTripoli180Eighteen Sudanese nationals are killed by a rocket strike during an assault by Islamic militia.
2014.08.05Pal. Auth.Shejaiya100Ten more Palestinians are reported dead following an Hamas crackdown.
2014.08.05DagestanShamil10Islamic extremists are suspected of shooting a police officer to death.
2014.08.05SyriaMaaloula10Video surfaces of a Christian man beheaded to shouts of 'Allah akbar'.
2014.08.05IraqSinjar400Forty Yazidi children are reported dead as a direct consequence of an Islamic State assault on their town.
2014.08.05PakistanLiaquatabad20Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat gunmen open fire on a Shiite-owned salon, killing an uncle and his nephew.
2014.08.05AfghanistanUruzgan70A Taliban in police uniform drugs and murders seven Afghan cops.
2014.08.05IraqAbu Ghraib20Mujahideen fire on a car, killing two people.
2014.08.05SyriaDamascus1679Two children are among sixteen civilians killed when an Islamist brigade sends shells into their neighborhood.
2014.08.05EgyptMatrouh50Muslim radicals shoot five policmen sitting in a car, then set fire to it.
2014.08.05SudanPort Sudan20Two men are flogged to death by a Sharia court for consuming alcohol.
2014.08.05SyriaJerthe30Islamic State militants behead three men and then post the heads for display.
2014.08.04PakistanQuetta20Two young people are shot to death for having unmarried sex.
2014.08.04PakistanDera Ismail Khan32Three Sufis are killed in a targeted bombing.
2014.08.04SomaliaBosaso50An al-Shabaab suicide bomber takes out four Somalis.
2014.08.04ChadDubuwa60Boko Haram chasing fleeing villagers into Chad, where they cut down six.
2014.08.04IsraelJerusalem16An Arab rams a bus and mows over a rabbi with a tractor.
2014.08.04ThailandYala20Muslim bombers kill two off-duty cops.
2014.08.04IraqTelkef16A Christian is killed by an Islamic State firing.
2014.08.04IraqDeir al-Zor15120The Islamic State sends rockets into three non-compliant villages, killing fifteen civilians.
2014.08.04IraqJalawla36A suicide bomber detonates inside a coffee shop, liquidating three patrons.
2014.08.04PakistanKarachi10The 65-year-old principal of a Christian school is gunned down in a targeted attack.
2014.08.04SyriaMzeiraa74Two children are among a family of seven religious minorities butchered in their home by Islamic State members.
2014.08.04YemenHadramout60A half-dozen local soldiers are murdered by al-Qaeda.
2014.08.04LebanonArsal23Islamists fire on a peace delegation, killing two guards.
2014.08.03NigeriaKaduna117Muslims fire into a Catholic church, killing a guard and injuring several worshippers.
2014.08.03EgyptSheikh Zuweid14A 6-year-old boy bleeds to death after being hit with a rocket fired by religious hardliners.
2014.08.03SomaliaMogadishu37Three elderly female street cleaners are disassembled by an Islamist bomb.
2014.08.03PakistanKarachi11Sunni Tehreek members shoot a rival to death.
2014.08.03LebanonArsal30At least three civilians are killed during an attack by al-Nusra.
2014.08.03SyriaDamascus1223A young girl is among a dozen killed when Islamic Union members send mortars into a residential neighborhood.
2014.08.03TunisiaSbitla11Fundamentalists try to storm a military base, killing a defender.
2014.08.03IraqDiyala11Islamic State militants kill a man and abduct his 11-year-old daughter.
2014.08.03IraqSinjar880Eighty-eight members of the Yazidi religious minority are rounded up and 'cleansed' by Islamic State members.
2014.08.02YemenShabwa42al-Qaeda gunmen open fire point-blank on a group of policemen, killing four.
2014.08.02LibyaTripoli2272Another twenty-two people are killed when Islamist militias lay siege to an airport.
2014.08.02IraqKirkuk10Activists behead a citizen who refuses to swear allegiance to the Islamic State.
2014.08.02IraqBalad516A Sunni suicide bomber reduces five Shiites to pulp.
2014.08.02IraqJurf al-Sakhr230Twenty-three people are reported dead following shelling by Islamic State militants.
2014.08.02BangladeshRangpur10A religious minority is beaten to death by a Muslim gang.
2014.08.02PakistanAshraf20A young couple is murdered by her conservative family for marrying without permission.
2014.08.02PakistanHangu11One rider is killed when suspected Taliban open fire on a bus.
2014.08.01SyriaQalamoun70al-Nusra Islamists kill seven people.
2014.08.01IraqMosul140Fourteen others are killed when Islamic State militants attack a dam.
2014.08.01IraqSadr City921A Sunni car bomb along a busy street in a Shiite district claims the lives of nine innocents.
2014.08.01IraqJurf al-Sakhr173A brutal Islamic State attack on a small town leaves seventeen defenders dead.
2014.08.01Pal. Auth.Rafah30A suicide attack during a ceasefire leaves three IDF dead.
2014.08.01IraqBaghdad516Three sectarian bomb attacks on a Shiite mosque kills five people.
2014.08.01AfghanistanNuristan30A woman and her 3-year-old child are shot to death by Taliban fundamentalists.
2014.08.01SomaliaMogadishu10A politician is shot to death outside a mosque 'on the orders of Allah'
2014.07.31IraqKirkuk10A woman is put to death for criticizing the Islamic State.
2014.07.31IraqHaditha618Six local security personnel are ambushed and killed by Islamic State militants.
2014.07.31IraqSadr City313Terrorists bomb a gas station in a Shia area, killing three people in line.
2014.07.31IraqTikrit170Islamic State members execute seventeen civilians.
2014.07.31ThailandPattani10A 44-year-old man is hit six times in the chest by Muslim gunmen.
2014.07.31PakistanUmerkot20Two Hindu brothers are shot to death during a targeted robbery.
2014.07.30ChinaKashgar10A pro-government imam is stabbed to death outside his mosque by religious radicals.
2014.07.30IraqAnbar66A brutal Mujahid car bomb claims the lives of six people.
2014.07.30IraqSadr City1628Sunnis detonate a car bomb amid restaurants and shops populated by Shia, laying out at least sixteen.
2014.07.30IraqBaqubah150Fifteen Sunni civilians are captured and executed by Shia militia.
2014.07.30PakistanQuetta20Two Hazara Shias are gunned down in a targeted sectarian attack.
2014.07.30NigeriaKano66A female suicide bomber detonates at a university, killing student volunteers.
2014.07.30SomaliaHosingow10A mother of two is shot to death for refusing to wear the hijab.
2014.07.29NigeriaAnguwar Bolawa20A second suicide bombing at a Shiite mosque leaves two dead.
2014.07.29AfghanistanKandahar21Two people are assassinated by a suicide bomber who hid the explosives in his turban.
2014.07.29IraqTikrit2000The Islamic State releases a video showing the mass execution of hundreds of Shiite men and boys.
2014.07.29SyriaRaqqa350ISIS posts thirty-five more heads in the town square.
2014.07.29PakistanLower Dir60A half-dozen people inside are killed when Taliban militants assault a house.
2014.07.29BangladeshSylhet1100One person is beaten to death during a riot sparked by a non-fasting person attending Eid prayers.
2014.07.29LibyaBenghazi3081Thirty people are killed when Islamist fighters overrun a military base.
2014.07.29NigeriaDogo Tebo1137A suicide bomber sends eleven worshippers at a rival mosque straight to Allah.
2014.07.29LibyaBenghazi30Three civilians are killed when an Islamic militia rocket hits their house.
2014.07.29PakistanCharsadda21Fundamentalists are suspected of shooting two off-duty policemen to death.
2014.07.28IraqBaghdad140The bodies of fourteen male victims of sectarian killings are found bound and tortured.
2014.07.28PhilippinesTalipao2311Women and six children are among twenty-three machine-gunned point-blank by Abu Sayyaf.
2014.07.28IsraelEshkol49Four civilians die from a Hamas rocket.
2014.07.28NigeriaKano06A Fedayeen suicide bomber blows herself up at a shopping mall.
2014.07.28NigeriaKano38A female suicide bomber detonates at a gas station killing three other women lining up to buy kerosene.
2014.07.28PakistanGujranwala48Two young girls are among four members of an Ahmadi religious minority family burned alive after an angry mob sets fire to their home over alleged 'blasphemy'.
2014.07.28ThailandNarathiwat10A villager on foot loses his life to suspected Muslim gunmen.
2014.07.28IraqBaghdad30Three women are handcuffed and shot in the head by Mujahideen.
2014.07.28IsraelNahal Oz50Hamas terrorists tunnel into Israel and murder five soldiers.
2014.07.28Pal. Auth.Gaza1046Nine children are among ten killed when a Hamas rocket falls short.
2014.07.28PakistanJamrud10A local soldier is kidnapped and beheaded by religious radicals.
2014.07.28EgyptSheikh Zuwaid110A 9-year-old girl dies from shrapnel produced by an Islamist rocket.
2014.07.28NigeriaKatarko812Pro-Sharia militants throw explosives into homes and shoot those trying to flee.
2014.07.28Pal. Auth.Shejaiya200Twenty Palestinian protesters are executed by Hamas for protesting Hamas.
2014.07.28IraqBaghdad621Mujahideen bombs claim the lives of six Iraqis.
2014.07.28ChinaXinjiang3713Thirty-seven (mostly ethnic Han) civilians are slaughtered by an Islamic mob armed with axes and knives.
2014.07.27CameroonKolofata1822Boko Haram kill eighteen civilians.
2014.07.27IraqTaji60An entire Shiite family of six is found beheaded in their home by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.07.27IraqTuz Khurmato24Two women are pulled into pieces by a Jihad car bomb at an outdoor market.
2014.07.27NigeriaKano58Muslim extremists throw a bomb into a Catholic church, killing five worshippers.
2014.07.27IsraelBorder10A soldier is killed by a Hamas rocket fired into Israel.
2014.07.27YemenAbyan211Two others are killed by suicide bombers.
2014.07.27NigeriaKano05A female suicide bomber detonates along a city street.
2014.07.27ThailandPattani17A young girl is reduced to pulp by an Muslim 'insurgent' bomb.
2014.07.27PakistanJamrud10Members of a religious group behead a former member.
2014.07.27PakistanKarachi21A 6-year-old girl is among the casualties of an Islamist shooting attack.
2014.07.27AfghanistanSpinboldak20A child is among two people taken out by Shahid suicide bombers at their home.
2014.07.27IraqJurf al-Sakhar34Islamic State terrorists attack a police station and kill three officers.
2014.07.27PakistanMirokas10Militants fighting for Sharia kill a bus driver with a roadside bomb.
2014.07.27NigeriaHong300Thirty villagers are slaughtered randomly by Boko Haram gunmen.
2014.07.27NigeriaShafa20Two men are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2014.07.26LibyaTripoli230A rocket fired by suspected Islamic militia hits a house and kills twenty-three laborers.
2014.07.26EgyptRafah45Four children are wiped out by a rocket fired by Islamic militia.
2014.07.26PakistanKarachi50Five Shiites are shot to death by Sunni radicals in three separate attacks.
2014.07.26AfghanistanMarjah44Four civilians are disassembled by a Taliban bomb.
2014.07.26IndiaSopore14One person dies when a Muslim extremist tosses a grenade into the street.
2014.07.26IndiaSaharanpur219Two Sikhs are murdered in a violent Muslim attack.
2014.07.26ThailandBetong252Muslim terrorists set off a car bomb in front of a hotel that claims the lives of two young people.
2014.07.26NigeriaHawul20Two Christians are beheaded by Boko Haram.
2014.07.26TunisiaKef26Armed fundamentalists ambush and kill two local soldiers.
2014.07.26SyriaAzaz44Islamists set off a bomb in a vegetable market, killing children and the elderly.
2014.07.26PakistanGulshan-e-Iqbal13A prayer leader is murdered outside his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.07.26PakistanZubaida11A teenage girl is murdered by her conservative brother on suspicion that she is having sex.
2014.07.26IraqTaji60Six security personnel are captured, handcuffed and shot in the head by Sunni extremists.
2014.07.26LibyaBenghazi3487Three dozen people soldiers are killed during a sustained assault by Ansar al-Sharia.
2014.07.25PakistanDera Ismail Khan20Religious radicals kill two meat shop employees with a bomb.
2014.07.25AfghanistanGhor150Three women and a child are among fifteen Shiites singled out and pulled off a bus by dedicated Sunnis, who bound their hands and then execute them.
2014.07.25YemenBaida52al-Qaeda members fire heavy machine-guns into a police checkpoint, exterminating five officers.
2014.07.25EgyptSheikh Zuwaid20Two army officers are shot to death by suspected Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis.
2014.07.25SyriaRaqqa500At least fifty Syrian soldiers are captured and beheaded by Islamic State militants, who then post the heads on a long row of fence posts.
2014.07.25IraqTikrit180Eighteen suspected victims of the Islamic State are found bound and executed.
2014.07.25CameroonBargaram40Four Cameroon soldiers are killed during a cross-border raid by Boko Haram.
2014.07.25IndiaSopore10A local cop is gunned down by Lashkar-e-Toiba militants.
2014.07.25IraqKirkuk415Four Shiites are liquidated by a targeted bomb attack.
2014.07.24IraqBaghdad2133A double car-bombing rips through a commercial district, snuffing out the lives of over twenty innocents.
2014.07.24YemenLahj10al-Qaeda gunmen pick off a man outside his home.
2014.07.24NigeriaKano18Boko Haram is suspected of a bombing that leaves one dead in a bus park.
2014.07.24IraqTaji6119A massive suicide attack on a convoy transporting prisoners leaves sixty dead.
2014.07.24NigeriaGarubulu150Islamists enter a village and calmly machine-gun fifteen residents.
2014.07.24AfghanistanHerat20Two female aid workers for a Christian charity are shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2014.07.24AfghanistanNangarhar21A Shahid suicide bomber takes the lives of two local cops.
2014.07.24AfghanistanTakhar626A Fedayeen suicide bomber on a motorcycle slaughters six people at a packed market.
2014.07.24CameroonBargaram10A pastor's body is found after he is abducted by Boko Haram.
2014.07.24SyriaRaqqa190Nineteen people are reported dead following a double suicide attack.
2014.07.23IraqSamarra80Eight Iraqi soldiers are kidnapped and executed by Islamic radicals.
2014.07.23IsraelEshkol10A civilian is killed by a Hamas mortar round.
2014.07.23IraqSharqat10A female politician is murdered by IS fundamentalists.
2014.07.23IraqJalawla60Islamic State gunmen execute six people for being related to a policeman.
2014.07.23PakistanBadaber12Tehreek-e-Taliban members attack the home of a judge, killing a guard.
2014.07.23PakistanKarachi10A 60-year-old Shiite man is gunned down by Sunnis while buying fruit.
2014.07.23PakistanKarachi12Gunmen attack a vehicle carrying a Shia family, killing the mother.
2014.07.23NigeriaKaduna3514Three dozen people bleed to death following a suicide bomb attack on a rival cleric and his followers.
2014.07.23NigeriaKawo5037At least fifty people at a market are incinerated by a suicide bus bombing, including woman and children.
2014.07.23SomaliaMogadishu10Fundamentalists gun down a female singer turned lawmaker.
2014.07.22PhilippinesNorth Cotabato10One other person is killed when Bangsamoro Islamic gunmen attack a convoy.
2014.07.22AfghanistanKabul411A Taliban suicide bomber murders four people outside an airport.
2014.07.22IraqBaghdad3350A Holy Warrior detonates a suicide shrapnel bomb at a packed entrance to a Shiite neighborhood, taking the lives of three dozen innocents.
2014.07.22IraqKirkuk60ISIL kidnap and murder six taxi drivers.
2014.07.22LibyaBenghazi54A twin suicide bombing leaves five others dead.
2014.07.22IraqNahrawan513Sunni bombers take down five patrons at a Shiite market.
2014.07.22IraqDiyala50Five civilians are captured and publicly executed by the Islamic State.
2014.07.21LibyaBenghazi1681Sixteen people are killed during an attack by Ansar al-Sharia.
2014.07.21AfghanistanLashkar Gah29A Shahid suicide bomber takes out two locals.
2014.07.21IraqBaqubah34Islamic State send mortar shells into a family home, killing three members.
2014.07.20LibyaBenghazi47120A week-long assault by Islamic militia on an airport leaves forty-seven dead.
2014.07.20IraqMosul10A university professor is murdered by Islamists for speaking out on behalf of abused Christians.
2014.07.20PakistanHayatabad20Two security guards at an industrial complex are murdered by Muslim radicals.
2014.07.20IraqAbu Ghraib50Five Shiites are taken out by a Sunni roadside blast.
2014.07.20IraqMahmoudiya1131Eleven are killed when Sunnis rain down mortar shells on a Shiite religious procession.
2014.07.20LibyaBenghazi10A foreign worker is singled out and beheaded for not being Muslim.
2014.07.20AfghanistanPeshawar20Two guards at a market are gunned down point-blank by Taliban.
2014.07.19NigeriaDamboa1000Boko Haram return to the site of an earlier massacre and machine-gun over one-hundred more villagers before raising their black flag of Islam.
2014.07.19IsraelDimona13An Israeli civilian is killed by a Hamas rocket that also severely injures children.
2014.07.19IraqKhazimiyah315Terrorists set off a car bomb near a bus stop that leaves three dead.
2014.07.19IsraelEin Hashlosha22Palestinian terrorists tunnel into Israel and shoot two soldiers to death.
2014.07.19IraqAbu Dashir921Nine people lose their lives to a vicious Shahid suicide bombing in a Shia neighborhood.
2014.07.19NigeriaGwoza60Radicals tie the hands of six villagers and then slit their throats while shouting praises to Allah.
2014.07.19SyriaRaqqa10A second woman is stoned to death by IS, this time after her new husband discovers that she is not a virgin.
2014.07.19IraqBaghdad1542Three Islamic State car bombs produced fifteen dead Iraqis.
2014.07.19Egyptal-Farafrah224Twenty-two local soldiers are incinerated by an RPG attack blamed on fundamentalists.
2014.07.19ChinaMemetjan Jumaq11Islamic extremists enter a home and stab a woman to death.
2014.07.19NigeriaSaha60Six Christians are killed by Muslim radicals, who also burn a church.
2014.07.18PakistanJamrud80Eight security personnel die when pro-Sharia gunmen open fire on their traffic checkpoint.
2014.07.18PakistanMansehra26A prayer leader is among two murdered by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.07.18NigeriaDamboa210Religion of Peace proponents massacre over twenty villagers with automatic weapons and explosives.
2014.07.18IraqBalad60A half-dozen Iraqis are picked apart with ISIS mortars.
2014.07.18SyriaTabaqa10A young woman is stoned to death in the public square for adultery.
2014.07.18KenyaWitu75Seven people on a bus are machine-gunned by al-Shabaab Islamists.
2014.07.18AfghanistanLaghman114A civilian is sectionalized by a Taliban bomb blast.
2014.07.18PakistanPeshawar13Muslim terrorists kill a police officer with a bomb.
2014.07.18PakistanPeshawar40Four people are killed when the Taliban open fire on a car.

Report from Sydney's Occupied Territories Spot the Australian."...The decent great Adolf Hitler of Germany never killed in the manner of the Jews!!! "

Last drinks in Lakemba: Tim Blair takes a look inside Sydney’s Muslim Land

Tim Blair 
The Daily Telegraph
August 18,2014

THE Lakemba Hotel is one of the last Anglo holdouts in Sydney’s otherwise Middle-Eastern south-western suburb. Frankly, the old joint — it opened in 1928 — isn’t putting up much resistance. Most nights the bar is closed by 8.30pm or so, because by then what few customers it attracts are insufficient to cover running costs.

Still, it’s friendly and hospitable. Staffer Poppy helpfully showed me to my $50-a-night room, which is the only option in Lakemba for anyone seeking short-term rented accommodation.

There are no other hotels or motels. In fact, there are no other rooms besides number 15 in the hotel’s residential wing. All the others are taken by boarders, one of whom has been here for 20 years.

It isn’t exactly luxurious. The room has a sink, which is nice, but nothing else by way of amenities. There isn’t even a Gideon’s Bible. Instead, reflecting certain demographic changes in the area, there is a Ramadan eating schedule.

Lakemba may be only 30 minutes from the centre of Sydney, yet it is remarkably distinct from the rest of the city. You can walk the length of crowded Haldon St and not hear a single phrase in English. On this main shopping strip the ethnic mix seems similar to what you’d find in any Arabic city. Australia may be multicultural, but Haldon St is a monoculture.

This does have its advantages. If you’re ever in need of groceries at 3am, head to Lakemba, where shopkeepers keep unusual hours, particularly during Ramadan.

The food is delicious, of course. I recommend La Roche and Al Aseel, but all restaurants in Haldon St are good. If you’re unfamiliar with Lebanese food, just go for anything with the word “mixed”.

And then there are the downsides.

A few weeks ago a large crowd of mostly young men assembled outside the Lakemba Hotel. Waving black flags, the men chanted: “Palestine is Muslim land. The solution is jihad.”

I asked a non-Islamic local about that night. “You should see them when they really go off,” she said. “That was nothing.” Another non-Islamic woman said young men sometimes shouted “sharmuta” at her from their cars. She looked up the word online and discovered it was an Arabic term for prostitute.

Across the road from the hotel is the Islamic Bookstore, which bills itself as “your superstore of Islamic knowledge”. Three books caught my eye. Here’s an extract from Muhammad bin Jamil Zino’s “What a Muslim Should Believe”, a handy Q & A guide to the Koran’s instructions:

“Question 43: Is it allowed to support and love disbelievers? “Answer: No, it is not allowed.”

Well, that might explain a few things. “The History of the Jews” seems a bland enough title, but the back cover quotes lines from Martin Luther that were used by the Nazis: “The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they.”

The above picture and quote below added by ANV
"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers - Already, you see, the world had already fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing Christianity! - Then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so."

 The above picture added by ANV
 The above picture added by ANV

The book offers this view, on page 16: “No one can deny the fact that the Jews are the worst kind of barbarian killers the world has ever known!!! The decent great Adolf Hitler of Germany never killed in the manner of the Jews!!! Surely only mad people or those who love killing infants, pregnant women and the infirm will think differently.”

It goes on and on. Another extract: “Humor and jokes are strictly forbidden by the Jewish religion.” This will come as a surprise to just about every Jew on earth.

Another must-read is Mansoor Abdul Hakim’s charming 2009 text, “Women Who Deserve to go to Hell.” Turns out there are quite a lot of them.

“Some people keep asking about the denizens of Hell and the reason why women will go to hell in large numbers,” writes Hakim in the book’s foreword before listing various types of hell-bound females, including the grumbler, the quarrelsome woman, women with tattoos and women who refuse to have sex during menstruation.

“Men’s perfection is because of various reasons: intelligence, religion, etc,” Hakim explains. “At most, four women have this perfection.”

Mix this level of ignorance and loathing with the Islamic community’s high rate of unemployment, and conflict is inevitable. The Islamic riots of 2012 ended up in central Sydney but began here in Lakemba and surrounding suburbs, where seething young Muslims formed their plans, including printing signs reading “Behead all those who insult the prophet”.

One of the men arrested in those riots was Ahmed Elomar, who was subsequently convicted for bashing a police officer with a flagpole. His lawyer claimed that Elomar was “overcome with the occasion”. The occasion continues. Lately, Elomar’s brother Mohamed has posed with severed heads in Iraq, where he is fighting alongside fundamentalist Islamic State extremists.

Back at the pub, a staffer mentions rare moments of cultural overlap. “Sometimes the young blokes will come in here to buy Scotch,” she says. “They try to hide themselves under hoodies.”

But when the staffer sees them later in the street, they don’t return her greeting. The hotel is haram — sinful and forbidden. Those early closing hours will eventually become permanent.

We’ll fight radical Islam for 100 years, says ex-army head Peter Leahy

Brendan Nicholson
Defence Editor Canberra
August,9 2014

AUSTRALIA needs to prepare for an increasingly savage, 100-year war against radical Islam that will be fought on home soil as well as foreign lands, the former head of the army, Peter Leahy, has warned.

Professor Leahy, a leading defence and strategic analyst, told The Weekend Australian the country was ill-prepared for the high cost of fighting a war that would be paid in “blood and treasure” and would require pre-emptive as well as reactive action.

“Australia is involved in the early stages of a war which is likely to last for the rest of the century,” he said. “We must be ready to protect ourselves and, where necessary, act pre-emptively to neutralise the evident threat. Get ready for a long war.”

Senior intelligence officials have moved to shore up public support for the Abbott government’s tough new security laws, including enhanced data-retention capabilities enabling agencies to track suspect computer usage.

Australian Security Intelligence Organisation director-general David Irvine said the proposed data laws, which require phone and internet companies to retain records for two years, were “absolutely crucial” to counter the jihadist terror threat.

Web of terror: The journey from the suburbs to jihad

The government’s security package also includes a $630 million funding boost to intelligence agencies and police to help prevent domestic terrorist attacks.

Professor Leahy — a former lieutenant general who ran the army for six years, from 2002-2008 — said the threat of radical Islam would require action on several fronts, including a strengthening of controls against biological, chemical and nuclear attacks.

It would also include greater protection for critical infra­structure and iconic targets against attack.

The Western withdrawal from Afghanistan did not constitute the end of the so-called war on terror, “nor, as was claimed by prime minister Julia Gillard, in January 2013, a transition from the 9/11 decade”, he said.

Michael Krause, a former senior Australian Army officer res­ponsible for planning the coalition campaign in Afghanistan, said he agreed “absolutely” with Professor Leahy. “I have seen these people,” the retired major general said.

“I know how they think. I know how they fight. There is no compromise possible.

“These long wars require long commitment to outlast radical ideas and provide viable, meaningful alternatives which require a whole-of-government response, rather than assuming the military can or should do it all.’’

Professor Leahy said politicians needed to “develop an honest and frank dialogue” with the Australian public.

“They should advance a narrative that explains that radical Islam­ism and the terrorism it breeds at home and abroad will remain a significant threat for the long term, it will require considerable effort, the expenditure of blood and treasure and it will, of necessity, restrict our rights and liberties,” he said.

Professor Leahy is the director of Canberra University’s National Security Institute and part of the Abbott government’s team carrying out a comprehensive review of Defence.

He said radical Islamists intent on a new world order were already a threat to the survival of nations in the Middle East and Africa.

If the declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq survived, bases would be established there for attacks on the West and that would embolden “home grown” radicals to attempt attacks in Australia. Military action would be needed to eliminate the threat.

Radicals saw the West as “the far enemy” and they were undoubtedly planning more attacks in Australia. Senior intelligence believes the view that the threat posed by radical Islam would pass was “optimistic”.

Mr Irvine, who took the unusual step of speaking to the media yesterday, said the current terrorism threat level of “medium” meant that a terrorism “event” in Australia was likely.

“Where our volume of work has increased is that this event could occur in a dozen different places now, whereas before it was in a small, refined area,” he said.

Professor Leahy said that when Australia did choose to be involved its aims must be measured and realistic, with nations under the greatest threat from radical Islamists supported while care was taken not to inflame local tensions.

The solution had to come from within the Muslim world, which so far seemed disinclined or unable to imagine a path to peace.

Professor Leahy said the threat was likely to worsen as radicals returned from overseas and the internet dumped Islamist propaganda into Australian
living rooms.

Some efforts at deradicalisation had begun but a much greater effort must be made to engage Muslim clerics and Islamic thought leaders to debunk radical ideologies being offered to young Australians.

“Dual nationality must be reviewed and, where appropriate, terrorists and their sympathisers either expelled from Australia or denied re-entry,” he said.

Professor Leahy said Australia must support moderate nations with radical Islamist problems, such as Indonesia and The Philippines.

The Bolt Report 17814

Yet another SBS "Good Muslim, Bad Muslim" Whine Festival ... Duh its the Koran Stoopid

Islamic State supporter arrest over alleged ‘hate crime’

The Daily Telegraph
August 18,2014 

A TEENAGE follower of terrorist group Islamic State, who shocked the nation with his radical views on television last week, has been arrested for an alleged hate crime in Sydney’s south west.

The 19-year-old who goes by the alias Abu Bakr was arrested for verbally abusing a cleaner at Bankstown Central shopping centre on Sunday August 10.

Police allege Bakr and another man threatened and intimidated the 43-year-old cleaner at the shopping centre about 8pm.

The cleaner, scared for his safety, contacted security who escorted the men from the centre.

Bakr and his companion returned an hour and a half later and allegedly continued the verbal attack on the cleaner before again being kicked out by security.

A complaint was made to police and Bakr was arrested about 2.45pm on Friday in Stuart Lane, Bankstown.

He was charged with affray and intimidation and placed on strict bail conditions to appear in Bankstown Local Court on September 10.

Bakr gained notoriety when he walked off the set of SBS Insight program last Tuesday during a heated debate about young Muslim Australians travelling to Iraq and Syria to fight with terrorism organisations, like the Islamic State.

He stormed out of the show’s recording late last week, shortly before a discussion on passport revocation.

A “heated” conversation between him, his lawyer, Zali Burrows, — who’d accompanied him to the studio — and Insight’s producers ensued before Abu Bakr left.

ASIO cancelled Bakr’s passport in December last year because of his extreme views and suspicions he planned to travel to the war zones.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Andrew Bolt,10814, & Why Australia has Embedded Muslim Insurgents residents

Why Australia now has embedded Muslim Insurgents residents


Interview with Alan Jones, 2UE

ALAN JONES: This boat people issue doesn't go away. The Prime Minister yesterday, in launching his policy, made the simple point that the Government will decide who comes into Australia and on what terms. It's as simple as that, and it is simple. How many times have I made the point that if you're going to determine who comes into your home and on what terms, surely we as a nation have that entitlement in relation to our national home.

But now we have the spectacle after last week and an Indonesian fishing boat sinking and 350 so-called asylum seekers dying, we've got the spectacle of three Indonesian warships searching for a fishing boat ! allegedly hijacked by Iraqi asylum seekers and believed to be heading to Australia.

Now, the search was under way since last Thursday, the day after it was reportedly seized by 170 asylum seekers. But now it has been found drifting off the Indonesian island of Sumbawa and the boat people have been taken by smaller boats to the village of Sangyang which is an hour's sail away. It's said that the boat was hijacked by a group of Iraqi refugees who want to go to Australia. So the debate goes on.

As one editorial wrote at the weekend, "When Australians awoke last week to the image of three little girls staring from almost every newspaper front page, many felt a surge of sorrow and a huge pang of guilt. Suddenly, protecting our borders from asylum seekers seemed flint-hearted. What nation could be so stony as to turn away the sweet innocence? Surely not the land of a fair go."

But it went on. "A mourning Muslim community was quick to blame the Government. After ! all, it was argued the girls would never have been on board that leaking rust bucket had it not been for our law designed to ensure those who seek refugee status really are refugees."

It said, "The Muslim community, so deeply touched by tragedy, could easily be forgiven for reacting in anger." And then it said, "The truth is somewhat different." It said, "It should be remembered that those who choose Australia as a destination do so not because they've suddenly become imbued with Aussie fervour, it's because the people-smuggling industry sees us as an easy target. The softer we get, the more they will come."

And it's on again. We woke yesterday to headlines which cried, "Mutiny on the Ocean - Vessels Head for Australia." And then of course in the middle of all this last week, we've got Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly, the alleged spiritual leader of Australia's 300,000 Muslims, accusing John Howard and government policy of having "opened the gates to death" to the asy! lum seekers who drowned off Indonesia.

And that has led to a flood of comments, emails and faxes from you to me about the Sheik, such that it's time we spoke to the Immigration Minister about what this bloke is saying, who he is and how long he can go on saying it. And Philip Ruddock is on the line.

Minister, good morning.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Morning, Alan.

ALAN JONES: What about this mutiny on the ocean? What is the update, and what do you know on that?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, no more than the reports. I mean, obviously while we're in touch with the Indonesian authorities, they don't brief us on all of these developments. But I'm pleased that we haven't seen a further loss of life because I think the events of last week were tragic and one wouldn't want to see those sorts of things happening again.

And as far as I'm concerned, if we were to relax our approach and encourage more people to think that they should come this way, we would only ! be exposing more children to a possible death in the same way that these children have died.

ALAN JONES: There is talk today that two Indonesian police officers have been arrested over the fishing boat that sank on October 19 with only 44 of its passengers surviving. Can you confirm that?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: I can't, but it's a matter for the Indonesian authorities to, of course, progress. They've been obviously very concerned about many of the claims that have been made - I would be - and they've sought to deal with it.

And our view all along was that it was a matter for the Indonesians to handle. It's within their boundaries, they're a sovereign nation and they've got responsibility in relation to any complaints that are made about their law enforcement officers.

ALAN JONES: There's talk of 3,000 more boat people expected to head for Australia in the next few weeks and the Indonesian Government saying there are 4,000 illegal immigrants waiting to sail! to Australia. Is that consistent with your intelligence?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Not quite. I mean, the sorts of numbers that we've known to be in the hands of smugglers - that is, we've identified particular smugglers who might be planning to bring boats to Australia - don't suggest the numbers are immediately as high as that. But the reports of up to 4,000 in Indonesia and possibly another 4,000 in Malaysia are very real.

ALAN JONES: Is there a need to re-examine the quotas on refugees who are found to be genuine? We allow in about 12,000 a year.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, I mean, Mr Beazley's not arguing that we should and the reason he's not is that there is a very heavy cost. And it's one of the draw factors, of course. I mean, for us it's $30 million per thousand on the forward estimates. So I mean, you can decide that you're going to spend that money on additional refugees being resettled in Australia, but I look at what's happening at the moment in Pakistan, f! or instance, and I think to myself, well, what would $30 million do in terms of looking after millions of people who are in dire straits.

And I think that certainly the approach being taken by the international community at this stage is that an evacuation of modest numbers of people from Pakistan is not going to deal with the very much larger crisis that Pakistan faces. And I think it has to be seen in that context.

And there's no amount of people that we could take that would limit, I think, the groups of people with money to travel and still vulnerable to the blandishments of smugglers.

ALAN JONES: Okay. Well, down to the thing that has concerned my listeners - and I have been inundated and I suppose you have as well. But they're asking me how much longer that Australians have to cop the kind of stuff that this Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly went on with last week arguing that you and the Prime Minister and government policy had "opened the gates of death! ."

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well look, I wasn't very impressed with the comments, as you can imagine, and I'd seen the Sheik several hours before he made them and didn't make them to my face.

I said - look, one of the things in your introduction I'd just pick up. I think it's unfair to say that all Muslims take the view that the government policy in this area is wrong. Many Muslims I know very strongly support the approach that we take because they believe we're a…

ALAN JONES: But this bloke calls himself the spiritual leader.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Yeah well, he does that but his position is not as sound as that and he's been - essentially, I think there are very significant splits within the Islamic community.

ALAN JONES: Well, Alan Ramsey who's been around Canberra longer than you have - and that's saying something…


ALAN JONES: Well, he wrote at the weekend - and I just want to take you through some of this beca! use my listeners want some answers - that 11 years ago, as Opposition spokesman on immigration, you pursued questions never answered as to why the Hawke Labor Government granted this bloke, Al Hilaly, permanent residency in 1990, that eight years earlier, he said, the Sheik had arrived in Sydney from Egypt under the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils on a three-month visa and his family never left.

Now there were several convictions, intellectual convictions against this bloke and many want to know how he still remains in the light of saying the things he said.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, I mean, Alan Ramsey's story went through it and I think there were some other stories at the same time, that related what happened. I mean, this…

ALAN JONES: He was accused of inciting racial hatred.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Yes, and Chris Herford, who was the former Minister, determined that in character terms he should not remain in Australia.

ALAN JONES: That's r! ight.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: And he issued a deportation order.

ALAN JONES: That's in 1986.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: And that was overturned because there were representations made by essentially the Lebanese Muslim Association in Sydney to the Members of Parliament - I think Leo McLeay was one and Paul Keating was another.

ALAN JONES: Alan Ramsey said that Hilaly had been supported by strong New South Wales and federal ALP lobbying and survived.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, as I understand it, there was very strong lobbying, and I spoke to Robert Ray at the time. He made the decisions that he would be able to continue to remain here on a temporary basis. They were renewed, as I understand it, for a number of years, and Ray I think was a bit nervous that there may be a change in an election. It didn't happen. There was a Labor Government was returned and Hilaly was given permanent residency.

And once he was granted permanent residency, provided he remained i! n Australia, he was eligible for citizenship.

ALAN JONES: Let's go back a bit, just go back a bit, because…

PHILIP RUDDOCK: …while Gerry Hand was Minister…

ALAN JONES: Let's go back a bit though before we get to Gerry Hand because you're going fairly quickly but my listeners would want us to go a bit more slowly.

In October 1998, you demanded his visa be withdrawn after, as Ramsey rightly reports, a series of virulent anti-Semitic comments were attributed to a speech he made at the University of Sydney. I should repeat that Ramsey at the weekend said the comments were published in a Jewish newspaper and contained a reference to Jews as the underlying cause of all wars and that Jews who "used sex and abominable acts of buggery to control the world."

And this bloke, in spite of overtures that such a person shouldn't be kept in this country, has been kept here.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: And the reason he's been kept here is that the decisions the L! abor Government took at that time gave him permanent residency and then citizenship, and once you achieve citizenship, it cannot be revoked. And you know, when we came into office…

ALAN JONES: So the deportation order of Herford was revoked by Herford's successor?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: That's right.

ALAN JONES: To placate an ethnic community in the run-up to the July '87 election?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: There were very significant pressures put on at that time, and former Prime Minister Keating, I believe, was the person who pushed for the Minister at that time to take those decisions.

ALAN JONES: Ramsey wrote on Saturday that privately the Sheik had travelled to Canberra for a meeting with McLeay and Keating and when Robert Ray learnt of it - the Minister - he deferred the Sheik's application for a year on the grounds of collusion. And Ramsey said that Keating wouldn't speak to Robert Ray for months.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, I know none of that. But ! I know that Ray was not keen to make the decision, but I know the decision was made and I know when I came Minister in 1996 it was a fait accompli.

I mean, citizenship is something that cannot be revoked unless it was initially obtained by fraud, and there is no suggestion here the information that you are speaking of was not known to the Government at the time.

ALAN JONES: Right. But Ramsey does say in September 1990, when Hand then approved Hilaly's permanent residence, you, Philip Ruddock, sought under Freedom of Information "all briefings and advisings" in the "grant of resident status to Hilaly and his family." And you were quoted as saying the Minister must be able to justify the decision, and yet you've never had those questions answered.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: No. I mean, you might - the question I would expect from you is why I haven't asked for those papers now and what would I do with it. And essentially I've come to the view that if I can't do anythin! g about the decision, it's going to be pretty silly of me just seeking to look at the papers.

I mean, I know of the concerns. There were security concerns and they were mentioned in that article as well as the vilification of a segment of our community. And I make the point every time I speak in front of Hilaly about the importance of our culturally diverse society and what that means. And I make the point very strongly that, you know, when you've settled in Australia, while we acknowledge that people have different cultural backgrounds, we have an expectation that they'll observe our laws.

And one of the things that disappoints me in relation to immigration laws is that some people seem to think - and Hilaly is arguing this - are entitled to ignore our laws if they relate to immigration. And I don't think you have a society that believes in the rule of law where you say, well, there are some laws that I'll obey and some that I won't.

ALAN JONES: But when ! a bloke says that the Prime Minister of a country has opened the gates to death because asylum seekers have drowned, isn't this an incitement to mobilise his people against those who support the Government?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Look, I mean it is very clear that remarks of that sort, if they were being made - and the sort of remarks that he's made elsewhere - would be matters that we would take into account under the character provisions if we were dealing with a migration application de nevo. They are matters…

ALAN JONES: He's already a permanent citizen.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: He's a permanent resident and citizen.

ALAN JONES: And citizen. But in January last year, is it right that he was sentenced to a year in jail with hard labour after being convicted of smuggling antiquities from Egypt to Australia?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: I believe there was a conviction which he has appealed and that appeal is still being dealt with.

ALAN JONES: And the Sheik's so! n and four other people were also jailed.

PHILIP RUDDOCK: I don't know about that, but I do know that those proceedings were taking place in Egypt and he was the subject of a conviction and that matter has been appealed and that appeal is still being dealt with.

ALAN JONES: It's not fair to the Muslim community, surely, to be represented in the public place by people who speak like this, is it?

PHILIP RUDDOCK: Well, I think the Islamic community have been very concerned about this matter themselves and he's been at times relieved of some of his responsibilities. And as I understand it, he is no longer the Mufti - which was the terms used - for the Supreme Spiritual Leader in Australia. He is just one of a number of imams.

ALAN JONES: Good on you. Thank you for your time because many of my listeners wrote and asked me to ask you those questions. I've done that and you've answered them. I thank you for that.

ALAN JONES: Philip Ruddock, the Immigration Minister. There you are, we're inundated with letters and faxes and emails here about all of that. I hope that clarifies it for you. He is an Australian citizen.

29 October 2001

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Sydney Australia ‘Heil Hitler’, ‘kill the Jews’ Eight thugs board Jewish School Bus and threaten Children with throat slitting

Jewish schools on alert after eight men threaten to cut schoolkids’ throats

Ian Walker
The Daily Telegraph
August 6,2014

  • Men burst on to the bus after school and terrified children
  • Screamed ‘Heil Hitler’ and ‘Kill the Jews’
  • Children were crying, faces ‘swollen and red’
  • Men got off at Bondi Junction
  • Two of the men described as ‘twins with blond hair’

JEWISH schools are on high alert after eight drunken men stormed a school bus and threatened to cut Jewish children’s throats this afternoon.

The men allegedly boarded the bus which was carrying children from Mount Sinai, Mariah and Emanuel kindergarten in Bondi.

One witness said her three daughters aged eight, 10 and 12 on the bus were traumatised.

“The bus driver opened the doors for these strange men and allowed them on to torment the kids,” Jackie Blackburn said.

“They were screaming ‘Heil Hitler’, ‘kill the Jews’, ‘Palestine must kill you Jews’, ‘we’re going to cut your throats and slice your throats open’ — just all very bad anti-Semitic stuff.

“I’m shaking like a leaf. My kids are on a private school bus it’s only for Jewish schoolchildren.”

She described the panicked call made to her by one of her children. “She said: ‘Hey Mummy, please help us, there are eight strange men who have been let on to a school bus and they are screaming ‘Heil Hitler! Kill the Jews!’ they want to cut out our throats’.”

“Then the phone cut off and I couldn’t hear anything.’

The next thing her friend Noah Stanton called me and said “Jacqui it’s bad, it’s really bad. Get hold of my mum. Please help us!” she said.

The men got off at Bondi Junction after hysterical children phoned their parents in tears.

Mrs Blackburn pointed the finger of blame at the bus driver, who she believed was new.

Hey Mummy, please help us, there are eight strange men who have been let on to a school bus and they are screaming ‘Heil Hitler! Kill the Jews!’ they want to cut out our throats’

“I went to the bus driver and said ‘how dare you’ and he denied everything. He wouldn’t give me his name or details. He said they weren’t drunk, he was justifying why he let them on, he was denying what the kids had gone through and been traumatised by.

“I have never seen the look in their faces, their eyes are all swollen and red.”

Isabelle Stanton’s daughters aged eight and 12 were on the bus.

“I am shaken up because I never expected something like this to happen in Australia and in Sydney. I expect it in Belgium where I’m from where there’s been anti-Semitic attacks,” she said.

“It’s absolutely wrong to import something from the Middle East, I have no words, when children are involved it triggers some terrible emotions.”

Parents collected their frightened children from Old South Head, Rose Bay where they gave police statements.

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff condemned the racist ambush.

“We are deeply disturbed by this incident and we are working with the police and the state government to ensure that proper and adequate security measures are put in place,” he said.

Noah, 12, was sitting on the back of the bus.

“They got on and couldn’t walk properly and looked drunk and said they had just been pumping drugs in the city,” she said.

“They said ‘come sit with us, we won’t do anything’ so we went to the bus driver and said ‘get them off the bus’ and he said ‘don’t worry’ and told them to ‘zip your lips’.

“We were panicking and crying. When they got off the bus they said ‘f*** Jews’ and ‘stop taking over Palestine’ and ‘we will kill you and cut your throats’.”

Two of the offenders were described as being twins with blonde hair.

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